battery4ever · 3 months
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vought's newest doll, Featherweight (Jackie Monroe)
oh i cant WAIT to talk about this girlie
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featherheads · 2 years
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Panel 1: A house with lots of snow falling. Panel 2: Wert looking enthusiastically through the window at the snow. He exclaims “Hey Floyd! It is snowing!” Panel 3: Wert gets no response so he calls for Floyd again. Floyd is sunbathing in a tropical looking environment. Panel 4: Floyd has made a fake tropical environment for himself with a heat lamp, a heater, a blue sky backdrop, a fake palm tree, and some sand.
As it turns out, Sun Conures like most tropical birds, do not like winter...Floyd is no exception...Who knew? (everybody...everybody knew)
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featherlumina · 6 months
Hey, do you reckon Zack kept this feather he caught after Genesis took off in Banora?
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Maybe he stashes it in a drawer once he gets home, unsure how to feel about it or even if he wants to ever look at it again. And then, almost a year later, he happens across it again after returning from his trip to Modeoheim, having opened the draw to put another feather—this time, a white one—inside. He takes Genesis's feather, brows furrowed in angry sadness, and holds it along with Angeal's to his chest. He flops onto his bed, curls into a tight ball, and sobs, all while cradling what little he has of them left. A month later, Sephiroth enters his office to find a simple, plain envelope on his desk, addressed to him and written in Zack's typical scrawl. Confused yet intrigued, he opens it, finding a small note and two feathers—one from Genesis, the other from Angeal—tucked inside. These are what you think they are. Figured you deserved them more than me, since, you know...they were your best friends and all. Hope that's okay. - Zack Sephiroth is truly glad he's kept his office door shut. He certainly isn't ready to face anyone with tears streaking down his face. ~ Fin
I think I just broke my own heart oh my god- /gross sobbing
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my-rose-tinted-glasses · 11 months
Because this bird is my life now I made a thing to gift the fan club.
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@blmpff @mysterygrl20 @sparklyeyedhimbo @itslukalee @my-rose-tinted-glasses @callipigio @khunfeathers @troubled-mind and any others that I don't know about. This is for you!!!!
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blmpff · 11 months
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pickletrip · 11 months
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Khun Feathers!
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princess-ibri · 2 years
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The Enchantress Backstory
(Heads up, this ones a bit longer/darker than the rest, but the Enchantress always struck me as a lot more grey morality than the rest of the Fairy Godmothers)
Her real name is Celadon, and she was once a princess of the kingdom called The Summer Isles (which over the Centuries after her birth was changed to be called The Southern Isles)
Unlike the rest of the Fairy Godparents mentioned so far she has neither fairy nor demon nor any other type of magical heritage, she was instead born entirely human
Her parents died when she was young, and she was taken in by her own fairy godmother, The Fairy of the Beech Trees, who graced her with a myriad of magical gifts, similar to the Princess Aurora's
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However as she grew older, Celadon worried that her Fairy Gifts were the only reason someone would love her, and asked for her Fairy Godmother to take them away so that should could prove her own merit
The Fairy however was rather pridful and became insulted by this request, thinking Celadon thought herself, a mere mortal, above magical aid and determined to prove to Celadon she should be grateful for what the Fairy had deigned to give her
According she took her gifts from Celadon, and contrived to have her stay with a King and Queen who had a son her age, who was handsome and clever but also very vain and fickle. The Fairy however only spoke the praises of him to Celadon before sending her off, so that the unsuspecting girl was half in love with him before she saw him, and being still young and quite innocent to the world and it's vanity, fully in love once she did.
Without Celadon knowing however, the Fairy cast an enchantment upon her so that she would appear plain to the eyes of the prince, so that though all the rest of the court praised her for her kindness, wit and charm, he scoffed and scorned her. With this the Fairy hoped to make Celadon beg for her gifts back, as he seemed to have no interest in her without them. 
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But the Fairy's plan went awry, as Celadon, her heart broken by the Prince's uncaring attitude towards her, left the kingdom and wandered the land, ended up as the servant of an old witch, who kept her half starved and took her fine clothes to wear for herself
During this time however Celadon began to learn magic by studying the Witch's books in secret while her mistress slept, in order to try and undo some of the witch's misdeeds she saw inacted on others. Indeed, she found she had a natural talent for it, and so discovered the enchantment that had been placed upon her by the Fairy of the Beech Trees
Realizing what must have occurred, and what the Fairy of the Beech Trees had intended, Celadon, after having dispossed of the Witch so that she would never entrap another lost soul, returned to the court of the prince, and as she once more stood before him, she asked if he, who had known her for many months, who had heard all speak the praise of her kindness, cleverness, had seen these traits himself, and had known her heart had longed for him, would still rejected her purely upon her apperance
When the Prince laughed once more at her and declared he would far rather have a pretty wife than a clever one, as pretty was much more pleasurable, Celadon cast off her enchantment, revealing her natural beauty. Stunned the Prince tried to apologize and make amends so that he might catch this beautiful creature for himself, but Celadon had seen at last his true heart, and used her new found magic to transform him into a bird, so that all would see how featherheaded he truly was.
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She then confronted the Fairy of the Beech Trees, asking her how she could have been so cruel, as to torment a heart that had wanted nothing more than love? When the Fairy tried to explain her reasoning, and that she would have made it right and seen her and the Prince Happily married once Celadon had asked once more for her Gifts, Celadon saw just how fickle her foster mother was as well, and that she would have been married off indeed to one who would only have loved her for her glamor and not herself in truth.
In a rage Celadon turned her magic in her Godmother. And her anger fed the dark magic she had learned and allowed her to overpower the Fairy, trapping her inside one of her own beech trees. Celadon then took the fallen fairy's wand for her own, and determined to go out into the world and save as many as she could from the fate she had narrowly escaped.
And so she wanders the world, neither Witch nor Fairy, but possessing the power of both, and meting out reward and punishment as she sees fit, teaching the lesson she feels mortals and magic folk alike need learn. She has a dislike for spoiled princes, witches, and self-righteous fairies, and ever a fondness for young people, especially young girls, who find themselves in poor circumstances, (including a young queen magically bound to a cruel and vain prince through the power of her demon patron)
Though there is no love lost between her and the Fairy Court, indeed she is something of an outlaw to them, she did strike up a friendship with a fairy named Gabrielle, who she found to be kind and humble, always looking on the heart and not the superficial appearance. And when Gabrielle gave up her immortality to marry a mortal inventor Celadon promised to stand in as an unnoffical fairy godmother to her daughter Belle.
(I had already chosen a name for her ages ago, and knew she had to have some sort of royal background with her crown in the stained glass window. So then when I found a fairytale with a princess with an almost similar name "Princess Celandine and Prince Featherhead"--in the Green Fairy Book no less-- I used that as a base but changed the ending as the Prince really didn't learn to be unfickle, he just realized the Princess was actually beautiful. I also cut the two different Fairy Godmothers in the tale down to one for simplicity's sake. Also credit to H.J. Ford for the og illustration bases)
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aeterna---amantes · 22 days
|| So ever wondered what was it like to have ADHD and obsess about a book? Ever wondered what it feels like to finish said book? Knowing it's over? Done? No more pages to turn, no more knowledge to consume? No more words from your favourite characters? Ever felt that sudden drop in dopamine when you remember "oh, I know it all"?
What a hateful feeling.
In the past few years, I've developed a habit of not being able to finish books.
Then Dune happened this year and I finished not only one book of the series but two during the course of like, three weeks, and I absolutely hate this feeling.
I am gutted. I am an empty shell. A hollow husk. Wow.
I should've put it down when I was in the middle of book two and leave it at that.
Gods. This shit fucking hurts.
I hate it.
I'm restarting book one tomorrow.
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theafictionados · 1 year
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Every Afictionados Best Line Award (Blanche)
Riverdale Episode 716: Stag by the Afictionados Podcast Network
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feathercreates · 3 months
I think I saw your genesis x cissnei work many years ago and I have you to thank for my shipping them until now hahaha yours was truly a vision ✨️
@another-dreamless-daze, oh my god??? really??? I have the biggest smile on my face now holy heck, I've been sailing alone in my little boat of Genesis/Cissnei for so long, it's delightful to know it's not just me! ;w;
There's just some feeling I get when imagining them together that just GETS me so damn bad, even though they don't ever truly interact... the nearest we get is this scene here, and that's a Genesis copy that tried to do her in, OTL.
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I think Cissnei's appreciation for wings and what they mean to her personally (freedom from a life where she had minimal / difficult choices, having come from a ShinRa-run orphanage that sounded pretty brutal to the kids, to the point where she ended up being the youngest Turk ever) would definitely leave her with some sort of envy/longing/hurt over how Genesis (and Angeal by extension) appears to view his own.
Maybe she's jealous that Genesis managed to break free from otherwise being firmly in ShinRa's clutches (especially if she was aware of how he was made by the Jenova project). That he literally flew the coup, wings and all, and perhaps a hidden part of her wishes she could have the courage to do the same one day. (It's not like she chose ShinRa, it was the environment she was raised in, and her only path to a better life.)
And we also know she's got a little rebellious streak for helping others/doing the right thing (i.e. w/ Zack and Cloud on the run near CC's end). So I wonder, if she harboured any feelings for Genesis at any point, how she might act on them during CC, being a Turk and all.
I also think, if the opportunity of her being close to Genesis ever presented itself somehow during CC, she'd be really fascinated by/in awe of his feathers, and that might throw him off guard. (:< (I drop a few little fun tidbits of both of them in my fic, Thing With Feathers, that basically covers this XD)
Basically the potential for angst and drama and romantic/sexual tension lives in my head rent free lmao
And let's be honest they would just be such an aesthetic pair, especially now we've seen Cissnei's FF7: Rebirth outfit, hnngg. and she'd also be able to dish back whatever snarky/cheeky attitude Genesis could throw at her, too. oh, the trouble they could cause...
Now my brain is going off on a potential post-DoC Genesis/Cissnei thing, oh my god...
ack sorry I started rambling, thank you so much for popping this gem in my inbox! <3
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leotanaka · 1 year
so, apparently the milkman in riverdale is played by the same actor who played the ice-cream man / jimmy platt in chilling adventures of sabrina.
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cmonbartender · 11 months
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Prince Featherhead and Princess Celandine (1892) - Henry Justice Ford
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featherheads · 2 years
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It is a story as old as time if we are being honest. Wert has to work, and Floyd wants attention...what is a bird to do? I originally drew this one August 17th of 2021 but I finally got around to putting the finishing touches. I hope you all enjoy it.
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featherlumina · 6 months
What’s your favorite quirk/habit you give the cc cast when you write them?
(Glad you’re back in this mess :D, also yes everything behind gen SHOULD be on fire)
Thank you so much for the ask! :D I'm going to stick to who I've written so far, but that's still quite a few to think about! I hope you enjoy my silly/angsty/cute snippets. :3 Genesis He annotates the crap out of any book he owns. Don't get me wrong, he's got pristine copies of all editions of LOVELESS reserved for viewing only, but he's also got versions exclusively for scribbling notes and interpretations in the margins. In one particular copy, though, the notes start to get choppier, rougher, more...unhinged, as the degradation drags from months into years and his desperation for a cure deepens, particularly after the Nibelheim incident. Angeal This man can take a nap anywhere. Up a tree, in a rock crevice, in a military truck that's careening into every pothole by a careless driver... Angeal is the king of shuteye in unlikely places. It's very handy on rough missions. Sephiroth Likes to exercise his authority as a First to refuse any SOLDIER missions that even vaguely assist Hojo's research out of sheer spite. Genesis is incredibly proud of him. Zack This guy is a chaos cook, and by that I mean he just throws whatever crap he has available into a pan and just vibes. The 'throw anything together' habit he picked up from Angeal, yes, but he missed the 'think about sensible flavour combinations' part. Cloud He's a nervous fidgeter and has a lot of anxious energy that needs to escape. Drumming his fingers, leg bouncing, fiddling with his earring, picking skin, you name it. This behaviour is more prominent in his infantry days, too. Cissnei She's a collector, and by that I mean a collector of small keepsakes and trinkets found on missions around the world. Being raised in a orphanage meant that she barely had any possessions growing up, so she treasured anything that was hers and hers alone. Sometimes it's silly things from gift shops, or interesting rocks, feathers, scales, etc.
(She definitely kept a feather from that Genesis copy in Sector 8, for example.) Lazard You think this bloke only started embezzling money from ShinRa when Genesis defected? Not a chance. A lot of it gets funnelled to his non-ShinRa relatives, but also gets channelled into charitable projects around Midgar supporting people of the slums.
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@slayerkitty @blmpff bringing this back to manifest Khun Feathers return to us this year.
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blmpff · 11 months
Third time is the charm lol, how do we like it?
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