#fav non chronically online people
hauntsthenarrative · 5 months
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i fucking love instagram reels comments
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wildpeachfarm · 5 months
cate on her priv:
“sometimes i watch stans say wild shit about the people they stan and their friends/partners/peers and i think it’s interesting knowing they’re forcing their favs to apologize to everyone in their life for the judgement they are facing just for being associated w them 😭” “like ur obsessed with this person but actively making their life harder, why would u wanna do that? alexa play peace by taylor swift”
why is this woman so parasocial with stans i don’t see how it’s relevant to bring this up at all. I feel like any non-chronically online individual would realize that whatever ppl say on twitter with your friend as their pfp isn’t a big deal, they’re randos on the internet but if you’re letting that affect YOUR relationship with that person then i fear that’s a you issue…
I fear cate just needs to stop sharing her "hot takes" because every single time I just have to roll my eyes
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
SHSHSHS HONORARY MUTUAL SHUT UP IM SO HONORED!!!! Also @/i-am-so-strange you’re too kind!!!!! Hsjshsjs always happy to provide more bllk content hehe but also thank YOU for supplying us with that glorious art I really got a kick out of seeing that LMAO I’m ngl stressing hiori is one of my favorites HAHAHA
BRO I LOST IT AT THE YUKI MARIOKART!!! We’re literally being stalked it’s insane….yes Reddit is definitely….a place…..honestly I only really use it when I wanna see non bot reviews for things and occasional bllk news because there’s usually at least one chronically online member active whos posting the latest stuff….
LMAOOOO NO ITS SO FUNNY HAHSGSHAAH ok but that makes more sense I feel like it’d be hard to expand too much on a request like that!! I love how it coincidentally lined up with Isagi being difficult/not as interesting to write about though LMAO
Wait that’s a good point HAHAHA maybe your inner tabieitaken agenda seeped out and you attracted side character enjoyers (me)……is that a sign to slide in secondary main character thoughts /j that is pretty hilarious though……I mean granted I also contributed to the hiori pile a bit when I sent in that like…(wanted to put this note in here that I straight up FORGOT what I wrote omg let’s see how long it takes me to scroll and find that ask I could’ve sworn I wrote it down somewhere but the fact that I don’t remember exactly what I wrote down is kinda embarrassing LMAO)
LMAOOO no because I love the idea of building up ego nation and just leaving like idk those cheesy stories where the lore is like yeah our great founders/creators one day disappeared HAHAHAHAAH I forgot that the man canonically doesn’t do laundry or cook decent food so that’s true too I’m here for the long ride though if you do end up writing that at some point then we can truly become the fake ego nationals LMAOO
MEGUMI I love megumi too omg bruh the recent events in jjk are really not good for the soul someone bring back megumi and his shadow animals :( Ah yes very brief Yuta interlude LMAOO (pi slapped so hard) also SHDJSH GET OUT SHIN AHS MY FAV TOO I also really liked Kija too!! I’m still sad that they didn’t continue with the anime though I heard it’s because it was just promo for the manga? Man. Ok but being converted by content is a little too real it happens to me too often….you know what’s funny. I saw a tiktok roasting Karasu for being number 3 and then like disappearing and I remember saying to my friend “yikes I don’t even like Karasu but why’d they do him so dirty” haha. Ha. I have no idea how it spiraled from there but it was quite literally shortly after that moment. But yeah I’ve definitely been converted by a good edit or piece of art! I’m pretty certain I started liking chigiri after seeing some fanart someone showed me LMAO
No I have full faith in you….you’re cooking in Michelin chef mode…so take your time LMAOOO it really does make me realize yet again that no one is serving Karasu nation like you s2 bring my man some justice….ok genuinely crazy has me really curious like if we’re talking genuinely crazy via Mira standards I’m eyeballing something around 30k (don’t say anything to this LMFAO)
WHEN I TELL YOU I LAUGHED SO HARD “I’d stay downstairs when my brother has friends over” IS SO FUNNY??? I’m actually crying but also agree!! I usually don’t watch as much slice of life to begin with so
the oikawa thing is actually so funny as a running joke now but I think (I’m also not a hardcore hq fan nor have I dipped my toes in the hq circles on social media) it stemmed from people actually thinking oikawa was really mean…? Maybe?? But if that was the case I’m like…..he seems pretty regular to me….seeing people put him next to like Sukuna and Kenjaku though is so hilarious LMAOOO
“#unfortunately idt I am built for the sports manga/anime life” AHAHABAAHHAAHAH you really were in for it LMFAOOOO
The soccer dudebro side of the fandom…ah yes….you know sometimes I forget dudebros actually watch and then I’m painfully reminded by some power scaling tiktok…this is also oddly specific but I remember seeing Maddie on tiktok talk about how she traded some blind bag keychain pull with a dudebro and gave her Kunigami to him for nagi or Reo or some Nagi Reo combo keychain and I really thought to myself like wait dude bros watch and buy merch?? Then I realize it makes sense that he wanted Kunigami LOL
HAHA Honesty translating is so fun and gives me more opportunities to use the target language too so I got you!!! <3 Classic Otoya activities indeed….CHATTER X CHATTER CHEMICAL REACTION IS CRAZY guys we are devouring bllk itself we devoured kaneshiro now he’s gotta give us his seat as bllk creator!!!!!! And also ok good I’m glad LOL I didn’t want to be like rapid fire pinging your inbox and messing up anything HAHAH
Oh…omg…….wait I hope that all worked out ok for you because omg….yeah that’s so awkward and honestly sounds like a nightmare…..hoping you get some platonic male irls too!!! Maybe you just have too much rizz LMFAO well….at least you didn’t find out during the actually dinner ig!
-Karasu anon
LMAOOO idk if i follow you or not but trust i would if i don’t…you’re like one of my tumblr besties atp HAHAHA one of my elite employees 🫡 and YES that art cracked me up poor hiori was struggling
to be honest if i’m looking smth up or i have a question i always go straight to the reddit results…truly it’s the best place for research questions because you can tell by upvotes how accurate smth is and especially if you’re looking for an answer about the contemporary world it’s better to get answers from people who live that experience vs study it!! so i can never be a full reddit hater even if some sections of the community are horrific
HAHAH i think a more focused prompt like that might’ve made me struggle for ANY character but yeah it coinciding w isagi definitely made me do a double take…although i would def write for him again if anyone else ever requested for him LMAOO i just wouldn’t seek out writing him on my own the way i do w tabieita and nagi
LMAOOO i give off a general aura of side character enjoyment 😩🙏🏻 that was back when my blog was only nagi themed too and he’s pretty popular so i’m surprised i didn’t get more reqs for him too!! you can always slide secondary main character thoughts my way 😋😏 but yeah i just found it funny that i’ve gotten more reqs for karasu than literally any other character…maybe too it’s because once i wrote for a side character the people who are into more random characters realized i would write for them and came to req?? vs people who like more popular characters have a wide range of people they can req/read from so they might not even see my blog in the results compared to me being one of very few authors who writes longer fics in the hiori/karasu/otoya/etc tags…idk if that makes sense but it could be one explanation
no because idk if you saw the vol30 color spread with the coaches but why is ego looking lowkey kinda…like sure i’ll join ego nation myself if i must HFJDDNJSSN
OMG YONA OF THE DAWN FAN???? you are officially my fav person ever I LOVEEEE YONA OF THE DAWN I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU ALSO LIKE SHINAH BCKDNFJSDJDMSN WHY ARE WE THE SAME PERSON 😭😭😭 he’s my fav ever omg…besides him i rlly liked hak and soowon 😓 but shinah is my number one my bae my man 👹 forever hoping for a reboot of the show because from what i’ve heard the manga is sooo good and yona is such a well written fmc!! i need them to get mappa level animation and finish the whole show 😔 i’m surprised they haven’t yet it’s one of the most popular mangas i’ve heard?? i know SOOO many people would watch it if it came out plus it would appeal to such a broad audience because it truly has everything 😩 okay sorry for the brief rant i just love yona of the dawn i wish the fandom wasn’t NONEXISTENT because it has so much potential for fics art and analysis!!
i’ve learned to never say i don’t like a character because almost immediately after i WILL fall in love with them!! idek how i started liking karasu because after season one i could not tell you who karasu otoya or any of the others were (i did remember liking yukimiya though)…after i finished the show i was SET on not reading the manga because i thought it wouldn’t be as fun as watching it animated but the same mutual who convinced me to watch the show told me to read the manga and eventually i caved 😩 and that was when i was like “ok lowkey why is karasu so fine…” but it wasn’t until i took a break halfway through third selection to read epinagi that i really became a FAN 🤔 at least i think that’s how it happened HFJDJSN i don’t remember it as well as i remember becoming a fan of nagi (didn’t gaf abt him until i realized i was lowkey giggling at his scenes in team z vs team v…tried to hold out as a rin fan throughout second selection but it was impossible and then i was the number one nagi fan before i knew it)
i will not comment on your prediction 🤐 but michelin star meal OMG i can only hope it’s that good…truly i am doing what i can for karasu nation 😭🙏🏻 laying a foundation for those to come after me (aka his fandom which will surely grow after s2) 🤞🏻 i wonder what his fanon version will look like actually 🤔 are we going to get fboy tabito??? hopefully not because aiku and otoya are right there but bby karasu is a sarcastic dark haired handsome asshole who’s secretly a sweetheart so i do fear he’s going to be bastardized a la the itoshis a bit 😔 at least i can imagine him being flirty even if i do think he’s too much of a loser and undercover loverboy to ever sleep around or anything
i guess by slice of life/chill anime standards oikawa might seem mean?? like he’s nothing compared to sukuna/kenjaku or even kaiser but in comparison to others in the show he might be ruder hence the general perception of him being as such…no idea though 😩 i agree it is funny seeing him in the top villain compilations
LMAOOO I HAD NO IDEA WHAT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN TO ME TRULY now i’m in so deep but like i love it…the bllk community on tumblr is also rlly fun and i’ve made so many mutuals/friends because of being active in the fandom which has been awesome!! no regrets for sure
PLEASEEE the dudebros are awful but also hilarious to me like lowkey i love them because they simply are so unreal like NO ONE irl talks like that 😭 one time i commented on a bllk dudebro’s tik tok and my comment was the only one he responded to despite how many of his fellow dudebros also commented…tell me that was the most interaction you’ve had w a woman in weeks without telling me 😓 but also omg the chokehold that kunigami and barou have on dudebros HAHAH i’m always scared to say i like barou because i need to specify it’s NOT in a dudebro way it’s in a “he’s my housewife and i love him very much” way
PLS WE DEVOURED KANESHIRO FR entering destroyer mode now…watch out the tongue’s abt to make an appearance 😩
unfortunately i have a lot of accidental rizz 😔 one time i actually didn’t realize i was on a date (i thought it was a family hangout) until the guy’s mom told us she was leaving so she didn’t third wheel us and then i had to pretend i had a boyfriend so i could escape 😭 that was a crazy day because that guy knew i was in love with his best friend?? so idk what he thought he was doing there…anyways this time i just pretended like my father wasn’t allowing me to hangout with anyone so i got out of it 😪 unfortunately no matter how hard i try to have male friends irl it inevitably ends up with them asking me out and me saying no 💔 one day it will be different i hope 😩
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sky-is-the-limit · 10 months
that rude ass anon comment reads like someone who is chronically online, probs on Twitter way too much and either has a Taylor swift or kpop idol profile pic. Also not the straight women essentially fetishizing gay men whilst being homophobic. They are the same ones who will shout from the rooftops "it's just fiction it doesn't hurt anyone" then goes round calling people fags and be racist because they don't like seeing non white people/oc being included with their favs. Also them just saying fag reminds me when we were little and just discovered swearing. And I love your comments about the cigs XD I'm in the UK so I often called cigs fags so saying that and watching a younger (usually American) loose their mind over me saying it or call me a fag as a slur is always entertaining. Sometimes I sit there like. You asking me for a smoke or attempting to slur me? Anyway as usual Gaz is the literal shining star of 141. 🚁
Mate honestly, who goes around calling people a slur word because they asked you not to use a wlw term for a fictional war criminal, key word, FICTIONAL 😭
I can't imagine this person giggling and kicking their feet calling König or Ghost a pillow princess while running around calling queer people fags like what type of botched abortion does that?
(Spent 6 years living in England and loved asking international students for a fag just to watch them have a mental breakdown jsksksks)
Here's to the Gaz nation, being the coolest most unproblematic part of this fandom <3
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elysia-nsimp · 2 years
Welcome to my blog!
My name is Elysia (Eel or Eli for short), but Comet and Dove both work just as well! I’m 19 years old and use she/her pronouns.
I’m an aspiring author, an artist, and chronically online /hj. I mean, I’m a lot more than just those but whatever works.
I have social and general anxiety, ADHD, anemia, POTS and autism. There’s more but those are the big ones. I’m very open about that kinda stuff lol
I’m big into fandoms, I do a lot of work for whatever my biggest hyperfixation is. So anyone who also likes my current hyperfixation, please come chat with me! I love conversating with people! My current hyperfixation is Twisted Wonderland.
#eely rambles — me just saying shit that I’m thinking about (happens a lot, too much in my brain)
#eely draws stuff — some of my drawings and stuff. Some earlier drawings aren’t in here but oh well
#eely asks — for anything you leave in my inbox!
#eely’s writing — any writing projects, request or not
#eel’s moots!!! — posts regarding or including my friends!!!
#elysia has too many ocs — it’s true. Over 300. Anyway here’s where I talk about them. Please please plsase ask questions, oc questions fuel my existance
#cometyuusonya — specific tag for one of my ocs; she’s a Twisted Wonderland Yuusona
#Twst Alius Academy AU — an AU spinoff that resides within the Twisted Wonderland universe!
#Charles Duras — Tag for one of my absolute FAV Asterial ocs!!!
#Elysia’s Asterial — Tag for all things from my fantasy universe, Asterial!
Here’s a list of all the fandoms I’m relatively active in and will gladly take requests for!
Twisted Wonderland
Obey Me!
Cookie Run: Kingdom
Spooky’s Jumpscare Mansion
RBLX Doors
RBLX Bear (both Alpha and Asterisk)
Hollow Knight
Five Nights at Freddy’s
Slay the Princess
That’s Not My Neighbor
Trust me, this list will grow.
Twisted Wonderland Masterlist
OC Intro Masterlist
Comprehensive OC Masterlist (WIP)
My requests are open!
They pretty much always will be. Feel free to ask away, whether it’s about me, a request for writing, or if you just want someone to talk to!! I’m usually really nervous to send asks to people because of anxiety, so just in case anyone reading this is like me: I’m never gonna judge you for sending me an ask! I love interacting with people and it never bothers me. Feel free to ask anonymously if you’re nervous ^^ /gen
Rules for asks are pretty simple. I’ll go more in depth later but basically just be nice and respectful and that’s it lol
Check out my other blogs!
Uhh yeah I have some other blogs! Most are RP blogs. Some are canon characters some are OCs
@floydleechrp @minigloomurai @starcrossedmoonlet-rp @g0th1c-han4h4k1 @cherrypieola @snakewh1sperer @gloomyronin (I’m 🦋 Admin) @boatlover3000
Nice to meet you! Hope to see you again!
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ninboo · 1 day
south park headcanons but it’s really obvious who i think about A LOT!
tolkien loves pitch perfect, but didn’t know there was a third one
wendy and tweek love pitch perfect, but they think the third one should be remastered because it was bad
tweek is friends with all sorts of people, it’s really cool, like twebe and twendy are my favourite friendships, but he’s also pretty close with kenny, jimmy, and the goth kids, especially henrietta
craig’s whole family is autistic
they’re also animal people, so they got a dog, tricia’s cat, and craig’s guinea pigs
tricia is hyperfixated on steven universe and gravity falls, and craig started liking steven universe because she would be watching it, and he just likes watching tv so they would watch it together, but then he's sitting there and he realises it's pretty good, so he's a fan lowkey
craig uses tumblr (a lot of red racer fanart reposting, but he likes some other stuff too sometimes)
craig is a nerd, dude, him and tweek nerd out over fnaf lore
STEAM nerd craig, especially the engineering and art stuff because those are his major and minor respectively
craig’s art style gives very svtfoe and infinity train, even though he hasn't watch either, but i imagine it being very cartoony like that because he loves watching tv and the art styles just stuck in his mind and he developed his style from it. I don't think he likes drawing people that much though because he's getting that engineering degree, so he does more prop design stuff.
red racer was literally the first show craig watched ever, and it's his favourite, so it's hard for him to like non-animated shows, so whatever else he watches is animated
also, sidebar, craig and maybe stan, are the only south park kids with tvs in their rooms we’ve seen so far i think because we see tweek turning on craig’s bedroom tv in “put it down”, and i remember stan has a tv in the veal episode
ngl craig is on a chronic tv kid to chronically online teen pipeline because me too, man, but he's not like crazy chronically online sick in head, he's just really invested and immersed in his interests and likes gossip (celebrity gossip and those school fight videos on twitter, if ykyk, and anything else of the sort)
the girls + tweek and craig are dnp fans, they are phans, this is very important to me, like i’m saying wendy was on tumblr phandom, and lowkey on wattpad too just because there’s some stuff you gotta know before you get on tumblr phandom
Cartman hosts the parties, BUT cartman totally invites himself to tolkien's place and throws parties there. ooouuu tolkien despises him!!
the goth kids keep trying to summon stuff at tweak bros, but it only worked the time they summoned damien, and it lowkey pissed them off because he's a pesky little brat!
speaking of brat, jimmy loves charli xcx, and yuck is his fav song
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stainedglassandpigs · 19 days
Working on some stuff about the timeline for my Dc Universe and how it maps out, I want to get all my favs in it. This is semi based on my knowledge of the dc universe and shit that makes me happy so pls walk with me here with some of this
This all takes place in Modern times 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️
Clark Kent went to metropolis university for journalism on a football scholarship, doesn’t play every game but is a valuable player who brings a southern charm to the city, flashing a corn bread feed smile that has the stadiums cheering load when he does make an appearance on the field. Was more notable in his university’s student paper than on the field, bringing a sense of warmth and community to sports section that many non-sports fans once neglected, not to mention his foodie column were he galavants about the city trying new local ma and pop shops giving beautiful pieces on the history of his meals and small looks into the lives and culture that made the dish. Unfortunately for his every building fans the young bull does not have any public forms of social media, a very not chronological online individual
Lex Luther notorious son of the Luthor Corp Conglomerate who took leave form the socialite scene for a few years seemingly making a return to the city, paparazzi have spotted him at all his old local hang outs,but what’s really caught the eye and attention of the people of Metropolis is his recent knew found vigor for the sciences. The young Luther being seen brushing up with top geneticist and rumors in the streets say leading cloning biologists as well, perhaps Luthor corp is switching from their roots of Tec and into Bio only time will tell. On another more trivial note the seemingly reformed party boy has been seen in the stands of Metropolis University football stadium, perhaps a new love interest has entered the young billionaires life. Very chronically online and constantly trending for arguing with people over subjects he’s stupidly well versed in but no one cares because he’s so annoying about it they just wanna tell piss him off. The #cancellexluthor is a mainstay for the twitter trending page.
Diana prince does not have an alter ego she does not feel the need, and it’s very hard to hide her supernatural origins as a 6’8 woman with glorious gleaming muscles and an accent for a language that has not been spoken in the human world for centuries. Although the international people’s princess does not need a job she does enjoy working at a Smithsonian negotiating the return of stolen artifacts from around the world to their proper homeland, meeting a certain Barbara Minerva who causes the demigod to giggle a little to hard at jokes the other archaeologist and anthropologist don’t seem to find as funny. The world knows her as Wonder Woman powerful heroine and Ambassador to the mysterious Themyscria were her triplet sister rules (people think it’s a cultural thing when Queen Nubia call Diana sister, little do they know she’s being deadass).
(unfortunately I am a Percy Jackson kid so I fear I do like the Zeus Daughter route I beg forgiveness my sisters I know, I have seen Hades as a lovely replacement, and the streets say it’s lazy and over done and takes away for the female centric story that is Diana so perhaps Athena or Aphrodite would make a good replacement to Zeus, but I fear I am not letting go of the daughter of goddess (god) bit
Bruce Wayne has recently returned to Gotham city a decade after the tragic passing of his parents the young heir has reportedly been running His family business since being able to legal inherit it at 16. The young man seems to be making a name for himself in manny different areas of the city, some say he’s a jerk, some says he’s the sweetest thing since apple pie the verdict is still out for the young heir. The paparazzi having great difficulty capturing the young man one minute they have the perfect shot of him walking out of the Synagogue his family once attended together the next he’s vanished and being reported seen going into a high brow event with the next top model on his arm. They say he will be an attendees for this years met gala the public’s has begun buzzing with excitement. In an unrelated note crime in the city of Gotham has had an unusual new bump in the night, no one knows what to think of this new string of beaten up blue mobsters found laying every which way in the streets.
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blogaboutmusic · 6 years
all the playlists !
did this a while ago, but my spotify changed so much that i decided to do it again, and also because i have a lot of new followers! thank you & thank you if you follow my playlists! Be sure to check the list out bc i have a playlist for almost every genre & mood!
● ✧・゚*✧・゚* existential crisis:  everything i have that is sad ● 2019 ; letz getit: music i discovered so far in 2019 / music that is important to me in 2019 ● 20(18)GAYTEEN: every album that came out in 2018 (at least of artists i like) ● 20(19)BITEEN: every album that came out in 2019 (/artist i like :) ) ● 5sᴏs ; complete: i think the title says it all ● aliens: a mix full of alt. songs. dope. 10/10 recommend to aliens ● all of it ; alternative ?: stuff that is alt but not quite, pop punk but not quite, rock but not quite, etc! ● all of it ; emo music: EVERYTHING YOU NEED. EVERYTHING SAD. EVERYTHING ANGRY. EVERYTHING GUITAR. pop-punk punk-rock emo/rock indie/alternative ● all of it ; k-pop: all the k-pop music that I listen to, stuffed into one mix. ● ᴀʟʟ ᴛɪᴍᴇ ʟᴏᴡ ; ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ: all of all time low’s music ● angry k-pop bops: a playlist that was inspired by district 9 of stray kids ● autumn, baby: perfect songs for fall! ● back to the future: idk some albums that i love listening to that go really well together ● bandito tour ; twenty one pilots: a playlist for an upcoming concert ● b͓̽a͓̽n͓̽g͓̽ ͓̽c͓̽h͓̽a͓̽n͓̽: a playlist for my bias of stray kids! ● ʙᴀɴɢᴛᴀɴɢ sᴏɴʏᴇᴏɴᴅᴀɴ ; ʙᴛs: all of bts’ music in one playlist ● best intro's, no argue: okay but really 505 is one of the best songs ever don’t fight me on that one ● bi bops: actually it doesnt matter if you’re gay, straight, pan or bi, these all work. just bops. ● b-sides, : songs i tend to forget about because i mostly listen to other songs on the albums... but they deserve the world so there you go ● 𝖇𝖎𝖙𝖊 𝖒𝖊: kinda angry, kinda alternative. ● bon voyage: i listened to this a lot when i went to paris and when i have to travel a lot. travel worthy. ● bop that Bussy ; emo version: FAV EMO JAMS AND BOPS AND BANGERS ● bring me the horizon ; complete : all of bmth’s music ● bts amsterdam 13.10.18: SETLIST ly tour amsterdam but also europe. i miss them a lot & wanna thank them for one of my best nights ever
● calm my anxious ass: what i need when i’m breaking down & alone again ● chanyeol (っ◔◡◔)っ: a playlist for my exo bias, mostly english sung songs though ● chilly billy doobop: so nice to have as background music or for when there’s a friend over. just ever so fckn CHILL ● classical // piano: classical music, mostly piano ● current mood: songs i’m probably listening to right now (lmao still) ● daniel james howell: a playlist for my fav youtuber!!! ● daydream: my playlist with music that makes me dream for a better version of me ● ᴅᴀʏ6 ; ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ: every day6 song ever. stan talent stan day6 ● death / school mix: songs about dying & other relatable stuff for school, ha ha ● dizzy tummy: stuff i listen to strolling through the city or being in a specific trainride ● dope on a rope: no, this isn't a playlist for the growlers' song, it's old beats. ● emo & alternative: sum emo tunes! totally random *insert that one crazy emoji with the tongue out* ● energize this tired bub: upbeat tempo music that really energizes me ● energetic appleflap: playlist for a friend (that i have crush on) ● eɴᴛᴇʀᴛᴀɪɴᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴛᴏᴜʀ ᴡᴀᴛᴇʀᴘᴀʀᴋꜱ: music i  listened to before & after my waterparks concert + every waterparks song ever & the setlist ● ᴇxᴏ ; xᴏxᴏ: exo complete. please give us a ot9 comeback ● exploring: stuff i have yet to listen to ● fᴀʟʟ ᴏᴜᴛ ʙᴏʏ ; ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ: all of FOB’s music. can you believe i’m still emo trash? ● frickity freck!: fresh alt-ish music ● fuck me up: a ReAlLy gOoD aLterNaTiVe / IndiE / eMo playlist? ● funky dunky business: the bass in these is mostly really mcflipping good ● geez, morty: playlist for fake friends ● ɢᴏᴛ7 ; ᴀʜɢᴀsᴇ: all of got7 their music ● ɢʀᴇᴇɴ ᴅᴀʏ ; ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ: all of green day aka my fav band their music ! every.thing. ● grrr. : just metal and grunge. heavy shit ● guitars: really good guitars like guns ‘n roses & beatles and just guitars that i love??? ● guns  n' roses setlist: setlist g ‘n r Europe 2017 ● halsey: indie artist, all her music in a playlist ● happy vibes: music that makes me smile!! ● hoe anthems (k-pop ver.); k-pop bops that make me go wanna hoe the heck out ● homework // calm: music i listen to when i make homework ● hug me pls: acoustic songs i wanna listen to while cuddling ● i’m a mess: a good, short playlist i- lol- unironically made when i discovered Michael Clifford had a girlfriend lmao i hope theyre happy they deserve it ● i, an intellectual: a nerd: music from movies and series i really dig ● interactive introverts: music they played and i listened to before interactive introverts ● jae = bae: this one goes out to jae, guitarist and vocal legend in the band day6 ● jazzin' away: jazz, my friend. ● j-pop ; rock 'n soul: my favourite j-pop songs!! yes, that includes all one ok rock songs. ● journal writings: i attempt to keep up a journal. this gives me vibes. sometimes a bit more uptempo, but mostly a bit softer ● judith.eliza: for a friend ● jughead's tape: for jughead jones, of riverdale ● just guitars, nothing else.: just acoustic guitars of some of my fav songs, really good for while studying i think ● k-grooves: korean r&b and indie ● k-pop ; essential jams: my favourite k-pop songs, which are quite a lot! ● k-pop ; girls: all my girl groups’ music ● k-rock ; you make myday: all my favourite k-rock songs, yes that includes every day6 song because they are just that good sorry ● last young renegade tour: music i listened to before & after my all time low concert + the setlist ●  letters to you: songs that made me think of my crush. i think people can realate? ● let there be luf: some new alt, sum songs about love ● lilacskyjimin ; fav: playlist for a friend ● lone hours: in: feeling lonely? we do, too, dont worry. youre not alone. ● mama: stuff i grew up with / stuff my mother and i both like ● marina & the diamonds: apperantly she’s only called marina now? one of the best female singers i know, indie as f*ck ● ᴍᴇᴇᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ ; 5sos:  playlist for the 5sos concert, setlist and the songs in between! ● micmicbudgee ; fav: playlist for a friend ● mom jeans, tired eyes: mostly 70s and 80s BOPS ● ᴍᴏɴsᴛᴀ x ; ᴍᴏɴʙᴇʙᴇ: all of monsta x’s music in a playlist ● muse ; complete: all of alt rock band muse their songs ● my chemical romance ; complete: emo rock band mcr all of their music ● my youngblood chronicals: alt rock songs. the reason why i’m still fighting ● nederlandse bodem: my favourite Dutch songs! ● ɴᴇᴏ ᴄᴜʟᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴛᴇᴄʜɴᴏʟᴏɢʏ ; ɴᴄᴛ: nct complete, in a playlist ● nienisneckdeep ; fav: playlist for a friend ● nights: songs i like to listen to before going to sleep ● noa.myg: fav: another playlist for a friend ● non-english bops: jewish, french, spanish, swedish, irish and celtic music like omnia (which is partly english but i think it fits here so tough luck) ● one ok rock ; complete: one ok rock is a japanese rock band that sings in english in their latest work ● ᴘᴀɴɪᴄ! ᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴅɪsᴄᴏ ; ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ: all of panic! at the disco’s music in a playlist ● paramore ; complete: paramore was a punk rock band with a female singer, and now they make alt rock ● paris: a playlist for a city that i miss, a time that i miss ● ᴘᴇɴᴛᴀɢᴏɴ ; ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ: aka all of k-pop group Pentagon their music in a playlist ● pizza punk: waterparks, neck deep, with con and music like that. perfect for skating eheh ● power vocals: beautiful voices ! voices that make me jealous ● problems with sleeping: lovely alt songs, some of them are about not being able to sleep ● queen discography: you know that movie, bohemian rhapsody..? ● rad activist shit: end gun violence. black lives matter. abortions should be legal, pedophiles and rapists should not be able to walk free. oh and love is love, get over it. angry songs, songs about revolution. ● rainbow: love songs, some sad (rain), some ever so happy (sun). together they make a rainbow ● red hot chili peppers: the red hot chili peppers are rock band and if you dont know them, look them up!! ● revolution radio 2017: music i listened to before & after my green day concert + the setlist ● rev up my spaceship, bois: modern hard rock in a playlist! ● sad boi o’clock: another sad playlist, you can never have enough of these ● sᴀʏ ᴛʜᴇ ɴᴀᴍᴇ ; sᴇᴠᴇɴᴛᴇᴇɴ: seventeens (k-pop) complete music discography ● skylinn ; khaleesiqoyi: first playlist i made for a friend: my best friend ● slytherin headgirl: this is what the people in slytherin listen to, i swear ● socrates would deffo stan: indie and alt, only for intellectuals (i’m just kidding) ● soft; rock™: soft (old) rock ● soft; k-pop: for if you wanna weep along with exo, bts,, etc ● soundtrack of my life 🌙: the basics to my music ● space jams 🚀: most songs are about wanting to run away, perfect for when you’re in space ● spoopy rave: i secretly listen to this through the year, idec ● starry skies, snazzy beats: mostly cute beats, perfect for studying or staring at the sky ● sᴛᴀʏ ; sᴛʀᴀʏ ᴋɪᴅs !: all of stray kids songs, go stan them already and please stay ● stranger things: songs that give me a stranger things vibe ● supernatural ; rock & grunge: stuff Dean Winchester would listen to, blue oyster cult, aerosmith, black sabbath, stuff like that ● tae tae: a playlist for v of bts, one of my biases ● the 1975: an alt band, latest work: an brief inquiry into online relationships ● the neighbourhood: very chill music. kinda rap, kinda alt ● these physically turn me on: really, really good songs, or nice vocals, idk how to explain ● tits out for harambe: the closest thing i have to pop music / rap i guess, with khai dreams, frank ocean, childish gambino, ari, troye, ya know ● tokyo: a playlist for dreaming about the feeling of a city ● travel back in time: 50s, 60s music, stuff i listen to with my grandpa but also alone cuz its fun ● twenty øne piløts ; complete: all of twenty one pilots their music ● underappreciated alt songs: alternative songs that i think deserve (even more) hype! ● waterparks ; complete: nice new pop punk band that deffo has a lot of talent! ● when the week ends: a mix for the weekend ● wubbalubbadubdub: old bops that make me forget about my sadness ● year in review: 2018: music i discovered in 2018 / music that was important to me in 2018 / songs that came out in 2018 ● yoongi: songs where you can sing yoongi really clearly and songs that make me think of him ● you’re making me feel miserable: songs i listened to after i confessed to my crush and he turned me down sksksksk
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