#felix fathom x oc
kai-teaarts · 6 months
I did some lil redesigns of the cast of Miraculous Ladybug (not everyone that's too much drawing for me)
Art dump!!
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The last two are just some OCS ( a half self insert half full character)
I love them all.
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knifedancer · 10 months
Winds of Change - Bittersweet Ending
You've selected the BITTERSWEET ENDING!
Trigger Warning: major character death, implied possibility of suicide.
Go Back | Dark | Salt | Hope
~~~ Felix POV: 10 Years Later ~~~
Felix limped through the graveyard towards the familiar tree on the nearby hill. The wind rustled through the grass and whipped up the fallen leaves that crunched beneath his cane. He paused to tuck some longer strands of blond hair behind his ear, closing his eyes as he took in the peaceful stillness that exuded from this place. Releasing a sigh, he closed the distance to the lone headstone and bench beneath the shade of the tree; settling down in a way that would lessen the muscle stiffness that lingered from his old injury. Tikki solemnly drifted from his jacket pocket to rest upon the cold stone, paying her silent respects.
He let his gaze stray over the hilltop and down the embankment covered in marble markers before dragging them back to the one directly in front of him. “It’s been ten years now,” he declared quietly. “It still feels like yesterday when we lost you. I still struggle to put into words how big of a hole you have left in my—no, our lives, to express the sheer guilt I hold for your death…”
“Felix, it’s not your fault—” the red kwami murmured softly.
He cleared his throat and rubbed his now damp eyes, “I know it isn’t my fault, Tikki, but I wish I had known…I could have shared the burden!” Taking a shaky breath, he readdressed the letters carved into the surface. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there enough for you. I know you don’t blame me. The years haven’t made your loss any easier, but it has improved. I try not to let the past haunt me…sometimes I can’t help it.” Felix allowed his mind to drift as he stared off, delving into those sensitive memories once more.
~~~ Flashback ~~~
By the time the storm broke, Marinette had not regained consciousness, however her breathing had evened out and color had started to return to her face. Tikki’s healing ability took care of the life-threatening injuries and had stabilized her Chosen. There was still concern about the loss of consciousness and obvious concussion. Would there be brain damage? She would need to be watched for any behavioral changes or sudden mood swings. Could the heal factor even assist with cognitive impairments? So much was unknown.
He replaced the vest and slung her satchel over one shoulder, making sure the peacock miraculous was firmly attached to the inside lining of his pocket. Now came the hard part. Carefully maneuvering her limp body gently through the opening of his amok shelter, he breathed a sigh of relief when Marinette’s head cleared the narrowed entry. Most of the shed had been blown away by the winds once the roof caved in, making it only small enough for one person to exit at a time. Recalling the amok would have simply left the timbers to fall down onto the two teens. Placing her back into a bridal hold, the blond gripped the designer’s body tightly to make sure he would not drop her as he pieced his way through the debris. Looking around, he saw residents beginning to emerge from their homes and digging through wreckage for lost items or people. The sky was ridiculously clear – if it were not for the large pools of flood water and blown down branches, not a single cloud in the sky belied the storm that had just raged.
He looked over at Duusu, “Do you have enough power for one more transformation? I want to get her to the hospital as soon as possible.”
“Of course, Master! I can probably hold it for at least five minutes,” she chirped.
“Perfect. Duusu, spread my feathers!” The purple light washed over him once again, leaving Argos holding an unconscious Marinette. Immediately his miraculous beeped its initial warning and he turned to Tikki. “Hide in my hood for now, we’ll get you both into the satchel when we arrive.” The ladybug kwami hurried to hide and nuzzled herself into the crook of his neck, the warm pressure seemed to lessen the exhaustion he was feeling. Magenta eyes turned steely with resolve; he launched himself onto the nearest roof, glancing about for landmarks made him realize how far off course the two had been blown. Another beep, three minutes.
Argos made quick work of locating a still operational hospital and his transformation made travel quick, the peacock holder just hoped that he was not jarring the bluenette with each leap. Even with his flashy outfit, not many people were looking upwards and, for those that had, they would only see a brief blur as he sprinted past. His miraculous beeped again, two minutes. He stopped on the edge of a rooftop of an apartment building and looked into the neighboring alleyway: it was clear of debris, water, and people. Perfect. He hopped down and whispered his detransformation phrase, seeing a weary peacock kwami settle on the ground from the corner of his eye, her energy spent. Immediately he felt each small bruise and wound on his skin, but Marinette’s weight in his arms refocused his thoughts upon the task at hand. “Tikki, help Duusu into the satchel. Stay quiet. I’ll try to get you both a snack once we’ve gotten checked in.”
The moment Felix was sure the two were settled, he briskly walked out of the alley and down a couple storefronts to the emergency entrance. It was packed with people, but a triage nurse spied the head wound of his ward and flagged him over to one of only a few open stretchers. He assisted the nurse in cleaning and holding Marinette’s head so they could wrap the wound. However, when he tried to settle her into a lying position, he felt a tug that prevented him from standing straight. The blond glanced down to find a pale hand gripping one edge of his vest; the unconscious girl’s face pinched in pain. Unable to dislodge or remove those fingers, Felix sighed before guiding his body onto the hard bed and around her. The nurse came back by with an emergency blanket, only raising a brow at the two cuddling teens before rushing off again. He could hear the two kwami giggling at his predicament but, seeing the lines on her forehead smooth and body relax with his proximity, he suddenly couldn’t find it in himself to care.
“Don’t complain when I’m not the blond you were expecting, Dotty,” he whispered in her ear while pulling her close under the blanket.
It had taken a good twenty-four hours before Marinette awoke and she was far too weak to try to move. Once they had cleared the air over her other identity – the subsequent panic attack was heavily muted by her concussion, preventing her from a full doom spiral – he had worked tirelessly to get in touch with her family. Her phone was trashed and waterlogged, her mind a jumble of pain, so he called Adrien. The model had helped contact their parents and insisted on flying Marinette back on Gabriel’s private jet. By the time the plane was ready, and Adrien had convinced his bodyguard to visit, the two had finally been cleared for release.
Unfortunately, Felix also got to meet Lila Rossi. The snake had wrapped herself around the model’s arm and insisted on visiting her ‘dear classmate.’ If his cousin had noticed how unusually protective the peacock holder was, always making sure to stand between Marinette and Rossi, never leaving them alone – though she certainly had tried – and refusing to leave the injured teen’s side…Adrien never mentioned it. After what the Fathom heir had learned from the bluenette and her kwami, he wasn’t willing to take any chances. Even without that information, he got a strange vibe from the Italian that told him she was definitely bad news. Felix had quickly decided to become the ladybug wielder’s permanent protector – even if that meant putting himself in the line of fire for his uncle’s attacks. He resolved to create a disguised sentimonster lapel pin for Marinette to wear so he could know of her current wellbeing without putting her directly in danger with Argos’ constant presence.
However, when they arrived back in France, the young designer’s concussion healed as expected and she was not the one whose behaviors were of concern. Adrien had begun acting strangely. He distanced himself from his friends, fencing teammates, and even his girlfriend; instead choosing to spend more time with Rossi. Felix could see the strain around the model’s eyes each time the liar wrapped herself around him possessively. He had approached the other blond privately, trying to figure out what was going on, but his cousin smiled sadly and simply said:
“…I’m doing what I have to, Fe.”
Meanwhile, Chat Noir started to appear less and less during fights. He could feel the strain on the bug heroine with each battle and started to assist from the shadows as much as he could while trying to keep his connection with the team under wraps. Argos couldn’t afford to accidentally lead Monarch to Ladybug. When the cat-themed hero did appear, the atmosphere was strained between the ying-yang miraculous holders. There was a massive imbalance in their dynamics! Chat tried to be chummy with Argos but, due to the nature of the secret alliance, it was difficult to form any sort of bond. Once they had recovered a few other Miraculi, Argos began strategizing with Ladybug over new allies.
“I trust you, Argos, to choose wise and strong holders.” The bug heroine’s words had left him being inordinately warm in a way that he had only felt with his mother before. Trusted, welcome, considered, camaraderie…now he felt ridiculous for how in denial he had been at the time.
You see, through the lapel pin and his own miraculous powers, the peacock holder could feel that the pain Marinette experienced was growing with each passing day. Deciding to be proactive against a possible akumatization, Argos took to secretly spending time with the young designer in hopes of alleviating some of those pent-up negative emotions. It started only on days when her feelings were at their highest, then a scheduled couple of days a week, and finally almost every evening was spent either in her room or on her small balcony. He would detransform and they would discuss her latest designs or book he was reading, sometimes opening up about themselves. The taciturn blond began to look forward to their time together, even the companionable silences where only the whirring of her sewing machine and the crinkle of pages filled the air. Over time, Felix realized he was developing a crush on Marinette but kept it to himself, unwilling to be the homewrecker in his cousin’s relationship. Their friendship was more important.
Then the night he feared most came to pass. There was such emotional upheaval in all of Paris, Felix was sure there would have been another Scarlett Moth incident had it not been for Uncle Gabriel’s fashion show related absence. As he struggled to process the tidal wave of emotional input crashing into him, the chain on his neck turned ice cold and began to aggressively vibrate against his chest. Something was horribly wrong with Marinette! His transformation words were out of his mouth as he leaped from his window, furiously pushing himself to be faster and not caring if anyone saw him as Argos soared over rooftops. Any images of him from that night only show a purple blur as he had rushed to her in a panic.
‘I’m coming, Dotty! Please wait for me!’
He could see her precariously leaning back against her railing and, for a moment, he was afraid she was going to fall. Then her phone slipped from her grasp, knees trembling as tears rolled down her extremely pale face, and his senses went haywire as she went into a full-blown meltdown. Then he feared it would be more of a jump than an accident. Argos landed just in time to catch her as Marinette’s knees collapsed, pressing her face into his chest to quiet the ear-piercing, heart-rendering, screeching sobs that wracked her small frame. Just the noise alone felt like a hundred daggers impaling his heart. He wrapped his whole body around her, trying to make her feel safe and protected. Argos scanned the rooftop for anything that might have caused her distress, his eyes landing on the dim phone screen displaying an image that made his blood boil…
There was Adrien, clinging to some unknown redhead in a revealing dress and shoving his tongue down her throat on a secluded hotel balcony. The headline read:
He stared at the phone in anger until the screen went black. ‘I can’t do anything about that now…’ He dropped his gaze to the bluenette in his arms, hearing her painful sobs slowly turning to hoarse whispers. ‘She’s my priority.’ Tikki appeared from the attic room below, worried eyes flicked from her holder to the hatch before the little red goddess returned from whence she came. Argos was always amazed at the immense connection that Marinette had with every kwami, especially her own, as they seemed to feel the most intense affection for the young Guardian. Even Duusu seemed to favor the blue-eyed girl over Felix; although he suspected that was more for the berry tartlets the bakers’ daughter fed her than anything else. And now that same ladybug kwami – that had looked at him so defiantly in that shed all those months ago – trusted him with the safety of her most precious Chosen. To be trusted by the Goddess of Creation was a high honor for a betrayer, such as he, to earn. Looking back down to the tear-stained teen in his arms, he wondered if that meant he had finally earned the bluenette’s trust as well…
Argos waited until Marinette’s sobs died out and became soft snores, having worn herself out from crying, before carefully picking her up bridal style and taking her back to her room. The chain around his neck remained cold but was no longer buzzing, hopefully the worst was now over. He tucked her under her covers, brushing hair away from her eyes, as the two rescued kwami snuggled into the crook of the Guardian’s neck to comfort her. Tikki floated beside him, sorrowful eyes affixed upon her holder. Unable to help himself, Argos leaned down and pressed a lingering kiss to her brow. ‘Rest well, my sweet Dotty.’
“I assume an akuma did not appear because Monarch is not in the vicinity, correct?”
Argos glanced at the tiny goddess before returning his gaze to the slumbering girl, “You know I cannot answer that without ensuring my demise.”
“We need to know his identity to end this war, to allow all Parisians to feel emotions as raw as what she went through tonight without the fear of being possessed!” Tikki’s frustration was palpable from the venom in her voice. “She could have been akumatized!”
“I made a deal with him, one that I cannot break—”
The goddess cut him off with a swift and commanding “No!” that seemed to resonate in his very bones. How could he forget that Creation was just as terrifying as its counterpart? Argos trembled looking into her big doe eyes, now filled with rage and a touch of deviousness. “Argos and Felix cannot break the deal…”
Magenta eyes widened with realization, “…but a different hero can!” He quickly detransformed and motioned Duusu and Tikki toward the pink chaise where he settled, that night the three plotted quietly.
With a touch of acting during the next akuma fight and some help from Tikki, the new hero Phénix was born! In one fell swoop, Felix was freed from suspicion – due to Guardian-induced amnesia – and Argos was no more. Marinette reintroduced herself to Felix several weeks later, a new student that struggled with gaps in his memory and whose forgotten previous actions made him an instant outcast with his new peers. Their friendship was instantaneous and stronger than steel. He provided the young designer with solid alibis for her absences – since Ladybug was always with Phénix in battle – and shielded her against any bullying attempts. It also helped that the looks of jealousy and pain his cousin shot the amnesiac blond from the front row fueled his internalized malicious glee. Marinette’s mental health and emotional state slowly improved, Felix’s soul surged with happiness as he watched her heart heal. When the time was right, Phénix was the one to reveal Monarch’s identity.
Having seen the way Ladybug’s bluebell eyes burned with vengeful rage – a sight that made his heart race at her Valkyric beauty – the peacock holder was suddenly very glad he had done so during a moment of relative safety: just after defeating Monsieur Pigeon for the hundredth time. At least Monarch would not be able to akumatize the heroine until he could recharge. Not that the resulting akuma would actually do the villain’s bidding…but Phénix did not know how he would ever get such a glorious, wrathful goddess back under control.
Oh, he had heard of Chat Blanc’s rampage after Hawkmoth was Cataclysmed in another timeline. It was during one of their post-patrol, heart-to-heart chats after her heartbreak. He recalled the painful conversation with absolute clarity…
“Maybe I’m not supposed to find love until after Monarch is defeated,” Ladybug sighed into the Parisian air from atop the Montparnasse Tower late one night.
He refused to acknowledge his aching heart dropping in his chest, “Why do you say that, LB?”
Phénix felt the terrifying fear rolling off her in waves, her stare unfocused upon the stars as if waiting for something. When nothing came, her shoulders relaxed incrementally and her voice came out in a soft whisper, “There’s a future hero named Bunnyx, her power is over Time. In the past, I’ve been called upon to undo the mistakes of future Ladybugs that caused worldwide destruction, erasing the entire timeline, and leaving only the two of us with the memories. The first time it happened…”
As the words tumbled out of her, so too came tears over the absolute horrors she had witnessed. Suddenly he understood the weight that hung over her, that leeched into her troubled civilian life, and saw the shattered young woman in totality. Guilt for his part in that weighed heavily on his heart. Holding her close that night on the tower, the peacock hero swore he would end her suffering – this Miraculous War – once and for all. When the inevitable butterfly appeared floating towards them on the horizon, attracted by her negative emotions, Phénix deftly wielded the yo-yo to capture it while Ladybug was in no state to. The instinct was inherent but the stars of adoration in her eyes when he returned to her side made it all worth it.
The final battle was planned over many weeks, meticulous in detail and cautious in scope, and new allies trained in the Miraculous. One a weather-obsessed akuma victim from their school who was passionate for revenge and the other a stoic boy he had previously observed as Argos helping injured citizens to shelters in the battle zones. After hearing about Blanc and the black cat’s increasing absence, Felix argued to bench Chat Noir in the final fight. Marinette refused to be cowed, “We started this fight together, we will end it together. End of discussion!”
The fight itself was long and arduous, requiring a power-up to elongate their transformation times. The team was sporting a multitude of injuries by the time most of the Miraculous were stripped from Monarch’s hands. Chat had surprised them both by fighting with a vicious seriousness they had never seen before. In the end, Phénix stripped the last brooch from the fallen villain and stood over an unconscious Gabriel Agreste. Ladybug cast the cure to heal their wounds, some would have been life-threatening if left untreated for much longer. Their relief and joy erupted in cheers from their newest members, Kobra and Huntress. Even Phénix, his Miraculous beeping a two minute warning as he recalled his amok, shared a warm smile of victory with the bug heroine a couple meters away as she held out a fist for their final celebratory fist-bump. Emotions were high and the peacock hero was exhausted enough that the sensory input felt like static to his fried senses. The other three holders pulled themselves up and began to make their way across the room…
That’s when disaster struck. It all happened so fast. A furious Gabriel, inadvertently healed by the Cure, pulled a sword from his cane and sliced the back of Phénix’s leg as he rose to his feet. The wounded peacock cried out and fell to the floor, barely hearing the frantic call of 'Phénix!', clutching at his bloodied limb in an attempt to staunch the flow. With a blood thirsty scream, the villain then charged at the heroine, aiming to skewer her through the heart. The spotted girl had turned towards the sound but didn’t have time to dodge, Phénix’s eyes widened as he reached out a hand as if to grab her away from his spot on the floor. Kobra and Huntress were frozen in shock, nowhere close enough to respond in time. A blur of black shot forward and pushed Ladybug out of the way with a bruising shoulder check…only to reveal an impaled Chat Noir, sword through his chest, glaring down Gabriel’s self-perceived triumph.
Blood bubbled up from his throat and dribbled down his chin as he spitefully called one word, “Cataclysm.” Within seconds, the disgraced designer turned to dust before their very eyes. Then the cat hero dropped to his knees, hands shakily cupping the sword in his chest as he struggled to breathe.
Ladybug screamed and rushed to his side, carefully angling her partner into her lap as tears rolled down her face. “No! Chat…the Cure…I can’t…Why did you…” Phénix dragged himself closer, desperate to comfort her as the jagged edges of her emotions ripped across his mind like shrapnel.
The hero smiled painfully and grabbed one of her hands, words coming out between wet coughs, “I couldn’t let him hurt you, Milady. I’m sorry I was gone so much. I had to keep my father from figuring out the Black Cat was beneath his roof…”
Ladybug gasped as the information filtered through her consciousness, Phénix choked on a cry. Adrien was Chat Noir! He must have figured out who Monarch was and had been dancing to Gabriel’s fiddle to keep him from discovering his secret identity, from gaining another advantage over the team. No wonder Chat had tried to be so friendly! Then Phénix recalled the sorrowful smile his cousin had given him months earlier as tears slid down the peacock’s cheeks, “You idiot. Why didn’t you tell me?” Chat’s pain filled eyes turned towards him just as the brooch’s transformation gave out, revealing a bloody and grief-stricken Felix.
“Fe…?” The cat hero’s smile rivaled the sun even as his other hand trembled while reaching out. Felix grabbed it, their blood mingling between his bare palm and Chat’s hex leather. “Of course, it was you all along…” The coughs were getting wetter and his green irises began to dull. “Keep…my girls…s-safe. Tell M-Mari…I’m s-sorry…”
Ladybug’s sobs echoed in the chamber as Chat turned to look up at her one last time. His voice was fading slowly now, barely a murmur but the smile stayed on his face regardless. “Don’t…be s-sad, this c-cat had a great ni-nine lives. I’ll…always b-be wi-with…you…”
With his last breath, his transformation fell away to reveal a dead Adrien Agreste and a passed out black cat kwami. That night they had also found the remains of Emilie Agreste, making the final battle even more tragic as the entire Agreste family was wiped out almost overnight. With the help of Guardian Su-Han, they found a way to revert the miraculous to their former glory and returned them to the Miracle Box…but they could not celebrate. The cost was so high… It was a bittersweet, pyrrhic victory.
~~~ Present Day ~~~
Tikki cleared her throat, jostling him from his thoughts. Tracing the headstone lettering with his eyes as he wiped away a few rogue tears.
SEP 12, 20XX – JUN 27, 20XX
“I’m sorry I didn’t visit the last few years; a lot has happened. There was an investigation by the Justice League into the heroes of Paris, not that any remain active. Batman tried to convince the new mayor to set up some sort of spotlight that would have a ladybug on it? Bizarre, to be sure. Rossi was arrested after trying to break into the mansion for something…we think she was after the Grimore, perhaps hoping we left a Miraculous behind.” Felix pressed his lips together in a grim line at the thought.
“Plagg did curse her with bad luck, though!” The little red goddess giggled.
He was all too glad when the little cheese gremlin recovered from the loss of his holder but how Adrien had ever put up with his constant hunger complaints was beyond Felix. The blond chuckled, “It did make all the good luck we had to spread after that worth it when she tripped while walking up the courthouse steps! I thought only Mari could be that clumsy!” He smiled softly towards the grave once again, “There’s also a few more members of the family you should meet—"
A small happy cry of “Daddy!” interrupted his words, he turned just in time to catch a three-year-old blond girl and hoist her into his lap for some tickles. Felix smiled lovingly down into her pale green eyes that reminded them so much of her namesake, letting her hands tug at his tie as she giggled uncontrollably. “Andrea Athena Amelie Fathom, where is your mother?”
“Daddy! Sh-shtop! Sh-she’s…with B-Bennie!” Andrea managed to stutter out between laughs.
“Felix! Are you torturing your little golden chick again?” A playful singsong voice called from the path meandering up the embankment, bringing his tickle attack to a standstill as his beloved wife joined him at his side.
“Now, my dearest Dotty, what makes you think I would torture our precious princess?” He arched up slightly to retrieve a kiss before sitting back on the bench.
Marinette had grown a bit after high school, doffing the pigtails for a braided bun now that her hair had grown past her shoulders. Her eyes remained that alluring color of bluebells that sparkled whenever she laughed. However, gone was the gangly teen, replaced by a refined beauty with hourglass curves any woman would die for. He had spent so many years scaring off riffraff attempting to flirt with her while she was grieving her fallen partner. He was over the moon when the gorgeous woman he had called his friend had asked him on a date in university!
Their subsequent engagement came fairly quickly after that, Felix having known she was the only one for him since that fateful trip to China. However, Plagg was apparently very protective of every one of his Kittens, no matter how brief their stint with his ring. The tiny God of Destruction had given him quite the shovel talk, but it was Sass’s quiet ‘what he sssaid, but timesss a thousssand’ comment that had been nightmare inducing. Gazing into the smiling eyes of his wife now, all he could think was: ‘Worth it.’
“Mm hmm, like I believe that, Feathers…” Marinette grinned down at her husband, both hands full – one with a baby and the other juggling a bag and a bouquet of flowers.
“Andrea, why don’t you go help Mummy with those heavy flowers, hmm?” The little blond nodded eagerly and hopped off his lap to assist, he outstretched his hands towards his wife with a little ‘gimme’ motion. “Let me take Bennie, my dear. I know you want to clean the grave and that will be hard with our wiggling little beastie in your arms. Looks like he’s ready for his nap.”
His wife acquiesced with a smile, handing over their youngest before settling down on her knees to brush the dirty and dead grass blades away from the grave marker.  Benedict ‘Bennie’ Manton Sabin Fathom was a one-year-old with the personality of a cat – affectionate wiggle butt one minute, stoic grub the next. His dark hair and blue eyes came straight from his mother, but the attitude was all Felix, at least according to Grandma Amelie. Andrea was planned, her name a fitting memorial for their fallen Chat. Bennie was a surprise from a second honeymoon that they had taken for their vow renewal. Felix adored both of his children, finding any excuse to hold or play with them and never let his cane get in the way. He knew his wife was open to the possibility of more little scamps in the future, should her fashion career permit it. Felix was perfectly fine being a stay-at-home trophy husband.
“Mummy, what are you doing?” Andrea questioned innocently; her face mostly obscured by the large bouquet held in both arms.
“I’m cleaning Uncle Adrien’s grave, Love. He was Daddy’s cousin and Mummy’s very best friend growing up.”
“But why?” The tiny blond’s words sounded a little whiny as well as curious, the older blond noted it might be time for her naptime as well.
Settling a sleepy Bennie into the crook of his neck, Felix watched two of his favorite ladies trim the weeds away, wiping down the stone with a rag and water bottle, and exchanging the flowers in the memorial vase for the bouquet. “Because it’s important to Mummy and Daddy. We want Uncle Adrien to know we remember him.” Taking a stone bowl from her shoulder bag, his wife set it before the grave and placed a few small paper objects inside before using a match to light them on fire. As the contents burned to ash, Marinette proceeded to light a couple sticks of incense and place them in a small groove in the tombstone base specifically designed just for such a thing while saying a short prayer.
Andrea watched with interest, absorbing the actions like a sponge. “Mummy…do you think Uncle would want some company?”
The older bluenette smiled, “Awful lonely way up here. I bet he would, why?”
Hesitantly, the little girl pulled out a small black cat plush keychain she always kept in her pocket and held it up, “…Would he like Mr. Whiskers?”
“Are you sure, Sweetie?” Felix and his wife exchanged a concerned look, their daughter never parted with the cat. However, Andrea just nodded and hummed an affirmative.
Tikki floated down to rest on the blond child’s head, nuzzling into the waves with a smile, “I think that’s a delightful idea, Little Bug! I’m sure Plagg would be happy to cuddle with you if you ever miss Mr. Whiskers!” Taking a cue from her mother, Andrea placed the little cat against the upright stone and tightly pressed her hands together to give a little prayer.
“That was very kind of you, Andrea. We’re very proud of you.” Marinette gently pet their daughter’s hair, “How about we go get a bit of ice cream on the way home? Uncle Adrien loved ice cream.”
Those must have been the magic words as she perked up with an ecstatic ‘OKAY!’ as the little girl followed a floating Tikki back to the car. His wife rose to her feet and dusted off her knees before gathering her things. “We wish you were here, Kitty. I know you would love the kids and being an uncle. We’ll be back around your birthday with Plagg next time. I know he misses you.” Pressing a kiss to her fingers, she then let them linger on the top of the tombstone with a sad smile.
“You know, he’s probably haunting us right now…” Felix joked softly so as not to wake the baby.
“Oh stop!” Marinette quietly chastised her husband, shaking her head at his antics. “What possible unfinished business could he have to be a ghost?”
“Well, we both know he would have liked to have made far more cat puns than he had the chance to,” his words made her scoff, but her eyes were laughing.
“Come on, give me Bennie so I can take him back to the car. Say your goodbyes, my love.” Carefully transferring the slumbering boy, she gave Felix a quick kiss before heading back down the hill. He watched her go with a soft smile.
“I’ve been taking care of our girl, just like you told me to, Adrien. She’s…they’re my whole world.” The blond pulled himself back onto his feet, balancing his weight with his cane as he rested a hand on top of the marker. “I hope I’ve done you proud. Give my regards to Aunt Emilie.”
As Felix slowly limped back to the car, he paused halfway to glance back up to that lonely grave on the hilltop. Only one plot was taken, but there was room for two more when the time came. Knowing a bit about the blessings of the Miracle Box upon his wife and their family, he knew that day would not be any time soon. “Cat-tch you later, cousin, and…thank you.”
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“i’m at war with myself, it’s a losing game”
✧ mari ♡ 17 y/o cryptid fem ✧ s.her ♡ christian ✧ biromantic asexual ♡ 🇵🇸🫒 ✧
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this is the void where i scream about stuff and mostly reblog! i’ve got tags for everything and i’m always happy to help out the easily triggered, so if you’d like to request a specific tag for content, please put it in my ask box. i also make moodboards for characters and ocs so you can request those too!
format vaguely stolen from @halucynator but i’m certain she’ll forgive me <3
dividers from @cafekitsune and the pics from pinterest
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proud member of @babygirls-inc
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ABSOLUTELY everything to know about me ->
american (derogatory) // christian (the good kind, shouldn’t have to clarify but here we are😭) // scorpio // bday oct 25 // music lover and writer // fanfic consumer // local neighborhood ace with the dirtiest jokes // i swear like a sailor to offput certain men // spring supremacy tbh // avid disneyworld enjoyer and corporate disney hater 🤝 // conflict makes me itch but i’m a professional debator // singer and stuff i already said // dwdw if i hate you, you will KNOW straight up // a downbad schemer, evil even // call me a double A battery the way i be autistic and asexual // whump enjoyer and writer at times // i do rp on minecraft a lot // and then there’s chunky he’s DEAD
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music ->
swiftie (taylor’s version) // k/da // heartsteel // itzy // everglow // blackpink in your area // little monster for mother monster gaga <3 // olivia rodrigo // chappell roan // Jesus was a Carpenter!!! // boygenius // emei! // precious jewel amor // derivakat // cg5 // reinaeiry // mave: MAKE A NEW WAVE!!!!! // dua lipa // ive // the warning // dove cameron // tobymac // daft punk // britney spears // madonna // gracie abrams // thomas sanders
movies & tv ->
miraculous ladybug aw yiss // vaguely intrigued in pokemon sun & moon // felix fathom and gladion mohn you are forever famous and not at all similar nono // mha // murder drones // hellaverse // tadc // saiki k // bsd // tangled the series NO SPOILERS // kimmy schmidt // schitt’s creek // the mindy project // atla // downton abbey // pride and prejudice miniseries with colin firth if you prefer the movie i’ll fight you // big bang theory // friends // star wars enthusiast // maleficent // guardians of the galaxy (what do you mean there are three movies??? there are only two uh huh….) // juno // the perks of being a wallflower // spiderverse // barbie // enchanted // hunger games // narnia // everything everywhere all at once // RAINBOW ROCKS // princess diaries // enola holmes // klaus // princess protection program // high school musical (no spoils for the series) // legally blonde // mean girls // frozen // alien stage!!! // project mc2 // the owl house
games ->
star guardians xayah x rakan truther // minecraft // sims 4 // prodigy // yandere sim
broadway ->
wicked // moulin rouge (not the movie) // she loves me // jeremy jordan is God’s gift to earth have you even heard him giggle tho. have you // newsies // shrek the musical >>>>>>> // holiday inn // dear evan hansen // mean girls // anastasia URGH brainrot // six // heathers // mystic glen // frozen
books/fanfic ->
keeper of the lost cities // the impossible quest // septimus heap // the land of stories // school for good and evil // narnia // artemis fowl don’t even TALK to me about the movie i’m still fuming // amulet // wonder // star of deltora // passerine // thirteen
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DNI: transphobes, zionists, aphobes, homophobes, bots or those that appear as such, potterheads, fatphobes, xenophobes, racists, pedos, misogynists, taylor antis, antifeminists, and the like! YOU WILL BE BLOCKED IF I SEE YOU IN MY NOTES. SERIOUSLY.
caution to my younger followers: this blog DOES contain sensitive content and language, but i’m not your mom so legally i can’t stop you. and if your mom doesn’t accept you or your identity, i’m adopting.
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babygirls inc (my guys! my dudes! my homies) : @yaboieif // @jingledbell
other faves: @halucynator // @ninadove // @demyxdancer // @emmafaeru // @pwippy
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tagging system ->
#mari reblogs -> anything i reblog!
#mari rambles -> i talk sometimes
#mari rants -> i’m mad sometimes
#ask mari -> used for any ask games i reblog, the box is always open
#mari answers -> i answer sometimes
#mari fangirls -> i’m in fandoms sometimes
#mari’s mutuals -> i post about/with cool peeps sometimes
#mari and eifie/teeb/jingle/lucy/spes/etc. -> i post with specific cool peeps sometimes
#mari writes -> i write sometimes
#mari whumps -> i whump sometimes
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don’t forget to do your daily clicks! in addition to palestinian support and relief, there are so many other causes that arab.org has to support. i know esp as a minor without a solid banking situation that it can be easy to feel helpless when you can’t donate, but this is something meaningful without having to pay money that truly makes a difference!
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bl4ckr0se-3006 · 4 months
Crossover Rp - Grishaverse| Six of Crows/Shadow and Bone and Another Fandom
Hey I am kind if desperate to do some kind of to do some king of crossover Rp involving the Six of Crows characters and another fandom we both agree on. I have a full list of my fandoms I will put son here below. Any ships I want to keep within fandoms and I wasn’t to keep the characters within their own lore unless necessary etc, for example I really don’t want anyone asking for us to play characters from Six of Crows as characters from other fandoms and no comparing the characters from Sic of Crows to characters from other fandoms either, especially villains, it makes my uncomfortable, especially when Kaz, he’s too good for that and I desperately want to play Kaz for this.
For Kaz only ship I am comfortable with is Kanej, no exceptions sorry. I have a la list of ships and the characters I can play for other fandoms I will also put below, we can discuss which fandom to crossover with. If interested leave me a comment here or pm me, preferably both. If we’re playing more than one character each from each fandom we can discuss how we split that I am absolutely comfortable discussing who plays who outside of Kaz and Inej and I much prefer my rp partner to play Inej and I have a stronger muse for Kaz. I tend to lean into Kaz’s trauma and PTSD, etc, like I feel bad for him yes but he wouldn’t be him without that backstory so please be fine with me doing this.
My fandoms are:
Stranger Things
Walking Dead
The Last of Us
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children
Tokyo Ghoul
Demon Slayer
Jujustu Kaisen
Umbrella Academy
His Dark Materials
Game of Thrones
Harry Potter
Squid Game
Avatar the Last Airbender
Howl’s Moving Castle
Spirited Away
Call me by Your Name
Owl House
Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows
Bones and All
Crimson Peak
Red Queen
Attack on Titan
The Characters I’ll play are below listed by Fandom:
Stranger Things:
Eddie Munson
Robin Buckley
Max Mayfield
Walking Dead:
Carl Grimes
Daryl Dixon
The Last of Us:
Ellie Williams
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children:
Enoch O’Connor (for this character I heavily prefer to work off the film version of the character though I have read and really like the books too.)
Tokyo Ghoul:
Juuzou Suzuya
Demon Slayer:
Giyu Tomioka
Jujustu Kaisen:
My Oc: Tomie Ryo
Paul Arteries
Umbrella Academy:
Klaus Hargreaves
His Dark Materials:
Lyra Belacqua
Jean Grey
Harley Quinn (I will only play the Suicide Squad/Birds of Prey version)
The Flash:
Barry Allen/The Flash
Game of Thrones:
Bran Stark
Arya Stark (Possibly)
Daenerys Targaryen
Edward Cullen
Jack Dawson
Harry Potter:
Luna Lovegood
Fantastic Beasts:
Credence Barebone
Regulus Black
Cursed Child:
Scorpius Malfoy
Squid Game:
Player 067/Kang Sae-Beyok
Avatar the Last Airbender:
Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir
Felix Fathom/Argos/Flairmidable (mostly as Felix or Argos)
Luka Coffaine/Viperion
Howl’s Moving Castle:
Howl Jenkins Pendragon
Spirited Away:
Call me by Your Name:
Elio Perlman
Owl House:
My Oc - Cælen Ærinasion
I only play my Oc Cælen Ærinasion for this Fandom
Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows:
Kaz Brecker
Bones and All:
Crimson Peak:
Thomas Sharpe
Red Queen:
Maven Calore
Attack on Titan:
Eren Jaeger
The pairings I do, by fandom, the character I play is for each is is brackets (Please note + is platonic and & is ship.
Stranger Things:
(Eleven) + (Max) - (Please note for this one I do believe Max has feelings Eleven that go beyond friendship, I don’t believe Eleven reciprocates them.
(Eddie) +/&Steve
(Eddie) +/& Chrissy
(Robin) + Steve
(Robin) +/& Vickie
(Max) +/& Lucas
Walking Dead:
(Carl Grimes) +/& Enid
Daryl Dixon (I don’t currently have any ships for this characters open to any platonic pairings though)
The Last of Us:
Ellie Williams + Joel Miller
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children:
(Enoch) +/& Olive
I am also open to any platonic pairings involving Enoch.
Tokyo Ghoul:
Juuzou Suzuya (I don’t currently have and ships for this character though I am open to any platonic pairings.
Uta (I don’t currently have and ships for this character though I am open to any platonic pairings.
(L) +/& Light (this is mostly in Au settings alone, I won’t do Kira and L ship rps.)
Demon Slayer:
(Giyu) +\& Shinobu
Jujustu Kaisen:
Mahito (I don’t currently have and ships for this character though I am open to any platonic pairings.)
My Oc - Tomie Ryo (I don’t currently have and ships for this character though I am open to any platonic pairings. And I only do OCxOC ship wise, CCxOC can make me uncomfortable, I am however open to CC + OC platonic rps.)
(Paul) +/& Chani
Umbrella Academy:
(Klaus) +/& Dave
His Dark Materials:
(Lyra) +/& Will
Loki (I don’t have any ship pairings for this, open to platonic pairings though.)
(Jean Grey) +/& Scott Summers
(Harley Quinn) x Joker
The Flash:
(Barry/ The Flash) +/& Iris
Game of Thrones:
Bran Stark (I don’t currently have any ships for this character though I am open to any platonic pairings.
Arya Stark (I don’t currently have any ships for this character though I am open to any platonic pairings.
(Daenerys) +/& Khal Drogo
(Edward) +/& Bella
(Edward) + Any of that Cullens
(J.D.) +\& Veronica
(Jack) +/&Rose
Harry Potter:
(Luna) +/& Neville
Fantastic Beasts:
Credence Barebone (I don’t currently have any ships for this character though I am open to any platonic pairings.
(Regulus) +/& James
(Regulus) + Sirius
Cursed Child:
(Scorpius) +/& Rose
(Scorpius) +/& Albus
Squid Game:
Player 067/Kang Sae-Beyok (I don’t currently have any ships for this character though I am open to any platonic pairings.
(Sunny/Omori) +/& Basil
Avatar the Last Airbender:
(Katara) +/& Aang
(Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir) +\& Marinette Dupain Cheng/Ladybug
(Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir) + Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko
(Felix Fathom/Argos/Flairmidable) +\& Kagami Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko
Luka Coffaine/Viperion (Platonic pairings only please)
(Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir) + Felix Fathom/Argos/Flairmidable
Howl’s Moving Castle:
(Howl) + Mark
(Howl) + Calcifer
(Howl) +\& Sophie
Spirited Away:
(Haku) + Chiro
(Haku) +/& Oc
Call me by Your Name:
(Elio) - I don’t currently have pairings for this character. Open to CC +\& OC if necessary though.
Owl House:
(Amity)+/& Luz
(Hunter) +\& Willow
(Hunter) + Gus
(Amity) + Willow
(Doric) +/& Simon
(OC)+ CC (Willing for double up in which I will play a CC)
OC +/& OC
(OC)+/& CC (I won’t play CC for this Fandom.)
Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows:
(For this fandom bear in mind I do very much see Kaz as asexual, not necessarily aromatic, look it up if need definitions. Asexual does not mean can’t fall in love.)
(Kaz) +/& Inej
(Kaz) + Jesper
Bones and All:
(I do see Lee as Bi -- well aware it might seem like a bit of an obscure one to some.)
(Lee) +/& Maren
(Lee) +/& Oc
Crimson Peak:
(Thomas) +/& Edith (Preferable)
(Thomas) +/& Oc
(Thomas) + Lucille
Red Queen:
(Maven) +\& Thomas
(Maven) +\& Mare
(Maven) + Cal
(Maven) + Tiberias Vi
(Maven) + Elara
Attack on Titan:
(Eren) +\& Mikasa
(Eren) + Armin
If interested comment or Pm me. I won’t reply to liked as I find those too ambiguous.
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91062854-ka · 2 years
Brianna Lockwood (Voiced by: Scarlett Johansson)
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Civilian outfit:
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As Loup Gris: (her hair covers her ears)
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Character Information
Gender: Female ♀
Pronoun: She/her
Full Name: Brianna Lockwood
Other names:
New Yorker Girl
Puppy Gris
Species: Human
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Ocean Blue (Pale Yellow as Loup Gris)
13 (season 1)
14 (season 2-5)
Height: 167cm (5'6")
Student at Collège Françoise Dupont (Class second deputy)
Fashion Designer
Third-in-command of the French Miraculous superhero team
Fashion model
Voice actress
Arts & Crafts
Stars & Constellations
Ice Skating
Video games
Music (especially from Jagged Stone and Clara Nightingale)
Chloe Bourgeois
Lila Rossi
Mean girls
Other girls flirting with Adrien
Chloe talking in third person
Bob Roth
Loved ones being harmed or in danger
Arguing with her friends and family
Alignment: Good
Social Information
Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie
Jacob, Kathleen and Gabriel (brand)
Miraculous holders
French Miraculous superhero team
Kitty Section
New York City, USA (formerly)
Lockwood mansion in Paris, France (currently)
Jacob Lockwood (Father)
Kathleen Lockwood (Mother)
(A/N: More family members are coming soon in the future)
Marinette Dupain-Cheng/Ladybug (best friend)
Alya Césaire/Rena Rouge/Rena Furtive (best friend)
Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir/Aspik/Cat Walker
Nino Lahiffe/Carapace
Wang Fu
Manon Chamack
Mylene Haprèle/Polymouse
Rose Lavillant/Pigella
Juleka Couffaine/Purple Tigress
Alix Kubdel/Bunnyx
Luka Couffaine/Viperion
Kagami Tsurugi/Ryuko
Max Kanté/Pegasus
Lê Chiến Kim/King Monkey
Chris Lahiffe
Ivan Bruel/Minotaurox
Marc Anciel/Rooster Bold
Nathaniel Kurtzberg/Caprikid
Sabrina Raincomprix/Miss Hound (in the future)
Jagged Stone
Penny Rolling
Clara Nightingale
Marianne Lenoir
Aurore Beauréal
Jessica Keynes/Sparrow/Eagle
Aeon/Uncanny Valley
Barbara Keynes/Knightowl
Dean Gate/Doorman
Fei Wu/Ladydragon
Mei Shi
Harry Clown
Zoé Lee/Vesperia (Best Friend)
Didier Roustan
Hawkmoth/Shadow Moth
Akumatized villians
Amokized Sentimonsters
Lila Rossi
Chloe Bourgeois
Félix Fathom/Flairmidable/Argos (formerly in the future)
Love Interests:
Adrien Agreste/Cat Noir (secret crush)
Félix Fathom/Flairmidable/Argos (secret crush)
Miraculous Information
Primary Wielded Miraculous: Wolf Miraculous
Camouflage mode:
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Activated mode:
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Full (five minutes after using superpower)
Waning Gibbous (four minutes)
Last Quarter (three minutes)
Waning Crescent (two minutes)
New (one minute)
Power Source: Loona
Superhero identity: Loup Gris
Powers and abilities:
Speaking Chinese and Japanese
Fashion design
Graphic design
Violin, Guitar and Piano playing
Hand-to-Hand Combat
Loup Gris's Full Moon and Night vision
Weapon(s): Loup Gris's indestructible bullwhip
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Alignment: Good
Brianna is a kind, caring and nice girl, she's also feisty, stubborn, and can get mad or annoyed at someone who accused her for something she didn't do or tries to get her in trouble. She loves her friends, family, and her secret crush, Adrien. She easily hides her jealousy whenever other girls such as Chloe or Lila flirts with Adrien. She knew Marinette has a crush on the same boy that she has a crush on, so she supports her, even though it'll break her heart if Adrien ever dates Marinette.
As Loup Gris, she is stronger and her confidence, cleverness, and bravery are more prominent. No matter the difficulty of her tasks, she does everything in her power to set things right while keeping up with her everyday responsibilities. Like Ladybug and Cat Noir, she is also clever with her words and occasionally enjoys making puns. She also shows her loyalty towards to the duo, and cares for them and will do anything to protect them. She is very loyal to her partners, but sometimes her loyal can get her into trouble since she doesn't want to get into a fight with them.
• The name Brianna means "Strong, virtuous and honorable".
• Brianna knows about self-defense even before getting her miraculous, so her parents signed her up to take Judo classes in New York since she was 5.
• Brianna is right-handed.
• Brianna's favorite place in Paris is the Luxembourg Gardens.
• Brianna's other abilities as Loup Gris besides her night vision are enhanced physical strength, enhanced speed, enhanced agility and enhanced reflexes. She also has enhanced senses, such as sight, smell and hearing. She also has retractable claws, which she uses to dig into surfaces and for climbing.
• The length of Brianna's bullwhip as Loup Gris is 12 ft long.
• Brianna as Loup Gris uses her bullwhip to latch onto buildings to propel herself forward when traveling, similar to Ladybug and Catwoman from Batman. Even though Brianna uses her bullwhip to latch onto buildings, she can still jump very high, just like a wolf.
• She likes to be called by her nickname or her full name, mostly her nickname.
• Ever since Brianna was a little girl, any animal she come across loves her for some reason. It may be possible she inherits it from her great-grandfather.
• Brianna is good at cooking since her mother taught her. She soon became good at baking after being taught by Marinette.
• Brianna is naturally flexible, being even more flexible as Loup Gris because of her enhanced physical abilities. But it was also because of her taking gymnastics from a young age, which also helps her avoid her enemy's attacks.
• Brianna used to sleep with her hair up as a child. But when she starts attending middle school, she puts her hair in a simple braid to sleep in and also starts wearing a sleep mask.
• Brianna can easily speak, read and write French, Japanese and Chinese.
• Brianna's favorite food is omelets.
• Brianna loves to sing and/or dance to her favorite rock star's songs, could be possible she inherits it from a member of her family who is also a famous rock star, but she doesn't know about it.
• While growing up, all boys around her secretly becomes attracted to her because of her natural beauty and her personality, could be possible she inherits it from four female members from her family.
• Brianna has a little habit of calling people by their last names and giving them nicknames, for instance, she sometimes calls Adrien and Felix by their last names while she sometimes calls Marinette "Mari".
• Sometimes Brianna is a model for her parents' fashion clothes and walks down the runway in style after being taught by the best fashion models.
• Brianna's birthday is on the same day as Marinette's, so her astrological sign is Leo, meaning her birthday is between July 22nd and August 22nd.
• Brianna once took ribbon dance classes at the age of 8, so to her, it was easy for her to use the bullwhip from her years of ribbon dancing.
(A/N: The Oc drawing belongs to Victoria aka Stinger from Quotev)
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