#the glory 1x05
laufire · 1 year
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marril96 · 5 months
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The Glory 1.05
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bookishjules · 5 months
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percy jackson and the olympians, 1x02 // percy jackson and the olympians, 1x05
something about glory. something about heroes. something about percy clinging to the idea of glory to reach his dad. about luke chasing glory for the same reason, only to conclude that it matters more to his peers than it does to the gods. something about percy realizing that maybe glory isn't worth the chase, and about annabeth denouncing glory to make a point.
something about the glory around luke's name carrying him to a position of power against the gods, while the glory percy and annabeth will acquire i not because they chased it, but because they deserved it.
something about recognition. something about 'who's side are you on anyway.' something about heroes and the currency of glory.
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thereisnolumos · 6 months
darklina thoughts: I wanted to get into the shadow and bone Fandom(books and show) because of the amazing gif set of the darklina kiss I saw
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Like who are these two that are sharing such a beautiful kiss. And look so aesthically pleasing together with the darkness and light vibes. I was so excited to find out who these two were because these kind of ships are my everything. Than I find out and 😨😱😤😠🤬!!!!! It was like running full steam a head with tons of excitement and crashing face first into a wall when I find out everything about this Fandom. Both about the books and show. The author and this beautiful ship. And I'm like God why do authors do this ship. Tease us with everything we want and the full potential. But than do a completely one 80 and waste are time on things we don't care about, or find insulting or toxic, and tells us are tastes are dumb and toxic. So now I just read fics and look at beautiful art of Darklina and the potential they could have been. It's just so annoying because this stuff happens all the time!!! And don't get me started on what I heard about the author. I don't know if their true. And wish I could find out real stuff about her. But if it is. God she is so messed up for doing this to us.
I only got in the fandom bcs I randomly saw a teaser for the first season and Ben Barnes was there in all his dark glory. I knew nothing about the books, but the way that show was promoted I was expecting the epic dark romance, villain who’s not really a villain gets the girl all the vibe. Plus cool world build and complicated detailed story overall.
I got none of that.
That show was interesting and hopeful for the first 5 episodes (we will always have 1x05🖤). It wasn’t as detailed and complex as I expected, but it had potential and the main pair - the one they based THE ENTIRE promotion on by the way - was having one of the most fiery and spark inducing chemistry I’ve ever seen on the screen, so I kept my hopes up for the overall plot and focused on them. And then… then they backpedaled SO HARD on everything that made that show interesting for the broad audience, I wonder how they didn’t give themselves a whiplash… though considering the horrible quality of s2 they probably did
Though I didn’t like the way s1 ended, I still thought there is hope, and “we need a conflict for our main pair, I guess”. I truly, wholeheartedly believed that creators and writers of the show are not complete idiots and know how to read the room and what the most of their audience is there for, so that’s what they’ll deliver. But oh my, how wrong I was.
The second season is downright unwatchable with how horrifyingly terrible it is. I only suffered through the entire thing for Ben, who, bless his heart, tried his hardest to deliver the complexity and depth of his character, who he only agreed to play if they “won’t make him a cardboard villain”. And they did exactly that in s2, or tried to, bcs Ben Barnes and his talent didn’t let them, despite all their efforts. The rest of the cast I guess didn’t have enough experience to fix the worst writing imaginable with their acting, so most of the characters became absolutely bland and uninteresting and SO IDIOTICALLY STUPUD, I yelled at them constantly, scaring my cat the entire time.
Also, as much as I understand it from exploring the fandom, the creators and writers of the show are die hard fans of the Crows, and they don’t actually like Alina’s trilogy at all. So… why didn’t they just do the books they wanted I’ll never know. Instead, they forced the Crows in the plot they were never a part of (making all of them okay with selling a girl to slavery in the process. Despite one of them being the former slave and the other one being the one who got her out of it… make it make sense, I beg of you), in the second season they wasted SO MUCH time on their plot lines that 1)didn’t matter one bit for the overall story, 2)were absolutely uninteresting to everyone who isn’t the Crows fan beforehand. In the end we got half-assed Alina and Aleksander’s story with half-assed Crows’ story. They should’ve just made the Crows show, without touching Alina and Aleksander
I haven’t read the books, but from what I gathered in the fandom, though still committing the same sin of putting all the promotion and marketing into the Dark romance trope without actually delivering on it, and force feeding the fans one of the worst and most toxic pairings ever with Malina, at least Alina and Aleksander’s characters weren’t made so cardboard and stupid, and there was tragedy in their story, not the shit that they gave us in s2. Though I absolutely DESPISE the fact that Alina looses her powers in the end and goes on to live Mal’s dream life… Like WHAT THE FUCK?? What levels of internalized misogyny do you need to have as a woman, to write this plot line for your female protagonist???? I can’t.
On Mal’s toxicity: at least that made him a fleshed out character in the books. Absolutely horrible one, how could the author make him “get the girl” is beyond me. But at least he had a personality, however terrible one. In the show, I guess understanding, that no one would root for that asshole, they removed his toxicity almost completely, but that made him as bland as stale porridge. There wasn’t ANYTHING left on his character. At all. How anyone could’ve rooted for him I absolutely refuse to understand. Any woman deserved better than Blade😈
I don’t know anything about Leigh Bardugo, except for the fact that she butcher my native language and makes me furious. If you don’t know the language at least on a medium level, perhaps don’t use it in your books. Or at least hire someone who does. The way she butchered it, I’m not sure she even used Google translate…
So yeah, I’m with you on only reading Darklina fanfics and admiring fan art. I’m not at all sad that they cancelled the show, and I’m even giddy that those creators and writers didn’t get their wet dream of the Crows spin off. They didn’t deserve it after the shit they pulled in the second season. I do hope that they won’t ruin any other shows in the future. I am sad for the actors, who deserved much better and who were actually good at their parts, while the writing was okay. Poor Archie Renaux suffered the most, his character didn’t have good writing at all, not for a single scene. I hope we’ll see more of all of them.
And we need Ben and Jessie to do a film together. Preferably a rom com, but I’m not picky. Just that their characters are together. Such chemistry can’t be wasted
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ppeuppeuppeu · 2 years
Although i absolutely love Harwin’s scenes in 1x06 and i think he looks absolutely incredible with his City Watch armor i have to say that my favourite scene of him still remains in 1x05, the wedding scene. There is just something about him in that scene and the way he carries himself. I love him in armor but when he’s dressed in his formal attire like the blue doublet that he wore at Rhaenrya’s wedding it drove me insane😍 And the way he was dancing with Rhaenrya while having that proud smile on his face, it’s like this man knows he’s fine and that every girl wants him. Or when he so easily moves through the crowd and punches everyone that is in his way just so that he can get to Rhaenrya??? ALL TIME FAVOURITE SCENE!!
i tell you, rhaenyra enjoyed every second she was dancing with harwin. she was smiling the whole time. plus, you are right. THE MAN KNOWS HE IS FINE AS FVCK AND GIRLS WOULD FLOCK TO HIM. rhaenyra you one lucky girl.
and regarding his look on that particular episode, i love the formal attire. as much as i love his curls loose in all their glory, im just a wh*re for beautiful guys in manbuns.
and gossipy harwin in that episode. gosh i love him. 🫠🫠🫠🫠
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thephantomcasebook · 1 year
Weird Ask Time!
Situation: older!Alicent is replaced with Young!Alicent from 1x05 and comes through a time portal to 2x01 Green Family.
Aegon, Helaena, Aemond, and Daeron are confronted with their teenage mother and are stuck with her forever.
How do they react?
Bonus: Who is the fucked up one that wakes up one morning spooning a naked Alicent after making love to her.
I'm not saying it has to happen ... but fucking Aegon II Targaryen is in the mix. And my manz jerked off in front of his mom before so ...
Don't be a pussy!
Answer the ask!
I can't believe I just got asked this absolutely vile and detestable ...
I just got it ...
Okay ...
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(For Reference)
He is absolutely, 100% protective, like 1000% worshipful - make Criston look like agnostic - devoted to the protection and happiness of young!Alicent.
Listen, that isn't just a younger version of his mother, that was baby/little Aegon's friend, his playmate, and the only person he truly loved and who loved him. The very sight of that young girl, so beautiful and innocent, would melt Aegon. He'd be absolutely ashamed of what he was, and has done in the past, and wouldn't want her to see him the way he is now. When no one is around, he takes off his crown and lays his head on her lap, and apologizes if it makes her uncomfortable ... but he needs it, needs her hand through his hair, he needs the memory of what it was like when they had no one but each other.
When Rhaenya takes King's Landing, Aegon is not leaving her behind. He is dying with Sunfyre, going out in a blaze of glory, to protect his beloved children and his sainted and pure mamma.
Helaena would be quiet, but subtly curious, looking up from her needle work to sneak glances at her young mamma. She would still pull away from her touch, but feel bad about it when she sees her fallen expression. Then, later, young!Alicent would find little gifts on her bed or on her vanity from Helaena as forms of apology. She'd definitely linger at doorways or in the distance, staring - maybe even longing - and when Alicent shields her eyes from the sun and looks out to see her, Helaena nervously paces away in social anxiety. With a suggestion from Daeron, Young!Alicent would start researching bugs so she can talk to Helaena and Helaena would walk by and recommend better books on the subject. And when Alicent suggest that maybe Helaena write a book for her, she looks away shyly but is grinning ear to ear as she stalks away ...
and later Alicent finds a flower crown on her bed made from the roses in Helaena's personal garden.
He's her big brother, he's her priest, he's her protector - through and through. She is his prize, his jewel, his most coveted and personal joy and torment. He loves her so completely, but like Aegon, he doesn't want her to see him like he is now - maimed and dark. He is convinced that she wouldn't, couldn't love him, not as he is. So he tries to avoid her. But when he's brooding alone in the dark by the fire, she comes in and stands by him. She puts her hand on his shoulder and tells him that he doesn't have to hide from her, she's not afraid of him.
In sudden anger and despair, Aemond shoots from his chair and rips off his eye patch to reveal the sapphire in his eye that sparkles in the fire light. He challenges her to see him, see what he is, and shudder at "The One-Eye" monster of the House of the Dragon. But even though Alicent is caught off guard by the aggressive action, she steels herself and strides right into his personal space. They glare at one another. But then Alicent touches his cheek. A single tear falls from one of her eyes in a deep empathy for a son she's never met. Then she leans his head down and gives a deep and meaningful kiss to his sapphire eyes. He gives her a 'mhmm' but he his jaw set hard when she leaves with a swirl of skirts. But when she looks back he sits once more and stares at the fire.
But instead of leaving, Alicent sits on the rug and lays her head and an arm on his knee as they both watch the fire in the dark.
Complete and total best friends forever. He is a better and more devoted replacement for Rhaenyra. She immediately gravitates toward Daeron, because, he's the closest to her age, and the most like her in look, mood, and personality. Everyone is freaked out or has a lot of baggage when she first arrives, so she is immediately and constantly dumped on Daeron, because Young!Alicent is not someone that Daeron knew or grew up with so he's not as weird or freaked out by her - she is completely different than the mommy who raised him with Ser Criston.
Their coming is always heralded by laughter and giggling, they're rarely seen apart, and she likes to hold his hand when they're walking together. He gives her rides on his back when goofing around the Red Keep and she goes out on patrol with him on Tessarion - which angers Aegon and Aemond a lot. They get so close that they can finish one another's sentences and she starts showing up at night to share a bed. When Aemond sends Daeron to take command in the South and rescue the Hightower army trapped in the Dornish Lowlands, Alicent is devastated and is greatly depressed when he says goodbye, gifting him brand new armor that she had specifically forged for him. She loves his dashing smile and witty farewell as their kiss is broken by him flying off with a joke.
After King's Landing falls to Rhaenyra, Alicent takes charge of Maelor and escapes to Bitter Bridge where she is not known nor blinked at - thinking her a young war refugee with a babe. And she makes it to Daeron's camp where she falls into his arms and they're reunited with overpowering emotions. Afterward, like it was in King's Landing, they're rarely seen apart. And Alicent becomes a valued voice in war councils while at Daeron's side, and some even say that Campaign and war seems to suit the young beauty.
Thus, history changes, cause, unlike before, Alicent is not captured in King's Landing and so Criston has no incentive to charge out in a suicided rush at King's Landing's defenses to rescue her. Thus the Butcher's Ball never happens and Criston and what is left of the Green's Main Army links up with Daeron's force. And Alicent rushes to and embraces Ser Criston who is overwhelmed with relief when he sees that she is safe and made it to Daeron and his men. Meanwhile, hearing of Aegon, Helaena, Aemond, and Otto's deaths, she sees Criston's return as a gift from the gods to have just a shred of mercy that she hadn't lost everything and everyone she loved.
With a powerful and seasoned army commanded by Criston Cole and Daeron the Daring, they crush the Blacks at Tumblestone and with Criston's steadfast leadership and Alicent and Daeron's fire for revenge there is no delay on the marching on King's Landing.
After Rhaeynra is driven from King's Landing back to Dragonstone, Daeron is named regent and he names Alicent Hand of the King, while Criston is giving full command of the Green forces to put an end to the Blacks rebellion. Meanwhile, Criston and Alicent raise both Maelor and Jaehaera - Alicent never marries, but there are rumors of her relationship with the Lord Commander ... nothing is proven, just blasphemous talk from embittered Northman and Riverlords who lost the glorious cause of their Black Queen to a couple of Teenagers and "The Kingmaker".
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mirai-desu · 10 months
Eliza Scarlet's Outfits in Miss Scarlet & The Duke S1-3
A Visual Guide
Disclaimer: This is primarily based off of me going through my caps, and there's always a chance I have missed something and/or typoed.
I have lightened some of the caps, but I did not recolor them, so they might still appear darker to you depending on your device.
You'll also see that some outfits photograph/films differently in different lighting, etc.
And obviously I don't include every scene an outfit is worn in the collages; it's just examples, outside of the first and last appearance caps.
(also I didn't label some of episode stills because originally I was just uploading the original files, but then had to make them collages too when I ran out of room. And sorry William et al., I had to crop you out at times).
I also did not really keep track of when she changes up her ties or hats with outfits, but she doesn't really mix and match until S2.
Open the images in a new tab if on desktop to get the larger image to zoom in.
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The first outfit we see Eliza in ever (1x01), and the bit used in the opening sequence
The outfit in some S1 keyart images, but most were her other main outfit
We don't get to see what this outfit looks like without the jacket and thus don't really get to see the blouse
Makes it into S2, but the last we see of it is in 2x01 when then it falls victim to the pigeon incident.
However its final appearance is in the HANDS scene (well technically right after), so it does go out in a blaze of glory
Seen in 1x01-4, 2x01
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The black funeral dress (1x01)
Only worn in the two scenes in the cemetery
(again it gets to be part of an iconic Wiliza scene at least)
Seen in 1x01
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The other blue outfit from S1
What she is wearing in the main S1 keyart and PBS DVD cover
We don't get to see what this outfit looks like without the jacket and thus don't really get to see the blouse. She does appear to be wearing a different blouse with it at times though (e.g. 1x06 is a different blouse from 1x01)
While she wears it in almost every episode of S1, she notably wears this almost the entirety of 1x06, making its last real appearance in the scene where she has William apologize to Moses.
It is also the outfit that she is wearing in all three of the photographs of adult!Eliza in the show (1x06, 2x03, 2x06), so its technical last appearance in 2x06
There's an edited version of this outfit that's red and used in other keyart (it is not the red outfit from 1x06)
Seen in all S1 episodes except 1x05; appears in photographs in 2x03 and 2x06 as well
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A burgundy ensemble that's only worn twice, both times in S1
The burgundy skirt is possibly the same skirt that goes with the outfit that’s actually in all three seasons
First seen when she goes to find Clara Simms; she wears it through being released from Scotland Yard the next morning. This version she has a choker on.
In 1x02, she wears it with a cloak at the beginning of the episode, and that's its last appearance
Seen in 1x01, 1x02
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The burgundy dress that Eliza says in 1x02 is her best dress, that she specially wears to catch William's eye
She first wears it in 1x02, to try to get William to give her a case
Its last appearance is in 2x06, when her and William were going to go to dinner together
Seen in 1x02, 1x03, 2x01, 2x06
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The burgundy skirt outfit is the only one of her outfits to appear in all three seasons
We actually first see it without the jacket on (1x03), and we know what the blouses she wears with it look like
It's only outfit she wears in 1x05 ("Cell 99"), including without the jacket
She mixes and matches hats and ties with this outfit starting in 2x01, as well as sometimes has on a different blouse (likely the one that goes with the green outfit).
In S3, she does sometimes wear a navy blue cloak over it, like she does many of her outfits that season
Its last appearance has been 3x05, without the jacket on, drinking with Ivy
Seen in 1x03, 1x04, 1x05, 2x01, 2x04, 3x01, 3x02, 3x04, 3x05
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The nightgown in 1x04
Also notably the only time Eliza's hair isn't in a bun (barring flashbacks to Young Eliza)
She's only in this for two connective scenes
Seen in 1x04
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The actual Scarlet outfit
Only appears at the end of 1x06, when Eliza is in her office and William comes to take her to dinner
Seen in 1x06
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The green outfit
First seen in 2x01, as Ivy is pinning the hem. We first see it without the jacket, and get a good look at the blouse she tends to wear with it. This blouse is also used with other outfits.
She first wears the whole outfit together in 2x02
Comparative to other outfits, she doesn't seem to switch up the hat (or blouse)
This outfit carries over into S3, with its last appearance in the scene at Arabella's house having tea at the end of 3x05
Seen in every S2 episode except 2x03; 3x01, 3x05
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The burgundy and gray one with velvet trim
First appears in 2x01, in the pub with the guy from the Wentworth's shop
She seems to wear the same blouse as with the green outfit
It has a waistcoat, and we do see her several times without the jacket on
Its last appearance is in the flashback to her office in 3x03.
Seen in 2x01, 2x02, 2x04, 2x05; 3x03
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Navy blue outfit with waistcoat
First seen in 2x02, when she goes looking for the insurance firm
We do see her several times without the jacket on
In S2 she wears it with a blouse that has a collar that's trying to mimic a men's double round collar (the style William wears)
Notably, this is the only outfit she wears in 2x03
This outfit makes a reappearance in 3x03, with a different and stripped blouse. It's the outfit she wears the whole episode (barring the flashback), and she only has the jacket on in her first and final scenes of the episode, plus the wool cloak.
In 3x05, it's back to the collared blouse, and last seen when Eliza and William talk after Crabtree's arrested
Seen in 2x02, 2x03, 2x04, 2x06, 3x01, 3x03, 3x05
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The blue evening dress
First scene for Hattie's engagement party in 2x06, and she does not wear any adornment on it then
In 3x02, which is the second and last time that she wears it, she has pinned her mother's brooch to the middle of the neckline
Both instances of her wearing it, she also wears a small shawl/cape with velvet trim when she is outside
Its final appearance is when they go back inside of Arabella‘s restaurant after the brooch is stolen
Seen in 2x06, 3x02
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Jacket with the brass buttons
Oddly enough, we first see her in this outfit in the S2 keyart, but it (and most of their clothing/whole image) has been edited to be red
It first appears in the show at the end of 3x01. First we see Eliza in the kitchen without the jacket on, and then in the next, and final scene of the episode in William's office with the jacket on
The blouse has some blue in it
She does occasionally have the thick wool cloak on with this, as well as an apron
Its last appearance is in the final scene of 3x06, at Nash's office
Seen 3x01, 3x02, 3x04, 3x05, 3x06
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Blue outfit with the navy blue blouse
This is the outfit that she has on in the S3 keyart
Eliza first wears the skirt in 3x02 when she has to change after being pushed down, but she wears it with the lacy white blouse she usually wears with the green outfit (she's also in this blouse again when she bakes the cake with Ivy)
But she wears the usual combination later in the episode when she returns to Arabella's to speak with her
She also occasionally wears the wool cloak over it, as well as an apron
Its last appearance thus far has been when she and Moses go to see Solomon in 3x06
Seen in 3x02, 3x04, 3x05, 3x06
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Bonus! Young Eliza
Same outfit in both flashbacks
It appears to be the same outfit in the photo on Henry/Eliza's wall (makes sense)
Seen in 1x01, and anytime there is a close up of the photograph (1x06 features last true close up of it)
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purpleplaid17 · 3 months
Jess Watches // Sun 3 Mar // Day 160 Synopses & Favourite Scenes & Poll
Severance (rw with mum) 1x05 The Grim Barbarity of Optics and Design
Irving and Dylan confront Burt about his lies. Mark and Helly discover a strange new department.
Why was Ricken hanging kelp around the room?
I'm Dylan, always requesting a hug from Ms. Casey.
Did we ever figure out what the goats were for? Any theories?
When Ms. Casey said "I forgive you." She was looking right at Mark. Does he blame himself for her 'death'? Could she instinctively still know that he needs to be forgiven??
The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin 1x01 A Legend Is Born (Sort Of) - (with mum)
Destiny calls when butcher's assistant Dick Turpin befriends a gang of outlaws and steps into the swashbuckling spotlight.
As much as I loved the staging, setting, the courgette village, and Noel's always fabulous outfits, the humour unfortunately just wasn't my cup of tea.
Six Nations: Full Contact Ep 4 The Second Coming
With the Wales team in torment on and off the pitch, their old coach returns to shake things up. Will his gamble pay off in the match against England?
Wales did play poorly last year but they have been very unlucky this year not to win a match. Here's hoping they can finish strongly and continue to build their way to future glory!
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romancemedia · 11 months
Glory breaks up with Kenny (1x05)
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laufire · 1 year
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marril96 · 5 months
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The Glory 1.05
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helianthus21 · 3 years
Jesper having the time of his life bc their target just climbed right into their carriage. happy for him
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frogayyyy · 2 years
TOS Episodes in stardate order:
I finally finished my rewatch and thought this might be useful for ff writers or just anyone interested
(this is using the Netflix episode order and the star date which was mentioned first in the episode)
1x04 Where No Man Has Gone Before 1312.4
1x07 Mudd's Women 1329.8
1x02 The Man Trap 1513.1
1x11 The Corbomite Maneuver 1514
1x03 Charlie X 1533.7
1x06 The Enemy Within 1672.1
1x05 The Naked Time 1704.2
1x18 The Squire of Gothos 2124.5
1x08 What Are Little Girls Made Of? 2712.4
1x09 Miri 2713.5
1x10 Dagger of the Mind 2715.1
1x14 The Conscience of the King 2817.6
1x17 The Galileo Seven 2821.5
1x21 Court Martial 2947.3
1x12 The Menagerie Part 1 3012.6
1x13 The Menagerie Part 2 3013.1
2x07 Catspaw 3018.2
1x16 Shore Leave 3025.3
1x19 Arena 3045.6
1x28 The Alternative Factor 3087.6
1x20 Tomorrow is Yesterday 3113.2
1x23 Space Seed 3141.9
1x22 The Return of the Archons 3156.2
1x24 A Taste of Armageddon 3192.1
1x26 The Devil in the Dark 3196.1
1x27 Errand of Mercy 3198.4
2x16 The Gamesters of Triskelion 3211.7
2x09 Metamorphosis 3219.8
1x30 Operation: Annihilate! 3287.2
2x01 Amok Time 3372.7
2x02 Who Mourns for Adonais? 3468.1
2x12 The Deadly Years 3478.2
2x11 Friday's Child 3497.2
2x14 Wolf in the Fold 3614.9
2x13 Obsession 3619.2
2x05 The Apple 3715.3
2x10 Journey to Babel 3842.3
2x25 Bread and Circuses 4040.7
2x19 A Private Little War 4211.4
2x18 The Immunity Syndrome 4307.1
3x13 Elaan of Troyius 4372.5
3x06 Spectre of the Gun 4385.3
2x08 I, Mudd 4513.3
2x15 The Trouble with Tribbles 4523.3
2x22 By Any Other Name 4657.5
2x24 The Ultimate Computer 4729.4
2x20 Return to Tomorrow 4768.3
3x03 The Paradise Syndrome 4842.6
3x02 The Enterprise Incident 5027.3
3x04 And the Children Shall Lead 5029.5
3x12 The Empath 5121.5
3x16 The Mark of Gideon 5423.4
3x01 Spock's Brain 5431.4
3x08 For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky 5476.3
3x05 Is There In Truth No Beauty? 5630.7
3x09 The Tholian Web 5693.2
3x11 Wink of an Eye 5710.5
3x14 Whom Gods Destroy 5718.3
3x18 The Lights of Zetar 5725.3
3x15 Let That Be Your Last Battlefield 5730.2
3x10 Plato's Stepchildren 5784.2
3x21 The Cloud Minders 5818.4
3x20 The Way to Eden 5832.3
3x19 Requiem for Methuselah 5843.7
3x22 The Savage Curtain 5906.4
3x24 Turnabout Intruder 5928.5
3x23 All Our Yesterdays 5943.7
No Stardate:
1x01 Pilot: The Cage
1x15 Balance of Terror
1x25 This Side of Paradise
1x29 The City on the Edge of Forever
2x03 The Changeling
2x04 Mirror, Mirror
2x06 The Doomsday Machine
2x17 A Piece of the Action
2x21 Patterns of Force
2x23 The Omega Glory
2x26 Assignment: Earth
3x07 Day of the Dove
3x17 That Which Survives
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zykamiliah · 3 years
After reading this post (until the end) I think I can finally map out Lancelot's change of perspective and priorities in regards to his motivations and, well, his entire worldview.
1x05 "Lancelot":
Here it's established that Lancelot wants to be a knight, he wants to impress Arthur. But he also wants to live up to the standards he has set up for himself, like doing great deeds that showcase his nobility and knightly potential. He is mostly, trying to live up to an ideal: a knight devoted to his lord, upholding a strict code, defending the weak and protecting Arthur. During this period he prioritizes his own dream, his own selfish desires. He puts distance between Gwen and him by treating her like a lady, kissing his hand. All very romantic from certain point of view, but that's why he does it. If he treated her like an equal, he would have to consider her own wishes, which he doesn't.  He leaves Camelot after realizing that MERLIN was the one who actually defeated the griffin. He can't take the glory because it wasn't his great deed and he can't remain in Camelot after that. Arthur wanted him to stay, but he refused. He's still too wrapped around his idealistic, self-centered goals. He decides he will come back when he proves himself.
But he doesn't.
2x04 "Lancelot and Guinevere":
This is the episode where Lancelot hits rock bottom. He's way out of the path he envisioned for himself. The absolute opposite of his shining dreams of knighthood. Then Gwen appears and gives him a reason to fight, a quest. I'm not saying he didn't care about her, because he did, but here he's still Don Quixote fighting for his Dulcinea; she becomes the embodiment of everything that's good, and so gives him something to defend and follow religiously.
But then he backtracks completely when the possibility of Arthur being interested in Gwen comes into the picture. He still wants to be the kind of knight that puts his lord above everything else. And so he leaves.
A reminder that, tragically, funnily enough, this is all happening inside his head. He's still up in the coulds, chasing the dream. But at least he parted ways with Hengist and his kind and is now trying to find his way again.
From 2x04 to S3 finale, the time we don't see him:
In light of this infamous deleted scene, I would like to offer a theory: something definitely changed between the last time we saw him in season 2 and when he's back in the s3 finale.
I'm going to take a risk here and say that he was waiting. For something, for someone. Maybe Arthur would try to find him, maybe a great opportunity would present itself.
Approximately two years and a half pass and there is nothing. Not a call from Camelot, not great deed to commend himself.
What does happen is that Lancelot is, I presume, finally waking up to reality, to the real things that are happening around himself.  He has to live day after day mundanely, he has to survive. I guess there was a brief period of calm in which he worked as a sword for hire or something like that. Then we get the whole thing with Cenred, the raiders attacking villages of innocent people, something that hits very close to his own past childhood experiences.
Oh, and Merlin presumably contacts him from time to time.
I want to talk about something that I don't see it commented anywhere but that's something that bothered me in 2x04 and is that Lancelot didn't really... put much thought on his relationship with Merlin. It's not that he dismisses him, because Merlin's still his friend from Camelot, they had a great rapport when they first met, and he's keeping Merlin's secret loyally, but that's it. Compare that to Arthur, the Lord he wants to serve, and Gwen, the Lady he wants to protect; the two of them were the means and (the goal?) to his reaching his grestest ambition. Merlin doesn't represent any of his ideals, he's just his friend, mildly extraordinary because of his magic, but a commoner like him.
And yet, Merlin is the most real thing he has.
3x13 "The Coming of Arthur" + Not Arthur Deleted Scene:
"It wasn't Arthur who sent for me." Wait what? This is simply NOT the same man we encountered in s2. He's grown up. He's not chasing ideals anymore. He came back because a friend in need, the one who remembers him after all this time.
What makes it even more great is that he comes with Percival!! He's not thinking about his personal, singular glory anymore, he's made friends with someone from the "real" world, with real problems, someone so down to earth like Percival.
He says to Merlin, "You're the one Arthur should knight." (I wrote about this moment here) He doesn't care about the knighthood as much as he did three and half years ago. He's humbler, and he doesn't care that Merlin and him don't get the glory for stopping the immortal army.
The moment he renounces his unrealistic expectations and ideals is the moment he start to live them: he accompanies Merlin as his knight, he does a great deed, he helps save the world. Most importantly, he treats Merlin as his equal, and I think this is crucial. He becomes a better version of himself.
4x01-02 "The Darkest Hour":
Then in s4, he looks relatively content with his life; he's comfortable, shows that he has a bit of sassy bone in his body; he probably regrets not taking his chance with Gwen all those years ago, but again, it was years ago. He may feel something, but I'm going with the assumption that he's mostly over it. It still saddens him because he likely has to see Gwen every day, but he's not dying because he can't be with her.
Apart from being humbler, he's also inspired by Merlin and constantly questioning himself. He still wants to do better, even more in such circunstances, but that's not such a distant goal anymore, because he has already the best man by his side.
(Yes, it is Merlin I'm talking about, obviously.)
There is also, I think, a shift during/at the end of The Darkest Hour, and it's that Merlin becomes someone he wants to protect and give his life for. So not only is Merlin his equal, his (best) friend, and the man whose bravery and noble behavior he wants to emulate; Merlin also becomes that which Lancelot, as knight, must protect at all cost. (hisidulcinea)
In conclusion: Lancelot undergoes character development since his first appearance in s1: he stops wanting to become a knight for the glory and trying to fit people (cough Gwen cough) into his knighthood fantasy. He is forced to face reality and his own shortcomings, and becomes a better version of himself thanks to that, but also a great deal of it is thanks to Merlin, who is, no doubt, the most positive influence he has had in all his life.
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hauntedorpheum · 4 years
Sam’s graphic shirts
ok first we have from the pilot:
school state shirt
seen in 1x01
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This one says “school state” and i don’t know what’s on the center but we can assume is something related to stanford or college. I think is interesting considering that this is the first time we see sam 
seen in: 1x01, 1x03, (maybe)1x06, 1x09 and 1x12
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for what i can make it says “Gil yer ass to Pop’s”, the word underneath i think it might be “lacing” but i’m not 100% sure, the word does have what it appears to be a dot of and i; another option is “lounge” but in that case i don’t know what happens to the i. Then it says “Home of the werld’s warmest beer”. 
Now there’s a point when you can see sam’s arm and it has a logo and a word and what this word implies is both horrifying and amazing. The word is “JNCO” and the logo that looks like a crown, and if you know what JNCO means then you know what that means
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In case you need a better visual of the logo:
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Moving on, to the red shirt with a running man
seen in: 1x03, 1x08, 1x12, 1x17, 2x05, 2x12, 3x04, 3x16
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a white silhouette of a man running. Apparently this shirt was sold in auction to a fan. I’ll try to link later so you can see it in all its glory :)
The infamous purple dog shirt
seen in: 1x10, 1x11, 1x18, 2x13
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A real life urban legend. Where did you come from? where did you go?
Now the palms white shirt
seen in 1x05, 1x12
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not much on this one :(  I found some promo pics from bloody mary, where jared has a blue one and in others is white, so I actually not sure what color it is or if he is wearing the same shirt
Red shirt
seen in: 1x17, 1x19, 2x11
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this one has, what it looks like, an illustration of an archer 
blue v neck
seen in: 2x03, 2x07, 2x11, 2x18, (maybe) 3x14
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Sadly this is as close as we get to seeing this one :( 
we get a glimpse at stars and classic early 2000s graphics
weird seams thingy
seen in: 1x04, 1x08
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I actually have no fucking clue what this is 
Bonus #1: sam as seen by dean in 2x20
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It says ”s.f. calif. u.s.”  not much info on this one either :/
Some comments:
Now, in season 3 he still uses some of these, but for the most part this is when he starts using more plain tshirts, season 4 having zero graphic tees (while some of his plaid shirts from these seasons can still be seen in the last seasons) sam’s plaid is a whole other topic
I’m guessing this has something to do with the fact that this is more of a “college” look, and by season 3 and 4 is kinda obvious that sam is not going back to college.  Funnily enough, other characters (like bobby, ruby, and charlie) still wear graphic tees.
Could also be more of an aesthetic choice in general.
During these early seasons he uses more round necks, and by season 4 he starts using v necks. In 7x15, during a flashback that takes place druring s4, sam wears a white shirt with a round neck to make him look younger.
Dean (as far as i’m aware) never wears graphic tees, with the exception of “hell hazers” in 2x18, and some episodes from season 6, incluiding the opening montage of 6x01 when he is with ben, 6x02 and later in 6x14 after talking to Lisa. Then he wears some while working on the impala in 7x01 when they are not hunting.
note: some of these probably appear more times but I only wrote the ones when we can confirm that is the shirt; for example the white one could have been use more times but since we can’t see it, we don’t know if it could be the one with the palms or just another white shirt. That being said, I could have messed up at some point so let me know :)
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kylermalloy · 4 years
TO Fic Recs
Seeing as this show will not be letting me go anytime soon, I figured I might as well collect all my favorite fics and authors into one post. For anyone who’s interested, but mostly for me.
You Are Loved by ywhiterain, <1k. Hope and Elijah bonding moment in season 4. Hope wonders why her uncle is keeping his distance.
The Howling by Aeruthin, 8k. Pre-canon. Klaus, still under the hybrid curse, is bitten by a werewolf. Elijah and Rebekah struggle in search of help for him while he suffers.
I will never let go by sicklyscribe, 2.5k. A fic detailing the flashback in which Klaus duels Mikael. Elijah helps tend to his wounded brother. Klelijah angst and hurt/comfort. (right in my wheelhouse, I live here)
Bad Blood by royalstandard, 76k. Period fic set in 17th century France. The four Mikaelsons assimilate into the nobility for power and safety from their father. Shenanigans ensue. Ends on a cliffhanger!
In Another Life by Aeruthin, 4k. AU. Freya is never taken away and so she, Finn, and Elijah grow up in a radically different family environment full of love, support, and magic.
Midnight Adventures by icebluecyanide, 6.6k. Set in season 4, Hope visits her Uncle Elijah in the soul pendant. Klaus makes an appearance as well.
Without Hope by Amber_and_Ash, <1k. An AU of season 2 in which Dahlia wins. Heavy angst.
In the Name of Mercy by Aeruthin, 2.8k. AU in which each character has a daemon. This is the first in a series of fics detailing canon events in this AU and exploring the Mikaelsons’ relationships with their daemons.
None Loved Her More by sicklyscribe, 8.5k. An exploration of Klaus and Elijah’s relationships with Tatia, the original doppelganger.
We Remain Together by WayLowHalo, 1.4k. A short fic of Klaus under the Hunter’s Curse in the twelfth century. Elijah struggles to keep him grounded in reality.
Lame by djin004, 1.9k. The trip back from New Orleans after 4x02. Klaus is still suffering from the blade Marcel buried in his chest. (In French! Well worth the translation!)
Nothing Else Mattered by we_remain_together, <1k. The Hunter’s Curse. Rebekah takes care of her brothers.
Momentary Respite by we_remain_together, <1k. Another Hunter’s Curse fic. Klaus can hardly recognize his own brother. Blood sharing!
Turquoise by ALostHeart, 1.2k. Elijah’s anecdote from 5x12, realized in all its painful glory.
Enchanted to Meet You by icebluecyancide, 2.4k. Two fics set a thousand years apart. Elijah meets his newborn niece, and his newborn baby brother.
Hope's School Adventure by Aeruthin, 1.3k. In an AU where everyone is together and happy, Hope perplexes her second grade teacher with a drawing of her weirdly interconnected family. Everyone has as many hands as they need. Cute and fluffy!
Scattered Pictures by WayLowHalo, <1k. Set between seasons 4 and 5, an amnesiac Elijah ruminates on a broken, isolated memory.
they run under the clouds and pray for longer days by Taste_of_Suburbia, 1k. Pre-canon Klelijah. FLUFF. Light incest warning.
Abandon All Hope by icebluecyanide, 1k. The beginning of the Hunter’s Curse in the twelfth century. Klelijah hurt/comfort and angst.
Somewhere Safe by WayLowHalo, 3.7k. Modern AU, all human. Klaus runs away from Mikael’s abusive household to Elijah, a sanctuary from the violence.
Waste Not, Want Not by we_remain_together, 1k. A coda to Klaus and Elijah’s reunion in 1x05. Elijah is a bit put out.
A Family, or Something Like It by ZenyZootSuit, 26k. Mpreg AU, in progress. Tragedy, pain, angst, only some pain alleviated. Heed the warnings!
A Lesson in Immortality by Aeruthin, 2.9k. Set between seasons 2 and 3, Elijah and Marcel work together to train new vampire recruits at St. Anne’s.
and miles to go before I sleep by icebluecyanide, 2.6k. 4x09 fic. Elijah’s life flashes before his eyes as he dies at the hands of the Hollow.
Love Turned Inside Out by we_remain_together, 4k. An alternate origin story for Elijah, Rebekah, and Niklaus. They might live in a different time period with different siblings in a completely new environment, but the love they have for each other is the same.
The Wolf Under the Apple Tree by ALostHeart and icebluecyanide, 7k. Two of my favorite authors team up to personally murder me in a WWI Klelijah AU. Hurt/comfort and angst. Right where I belong.
Not Today, But Soon by King_Of_New_Orleans, 2.4k. Modern AU, all human. Klaus is the youngest sibling, a tiny and truly adorable punching bag for Mikael. Elijah and Rebekah do their best to protect him.
ne m’oublie jamais by ALostHeart and icebluecyanide, 3k. Elijah, memory-free in France, catches the eye of a mysterious stranger, whom he feels drawn to for reasons he doesn’t understand.
Aftermath by Aeruthin, <1k. Coda to 2x07. Elijah and Klaus commiserate after Elijah wakes. Incest warning!
Last Whisper by royalstandard, <1k. 3x22 fic. Klaus has to bid his daughter farewell.
auribus teneo lupum by Queen Edmund Pevensie, 7k. A chronicle of events through Klaus’s childhood, up to his vampire and werewolf transformation and hybrid curse.
dreamed a dream last night by sicklyscribe, 1.9k. Set between seasons 2 and 3, Klaus and Elijah find a moment of solace in their estrangement caring for Hope.
Unfixable by ALostHeart, 1.3k. A Hunter’s Curse fic. Everyone is in pain. Including me.
and here’s some shameless self-promotion, because I read my fics over and over again too:
I'll be good (for all of the light that I shut out), 1.1k. Set during the season 3 flashbacks, Klaus mourns his wolf aspect on a full moon.
I’ll be the one to keep you warm and safe, 3.1k. Pre-canon. A young Klaus and Elijah go on a hunting trip with Mikael, but complications arise.
J'avais rêvé d'un autre vie, 1.4k. Elijah plays piano in France, blissfully free of memories. A certain song finds its way under his hands and shakes him to his peaceful core.
Entre Tus Alas, 3.2k. Modern AU, all human. Murder mystery! Well, not much of a mystery. Elijah comes home to find Klaus crouched over a body.
Hard to hold onto, anyway, <1k. Coda to 3x02. Klaus suffers, hearing Hope across the street, happy with Hayley and away from him.
Will I Recover, 1.1k. Set in between seasons 2 and 3, Elijah flashes back to a happier time, when he and Klaus were in a better place.
Knee Deep without a Plea, 1.1k. Rebekah and Elijah console Klaus after one of Mikael’s beatings.
Buried in Broken Dreams, <1k. Elijah comforts his little brother at night.
in the quiet, 2.2k. Set after Esther puts the binding curse on Klaus. Elijah tries to be there for him, after possibly the greatest betrayal he’s committed.
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