#farm wedding reception
Southern wedding at the historic Tanglewood Plantation
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xoashdurham · 7 months
Fall Wedding at Elderberry Manor
John and Kristy's fall wedding at Elderberry Manor in West Bend, with an awesome firework show at the reception!
John and Kristy’s October wedding at Elderberry Manor was so much fun, and I’m excited to share more about it on the blog this week. I was at Elderberry Manor last year, and I love how absolutely welcoming Stephanie and the staff there are! Since last year, they’ve built a beautiful bridal suite, too! It was a pretty gray, chilly, cloudy day and I must have prayed a thousand prayers for the rain…
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prestedhallo7 · 2 years
5 Things To Do Before You Start Wedding Planning
A wedding is undoubtedly the most important and awaited day of your life. And while it triggers a good amount of adrenaline rush, the responsibility of getting everything organized from a wedding dress to booking a banquet hall for the wedding on time is a constant cause of concern.
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monstersflashlight · 24 days
I wanted to ask if you think any monsters had specific marriage traditions/cultural practices?
I was thinking about the Minotaurs from C.M. Nacosta’s, Morning Glory Milking Farm, and their nose rings that were basically wedding rings
Or like, what if x monster species had a tradition where they had to find their “kidnapped” bride in x time period to prove that they could protect them?
And a more naughtier scenario…breeding their bride in order to marry them?
Hi! That's such a good question! So, I do think every monster has their own special culture, and because of that, their own marriage traditions.
As you mention, I think minotaurs would have the ring in the nose, but I also think milking would play a big part of it for them. The minotaur gets the ring for you, but you have to prove to his clan that you can be a good partner, and that goes by making him cum (milking him) in front of everybody. For minotaurs, I think the breeding would be in private because they like to take his sweet time with their new wife/husband.
For werewolves, I think the chase is the key point. They have to chase their bride and fuck her in the middle of the forest, be one with nature and all that. Also mating bites, the symbolism behind the neck biting and the chasing and breeding would be their way to tie the knot (pun intended).
For orcs and ogres, and other monsters alike, I think it all would be about food and treasures. Providing for you, giving you all you need... And if that includes making you cum in the middle of the wedding reception so everyone can see how well he can take care of you... That's just an extra. The breeding could be either in the same reception or later that day, depending on the kind of scenario.
I could do more monsters but I don't want to make this super long Finally, I think dragons would play the kidnapping part beautifully. They have to "steal" you from your family and take you away so you basically become part of their hoard. Their new shiny human wife/husband that he would protect completely. He would give you all his precious treasures so you agree to mate with him, but this would take weeks. The dragon would make you wait because for them the most important is for have their significant other completely mad with need.
Now I want to make some kind of wedding night short, damn it.
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callsign-marlie · 2 years
Hey Pretty Girl
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The Five Times Jake calls you his favorite pet name + one bonus little baby taste of angst :3
pairing: jake 'hangman' seresin x f!reader genre: FLUFF warnings: unedited, light teasing and innuendos, mention of pregnancy and child birth, no y/n used a/n this is total fluff and it was just what I needed. very short in comparison to my normal things but i almost wanna do all of the young pilots with this prompt and a different quote each time, it was so wholesome ;^;
Please feel free to like, comment and reblog. Much appreciated and much love - marlie x
The First
“Hey pretty girl, slide me a bud, will ya?”
Blonde hair and blue eyes, a coy smile. Tanned skin pinched with a glaze sunned pink at the top of his cheeks and a clean pressed khaki uniform. The cap popped off of the glass with a fizz before you slid the bottle to him. “$5.50 for the boy in brown.”
“The boy,” he scoffed. Thick fingers gripped around the neck of the brew to coat his nails in condensation. The amber liquid swirled the enclosure of glass as he placed the rim to his lips. His eyes never left yours. “Not a boy. A man, darlin’. More of a man than any one you’ve had before tonight, I can assure you that.”
“And who said I wanted you, fly boy?” Your elbows were on the bar, leaning over the mahogany top. Even with the challenge of cleavage at your disposal, he never broke away from your gaze.
“Your eyes say enough. See ya soon, gorgeous.” He scribbled his name on the merchant copy of his receipt. A wink, the shine of a grin, and away he turned. 
You grabbed at the soggy slip of paper to find chicken scratch handwriting with ‘Jake’ and a phone number written on the bottom. Jake, huh?
The Second
“Hey pretty girl, that spot’s perfect. Just like me, right?”
He had bought you a bundle of sunflowers on a whim. They were gorgeous and tall, standing bright against the navy of your entry way in the antique crystal vase your mom had given you. Jake had cleaned up nicely in a crisp button down and slacks for your date to the local brewery down on the coast and had bought the bouquet for you on the ride home from a local farm stand. “Now you can think of me every time you leave the house and smile to start your day.”
You rolled your eyes, an endeared grin on your face. “You’re an ass, Seresin.”
“Maybe, but I’m your ass and that makes me the best ass around,” he chimed, jokingly hitting the back of his rump. “And this ass ain’t leavin’ for quite some time doll.”
“Then tell me, baby, what happens if the flowers die? How would I ever remember you then?” You lovingly wrap your arms around the top of his shoulders, careening up on your tiptoes to touch his nose with yours. 
His fingertips brushed a strand of hair that roguishly fell into your eyes. His eyes were the color of sea grass and his gaze was softly focused on your lips.  “Guess we’re just gonna have to go on more dates so I can get you more, right?”
The Third
“Hey pretty girl, may I have this dance?”
The reception was over and your feet were on fire, but you were finally home in your little shared apartment on base. Your hand, now coveted by a new diamond wedding band, sparkled under the high hat lights as Jake helped you up from the couch to the smooth sounds of John Mayer echoing in the background. Your white gown sweeped against the floor as he pulled you to his chest. 
Jake, your perfectly perfect Jake, dropped a soft kiss to your forehead, to the tip of your nose, to your lips. “Mrs. Seresin,” he whispered at each pass of his lips. You let your bare feet stand atop his, still encased in his military issued loafers and let his strong legs take you on a slow rock in your living room. It was the first time today that the two of you had been just alone: where the room wasn’t vibrating with clinking glasses or loud party music. 
Jake swayed with you gently even as the song changed, his hands dropped to your waist to rest on the crest of your bejeweled bum. You raised an eyebrow at your cheeky husband, who simply rolled his eyes and gave a boyish grin. “Just let me enjoy this baby.”
The Fourth
“Hey pretty girl, lemme help you, hold on.”
Jake’s large hands snuck underneath your rounded belly, lifting just enough weight to let your spine relax under the constant pressure of pregnancy. The dishes you were washing were suddenly forgotten and slipped from your fingers. A blissful sigh. “Ohhh, that’s the stuff, don’t stop.”
“Damn, all of my talent in bed and I’ve never heard you sound like THAT before,” he huffed, slowly letting your belly back down. “All I had to do was lift up peanut here and you’re putty, huh?” 
You pouted at the returning strain and snatched his hands back to place. You tilted your head to the side to leave a kiss and a teasing nip on his bicep. His fingers tickled over your skin in amusement.
“Uh-uh, don’t even think about it, Seresin. You stay right there.”
The Fifth
“Hey pretty girl, I’m your daddy.”
Tears were welling up in his eyes while he held the small pink bundle in his arms. She was so sleepy after making her grand entrance, kicking and yelling the entire birth. “Oh my god, I’m your daddy!”
“She looks just like you.” You were laying in your bed, completely spent, but glowing after all of your hard work pushing your new little love into the world. “You’re gonna be a great daddy, Jake.”
“And you’re gonna be a great mommy, honey girl.” He carefully made his way over to the bed and sat on the side to let your little girl close. Her eyes were closed and soft little breaths were leaving her mouth. Jake leaned over to plant a chaste kiss into your hair, your nose, your lips. He lingered longer than normal, touching his forehead to yours. 
“My pretty girls. All mine, all mine, until the day I die. I’ll never want nothing more than this.” 
Bonus: The Sixth
“Hey pretty girl, I’m alright.”
You launched yourself at your husband, tears streaming down your face. He winced under your arms, but did his best to wrap himself around you through all of the wires tubing he was attached to. Safe. His smooth hands rubbed up and down your back as you sobbed into his shoulder, leaving light taps on his back. “Don’t. You. EVER. Do. That. Again.”
“What, eject? It’s either that or die, and I’m too good to die while I’m still so young and handsome. You don’t want me to leave you a widow so soon, do you?” His megawatt smile showed reassurance, but you weren’t so sure it was real. You knew Jake better than he knew himself. His eyes, blackened from his impact, held something behind them that wasn’t there before: a fear. His façade was cracking at your worry.
“You won’t lose me, pretty girl. I’ll be here. I’m not leaving.”
“Promise me?” Your eyes just wouldn’t stop tearing up. “Promise. Cross my heart and hope to die.” His fingers made an ‘x’ over his heart. “And I really, really don’t wanna die. I have my whole life with you to look forward to.”
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whore-ibly-hot · 5 months
OMG SPEAKING OF MARRIAGE honeymoon with Joey or like anyone really what would Fritz honeymoon be like? Like I'd assume they didn't get one cause man's busy
Honey-mooning with Joey would be fairly simple, he'd take you to the inn or motel of one of the slightly larger nearby farming towns, and treat you to all the southern comfort food and hospitality you could want. He'd get you a nice breakfast, and flowers, but in the evening he'd make it very clear that he wants to begin the process of knocking you up. He will back off if you tell him to, but he'll make his intentions known. He just wants you knocked up as quickly as possible, and as much as he wants to enjoy the honeymoon he mostly just wants you back in the farm, acclimating to life with his family and getting settled in. It'll feel all that more real that your truly his once he can wake up in his own bed, with you their everyday.
"I hope you liked dinner, I've never been to that restaurants before, but my chicken was great. Um, darlin'? I know your probably stuffed, but are you too stuffed to work up the energy to go for a roll in the hay with your new husband?"
Fritz wouldn't be able to spend anytime honey mooning with his bride, and as a traditionalist this upsets him. Instead, he'll settle for a very extravagant one night wedding and ceremony away from the small town he's stationed at. He wants to give his bride the luxury you've never been accustomed too. You'll meet all his fellow military officials, and be shown off like one of Fritz medals. That night, he doesn't let you do anything during the consumption of the marriage. He wants to worship you, not the other way around. He will insist on some sort of white lingerie being sent in, as he wants you looking like a bride when he takes you, but he doesn't want to ruin your dress or suit. He asks beforehand if he'll be able to start trying for a baby that evening.
"Being a woman is not enough for a slimy cadet or confident rookie to simply respect you my poor dear, and I am sorry for their behavior. Being an officers bride should help, but we get new soldiers so often on the front lines, they may not know."
"What are you saying?"
"I think it'll be a little more obvious your an officers wife if you're walking around with a little bump next time we go to town. All for your safety, of course."
BONUS!!!: Mattias doesn't have the money for a big wedding or an extravagant honeymoon, but while he may not have the money, he has the spirit to party, and he knows others who do. The entire wedding reception is held as a block party at his mother's home in old Harlem, and the guests are a mix of neighbors and family. Mattias loves his family, and his perfect way to solidify a marriage is to blend you in with them. His biggest regret about the wedding is his father wasn't there to see him get married, so it's also nice for him to be around his Mami at a time like this. He loves how the two of you get along, and the two of them share stories of Mattias's papa, from when he was alive.
Mattias cannot handle it when his sees you playing with his young primos and primas, and the other neighborhood kids. Dancing with them and helping them reach the tinfoil trays to get food onto their plates. This results in him returning back to your apartment and immediately begging to dick you down, and give you a baby.
"Cmon, pretty girl!" He's kissing up on your neck, pulling you out of your reception outfit. "Gotta have you, mi esposa guapa, give you some kids. I've been shaking with nerves and energy all day, and I can't exactly fight it off at a block party. So please-"
"Let's make some hijos..."
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devine-fem · 2 months
That post where ra's is constantly telling Talia her taste in men suck bc she loves white boys then years later his grandson MARRIES one of the WHITEST men in the world... I know if he made it that far into Damian's life he would absolutely be FUMING and talking so much shit at their wedding 😭😭
It's so uncomfortable for the first hour bc he's so polite but he's also like " I cannot fathom what my little boy sees in that... Pale creature..." Right next to Damian's white ass paternal family and the Kents with zero fucks given 😭😭 jondami's reception would be so funny idc what anyone says
and ra’s al ghul, oh that poor man, can we PLEASE take ras al ghul, strip him of his ropes and plop him in the middle of the kent farm… i just wanna see what he does looking at him from under my magnifying glass. cmon dc, just for the fuck of it…
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astroboots · 1 year
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Summary: A prequel to Homecoming set 10 years before. The moment Santiago realizes he's missed his chance with you.
Homesick masterlist | Homecoming Masterlist | Astroboot’s Masterlist
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We invite you to share with us a celebration of love for the wedding reception of William Miller and Abigail Jackson.
Santiago stares down at the invitation. It's a showy calligraphy font with lots of rounded gold-gilded curves offset with the pink blossoms, roses and carnation in the background of the card.
A bit tacky for his tastes, and personally he'd probably would've opted for something much simpler, but luckily he's not the one on the hook and three hours from getting married.
He leans back against the car seat, trying to make himself more comfortable, eyes drifting to the side mirror that gives him a decent angle of your front door.
Thirty minutes.
He's been sat in this car for thirty. Whole. Minutes.
You never take this long to get ready for anything. The normal routine is: throw on the cleanest shirt and jeans combo you have on hand. Or if you're feeling really fancy, a dress you have abandoned and forgotten in the corner of your closet before you jump into the car, applying makeup as best as you can, while he drives you to where you two need to go.
He's never had to sit in a car waiting for you for half an hour while you get ready.
Not for your graduation.
Not for your first job interview.
Heck, not even when you were a bridesmaid to your best friend's wedding (because you'd both overslept and you ended up clumsily pulling on the bridesmaid's gown in the backseat while he was racing down the highway to the hotel where the bride was staying with minutes to spare).
So why on earth you would need this long to prepare for Ironhead's wedding reception is beyond him. There's hardly going to be any royalty there.
Santiago sighs, reaching over the dashboard to change the radio station when from the corner of his eyes, you've finally decided to grace him with your presence. In the side mirror, he sees you locking up the front door and approach the car.
The pale blue of your dress sways in the mirror.
Santiago is confused. You're wearing a new dress. One he knows he's never seen before on you.
It's a pretty little thing. Sheer blue lace, and a flowing line that hugs your hips flatteringly. The fabric of the summer dress flutters in the wind when you walk, the edges of the skirt flirting with your thighs as it rides up slightly and he can feel his brows arch in question as you approach the passenger side of the car.
"That's new," he says, as you open the door and scoot into the passenger seat.
You look up at him as if you don't know what he's talking about, and when he gestures at the dress, you just shrug, like there's nothing unusual here to see.
"It's a wedding reception Santiago, what else am I going to wear?"
He catches you inspecting your makeup in the mirror, your chin tilted upwards as your lips part to make sure the red lipstick and gloss on top hasn't smeared.
It feels surreal somehow, like he's wandered into a house of mirrors at a funfair. It's you, but you're behaving like something alien to him.
As he starts the car and pull out the driveway, the thought vaguely occurs to him that he needs to rewatch Body Snatchers, because he's pretty sure this is how it starts.
Still, you do look very pretty.
"The dress looks good on you," he tells you when the car's at a standstill at a red light.
The corners of your lips curve into a soft smile, and you look so happy that Santiago tells himself that if you have gotten body-snatched, he's just going to have to learn to co-exist with aliens now.
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It's a big gathering held in a beautiful garden space. There are all the usual trappings of a Pinterest wedding fare. Fairy lights hung up in trees. Pink balloons and mason jars scattered on rustic looking wooden farm tables that he knows must've cost a leg and an arm on Will's paltry salary check.
His body is tensing. Leg itchy and Santiago feels like he can't stand still in one spot. The lingering pain in his right knee acting up again. The last surgery should have fixed it, and the surgeon had warned him it's probably psychosomatic at this point, but whether it's real or make-believe doesn't help Santiago when the pain is there.
There's a lot of familiar faces from the army here, which Santiago doesn't love.
It's not something he does, bring you around where that world can sink its contaminated claws into you. He doesn't want you near it.
Doesn't want you to hear the confusing military jargon, and have to explain what "Dependa means", or to have one of his "buddies" refer to you as a "civilian".
He never likes it when you're reminded that out of the eight to ten months he's gone for the year, there's a dividing line separating your life from his that you are not part of.
Doesn't want you to be faced with the fact that when he's not here next to you, he's not your Santiago. He's not the guy you grew up, the one you always beat at Street Fighter and used to run a racketeering at the local pool hall for pocket money.
Doesn't want you to think of the fact that when he's out there, he's committing war crimes under a legal technicality courtesy of Uncle Sam, the way some dumb misguided 18-year-olds were shipped to both your motherlands once upon a time and burnt it down with napalm and bullets some decades ago.
Fuck, he doesn't want you to be here. Should never have invited you.
But Frankie had accidentally blabbed about Will's wedding last week, asking, in front of you, who Santiago was bringing as his plus one. You had looked up at him with such big excited eyes, because you fucking love weddings, and you are always his plus one. What was he supposed to say? No?
It's so uncharacteristically clumsy of the man and Santiago swears, if Frankie wasn't his best friend, he could've killed him for that.
Santiago scans the space, spotting more pink flower arrangements, carnations and pink tulips and hydrangeas, it looks like a pink confetti bomb went off in this space.
Under a large tree of heavy branches carrying pink cherry blossoms, Santiago spots the very culprit he was thinking of. Frankie is leaning against the thick trunk. He's looking as uncomfortable as ever in the big crowd, obviously hiding away so he doesn't have to make mindless conversation with the other wedding guests. Shoulders slump so low, the man looks like he's trying to shrink into the tree.
Santiago shakes his head. It's hard to ever stay mad at Frankie. He couldn't even if he tried.
Jutting out his arm, Santiago looks to you as your arm curl around his. The unbending tension in his neck seems to melt away when you are pressed to his side. He can feel your sun-warmed skin brushing up against him, as the two of you make your way over to Frankie.
"Hi Frank," Santiago greets.
Frankie looks up, those big brown eyes fill with absolute relief at seeing a friendly face. The man is all soft smiles as he lets out a long exhale, the tension fizzling out of his frame.
"What you don't like weddings?" Santiago teases.
From Santiago's side, you slip out your hand where it's looped against him arm, and wave at Frankie despite that you're not even two feet away from each other. You're acting a bit awkward, your greeting a bit stiff. There's a warm and almost nervous smile on your face that makes Santiago raise a questioning eyebrow.
"Hi Frankie," you say and your voice is all soft and buttery and breathless.
Frankie's eyes darts towards you and when the man sees you, he looks like he damn near swallowed his whole damn tongue.
It's bizarre.
Both of you are acting strange.
From the outside looking in, it probably looks innocuous, just two good friends having a conversation, catching up after not having seen each other for several months.
Except it's not. Something is different. He can tell because he knows you both so well. Something is just slightly off.
Santiago sips his beer as Frankie's telling you about how much he liked the book you lent him before he got shipped off. He's recanting how he'd read them in his mosquito filled tent, while sitting in the back of a truck waiting to be transported to another town. He's telling you the bits and pieces of his everyday life on the other side that Santiago never shares with you, and Santiago doesn't know how to feel.
The fact that Frankie can so easily share that part of his life with you, without batting an eye, like it's the easiest thing. The fact that you're nodding and smiling, responding with details of your daily life at school and work, like it's no big deal.
There's no dividing line between you and the two of you act like all of this is completely normal.
Except it's not normal.
Because Frankie's taken off his cap and he's no longer hiding under it. As at ease with you he might seem, he's also nervously running his fingers through his hair over and over again while he talks to you. He can't take his eyes off your face, tongue darting over his bottom lip while he's staring at your mouth while you laugh.
And you? You're smiling and laughing with your whole face as you listen to Frankie's story. It's a smile so big and bright and unrestrained in a way that Santiago's always thought was reserved just for him.
And he doesn't know how he feels about that either.
Santiago is watching Frankie's eyes trail over your collarbone down to your legs. Eyes rounding into big saucer and the effect is almost cartoonish. It makes Santiago want to roll his eyes, this man never could rein back his appreciation for a good sundress.
And oh.
This is why you're wearing a new dress.
Santiago blinks, feet rooted to the ground, stupefied as the realization hits him.
You wore this for Frankie.
You took half an hour to get ready for Frankie.
You were excited to come here... For Frankie.
Santiago is the third wheel.
And he finally figures out how he feels about that. 
Like shit. 
That’s how he feels about it. 
Not that Santiago lets it show. He smiles, he nods, he cracks jokes with the two of you. Makes jabs at Frankie and teases you, like there’s nothing wrong. 
Still he smiles, he smiles so wide and so fake his fucking cheeks hurt with the muscle ache of it. Smiles like there's nothing wrong. Like his whole fucking world isn’t imploding before his eyes and he’s watching it burn down to a crisp to the background ambiance of the warm afternoon sun and the live music of a string quartet. 
Dramatic? yes, doesn't make it any less true for him.
Fuck, his knees hurt.
Santiago’s eyes roam over the space filled faces that are all smiling and laughing. Everyone’s happy. Drinking and eating and laughing. In this intimate space, surrounded by a crowd of people celebrating life and love, he’s never felt more lonely in his life. 
He feels like he’s drowning, head held under the surface. There’s a claustrophobic pressure hugging his ribs and his lungs squeeze painfully tight. He can’t fucking breathe, and he wonders if he could die here without anyone noticing that anything is wrong and--
His eyes blink, focusing in on your worried face as you’re peering up at him. “Are you ok? You look a bit pale.” 
“Uhm, yeah sorry. I…”
Your eyes are staring back at him, piercingly sharp. They feel like a scalpel held against his raw tender skin poised to make an incision. 
He looks away, unable to hold your gaze, eyes flittering over the crowd. “Sorry, I think I see someone I know that I have to say hi to… and catch up with.”
“Oh yeah?” Frankie throws a look over his shoulder, “who did you spot?”
Santiago scans the space for a familiar face, any familiar face that will serve as an exit route.
There’s Jones, his former captain back in the early days. The asshole who used to call Santiago ‘pretty boy’ derisively, and make him do pull ups until he felt so sick that the contents of his breakfast would end up outside of his body again.
To his left, Will is making the rounds from table to table, greeting and thanking the guests for coming. Will is too busy, which isn’t an option. 
“Jones,” Santiago murmurs, and the moment he says it, Santiago already knows he made a mistake. 
Frankie’s face scrunches up in distaste. “What are you talking about? That guy is an asshole. You hated him back in the army, why do you wanna catch up with him?"
Santiago laughs it off, because he can’t very well tell Frankie the truth. That Santiago feels the walls closing in and needs to get away from the two of you. So he makes up a cheeky lie. 
“Guy owes me money.” He pats Frankie on the shoulder, and juts his chin in your direction. “Keep her company for me will ya?”
He turns to leave, and for a brief moment his eyes catch yours.
Maybe it’s just wishful thinking on Santiago's part, but he swears that for the first since you arrived, your smile falters. There’s something in your expression, the way your brows scrunches up, hands hovering mid-air as if you’re about to reach for his sleeve, that tells him you don’t want him to go. 
A snide critical voice in his head thinks he’s delusional. He’s just reading into something that isn’t there. Because why would you care? You’re perfectly happy in Frankie’s company.
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In this moment as Santiago stands here before his former captain, he is regretting every single decision in his life that has led him here.
That he was a dumb naive teenager at the age of 17 that was tempted by a shopping mall recruiter to go "see the world" by joining the army. That he ended up in this man's regiment. That he didn't RSVP Will's invitation with: 'thank you but no thank you'. That in all his years of being in close range fire he somehow hasn't ended up with hearing damage that would have spared him from listening to this man talk.
Santiago glances over to where he had left you and Frankie half an hour ago, because he can't even be bothered with the pretense of acting even vaguely interested in what Captain Asshole has to say.
Santiago's been observing the two of you throughout. At first, it was awkward between the two of you. Because even though the two of you are no strangers to one another, usually Santiago is always around to play intermediary when there's a lull in the conversation.
You were hugging yourself, eyes darting to the ground, feet shifting. Frankie wouldn't stop running his fingers through his goddamned hair even as it started to look like a bird's nest that's fallen off a tree. The two of you were standing some distance apart, and Santiago cringed inwardly at the scene...
But if Santiago is being completely above board and honest... there's a small tiny sliver of a piece of him that was happy about that. That there's still a space for him between you and Frankie.
It doesn't stay that way of course. As the evening goes on and the harsh bright Florida sun starts to dim, the fairy lights flicker to life. It bathes everything in that romantic soft amber light against darkening canvas of the sky.
Frankie lends you his old worn jacket as you start to shiver. Then gradually, you two are inching closer and closer until you're standing shoulder to shoulder.
Santiago gets to witness it in real time, how the space between the two of you is closing (as is his place between you). He doubt he could physically squeeze himself between you even if he tried.
It's never gonna be a pleasant feeling to know that his best friends have just made him redundant. He knows that, and running away the way he did was probably not the most mature thing he's ever done. But now that he's seeing it from a distance, he can see how happy you two look. He has two seeing eyes after all.
For the first time in a long time, Frankie looks completely at ease. There's a soft glow to his cheeks as he's looking at you, utterly besotted, and you're smiling so wide your eyes are crinkling at the corners.
Santiago takes another sip from his beer, and despite the sickly sweetness, the beverage still warms his stomach. There are worse things in the world than seeing the two people he loves the most in the world happy, even if he's not the reason for it... right?
He peers out over the setting sun, squinting against the amber brightness and even among the buzzing crowd he can pick up the sound of your laughter distinctly from everything else. It's all he can hear.
It's funny how he never saw it before. But the two of you would be perfect for each other.
Frankie’s a bit quiet, and maybe he’s a little bit shy sometimes and takes a while to open up. But he doesn’t run away from his problems. Not like Santiago does. He’d never leave you if things started to get too serious or too hard; Santiago’s not sure he could make that same promise. But he knows Frankie can. Santiago knows how good Frankie would be to you.
And you? Just looking at the two of you now, he can see how Frankie's comfortable around you. Practically lighting up like the Rockerfeller center. Frankie looks like someone took an electrical socket and plugged it into him and he's buzzing and alight as he talks to you, Santiago can't remember the last time he's seen Frankie so animated... so at ease. Except maybe when he and Frankie are left to their own devices, during downtime, just the two of them, without having to hold a weapon in their hands.
"Captain! Mind if I borrow Pope here for a second?"
Santiago blinks out of his reverie to see the man of the hour, the groom himself in front of him.
Like a guardian angel descending from the heavens, Will stands with the sun glowing behind him, the golden boy.
The Captain nods, patting Will on the back, making some crude and off-handed and inappropriate joke about how "it's all downhill from here" not even a handful of hours after the man's nuptials.
Will doesn't smile, just juts his head with a nod, as they both watch the man depart. Then when he's out of hearing range, Will turns to Santiago.
"What the fuck were you doing with that guy?"
Santiago sips his bottle, and tips his head in the direction where the two of you are sitting. "Just wanted to give the two of them some space."
Will turns around and observes the two of you.
"Right," Will says, but his tone is gruff and serious, grinding his teeth as he observes. Will has never been the type to make any comments about anyone's personal lives, it's not his style.
"It's not my place to say something," he starts, then he stops, mulls it over as if deciding whether he's really going to say something.
The man shakes his head, then takes a deep breath. "Look, just... are you sure about this?" Will says.
It's all he says, he doesn't flesh out what he means. Just looks Santiago dead in the eye, with that sober Ironhead expression that he's so famous for.
Santiago doesn't pretend he doesn't know what Will is talking about. The man is smart. Santiago's not going to condescend him and play the game of the dumb best friend who doesn't realize he's in love with his best friend. It'd be like spitting in the man's face.
Instead Santiago takes a deep breath, and down the rest of his beer.
In front of him, Frankie's waving his hand so animatedly he nearly knocks over a canape tray from a waiter that was walking by behind him, and you're having a laughing fit over it.
Santiago doesn't know the answer to Will's question. He doesn't know what there is to be sure or unsure about. But he does know one thing... The two of you look good together.
Who is he to be in the way of that?
After all, Santiago has always had hang ups about how no one is good enough for you. Because you are his best friend and you deserve the best, and if Santiago is not gonna pull his head out of his own ass, at least Frankie will always take care of you and be there for you.
Frankie is a good man. A patient man, a kind man. The type of man he wishes he could be sometimes. He'd be better for you than Santiago thinks he ever could be. 
Who's to say this isn't going to be the best thing that's ever happened to the three of you?
"Yeah man," Santiago says as he tears his eyes away from the two of you. "I'm sure."
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Credits and Dedication: To @thirstworldproblemss who already had to see this angst-fest a year or so ago and have to deal with my constant angsting over these three for funsies.
A/N: Sloppy written angst before I go on a two week hiatus as we're on a long holiday to get away from the rain and enjoy some sunshine on the Amalfi coast! I love you guuuuuys!
Follow me on astroboots-writes and turn on notifications to be notified when I post something new!
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melanieph321 · 10 months
Ruben Dias - Lost in Sardinia Part 6/8
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Summary - Ruben is on a getaway in Sardinia. There he meets a girl named Fiorella. She starts to wonder why Ruben won't tell her what exactly he is getting away from, or even what his real name is.
Chiara's wedding day was getting closer and closer. Every one in Fiorella's family picthed in to help with the preparations. The farm needed decorating, the table and seating arrangements had to be correct and only the best quality food should be bought and used in the dishes served at the reception.
"Where is that girl?" Nonna came downstairs, clenching her purse. She held her car keys, head shifting hoplessly around the room. "Cazzo! I told her to be ready for me when I came downstairs."
"Who, Fiorella?" Sophia stood in the middle of kitchen, enjoying herself a bowl of cereal.
"Yes, who else?"
"She's hiding under the kitchen table." She grinned.
"Fiorella, come out of there."
Fiorella sighed, crawling out from underneath the kitchen table. "Snitch." She hissed at her sister.
"Silly,  silly girl, what were you thinking?"
"Nonna, why do I have to be the one to go bouquet shopping with you? The smell of flowers gives me a headache."
"It's your sisters wedding , Fiorella."
"But Nonna..."
"No buts, your going."
"Sophia is not doing anything to help with the wedding, why can't she go?"
"Fiorella your sister is waiting for your uncle to arrive with the table and chairs from his restaurant, we're using them for the reception."
"Ugh." Fiorella groaned, she was not in the mood to do anything today, she had a bed and a pillow waiting for her upstairs.
"Fiorella! Fiorella!" Someone shouted. Chiara, followed by her fiance Enzo, stumbled into the room. "Good, you're still here."
"We were just leaving." Nonna said. "What is it Chiara?"
"What was the name of that tourist you liked?"
Fiorella frowned. "Ruben Sanchez. Why?"
Chiara's face lit up with her newfound discovery.
"What is it Chiara?" Sophia budged in.
"You know that picture I took of him the other day. Well I thought he was cute and perfect for you, so I showed it to Enzo and he....tell her what you told me baby."
Enzo stepped forward. He did not look as invested in the manner as Chiara, however he did seem slightly amused. "That's not Ruben Sanchez." He pointed to the image on Chiara's phone. "That's Ruben Dias."
"Ruben who?"
"Ruben Dias? The famous footballer?" Chiara explained.
Fiorella's expression resembled a question mark.
"He plays for Manchester City, arguably the best football team in the highest football leauge in England."
Chiara had told stories about her time abroad, about going to pubs with her friends and watching sports that she never knew she would grow to love, football was one of those sports.
"I knew it!" Sophia gasped, putting away her bowl of cereal. "I knew I recognized him from somewhere."
Sophia worked weekends at uncle Augustus restaurant. During the weekends is when half of the town would gather for a drink or two. There would always be a football game playing and people would faithfully cheer for their selective teams. It's in those hostile environments that Sophia picked up a thing or two about football and men. Fiorella on the other hand, knew nothing of football and very little of men, considering the first man she  laid down with turned out to be a liar.
"That's him, I can't believe I didn't recognize him when we saw him at the docks." Sophia took a closer look at the picture on Chiara's phone, nodding her head. "That's him alright, that's Ruben Dias."
"But what's he doing here" Chiara asked. "In Sardinia of all places?"
"Probably hiding from the police." Enzo chuckled.
"Police?" Sophia frowned.
"Well he's got a lawsuit against him for punching Pep Guardiola in the face."
"He did what?" Chiara gasped.
"That's right!" Sophia exclaimed. "I remember now. They said it happned during training."
"Yeah and the team handed him a four months suspension from all games and training sessions." Enzo filled in.
"Fiorella, are you hearing this?"
Fiorella hadn't moved and inch from where she stood. Although she could hear the conversation happening around her, she simply couldn't process any of it. Ruben, really Ruben Dias, a professional footballer? Why hadn't he told her? Fiorella wondered what his view of her really was if he constantly felt the need to lie about who he was. Which was not a professional hiker by the way, but a professional footballer, like Beckham and and Zidane. Those were but a few professional footballers that she knew of. Fiorella's father had her watch a few games with him on TV when she was younger and her mother would ask him to "babysit" the kids.
"He lied to you Fiorella, are you even listening?" Sophia said.
"Don't be so harsh." Chiara defended. "Fiorella couldn't have known that the guy she was going out with was a famous millionaire footballer. But did you ever suspect it?"
Unwanted attention was brought back to Fiorella, who still stuggled to process things, and so she did the only reasonable thing. She fled.
She had been a fly on the wall, unsure of what had gotten her grandkids so hysterical.
"Yes, dear?"
"I'm ready to go now."
"Alright then. I'll bring the car around."
"What?" Her sisters frowned. "Fiorella, get back here. We have to discuss this. This man could be dangerous. What does he even want with you....?"
Fiorella trapped the noise behind the front door as she stepped out of the house. She rushed towards Nonna's car and the two of them headed into town. Nonna was right, it was a perfect day to go bouquet shopping.
The world of flowers was a mystery to Fiorella, although her name literally meant 'little flower'. She couldn't understand why everyone seemed to be captivated by the scent of flowers.
Nonna, eagerly moved from one section to another, her eyes twinkling with contentment. Fiorella, on the other hand, tried not to wrinkle her nose at the overpowering smell that seemed to saturate the air. She found herself focusing on other things, like the intricate patterns on the wings of bees as they flitted from one flower to another.
"How about this one?" Nonna held up a cluster of pink roses.
"Chiara's favorite color is blue, why would we choose pink roses for her wedding?"
Nonna's eyes narrowed, eventually putting away the pink roses. "No grandchild of mine will have blue roses on her wedding." She muttered, continuing down the aisle of the flower shop.
The streets were busy outside of the window. Fiorella watched a child chase his dog around in circles. Another child dropped his Gelato on the ground in front of him. It was a peaceful sight, helping her forget about her newfound troubles.
At least until....
Fiorella gasped, heart pounding in her chest. Her eyes fell upon an all too familiar face amongst the bustling crowd. It was Ruben, crossing the street with a shopping bag in hand. He was not alone, but accompanied by a man wearing a cap and tinted sunglasses.
Without thinking twice, Fiorella hurriedly exited the shop, leaving Nonna behind. Her voice echoed through the busy city as she shouted his real name, "Ruben, Ruben Dias!"
Ruben's face turned pale, turning his head to spot Fiorella in the crowd. He quickly made his way towards her.
"Fiorella, how did you...?" He shifted his head around the busy street. Although Fiorella's voice had carried, no one but Ruben seemed to have taken notice.
"What Ruben? How did I know your real name?" Fiorella folded her arms to hide her trembling hands.
"Fiorella I..." He searched her face, his expression mellowing.
"Well I didn't google it, I'll tell you that. But I bet if I did, I'd find more about it than googling the name Ruben Sanchez."
Ruben's shoulders rose and fell as he sighed. The man that accompanied him appeared behind his shoulder.
"Is there a problem?" He asked Ruben, but kept his gaze on Fiorella.
Ruben shook his head. "No Bernardo, it's all good. Why won't you go ahead, I'll meet you back at the apartment."
The man was initially reluctant but eventually gave in. "Alright, call me if you need anything." He left, throwing Fiorella one last suspicious glance.
"Fiorella, please let me exp...."
"Save it Ruben." She said, feeling the growing lump in her throat. "You're a liar Ruben, a big fucking liar."
"Fiorella I wanted to tell you. I've always wanted to tell you about who I was, especially when I realized that you weren't messing with me, that you really had no idea who I was. I even tried to telling you the other day on my boat, but you were so anxious for me to turn it back around. I couldn't tell you then, not like that."
"Oh, so this is my fault?" Fiorella hissed, attracting the attention of people passing by.
"Of course not." Ruben protested. "None of this is your fault Fiorella, absolutely none of it."
"Then why did you lie to me?" Her voice broke, shattered by the man she thought could love her one day, that could perhaps take her away from all the expectations she had from her family, from Nonna.
"Fiorella." Ruben stepped forward, raising his hand to stroke her wet cheeks, hesitating last minute.
"I want to tell you the truth. Let me tell you the truth." He pleaded.
Fiorella nodded. "Okay."
"Yes, okay." She wiped her tears with the back of her hand. "I know a place we can go."
Ruben nodded, ready to follow her anywhere.
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suraemoon · 2 months
Would I be able to request domestic hcs with Ken Lemmons? ⭐️
Ken Lemmons Headcanons
~ Domestic Edition ~
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🍋: Of course you would, love. Here are some cute little Kenny things I came up with. This has been a busy weekend for me but I ended up more inspired than I thought! I hope you enjoy.
🛠️: Thank you to the most darling cheerleader @precious-little-scoundrel. Some of her ideas are sprinkled in here like pixie dust.
You and Ken Lemmons are true highschool sweethearts, meeting on the first day of freshman year and not mustering up the courage to admit your feelings for eachother until the last day of school before spring break
It was a beautiful day in the local park, only about an hour after the final bell rung, freeing you from responsibility for the next two weeks
You two walked hand in hand, a gesture that has become second nature as you have done it many plenty of times before, making your way down the rocky stone path
After sitting down on the grass together in a comfortable and beautiful silence, the only sounds being the noises of soft nature, Kenny tucks a piece of hair behind your ear
You noticed how his usually steady hands shook in nervousness while his finger glided down the side of your ear and as you contemplated the specific reason why that may be, his pretty face started to come closer to yours
His eyes flutter closed and he kisses you
It’s something both of you have dreamed about, a scenario rehearsed and repeated in both of your young minds hundreds of times while zoning out in class, your teacher droning on about a new math problem
The kiss was slow and gentle, his lips softer than the blanket of green grass sitting underneath your two bodies
A cute little nose rub led to a second kiss, followed by a third, then a fourth
You remember the way the birds chirped, the way the flowers looked more vibrant than usual as he walked you home that day
Upon arriving at your front porch, yet another soft kiss was exchanged and you watched curiously as he put something gently into your palm, wrapping your fingers around it as if to be kept with utmost care
It was a tiny but hopeful four leaf clover
One he found hiding among the luscious green grass right before the kiss
Ken’s mechanical skills bode well in his favor when it comes to impressing your father
At first your father wasn’t quite keen about his beloved daughter having a boyfriend but when the curly headed Lemmons boy comes over and fixes a car part that your father did not even know existed? That and Kenny’s transparent love for you helps get the paternal stamp of approval.
Now he always asks when Ken is coming over
Dad insists on talking all things mechanic on the front porch and you have to practically drag Ken inside the house in order to get alone time because your boyfriend is simply too polite to end the conversation
Your first date was the cutest picnic fathomable
You two watched the sunset together and then looked at the stars through Kenny’s new telescope
You become Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lemmons the summer after graduating highschool on a beautiful August day
A couple that made it through highschool, I know right?
Your wedding was straight out of the end of a romance film, but it was nothing but a new beginning for the two of you
It was a small chapel wedding full of nothing but family and friends
For the rest of your life, you fondly remember the way the sunlight shine through the stained glass windows as you walked down the aisle
Yes, he had tears in his eyes
You can recall the warmth and happiness in the air as the double doors opened to present the two of you to the world, Mr and Mrs. Lemmons walking hand-in-hand down flower-covered concrete steps
The wedding reception was held on your parent’s farm, surrounded by loved ones and open space
You two are each other's first time and it’s a beautiful virginity loss indeed
Ken has always been such a giver and the bedroom is included in that
Patience, devotion, enthusiasm, praise, love, love, love, and more love
^^^ Some words you thought up to describe the blissful experience after being cleaned up and cuddled, your white lace gown discarded on the floor after being replaced with white sheets and body heat
The first little Lemmons child was conceived that night, no doubt about it
Ken has always wanted children
and after spotting you (and your coworkers but his eyes were solely on you) lead a group of smiling toddlers across the street after a day in the park like a brood of ducklings during one of many daycare shifts, he knew that there was no other woman he’d want to be his children’s mother
Is it cheesy to say that you two planted a lemon tree in the backyard?
Maybe right after you got married and bought your first house in the sunny suburbs
It started off small, but just like your relationship it grew taller, developed stronger, and blossomed into an epitome of beauty
It takes six to nine months for a lemon to ripen
Nine months after first planting your tree, you get your first lemon, as yellow as the sun and picture perfect
You happen to notice it while looking out the window of the nursery, the same day you brought your firstborn home from the hospital
It isn’t long after you give birth when your Kenny goes off to England
His mind is on you and the baby 24/7, always sending long letters about how much he misses the two of you
You send back equally lengthy replies, along with numerous photos of your growing little one
Maybe a not-so-appropriate picture of you in a silk nightie, laying in your way-too-empty bed is slipped into photo pile
Where’d that come from? Hmmm I don't know. Unexpected behavior from sweet little Mrs. Lemmons but boy is it appreciated.
Even though he’s overseas and you’re still in Arkansas, you can practically feel his blushing cheeks.
Playing with the rambunctious children of Thorpe Abbotts reminds Ken of the smiley baby he has waiting for him back home in Arkansas
When he finally comes home, a spin in the air accompanied a long kiss the moment you’re back in his arms, the two of you are able to continue where you left off
Some nosy individuals had doubts on how such a young, newborn marriage would last due to such a long distance and so much time apart
Did the baby bird leave the nest too soon?
But in some unexpected way, the experience brought you even closer together
You two didn’t just fly, you soared
The family expands and something that becomes an essential to you Lemmons is nature and fresh air
Ken is the king of nature walks and picnics
He points out different birds to the kids while walking down trails, letting them hold onto his shoulders when their little legs get tired of walking
Giggles galore while splashing in the Ozark streams
Gardening is also key part of life in the Lemmons household
It takes the same amount of love, dedication, and hard work that reminds Kenny of his time in Thorpe Abbotts
Little Lemmon's children running around the yard with bouncing curls and dirty overalls
They all have his pretty smile and his unwavering determination
beautiful minds full of creativity and kindness
They’re natural born problem solvers and teamworkers, working together to create the most elaborate pillow forts and interesting inventions
He helps them with school projects. The school science fair? The Lemmons children win every year. Whether it be a homemade volcano or potato light bulb, a bunch of soft blue ribbons and shiny gold trophies collect over the years.
He also builds trains models for himself and the littles
Every December there is a train making its way around the Christmas tree, tracks sitting comfortably on the hem of the red and green skirt
Kenny also does all the yard work
Mowing the lawn, raking the leaves, you name it
Whenever he rakes leaves, he gathers them into a giant pile for the kids to jump in
It doesn’t matter one bit to him that he has to rake it all up again at the end of their activity, his children’s smiles make all the work worth it
You want a new shed? A greenhouse? A chicken coop? If you bring it up dismissively over breakfast, it will be built and completed by the end of the day
Imagine bringing him a glass of cold lemonade, your sundress flowing behind you as you walk over to him
You wipe his forehead with a cloth and then he kisses you lovingly and gratefully before getting back to work
He is sweaty and gorgeous as he walks through the back door, the setting sun behind him
The sight of pure effort personified makes you anticipate the children going to bed and it just being you and him alone
Giving him a bath?
Just imagine washing those curls, running your hands through them as his eyes are closed in pure bliss
Like I said earlier, Ken is a giver. If you do something for him, he wants to return it tenfold.
His fingers know the perfect pace, the perfect rhythm to keep you moaning and writhing from his touch
He loves putting his lips on yours
Making out in bed or a quick peck as he’s walking by you in the kitchen
He’ll stare in awe while you’re getting ready in the morning, admiring every inch of you
Rubbing his tired eyes to make sure he isn’t dreaming up the absolute goddess standing in front of him
He isn’t dreaming, definitely not
He is your greatest support system, your most devoted fan, your biggest advocate
The proudest husband ever and he isn’t ashamed about it
Thank you for reading! I do take requests, if you are interested, there’s just no absolute guarantee I’ll get to them. xxxx
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
List of Upcoming Fic Comps
Fake/Pretend Relationship
Spies / Secret Agents / Assassins & Hitmen
Secret Relationship / Relationship Reveal
Hair Brushing & Caretaking
Sex worker / Sugar Daddy/Baby
Canon/Period Typical Homophobia
Bashing / A+ parenting
No JGY Redemption
Domestic WangXian
Case fics
Long Fic (50k+)
Good parent YZY/JFM / Good Uncle LQR
Modern AU (No Cultivation/Magic)
Chinese Diaspora
Historical (No Cultivation)
POV Outsider
Deity AU
Social Media au
Time Travel 4
Rare Pairs
Neurodivergent WangXian
Role/Age swap
Talisman master WWX
Weddings (ceremonies, receptions, traditional and modern)
Office worker/CEO/Secretary
Established Wangxian (includes domestic fights/making up, divorce/getting back together, fluff/slice of life...etc)
Time Loop
Some or all older generation lives (WCZ/CSSR/MDM Lan/Sect Leader Nie/Wen parents/QHJ etc...)
LXC Bashing/Critical
This is a list of Compilations either currently in the making or will be eventually. If you see a Comp you have a rec for, please leave them in the replies with Comp name + Fic Rec.
If you have an idea for a Compilation, please send us a message and it may be added to the list.
Thank you everyone for your recommendations~
- Mod C
(this list will be updated when a new comp is being worked on)
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ryan-smith-photography · 10 months
Summer wedding at The Venue at White Oaks Farm
Now that things are slowing down I'm finally able to post som
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queen-of-the-avengers · 3 months
A Dream Come True
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.3k
Warnings: fluff <3
Request by anon: When steve and vixen ever settle down they might have a small wedding with their friends invited , loving vows , steve would have a simple yet beautiful rings for him and vixen, vixen herself would make her wedding dress (40's and 50s inspiration) bucky is the best man as for natasha as the maid of honor . Adorable part they ask tony morgan and pepper if morgan can be the flower girl they allow it , sam walks her down the isle even tearing up " i cant belive you two are tying the knot! ;-;" she smiles at sam "its alrigjt sam^~^ dont be sad”. Oh the reception is both sweet and little rowdy (best mans speach lol bucky remembering how they had good times in the past ) some cracked some laughs, theres tears and one did the protective brother mood "he better not hurt my sister" type to the bride and grooms first dance as a married couple ;-; 
Request by anon: If vixen and steve are getting married . Could vixen make her wedding dress inspired by 40s era and 1900s style hair updo . And we guess steve would be in his 40s military suit in the wedding lol both buck and sam are the best men morgan is the flower girl 🥲 hope its not much pressure
Summary: It's your wedding day, a day you never thought would come. You're marrying your best friend, the love of your life. After darkness clouded your entire life, you're finally seeing the sun.
Cat and Mouse Masterlist
Squares Filled: clint's farm (2021) for @star-spangled-bingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Before you were taken, before you got your world turned upside down, you had a dream. You had a dream that one day you’d be wearing a beautiful white gown that closely resembles the one your mother wore (hers got destroyed in a house fire when you were young), standing in a room with all of your best friends who couldn't be happier for you, marrying the love of your life. You had that dream many times even after you got taken by Hydra. It’s what kept you from going insane in the beginning. When things got tough, you’d close your eyes and imagine your wedding day.
Never did you think it would finally come, and it finally did.
Instead of a room filled with a ton of your friends, it’s Natasha. She died giving herself up for the Soul Stone, but when you and Steve returned the stones, they gave her back in exchange for the stone. You didn’t think that was possible but it was, and you brought her home to everyone. 
It’s sad that Tony never knew she made it.
You stand in front of the floor-length mirror and admire the dress you made yourself. You drew inspiration from your mother’s wedding dress. It’s been so long since you’ve seen it but you can recall every detail by memory. It’s not an exact replica but is very similar. Natasha walks up behind you and fixes the dress from the back. It has an open back that clips right behind your neck, and the entire bodice is a flowery lace material. The dress goes all the way down to your feet and is loose and airy, nothing like those puffy dresses people where nowadays.
“You look beautiful,” Natasha smiles.
“Thanks, Nat,” you whisper.
She is your Maid of Honor while Bucky is Steve’s best man. You only have one person because the wedding is so small. Clint offered his farm for you to use which is why it’s so small. The only people in attendance are your closest friends and family--mostly Avengers and their family. There are minimal decorations but it’s very elegant and intimate.
Someone knocks on the door and you two turn to see Sam walk in.
“It’s time.”
“I’ll see you out there.”
Natasha kisses your cheek and leaves the room. When you asked Sam to walk you down the aisle, you could have sworn you saw tears roll down. Your parents are long gone and you wanted the person giving you away to mean something to you. Sam is that person. You and Bcuky are close but by trauma, and Sam was the next best thing.
“Wow, you look beautiful.”
“Thank you, Sam.”
“Are you ready for the rest of your life?”
“Is Steve?” you joke. You put your veil on and smile. “I’m ready.”
Bucky and Natasha go out first followed by Morgan who is your flower girl. Pepper had no problem with letting her little girl be part of your wedding. Toy has been a big part of your life, so having her be the flower girl is like having a part of the wedding. There is a picture of him sitting next to Pepper to symbolize his presence along with everyone else who has died.
Then, you and Sam enter the main ceremony room, and everyone rises. Steve stands at the altar wearing his 40s military uniform that Bucky and Sam stole from one of the museums. It still fits him like a glove. The second he sees you, he immediately gets tears. He never thought he’d get to his day with you. He was positive that a mission would take him out.
Sam reaches the altar and kisses your cheek over the veil before taking a seat in the front. The ceremony doesn’t last very long and you get to your vows quicker than you thought. Both you and Steve have written your own vows, and he lets you go first.
“I don’t know where to start, honestly. Growing up, I had this idea of what I wanted my wedding day to look like. I had the dress picked out, who I wanted my bridesmaids to be, where I wanted the wedding, and what my first song was going to be. Then, I was taken and forced into something I didn’t want to do. I was broken down, beaten, and shaped into what Hydra wanted me to be. I didn’t know I could have the things I wanted. Soon, my mind wasn’t even my own. 
“Then, I met you and it was like I could finally see. It’s like I’ve been in this tunnel all my life and seeing you brought me out of it and into the light. I got Hydra out of my head. I gained control of my life. I took back what they stole from me thanks to you. You saved me in more ways than one, and I can’t believe I get to stand up here and marry you.”
“I had a dream of my own. This was before the military where I wanted to marry a nice girl and make a family of my own. Like you, I was unable to. I had a duty to my country and gave it my all. The guy who went into the ice nearly a century ago had goals, and when I came out of it, those goals changed. I just needed to get through the day and face the next. I didn’t know I could have all this until I met you. You say I saved you when it’s you who saved me. I found myself wishing for the things I did in the 40s. Now I get to have them with you by my side. You’re a dream come true, Y/N.”
The rings you two have are simple ones but hold so much meaning. When you two kiss, everyone stands and cheers. The reception is in the same area as the ceremony but everyone makes room for your and Steve’s first dance as a married couple. It’s sensual. It’s intimate. It’s romantic. It’s everything you’ve ever wanted. Everyone else disappears since the only person who matters to you at that moment is Steve.
Afterwards, you go off to be with the girls and Steve goes off to be with his boys. Sam, Thor, and Clint toss back shots just as Bucky clasps a hand on his shoulder.
“Congratulations, man.”
“Do I have to have the hurt-her-and-I’ll-hurt-you talk?”
“No,” Steve chuckles.
“You know I’ll do it. I’ll kick your ass if you hurt her.”
“I know, and I’d let you.”
“She’d probably do the ass-kicking if we’re being honest,” Sam interjects with a smile.
“Yeah, she would,” Steve laughs.
One of the wedding games you planned is a game where you and Steve are sitting back-to-back with both shoes in hand. You have one of yours and one of his, and he has the other pair. Bucky has cards that he will read and you have to raise a shoe for the person you think is the most like the card.
“This is a great one to start with. Who wears the pants in the relationship?”
You immediately hold up your shoe while Steve holds up his own. Everyone laughs at the dynamic of your relationship, and Bucky moves on.
“Who is the best chef?” Both you and Steve hold up his shoes. “Who is needier when they’re sick?” Again, both of you hold up Steve’s shoes. “Who is the better driver?” This time, you two put up your shoes. You’ve had more practice. “I don’t know, Y/N, I’ve been in a car with you before.”
“You lived, didn’t you?” you grin at Bucky.
Nothing can ruin this moment. Hydra is gone from your head, Thanos is gone, and you can only go up from here.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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prestedhallo7 · 2 years
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Luxury Wedding Venue In Essex
Prested Hall is a charming Hotel and exclusive wedding venue in Essex. A beautiful 15th century part-moated manor house, Prested is probably one of the county’s best kept secrets. Set in 75 acres of beautiful parkland, Prested is relaxing, stylish and peaceful.
Whether you are looking for a relaxing boutique hotel, a spa day in Essex, or an exclusive wedding venue in Essex, Prested Hall delivers. With stylish interiors, beautiful grounds and friendly accommodating staff, it remains unequalled in north Essex.
In contrast with many other wedding venues, when you hold your wedding at Prested you’ll have exclusive use of the whole manor house. This enables you to really relax and make Prested your own.
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littlequeenies · 1 month
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Carmen Plant got married to Jimmy Page and Robert Plant's bass player Stephen Charles "Charlie" Jones at St. Peter's Church, on 18 May 1991, aged 22. Their wedding reception was held in a series of marquees at Robert's farm at Kidderminster. Roy Harper's song 'Evening Star' was written for Carmen for the occasion.
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oneforthemunny · 6 months
I have a very important question. would cowboy!eddie & sweet girl get married or are they just happy being together & don't need to do the whole wedding thing?
so i think they get married because cowboy!eddie is a little old fashioned lover boy. but i think it would be a courthouse wedding. very small, very casual, just the two of them. they would have a reception, something fun with friends and family maybe at the farm but very very casual.
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