#fauna au
hyliascommonwealth · 1 year
Can you draw Fauna N. Italy and Uli ?
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//Themb... haha Feli lends his personality well to being a silly little guy!
I did a fauna Uli and Human Uli just for the funs.
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Some Fauna Au alternate designs for Vallo and Viri. I'm hoping to do some more doodles for the Fauna AU, maybe altered designs, or role swaps, who knows, lol.
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nibscrawls · 7 months
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utter-dismae · 2 months
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Hey so over on my TikTok I've been trying my hand at an mlp infection au called "My Little Fauna"(my friends and I call it milf as a funni) and so I thought why not share it with tumblr!
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astralnymphh · 2 months
before the flora.
knight!ellie x princess!reader teaser. beginning is essentially just lore. bonus excerpt with ellie and princess interaction below the sketch. wrote the intro in january. no warnings tbh. illustration by @trackinglessons :P READ THIS . PALESTINE MASTERPOST
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When the universe was born, there was only fire; a slowly waning blaze. And so hence when death begins to unfurl its low, groaning bloom— there will only be ice.
Yet the heavens and earth are nay alike, as death— and life, are interwoven by the timeless nuptial that is humans, and Mother Nature. Cordial and tepid heartbeats meet with her frigid and frightening marrow this season. Flakes are falling, a howl swells in the wind, and hearths stay an undying tongue of flame in the province of Istenad. Isle of riches and hedonism gone rampant amongst those who proved meritful of a conversation spat over gilded chalices. Or those who wiped a famished tongue stroke over the sole of His Majesty— The King's tan leather boots in entreat, declaring the hide a tenfold more gullet–watering than their stale, daily spare of bread. Where high life reins, low life is there to scrub their steeds.
The wintry pearlescent tundra fringing around uncharted woodlands hums your name— it carries by gale, an airy reed of vowels pulled through your ears. 
Tut, tut, tut, the pecking of bark.
Everything seems to resound much heavier over the windows thick limestone sill. Woodwinds, the sough of pine boughs— a chorus wafted. Woodpeckers, they beat rigid timber with their sonnets of calling. The echoed tut starts to sound awfully kindred to a beckoning call of your name. And at daybreak, when the tangerine sun dips its head under the coast, you feel a magnetic lull to traverse your truest passions and slip away into the night, arctic chilled steel in hand. The quantity of hay sticking beneath your shoes collected by skittering across the night–doused thoroughfare was well enough to concern your maids on duty to dress you, brows fuddled at the streaming of straw near your door come morning.
Loop of your knuckles, bend of your wrist, a hand flexed on the hilt of a meticulously poached sword. A swing 'round your waist, a cold hale grip the air could taste, fighting off many mythic brutes of moonlight, however only conceived where dreams are airtight. The mind, it plays. The play it perceives, a viewing spread like tawny butter. Ghouls and ghastlies encircle a quaint pond, chanting away in cryptic grumbles and beastly bumbles, enraged with their slobber frothing at the fangs you tore from their sockets— deeper than artless, juxtaposed to the blinding ruby reds and dyed paper sunflowers of the theater. Your mind’s play felt real.
Unfortunate to your heart, dreams will stay dreams.
Nary a princess was meant to tune into melee, especially at your courting age. Nevertheless, your psyche has spurned from what a maiden is expected of and is completely in a haven of your own structure, your signature sanctuary. 
In the farmsteads, a forthcoming soldier harvests not just crop— but dexterity. Derived and nurtured in the faraway prairie village of Dunwich, where the fertile seasons prove flaxen of corn and the trickling sweat of every farmhand turns to gold. Any newborn granted to this quaint village is fated to form calloused hands with labor written in their palm lines as time unfolds. In their— well, her— adolescent years, the yearning for practices of gallantry in knighthood swiveled her sights to the colossal stone castle way.. way far away. Sprouting beyond the earth line, far as the eye can see.
So, she learned, she trained, she slept, partaking in a ranged cycle taught by her ruthlessly departed father: Sir Joel. Reprisal became her nemesis; never able to rend the barrier of hesitation and cleanse her shut eyes of revolting imagery. The horseman of death was not omitting the trauma of this hazel-haired soldier. A weight so burdensome, her speckled skin remembers the tales of every scar clawed into it. Like how the lips of a bard cling to an everlasting ballad.
Every knight knew well to exile any lingering ties to the past. It's been years since he passed, she understands that. Though, the heart never lies, and certainly never covets forgetting.
Ambitions stemming from legions of knights in waiting have fallen short, submerging within the moat of the castle and sinking deep into the catacombs with no elegy sung. An allegory for dreams long since vanished. A domain so valued longs for those biding life with rigid bones, such as she. Tempered by the hardships, endured like metal meeting the blacksmith's chisel. 
A vividness to her movements, flowing like a river. For it is water that soothes the most cosmic fires, carves veins into the earth's soil, descends from the heavens above and proves iron soluble. A knight so pinpoint and poised like a painter, yet so daring and baneful like a warrior of evenfall. An artisan of her craft, this knight-to-be is. Born to thrive in matters regarding protection of their kingdom and its nobility. By the sheer tenacity of her skill, she will excel. From the self–instructed lessons in a verdant pasture, basked by undying light in her hometown— to the ordained priming within the royal court. 
They were forged to be dutiful. 
You are a daughter of the illustrious King, Sagard, and swan–grace queen, Sagard— maiden name Adela, and sister of your highly revered and cherished kin, Prudence. Subsequent to her fabled rise, was your fall. A pratfall you plainly turned a serene ear from, for you foresaw its coming. Clandestine adventures and lollygagging in the marketplace earned you right in the clasp of consequences. You knew that, knowing it kept you on the balls of your toes before you'd be caught suiting into an act more repugnant— be it, no.. befogging yourself in a peasant boys' dire–in–muck rags, merely to play "boy" games as a young one? 
Prudence was there, at every occasion, scolding with her youthful finger at the palace fore, sucking her fingertip wet of spit and dragging a stroke over your soot–strewn cheek, just before scuttling the halls in search of father, cawing, “Father, Father! My sisters become a boy again!” until it rang his fucking ears to a pulse. Hmph, father even countered his own remark of squawk, pouring through the walls, “Hah! The second son I wish I reared! Tell me, what peasants skin does she clad: butcher's boy, or of the farmer?”
Rebuking the role of royalty isn't your entire bastion of vengeance. You purely long for a world of your own color. Your self-brewn arcadia of art. In a concise phrase, desire for sovereignty. And your family chastised you curtly for every scant display of free will, short of the Queen, she is fair.
Daughter of the King, Princess of the thicket. You retain your fortunes. Modestly.
“Why don't you resemble your sister more?”
A ruby crested box designed by the best of goldsmiths is lodged at the margin of your beds footboard, safekeeping of your esteemed regalia. You possess a bedazzled amassing of circlets, veils, brocade and velvet tunics of long lengths within this box. But do any of them revel in the blessing of being worn on regal skin? Never. You opted for garbs of less gilding and jewels, so that you might taint it with whatever adventures mold under the ribbing of your foot. That shit offended your skin with its indelicacy of forgetting a human will don its fabric golds and woven jewels.
Even— court gatherings. You don the likeness of simplicity and temperate elegance. This morning's virginal aurora, a broach of light swoll from the windows arch, to the footing of your bed, made the wake of your eyes begin upon a lighting behind sheer skin. Your box of regalia shone in that incandescence momentarily. It danced, fleeter than you, irkingly so. You had to squint whilst flipping the clasps and hauling the heavy lid slanted against your bed, or else you may be heaven–blinded. “Every inch of Princess,” you intoned in quietude at the sight of glamored fabrics, “—whom I shant mirror.” and reached for the homelier fabrics, scratch of cobalt-blue linen delight brushing under your prints, you grasped your reserve tight.
“I was not made aware that there is a village wedding to be, dear sister— from what river does this dress of rags hail from?”
“It is not a brides dress, nor rags, leave me Prud—”
Prudence had blocked the shut of your chamber door with her hand flattened, pursuing, “You glum your gems. Rotting in that chest, tasting no light, no glory.”
You kept your lips thickly sown shut, casting dimly eyes to the ground.
“Shall I send for the steward so he may sell—”
“No need.”
“Hmm, most stubborn, are we? Then I—”
“I am least stubborn,” you wedged your fingers beneath her palm, prying the door loose, “—it is you, who strays your own counsel, unmoving as a mountain.” ending with the trudging shut of your door, ceasing in silence.
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[++ bonus excerpt from act 2, scene 1]
“Uh–huh..” she draws out. Legato; a sarcastic reply, and wipes her tongue through the press of her lips together, “This far out? You must rebel quite often to have made a friend, I bet?” she tilts her head, a bit playful.
“You bet well— a lot, I assume?” 
Cannily, she winks, “Indeed I do.” and aligns her face onward. Gesturing to her horse's rump a second— third? Eh, whatever time— she jerks her brow with a head cock back, “Hop on, I'll take you there.”
Both brows fall, and you flinch bemused, “Wh– uh,” as you hem and haw for words, grating a stutter, “But not a moment ago you spoke of the roads recent perils—”
“Surely it's not far?” she spoke presumptuously, “I mean, you've come this far, My Lady. Nobody would travel the woods past sunset, besides you it seems.” now a matter–of–fact vocal barricade that shoves itself into your ears and winds the cogs to think cleverly.
You shan't know my transgressions, sweet Knight. You may talk.
Trust is sparse as a puddle marched in.
“‘Tis but a mile out. Bravo on your convincing, Williams.” you wry and scoff. 
“Can't fumble that name, huh?”
“I would not want to dishonor your knighthood.” 
“You honor me with your coincidental presence, Princess.”
“Honor in your mind.”
"Hmph," her breathy chuckle, a sweetness you luckily caught with ears even numbed by the snowsquall. Do not blush. Do not smile. Fuck. Guess you'll be visiting Malina after all, the gale of a displeased sigh icing your lips over as you approach that dangling stirrup.
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jay-pones · 4 months
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Known Infection Totals to Date in Largest Population Centers and Original Infection Site:
Ponyville: 10
Canterlot: 2
Manehattan: 26
Text from page under the cut
Twilight Sparkles Notes:
Marrow Bloom - 9 Days After Market Attack
Discord has been keeping Fluttershy quarantined since the attack.
I wish he would use this spell on the others but he can't be everywhere at once.
He only lets her out of the ward spell to clean her and remove the flowers.
Her skin is so delicate. Scrub too hard and it comes off.
The ward is only slowing the effects a little bit...
We have collected blood and plant samples from various ponies.
Fully bloomed flower was pulled from Cheerilee.
Control blood sample was generously given by Rarity.
Sample A - Fluttershy
Sample B - Cheerilee
Both heavily contaminated by sap.
Page Two:
Dr. Fauna - Stage 4
The town guards found her at the animal sanctuary. She had killed every animal that did not escape.
A few animals were blooming but most were just dead.
Roots are starting to reach for the ground and he is exhibiting a behavior we have dubbed "STAR GAZING"
She is also bleeding a lot but doesn't seem to be affected. Some of the doctors believe the sap from the flowers is sustaining her.
She doesn't have long...
Died from her wounds at stage 3 but the bloom progressed to stage 4 anyway.
Based on the scans of her head it seems the blooms do not cause the madness that occurs at later stages.
We theorize that the sap may be the cause due to the roots not breaking through the skull cavity.
Hopefully we can use what we learned from Cheerilee to come up with an effective treatment.
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bluegekk0 · 4 months
Working on the AU fauna again, thought I'd post some sneak peeks.
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Here's the first one, a wooly sheep + silk moth inspired animal, native to the Howling Cliffs and the area surrounding Hallownest. This one in particular is a domesticated variant kept for their wool-like fluff, which is periodically sheared without harming the creature, and then used for warm clothing, blankets etc. They were kept by Dirtmouth residents before the collapse of Hallownest, many of them survived the infection and now are kept on free-range farms by the new Dirtmouth folk.
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Here's another creature, you can find it in Greenpath, it's a deer-like critter that grazes on the moss, commonly hunted for their meat. The males have vibrant fluff on their necks and tails that is used to attract females, they live in small herd-like structures. They're fast runners, their long legs allow them to move through the moss efficiently, so they're quite difficult to catch.
I don't have names for these guys yet, so suggestions are very welcome.
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spotsupstuff · 10 months
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takin a break from asks a lil with misc. silly oc stuff + some ideas for iterator cleaner fauna. cuz there just ain't enough of variety in those structures yet n i've been thinkin about cleaning methods of the insides for ages now
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dekuscrubbb · 1 year
cartoony spider warning 4 this mini comic in case anybody has a skulltula phobia !
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this was very fun to do in between working on college final work
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hyliascommonwealth · 1 year
//HELLO i have updated the FAU fic with the new chapter, please feel free to enjoy
This wound up becoming something i wasn’t expecting, so we’ll be introducing the others as we go
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wayfayrr · 1 month
The Menace Anon is back but with a Self Aware ask because I got an idea as I tried to mod my Switch. How about that Zelda is aware in the Game? There is already Zelda's Ballade a Mod for BotW so Zelda replaced Link/ Wild. So what about Zelda being the one who is aware and works together with her Link as in Age of Calamity it's possible to play as Zelda. And now there are two Zeldas and maybe one Link/Calamity as he is probably aware of Reader with all the DLCs and if Reader is anything like me they get 100%. I did that to BotW and am working on it in TotK. Zelda would be extremely clingy especially Flora, BotW Zelda, as she lost everyone who is important to her. Maybe she gets Wild to help her. Fauna and Calamity have Terrako and this little thing shoots through the screen with his laser. TAKE COVER READER!
this is gonna be a funny thing to answer as someone who isn't the fondest of zelda in botw/totk (she had the potential to be really good I just don't vibe with how she was written lmao - so many missed opportunities)
but that also has the potential of introducing the fact of what if you didn't like the characters story when they were aware - because that would be awful for her wouldn't it?
she loves you more than anything but because of the way her story was written you don't like her? Even going as far as to apologise to link about what he got put through in the story? so she's stuck hearing you give him your pity as she's trying her HARDEST to get you to see her in another light, while link is either looking on smugly at your blatant favouritism or staring on blankly as he is simply a puppet of the game who isn't even alive either one being a good spark to why she'd be more willing to work with the aoc pair.
I think they'd have more potential to work together in aoc as compared to either botw/totk (also time to give cal some time in the spotlight like you mentioned) seeing as he has the most "history" with zelda, whereas wild/tears have no incentive to (they're the only playable character so what does she have on them?)
Zelda from her actions alone at the opening also seems to be more reckless in her safety than link, so her hopping into another game earlier than when she'd have a good grasp on how to do it without many issues seems in character for her. hence, now there's two different zeldas in your aoc file? That shouldn't be something that happens right? you've watched the cutscene many times and she never appeared with the other botw characters - so why is she here now? But the other members seem to acknowledge her so maybe you're just misremembering? They'll make sure to keep a note of anyone who might try to convince you otherwise as well.
when the three of them finally do get out - and probably after apologising for scorching a wall or something, then they have the perfect place to start winning you over properly <3 trying to prove to you that they're more than simply the character that Nintendo wrote them as, that you should give them a chance to show you how much they care for you!!!
just, just don't choose link over them, else you may not see much of him anymore - as while they can work together, they aren't exactly willing to work with a threat, but as long as you treat them equally there's no issue right?
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artoutoftheblue · 5 months
Finished Fauna Fairy Bloodmoon! Special thanks to @sunandmoonshow-unofficial for the fairy species name
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Fauna Fairy Bloodmoon, unlike the other fairies, doesn't have a seasonal role. Instead, they are a type of chaotic evil fae. They are carnivorous and will often drink the blood of other creatures and/or eat them. They have a venomous bite and very sharp teeth. On top of that, they also have a barbed tail that has venom inside it as well. Their wings can be used to fly, but also used for a defense display, since the eyespots can scare off predators larger than them. They can also hide their wings when they dont want to use them. They have no rules they abide by and just do whatever they want. They are larger than the seasonal and day and night fairies
Their wings are based off a Peacock Butterfly
Links to other refs: Day Fairy Sun, Night Fairy Moon, Spring Fairy Earth, Summer Fairy Solar, Autumn Fairy Eclipse, Winter Fairy Lunar, Fauna Fairy Bloodmoon (You're here), Carmine and Crimson
Height Chart
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evangelifloss · 8 months
Please tell me about the great emu war of 1932 :3
"Haha Australia lost a war to emus twice"
Here's why:
First, I don't believe foreigners know how BIG emus are, and how much of their stocky main body is just layers and layers of feathers
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This is Peck. He doesn't actually Peck but he LOVES the LADIES and for reference, that's me as he's uh... trying to woo me. I'm 4'11 / 149cm tall and in that photo he's not standing at full height either because he's preparing to get lower and ahem, grind. He is also a juvenile.
Emus are typically 5.7 feet/1.75 meters tall, but they have been recorded to get up to 6.2 feet/1.9 meters.
So imagine you've got this big ass dinosaur bird with the most t-rex looking feet perfectly designed for running. Yeeting. Skeeting. Killing you maybe. And now take into account these flightless fucks can run up to 62 Kilometers per hour. THATS 39 MILES PER HOUR TOP SPEED.
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Now add 20,000 emus.
So 20,000 emus against poverty-stricken farmers with failing crops, farmers WHO WERE MOSTLY WW1 VETERANS BY THE WAY. Yeah nah.
Here's a visual to help y'all understand how insanely large emu groups get.
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Onto why the hell were there so many emus on the farmlands (even tho... yknow... the emus and the local indigenous were there first but we won't get into that.)
Basically a big drought made the horde of emus move away from their usual dwindling territory, onto the sprawling Australian "farm lands" and remember I mentioned their feet before? BIG STOMPY. Whatever crops that had somehow managed to survive the severely vitamin-deficient soil and grow, did not in fact, survive the dinosaur feet as the emus strolled through, pecking and foraging the ground along the way.
The plight of the veteran farmers didn't fall on deaf ears, but the Australian government severely underestimated the power of 20,000 emus by a LONG shot. Plus they weren't all that interested either, until at least it was reported that the emus were destroying the Rabbit Proof Fence. What legends.
For the first "war" the government sent 3 men.
Yep. You heard me. Three guys. Major Meredith, Sargeant McMurray and a soldier by the name of O'Halloran.
They had one truck with a machine gun, and probably other guns, but between them roughly 10,000 rounds of ammunition.
So off they went. To wage war against the progressive emus breaking the symbol of "White Australia" AKA the Fence. Oh and also I guess the starving vets.
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This is it. This is what they had.
Locals from all around joined in the fight and tried to herd the roaming groups of emus into the murder range but the emus had a tactic. One that us Aussies use at bush doofs when you hear police sirens- and that is to SCATTER.
They only killed "a dozen birds" from a group estimated to be around 1000. It didn't help that the machine gun jammed during this organised ambush.
And by then, the Emus clicked onto what was happening. They split up into smaller groups, observed to be led by the largest sized male who kept an eye out for the enemy. Never again did they risk coming together as seen before.
The war was lost. Only a few more attempts were made that had little success and Ornithologist Dom Serventy concisely summarised the whole operation.
I want to remind you all that this is a recorded statement, kept on file in legal military documentation
"The Emu command had evidently ordered guerrilla tactics, and its unwieldy army soon split up into innumerable small units that made use of the military equipment uneconomic. A crestfallen field force therefore withdrew from the combat area after about a month."
Let's move onto Emu War Part Two: Unsuccessful Boogaloo
Heads up by the way, TW below.
Emus were still, y'know, Emu-ing about and the drought didn't let up either. People were still dying of starvation, becoming homeless and committing suicide. It took the Premier of Western Australia, and a Base Commander in the military penning letters and using media pressure to finally convince the government to give it another go.
Major Meridith returns to the War and having learnt from practically everyone's past assumptions of the highly intelligent sonic-speed bird, brought success. And by that I mean, more success than the previous war.
Ultimately only 5% of the 20k Emu Army were ever killed, and even that is debated since it is more than likely they inflated numbers of kills to lessen the damage of being completely inferior to the superb qualities of the Emu.
A Federal parliamentarian (like a senator) when asked about whether there should be a medal made for the conflict, he replied with:
"Any medals should go to the emus who had won every round so far."
And of course in true Aussie fashion, the Defence Minister who supported and approved for the Emu War 1 and 2, was given the title by the Australian public, and international conservationists of ‘Minister for the Emu War’.
Ouch, but also, Not Every Problem Has To Be Solved With Guns.
Ironically what worked far better was the implementation of fences to keep the Emus OUT and unfortunately, a bounty system that saw many locals and professional hunters alike have FAR more success than an entire military operation. 57,000 bounties were claimed in a six month period after it being introduced in 1934.
Thus concludes the Great Emu War of 1932.
If you're asking why I know this, I studied it when I was 16, and made an entire poster to which I gave it to my Japanese Teacher. For context: I was living in Japan. Going to a Japanese School. And teaching my poor English teacher about this Emu War that he only believed once he looked it up. As a parting gift I gave him a poster. Shout out to Kawamura-Sensei you tried so hard not to laugh at the poster but I won that war.
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Here it is. All the quotes on there are real too!
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utter-dismae · 2 months
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don't worry, you can laugh
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barkers-art · 2 months
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And here we have Fluttershy's family in this AU as well as the first drawing that I've finished on my brand new laptop! Though technically, I started making this on my old laptop and then transferred the WIP to my new one via DeviantArt's Sta.sh.
Fauna's design was adopted from @strawberryspritzy long, long ago.
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fallouthomestaedau · 1 month
food in the wasteland
this post is inspired by @newvegascowboy 's post on food in the wasteland (go check it out if you haven't read it, its wonderful), and it got me thinking, much of the world in fallout has one characteristic, in one way or another, there is always some group grasping onto the past, and i wondered how that could affect food
lots of folks hold recipes and family tradition close, and at the end of the world that's all some folks have, and with that thought i started wondering how culture would affect food and food would affect culture
a couple notes first, if yall will humour me
i wont be covering fallout 76 or prime (for now) as i have next to no knowledge of them
the Nuka world dlc will get its own post because of unique circumstance within the setting
this wont be all encompassing, it is a collection of thoughts and notes (which yall can use as a basis for any ideas)
yall are wonderful and enjoy
go to meats/eggs
radstag (doe,buck,etc)
brahmin (also used for leather, milk, fertiliser)
yao guai
deathclaw eggs
commonwealth fish
horseshoe mirelurk (young and adult)
mirelurk hunter
mirelurk eggs
(supposedly iguana and squirrel)
clam/oyster (farharbour item called oyster bucket, implies shellfish in general area (all other animals drop meat but it is less appealing or too much effort for everyday people)
major crops
mutfruit -razorgrain -tato -gourd -melon
all fresh variants aswell
foraged plants (food/medicine)
brain fungus
wild carrot flower
glowing fungus
wild gourd blossom
wild tarberry
wild razorgrain
wild mutfruit
wild corn
wild tato blossoms
silt bean
wild melon blossom
ash blossom
mutated fern flower
theoretical cooking components
seed oils
tallow (brahmin or yao guai)
maple syrup/sap (maple trees are found in the commonwealth)
pre-existing recipes + theorized realworld components
noodles (ramen made by takashi): razorgrain noodles (alkaline water+razorgrain flower) cooked in broth (brahmin likely), may have additions
molerat chunks: cubed molerat fried in seasonings
radscorpion omelet: radscorpion egg mixed with milk, fried and filled with preference
stingwing filet: fileted and fried stingwing
yao guai roast: yao guai meat, cooked in a thin layer of water in a covered pan, cooked with chopped carrots and tatos (maybe some kind of seasoning or something)
radstag stew: cubed radstag, stewed with cubed gourd and chopped tatos, cooked with a splash of vodka (maybe other seasoning+carrots)
squirell stew: chopped squirell, stewed with chopped tato and carrots, seasoned with bloodleaf
mirelurk cake: chopped mirelurk mixed with mirelurk egg and day old razorgrain bread, fried in thin layer of oil
deathclaw wellingham: heat milk, razorgrain flour, and cheese in a pot till melted and thick, dice/grate tato's, after which mix them in then put to side to cool, mix deathclaw eggwhites till stiff, and fold into cooled-down mixture, place in can and bake
vegetable soup: cook vegetables and seasoning of choice till water becomes broth and vegetables are soft
deathclaw omellet: mix together a deathclaw egg and milk, dice carrots and or mutfruit for filling, fry and fill
sweetroll: mix milk, butter, razorgrain flour and an egg of your chosing, and bake into a small roll, cover with a sugar based glaze of choice
mirelur omelet: mix mirelurk egg with milk, fry and fill with prefference (like mirelurk)
pretty much any meat: fried/grilled/poached (use common sense)
moonshine: bobrov secret recipe
possible local foods
marinated roast beef
"lobster" roll
clam chowder
baked silt beans
yankee potroast
baked fish
boiled mirelurk
maple anything
fried clams
seafood soups
homemade razorgrain bread/rolls
new england boiled dinner
homemade doughnuts?
mutfruit cider/wine
wines made from most fruits
cornmeal breads
mashed tatos
boiled tatos
cooked/boiled vegetables
vibes of the food
hardy food, mostly local with a lot of proteins and carbs, stuff that lasts, especially through the winter. diamond city and goodneighbour have more high end food, good cuts of beef, venison and even deathclaw are found in the markets, takashi toils over hardy broths and succulent mirelurk paired with glowing fungus, fresh breads and high end cooking, down south and along the coast, theres lots of fish and mirelurk on the menu, small house gardens, while to the north there are many orchards, and fields, small by prewar status but mind blowing to folks who come from dc way, central boston is home to more merging of the local diets, but much more pre-war food, folks scrounge for food more than grow it. the food is almost reminiscent of the colonial days, lots of dried or canned goods
the island
go to meats
erratic/island radstag
yao guai
fog crawler
hermit crab
mirelurk hunter
commonwealth fish
dolphish (dolphin creature)
clam/oyster (farharbour item called oyster bucket, implies shellfish in general area
crops (most likely to br grown on island)
carrots most crops are likely shiped in, as growing conditions are rough
foraged plants
black bloodleaf
cave fungus
lure weed
raw sap (maple)
wild gourd (blossom)
wild mutfruit
wild carrot
hub flower
wild tato (blossom)
wild corn
silt bean
mutated fern
razorgrain (found growing feral)
theoretical cooking stuff
dolphish blubber
syrup (made from sap)
pre-existing recipe + theories of contents
chicken noodle soup: chicken thigh cooked with chopped carrots, razorgrain or cornmeal noodles and seasoned with black bloodleaf
ground molerat: cooked ground molerat meat
gulper slurry: gulper innards stewed with carrot and tato, seasoned with black bloodleaf
wares brew: alcohol distilled from sap
the captains feast: yao guai roast cooked with tato and carrots, cooked in vodka and seasoned with black bloodleaf
sludge cocktail: mix condensed fog, blight and water
seasoned rabbit skewers: fried rabbit and skewers seaoned with aster, black bloodleaf, lureweed and blight (fried in oil, oil coated rabbit as its cooked)
resilient sludge cocktail: condensed fog, bloodbug meat and rad-x
mirelurk jerky: dried mirelurk coated with tarberry juice
wolf ribs: rib meat of a wolf, seasoned with lureweed as cooked
possible recipes
cooked clam/oysters
boiled mirelurk
"lobster" rolls
needhams (made with tato)
mirelurk cakes
"indian pudding" made with syrup not molases
homemade "cornbread" (more bread like}
baked fish
fried fish
boiled fog crawler
cooked meats
homemade stews
fried eggs
homemade gravy
roast chicken
homebrewed alcohol
baked (silt) beans
razorgrainmeal (oatmeal stand in)
food vibes very hearty but humble, lots of seafood, meat heavy meals are meant for special occasions, salted foods are common, lots of preserved foods, very dense foods, very filling, typical of a town where you have to worry about fish people and ancient sea gods, it is the food of people who think that an easy week is half a day off after a full 50 hour work week, imported foods like mutfruit jam is saved for the guests kinda food
yao guai
possibly iguana (iguana bits)
possibly squirell (squirell bits)
crunchy mutfruit
cooking components
pre-existing recipes + components and stuff
mirelurk cakes: mirelurk meat, eggs and potato starch, fried in oil/butter
noodles: potato starch noodles boiled in a simple broth
squirell stew: made with squirell, potato and carrots
cooked meat
possible recipes
boiled mirelurk
apple "jam"
potato bread
food vibes desperate and despair, most soil is unfarmable due to all the bombs, people eat what they catch, brahmin are sickly and produce precious little food, its inventive in a sad way, even with cleaned up rivers the fish are still unfit to eat, and will be for a while, the soil will take lots of tlc and hydroponics can only do so much, its a wasteland
the mojave
go to meats/egg
bighorner (used for milk, wool and hides)
brahmin (used for milk, fertiliser, transport and hides)
deathclaw eggs
gecko (used for hides too)
gecko eggs
suposedly iguana and squirell (iguana/squirell bits)
crops (some imported)
crunchy mutfruit
fresh apple
fresh pear
fresh carrot
fresh potato
pinto bean
foraged (and farmed) plants
barrel cactus
bannana yucca
broc flower
buffalo gourd
cave fungus
honey mesquite
nevada agave
pinyon nuts
prickly pear
white horsenettle
xander root
possible cooking components
chile oil
pre-existing recipes + components
brahmin wellington: brahmin steak, wrapped in ant egg puff pastry
caravan lunch: cram, instamash and pork and beans
desert salad: xander greens, topped with sliced barrel cactus, thin sliced dried brahmin meat and pinyon nuts
gecko kebab: gecko meat marinated in jalapeno and banana yucca
noodles: cornmeal noodles cooked in a broth
ruby's caserole: cornmeal crust filled with chopped molerat marinated in jalapeno and radscorpion venom
trail mix: fresh apple+pear, pinyon nuts and sugar bombs
wasteland omelet: deathclaw eg mixed with brahmin milk, filled with a mixture of blamco mac n cheese, mutfruit and lakelurk meat
possible recipes
onion rings (the strip)
chicken fried steak
baked potato
mashed potato
homemade gravy
green chili stew
mutton stew (bighorner)
sagebrush salad
stuffed peppers
sauted corn (corn, chiles. seasonings)
stews -soups
grilled maize
fried fish (near lake mead)
cactus fries
jalapeno poppers
homemade bread
homemade rolls
food vibes western-new mexico, the strip has more high end food but most of the mojave has more rural staples, very flavourful, kinda ranch food, keeps you going all day and makes you glad to come home, really homecooked vibes, lots of variations, like never ask for a recipe in a crowded room cause it will start a fight over whose grandma had the better recipe, lots of meat and vegetables, very little fish, not a lot of "pickyness" over food
zion canyon traditional
rainbow trout
yao guai
cave fungi
sacred datura
xander root
prickly pear
spore plant pods
bannana yucca
honey mesquite
pinyon nuts
cooking components
fried meats
fried xander greens
fried fish
fried mushroom
roasted pinyon nuts
food vibes not highly intricate but somehow nostalgic, very traditional indigenous, simple in an uncomplicated way not a bad way, some of the best quality ingredients around, clean food and clean water, smoky flavors, food isn't meant to be showy or fancy, its meant to leave you full and happy as you spend time with family, its meant to be honored and not wasted
new California republic
deathclaw egg
gecko egg
various wild game
green mutfruit
fava bean
shi rice: cooked rice served with a side of seaweed or fish
brahmin, any cut of meat grilled or fried
cabbage soup
cabbage salad
mashed potatos
baked potato
pickled veg
mashed potato
baked potato
food vibes very diverse, lots of regional staples, San Francisco has lots of seafood while towns like Modoc have mostly brahmin meat and veg, Klamath has gecko, its very locale dependent ¨(out of character, fallout 1-2 is super bleak and sparse) food is often a matter of survival more than fancy, with the exemption of larger settlements and cities where imports are available and you can afford to experiment with food
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