managinglyme · 2 years
Ci sono molte forme di violenza e maltrattamento che non sono fisiche. Per esempio, mio fratello mi ha pesantemente maltrattato e umiliato senza motivo da quando io avevo sei anni, e lui ne aveva undici, per almeno quindici anni finche’ non sono anche io riuscita ad allontanarmi piu’ stabilmente dalla famiglia. Fino a un certo punto, ricordo che giocavamo insieme, ci volevamo bene, come bambini, e fratelli. E ricordo perfettamente il momento in cui non e’ stato piu’ cosi’. Con la sua adolescenza, e’ arrivato il disprezzo a tratti rabbioso, l’indifferenza e il fastidio con cui reagiva alla mia presenza, ai miei tentativi di contatto affettuoso. Mi ricordo quando da adolescente, seduta sul gabinetto in un bagno di casa (senza chiave), mio fratello e’ entrato e ha lasciato la porta  spalancata mentre si lavava le mani, come se io non ci fossi, mentre un suo amico che era venuto a trovarlo stava li’, in piedi fuori dalla porta, probabilmente congelato dalla scena, come lo ero io, esposta in quel modo. Nessuno ha detto o fatto nulla. Mio fratello non e’ stato ripreso o punito dai miei genitori per quella violenta umiliazione, per di piu’ in un periodo di vita cosi’ delicato per una ragazzina. Ricordo che che venivo maltrattata costantemente, trattata come un stupida, un’idiota, un fastidio, spesso davanti ai miei genitori, e quando protestavo, la loro risposta era: “adesso basta!” oppure “finitela!” come se io c’entrassi qualcosa nel conflitto, e chiaramente non prendendo le mie difese ne’ riconoscendo il problema che veniva costantemente ignorato ne’ dando le responsabilita’ a chi le aveva. Ero solo una bambina e nessuno mi ha ascoltato ne’ preso le mie difese. Non so se i miei genitori abbiano mai parlato con mio fratello senza farsi vedere da me (ne dubito e comunque sarebbe sicuramente stato fatto in modo inefficace e autoritario tipo: “basta trattare male tua sorella!”) ma di sicuro io non sono stata riconosciuta ne’ difesa da quell’ abuso costante in alcun modo; anzi, sono stata zittita e soffocata piu’ volte nel mio disagio creando estrema frustrazione. Se protestavo perche’ venivo trattata male, il problema ero io. Bisogna subire e stare zitti per mantenere un apparente ordine. La mia sofferenza e urla rimbalzavano come su un muro di gomma, rendendomi il problema, quando la mia unica colpa era: esserci. Ricordo di aver scritto una lettera che ho lasciato in camera di mio fratello una sera, dove gli chiedevo perche’ mi tarttava cosi’, cosa avevo fatto, e credo gli pregassi di parlarmi e forse tornare come prima, non ricordo esattamente. Silenzio. Tutto continua come sempre.
Ad un certo punto, forse proprio dopo l’episodio del bagno, ho deciso di smettere di parlare a mio fratello. Forse non la migliore startegia per risolvere un conflitto, ma se nessuno era dalla mia parte o mi dava retta, dovevo farlo da sola, e tutti i precedenti tentativi non avevano sortito alcun effetto. A casa mia, il modo per “gestire” un conflitto era abortirlo, urlando e poi ancor meglio mettendo stando zitti e cosi’ si riparte da zero come se niente fosse. Chiusa in me stessa, ricordo interi pasti ogni giorno a pranzo e cena come una specie di tortura quotidiana, dove regnava il silenzio, l’aria pesante, il fastidio rabbioso di mio fratello che non mi guardava in faccia, e il far finita di nulla dei mie genitori, che non mi hanno mai riconosciuta, non hanno mai assunto una posizione, e hanno lasciato che questa situazione proseguisse per piu’ di una decade lasciandomi nella solitudine, nel silenzio pesante e omertoso per mantenere un apparente quieto vivere che era poi tutt’altro che quieto, piuttosto un vulcano in ebollizione. 
Ricordo che quando studiavo fuori sede e mio fratello si e’ laureato in un’altra citta’, non sono andata alla sua laurea inventandomi una scusa. Vaffanculo, no? Ovviamente nessuno ha detto nulla ne’ approfondito. Sentore di problema, poof! si crea il vuoto. A quel punto, muore mio nonno paterno. Ricordo bene quel momento fuori dal liceo, quando mio padre e’ venuto a prendermi a meta’ mattina per andare al funerale, di aver pensato, di fronte alla morte: “ma cosa sto facendo?”, quando ho deciso che avrei ricominciato a parlare a mio fratello. Perche’ comunque quella faida era una causa persa, nessuno faceva nulla, ogni mia reazione non veniva raccolta ma solo ignorata, e sarei stata meglio uscendone. Anche se sapevo che lui avrebbe continuato a non considerare la mia esistenza e i miei a far finta di niente. Ho ripreso a parlarci, ma cio’ non ha cambiato le cose ovviamente. La cosa davvero triste oggi e’ che nonostante siamo sempre stati parte della stessa famiglia, io non so chi sia mio fratello. Non l’ho mai conosciuto, al di fuori del suo risentimento e disprezzo rabbioso. Non so che cosa abbia fatto nella vita esattamente, al di la’ di quello che potresti leggere su Wikipedia, tipo, dove ha studiato o lavorato. Non so nulla. Non abbiamo mai condiviso nulla, momenti normali o divertenti, chicchierate fraterne o discussioni costruttive, nemmeno nulla di cio’ che semplici conoscenti potrebbero condividere davanti a un caffe’. 
Oggi io ho 41 anni e mio fratello ne ha 46. Ha due figli e ancora oggi, e’ una persona difficile. Ma da quando e’ diventato papa’, una piccola luce si deve essere accesa dentro di lui. Oggi in parte riconosce, e combatte con cio’ che ora capisco essere una patologica ansia rabbiosa, e anche se spesso lo agisce comunque, oggi vede il suo modo di aggredirti e distruggerti e in qualche modo sa che e’ una reazione al suo terrore di contatto emotivo, della sofferenza, della malattia, al suo bisogno di controllo, e chissa’ che altro. D’altronde, lo conosco poco. Quando sono tornata in Italia dopo anni di recente, abbiamo avuto per la prima volta una simil-conversazione da quasi fratelli, dove con gran fatica ha riconosciuto di sentirsi molto in colpa per come mi ha trattato da sempre. Lo so che sta facendo uno sforzo, alla luce del suo essere padre, e lo apprezzo molto. Meglio recuperare un po’ di fratello tardi, che mai. 
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bruisesds · 1 month
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littlerocks · 4 months
911 7x07
The family formed by Hen- Karen- Danny- Mara, they are a wonderful, beautiful family, they love each other so much, I love them too much
Maddie, chim and their daughter, every time I see scenes with the three of them as a family, my heart melts
Eddie I don't understand where they're going with this, in the sense then: I think he would like to create a family, so like find a mother after shannon, as if it's an “obligation” to Chris to grow up with a female figure, and in my opinion it's still due to his Catholic guilty. We know at the same time that he got married to shannon because she got pregnant so maybe, he loved shannon but not to create a family and he found himself let's say “forced” to have to create a family in a “forced” way ( I'm not saying he didn't want to, I'm saying maybe he imagined it later) because she got pregnant and then also because of the “duties” to the church let's say, in the sense the ideology of first marriage and then later make a child
We see him always looking in a girl as a hypothetical “mother” for chris , and in my opinion not taking into account if he himself may like her but he only cares if chris likes him that's why, with Ana (I think) when they had to choose a dress and the clerk said they were a nice family, he had a panic attack, because it's like at that moment he was really realizing they were a “family” with a child, his panic attack was like it was something he didn't want but he was forced, or, there's like he liked Ana but she wasn't that figure to be a “mother” to chris, however he was kind of trying to convince himself, so in my opinion as soon as he sees something let's say negative in his girlfriends, even that it's bullshit, he dumps them as if to find an excuse not to be together. Who knows maybe he thinks he is doing some damage to shannon's memory of chris, as if he is sort of replacing her in “starting a family” with another woman
For example with Marisol, as soon as she found out that she was a nun, and he wanted to dump her, even though it was not what he wanted, in my opinion it was due to both because of his Catholic guilty, but also as if he found an excuse to leave her so as not to get to that decisive step, so let's say to concretize a relationship, as if at first everything is fine, then the moment the relationship becomes more serious, until the move, there he starts to doubt the thing, and backtrack on his steps, as if he is still thinking about shannon, and can't get over somehow that she is gone, as if she was the only person he could create a family with. Maybe this time eddie likes/is interested in Marisol and maybe he sees that Chris is comfortable with her, so like he was trying to convince himself that she might be the one (?). But as soon as he saw kim (who looks like shannon) he found perhaps in her, the one who could “replace” even physically shannon, and let's say reform that family that was no longer there, that used to be there with shannon.
Then of course in general, it's kind of seen, that Eddie with women can't create a family, while with buck he can manage to be like a family, without having panic attacks and various things, so he's found to be quiet, in my opinion, of course they have their own special chemistry, and really they behave to be like a family when they are together with chris. What I'd like to say is that this thing happens not because eddie is in love with buck (I mean for now) but simply he (again for now, maybe) likes women so it's normal that he wants to create a familgia with a woman, and he sees buck as a best friend, as a person to be trusted enough to literally put him in the will, they have a bond that goes beyond friendship, that it's not necessarily a bond like they're in love, I think it's a bond like they're brothers, although not by blood, I think they would put their lives for each other. Going back to the earlier thought, I think eddie can find it more in peace to spend a “family” evening with him, and with chris, without worries, however he wants to find a woman, a “mother” for chris and so in relationships with women he is more let's say panicked.
As if in seeing kim, he remembered what it was like to live with shannon and those moments of happiness came back to his mind and he wants to relive them, as if he can only live those moments with a person who looks like shannon, and not with women who are different to her.
Three more episodes to go, we know that:
Bobby is going to meet a person who was there when that fire happened, and he makes it clear that he will be the villain for bobby and maybe this will connect to what they were showing a few weeks ago, the picture with 118 and maybe even tommy who were dressed up, like there was an award ceremony, maybe bobby has something to do with it?
Then we see a picture with buck with a kind of sad face looking at someone: either he finds out that something has happened to bobby, or is it maybe about eddie? Because from what I've read, in the eighth season eddie will have to work on himself and there will be no one there to help or comfort him; as if, either he's going to walk away (it seems impossible to me) or maybe the sense of saying that he's going to be alone fighting something, it's like it's a metaphor in the sense that only he can help himself and no one can do that, like he's going to have to fend for himself, but not because he's going to be alone physically, but like the “being alone” is an inward thing or something
Then I had read some theories about buck's apartment that may be on fire, maybe it's related to the guy who wants to hurt bobby for destroyed life that day, with the fire, and so he wants to make him pay, and that somebody maybe it will be buck (? ) because he is the one who is the most connected to bobby, like a son; and like if that hurting bobby is like setting fire to buck's apartment like it happened that time, and maybe (now I'm going to be against everything buddie ahahhah, just kidding I love you guys, I love both buck with tommy and buck with eddie ahhaha) if in case something happens to buck's apartment and like buck goes to live with tommy until he finds a new house (? ), or in case they get paid like some insurance in case of fire (?), that wouldn't be bad right? mo you all gonna hate me ahahaha I love you all
Maybe, going back to that eddie will find himself kind of alone in season 8, maybe because kind of everyone has settled down, in the sense that everyone has found a person to love, a partner, bobby and athena, hen and karen, chim and maddie, buck and tommy and kind of he finds himself alone, like he still has traumas to overcome, like the Catholic guilty and shannon's death (?)
Anyway, all that aside, I would like to see another date between tommy and buck or even a scene that they show them being together in the everyday, like taking a walk or something like that, quiet stuff
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illiana-mystery · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
Since I gave you a taste of my work in progress for the Dafoeverse fics I've been writing last week, I decided to give you a dose of what I have written for the Molinaverse fics that have been put on indefinite hiatus.
Because I love yall, I appreciate your patience with my ever changing phases (like I'm the goddamn moon), and I've left you on read for far too long.
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Also, side note, if any of you have suggestions about how I should go about continuing any of these WIPs, please let me know in the replies, my ask box, or DMs. Thank you! 😘
Covert Affairs (this one goes out to @freddiefredfive)
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Rafi was talking to Donnie when they walked back in and Leo was nowhere in sight. Kazia figured he was back upstairs with Jeanine, so didn't think anything of it.
But the remaining brothers were talking and laughing loudly and didn't even notice that Tadeusz and Kazia were in the room until Rafi noticed the young woman.
He was staring offly hard with his big brown eyes that perfectly complimented his baby face and reddish cheeks.
He looked like Leo, but had skin as smooth as a baby's bottom and his hair was curly and styled nicely on his head.
Kazia could immediately tell that he probably thought highly of himself, since the threads he was wearing were of high expense and quality.
"Well, hello," he said seductively before he realized that Tadeusz was standing next to her.
Tadeusz scowled at him before he nervously laughed and put his head down.
But next thing he knew, he was grabbed by his collar by the older, taller, stronger man.
"Kazia's mine, got it?" he angrily said before he plucked his head.
"Yeah, yeah. I was just playing, buddy. You know Layla is my girl. I love her so much...I just wish she wanted to marry me..."
"I don't care," he sternly said. "Now, let's have a chat."
He dragged the poor young man away, much to Kazia and Donnie's horror.
"You like them rough, huh?" Donnie teased after.
"Not usually," Kazia admitted before pushing a strand of hair behind her ear and blushing. "But Tadeusz is different."
"If you say so," Donnie moaned.
Meanwhile, Tadeusz brought Rafi to one of the backrooms and threw him down before he closed and locked it behind them.
"Who's that Rudy guy?" he sternly asked.
"Tadeusz, do you have history with him or something? Why do you care?"
"My punching fist might be out of commission, but I'll use my other on your pretty little face if you don't answer what I asked you!"
"Okay, okay," Rafi flinched. "He's just a friend of mine. Well, actually he knew Layla first. They have mutual friends and when she introduced him to me, I knew he would be a perfect fit for our familgia."
"Oh, I see," he softly said as he paced. "So we don't even properly vet members anymore. Oh, silly me. Now, tell me Rafi, why do you think you can trust him?"
"I mean I am a good judge in character."
"Yes, Layla is a lovely girl," Tadeusz sarcastically said. "But you really aren't cut out for this life. What would you do if your brothers' lives were snuffed out...one by one? What if you had no one to hold you hand?"
Rafi was about to reply before Tadeusz cut him off again.
"Because I was once naive like you. I thought seeking quick, easy money would be heaven in Belarus...but it wasn't. I was betrayed many times and every time it became harder and harder to take their lives away," he coldly said.
"Until it wasn't anymore. It was just something that had to be done. You cross me, you die. It's as simple as that. So I say all of this to say, Rafi, you better watch that Rudy fella or I'll be forced to take both of you out, painfully...very painfully. Got it?!" 
"Yes, of course."
"Good, glad we had this talk. Now come on. You didn't properly introduce yourself to MY Kazia."
"Right," he moaned as he trembled while getting up.
But Tadeusz just yanked him again and brought him back into the room by his arm. He dropped him again and the young man fell so hard it made both Donnie and Kazia jump.
"Hello, Kazia," he greeted. "I'm Raphael Scaglioni, but everyone calls me Rafi. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too," she softly said as he got up.
She shook his hand and then he went over by Donnie.
Kazia looked at Tadeusz confused, but he just put his hand on her shoulder and kissed her cheek.
"Nie przejmuj się. Chciałem tylko zapytać go o Rudy ' ego." (Don't be alarmed. I just wanted to ask him about Rudy), he told her. "Rozumie tylko siłę." (He only understands force)
"Nie jestem zaskoczony," (I'm not surprised), she replied back. "On naprawdę wydaje się trochę przytłumiony." (He really does seem a little dim)
"To dlatego, że jest." (That's because he is)
"Prawo." (Right)
"Everything alright, Tadeusz?" Donnie asked as his little brother still hid behind him.
"Yes, everything is fine," he softly said.
Donnie didn't believe him though. He only spoke Polish, usually to himself, when he was angry or frustrated around them. Kazia nervously giggled before her stomach started growling.
"No need to apologize," Tadeusz assured with another kiss on her cheek. "Well, if you would excuse us, I'm gonna take Kazia back upstairs to eat and meet Layla."
"Of course," Donnie said before they both headed back up the secret staircase behind the replica Trevi Fountain.
The secret door closed by itself behind them once their feet touched the hardwood floor of the cafe and when it did, it startled Marla and Layla. They both jumped before they both smiled at the young couple.
Tadeusz and Kazia smiled back but Kazia noticed that Jeanine and Angelo weren't there anymore.
But there was one customer at one of the tables by the painted Union Jack that was munching on a croissant while watching videos on their laptop.
This person was wearing noise canceling headphones, so they were completely unaware of what was going on around them.
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"I don't know what I want to wear," Alice whined as she frantically looked through all of her clothes hanging up in the closet.
Her husband, meanwhile, was sitting on their bed, just watching her.
He began to worry that she was gonna have a panic attack again, so he tried to lighten the mood.
"I don't see why you can't wear what you have on now. You look gorgeous."
Alice giggled.
"Thank you, Aldie. But I want to make a good first impression and an red and brown plaid overall skirt and creme shirt just isn't gonna cut it," she said. "I want to wear something a little fancier."
"I don't see what the problem is. We met Rodney before and in overalls."
"I know, but he has Shaye with him. I do want to start making some friends around here."
"She's no friend until I vet her," Alden grumbled.
"Of course," Alice quickly agreed. "I trust your judgment."
The way she said that made Alden worry again since she sounded like she was about to cry. So he got up and walked over to her, rubbing her shoulders again to comfort her.
"Alice, it's gonna be alright," he whispered. "Although we are safe, I still can't help but be cautious. I don't want anyone to hurt you the way he did again."
"Oh, Alden. It isn't that. I just...even far away from home I still feel unsafe. I hate that I can't just trust people anymore."
"Not all people are untrustworthy," he said before he moved his hands down to her midsection. "Just take a deep breath."
Alice did as she was instructed and as she did so, she suddenly felt herself being picked up and brought over to their bed.
She kept her eyes closed though and allowed Alden to put her down on the middle of the bed.
"Keep deep breathing," he instructed before he hiked her skirt up and slowly took her panties off.
Once discarded, he began to softly kiss her inner thighs before he finally went for the kill. Alice was still trying to keep her deep breathing up during all of this, but then her breath hitched as soon as she felt his tongue inside her.
She, at first, gasped before she got her breaths back up and began to deep breath again. Her heart was beating so fast in her chest as her lover kept going, teasing an amazing orgasm out of her. She tried to hold it back and tightly gripped the sheets below her, but eventually she broke and loudly moaned as she climaxed.
But she didn't just climax, she also squirted a little which amused her husband. She could clearly hear him giggling between her legs, before the sound of joyous slurping invaded her auditory sense.
"I'm sorry," she nervously apologized.
"Don't be," he whispered before he kissed her lower lips. "I haven't gotten you that excited in quite some time."
She giggled.
"Yeah, I haven't had that reaction since before...the first time...he appeared..." she realized before she started to cry. "I'm sorry, Aldie. I just...I just..."
Alden immediately picked himself up and grabbed Alice before he held her in his lap and began to sing to her again to calm her down.
"It's alright, Misu. I won't let him hurt you. I won't let him get near you ever again."
Alice didn't respond, she just kept crying with her head nudged on his shoulder. He gently rubbed her back, still singing a little to her.
But as he sung, his mind went dark...real dark.
He knew he would gain so much joy taking away the life of the man that hurt his wife so. But he had to stop himself.
He had to.
He couldn't risk going to jail. It wasn't worth it.
But yet, it felt so inticing. It felt like a sure fire way to get rid of him once and for all, but he knew Alice would be against it. It was her battle to fight, after all he was her old flame.
She never wanted to put Alden in the middle of this, but now here he was. Here he was miles away from the place he used to call home, consoling his anxious and brow beaten wife in their so-say dream home.
The man took everything from them. So was he in the wrong to want to cause him the most harm he could?
He still kept his singing up, well until Alice stopped crying and moved her hand to his cheek.
He just looked at her before she leaned over and kissed him.
"I love you so much, Aldie," she softly said.
"I love you too, Misu."
She lightly smiled and was about to kiss him again before her phone began to ring.
Alden kissed her cheek and reached for the phone that was closer to him before he handed it to her.
"Hey Nick," she greeted. "What's up?"
"I just finished watching your first local interview," he started. "I love the storefront. It's gorgeous."
"Thank you," Alden smugly said. "It makes a perfect bookstore."
"It really does. Nice taste, man," he said with a laugh. "Also I can't believe Lori Amato is your cousin."
"That's what I'm saying! I was fangirling a little too hard. But she's so nice," Alice chirped. "His whole extended family is so sweet. They've been nothing but friendly."
"Well, I'm glad to hear that. I also see that you have a lot of new fangirls, Alden. There are a lot of thirst comments on this video."
"I don't see why. I'm not the stern Dr. Bertanelli of Middleburg University anymore."
"So," Alice huffed. "You're still handsome and fine as hell and these girls agree with me."
"You're not mad?" he asked.
"Why would I be? I don't get jealous like you do," she joked. "They can say whatever they want, but at the end of the day, you're sleeping next to me."
He chuckled and kissed her nose.
"Also, I noticed that the amount of views and comments on our first video with Alden performing with us as Java Joe's has gone up by a lot."
"Really?" they both asked.
"Yep, really. We also have a lot of returning reviewers to our second performance with Alden. Most of the viewers are from Navassa, of course."
"Wow, well maybe we'll have to get the band back together...for the sake of the fans," Alden said.
"I'd be down. I'm sure Quinn would be too. Adam's a father now so it might be a bit difficult and then Mitzi and Maisie have their own band, Ungaii, now but maybe I could intice them."
Ring Around the Rosie
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"Dinner's ready!" Sabrina called from the stairs while Otto and the actuators were setting up the dining room table and bringing the stew and the freshly-baked soda bread to the table.
As soon as Flo placed the last fork down, Rosie came down with Mallory in her grasp, while Margaux clung to her free arm.
She was giggling with them which made Sabrina smile before Rosie put Mallory down for both of the girls to greet their mother.
They both hugged and kissed Sabrina, then ran to the table and took their seats.
"They're such wonderful girls," Rosie told Sabrina as they walked to the table together.
"Yes, yes they are," Sabrina chirped before she took her designated seat.
Otto led Rosie to her seat while Harry cut the bread and Flo and Moe helped scoop the stew unto Margaux and Mallory's bowls.
"Daddy," Margaux asked.
"Yes, Rosie Posie?" he answered back while he took his seat, watching as Flo and Moe went ahead and put the stew in the adults' bowls too.
She giggled.
"What's this?"
"It's Irish Stew and Soda Bread," Otto answered. "Thom Donaghue's recipe."
"Who's that?" Mallory asked.
"My father," Rosie excitedly answered with a big smile, making the girls giggle. "And your father learned the recipe and now he's able to make it for us."
"He's never made it before," Margaux admitted.
"I wanted to make it for Rosie. To welcome her back into our family," Otto explained.
"It was my favorite meal my father would cook for us," Rosie added. "It was also the first meal he had with my parents. He was so nervous to meet them but then he and my father bonded over Tolkien."
"Who's Tolkien?" Margaux asked.
"He's a wonderful author. He wrote fantasy novels. His literature was a great escape for me when I was younger."
"He wrote The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings," Rosie added. "Are you familiar with those books?"
"I didn't know they were books. But I know of the movies," Margaux answered.
"Otto, you need to get them into the books," Rosie nudged. "Have I taught you nothing? They love literature. I'm sure they wouldn't mind sharing your love of Tolkien with you."
"How many books did you read to them upstairs?" Sabrina suddenly asked.
"Just three. But they are so inquisitive and curious. They're two bright little girls. Well advanced beyond their age."
"Thank you!" they both chirped.
"Would you be interested in learning more about Tolkien?" he asked them.
They both nodded, so he said, "Well, alright. Guess we're gonna be taking another trip to the library."
The girls both cheered.
"But until then, we can watch The Hobbit tonight if you would like. We do have Family Movie Night on Fridays. And Rosie, you're welcome to watch the movie with us."
"Where can we watch The Hobbit?" Otto asked Sabrina.
"We have a subscription with the parent company of our SmartTV. You can rent it or buy it on their website."
"Oh, well guess we have our movie for movie night!" he cheered.
Rosie giggled after taking her first bite of the stew.
"Otto, you really outdid yourself. This is really good."
"Thank you," he said with a genuine smile.
"You're welcome," she said before taking another bite.
"I suppose he used to spoil you too with his cooking."
"We would switch nights to cook, but when it was his turn. He always blew me away. I'm not surprised though. Maria was a wizard in the kitchen. She always had the best side dishes at my family's parties."
"Maria was close to your parents?" Sabrina asked Rosie.
"Oh, yeah. After his father died, she would come around all the time. We loved having her."
"How nice," Sabrina cooed.
"Sabrina," Rosie started. "I must say I love the way you decorated this home. Otto told me you picked out most of the decor and I'm impressed. Also I love the crushed flowers hanging on the walls in the guest room. It just takes me back to our old apartment and my old office at the university."
"I figured you would," she said. "We actually bought those for our old apartment when it was just us two. Otto told me how much you loved crushed flowers so I decided to get them since I love them too."
"My mother and I used to make scrapbooks of different flowers we would find around the yard," Rosie started. "I would pick them and show them to her before we would crush them and add them to the book."
"Small world," Sabrina chirped. "That's what I used to do with my grandmother back in Atlanta."
"No way!" Rosie chirped. "Well, now we have another reason why Otto fell for you."
"I guess so," she joked. "But wait, are you from NYC?"
"No, no. I'm from Rochester but moved to NYC when I got accepted to Columbia University."
"Oh, gotcha. I'm from Atlanta originally, but moved here to pursue my dreams of being on Broadway. Of course my dreams changed when I met Otto and especially when we had the girls, but I love my life. I wouldn't change a thing."
"Glad to hear it," Rosie said. "It's funny because my dreams changed too when I met Otto on those steps. I was planning on moving to Belfast and being a professor there, but then he knocked me off my feet with his science know-how and dorky smile."
"Am I that charming?" he asked before blushing.
"Don't flatter yourself too much," Rosie warned. "No one looks good with a big head."
"Fair," he moaned before taking a bite of his soda bread.
"Mommy," Mallory asked.
"Yes, Muffin?"
"Can Rosie stay with us?"
"Yeah, can she?"
"Well, I hope she can. Your father did set up the guest room all nice for her."
"Rosie?" Margaux asked with big puppy dog eyes. "Would you like to stay with us?"
"I would love to," she answered before looking at Otto. "I see she has your puppy dog eyes."
"Yeah, she's my little twin."
"Daddy, can she tell us a bedtime story tonight?" Margaux asked.
"Am I not good enough to read you a story anymore?" he asked with a whiny tone. "I thought you liked Story Time with Sailor Aubrey."
"We do, daddy," Margaux assured. "But we..."
"Margaux, how about this. What if Sailor Aubrey had a first mate? How about we have Story Time with Sailor Aubrey and First Mate Annie?"
"Anne is her middle name," Otto whispered to Sabrina, noticing her confused face.
"Yay! I like that! Can we do that, daddy?"
"Sure we can, Rosie Posie," he told her. "Thank you, Rosie."
"Of course. I hope you don't mind, Sabrina."
"Oh, no. I don't. I let Otto handle story time. I handle bath time."
"Okay, good. The last thing I want to do is ruin your groove."
"Oh, no, you're fine, Rosie. Thank you for being considerate though." 
"No problem," she said. "So what's for dessert?"
Jolly Ol' Saint Otto
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Imag'n Toy Boutique was not too far from their Chelsea townhome, so it was a quick, quiet drive.
Their parking lot was behind the building, so Otto slowly turned the corner and parked in the empty space next to the back entrance.
He got out of the car first, taking in the crisp cool air as his breath was first taken away in a wisp of cold smoke as he took a first.
His actuators, who were once out and free huddled next to his vehicle's heater, quickly tucked themselves tight inside his big coat, jittering from the cold sensation they were forced to feel.
And although Otto was freezing and shaking in his coat, he couldn't help but adore how adorable Sabrina's reaction was to the snow.
The whole ride there she was silently humming Christmas carols while watching the snow fall, making his heart skip a beat.
Slowly, he opened her door and helped her out. She giggled and twirled around in the snow fall after she was released making her cold husband laugh in delight.
Swiftly, he joined her before she ran over and hugged him. He tightly hugged her back, enjoying the fluffinest of her coat as well as her natural warmth before he remembered the task at hand.
"We should have a snowball fight," she cooed as they walked gloved hand and hand to the front entrance.
He chuckled and answered, "After we finish shopping. I think there's probably enough snow in the parking lot to do that."
"Okay," she happily chirped.
They didn't even manage to fully get through the front door before the owner jumped out from the back to greet them.
She had a very happy attitude with a big white smile to boot. Her very curly red hair was bouncing in the reintroduced wind that the open door brought while her blue-green eyes twinkled in the bright lights about her.
"Hello, welcome to Imag'n!" she cheered before she realized who was standing in her doorway.
It was like she lost her train of thought as she stared at her customers, immediately noticing the actuators popping out of the bottom of Otto's coat to enjoy the warmth from the store's heater.
She squealed and ran over to them.
"Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I can't believe you're in my store. I'm such a big fan, Sabrina."
"Oh," she chirped. "Would you like..."
"Yes!" she immediately answered before she took her phone out of her pocket. "I just want a picture."
Sabrina nervously giggled and replied, "Okay."
Flo moved over by them and picked up the woman's phone much to her surprise. Meanwhile, the others came over to observe her before Otto told them to come back by him.
Reluctantly, they obeyed and Flo was able to take the pictures in peace. She took three and then handed it back to the woman, but her claw stayed opened with a faint glow of yellow.
"Ooh, these are really nice," the lady chirped. "Who knew the tentacles were this good at photography?"
All of them screeched at her comment before Sabrina pet Flo's claw and corrected her.
"They're called actuators. They hate being called tentacles," she said before the other three came by her and pet her cheeks in response.
"Wow, they really like you," she observed. "Not that I should be surprised. I watch your podcast all of the time and they're always all on you."
"You're an Actuatually fan?"
"Am I? I started watching it after I saw you perform as Giselle. You were amazing. And honestly, you two make such a cute couple. Relationship goals."
"Thank you, I think," Otto responded.
Sabrina giggled.
"Oh, where are my manners?" she jokingly asked. "I'm Elinor Whittaker. But you can call me Ellie. I'm the owner of this establishment."
"Oh, we know," Otto remarked. "I read about your grand opening in the Post."
"Funny, I thought you would have said The Daily Bugle."
"I don't read that trash," he grumbled.
"Right," she moaned. "Well, I assume you're here for the little one. I heard the news. Congratulations. You two are gonna be wonderful parents. Now if you just follow me, I'll take you to the baby toys."
"Actually, we're here for..." Sabrina started before Otto stopped her.
He insisted that Elinor take them to the baby toys, despite Sabrina's look of frustration at him.
Elinor didn't notice though and led them to the back of the store nearby the many Lego building sets that were displayed based on difficulty.
The baby toys, which were on the adjacent wall, were displayed flawlessly with each type of toy being put in a certain place.
The sensory and teething toys were right in the center of a buyers focal point while the educational toys were to the right and the plushies and dollies were to the left.
But Otto's eyes lit up when he noticed a plastic toy boat that looked a lot like the one he had as a child.
However, he reserved his excitement until Elinor finally left them alone to browse.
After she left, Sabrina started to softly tease him about the fact that they weren't there to look for toys for Margaux. But he was so fascinated with the boat that he didn't even register her teasing.
Slowly he grasped it in his leather gloved hands and just took in the amazing craftsmanship of it.
Although it was just plastic unlike the wood carved one his abuela gave him decades ago, he still could admire the beautiful paint job reminiscent of his old toy.
He hypothesized that whoever made this really want to put a nice little touch on it.
Sabrina soon noticed his fascination and the little admiring twinkle in his eye, which made her warmly smile.
Leave it to Otto to find the simple, little things in life so intriguing, she thought.
But she did admire that about him as well though.
"Starlight, we should get this for Margaux."
"Octi, we came here to shop for..."
"I know, I know," he playfully huffed. "But I want our little girl to have a piece of my childhood."
"Piece of your childhood?" she asked curiously.
"I used to have a toy boat just like this," he happily explained. "But it was handmade...wood carved. My abuela made it for me. She painted it almost exactly the same."
"Your abuela was a woodworker?" she asked in a surprised tone. She knew that his mother, Maria, was half Spanish so the fact that he called his grandmother 'abuela' didn't confuse her, but what did confuse her was how fondly he spoke of her.
He rarely talked about his family other than his mother, but it was a welcomed info-drop nonetheless.
"Yeah," he said with a bright smile as he kept looking at the boat in his hands. By then the actuators also fully crept out of his big coat and admired it too, their lights glowing as pink as Otto's pale face.
"She was a woodworker and a potter. Her mother was gifted in the work of clay and her father was a carpenter. She was the third of five girls and my great-grandfather was afraid that he wouldn't have anyone to pass the skill on to. But she grasped it real fast and helped him at his shop until she met my Opa. He was on a European tour and they met at a Cafe. They fell in love and eventually moved here. My mother grew up not too far from here."
"You never told me that."
"It never came up," he said with a chuckle. "Maybe I'll show you on the way back home."
"I would like that," she replied. "So I guess you really loved that boat."
"I did. I took it every where I went when I was little. My Opa was an boating enthusiast. He had his own boat that he would take me on all of the time and we even participate in some boat races near the Hudson. We won a couple of tournaments."
"Hmm, so that's why you're so good with your hands," she hummed. "It was all in your hereditary."
He chuckled.
"Yes, well that and many summers with abuela and opa."
If you haven't seen my Dafoeverse WIPs and are interested in reading them, you can read them here.
Stay tuned for some Otto & Sabrina and Alden & Alice fics that I shelved until further notice. As well as my long-overdue WIP for Closing Time!
But until then, Happy Reading!
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spider-at-law · 1 year
I mean at least I can draw up two more contracts. That... that salubri is utterly insane.
TWO orphan childer officially theirs.
Utterly nuts.
... paid well though.
And I've got another job offer, money to the familgia of course. Some Tzi called Hector needs some basic work.
I know a test when I see one.
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Croazia tra cielo e mare
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photo10gallery · 6 years
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Buongiorno da Messina. 😁😘 #familgia #bro #brother #brothers #children #christmas #cute #dad #fam #family #familytime #father #friends #fun #happy #instagood #kids #life #love #mom #mother #photooftheday #related #siblings#sis #sister #sisters #smile #travel (presso Messina, Italy)
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hottesome · 4 years
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It's 4 PM somewhere... (jk I'm working... But from home.... hmmmm.....) ♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧ Happy Wine Wednesday!!!! ♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧ The Bodegas Bianchi line are some of my favorites... And this under $25 Malbec organic vegan friendly giant is always a winner in my book!!! Racy blackberries, ripe red fruit and all things spice and nice ♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧ Not sure if your wine is vegan friendly... check out Barnivore.com or which out to that winery and see if the can help you help all of us. Sharing is indeed caring❤ ♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧♧ #argentina🇦🇷 #bevmo #bevmoburbank #bevmoloveyoursummer #bodegasbianchi #eatdrinkvegan #empirecenter #familgia #happyhoursomewhere #humpday #onwednesdayswewearpink #organicgrapes #organicwine #sustainable #malbecwine #veganfriendly #veganfind #veganwine #veganwinelush #wakemeupwhenseptemberends #winelovers🍷 #yelpadventure #yelplife #yelpvegan (at Burbank, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE7Gs5bpCx8/?igshid=xwdpwz5uaehh
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patolemus · 3 years
Reborn: In how good of a mood are you in right now?
Tsuna: ... what did you do?
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My mom was saying ' you waste so much time on these photos' I said let me show you. I clicked her photo and edited it and after that she was like, it is okay can you take few more. She made me take 20 more. 😋😂😁 #mom #love #studiosession  #homestudio  #protools  #studiotime  #parents  #son  #parenting  #newborn  #dadlife  #photooftheday  #instagood  #beautiful  #cute  #picoftheday  #fam  #undefined  #grangpa  #familgia  #father  #photos  #photographers  #photograph  #photography  #pic  #photograher  #phitography  #undefined  #canonglobal https://www.instagram.com/p/BuDQ44iHZSc/?igshid=p4ubeut067v5
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silvioindian · 5 years
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Oggi con questo tempo una carbonara con un buon bicchiere c’è stava tutto ... #familgia #bro #brother #brothers #children #christmas #cute #dad #fam #family #familytime #father #friends #fun #happy #instagood #kids #life #love #mom #mother #photooftheday #related #siblings#sis #sister #sisters #smile #tagsforlikes #travel #vino #wine #carbonara (presso Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx7WzUjImYs/?igshid=cjtieaupb0tk
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saszyldyc · 4 years
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saerin-shits · 4 years
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Waaaah I like Eyepatch Hamelin butttttt I'd like to have a route with No eyepatch Hamelin! 😍😍😍😍😍 He look hot at both version xD
They did him dirty in each and every route from Ozmafia even in his own route :<
I kinda still feel bitter most especially after I played the grand ending and epilogue
-Spoiler Alert-
Epilogue explained what happened to Hamelin and why did he did those 'crimes' that he was accused of. However!! Those crimes have never been resolveddd!! How can I not feel bitter if I played the game expecting OzMafia have a really really good ending! And that's it??? They are now all happy?? Everything is back to normal?? Nooooo! Hamelin's life ain't back to normal! It's all Soh's fault and now I hate him. I feel disgusted that I pity Soh from his route.
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Screw it. I am creating my KHR OC's familgia entirely female. Well, the current one that is. The previous generation were a mixed of both genders. Yes, I will do something similar to how Giotto looks extremely similar to Tsuna. The only thing that is a huge twist is the first generation being mostly males, save for like one or two that are females.
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Una varietà di video sui gemelli 👉 #𝙔𝙤𝙪𝙏𝙪𝙗𝙚 #𝘽𝙧𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙖𝘿𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙖 Playlist GRAVIDANZA GEMELLARE A 360° #like #happy #followme #look #love #photo #photooftheday #selfie #familgia #children #family #familytime #friends #happy #kids #life #love #mom #smile #gemellini #allatamento #passeggiata #gravidanza (presso Parco Ducos) https://www.instagram.com/p/BppJWc2nJCf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11f5ybgi7wg18
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aroundtable · 4 years
Queste feste le dovremo necessariamente passare in famiglia  e non tutti hanno una famiglia di appassionati di giochi da tavolo, ho pensato quindi di consigliare alcuni giochi facili da imparare, ma non banali, che possano avere degli elementi STUZZICANTI. Ho organizzato in video in 3 fasce di prezzo concentrandomi su quella più bassa. PS non sto tentando di farmi crescere i baffi a tortiglione è che proprio quel baffo non voleva saperne di star giu! 
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