#fandom is amazing
blogstandbygo · 5 months
Once upon a time, when I was a baby fanfic writer, I wrote a crappy story. Then I got an idea for a slightly better story and wrote that. Then I had the AUDACITY to send it to one of the biggest Sherlock fanfic authors out there.
It was impossible to be in the Sherlock fandom at that time, have a knowledge of fic, and not hear about @atlinmerrick. She wrote the funniest, sweetest, horniest, sweary, and adorable fics out there. And there were a lot (57 at last count… coincidence? I think not), tens or hundreds of thousands of words long. She alone was responsible for most headcanons floating around out there, still floating today. Atlin was and is the definition of BNF (big name fan).
And despite my AUDACITY, this fic writer, who was incredibly busy with her own writing, and work, and master’s degree, and, y’know, life, RESPONDED. She admitted that she didn’t have time to read the whole thing, but read the first and last chapter, and gave me such encouragement that I was inspired to continue.
(I later wrote another fic, and gifted it to Atlin. She publicly threw glitter at it, and it’s still one of my highest kudos’ed fics.)
Fast forward ten years, and I did keep writing (resolutely for Sherlock, so there). Started dabbling my toes in not-Sherlock writing as well. So when I saw a post calling for submissions for a new anthology from Atlin’s publishing company, I thought, WHY NOT. I’d never submitted anything before. What could I lose? The worst is that she’d say no.
And still she encouraged me. Offered advice. Suggested ways to make it better. And then she ACCEPTED the dang thing.
She sent me a symbolic dollar to celebrate my first publication. But she’s given me a lot more than a dollar – she encouraged a middle-aged baby fanfic writer that she was doing good writing, and to keep going. And that led to a creative outlet and more new friends than I could have imagined, all those years ago.
Thank you, Atlin. For the dollar. For the encouragement. For being who you are. Thank you for everything.
(Also, to all the other writers out there: Keep writing. Be audacious. Throw glitter.)
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rebelwriter99 · 5 months
It’s Star Wars Day!
May the 4th be with you!
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Me and Stardog went to see The Phantom Menace for the 25th anniversary. Duel of the Fates in a cinema was something else. I nearly cried-we’ll blame the many low blood sugars I had for that.
I love this fandom so much. Star Wars kept me alive through an extremely difficult part of my life-I was basically bed bound. But I could escape to a galaxy far far away. Rebels has been downloaded onto my iPad constantly for nearly 5yrs. Just in case of hospital visits.
The harness I use with Skye to help me walk literally has a Star Wars quote on it.
“The force will be with you. Always”
And it really has been. To all who celebrate and make this fandom so fantastic creating so many wonderful things-I hope you all enjoy a day that’s as amazing as you are!
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sweaterkittensahoy · 5 months
I left a comment on someone's fic on AO3, and they left one back saying they'd enjoyed my writing since guykyle, so I feel like I gotta say hi to @infiniteeight8 and @lunaris1013 and @mxbuster, who I met via guykyle.
If you remember us meeting during my guykyle time and I have lost your name, I am probably confusing you with the PhilClint hotties.
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shark-myths · 1 year
i just finished all of the girl out boy collection and i’m sure you get anons like this all the time but i can not even impress upon you how lifechanging this was for me. i just turned 20 and i’m so unsure of myself and who i am and what i am and i’ve been up for two nights in my dorm room reading girl out boy and going a little bit crazy but i just want to say you get it. in so many ways and i guess it shouldn’t be surprising because you also grew up female and loving women but you put into words things that i’ve only felt deep in my soul since elementary school but haven’t been able to verbalize. i’ve cried multiple times (esp reading sell out girl), mostly because of the fics but also largely because of your author’s notes. i hope you’re doing well and i’m so incredibly thankful you gave the world this piece of your soul. thank you so much
2/3: i just accidentally sent an ask that i wasn’t finished with but i’m not even sure what else i can say except thank you. thank you
3/3: same anon as the last two i remember the other thing i’m going to say and i promise this is the last of it because i know i’m spamming you now but . my birth mother disowned me a couple years ago for being a lesbian and i found out recently she has cancer so that part of andy’s story really stuck with me. thank you for not feeding into the whole “this person may not have much time left so suck it up for them” narrative because i could never do that. thank you thank you, i promise i’m done now and i hopes you’re having a great year so far
darling, there just aren't words for what it is like to share this story with the world and hear back me too, me too, i see you. i know i always say this but it's the most important thing that's ever happened to me. i will never be the same as i was before this story came into my life. thank you for seeing me and letting me see you back.
and yeah. you don't actually have to have compassion for the people who abused you. we all die of something eventually, and it is the work of our lifetime to treat others in a such a way that they want to be by our sides, forgive us, remember us. it is not your fault or your burden if someone doesn't do that. anger is better for healing than giving of yourself, out of guilt and shame, when you can't afford it. it is beautiful to be generous with people when we can be, and miserable and stupid to expect ourselves to when we can't.
i hope you're having a great year too. spam me anytime.
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rosenkrone · 5 months
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Let's kill jax
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nonbinary-arsonists · 11 months
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toonsforkicks22 · 4 months
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When the little lady says she wants pancakes, give her the @&$#-ing pancakes 🥞
Gangle’s the manager helping Jax on his first day.
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nooooough · 5 months
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adhd-merlin · 1 year
some people really be out there typing fanfics longer than war and peace in their free time and then going on about their life like it's no big deal. how fucking incredible. like no offense to tolstoy but that was like. his whole job
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thalialunacy · 8 months
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(And that includes offers of fan labor like betaing, Britpicks, etc, which I think is very cool.)
I... have signed up. >.> For one fic, either Johnlock, Merthur, or Hardison/Eliot (do they have a smushname?!).
This'll be the first fandom auction I've done in at least ten years, and I'm h*ckin stoked. :D
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viveela · 1 month
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Toxic exes and twink form canon? What a time to be alive...
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rebelwriter99 · 11 months
Hello! Just quickly wanted to come in here and say thank you for the reblogs of my little fanart and saying you liked my story! I simply couldn’t go a day longer without telling you that you are the best kind of human and that those reblogs made my entire week
(As someone who’s new to tumblr and hasn’t quite figured out the works, I’m sorry if rambling in your ask box was the wrong move)
It just made me incredibly happy and I thought you deserve to know that!! In case you ever doubt your positive impact :P
I appreciate you and it meant a lot :D
And it’s always nice to know there’s someone out there who shares the wolfstar love!!!
Oh! 🥺
Thank you that’s very kind of you and I shall try not to cry. Honestly please ramble away in the ask box or any other tumblr contact method available-I’ve been here a few years now and I still don’t know how it works! This will also be a very rambling reply my brain is soup!
I’m sorry it took me so long to reply to you-I’ve been through the wars a bit this week (chronic illnesses, ambulance happened, enough said.) -and it is honestly a very wonderful thing to know I’ve been able to make someone so happy!
Oh Wolfstar has me completely hyper fixated right now-definitely sharing the love I promise!
When you’re a human like me who gets stuck in bed not able to do a great deal very very frequently, things like great stories and fantastic art are the things that keep you going. There have been days where “I wonder what happens next-I’ll wait for the AO3 update email” and “I wonder if I can find any else they’ve drawn” have been a light at the end of the tunnel. I think the fandom community in general is truly wonderful in a way I don’t fully know how to explain-but I really do love every single person who has ever been brave enough to send their stories and their art out into the world for other people to adore. As far as I’m concerned the positive impact belongs entirely to all of you.
Fic writers, fan artists and all the humans of fandom create so many beautiful things. If can make humans happy by doing the fandom equivalent of going “look! Over there! It’s soooo cool! I love it so much!” and bouncing up and down with joy then I am only too delighted to contribute!
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iamanartichoke · 1 year
I don't know who needs to hear this, but as a creator -
I am fine with "the audience" -
downloading my fics
printing my fics
copy/pasting or screenshotting my fics
sharing your saved copy of my fics with anyone else who might want them in the unlikely but never impossible case that my fics are no longer available on ao3
making a book of my fic(s) and running your fingers across the pages while lovingly whispering my precioussss
doing these things with anything I create for fandom, such as meta, headcanons, au nonsense like 'texts from the brodinsons,' etc
I am not fine with "the audience"
doing any of the above with the purpose/intent of plagiarizing my work or passing it off as their own in any capacity
feeding my work into ai for any reason whatsoever
Save the fandom things. Preserve the fandom things. Respect the fandom things.
Enjoy the fandom things.
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emerald-hills2 · 3 months
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for the people who say that shadow never smiles...i have to say,you have living in a BIG lie all this time and actually its something that he does to much and i really love see shadows simling :D
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taikk0 · 2 months
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non-pomni doodles and taikkopom CRUMBS
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