#fanfic advent calendar 2021
twdeadfanfic · 3 years
Fanfic Advent Calendar 2021-Day 3/24 - Murphy MacManus x Reader - Melted Sugar
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Prompt:  Character A doesn’t feel the Christmas spirit but Character B, who lives above them, keeps playing Christmas carols really loud. - “Why does the house smell like Santa threw up?”
Summary: Reader is the MacManus downstairs neighbor, who, exhausted after a long day working, is not in the mood to deal with their neighbor loud christmas carols. When she goes to complain, though, she wasn’t expecting that a handsome irish lad would open the door... Fluff, MacManus twins bickering, mild angsty mid-communication, happy endings, charming irish Murphy MacManus lad...
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 You dropped onto the bed, face first and letting out an exhausted sigh, after coming back from work. For a couple of minutes you just lied there, face buried on the pillow, before you turned onto your back and began kicking off your boots.
Looking around your tiny, old apartment, if you could call that place that, just depressed you more, but it was all you could afford, and barely. It was illegal lofting, that for starters, an apartment consisting of one single, small room. The kitchen was to one side, your bed at the other, with a tiny nightstand table and an old shelf next to it, a small coffee table and an old tv in front of the bed, a small circular table with four mismatched chairs, and pretty much that was it…and it still felt like too many things for the size of the place.
There was no room for the bathroom, with the shower, toilet and sink at the back of the place, but you had hung some curtains and placed a folding screen…now you wondered why had you bothered expending your scarce money on that, since you had no friends or no one to come visit you, and you were by yourself there always.
So much for the awesome life that you were going to have in Boston…
You had left your small town, quit your part-time job as a waitress at your uncle’s café, and went to the big city full of hopes and dreams about how your life there was going to be, finding an amazing job, friends, living your best life…just to be harshly slapped by reality pretty soon.
Meeting people, let alone friends, in that busy, cold big city had proven to be difficult, but not as much as finding a job. You had been unemployed for so long that you had run out of savings, growing desperate and not wanting to go back home with your tail between your legs, until finally you had found something small and part-time, but that would stop you from starving and allowed you to paint the rent of your crappy apartment.
It hadn’t lasted long, though, and since then, you had jumped from one small job to the next, growing desperate again on the moments between jobs, wondering if maybe you should have never left town, if you should go back, your dreams and hopes shattered…right now you had a job, but you knew they’d kick you out once Christmas was over, and you weren’t very sure of what might you find next, if something at all…
You were still on the bed, feeling sorry for yourself, tired and bitter, hating the world, when you began to hear Christmas carols coming from the apartment above you, loud. You had heard noise from that apartment from time to time, but never like this. You tried to ignore it, but with how tired and bitter you were, feeling done with Christmas already, soon the music pissed you off.
You got up with an annoyed huff, putting on your boots again, leaving your apartment and stomping up the stairs, stopping in front of your neighbor's door and pressingthe doorbell, not lifting your finger from it until the door was opening.
You didn’t know what you had been expecting to find, who might open the door, but you certainly didn’t expect it to be some guy with blue eyes and nice cheekbones, probably the prettiest guy you had ever seen…and also, he was not wearing a shirt, and he was hot as hell. Well, then…
“Hi?” The man blinked at you, while you were silent, pretty much checking him out without being able to stop yourself.
The Christmas carols sounded even louder now, with the door open, and so you snapped out of your hot-shirtless-neighbor bewilderment and remembered why you were there, getting annoyed again, enough to stop staring at that guy and at how handsome he was.
“I live downstairs, I can hear your music as if it were in my own apartment, lower it,” you demanded more than asked.
“Murph, who’s the grumpy lass?”
Another voice asked from inside, and you caught a glance of another guy who was pretty handsome too, who wasn’t wearing a shirt either, and was damn hot too…had you fallen asleep and were having some sort of perverted dream in which suddenly you had two hot guys who didn’t wear shirts in winter living on top of you? Nah, you weren’t, the annoying Christmas carols brought you back to reality again.
“Downstairs neighbor, says we’re botherin’ her with the music,” the guy who had opened the door said.
“Yes, you are!” A guy calling you grumpy lass hadn’t helped you to be less grumpy, whether he was hot or not. “It’s not even Christmas yet!”
“It’s the 3 of December!” The guy at the door retorted.
“Yes, not Christmas!” You snapped back, and suddenly, a smell hit your nose, something like burned sugar…melted Christmas sweets, almost. “And why does your house smells like Santa threw up?” Sure, what a rude way to ask, but you were tired, sad, bitter at life, and now too at those guys who were that hot and had their music so loud, stupid Christmas carols the 3 of December no less.
“We, uh…tried to make Christmas cookies…” The guy at the door said.
“Didn’t work that well…” The other added before disappearing from your view.
“Some burned…the others melted or some shit?” The guy at the door frowned. “I don’t know what happened…”
So, besides the Christmas carols, maybe the smell of melted sugar and burned cookies was going to reach your apartment soon too. Delightful.
“Look, I don’t care if you and your boyfriend want to start celebrating Christmas even in November, but keep the stupid carols down!” You snapped.
“We, uh…we’re twins, lass,” the guy at the door said, seemed puzzled and mild offended…great, wonderful…this was so awkward and embarrassing…even more when the other guy showed up again, seeming outraged too.
“I, uh…I’m sorry…” You muttered. “Just..yeah, keep the damn, weird carols down.”
“Yeah…I can’t recognize half of those…”
“That’s ‘cause those are Irish lass,” the guy at the door said, seeming proud. “Like my brother and I.”
“Well…keep your Irish carols down, then,” you said, turning to leave, but the Irish, handsome guy called after you.
“Hey! Ye got a name besides downstairs neighbor?”
You turned around to look at him again. “I’m Y/N.”
“Nice to meet ye, Y/N,” the guy smiled at you and…how could that smile be so pretty? It seemed to light his face in such a way, somehow making him look even more handsome… You almost snorted at his words, though. Had it been nice to meet you? All you had done was snap at him, at his Irish carols and at his burned cookies, and call his twin his boyfriend, which again…could the earth swallow you… “I’m Murphy MacManus, and my brother’s Connor.”
“Yeah, nice to meet you both,” you said awkwardly. “Just…just watch the volume of your music.”
“Sure, lass!” You heard the voice of the guy while you were already walking down the stairs.
Once at your place, you kicked off your boots and dropped onto your bed again, thinking about the encounter you just had.
You really hadn’t been expecting that your upstairs neighbors, the ones blasting Christmas carols, were going to be two hot Irish twins…Murphy, the one who had opened the door, he must be one of the prettiest guys you’d ever seen, one of those you think are only real in magazines, not that his brother wasn’t attractive, it was like the both of them had jumped off a models catalog.
Maybe you had been kind of a bit rude…but you had felt so angry, so bitter, so done with your stupid shattered dreams, with Christmas and carols…
You didn’t think that complaining about music being too loud was something impolite…but probably you could have done it without snapping and without the rude remarks…maybe the ex back in your hometown who said you were a rude bitch hadn’t been that wrong…also, probably you could have asked them without saying that their placed smelled like Santa’s puke…and without calling two twins boyfriends…
You groaned aloud, dying of embarrassment again, and you rolled over to bury your face in the pillow.
You could still hear the Christmas carols from upstairs, but faintly, not making your roof vibrate and not sounding like you were the one blasting Christmas music anymore. However, as you had feared, the smell of burning cookies and melted sugar was getting into your apartment too…how could someone mess cookies so bad…then again, if their oven was like the one that came with your apartment, it wasn’t the best thing in the world.
For a while, you lied on the bed, staring at the ugly ceiling, alternating between feeling sorry for yourself and your life, and calling yourself rude bitch…you were still at it, feeling like doing nothing, when your doorbell rang.
Frowning, you went to open the door, finding the pretty guy from upstairs, Murphy, there, although he was wearing a shirt now, and was holding a small paper bag.
“Hello?” You greeted, confused.
“Hey, lass.” He smiled at you and…seriously why and how was he so pretty, who in the world had such a smile. “Carols don’t bother ye now, aye?”
“No…no, thanks for lowering the volume…” You were a bit embarrassed at how you’d snapped at him before, taking out on him your frustration at life.
“Sorry, lass, I guess we didn’t care ‘bout the volume while tryin’ to make that oven work,” Murphy said with that breathtaking green of him and how could you be mad when he looked cute like that. “But…finally we got a batch of cookies that didn’t die so…” He lifted the paper bag. “Peace offerin’?”
“Oh, no, there’s no need, thank you,” you said, feeling bad that this guy was bringing you homemade cookies after the way you’d behaved towards him and his brother before.
“Come on, lass, take them, please?” Murphy blinked those pretty eyes at you… refusing the cookies would be ruder than taking them, right? Even if you didn’t feel like you deserved those.
“Okay, okay, thanks.” You took the bag and reached inside, picking one of the cookies and frowning at it…it had a form and it was painted with colored sugar, but the thing was, you couldn’t guess what was its form. “What, uh…what’s this supposed to be?” You asked, hoping you sounded curious as you were, and not dismissive of the cookie.
“It was supposed to be an angel but…” Murphy reached inside the bag too, taking another cookie and looking at it sadly. “I don’t know what happened…they all look weird like this…”
“It’s not easy to give cookies a form, I’m sure.” You shrugged. “Besides, what matters is the taste, right?” You bit the cookie and…you tried to put on your best face while you tried to munch on that thing.
“So? It’s good?” Murphy asked expectantly.
“Mmmh mhmm…” You nodded, still trying to munch and swallow the cookie.
“It’s rock hard,” you finally admitted and so Murphy took a bite of his too, seeming defeated.
“Yeah…Connor was right, should have tried them before givin’ them to ye…”
“Don’t worry, I appreciate the gesture, really, it was very kind of you,” you assured him. “I’m sorry that I was kind of rude before, and how I snapped, apologies.”
“It’s okay, lass.” Murphy was back at smiling. “So…ye don’t like Christmas carols?”
“I, uh…it’s just…those were really loud…but…yeah, not a fan, I guess…besides, right now I have to listen to Christmas carols all the time at work so…I’m kind of sick of them,” you explained.
“Where do ye work then?” Murphy asked you.
“In a mall, I give samples of Christmas sweets,” you said and you saw Murphy’s eyes lighting up.
“That has to be the best job in the world, lass!” He said and you snorted.
“Not really…” You felt ridiculous in your Christmas uniform, you were done with Christmas and carols since November, and more importantly, you knew that after Christmas, you were out of work once again… “Anyway…it sounded like your brother and you really like Christmas carols, with how you were blasting those at full volume,” you tried to joke, not wanting to think about being jobless once more.
“Aye!” Murphy nodded and you couldn’t help your smile.
“Are you really that much into Christmas?” You asked.
“Of course, love! There are holidays, and parties, and sweets, and food, and drinks, and presents,” Murphy listed and your smile grew, he was kind of adorable. “And, it’s when Christ was born! It’s kind of in the name.”
“Oh…” You blinked at him. “So are you catholic then?”
“Aye! I’m Irish, love, of course I’m catholic!” Murphy said and you snorted.
“Okay, then…”
“Don’t tell me that ye don’t like Christmas, love.”
“Well…” You shrugged. “I guess it’s not really my thing…”
“How can someone not like Christmas?!” Murphy looked so bewildered that you couldn’t help your smile again.
“I’m a grumpy lass, what were you expecting,” you said, and Murphy snorted.
“Anyway…thank you for coming to bring me cookies and for lowering the carols,” you said, unsure of how to make conversation even though you kind of not wanted that pretty guy to leave your doorstep. “I guess I’ll see you around.” You hadn’t bumped into your handsome neighbors before, though, but you hoped you’d get luckier now.
“Aye…and, if ye need somethin’, ye know were my brother and I are,” Murphy said, gesturing towards the ceiling, “and if yer bored someday and wanna go have a drink or hang with us or somethin’.”
“Aye, lass.” Murphy gave you that stupidly beautiful smile that made you feel so flustered. Was this handsome guy really telling you that you both could go have a drink? Well, him and his brother…he was just being friendly, you should stop your thoughts from getting out of hand.
“Okay…okay, thanks…bye.”
“Bye, love.”
The next day, at work, your mind kept wandering to the handsome men that you had found your neighbors were, to Murphy and his cute smile and pretty blue eyes, to the cookies he’d brought you, and his offer to hang out with you…
Hoping that he’d not only said it to be polite, you decided to repay the peace offering cookies with a peace offering of Christmas sweets that could smuggle from work. You threw a random bunch of Christmas sweets and chocolates into a bag, but then you saw something perfect: Chocolate angel figures, wrapped in colorful, bright paper that also resembled the angel and their cute little face…for sure, two catholic guys who had tried and failed to make angel cookies would like those. You took two chocolate angels and put them in the bag carefully, making sure that those wouldn’t break.
Once at your building, you headed to the MacManus’ and rang the doorbell. Like the day before, Murphy opened the door, and again, shirtless…was their apartment better heated than yours, or what…this time, though, he was wearing a bathrobe…maybe he had been showering or something…you better ended that train of thoughts.
You had been thinking that, perhaps, Murphy wasn’t as handsome as you’d thought he was, that it’d been your head, but…no, he really was..and when he grinned at you as he saw you there at the door, somehow he was even more pretty.
“Hey, lass!”
“Hello, Murphy.” You couldn’t stop your smile at his, it was contagious, even if you were a bit shy at how intimidatingly pretty your neighbor was. “Peace offering,” you said, lifting the bag of sweets.
“Thanks, love, ye didn’t have to,” Murphy said, reaching for it. “Ye managed to cook better cookies than us? Not that it was hard…”
“No, it’s not that, I smuggled some Christmas chocolates and sweets from work,” you explained and Murphy looked at you with bright, happy eyes…damn cute.
“Best job in the world, told ye,” he said and you snorted. “Come in, love, eat those with us!”
“No, it’s fine, really, it’s a gift,” you began, but Murphy ignored you, reaching out to grab your arm and tug you inside, taking you by surprise.
“Hey, the grumpy lass,” Connor greeted you, but the look in his eyes and his smirk told you that he was joking. He was sat down on a mattress, shirtless except for a bathrobe too.
Neither of the twins seemed in any rush to reach for a shirt, as if they didn’t mind at all to be shirtless with you around…not that you minded either, even if it made you feel a bit flustered.
“I come bringing peace offering sweets, so you can’t call me grumpy lass,” you joked before you looked around their place. “And I thought my place looked bad,” you muttered before catching yourself, but their twin's place looked even worse than yours. Yours looked even a tiny bit more like a real apartment, theirs almost looked like a warehouse room, and how messy the twins kept the place didn’t help.
“It’s not that bad,” Connor said, but he didn’t seem offended, he was chuckling and seeming amused.
“Aye, it’s enough…and it’s not bad!” Murphy agreed.
“Sorry, guys…I don’t know why I keep being rude with you both all the time…” You almost face palmed yourself. “I didn’t mean…I just…sorry.”
“It’s okay, love,” Murphy told you, smiling and looking amused. “Besides ye brought us sweets, so we can’t be mad,” he said, waving the bag before placing it on a table which surface was almost covered with empty containers of food and empty bottles.
“Yeah…be careful with those, some can break,” you said, worried about the angels.
Murphy seemed intrigued at that, and he peeked into the bag, taking out the two chocolate figures. “You brought us angels!” He looked at the chocolate figures as if they were the best thing in the world and then at you, grinning...how could he be so adorable… “Thank ye, love!”
“Aye, thanks, lass,” Connor said too, approaching you both to check the chocolate angels. “Really nice, thanks.”
“And they’re chocolate, so even better,” you joked, glad that they had liked them.
“We aren’t eatin’ them…” Connor said, frowning as he looked at one, and you worried that something was wrong.
“No?” Murphy seemed confused to.
“No, we’re puttin’ them on the tree,” Connor explained, nodding towards the Christmas tree, next to the tv…it was so tiny that you hadn’t noticed it before.
“Aye, aye, nice idea!” Murphy said.
“They got this string thing to hang them,” Connor said, tugging a little string that had been pressed against the top of the angel wrapping.
“They do! I hadn’t seen it!” You said.
In a second, the brothers were sat down on the floor next to the tree, discussing where to place the chocolate angels, and you didn’t know how something so innocent escalated in a few seconds into the brothers arguing and shoving each other as if forgetting that you were there.
“Love, come here,” Murphy called for you. “Tell my brother where the angel looks better, will ye?”
You went to sit down next to them, feeling a bit out of place and a bit surprised at the familiarity with which the MacManus seemed to treat you without knowing you. You liked it, though, it was not awkward like those other times when you had tried to make friends.
“See, love, I say that an angel should go on top of the tree, aye?” Murphy asked, hovering his angel over the top of the small tree, and you nodded. “But he says no.”
“What I say is, the ornament at the top of the three has to be somethin’ unique,” Connor said and you nodded at it too. “But we got two angels, that’s not unique, one can’t go at the top and another on any branch.”
“So…what ye say, love?”
Both twins looked at you expectantly but you just shrugged. “Both of you are right.”
“That’s not an answer!” The brothers complained before they went back to bickering, slapping each other hands while they tried to point as to where the angels should go.
“Guys…careful with the angels…” You could see them dropping and breaking at any moment. “Okay, okay, I got an idea.”
“Aye?” Both brothers looked at you expectantly again.
“So…you are twins,” you began and the brothers nodded, “and those angels look almost the same, those can be twins too, so I say, what if they share the top of the tree?” The brothers blinked at you, then looked at each other, and shrugged.
“Could work,” Connor said, and both brothers turned back to look at the tree.
When they tried to hang both angels from the top, though, they made the tiny tree topple, and the twins had to hold it so it wouldn’t fall.
“I’m not sure this is going to work…” You said, eyeing carefully the tree and the ornaments hanging precariously from it.
“Aye… we should hang only one angel from the top,” Murphy said, and if a second ago he’d looked like a cute kid excited from Christmas, the mischieve in his eyes now would send him to Santa’s naughty list. “We hang mine and it’ll be unique like Connor wants ‘cause we can eat his.” Murphy gave his brother a shit-eating grin, while Connor reached to hit his twin’s head.
“Shut up, I’m thinkin’,” Connor said, eyes on the tree. “I know we can make this work and hang both, we just gotta think…there’s gotta be a way…some counterweight…we could…maybe…” Connor kept talking to himself, frowning at the tree, turning it around and moving the angels here and there, and Murphy snorted.
“There he go, to make one of his grand plans,” Murphy told you as he faced you again, still looking like a mischievous boy and somehow looking cute nonetheless, while Connor flipped him off without looking away from the three as he kept muttering to himself. “It’s gonna take long so…do ye want a drink, lass?” He gestured towards the kitchen cabinets, where you could see a bunch of booze bottles, some more empty than others.
“Okay…” You were still a bit surprised at the twins treating you like you were friends already, but you were not going to complain. “You certainly have a big selection,” you commented.
“And all Irish, love!”
“Not really,” Connor snorted.
“Irish enough,” Murphy said before getting up from the ground and heading to the cabinet. He took two bottles of beer and went back to sit down next you, passing you one of the beers.
“Ye didn’t get me one?” Connor complained. “Yer a shit brother…”
“Shut up and go back to yer tree engineerin’,” Murphy laughed, shoving his brother away when Connor tried to snap the bottle from his hand. “Stop it!” Murphy snapped when Connor didn’t stop trying take the bottle from his grasp.
“Didn’t ma’ tell ye enough times to share yer things with me,” Connor said while he kept trying to take the bottle from Murphy’s grasp. “Yer so selfish!”
“And yer so annoyin’!”
You looked at them in silence…they were kind of endearing.
“Give it back!” Murphy reached for the bottle when Connor finally managed to take it from his hand, keeping it away from Murphy’s grabby hands. “Ye know what…ye can keep that one if the lass shares hers with me.” Murphy looked at you at that, smirking with those mischievous eyes, and you wondered if he was messing with you or what…if he was, you weren’t going to let him.
“Okay,” you shrugged before taking a long sip from your bottle, and then offered it to him. “As long as you don’t mind sharing my germs,” you joked, waiting for his reaction, and he took the bottle, taking another long sip.
“I certainly don’t mind…do ye?” He challenged, passing you the bottle again, and no, you weren’t going to let him win, and so you took another sip. Murphy’s smirk grew at that and he glanced at his brother, who seemed to have been watching you two. “Ves, hermano, voy a ganar,” Murphy said to his brother, in Spanish for some reason.
“A ganar qué?” You asked in Spanish too, puzzled, and Murphy looked at you wide-eyed, like a deer in headlights, while Connor just laughed.
“Tu devrais voir ton visage en ce momento, frére,” Connor said, still laughing.
“I know that’s French,” you said. “But I don’t know what that means.”
Murphy was ignoring his brother, though, eyes still on you. “Ye speak Spanish too?”
“Yes,” you nodded. “Only English and Spanish…how many languages do you both speak?”
“English, Spanish, French…”
“Irish, Russian, Italian…”
They listed and you blinked at them. “That’s very impressive,” you said and you meant it, but the brothers just shrugged. “So…what did you say you’re going to win?”
“I, uh, I mean that I’m winin’ here, ‘cause I’m drinkin’ both bottles, see.” Murphy reached to take his original bottle from his brother’s hand, chugging from it.
“Okay…” You had the feeling he was making it up but you decided to roll with it, confused.
“Let’s help my brother hang those angels or else he’s gonna be annoyin’ me about it all the time…”
You stayed there with the MacManus for a little bit longer, eating sweets, drinking beer, and managing to hang the angels from the tree in a way that wouldn’t topple it. You had fun, more than in a long while, the brothers were fun and they made you feel as if you were already friends, instead of having just met, something that you really appreciated. They seemed open to keep hanging with you, Murphy seemed to look forward to it, making you feel things in your belly.
You decided that you’d wait a couple of days, since you didn’t want to seem clingy or annoying, and then visit with some excuse again, but the next evening, you were sat down against the headboard of your bed, when your doorbell rang, and when you opened, you found Murphy there.
“Hi, Murphy,” you greeted, a bit surprised but more than delighted.
“Hey, lass,” Murphy greeted and then waved a bottle of whiskey in front of him. “So, ye gave us Christmas sweets yesterday, but the cookies we gave ye were shit, isn’t fair, aye? So I’ve brought ye Irish whiskey.”
“Thanks…but…you really don’t need to…”
“Come on, love,” Murphy smiled at you. “Drink it with me.”
You didn’t want to say no…and why should you, he was the one offering to share the bottle with you. “Okay, come in.”
“Ye were right, this place looks better than ours,” Murphy commented as he walked in.
“Still no worth the rent I pay for this,” you sighed, taking two glasses and placing them on the small table, sitting down on a chair, and Murphys sat down too. Was he scooting his chair closer to you or were you imagining it…
“I bet ye pay more than us, yer not Irish,” Murphy said while he poured whiskey into your glasses,  and at first you were confused but then you remembered that this was an Irish neighborhood. “I know the owner of the place, I’ll talk to them for ye.”
You were about to refuse, self-conscious, but you knew you’d be losing your job after Christmas, didn’t know when you’d get another, and how were you going to afford rent meanwhile.
“Okay…okay, thanks, Murphy,” you said, giving him a grateful smile.
“It’s nothin’, love.” Murphy smiled at you in a way that made you feel…things. You looked away, sipping the whiskey.
“When I imagined living in Boston I didn’t imagine it’d be in such a crappy place,” you sighed, taking another sip from your drink.
“Come on, love, it’s not that bad.” Murphy reached to squeeze your arm, making you feel all sort of things again. “And we live right in front of the pub, isn’t that grand?”
“That old place?” You frowned.
“Old place?! I can’t believe ye just say that!” Murphy said, pretending to be offended. “It’s a great place, love! My brother and I go almost every night, ye should come…we’re goin’ this night, ye wanna join?”
You considered but finally shook your head. “Sorry, I have to work early, someone has to try and feed people Christmas sweets first thing in the morning,” you said. “But…this weekend, maybe”?
“Sure, lass, we’ll love to have ye there.” Murphy grinned in that beautiful way of his. “So…ye aren’t from here?”
“No…small town near here…I moved here thinking that I was going to have a great life, with lots of friends, a nice job, a nice place…I was such an idiot.” You chuckled bitterly. “But here I am, alone, living in this crappy place, jumping from small, crappy job to the next, and losing this one by the end of Christmas…wonderful.” You were feeling bitter at life and at yourself again, and you drowned your glass of whiskey.
“I’m sorry, love…” Murphy reached to squeeze your hand and that feeling in your belly was back. “But, come on, told ye, this place isn’t that bad…and a smart lass like ye? Ye’ll find another job soon, a better one,” Murphy said, making that feeling in your belly go worse, while his smile made you feel less bitter somehow. “And yer not alone, aye? Ye got me now, me and my brother, okay?”
“Okay…okay, thanks.” You nodded, smiling shyly. “I guess I’m glad you were blasting your Irish carols so I had to go to complain.”
“Aye!” Murphy laughed. “If I had known, I’d have done it earlier.”
“Well…the 3 of December is early enough for that,” you chuckled.
You and Murphy drank the whole bottle, talking and laughing together.
He told you stories about his life with his brother in Boston, and also from his life back in Ireland, before coming there. He told you about her ma, about Christmas with her and his brother, since their father seemed to be missing, how they hadn’t been able to go back home to see their ma, not even for Christmas, since they moved to Boston, because they couldn’t afford it. He seemed to feel down about it, and it saddened you. When Murphy smiled, it was like it lighted the room and you couldn’t help your smile, and when he looked sad, it was a stab to the heart. You regretted even more to have snapped at him about his Irish carols and his burned cookies.
You told him things about yourself too, your life before moving, then moving to Boston, your stupid crushed dreams, your crappy jobs, the hopelessness that you felt more often than not. You told him about Christmas too, your lack of interest in it and on those big meetings with all your extended family, overwhelming, that you never looked forward to, even if Murphy seemed to believe that he’d love going to those.
Somehow, you felt as if in an evening with Murphy, he knew you even better than some friends from your town. You really enjoyed the evening, speaking and laughing with him. He was fun, smart, charming, kind of sweet…he was not only a pretty face, no matter how pretty his face was too, and you knew that you could end up falling for him, if you weren’t careful.
Time had fled, and so Murphy had to leave to meet with his brother and a friend called Rocco at the pub, he was already late, and you should start getting dinner ready.
You really looked forward to the next time that you could see him, though.
The next time you saw Murphy, it was because he came to deliver you a letter that the postman had placed wrongly in the MacManus’ mailbox. Those were bills, and so you threw it to the bin without even opening it, much to Murphy’s amusement.
On the next day, it was you who knocked on their door, asking to borrow some eggs for the omelet that you were planning on making for dinner and that you may or may not have forgotten to buy on purpose so you had that excuse. It was a miracle that they had eggs in that almost empty fridge of them.
You offered to pay for the eggs, but they didn’t allow it, and you three argued for a little bit until it was settled that you’d cook omelets for them too and you’d dine together, and that way you’d be square.
You were more than happy to dine with them, it was fun, and it’d been so long since the last time that you shared a meal with someone, not to mention someone who complimented your cooking the way the MacManus did, even if it were simple omelets. Where had those guys come from and how had you gotten so lucky that they were your upstairs neighbors.
“Hey, lass,” Murphy told you when they were leaving. “What if tomorrow we invite ye for dinner? It’s Friday so we can have some pizza and then go to the pub? Ye say ye were comin’ with us at the weekend, aye?”
“Yes, I’d love it!” You nodded, smiling. “But I’d pay my part of the pizza.”
“We’ll see…”
From being lonely, bitter and sad, so hopeless, now you had two friends who were fun and nice, to make plans with, have dinner, go out…maybe your dreams weren’t so shattered after all? You knew better now than to get high hopes in life, less they were crushed again, and yet, you couldn’t help your big grin as you went to sleep that night.
You dined at the MacManu’s place the next day, pizza as they had told you, and they didn’t let you pay. You didn’t complain much, that way you had an excuse to invite them to dine at your place any other day to repay them.
It was fun, like the other times you hung with the MacManus, with their amusing stories and their endearing bickering, with that way of them to make you feel at ease, as if you three were old friends, and that you appreciated so much.
After dining, somehow you three ended up drinking a bottle of whiskey while you talked, even though you were planning on going to the pub, so by the time you three were already walking into the place, you weren’t drunk, but you were definitely feeling the buzz of the alcohol in you.
The pub looked as old inside as it did outside, although there were more people than you had imagined, all of them seeming to know the MacManus, and to really like them, considering how they’re greeting them as you walked in. You felt a bit out of place, but the grins of the brothers as they tugged at you, walking you with them towards the counter, made you feel better. The barman was kind of weird…very weird, but the MacManus talked to him like he were a friend, and he didn’t seem like a bad person, all things considered.
You settled for beer, knowing that you couldn’t handle anything stronger, but anyway, when the twin’s friend, Rocco, arrived, you were more drunk than tipsy.
“Rocco!” Both twins greeted.
“Hey!” Rocco looked at you. “Is that the grumpy lass you were talking about? The one who thought you were boyfriends?” He laughed and you groaned aloud, wanting the earth to swallow you again, you had hoped the twins had forgotten about it.
“Aye!” Connor laughed as if he weren’t annoyed by it anymore. “How could ye, lass? Ye think if I wanted a boyfriend and he weren’t my twin, I’d settle for him? I’m out of his league, lass,” he joked, and you were glad that he wasn’t offended.
“Oh, screw ye!” Murphy snapped, clipping his brother on the head. “I’m the one who’s out of yer league! I’m the most handsome of us two!”
“Aye, sure ye are, in yer dreams,” Connor snorted.
“Aye? Okay, let’s ask the lass!” Murphy snapped. “Okay, love, what ye think, who’s the most handsome, uh?” He said as he winked at you, making you feel those twirls in your belly.
“I, uh…” You looked at the brothers and their pretty, pretty faces, and your drunken brain talked before you could stop it. Sure, you were attracted to Murphy in a way that you weren’t to Connor, but you had eyes and knew that he was a very handsome man too. “To be fair I think you both are pretty hot.”
Had you said that aloud, for real? Could you embarrass yourself even more? You wanted to run and hide in the bathroom, but for that, you’d have to push your way through the middle of the MacManus, and it’d be even more embarrassing.
The twins were laughing, though, and at first you thought it might be at you, feeling even worse, but soon you realized it wasn’t that, they just seemed amused but they were grinning at you.
“Thank ye, lass!” Connor said, still laughing, but his smile was nice and friendly, making you feel a bit better.
Murphy, though, his smile was nice but his eyes showed that mischieve that you sometimes could see in them “Aye…good to know ye think we’re hot,” he said and you thought your face was going to start burning at that point. “But…ye think I’m hotter than my brother, aye?” He winked at you again. “Ye just don’t want Connor to be sad…”
“Sure, brother, if thinkin’ like that makes ye feel better…” Connor snorted, giving his brother a condescending pat on the back, but Murphy slapped his hand.
“Are you guys going to start arguing about that like you do about who’s the older?” Rocco said, rolling his eyes and sounding done, and you frowned.
“The older? But you’re twins, there’s not an older brother…” You said, looking from one twin to the other…yet, why would you have said that Connor was the older if you didn’t know they were twins…
“Of course there is, love!” Murphy said.
“The one who was born the first!” Connor agreed.
“I don’t think that being born a few minutes before the other makes you an older brother…” You shrugged. “Although…yeah, technically I guess that whoever was born first  is the older…”
“Aye!” Both twins agreed.
“And I’m the older!” Connor gave his brother a shit-eating grin and you bit your tongue so your drunken brain wouldn’t agree, you weren’t going to get in the middle of this twin argument.
“Like shit ye are!” Murphy snapped. “Yer just callin’ yerself that all the time!” He turned to look at you then. “What ye say, lass? Whose the older?”
“No…this is an argument I’m not getting into…not even drunk.”
For the next week, you kept seeing the MacManus almost every single day. You loved their company, it made you feel less sad, bitter, and lonely, it made you happy, but you hadn’t wanted to seem overwhelming or clingy…however, it was the brothers who went looking for you, knocking at your door.
Some days, you both just had a drink either at their place or yours, others, you’d go to the pub for a bit, while others you three would have dinner together…in just a week, you felt like you three had been friends since forever, and you loved it.
You didn’t know what to make of Murphy, though. You knew you liked him, but you were not sure of what he felt about you…sometimes, quite often, you thought he might be flirting with you…he’d look at you in a certain way, he always sat down next to you and scooted closer, when you both were speaking, he’d lean closer, touch your arm, your hand, your leg…making you feel all sort of things.
Still, you weren’t sure that it wasn’t just the way the twins were and behaved. They were easygoing and treated you with that familiarity that you liked, so it might be only that, Connor also touched your arm sometimes when telling you some story with his brother, though it was kind of not the same as when Murphy did it…
You didn’t know what to think.
That weekend, though, when you were at the pub with Murphy and Connor, and also Rocco, who you didn’t like but you had to put up with because he was the twins' best friend, you were pretty sure that Murphy was flirting with you, a lot.
You were a bit more than tipsy after drowning shots with him. You were sat down next to each other, and as always Murphy had scooted his chair even closer to you. You were facing each other, chatting and laughing, and he kept placing his hand on your thigh, which combined with the way he was looking at you, those cute yet mischievous eyes, it was making you feel all kind of things, and it seemed as if you both, or at least you, had forgotten that Connor and Rocco were there too.
He was leaning so close to you…you were sure he was flirting with you and whenever you flirted back he didn’t seem to mind…so even if you weren’t sure, you couldn’t hold it back any longer, you were going to find out if he was into you too or not.
Murphy had his hand on your thigh, and you placed yours on top. “I’m gonna get some air, I feel my head is buzzing after all those shots,” you said, and  it was not only an excuse to try and get Murphy and you alone out of there. “Will you come with me, Murphy?” You asked as you got up, keeping his hand on yours.
You half realized that Murphy was turning to look at his brother, but you had only him in mind at that moment, and you tugged at him until you were outside of the pub. Once there, you took a breath of fresh air, trying to clear the humming in your head, while Murphy reached into his coat’s pocket, taking out a cigarette.
“That’s a pity…” You commented as he took a drag.
“I don’t like the taste of cigarette,” you said before leaning in and kissing Murphy’s lips.
Much to your relief, Murphy kissed you back, placing the hand that wasn’t holding the cigarette at the back of your head, fingers tangling in your hair, and you placed your hands on his waist, pulling him closer.
Murphy stopped kissing you for a moment, but it was just to look back and stub his cigarette on the wall of the pub, dropping it to the ground so he could cup your face with his other hand too, but it reminded you to where you were, and this time it was you who pulled back when he kissed you again.
“Wait, let’s go to my place.”
“Look at this, takin’ me to yer place already,” Murphy joked, giving you that mischievous look, as if you two hadn’t been flirting for days, and you snorted, nudging him and smiling against his lips when he kissed you again.
“What, too quick for a good catholic boy like you?” You joked back and Murphy’s smirk grew bigger as he shook his head. “Come on, I don’t want to make out at the outside of a pub with people coming and going.” Much less when those people could very well be Connor and Rocco, you could already hear their teasing. “Especially when my place is literally right there.”
You tugged at Murphy’s hand and he walked with you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
Once at your place, you pushed Murphy so he’d sit down at the edge of your bed, and you straddled him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and kissing him again, moaning softly against his lips when he placed his hands on your waist, pulling you even closer.
“Should have kissed you sooner…” You murmured between kisses and Murphy snorted, nodding.
“Aye…yer really dense when someone tries flirtin’ with ye,” Murphy joked…or you hoped he joked. “I was startin’ to lose hope.”
“Maybe you’re just really bad at flirting?” You joked back, snorting when Murphy bit your lip at that. “You could have been the one kissing me first.”
“I wanted to,” Murphy said before kissing you again. “But I wanted to beat my brother too.”
You frowned at that, confused. “What?”
“Nothin’, love, just a stupid bet,” he murmured against your lips.
“A bet?” His lips on you were almost distracting enough, but you couldn’t let it go, confused.
“Forget it,” Murphy said, trying to kiss you again, but you pulled back, frowning as you look at him.
“No, what are you talking about?” You asked and Murphy let out a frustrated sigh but he stopped trying to kiss you.
“When ye came to our place that first time, to complain, and ye were so angry,” he began. “Connor said ye were one of the grumpiest lasses he’d ever seen but I told him ye looked sad too.” He shrugged and you wondered how he could have noticed that with just one glance at you when you were being so rude.
“He laughed but I told him we could give ye some of the unburned cookies as a peace offerin’ so ye’d stop bein’ mad at us,” Murphy kept going. “But Connor kept laughin’ at me sayin’ that ye were gonna throw them to my face and kick me on the nuts…so I got mad, told him that ye were not only not gonna kick me on the nuts but that I could get ye to even kiss me…so we bet on it, ye had to kiss me before tomorrow and if ye didn’t then Connor would try to get ye to kiss him instead,” Murphy explained and you didn’t even know what to say. “So I’m glad ye kissed me today, love.”
Murphy tried to kiss you again as if nothing, and you pulled away from him...a bet…Connor and Murphy had made a bet about you…you’d been too shocked to say anything, but soon it turned into rage.
“A bet…you made a bet with your brother…” You said as you got up, looking at Murphy in disbelieve. “This was a bet…all this…”
He’d flirted with you and kissed you just to win a bet over his brother…while you had let yourself fall for him the way you did. You knew you shouldn’t have trusted guys that handsome, you were an idiot. You really liked Murphy…and you liked all the time that you had spent with him and his brother, having fun, you had been so comfortable and happy with them, you had thought they were your friends…but they were just trying to win a bet…
Was this just like when they bickered about who was the older? You were just a bet in their stupid competitive twin game…
“No, love, it’s not that.” Murphy tried to reach for your hand but you moved it away.
“Don’t touch me and don’t call me that!” You snapped, feeling your heart breaking…you were so stupid…you had thought you had friends now, good friends…that maybe Murphy liked you too…that your life was going to get better…you should have known better, you should have never let yourself have hope again.
“Leave me alone,” you hissed at Murphy, glaring at him, hating the tears that could feel in your eyes.
You didn’t know how could Murphy give you those sad, puppy eyes, that almost made you give up your words and go back to him…but no, you had let him use those eyes and his charm on you to play you, to win his stupid bet with this brother…Connor, he was on this too, he’d played you too…an idea came to your mind, fueled by rage and heartbreak, and by that need to retaliate on Murphy and Connor...you welcomed the anger, though, it was better than feeling heartbroken.
Turning around, you rushed out of your place and down the stairs, ignoring Murphy when he called for you again, running back to the bar.
Connor and Rocco seemed surprised to see you back, you guessed they’d imagined why Murphy and you had left together, but you were about to surprise them way more, when without a word, you grabbed Connor’s head and kissed him.
“What the hell, lass,” he said before you shut him up by angrily kissing him again.
“What did Murphy do to disappoint a girl so soon?” Rocco laughed. “Talking about the devil…”
You stopped kissing Connor at that, looking back, and you saw that Murphy had followed you into the bar, and so you kissed Connor again, making sure that Murphy saw you ruining his stupid bet.
“Lass, stop it!” Connor pushed you away from him, looking at you in shock, and you looked back but Murphy seemed to have left. “What are ye doin’?!”
“Helping you, so your brother doesn’t win the bet, you should be grateful, uh?” You snapped. “Sure, I was an idiot and kissed your brother so you’re not winning, but now it’s a tie, like good twins, uh?”
“Shit…” Connor said, closing his eyes tight for a second before looking at you.
“Yes, shit!” You leered at him. “Your brother is a prick and you’re an asshole too! I thought we were friends!”
With that, you turned around and rushed out of the bar, hoping that Murphy wasn’t outside, you didn’t want any of the twins seeing you cry, it would be even more humiliating, you just wanted to hide at home.
“Lass, wait!” Connor followed you outside and you glared at him.
“I told your brother and I’m telling you too, leave me alone!” You pretty much yelled.
“Lass, come on…” Connor didn’t give up, his brother had seemed frozen when you had snapped at him, but Connor walked to stop in front of your building door, so you couldn’t walk in, unless you pushed him…which you’d do.
“Get out of my way,” you warned him.
“Let me speak to you,” Connor insisted.
“I’m done listening to yours and your twin bullshit,” you snapped and you went ahead and pushed him, not hard, just trying to make him move, but he didn’t relent.
“Lass…walk with me around the block, just once, aye?” Connor told you. “Just walk we with me and listen to me, and after that, ye can punch me twice, one for me and another for my brother, and if it’s what ye wanna, ye won’t see any of us again.”
You didn’t know what to do, you were mad, hurt… but Connor seemed genuine and Murphy’s sad puppy eyes kept coming to your head. You were an idiot, you knew it, but you nodded.
“Thanks, lass…but ye gotta promise to let me speak without snappin’,” Connor asked…that was going to be hard.
“Speak,” you just said as you began walking.
“I know what yer thinkin’, but it’s not that…sure, aye, we made a bet but that was just a joke, we kept hangin’ with ye not ‘cause a bet, but ‘cause we like it, ‘cause we’re friends, lass, the bet was just a stupid thing, we like to be friends with ye for real,” Connor told you and you scoffed but you let Connor speak.
“My brother? This isn’t a bet for him…I mean, sure he’s gonna be bragin’ that he was right,” Connor chuckled but stopped when you glared at him, ready to punch him right there. “Sorry, lass, but I mean it, Murphy talked ‘bout ye for an hour that first day already, after he gave ye those disgustin’ cookies,” he told you but you didn’t know if you could trust him. “And after that second day, when ye brought us the chocolate angels? After that, he wouldn’t shut up about ye. My brother likes yefor real, Y/N, he really does.”
“I wish I could believe you…” You said, trying hard not to cry.
“I’m not lying, lass,” Connor told you but you shook your head.
“You say that, but Murphy? He was waiting for me to kiss him to win the bet,” you said bitterly and Connor let out a sigh.
“My brother’s an idiot, lass, aye, I agree…but that he wanted to win the bet too doesn’t mean he doesn’t like ye,” Connor said. “I know that if ye hadn’t kissed him now, he was gonna kiss ye or tell ye that he likes ye before I could flirt with ye.”
“Yes, so you wouldn’t win the damn bet either,” you scoffed.
“No, lass, ‘cause he likes ye!” Connor insisted. “I wasn’t gonna flirt with ye anyway,” he said and you shrugged, half wondering if he liked you so little that he wouldn’t have even tried flirting with you to win a bet. “I know my brother likes ye, even if ye don’t believe me, so I’m not gonna flirt with a lass that my brother likes…and yer a nice lass, sure, but yer my friend, and I’m not gonna mess that just for a stupid bet.”
“I really wish I could believe that…” You swallowed hard.
“It’s the truth, lass, I mean it,” Connor told you, sounding so genuine, you didn’t know what to think. “Look, if this is just a bet, why would I want to keep hangin’ with ye? It was not a bet to be your friends but to have us kissin’ one of us…we’re tied already, so?” He shrugged. “I’m not lying, I’m sorry we hurt ye, lass, I really am, but we’re yer friends for real, I promise, this is not about a stupid bet.”
You considered his words as you walked…you wanted to believe them so bad... “Okay,” you said weakly, nodding. If you ended up hurt, if the MacManus were just messing with you, laughing at you, it was going to be your fault, you knew it, and yet…
“Okay?” Connor looked at you as if wanting to make sure, and he smiled when you nodded again. “Thanks lass, I know we messed up, but I really like that yer my friend,” he said, still sounding so genuine that it was hard not to trust him. “And Murph really likes ye, lass, it’s not a bet or a game for him, you gotta believe that.”
You chewed on your lip and then let out a sigh. “Look Connor… I like your brother, I do,” you said. “But I can’t let someone play with me, I can’t afford to have my heart broken right now.” Your life had you feeling hopeless enough to add heartbreak, you didn’t think you could take it.
“Lass…” Connor stopped in front of you. “I can’t swear on a bible that my brother’s not gonna break yer heart one day because I can’t know that, or if yer gonna break his,” he said, “but I can promise ye that the last thing he wants is to break yer heart, that was not just a bet or a stupid joke for him, and that he likes ye for real.”
You looked at him but only nodded in silence, and you both kept walking. Connor didn’t say anything else, and you didn’t talk either, thinking, until you both reached the door of your building again.
“Connor,” you said as he opened the door. “If Murphy is at home can you tell him to go to my place?”
“Yer gonna punch my brother?” He joked but he looked worried and you snorted weakly.
“No, I don’t intend to.
“Okay…are ye, uh…are ye gonna break my brother’s heart?” If Connor was trying to joke, he didn’t manage to sound like that, and you let out a sigh.
“I don’t intend to do that either.”
Connor just nodded, and you both walked up the stairs, you to your place and him to his.
You waited for Murphy, you could hear voices from upstairs, and after a while, you wondered if Murphy wasn’t going to come, but then there was a knock on your door, and you opened it, Murphy was there.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
“I want to believe that,” you sighed, walking in, and Murphy followed you inside.
“I like ye, Y/N, this wasn’t just a stupid bet, I like ye for real,” he said, standing in front of you when you sat down on your bed.
“I really want to believe that too,” you said quietly.
“What can I do so ye believe me?” Murphy asked you and those damn, sad puppy eyes were going to be the death of you.
“I don’t know…” You shrugged. “But… you’re going to take me out on a date, a real one, and then I’m going to decide if I can trust you or not.” You guessed it was a bit stupid, but it was the only thing you had in mind.
“A date?” Murphy asked you, seeming puzzled
“Yes…unless you don’t want to,” you said, defensive…wasn’t he saying that he liked you for real? At least he could take you on a date, then…
“Of course I want to, love.” Murphy smiled. “I just thought…dunno, a million things way worse than takin’ ye out on a date.”
“It has to be a good date.” You shrugged, but you couldn’t deny that you were glad that Murphy wasn’t looking like a sad puppy anymore…you liked his smile so much. “A real one, like, not to the pub…like, I don’t know, have dinner somewhere and go to the cinema or whatever people do for dates.”
“Okay.” Murphy nodded.
“And…and  you have to prove that I can still trust you…that you weren’t just playing with me for a stupid bet-”
“I’m not, love, I promise,” Murphy interrupted you.
“Okay…” Maybe you shouldn’t believe that so easy, but you did, couldn’t help it. “But…listen, Murphy, I really like you, okay?” You admitted, looking down. “So if you only want to mess around…I can’t do that.”
“I’m not messin’ around with ye,” Murphy told you, sounding genuine, and no matter you tried to shield your heart, it was difficult. “And this wasn’t about a stupid bet, I like ye too.”
“Just…juts let’s go on a date and we’ll see,” you said, trying to stay strong, Murphy had hurt you and you didn’t want to let it go because he was cute.
“Okay…” Murphy nodded. “Y/N…I didn’t mean to hurt ye and I’m sorry I did, ye gotta believe me.”
“I guess I do…” You sighed, even if you might end up regretting it. “I have to talk to your brother too,” you said as you got up from the bed.
“What for?” Murphy looked at you, seeming wary.
“He was part of the bet too so I want to talk with him too,” you said. “Let’s go.”
“Okay…” Murphy murmured, and followed you back to his place.
When he opened the door and you walked inside, Connor was sat down on his mattress, bathrobe on as if the first thing the MacManus did when they walked into their place was strip off their shirts, which by now you knew wasn’t far from the truth. Connor had a bruise on his cheek, though, and you gasped when you saw it.
“What happened?!”
“The idiot of my brother punched me because ye kissed me,” Connor said, though he didn’t sound pissed…you were, though and you turned to look at Murphy, who was looking down like a kid ready to be chastised.
“What?! Why did you do that?! If this was for that stupid bet…”
“Wasn’ that,” Murphy muttered.
“Still…he did nothing! I was the one who kissed him!” You scolded, hating how Murphy had perfected the look of a chastised kid that you want to forgive, and you let out a sigh. “That date better be perfect.”
“So, things are good between ye two?” Connor asked tentatively.
“Aye,” Murphy answered before you could.
“Maybe,” you corrected.  “He has to take me on a date, and then we’ll see.”
“Could be worse…” Connor looked at his brother, shrugging, and he nodded.
“Don’t think that you’re on the clear already,” you told Connor. “You too were part of this stupid bet, so you too have to prove that I can trust that you’re my friend for real,” you kept going and Connor nodded, serious. “So…you and I? We’re going to play monopoly, Murphy can join, and you’re not only going to let me win, you’re going to be winning and then let me take over all your properties and ruin you... you better get planning how.”
“What!?” Connor looked at you, seeming outraged. You had to try your hardest not to smile, trying to look serious… you’d felt like asking this to Connor, even if it was silly, was going to outrage him, and judging by his reaction and Murphy’s laugh, you’d been right. “That’s not fair! I’ve never let anyone win at any game!”
“If you’re my friend, you’re going to do it…” You shrugged, still trying to look serious.
“Okay…” Connor grumbled.
“So…you and I, monopoly tomorrow afternoon,” you said and then turned to look at Murphy. “And in the evening, you’ll take me out on a date.”
“Sure, love.” Murphy nodded eagerly, and damned was that adorable look of him that made you want to hold him and kiss him already without any date needed.
“Okay…I’m going to sleep, see you both tomorrow.”
“Night, lass.”
You had known that you were going to forgive Murphy…you wanted to, even if you were scared of ending up hurt and brokenhearted, you liked him, and you believed him when he’d said that this thing between you and him hadn’t been just for the bet.
Still, you wanted him to take you out on a date, it’d be fun, but also, he’d hurt you even without meaning to, you were pissed that he hadn't come clear to you about the bet and had still wanted to brag about winning, and so you wanted him to at least try and show you again that he was sorry for that and that he didn’t want only to mess around with you, that he liked you the way you had admitted you liked him.
And so, you hadn’t wanted to give in to him easily, not until the date was done, at least…so you hadn’t expected that, after having dinner together in a Chinese restaurant and then going to the cinema, you’d end up in the back row of said cinema making out with him already…damned were his cute face, his pretty eyes, and his Irish charm, how he could be so hard to resist.
“So…” Murphy began once you two were out of the cinema, walking hand in hand. “You forgive me for the bet then?”
“Yeah, I do…I was planning on making it harder but…” You glanced at Murphy and rolled your eyes. “Oh, don’t go looking so smug…” You said and Murphy’s smirk grew even more. He pulled you closer to him, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, and he kissed your lips again. “Do you want to go to the pub with Connor and Rocco?” You asked, knowing that they’d be there.
“Nah…let’s go watch the Christmas lights and the tree at Boston Common!” Murphy said, grinning at you. “I’m going to make a Christmas lover out of you.”
“We’ll see.” You snorted, but you had the feeling he might manage to do that too. “Okay, let’s go see your Christmas lights.”
You snuggled to his side, Murphy’s arm firmly wrapped around you, a content smile spreading across your face as you both began walking together.
Well...this was a long one-shot, but I loved writing it and I loved re-reading it, and I hope you could enjoy it. I wrote it a couple of months ago and I was so excited to post it!
Please, if you enjoyed this, let me know your thoughts in a comment, and as always, reblogs are more than welcome.
As always, excuse my English, it’s not my first language.
Murphy MacManus taglist (let me know if you want to be added or removed).
@pancakefancake​ @mychemicalimagines​  @lilythemadqueen​  @theteaset​  @hells-mistress​  @coffeebooksandfandom​  @phoenixblack89​  @soraitmnt​ @sourwolf-sterek32​ @hopplessdreamer​
@huffledor-able541​ @browneyes528​  @princessxpunk​ @easypeasyweasleywheezes​
@bitchynicole​ @sarejane​
@crustyrose​ @dazzledamazon​ @pittbull-enthusiast​  @elodieyung​ @leej2468​ @angelofthorr​ @pulplorrd​ @collecting-stories​ @sapphire-angel​ @storybookhall​ @askerror87​  @autocon23​ @dontstopxx​ @surewhyynot​  @tatianapetrovna​ @purple-serenity​ @riverscyberwife​ @lelumi​ @angelofthor​ @leej2468​   @jazzy1118​   @angelofthorr​   @tatter-tots-enthusiast​ @ummmmmmmmmmsiii​​ @blep-34​​
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A Simple Gift
Fanfic Advent Calendar 2021 - Day 16
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Loki x Reader One-Shot
Read it on AO3!
Rating: E
Words: 2k
Summary: Loki is left in the charge of the reader -- Dr. Strange's apprentice -- over the holidays at the Sanctum Sanctorum. There the reader vows to make his first Midgardian Christmas enjoyable.
Prompt: "Character A vows to do something nice for a stranger during the Christmas time. Character B is that stranger."
Warnings: Unprotected Sex
“Is winter on Midgard always this frivolous and annoying?”
Loki stared out the window of (y/n)’s study, watching the people walking past on the streets below. His posture and sneer read of disdain and superiority. But his eyes betrayed him.
That was the first thing (y/n) learned after the Avengers left the infamous God of Mischief in her charge: No matter what Loki wants you to believe, what tricks he pulls, or what mask he puts on, those eyes always give him away.
(Y/N) creeped over to see what he was looking at. Peering over his shoulder, she observed a young couple with a toddler between them getting hot chocolate from a stand across the street.
She nodded and hummed, causing him to jump slightly. “Ah, yes! Family bonding. So very frivolous....”
He rolled his eyes, moving away from the window.
“What is the point?” he contested, dropping onto the couch in an oddly elegant fashion. It amazed her how posh he was even when he was being so dramatic and, frankly, ridiculous.
“In getting one’s toddler a hot beverage in the middle of winter?”
Another impressive eye roll. “In all of it. Pretending to care about ‘family bonding,’ the incessant singing, and all this hopped up merriment because of one holiday. What makes it any different from any other day?”
(Y/N) didn’t respond, still looking out the window. Sometimes it was just best to let him get it out of his system. But something about his tone this time… it was different. His usual rants were full of venom, often trembling with centuries of pent up fury. Not this time, though. This time it was fronted with the same sadness she’d seen in his eyes moments before.
“Tell me you don’t fall in for this nonsense,” he demanded, pointedly.
She shrugged. “Parts of it annoy me, don’t get me wrong. The modern world has corrupted it with intense commercialism and social rivalries over which neighbors put up the best lights or throw the most lavish parties. But the general feeling of joy, peace, and together-ness…. It can be a well needed relief. Especially in this line of work. “
Sighing, she turned to him. “And for some, it’s the only time people try to behave long enough to give them some peace.”
Loki cocked his head with a sarcastic smirk. “Somehow, I feel that’s directed at me.”
She gave him a coy wink.
But Loki didn’t see it. His eyes glazed over, he appeared to be off into another realm. That sadness still flared within them.
“Tell you what,” she started. Loki shook his head before looking back to her. “Since it will just be the two of us here on Christmas -- no pesky, boisterous Avengers to annoy us -- why don’t we try to enjoy it? Even just a little.”
Loki groaned. (Y/N) put her hand up.
“Just hear me out. All I ask is for you to try and enjoy yourself -- enjoy the peace and quiet of an empty Sanctum -- and I will make sure that peace stays intact. Deal?”
“Isn’t ensuring ‘peace on Earth” generally your job anyways?”
(Y/N) shot him an unamused glare and stepped in front of him.
“Shut the fuck up and shake my hand.” She was no longer asking, she was demanding as she shoved her hand out to him.
He looked at her hand and then at her, taking it in his. His hand was soft and cold to the touch. “Very well. No need for such hostilities, wizard.”
For a fleeting moment, as they stood there, hands linked, the sadness appeared to dim.
Loki withdrew his hand, picking up a book from the end table.
The conversation was over.
Over the next couple weeks, (y/n) planned nonstop, trying to figure out a way to make Loki’s Christmas special. Make the sadness dim again….
The thought to make it elaborate and flashy was tempting. And would certainly fit Lok’s usual over-exaggerated personality. But that just didn’t feel right.
It was obvious to her that what he needed -- what he longed for -- was kindness, a sense of comfort and belonging. Something to cherish.
Keeping it simple and intimate...that’s what she knew would mean more to him.
For his part, Like had done his best to enjoy himself as promised. He visited the window less and the book-covered walls of her study served to hold his interest.
He couldn’t remember the last time he got to revel in so much peace. No wars to plan, no reckless brother to prevent from starting wars…. It was bliss.
Perhaps, he’d never felt this peace before. Is that why he was ignoring the sorcerer’s obvious scheming? Usually, he’d be determined to discover her plot and foil it somehow. But, right now? He couldn’t care less.
Or perhaps he did?
(Y/N) never bothered him, leaving him to the immense variety of books in her possession. He read extensively on sorcery, the universe (and something called the multiverse), time and the efforts of these wizards to keep it in check.
On occasion, he’d ask her a question about what he was reading, to which she always excitedly answered. She lit up each time, despite obviously trying to maintain the stoic composure no doubt instilled in her but the Sorcerer Supreme. Knowledge, and possibly more so his interest in that knowledge, revealed a passion that quite unexpectedly captured his attention.
He found himself trying to see it more and more. Asking her more questions just to see it. Thinking about it hours later. Staying up late into the night to come up with ways to get her to talk longer before returning to her practiced stoic demeanor.
As Christmas Eve arrived, however, that stoicism melted away. (Y/N) was practically buzzing.
“One could almost mistake you for one of those squealing children outside the toy shop,” Loki teased, finally acknowledging her obvious excitement over her plans.
The evening light from the window silhouetted her perfectly. She gave him a coy smile. “Is that such a bad thing?”
His determination to remain outwardly indifferent to her features faltered as he looked at her. She was gorgeous! More so than any Valkyrie he’d ever laid eyes on.
“You squealing could never be a bad thing.”
The words graced past his lips smoother than he anticipated. But, even still, he held his breath as he waited for her to respond.
(Y/N) stared at him in shock. Had she heard him right?
Did that mean he’d heard her?
Metaphorical butterflies swarmed in her churning stomach as she struggled to find enough confidence to reply. Her training -- her orders she’d worked so hard to follow battled in her mind against the impulses desperately begging to take over.
“I, um, I’m sorry?” she stuttered, her hands wringing behind her back.
Loki’s eyes locked onto hers, holding her there, transfixed. “I do -- very much -- believe you heard me.”
His silky, low voice went straight to places only graced by her own fingers. (Y/N) prayed on every known deity in the multiverse he didn’t notice her thighs involuntarily, but subtly moving closer together.
The fire crackled as the god stood and stalked towards her. But with each step he took, her demeanor shifted.
Flustered and caught-off-guard gave way to a set jaw and straightened posture.
He came to a stop centimeters in front of her, an intriguing blaze melting the frostiness of his irises. She looked up at him, the corner of her mouth pulling mischievously -- a look that filled him with intense desires. Desires that brought back the echo of the other sorcerer’s moans passing through the walls of the Sanctorum.
He’d heard it only the once and very faintly. Truth be told, he thought he’d imagined it -- until her supple thighs flinched a moment ago.
And now this dominant posture? Oh she was igniting all his cells in a lust the equal he’d never felt.
Unable to control herself against those daring eyes any longer, she grabbed the back of his head, pulling him into a needy kiss.
Loki’s arms snaked around (y/n), each of his long, beautiful fingers firmly pressed into her back. His tongue met hers, though whose was in control was up for debate.
(Y/N) pulled away, breathing heavy, just long enough to demand, “Fuck me, Loki!”
He merely growled in response, recapturing her lips, and backed her toward the couch. With a quick flourish of his hand, he transfigured the couch into a luscious bed. They fell onto it, tangling together, each vanishing the other’s clothes.
Hands went everywhere -- exploring, prodding, and gripping. Her cunt ground down against his thigh as he fondled her breasts.
Grinning, Loki roughly pinched her nipples before grabbing hold of her hips and holding her in place. Leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses, he made his way down her neck, chest, and stomach to her thoroughly dripping cunt.
He seized it with his mouth, pressing hard on her clit with his tongue in a rhythm that had her back arched instantaneously. Sultry, sweet moans rang out -- and on the Norns he swore without doubt they were the same he heard a few nights previous.
And he wanted to hear more.
She gripped his long hair in tight fists. Her legs draped over his shoulders, squeezing around his head when his tongue flicked just right. His arms wrapped under her hips, lifting them to reach deeper as he explored her inner walls.
The reputation of that tongue did little justice to the true magic she was experiencing in that moment. Though she very much doubted this is what those legends pertained to.
She tasted so good! He could have spent a millenium tracing her folds and clit and diving deep into her. But his own nethers were demanding attention, his hips occasionally bucking against the bed when she let out particularly enthralling moans.
Unable to ignore his throbbing cock any longer, he crawled his way back up her body. He lined himself up and looked her in the eye, waiting for permission.
(Y/N) nodded, pulling him into another deep kiss and gasping against his lips as he pressed into her. Her arms and legs wrapped around him, wanting to be as close to her and as deep in her as possible.
He chuckled, moving one hand to grip her ass as he set a steady but heated pace. He’d wanted this for so long, though he could not pinpoint the exact moment his regard for her changed from mostly indifferent to a desperate need to be with her more intimately. It seemed to him it happened before he even realized, but he wanted all of her -- her heart, her soul, and, yes, he wanted to enjoy her body as well.
And quite clearly, she’d wanted him too. For how long, he did not know, but he didn't much care either. Not right now. They had each other; he was taking her as he had in his dreams for weeks at least and she was filling the room with the sounds of her pleasure.
“Yes, Loki! Right there!” she moaned as he hit her g-spot over and over again. God, he was so good!
Her orgasm started to build; her nails dug into his back.
Understanding, Loki pounded into her harder. His own orgasm threatens to release with every thrust. But he needed to give this captivating mortal hers first.
(Y/N) screamed his name, convulsing, as her orgasm broke. The feeling of his own seed spilling in her as her walls squeezed around his cock added a few extra -- intense -- spasms.
Their euphorias combined, laced with magic so thick they could taste it in the air around them.
Stroking his cheek, she reached into the air just behind his head, gathering their magic to materialize his gift. When dealing with the God of Mischief, (y/n) knew the only safe place to hide a present was in another, desolate, universe.
She let her arm fall to the bed above her. That coy smile from before returned to her lips. Loki’s eyes glistened.
In her hand was a dazzling gold dagger. The rune, Kaunaz, was carved and painted green on the black handle -- an incantation for cunning and insight over one’s enemies. And one closely tied to Loki’s legend.
“Merry Christmas, Loki,” she whispered.
He looked from the dagger to her. Pressing a gentle kiss to her lips, he replied in earnest, “Merry Christmas, (y/n).”
Tag list: @lilythemadqueen @klinenovakwinchester @josiecarioca @sunflxwerbullet @once-again-i-am-dead @twdeadfanfic @attentionplease @phoenixblack89 @bakerstreethound @shawtygonemad @ddixons-angel @beatleszeppelin @fandomsaremykryponite @rattlerinthewheel
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honeypiehotchner · 3 years
Fanfic Advent Calendar 2021, Day 22: christmas is better with two (Bucky x Fem!Reader x Loki) — one shot
Been a while since I’ve written for Marvel, so…why not do Loki and Bucky at once? And do it for Christmas?
This is part of @attentionplease amazing Fanfic Advent Calendar!! So happy I could do this ❤️❤️
Fanfic Advent Calendar Masterlist
Prompt: “I’m freezing, you’re warm. Hug me.” “I hate work Christmas parties.”
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff, maybe a sensual note or two, mentions of anxiety
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Standing in your bedroom in front of your full-length mirror, you’re attempting to get ready for the famous Christmas party that Tony Stark throws every single year. For the past two, you’ve gone alone, simply met up with Natasha and Wanda when you got there.
This year, for once, you’re bringing dates. Plural.
“This is ridiculous. I hate these parties,” Loki grumbles, eyeing the Santa hat you put in his hands. “I am not wearing this.”
“Fine, I’ll wear it,” you snatch it back from him, handing him the reindeer antlers headband you were going to wear. “Take these. Want the red nose?”
Loki glares at you. “No. Thank you.”
Snickering, you pull the Santa hat over your head. The door to your apartment opens and closes, and Loki straightens up, looking toward the sound.
“Relax,” you tell him. “It’s just Bucky.”
“Ah,” Loki nods, still holding the antlers. “The other boyfriend.”
“That’s me,” Bucky says when he enters the bedroom. “Hi doll.” Pulling you into him for a hug, Bucky presses a kiss to the top of your head. “Getting ready for the party?”
“Yep,” Loki deadpans, holding up the antlers. “Would you like some?”
“Yes, he would,” you answer for Bucky, handing him his own pair of antlers. “Put them on.”
After a moment, Bucky obliges, stretching the headband over his head. “Happy?”
“Very,” you grin. Turning back to Loki, you raise your eyebrows. “Well?”
Rolling his eyes, Loki finally puts the antlers on. “You are quite lucky that I love you.”
“Yes, yes I am,” you answer, grabbing his face to kiss him sweetly. “Thank you for humoring me. Both of you.”
“Do I get a kiss like that?” Bucky asks, pouting, until you grab his face and kiss him, too.
“Now, what are you wearing to the party, darling?” Loki questions, stepping closer, caging you in between the both of them.
“That’s a good point, Loki,” Bucky says. “Aren’t you supposed to be dressed festively?”
“I will be,” you reply. “If the two of you will let me go.”
“Hm,” Loki hums. “Should we?”
Bucky narrows his eyes. “I don’t think so.”
“It’s a velvet dress,” you say. “Bright red, no sleeves, laced-up back. I’ll need help…getting into it.” You raise your eyebrows, craning your next to look between your two men, waiting for this to sink in.
And once it does, well, you’ve never seen two Avengers move so fast.
While you’re in your closet pulling out the dress, you can hear the two of them arguing about who gets to lace you up. You hang out for a moment, letting them debate on their own before you step out.
“Are you two done?”
They nod like two toddlers being caught doing something they weren’t supposed to do.
Regardless, they both help to lace up your dress, mainly because neither of them could figure it out on their own.
Walking into the party with two Avengers on your arms should make you feel powerful and sexy, not anxious and nauseous. But on the elevator, you’re ready to throw up.
“Relax, doll,” Bucky whispers, laying his hand on top of yours.
“Trying,” you murmur back. Everyone knows you’re seeing Bucky, but not that you’re seeing Loki and Bucky. This is the grand reveal, so to speak, of your true relationship.
“If anyone has anything rude to say to you, I will handle it,” Loki says under his breath.
“We’ll both handle it,” Bucky says. “No one gets to you without going through us.”
“Alright, alright,” you tug on both of their arms, pulling them into you. “I’m feeling better.”
Both of them lean over at the same time to kiss the side of your head, making you grin.
The elevator doors open, revealing the extravagant party that Tony has thrown together. Lights everywhere, poinsettias, giant Christmas trees. Tony never does anything small.
“So…who’s getting me champagne?” you ask.
Loki sighs. “Alright, I’ll do it.”
“Thanks, Reindeer Games,” Bucky grins, laughing when Loki glares at him. “I couldn’t resist!”
“I know,” you shake your head. “It’s a good one. Is that Shuri?”
Bucky looks where you’re looking, then nods. “Sure is. Hey Shuri!” he yells.
Shuri turns and waves the two of you over with a smile. “There’s my favorite couple,” she says when you get to her. “And look at you, spin for me!”
Bucky holds out his hand, spinning you like when you’re out dancing. The dress flows out around your legs, cool air circling your skin.
“A marvelous dress, woman,” Shuri says. “You are stunning.”
“You flatter me too much,” you laugh, hugging her.
“I see you came with the White Wolf,” Shuri says. “Who cleans up nice.”
“He’s wearing the same thing he always wears,” you say. “Except the antlers. Those are for me.”
“And this is for you,” Loki says, handing you a glass of champagne with his signature smile. “Hello Shuri.”
“Loki, nice to see you,” Shuri says. “And nice antlers.”
“They’re for Y/N,” Loki replies.
“Ahhh,” Shuri grins. “I figured.”
“Brother!” Thor approaches loudly, as always, and Jane is with him. He wraps Loki in a tight hug. “And there’s Y/N, sister, it’s wonderful to see you.” You’re next for the bear hug, and Thor even picks you up, spinning in a circle.
“Thor,” you grin. “I’ve missed you.”
“And I you, Y/N,” Thor nods. “My brother hogs you.”
“I agree,” Bucky says.
“I’m sorry, who’s holding me right now?” you ask, giving Bucky a look. Because he does have his arm around your waist.
“That’s exactly my problem,” Loki says, grabbing your hand to spin you into his arms. With them sitting snugly around your waist, you relax back into his chest.
You look up at Loki. “Are you using your seidr to warm me up?”
Loki smiles. “I might be.”
“It’s nice,” you murmur. “I was cold.”
“I know,” he says.
“See what I deal with?” Bucky jokes.
“You love it,” you blow him a kiss. “Now, which one of you do I have to convince to dance with me? Or should I ask Thor?”
That alone gets Loki to dance with you, and Bucky grabs Shuri, all four of you heading into the dance floor, your champagne glass forgotten with Thor.
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lathalea · 3 years
Weeeeee okay I’ve finally made it here with my (first) advent calendar request!
Fili (duh)
Maybe a snuggle by the fire after you’ve both been away from each other and out in the blistering cold all day? I’m thinking icicles forming on his moustache braids, frosty hair, wet, cold and miserable, but instantly happy and warm when reunited by the fire together. Soft and quiet and simple while thawing out 🔥💗
Thank you for doing this! What a generous treat! Expect more from me 🤭
Why hello there @laurfilijames, my co-conspirator 😈 💚💖💙
This one is for you, enjoy!
Day 5: The World Can Wait
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Fandom: The Hobbit Relationships: Fili x Reader Rating: G Warnings: fluff
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The mountain goats were more stubborn than usual. All the steeds apparently decided to go on strike just because the weather had been a tiny bit inclement. Okay, okay, perhaps it was snowing quite heavily. The fact was, it made moving the herd to Thorinuldûm even more difficult. Riding them was out of the question so you and your companions had to walk beside the animals through growing heaps of snow. This area of the Blue Mountains was your home and you knew very well that traversing this particular pass of the Blue Mountains was tricky even without all those problems, and you were in a hurry. Tonight you were supposed to meet Fili after not seeing him for a couple of weeks. You were busy first with buying those cursed goats and then escorting them home while he traveled with a merchant caravan as one of the guards.
When you finally arrived home, it was evening and Fili wasn’t there yet. Trying to ignore the feeling of disappointment, you quickly shrugged off your winter coat and proceeded to start the fire. It was quite cold indoors without any sources of heat present and you desperately needed warming up. Unfortunately, there was no firewood left, so you had to go out and attack several logs with the axe for a bit before you managed to fill the basket with enough firewood for the evening.
When the first flames started licking at the wood you skillfully stacked in the fireplace, you plopped down on the floor with a sigh, wrapping yourself in a thick wool blanket. The trip was tiring and difficult, your arms felt tired after chopping the wood, but at least you managed to secure some warmth. When your stomach rumbled, a groan left your lips. In all that hurry you forgot about procuring some food. The pantry was mostly empty since you had been away from home for a while and the food market would not open until the morning. There was a solution, however: leaving the pleasantly warm fireplace and knocking at your friend’s door. You knew that she would happily share some of her food with you so that you could prepare a decent meal for you and Fili, if he were to return that night. You glanced at the door to your home, but it refused to open and show his familiar figure in the doorframe. Perhaps that snowstorm you encountered on the way slowed him down too.
Your muscles protested when you attempted to get up. You plopped down on the bear hide that covered the floor and moved a tiny bit closer to the fireplace. The warmth it radiated was slowly getting to you and pleasantly spilling on your cheeks. There was no harm in warming up properly for a few moments longer. Yes, that was a great plan: warming up and resting a bit, and then visiting your friend who lived next door and getting some food. So what if your eyelids started drooping a bit…
Home. Warmth. Coziness. Rest. Soon after the inevitable happened and you dozed off to sleep, you dreamed of Fili’s strong arms wrapping around you. His moustache cuffs brushed against your cheek when he whispered something, his breath shadowing over your earlobe.
“I’m back, love.”
That stupid dream was disturbing your sleep. You muttered something incoherent and squeezed your eyelids tight. You were so very tired; sleep was all you needed at that moment. Something large and pleasantly warm appeared behind your back so you cuddled up to it and pulled one of those nice arms tighter around you.
“Sleep...” You gave an order to the figment of your dreaming imagination.
That large thing behind you shook in laughter. You could have sworn it felt exactly like Fili’s body, perfectly molding to yours in all the right places, but it couldn’t have been him, right? He was away from home, braving the snowstorm, and certainly not here, by the fireplace, lying down behind you and holding you tight. His beard couldn’t possibly be tickling your neck and his lips couldn’t be brushing against your cheek just now, because he wasn't there with you!
“I missed you so much, gamzûna,” a low murmur seeped into your ear. “I dreamed of you every single night on the road.”
You hummed in approval. That was more like it. When you took a deep breath, the smell of leather, tobacco and exotic spices filled your nostrils. So unmistakably Fili. His body shifted slightly, offering you more support, and then he started gently caressing your cheek, following the lines of your face with his fingertips, just as he often did when you were falling asleep in each other’s arms. This dream was one of the most realistic ones you’ve ever had and you enjoyed every single moment of it.
“Let me carry you to bed, sleepyhead,” the Fili in your dream said and pressed a kiss on your temple.
“Just a few moments more…” you mumbled sleepily. “I can’t go to sleep yet. I’m waiting for you to come home.”
“I am home,” he chuckled. “No, you’re not. We’re in my dream,” you whispered. “I’m imagining you.” “Then open your eyes, love, and see for yourself,” that pleasant, slightly hoarse voice of his said.
And so you did, turning your head up.
You blinked.
A pair of cornflower blue eyes was the first thing you saw. That, and his sensual lips, curved up in a smile, along with his long blond mane surrounding his face like an aura, glistening in the firelight like strands made of pure gold.
“Fili!” You turned to face him and wrapped your arms around him. “You’re not a dream!”
“I’m very much real,” he brushed your nose against yours and then planted a soft kiss on your lips. This was definitely not a dream. It was sensual and tender as you slowly found your way to each other after many days apart. When your lips parted, you lay facing each other and enjoying the sweet, reassuring closeness between you, your fingers intertwined.
“Fili?” You spoke sleepily after a long while, hoping that your empty belly wouldn’t rumble at that very moment, ruining the mood.
“What is it?”
“We should prepare supper. You’re probably hungry too. I’ll go to my friend and...” you started, trying to blink away the tiredness you felt.
“Please, stay. You’re barely awake. I have some travel rations left in my saddlebags. We’ll eat and then go to sleep right away,” he cupped your face and gave you a quick kiss.
“But we must unpack first, clean our boots, dry our coats and…”
“We both need to rest, my love.” Fili interrupted, his eyes never leaving your face. “The only thing I absolutely must do is fall asleep with you in my arms. The world can wait until tomorrow.”
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Khuzdul: Gamzûna - wild (ferocious) lady
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🎁 The Hobbit Advent Calendar 2021 Masterlist 🎁
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Taglist: @fizzyxcustard @shrimpsthings​ @dark-angel-is-back @sherala007 @amelia307 @anyaspidergirl-blog @jotink78 @rachel1959 @saltwater-in-the-afternoon @linasofia @justfollowtheroad @bitter-sweet-farmgirl @legolasbadass @yourqueenunderthemountain @reblogunderthemountain @guardianofrivendell @elrawienthewhite @xmly-xo @tschrist1@nelleedraws @beenovel @vee-vee-writes @mcchiberry @shalinizhara @dumbassunderthemountain @errruvande @laurfilijames @emrfangirl @s0ftd3m0n @lilith15000 @kami-chan1512 @ragsweas @enchantzz @aduialel @myselfandfantasy @thewhiteladyofrohan @elliepie1226 @middleearthpixie @i-did-not-mean-to @guardianofrivendell
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theartofdreaming1 · 3 years
Advent Calendar FicRec 2021, Day 1
Snowstorm by @rosegardeninwinter
A Hunger Games everlark fanfic written for the prompt:  "No games, canon. Just a good, all time favorite “it would have happened anyway” story. Maybe throw in snowstorm trope to make it seasonal?" Super sweet and cozy - perfect to get this advent calendar started! 😊😉
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Hosting Family- Ryan Ross x Reader (Advent Calendar 2020 - 2021)
Prompt: H: Hosting family (How does family work? Are they invited to others, or stay with their s/o?) from @kairaiimagines Christmas Alphabeth prompt list
Warnings: insecure Ryan
Word count: 1 441
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It was not the first time Ryan would meet your family. It was not even the first time Ryan would spend Christmas with your family. And yet he seemed more nervous than the previous times. For almost a week now he had been cleaning the house like a maniac. He had not only dusted, vacuumed and swiped every room; he had also cleaned the windows, and even defrosted the freezer. He had spent hours cleaning the bathrooms, and almost an eternity to prepare the guestrooms your family would stay in.
Where you had planned on wiping down the biggest surfaces, vacuuming and putting on fresh sheets, Ryan seemed to have decided that every room needed to be cleaned to the very last square inch.
But that was not just the guestrooms, as you realised. Every book in the house had been dusted, every lamp wiped clean, and tasteful, slightly kitschy Christmas decoration was spread all over the house. On every sparkly clean window hung an ornament, a little star or a couple of snowflakes. On every windowsill stood a little table lantern unless there was not enough space between the flower pots. On the doors to the main rooms like the living room, kitchen and dining room, but also to the guestrooms and bathrooms, there were wreaths, and on the shelf next to the TV Ryan had arranged a Christmas Village out of incense burner houses, decorated with cotton wool to make it look like snow. You just hoped he would not try putting the little houses to work all at the same time because with that much smoke the fire alarm surely would set off.
On the living room table stood the Advent wreath made from pine tree twigs, decorated with the same colour of baubles as the Christmas tree in front of the big window into the garden. The dining table had a fresh-out-of-the-laundry tablecloth, one in deep, festive red with gold patterns, and in the middle stood an arrangement of candles with a small plate with Christmas cookies.
All in all you really did not want to complain about Ryan being so passionate about decorating the house this year. But you had a feeling it was slightly too much. And he was not enjoying himself in the way one should when decorating the house for Christmas.
You had been content with the few candles, the Advent wreath in the living room, and the little paper cut-outs of stars in the windows for the first two weeks. But since it had been decided your family would visit for Christmas, Ryan had started making it his personal goal to present a perfect home.
Now there were only a few hours left until your family would arrive, your mother having sent you a message just a few minutes ago, that they’d take about another six hours.
With crossed arms you stood in the dining room, and watched as Ryan came back into the house from the garden. Just now he had put up lanterns outside, and earlier he had arranged pine tree twigs with more lanterns in front of the door “to make it look welcoming”. Ryan pulled his shoes off before stepping into the perfectly clean kitchen, and carried the shoes past you into the hallway, ignoring your raised eyebrows at his actions.
“Ryan,” you asked quietly when you heard him take off his coat. A few moments later he stepped back into the dining room, almost flinching at the stance you had taken; arms crossed over your chest, eyebrows knitted together, and lips in a tight line. “I’ve let you do whatever you like this past week, but...” your expression softened, and you dropped your arms to your side, “what are you doing?”
For a moment he stared at you; deep brown eyes meeting your concerned ones.
“Preparing the house for Christmas,” he answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“I see that... but,” you looked around, “don’t misunderstand, I love it. It just feels like you’re doing something to distract yourself from… something.” Stepping closer to him, you took his hands in yours, bringing them to your lips, and kissing them gently. “What’s bothering you?”
You almost immediately regretted asking the question, because it was obvious how you had broken down the wall Ryan had seemed to have built over the past week. Maybe for the best. But it broke your heart none the less to see the way his shoulders slumped down, and his lip quivered slightly.
Hastily you dragged him to the sofa where you sat him down, sitting closely next to him. Letting go of one of his hands, you brushed a thumb over his cheek, signalling him you were ready to listen, whenever he wanted to talk.
It took him a few minutes until he finally found the right words.
“It’s the first time your family is coming here,” he started. “They’re gonna see the house, the way we live, how my way of life has intertwined with yours and... it feels like it’s gonna be the visit where they understand that I intend to stay in your life until the day I die, if you’ll let me. And I do, I really do.”
You had to blink a couple of times in order not to cry on the spot. Of course Ryan and you had talked about it before. Neither of you felt the need to get married any time soon, even though Ryan had mentioned a couple of times that it would be something he’d like to do some day. But you had both made it clear that you wanted to spend the rest of your lives together.
Ryan took a shaky breath before he continued.
“It feels like this visit is really important. Like... it’s a big. And I know your parents are protective over you,” well, he was not wrong “and I have messed up before. Not with you, but they have no guaranty I won’t do the same thing to you. I feel like I need to prove to them that I’m good enough for you. Not just as a lover, or a fleeting boyfriend, but as someone who can provide a home, someone who can take care of you, who can comfort you, who you can be safe with.”
He looked at you, his chocolate brown eyes swimming with tears.
“Ryan- you do realise I’m the one in the relationship with you, not my parents right? And I already know these things. Even if we’d live in a tiny, chaotic, un-Christmassy flat in the worst part of town, my parents wouldn’t dare to think of you any less than the man I chose to have by my side. Because they know I’m happy to be with you, that you make me happy. Every day.” Quickly you brushed away one of the tears that had started rolling down his chin at your sincere words. “And it doesn’t matter where we live, what our house or flat looks like, what we serve them for dinner, or how many boxes of cookies there are in the kitchen.” You were not so subtly referring to the masses of Christmas cookies Ryan had baked over the week between cleaning. “I love the way the house looks, I think it’s like straight out of a movie. But please know it’s not the standard my parents expect from you. Nor do I, okay?”
Ryan nodded, blinking the tears away, before hugging you. You let him, relishing in the warm, familiar scent that filled the air around him.
“Would you like a cup of hot chocolate,” you asked when Ryan pulled away eventually.
“We could have some cookies, and relax on the sofa,” he suggested, making you nod eagerly. “Great. Why don’t you stay here, and I’ll bring everything to you.”
He kissed you on the forehead and got up, heading to the kitchen where you heard him rummaging around. You leant back into the cushions of the sofa and shook your head slightly to yourself. You knew he was insecure, about so many things, most of all about everything that might make you think of him any less than you did. You just felt a little sad he was so insecure about your own family. You wanted him to feel at home with them, like you did. But you knew that the best way to achieve that was to be patient with him, and to show him how much you loved him. You smiled slightly. It wasn’t like either of these things was hard, not when it was about Ryan.
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Taglist (if you want to be added or taken off, please let me know):
General: @robinruns​ @starduststyx  @jayloverthe3rd​ @lookalivefrostyslibrary​ @butterflycore​​ @vamp-void​ @angelevansfalls ​ @alexstyx​ @recommendedattheprice
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mrfeenysmustache · 3 years
Tinsel Tides Chapter 1
Written for SessKag Advent Calender day 19 as well as for a special Christmas Gift for Troll!!
Summary: Disillusioned by tragedy, Kagome allows her friends to drag her away on a tropical vacation just in time for the holidays. She expects warm air, good food, and space to breath. She does not expect a Christmas Miracle to find her so far from home.
Read on: AO3
Kagome sighed as she pulled her suitcase from the back of the car, extending the handle and swiveling it behind her as she made ready to follow her friends through the airport.
Some wreaths and lights twinkled here and there, and chirpy holiday music drifted through the terminals from tinny speakers high overhead.
Her family had never been big into celebrating Christmas, it was more a holiday for lovers, after all, but it all still drove a thorn in her heart.
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kakairu-rocks · 3 years
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We’re onto Week Six of the KakaIru Advent Calendar Battle 2021, and have finally reached the single digits! Even more exciting is that next week is the semi-finals!!
There are 9 tropes to choose from this week, and you can now see who is still in the battle; so please come on over and MAKE YOUR VOTE to send your favourites to the semi-finals!
You can only choose 6 of the 9 prompts, so make your votes count!
Mod @kakairu-shrine​ ​has also written another drabble you can enjoy!
We look forward to finding out which tropes are your favourite!
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In addition to making daily memes for a year, I also started writing fanfic on AO3.
Published on April 10, 2021, was A New Day, a one shot focusing on a missing scene in the musical between Raoul and Christine after the chandelier fall.
Started on April 30, 2021, was my Touch Prompts, a collection of one shots based off this tumblr prompt list. (I know this hasn’t been updated in nearly four months. I swear I already know what the next one is going to be and have for a while, just been focused on other things.)
On October 1, 2021, I started my multichapter fic, All the Things Yet to Come, which is my Plague AU of PotO. This is an E/C fic based on an alternate history concept of a deadly plague that has ravaged Europe for eight years. Christine has lived in Paris for four years and has been fighting to survive, but one night, her world gets upended by guess who.
Also on October 1, 2021, I started the Potober 2021 Prompts for coatntail’s month-long Potober event. I wrote a oneshot for every day of October. I still don’t know how I survived that.
On October 30, 2021, I published The Child, a oneshot written for thewoodenring’s Dark Week event. This is a dark post-canon story focused on Christine, Raoul, and Charles, who was Christine and Erik’s son in the Susan Kay novel.
On December 6, 2021, I published A Secret Engagement, which was written for timebird84′s Advent Calendar. This one is yet another missing scene from the musical of when Raoul proposes to Christine, featuring angst.
On December 12, 2021, I published Les Flambettes, written for paperandsong’s Legendes Rustiques project. This is a oneshot based on the Legendes Rustiques story of the same name and featuring a Raoul who follows Christine through the mirror the first time Erik takes her to his underground house.
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twdeadfanfic · 4 years
Murphy MacManus Fanfiction
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WITHOUT A GOODBYE:  From meeting Murphy one night at the pub, to him disappearing for eight years without a goodbye...to him coming back.
An Irish man on the run jumping into her car and asking her to keep driving is just the beginning of trouble for reader, who gets unwillingly dragged into the mafia killing life of the MacManus twins.
Murphy x Reader.
Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6
MELTED SUGAR (Fanfic Advent Calendar 2021 One-shot):  Reader is the MacManus downstairs neighbor, who, exhausted after a long day working, is not in the mood to deal with their neighbor loud christmas carols. When she goes to complain, though, she wasn’t expecting that a handsome irish lad would open the door... Fluff, MacManus twins bickering, mild angsty mid-communication, happy endings, charming irish Murphy MacManus lad...
OPENING A DOOR (One-shot):  You’re leaving your curriculum everywhere without no luck, including an old Irish pub called Mc.Ginty’s, and of you way out there, you open a door on the face of a very handsome Irish guy.
ST. PATRICK’S NIGHT   (Finished)
You’re left alone on St. Patrick’s night, the people you were supposed to hang out with  seemingly having forgotten you, but what seemed to be an awful night turns into something completely different when you meet the MacManus twins. Murphy x Reader.
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doctorroseprompts · 3 years
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Welcome to the DoctorRosePrompts 31 Days of Ficmas!
If you’re new this year, 31 Days of Ficmas is our December theme and list of prompts. It’s based on the fanfiction advent calendars that have been around for years. We’ve got a list of words, one for each day in December. You write fics for all of them, or as many of them as you like. You post them whenever you want--so if you end up using the words out of order, that’s not a problem. And then we all get to enjoy a month full of cuddling for warmth, I told my family I have a boyfriend and now they want to meet him, Christmas planet, festive, fun, fanfic. 
Feel free to use these for any fandom, but we will only be reblogging fics that are Doctor x Rose.
31 Days of Ficmas, 2021 Edition:
Holiday Music
Holiday Market
Wrapping paper
Candy Cane
Santa and/or Elves
Have fun, and Happy Ficmas!
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sloanedestler · 3 years
For the end of the year fanfic asks: 5, 10, 22!
5. most popular fic this year
I'm not sure exactly the best way to determine this, but going off of hits and the fact that it's a one-shot, I'm going to say What Do You Offer
10. shortest wip of the year
This is easy, because Beneath a Mountain Sky is my only wip. So far I've resisted working on more than one multi-chapter fic at a time - we'll see if I keep that up!
22. events you participated in this year
Haha I do love to participate in events XD - here's the rundown:
The Origins of the Opera Ghost - written for PotO Paris Commune Week hosted by paperandsong
POTOber 2021 - written for coatntails POTOber Tumblr prompts event
All Our Times Have Come - written for a-partofthenarrative's POTO 13 Nights of Halloween, which I also posted for POTO Dark Week hosted by thewoodenring
Wait For It - written for the PotO Advent Calendar hosted by timebird84
Thank you so much for the ask! This was a fun one to answer!
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lathalea · 3 years
The Hobbit Advent Calendar 2021 Masterlist
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Yes! it is happening! December is here and you know what that means: fresh snow, cozy evenings, hot cocoa, warm smiles, fluffy blankets, lots of cuddling and... gifts! 💚💖💙 My gift to you all this year consists of sweet, bite-sized fics this month ☺️
Here you will find the list of my fics written for The Hobbit Advent Calendar 2021 event.
It will be updated throughout December.
The Gift (Secret Santa, Thorin x Reader)
An Excuse for a Kiss (Modern AU Fili)
Flint it! (Yuletide in the Shire, Bombur and the Company)
Rematch (snowball fight, Thorin x Wife)
The World Can Wait (cuddling by the fire, Fili)
Mistletoe (braids, Thorin x non-Dwarf!Reader)
Sapphires (little Kili & Fili & Thorin & Dis)
If On a Winter's Night - part 1 (Modern AU Thorin x f!Reader)
Hug Attack (Thrór & his grandkids)
Dwalin Has a Bad Day - part 1 (Dwalin x OC)
BAM! (little Frerin & Dis & Thorin & their grandma)
North and East (a snippet of a Thorin WIP)
A Wish (Bilbo/Bofur, a TSS2021 entry)
Dwalin Has a Bad Day - part 2 (Dwalin x OC)
If On a Winter's Night - part 2 (Modern AU Thorin x f!Reader)
All Is Fair in Love and Trade - Epilogue snippet (Thorin x Ragna, rated: M)
How Do You Shop for a King? (Thorin x OC)
Dwalin Has a Bad Day - part 3 (Dwalin x OC)
A Kind of Magic (Thorin x gn!Reader)
Dwalin Has a Bad Day - part 4 (Dwalin x OC)
I shamelessly stole Santa Thorin from here.
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theartofdreaming1 · 3 years
Advent Calendar FicRec 2021, Day 3
lovely lonely nights by ErinNovelist
Summary: Wherein Dick and Barbara don’t know they’re Robin and Batgirl respectively, and they still fall in love with each other anyway.
Super cute and adorable! 😊
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kakairu-rocks · 3 years
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We’re onto Week Five of the KakaIru Advent Calendar Battle 2021!
The bottom three tropes have been removed from the list, leaving us with 12 to choose from this week; and we’d like you to MAKE YOUR VOTE to keep your favourites in the running!
You can only choose 9 of the 12 prompts, so make your votes count!
Mod @kakairu-shrine​ ​has also written another drabble you can enjoy!
We look forward to finding out which tropes are your favourite!
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waistcoatntails · 3 years
POTOber 2021 complete!
This is a few days late, but I just want to say THANK YOU to all the content creators who participated in POTOber 2021! You all produced so many goodies for us in the community. It was an absolute delight to look at the fanart and read all that delicious fanfic. 
Can’t wait to see what y’all do for the POTO advent calendar ;)
I myself am sitting down to try and catch up with those last few days of POTOber content - reblogs incoming. 
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