#fandom & fanfiction &tc
graysonmustdie · 3 months
I might start writing fanfiction
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nostalgia-tblr · 5 months
lukewarm take but i blame all those "every oneshot shoved into a single work, showing up in every search forever more" compliations on people who talk about fics being "just a oneshot" and similar statements that imply anything less than novel-length is a silly, pointless piece of nonsense that does not deserve its own post with its own tags and its own summary.
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sordidbask · 3 months
My thoughts on the announcement of Life is Strange: Double Exposure
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I'm going to preface this by saying I am incredibly conflicted about this title.
On the one hand, I am excited beyond belief that a new Life is Strange is coming and that MAX CAULFIELD HERSELF IS COMING BACK. The OG, the protagonist, the hippie photographer, the main character we fell in love with all those years ago. Her return to the franchise is something the fandom has been asking for (with varying degrees of toxicity) ever since Life is Strange 2 was announced back in 2016-2017. In the middle of all the fanart and the fanfiction, we always thought a new Life is Strange with Max and Chloe was an impossibility and that was something we had to come to terms with for years. Past Sordidbask had resigned himself to a timeline where any piece of LiS media featuring Max and Chloe outside of the first game was only possible in fanworks and too troublesome to bring to canon. Not anymore, biatch. I am one of the Bae over Bay supporters but that ending was noticeably lacking in development and felt way too open-ended to give any sense of resolution to a storyline that spanned five chapters and dozens of different choices. As such, seeing her return (even in a brand new unrelated story) is the perfect opportunity to tie up loose ends from the first game and to see how Max has evolved as a CHARACTER given everything she went through in the original and to which exciting new places will Double Exposure take her.
This leads me to my main gripe with this new chapter in Max's life: Deck Nine.
Not gonna lie, when I watched the trailer and saw their logo instead of DONTNOD's, my initial excitement at seeing Max (once again voiced by Hannah Telle, let's go!) died down way too much. Beats me why DONTNOD has given up on their baby franchise but whatever reason it may be, Deck Nine is now at the Life is Strange helm. If it were up to DONTNOD, the franchise would have ended with Life is Strange 2. That said, comparisons are ugly but clearly DONTNOD's titles are superior to Deck Nine's.
Life is Strange 1 and 2 and even Captain Spirit, for all their flaws are more cohesive, well thought out and overall charming stories with more interesting characters than True Colors or Before the Storm (and at least some choices matter at the end of LiS 2, that can't be said for LiS 1, TC or BtS).
And I don't mind Deck Nine doing their own thing in this universe (True Colors) but them taking a fan favourite and a loved by all character from its original creators and from the place we initially met her scares me way too much. I don't mean to say they will ruin Max's character because that would be unfair but Deck Nine's games always seem to follow the same formula, a lackluster murder mystery where our choices ultimately lead up to a binary choice at the end. I guess I am terrified that D9 is hyping up Max's return after so long only to 🤡 us and put her in a lazy, drab, boring or uninteresting place.
To be honest, the most exciting part about that trailer was Max and Hannah. I did not care for this new friend character that gets killed off or any other D9 character for that matter at ALL. That may be unfair but given D9's track record with unremarkable, unimpressive and not bold enough stories, I have come to expect very little of them (other scandals not withstanding).
I can't help but wonder, since Max is going to use her powers again, is this going to be another time-travel story? Does D9 know how to pull those off? DONTNOD showed masterclass storytelling regarding time travel and it's consequences developing the themes brilliantly and with the amount of tragedy, inevitability, heartbreak and acceptance these stories always carry. That was imprinted all over LiS 1 and it's characters, Max's power was an ironic echo of her character flaw, she couldn't move on, she was nostalgic, she lived in the past. Her power is who she was in LiS 1 and I'm very interested to see how will Max using her powers again be handled in Double Exposure character-wise, story-wise and theme-wise.
Regarding Max's design, it's okay. I think people overreacting saying it doesn't look like her and calling her ugly are just trolling. She does resemble Steph more this time around. Deck Nine's style has already worn me out (this game looks too much like True Colors) where I wanted to see an improvement to the engine or even a brand new style, more handcrafted and more akin to the lighting in a bottle style and charm that LiS 1 had.
I believe it all comes down to that, the lighting in a bottle that was LiS 1 and Max with which we fell in love that I'm afraid D9 may not be able to live up to.
Regarding the elephant in the room: Where's Chloe? I'll choose to believe Deck Nine is keeping their cards close to their chest and not showing anything remotely associated with Chloe until the game releases because if they don't fear success, they will find a way to incorporate Chloe into this story in a way that feels essential, important and coherent to Max's character development as well and not just an afterthought or a cameo/mention when looking at an item. All of this taking into account all the theories we're seeing regarding the "parallel timelines", the Double Exposure title and the binary choice at the end of LiS 1.
If they don't mention or include Chloe at all, it would be a gigantic wasted opportunity and personally, a game-killer for me.
All of this makes it seem like I'm just spewing pessimism. But I want to be excited for this title, I love seeing everyone happy and glad Max is back and I love seeing how passionate and loving this community can be (mostly) every time a new chapter is announced for this little franchise that has changed our lives. I love Max, I love Chloe, I love this franchise and these characters.
If D9 is the only reason we are getting new Life is Strange games with our beloved characters in the first place then I am grateful to them but I won't settle for anything less than this franchise and these characters deserve. The bar set by the first game:
A rich, well crafted, engaging and meaningful story with deep and charming characters and themes that resonate in the audience. A memorable installment.
Not another stab which is uninteresting, unremarkable and forgettable but with Max as the MC.
D9 can choose which they want to make but by including Max they sealed their fate and are now forced, OBLIGATED to make the former option. This game may be superior to True Colors, I want it to be so much more than True Colors was and I hope D9 are able to pull it off.
Max and Chloe deserve it.
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Thanks for reading.
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jillvalentineismother · 5 months
Okay, I get that fanfiction is public and anybody can read it. I understand reading something out of curiosity, but why in the hell are people who claim to hate KC so much concerned about what kind of friendships we like in fanfic? Why do y’all care so much that we like Marcel and Rebekah becoming friends with Caroline? Literally, why are y’all so mad that some people like to write caroline getting accepted by klaus' siblings as Klaus’s partner and a friend of their’s because y’all think that it’s “unrealistic for the originals to become friends with her” and *insert character* “makes sense” according to y’all.
It’s not even funny at this point. It’s just getting pathetic. Y’all have so much hate and vitriol for a fictional couple that didn’t even end up together let alone could get to the stage of them being a couple. And the only reasons why they weren’t allowed to get into that stage was because Julie hated klaroline and the fandom. So why are y’all still beefing with this ship? It’s been ten years motherfuckers. Damn. Get the fuck on.
And y’all do the same to elejah shippers. I don’t even ship elejah but the fact that y’all like shit on shippers for shipping it is so lame. And what’s even more funny is if somebody say something negative about ck, kh, tc, or sc then y’all would have thrown a damn tantrum and accuse people of being something ridiculous.
Keep your pretentious asshole cards, I don’t care. But it’s making y’all look pathetic and bitter at this point. Deadass.
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oh-no-another-idea · 1 year
7 snippets 7 people VI
Thanks for the tag, @lyssentome! Have some pieces of my Six of Crows fanfiction idea. :)
The little boy that had been sitting on a bigger dreg’s lap to watch a game scampered over. In the low lamplight, Kaz turned and he saw himself, nine and stupid, gazing up at a particularly flamboyant magician. Then he blinked, and Anders’ dark eyes and tousled hair faded back to normal.
Kaz needed to kick that kid out before he grew any more and Kaz started seeing Jordie’s ghost again. “Anders, tell Anika to leave me alone.”
Inej’s familiar loops and crossed Ts greeted him.
Dear Kaz, she wrote, always Kaz, and nothing else. He’d once asked her if she didn’t believe names had power and should be used sparingly. “Names do have power,” she’d said, and nothing more.
“Relax.” Kaz flashed a shark’s smile to mess with him, and then studied the burnt orange marigolds spilling in through the open windows. “I’ve got three questions. One, if Kocerski’s spring extravaganza is still scheduled for Tuesday, and if you’re going?”
Wylan looked up from under his curls. “Is that all crammed into question one, or is that both?”
“That’s the first question.”
“Will Inej be staying at the Slat? Or shall I have a room made up here?”
Wylan was going to get too clever for his own good if he wasn’t careful. Kaz let his cane click loudly on his way to the door. “My word still holds some sway over the dregs,” he said, doorknob cool through his gloves. “I can have you dumped in a canal if you’re not properly respectful.”
“You could try,” Wylan agreed amicably, and when Kaz glanced over his shoulder, there was a small smirk on the merchling’s face. “But I can swim.”
Jesper stood and started pacing, his boots running a worn path from the window to the door and back again. How many times had Kaz stretched out his leg and watched Jesper expend his nervous energy on the poor wooden boards of his office?
Jesper held up a hand. “We’re not going to address the elephant in the room?” He waited until Anders turned respectfully towards him and demanded, “You think Anika is more frightening than Kaz Brekker?”
“Anika isn’t nice,” Anders said in the classic nonsense philosophy of children. Honestly, Kaz was going to throw them all out one of these days. “Goodnight, Kaz, I hope your leg feels better too.”
It was funny, the way the gloves were a tell. Put them on, scowl just right, and crowds would be screaming bloody murder about how they’d met Dirtyhands in a dark alley and only just escaped with their necks. Take them off, no one was the wiser. Kaz would’ve been insulted, if he didn’t think it was so funny.
🎲No pressure tags: @lavender-laney @writingmaidenwarrior @tc-doherty @the-stray-storyteller @inkstaindusk @enchanted-lightning-aes @outpost51 @thegreatobsesso @jasmineinthenight @late-to-the-fandom @avrablake and anyone else who'd like to share!
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jackie-the-obscure · 1 year
OK, so I thought I'd ask about your first impressions of reading the Charioteer (if you can remember) and whether anything changed for you on a re-read? Do you think knowing the ending makes a difference to how we read the book? Like we know more about Ralph the second time round?
Thank you for the question! ☺️
For my first time reading it, I think I was just moved by the fact that it was an LGBTQ+ book as I have never read one before. And then as the novel went on, I, like everyone, fell in love with Ralph. 🙈 But I also struggled (and still do at times) with Mary’s writing and what was being said. So over the years, I did rereads and researched through old LiveJournal entries from the fandom on there. And fanfiction helped a lot! I don’t think I would have loved TC as much as I do if I had not discovered the fanfics because those stories made me want to reread the book and certain moments again and again. And the fics also helped in breaking down what Mary was writing about too.
Ooo I think so! I think most definitely that knowing the ending we know more about Ralph. I don’t think I picked up on how desperate and how much he was gambling with this relationship with Laurie on the first read. Like after the many rereads, I see how Laurie is his last hope. The guy has had a string of bad luck so I imagine he saw Laurie as a sign that maybe someone up there might be looking out for him or playing a practical joke. I think the first read I was more focused on Laurie, and Ralph’s breakdown and just how bad it was/was going to be didn’t register until after the second read.
I would love to know your thoughts as well! 😌💜
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bobtheacorn · 2 years
OK but how would you feel if Tc*sters read your fics?
I can only assume I got this ask bc of my comment on that DNI post and bc I've been writing Rise TMNT fics lately. Kids, I don't know how to tell you this, but I am a 32 y/o lady with a job, a child, a mortgage, and like... a Life. I come on the internet for like an hour or two in the evenings/mornings to look at memes and junk. I write fanfiction in my spare time bc it brings me joy. I post my stuff where others can read it bc sharing something I wrote ALSO brings me joy.
I don't care who reads those fics.
I can’t fucking control what other ppl do.
I don't write (or read or like) tcest, but I'm not gonna chase people off with a broom about it when it’s probably one of the least offensive things I’ve ever encountered in my long life of fandom. I’m not gonna call ppl "gross" and like... alienate, belittle, and bully real living people about something that They're into because I’m a fucking adult and I know how to mind my own fucking business. I know how to utilize the tools available to me that allow me to almost effortlessly avoid things I don’t want to see on the internet. And, most importantly, I know that what other people do with FICTIONAL CHARACTERS has no bearing whatsoever on my life and how I live it bc that shit is faaaaaakkkkkkke. It’s FAKE. It’s Fiction.
I am begging the person who sent this ask to go outside and lay down in the grass - unless you have allergies and then idk lay on a rock or the asphalt or something, the POINT IS:
Nature. Clean air. Watch the Clouds. Pet a cat.
Absorb something Real for like five fucking minutes and stop staring into the glowing, electronic screen of the Doom Box.
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dhr-ao3 · 1 year
Go with Grace
Go with Grace https://ift.tt/GghdEvB by emeraldsinthedark AU Re-Talling of Half-Blood Prince Hermione is Pureblood and was sorted into Slytherin during her 1st year at Hogwarts, this follows loosely along the Half-Blood Prince plot with what Hermione may have been like if she was Pureblood and Slytherin, her relationships with her house-mates especially Draco, and her eventual friendship with Harry/Ron. She struggles with right and wrong, and how to save Draco Malfoy from himself and his task. ** Disclaimer: I do not claim to own anything related to the Harry Potter Series by JK Rowling ** The (plot, characters, world, magic system,tc.) do not belong to me* Words: 947, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M, Multi Characters: Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Luna Lovegood, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Theodore Nott/Pansy Parkinson Additional Tags: Community: Dramione FanFiction Forum, POV Hermione Granger, Supportive Ron Weasley, Pining Draco Malfoy, Toxic Draco Malfoy, Not Canon Compliant - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Book 6: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/lQ4i0UL October 02, 2023 at 04:48PM
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thegoddesswater · 1 year
Tagged by @tc-doherty
Also, encouraged to join in by @iloveyou-writers/ @introducing-writeblr
Rules: fill in the blanks with as much or little detail as you would like and tag some writer friends to play too.
Hello, there. My name is Kacey. I'm a writer of the fantasy genre, with the occasional excursion into the genres of science-fiction and dystopia (and a planned jaunt into something that might be best described as post-apocalyptic cyberpunk) and I love to write about found family, grief, LGBTQ+ characters, and vulnerability.
I am mostly SFW and write all forms of abuse, trauma, mental illness occasionally graphic violence, and death in many forms (illness, murder etc) so just be aware of that. Tropes you will never find in my writing include: The White Saviour, and Bury Your Gays. There are probably others that I can’t think of right now, but it’s hard to eliminate more, since I’ll use things as they make sense for the narrative and really can’t say I’ll never write them.
In my humble opinion, my best work I've posted is probably “Taken” - which is just a teaser for a much larger project - I feel like it sets the scene well for getting the rest of the story underway. An honourable mention goes to: my longest complete fanfiction for a relatively obscure 20+ year old fandom - It’s probably not the the best technically, but I put a lot of myself into it and I loved the result; I still go back in and scour it for typos to make sure I keep it as polished as I can in the event that anyone stumbles across it. Also, my most recent “Best” writing is not available for public consumption, so out of everything available, I’m sharing “Taken” because I can Some of my all-time favourite characters I've made are Maggie Blackwill, Adair Rios, and Marmaduke File, with a special mention to Karn because I started writing with him again last year after over a decade ignoring him and my god how I have missed the child.
Something I'd love for you to know about my writing that isn't listed in this game is that I overpopulate my worlds - almost ANY of my characters could be the protagonist of the story when viewed through the right lens, which is why I will occasionally wax poetic about seemingly minor characters. Also I ramble a lot in the tags of tumblr posts about my characters and will drop fun random facts in there for anyone reading them.
Thank you for reading and now I challenge the following people to fill this out: @wheelybard - Come join in! ...If you want.
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 2 years
Eri's New Mama
Eri's New Mama by ForeverEvanescent
This is a fanfiction based on a comic made by someone on DeviantArt named TC-96. The comic is called 'Dads' on DeviantArt if you want to find it, but I decided to rework a fanfiction for some Green Tea Family fluff, where Eri finds out what a Mom is. A little bit of IzuOcha is in here as well.
Words: 483, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Eri, Toogata Mirio, Shoto Todoroki
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochako, Eri & Midoriya Izuku, Eri & Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochako
Additional Tags: Class 1-A Shenanigans, Class 1-A as Family, Supportive Class 1-A, Adopted Eri, Cute Eri, Precious Eri, Sweet Eri, Midoriya Izuku is a Ray of Sunshine, Midoriya Izuku-centric, Uraraka Ochako-centric, Supportive Uraraka Ochako, Uraraka Ochako is Bad at Feelings, Midoriya Izuku is Bad at Feelings, Romance, Love, Comedy, Humor, Funny, Minor Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Family Fluff
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44210428
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captainraydor143 · 8 months
Hello friend,
I saw your post was one of the most recent on Tumblr for #Sharenda so I’m taking a chance by doing this. Other than the occasional FB post, and a bit of browsing on IG, I don’t use social media (out of touch millennial here) so I have no idea how this crap works. I’m hoping what I’m sending to you now is not going to be public! Lol Anywho, I was wondering if you are still interested in TC/MC/Sharenda…I just discovered this universe/fandom 2 months ago and I am drowning in a whirlpool of an obsession that I can’t seem to pull myself out of—not that I really want to. But it’s lonely because no one I know watches these shows and like I said, I’m not a social media user. So yeah, the struggle is real. But the main reason I am contacting you is that I have been planning on writing a fanfic for a while – somewhat along the lines of what you seem to be interested in reading. I used to write my own fiction ages ago, not so much fanfiction, but it’s been a long time, and I have no idea where to start. Also, I haven’t watched the whole series of TC yet, and not much of MC either. Long story, but I don’t have access to all the episodes. All that being said, I was wondering if I could bounce some ideas off you for my story – it’s kind of silly and I’m a little self-conscious about it. And also, maybe you can help me fill in the blanks for some information I need so that my story makes sense – that is if I ever get around to completing it. So yeah, sorry to be a weirdo reaching out like this, but for someone who doesn’t really do social media but whose heart beats for Sharenda, I didn’t see a lot of options. Also, if you ever just want to chat about the shows, pairing, or what not, I’m always down for that too. Finally, I don’t know if you can even respond to this, so just to be on the safe side if you’re interested you can email me at [email protected].
Hope to talk to you soon!
Hey! I am so excited to finally have someone who understands my sharenda obsession. I would be honoured if you bounced ideas off of me!
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lowkey-loki245 · 2 years
The toxic side of the ROTTMNT fandom makes me wanna die. I had gone on a blocking spree of tc*sters on Twitter and decided to read some fanfiction to make me feel better. Forgot to filter the results and got a fucking tc*st fic, I wanna die.
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someofusarequeer · 3 years
Not me updating the Ryan/Alex ao3 tag everyday 👀
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saelwen · 4 years
Please, tell me what you guys think!
So, i don’t know if you guys know but my very first fanfic was about the House Targaryen. It was a crossover between Westeros and Middle-Earth. I love that fic to pieces, its one of my favorite and fun fanfic i wrote.
I finish reading the book, “House of the Dragon”, (which the series will be coming out in 2022! Super excited for that!) and i want to start writing again fanfics with Targaryen characters. 
The first fic i think i’m gonna write is Aegon Targaryen, The Conquer x Modern!Reader. I already wrote it and i’m gonna post it tomorrow. 
You guys can request some Targaryen stories too! Since there isn’t many out there.
Targaryen Requests
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the-citrus-scale · 4 years
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It is officially Pride Month, the time of the year when we switch every single platform over to hosting only fan creations featuring ships or characters that fall somewhere on the LGBTQIA2S+ spectrum. 
Also, in response to what is happening currently, we will also be spotlighting cosplayers and other fan creators who are Black more frequently than we already were until forever. That’s not to say that we won’t be posting anything about any non-Black creators, but the pendulum can afford to swing in the other direction for as long as we see fit. 
At the end of the day, we refuse to create a platform on silence. We refuse to be complicit in racism in any form. And we are going to do our damndest to stick to our lane, which is fandom. Our goal is to not create any more damage while highlighting those that who otherwise might not be heard due to systemic racism. We don’t know any other way to make that more clear. 
If you have a problem with any of our takes on this situation or any future ones, please see yourself off our social media accounts. You won’t be missed. 
To our readers, if you know of anyone who should be featured, please send us a message, an anon ask, etc. We will reach out to every single recommendation that comes across our desks. 
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soldrawss · 6 years
hey ive been planning on making an animatic with your teen ducks au. but i wanted to make sure it was alright with you before i started working on it akdjfkasjd
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