#faling in reverse
corvodiaval · 3 months
mande R com o seu personagem escolhido + número da prompt abaixo para um starter com Robert. (seu personagem que vai falar a frase. mande reverse se quer que o robert fale).
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001 ❛ sometimes i think you must hate me. ❜
002 ❛ when was the last time you actually got some rest? ❜
003 ❛ you look like you've got something to say. ❜
004 ❛ well, how do i look? ❜
005 ❛ you’re welcome to stay, if you want. ❜
006 ❛ what happened here? where is all that smoke coming from?  ❜
007 ❛ don’t take this the wrong way,  but you don’t quite look well.❜ (reverse)
008 ❛ is that blood? is it yours? ❜
mande D com o seu personagem escolhido + número da prompt abaixo para um starter com Diaval (seu personagem que vai falar a frase. mande reverse se quer que o diaval fale).
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009 ❛ don't pretend you give a shit about me. ❜
010 ❛ i wouldn't find the need to tell you 'i told you so' if you weren't so allergic to admitting i'm right. ❜ (reverse)
011 ❛ please tell me I don’t look as bad as I feel. ❜
012 ❛ what are you thinking about? ❜
013 ❛ do you think i’m a good person? ❜
014 ❛ what else do you want me to say? ❜
015 ❛ why does everything always have to be so complicated?  ❜
016 ❛ are you sure you’re alright? ❜
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high-voltage-rat · 26 days
Quotes from tonight's dragonfable conspiracy theory-style discussion while playing adventurefriends and the end of magic with my sibling:
"Did Big Daddy seriously see that the first potion made things weird and reality-bend-y and decide to stick some god juice in the mix?" "Yeah he's a mechquest fan like us. He did what he had to for the cause."
"Is bacon the imaginary number of elements? And is it the opposite of fear?" "Would that make fear a negative element, or just extra positive?" "Don't make me explain imaginary and real numbers to you to theorize about elemental bacon right now."
"So the best way I can describe it is, the shadowscythe are like the sugar daddies of doom in this timeline."
"The hawk tries to figure out why, the raven tries to solve it, the wolf goes to find the source, and the dragon was never seen again. But the dragons were the only ones to come out of the fissure, so what are we even doing, here?" "Tairy Fale." "What." "Reverse Fairy Tale."
"So maybe Valen and Maz touched Akanthus' nasty little chest orb and met Sk'aar!"
"You're really not supposed to touch across a capacitor. They're gonna get the magical equivalent of an electrocution."
"Oh my god, Korin is just bacon."
"Sk'aar either has a head the shadowscythe logo was based on, or he's the victim of a coincidence that probably got him bullied on aequillibria playground."
"Secundus more like Sugondese." "Leave."
"Look, I agree that friendship and breakfast both feel cosy, but the bacon theories are crossing over into crackpot 'bad game theory videos' territory now."
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pips-plants · 4 months
Se quiser um starter com a Pips responda com uma frase/ou prompt escolhido. (+reverse se quiser que seu char fale) - Up to 7 (?)
OPÇÕES: 1, 2, 3
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Tyler Smyth co-producer of Falling In Reverse about creating album "Popular Monster"
Exceptionally intelligent approach of making (magic) music with a songwriter like Ronnie Radke and of producing in general. PLEASE READ ALL!!
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The text was posted in 3 parts on Tyler's Instagram account on 8/18/2024, 2 days after the release of Faling In Reverse "Popular Monster" Congratulations to both him and Ronnie!! ❤️
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santoroleo · 4 months
para um starter com leo, escolha uma frases daqui ou daqui + reverse caso queira que ele fale a frase. (5/5)
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gravcyard · 1 year
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Escolha uma frase daqui, daqui ou daqui (ou das vozes da sua cabeça) + um emoji (opicional) para um starter com a princesinha dos que foram de comes & bebes. Caso queira que a narcisa fale a frase, é só escrever REVERSE no final. (up to 6)
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perbesi · 1 year
☪ o tintinar das unhas bem feitas contra a madeira cortou os próprios pensamentos, trazendo a psique avoada de volta a evento excêntrico. a convivência em ardare, sabia, era como nenhum outro lugar. além da inevitabilidade, haviam os aspectos cotidianos excepcionais; a singularidade, o incômodo debaixo da pele que impulsionava-a ocupar lugares que não, exatamente, disposta, mas... determinada — a sede do conselho, como exemplo. não conseguiria imaginar local que lhe causasse maior desatentar, mas ali estava, drink colorido girando em um gesto desatento ao que as íris, em ação de mesma natureza, percorria o espaço sem muito absorver. ❛ essa é a festa mais inusitada que já estive, ❜ não conteve o retorcer dos lábios tingidos, virando-se para a figura que ocupava lugar não muito afastado. ❛ e isso é dizer alguma coisa, acredite. ❜
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ou comente com uma frase daqui ou daqui para um starter personalizado ( máximo de 4 ) — +reverse caso queira que seu personagem fale.
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chaoticzac · 1 year
escolha uma frase + um personagem + um local e ganhe um starter!
frases (meu personagem falando, coloque REVERSE se quiser que o seu fale)
❝I know you don’t do it on purpose, but I wish you’d stop coming home bruised.❞
❝ Don’t touch me! ❞
❝ forgive me, for all the things i did. but mostly the things i didn’t do.  ❞
❝ don’t look at me! i don’t ... i don’t want you seeing me like this.  ❞  
❝do you think i deserved it?❞
❝i’m not yelling!❞
hospital silverwing
igreja st.fleur
bar highway
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hipposfashion · 1 year
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Baseball Jersey Collection from Hipposfashion Store 5/9 Price From: $ | | [Buy it now at] : https://hipposfashion.com/baseball-jersey-collection-from-hipposfashion-store-5-9/ https://www.facebook.com/HipposFashion/✅ https://twitter.com/hipposfashion✅ https://www.instagram.com/hipposfashionstore/✅ https://www.tumblr.com/hipposfashion✅ Baseball Jersey Collection from Hipposfashion Store 5/9 106. Fall Out Boy Personalized Baseball Jersey Buy it here: https://hipposfashion.com/product/fall-out-boy-personalized-baseball-jersey/ Fall Out Boy Personalized Baseball Jersey Categories: Baseball Jersey Tags: Fall Out Boy     107. Faling In Reverse Personalized Baseball Jersey Buy it here: https://hipposfashion.com/pr...
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darkest-of-love · 6 years
manage me, I'm a mess
All time low
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underscorespider · 4 years
im listening to one of the mixes youtube made for me music wise and i realize just now how fucking emo i am 
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mikeyfreakingway · 8 years
I fucking hate Falling In Reverse, she says, while listening to Falling In Reverse
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nyupreservation · 2 years
Inspecting Films from the Sarah Jacobson Papers by Ana Salas
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Fig. 1, Still photograph of MSS157_009
My time at Barbara Goldsmith Preservation & Conservation Department in NYU Libraries started in the fall of 2021 when I joined the team as an intern. My work as an intern involved a variety of tasks, but I primarily worked with films in the Sarah Jacobson Papers (MSS.157), which is a collection held in the Fales Library & Special Collections. Sarah Jacobson was an American filmmaker and a leader of the DIY movement in the 1990s. She produced and distributed her own films; with her mom, she founded Station Wagon Productions and toured the country, promoting her work and screening her films at film festivals. Jacobson passed away in 2004 after a battle with cancer, but her legacy lives on through her films.
The Jacobson films I worked on are an accretion to the Sarah Jacobson Papers collection held by Fales Library. The accretion consists of twenty-nine 16mm and Super 8mm reels, totaling some 3700ft of film. Some of these films were never developed, so I did not inspect them since light exposure would have destroyed the latent image and ruined the films. 16mm film was initially marketed for use in education and industrial films but eventually made its way into amateur filmmaking, but Super 8 was always marketed to home movie making and amateur filmmakers. The films are a mix of black and white and color, mostly shot on Kodak reversal film. Reversal film does not create a negative film element; the roll of film going through the camera is processed and becomes a positive image, which can be projected itself without printing to a second piece of film. 
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Fig. 2, Still from “Road Movie or What I Learned in a Buick Station Wagon”
My job was to inspect, repair, and enhance descriptions of the films in order to gain an understanding of the content and decide what should be done with the materials. The content of Jacobson’s films varied but included mainly road trips through the US and Canada, potentially trips Jacobson took to showcase her work. I also recorded information on the physical condition of the films.
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Fig. 3, 16mm film spliced with tape.
Most of the Jacobson films were in good condition, but many had been edited with paper tape. Over time, the tape became gooey, and as I removed it it left a sticky residue. To remove the glue residue, I used isopropyl alcohol and cotton swabs and gently worked the glue off the films. This was a time-consuming but necessary process because it allowed me to replace the old tape with splicing tape and finish winding through the films. I also repaired any tears and damage I found along the way. Once inspected, the films were moved to 3” archival cores and vented archival cans. In addition to making repairs and removing the tape, I added a leader to the films to prepare them for scanning.
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Fig. 4, Left: Torn Super 8mm film held together by tape. Right: Torn film repaired using splicing tape.
By the time my internship ended in December of 2021, I had inspected all of the 16mm and Super 8mm films and had successfully rehoused all the 16mm films. I was unable to add leader to the Super 8mm films because we found the Super 8 leader that we had on hand had shrunk over time. Putting the shrunken leader onto the splicer caused the perforations to stretch and sometimes break, so we needed to purchase a new supply of Super 8 leader. Luckily, I returned as a Media Preservation Graduate Assistant in January of 2022 and was able to finish adding leader and rehousing these films. Because some of the films were undeveloped, the archive will have to determine what to do with those films. I had the opportunity to scan some of the films and create access copies so that researchers and curators can get a better understanding of the content in the accretion. The work I did with the Sarah Jacobson films was rewarding and helped me develop my inspection and film handling skills. Today, the Sarah Jacobson films sit safely in our vault awaiting the next step in their journey. 
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furrlillybee · 3 years
0# Idéia aleatória pra au
0# Random au idea
Uma au em que, ao atingir certo nível de tristeza, as cores do seus olhos se invertem.
An au where, when reaching a certain level of sadness, your eye's colors get reversed.
Tipo assim:
Like this:
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(se quiser usar essa ideia, fale comigo primeiro)
(If you want to use this idea, talk to me first)
*Sorry for any grammatical errors, English is not my first language.
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gdwessel · 3 years
World Tag League 2021 & Best Of The Super Juniors 28 Night 20 - 12/9/2021; Rocky Falls On Dynamite But It Was All Worth It In The End; Announcement About The Future Of The Podcast and What’s To Come Around These Parts
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The tour continued today, with the penultimate round of World Tag League 2021 matches. These are not yet up on NJPWWorld, however, yesterday’s BOSJ28 matches are, if you want to watch those tonight.
- 12/9/2021, Ehime Item
Yuto Nakashima TLD Kosei Fujita (10:00)
World Tag League 2021: EVIL & Yujiro Takahashi [Bullet Club] d. Minoru Suzuki [SZKG] & TAKA Michinoku [JTO] (Yujiro > TAKA, Big Juice, 9:31)
World Tag League 2021: Tetsuya Naito & SANADA [Los Ingobernables] d. Yuji Nagata & Tiger Mask IV (SANADA > Nagata, Moonsault Press, 13:56)
World Tag League 2021: Taichi & Zack Sabre Jr. [SZKG] d. Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Honma (Taichi > Honma, Seiteijujiryo, 13:39)
World Tag League 2021: Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa [Bullet Club] d. Bad Luck Fale & Chase Owens [Bullet Club] (Tonga > Fale, pinfall, 11:28)
World Tag League 2021: Hiroshi Tanahashi & Toru Yano [CHAOS] d.  Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima (Yano > Tenzan, Schoolboy, 9:17)
World Tag League 2021: Hirooki Goto & YOSHI-HASHI [CHAOS] d.  Great O-Khan & Aaron Henare [United Empire] (YOSHI-HASHI > Henare, Shoto, 19:43)
Goto/YOSHI-HASHI defeat O-Khan/Henare, making it much harder for them to advance, but they do have a slim chance. The CHAOS duo then cut a promo on Dangerous Tekkers, declaring they would win and advance to the Final. It’s possible! Goto & YOSHI-HASHI’s stock has really risen as a tandem the last year, so no reason why they couldn’t, honestly.
Dangerous Tekkers and Naito/SANADA also get the win. Suzuki and HoT got into it post-match. 
Current WTL2021 standings:
Dangerous Tekkers - 16pts (8W 0D 2L) Naito/SANADA - 16pts (8W 0D 2L) Goto/YOSHI-HASHI - 16pts (8W 0D 2L) O-Khan/Henare - 14pts (7W 0D 3L) EVIL/Yujiro - 14pts (7W 0D 3L) Guerrillas of Destiny - 12pts (6W 0D 4L) Fale/Owens - 12pts (6W 0D 4L) Team Be-Bop - 12pts (6W 0D 4L) TenKoji - 4pts (2W 0D 8L) GBH - 2pts (1W 0D 9L) Nagata/Tiger - 2pts (1W 0D 9L) Suzuki/TAKA - 0pts (0W 0D 10L)
The winner of Goto/YOSHI-HASHI v. Dangerous Tekkers on Sunday will advance. If they draw, they both advance if Naito/SANADA lose. Naito/SANADA advance with a win over EVIL/Yujiro; the reverse could be true too, as HoT have wins over both Goto/YOSHI-HASHI and Dangerous Tekkers, so would leapfrog the loser of that match. O-Khan/Henare are the outside candidates -- they need to beat GoD, then hope EVIL/Yujiro beat Naito/SANADA, AND Dangerous Tekkers lose. O-Khan/Henare would advance then on head-to-head wins over both Tekkers and HoT, but they have a lot more variables to deal with, so it’s pretty unlikely. 
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Last night on AEW Dynamite, Rocky Romero reunited with his CHAOS mutual Chuck Taylor against old nemeses Matt & Nick Jackson, The Young Bucks, with Adam Cole in the Bucks’ corner. Rocky would eat the pin to a Meltzer Driver, but it was all worth it in the end. Post-match, the Superkliq began beating down Rocky, Dustin and Orange Cassidy, when who should appear but Greg... Trent Beretta, that is... with his mom Sue and Kris Statlander in Sue’s minivan to make the save. Trent was shaven-headed and jacked, it must be said. Afterwards, they Gave The People What They Wanted, and even played the old Roppongi Vice theme, which made the whole segment worth it.
So. Here’s a thing:
As I’ve hinted before, I’ve gotten a little burnt out this year with things in NJPW. I know my co-host @damascenocs​ has too. For a big stretch we’ve gone months between episodes of the podcast. We’re doing other things. I’ve got two other podcasts I do on a weekly or bi-weekly(ish) basis. That’s in addition to other writing, both wrestling, and I’m still trying to get a career in comics going. Plus, you know, a day job and a family to support, still.
After briefly discussing with Chris, I’ve decided that the next two episodes of the Strong Style Story Podcast, which will be both our Wrestle Kingdom 16 preview and our 6th Anniversary shows, will be the last ones for at least a while. I think after six years of doing this, we need a break. It’s not like we’re making money off this or anything, and we’re all off doing other shows besides at this point.
So those will be most likely at the end of this month, before three nights, worth of WK16 hit our screens. 
The blog will still be ongoing. I’m not changing that. There may be a slight change in the content and scope of the blog, but I’m still debating if that will happen. I like writing about other things in Japanese wrestling, but I also don’t have the time to watch all the things in Japanese wrestling either. Luchablog.com has drifted over to a 2-3 times per week schedule, it’s possible I might do the same. I really just don’t know yet. I’m still mulling that over. There’s also a possibility the dedicated (at)StongStylStory Twitter feed may be absorbing my personal Twitter, and the Wrestling Twitter becomes my one-stop-shop, because SSS Twitter has way more followers than my revived-in-2018 personal Twitter. This is more for engagement purposes as I am looking to do some crowdfunding ventures in 2022 for my comics work. To crowdfund, you need a crowd. My personal Twitter doesn’t have that, this one does. It’s how it is.
I’m still also planning to keep up with Boom Goes The Dynamite at this time, as well as my other other podcast, the comedy soccer podcast Busting Balls. As well as my writing work at FanFyte for as long as they’ll have me. But something needs to change, and I think the SSS Podcast may be it. I may miss it too much and come back within a few months. I may actually decide to refocus on Strong Style History instead. Or something else entirely. Who knows! Not me, not right now.
Anyway, thanks to everyone who’s listened to this show and read this blog, as always.
The tour is off tomorrow, before Saturday’s BOSJ28 group stage decider, to see who will be in the Finals. This is the final card match order as well. This one will be live on NJPWWorld.
- 12/11/2021, Hyogo Aqulier Himeji
Yuto Nakashima v. Ryohei Oiwa
Best Of The Super Juniors 28: Master Wato v. DOUKI [SZKG]
Best Of The Super Juniors 28: BUSHI [Los Ingobernables] v. Yoshinobu Kanemaru [SZKG]
Best Of The Super Juniors 28: Ryusuke Taguchi v Taiji Ishimori [Bullet Club]
Best Of The Super Juniors 28: YOH [CHAOS] v. SHO [Bullet Club]
Best Of The Super Juniors 28: El Desperado [SZKG] v. El Phantasmo [Bullet Club]
Best Of The Super Juniors 28: Robbie Eagles [CHAOS] v. Hiromu Takahashi [Los Ingobernables]
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