#fandom amulet
ppoliwrath · 2 months
nobody replied but i made one anyway 😔🫶 amulet discord lesgo
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Wei Wuxian dead for thirteen or sixteen years .... Soul can't be summoned... What if the stygian tiger amulet wasn't the only reason he lost control? What if... Mount Tonglu had opened? And what if the reason Wei Wuxian's spirit couldn't be contacted was because he was carried by the flood of resentful creatures to mount Tonglu, all this to say, ghost king!WWX.
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adawnn001 · 5 months
Something I noticed in When You Wish Upon A Well...
First Tumblr post and it's for STF 😂 (I love this show :)
So lately I've been quite obsessed with Cedric (again) and rewatching every single STF episode he was in ... and then I can't help but notice this:
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In the episode where Sofia got transformed into a cat, he briefly appears when Sofia attempts to seek his help in turning her back into human form.
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And she gets shooed by him 😂 (fair enough, it is strange that a cat randomly appears at your door, he couldn't have thought of the possibility that it was Sofia). But in this next scene... how does he not immediately recognize her amulet, the very object of his desire, literally just hanging on her neck (and she gets really up close like:
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Even Wormwood was able to recognize Sofia's amulet (sure, he took a prompt since she was able to directly communicate/tell him but come on how could Cedric have missed it 😂😭
It gets even funnier if you wind back to the S1 episode "The Amulet of Avalor" where Sofia gets her amulet stolen by a griffin and he plans to snatch it.
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Get this, the griffin lands on top of a fountain, he happens to walk by, and manages to accurately spot the amulet at the corner of his eye (from afar might I add) ...
But not when it's on a cat who sits like few inches from him? 💀
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Photos for comparison.
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He doesn't even bat an eye. 💀
Well anyway... it is a cartoon show, so guess I have to suspend my disbelief 😂
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moonypears-blog · 3 months
Pony Cedric and Sofia protecting Calista. From what? Who knows.
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Main base from Fantasia-bases, tails from SelenaEde, both on deviant art.
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jasper beloved blorbo in law <3
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cyberlights · 4 months
Amulet Rant Time
Okie dokie Waverider is out and thus has concluded the series…so it’s time for a little…bonfire, we’ll call it.
Now don’t get me wrong. I still love this series and always will. I’ve been in the fandom since about Prince of the Elves. I literally have grown up with this series in my backpack from the moment I checked it out of my school’s library. I spent my first summer job paycheck buying all the books out at the time. This series holds a very special place for me.
I also understand that after Book 5(? I’m typing this out on mobile so I can’t verify), Kazu got very sick and lost a lot of his memories, which affected how he wrote Amulet and thus the rest of the story, so I’m not going to say he was a trash author.
There are just certain things that just…have not worked out post Escape from Lucien. And honestly, this is going to be more of a venting ramble than anything, so for the new readers coming in, take it with a grain of salt. You can still enjoy the series, fall in love with the characters, etc. That’s why we enjoy it.
Now I’m gonna do everything else under read-more so spoilers ahead.
We good? Okay, good.
I already stated that I give Waverider a 1/10. It actually is not my least favorite book, to be honest. (That “honor” goes to Supernova)
Trellis leaving the throne?
As others have pointed out, after Escape from Lucien it made no sense for him to just up and skedaddle. That boy was adamant he was going to lead his people. That’s what his whole plot was in the book, and him accepting more of that role in Firebird/the beginning of Supernova. Heck, they even pointed out that Gabilan, even though… voted in(?) as the new king was not doing a good job of it. Gabilan himself fully expected Trellis to take back the throne (albeit by force which is not really Trellis’ style). It felt very much like unnecessary step back from three books worth of development.
I can’t say much about Gabilan because while he did establish in The Cloud Searchers he wanted to be king, it didn’t feel right. Like there was nothing driven past that, that would say he wanted to be king. Honestly besides a tiny bit in Firebird he didn’t get as much character development as he should have, if at all. Which is why, if he was planned to take over from a while ago, probably should have had happened sooner.
Ronin and her Students
Speaking of introducing sooner, this is where I feel having a whole ‘nother two books would have helped the story, because this was just…so terribly executed.
I can’t tell you a single thing about her students except one turned into a turtle and another Cthulhu. I can’t even tell you anything about Ronin beyond her “I was right” mentality (and the mask, not sure why she was wearing a mask).
They all felt very shoe-horned in. I have no attachment to these characters, no real interest in seeing them succeed. They were brought in to fill a plot hole, while simultaneously making another plot hole in their wake.
Overall Problems with the Series
Genre Confusion
I think we’ve already established that Amulet would have been better off as a fantasy series than sci-fi. That is honestly my biggest problem with Supernova, was that was a giant Sci fi wedge in what was predominantly a fantasy series (I know we started more in Escape from Lucien and Firebird, but this is where I feel we veered too off course)
We honestly could have completely cut the sci-fi bit, changed a few things around between Escape from Lucien and Firebird, cut out most of Supernova -which yes, would have wrecked Navin’s sideplot, but there was different options that could have happened.
We don’t need the additional aliens/planets. Those characters could have easily just been Alledian on different parts of Alledia and we would have never known. We don’t even know what most of Alledia looks like because we’ve only been to a handful of places that predominantly look the same.
Which brings me to
Ikol and his Masters
I was so confused by the end of their story. They’re aliens but not. They were created by Silas but they have been around for eons. Everything was Made by Silas to Protect his Family. I just…*sigh*
It felt like they were beating the already dead piñata (pun partially intended).
Silas died in the first book. The consequences of his actions were established to be that he got a bunch of students killed and he ended up passing a huge burden onto Emily that should have gone to her mother. I don’t know why he had to be brought out as this.
Ikol could have very much remained a Chaotic Entity that thrived on the turmoil, his “masters” being a lie to convince Emily that he too was not in total control of the situation so he could slip her more into his control. We already know he likes collecting powerful stonekeepers who are vulnerable enough to fall sway to his side.
Heck, he comes back every 500 years to wage war with the elves and probably (should he have remained the entity) thought of it as one big game.
Having him turn into a somewhat malevolent AI that was just following orders to a T just…does not make sense to me. Especially if he was causing havoc with the elves for so long as implied.
Okay honestly this is my biggest gripe with the later books.
We established, Books 4 and 5, time-travel was not possible.
All it does is send them back to interact with their memories. They don’t actually change anything about their lives outside the Void.
So having Future Emily and her son come back and save Present Emily throws all of the continuity out the window. And Future Emily’s little interaction with Ikol where it’s implied that they’ve done this over and over? Felt so weird after they actually dealt with Ikol. It felt like a useless little tag on that we ended up not actually needing. (Again, Supernova is my least favorite book for a lot of reasons)
Stonekeepers Good but Bad
*sighs again* Yes. This part would feed into the Problem of Too Many Characters Amulet has going on. But. We were not shown examples beyond our current group (Meaning Emily Trellis and somewhat Vigo) of good stonekeepers.
The Guardian Council that ruled over most of Alledia for centuries? Corrupt.
Silas? Self serving. (Despite being called hero numerous times, we were not actually shown anything he did besides stopping the rampaging stonekeepers back in The Stonekeepers Curse, and even then we weren’t actually shown, just told he did it.)
The Elfking(s)? Corrupted by their stones.
Most of Alledia in the early books respect Stonekeepers enough to kinda hold them in reverence. But we’re not shown anyone (beyond a couple panels of someone building stuff) notable enough to say Yes. Stonekeepers good. Anyone else who is mentioned is “Yeah, they were good, but they listened to their stone and turned into a rampaging monster” (Honestly Gabilan has more of a point here)
I get that’s why Ronin and hers were introduced, but they were introduced way too late into the series for it to feel that there could be some sort of balance.
Emily is one big outlier too here. She’s good but because she feels she has to be and has been told she has to be. Firebird honestly put a nice spin in this because we do see her fall. But Supernova kinda nixed that development sooooo.
Now those are the biggest ones that have bugged me for a while in addition to the new stuff from the new book. @motherstone has already touched upon multiple times some of the other issues that I tend agree with (go check them out, their art is amazing and I love their ideas. Also looking forward to their rewrite!)
Is there some technical issues with the books as well that bug me? Yes. (The later books are very over saturated in comparison to the older ones and it kinda shows, and I believe that Motherstone already touched upon the “smoothification” that started taking place about book 4/5, and there were quiet a few panels that felt very unfinished in the later two books)
Am I sad to see the series end? Yes. But Kazu at least finished as best he could to the end instead of half assing it or completely dropping the series altogether, and I can respect that.
Do I already have my own post-book 6 AU that I’m willing to ramble about at the drop of a hat? Also Yes. (May also heavily be influenced by some OCs)
Overall, I enjoyed Amulet enough to see it through the end. Books 3-5 will remain my favorites. I still will cherish the characters that we got. Amulet is probably the first thing that actually got me into interacting with Fanart and Fandom, so I’d say it’s a pretty big part of what developed me. And for the newbies. Hi! I see you! I look forward to seeing what you do with the series!
See y’all around!
(And btw, if you drop something in my ask box, I’ll apologize in advance if I don’t get to it. I tend to forget I have one)
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purplepuddlesuwu · 6 months
"Oh you want my amulet? How about I offer you something a lot more... Valuable"
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(Without the red tint below)
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ribcageeater · 3 months
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it so is important for ya'll to know that Emmy has body hair and is fat and has a big nose and is a feminine boy but he is attractive
He is attractive even though he fits very few western beauty standards
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the-land-of-dreams · 9 months
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drew my friend @fiveeeee 's 963 rewrite, Dr. Jasper Amos! magician boy is gettin pissy >:-3
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lotus-moon9108 · 11 months
genuine question amulet fandom do you think the series will end on a good note
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rosadomeadows · 9 months
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“Ditto, Roni”
Loni Amulet but 10% more human and 30% hotter. Careful, your lesbianism is showing 🤍
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ppoliwrath · 2 months
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made an amulet oc of a prexisting oc i own 🫶 her name is xiao jiang and she is the adoptive daughter to a female chow chow woman named ming. she works in her mothers mechanic shop repairing robots and machines, she’s gotten the affectionate nickname of ‘ robot doc ‘ from the robots she’s repaired.
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rwbyangst12 · 1 year
I stay up at night thinking about how Sofia was 9 years old and watched a couple get murdered, a man waste away his life and have to leave his family, and watch a kingdom be ruled under tyranny all because of the same woman.
Than she has to go to the one place in the world where said woman would have the most political power, and have to be in the same room as her while the rest of her Family thinks she's just an innocent woman.
Sofia manipulated her family into going to Avalor under the guise of a summer vacation. The woman than captured her family and threatened to kill a sixteen year old.
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motherstone · 6 months
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moonypears-blog · 6 months
If Sofia was Cedric's bio kid and she was being raised to do evil deeds:
Sofia: Father, Father, I crave violence.
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jay and Robert blank<3 <-amulet variant made by @u-got-lynks
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