#fate dracula
Fate Grand Order Servant Comparisons
Vlad III - Dracula
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Left - FGO
Right - Portrait of Vlad III (c. 1560), reputedly a copy of an original made during his lifetime
Cover of the first edition
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switch · 8 months
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the8thsphynx · 6 months
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The duality of Vlad III in Fateverses...
(do not repost/use w/o permission)
[text from the image written below]:
Grand Order:
Good relationship with Master
Still not happy about being Dracula, but he's coping
-Picked up crafts for selfcare
Trusts teammates
"Not now, Rider; mommy needs another drink because I'm stuck as Dracula and we're a Servant down before the war has even begun."
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clearcatastrophe · 11 months
It’s Harkin’ time
((Yes I mean both of them!!))
Now that Dracula Daily and Re:Dracula and over (and I just remembered to post these hhhh) here’s some photos from Halloween!! My friend and I went as Jon and Mina and galavanted around a nearby campus building to take pictures hehe!
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It’s been a real one, Dracula Daily. See ya next year!
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kaiserin-erzsebet · 1 year
I understand why adaptations use the idea that the Count is specifically drawn to Lucy and Mina (it explains the plot hole of how he ends up right where they are).
But, I find so much more tragedy in it being simply because Lucy has a condition that makes her vulnerable. The sleepwalking didn't start because of him; we know she's done it when she's stressed since she was a kid. And it isn't unusual for someone to sleepwalk to a familiar spot like the seat.
But that took her right to the grave where the Count was, and this time, it was at night.
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whoishotteranimepolls · 6 months
"Who's Hotter?" Battle of the Evil Dilf's
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myfanfictiongarden · 3 months
The June 24th entry is still one of the most horrifying and blood chilling entries. From Jonathan discovering that the Count is going into villages in his traveling clothes to spread a false image, from the three Ladies attempting to hypnotise Jonathan and him barely escaping them into his room, to the wailing of yet another infant and the poor mother crying in the courtyard before being torn apart by the wolves…
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bluecatwriter · 4 months
"I must only try in the future to show that I am not ungrateful to God for all His goodness to me in sending to me such a lover, such a husband, and such a friend."
I am fascinated by the implications of the first part of this sentence—I think it hints a lot at the way that Lucy has been taught to view her own happiness, that she must be incredibly grateful for anything that goes well. And not just feel gratitude, but "show" it. I wonder how much of this was rooted in her family life growing up, the pressure to show clear and demonstrative thankfulness for anything good that she received.
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
Last night the Count asked me in the suavest tones to write three letters, one saying that my work here was nearly done, and that I should start for home within a few days, another that I was starting on the next morning from the time of the letter, and the third that I had left the castle and arrived at Bistritz. I would fain have rebelled, but felt that in the present state of things it would be madness to quarrel openly with the Count whilst I am so absolutely in his power; and to refuse would be to excite his suspicion and to arouse his anger. He knows that I know too much, and that I must not live, lest I be dangerous to him; my only chance is to prolong my opportunities. Something may occur which will give me a chance to escape. I saw in his eyes something of that gathering wrath which was manifest when he hurled that fair woman from him. He explained to me that posts were few and uncertain, and that my writing now would ensure ease of mind to my friends; and he assured me with so much impressiveness that he would countermand the later letters, which would be held over at Bistritz until due time in case chance would admit of my prolonging my stay, that to oppose him would have been to create new suspicion. I therefore pretended to fall in with his views, and asked him what dates I should put on the letters.
Not to quote almost the entire entry at y'all, but... Last night, the Count asked this. So the evening of the same day that Jonathan viewed the broken doorframe and found absolute proof that his fears are indeed true, that his sanity is intact and the nightmare is real.
I made a somewhat premature post yesterday talking about how it was sad that Jonathan's words about "acting accordingly" with this confirmation are disproven or at least made very sad by the long gap following this entry. That it proves he can't think of any safe actions to take in the face of this increased threat, that he hardly even tries out of fear of making things even worse, and so his only possible action is to wait. But I'd somehow forgotten this entry happened immediately after, and it makes the buildup to that decision even worse.
First and most obviously, in that it gives Jonathan a definite timeline. (Well, as definite as can be, if you subscribe to him losing track of time - that would make things even worse for him.) On the one hand, he can presume that hopefully he will live that long, but on the other he's almost guaranteed not to live beyond that time, at least if circumstances don't change.
But also... last night. Jonathan didn't even get a single day to consider a new plan of action before he was forced into another tense moment of having to decide 'play along or not'. And he hesitates this time! This newest demand is so blatant and so huge that Jonathan almost breaks! This is apparent both in the "I would fain have rebelled..." line but also in the line following Jonathan's justifications for not rebelling in the end. I've bolded it above. Dracula starts to get angry.
Dracula started out this conversation in his "suavest tones." He usually gets extra charming when trying to get Jonathan to agree to some new restriction, so that's nothing new. And usually Jonathan plays it smart and goes along with it. He did now too, in the end. But he hesitated this time, probably wrestling back his fear and outrage long enough to think through all the reasons he gives above not to speak up. He waits long enough that Dracula starts to get mad. He knows Jonathan knows, and knows Jonathan knows he knows. That's been true since the beginning, and usually the layers of fear and knowledge are fun for Dracula to the point that he seems to savor them. But this time he saw that he had almost pushed too far too soon. He saw Jonathan teetering on the edge of ruining everything, of admitting the truth and forcing an end to this delicious anticipatory game, and he started to get pissed off about it. Sure, he carried on through the conversation, kept assuring "with much impressiveness" but the fact that he had to annoyed him greatly. He knows Jonathan knows, which means that Jonathan should know better. The whole fun is that he does know better usually. Dracula doesn't want this to end, was very firm just a couple days ago that he isn't done with his Jonathan yet; if Jonathan were to say "no" to him that would end it, and he would immediately take out his anger and frustration on him. (Dracula voice: "no one takes my Jonathan time away from me. I'd kill anyone who tried, even Jonathan himself!")
Jonathan is able to read the signs appropriately; and honestly, I think that he very definitively saves his life by agreeing. I think that if he had refused to write the letters, or even resisted a bit longer, he would have been a goner. I think that he is well aware of that too.
Dracula's violence threatened to turn on him today, more so than ever before. Immediately after Jonathan confirmed the Count is his only safety from the vampire ladies threatening him elsewhere in the castle, it almost ceased to matter as he nearly failed to adapt fast enough to avoid this threat. And then he has to salvage the situation, and he does, but the risk is so huge. The sense of barely-averted danger (death) so strong.
If Jonathan were in a different headspace, if he'd been given more time to prepare, maybe he would be able to sneak in some kind of cry for help into his letters. Sure, they're not going to be posted until the relevant dates so it might not matter anyway, but it would be worth a try and I think he would try. But right now? I'm not sure that he would have the ability to think clearly enough, filled with panicked adrenaline and fear as he must be. And Jonathan doesn't mention it, but I feel it quite likely that Dracula would insist on him writing the letters right then, under his watchful eye. Jonathan might be too afraid to push his luck enough to even try anything beyond using a different tone than usual (short, to the point, just what Dracula wants but nothing more).
And again, this is all right on the heels of confirming that he isn't safe anywhere here, not even when Dracula is gone. The Count is in fact keeping him safe from greater dangers. His enemies have quadrupled in number (at least, who knows if there are even more monsters here). They all have a variety of supernatural abilities he doesn't know how to counter. They want to drink his blood. He hasn't really had time to process any of this.
If he isn't safe when alone (except partially during daylight), then he can't explore freely. If they can move through windows and break doors, their strength and magical abilities mean he can't barricade himself away from them anywhere. If he displeases Dracula then he is lost. If he acts out he will displease Dracula. Even if he isn't setting his sights as high as escaping anymore, even if he only wants to learn more to record in his diary. Right now, Jonathan is having trouble thinking of a way to even do that much safely. As far as he can see, there's nothing he can do but wait for some kind of opportunity.
And he can only wait so long. He now knows the span of his life.
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castlephantom · 3 months
My thoughts about Soma Curz
In the art works, there is a gem around Soma's neck:
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Some fans claim that is Mina's Talisman and was made so Soma wouldn't become the Dark Lord. One theory is that could reperesent Crimson Stone, but there is a problem:
•Mina's Talisman is blue or black.
When I said that, even the wiki says that:
In artwork for Dawn of Sorrow, a purple stone can be seen hanging around Soma's neck. It is possible that this is the Crimson Stone, which Mathias Cronqvist had used to become a vampire.
However, it is also possible that the stone is Mina's talisman, which has quite the opposite effect.
So that would explain about the stone.
But there is also a little problem and that is Soma's personality if he become the new Dark Lord:
However in the scenarios that Soma becomes the Dark Lord, his malevolent nature is far more accentuated than Dracula's. Whereas Dracula treated his benefactors and supporters with respect and reward, Soma has little care for them, as he coldly killed Celia right after awakening.
If Soma becames a Dark Lord, he is more curel, uncarring of Dracula's demons and supporters. That doesn't sound like Dracula's personality and the mysterious stone can't be Crimson Stone.
My controversial theory is that the stone around Soma's neck is Ebony Stone or a replica of it. Soma's personality as Dark Lord is similar to Walter Bernhard's and vampire's soul is somehow imprisoned in that stone and Soma isn't aware of that.
The worst scenario is that Soma has constant nightmare of Mathias' life as he manipulate Walter. This makes Soma to conect the dots as he can see both of them in dream world.
(Note: I'm not a fan of sorrow games, but this is my thoughts about the main character of both games. Maybe I like that Soma is reincarnation of Dracula, but at the same time it could be hell itself. If we have to be in Soma's shoes, we have to fight against ourselfs to not become the Dark Lord.)
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beevean · 9 days
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... well.
This adds a very interesting dimension to Juste's character...
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silverfoxes-showdown · 10 months
Hottest GILF Tournament - Round 2-A
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dazais-guardian-angel · 3 months
gotta say that if bram stoker is trying to convince me that Renfield isn't actually future Johnathan from another timeline, then he isn't doing a very good job at it
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simonsquest · 7 months
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thegoatsongs · 2 years
Saw a post saying that with a less generous employer, Jonathan could have ended up like Robert Holt (homeless) and it reminds me of how while Jonathan thinks he will die and calls him his second father, Mr. Hawkins is ultimately his job provider who took him in and is no actual family and security. Jonathan wants to leave, but he says "What could I do but bow acceptance? It was Mr. Hawkins’s interest, not mine, and I had to think of him, not myself", and when he is sick in Hungary he just formally apologizes for the delay, and says that he has gotten his work done. Nothing else. And he immediately resumes working once he returns despite the fact that he can barely walk. There are loving feelings from him, but he logically knows he has no family and he must be a good employee as his first priority if he wants housing and marriage. He's lucky Hawkins reveals he has loving feelings for him too, so he never ends up like Holt.
Just like he's lucky that his fiancee could have deemed him not able-bodied enough to be the breadwinner, or not mentally sound to be her partner, or too secretive to be trusted... in which case instead of her asking to marry him right there and to be cared for by her, he'd have ended up like Renfield, alone in an asylum.
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radiant-featherball · 7 months
In CV3 Dracula didn't ask for Lisa's last words and Alucard didn't tell him.
Even if Alucard did tell him, Dracula would not have listen.
He only asked in SotN after he started be tired of cycle of resurrection, and even so nothing changed.
BUT it would be very cruel to Al if it turned out Dracula would have listened and Alucard could have prevented everything by just relaying Lisa's last words.
Everyone who suffered directly or indirectly by Dracula's forces?
Blame Alucard (besides Dracula himself).
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