#feel free to submit them though!!
How many submissions for Agent 47?
None actually?? Who is that??
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averlym · 9 months
Parrlyn on a date for their anniversary perhaps
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boba hangout
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monkees-season3-ideas · 11 months
Happy Head Day everyone
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sigslefthand · 1 year
Daily blessed official artwork of Carbuncle day 1
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best-bird-bash · 2 years
would scout, jem, or atticus from to kill a mockingbird count? cause their last name is finch lmao /hj
Hmm I don't know if I'd count them unless they have some other connection to birds as well, even if thats something small
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mcmansionhell · 2 months
namesake mcmansion
Howdy folks! Today's McMansion is very special because a) we're returning to Maryland after a long time and b) because the street this McMansion is on is the same as my name. (It was not named after me.) Hence, it is my personal McMansion, which I guess is somewhat like when people used to by the name rights to stars even though it was pretty much a scam. (Shout out btw to my patron Andros who submitted this house to be roasted live on the McMansion Hell Patreon Livestream)
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As far as namesake McMansions go, this one is pretty good in the sense that it is high up there on the ol' McMansion scale. Built in 2011, this psuedo-Georgian bad boy boasts 6 bedrooms and 9.5 baths, all totaling around 12,000 square feet. It'll run you 2.5 million which, safe to say, is exponentially larger than its namesake's net worth.
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Now, 2011 was an anonymous year for home design, lingering in the dead period between the 2008 black hole and 2013 when the market started to actually, finally, steadily recover. As a result a lot of houses from this time basically look like 2000s McMansions but slightly less outrageous in order to quell recession-era shame.
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I'm going to be so serious here and say that the crown molding in this room is a crime against architecture, a crime against what humankind is able to accomplish with mass produced millwork, and also a general affront to common sense. I hate it so much that the more I look at it the more angry I become and that's really not healthy for me so, moving on.
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Actually, aside from the fake 2010s distressed polyester rug the rest of this room is literally, basically Windows 98 themed.
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I feel like the era of massive, hefty sets of coordinated furniture are over. However, we're the one's actually missing out by not wanting this stuff because we will never see furniture made with real wood instead of various shades of MDF or particleboard ever again.
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This is a top 10 on the scale of "least logical kitchen I've ever seen." It's as though the designers engineered this kitchen so that whoever's cooking has to take the most steps humanly possible.
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Do you ever see a window configuration so obviously made up by window companies in the 1980s that you almost have to hand it to them? You're literally letting all that warmth from the fire just disappear. But whatever I guess it's fine since we basically just LARP fire now.
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Feminism win because women's spaces are prioritized in a shared area or feminism loss because this is basically the bathroom vanity version of women be shopping? (It's the latter.)
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I couldn't get to all of this house because there were literally over a hundred photos in the listing but there are so many spaces in here that are basically just half-empty voids, and if not that then actually, literally unfinished. It's giving recession. Anyway, now for the best part:
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Not only is this the NBA Backrooms but it's also just a nonsensical basketball court. Tile floors? No lines? Just free balling in the void?
Oh, well I bet the rear exterior is totally normal.
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Not to be all sincere about it but much like yours truly who has waited until the literal last second to post this McMansion, this house really is the epitome of hubris all around. Except the house's hubris is specific to this moment in time, a time when gas was like $2/gallon. It's climate hubris. It's a testimony to just how much energy the top 1% of income earners make compared to the rest of us. I have a single window unit. This house has four air conditioning condensers. That's before we get to the monoculture, pesticide-dependent lawn or the three car garage or the asphalt driveway or the roof that'll cost almost as much as the house to replace. We really did think it would all be endless. Oops.
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tealeavesandthorns · 1 year
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zillychu · 9 months
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I’ve gotten a WAVE of asks about this AU, so I decided to flesh it out some more and answer some of those questions!
I’ll probably polish this extended summary up at some point and submit it to AO3. But for now, here’s a rundown of my thoughts–please feel free to send more questions! I’ll update this post if I get any more. But if you’re someone who wanted to write fic for it, don’t worry, you don’t need to take my headcanons as gospel. It’s a pretty basic AU honestly lol
The portal accident results in a violent explosion that wipes out the whole block, and condemns all of Amity Park. Danny haunts the city for 100 years, before Sam and Tucker find him. 
In the 1920’s, 19-year-old Danny went into the incomplete portal on his own, hoping to help out his parents. Ripping the portal open through unnatural means created a huge burst of energy that resulted in a massive explosion. A good portion of the Amity Park population died, many were injured, and the ones on the fringes relocated–Amity was quickly deemed too dangerous due to the excess ectoplasm in the area that attracted ghosts. 
While the disaster was in Amity, the fallout was seen around the globe. Before, natural portals were rare, short-lived, and rarely allowed ghosts to fully slip into our realm (the most severe cases being on par with poltergeists that most people didn’t believe in). Now, natural portals pop open frequently around the world, large enough to allow the entirety of a ghost into the physical plane. They’re more common the closer you get to Amity, but they happen enough elsewhere that this change was something of a small apocalypse before people settled back down and found out how to combat at least some of their new, permanent neighbors. 
Danny is unaware that he’s only half-dead, believing he’s a full ghost. He ends up sticking around Amity, unintentionally making it his haunt. His grief and guilt over causing the death of his loved ones (and many others) makes him isolate and avoid human contact. Though he has, at times, scared nosy people away from the city in a mix of territorial instinct–and to get them to leave before a less friendly ghost finds them. 
Ghosts are much more of an uncontested danger in this AU. Lesser ghosts are practically mindless, and while stronger ghosts are capable of reason, their interests are limited. They’re highly territorial, possessive, and often destructive. Most worrisome is that they also like to snack on the life force of anything alive. No one is sure what dictates a ghost’s propensity to attack or hunt the living for their life force since ghosts don’t exactly experience hunger. At least, not the way we do. If a human is rescued before their life force is fully drained, they can make a full recovery–though humanity has still not yet found what this “life force" is. 
And since the Fentons’ research died along with them, there aren’t many tools available to the public to protect them from ghosts. Most homes have standard ghost shields and some weapons are available on the market, but certified ghost hunters are required to take care of anything more powerful than your average spook. 
Sam and Tucker met in high school, and are now rooming together for college very close to the Amity border. Rent is surprisingly cheap when you’re a stone’s throw away from a condemned area crawling with ghosts. Sam is the one who drags Tucker along with her fascination over finding out more about the city, and its largely mysterious demise. Sam is aware of the danger, but feels ghosts have a place in this world just like everything else, and does exercise caution–like one would while foraging in the woods with a known tiger population. 
What she and Tucker weren’t expecting was to run into a ghost that felt almost human. One that hasn't hurt them, not for lack of trying–while being powerful enough to walk past ghost shields without so much as a flinch. The long white hair is familiar in the whispers of the ectobiologist community, but there’s no way it could be the rumored ghost king Phantom, right?
About Danny:
He has very long hair, claws, and black sclera. His hazmat suit is more torn and ragged, with exposed hands and feet that fade into a burnt black.
His hair tends to float a lot on its own. It can start morphing into fire under duress. 
He does still technically have gloves and boots, they've just charred and melted into his skin towards the ends. He can't take them off in his ghost form. His hands and feet have a leathery texture that's tougher than the rest of his skin.
The white of his hazmat suit is both supposed to look like flames, and also a battered look representing his more violent, explosive death.
Overall, he appears rather listless and sad, with an unnerving air of danger around him–even for a ghost. 
Danny’s “ghost sense” comes out as white smoke.
He does breathe black smoke at times, usually when agitated. 
He's already fought and defeated Pariah Dark by the time Sam and Tucker find him, technically making him the Ghost King. This is heavily speculated by ghost experts, despite there being no real proof beyond a massive battle that scarred Illinois. He has not donned the Ring or the Crown, and captured sentient ghosts are hesitant to answer questions surrounding him. Danny basically has the throne but doesn’t do anything with it, and finds it meaningless enough to routinely forget he has the title. He only fought Pariah because he knew otherwise, humanity would have perished. A lot of ghosts are scared of him because he's so hard to figure out, and he's strong. 
Danny is usually very quiet and speaks softly, because his lungs were damaged in the blaze that half-killed him. He's technically healed since becoming a ghost, so it's more of a compulsion due to the traumatic memory. That, and he’s just… very forlorn and distant, shy around humans who don’t seem to understand how dangerous it is to keep hanging around him.
His memories pre-accident are extremely fuzzy. He knows the very basics of who he was, but specifics have been muffled due to trauma and isolation. He routinely forgets human habits, etiquette, etc. and tends to act more like a full ghost with some odd quirks. 
He does try to scare Sam and Tucker off numerous times. Unfortunately for him, they realized they shouldn't have been able to escape a ghost that strong–but they did, because he let them. 
Sam and Tucker think he's mute at first! He doesn't speak a word to them until several encounters later, when he fumbles his whole scary act and saves them from another ghost. 
He’s still half-ghost, though he doesn’t figure this out until Sam and Tucker come along trying to unravel the mysteries behind the Amity catastrophe. Physically and emotionally, he’s been stuck for 100 years–so his human form is still 19. It’s unclear at this point if he can age normally like a human as long as he stays in human form, or if he’s immortal. 
Danny's family did not turn into ghosts, though he sometimes worries he'll find them in the afterlife as shells of their former selves. He doesn't know if it's better or worse that he's not sure he'd recognize them. 
(Danny also still has some living family. Take a guess.)
Yes, he knows how to Wail. Understandably, he very rarely uses it. You do not want to witness this.
Danny :) is not immune :) from the allure of eating a human's life force :)))
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dragonsholygrail · 1 month
It broke your heart to leash and put a muzzle on your Werewolf bf. But ultimately you really didn’t have any other option.
Not when he was growling and snarling at anyone who dare to look at you too long. Protecting his territory and constantly preparing to fight off any human who he thinks is planning to take you away from him.
Even now with a leash attached to his pretty collar and the muzzle fit snuggly on his face, he still pulls and tugs on the leash, growling lowly as other hybrids pass by on your daily walks around the park. But at least now you nor anyone else has to worry about things getting out of hand.
Or at least that’s what you think…
Your bf is silently stewing, practically seething at the fact that you’ve done this to him. His bad mood only increasing the amount of times he snarls at his competitors for your affection that pass you by.
His limitations only serve to remind him what you’ve done to him. And boy does it make him want revenge. To teach you who’s really the one in charge here as the desire to make you submit roars inside of him.
That feeling only grows as your walk continues and by the time the two of you have gotten back to your home, your bf is practically vibrating in his skin. The need to pounce on you and mount you pumps through his veins and electrifies the urge.
You gently take off the leash and the muzzle and he finally feels free. Your soft smile and sweet touch never leave his face as you hang them up. For a second his heart warms at your affection but the clank of metal rings in his ears and he’s reminded he’ll have to wear them again for your walk later.
“There, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” You ask lightly, leaning in and giving him a chaste kiss before turning around and heading to your room.
Your bf’s eyes follow you closely like a predator hunting their prey. He smirks wickedly and lifts the leash off the hook before following you, tail wagging in excitement thinking about how he’s gonna demolish that sweet pussy of yours.
“You deserve a treat for being such a good boy. Can get you some from the kitchen in a minute,” you call out as you flick on the bedroom lights, preparing to change into your pajamas for the night.
At your comment he freezes outside your door, vision flashing till all he sees is red. That was the final straw and before he can stop himself, your bf is swiftly jumping out to pounce on you.
You yelp as his body barrels into yours, pinning you to the bed before you can even blink. He chuckles darkly, claws digging into the flesh of your wrists to keep you still for him.
“A snack?! No, babygirl, imma take the whole meal. I think I’ve earned it after what you put me through.”
Your eyes widen as you realize where this is coming from. Your body squirms but he pushes his hips against yours and you whine as his cock nudges against your wet folds. His dominating presence turning you on more than you can admit.
“I-it was just a precaution, please,” you beg, though you don’t know what you’re begging for.
But as he takes out the leash he was holding and starts tying it around your wrists, binding them to the bedpost, you know. You’re begging for more.
“Yeah, well I can’t have you squirmin’ ‘round on me. So this is just a precaution,” he mocks with a dangerous smile that has his fangs glittering in the sunlight.
With a harsh tug your bf exposes your messy folds. He runs his fingers down your soaked slit and you cry out, hips jerking up to meet his teasing touch.
“Ahhh, it seems like you’ve been lying to me. You like it when I’m like this. It gets you all hot and wet— fucking hell you’re dripping all over my hand, love.” A rumble moves through his chest as he sees just how desperate you are for him.
Not waiting a moment more he removes his pulsing cock from its sheath and slams himself inside you in the blink of an eye. You moan loudly, body bucking at the sudden intrusion. But the leash and his hands keep you tied down as he pounds his length deep inside your pussy.
Whimpers leave you as you’re left defenseless against his attack, his brutal pace jolting your body with each thrust with no way to add to the pleasure he forces onto you. No matter how much you try and squirm it’s no use. You can’t reach him.
“Oh fuck, please. Take the leash off. Let me touch you, please, let me touch you!”
You let out a strangled whine as he starts aiming for the soft spot along your walls. Your bf shushes you gently, a clawed hand moving to hold your neck in a firm grip.
“Sh, sh, sh. No talking. Wouldn’t want me to get the muzzle now,” he rasps as he quickens his pace, leaving you mewling as your back arches unnaturally.
He goes on for what feels like forever. Bringing you to climax over and over again. Only allowing short sounds of pleasure to leave your lips. His grip on your neck squeezing every time you talk until you cum on his cock and it all starts over.
By the time you’re done and he gently removes the leash from your wrists, your body is nothing but a limp bag of bones. Yet you still have the strength to immediately cling onto your bf, keeping him close as he whispers praises in your ear about how good you did for him and how he can’t wait for your next walk so you can do this again.
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teddybeartoji · 3 months
18+ mdni; gn!reader
toji has an oral fixation.
oh, how he loves having his mouth on you. it's one of his favourite pasttimes; no matter whether it's making out and sucking on your tongue, or trailing his scarred lips over the side of your neck, pressing warm kisses against your jaw and pulse point like it's the only thing he knows. he loves having his mouth on your nipples, too. wrapping his lips around the sensitive bud and watch you arch into him while he plays with the other. he loves littering your chest with hickeys and he loves watching them bloom. his marks on you, from his mouth – it drives him wild. and last but not least – he loves giving you head. slobbering all over you, covering you in his saliva as he tries to devour you whole. feeling you cum on his tongue? absolutely nothing can compare to the sensation of that. nothing.
he loves the way you taste, he loves the way you sound, he loves the way you writhe under his burning touch. you're sweeter than anything else he's ever had and he simply can't get enough of you. he'll have you in every way he can, in every way you'll let him.
toji also loves sucking on your fingers.
of course, he'd be a little (read: very) ashamed to admit that out loud, but that doesn't mean he doesn't like it. there's just something so freeing in the way you let him melt into you, the way you don't tease him for wanting to let go. he wants to feel good, too. he wants to give up the power and just feel.
it is new to him though; you were always the one with his fingers in your mouth, so having the roles reversed, toji does feel a little small. in the best way possible.
having you on top of him, sitting perfectly on his stomach with your one hand firmly on his chest and the other caressing his face, toji can't help but feel himself twitch in his sweats. his mouth salivates at the sight of your cunning little smile and the twinkle in your eyes as you purr about how good he looks under you. he doesn't argue.
the tips of his ears burn and his adam's apple bobs, feeling your fingers tracing over the scar on his lips. his hands hold onto your waist like you're about to take flight, his strong grasp bruising your soft skin, making you let out a quiet moan. toji's hips buck upward and he watches your smile widen.
"open up, baby..."
your voice might also just kill him. it's sultry and still brimming with love, you're gentle and just a tad bit teasing – it's the perfect combination. toji's lips part without an objection, his mossy green eyes glued to yours as they do the same.
you push two fingers in and hum at the overwhelming warmth that envelops them immediately. toji's chest rumbles with a groan of his own at the way you run them over the sharp edges of his canines. leaving yourself a little closer to them, you place a kiss to his cheek while holding your fingers to his tongue, pressing it down as you slide them further into his mouth. toji holds back a gag and lets his eyes fall shut; your scent fills his nostrils and the way you're now nuzzling your face into his is not making any of this any less erotic.
finally toji's lips close properly around your fingers and he feels you smile against his skin. and then he feels your hips grinding ever-so-slightly on his stomach and now he really feels like he's losing his mind. you're all over him, but what gets him the most is that none of this is the usual 'sex stuff'. he's always been open to experimenting, he's willing to try just about anything you'd ever want to with a few eyelash flutters and a few pretty 'please's', but this? this is something else.
for starters, you're both still fully clothed. clad in your most basic pyjama, you're making him more turned on than he's ever been. and he's just so, so used to be the one in control, to be the one on the top – so submitting to you feels foreign, but so fucking good. you're making him discover things about himself that he never could've even dreamt about. him sucking on your fingers while you're humping his abs? oh, you'll kill him one day for sure.
but he's not complaining.
his tongue swivels around your two fingers as he begins to push and pull your hips to help you grind against him. you lick the side of his face, covering him in your saliva before pulling back just a little to look at him. below you, with your fingers in your mouth – he looks fucking extraordinary. you feel over the moon about the fact that he feels comfortable enough with you to let you have your way with him. you're utterly thankful for the glorious sight and you will most certainly reward him for it as well.
there's a soft squelch when toji hollows his cheeks and sucks on your digits. a sickeningly sweet coo spills from your lips and his eyes crack open; your gazes meet and you swear his whole body twitches under you. his hold on you gets tighter, his fingers sinking in deeper and you can't help but wonder how big of a mess he might be making in his sweats.
spit makes his lips glisten under the light emitting from the tv; shadows of the long forgotten movie dance on his skin, the whispers getting muffled by the sounds that he keeps making. he doesn't feel as embarrassed anymore, slowly succumbing to the hazy feeling in his head. he's addicted, he wants more and more and more.
and as if on cue, you force your fingers deeper down his throat once more, eyes set on the way his own roll right back into his head. his head dips forward, sinking into the pillow behind him and giving you the most beautiful view of his blooming neck. you're matching – he marks you up and you do the same. it's love.
pulling your fingers with a 'pop', a whine slips from toji but before he can really complain about it, you press your mouth to his. your lips smack together as you cradle his face with your spit-covered hand, tugging him closer and closer. his big arms wrap around your middle as he pulls you flush to him, moaning into your mouth when you decide to suck on his tongue in turn.
he can taste your desire, the need to make him feel good and to take care of him as you push yourself further into him. toji feels like he's about to explode. he wants to kiss, he wants to feel your fingers again, he wants to make you cum, he wants to make love to you.
hovering just above his face, you bring your hand back to his mouth and grant him his wish. he doesn't need to say it out loud, you know exactly what he wants and what he needs. slipping your index and your middle finger between his lips, you both groan at the feeling.
you give him a smile and butterflies bloom in his belly. you give him a peck while still having your fingers in your mouth and cum seeps through his sweats.
toji fushiguro is a weak, weak man and you have him wrapped around your pretty little fingers.
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aslov3rsgo · 2 years
I'm working on drafts at the moment that will all be posted at the same time, then I'll work on some asks that have been in my inbox for a while.
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Maybe I should go on vacation more often, gets the creative juices flowing, I hope y’all like a little bit of sub!Lucifer 😏
(No set up to this one either, this is just gonna be smut right out of the gate lmaooooo)
Lucifer x f!sinner reader
Summary: A more than willing Lucifer is ready to submit to your every whim…
Warnings: 18+, smut, sub!lucifer, light dom!reader, teasing, pet names, orgasm denial, edging, hand job, oral (m & f receiving), p in v
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You weren’t sure how you ended up in this situation. Well…that’s not entirely true. But you never thought that you would ever be in the situation you found yourself in. Not that you were upset at all by it. Lucifer, the almighty ruler of Hell itself, was bound and blindfolded in your bed wearing nothing more than his briefs. His hands were restrained to the bed post with tightly knotted rope while a silk ribbon obstructed his vision, leaving him absolutely helpless. Of course, you both knew he could more than easily break free from his bondage, but he wasn’t going to. He trusted you with his entire being, his devotion to you was undying. He was now yours to tease, to use, and to break. The thought excited both of you. You had already stripped naked, wasting no time as you closed in on your prey.
“Are you ready, Luci?” you asked, inching yourself closer to the foot of the bed.
“Yes, darling,” he answered sweetly, “do with me what you please.”
“Good boy,” you hummed. You heard a light moan escape his lips from just your words. He loved nothing more than receiving praise from you. You began by resting your hands on his ankles, ever so slowly moving them up to his calves, and stopping to massage the inside of his thighs. It was already apparent that he was having a difficult time sitting still, he was very sensitive after all. Your touch was intoxicating, he could never be satisfied. And the blindfold certainly amplified the experience. You finally moved your hands up his briefs and onto his hips, where he finally bucked up from your touch.
“Ah, ah, ah,” you chastised, “don’t move, baby. Be good for me.”
“Y-yes, love,” he murmured.
“Already so needy, aren’t we?,” you teased, noticing the very obvious wet spot on his shorts. “We’ve barely started.” You palmed his erection, eliciting a yelp from Lucifer. You began to slowly stroke him through his clothing, you felt his cock twitch at your gentle touch.
“Pl-Please, I-mmhn, please m-more,” he babbled. The sounds of his begging were pure ecstasy. What a feeling to have power over the most powerful being in the realm. You chuckled, reaching for the hem of his briefs, finally releasing his hardened cock. His tip leaked precum onto his stomach, Lucifer whimpered softly.
“Use your words, sweetheart,” you coerced, “tell me what you want.”
You heard an audible gulp from Lucifer. Even with the blindfold, you could tell that his cheeks had flushed a bright red. “T-Touch me, pl-please…need to f-feel you,” he choked out.
You smiled as you reached out to grab the base of his cock, forcing another moan out of Lucifer. You started to stroke his shaft up and down at an agonizingly slow pace, precum leaking onto your hand. It felt like he could burst at any second, but you planned on making this last as long as possible. You could already feel yourself getting wet from the sight of him writhing under your touch. Lucifer’s breathing became heavy as though he couldn’t get enough oxygen in his lungs. Unfortunately, he bucked up his hips to your touch again. You let go of him completely, Lucifer nearly sobbed at the loss of contact.
“What did I say, Luci?,” you scolded.
“Imsorryimsorry!!,” Lucifer cried, “Please! Please, I’ll be good. Please don’t stop…”
“You need to learn some patience, baby,” you retorted, kneeling down and taking a long lick from the base of his shaft to the head. Lucifer’s moans had turned into breathy gasps for air. Without warning, you plunged your mouth down on his cock.
“FFFUUUUCCCKKKK!,” Lucifer yelled as you continued to bob your head up and down on his length. He was well endowed, so you were careful not to take too much of him all at once. Your hot mouth engulfed half of him while your hand stroked the rest, perfectly in sync. You circled your tongue around his tip, loving the taste of his precum. The only sounds from Lucifer were screams of pleasure as you overstimulated him with your mouth.
“Talk to me, sweetie,” you said sternly, “how does this make you feel?”
“S-so good, love,” he panted, “ffffuuucckk, I’m so c-close, soooo close…”
“Mmm, what a good boy you are, Luci,” you smiled. You moved your hand and mouth away from his cock in an instant, leaving it to lay on his stomach once again. Lucifer’s breath hitched as he whined inconsolably, completely devastated by the loss of any friction. “But I’m not done with you yet.”
You crawled up onto the bed and hovered over Lucifer. You could see the beads of sweat glistening on his forehead, his breath was warm on your face. You leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on his lips. He tried to deepen your kiss but you pulled away just out of reach.
“Don’t be greedy now, darling,” you murmured into his ear, sending shivers throughout his whole body. You kissed the edge of his mouth, then his cheek, then moved down and stopped at his throat. As you started to nip and suck at his sensitive skin, you could feel his rapid pulse while you marked him. You looked up to admire your work, a beautiful purple bruise that he can show off to the rest of Hell. “I want you to show me how desperate you are for me. Can you do that, love?,” you cooed.
“Y-yes,” Lucifer whimpered, “yes, anything!”
You hummed in approval. You continued to crawl on top of him until your pussy was place right above his face. Despite being blindfolded, Lucifer knew exactly what was happening. It took every fiber of his being to keep himself restrained because he would devour you in an instant. He whimpered beneath you waiting for your command.
“Eat up, pretty boy,” you chuckled, lowering yourself closer to his more than willing mouth. You felt his tongue hit your slick folds immediately, causing you to gasp. He easily found your clit and focused all of his attention on it. You tried your best not to move too much and risk removing his blindfold, but it was easier said than done. You couldn’t help but grind against him as he lapped up your dripping cunt. You held on to the headboard in front of you, trying and failing to keep your composure. You felt the knot inside your stomach tighten more and more with each flick of his tongue. You had to pull away now before he could finish you off. In one swift motion, you pulled yourself off of Lucifer’s face and moved to sit on his chest, letting yourself catch your breath.
“NO!,” Lucifer cried, “you’re so cruel…”
“Now, now, is that anyway to speak to me?”, you teased. Before he could respond, you slid yourself down further and began to grind your cunt on his throbbing erection. Lucifer’s strangled moans filled the empty room, you could listen to him like that forever.
“Tell me what you want, Lucifer,” you barked, refusing to slow your hips as you rocked back and forth on his cock.
“F-Fuck…fuck me…p-please,” he moaned. You moved your hips faster, causing Lucifer to scream. Tears started to leak through the blindfold and fall down his face.
“I know you can do better than that, pretty boy,” you laughed coldly. “I’ll ask again, what do you want?”
“That’s what I hoped you’d say, my sweet boy” you praised. His words went straight to your aching cunt, you couldn’t wait any longer. You lined up his cock with your entrance and sank down on him, sheathing him inside of you completely. You both moaned in tandem at the sensation. Before long, you started bouncing on his cock at a steady pace at first. But only moments passed before your hips started to shift rapidly, chasing the orgasm you denied Lucifer earlier.
“Wanna-wanna see you,” Lucifer pleaded weakly, “please, p-please let me see you, love…” He sounded so broken and sweet, you couldn’t say no to him. He did so well for you, after all. You took pity on him and removed the blindfold from his face. You looked into his eyes, they were puffy from the tears he’d shed earlier. But they seemed to glow brighter once he saw you, completely drunk on his cock. “So beautiful…”, he whispered.
“Luci…,” you moaned, “feels so good, shhhiiiitt…”
“Love, s-so close, I-I can’t…,” Lucifer choked out, screwing his eyes shut. He couldn’t breathe properly anymore, he just wanted to feel you come undone.
“Look at me,” you commanded, “look at m-me when you cum. Be…Be a good boy and cum for me!” Lucifer opened his eyes, his face had turned beet red from your praise.
“I-I’m gonna…fuckfuckFUCKIMCUMMING,” he screamed, thrusting up into you only a few more times before his orgasm hit him hard, spilling his cum into your waiting pussy. Just a second later the tight knot in your stomach unraveled and you felt the waves of pleasure throughout your body, your newly painted white walls clenching around Lucifer’s cock.
Your body gave out and you collapsed on top of him, gasping for air. Lucifer snapped his fingers and the rope that had restrained him was gone. He helped you off him and laid you next to him, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close. He kissed the top of your head and pushed the hair away from your face.
“That…that was so good, my angel,” Lucifer smiled. “Did you enjoy yourself?”
You laughed lightly, looking up from his chest. “Yes, I enjoyed that a lot, Lucifer, thank you. I…I wasn’t too harsh, was I? I might have teased you too much, I-” You were cut off by Lucifer’s lips, now completely forgetting what you were going to say.
“You were perfect, darling,” he reassured you. “I loved it! And I love you. We’ll certainly be doing that again.” You smiled and nuzzled into his chest.
“I put you through a lot tonight,” you said, “let me run you a bath. And then we can cuddle afterwards. Sound good?”
“Only if you join me, my dear,” Lucifer bargained. You could only smile and nod, how could you say no?
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Happy Valentine’s Day ya filthy animals!! 💖💖💖
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devilevlls · 5 months
Lucifer’s lewd habits౨ৎ
Nobody asked for this one, but I can’t stop my mind from wondering about Lucifer’s kinks and preferences, so… I’m posting some of it.
(. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) Probably going to make part.2 if I remember more things.
Everything here is consensual. I’m talking about a scenario where both of you are aware of each other’s boundaries.
📌 TW: Shameless smut, explicit descriptions of lustful acts, intercourse. 
Tried to keep it gender-neutral.
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๋࣭⭑Lucifer is the shameless type of guy, the one that will grip into your hair or neck while you are making out and slowly push you down, asking for a blowjob without words. He won’t stop pushing until you finally reach the goal.
He likes it slow, going deep, and will groan when you suddenly circle your tongue over his tip, tasting the saltiness of his pre-cum.
๋࣭⭑I think he is someone who doesn’t like PDA while others are looking, but while in public, without catching any attention, he will twist your nipples over your shirt just to see them hardening. He will chuckle and mock you, whispering into your ear on how easy you are.
๋࣭⭑He will make you beg for him to take you, I’m not saying just playfully, but almost making it annoying/painful. Lucifer is a sadist, so, for him, seeing you actually getting mad for wanting to have sex was pure entertainment.
๋࣭⭑Loves shower sex, Despite his busy schedule, whenever he finds a free moment, he'll send you messages inviting you to shower together.
๋࣭⭑Accidentally spread his wings when too excited or too close to an intense orgasm. He won’t be embarrassed tho, but it can startle you a little o_o
๋࣭⭑Will give you lustful stares when you are talking in public, and will smirk when noticing the growing blush on your cheeks.
๋࣭⭑Purposefully rubs himself against you while “helping” you reach for something and lets you feel his intimacy throbbing with excitement. (I headcanon that the house of lamentation has big furniture, since they are slightly taller than average humans)
๋࣭⭑Loves when you worship his body, his red eyes gleaming with amusement as he observes your lips showering him with kisses.
๋࣭⭑Probably will ask you to kneel down and brushes his shoes against your intimacy, enjoying every whimper, every gasp you let escape from your lips.
๋࣭⭑While being the top, Lucifer will grab your hips with force and slam himself into you repeatedly, just to painfully slow down, making him slide in and out. Will chuckle seeing your needy reactions.
๋࣭⭑If he is the bottom, he will make sure to edge you, circling his hips on your lap slowly, making it go deep and then stop, feeling how your body tense with the feeling of almost reaching the peak and calming down again, never reaching the goal.
Plus for MC's habits with him౨ৎ
๋࣭⭑MC boldly grasps his horns as they engage in heated make out sections, unapologetically reveling in the sensation of pushing him to his limits. They adore the subtle frown that crosses his face as he submits to their dominance, though it's clear he thoroughly enjoys it.
๋࣭⭑Casually grabbing Lucifer’s ass as he walks by or while he is trying to give a serious speech. They would take care not to embarrass him in front of anyone tho, just silly moments where they know this would be possible, and they will only receive a threatening glare from the avatar of pride.
๋࣭⭑Nibbling on his ears. For me, Lucifer is a touch starved old man that gets shivers from almost anything, so nibbling on his ears would make him yelp softly, and he will blush if someone is around and hears it.
๋࣭⭑Will steal pecks from him while he is trying to scold them, making his cold heart melt little by little and as they notice him getting excited, they will rub him over his clothes, making the demon whimper softly.
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IDK if there are grammar errors, wasn't really trying hard for this one, just wanted to share my thoughts.
Masterlistɞ 📌
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themultifanshipper · 25 days
penny for more thoughts on paddock bunny reader 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
If you were asked to describe your status on the grid, you wouldn't say paddock bunny.
You were friends with the drivers, and sometimes you fucked them. Simple as that.
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Warnings: Foursome?, but two are just voyeurs, Dom reader, Sub Lando, Max and Charles are just there, choking, PinV sex, teasing, dirty talk? Praising, one singular use of mommy, bc Lando has a mommy kink but it's not him that says it, Lando get humiliated in this one guys but he likes it I swear
Part 2 of this
If the drivers were asked, they'd say "she's just one of the boys" with a smirk, and move on.
It was more like a reverse harem, you decided who, when and where you fucked. It was all completely under your control, and that was how you liked it.
Some of them might get a bit possessive from time to time, but they understood your limits, and always respected your decisions.
That didn’t mean you didn't like to indulge a little bit, though.
Take Lando’s win in Zandvoort for example.
Max and Charles were two of the most possessive brats of the lot, and Lando knew just how to torture them.
You were in his hotel room, ready to give him his reward, when he told you his plan.
Why not invite Max and Charles over to watch? And only watch, while Lando fucked your brains out in front of them.
The size of this man's ego…
It was a fucking wonderful idea, you thought, and you sent a text in the group chat to tell Max and Charles to come over.
It took them less than 10 minutes.
Meanwhile you and Lando had arranged the room for your convenience.
You placed two chairs a the foot of the bed, for Max and Charles, and lay down on your stomach, propped up on your arms while you waited.
What Lando didn't know was that although he just wanted an ego boost, to show off in front of his rivals, you had other plans for him.
You wanted to knock him down a peg. Lando was a switch by nature, but you knew just how to push his buttons to make him whimper and squirm in no time, and you were going to use that to your advantage.
When the knock came, Lando opened the door and let them in.
You explained the rules to them: they were free to touch themselves, but no touching you, and no talking. This was all about Lando, not them.
Once the two were firmly seated, Lando got to work, spreading your legs and using his expert tongue and fingers to make you drip down his face as you heard the tell tale noise of zippers opening.
As Lando worked, you moaned loudly, overplaying it a bit, and Lando assumed it was to put on a show for Max and Charles. But you knew exactly what you were doing, it wasn't for their benefit, it was for his.
Lando quickly made your legs shake and you got close to coming, but at the last moment he retracted himself and you were left gasping and scowling at him.
He was going to be mean, huh? Well you could be meaner.
“I don't want you to come unless it's on my cock, sweetheart. Turn over and lift your hips for me”
An opportunity! You bit your lip to hide the smirk threatening to appear on your face.
“No baby, you won the race, it's your reward. I want to ride you.” You purred in your most seductive voice.
His resolve slipped so fast, bless his heart.
“You're right, I'll let you do the work” he tried to remain cocky as he lay down, head at the edge of the bed on the boys' side so you were facing them, “Why don't you show them how good my cock makes you feel, love”
‘More like I’ll show them how good my pussy makes you feel, you smug bastard.’ You thought.
You straddled him and winked at the other two, both of them palming their bulges though their underwear.
You held his cock against you, barely pushing the tip in as you rubbed it up and down your slit.
You could tell Lando was tensing up under you, but there was no way he was going to submit to you in front of his friends and ask for what he wanted.
So you lay his cock down against his lower stomach and rubbed your cunt over it, rolling your hips enticingly while looking at Lando through lidded eyes as his tip bumped your clit on every glide.
His pupils doubled in size and you knew you were on the right track.
“What are you doing?” he whispered, although the others were barely 2 meters away so they heard perfectly.
You leant down and kissed him sweetly.
“Giving you your reward, baby. I'm making you feel good, aren't I?”
He gasped out a yes and you bit his lip lightly, knowing that would drive him nuts.
His hands went to your hips to lift you off his cock slightly and he looked at you with wide eyes.
“I'm gonna fuck you now, love”
Adorable, he was trying to put up a façade in front of the others but it was rapidly crumbling.
You raised an eyebrow at him and took his cock in your hand, rubbing the tip with your thumb. His hips bucked up involuntarily.
“And what's the magic word?”
He blushed and glanced at Max, who was closest to him.
You grabbed his jaw and turned his face back to you.
“Don't look at them, they’re not here. It's just the two of us.” Lando licked his lips, mouth suddenly dry.
“Now tell me, what do you want?”
He shuddered at your tone.
“I want to be inside you” he whispered.
You hummed and squeezed around his cock, rubbing the tip along your folds again to tease him.
You looked at him pointedly, waiting.
He blushed and his brain went fuzzy for a second before he spoke.
“What was that? I can't hear you if you mumble” you popped just his tip inside before taking it out and resuming your movements.
He took a deep breath. “Please”
“Good boy”
You sank down on him in one go and he let out a guttural moan at both the stimulation and the praise.
You heard a sharp intake of breath next to you and you looked over to see Max and Charles gripping themselves, jaws dropped as they looked at Lando.
Now you were giving them a worthy show.
You looked back down and Lando had his eyes screwed shut.
This was so easy.
You raised your hips and dropped them back down, pulling a strangled moan from him before starting a rough pace, hands on his chest for leverage.
You clenched around him rhythmically and he whimpered every time. It was mean, but damn it if you weren't enjoying the sight of the cocky two time race winner falling apart under you.
His hips were jumping in time with your movements, which was a telltale sign that he was getting close.
“Lando look at me” he opened his eyes and moaned.
God, he always responded so well to your orders it was insane.
“Don't you dare come before me, baby”
He shuddered. “But I'm so close”
You chuckled. “Then you'd better hold it.”
“I can't” he whined.
“You can, and you will. Or you're never seeing this pussy again, Lando”
His eyes filled with tears and he gasped.
“No! Please, I need to come so bad”
You leaned down to mouth at his neck. “Then you'd better help me out, because I'm nowhere near, baby”
That was a lie. You were on the edge as well, you just wanted to see how desperate you could get Lando.
His hand went to where you were joined and he rubbed a thumb quickly up and down your clit, sending sparks flying through your body.
You couldn't help but let out a moan at that and he smiled lazily.
“Please, baby, come on my cock like a good girl” he said, almost managing to sound not completely ruined, and his hips started thrusting up into you with intent, nailing your g spot and sending you hurtling towards your own release.
Time to bring out the big guns, then. You looked up at the two older men, who looked dishevelled and quite close themselves, and mouthed at them “be ready”
They nodded quickly, not really knowing what they were supposed to be ready for.
You pinched Lando's nipple, hard, and before he could yelp, you wrapped a hand around his throat and squeezed, cutting off his air flow. You quickly beckoned Max and Charles over to you.
“Fuck, such a good boy, making me feel so good, baby. Need you to fill me up, fuck all your come into mommy, while Max and Charles come all over your pretty face”
He let out a strangled moan as his hips bucked uncontrollably and he did just that, filling you up as you took over rubbing your clit and the sight of Lando's face getting streaked with cum was more than you could handle and you fell over the edge yourself, head thrown back and colours bursting under your eyelids.
Lando whimpered as you clenched around him, getting turned on again at the sight of the mess of the three men in front of you.
“Holy fuck, that was…” Charles started.
“unexpected!” Max finished for him.
You smiled at them and back down at Lando, who was staring blissfully at the ceiling, in a post orgasmic haze.
You pulled off of him slowly and leaned down to kiss him, your lips joining passionately for a moment.
When you sat back up the other two had zipped their pants back up and were staring at Lando open mouthed.
You followed them to the door, bidding them goodbye and giggling softly when they kissed you on the cheek.
You walked back over to Lando and noticed he hadn't moved an inch, but his face was red and his eyes were glassy.
You grabbed a wet cloth from the bathroom and wiped his face clean, making sure to not get any in his eyes, then wiped his cock gently, and lastly your thighs, where Lando's come was dripping out of you slowly.
You lay next to him, pulling the blanket over the two of you and stroked his arm tenderly when you noticed he was still staring intently at the ceiling with tears in his eyes. Oh… oh no.
“You okay, baby? Did I go too far?” you asked.
He blinked.
“I'm never gonna be able to look them in the eye ever again…”
You wrapped your arms around him and giggled. You'd forgotten how much Lando could overthink a scene after it was done.
“Don't be dramatic” you turned his head and kissed him. “They enjoyed it, you enjoyed it, I definitely enjoyed it. There's nothing to worry about.”
He hummed, wrapping his own arms around you and pulling you close.
“And besides…” you continued, stroking up and down his spine “If they give you any shit about it, i'll make sure you can watch next time I give them a reward.”
A few seconds later he groaned and buried his face into your neck. “Now I'm imagining covering Charles’ face in my cum and I'm getting hard again”
Well… “You did just win a race, baby. And I could certainly go another round…”
That was the fastest you've ever been flipped over in your life.
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hitomisuzuya · 2 months
Smutty appreciation for Scaramouche's fingers. Smut. Scaramouche x fem!reader. Fingering. Finger sucking.
Wasn't Scara just the greatest ever in the event!?🥰🥰🥰
Scaramouche can do a lot with those beautiful fingers of his. He knew exactly how to use to them. Exactly how to play your body like a fiddle with them.
And you came apart every single time.
Though his hands look human, that didn't mean you couldn't feel his ball joints moving on your tongue while he pumped them in and out of your mouth. His indigo eyes always had such a look of aroused amazement when you suck on his fingers.
His fingers would root around in your mouth like he was exploring, a shiver going straight to his straining cock from how warm, and wet your mouth felt. The way your tongue eagerly curled and lapped around them, your eyes lighting up when he pushed them into your throat. The aroused moan you muffled on them as drool pooled out of your mouth.
Your worship of his fingers was more than felt. It always made him weak in the knees.
Scaramouche enjoys the dominance of bouncing you on his cock, his fingers pumping in and out of your mouth. Even though you were on top, you are still willing to submit to him, gladly choking and gagging on his fingers whenever he felt like pushing them into your throat.
He always took advantage of the ball joints in his fingers in every way. While you rode him, the fingers of his free hand would be dancing on your clit, his ball joints offered extra little rubs on your clit that made your legs shake and your walls clamp tight on his cock.
It always sent him reeling when you reached out to stroke his wrist in appreciation for his fingers.
The extra range of motion and flexibility his ball joints provided him makes him godly at fingering and he knows this. It made it easy for him to determine if you were going to cum fast and hard, or overstimulate you until you were begging to cum on his fingers. It just depends on what mood he was in.
There is always an extra curl or nudge on your sweet spot, making you twitch as your hips buck into his fingers. The embarrassed flush on your cheeks from the wet noises your pussy was making while it drooled and clenched was nothing short of adorable to him.
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frudoo · 2 months
Somehow managing to tie Ghost to a chair, you just wanna play with your Lt's dick. Too bad(?) for you, he's good at breaking ropes.
I would love to be utterly wrecked by him
Warnings: Ghost is sick of your shit. SMUT, slight degradation, unprotected PIV, fem!reader. Overuse of italics lmao. MDNI.
It wasn’t easy, getting the Ghost to submit to you. It took months of breaking him down, getting him to trust you, to love you the way you love him. But now, with his wrists bound behind the chair he’s sitting on with those darkened brown eyes glaring at you through the mask, you can genuinely say it was worth it. Absolutely, most definitely worth it to see this huge man trembling beneath your gentle touch, whining when you refuse to give him attention where he needs you most. 
     “Fuckin’ ‘ell, love, just fuck me already,” he grits his teeth when you run your the tip of your tongue along the dimple between his bare pectorals, purposefully avoiding his puffy nipples. “I can’t feel m’arms.”
     “Do I need to gag you, Lieutenant?” You raise an eyebrow, dragging your tongue down his tensing stomach, dipping it into his navel to hear him gasp ever-so-slightly. 
     Ghost huffs in annoyance, bucking his hips up against your palm as you press it against the bulge in his jeans. He’s twitching, throbbing into your touch, precum already leaking through the layers of fabric. You’ve been teasing him for the better half of an hour, ignoring his pleas, but his entire neck and face has now turned a bright, vibrant red. It would be cruel not to give him some kind of relief at this point. 
     “You want me to let you out, baby? Hmm?” You coo, a faux sympathetic pout curling your bottom lip downward as you allow your fingertips to slip past the waistband of his boxers.
     If he was a dog, his ears would have perked up at your words. His broad chest starts heaving as he nods frantically, trying his hardest to hold back his desperate whimpers. 
     “Stop fuckin’ teasin’ me,” Ghost hisses, fists clenching behind his back when you remove your hand from his body altogether.
     “Mmm, not very nice, Lieutenant,” you tut mockingly, crossing your arms beneath your naked tits to push them together, showing off the cleavage he’s aching to lick. “Say please.”
     His jaw tenses, but he’s not one to turn down a direct order. 
     “That’s more like it,” you grin, pressing a chaste kiss to the chin of his balaclava while your nimble fingers work to unbuckle his jeans. 
     Finally free from its suffocating confines, his heavy cock bobs wildly as he lifts his hips to aid you in pulling off the rest of his clothing. His tip is so irritated it’s nearly purple, and you almost feel bad. Almost. You shimmy closer to him between his spread legs, taking his fat dick in one hand and resting the other on his muscular thigh. You run your teeth along the length of it before wrapping your lips around his entire girth and bobbing your head rapidly.
     “Fuuuck,” Ghost groans, his eyes rolling into the back of his skull as he throws his head back. 
     You hum around his sensitive cock, hollowing your cheeks to give him better suction. His legs are already trembling, sweat dripping down the entirety of his wide body as he bucks his hips up, trying to push himself deeper into your tight throat. You work him up until he’s right at that blissful edge, but before he reaches his peak, you pull your mouth off of him with a wet pop. A furious sob escapes Ghost’s throat and this time, you really do feel bad. 
     The remorse doesn’t last for long, though. You barely have time to scramble out from between his legs before he’s breaking free of his restraints and standing at his full height to tower over your frozen figure. He cracks his neck as the ripped rope slips down his bulging forearms and falls to the ground. He approaches quickly but silently, grabbing your waist and manhandling you onto all fours. 
     “Little fuckin’ minx,” He rasps, positioning himself behind you and running his cock through your already slick folds. “Think it’s fun teasin’ me like tha’? Huh? Struttin’ around with nothin’ on, shovin’ your tits in my face while m’all tied up an’ can’t touch you.” 
     He smacks the tip of his cock against your swollen clit, snickering at the way you yelp and push your ass further back, enticing him. He clicks his tongue, holding your hips still. 
     “Greedy, greedy,” Ghost teases, giving each of your asscheeks a sharp slap. “Why should I give it t’you, hm? Think y’deserve this cock after torturin’ me?”
     “Please,” you whine, “Ghost, please, I’m sor- ah!”
     Your plea is cut off when he feeds his entire length into your drooling pussy, stretching you out painfully but filling you up so, so full. It’s too much and yet not enough, the way he lets his tip hit the plug of your cervix before pulling out until you’re empty. He repeats this a few more times, spanking you in between each pump. 
 ��   “Aw, wha’s wrong, baby? Need me t’fuck you?” 
     Pitiful babbles of yes, yes, yes spill from your lips, and finally, Ghost pushes inside and stays there, pulsing in sync with the clenching of your needy walls. 
     “Say please.”
     Fuck, you’re in for it now.
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