#feeling like sloth from the goonies
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shittyrpmusing · 2 years
Mentions of NSFW topics and violence. Alter as needed!
“If someone doesn’t have their pinky toe they’ll fall over! It’s the most important toe on the human body!”
“I’m just looking from behind a trash can, it’s a normal thing to do!”
“Fuck this, no way! It’s over, you won! Fair fight! I gotta go!”
“If I keep changing my facial expressions, they won’t be able to recognize me in a lineup!”
“Fine, I don’t care! I’ll get on the ground all day long!”
“FUUUCK! It hurts to walk on!”
“Which one of you dumb sister-fucking, tiki torch carrying, Sloth from the Goonies pieces of shit wants to go next?”
“Do you have cable? I don’t wanna stay here overnight if there’s no cable. Fargo’s on tonight.” 
“I’m just the guy who’s gonna fuck you so hard your asshole’s gonna be dragging behind you like a tail.” 
“Oh! Okay, then I change my answer to just ignoring the question.” 
“Well how else am I gonna experience motherhood?” 
“Oh, okay, now we definitely have to kill them ‘cause you’re giving stuff away about my secret identity!” 
“Don’t fuck with my BFF!”
“We can’t use duct tape, that’ll hurt their skin when they try to pull it off.” 
“I’m fine, seriously. All I need is a good nap.” 
“Look man, I’m begging you, will you please, PLEASE look at my crotch?”
“We only kill bad people! Usually. Unless there’s a mistake.”
“Listen, I’ve been meaning to thank you for allowing me to be tortured last night.” 
“You have to admit, it was kinda sweet how he wanted that monkey and that man to be friends.” 
“Shouldn’t you kill him, then?”
“My dad never made me anything. He was too busy pretending to be gay to get away from me.” 
“It’s our day off, I thought we’d get wasted!”
“I’m getting this weird feeling that you’re angry.” 
“Dude, a butterfly is a type of bird.” 
“You’re a little intense right now. Like, I don’t wanna be uncool but your face looks really weird when it goes into all those various angry positions.” 
“There’s no wrong time to rock, motherfucker!”
“Dude, this is a really weird time to do your face exercises.” 
“Try introspection on THAT, motherfucker! ... I’m sorry.”
“I WAS about to go, and then you had to say THAT! Now if I acquiesce, I’ll look and feel small!”
“If you’re gonna be sarcastic, you should really warn people so there’s no confusion.” 
“Your blades are dull as fuck, man! Why don’t you maintain your torture shit?!”
“Just because they’re aliens doesn’t mean they’re gross. BIGOTRY!”
“I’m not sure I’m ever gonna walk again.” 
“You’ll fall over all the time and look stupid and everyone will laugh at you.” 
“I thought that man and that chimp were friends. I was thinking they were gonna go on an adventure together.” 
“Aw, fuck! I’m never ever gonna kill someone with a fucking chainsaw!”
“I would read anything you wrote, dude. I bet you could do some bomb poetry.” 
“Yeah? Well, welcome to the fucking club!”
“There’s your answer! AHAHAHA!”
“Are you here to put babies in us like in Alien?”
“I think they jumped over those bullets.” 
“Look, at worst, he’s paralyzed.” 
“I’m gonna make a collage of the three of us fuckin’ some chicks with a bunch of dolphins around us doing beer bongs in a Corvet.” 
“We used to go out, kill bad guys, boom boom boom, no problem. We accidentally kill the wrong person? Oh shoot, that stinks-- then we move on!”
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uglypastels · 2 years
I just started thinking about something and just cannot let it go.
Because of the time setting of season 3 we completely missed out on the kids watching the movie that was made for them.
the Goonies.
I can just imagine them all watching it for the first time, literally seeing themselves on screen. A bunch of kids, nerds, trying to save their town from baddies. A big mysterious adventure, except here there were no evil monsters or scary dark dimensions. It was just criminals with guns. Everything was explainable. It would all feel so simple, and light, compared to their own lives.
then the next Halloween, the boys would be all fighting it out on who would get to go as who? Mike would obviously need (from his perspective) to be Mikey. His biggest argument would be something like "that's literally my name!" but the other guys would not care, because they all want to be Mikey.
One thing is for certain- Dustin would drag Steve to see it. And at first, he would roll his eyes and groan, it's a kid's movie after all, but hell, even he could see himself in this story. Brand might as well have been holding a bat instead of wearing sweatbands.
Robin once caught him doing the workout and still laughs about it.
And what are she and Nancy if not Stef and Andy?
This movie would have meant so much to them... if they were younger and the world around them wasn't burning.
Instead, they weren't interested in some kids' movies. They wanted to sneak into Day of the Dead.
And then the mall burned down, Hopper died, Billy died, the Byers moved away and high school was a new reality. When Halloween came around they wouldn't be dressing up to school, they knew better than that. And two months into Freshman year, no one would be inviting them to any parties... and even if they did, no way would they be the dorks in a group costume. And without Will... the group wouldn't even be complete.
Maybe Steve would have wanted to dress up as Brand, who knows, but without an Andy to match, what would be the point?
But maybe Will would be handing out the candy at his house, having no other plans in California, and he sees the mini Baby Ruths and remembers the movie he saw last summer, with Jonathan. Dustin was at camp, after all, Will and Lucas were too busy and thought it was dumb.
He wished they would have seen it. But it was strange, to see a movie tell the story of kids like him. A story of absurd proportions for anyone else watching it, but that doesn't even come close to the things he had been through.
[Bonus: Eddie had definitely seen it and kept annoying his friends with Sloth impressions all summer long.]
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The Goonies Never Say Die Board Game
A perilous adventure full of dangerous booby traps and treacherous treasure-filled caverns! In The Goonies: Never Say Die, one player is the Goondocks Master, controlling fearsome foes from the outlaw family, the Fratellis, to the legendary pirate, One-Eyed Willie. The other players take on the role of the Goonies, Mikey, Mouth, Chunk, Data, and Sloth and attempt to overcome cryptic puzzles and deadly challenges.
The game features nine adventures so that players can immerse themselves in the 1980s movie as well as brand new stories, and it includes eight sculpted miniatures of Mikey, Mouth, Chunk, Data, Sloth, the Giant Octopus, the Fratellis, and even One-Eyed Willie himself.
Eric Hibbeler and Henning Ludvigsen were the artists for the game. It was produced by Funko Games.
Eric is a freelance illustrator, animator, and concept artist working in Kansas City. He has done work for major motion pictures, comics, videogames, film posters, table top games, children's books and editorial publications.
Henning is a computer game developer veteran, working full time as a freelance illustrator for the biggest developers in the board-game industry!
Erik's styling is very retro and some of his designs look very vintage. He uses only 2 or 3 colours in his artwork on some pieces which I like and might use in my board game creation. Some have also a Wes Anderson kind of feel which is a specific colour palette. Eric uses brighter colours in different hues, brightness and saturation.
Henning's artwork has a more historical look, he uses darker muted colours to keep in the historical content that his board games have. He uses more light and shade to create atmosphere in his artwork.
I think both of them create their artwork using Photoshop which I need to get better acquainted with, to create designs for my board game that would be as good as theirs.
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change-the-rules · 1 year
I feel like sloth from the fucking goonies y'all
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sometimes i literally feel like I am fucked up in the face. like sloth from goonies
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ohcyrus · 2 years
Oh, Mighty Isis!
Let's talk about Queen Aset--poor woman. Right, I know incest probably was popular Before Christ in Egypt, what with them customarily slaying and eating each other, but something in my gut tells me Osiris wasn't such a stand-up gent. Set certainly wasn't, but imagine that kind of pressure from your brother, the King--I mean, I'd certainly be afraid not to marry him. Anyway, you elope with your brother, and you can't even confide in your other brother about it because he's mad you ain't fuckin' him, dawg. God fucking shit. I would imagine, that when Set went and diced Osiris into a fourteen-piece McNugget meal (Dick on the Nile), the Queen wouldn't be able to help but feel responsible, twisted as the human mind is. I imagine she'd go mad with grief, especially after doing what a woman is asked of, cleaning up the boys' mess and, you know, reassembling her brother-lover along the way. I also imagine that Horus (somehow worse than the name Isis), being a product of incest, would look something like Sloth from The Goonies, with a bird's head and everything. Like the hawk he was, he tracked and killed his Uncle Dahmer, but where does that leave our Great Mother Isis? Sadly, she took pity on her brother during his battle with her son, causing her buckled baby boy to lop her head off. I feel like our Great Mother is forever embedded in the sands of her brothers' and son's sins, where not a single thing that comes to her will ever feel like her own. That's no way to live and, luckily, the Egyptians didn't care much to anyway. If I had to guess, Isis is probably frozen by her false guilt in a nasty pattern: birthing herself into the bodies of those who are worthy; those with an unwavering will and taste for the Old Flesh. Yes, Isis is most definitely cohabitating with some deviant right now, the Akh to their Ka and Ba, whispering secrets of a life before life, guiding them to the particular extremities of fourteen unlucky souls, to bring her King back into the world--our world--of flesh and blood. To free herself of his suffocating, watchful eye or to just keep her mind occupied, I'm not sure. But I'd guess it's simply out of love, and that's the evil in it: even a Martyr to the worst destruction it brings, even a Goddess of Healing and Magic, cannot break its hold. Man. So is love, and so is life--at least it's no longer custom (or socially acceptable) for the rich to go fishing for poor children from their bedroom windows.
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cherievol6 · 2 years
hey!! i'm kind of on a roll with writing again - yay! i got this idea when i was watching stranger things s4 lmaooo. thinking of doing a mini mini series. lmk if you want a part 2!
it's the 80s and you and harry have a summer job at the local video shop...and harry gets hostile around pretty boys
warnings: swearing, jealous!harry, cringe men
word count: almost 2k?
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“Seriously? The Goonies is one of the greatest films to ever have been made in our modern society!”
After nearly a year of observation stationed behind the oak front desk, you’d concluded that if Harry was passionate about anything other than his beloved guitar, it was movies. Your first shift at the shop consisted of him pestering you in-between customers about your opinion on Bowie’s performance in Labyrinth, when he was supposed to be showing you the ropes of the job. Once he was unrelenting, you said through a quiet murmur that it was one of your favourite VHS tapes you owned - receiving a wink and a “smart girl” before he retired to the shelves to stock new releases. It was safe to say you were blushing ferociously for at least twenty minutes after. Harry could charm the pants off of any customer that stepped into the shop, and you were grateful for his charismatic nature, considering you were somewhat of a monotonous person when it came to social interaction; Harry got a kick out of your timidness.
“I’m sorry, but I just don’t agree.” You sigh, sliding the cases of Ghostbusters on to the shelves marked OUR SECOND-HAND FAVOURITES!
“I think you’re just saying this to hurt my feelings, love. I mean c’mon, John Matuszak as Sloth? How often do you see American Footballers on the big screen?” Harry exclaims, one hand gesturing dramatically whilst the other digs into your open bag of M&Ms on the counter.
“Not often enough for me to care, I think.” You lift an eyebrow, and he grins, throwing a chocolate in a perfect arc into his mouth and scrunching the packet closed. His right-hand flies to his pectoral where his heart lies, a faux groan of pain coming out of his mouth as he pretends to collapse behind the counter. “You wound me.” He wails.
You shake your head, pushing down the little shock of energy that flies through you every time he teases you; something he did quite often, and it was always in good fun. Sometimes you liked to pretend that his teasing bothered you, to which he’d get really sickly sweet and sheepish, usually offering to count up the till for you at the end of the night so you can retrieve a slush from the off license across the road.
You stand back up from where you were crouched and wipe your brow, leaning over the counter. “Get back up you pillock. We have video tapes to sell. Don’t you want a knighthood for our gracious contribution to the economy and efficient VHS sales skills?”
The bell above the door chimes and punctuates your question, a familiar blond strolling into the shop with a pair of sunglasses and his washed jeans. You hear what you think is a scoff from Harry as your heart simultaneously leaps into your throat. Jonathan Whittaker was, in Harry’s words, the bane of his existence. Strolling in with his George Michael-esque hair once a week to return his rented videos – every week you awaited his entry, excusing yourself to the loo to ruffle your perm up a bit and popping a button or two of your polo shirt. If Harry noticed you do this, he never mentioned it, he always busied himself with inventory and eavesdropped on your short but sweet conversations.
“Oh, look at that, the sun came out today.” Jonathan’s cool tone cuts through the heatwave Britain was suddenly experiencing this week and you giggle as he throws a wink in your direction. You ignore the small gag noise Harry makes behind you.
“Alright, Harry? How’ve you been mucker?” He dumps his copy of Mad Max 2 on top of the counter, and you circle around, shoving Harry out of the way with your hip as you ring it up. Harry grumbles something along the lines of “been better, to be honest” as Jonathan circles around the shop, shuffling around each case as he reads the title and the synopsis of the film. Harry once expressed to you how much it irks him when he does it, cause he’s responsible for going back around at reorganising each one back into alphabetical order.
“This’ll do, sweets. Put a word in about getting some newer films in, yeh? Stuck rewatching some oldies.” Jonathan smiles sweetly as the video lands on the side with a smack.
“Right. Cause I’m sure she has full control over that, just for you.” Harry interjects, tapping his pen on the notebook before him as he counts a stack of videos and marks down their names. He doesn’t even rise his gaze; he just stares uninterestedly at the page of numbers before him. Jonathan falters a bit, and you pretend that you aren’t harshly blushing with your back to him. This time you’re blushing because you’re embarrassed. Of what, you don’t know; Jonathan calling you sweets; Harry casually snapping at him for being kind of condescending; your petty crush on someone who is very conventionally attractive despite being a bit of a prick (you were only human, after all).
An awkward beat later and Jonathan is almost out the door with so much as a goodbye, and you can almost physically feel the tension leave Harry’s body until he swivels on his foot, looking at you with intention.
“I never got your name. ‘Seems I’ve been coming in here for a while and didn’t quite catch it.”
You swallow thickly, veins buzzing at the sheer attention from an attractive man. “Y/N.” He nods in response, corner of his mouth ticking up as he begins to spark up a Regal cigarette. Harry grumbles something under his breath and you shoot him a quick look, turning just in time as Jonathan lifts his head back up to meet your eyes.
“Y/N,” he tries your name out in his mouth, “it’s hot. Like you, I suppose.” His wink punctuates his sentence and you can just script verbatim what Harry will say to you as soon as he leaves the shop.
“He’s such a sleaze, Y/N. Do you really want to be drooling over a man like him? He wouldn’t know humility if it smacked him in the face.” He’d say. Then he’d probably go in one of his grumpier moods, slamming videos down on to the side and going for a ‘break’, returning ten minutes later smelling of smoke and some David Bowie slotted into the cassette player of his Walkman, giving you the silent treatment. It happened like clockwork when Jonathan visited, or that fairly attractive but inappropriately older man that comes into the shop and not so subtly tries to harmlessly flirt with you.
“What time shall I pick you up on Friday then?” He muses, tapping his cigarette buts out of the door he has propped open with his foot.
“Friday?” You say inquisitively.
“Yeah. Wanna take you out.” He maintains the heart-stopping grin and you feel your heart pick up. Jonathan wants to take you out. On a date! You'd never been asked out on a date before, usually being too prudish or too quiet for some of the boys you know from your days back in school. You had people you fancied, without a doubt, but they didn't even know you existed. Jonathan was the last person you expected of them all to ask you out on a date, he barely acknowledged your existence, and even stuck chewing gum on your pencil case in Year 11. So his interest came at a bit of a shock. Dating just wasn't a thing you did, it was a Harry thing.
You'd be lying, however, if you said it didn't make you slightly envious when girls would rock up to the shop and give Harry their home phone number, asking if he'd like to join them later for a swim (a skinny dip) in the local quarry late at night. You never found out if he ever did go. You shake the thought of Harry nude out of your mind, ignoring the chill that runs through your body and focusing on Jonathans scruff on his chin.
"Me? You wanna take me out?"
"Yeah. Could be fun." He shrugs, scuffing his shoes on the floor.
“I-um…sure. I’m finish here at 6, I think. I can’t be late, though. Mum gets worried.” You shrug, cheeks and the tips of your ears tingeing pink – why would you let him in on the sad little detail of you having a curfew at 20 years old? You’ll never know. Harry breaks you out of your little bubble of a conversation, clearing his throat and folding his arms across his chest.
“Um, Friday is markdown day, Y/N. Boss wants us to count stock and discount the older releases? 'Can’t do it on my own.” His voice is clipped, and he looks at you with a raised eyebrow, a scolding face (possibly even hurt?) that you’ve never seen from him, really. You shoot a look back that says, ‘let me have this one’ and he rubs his hand down his face before gesturing them up into the air.
"I'm sure you can manage, mucker." Jonathan muses. Harry cringes at the repeat of the nickname. He'd told you just last week how much he hates it cause it makes him feel like a lad's lad.
“Whatever. Do what you want. I’m taking your cut of the wage though.” And with that Harry is retreating, stalking into the back and leaving you a bit trembly on your own in front of Jonathan. He rolls his eyes in jest at Harry’s behaviour, chucking away the now-finished cigarette before glancing at his watch. You take this as a cue that he’s in a rush.
“Um, pick me up here, at 6?” the picking you’re doing of your nails juxtaposing the fake confidence you inject into your voice.
“See you then, sweetheart.” Jonathan moves forward and lets his nimble fingers brush over your hand before he takes the last M&M out of the bag, popping it between his jaw and winking, the door slamming behind him cockily.
And just as you predicted, Harry re-emerges from the back room minutes after quiet engulfs the shop once again, midway through sliding the headphones attached to his Walkman over his head, looking at you almost pitifully. Your irritation with his moody behaviour is starting to ignite the more solemn and childish he acts.
“You really wanna go on a date with him? He’s such a sleaze, Y/N. He-“
“-Wouldn’t know humility if it hit him in the face, Y/N,” You talk over him in an exaggerated deep voice, finishing the words that were about to leave his mouth, “You’ve made me fully aware that you don’t like him. Unfortunately for you, I happen to want to go on this date. Sorry for enjoying someone at least taking an interest in me for once. I never say a word when you’re being chat up by random girls alike. It’s a shameful double standard, Harry.” Your voice is almost edging on stern…as stern as you can sound without your heart nearly leaping out of your throat when engaging in any form of confrontation. Harry looks slightly taken aback by witnessing the first time you properly put your foot down with someone; regretful that the grilling was directed towards him.
He fumbles with his Walkman, looking up at you sheepishly.
“Just leave it. I have to leave for my doctor’s appointment, I’ll see you tomorrow or something.” You sigh, putting your foot down with him was the only way you wouldn’t cave into the soft side of your personality and forgive him immediately. He was being nosy and opinionated on your dating life for no valid reason.
He nods, headphones now on and gaze averted.
“See you tomorrow.”
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bubblyhoney · 3 years
Feel free to ignore this if it’s not specific enough or if you don’t know what to write for it but bestie I have been on a George kick for the last two or three weeks now and I think I’ve read every GNF fanfic there is to read 😭 I need awkward yet wholesome Gog content pls <3
first date
warnings: a singular kiss and some pretty awk flirting
words: 1634
tags: georgenotfound x gn!reader
A/N: anon... you read my mind. thank you sm for the request and musings.. i have also been on a bit of a gnf kick fucking Obviously bc ive posted two gnf fics this week—anyways. hope you enjoy and it's everything you've ever dreamed of ;]
requests/inbox status: open
“That one looks like my Aunt Theresa.” Your voice rings out through the stale air of the gallery. You’re pointing at an almost grotesque depiction of a woman with half of a mangled pool noodle balanced on her head. George purses his lips, keeping in what he knows will be an explosive laugh. Better to not disturb the gallery monitors with similarly sized pool noodles shoved up their asses, evidenced by their eagle-like judgmental gaze.
“No, that’s Sloth from the Goonies,” he adds, and plops down onto the cushions of a bench parallel to the exhibit. You just shake your head, huffing out a laugh, and fall down next to him.
“I think after this we should go get tamales. I don’t want to go home yet.” You shift the small paper bag from the gift shop in your hands, tugging at the tag’s string. A glance up at him yields a fleeting yet cute view of his blushing face.
“Uh—yeah. That sounds great.” One hand reaches up to nervously tug at his curly locks as the other drops down onto the bench. You imperceptibly shift and stare down at it.
He really does have pretty hands. Long, pale fingers give way to slender and clean fingernails. They shift, lightning fast, and you glance up to his face like you hadn’t just been ogling his hands.
You’ve been caught.
Turning away, you focus your wide eyes and pink cheeks on a particularly colorful exhibit. He’s silent. You can tell he’d like to say something. You waste three more minutes staring around at the art pieces before he says something.
“Uh, tamales?” His voice is gentle, almost reassuring. Nearly apologetic.
“Yeah!” You exclaim, shooting up from your seat like a jack rabbit. He blinks but follows. “It’s just down the street—three minute walk, tops.”
The whole walk to the tamale shop is blissfully full of chatter and niceties. You compliment his shoes, he returns the gesture with a nudge to your shoulder and a witty comment when he sees two birds fighting for a breadstick. You laugh your perfect laugh and his chest puffs big like a gorilla, proud that he’d coaxed not one but two of those laughs out of you. (The other was from when he made a “that’s what she said” joke in the gift shop; that was a sympathy laugh, maybe, but he didn’t dismiss it.)
“You ever been here before?” You ask, polite and courteous as you hold open the door for him. He shakes his head and steps forward in the moderately-long line, head tilted back to listen to you. “I always get the spicy beef. Never fails.”
“Mmm,” he hums in agreement, and scans the menu. Pork with green sauce sounds delicious right about now— then again, chipotle chicken.
“We can share a pineapple raisin one,” you chirp, sidling up next to him. He nods and tries to ignore how his fingers tingle when they’re so close to yours. “I can order first to give you more time if you’d like,” you add just as the line surges forward and there’s only one customer between you and the cash register. He nods again. The customer before you leaves for their table and then you’re ordering your food, hands pressed to the counter and leaning over to speak to the register attendant.
He orders quick, desperate to get the meal after his stomach rumbles crassly, and steps to the side after paying.
“George!” comes from the drink station and he turns with his eyebrows raised. It’s you, filling a cup with cherry Coke. “Can we eat outside?”
“Sure,” he shrugs, lips tilted in a smile, and thanks the person handing him his food before following you through the entrance again with the characteristic jingle of the bell. You park yourself on a bench right next to a fountain and he sits down beside you, careful to not crowd you too much.
You scoot an inch closer anyways.
You two eat wordlessly for a few minutes, hums and grunts of approval filling the silence as you drain your cherry Coke and he his regular Coke.
“That was so good,” he moans, taking a final sip from his straw before setting it down next to him. You made a noise of agreement.
“Here.” You’re holding up a forkful of the pineapple raisin tamale to him, hand underneath to catch any crumbs. He glances at your face nervously twice before taking the bite and starting to chew. It’s incredibly sweet and soft on his tongue and his face practically melts. You giggle, swiping a thumb across his scruffy chin to catch a masa grain and lick it off the pad of your finger. His stomach jumps at the touch.
“I—uh,” he trails off, staring at your moistened lips. “Thanks.”
You gaze right back, eyes flitting to every feature on his face. It’s like you can’t decide on what to look at.
“Sure,” you say simply, and the moment passes as you look down at your feet. A smile tugs at your mouth and he can barely see it climb over your lips. His eyes drift to watching the sway of the “open” flag at the neighboring book store, a couple leaning over a group of books in the window catching his gaze. They smile at each other fondly, hands locked together.
The sunset casts a glow over his bowed head. The slight evening breeze lifts his dark locks up off his forehead, jostling them playfully. The color of his sweater makes him glow warm, buttery orange against black jeans and periwinkle sneakers.
He really is a work of art.
It’s then that he turns, catching your eye with pink glowing cheeks and twinkling eyes.
“What?” He asks, sheepish grin splitting his lips.
“Nothing.” You shrug, eyes squinted, hiding a secret that’s obvious. “Just—admiring.”
Getting to his feet in a sudden bout of confidence, he tosses his trash into the bin nearby and stretches out a hand for you to take. “Can I walk you home?”
You just look for a second, but stand and take it like it’s the easiest decision in the world.
“I’d like nothing more, Georgie,” you shoot back. The pet name feels right on your tongue.
He shakes his head at it but tugs you right along. It’s west to your flat, so you walk in the light of the setting sun for a while.
His hand in yours is cool yet comfortable, skin smooth like silk. You can just barely smell his cologne; it’s something musky and sweet. But you can’t lean in and take a deep sniff— he probably wouldn’t see you again after that.
“I had a really nice time tonight,” you offer, hoping he’ll agree. Couples and friends say their goodbyes at stairways and restaurant doorways ahead of you two. You watch them, head full and hopeful.
“Me too.” He’s still overcome with that initial confidence and gives your hand a soft squeeze. “I of course only came for the tamales, but—.” He jostles your shoulder with a smile. You roll your eyes and shove right back.
“Of course,” you continue, nodding. “Wouldn’t expect that you’d want any of my lively company. Course not. Never.”
“Never,” he agrees, but the tone of his voice gives him away.
The stoop of your flat approaches quickly. You eye it warily, not wanting to part so quickly, but sigh heavily when you stop right at the familiar jagged sidewalk and scuffed gold paint of the door trim.
“So.” You turn towards him, letting go of his hand.
“So,” he replies back, lips pressed together tightly.
“Will you go on a date with me again?” You ask, all sweet and curious, and he tries not to let his heart thump too loudly out of his chest.
“I— Yeah. Yes. Of course.”
“Glad we’re on the same page,” you say through your smile. “Oh!” You lift the forgotten paper bag up and brandish it. “I actually got this for you. I saw you eyeing it at the gift shop, so.”
He takes the bag from you, eyebrows furrowed, and peers into it. A small green ceramic frog with a pale blue butterfly on the tip of its nose stares right back.
“That’s—wow. Thank you so much.”
A beat of silence passes and your shoulder turns, in what he thinks is goodbye, so he grabs your forearm.
“Yeah?” You know exactly what he’s thinking. Your voice is hopeful.
“Can I—Can I kiss you?” His voice breaks slightly at the end, and he swallows the nervousness.
“Yes,” you breathe and your head tilts up subconsciously. He scans your face, hand sliding down from your elbow to grasp your wrist.
God. You’re so cute.
And so he leans forward, cups your cheek with one hand, and presses a firm yet gentle kiss to your lips. You’re sweet, gentle, and you smell like lavender soap and flowers. You breathe him in, lips moving against his, and feel like you’re floating.
When you two break apart, he hovers just slightly apart from your face. His hand has slipped from its place on your cheek to your jaw, thumb pressed to the bone and rubbing slowly.
You observe the details of his face. How his nose slopes just slightly to the left, how he’s got a freckle on his eyelid, how the scruff on his jaw melts into the dark of his hair; has he always been this handsome?
He steps away, swallowing, and drops his hands to his pockets.
“Alright,” you exhale, trying to not scream or cry or throw up in the same breath. “See you—…when I see you.” He nods quickly, cheekbones blushed red. “Hopefully soon.”
“Yeah. Soon.”
He calls you the next day.
Definitely more than soon.
A/N: ask or send me some stuff!! requests, rants, anything. :D let me know what you think in the comments!
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maxwell-grant · 3 years
You have done an (excelent) post on how to reinvent Batman as a Pulp Hero. Do you think you could do one to Superman as well? Or do you think it is impossible to do this with the progenitor of the Super Hero genre without transforming him in a totaly diferent character?
Well, you saying it as impossible only makes it seem ever more tempting of a challenge, but yes, it is a bit harder. I'm gonna link my Batman post here as a reference point.
Partially because Batman's a franchise I've thought extensively about for a long time in regards to what I like about it or how I'd like to approach if given the opportunity, which is not something I can really say for Superman until more recently the Big Blue to start orbiting my brain. I don't have years worth of redesigns or fan concepts saved on my galleries and files to comb through to pick and choose here, and my experience with Superman as a character is considerably different, in some aspects more deeply personal, and not really something I'd like to go into in this blog, at least not now.
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Part of the reason why it's harder is also because Batman and Superman have very different relationships with their pulp inspirations. Batman was, ostensibly, a pulp character adapted to comics, a dime-a-dozen Shadow knock-off who picked up and played up diverging traits from other characters and gradually ran with them to gradually forge a unique identity. Superman right from the start was rooted in a much stronger conceptual underpinning: the Sci-Fi Superman and Alien Menace who, instead of being a tragic monster or a tyrannical villain, becomes a costumed adventurer and social crusader. Even the name Super-Man was taken from an early story of Siegel and Shuster about a telepathic villain who ends the story lamenting that he should have used his powers for the good of mankind instead of selfishness. I hesitate to call what Siegel and Shuster were doing “subversive” because that term's picked up a real negative connotation, and it's not like Siegel and Shuster were out to upend their influences (they were pulp aficionados themselves), but rather putting a more positive, new spin on them.
Which is why it also becomes a bit harder to do what I did with Batman and align Superman with some of his pulp-esque inspirations, like John Carter, Flash Gordon or Hugo Danner, without just making it "Superman but he's John Carter", "Superman but it's Flash Gordon", and "Iron Munro / Superman but everything sucks" respectively. It's harder to create a character that wouldn't feel reduntant and derivative at best, and actively contradictory to Superman at worst.
I guess if I had to come up with a "Pulp Hero Superman" take I liked, well first of all I'd have to take steps to distance it from the likes of Tom Strong or Al Ewing's Doc Thunder, those two are as good as it gets in regards to Pulp Supermen. I stipulated for Batman a "No Guns, No Murder, No Service" policy partially to distance my takes on Batman from all the "Pulp Batmen" that just add guns and murder and take Batman back to the barest of basics. Likewise, I'm adding a "No Depowered Science Hero" rule here, which means it's a take that's likely going to veer off a lot more into fantasy and probably enough tampering with Clark's character that it does risk becoming a different character.
Frankly I don't think I'm gonna succeed at doing these without just making it a new character entirely, because with Batman you can get away with just upending the character's aesthetic and setting and even origin and still keep it recognizably Bruce Wayne (in fact Batman does that all the time), which isn't really the case with Superman, who needs those to remain recognizably Superman as he goes through internal changes and character shifts. I guess what I'm gonna do here is more taking the building blocks of Superman/Clark Kent and see a couple new ways I can rearrange them to create a Pulp Superman
Perhaps something we can do is to scale back or recontextualize the "superhero" parts without diminishing Superman's role as a superpowered fantasy character.
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One way we can start is by picking on that connection between Superman and the sci-fi supermen/alien monsters of pulps I mentioned earlier and play it up further, to create a Superman who's deeply, deeply alien in a way that no mild-mannered disguise or colorful outfit can really disguise, something so dramatically powerful and alien, that instead you could get tales about the kinds of ensuing changes and ripple effects this has on the world upon the The Super-Man's arrival. And for that I'm gonna have to quote @davidmann95's concept for Joshua Viers' absolutely stunning Superman redesign on the left side of the image above
The red, the goldish-orange and white, the alienness, the angelic, sculpted feeling, the halo, that innocently curious expression: it’s genuinely beautiful. Superman as a redeeming science-angel from beyond our understanding, as much past the uncanny valley of limited human comprehension as a Lovecraftian monster but tuned to the opposite key - you could spend an endless procession of human lifetimes trying and failing to understand this being, but all you’ll ever know for sure is that it is beyond you, and it knows you, and it loves you.
Superdoomsday from Earth 45, healed and transformed into the savior it was originally envisioned as? Some descendant of his, or a future of the man himself? An alien who picked up on a broadcast of Superman from Earth, and so inspired reshaped itself in his image to spread his ‘gospel’ to the stars?
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Alternatively, to come back to Earth a little, many, many pulp characters and series were built off the antics and personalities of real people, celebrities getting their own magazines or serials or fictionalized takes on them, so perhaps one way to make a "pulp" take on Superman would be to emphasize a bit more of Superman's real-world roots, trends that inspired his creation directly or indirectly at the time. The Jewish strongman Sigmund Breibart and Shuster's interest in fitness culture, Harold Lloyd's comic persona, the rising "strongman" film genre in the early 20th century, actors Clark Gable and Kent Taylor that supposedly named his secret identity, Clark Kent being a socially-awkward journalist based of Siegel's own school experiences.
Maybe one start to an authentic Pulp Superman, who would still be Superman, would be to just ask the question "What if Superman was a real person and/or a celebrity, and they started making pulp magazines and serials dedicated to him? What would those look like?". You wouldn't even have to restrict it to just a story set in the 1930s, in fact you could even play around with the rise of new mediums over the decades.
This third one is a little closer to some plans I have for my own take on a Superman character, not necessarily what I would do with Superman proper but one of my ideas for a Superman analogue. Superman's a character I'll always associate strongly with childhood and childhood fantasy, and to tap into that I would emphasize the other end of the fiction that influenced Siegel and Shuster: comic strips, in their case specifically Little Nemo and Popeye.
In my case I would bring additional influences from some of the comic strips I personally grew up reading like Monica's Gang and Calvin and Hobbes, and I already talked a bit about Captain Fray in terms of how he’s a Superman character despite being a villain. I guess you could call this one "What if Superman was a public domain comic strip character, stripped of the importance of being the founding figure of a super popular genre or extended universe, and also was kind of ugly?".
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He's not "Sloth from the Goonies" ugly, I swear I didn't actually have Sloth in mind when typing out this idea, I've never watched that film nor did I know until now that he actually spends the film in a Superman shirt. That's not really what I'm going for. Visually I was thinking of modeling my take on Superman heavily after Hugo from Street Fighter and his inspiration Andre the Giant, to really emphasize the “circus strongman / freak wrestler” aspect of Superman’s inspiration, particularly in regards to how Hugo’s SFIII version strikes a really great balance in making Hugo ugly and both comedic and fearsome in battle, as well as lovable and even a little dopey (without being outright stupid, like his IV self) in his victory animations and endings.
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He's still Superman, he still goes on fantastical adventures to help people, he's still a deeply loving and compassionate soul whose face beams with joy and affection and who's got wonderful eyes and a great smile. It's just that this smile has a couple of mismatched stick-out teeth or some missing ones, and he's got a crooked smile some people take as smug or malicious, he’s got a strongman’s gut instead of a bodybuilder’s abs, his nose is a little busted (maybe he’s had too many crash landings), and his hair is a little wild or greasy, and he doesn't exactly have very good people skills because of how others usually react to him and, y'know, he doesn't get the kind of publicity Superman would get despite doing ostensibly the same things. He’s not deformed, he’s incredibly intelligent and capable, but in comparison to how superheroes are usually allowed to look, he might as well be Bizarro in the public eye.
It becomes a running gag that people tend to assume some nearby fireman or cop was the one who rescued the hundred orphans out of a burning building single-handedly, meanwhile he's getting accosted off-panel by police officers who think he set the building on fire, or think they can bully this weird man dressed funny. He goes to rescue old people in peril and occasionally they yell at him that they don't have any money. He doesn't get asked to lead superhero meetings or teams even though many in the community advocate for just how much he does for the world, he gets censored out of tv broadcasts or group shots (even his face is sometimes pixelated when they do show him), people invite him on talk shows and don't really let him talk or assume they got the wrong guy. He goes to rescue a woman dangling off a building, and then he gets attacked by like three different superhero teams who assume he must have kidnapped the poor damsel. He was the first superhero, he is the strongest of them all still, but he never really gets credit for it, it nor does he even want to. None of this at all stops him or deters him, except for some occasionally funny reactions.
This never really changes for him, he doesn't really earn people's approval nor does he have to, instead the stories, outside of the gags and adventures you’d expect from a comic strip, veer more towards others learning to be less judgmental and him learning ways to better approach people. He isn't any lesser than Superman just because he doesn't look like most people would want him to look and he doesn't have to look like Superman. Really I think we could use more superheroes that don’t look all so uniformly pretty.
Again, probably not a take that would work for Clark proper, but it’s one way I would take a shot at doing Superman with my own
I have other stuff in the works for this character but I'd like to keep them to better work on them for now, but yeah, these are three of my shots at developing a Pulp Superman.
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Alternatively here's a fourth idea that's more pulp than all of these: Join up Nicholas Cage with Panos Cosmatos again, or whatever weird indie director he decides to pair up with next, and let them do whatever the hell they want with Superman. Give us Mandy Superman. Superman vs The Color Out of Space. Superman vs Five Nights at Freddy's. Superman’s quest to find THE LAST PIG OF KRYPTON. Anything goes.
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impala-dreamer · 3 years
I know it's stupid. But this feels like a safe space, so I'm just gonna say it. Being single during a global pandemic fucking sucks! I haven't had sex in over a year&haven't had good sex in...well, forever?! And I just want to meet a good looking guy, make him get rid of his clothes, touch & lick & suck his cock until he's begging, only to then have him fuck me into the mattress and make me have at least 3 mindblowing orgasms until I'm screaming his name. OK, thanks for listening to my Ted talk.
First of all- this is always a safe space. You guys can feel free to talk to me about anything :)
OMG ya know- I am married, so I can't really relate, but I have wondered like... how does one... Date during a pandemic?? How can you... carry on normal single life looking for lovin' if you can't even ... like... people are covered in masks! lol. do you fall for someone and then they take the mask off and you're like "oh no... no no did not think i was dating Sloth from the Goonies... peace" like... that's gotta be hard, dude.
also, yes. I would also like to find a dude and suck him off real nice and have him fuck me ten ways to next friday. mmmm Yes. Agreed.
Also I am sorry for your frustration. May I offer some smut and a vibrator?
good Luck!
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me all day today couldn't even write lol
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The Goonies: Genre and Themes
As with every film, The Goonies is a hodgepodge of elements borrowed from different genres: a series of intertwined different sets of expectations that the audience is to expect payoff on.  
Usually, a movie gains an audience by appealing to fans of its genre, or genres, since, as I mentioned, most films contain more than one.  Typically, by appealing to these fans with a combination of appropriate star power, the name of a good director, and a use of genre brings in an audience, who is familiar with these elements, knows what to expect, and wants to see more of it.  Genre is best used as a series of audience expectations that a filmmaker has to fulfill, rather than a series of tropes that have to be checked off in interesting ways to make a good action film, or western, or horror.
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The reason for this is simple: one, if you want an audience, don’t confuse them, don’t bore them, and don’t disappoint them, and that means meeting their expectations, or subtly adjusting them along the way.
So…what were the expectations for The Goonies?
At first, it might seem easiest to say that it’s an adventure film.
Which, it is.
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The story for The Goonies follows a group of kids avoiding dangerous criminals while searching for buried treasure, encountering booby traps, raging waterfalls, and skeletons galore.  It very much strikes in atmosphere and surroundings an Indiana Jones-style feeling of adventure, bringing to mind the opening of Raiders of the Lost Ark.  However, while the Indiana Jones films, while possessing a slight comedic slant in several scenes, including action ones, the stakes in those films are typically much higher than the Goondocks, and as a result, it overall takes itself more seriously.
The Goonies is not a film spent with the audience at the edge of their seat, biting their nails in terror that one of the kids is going to be killed, or even seriously hurt.  At no point does the audience believe that Chunk’s hand is actually going to be subjected to the blender, nor do they think that Data’s fall will kill him, or that the floor collapsing from under Mouth is going to lead to his untimely, unceremonious demise.  The stakes are there, certainly, and the characters clearly believe they are in danger (rightfully), but the audience never has a heart-in-throat moment of: this is it for them.
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Which is odd, because our villains are armed with guns, and the floor does collapse, and our heroes are in danger.  They believe it, to the point where Brand pulls Mikey out of the cave, away from the loot, because their lives are more important than the treasure.  The group bursts into hysterics when they think Data has fallen to his death, and Brand and Mouth don’t exactly handle seeing a skeleton, a reminder of their own mortality, trapped under one of One-Eyed Willy’s booby traps.  Characters are held at gunpoint, swordpoint, are pushed off of planks, and are nearly crushed by falling rocks, and while, for the sake of the story, they are terrified for their own lives, the audience never really feels the danger.
We feel the danger for their sakes, certainly, but in the end, the audience is actually more concerned with whether or not Mikey and Co. are going to get the treasure to save the Goondocks than whether or not they’ll survive, because we know that already.  We know, based on the tone and style of the film, that they have to make it, and be alright in the end.  The stakes  of the goal are high to the characters and the audience: the money for the Goondocks, but the stakes for the story aren’t quite as severe, seemingly.
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Part of that is due to, like I said, the tone, which I’ll get to in a minute.  But the other portion to assisting the audience’s suspension of disbelief has to do with the themes of the film.
See, themes aren’t only for in-depth films that contemplate the meaning of life.  Themes are present in every film we watch, whether it’s a theme of anti-authoritarianism (Escape from New York, They Live), success through perseverance (Rocky), or as simple as love (Casablanca) or good vs. evil (Star Wars).  Even if it’s not intentional, every movie carries with it the inherited worldview of its creators and what matters to them, especially as it concerns this particular story.  The same is true for The Goonies.
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At the center of The Goonies is, of course, a basic struggle of good vs. evil, albeit in far less ‘epic’ terms: a group of kids trying to save their homes versus murderous criminals, and worse, businessmen trying to uproot their homes and separate them, leading to the real major theme of the movie: friendship.
The Goonies don’t want to leave Astoria because they’re so terribly fond of their own driveways.  It’s because they’re fond of each other.  As much as they squabble and tease each other and argue, they are friends, and they don’t want to be separated.  In fact, their friendship and love for their home is so strong that, even when their lives are endangered, they stick together, even where there are opportunities to turn back.
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But as important as the friendship between the Goonies is, it’s not the only friendship in the film that’s key to the story.
Chunk’s bonding with Sloth not only saves their lives, but also provides a happy ending for Sloth, too.  By the end of the film, Sloth is practically a Goonie himself, and the rest of the group embraces him without a second thought.  The group functions almost like a large family: they don’t always get along, (in fact, they often don’t) but in the end, what matters is that they care about each other, enough to face some pretty intense stuff.
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Which is another good point.
While friendship and good vs. evil factor easily into a good adventure movie, what’s interesting to note is that while Indiana Jones or any other average adventure hero has to go with it: tons of courage, and usually some competency to go along.  The Goonies unfortunately only have the former, which makes sense.  The average age of the lot of them is thirteen.
Bravery isn’t exactly uncommon to see in adventure films: nobody wants to watch a cowardly hero in a straight adventure film.  But for the average hero, they have skills that help along the way, strength, speed, wits, intelligence, a specialized set of abilities.  The Goonies, on the other hand?
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They’re kids.  The oldest among them are still high-schoolers.  Their skills are limited: Data’s inventions, Mikey’s leadership and optimism, Mouth’s ability to translate Spanish, and Chunk’s timing all come in handy throughout the film, but it never changes the fact that they’re kids against three adults who won’t think twice about killing children.  This changes their ‘courage’ somewhat into either some insane levels of idealism, or determination at the cost (sometimes) of common sense.  Mikey has to be convinced to escape from the collapsing cave instead of going back to get the treasure.
So what does that tell us?
It tells us that their goal means something to them, that they care immensely about it, and that it’s worth the danger.  Are they scared?  Of course.  But in that friendship, in that goal to defeat the evil of the Fratellis and the rich families about to bulldoze their houses, they find the courage to keep moving, to reach that goal.
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In the end, the Goonies never beat the Fratellis.  They get away, sure, but it’s Sloth and the police who have far more to do with the actual ‘defeat of’ the main villains of the film.  After the Goonies escape, the prize of the movie seems to be their lives, with the Fratellis being left behind with the treasure.  You could argue this means that the Goonies aren’t very brave, seeing as they never had a final ‘battle’, or climax with the Fratellis, but it’s important to remember that the Fratellis aren’t really the antagonist of the Goonies.  They’re antagonists, for sure, but they aren’t the person who is causing the problem in the first place, kicking off the adventure.  That would be Mr. Perkins, the guy trying to get them out of the Goondocks.  As a result, while the Fratellis are apprehended by third-party law enforcement, the Goonies get to ‘defeat’ Mr. Perkins themselves, by having enough money to save their homes.
Is it ‘final battle’ level of epic climax?  No.  But again, they’re thirteen years old, and with that in mind, then staying one step ahead of hardened criminals, escaping, and saving their home anyway (all against adults more competent and powerful than they are) is plenty brave enough for me.
Both villains in this story have one thing in common: Greed.  Greed has always been a pretty common theme in stories, and that extends to moviemaking too: The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, Wall Street, and Citizen Kane are films held in high regard that revolve around greed, and what it does to people.  Other films like It’s a Wonderful Life take an even firmer, more obvious stance, pitting its protagonist against a cruel, greedy antagonist with no redeeming qualities.  In short, we as audience members have a pretty good idea of what greediness looks like, and we know that we don’t like it.  The Fratellis and Mr. Perkins are entirely motivated by money: Mr. Perkins can only think of the benefits to himself for tearing down the Goondocks, whereas the Fratellis, counterfeiters and thieves, are simply after the treasure for their own personal gain.
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Now, of course, the Goonies are after it too, but you’ll notice something very important here.
Sure, the Goonies want the treasure.  That’s the whole point.  But the thing that prevents this from being an act of greed is obvious: ‘intent’.  Mikey’s protests about wanting to go back and get the loot is not because Mikey was struck by sudden gold-fever or Dragon Sickness, it’s because he wants, more than anything, to save their home.  It’s what they all want, in fact.  They’re doing this for a good cause: for each other, not just themselves, to meet a need.  None of the kids ever mention getting rich from this.  They all have the same goal, and there are never any of the typical fights about how the treasure gets split, or what they’ll do with their share.
These themes all overlap very neatly into the film itself, though it seems a little odd to cut them up and lay them out like this, but there is one thing that ties it all together, albeit, probably without meaning to.  I’ve mentioned the ages of the kids a few times: ranging from about thirteen to around sixteen or seventeen.  There have been plenty of movies about kids, for kids, and about kids for adults, but The Goonies manages to straddle a line and become a movie about kids, for everyone.
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Youth is a huge part of this movie.  Adults do not find treasure maps and decide to go on an adventure in order to save their homes because the insane, idealistic, wide-eyed streak has already been burned out of them by life.  They already know the rules of the world, and know that that’s not how that works.  As such, the fact is, there’s no ‘Goonie’ storyline if the characters aren’t children.  Kids are infinitely more emotionally attached to their homes at that age, and will do anything to stay together.  Kids haven’t been told yet by the world that their hopes and dreams are unrealistic.  They still believe they can do great things, like save the Goondocks.  
Even throughout the rest of the film, you can’t replace these characters with adults.  They cry, they scream, they panic, they fight and argue with each other, and they all remain friends, unquestionably, and the adventure molds around them, allowing them to continue to be children as the story progresses.  The danger is real, but it never feels too big for them, or too small for everyone else.
So, what does that mean for genre?
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None of this detracts from the fact that The Goonies is very much an adventure film.  Early on, the expectations are set up for the audience: the opening car chase and the discovery of the map in Mikey’s attic immediately set up the idea that there is going to be an exciting, dangerous story ahead, full of unexpected, unusual circumstances.  That’s exactly what we get.
While the audience may never feel outright danger for the characters’ lives, like I said, they do worry for the Goonies’ end goal, and there is certainly plenty of excitement along the way.  That is, in fact, the emotion most felt by the audience throughout the film.  The movie is a roller-coaster full of superficial danger without any real stakes, and plenty of heart-in-throat moments.  The trek through the tunnels, Chunk’s run-ins with the Fratellis, meeting Sloth, finding the pirate ship: are all dips and climbs throughout the amusement park ride that is The Goonies.  The audience is constantly on the edge of their seat, and almost every story beat is active payoff of that adventurous expectation.
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But there’s more to this movie than just the thrills.
Part of the difficulty of developing an adventure film for kids is that you either have to put children in danger, or you run the risk of feeling too safe.  Kid adventure movies of the ‘80s like E.T. the Extra Terrestrial utilized an even balance, but as I mentioned, there’s no real fear for the Goonies’ lives.  This is for a rather specific reason:
The Goonies went for the laughs with the thrills.
Data falling through the cave floor?  Terrifying.  Data falling through the cave floor and being saved by his invention while the rest of the Goonies go into hysterics?  Hilarious.
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The Goonies going after the treasure?  Exciting.
The Goonies letting the air out of Brand’s tires so he has to steal a little kid’s bicycle to go after them?  A comedy highlight.
The Goonies being cornered by the Fratellis and forced to give up the treasure?  Legitimately upsetting in the moment.
Mama Fratelli forcing Mouth to spit out the gobs of gold and pearls that he’s stashed in his mouth?  Genuinely funny.
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The movie is constantly playing that balance.  No exciting moment is without it’s humorous side.  The kids are in danger, but they’re also always reacting in humorous ways, like Mikey making a half-hearted joke when Andy’s trying to play the bone organ while the floor collapses.  A lot of what people remember about this movie are the laughs, with good reason: there’s a ton of them.
The Goonies has no shortage of funny moments and humorous lines, again, some of the most quoted lines of the film happen to be the ones that made people laugh.  But as I’ve said before: there’s a lot more to being a comedy than just being funny.
Comedy is a very broad umbrella, one of the genres most easily mixed with others to create a blend: such as, what would seem to be a comedy-adventure story.  Comedies typically rely on either absurd, exaggerated, or humorous characters, or an absurd, exaggerated, humorous plot, such as in films like Coming to America or Ghostbusters.
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So, how does The Goonies fit?  The plot is exaggerated, for sure, but not exactly in an inherently humorous way.
There’s a very easy way to tell exactly what genre it is, between adventure and comedy, and I’ll show you right now:
Typically, a really good way to tell a film’s genre is to take a good look at the characters, especially the main protagonist, and the story beats.  These elements best illustrate exactly what kind of story you have, and in the case of The Goonies, it’s fairly easy.
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Like I said, the story for The Goonies is clearly exaggerated beyond the realm of belief.  Kids don’t find treasure maps in their attics that lead them to pirate ships.  However, the story isn’t played as ‘funny’, nearly ever.  The skeletons and booby traps are played completely straight, with very little to laugh at.  Indeed, in another movie, these booby traps may have actually hurt or killed a character.
In The Goonies however, while the plotline is a very straightforward ‘kids Indiana Jones’ adventure story, the characters are considerably more…colorful.
And funny.
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Mikey’s mispronunciations and his bickering brother relationship with Brand, Andy’s hysteria, Data’s plucky mildly ‘nutty professor’ vibe, Chunk’s over-the-top reaction to his misadventures, Mouth’s…mouth, and Stef’s complete and total irritation with everyone around her lead to some hilarious interactions, and some genuinely funny characters in their own right.  Everyone is quirky, and not just to give them more character, it’s also to get them to be funnier.  They aren’t alone in this, either.
The Fratellis, although still remaining chief antagonists, are not without their own comedic slants as well.  Their own bickering amongst themselves and the over-the-top levels of abuse that get doled out equally manage to keep them intimidating for the kids, but funny for the audience, enough that there’s never a point where they reach true ‘villain’ status.  
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With that combination in mind, the film actually manages to hit the comedy-adventure balance pretty evenly.  The situation remains threatening, but the thing that actually prevents the audience from worrying are the characters themselves and how they are portrayed: as indestructible characters in a cartoon.  They’re likeable enough to keep the audience invested, but humorous enough to keep the audience from fearing for them.  It’s the ideal combination, and it works, with just a dash of something more:
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The Goonies is remembered for its humor and its adventure, but it’s also remembered for its heart.  Brand hugging Mikey as they briefly connect over the fear and sadness of losing their home, Mikey’s inspiring speeches, ‘Goonies Never Say Die!’, Mouth’s passionate outburst about his dream, his wish, Sloth’s friendship with Chunk, even the ending, with Brand and Mikey’s dad proudly proclaiming that there will be no signing, with the kids watching the pirate ship sail into the sunset…it fills the audience with at least a little bit of warmth.
In the end, we care about the Goonies because the movie makes us care about them.  They make us like them, and so we feel for their adventures.  There’s a real, legitimate sense of family throughout it, down to the aggressive fighting to the make-up hugs that follow.
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The Goonies is often considered a ‘family’ movie, something that may surprise viewers after hearing some of the language used by the kids, the corpses, and the fact that the kids are in legitimate danger at times, but in a way, it’s not very surprising that this is considered a family film.
The tempering of the action with the comedy certainly helps, but the real kicker to make sure that it’s considered a ‘family’ film is its focus: family.  Friendship.  The people you care about.  Banding together against all odds.
Yes, the plot appeals to kids, and so do the characters, for obvious reasons: the characters are kids, with child-like goals.  Adults typically don’t react so strongly to learning that they have to move, at least, not to the point of going treasure-hunting to prevent it.  However, while kids can grasp what the Goonies are about, adults can too.
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Adults remember what it’s like to be kids, to have those hopes and fears and dreams, and can get into it just as well.  Family movies aren’t movies for kids, necessarily, but they are movies for families, that can be enjoyed by everyone, because everyone can relate to the story and characters.  This means that family movies tend to be pretty basic, uncomplicated, full of what could be derogatorily called ‘false excitement’, with characters that are fairly static and simple, but with gripping emotional themes that everyone can get behind.
In the case of The Goonies?
It fits the bill every step of the way.
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In the end, The Goonies is an adventure film, one that promises it’s audience excitement and pays off every minute, and a comedy film that promises laughs, and again, delivers, and in being both of those things, it’s also a family film, with both of those things, and lots of heart to go with it, to offer in spades to an entire family.  
The result?
The Goonies is an exciting, charming, funny adventure film about kids who are charming, funny, and adventurous, leading to a perfect, consistent tonal blend that manages to stay with the movie from start to finish, creating a roller coaster, amusement-park ride of a film that has been loved, with good reason, by people of all ages since it was first released, entertaining families passing it down through generations for over thirty years, and will continue to entertain families for years to come, as long as kids continue to be kids, and adults can remember what being a kid is like.
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I burned the letter my ex proposed to me with and got rid of all the letters he sent when he was in basic training. I feel so amped up on so many feelings, but I am so grateful to have you as a person to blab to. Sending you asks has become a part of my routine and I am just sooooo thankful that you entertain my nonsense, and my soft and whorish moods.
💖💙💖 thanks, Sloth
(P.S. everytime I read "Sloth" I think of Sloth from The Goonies 😹)
😭😭😭😭 it's true that's what I look like.
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duhragonball · 4 years
Tell me whatever the fuck you want
I feel less miserable today than I did a couple of days ago, so maybe I should do this more often.
I looked up the Pirate From Goonies and it was "One Eyed Willy" and I'm like, that movie had dick jokes on top of dick jokes. I hated Goonies, and I always have, but my kid brother loved it and he rewatched it like a billion trillion times, so I don't know how I forgot the pirate's name.
I also found out the kids called themselves "Goonies" because they lived in the "Goon Docks" section of whatever town they were in. And since Willy buried his treasure there 350 years before, they decided he was the "original Goonie". So that was why Mikey felt so sentimental about the guy.
But also, it made my analogy more poignant. I was just casting for a movie that wasn't Star Wars, but I hit the nail on the head. Willy died alone and forgotten in his secret hideout, and Mikey has a completely different life in his 1980's suburban movie world, but there's still this connection between them. But if someone tried to do a Goonies Prequel about Willy, it couldn't be about 80s nonsense and real estate foreclosures. Dick jokes, perhaps, and maybe Sloth's ancestor could show up, but it'd have to be a very different movie.
Anyway, that's what I'm trying to do, and I hate Goonies, so I'm kind if low-key mad that my thing has any connection to that. Maybe it'd make more sense if I watched it as an adult? I was young enough at the time that when I saw it in theaters, I thought the older kids looked like full-on adults, and I thought one girl who looked like Carrie Kelly from Dark Knight Returns was a boy for most of the movie. Yeah, 1985, so I would have been eight, I guess. I feel like an eight year old should have been able to figure out that Stef was a girl. Maybe modern 8yo's could, but not me.
Wait, my little brother would have been 6. No wonder he loved Goonies so much. That was his "Frozen". That was to him what "Return of the Jedi" was for me. Huh.
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gravecinema · 4 years
Why The Goonies is the Perfect Kids Movie - 08/24/2020
I love The Goonies. It was one of my favorite movies growing up. It’s probably the best story about a group of kids that end up going on an adventure that you can watch. It’s an adventure filled with excitement, gadgets, danger, treasure, and a pirate ship! It has the realist and most genuine group of kids I’ve ever seen in a movie. It also has them acting like how actual kids are in real life. It helps make the story seem entirely believable, and it has you relating to and rooting for the kids for the entire movie.
The story of The Goonies starts when a family of criminals known as the Fratelli’s break one of their own out of jail and then evade the police. During this chase, we get a quick introduction to most of our characters for the movie, before transitioning into the house of our main character of Mikey and his older brother. The kids gather into Mikey’s attic in the search for something exciting, and there they find a treasure map left by the pirate One-Eyed Willy.  
With the threat of foreclosure looming for Mikey’s family in the Goondocks, he and the rest of the Goonies decide to follow the map in an effort to find the “rich stuff” and save his home. However, the start of their adventure leads them into the path of the Fratelli’s from the start of the movie. The Fratelli’s soon find out that the kids know who they are, and that they are also chasing after a treasure. It then becomes a race as the Goonies try to track down One-Eyed Willy’s treasure through an underground cave, all while staying one step ahead of the Fratelli’s.
On this adventure, the kids are also joined inadvertently by Mikey’s older brother, along with his love interest and her friend. This group of seven soon find themselves facing skeletons, booby traps, creatures, and dangerous paths on their trek to the treasure. One of the kids, Chunk, gets captured by the Fratelli’s early on and winds up befriending the deformed brother of the Fratelli’s known as Sloth, whom they keep chained to a wall. Sloth and Chunk then attempt to follow the Fratelli’s to help save Mikey and the rest of his friends.
The story is completely engaging, and we as the audience are with the kids every step of the way. Mama Fratelli is a great antagonist, and her pursuit of the kids is relentless. The interaction between her two sons that are with her is also a fun dynamic to watch. As great as the story is, the story is highly elevated by the great cast of characters throughout it. There is not a weak role or performance in the entire movie.  
What really makes the movie great for kids is that they can relate to the characters and their motivations. What kid wouldn’t want to go on an adventure looking for buried treasure. Every kid would also love to have a group of close friends to adventure with, and to essentially waterslide down a cave leading to a pirate ship. I was completely fascinated with all of this myself when I was a kid. I always wanted to go on a grand adventure, exploring new places, and having a close group of friends to do it with. That’s one of the reasons why I always loved this movie growing up, and continue to rewatch it as an adult.
I still get the same feeling watching this movie as an adult as I first did when I was a kid. That feeling is one of pure excitement. Every scene of this movie has a layer of excitement attached to it. There’s the Fratelli’s basement, the booby traps, the climactic battle on the pirate ship, and the scene of the playing of the bone piano while the Fratelli’s are close to catching up with the kids. This scene always has you on the edge of your seat and is my personal favorite.
Speaking of favorites, my favorite kid from the group has to be Data. He’s the inventor of the group and has all sorts of gizmos and gadgets that he uses to help the group on their adventure. He’s the most fun to watch, and that’s really what this movie is all about: Fun. This is just a plain fun movie. The scenes are fun, the music is fun, the characters are fun, and the action is fun. If you want to make a perfect kids movie, then you have to make it fun, and not be too nitpicky about certain details, like how a pirate ship found its way to being trapped in a cave in Oregon when the vast majority of piracy was located in the Caribbean during that time. As a kid, we don’t care about inaccurate historical details like that. We just want to watch a fun adventure movie, and The Goonies is exactly that.
Once The Goonies grabs your attention, it never lets go of it. From the second those kids enter that fireplace into the cave, and to the moment when they first lay eyes on the pirate ship, you are with them throughout the entire movie and adventure. The moment when the Fratelli’s capture the kids on the pirate ship and then Sloth and Chunk show up to save them make for a great climactic sequence. The final shot of the ship sailing away into the ocean is also a great way to end the movie.
I clearly have quite a bit of nostalgia when it comes to this movie. The best time to first watch this movie for anyone is when they are a kid, as that’s when it’ll leave the biggest impression on you. Even as an adult, I love to rewatch it again every so often, just to capture that same feeling of excitement and adventure that it brought me when I first saw it. I look forward to eventually watching it with my own kids one day, whenever that day comes. These are all reasons why I believe that The Goonies will always go on to be considered a perfect kids movie.  
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bxcketbarnes · 5 years
The Goonies
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Pairing: Billy Hargrove x Reader
Words: 1600+
Request: What about a cute Billy one where like they watch the Goonies and they just have a great time. I feel like some fluff for Billy is the mood right now.
Author's Note: I fucking love The Goonies. It's a good ass movie. Also, love a soft!Billy. That's what we have here. Get ready for an overload of tooth-rotting fluff. xoxo
I finally got to my locker, looking around for a certain curly-haired beauty as I spin the dial to the small blue locker. Before I left for school this morning my parents told me they'd be out of town for the weekend and it's the perfect opportunity to have Billy stay over. The two of us haven't really hung out without his asshole friends in over two weeks.
After spinning the dial to the last number, my locker unlocks and I neatly put my books into the small space. Luckily, no girls came up to me today and asked to have a piece of my man. I've lost count of how many times the girls that go here have asked and it started to irritate me a little bit. It was a huge shocker to basically the entire school when the word was out about Billy and me dating since we're complete opposites on the popularity spectrum.
I'm kind of like Nancy. Super smart, organized, but she's a social butterfly and I'm not. I keep to myself most times. I'm not good at talking to people, especially Billy when he first started talking to me, well flirting.
One thing led to another and we started hanging out with each other outside of school. I was shocked every time we hung out and he didn't try to make a move on me. Since he's Billy Hargrove, the guy who's been with half of the girls at school.
Knowing that kinda bothered me at first but he really proved it to me when girls would walk up to him, very obviously flirting with him and asking to hang out and shit like that, and he would reject them before returning his attention back to me. That's when I knew… I was fucked.
We've been a couple for a few months now. He's happy. I'm happy. It's been great, actually.
I'm snapped out of my thoughts when two hands are placed onto my stomach, feeling a body press up against my back. "Hey, baby girl," Billy whispered into my ear and I couldn't help but smile.
"Hey, handsome," I greet him and turn my head towards him. He presses a kiss to my lips, humming softly. I suddenly pull away from him, remembering what my mother told me this morning. "I've got to ask you something."
Billy raised an eyebrow as I grab my bag from my locker and closes it before turning to face him. "Yeah? And what's that?"
"My parents are going to be gone the entire weekend," I told him and he licked his lips, nodding his head.
I grab ahold of his hand as the two of us began to walk towards the school doors. "Really now? Do you think you could throw a small party? Tommy really wants to get plastered this weekend," he asked and I frowned. A sigh leaves my lips and Billy's eyes looked down at me, hearing the unpleasant noise leaving my lips. "What?"
"I just thought that maybe… it could just be us two," I mumbled to him and tilted my head to look up at the blue-eyed teen. "I haven't had you to myself in over two weeks."
Billy chuckled and let's go of my hand before draping his arm over my shoulder, pulling my body closer to his. "Baby girl," he started and pressed a kiss to your head as we walked out the door, heading straight to the blue Camaro that sits in the parking lot, "if you wanted me to yourself all you have to do is ask. Talk to me, baby."
I nodded shyly and giggle as I bring my left hand up, lacing my fingers with his that hangs off my shoulder. "Sorry, I'm working on it."
"Do I need a bag to stay over?" He asked and I nodded my head. "Alright. How about we head to my house first and I'll quickly pack one then head to your place?"
"Sounds good, Billy," I whispered before leaning on my toes to press a kiss to his cheek.
Billy plopped down on the couch after we reached my place. He slipped his boots off before setting them onto the coffee table. "C'mere, baby," he mumbled and I chuckled while taking off my shoes, setting my bag down by the stairs.
"Hold on. I'm gonna throw the frozen pizza into the oven," I told him and walk past the couch, running my fingers through his curls.
His hand reached out to stop me, pulling my arm towards him. "Gimme a kiss first," Billy said and I rolled my eyes before leaning down to press a kiss to his lips. He moans while moving his lips against mine, his fingers combing through my hair. I pulled away from him after about a minute, placing one quick kiss onto his pink lips before moving into the kitchen.
I throw the frozen pizza into the oven, setting a timer for it before heading back into the living room. I plop down onto the couch beside Billy and his arm immediately goes over my shoulder. “You find a movie?” I asked and rest my head against his shoulder.
“Remember when you said you wanted to watch The Goonies?” He questioned and I hummed, glancing up at the boy. “Well, look what I found.” Billy points towards the television and I turned my gaze to the TV to see it was on in five minutes.
“What are the odds!” I laughed and Billy chuckled. He clicked on the movie that was just about done before setting the remote down. “I’m so excited.”
“You’re so cute,” he mumbled and I looked up at him, a grin on my lips as his blue eyes looked into mine. “Like, adorably cute.”
I blushed and hid my face in his neck as Billy wraps his arm around my waist. “Shut up,” I giggled into his neck and his chest vibrated as he chuckled. He moves his hands to my hips, moving me so I’m straddling his lap. The blush on my cheeks darkens as I’ve never been in this position before. 
“My cute, sweet, innocent girl,” Billy whispered while running his hands up my sides.
It’s been over an hour since the movie started and my eyes rarely left the television, other than the time I had to grab the pizza from the oven. My head lies on Billy’s lap and his fingers play with my hair as The Goonie’s kids made it to the ship, finding the treasure.
A large smile comes to my lips as I brought a hand to Billy’s thigh, feeling the roughness of his jeans as I ran my thumb across it. His hand moved away from my hair, his fingers running down my back. Sloth came onto the screen, a pirate’s hat on his head as he held a rope in his hands. “Hey, you guys!” He yelled out and I grinned like a kid on Christmas, always loving that part when I saw it in the movie trailer months ago.
“Sweetheart?” Billy pipes up and I tilt my head up towards him, laying on my back now.
“Yeah, babe?”
“You gotta stop rubbing my thigh,” he mumbled and I furrowed my eyebrows a bit, confused as to why he would say that.
I sit up and lean my hand against his leg. “What? Wh- Oh,” I cut myself off after seeing the look on his face as he directed his eyes towards his junk. I licked my lips a bit and he groaned, looking away from me and I giggle. “I’m sorry! I-I didn’t know it’d turn you on so much.”
“Babe, you turn me on constantly,” he tells me and I frown. Billy noticed my change in demeanor and he sighs before placing his hands on either side of my face. “Hey, it’s okay. When we first got together I told you I’d wait until you were ready. I’m not going to rush you or pressure you. You’re just super fucking gorgeous and I can’t help but easily get turned on. Take it as a compliment really. No one’s ever made me turned on faster than you have.”
“Why must you make me blush constantly?” I asked him with a small laugh before biting my lip. He shrugs his shoulder and leans forward to press a loving kiss to my lips.
“Because it’s cute when you blush, baby girl,” Billy grinned and I rolled my eyes, shaking my head a bit. “You know we missed the ending, right?”
I glanced back at the television to see the credits rolling and I sigh before turning my attention to him. “Well, that just means we’ll have to watch it again when it comes back on,” I winked and get up from the couch.
“No, where are you going?” He whines as I grabbed our plates, bringing them into the kitchen.
“You’re clingy today, mister,” I called out from the island in the kitchen, getting into the cookies and I notice Billy pushing himself up from the couch to walk into the kitchen as well.
I bring the cookie to my lips, slowly biting into it as Billy keeps his eyes on me. “Well as someone stated earlier I haven’t spent alone time with you in over two weeks.” He reached forward to grab a cookie, bringing it to his lips and I couldn’t help but watch.
“I think I’m ready,” I whispered and Billy almost choked on the chocolate chip cookie, covering his mouth with his hand.
“Ready for what I think you’re ready for?” He asked and I nodded my head, feeling my heart pound against my chest. “Are you sure? Like, one hundred percent?”
I laughed, taking a step closer to him and bring my hand up to his forearm. “Yes, Billy. I’m ready for you to have me… all of me.”
Stranger Things Taglist: @marshmallowtraver @daisyxbuckley @bumblebet-20 @thebookamongmen @makeupbychio @whiitee--sxxl @mattysheelies @lovefilledtragedy @vanitysfairr @kaelyn-lobrutto24 @fangirlinganditswonders @ria132love @rissa067 @omgdani17 @sadgirlhours247 @radicalbilly @lizziejean13 @thecurlsofgod @laurmillen @puppylover12222 @mishaphades @billyhargrovescigarette @l0ve-0f-my-life @smilechannie @imsunsetboulevard @readinthegarden12
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