#family: firefam
military-newsboys · 1 month
Bobby: I keep a picture of all of us in my wallet. Whenever I face difficulties, I take it out and stare at the picture. The 118: Awwww- Bobby: And I tell myself "If I can deal with these idiots, then I can deal with anything." The 118: Oh.
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eddiespornstache · 1 month
I think actually ravi’s mom and dad should show up at the station one day and everyone is just baffled at how nice and normal they are. they’re happy to see ravi and they don’t belittle him and they’re interested in the little tour he gives them and they ask thoughtful questions and they’re polite to everybody and his mom compliments hen’s glasses and his dad tells eddie he looks like he could really swing a cricket bat and before they leave they both give ravi big hugs he has zero issue reciprocating and everybody except chim is like wtf? parents can do that? and chim is like, hmm they kind of remind me of the lees
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menace-behaviour · 3 months
*During a School Group Firehouse Tour*
Buck: *Holding a Fire Grenade* This here is my favourite piece of firefighting equipment. It's cal-
School Child: You've said that about every single thing you've shown us so far.
Buck: Said what?
School Child: That the thing is your favourite. You can only have one favourite thing. That's, like, the definition of "Favourite".
Buck: Says who? I can have more than one favourite thing. Anyway, as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. This is called a Fire Grenade. Despite its name, it actually stops fires when it explodes rather than starting them...
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kenneth-black · 4 months
Does it ever drive you crazy…
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…just how fast the night changes?
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deanturtle · 21 days
*Bucks Phone ringing*
Hen; Buck, it’s your dad!
Eddie; *Steals phone* That’s what you think, but I know Buck a bit better than that! *Answers phone on speaker.* Hi Captain.
Tommy; Thanks for the promotion Eddie.
Buck from the kitchen; Hey Tommy! *dries hands and takes phone from Eddie*
Eddie to Hen; You knew that wasn’t Bobby, didn’t you?
Hen; Tommy tells me EVERYTHING!
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evanzbuck · 1 year
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And they all can't wait to get back out there again. It takes a special kind of crazy to want to live this life.
THE 118 in 9-1-1 | 6.18 “PAY IT FORWARD”
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911 + Text Posts pt186/?
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meepmoopdraws2 · 3 months
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Buddie Aquarium engagement for @thequeenofcarvenstone
This is a prompt fill for the @911actions gotcha for 🍉 fundraiser. If you have the means to support go check it out and get some cool creative works in the process- this is the last week to do so!
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matan4il · 6 months
911 ep 704 first watch reactions
IDK if anyone else will talk about this, but Josh and Maddie were a great comedic start to this ep! XD Also. Interesting choice to give Josh, the currently only openly gay male character on the show, more lines again. Is it a reminder he's there, so he can be a part of Buck's journey later on? *eyes emoji* We'll see.
All of these pretty women (I should also mention that as a non-American, all the gasped, "It's Joey!" "It's you!" "It's me!" are missing me by a kilometer. Whoever Joey is, he's not Madonna yet, if you want me to get excited about him, 911, you're gonna have to give me a bit more than a single name), hitting on Buck and Eddie, and the ease with which both men turn them down... Sure, this is a part of the set up regarding Buck, and Eddie technically has an excuse, but also. Most straight, taken men would at least be tempted. They'd at least bite their lips with frustration. Have some reaction. But not Eddie. And when you remember that he was distinctly not taken in ep 204, but still had the same reaction to pretty young women hitting on him and Buck... I know this ep is all about celebrating the 'oh' moment of another guy, but that's not gonna stop me from rooting for Eddie to have similar realizations eventually (and get together with that certain other guy *cough*).
LMAO So, Buck is meeting up with the guy who's gonna be his sexual awakening, a man who's good looking, gave him a thrill already, is an impressive fighter pilot, and the first thing he can think of to say, is blurt out Eddie's name? LMAO Oh, this boy really is down bad...
Man, that bit where Tommy tells Buck he can have it both ways, he can get certified and continue to serve with the 118. Thanks for the beautiful foreshadowing, 911. Buck saying he's keeping his options fluid... Holy shit, the show really wasn't holding any punches back.
OMG, why is Harry old enough to be making Bathena waffles (and then turn out to be involved in an altercation)? I swear, he was still on baby formula just a second ago. How did 7 seasons just fly by!?
Buck getting jealous over Eddie and Tommy sparring. Considering the fact that Buck was the one getting all hot and bothered over semi-naked Eddie in the gym in 201, and ready to jump into a boxing match with him, this is making me wanna punch a wall myself. The symbolism in this ep is NOT very veiled. Add to that Eddie mentioning how he and Tommy met and just... clicked. In the same conversation that reminds us of Buddie' in 201's first meeting, where they clicked? (even though they were both too dumb to realize in what way) 911, just let me catch my breath for a second challenge! Also, Eddie is dating Tommy more intensely than he is Marisol? Okay. Duly noted. These firefighters are both so freaking hetero, I'm sure that's exactly what every casual viewer was telling themselves at this point. And poor Buck, getting his hopes up that Eddie is asking him when he's free, so they can go on a date themselves, only to be let down. Poor baby boy. But this feels like it's spelling out the answer to whether Buck's jealous over Tommy or Eddie. So, yay for Tommy helping him with his bi awakening. But it's clear who's really occupying Buck's heart and mind, and whose time he wants. FOR SIX FREAKING SEASONS NOW.
Oh, it's continuing, the show really is trying to kill me, having Buck complain to Maddie about how often Eddie has been seeing Tommy. The annoyance with how cool Tommy is, that's exactly Buck's reaction to Eddie in 201. So, if Buck and Tommy will then kiss, what does that say about what Buck didn't even realize he wanted to happen with Eddie back then, hmmm? I also love that Buck wants to be the cooler "dad's friend" in Christopher's eyes. That's his son, you can't take that away from him. And of course, Maddie was his first confidante about his feels for Eddie, she was the first one to call out his boy crush (in 204) and to hear Buck automatically think about Eddie, when he hears, "He's cute!" (in 206). It's so freaking right that she is now the witness to Buck's bi jealousy meltdown. I love her calling him out on it. "Is it circled with a heart around it?" Honestly, this is better than front row seats at the Bachelor mansion. I'm just disappointed in Chimney and his imaginary popcorn that he doesn't get to witness all of this firsthand and get what it means. Letting down all Bachelor fans out there, Chim. -_-
And then Buck's back in the gym, staring at Eddie, feathers ruffled. Am I going to make it to the end of this ep? Who cares? This is fantastic! XD He tries to catch Eddie's attention with the little weightlifting without a spotter stunt, and it's specifically him. Chim turned out to also be impressed by how cool Tommy is, but Buck is circling Eddie, like a clueless Jane Austen heroine, about to become a hit teen romance movie. Ravi falling for Buck's weightlifting attention trap is just getting in the way. Chim asking about Buck's weird basketball hugging session is nothing but a way to get to the ball game with Eddie. Okay, I'm at the point where I need to be chewing on imaginary popcorn.
Athena is one of the strongest characters on television, ever. Precisely because she's not just tough when she has to be, she has a heart, too. The scene where she told the woman she accidentally killed her own son was hard to just watch. IDK how she actually did that. I'm not sure if viewers who aren't moms get it, 'coz I didn't until I went with my sister through her pregnancy. Motherhood changes you forever. You feel your kid moving inside you. You bond with them in the most intimate way possible before they're even born. You go on a wild journey with them after, where every second counts, let alone every hour and every day, when they're hungry, when they're cold, when they struggle to sleep, when they finally do, when they take their first step, when they fail and fall... The love and protectiveness are something different to anything else in life. IDK how Athena, who gets all of this, managed to break the news to this mother, that she had unknowingly killed her own kid. I think to me, this has to be the most devastating scene in the entire history of the show. IDK if I'll be able to watch it again.
When basketball game scene starts, and Chimney knows something's up, I was already chuckling. But then Eddie sees them, and the first thing isn't expressing joy that his best friend is there, it's asking how did Chim talk him into this. "He always says no to me." They BOTH always talk about each other in romantic coded language, it's not just Buck, and in the same ep where we get bi Buck confirmed, that makes me froth at the mouth...
"So I'm your basketball beard. I feel so bonded." Not Chimney calling Buck out, while using the term for closeted gay guys using someone as a cover. I AM SCREAMING. Thank you, 911 gods!
That montage with Eddie and Tommy high fiving each other right in front of Buck's salad face, while their muscles glisten in the sun, and Top Gun-like music plays in the background, like the biggest nod to the volleyball scene from that gayest movie ever made, which we already had Buddie paraphrasing in 201. I am fine, this is fine. I love this burning kitchen I'm sitting in.
Buck causing Eddie's injury because of his jealousy (which again, is not about Tommy. He made an impression on Chim as well, who was screaming, "Buck, I'm open! I'm OPEN!") and not even getting to offer some help, because Tommy's already on it... I hope ABC is happy with their viewership dropping next week, because they've killed every Buddie shipper in the fandom.
"Well, I'm not a 14 year old girl..." Both Buck and Maddie together: "So stop acting like one." Love this scene, love these siblings, love that the reference with the two blonde Sarahs sounds platonic, but it's also from a past season on the Bachelor. 911 really wants you to know this is romantic, and Buck's going through a late sexual awakening in his 30's, instead of in his teens, even before he's able to see it.
So, the conclusion to Buck and Maddie's convo is that he needs to talk to Eddie, to make it better, yet the person he ends up talking to is Tommy, and that leads to the bi awakening kiss... It's a classic rom com switch, we hear a knock at the door, we expect it to be THE love interest, showing up at the right time, and it's someone else, making the protagonist's romantic journey so close, but about to get longer. It's further emphasized by a shot over Tommy's shoulder, in a way that he can easily be confused for Eddie, and which is reminiscent of moment when we saw Buck standing at Eddie's door, or both of them there toegther.
It was a nice talk, I loved Tommy saying he can't replace Buck, I def noticed how he went to talk about it in the context of Chris instead of Eddie (hmmm... I wonder why), but my fave part was how Buck glowed when he heard his son doesn't shut up about him. ^u^ He even took a second to look away from Tommy, to take it in with a huge grin. Then Buck and Tommy start warming up to each other, moving towards flirtation, and what comes out of Buck's mouth? "You don't have to tell me how great Eddie is." That's not how you flirt with a guy, Buck. I liked Tommy kissing him, and Buck not recoiling. Like he's always known on some level, but could never do anything about it. "That's better than fake mouth static." LOL The stuff that great romance is made of.
I'm SO happy Buck is getting this storyline of realization he's bi, I've thought it would be important and that the show has laid some groundwork for it since 107, and I don't mind that Tommy is the "romantic other" who helps him with it. I do believe this is important bi representation in and of itself, away from Buddie, and if nothing else ever comes of it, this is still beyond wonderful. In 2024, we still barely have any characters who start out presumed straight, and are allowed the freedom to figure out that maybe their sexual orientation is different than what they thought, despite the fact that in reality, human sexuality is complex and confusing and a mess. So this really matters to me, as a human being, and as a queer person. That said, I can't ignore the past 5 seasons, and the way this storyline played out, with Tommy kissing Buck, but the whole thing being emotionally centered around Buck's feelings for Eddie, it means that whether they go canon or not (and at this point, I find it hard to believe they'd make Buck canonically bi, taking this HUGE risk of homophobic backlash, and not go there with him and Eddie, but just in case they don't, I wanna say this), it'll always be Buddie for me.
Thank you for reading! If you're looking for more, you can find my s7 reactions tag here, and more of my Buddie meta and content in my pinned post. xoxox
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becausebuckley · 1 month
i’m just picturing buck’s scrapbook recipe binder <3 he starts by writing down what he remembers from bobby’s cooking lessons in his notes app, and when bobby notices he keeps asking for details, he jokes about writing it all down for buck and buck goes oh actually could you? so bobby does and buck collects those pieces of paper and keeps them so safe. and then at some point he buys a binder for them and begins adding printed recipes he found online, and cut outs from magazines, all stuff he’d like to try one day. when maddie finds out she contributes a couple of recipes she used to make for him all written in the glittery gel pen she used when she was younger. buck begins to add sticky notes with recipe modifications and reviews from people he cooks for. chris insists on adding his own commentary whenever buck makes something new for him. jee then wants to do the same so a few recipes have little drawings on them. hen and chim and everyone else hands buck a recipe at some point so it becomes a true family recipe book.
and eddie feels really bad about not contributing actually but he’s a horrible cook, he has no recipes, and when he gets better at it, all his recipes are from linda, and buck and linda set up a recipe exchange years ago. but he loves buck, buck is part of their family, and he wants so badly for that to be reflected in buck’s recipe binder. and then abuela finds out and the next time buck has dinner with the entire diaz family, she brings buck a stack of yellowed paper with spanish instructions on them, and tells them they can go in his binder and she expects him for cooking lessons every other sunday from then onwards. and that’s how buck learns not only the 118 family recipes, but also the diaz family ones <3
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military-newsboys · 2 months
Eddie: I’m done. I’m selling chris on eBay.
Buck: Don’t be silly, you made him.
Buck: Sell him on Etsy.
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coderooster · 6 months
Buck and Eddie in a secret relationship getting caught by a member of the firefam and getting them to promise not to tell the others…
Buck and Eddie in a secret relationship getting caught by another member of the firefam and getting them to promise not to tell the others…
Buck and Eddie in a secret relationship getting caught by a third member of the firefam and getting them to promise not to tell the others…
Buck and Eddie in a secret relationship getting caught etc etc…
Buck and Eddie in a secret relationship being so insatiable that every member of the firefam has caught them separately and promised not to tell the others…
Buck and Eddie realising their secret relationship is not so secret but finding it hilarious that no one has worked out everyone knows and just deciding to wait it out and see who realises (or breaks) first.
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menace-behaviour · 3 months
Buck: I think I’ve really started to fall in love with Tommy and I want to plan something special so he knows how I feel about him.
Eddie: You’re not planning another Hot Air Balloon joy-ride disaster, are you?
Buck: God no, but since you and Tommy get along so well, can you help me figure out a nice date for him?
Eddie: I mean the two of you could maybe just like take turns stabbing me… right in the gut. Just REALLY twist it in there. ‘Cause that honestly seems less painful than this conversation.
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kenneth-black · 4 months
I love how the finale ended right here with this hug. There were no more scenes after this. If you saw something after this, NO TF YOU DID NOT 🥰
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b0bbynash · 19 days
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eddiespornstache · 30 days
My season 8 opener predictions
Christopher: wow Grandma do you think it’s weird all the bees have vanished from El Paso? where do you think they went?
Bobby: Athena, it doesn’t matter to me what kind of house we live in, as long as we’re together. If this ugly-ass greige flooring is appealing to you then I guess I’ll have to spend my life never looking down and only looking into your eyes
Hen: this moral quandary of letting Councilwoman Ortiz perish in the beenado for everything she’s done to my family versus honoring my code of ethics as a paramedic firefighter and saving her is incredibly hard
Buck: please, Tommy, no! it can’t end like this with you dying in the wreckage of your chopper when I haven’t even tied you up to ride your fat cock like it’s my own personal toy even once!
Maddie: Howie, I had to listen to three people get stung to death today and I wasn’t able to do anything. How can I even face our daughter? How can I be a woman she’s proud to call ‘mom’?
Captain Gerrard: guess how many almost slurs I can say in one episode of 2024 network television?
Eddie: my mustache is sooo sexy. I’m gonna stare solemnly into the distance and think about how sexy I look
Ravi: *enjoying pto*
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