stubz · 10 months
I’ve read countless webcomics, manga, manhua, where there’s some rich noble house that can buy a whole flipping company without blinking an eye, will buy everything in a store, give diamonds and jewels as common gifts, etc. and every single time I wonder why isn’t there more stories out there about someone purposely trying to become a sugar baby
legit these lords and ladies, kings and queens, and demigods are just straight up sugar daddies and mommies
I normally want to be an independent person and live off my own money and stuff but reading these stories….screw that let me be isekai-ed into a magical world full of disgustingly rich people and get adopted or married or taken in by them and be given an endless budget
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sunset-a-story · 2 years
6 14 and 20 for the last ask game
- @vsnotresponding
Thanks so much for the ask, @vsnotresponding!
This is a fun game. Here's a link to it if you want to play.
6. Describe a trope present in your WIP.
Probably the most "it's been done to death but I can't help myself" trope in Sunset is two spies/intelligence agents becoming romantically involved with each other while both are involved in things/have the information they can't allow the other to know about. I mean, SolCorp has an intelligence department. I had to.
14. Which character from your WIP becomes the fan favorite?
Maybe Hannah? She's our Ace, nudist, sniper, empath who can also go invisible--hence the nudist thing. She gives precisely none-shits about what people think because she knows who she is and she's happy with that. She's caring but tough, funny, and you can always count her for a shady/snarky comment or to be the first to get into a confrontation. Special skill: Creative threats. example: “Reeve, if you don’t fucking accept his help I will put this machete in your body and not in the usual way.”
20. Describe an interesting headcanon fans would create for your WIP or OCs.
Ohhhh. Um. In Arc 1 (Sunrise), information about Reeve's past is sort of trickled in and I could imagine fans, if I had them, fleshing out his past and all the people in it and having a whole other story going on there from when he was younger. We also don't see a lot of years of him and his best friend happen on the page and I could def see people taking that and running with it in a shippy way.
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inbarfink · 1 year
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It is actually super thematically important that the Gumlee Subplot is, like, the Fluffiest Fluffy Coffeeshop AU in existence.
Because the whole universe-ending danger Fionnaworld faces is, like, to me it reads very much as a metaphor for the value of art and creative works that are self-indulgent?
Like, the whole Problem is that Prismo is not supposed to use his powers of Creation for his own personal enjoyment - he’s only supposed to use it to grant Ironic Wishes for others. Metaphorically, I think this is like a Creative making art for a studio or some other kind or employer, or for the sake of some specific audience or something. 
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And while Prismo found some creative fulfillment in his job, he also wanted to make something for himself, something private, something self-indulgent. And thus Fionnaworld was born. A personal creative project made with no other consideration but the artist’s own sense of fun and pleasure.
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Which is very appropriate considering how in the real world Fionna and Cake, while it grew into more than that, it was originally just the personal lil’ creative doodles of Natasha Allegri did for fun while she was working as part of the AT Crew.
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In the eyes of the Scarab, and apparently the greater cosmological laws that he enforces - the existence of Fionnaworld is an ‘abomination’. Prismo shouldn’t be allowed to use his powers of creation for anything but his designated role of creating for the sake of others. 
And it seems like the resolution of the whole Scarab and Prismo plot thread is going to be on some level a reinforcement of the value and importance of creative projects - or whole universes - that are born out of self-indulgence and a desire to have fun and nothing more. You know, maybe it's not the worst thing in the world for Prismo to do something for fun, Fionnaworld clearly grew into something more than just God's self-indulgent doodles... something like that...
So it seems only appropriate that our main representation of Fionnaworld once the plot kicks into gear, the thing that gives the viewers a face and a personal angle to the unfathomably monumental task of saving a whole universe - is a Fluff-tastic Coffeeshop AU. 
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In many ways the icon of silly indulgent fiction that exists just for personal pleasure. 
Especially as it contrasts against the generally much darker and grimmer ‘Authorized Universes’ we’ve seen.
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Of course, not everyone creating silly fanfics for just their own sake is gonna create peaceful low-conflict Modern AUs. I bet there’s tons of AT fans creating fanstuff for their own sakes that are going to make stuff that’s just as heavy and dark as Vampireworld or even Extinctworld. Sometimes self-indulgence looks like angst and pain.
Buuuutt, the Fluff-heavy fanfiction and Coffeeshop AUs are still associated with wish-fulfillment and self-indulgent fiction in a way that really feels thematically important. 
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brainbuffering · 2 years
An argument that regularly occurs within the discussion of accessibility in cinema, is that creators should not have limitations put upon them. If their creative vision requires Strobe effects to be used, then they should be used regardless of any adverse effects they may have on the viewer. 
Others before me have spoken about how the health and wellbeing of your audience should be more important than any artistic vision. However, I think something that is never noted is that creatives are already placed with strict limitations in the form of age certificate guidelines, and other broadcasting standards. 
Now, fair warning. I am going to use a lot of uncensored profanity here. If you are offended by slang terms that refer to the act of sex, genitalia, a person's moral/social standing, or any form of bodily fluid then you may wish to step away. 
"Cunt. Cunt cunt cunt cunt. Cuntity-cunt-cunt! I'll say it again you shit faced bastards! What is up with all these mother fucking cunts, on this mother fucking cunt ass plane?" is a phrase that beloved merc-with-a-mouth Deadpool is not allowed to say. The rating of the series doesn't matter. The nature of the character doesn't matter. The fact that, objectively, nothing of true offence to any individual beyond the realm of fiction has been said; doesn't matter. The words used are deemed as offensive by the society in which we live in, and so the producers and editors have decided to place limitations on the writers. 
British Swear-tastic Political Comedy "The Thick of It" famously had to carefully count the number of cunts and fucks in order to meet with "broadcasting standards". This limited their actors ability to improvise more effectively, and led to scenes being forced to be cut or heavily edited in post production. Yet nobody ever questions whether the limit on swearing was unreasonable even though it was fundamentally detrimental to their creative process. 
These may seem like some extreme examples, but one must remember that this applies to all cinematic media. It does not matter that a depressed, middle aged Peter Parker would be perfectly at home letting our a quite "Ahhhh fuck." when he drops his pizza on the floor, because Spider-Man films need to be rated PG-13 in order to maintain sales. This policing of language does limit the ways in which a character is allowed to express themselves, and the sort of stories that are therefore allowed to be told. However the majority of fans deem it perfectly reasonable and acceptable. It does not cause outrage in the same way that suggesting a PG-13 film does not contain Strobe effects heavy enough to send someone to hospital. It would appear that society has deemed the word “Fuck” worse than a Seizure. Peter Parker cannot say fuck in order to protect viewers, he can, however, bombard them with deadly strobes. 
And why is this? What is it about our society where we have deemed it more traumatising for a 14 year old to hear the word "cunt" than it is for them to have (or even witness) a seizure? I can assure you, from personal experience, that seizures have caused far more long term damage to my brain than the word "cunt" ever has. 
Cinematic Limitations are not just put down to language though. Blood shed is also something that is carefully monitored during ratings. If one watches the extended edition of "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies" one will note significantly more blood shed during the extended sequences! A level that is far more realistic than what was shown in the original. This is because the cinematic release needed to be a 12a, whereas the Extended BluRay was allowed to be a 15. The creators had to work around creative limitations that were put in place to protect their viewers' sensibilities. 
Of course standards for these things differ across nations. Other recent examples of this include films such as "Demon Slayer: Mugan Train". Demon Slayer is a Japanese animated film based off of a comic aimed at young boys, and as such was given a PG12 rating in its home nation. However, in the UK it was rated as 15 due to "Strong Violence" including "strangling, slashings and stabbings with bladed weapons, dismemberment and decapitations which result in extensive blood spurts and other forms of bloodshed." The US release was given an R Rating for similar reasons, although it is perhaps important to note that whilst in the UK the film was not allowed to be seen by anyone under the age of 15, in the US a child could still go see the film so long as they had adult supervision. 
Yet it is also interesting to note that whilst Japanese Society considers fantasy levels of blood shed to not be a problem for their children to watch, they do have some of the strictest photosensitivity laws for broadcast TV. This is as a direct response to the infamous "Pokémon Incident" where 685 children from across Japan were taken to hospital after suffering from seizures following an episode of the Pokémon anime in 1997. “Electric Soldier Porygon” has hence been banned from ever being broadcast again, and the titular Porygon has never been seen in the anime since. Even though the trigger for the seizures was Pikachu’s attacks, not Porygon’s. #PorygonWasInnocent. 
Most fans consider this a reasonable response to children being put in danger by a TV Show! Indeed, when people watch the episode on YouTube (some things simply refuse to stay lost) folks tend to agree that the lighting effects were incredibly severe and TV Tokyo were right to ban the episode. Yet in 2018 (over a decade after Electric Soldier Porygon Aired) when Pixar also caused children to have seizures in the cinema during "The Incredibles 2" the film was not pulled from screenings or revised, and anyone who suggested it should be was met with volatile abuse from so-called-fans claiming that if their creative vision involved strobe effects, then those strobe effects should be allowed to stay in, no matter how many children might be hurt in the process! 
Interesting to note, too, is that the version of the film that aired in the USA was in actual fact illegal to broadcast in the UK due to the potentially deadly nature of the strobe effects, and so an altered version had to be shown. This version still came with an official warning (as is legally required in the UK) but was at least deemed not as likely to cause seizures in those who do not usually suffer from photosensitive seizures. What this tells us, is that Pixar had a version of the film that they could have easily re-distributed to theatres but chose not to. 
Pixar easily accepted limitations on their films in terms of language and violence in order to protect the moral/mental well-being of their audience, but drew the line at anything that would actually protect their physical well-being. 
You may find yourself reading this and agreeing with the certificate ratings. You may think that the words such as "shit", "fuck", and "cunt" shouldn't be used in media aimed at under 15s. That an excessive or realistic depiction of blood and violence has no place in superhero films that are naturally going to appeal to children! And yet, in my experience, the same people who have these views do not expand them to the use of strobes. Any time the mention of films such as “Into The Spider-verse” should not include strobe effects, a plethora of people will rise up to tell you that you are wrong and terrible and bad for daring to suggest such limitations be put upon cinema! Yet as demonstrated above, these films must already undergo limitations in order to be shown to mass audiences. If the creators wanted total creative freedom, they would keep themselves to small indie productions supported by Kickstarter. Yet when a film is made for a mass market, then it must accept those mass market limitations, especially if they wish for their film to be watched by a younger audience. 
Because, at the end of the day, whilst I may be forced to hear again and again that not all animation is for children, a coming of age movie about a teenager attending a brand new high school is, fundamentally, going to be aimed at people under the age of 18. A.K.A. Children. It is also important to note, that the age in which a person is most likely to experience their first seizure is between the ages of 13 and 18, the exact age range that these films are deemed safe for in terms of emotional and mental wellbeing. 
Now, I am no parent, but if given the choice between my child hearing Peter Parker call Green Goblin a "Little Shit", or having to hold my child's limp hand as I desperately prayed for them to wake up after suffering from a seizure, I know which I would rather. 
I’m not calling for a complete rehaul of cinema certification here. I’m not advocating for more swearing, or more bloodshed. I simply believe that if certificate ratings exist to provide guidance to parents and the rest of the general public about what to expect from films, and what society decides is and is not safe for children to consume, then their physical as well as mental health should be taken into consideration. 
And if you are reading this, and still find that a production company including the word "cunt" in their film is more offensive than that film causing someone to have a Seizure, then I have terrible news for you. I think you might be just a tad bit ableist. And that maybe, you, and vast portions of the western film industry, need to start addressing that problem. Before it becomes too late, and the voices of photosensitive people are lost to cinema forever. 
For, at the end of the day, if we cannot go see these films, how can we be inspired by them?
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olderthannetfic · 1 year
Anon from 722398181104795649 again about YA as a G-D and it's failure(s). Your response is really interesting because it definitely aligns with the market research I've had to do over the last 3-ish months for work. Adult YA readers want YA to skew older superficially as escapism from the woes of adulthood (It's like someone who orders a pasta with broccoli in it because they appreciate the flavor it brings, but they have no interest in actually eating their vegetables). Teenagers feel alienated by the G-D that is meant for them no longer allows them to confront said woes with honesty or maturity for their age to prepare them for adulthood or discussing broader ideas. More teenagers skip over YA altogether or just reader adult genre fiction with some Middle Grade fiction mixed in because the teenagers feel in MG, there's still an honesty to the stories that they can understand, having once been young children. In short: teenagers think YA books are talking down to or patronizing them.
The result is YA authors pushing for NA, New Adult, as a G-D, which hasn't taken off within tradpub outside of romance circles. Mostly, because what they're pushing for is already an established genre for around a century: campus novels--books about characters 18+ who are entering college, establishing independence, beginning to explore sexuality and enter the workforce, etc. But, again, YA adult readers refuse to engage with adult genre fiction because there isn't the facade of protection from adult themes or topics, and there's an aggressive refusal among many agents in literary fiction (and some adult genre fiction) to encourage authors to sanitize their stories. YA authors began attempting to cross over into adult genre fiction with mixed, but overwhelmingly negative, results, as they cannot shake the stigma of writing YA. And the genre fiction crowds they want to appeal to have higher standards, typically, than the average YA writer is able to meet. YA authors then complain about the differences in publishing YA and genre adult fiction. It's like when MCU actors and directors get upset when prestige film directors don't consider MCU movies to be "cinema."
This is fascinating.
I pretty much missed the YA boom (slightly too old, not paying attention, etc.), so I've mostly encountered YA through its worst evangelists of the Hunger Games knockoff era, and often a good bit after their favorite books were at their height.
As I've said before, this really strikes me as that pattern where something is big when you're at a formative age, and it becomes the Normal Default to you.
I'm sure some of it is refusal to engage with adult nuance, but I'll bet a lot of it is resistance to leaving the name of YA behind. People spent so much time defending this niche that they started believing their own rhetoric about it being the only place the good queer stuff was or the feminist stuff was or whatever. They identified really strongly as A YA Fan. It's hard to let that go.
And if you don't remember much about pre-YA boom publishing, the fact that all that YA-tastic Mercedes Lackey stuff was filed under fantasy, not YA is completely obscure. The places you find stuff you'd like that aren't called "YA" are not obvious. The fact that YA in its boom era form isn't universal and eternal is not obvious.
I think people are waiting for their Cool Era of their early 20s to return and for the things they think should always be in fashion to come back... Like everyone else aging ungracefully, they may be waiting a while.
Gotta say, every New Adult book I've been shown sounds like a hideously boring contemporary romance that would probably make a good coffee shop AU against a backdrop of a canon that's dark or magical but that isn't really pulling its weight even if you like contemporaries.
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okay well, idc what you think, you and your friends still suck. magnus is my least favorite because he’s so fucking dry and acts like he’s 11 so get a life.
If you don't care what I think why are you in my inbox bruh????
Magnus is literally the main character, and both in-character and out they're a lovely person, so screw you. You don't have to like them, but don't cyberbully, you worthless, pathetic little creature
I have a life! Hi, my name's Chou, I'm a 15-year-old college student who runs several groups at my school, plays violin and piano, speaks 4 languages, and writes fiction, specifically over 300,000 words across several projects since last August! I have a dog and friends online! If you need someone who doesn't have a life, get up from the couch in your mom's basement, go upstairs, and take a look in that mirror that your parents probably fucked in front of!
Have a fan-fuckin-tastic day, and I hope you rot!
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re-dracula · 1 year
I also first started listening to audiodramas bc of Re:Dracula and then went looking for more bc youre doing such a fan(g)tastic job; i loved Victoriocity and The Bright Sessions, do you have any similar recommendations? ^^
Sure do! I think you'd enjoy @starsfellradio and @greaterblogston, two titans of audio fiction!
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pinespittinink · 2 years
1 and 5 for the fan-tastic ask
What kind of readers would be fans of your WIP?
People who enjoyed The Night Circus, definitely (i hope). People who like weird~ fiction, and aren't afraid to have fantasy in speculative fiction. Fans of Amberlough, maybe. Readers who like puzzles, who aren't afraid to not understand everything. People who love sensory details. People who love theater. People who want casual queer rep in their fiction. 5. Assign your WIP an astrological sign.
ohOOHOHOHO TGGT would be an Aquarius. I considered a Leo, because you know, theater and drama and glitter and all, but really TGGT is a Weird Story, and Aquarius is a weird sign. Also frequently socially awkward, which Morgan the protagonist is.
🎉 fan-tastic ask game 🎉
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cwritesfiction · 2 years
For the ask game: 19: You attend a convention and see someone cosplaying one of your OCs! How are they dressed? and 6. Describe a trope present in your WIP.
Oh snap, I missed this one come in! Answers are for It's in the Cards.
19: You attend a convention and see someone cosplaying one of your OCs! How are they dressed?
I've answered 19 a couple other times and those answers are still valid, but I've just realized - to my complete horror - that someone else could dress as Not Garfield, the Garfield-knockoff who serves as the fictional town's mascot.
6. Describe a trope present in your WIP.
HA, I guess in a way this is a workplace romance? There are also spins on certain tropes - for example, in the chapter I'm about to revise, the characters pretend to be mutually pining for each other to try and guilt some old ladies into tipping them better...except they really are mutually pining for each other. Fake not dating? Is that anything?
FAN-tastic ask game
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@abstractreign​ inquired: what genre do you most enjoy, whether in roleplay, or fiction as a whole? (fantasy, period, superhero, etc.) !!
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Questions for Mun—No Longer Accepting
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|| Oh, DEFINITELY fantasy XDD Fantasy and dystopian, and omg fantasy-dystopian stories are FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC!!! I love a good journey, especially if it’s to fix a wrong in society. BUT it’s hard to write dystopian-style threads in roleplaying, so I stick a lot to fantasy if I can~ XDD I also love romantic stories tbh~ Whether it be when reading books or when writing LOL!!
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teepussilakana · 5 months
watched something rotten with my mom (the musical translated to swedish) and its FAN TASTIC
its giving horrible histories but its historical fiction
and insanely catchy
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rutadales · 6 months
14 and 28
14 last thing you ate?
still cheesecake. Yum yum
28 favorite book?
also it's maybe one of the only peices of science fiction where botony isn't a huge joke, like Mark watney being a botonist saves his life. it's great go read the Martian the movie just does not do it justice. Focuses too much on the spectical and not enough on what made the book so good, which was looking at the human condition and coming away hopeful.
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xqueerneurosisx · 2 years
No need to respond to this by the way, but I wanted to point out that the original and more correct meaning of proship is simply a person who wants to advertise that they are in favor of shipping, aka they have a "ship and let ship" attitude and don't think people should engage in harrassment. People with self admitted problematic ships are more likely to be proship for obvious reasons (to not be hypocrits), and antis like to confuse the issue by conflating the two, and in general there is a lot of confusion and misinformation out there even among people who are proship.
Being neutral is cool actually. No need to reblog this - stepping into the mess tends to attract people like me who crave discourse lol.
Heyo, I am late because of IRL shit, and I appreciate your concern, but I’m not going to ignore you just because you, or anyone else that finds this wants to open some discourse lmao! If I didn’t want these things I wouldn’t have anon turned on in the first place, my mystery pal! XD
So, for information’s sake, I’m well aware of what I’m doing here. It’s why I made this blog separate from my main. This blog is my separate space FOR discussions like this! There’s no need to worry. Discourse to your heart’s content here.
As for your takes: believe me, I know. Yeep, I was here on tumblr just having fun in the Naruto fandom when the fire nation attacked antis brought their bullshit over here from that website they tried to “scrub clean,” or whatever you want to call it. I know they literally started it by calling themselves anti specific ship names within fandoms first, and I know why and where it lead others to start using the term Proship.
The only two things I would say a little bit differently than you here is:
1) There’s one reason Proship will always differ slightly with each person who uses the label, which has nothing to do with antis lying or twisting words: different people have different interpretations of the fiction they’re applying the term to. Not that the main concept of “ship and let ship” changes much from that, but when you interpret the characters you’re looking at differently than another person who says they’re proship, then you’re going to have slightly different ideas on how TO “ship and let ship,” ya get me? That’s always going to happen, so it might be more helpful to ask “What does proship mean to you?” Instead of just looking for a definition in the most literal way, because you won’t actually find one in the first place.
2) The only thing you have to be careful with when being neutral, on something like this is: you have to make sure that you don’t make it equal being complacent. You can say “I’m neutral” all day, but you’re playing right into the anti side of things, if you look the other way when you actively HAVE the ability and the spoons to report harassment. And that’s not neutral at all. Yeah yeah, and you know I’m not talking about staying away from the dog piles for your own safety and health here. That’s a given.
All this to say, yeah I agree with you, but there’s still a couple of things to keep in mind when coming at these topics. Have a fan-fucking-tastic time of day! ✌🏻
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pinkmoonlily · 2 years
Atomic Anna
Author: Rachel Barenbaum Page count: 449 Rating: 4 / 5
My rating: 5 / 5
'' Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should ,,
This book. Was. So. Freaking. Good. Oh my god.
I started it about two weeks ago, but had to take a break because EW's Encyclopaedia of Faeries came in, and that one had a sooner return date. Also, when I first started Atomic Anna, I wasn't that into it. I didn't really vibe with the writing style; there's nothing wrong with it, it's just not a style that I usually prefer. However, after taking a break for a few days to read EW's EOF and coming back, I got SO. HOOKED. I was at about 35% completion on Friday morning, and I read all the way until 90% completion by the end of the day. I so badly wanted to finish it, but I was so tired I couldn't keep my eyes open. I finished it Saturday morning, and immediately told everyone I know how fan-fucking-tastic it was, and recommended it to all my bookworm friends.
It took some time for me to really appreciate the way the story was being told; I think I had trouble getting through the beginning because I found Molly to be absolutely insufferable as a child. I can sympethize with her in some ways, in her desire to be treated as an adult and make her own decisions as she grows up. The difference, however, is that my parents never held on too tightly like hers did. Mine never questioned my choices or tried to steer me onto a different path like hers did. And as a result, I never felt the need to act out or grasp freedom in anyway possible. Molly did. It really was such an interesting and heartfelt experience watching her move through life, making many, many, poor decisions in a desperate attempt to control her own life. And then seeing Raisa grow up, how different she is from Molly and how similar she is to Anna. One of the key elements of this story is each character's interaction with her mother; how Anna held on to so much anger and resentment for what she percieved as her mother leaving her for something more, how Molly idolized Anna and fought so much against Yulia as a maternal figure in her life, how Raisa resents her mother for the decisions she's made, but can't help but love and want to help her despite it all. These feelings built the plot-behind-the-plot of this story, and form the cornerstone for the decisions made throughout the novel.
Also, just in general, historical fiction is awesome. This novel takes us back and forth between Germany in the 40's, the Soviet Union in the 50's and 60's, and the USA in the 70's, 80's, and 90's. We see the Nazi occupation in Berlin, and the affects of WWII on the USSR, the meltdown at Chernobyl, the fear of nuclear war in the USA in the 50's; all intertwined with time travel. Another reason I loved this book so much: I'm a huge sci-fi nerd. I'm admitting it. I loved all the science and math in this book, the discussions and theories on gravity and light and energy and how it all connects. All of this, told through the lens of three generations of women's lives; it's a fucking masterpiece. I love the way that time travel allows us to bounce back and forth between what Anna is doing in the future, to seeing how Molly's life is developing, to moments of Anna's past in Berlin, to Raisa back in the future. Each time Anna jumps, we see how things developed in the new timeline she's created; we get glimpses of what was and what is and what will be. And in the end, we see that time is cyclical (which is one of my absolute favorite theories when it comes to time travel), and that everything that will happen, already has. If you see an event happen in the future, you think that every decision you make is putting you on a course to either realize or avoid that event. But in the end, it was you seeing that event and making those decisions that led you to that moment in the first place. There's no way to avoid it, because time is a circle.
Anyway, enough theories. As amazing as it was, I'm not sure this is a book I'll read again for a long while, just because it was long and emotional and chock full of heavy science. But it has definitely earned a spot on my Favorite Books list.
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what-the-fang · 2 years
Not sure if anyone else can relate, but I feel like I'll know I've made it as an author if people start writing fanfics of my work. Even when I was just a little baby writer way back in my gross teen years and I was way more into writing fanfic myself, that was always the dream: that one day I'd get published and eventually I'd stumble across fics of my own novels and get to be amazed at all the weird theories and ships and crack!fics people come up with. It just feels like such a strangely heartwarming thing to know that you've creates something that resonates with readers in such a way that they want to continue creating stories about your characters or in your world.
...But of course, the downer flipside of this is growing up and realizing that even if I do get published and famous enough that my novels inspire fics, I will likely never even be able to so much as sneak a peek to satisfy my curiosity due to real-life legal and ethical implications. And I'll probably never be able to write the wackiest crack-tastic fics under a pseudonym. I mean, not that I ever actually would, but a girl can dream about being a total chaos gremlin even if I never act on it... right?
And I don't mean to sound like I'm under any illusions that I'm such a talented writer that I will ever inspire fan fiction lol. But I can't be the only one whose dreamed of that one day happening, right? But if it does happen and I never get to read any of it, I still just think it's the ultimate form of flattery to inspire others to let their imaginations run wild (you know, besides being paid a livable wage for practicing your art; that's the real pipedream right there haha). All I'm saying is that if I ever do "make it big" one day, there better be some buckwild fanfics of my books out there... just don't tell me about them. ;)
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shadowsndaisies · 4 years
Not sure why this popped into my head, but wouldn't it be funny if NG knew Billy Batson in the Misplaced episode? Like he shows up in the HQ, sees NG with the rest of the YJ team and NG's just like, "Yo, Billy what's up? I said I was coming on Tuesday ok?!" The team being so confused but turns out NG babysits him sometimes and knows of his super identity. Super random, but just thought that'd be kinda funny.
while I find this completely hilarious, unfortunately in the way I have the story set up right now I can't do it. But that's not to say we won't see something like this in the future. Hint hint.
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