#fall in a hole idiot (affectionate)
firedragon1321 · 5 months
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Authors/artists- is this you?
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orphicmeliora · 3 months
Thinking about harbouring the most atrocious crush on him.
He's the dearest friend you've had since forever and you don't remember when or how this thing started but it hits you like a ton of bricks in the middle of the night, sitting on the kitchen counter and him making whatever shitty blend of coffee he's thought of. He's never been good at that.
Your gorgeous, gorgeous man.
Not yours. Not yours. Not yours. You chant in your head but it's a fruitless endeavor. Your foolish heart always mistakes his one act of kindness, one sweet smile, his gentle assurances, and the way he focuses his undivided attention on you, for something more. For something like... Love.
He does that for everyone! You tell your heart, but the stupid thing never listens to reason does it?
He looks at you, curiosity apparent in his eyes probably wondering what the hell is going on in your head and you realize you haven't said anything in the long while you've been admiring staring at him. And so you open your mouth to say something, God, anything at all. But then—
He tilts his head, his hair swaying with the motion and falling perfectly into place like dominoes, the action so endearing you have to catch your breath you didn't realize you'd been holding and clutch the counter in a death grip lest you do something idiotic like rush into his arms and melt in his embrace.
Gods above, how you'd love to do just that.
"Are you alright?" He asks, so kind even though you're acting quite pathetic. You're acting as if it's been 9 long years apart instead of the 9 hours you hadn't seen him. His mother really raised him to be a gentleman, you think. And a heartbreaker, you add a beat later. You can only imagine how you look to him, like a deer caught in headlights, hair, a tangled mess and—oh God you're wearing your ugliest pyjamas! You just wanted to dig a hole and lie in it for eternity.
Still he looks at you so affectionately.
He moves forward, each step feels like a hammer against your heart as he moves closer to you. You gasp, wide-eyed you look around vehemently for something to stop him. You're not prepared for this. You know the proximity, his scent engulfing your senses would turn you into a bigger fool.
But you find nothing and now he's standing so close, towering over you even with the added height of the kitchen counter. He's so ridiculously tall. He's perfect. He's within reach and your hands tremble. Every bone in your body wanted to assimilate into his.
"Why won't you look at me?" He can't be this oblivious. Surely, he must have suspected something, it's not like you're being subtle.
You breathe deeply to calm down but even that comfort is stolen from you as his scent surrounds you and diffuses into your blood and messes with your brain. As if his presence alone wasn't enough.
"Have I done something wrong? Is that why you're avoiding me?" His fingers graze your chin and you have to bite back the indecent sound you almost let out. He lifts your head and you feel the self-restraint snap inside you.
"Yes!" You yell in his face. Desperate now, you wanted to hide far, far away from him. Being around him was too dangerous. He was too dangerous.
"Oh," His tone is so despondent, your heart wrenches at the thought of him being sad because of you. His hand falls from your face and you mourn the loss, the grief buried for the time being for other important emotions. "Please tell me what I did so I can fix it right away. I can't stand the thought of you being mad at me."
You wanted to cry.
Your chest feels tight and heavy and you can't breathe properly. All you know is that you have to get out of here and now. So you say the first thought in your head then turned swiftly and ran like they were rats hot on your trail.
"Stop being so attractive!"
You know your mind will never let you live it down but you think screaming into a pillow might help.
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neckromantics · 10 months
Love Bites.
Astarion Ancunín-
He could just eat. you. right. up.
SFW. (Mostly)
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(Go reblog this gif bc i said please and we like to support creators ily)
Okay, it's not a revolutionary idea or anything, but Astarion is SUCH a biter.
Like, yeah, duh, it kind of comes with the territory of him being a vampire and everything, BUT he's also just.... like that.
Once he begins to grow more comfortable with you and with showing affection in his own ways, it becomes pretty apparent. Secretly, you wonder to yourself if it was something he did before his turning as well, because it's such a common occurrence. You're convinced you could locate the cure for vampirism tomorrow and you'd still find yourself sporting teeth marks all the same.
The first time it happens, you're on a rant.
You’d been out all day on your own, doing some trading around the nearest town while the rest of the gang took a (very rare) day of rest. They could hear your frustrated stomping long before they could see you, but you didn’t even spare them a glance- just flung your dirty boots off to the side before you flung yourself into your vampiric lover's tent with reckless abandon.
He’s busy repairing a seam on one of his shirts-- a couple of pins held between his pursed lips as he focuses on getting the stitches just right-- when you fall down cross-legged onto one of the cushions nearest him, not giving so much as a hello before you start to go on and on about what absolute bullshit your day had been.
Imagine yourself, mad as shit, steam practically coming out of your ears as you recall the way some imbecile in Rivington shorted you a large portion of gold, which resulted in you becoming so distracted that some other imbecile swooped in and stole your backpack of priceless scrolls right off your person. The lengths of which you had to go to get it all back were absolutely ridiculous. Mind numbing, even.
(The next time something like this happens to you when you're alone, magic-user or not, you are going to use the last of your brain cells to summon the power of the weave, and you're going to use it to blow yourself up. Gale-style.)
You’re about to swear that you’re never leaving camp without him again when you finally glance his way, and you aren't expecting to catch him looking right at you.
Carmine eyes examine you with such fondness– such adoration– that you almost forget what you’re angry about when they meet your own. It knocks the wind from your lungs. Shuts you up, that’s for sure.
It’s only then that you realize you haven’t even said hello to him. Gods, you didn’t even ask if you could come in. You just inserted yourself into his space like it was your own and made a fool of yourself.
Oddly enough, he doesn't seem to mind.
At some point in your story-telling, he’d finished his little project and settled in to listen, clearly amused at just how angry you are as you gesture about with bloodied hands, childish insults flying past your lips with such earnestness that he has to bite back a laugh. You truly are so adorable when you’re angry, so much so that he doesn’t know what to do with himself other than…. well.
Your breath gets caught in your throat as he leans in close, and before you can question him he’s digging his teeth into your clothed shoulder with such force that you’re amazed he doesn’t break the skin.
Something about the way his nose scrunches up when he does it makes your heart do disgusting, lovesick cartwheels in your chest.
The next time you're doing laundry, you find the two, twin sized holes that his fangs left behind in your tunic, and it makes you smile like an idiot for the next hour.
You get used to being on the receiving end of his affectionate bites pretty quickly. It's honestly become one of your (many) favorite things about him.
He doesn't really do it in front of other people, which is understandable. But, he does click his teeth at you when you're being especially, delectably sweet to him. Just a click click of bared fangs as a warning so you know to stop being so damn nice to him all of the time.
As if.
How you reach up to swipe away some blood from his face when no one is looking, and he pulls one of the tips of your fingers into his mouth for a little appreciative nibble.
The way he smirks at you when you pull your hand away with a small huff of a laugh, your own face a little warmer beneath the pad of his thumb as he returns the favor.
When you're alone in his tent late at night, and he tells a joke that has you laughing so hard your face hurts. He'll press his teeth to the apple of your cheek, flushed and rounded by how hard you're grinning.
He could just eat. you. right. up.
The abuse your bottom lip receives when you’re sharing a particularly passionate kiss. How the point of a fang sometimes nicks the plush skin if he’s not careful enough. The happy little noise he makes when the taste of your blood hits his tongue leaves you far too breathless to even consider complaining.
Sometimes, it's just how he greets you.
You'll literally be sitting down, doing absolutely nothing but minding your own business, and he'll come over and chomp down on whatever part of you he can reach like he's kissing you hello.
Likes hearing the way your heart-rate picks up whenever he comes up from behind while you’re especially distracted. He gets you by the waist, pulls you off balance to get a better angle and bites down on your neck in the most theatric, Dracula-esque fashion.
Complete with a rabid growl that tickles your skin and has you shaking with laughter.
He's learned not to startle you too much, though. After all, given everything that's happened, you're more of a "stab first, wonder who it is later" type of person, and he'd rather not get shivved with whatever sharp object is nearest you at the time.
He soothes whatever small pain he might have caused in his dramatics with a soft kiss. A dozen or so more, wet and wanting, trailing from beneath your ear to the place where your pulse pounds away for him. That lovely pulse of yours, growing ever faster with each lingering press of his mouth.
And if you shiver and oh-so casually bring up how you'll let him feed from you tonight if he'd like? That's your own business.
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sttm99 · 10 months
PART 2 of Bakugo falling for a 'popular' girl
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Bakugo likes to think he's fine with all the boys that are constantly vying for your attention. Mostly because he assumed their desperation would reduce now that you'd been seen more frequently around him.
It didn't. It only got worse, because now getting a date with you didn't seem like some far-fetched dream. It was attainable.
'If Bakugo could do it, why couldn't they?'
The blonde boy almost punched someone for saying that in the hallway.
And now he was becoming paranoid. You guys weren't dating. Sure, you'd gone on, like, three dates. And you let him sit next to you during lunch, and let him walk you to your classes. But there was no sort of exclusivity between you two. You could still go on other dates with other guys. You could still flirt.
He even assumed that was what you were doing now, as he sat in the cafeteria with Kirishima and the others, watching you intently as you conversed with some boy in your class. He was way too close to you, way too smiley, way too flirty.
"Dude, stare any harder and you're gonna burn holes in the back of his head." Kirishima said, pushing at Bakugo's shoulders.
"Yeah dude," Kaminari joined in. "She's not talking to anyone else. Calm down a bit."
He scoffed, rolling his eyes and still watching. You leaned closer to the boy, your hands coming forward to touch the boy's hair. And it was too affectionate, you were smiling too much, your body language too soft.
And before he knew it, Bakugo was harshly pushing his seat back and stalking out of the cafeteria despite his friends' calls.
"Seriously?" You scoffed as you looked down at him sitting on the stairs, your arms folded over your chest. "Kaminari said you stormed out cause I was flirting with someone else."
Bakugo rolled his eyes, his arms tensing as he made a mental note to kill Kaminari later. "He's an idiot. Don't believe shit he says."
You rolled your eyes. "So why did you walk out like that? There were practically sparks flying out your hands."
"What? Keeping tabs on me now? I can't just leave a place when I want to?" It came out harsher than he intended. And he was immediately looking up at you and stuttering, backtracking, trying to rectify it.
"You're being insecure and jealous," you spat out at him before he could take back his words. "Don't take it out on me. We're not gonna do that, you hear me?"
He sighed out, frowning. "Yeah... I'm sorry." He mumbled, his head hung.
"And besides," you took a seat next to him, your thighs even touching. "I'm not interested in him."
"So why were you touching him like that?"
"I touch you like that, don't I?" You chuckled.
Bakugo whipped his head around, eyes locked on you. "Are you trying to say you're not interested in me?"
His shock and frustration made you laugh, leaning forward and holding your sides. "I'm joking. I'm joking, Bakugo."
He hummed, allowing a calm silence fall over you two.
"So..." He mumbled. "You're gonna keep- you're gonna continue flirting with other boys like that? Playing around?"
You shrugged. "I'm not taken, am I?"
"But-" He let out a sharp breath. "I just- I don't want you to... I want us to be-"
"To be exclusive?" You completed, looking at him. "You want us to be together? To date."
He nodded after a while, slowly, tentatively. "Yeah."
You paused, still looking at him. "I think we should get to know each other a bit more, as friends."
His face fell, and you quickly took note of that.
"I don't mean I'm friendzoning you, Bakugo." You chuckled. "I just mean that we should attain a certain level of friendship before dating. I'm obviously not interested in being just friends with you."
He hummed and nodded, his cheeks turning a faint pink. And then he began shifting a bit closer, turning his upper body so he was facing you a bit more.
"What about being exclusive? I don't want others thinking they have a chance." He said firmly.
And you smiled. "Nobody else has a chance with me. Just you."
"So this means you're mine?" He asked, his voice several octaves lower, head leaning into yours and eyes focused on your lips.
"Yeah. 'M all yours," you mumbled right before he kissed you.
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wileys-russo · 1 year
boyfriend lessi on holiday in Ibiza just looking after you when you have too much to drink and both of you just having a great holiday
lucky II a.russo
alessia sipped at her drink with a small smile watching you cheer loudly and crash tackle ella and georgia into a hug, slinging your arms around them with a tipsy grin.
"less you're gonna burn a hole in the poor girls head if you keep staring at her like that." lotte teased from where she sat beside her, nudging her best friend with her knee who rolled her eyes.
"yeah well someones gotta watch her, we both know what she's like drunk." alessia gave the girl a pointed look who had to hum in agreement, both of them having had multiple experiences with you when you'd had just one drink too many or ten.
and so alessia kept a watchful eye over you as you danced and drunk your way late into the night, not having seen half of the girls you grew up with in months you weren't wasting any time celebrating your reunion.
"hi gorgeous, you alright?" you heard the familiar accent rasp in your ear and felt the blonde press into you from behind, admittedly not having spent much time with her today. "lessi baby!" you grinned with a slur, turning to face her and cocking your head with slanted eyes.
"how about we slow down and have a water together hm?" your girlfriend smiled, wrapping you in a tight hug as you laughed and smacked her on the shoulder. "funny joke!" you winked and attempted to wiggle out of her grip to no avail.
"not joking, i think you've had enough for the minute babe." alessia spoke a little more firmly now as you pouted, trying to break her resolve but it was to no avail. "fine! buzzkill." you groaned as the taller girl pressed an affectionate kiss into your hair and stepped away back to the table to grab you a water.
"oi, neck it." georgia whispered as she appeared suddenly beside you with a fresh drink, grinning at you mischievously as you did as she instructed. "oh fuck gee!" you winced with a gag as the straight tequila burnt its way down the back of your throat.
"warn a girl next time you try to kill her stanway!" you coughed, georgias face paling as she caught alessias narrowed eyes of suspicion, hurrying off as the striker returned. "what did you just do?" the blonde sighed as you smiled innocently, already feeling the effects of the straight alcohol begin to kick in.
"nothing! dance?" you grabbed her hand and attempted to tug her away to where the rest of the group was but the taller girl remained rooted in place. "come here." alessia ordered, grabbing the back of your neck and feverishly connecting your lips.
though before you could properly kiss her back she'd already pulled away, looking down at you sternly. "you taste like tequila."
"do I?" you gasped mockingly, sending the blonde a charming smile and grabbing her hand again, pulling her toward the dance floor. "you're an idiot. you know that?" alessia sighed, biting back a smile as you stumbled and she reached out to steady you.
"maybe, but you love me baby. can't deny it!" you sung out, pressing your body into hers and grabbing her hands, placing them on your waist as your friends cheered and the italian shook her head.
"...you're lucky you're quite cute, i'll give you that."
"ah! baby no more." alessia sighed in frustration, catching you sipping on ellas drink when you thought she wasn't looking, pulling you to sit on her lap with her arms locked securely round your waist.
"why!" you whined, your head falling back to the taller girls shoulder with a pout, alessia wincing slightly at the intense smell of alcohol on your breath. "you've had enough babe." the taller girl responded quietly, rubbing circles into your thigh with her thumb.
"oh go on less let ya girl live a little!" ella grinned drunkenly, maybe even more drunk than you as lotte hurried to help her sit down. "i love this song! lessi baby lets dance." you perked up, throwing her hands off and standing, only to go toppling right over into georgia and ellie's lap unable to hold yourself up.
"okay! i think we're gonna go." alessia decided, grabbing your bag and slinging it over her shoulder, reaching out to help you up.
ignoring your drunken protests alessia said your goodbyes to the group of girls for both of you, agreeing to meet them for brunch tomorrow as her phone pinged that your uber was out the front.
finally wrestling you into the car and getting a seatbelt on you alessia apologised to the driver and took a seat beside you, your whinging about not wanting to leave only lasting a couple more minutes before you inevitably passed out on the blondes shoulder, her arm wrapped protectively around you.
"thank you." alessia murmured to the driver, nudging you awake as he pulled up outside your hotel. "give us a piggyback." you demanded, alessia rolling her eyes but obliging as she helped you out of the car, hauling you onto her back effortlessly.
"are we going to another club?" you mumbled in her ear, head slumped on her shoulder as the two of you stepped into the elevator. "no you're going to bed darling." your blonde lover chuckled with a shake of her head.
"why? we're in ibizaaa baby, let loose. party time!" you cheered loudly as alessia hastily shushed you, well aware it was nearing two thirty in the morning as she struggled to find the key card in your bag while balancing you on her back.
finally finding it she opened the door, breathing a sigh of relief as she lowered you into the mattress. sitting down at the end of the bed your girlfriend slid off your heels, tossing them behind her and gently massaging your feet as you groaned in relief.
leaving you temporarily she rummaged through your cases, quickly stripping and slipping on a tank top and shorts, grabbing an oversized shirt for you.
"good god woman, stop that." alessia chuckled, swatting your hands away when you attempted to pull off your dress, getting it caught over your head with a grunt as you flailed around blindly.
pulling you to sit up the striker easily slipped the dress off and tugged her shirt over you, the height difference between you two meaning it hung down to your knees.
"do you want me to take your makeup off love?" alessia knelt down with her hands on your knees, lips curling into a smile at just how quickly your drunk mood had shifted into utter exhaustion as you nodded tiredly.
"come on then." your girlfriend helped you to your feet, basically carrying you into the bathroom as she placed you up onto the counter, back resting against the wall.
"my girlfriend normally does this for me." you mumbled out with your eyes closed as alessia gently held your chin in one hand as the other tenderly wiped away your makeup.
"does she? that's nice of her." the blonde chuckled as you hummed. "yeah she's pretty nice. dunno where she went though, who are you again?" you squinted through narrowed eyes at the blurry figure in front of you.
"your girlfriend." alessia finished, tossing the last wipe in the bin and looking at you with a shake of her head.
"really? lucky me." you shot her a lopsided grin as alessia hummed, picking you up again as you wrapped your legs around her waist and your head slumped to her shoulder, the blonde carefully peeling back the duvet with one hand as she gently settled you into the bed.
"lucky you indeed."
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milksuu · 7 months
Hii! This is my first time sending a request haha! Well, could you Heartsteel Aphelios with Reader who’s a hardcore Gamer?
(I mean, like ungodly amounts of hours on a multitude of games. Always hitting new high scores. And the classic, eyebags from lack of sleep.)
⌜heartsteel!aphelios x fem!reader⌟ ╰ ❝ YOU CAN'T WIN A GIRLFRIEND IN A 1 V 1 ! ❞
❥ prompt: Aphelios thought there wasn't a single soul in the entire universe stupid enough to challenge him to a 1v1. But apparently, the 'God of Gaming' thought to use their last brain cell to bet their final testament. Little did you know, you'd fall from grace, then forced to play in some idols sick twisted game of pay-back. ❥ content/warnings: enemies to lovers vibe, affectionate bullying, name calling, teasing, fake relationship, fluff (?), 100% emotional dmg ( + crit. bonus on reader)
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░꒱♡‿ִ₊˚→ 'GOD OF GAMING'....that's what they call you. An immortal being born to play and dominate the realm of video games in all facets. Sleep's inevitably for the weak and uncommitted. It's a mark of honor to wield dark, heavy under bags beneath your eyes, so long as it meant keeping your rightful place on the throne.
Even in the realm of FPS, no one dares contest your dominance on top of the leaderboard. It's impossible for anyone who even thinks to get more than three hours of daily sleep. Until this night, at the deathly hour of 3 A.M on a Tuesday, an unknown player sweeps in announced. First round on top was a newby flook. You were busy taking a few breaks in game to sip on your energy drink. Second time, the damn bastard is kill stealing from even your weakest team mates. Third time he makes top of the leaderboards...now that's a personal attack on your reputation.
It's not long till various social tweets race like wildfire across all media platforms. Nothing more than constant jabs and reminders of how fickle your place is in this revolving door of a world. It makes you crinkle your fifth can of gamer fuel. There's only one way to respond to this usurper trying to contest your territory.
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░꒱♡‿ִ₊˚→ APHELIOS sits back in his chair, tapping a finger on his desk. He narrows his eyes against a blaring screen. Who even was this? He had no clue. All he can recall is playing some random game out of boredom, then a monsoon of social tweets pestering him and some other guy who likes gaming. Maybe a little too much, he suspects.
He does his own social media rummaging, scuffing at his findings. You practically live inside your room, dedicating your whole life to playing video games. Apparently, it's your entire livelihood. He doesn't envy you one bit; pity is the better word that comes to mind. Your entire aesthetic is wearing an oversized hoodie that covers everything (probably your man boobs), and even your face. Except for your eyes. Holy hell, those eyebags were heavier than Sett's banana hammock on a hot summer's day.
Lazily, he opens up his calendar; checking event dates, rehearsal dates, fan meet dates. Tomorrow's his only free day for the week. Luckily for you, that's the one day you demanded from him. And of course some holed-up undesirable would ask another guy to challenge him at a internet cafe. No big deal. He'd set aside a few minutes to put you in your place. Then, completely forget about your entire existence the next day.
Aphelios accepts the challenge and locks in the date. When the day of divine retribution comes, he shows up twenty-minutes before hand. He purposely waits in front of the internet cafe you chose. Only to enjoy the sight of watching some idiot (you) sweating in a hoodie, barely able to catch your breath before you stood at his feet. Oddly enough, something different turns the corner. Eye-catching, even.
"Hey. Looks like you didn't chicken out on me," you comment, brushing away your done up hair from your shoulder. "Guess I'll give you kudos for that."
Aphelios does a double-take, trying to process the image of you online to what's standing in front of him. From his perspective, you look every bit of a model that just stepped out of a photo shoot. Where did those bags go? Man boobs? No, girl boobs? Was being reversed cat-fished a thing?
(Imagine the power of a whole eight hours of sleep and wardrobe change)
You quirk a brow at his silent, mile-long stare. "Um, yeah. Let's make this quick. I have plans to go shopping after this. So I want to get this over with so I can get on with my day. Sound good to you?"
Before he can respond, you brush pass him, slipping through the doors behind. Blinking away his sense of whiplash, Aphelios follows. It's not surprising to find a group of fans swarming and buzzing around the entire place. He's still stun-locked by your unexpected appearance. Observing as you go about in graceful fashion, greeting and hugging those in support of you.
"How about we make a deal before we start," you approach him again, placing your hands hotly on your hips. "I win, and you announce on all your social media platforms that I'm the better player. And your terms?"
Aphelios pauses. He made a hasty assumption. Thinking you were some guy living like a wall rat inside his own apartment. The slight margin of error has his lips curling in the most sadistic fashion. This was going to work out much more in his favor. And there's no intention of letting you off so easily. Being an attractive girl was never a default for mercy. He pulled out his cell, and typed the following:
If I win, you have to be my girlfriend for a month.
░꒱♡‿ִ₊˚→ YOU READ the words out loud, and the whole atmosphere cuts to silence. Your mouth trembles, before you burst with laughter as does the rest of the room. Clutching your cramping stomach, you swat the air in frantic motions. "Y-You can't be serious," you say with attempts to catch your breath. "You think you're going to win? That's so funny. How embarrassing for you. To think you'd even have a single chance to date me." Calming your breaths, you send him one final death glare and spit out the word. "Delusional."
Walking to take your seat, you ignore his unfaltering gaze trailing you. There's a glint in his eyes that tells you he's enjoying whatever hamster wheel is spinning inside his head. You need to add the poor hamster is obviously sick, forced into labour and probably part of a lab experiment.
When the match starts, no one feels the need to invest too much into the game. You were, after all, the 'God of Gaming'. It wasn't going to be a fair match to begin with. Until the game ends before anyone can blink twice; especially you.
The rule to win the round was simple; land the first headshot. Needles to say, you didn't.
Your eyes widen against the screen. Your death screen pops, and your lifeless body collapses. Adding unnecessary amounts of salt in the wound, your scumbag of an opponent crouches over your head. Repeatedly. Your trembling vision shifts away, past your monitor to the opposite side. Slowly, Aphelios leans casually into view, a cocky eyebrow cinched high into his forehead.
You grit your teeth, hand tightening into fists that would mark the inside of you palms. Pestering whispers and scandalous talk rise and echo around you. There's no way to escape the shame. You bow your head in defeat. What else can you do? There wasn't any use in fighting. You have to save whatever drop of class and honor you have left. Anything out of pocket, and your whole reputation could crumble. You push yourself away from the desk, pacing to meet your bastard of an opponent on the other side.
"Good...good game," your voice strangles to leave your tight lips. You try hard not to ruin your face with a scowl. Especially when Aphelios stands pretty damn tall, staring down at you like a child that just had good a spanking. Taking out his phone, he shows you some text:
Sure. Guess you would call it a good game. And now that you're my girlfriend, it's only reasonable to go on a date with me. As my reward and all. Those were the terms. Right?
The blood inside your veins boil. You want nothing more than to slap that phone out of his hands, and crush it beneath your heels. You reserve to grinding your teeth. Aphelios merely smiles through a devilish crinkle in his blood moon eyes. And it's now dawning on you; he's made a full-proof plan to make you suffer.
From what I know, girlfriend's hold onto their boyfriends hands. And also call them 'babe' as a loving pet name. Right?
You want to scream at the top of your lungs right now. Holding your breath, you withhold it from your surrounding scrutiny. When he reaches out his hand, you take it tensely. He chuckles when your manicured nails dig aggressively into the skin of his hand.
It’s cute how badly my girlfriend wants to hold my hand. I’d be careful, though. The harder she squeezes, the more I kind of like it.
You gulp and loosen your grip. Honestly, where the hell does he get off saying stuff like that so casually? How humiliating. And it was just the start of your month of impending doom.
Like any ‘proper’ date, he drags you to one of his usual spots in town for a meal. It's odd to witness him take the lead so naturally; as if you really were his damn girlfriend. When he offers to order and pay for the both of you, you almost hesitate. However, you weren't going to turn down a free meal. Even if it came from your current worst enemy.
“Oh. Um…then I’ll have the burger. No pickles.” Aphelios sends you a yard long stare, and you know he's siphoning you for more. You blush, turning a cheek. “Please, b-babe?”
You can tell he leers underneath his mask, like a cat whose gotten his cream. He leaves you briefly, before returning and setting a tray of food in front of you. For a moment, you stare at the hamburger with warranted skepticism. You raise your pair of squinting eyes at Aphelios, whose already pulled down his mask to quietly enjoy his meal. After a beat, you lower your restraints, and slowly take a bite. You immediately stiffen and gag, spitting up into a napkin. There's definitely pickles—loads of them.
Aphelios almost chokes on his own laugher at your award winning expression of disgust. He slides his phone across the table:
Oh. Sorry. I thought you said extra pickles. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Freaking bastard! Before you can smack his phone off the table, he snatches it back to the safety of his pocket. With a growl, you slough off the heaps and slices of fermented food. You're able to de-pickle the patty, but there's little joy in eating something with the faint essence of the nastiest condiment.
And after a not-so-enjoyable lunch, he takes you to a nearby pâtisserie for dessert. While waiting, and you have a half a mind to run out. Or call the local circus so they can come get their evil clown back. You're terrified to see what he's planning to bring you. And when he does, your mouth instantly waters. You stare down at a cute, decorative dessert parfait. It looks perfect with no hidden pickles (don't put it past him though). Your eyes glisten at the extravagant layers of yogurt, fruit compote, and whipped cream. Not to mention, the glazed whole strawberries on top, glittering with snow powder sugar. Giddy with excitement, you almost forget the silent devil sitting next to you. Before you can take the first bite, Aphelios intercepts your hand, brings it to his lips, and claims it for himself.
There's only one spoon, you know. And like any good girlfriend, it only makes sense to hand feed her boyfriend. Down to the very. last. bite.
There's a twitch in your face. You really want to dump the whole dessert pile onto his head. Unfortunately, that would be a major insult to the parfait. Exhaling your fury through your nostrils, you belly the desire to murder him with a plastic spoon. Grumbling, you perform your embarrassing 'girlfriend' duty. Nearing the end of this round of torture, he smiles—all at your expense, of course.
Wow. Am I full. Thanks for that. I'm actually feeling kind of generous from all your devoted attention. Tell you what. I'll let you have the last bite.
"Yeah, right," you snort. "Like I would ever share the same spoon with you, let alone anything you've touched on this Earth—hmph!" Before you can finish your berating monologue, Aphelios flips your hand around and slips the spoon inside your mouth.
ㅉㅉ You shouldn't talk with your mouth full. Silly. You might choke. And I rather not have that on my conscious.
You whine, trying to swallow your way through a verbal tantrum. Who knew it'd be so difficult to argue with delicious yogurt in your mouth? Still, reality settles shortly after the sweetness melts from your tongue. A certain thought springs a bitter aftertaste. For all intents and purposes, you both just shared an indirect kiss.
You smack the spoon on the table, feeling your face heat up. Yet, he's just sitting there, sly with composure. Not bothered by any of it—this sick 'fake dating' sims game. It wasn't fair. Nothing about this was fair! How many times did you have such an experience through your dating visual novel games? Too many to count. Yet, despite all those perfect moments with your various 2-D boyfriends, this fake 3-D imposter, just ruined the whole trope experience for you. There was no way you could replay those scenes and not think about your suffering today. You would damn this man to Hell again, but obviously, he enjoys vacationing there.
It was funny when you thought your gruelling date would conclude after dessert. Aphelios made sure to think of various, and random places to drag you to for no good reason. He's perfecting the art of physically and mentally exhausting you. Stroll in the park? He may or may not have put a caterpillar on your head. Watch you freak out about it, and then relish in having you beg him to help you. Lovely time window shopping at an outdoor mall? He makes sure to slip away and watch you panic trying to find him in the mass of busy bodies. Before you know where your head's at, you blink up against lit downtown buildings, store fronts and street lights.
Well, today's been fun. Just one last thing to make this date perfect. Something my girlfriend will definitely love.
An all too knowing smile creases his mask again. Taking your hand, he leads you away to the next destination in mind. With your eyes half-lidded with fatigue and feet already beaten to a pulp by your heels, you force yourself to stop caring. Like everything else, you'll just go along with it and pray it's over soon.
Your mouth drops at the sight of a pink and flickering neon sign a few steps away. Did he really just drag you to a Love Hotel!? You swallow hard. Nevermind, you did care. You cared a lot! "This has to be a joke, right? You're out of your mind if you think I'm going to let you take me inside—"
You're cut short as you're tugged forward. Nearing the entrance, your heart pounds louder than the surrounding nightlife. Your thoughts are racing. And watching another couple walk out looking rather satisfied with their stay doesn't help your emotions at all. That is, until he casually leads you past the hotel and around the corner, where there's vending machine against the wall. He releases his hold and gestures to it.
What are you talking about? Take you inside where? And no. There's no joke about this being the best vending machine in town for canned coffee. ㅎ_ㅎ
You stare with dumbfounded horror as he purchases two cans, and places one in your stiff hands. You look down at your coffee and contemplate just about everything up till this point. How big of a mistake it was to meet someone like him. Worse yet, be at his mercy over a stupid bet you set in place...and actually lost. How did your life turn out this way? Regret and humiliation well up as tears against your eyes. You pinch your bottom lip between your teeth. With the last of your dignity on the line; you'd rather die at this point than cry in front of him.
���꒱♡‿ִ₊˚→ APHELIOS lowers his drink from his lips, watching you from the side of his lashes. Looks like you were at your limit. Maybe he went a little too far. But every bit of his ego wants to rationalize it was well deserved. A pestering knot tightens like a fist at the base of his sternum. It bothers him enough to turn his neutral expression into a frown. His gaze catches your trembling legs, and traces them all the way down to your heels. His eyes widen by a margin; it's insane to think you hadn't complained about your feet hours ago. Looks like that knot wasn't going away anytime soon.
He tosses away your cans and raises his phone:
Take off your heels.
"What?" You're at a complete loss for words. Was he now going to force you to walk barefoot on the gross streets? You shake your head. "No way. Forget it. If you want me to take them off so bad, then do it yourself—Jerk!"
Aphelios flutters his eyelids in annoyance. More so that, for a split moment, he found himself not entirely hating the insult used against him. Forgetting the stupid interruption of his brain, he bends down and starts unlacing your straps. "H-Hey, wait a second you freaking weirdo. I didn't actually mean it literally."
It doesn't take much effort to hoist you onto his back, wrap your arms around his neck, and press your thighs snug against his waist. He anticipates a spit fire reaction. To his surprise, you simply huff and puff out your cheeks, muttering another possible insult. Honestly, he was sure you would've taken this opportunity to choke him out in a headlock. (He would've done it, but glad you didn't).
With a final adjustment, he hands you his cell phone, open with the map application. It seems it takes you a moment to realize he wants you to put your address so that he can dump you back wherever you live.
"You really plan on carrying me all the way to my house?" He can't see your expression, but by delivery alone, he can hear the blush in your cheeks. After a few taps and a mutter, he gets his phone back. "You better delete my address later. Or your new name's going be 'Stalker'."
Aphelios can't help but scuff. Like he would waste any more of his free time on inflating your already big head. He wonders how you even manage to fit your head through any shirt holes.
For a short while, you don't speak. As he walks through more quieter neighborhood streets, he feels your body condense further into his back.
"Mm, you know, for a being a cold jerk...somehow, you feel super warm," you breathe sleepily against his earlobe.
After a mumble or two, you commit to a terribly sleepy idea. Closing your eyes, you place your lips against his neck. Lingering, your mouth is soft and warm against his skin. Slightly sticky from whatever lip gloss you still have left. After the longest moment of his life, you abandon your spot. But he can feel your sleep drunk smile from how close your lips still are.
"Heh, there..I already kissed you, so...now you can't make me do it later....jerk."
When you finally doze off with light breathes and snores, Aphelios comes to a complete halt. It takes a moment to process. Then, without his consent, his neutral complexion flushes bright pink. The spot where you kissed him feels like it's burning a hole straight through him, down to his thumping pulse. He exhales a hot and heavy breath. It's warm enough to puff in the night air. With a shake of his head, he finds his walking pace, continuing towards your apartment.
He refuses to let you sway him with whatever tricks and flirts you have up your sleeve. He wasn't a swoonful idiot like most. And Aphelios knows he has a whole month worth of you still left. He'd make sure you always knew who you were dealing with. And by the end of it all, he'd make sure you'd never be able to get him off your mind.
A brewing smirk lifts one corner of his lips. This game was going to be more fun than he expected. And just like every other game, he would ultimately win.
Too bad for you, he mused to himself.
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an;; ahhh thank you all for all your sweet messages i've been receiving through my hiatus. really appreciate it. trying to get back in the swing of things of answering anon. reqs. and working on my cleaning lady fic as well.
ngl, i swear, i hc so hard the phel can be such a sadistic/vengful bitch hell bent ruining anyone's life. like hes so unbothered by things and keeps to himself, that the minute you try to test him in that department, yeah no, you're officially on his shit list for life. how sweet how my man can hold grudge. <3
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Starcatcher
Debut: Insaniquarium
“Starcatcher” is such a magical sounding name! The magic of a shooting star, now harnessed by a creature? How delightful! It must be full of magic and made of dreams and it probably even poops diamonds.
Actually, it is a stupid little doofus idiot! And please know that when I make fun of this creature I mean it 100% affectionately, because I love it and I love it exactly the way it is and would change nothing! It does poop diamonds, though. I’ll get to that.
So! Starcatcher is a “Fish”, and it’s easy to think of it as more of a cephalopod with its dangly tentacles, but it only has the four, all in a line! This is, in fact, a relic of a simpler time...
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A time when it was an arthropod, in the original version of the game! Basically the same, just with a more vacant stare, and some crabby legs. Starcatcher would end up being a victim of Reverse Carcinization, evolving away from a crab-like body plan! I think it’s for the best it was changed, though. Insaniquarium Deluxe would introduce our friend Guppycruncher, a much more blatantly arthropodian creature, who inherited the scuttley style of legs, and Starcatcher would get new appendages that fit its rounder, softer body. And of course its OwO face!
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That OwO face would become more of an 0w0 face, and is really one of the wackiest things about its anatomy! Starcatcher eats stars. Starcatcher’s name indicates that it Catches stars. And I’m sure you have seen the massive gaping hole in Starcatcher’s head. It’s noticeable. And that’s how it eats! Stars fall into that hole, and are eaten. That flower pot hole is a dang mouth! Then is the cutesy cat smile just for show?
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It is not! When a Starcatcher begins dying of hunger because its gaping mouth hole has not been filled with celestial objects, its smile becomes a frown! So it IS a mouth, just not used for eating! At least not for eating stars. Maybe in the wild it forages on the bottom of the sea, and catches detritus in the top mouth? Whatever the case, it poops diamonds, and that makes it economically valuable.
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Where do Stars come from, anyway? Space? No! That would make sense! They come from Fish. Regular Guppies drop Money, of course, but Star Guppies drop Stars, and that’s Better! Also highly unnatural, but don’t tell anyone. If an adult Guppy eats a Star Potion, it will become a Star Guppy! But an immature Guppy will instantly explode and die upon trying to eat the potion. It is not appropriate for children! But yeah, Star Guppies drop Stars that Starcatcher catches, and Starcatcher makes Diamonds which are even better than better.
Anyway, I would not be surprised if Starcatcher was an entirely unnatural being, since it seems to die almost immediately if it is not fed the byproduct of mad science. What a life this thing lives! The little doofus idiot. Wonderful creature!
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gloryhrs · 1 year
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⟡ 𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄! ━━ 「 Ichigo Kurosaki. 」
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male reader. ʚɞ req by anon!
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ICHIGO WAS NEVER the type to get jealous. He knew you only had eyes for him and would never cheat, especially with someone who was below him. But there would be times when he would have to pull you away or clear his throat when people became too touchy with you. Not to mention he always had a point to prove when someone overstepped your boundaries, which led to you coming to school with markings on your neck. Of course, you didn’t take him seriously when his jealous side started to show and brushed it off. Which was a bad idea on your part.
"Aww, shit! This movie is going to be awesome!" Your close friend Denji jumped in excitement as he and his sister Power drowned their popcorn in butter and salt. The Kurosaki almost rolled his eyes into the back of his skull at the two idiots. He still couldn’t believe you were best friends with the two siblings, considering that you were the complete opposite of them. At first, he declined the offer of going to the movies, claiming that he had some homework to finish. But once he saw the student, who called himself Hirofumi, join in, he immediately changed his answer. He just couldn’t trust him to be around you when he wasn’t around. The black-haired male had a crush on you since middle school, but you never returned his feelings. As if that’ll stop him, you're all now seventeen, and he still has his eyes on you. even when you made it clear that you were in a relationship.
"Would you like some candy Y/n–san?" Hirofumi pointed at the glass display filled with sweet and sugary treats, before you could answer Ichigo slammed his money down on the counter and pointed at all of your favorite candies. He watched In disbelief at Ichigo who brought all of the chocolate treats out of the display. "Here you go babe, I know you have a thing for chocolate." Ichigo handed you the bag and kissed your cheek affectionately while intertwining his hand with yours. He felt a surge of pride run through his chest at the way Hirofumi’s face curled up in disgust, there was no way in hell he was going to let someone buy you something when he was standing right here.
"Thank you, Ichi!" You opened one of the chocolate bars to devour the milky sweetness. "Aww, that’s cute, now I don’t have to waste my money!" Hirofumi faked his smile and placed the wallet back into his bag; even with the sweet smile on his face, but Ichigo could tell his tone was the complete opposite of that. One thing you learned about Ichigo was that he refused to be competitive with someone who wasn’t worth a second of his time or was nowhere near his level. But something about Hirofumi got under his skin to the point where it was impossible to ignore him; maybe it was because of his constant attempts to get with you. Yep, that was most definitely the answer. Just the thought of it made Ichigo’s blood boil with anger. How dare he have the audacity?
"Here go your tickets! The screening is down the hall on the right! Enjoy the movie!" The worker cheerfully chipped as Denji and Power laughed while running down the hall with their snacks almost falling out of their hands. Once you all made your way into the theater, Power and Denji sat completely at the top with their feet swinging back and forth. "Let’s go sit by them, Ichi." You held your boyfriend’s wrist and completely dragged him beside the idiotic duo. "Do you mind if I sit beside you, Y/n–san?" Hirofumi smiled as you nodded your head with the same smile. "Sure!" You patted the seat next to you with Ichigo glaring holes into his head.
Ichigo grumbled curses under his breath and sat down on the other side of you. The same shite-eating grin on Hirofumi’s face made him grind his teeth together. "Shhhh! The movie’s starting!" Power shoved the popcorn in her mouth and tapped her feet in happiness. When the movie started playing, Ichigo turned his attention towards it, deciding it was best for him not to beat the brakes off the guy sitting one seat down from him. He had to restrain himself from getting up from his seat to pry his hands off you when he saw how he touched your ear piercings. "Y/n—san, I love your jewelry." His voice whispered as his finger brushed against the sliver pieces in your ear.
"Hm? Thank you! Ichigo brought us matching earrings as well!They're so cute." You pointed at Ichigo, who pretended to ignore the conversation, but the way you mentioned his name made him smirk a little bit. "Is that so?" Hirofumi glanced at the orange-haired male and rolled his eyes at the smirk on his face. After finishing up the small talk with him, you leaned your head on Ichigo’s shoulder and smiled when he wrapped one of his arms around yours.
After about thirty minutes into the movie, you felt Hirofumi tap your shoulder and ask, "Can I talk to you outside?" He gestured to the door with a serious expression on his face. "Sure, is something wrong?" You removed Ichigo’s arm from your shoulder as he gripped your wrist tightly. "Don’t worry, I’ll be back in a minute." You kissed his forehead and began to make your way down the stairs, with Hirofumi following behind. Once you disappeared from his sight, Ichigo stood up quickly to follow after. When he said he didn’t want you to be around Hirofumi alone, he meant it. You were too nave to see what Hirofumi wanted from you, but thank God he wasn’t.
You tilted your head at the nervous male in front of you; his once serious expression was now gone. "So, um, there’s something I’ve really been wanting to do for a while. So please don’t be mad at me!" He straightened up his posture and scratched his cheek as you continued to give him a blank stare. "Nig—hmph?!" Your eyes widened when you felt his lips on yours; you pulled away immediately and quickly wiped your lips. It didn’t take long for you to realize that Ichigo was standing beside you with a shocked expression and his hands formed into fists.
"You bastard! You got some fucking nerve to invite yourself for my boyfriend and do this shit! I’m gonna beat your ass you loser!" You held Ichigo back by his jacket as his knuckles started to turn white. You could feel the anger burning off of him and his venomous words. You never saw this side of Ichigo, he always managed to keep his temper in check when he’s around you and was always sweet and quiet. "Come on Ichigo. Let’s catch some air for a bit." You pulled on his uniform jacket so he both wouldn’t draw attention to themselves. Ichigo sucked his teeth before snatching your wrist and walking outside with heat practically leaving his body.
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˚୨୧⋆。˚ "THE BASTARD’S LUCKY you saved him. Or else I would’ve destroyed his ass." Ichigo pressed open-mouth kisses to your neck, his grip on your waist becoming tighter and tighter just from the thought of his thin and chapped lips making contact with your plump and smooth ones. Your hands made their way up to his hair to give it a slight tug when he started to suck on the most sensitive spot of your neck. Instead of calming him down, it only made him press his body against yours so you wouldn’t move a muscle. "I didn’t save him; I just didn’t want you to draw attention to yourself!" You whined when he sunk his teeth into the area, which caused you to moan.
The sounds leaving your lips made Ichigo crave for more; he hated the way you would cover your mouth with your hand so he couldn’t hear the sinful noises. He wanted to hear everything that left your lips. "I don’t care. I wouldn’t be doing this if that asshole knew what fucking boundaries were." His breath fanned against your lips as you slightly shuddered from the depth of his voice. The moment his lips touched yours was something you could never forget. His smooth lips moved in sync with yours, the cupcake chapstick making him feel intoxicated. Once you opened your mouth to pull away, Ichigo quickly shoved his tongue in, which caused you to almost choke on your saliva.
You didn’t even bother to try fighting the Kurosaki for dominance inside your mouth; once his tongue entered, you were complete putty in his hands. "I–Ichigo.." You whined when he pulled away from the heated kiss, with a thin trail of saliva following. He smirked before pecking your lips one final time and pulling away from you. "Let's go finish the movie, then we can finish."
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© gloryhrs, 042023. — notes and reblogs are appreciated! (≧∇≦)
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devilsrecreation · 8 months
Outlander ship headcanons
Disclaimer: Lot of oc x canon
- Reptiles have a very different way of showing affection. For the snakes and lizards, they touch noses. The crocodiles actually kiss each other by touching the tips of their snouts or one kisses the other like in this image:
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Another way is how one puts their head under their mate’s neck and nuzzle it
- Monitor lizards, however, touch both their noses AND lips
- Crocodiles usually don’t show too much affection in public but Pua and Kuimba were a completely different story. They showed affection for each other all the time. They didn’t care if they were in public or private, if they wanted to flirt with each other, they’d do it. The other crocs wouldn’t dare say anything about it. They knew their leader’s love was too powerful
- The quickest way to make Makuu change his mind is for Ucheshi to simply kiss him
- Like Goigoi, Ucheshi has nicknames for Makuu. There’s “honey”, “baby”, “sugar jaws”, occasionally “Mak-kute” when referring to him
- Whenever Jasiri starts feeling stressed about ruling the Outlands, Janja will come over and give her an affectionate cuddle. It’s the least he could do after everything she does
- Chungu loves how soft and fluffy Aibu’s fur is, so he buries his face in it and uses it as a pillow. It always breaks her
- Cheezi immediately gained a crush on Nguvu when Chungu pointed her out. When Nguvu came over, the first thing he said was “Sorry, I don’t speak English bye!” and ran off. Nguvu’s reaction was “Huh. Weird dude….I’m gonna marry that weird dude”
- Aibu tends to go to Reirei for advice for asking Chungu out cuz she too has an idiot love interest. It was through her when she finally confessed
- Speaking of Reirei and Goigoi, they met as pups. Reirei was trying to get a snack when she overheard someone calling for help. Turns out, Goigoi had somehow gotten himself stuck in a log or a hole in a tree (don’t ask). She was luckily able to pull him out and they hung out ever since.
- Goigoi started calling her “honey paws” after Reirei accidentally stepped in honey as teens. It literally just slipped out and she just accepted it
- Njano’s the reason why Hodari and Kinyonga are together. Didn’t exactly like it at first after the events of “Undercover Kinyonga”, but he was still the best wingman(lizard) ever. He actually pushed Hodari into her so they could kiss
- Hodari and Kinyonga are like the cutest couple ever. They’re so awkward and sweet with each other
- Kenge surprisingly has a tender side and Maji is literally the only one who he really shows it around. He’ll confide in her whenever something is bothering him and she’ll give him her thoughts. It’s pretty impressive how she can read right through him
- He’s also really easy to seduce but he won’t admit it
- Hukumu sang “I won’t say I’m in love” when she realized she started to fall for Kiburi. No I will not take criticism
- Kiburi on the other hand had a hard time realizing it cuz he never really felt this sort of romantic connection before
- Who made the first move with Kiburi and Hukumu’s float:
- Kiburi and Hukumu both did. They leaned close and nuzzled
- Erevu had to make the first move. Tamka was either too shy or too clueless at the moment lmao
- Technically, Nduli. He anxiously leaned in and touched his nose under Kuamua’s chin. She told him he missed and the next thing he knows, she was nuzzling him. Nduli celebrated afterward
- Janja, Njano and Nduli all get super flustered when their respective mates flirt with them. Even saying their name makes them lose their shit at times
For example:
“Oh Nduli~”
*flustered Nduli noises*
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shadowqueenjude · 8 months
Tamlin angst part 5
@achaotichuman @fell-in-luvs TW: suicide, abuse, etc. etc. etc. As if the command had worked, Lucien opened his one remaining eye. "Eye sense a High Lord hovering above me. Haha, get it? Eye?" Tamlin sobbed onto Lucien's chest. "That was such a horrible joke, you idiot!" Lucien laughed weakly again. "Well, it can't be worse than telling Amarantha to go back to the shit-hole she crawled out of." "Holy shit I fucking love you." Tamlin clapped his hand over his mouth, unable to take back the confession of love he'd made, which was answered by Lucien's "Love you too, brother." Man, Lucien was so intelligent, but he could be so oblivious sometimes. Tamlin felt certain that at least half of Prythian was in love with him but Lucien had no fucking idea because he himself was so affectionate with faeries in general. He couldn't blame them. Who could look into Lucien's sad brown eyes-er, eye- and not fall in love? Tamlin stared at the scar- the wicked scar slashing across his forehead all the way down to his chin- and wished it was on his face instead. Amarantha had dared to mar Lucien's perfect face. It was one thing coming after himself, but Lucien? He vowed that no matter what Amarantha did to him, he would never ever give in to her ever. He'd sooner take a human as a lover than her. With great effort, Lucien lifted himself up. Tamlin tried and failed not to stare at Lucien's muscles shifting as he sat upright. He was so fucking strong. His Lucien. His braveheart. His flame. Tamlin tried not to collapse in despair at the sight of his empty eyelid. All his fault. All his fucking fault. If he had just been stronger- "I don't look that bad, do I?" Lucien joked. Joking- he was joking after everything he'd just gone through. This fucking guy. Tamlin fell more in love every moment. "You could never look bad," Tamlin choked, and it was the truth. "Thank the Cauldron for that," he said. He grasped Tamlin's shoulder. "Don't worry about this, Tamlin. I have a friend back in Dawn- she'll know what to do about this." So typical of Lucien to be trying to reassure Tamlin after he'd just lost his fucking eye. Tamlin had never been more ashamed of himself. "So, I'll have to leave you for a little while, but I'll be back soon, I promise." It had been a while since he'd gone so many days without Lucien. He'd forgotten how lonely it was, how empty without Lucien. Lucien was his light, his moment of day in a world of night. Every brush of the leaves, every laugh, every flash of red, Tamlin saw Lucien. He had failed him. He had one fucking job, and he failed. Tamlin's father was right. He was a good-for-nothing. Amarantha had invited him to a masquerade party under the mountain in apology for what she'd done to Lucien. Tamlin didn't trust it, but what choice did he have? He'd rather have peace in Prythian than violence, even if he'd never forgive Amarantha in a thousand lifetimes. When Lucien had returned fully healed, scar scabbed over, a wicked gold metal eye in the place where his beautiful russet one had been, Tamlin nearly fell to his knees. He'd thought that there was no way Lucien could ever get more handsome, more desirable. He was dead wrong. One look at his magnificence, a dangerous edge now added to his look, and Tamlin couldn't breathe. Prythian couldn't handle this male. Tamlin couldn't. It was a miracle that Tamlin's legs didn't fail him, that he didn't shout out the words, "Marry me!" Then he felt guilty for finding him hotter than his unmaimed self. What was wrong with him? His maiming had been his fault, after all. He was sick. As sick as Amarantha.
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agentwashingcat · 1 year
Where You Belong
Offers emotional hurt/comfort Taiqrow fic cause I love them your honor. Takes place in a vague future timeline where Salem has been defeated lmao
Features: touch starved Qrow Branwen and also Qrow’s massive self esteem issues lol. Also Tai affectionately calling Qrow an idiot a few times.
Cross posted on ao3 under the same name!
Somewhere, in between raising two girls together, Qrow falls in love. It’s hard not to. Tai has always been made of warmth and sunlight, and Qrow wishes he could bask in it forever.
But he’s not made for that life, not with his semblance. Qrow knows he would only ruin Tai’s life, and the man has faced so many hardships already. He would only make it worse.
So once Ruby and Yang are out on their own, off having their own adventures, Qrow keeps his distance. It’s hard. He misses Tai so much it’s like there’s a hole in his chest where his heart used to be. And so, despite his best efforts, he ends up at the house anyway.
Tai throws open the door with a grin, enveloping him with a warm hug. Qrow freezes for a moment before slowly relaxing into him, horrified to find himself fighting back tears. Thankfully he has it under control by the time Tai pulls back, still grinning like an idiot.
“Qrow! Where have you been?” Tai asks brightly.
“Keeping busy, there’s always more grimm to kill,” Qrow offers. It’s not a lie, there are still grimm around that need to be killed. Just not nearly the number there used to be, when Salem was still controlling them.
Tai wraps an arm around his shoulders and leads him inside, and Qrow couldn’t object even if he wanted to. Tai sits Qrow down at the kitchen table and makes them some tea, despite Qrow insisting he doesn’t need anything. Tai just waves him away, telling him a cup of tea won’t kill him and how is Qrow supposed to argue with that?
“I know the girls aren’t around as much nowadays,” Tai says, and his smile falters for a moment before it comes back, if slightly dimmer than before. “But you can still come around, you know.”
Qrow stares into his tea for a moment, the cup warm and soothing in his hands. “Are you sure you want that?”
“Of course I do.”
Tai says it so earnestly that Qrow looks up from his tea, startled. Tai’s looking at him with an exasperated fondness that makes Qrow's heart clench in his chest. “What?”
“You’re such an idiot,” Tai says fondly, shaking his head. “You’ve always been welcome here, Qrow. That hasn’t changed now that the girls have grown up.”
“I-” Qrow pauses, frowning. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea.”
“What, because of your semblance?” Tai shakes his head again. “Qrow, we can work around it. We’ve been friends long enough that I think I can manage it.”
Friends. “Right. Yeah.” For once, his semblance isn’t the only reason he’s avoiding Tai. But it is the only thing he can say out loud that won’t get him relentlessly mocked.
He stands abruptly, knocking over his chair. “I have to-”
“Qrow, wait!” Tai catches his hand and Qrow freezes, staring down at where their hands meet, then back up at Tai’s pleading face. “You’re being weirder than normal. Talk to me.”
Panic starts to bubble up inside him. What’s he supposed to say? That he’s in love? That he’s been avoiding Tai because there’s no possible way he could love him back? And even if he did, he deserves better than what Qrow could give him?
Qrow wants to put his walls back up, to affect the grumpy personality he used to keep everyone out and push them away. But he can’t. Not with Tai looking at him like a kicked puppy.
“I’m sorry,” Qrow whispers. “Tai, I…”
“What, Qrow?” Tai asks, tugging Qrow in closer. He takes Qrow’s other hand as well and Qrow has to fight to remember to breathe. “You can talk to me.”
They’re so close that Qrow could just… just lean forward a tiny bit and… and his lips brush against Tai’s before he processes what he’s doing.
They both stand there, frozen, for what seems like an eternity, before Qrow pulls back in a hurry, wanting to run, to hide, to be anywhere but here. Instead Tai pulls him back, warm hands cupping Qrow’s face and pulling him in for an eager kiss. Qrow freezes again before melting into Tai, hands resting gently on Tai’s wrists.
“You’re such an idiot,” Tai says again when he pulls back, letting his forehead rest against Qrow’s. He says it with such fond affection that Qrow blushes.
“How was I supposed to know?” Qrow grumbles.
“You could have talked to me, for one.” Tai looks at him with such softness that Qrow glances away, staring at the floor instead, his stomach twisted up in knots.
“I didn’t think- you could do better.”
“Maybe I think you’re the best. You ever think of that?”
Qrow scoffs. “Don’t be stupid.”
“Gods you really are an idiot. Can you look at me, please?” 
Qrow glances back at Tai, light red meeting soft blue. Tai smiles softly at him, making his heart beat faster in his chest.
“I mean it, Qrow. I want you, okay? Some might even say I enjoy your company.” Tai pauses, giving him another kiss. “Or that I think you’re amazing.”
Qrow feels like he’s drowning in affection. He doesn’t know what to even say or what to think. Tai wants him? His own parents didn’t even want him.
“Qrow? Are you alright?”
He hadn’t even realized his gaze had fallen to the floor again. Slowly, he lifts it back to Tai’s concerned face.
“Sorry, I… can’t believe you want me around.” All these years, he’d thought Tai was just putting up with him. For the sake of Ruby and Yang. To have an extra set of hands around the house. Tai had always seemed more interested in Raven and Summer than him.
“I’m sorry I didn’t make you feel wanted,” Tai says softly. “It was… well, you were there. It was rough. But I was always grateful you were there. And I always liked having you around. And then one day I just… realized exactly how much I missed you when you were gone.”
Qrow wraps his arms around Tai, pulling him into a hug. Tai responds in kind, enveloping Qrow in his strong arms, making him feel safe. Making him feel loved. “S’not your fault.” Most of the time, nothing short of a miracle could make him feel wanted. “So, just to clarify, you want me around?”
Tai laughs, the sound reverberating through Qrow and making him smile. “Yeah, course I do. You belong here. With me. You know, if you want to be here.”
“Yeah.” Qrow leans his head against Tai’s. “I think I do.”
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charmixpower · 2 years
Was rewatching secret of the lost kingdom on my friends huge tv after like 8 years and honestly there is so many rivusa crumbs I never noticed and that just heals my inner child🤪 like there’s the scene where after they rescues the boys from the rock eagle and she just runs and straddles him like pls they are too cute and theres also the part where after he wakes up at alfea where she hugs his arm after she sees he’s ok😭 just fits with my hc and the season 2 finale the Musa loves to hug rivens forearms and biceps🥺 omg after they manage to free domino right and blooms family is having a reunion, and Musa just grabs rivens hand after seeing them reunite😭 there’s also the part during the transition zoom out before the royal ball where everyone is clapping EXCEPT rivusa Bcs they’re in their own little world and she just looks up at him and he looks down at her and smiles while he wraps his free hand around her waist (would have never noticed this if it weren’t for the big screen)😭 then during the royal ball scene at the end after sky “proposes” to bloom and it shows the shot of the rest of the girls and guys (including nabu which like ??? Where was the man throughout the movie) riven just wraps his arms around her waist😭 I know it’s probably not that deep but to me every moment after the stabbing part is just their offscreen reconciliation we were robbed off Bcs I would love nothing more than to have seen smth of them talking out what happened and stuff (and worst part is I can’t find any fanfics of it too🤡) and also the fact that she basically got impaled and there was never any injury always bothered me (ik u had a drawing of matching scars from these 2 idiots sacrifices and honestly I like to hc that riven likes to kiss that scar Bcs it’s technically his doing but oh well kids show things🤪) like I like to think that him holding her waist is kinda like a protective instinct and a subconscious act Bcs of guilt of smtb from his actions
All in all secret of the lost kingdom has so Many whacky plot holes and yet movie rivusa always serves everything. The cuteness the angst (like stabbing ur loved one Bcs you weren’t in control of your own actions and Bcs they wanted to protect the innocent party?? Peak angst) and the small moments. I just believe that in movies: rivusa is always superior
Rewatching Winx movies is self care
Ah YESSSS!!! their so so so so so cute!!!!
I love how these two are like *holds each other* *grabs each other* *wraps around each other*, like.... physical touch love language represent, their so affectionate and adorable
Them being in their own world is YES
If it makes you feel any better if you go though my Winx secret of the Lost Kingdom tag you'll see me yelling about the fall out in—NFKSKDJS YEAH SAME!! Riven is super affectionate to Musa's scar because he feels it his fault and he's trying to make it better in some small way, and Musa is super affectionate to Riven's scar because if it wasn't for him she'd quite literally be dead and it's the physical representation of his dedication and love for her and OH MY GOD I COULD TALK ABOUT THIS FOREVER
Yesssss I feel like Riven actually managed to fight off the body puppeting spell for a while, matching how Riven broke out of a spell to save Musa in s2, but he couldn't hold on long and Musa was using the fact that he didn't want to hurt her to stop Matorgora form using him. Basically putting Riven into a situation where he has to fight as hard as he can because Musa refuses to move and if he doesn't he'll majorally injure the person he loves the most. There is just SOO much emotion, like most of him feels guilty because Musa was steadfast in the idea that Riven could hold off the spell and he tried his best but he couldn't
Oh im so obsessed with that, he gently tries to protect her injury so she doesn't get hurt again
I have a hc that he does the same thing when he's feeling anxious or depressed unintentionally making himself feel way worse by reminding him of the worst possible scenario
Yes yes yes YES!! big agree!!!! Rivusa is just amazing in the movies, I love them always, but the movies are *chef's kiss*
Ough the parallels of Musa and Riven taking an injury to help their partner out, never getting over it, never getting over it
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bookishbunnies · 2 years
Okay, now that the two series ppl have mixed up again I'm gonna chill a bit and do an episode at the time, coz before I was kinda switching when they switched between crows and s&b
Episode 5
Oh Jesper, you're so fucking adorable, doing anything to stay near Wylan
Omg David and Genya are perfect for each other. I'm so in love with them.
Okay, every scene with Wesper is making me laugh, and every scene with Denya is making me cry, heck
Omg Tolya giving Jesper dating advice 😂 Jesper, let the man recite his poems dammit
Omg dammit, this scene is the perfect set up for the notbjust girls scene but it doesn't work now and I'm so mad but so happy. How dare this show give me such conflicting emotions.
'Warm. And wet'. Wow Kaz, it's like I can taste the tea myself.
Omfg. Waffles. Holy shit. Nina needs to be in charge of nicknames till the end of time
'Kerch are more affectionate' well that explains Jesper and Wylan 😅😅
'If you want the blade, you'll have to steal it' alright bet
Oh damn, wow this is a brilliant callback to Kaz telling Inej that most people aren't smart enough to look for his real weakness. That Shu woman real fucking smart
Oh gods the amount of Kanej we getting is amazing
And Wesper. I feel so sorry for the Helnik shippers, getting absolutely fucking robbed
Tho, it is good that Matthias is still in hellgate. Gives me some hope for getting further soc shows with the ice court
Yus! Time for a heist! Gods I can't wait to see Jesper and Wylan work together
Omg Jesper 'why do you think we're here?' 😂
Ooooh, yes. Pekka in Hellgate, I wonder how many seconds he'll last 😂
Oh ffs, let Matthias at him dammit
Pekka, Kaz destroyed you. You have nothing to offer, shut the fuck up
Omg is Hellgate filled with fucking idiots
Okay, I am loving the shared hated enemy that Kaz and Matthias now has. And that I know both of them would hate to know they have something so major in common 😂
Baghra is so fucking real and I love her so much for it
'In what sense' bitch in the sense that no one fucking wants you around.
'He's never walked away from me like that before' Alina you heckin yelled at him
Okay I am loving Nikolai and Alina. Not as romantic partners, but as besties
Oooh, Wylans lil bag. I'm so excited, we've had a badass Jesper scene, is it time for a badass Wylan scene? To to be fair, Wylan jumping on a guys back to save Jesper was also pretty badass
Jesper, honey, you are digging yourself the biggest hole in the world
Aha!! I fucking knew it. Jesper, you knew Wylan is smart. You literally just told him so. And you're surprised he knows you're Grisha??
Also the parallels of them both hiding the big main thing they're ashamed of from each other, failing to hide it, then sucking at accepting the fact that they can't hide it from each other? Beautiful
Wow Jes, thanks for stating the obvious. Brilliant
Omg. The imagery. Brilliant. Beautiful. We'd seen him go into the water, but that fall was just magestic
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slasherbaby · 2 years
Different - Eddie Munson x trans male reader
read below the cut or on AO3
length: 2037 words
rating: explicit
warnings: mentions of prev bad sex, very mild hurt/comfort, words like dick, slit, & hole used to describe the reader’s junk
“Sweetheart,” Eddie leans forward, pressing his chest to your back and nuzzling his nose into the back of your neck. “Feeling alright?”
“Course I am.” You reply without giving it a second thought, to which he gives your neck a little kiss.
“I know you too well for that.” He murmurs, stroking your waist affectionately. “You don’t need to lie for my sake.”
You let out a soft groan as Eddie’s thrusts grew faster. Letting your chest fall to the mattress, you kept your arms folded under your jaw, resting your chin on your wrist. The push and pull of him inside of you was giving you a little pleasure, but nothing close to what sex was usually like between you to.
As much as it irritates you to think about, you’re used to bad sex. In high school you didn’t think twice about letting idiot seniors use you to get off. As long as they took you on a date or for a drive, you didn’t mind it. Mediocre sex in exchange for company never actually left you feeling better off, though. The only thing it really did was make you wish you didn’t bother getting all dressed up to go out. 
You stopped messing around like that a few months after you moved to Hawkins, meeting Eddie and instantly crushing on him. A year out of high school and a week since you finally got the courage to tell Eddie how you felt about him, you’ve started to feel better about sex. Sure, you could count the number of times you two have fucked on one hand, but you hadn’t faked a moan once in the past week, or wished that your partner would just hurry up and cum already.
But something felt different this time. Just a little bit off. Perhaps it was from the lack of effort on your part, a fact you were quick to acknowledge. You spent the entire day in a haze, moving through the usual motions without feeling much at all. Working a shift at the video store, picking up and unpacking the groceries at your house, and laying in bed before it was a decent time to head over to Eddies.
You initiated it, though the way you went about it was different from the past two times. You stripped while he was grabbing something from the kitchen, surprising him on your hands and knees with your ass in the air, before asking him to fuck you.
Eddie’s hips come to a halt, pulling you from your thoughts. You look back at him in confusion, frowning when you see his furrowed brow. His face relaxes in a forceful way once you meet his eyes, and he rubs his hand over the small of your back before pulling out. 
Wincing at the sudden emptiness, you push yourself up until you’re off your hands and just on your knees. His arms wrap around your waist instantly, keeping you close to him.
“Sweetheart,” Eddie leans forward, pressing his chest to your back and nuzzling his nose into the back of your neck. “Are we feeling alright?”
“Of course.” You reply without giving it a second thought, to which he gives your neck a little kiss.
“I know you too well for that.” He murmurs, stroking your waist affectionately. “You don’t need to lie for my sake.”
You shrug, ignoring the frog in your throat. It’s stupid, you tell yourself, to be getting choked up over common decency. Eddie’s not a piece of shit, and depsite his ‘fuck the world’ attitude, he’s one of the sweetest guy’s you’ve ever met.
“You know I won’t be mad if you want to stop, right?” His words are so soft, you have to believe them.
But you don’t wanna stop, you like him touching you. If you asked him, you know he’d be more than down to just cuddle. He’s spent hours holding you before, talking about D&D or his band, distracting you from the worries on your mind. But you don’t want to stop this- cuddling isn’t the type of closeness you crave right now.
Maybe you weren’t feeling horny when you propositioned him, but you did want to have sex. You like feeling close to him, knowing that it’s you he’s getting pleasure from. So you shake your head.
“I don’t wanna stop.”
“Alrighty.” He leaves a gentle kiss underneath your ear before putting his hand on your back, applying enough pressure to let you know he wants you back in the same position. 
You follow easily, and are rewarded by Eddie’s calloused fingertips tracing down your spine, making your back arch into his touch reflexively. His hands come to curl around your waist once more, and he lets out an appreciative groan as he squeezes the rolls he finds.
“Have I ever told you how hot you are?” He squeezes you tight before flipping you over with a frankly surprising burst of strength. Now on your back, you squeak in a very dignified manner before laughing.
“Hey.” He smiles down at you with his head tilted to the side, and his eyes all doe-like and sweet. It makes your heart flutter in a way you’ve never felt before, and something good twinges in your stomach.
“Hey yourself.”
With one arm to prop himself up, Eddie lowers himself down above you. His free hand dips from your waist, trailing down your stomach, and only stops when he reaches your mound. Without hesitation, Eddie presses two of his fingers just to the left of your dick, beginning to massage gentle circles.
It’s not right where you need it, but you can’t help but want to reward him for his efforts. You let out a tiny moan, something high, with a perfect pitch.
Judging from the look on his face, Eddie doesn’t buy it for a second.
With his other hand, he takes yours and brings it down, guiding it to his wrist. 
“Show me what you need.” He murmurs, leaning down to kiss your cheek. “Show me how to make you feel good.”
You swallow the lump in your throat before guiding his hand to a more favorable position. When he begins to rub against your sweet spot, you breathe out a puff of happy air.
“Yeah?” He breathes, staring down at your face with wide eyes, taking in every twitch of your facial muscles. “Right there?”
You groan, face heating up from the way he’s making you feel. You turn your head to the side, trying to hide in the pillow as he pleasures you. Earlier you got a little wet, but it was nothing compared to this.
“I can tie a cherry-stem with my tongue.” Eddie brushes his lips against your ear. “Wanna see?”
You turn your head back quickly, eyes wide. Eddie only chuckles, leaving a scalding kiss on your throat before moving down your body.
“Or maybe my sweetheart doesn’t need to see.” He’s between your thighs now, hiking your knees up and tossing them over his shoulders. “He wants to feel it, right?”
Eddie’s tongue feels extraordinarily soft against your folds, lapping at you lazily as he stares up at you, his eyes half-lidded. You don’t know which is more sultry, the look on his face or the way he’s moving his tongue. When he spreads you open with his thumbs and presses his tongue to your slit, you groan, fingernails digging into the mattress below
“Tastes so sweet.” He moans as he pulls back, and you huff in response. Eddie’s head moves back down, but instead of the delicious warmth from before, you feel a nip at your inner thigh.
A noise of irritation bubbles in your throat as you look down at him, but he only smiles up at you before going back to sucking a hickey onto your skin.
“Eddie.” You moan after a few minutes pass by, with him perfectly content on decorating your thighs with bruises.
“Hmm?” He hums, tilting his head to the side like a confused puppy dog. “What’s up?”
“Eddie. C’mon…”
He waits a few moments for you to finish your request, but you can’t find the nerve to do it. It’s harder to ask for things when you’re spread open for him, already feeling vulnerable beneath him.
“If you want something, you’re going to have to do me a favor.” 
It’s your turn to tilt your head, raising an eyebrow down at his smirk. His classic ‘up to no good’ face.
“You’re going to use your words for me.” Eddie has the audacity to laugh when you groan, covering your face with your hands to hide your look of mortification. “If you don’t tell me how you want it, I can’t give it to you.”
“You’re a sadist.”
“Guilty as charged.” Eddie sends a shit-eating grin your way, and you can’t help but crack a smile in return. “Now, how can I be of service?”
“I…” You begin, your throat suddenly incredibly dry. “I want…” Cutting yourself off with another groan, you squeeze your eyes shut, unwilling to look at him while asking. “Go down on me.” You manage, your syllables running together into one long word instead of a sentence.
“Sorry, I didn’t quite get that. Would my liege mind repeating his request?”
You whimper, torn between wanting to curse him and needing his tongue back against you.
“Eds, please. I need you.”
“How?” Eddie’s question sounds more like a demand, his voice taking on a darker quality.
You pull your hands away from your face and look down. It’s nearly hard to meet his gaze with the intensity in his eyes, and the way he’s looking at you makes you shiver. Even though you were the one telling him what to do, he still gave the aura of being in complete control.
“Your mouth.”
“Gonna need more than that, sweetheart.”
“I… I need your mouth on me.” You wince, embarrassed by the way your voice trembled. He raised a single brow, his wet lips arched into a smirk, and you can’t help but weave one of your hands into his curls. “Please eat me out, Eds.”
Your words must be enough because just as suddenly as he stopped, he’s leaning back down to lap at your core. 
“Fuck.” You moan as he suctions his lips around your engorged dick, and buck your hips as he twirls his tongue against it. 
He pulls back, but keeps his mouth close enough to you that you don’t worry he’ll stop.
“You can pull my hair, you know.”
As Eddie returns his attention to you, you give his hair a gentle tug.
“Do you like that?” You ask, just a touch breathlessly.
He nods against you, moaning softly and making your hips twitch up to meet the delicious vibrations. 
Eddie explores you completely with his tongue, eating you out like a starving man at a buffet. It’s almost too much, how quickly you build up to reach your climax, that you find yourself pushing at his shoulder to stave off what might be over in five minutes.
“T-Touch yourself. While you eat me out, I want you to touch yourself.” You swallow back your nerves. “Please, you sound so good when you moan.”
His eyes are completely glazed over as he lifts his hips up a bit, just enough to sneak his hand down to his cock, and starts fucking down into it without hesitation.
You stare down at him in awe, watching as his brow furrows together, his breath coming out in shallow pants as you both climb closer to the edge. His mouth is back on you immediately, messing up your plans on staving off your orgasm by flicking his tongue just right. 
With your eyes rolled back, and your mouth hung open, you ride out your orgasm against his mouth. He doesn’t stop after you finish, lapping at you desperately even as the other over stimulation makes you yank at his hair.
“So much,” You rasp out, giving his hair a particularly hard pull.
He comes with a whimper, tongue buried inside your hole, his dark eyelashes fluttering prettily. You watch as his hips move a few more times before stopping, and he moves his head up to rest on your stomach.
Eddie whines when you touch his hair, petting the top of his curls as he nuzzles against your skin. 
“Thank you,” He murmurs, and you can’t help but chuckle.
“Thank you, pretty boy.” You give his hair another gentle tug, but smooth it out when he gasps. “Thank you.”
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animeomegas · 3 years
Kinktober - Day 15
[Sasuke (Naruto) + Size Difference]
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Summary: Sasuke wasn’t small! He was average, thank you very much. It wasn’t his fault that his alpha was freakishly big! Alpha!Dom!GN!Reader
Warnings: Reader is gender neutral but I have described them as tall- ish with a broader figure. They are also described as strong, but that could very well be chakra enhanced, for those of use that are extremely weak 😅 I wish I was strong enough to lift Sasuke lmao, it took me four minutes to open a jar of tomato sauce this evening 🙃
When Sasuke and his alpha first got together, some people used to giggle and poke fun at how different they looked standing next to each other. And begrudgingly, Sasuke had to acknowledge they had a point.
Sasuke was powerful of course, he was stronger than almost every person in the village, but his physique was smaller, lither, and easily hidden beneath his chosen baggy clothes. His pale complexion simply added to the effect because his exclusively black wardrobe seemed to swallow him.
But his alpha was different. Taller than him, broader than him. They also had a certain presence that Sasuke did not, mainly because Sasuke refused to speak or interact with strangers.
They were a burning sun and Sasuke felt like a little black hole when he stood next to them.
And when their clothes were off, the differences continue.
“You’re so cute down here, I love it,” you cooed, pressing a kiss to the top of his half hard cock. Sasuke could tell his face was red and he tried to will the blush away.
“I’m not cute,” he grumbled, half-heartedly pushing you away. He was… average, thank you very much.
“Hmm,” you gave a little smile as you pretended to think on it. “Nope, definitely cute.”
You nuzzled affectionately at his crotch and Sasuke felt his cock give a very noticeable interested twitch. Traitor.
To further Sasuke’s embarrassment, you laughed at the twitch and then proceeded to take him into your mouth, engulfing him immediately. Sasuke barely supressed a yelp at the sudden onslaught of warm pleasure.
You sucked aggressively for about thirty seconds, maintaining eye contact throughout (eye contact that Sasuke did not meet because, jeez you were going to kill him doing this) before pulling off with an obscene pop.
And then you paused as though lost in though. Was Sasuke not engaging enough to keep your attention? He huffed indignantly and opened his mouth to say something, but you were faster.
“There are better positions for this.”
And with that, you leant down and grabbed Sasuke up off the bed.
This time, Sasuke actually did yelp as he quickly closed his bare legs around your equally bare body for some stability.
“What are you playing at, idiot?”
You sat back down on the bed, now with Sasuke on your lap, completely ignoring his question. The audacity.
“Answer my quest-“
You slotted your hands under him and suddenly lifted him into the air, hooking his legs over your shoulders, his entire weight quite literally resting in your palms.
“You can’t just throw me around like-!”
You took advantage of your new position and slipped Sasuke’s hard cock back into your mouth, forcing Sasuke to end his sentence as a rush of air left him at the welcome sensation.
Your mouth was warm and your tongue skilful. All the complaints flew from Sasuke’s mind in an instant and he wrapped his legs around your head and gripped your arms to balance himself. You were holding him up so effortlessly. Why did that make his stomach flip so much?
All at once, Sasuke found himself plummeting towards what would be a humiliatingly fast orgasm. He felt like he was burning up from the inside, and oh fuck, he was definitely dripping slick onto your lap.
If he listened closely, he could hear the gentle splashes his slick was making as his fell in droplets onto your bare thighs.
“Stop! I’m close!” Sasuke finally found the strength to speak and his words tumbled from his mouth louder than he had intended.
You immediately let his cock fall out of your mouth, the sudden rush of cold air making Sasuke shiver.
Slowly but effortlessly, you manoeuvred Sasuke onto your lap so that he was facing you with a single leg on either side of you, close enough that your cocks were bumping up against each other.
And immediately Sasuke remember how this whole things started.  
You giggled as Sasuke’s cock was almost completely obscured by yours and Sasuke pursed his lips at how small he looked against you.
“Stop laughing, idiot, you’re the one whose freakishly abnormal,” Sasuke huffed. He tried to shift his hips back, but you tightened your grip and simply dragged him back in. Sasuke quickly realised that he had left a trail of slick on your lap and it killed any retort that might have been brewing in his mind, so instead he levelled an embarrassed glare at you.
You weren’t fazed for even a second. In fact, you leant in the way you always did when he was frowning and kissed him.
And as much as he tried to stop it, a shadow of a smile crept onto his face. He hit you lightly on the shoulder to stop you from noticing his smile. He had to maintain some semblance of dignity… even if it felt like a losing battle at this point.
“We need to leave for our dinner reservations in an hour, Sasuke, so stop sulking and let me show you how much I appreciate how cute you are,” you said with a teasing grin.
“Hn. Fine.”
You smiled at him and lifted his chin with your hand to guide him to look you in the eye, even though you knew what that would do to him. Tch, you lived to embarrass him, he shouldn’t be surprised at this point.
“I love you, you know.”
Case in point.
Sasuke tried very hard not to startle at your words. He suddenly felt a need to flee. He- He- He couldn’t say it, not right now. But he didn’t want you to… think he didn’t care.
So, with a blush that could rival the sun he had humiliatingly found himself comparing you to more than one, he pressed a very light kiss to the hand that was still cupping his face.
The look you gave him in return made him feel like he was going to melt. Where did you learn to make him feel like this? How did you know always know what was going on inside his head?
“Here,” you interrupted the silence, taking one of his hands and laying it on your cock before resting on of yours on his. “Let’s help each other so we can make the dinner on time, because personally I don’t feel like Naruto barging in to drag us there will be very fun.”
Sasuke snorted. He could relax now, glad that the atmosphere was less intense. With an eager smirk, he grabbed your cock and rubbed his thumb over the end as you hissed in pleasure. You cock filled Sasuke’s hand completely, hot and pulsing.
But you only needed two fingers to jerk him off.
Sasuke felt like he should be mad or self-conscious but fuck the thought that you could literally cover his entire cock with a couple of fingers made him feel like his skin was on fire. He was so small compared to you, so tiny, so easy to grab and toss around… Sasuke shivered from head to toe.
You both continued mutual handjobs in silence for a while, basking in the feelings and delicious scents. You looked blissed, giving these little groans every so often that made Sasuke twitch rather violently in your hand. Sasuke was mainly trying to focus on not cumming too quickly after you had edged him earlier.
He was hyper aware of how much slick he was leaking onto your lap now. And apparently, so were you.
“You’re so wet,” you whispered heatedly. “Do you like it when I touch your cute little cock like this?”
Sasuke felt himself clench around nothing.
“Shut up,” he grumbled, despite the fact that he was obviously bucking up into your hands and releasing a scent strong enough to tempt even the most stoic alphas.
“Of fuck, Sasuke, your hand feels so good, I’m not going to last longer with you dripping slick all over me and pumping out your scent like you’re in heat.”
Sasuke must have been closer than he thought because those words knocked him over the edge as solidly as a punch to the stomach.
He buried his face in your shoulder and tried to smother his strangled moan as he came all over your hand, losing the grip he had on your cock in the process. Distantly, he felt you sneak a hand around his back to catch some of his dripping slick. Pervert.
Sasuke panted as he came down from his high, feeling a little weak at the knees and glad that he was sitting down. It was only when he felt something poking his stomach that he realised he had left you hanging while he enjoyed his own orgasm. Shit.
He pulled away and went to grab you again, but you caught his hand.
“Don’t worry about me,” you smiled, swooping in to kiss him on the nose. “We won’t have enough time to shower and get going if we continue and I don’t want to be late.”
Sasuke glanced over at the clock on his bedside table and scoffed. They still had half an hour. It was almost insulting that you thought he couldn’t get you off fast enough.
“Don’t insult me,” Sasuke said, pushing himself off of your lap and into a kneeling position on the floor. He grabbed you by the knees and yanked them open so he could slot himself in the middle. Then he looked up at you with a smirk. “Give me two minutes, that’s all I need.”
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ketastore · 2 years
black hole falling in love with gn!reader
2nd pov, you and y/n used
headcanons + short story at the end ;D
- black hole isn't very... expressive, physically or vocally, so it's hard to read his emotions sometimes
- he doesn't consider himself to be an affectionate person, and he doesn't think much about romance either.. but there's something about you that just.. brought him to you. you are nice and fun to be with! and you are always so kind to him! how could he not like you?
- actually scratch that- he doesn't like you, he loves you! but like i said, it's hard to tell what he's feeling or thinking. black hole is convinced he loves you though, he never doubts or questions his feelings for you :)
- let me elaborate on that- he doesn't tell himself that these feelings he has for you are only platonic. he quickly comes to terms with the fact that he likes you! so, he doesn't waste time and immediately tries to charm you hehe
- needless to say, he's hopeless lol. he's too nervous to outright tell you that he loves you so instead he tries his version of... "flirting" (?)
- my man really thought telling you "hey i think you're cool :)" would be a good confession lmao. of course, his intentions totally flew over your head and you replied with just a "thank you! you too :D"
- ...okay maybe THAT didn't work.. but whatever, he isn't giving up that easily!! he has to show you he likes you!! so, he carefully thinks of the options he has..
- he can't express his affection for you by touch, flirting doesn't work, and it's not like he can send you a love letter either! so what should he do??
- well how about i tell you this dude makes POEMS. that's right!! black hole loves poetry!! making poems helps him express what he's feeling :) and so he decides to make you a poem so he can finally confess his love for you!
- one day he asks to talk to you privately, so you both go to one of the hangout spots you and black hole often share when spending time together! he chooses to confess during the golden hour, when the air is still warm and everything around you two is quiet. black hole asks if he can tell you a big secret, you of course say yes
- and so black hole begins reciting the poem he composed just for you :) his voice is monotone but full of feeling, his verses rhyme nicely with a pleasant rhythm. he doesn't stutter or pause, but doesn't rush either. he truly does his best to recite perfectly to impress you
- though he might seem confident in his reciting, deep down he's nervously awaiting your reaction. what if you don't accept his feelings? what if you don't even understand that he's confessing to you? maybe the poem should have been more straightforward.. black hole is currently exposing his entire heart to you, he has never been this vulnerable to anybody, so what if he's just making a fool out of himself?!
- as he nears the end of his poem, black hole's voice starts to shake. his confidence is fading away and anxiety that he never felt before starts to build up. he doesn't want to look at you in fear of seeing your reaction. will you be confused, disappointed? mad? he doesn't want to know. because of this, he doesn't even get to finish his poem and instead awkwardly ends on the second to last verse. then he's silent.
- you and him are both are silent.
- oh, he messed up, didn't he?! but he was so sure it was going to work out! you probably think he's an idiot now! this is the worst day of black hole's life!
- you, however, smile at him.
"did you make that poem yourself?" you ask, keeping your voice quiet and gentle. you were very aware that he didn't finish the poem, but you weren't going to pressure black hole into continuing as you were already in awe from what you heard. your heart danced with delight from knowing that you were the first and most likely only listener of this beautiful piece of art. you knew that it wasn't just a poem, it was a poem made just for you. "i love it. i've never heard anything more beautiful."
black hole looked over at you as he heard you words. were you serious? did you actually like the poem? "really?" black hole asks nervously, his voice quiet, and you nod, still smiling up at him.
black hole felt his confidence return to him again, but he knew that just because you enjoyed the poem doesn't mean that you understood the meaning behind it. that's okay, though! he can just make another poem and make it more straightforward to make sure you understand next ti- "you know, you could have just said you like me! i feel a bit bad that you had to go through the trouble of composing a whole love poem just for me." you giggled playfully as the athmosphere brightened up with your joyful laughter. "i've liked you for a long time, black hole. i wanted to tell you, but looks like you beat me to it!" and you laughed again.
oh, how black hole loves your laughter. he knows that if he could, he would be smiiing with you right now. the warmth he felt from your happiness and your kind words made his mind feel fuzzy. but he loved the feeling. in fact, he loved it so much that for a second he childishly wished that he will never feel anything else ever again. "i was hoping that you like me back." he spoke, his usual monotone voice laced with joy that's unusual for him, but so typical for you. "you have no idea how happy i am right now."
he loves you. oh, how much he loves you!!
TREE: why does y/n call you babygirl
BLACK HOLE: how about we stop talking for a little while
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