#feels bad feels inorganic
septembersghost · 1 year
the sweeney choreography is so EERIE and viscerally unnerving and the ensemble and orchestrations are so full and bone chilling and i just want a proshot 😭
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charlemane · 5 months
fucking HATE knitting through the front loop. how do people LIVE like this???
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im a bit catastrophic autism level about characters having missing memories that they cant reach but know are meant to be there, i have a dnd character in a really similar situation!! i just love the feelings of frustration and horror... which memories and thoughts can you even trust? if memories can be removed can they be added?? what do you really know??? its the best for real poor ns
I KNOWWWW I FUCKING LOVE THAT CONCEPT SO MUCH!!!!! just that feeling of something being out of your reach. something you Know but can’t Remember. i love how i put it: like walking into a mall in the middle of the weekend and seeing that it’s empty. because you know it should be full of people. you know what should be there. but there’s nothing. no matter how much you look, there’s nothing, there’s nobody. it’s frustrating and horrifying and and (explodes in autism)
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pr · 1 year
shivroy ;( i get it but also. ;(
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kaleuh · 2 years
OkCupid is a great way to get a lot of compliments that will make you feel good for exactly .5 seconds and then immediately make you feel lonelier than you've ever been somehow
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meanlesbean · 1 year
taking my stupid lil walk for my stupid mental health and it was working up until some random guys yelled some homophobia at me so <3
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ratgill · 2 years
jumpscared by the minecraft end poem and now i feel like shit i think that ruined my day
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wimbledon2008 · 2 years
tennis is an incredibly stressful sport to spectate like there's only one person out there and it's not karim benzema so i can't just blame him when things go wrong :/
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heirbane · 21 days
Thinks about the lengths that Zenos went to just to find a shred of fulfillment.
Thinks about him carving up his own father and letting his local boy servant ascian turn him into a primal of decay just to fulfill his own twisted desires.
Cries a little
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septembersghost · 2 years
Hi, I was just wondering how old you were? You seem very young like early 20s but also your wisdom is like you could be early 30s or 40s? If you feel like sharing.
this is actually an accurate assessment and a really nice compliment, thank you for saying that. 💗
me in my cozy care bears cardigan: i'm going to give this an overly complicated answer lmao
the seeming young part definitely comes from being frozen at 19 (and a very young/relatively sheltered 19, as my mom said to me a few weeks ago, it was more like i was 14/15. i'm not ashamed of this, it was just my personality, adults around me always said i was an "old soul," but simultaneously with a quite innocent nature? duality, i guess!). when i became critically ill and never recovered and had to leave school, every major "normal" life experience that most people will have as they grow throughout their 20s didn't happen for me, so in many ways it's like being in stasis, still existing forever as that young girl and as the ghost of her. on the other hand, i've been through a lot of dark struggles and difficulties with some damaging situations, and with my health, which are the more grown-up aspect of things! it's confusing, time feels so unreal. i'm not sure how to ever define myself, i'm 8 and 18 and 80. but in the most literal sense i'm in my 30s 😭
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jenneyquinn · 7 days
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“who do you think you’re impressing with this stuff?”
“everyone. you wouldn’t understand.”
after adjusting his tie, pacifica looks up from dipper’s neck, her blue eyes meeting his brown ones. it’s the very first time she sees him without that lame pine tree cap on, so naturally, her eyes aim a little higher.
upon inspecting the brunette’s tufts of hair, she thinks to herself, he definitely doesn’t shower much, trying her best to not react too visibly to the accumulation of sweat. who knows, making him feel more awkward will just make things worse—after all, that suit must be stuffy enough as it is.
so, she remains indifferent as she continues inspecting his hair. despite a lack of showering, she thinks, he’s lucky to have fluffly hair… for a nerd, i guess.
before she backs off completely, walking back into the party to the ‘problem room’, pacifica notices something about dipper’s forehead. a blemish, perhaps? or maybe, a hint of acne.
acne makes sense for him, trying very hard to roll her eyes at the thought, obviously not the type to spare time for proper skin care, geez.
for all she knew, pacifica soon came to the conclusion that from all that sweat… the pores on his forehead being clogged thanks to his brown hair and that hat of his, she wouldn’t worry much about giving away some facial cleanser, mosturiser, and a trip to pick up some ointment (since she never needed any).
yet, before she could start on a list—first, she needed to know how bad it was.
pushing his hair back, dipper feels his whole body go stiff in a flash. what the heck was she doing?
“i don’t have time to give you a total makeover, but the least i can do is advise you on better personal hygiene.”
pacifica answers, which meant that dipper was definitely thinking out loud.
stupid! now that, he whines in thought, but refrains from physically face-palming himself.
when pacifica fully pushes dipper’s hair back, his forehead now bare to her, she observes it, her face remaining indifferent as she focuses on what lies before her. it’s… a big dipper?
behind that poker face of hers, she’s laughing inside; trying desperately to not let the corners of her lips twinge up and succumb to her amusement.
clearly embarrassed, dipper’s face flushes red, but finds himself staying still as he feels frozen under pacifica’s gaze. his doe-brown eyes are only glued to her diamond-hued irises, then glances a bit down to her glossed lips, awaiting the inevitable mean-girl cackle.
“so that’s why people call you dipper.” pacifica points out softly, showing the smallest hint of a grin on her face.
only, it isn’t malicious—dipper notes to himself. amused, yes, but not in a cruel, insulting way.
feeling awkward enough as it is, dipper breaks away from pacifica’s touch, backing himself away and heading towards the door; laughing inorganically.
“yeah, it’s just a dumb birthmark, started going by dipper so no one could tease me about that anymore, heh,” he tries to explain in a single breath, pulling out the third journal to avoid being further burned in her gaze, “anywaysweshouldgoaheadandfindtheroomwheretheghostwaslastspottedright?”
“i don’t think it’s dumb.”
the confession slips pass pacifica’s lips almost instantly, unable to stop the words from spewing out.
now, they’re both pink in the face, both in disbelief of the blonde’s admission.
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whereserpentswalk · 3 months
Choose an unknowable being to summon to carry out your will.
1: a massive demon in black armor. He is a being of fire, and can go from pleasantly warm to hot enough to kill anything he touches. Though he is by nature a being that takes human souls, thousands of years of life experience have made him into a man of honer, he speaks softly, and tries to avoid sadism when possible.
2: a young spirit of advertisements and technology. Perhaps it is truly new, perhaps it is a nature spirit corrupted into something new. Either way it's very excited to have its first true master, and while it's not very strong, it's powerful in the ways of mind control and manipulation.
3: a goblin whose found herself indebted to a wizard. She appears as a skinny humanoid, with long limbs, sharp teeth and red eyes, and is capable of sustaining herself on inorganic material. She's kind of feral, but craves attention, especially from you.
4: a fallen angel whose found themself in a really bad place in the multiverse. They look almost like a doll or a machine but with radiant wings and a broken halo. They're still very upset about what happened to them, and tend to cry a lot.
5: a golem who was banished from Atlantis before it fell into the ocean. One of the only options her from earth. It tends to be stoic and wordless due to something it did in the long past, and when she does talk to you she perfers short statments. Also the most loyal option here, and may be her fully of her own will.
6: a raven spirit who takes many forms and has been known by many names. They're a trickster by nature, and they'd be very excited to carry out any plans that she finds amusing. Though be warned, they have a quick tounge, and may want you to do a few favors for him.
7: a vampire whose been bound to a forgotten god through a failed pact. She looks somewhat human, but there's always something unnatural about her, and her mouth can open far wider than a humans can. She was turned into a vampire some time in the early modern era, and tends to wear men's clothing from that era. She can be a bit quiet and introverted, but she's actually quite nice, and probably wants to best for most humans.
8: an eldrich knight from a long destroyed dimension. They're bound to their armor from the neck down, and can't eat or sleep. They seem to enjoy hurting people, though there's a very high chance that they become protective of you after awhile.
9: an undying werewolf bound to oppose tyranny in every era. If your goals align with her's there's a good chance she'll become very loyal and protective twords you. But if she deems you a force of evil she is able to leave you. She's also very physically affectionate.
10: faerie prince who was banished from his kingdom due to [redacted]. He's very nice and charming, though he doesn't understand human laws or morals in the slightest. Though he does have a few important rules he's bound to, most notably he's no longer allowed to kill anyone directly, though he's creative enough to find ways to harm them in more interesting ways.
11: a failed wizard who now exists as a ghost indebted to a god of death. They know what they've done, and they're entirely at peace with what's happened to them. They'll likely start out feeling inferior to you, and it's up to you if you encourage those emotions.
12: the Cat King [⚠️do not summon the Cat King⚠️].
Reblog the summon the creature. Like to give it a small gift.
We are not responsible for any interdimension incidents, bodily transformations, or sexual/romantic relationships that may occur.
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sunlitmcgee · 10 months
I feel like my original setting has a lot of stuff Tumblr folk would enjoy but like genuinely wanna sample Which bits stick out to the average person here the most. Rbs appreciated but at the end of the day, this is just silly.
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cripplecharacters · 4 months
My girlfriend is writing a story that, after meeting me and hearing my experiences, she realized was about a (fantastical) disability and she decided to intentionally lean into that. As someone with a (real) disability, I have been a sort of beta reader to make sure that she is using her work to amplify stories rather than talk over them - she's been doing a great job on her own, largely in part because she's been asking me the right questions before writing scenes.
However, yesterday she made a post asking for help with the event that caused this fantastical disability, because the most logical cause is something big and flashy, while she wanted it to be something kinda mundane. In her own words, "most disabilities don't have flashy origin stories, they come from everyday things."
In reading the replies to this post, it came to my attention that people who have inorganic internal parts - pacemakers, replacement hips, etc. - would not survive the flashpoint. This felt wrong to me, but not because of how gruesome the image was, but because the overwhelming majority of people who have such parts are disabled. Everyone affected by the event is disabled thereafter, but a large swath of what I've been referring to her as "pre-disabilities" just wouldn't exist.
Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't necessarily find this to be a bad thing per se. It's background details and the actual story is going to take place almost two decades later. It's worldbuilding that might not even see print, depending on how important that detail is to the story.
My issue is that, as she is writing a story intended to help talk about disability, it feels problematic to kill off a significant portion of pre-disabled characters in the background. I've brought this up to her and she does agree it sucks, the issue she has is that scientifically, it is more realistic.
I bring this question to you guys because the two of us are unsure how exactly to proceed. Do we just ignore internal inorganics entirely and let those with them survive even if it's not realistic? Is it okay to let them die for the story? Is there some middle-ground option that isn't coming to either of us?
(I can provide more detail if need be about the story.)
Basically, you have to be willing to use some Hail Mary complete and utter random caveat that you add in after the fact to keep a bunch of people from dying.
I don't know exactly how this "flashpoint" works but let's say it deactivates technology. Maybe things like a pacemaker, which is embedded inside of a human, can't be affected because the flashpoint couldn't affect it through the layer of biological matter. Maybe you make this a futuristic where all internal implants are made using biochemical engineering because, I don't know, maybe that gives them a longer life in the human body. Maybe the flashpoint is basically a giant magic put hey, lucky us, internal disability devices aren't made of magnetic metals, or maybe, again, they're made of modified biological tissue.
Basically, you need to completely bs it. It doesn't matter how realistic it is, the flashpoint is fake but disabled readers are real. You can do anything, it's your story, so if you want the disabled people to live, you can create a caveat that would let them live. And no one can say "that wouldn't work" because yeah, it would, because you said it would work in a world that you have complete and utter control of.
Don't be afraid to grasp at straws.
Mod Aaron
Thank you for your ask! Please don’t have people killed for having a specific disability! It’s hard to give more information without knowing what the ‘flashpoint’ is, but you could have the event target metals that aren’t used in humans if that’s the issue. You could also make the event something that wouldn’t target a specific group of people, you don’t have to change the whole story, just the side effects of the event. As mod Aaron said above, it’s your story and anything can go, so please don’t put an unnecessary mass extinction event.
I’d also say killing off a specific minority group for a story, whether or not the story is about that group, is a bad thing. People with implants should be allowed to see themselves in fantastical stories and not be told that they’d just be dead so don’t bother. As you said this happens in the background, this side effect isn’t integral to the story, so why add it? The readers are already suspending disbelief that this event happened in the book, so why not let them suspend disbelief that people with implants won’t be killed in this story?
Have a good day!
Mod Rot
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meanlesbean · 2 years
got my first full paycheck and calculated how much I'll actually make this year
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haine-kleine · 19 days
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this part right here is the most inorganic and out of place element of the entire ending, because both of the characters talk and behave in a way that directly contradicts their established motivations and worldviews.
Shigaraki despises the hero society because when he was a little kid in need of help he got to see how hypocritical this social construct truly was. he was denied help and even 16 years later he still doesn't understand why. I wasn't broken back then, but it's not like anybody reached out a helping hand to me. for the entirety of the story Shigaraki's main motivation was his personal vendetta against the hero system in general and every single hero personally.
Izuku is a hero. the manga has been carefully presenting him as the true definition of the hero and everything that entails. for the second half of this manga the story had been setting him up to prove himself as the best hero by saving Shigaraki, because he saw through Shigaraki's trauma, because he realized how wrong the stigma against villains is, because everyone in need of help deserves saving, because saving someone means not only saving their body but also saving their soul.
for the story to come from this point of these two characters' development, two things needed to happen.
Izuku, who has been arguing against everyone, including Shigaraki's own grandmother, who was so stubbornly insisting on saving Shigaraki, needed to realize that this was impossible. change his mind after Shigafo killed Bakugou, make him think this was the morality horizon he won't forgive even the innocent crying little Tenko for, lose more classmates and mentors to Shigafo when it's no longer clear who is in possession of that body. or make Shigafo too powerful of an opponent, make the heroes lose the battle, make Deku desperate under pressure of possibly losing everyone if he risks it all and attempts to save Shigaraki. show the clear moment where he makes the decision to retreat his helping hand, where he lets go of Tenko, because it's either saving him, or saving everyone else.
then give Shigaraki actual moments of introspection, where he doesn't have to fight tooth and nail for the control of his body, for the privacy of his childhood memories that Deku and Nana were violating. make him realize that he simply doesn't have any options left, because every side is against him, he doesn't have any form of autonomy left and there is no one coming to save him this time. show his thoughts on the fact that both of the people who had promised him saving brought him nothing but destruction and betrayal. that his childhood saviour had been lying to him for his entire life, raising him as a lamb to be slaughtered. that the hero who had given him a promise to save him went back on that promise, because other people were more important to him. that it's always been him, Shimura Tenko, Shigaraki Tomura, the broken vessel of destruction, against the world, and he was set up to fail from the very start. that everything he had believed about himself, about his destiny, about his capabilities, was a lie told to him by his abuser. that the only destiny for him is dying, his very soul devoured by All for One, or killed by the heroes who had never viewed him as human. he can either cooperate with the heroes and push back against All for One, or cease to exist without even trying to stand up for himself.
so sacrifices himself fighting against All for One, cooperating with the heroes, and then talks to Deku about being a child who was throwing a tantrum. because now he knows that this is what AFO made him into, how meaningless his entire life, efforts and aspirations really were. with his spirit broken so throughoutly he is no longer capable of caring that these are his final moments. he hums to Deku's words but they hold no meaning to him. he had failed.
Izuku attempts to sympathize because he genuinely feels bad about this outcome, about his own utter failure to save Tenko. he feels responsibility for this failure and he feels guilt about him having to become the unwilling sacrifice. when he talks about Shigaraki wanting to be stopped, he means Shigaraki's desire to stop All for One, because he was the only person on that battlefield who saw All for One as a separate entity that stole Shigaraki's body.
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