#faked' a concussion
nomaishuttle · 2 years
i have 4 damn rooms done . Lmao lmao lmao
#for reference its nesrly 1. i should have AT LEAST 6 done but probably more like 7#ik its psrtially bc of th long wait for rooms it wd like an hour and 30 minutes yk. like exactly an hour and 30 minutes#but also for my firsr two rooms i did them in 15 minutes ... so#and then also i add the time for stripping the rooms. which is 20 minutes today bc there were 10#+ 10 minutes for prepping my cart#so thats likee#2 hours 30 minutes kind of right. my first two rooms + evrryfing else n then ive done two rooms... which would make it 1230#which ok now im looking. i finished my last room at like 1240 so rly im only 10 minutes off#im taking lunch (#aka eating cupcakes i found in one of the rooms from the bachelorette party)#which fuci it. ya im gonna take the actual amt of lunch i dhould be having for oncce. Lmao... mainly bc itll fix my time up#well technically it wont be the full time. rly its half of it#since i got in here at likee 1245. but if i say i tell myself i took a 30 minute lunch then that gets rid of the 10 minute fuck up zone#whys the new girl leaving early..girlll im going to kills myself#likee ik i legit '#faked' a concussion#not rly fake bc i Did have a concussion but it ws bc i slammed my head on the bathroom counter repeatedly. on purpose to get out of work#DJFNJFNFJFNG#but yk. i had 14 rooms that day Ahd was by nyself... she has 10 rooms WORKING WITH SOMEBODY ELSE#whatever. ig she got sent home whatever. its fine ig.#she does seem likee. she seems fine enough n she is rly new#but also . its still taking kristle More time than usual.. bc shes been training the new girl. but its been like 4 days????#it should definitely be taking like.. half the time bc th new girl should be doing half of the rooms at this point#but whatever. i dont wanna be like hateful bc idk whats going on with them
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random-lil-illing · 7 months
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okay so ive decided im not going to do a while 'fake tweets' post for every episode, maximum 3 tweets per episode unless its an episode that has a lot going on, or just one i really like/think twitter would have a lot to say about.
for anyone confused which tweet is for which episode, let me explain :)
image 1: fishy doubloon caper
images 2, 3, and 4: opera in the outback caper
images 5 and 6: chasing paper caper
images 7 and 8: lucky cat caper
images 9 and 10: french connection caper
which means season 1 is done!! cant wait for season 2 :)
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Full disclosure while I was waiting for people to vote in the poll I wrote a whole seven thousand words of the rarepair.
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tildeathiwillwrite · 5 months
All-Reliable: Fake Fainting Trick
Whumpril Day 1 (Limp), Day 5 (Reckless)
Now time to finish up Whumpril! :D
Whumpril Prompts List
The Legend of Orian Goldeneye Masterpost
TW: attempted mugging, collapse, head injury
Killian nervously fiddled with his bag strap as he stole through the darkened streets of Iron Hollow. It was as confusing as Saint’s Shoal, and he couldn’t help but suspect he’d taken a wrong turn somewhere. The streets at night all looked the same. At least he’d gotten all the necessary supplies before getting lost.
He kept his head down as he passed a shadowy alley between two buildings.
“Hey you.”
Killian stiffened but kept walking, thinking of potential excuses for why he was out so late. He wished Jas was there.
“I’m talking to you!” Someone grabbed his shoulder and roughly turned him around.
“Look,” Killian stammered, “I’m not looking for trouble, but my sister’s sick—”
The person who’d grabbed him, a man a little older than Killian, barked a harsh laugh. “A likely story!” Light from the nearby streetlamp glinted off something in his other hand—a sharp, thin knife. “Everything in the bag, or I’ll cut it off your corpse.”
Two others emerged from the alley. Killian’s eyes darted between his three assailants. They all wore dark clothing—stained leather, maybe?—one had an unstrung bow strapped to his back, and all had swords. He recalled Diana saying something about how rare and expensive black leather was on this side of Atai, something about the dye?
“You’re not from around here, are you?” he asked softly, heart hammering in his ears.
The pair behind the man glanced at each other, but the man who’d grabbed Killian shrugged. “So what if we are? Don’t make me repeat myself.”
Killian forced a smirk. “You’re in a dreamshaper-controlled city, gentlemen.” With those hopefully ominous words, his knees buckled, and he went limp, collapsing to the ground. His head slammed into the hard stone, pain shooting through his skull, but he managed to keep himself from crying out.
Above, all three attackers cursed and fled, the sound of their retreat fading into the night. Killian slowly pushed himself to a sitting position and touched his hand to the side of his head. No blood, but a hard lump was already forming. He gritted his teeth, head throbbing with every heartbeat.
He could already hear Diana scolding him for doing something so reckless. But it worked, didn’t it? Jas would argue, it’s what I would do.
Leaning heavily against the nearest wall, Killian forced himself to his feet and began walking again. Hopefully, he wouldn’t encounter any actual dreamshapers before he found his way out of Iron Hollow. The last thing any of them needed was another kidnapping.
@fourwingedsnake @whumperofworlds @whumpril @pigeonwhumps
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dragonfruitghosts · 6 months
Rejoice, I am finally posting about Pizza tower (technically) again after like a year or so
But it is just to talk about another kinsona so whoops
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Anyways, this is Peppi (it also goes by Bandit but it doesn’t care which name you use) and it’s my silly little fella who I love very much.
I’m sorry I’m posting so much about my sonas, until I’m done remaking all of their refs this will be all that I post about lmao
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when you’re getting real tired of a family member acting like they can’t understand anything because they have old person memory issues and they say “we can’t all be young just wait you’ll forget things too someday” and so you snap and start talking about the literal brain damage you have from the at least 10 concussions you’ve had in the last two years from seizures as well as the lifelong unmedicated adhd and watch their face go from smug to deeply uncomfortable because they forget young folk can have severe health issues that can in fact be worse than their 60yr old healthy bodies and that memory loss is not just an old folk thing
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meandmyechoes · 2 years
yeah this is no “Clone Wars” animation style this is TBB animation (hyperrealistic backgrounds) mixed with Rebels (softer features) with Season 7 lekku physics in traditional TCW brushstroke surfaces and film lighting
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realnielsbohr · 11 months
love how im like oh me slamming my head onto the ground earlier today didn't hurt that bad. as if i dont still have a headache
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dandyshucks · 7 months
i havent watched wrestling in so long but i saw some gifs of tonight's match and. whew. that stuff is crazy.
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jadenoryuu · 1 year
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@teacupsandstarlight no.
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sonnykissed · 10 months
I’m so sorry I’m trying not to lb this entire hangmox video but I’m unwell so…
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i love writing fanfiction like im shooting situations into a machine like pinballs and watch the characters light up and go ding ding ding
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themoostking · 1 year
Im so sick in the head over Shance right now
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a-person-7002 · 2 years
Context: I got a concussion last week, so I've been home trying not to die since.
I just had someone tell me that I don't drink or smoke, and I'm white, so my concussion shouldn't be affecting me...
I'm suddenly cured you guys!
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waru-chan8 · 1 year
Eric declared unfit for Sunday:
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A concussion?! And they are admitting it? MotoGP would never do that
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screechthemighty · 1 month
Okay I have seen where the Daichi Freakin' Dies memes come from, and those. were barely an exaggeration, my man was going THROUGH IT
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