#feat. Ash Island
herbertlangethings · 2 years
CHANMINA - Don't go (feat. ASH ISLAND) (Official Music Video) -
what a song and what a "couple" here, damned good of course, sad story...............but our Chanmina as her best ever, love it soooo much !!!!!!!!!!!
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jpopstreaming · 2 years
🆕 「 Don't go (feat. ASH ISLAND)」 by CHANMINA, ASH ISLAND Available for streaming worldwide!🌐 Added to our weekly playlist 🎧 https://spoti.fi/3lgjH73
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novhopposite · 1 year
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evnne · 6 months
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Tagged by @eeunwoo @xiaojuun @hohowonho thank you <3 wasn't ready - the new six / mad - be'o / honey - sunwoo and eric of the boyz / vroom vroom - tempest / wonder - ash island / trouble - evnne / kick it 4 now - the new six / 4 letters - b.i / call me back - rad museum feat be'o / venus - jey / firework - &team special mentions: stereo - drippin / what should i do - giriboy / groovy - cravity / drama - aespa / mind games - leellamarz and meenoi / infj - big naughty. b.i and bang yedam / sketch - 8turn / unlove - zion.t
tagging @berryjaellie @gnanii @hwichanis @taegyunie @marklyluvr @possession1981 @huangrenjuns @sunghanbin @baekhyunnybyun @kimjiwoong
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kit-foley · 1 year
Nancy Drew Games are 50% off on Steam right now so here are some shitty descriptions of the games for newbies or partners (not in order, also spoilers)
Secrets can kill: dickface high schooler was pushed down a flight of stairs, find out who did it
The Silent Spy: Nancy has mommy issues and cosplays as a spy in Scotland
Sea of Darkness: all of the characters have trauma around a ship. featuring the only canonically queer character.
Deadly Device: tech bro gets electrocuted, who did it oh noooo. Feat: women in stem
Midnight in Salem: Glitch-wise, this is the fandom-equivalent of the first release of FNAF Security Breach but doesn’t nearly slay as hard and they didn’t patch any of the bugs. Haven’t played it but the fandom is 50/50 on it, maybe 80/20 against
Shattered Medallion: off brand amazing race goes wrong, feat. A recurring character who you’re supposed to know
Alibi in Ashes: Nancy didn’t commit arson (this time) so who the fuck did? See also, “I can commit major theft and prod you about your dead mom, but I draw the line at arson.”
The Captive Curse: monster and intergenerational trauma, beautifully told story. Plus lederhosen.
Shadow at the Waters Edge: ghosts and intergenerational trauma, beautifully told story. Plus kawaii
Ghost of Thornton hall; ghosts and intergenerational trauma, beautifully told story. Plus southern people.
The Final Scene: nancys friend who we’ve never met gets kidnapped. Plus magic tricks/Houdini. Plus old man.
The Haunted Carousel: Dead mom plus the most annoying daughter you’ll ever encounter and her emotional support robot. Also you’re supposed to fix a theme park
Danger by Design: Parisian fashion designer with anger issues and also might deny that nazis happened during wwii
Curse of blackmoor manor: British girl says oh no my stepmom is turning into a werewolf
Warnings at Waverly Academy; the trailer for this one said something like “I hang out with teenage girls in this one, it could be my scariest case yet”, basically be prepared to do other students homework. Also immaculate dark academia/fall vibes tho
Phantom of Venice: white boy of the month shows you his seven hour tesserae slideshow and you single-handedly bring down a crime ring while wearing stupid outfits
Trail of the Twister: someone is sabotaging a storm chasing team but Nancy cares more about asking the local general store owner about his dead wife
Secret of the Old Clock: It’s magically 1930 again, this game feels so far off brand from pretty much all of the other ones imo but the music goes HARD and there’s def some homoerotic tensions between a dead old man and his live-in psychic
Legend of the Crystal Skull: make a curio shop owner sneeze, collect glass eyeballs, watch a Gerard Way look-alike cry, and maybe get buried alive
Haunting of Castle Malloy: banshees and letterpress and a pub that conveniently only serves juice. Terrible Irish accents. Try to find a missing groom for a wedding but also enjoy a walking sim that walked so Stardew Valley could run
Creature of Kapu Cave: get stuck in a tourist trap resort by a guy who calls himself Big Island Mike, then get stuck in a forest with an entomologist who makes you do her work for her, then get stuck in a research facility with an angry white guy who makes you do his work and then falls asleep. Music slaps but no idea what the plot of the game is supposed to be. Also do a “freaky friday” style switch with the Hardy Boys every time you call them on your cell phone.
Last train to Blue Moon canyon: picture Paris Hilton inviting you on a train and then she goes missing. Also on the train with you: the worst police detective, Zak Bagans impersonator, and Colleen Hoover-vibes.
White Wolf of Icicle Creek: “I fired. And I missed. I missed again. I got sad. I had a popsicle.”
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savebatsfromscratch · 3 months
Oh be serious Gary - Palletshipping Week 3 (Jealousy)
Gary runs into Ash after his Orange Islands journey. Unfortunately, Ash’s new walking partner is there too.
Prompt: Jealousy This hurt me to write. I LOVE Tracey and Tracey x Ash, and I think Gary and Tracey would be besties, but if I see whump I write whump. >:) Cws: Canon divergence, jealousy, angst with no happy ending, suggestive joke Words: 2,024 (HA)
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/54853867
As Gary watched the two traveling partners laugh, he felt something not so unexpected suddenly burn in his chest. Hot, hot jealousy. Furious enough to even rival the flaring fire that was shooting through the fangs of his rival’s Chrizard. Now tall and shining, the creature could have easily surpassed almost any of Gary’s own Pokemon, and he knew it.
Gary hadn’t seen Ash in quite a while now, and though it was clear that he must have spent some time training his annoyingly tough looking Charizard into one that actually obeyed, Gary wasn’t naive enough to think that that was the only thing he’d been spending his time doing. Gary’s hands balled up into fists as he watched Ash lean against that new traveling partner, practically begging to get punched as the two rubbed their shoulders together. (As usual, Ash had to stand on his tiptoes to even reach.)
Who did this new guy think he was, anyway?! Happily parading around the Kanto region with Gary’s rival as if they’d been the ones to promise forever rivalry to each other. As if they’d been the ones starting as “friends” from the start.
Gary ducked behind a tree to watch as the small group made their way away from the dock and headed towards the more traditional route to Pallet town. Misty was lagging behind slightly as she played with a very excitable looking Togepi. (Had Gary seen it before? Ash had been away for so long he could hardly remember. And, besides, even if he had, their meetings even before Ash’s rendezvous in the Orange Islands had been getting so few and far between that Gary had probably spent as much of the most recent one as he could just eying up his rival.)
Had he really known what it would mean when Ash went to the Orange League without him? Why hadn’t he gone along for the ride?
Gary narrowed his eyes as Ash hugged the new guy, burying his face in the green shirt of his walking partner like no one else at all was around. Maybe “ride” was a more appropriate descriptor than Gary had hoped.
He inched a little closer as the two stopped, waiting for a moment for Misty to catch up with them.
“Glad she didn’t see that,” Ash’s friend was whispering out of the corner of his mouth, “What was it that you said she did whenever Brock would flirt?”
Ash laughed, and though it was a clear and happy sound, Gary just felt sick to his stomach. Brock? Had he too been an option for Ash before Gary was? (And if so, why should he be so surprised about it? He just had to look at what he was seeing to understand a whole new side to Ash.)
“Tracey!” (so that was his name) Ash shook his head, “Brock was so much worse than you, and she never slapped him for flirting with me,” he paused, though the blood that pounded in Gary’s ears made his next words near unhearable, “At least as far as I saw…”
“Guys!” Misty called, running the last couple of steps to reach her friends, “Where are we going next?”
“Professor Oak’s Lab, right?” Ash said, somewhat unsure. He paused, and Gary suddenly realized that his cheating rival was thinking about him as he added, “There’s people I want to see there,”
“Professor Oak?” Tracey interrupted, his voice so full of wonder and excitement that Gary actually felt ill. This Tracey guy was even worse than Gary had first assumed. Gary rolled his eyes as Tracey continued to ramble about supposed “great feats” of research that the Professor had accomplished. If he was really any lover of Ash, he should have known that one of the only really commendable things Professor Oak did that hadn’t been done before or better by another researcher was his constant cheering on of Ash. (To tell the truth, Gary had recently been finding more and more respect in what his grandfather did for a living, but the childish excitement of this green haired nobody was quickly erasing those feelings. Such weak wonders paled under the crushing weight of Gary’s jealousy.)
“Should we fly there then, if you’re so excited to see him?” Ash laughed, gesturing to his Charizard, who looked like he was thoroughly enjoying being back in the forests of the mainland. Ash paused, and Gary would have been stupid to miss a hint of longing in his voice, as he said, “He’s the grandfather of my first rival, you know.”
First rival, was that all he was? (At the very least, Gary could be glad that Tracey stiffened with a hint of his own jealousy at that.)
“Oh yeah, Ash,” Misty interrupted, either not noticing Tracy’s discomfort or ignoring it, “Have you been keeping in touch with Gary?”
There was a quick, awkward pause, which Ash tried (and failed) to cover by picking up Pikachu. “Um,” he struggled, while Gary scoffed to himself. Of course he hadn’t. “Well-,”
“Ash!” Misty gasped, somewhat appalled, though to Gary’s displeasure Tracey looked downright relieved. 
That couldn’t possibly do. In a split second, Gary knew what he had to do. Even if it protected his unreliable rival, so long as he made Tracey upset, he was happy.
“Of course he did!” Gary interrupted Misty right before she began one of her tirades, stepping out of the trees and smirking at Ash, who looked somewhere between nauseous and relieved to see him. “Didn’t you, Ashy boy?”
Honestly, even he couldn’t tell if his tone was threatening or flirty, but either way it seemed to work, at least, if Tracey’s unconscious hiss was any indication of how he was feeling.
“Were you listening in on us?!” Tracey asked, almost accusingly, “Is that why you come up so much? Because you might be behind us?”
Gary narrowed his eyes, but his smirk did not falter. He was liking this guy less and less by the second, clearly he had been right in popping up to annoy him. And as for Ash…
Gary turned to his rival, completely ignoring the question as he drank in the expression of utter embarrassment on Ash’s face. Oh yes, this was what he lived for.
“I’m glad to see you again!” He said cheerily, pulling Ash into a hug that copied the way Ash and Tracey had embraced before. (To his surprise, Ash actually hugged back, and though it was faint, Gary’s face twitched in surprise. Despite everything, it truly seemed that Ash really had wanted to see Gary again.)
Gary pulled back, suddenly unsure.
“Do you need a guide?” he asked, and then, once he realized how pathetically unsure he sounded, he added, “You were away for so long I thought you might have forgotten the way to my place,”
Ash made an awful whimpering sound, and Gary felt his smirk widen even further, even as Misty scoffed and interrupted him.
“Oh be serious Gary,” she said (Gary turned to see that her hand was resting comfortingly on Tracey’s shoulder), “Any Pallet Trainer worth their starter knows the way to the lab, and besides…” She narrowed her eyes, “You don’t even live there, you’re a trainer like the rest of us,”
Gary opened his mouth to speak, looking on as one of Tracey’s hands twitched slightly, but Ash grabbed Gary’s shoulder, catching him off guard as he dug his fingernails in. “Um,” he interrupted, “Excuse us,”
Before Gary could even protest, Ash was dragging him away and into the woods, leaving the sounds of Tracey mumbling in shock and Misty quietly comforting him behind them.
Once they were relatively out of earshot, Ash spun around and glared up at Gary. He felt his heart skip a beat, while Gary had grown in the time Ash had taken on the Orange League, Ash had not, but even so, the anger in his now black eyes made Gary take a shocked step back.
“What is wrong with you?!” He spat, though Gary just stared back at him, shocked, “Do you think everything is about you? Who do you think you are?! You don’t own me you know!”
Gary opened his mouth, but no sound came out. He closed it again.
“Answer me, come on,” Ash commanded, still angry, “I know how smart you are, I know you have an answer, so give it to me!”
Gary tried again, but again nothing came out. Cold wind rustled through the trees.
“Gary…” Ash said, surprising Gary with a sudden shift into pleading, “Please…”
Ash looked up at him, his eyes faded back from coal black to soft brown. Gary swallowed hard. He had to say it. There was no way around it.
“I- I love you,”
His words hung in the air like an awful smell, Ash’s eyes widened as their color darked again.
Gary’s heart sped up. He wasn’t wanted here. He had to get out of here. He turned, hot tears suddenly threatening to spill down his face, but Ash’s voice stopped him. Quiet at first, and then growing louder and more confident as he went on.
“You know,” he murmured, “I never could forget you,”
“Oh come on Ash,” Gary could tell that he was pleading as he spoke, but he didn’t care, “Don’t lie to me, you don’t have to-,”
“No, I mean it,” Ash said, almost scared, but more confident now, “I was only out of the region for a year, but I never stopped thinking about you,” He began to pace, twigs crunching and cracking up his feet, “I know it’s not right, but I can’t help it,”
He stopped, and there was a pause as the distant roar of Ash’s Charizard echoed through the woods. Pikachu purred as Ash scratched behind his ears, clearly trying to calm himself down more than he was working to quiet the little yellow Pokemon.
“What about Tracey?” Gary whispered, dreading the answer.
Ash stopped petting Pikachu, and closed his eyes like looking at Gary hurt him. “I think I love him,” he said, voice shaky and weak again, “But you- I-,”
He stopped.
“I what?” Gary breathed, stepping forward and reaching up, stopping right before grabbing Ash’s hand, “What do you mean?”
Ash’s voice was still shaking when he finally responded.
“I think I love you too,” His eyes were pleading.
Gary’s hand dropped to his side. His mind racing and spinning through emotions and memories. Anger? Jealousy? Relief? Joy? What was he feeling?
What was he feeling?
“So. What now? What now that you’re back here?” Gary asked, his voice now so soft that it surprised even him, “Back in Kanto, what will you do?”
Ash took in a shaky breath, and brushed a hand through his hair. “I want to keep adventuring, I have more league to win,”
“With Tracey?” Gary breathed
“He said he wants to stay,”
“With where?”
“I don’t know,”
“Will you go with me?”
“You’re my rival, I can’t do that,”
Gary bit his lip. How had this become so complicated?
“So what are you going to do?” He asked, fearing an answer for the second time that conversation, “Traveling alone isn’t safe,”
“I don’t know,” Ash was almost whispering, looking at the forest floor with sad eyes. His gaze hardened, and the brown left his eyes once more. “But it can’t be without you, you know that,”
Gary froze, though he’d known it was coming. “Ash, please,” He reached out, but Ash brushed his hand away.
“Come on Pikachu,” Ash murmured, not meeting Gary’s eyes as he began to walk away, “Let’s get back to the others,”
Gary’s knees shook as he watched him go. What was going on? He couldn't just leave like that! It had been so long since they had seen each other, this couldn't be their reunion, there was no way! But Ash's words rang in Gary's head. “You don't own me,” he had said.
He knew that, didn't he? 
Didn't he?
This time, Gary waited until Ash was out of earshot before he crumpled to his knees and began to cry.
Palletshipping angst save me… Save me Palletshipping angst…
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f-ngrl · 4 months
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nerdiellers · 10 months
A Lifetime | Promises
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feat: nanami kento x fem!reader, gojo satoru x fem!reader
summary: a promise is remembered after gojo visits you, a promise that’s been taken to heart and will never be broken
a/n: i got hit with inspiration while on the toilet as all greats do
↜ previous chapter ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆ next chapter ↝ | masterlist
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“How have you been?” Satoru asked you.
He was sitting at the kitchen island while you made him a cup of coffee. Once you had gotten home with Satoru in tow, you had put Yu to bed and gently closed his door so that you wouldn’t disturb him while the two of you talked.
You turned off the stove and put your own tea mixture into the pot so the tea could blend.
“I’ve been good. I’m…surviving.” You answered.
What more else could you say? You truly never got over the death of your husband and you never would.
“Honestly, it doesn’t get any easier even as the years pass,” you continued.
“Not when Yu looks just like Kento.”
Satoru hummed in response, unsure of what to say.
As soon as the tea was blended, you took the blend out and set it into the sink before you poured the liquid into two cups.
Setting the pot back onto the stove, you grabbed the cups and turned to hand Satoru one, which he had smiled and thanked you for.
“I’m…I’m sorry about Nanami.” Satoru said while looking down at his cup. You saw his grip tighten a bit around the cup, making sure it wasn’t enough force to break or crack the cup.
“If I had gotten out sooner,” he continued. “maybe I would have been able to save him.”
You felt your lips tug into a small smile as your brows upturned.
“I feel like the result would have been the same regardless. Kento is-was the type of man who would rather protect others because he loved the innocence regular humans have. He chose to save Yuji by sacrificing himself and while I lost my husband, I’m so proud of him for saving someone’s life.”
Tears threatened to fall, so you closed your eyes to prevent them from doing so. Every word you said was true regardless of the fact that you lost Kento. But it never made it easier.
Satoru looked up at you and loosened his grip on the cup. He opened his mouth to say something, to say that wouldn’t have been the case because Satoru was the strongest. But deep down he knew you were right.
As much as Satoru harassed and annoyed Kento, he admired him in a way.
Exhaling through his nose, he stood from his seat and walked over to you. Wrapping his arms around you, he pulled you into what he felt was an awkward hug. He wasn’t good at comforting others so he hoped this would be enough.
The action made you want to cry. You’ve never cried as much as you did when you lost Kento. While Yaga had been there to catch your fall and hold your hand, a hug felt nice. It was like a warm blanket that enveloped you and wrapped around you tightly. It eased your heart from the heaviness from the last 3 years.
Sniffling, you pulled away and gave a small smile to Satoru.
“Thank you Gojo. That made me feel better.” You said as you took a step back.
Satoru smiled as he set his hand on his hip.
“I’m here for you and your son anytime. If you need a friend, just call me.”
Holding out his other hand, your brows furrowed in confusion as you looked at his hand causing Satoru to let out a chuckle.
“I need your phone so you can contact me. We don’t have each other’s number.” He explained.
“Oh!” You exclaimed, reaching your hand into your pocket and handing Satoru your phone.
Entering his number in your phone, he gave his phone a quick call so that he would have your number as well before handing your phone back to you.
“I’m not sure how missions will go from here on out, but whenever you need someone, let me know and I’ll be here in no time.” He said.
You looked up at him, the smile on his face was gone—it was something you had never seen on him since he was sporting a smile every time you saw him.
“I heard from Yaga that you used Nanami’s ashes to plant a tree and I was wondering if you could show me where it was.” He continued, putting his hand on the back of his neck.
“I couldn’t go to the memorial service because I was sealed so I want to pay my respects to him.”
Your eyes widened a bit. As much as you heard Kento complain about Satoru’s “shenanigans”, you knew they were fond of each other; moreso on Satoru’s part with his relentless teasing. It’s something he’s done since you were teens.
Hearing Satoru say that he wanted to pay his respects made you happier than ever. You admit that you were a little upset with him when he didn’t show for the memorial service until Yaga had told you of Satoru’s disappearance and sealing. It made sense to you because you didn’t believe Satoru would ever miss the service of someone close to him you assumed.
Satoru froze as you began to tear up. Did he mess up by asking? Did you not want him to do so?
“I-I’m sorry for asking! I don’t have to if you don’t want me to!” Satoru said, waving his hands around. “Please just don’t cry.”
You blinked before you touched your cheek, taking note of the wetness that now coated the pad of your fingers. You hadn’t realized you began crying. Looking at Satoru, whose expression was full of worry, you began to giggle.
“No, I’m sorry. I was just thinking of how happy I am that you’d like to pay your respect. I know that as much as Kento acted like he didn’t like you, he was actually very fond of you.” You smiled warmly at Satoru as you explained.
“He’d really love to have you visit him. Thank you, Gojo.”
Gojo stared at you in awe. He admired how you could lose someone you loved dearly and still find a way to smile. If he was in your shoes, he couldn’t do that no matter how many years passed by.
“Satoru.” He corrected.
You tilted your head a bit, unsure of what he was referring to.
“My name.” He chuckled, knowing what you were thinking with the action. “Call me Satoru since we’re friends.”
“Ok Satoru. Only if you do the same.” You responded with a grin.
“What day would work best for you? I visit Kento every week. I visited twice this week because today is the anniversary of his passing.” Your grin turned into a mournful smile as you looked over at the photo of you, Kento, and Yu when he was just beginning to walk, smiles on your faces as Kento held your son’s hands to help him walk.
Satoru followed your gaze to the photo. He hadn’t seen Kento smile like that in years. He remembered seeing it in passing when the two of you were together in the halls of Jujutsu Tech and again on your wedding day (that he wasn’t invited to so you helped him sneak in). He even remembered seeing it on his face when he showed Satoru a photo of the two of you and your newborn son.
Looking back at you, he could see the sadness and heartbreak reflected in your eyes. Maybe you weren’t as happy as you made yourself to be. Maybe you were more like Satoru when it came to pain by hiding it behind a smile rather than letting others see the hurt and sadness. He understood what it was like.
Nevertheless, he felt his heart break.
“I’m ok with any time, I can make the time.” Satoru responded.
You looked back at Satoru and nodded, a smile gracing your lips once again.
Satoru wished more than anything to have the ability to go back in time and rescue Kento, to make sure he made it back home safely.
You’ve had to deal with these feelings and force back your sadness for 3 years. You likely did it for your son, family, and friends. How could you survive this long?
Satoru felt the need to help you. He wants to be the person you can rely on no matter what. His shoulder would be available if you felt like crying. His arms are there to envelop you in a hug when needed. And his attention would be on you and solely on you when you needed someone to talk to.
“Can you meet me at the Rikugien Gardens on Wednesday at 9am then? I like to visit while Yu is in school so that way when he’s home, my full attention is on him.” You asked.
Satoru’s lips pulled into a gentle smile as he looked at you.
“That sounds perfect.” He responded.
The clock in the kitchen made a noise to indicate the new hour, something that Kento used to keep track of time when he was home so that everything was planned accordingly. Looking at the time, you saw that it was close to midnight, reminding you of how tired you were as you tried to stifle a yawn.
Satoru chuckled and patted your shoulder before walking past you.
“It’s getting late. I’ve already taken up so much of your time when you should be sleeping. It was nice seeing you again.” Satoru said, waving to you before walking out of your home.
You watched as he left before picking up the cups that were used. The tea was left untouched due to the conversation, so you quickly cleaned up.
Looking at the picture in the kitchen, you pressed your fingers against your lips before pressing them on Kento’s face in the photo.
“I miss you so much Kento. I love you. I don’t believe I can ever love anyone as much as I love you.” You spoke in a quiet tone before leaving the room, shutting the lights off before heading to bed.
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Outside, Satoru had crossed the street from your home before turning and watching you through the kitchen window. He watched as you cleaned and pressed a kiss to your fingers before putting them onto the photo, the melancholy apparent on your face before you left the kitchen, turning off the light.
Exhaling through his nose, he shoved his hands in his pockets before looking up at the sky for a few minutes.
“I’ll keep my promise, Nanami. You won’t have to worry about them anymore.” Satoru spoke softly to no one but himself and the heavens.
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Kento looked ahead as he sat next to Satoru at the bar. A scotch in his hand that he swirled around before taking a sip while Satoru had a virgin strawberry daiquiri that he had been drinking through a straw.
The two sat in silence for a while as Kento was in his own mind. Satoru could tell he needed to get something off of his chest so he patiently waited.
Taking another sip, Kento found the courage to say what he needed to.
“I need a favor.” He said in a low voice to the point where Satoru almost couldn’t hear him.
Satoru leaned closer to Kento while comically placing his hand behind his ear while grinning.
“What’s that? You need to speak up louder Nanamiiii.”
Kento sighed, already annoyed with Satoru. He was trying to have a serious talk and Satoru was just…Satoru. Noticing this, Satoru just let out a huff of laughter before leaning away.
“Ask away, my friend.” He said as he held up his hand to get the bartender’s attention to order another virgin daiquiri. Taking another sip, Kento pulled out his phone to show the photo of you and Kento with your newborn son before handing it to Satoru.
“My son was born today.”
Satoru took the phone and smiled.
“Congrats man!” Satoru cheered as he looked down at the photo. You looked exhausted, rightfully so since you had given birth. Kento looked just as exhausted as you did. Laughing, Satoru asked “Why aren’t you with them right now?” while handing back the phone.
Taking the phone, Kento looked at the photo while smiling.
“Labor was 78 hours and as tired as (Y/N) is, she felt that I needed more rest than she did so she ordered me to go home.”
“And you chose to have a drink with your good buddy instead. Lucky me.” Satoru chuckles before taking a drink.
“After I had a night to myself, I couldn’t stop thinking. Now that my son is here, what happens if I don’t make it?” Kento finished his scotch before ordering another one.
Satoru noticed it was his 4th one so far but he wasn’t worried since he could drink anyone under the bus except for Shoko.
“Nothing’s gonna happen to you. Not when you’re friends with the strongest.” Satoru said while smacking Kento on the back, causing him to cough.
After clearing his throat, Kento continued to look at the photo.
“The future isn’t guaranteed. Within this line of work, we’re told to sacrifice ourselves if it means exorcizing curses. There may come a time where I will die and when that time comes-“
“If.” Satoru interrupted, causing Kento to look at him, which caused Satoru to immediately notice how serious he was.
Kento had a determined expression but behind the eyes that weren’t covered by his usual sunglasses, he could see the worries and fear behind them.
“I want you to promise me that if something happens to me, you’ll watch over them for me. Out of everyone, I trust you the most to be able to do so.”
Satoru stared at Kento, somehow waiting and hoping he would say it was a joke but that never came. Removing his sunglasses, Satoru wanted to show how seriously he would take this promise.
“I promise Nanami. I’ll take this promise to my grave that if anything were to happen to you, (Y/N) and your son will be watched over and protected by me.” Satoru promised.
Kento visibly eased before going back to the photo, smiling once more.
“Thank you, Gojo.”
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Satoru opened his eyes as the sunlight shone through his blinds. His mind wandered to the dream he had. Who would have thought that he would dream of the day Kento asked Satoru to promise to look out for his family? Maybe it was because he saw you and your son or because he saw that look on your face.
Throughout his time at Jujutsu Tech, you always had a smile on your face, even more so around Kento. While Kento was naturally easily irritated and negative, you were always happy and positive.
To be honest, Satoru had developed a crush on you before the two of you began dating, even for a while after. Satoru would always joke about stealing you away from him, earning a glare from Kento while wrapping his arms around you. You would laugh and kiss his cheek, breaking the wave of negative energy Kento was sending towards Satoru.
Satoru wished that it was him instead. More than anything.
His feelings did eventually dissipate as the years passed, even being happy for the two of you during your wedding and wishing nothing but happiness for the two of you. Feeling wholeheartedly happy when Yu was born to the point that he wanted to be an uncle to him (Kento did not want that).
But for some reason seeing you again with that expression on your face as you stared at the photo made Satoru want to pull you in his arms to take away the pain. He wanted to kiss away the tears that would fall down your face because he knew you would wait until you were in the comfort of your room to cry.
He wanted to take away your pain entirely.
There was no way he’d be able to do that. Kento was the love of your life, the father of your son.
But what if…what if Satoru could help you fall in love with him?
Groaning and covering his face with his hands as he closed his eyes, Satoru wondered what in the hell was he thinking. There was no way to convince a widow to fall in love with someone else before they’re even ready to love again. And he was pretty sure you’d tell yourself you’d never love again.
He could see it in your gaze during that split moment.
Dragging his hands down his face, he looked up at the ceiling in his room.
These thoughts only proved that he was never over you. But no matter what, Satoru didn’t want to let his feelings to get in the way of your healing and he knew you needed to heal. The two of you were together for a total of 11 years. There was no way 3 years would help you heal. It might have helped some, but Satoru could tell you needed more time to heal.
More time is what you’ll get. He won’t let his feelings in the way of taking care of you and your son.
Groaning again at the complication of his mind, he knew that he had to apologize to Kento for having these thoughts.
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taglist: @aelynaneedsalottathing @phoenix666stuff @anaisbambia @mrsyixingunicorn10 @cinnaa-x @xamilarin @cloudsinthecosmos @rivaiken @vr00m-vr00m @shycreatorsandwich @the-fab-killjoy @yoriichiswife @witchbybirth @surhii
For anyone who would like to join the taglist, please go ahead and let me know here
Jujutsu Kaisen belongs to Gege Akutami
©️nerdiel-has-no-braincells Please do not copy, translate, and post as your own. Reblogs, likes, and comments are ok with me!
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therealvinelle · 1 year
I just finished Nebuchadnezzar's Dream and I have to say: Holy shit! The werewolf fight, Carlisle getting investigated by the FBI, Aro's funny hat idea as a diplomatic tool, the Ziggy Stardisciples feat. bad face paint, Renata ❤️, the bickering twins, Jane (yes, she gets her own point, she deserves it), Carlisle's gift induced despair and then the fall of Volterra, the horror and grief of the group and the very loud broadcasted-live-to-the-usurpers revenge sex (I hope Edward combusted into a pile of ashes right then and there, lol). It was an amazing rollercoaster to read. And just so you know, I'm very interested in that potential sequel 👀
(Also, if Aro had decided to follow Caius' advice and attack the Cullens first, how would he have done it? Kill them all but spare Carlisle? Kill only Bella and leave it at that knowing that they don't pose a threat anymore even if they do decide to take revenge? Or something entirely different?)
I'm so glad you enjoyed it, thank you!
To answer your question:
If Aro was to take out the Cullens, there are about a million ways he could have gone about killing the Cullens but the simplest one in my mind would have been if he used Nahuel and his sisters to hide from Alice, and then went and killed them outright. No fuzz, no convoluted schemes, even with Bella's gift the Cullens would be easily overwhelmed.
A more thought out plan, at least if Aro wants to be sure Alice doesn't catch on to him, would be sending Chelsea and Marcus around to weaken the bonds of friendship the Cullens have with their various allies, and strengthen their faith in the Volturi. And if some remain adamant, they die. Leave the Denali alive, however, and then make his move.
The factor that allowed the Cullens to gather as many allies as they did in Breaking Dawn was time. The Volturi deliberated two weeks, when a direct flight from Italy to Washington would take less than a day. Should Aro in my scenario then decide "Alright, we're doing this," the Cullens will have very little time and be at a complete disadvantage.
Their only option would be to run for it and not split up, so Bella can shield them all, but even so they'll be leaving scent trails, which means they would have to go by human transportation means. This in turn puts a constraint on their movements.
The Cullens would likely end up on a boat or an island, where nobody can track them, where they would be unable to step outside of Bella's immediate vicinity, meaning Jacob and Renesmee are both obscuring Alice.
This is where the Denali come in, because without them the Volturi would have no way of guessing where the Cullens might go. With five friendly vampires a short distance away, however, the Cullens have an obvious destination.
Where, of course, Jacob and Renesmee's constant presence means that Alice won't know the Volturi are waiting for them there.
Even if the Cullens figure out that the Denali are compromised, they have no allies and Bella needs only let down her guard for a moment for Demetri to know where they are, and given the pressure she's under she inevitably will. They won't have an easy time hunting, either, the stress of the situation will be constantly grating on them, they won't hold out for long.
As for what the Volturi do when they have them at their mercy, Aro would be sad about it but they all have to go. Regardless of the strategy he used, he wants to reinforce that the Volturi are a force you don't stand up to, you don't resist, and you don't embarrass them.
By all accounts, Aro's distinguishing feature is that there is nobody he isn't willing to kill.
People would be crying injustice for a while, but I imagine those voices would be silenced in death or through intimidation, and with vampires having such a high turnover rate it would only be a few centuries before they were forgotten by all but those who keep their mouths shut about it.
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balletwatchespokemon · 7 months
Indigo League Episode 17
I think this episode is so fun! All our main characters are stranded on a (seemingly) deserted island in three groups: the human good guys, Jesse and James, and Team Rocket's pokemon along with some of Ash's pokemon. I really like the concept of this episode, seeing the pokemon off on their own and the perspective on how they view things is great.
Also, when I first watched this episode in Japanese I was amazed to see subtitles for the pokemon because I don't remember them having subtitles when I watched it as a kid in English, but every copy of the dub that I find by poking around on the internet has them burned onto the episode. So either I'm completely delusional or we somehow managed to end up with a copy of the episode without the subtitles for the pokemon when I was a kid.
I'm impressed that Ash's hat washed up right next to him. Or his hat managed to stay on his head all the way up until he washed up on shore, which is a feat in of itself.
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This pun is delightful!
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Squirtle, I don't think that's helping. (They're debating where the humans might be.)
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I love Bulbasaur's scared pose here. <3
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The pokemon managed to find somewhere to drink their sorrows away (which is staffed by a pokemon of course). I love the milk and orange juice getting them drunk.
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Everyone sleeping in a pile like this is so cute! (Pikachu just woke up).
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The pokemon had a delightful little cuddle pile overnight and meanwhile the humans spent the night in a cave. I like them actually using their backpacks, most of the time they're basically just a piece of clothing.
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I love them using the phone cord to form the R, it's very fun.
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Look how little they all are! Delightful.
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Boy, Team Rocket are loving their puns today.
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Imagine if this was just how the size difference was, tiny little Squirtle evolves into a building sized guy.
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James's hair looks really pretty here.
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Their expressions as they go upside down are all great, but I love how chill Brock is. And James isn't seeing anything with all his hair in his face.
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And everyone reunites! (Though none of Misty or Brock’s Pokémon were lost so they have to have an emotional reunion with some of Ash’s instead.)
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The focus here is supposed to be on everyone discovering that the giant Pokémon are mechanical, but I’m looking at the Pikachu with no mouth and how litol Squirtle looks here.
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This tour guide rolls with things really well, instantly using the broken Pokemon robots to further reassure the passengers of their safety. One tour guide to another, I applaud her.
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On Monday we get to watch our first banned episode!
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khiphop-discussions · 6 months
ASH ISLAND - Stay With Me (Feat. Skinny Brown) [Official Audio] (ENG/JPN)
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evnne · 6 months
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rose in the heart - ash island // metronome - ph1 feat keita // ride for me - devita feat dawn // unlove - zion.t // die 4 you - drean // b**ch - leellamarz feat changmo // what should i do - giriboy // right now - coogie honorable mentions: world stop turning - 1999 write the future, rich brian, zion.t feat warren hue // rosetta - ph-1 feat milli // ticket - meenoi // buck - coogie // I'm okay - colde
tagging @kwonminsik and @jwooyoung in case u want to do it too <3
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papercutsmp3 · 3 months
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nalyra-dreaming · 1 year
The Vampire Lestat
(This is a summary for a rundown, not a meta post. INDEX)
As the title says, this is Lestat's story. Youngest son of an impoverished maquis, abused and neglected, and kept uneducated on purpose, but with the capacity to endure and to defy. He loves the theater and tries to escape with a Commedia dell'arte group, but is dragged back, similar to what he tells of the monastery (which is something that happens when he is very young).
He is also more or less the provider for his family, and he kills a pack of wolves one winter, a feat that should have been impossible. The village rewards him with a red coat lined in fur, and he begins a relationship with his first real love Nicolas, a violinist. They run away to Paris together.
There they make it against all odds, and Lestat is on stage when a vampire takes interest in him. That vampire, Magnus, then kidnaps him from his bed(!) and rapes him into the vampiric existence. And then burns himself right after, leaving Lestat with a fortune and the instruction to scatter the ashes, and nothing more.
Lestat tries to make the best of it, but/and encounters Armand and his coven of the "Children of Satan", who believe that they are inherently evil and live under Les Innocents, half mad and dirty.
Lestat does not buy into their beliefs, and ultimately shatters it by simply being there, for which Armand blames him. Lestat's mother, Gabrielle, is sick by then and comes to Paris to see him one last time, and he turns her on her deathbed. Armand kidnaps Nicolas to blackmail Lestat, but it ends with Nicolas being hurt, half mad (Nicolas had a severe depression and actually wanted them to fail), and getting also turned by Lestat. Which drives him over the edge.
Armand more or less disbands his coven and tries to get Lestat to choose him (as a companion), including attacking and force-feeding on him, but Lestat rejects him. Armand eventually tells him what he knows (a shorter version of his life story which is in The Vampire Armand), and Lestat signs the theater over to him, which then becomes the Theâtre des Vampires. Nicolas hates Lestat by then and he stays with Armand and the remains of the coven, where he later kills himself.
Lestat and Gabrielle travel the world looking for others, and especially Marius, Armand's sire. Gabrielle leaves Lestat after a while and he goes to earth, sleeping for a while, and there Marius finds him eventually.
Marius takes Lestat with him to the island he lives on, and where he cares for the mother and father, Akasha and Enkil - "Those who must be kept", because destroying them would destroy all vampires. Lestat manages to wake Akasha, which prompts Enkil to almost kill him. Marius tells Lestat the short version of his life story, too (the long one is in Blood and Gold), and then sends him to "live a human lifetime", with the instruction (threat) to not tell possible fledglings anything.
Lestat does as instructed, which results in the story of IWTV. He goes to earth once more in the end, and wakes up again to a rock band playing above him. The band members are amused by his name, telling him they know it - and so Lestat finds out Louis was interviewed by Daniel and IWTV was published (this is obviously a bit different in the show). He decides to become a rockstar and write his own book to find the other vampires he knows, and... implements that career with a lot of money. The night before the only concert he and Louis meet up again, at the concert Gabrielle shows up and helps, because there are quite a lot of vampires not happy with Lestat (and Louis) telling their secrets. A fight ensues, but it is cut short because Akasha has woken and killed Enkil (which we find out later), and is burning a lot of the younger vampires, and especially those threatening Lestat, who she has chosen as her prince. The night after the concert she kidnaps Lestat.
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f-ngrl · 8 months
Zene the Zilla - Nowadays (feat. Ash Island) Performance Video!
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888-earthwaves · 4 months
Hear me out.
This brief introduction aims to familiarize you with my identity before you choose to click the follow button on my profile. So, this is Noah Reign Allerick Feel free to call me Noah or any other suitable nickname you can think of. I use he/him pronouns and proudly identify as a Taurean ENFP. I've reached the age of majority. (25+)
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Regarding music, I enjoy listening to Sheila on 7, 5 Seconds of Summer, Conan Gray, The Neighbourhood, Taylor Swift, Reality Club, Seventeen, EXO, Ateez, Wave to Earth, Ahn Toil, Simon Dominic, Dewa 19, Ash Island, Code Kunst, and various other Korean hip-hop artists. I also like to unwind by watching series on Netflix or dramas, with "Hospital Playlist" being my favorite.
I'm a passionate coffee lover; I need to have at least two cup every day. I appreciate all types of coffee and don't have much of a sweet tooth, but I do have a penchant for spicy foods. Additionally, I derive immense pleasure from both listening to music and expanding my knowledge through reading.
i won't follow individuals who constantly meddle in the issues of others. attend to your own matters and concerns, please? there's too much unnecessary drama, openly expressing disdain for others preferences, lacking empathy for others, and not appreciating things i enjoy or do not fit with basic criteria.
notes : it might improtant, this account contains explicit content that is not suitable for minors, so it is advised that those underaged avoid following this account for convenience. i am discerning in accepting followers. if you encounter something that unsettles you, feel free to contact me through Direct Message. i am receptive to all types of criticism and feedback, and i value those who choose to communicate important concerns with me.
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