#fell asleep thinking about Ghost as a fox
advent-march · 1 year
My toxic trait is, regardless of the fandom or characters, I will always cross it over with all for the game
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baronessblixen · 9 months
The Best Christmas Yet
Prompts: Eight Nights of Mulder, day 7: latkes / potatoes X-Mas Files Challenge: best Christmas ever
Summary: Post "HTGSC": Mulder is reluctant to join Scully at her mother's for Christmas for many reasons - until he realizes that everyone is happy he's there. (fluff, wc: 1,320)
Tagging @today-in-fic @eightnightsofmulder
If he's honest - and he can be in the safety of the dawning morning and its protecting darkness - he has to admit that he doesn't want to wake Scully. She's the cutest thing he's ever seen. Another thing he couldn't admit in the light of day.
Her hand is tucked under her cheek and she looks as if she was listening attentively before she fell asleep. Her feet are tucked into his side and he never thought he'd appreciate being kicked awake. With Scully, everything is different.
He couldn't have asked for more than this. Luring her to a haunted house, disguising his desire to spend time with her over the holidays behind a romantic ghost story, was a spur-of-the-moment thing.
When they got out of there and she drove off, he didn't blame her one bit. He blamed himself, though. Then she showed up here at his apartment. The book she got him is a nice touch. Having her here sleeping on his couch, however, is the real gift.
As much as he relishes the sight, he knows he can't let her sleep. She's due at her family soon, and he's not going to get in the way of that.
"Scully," he whispers, gently tracing his finger against her cheek. Her skin is rosy and feels warm against his own. Butterflies take flight in his stomach as he watches her nose scrunch before she blinks her eyes open.
"Did I fall asleep?" she mumbles. "What time is it?"
"Early something. I didn't want you to miss Christmas with your family." She groans and stretches, her sweater riding up and revealing milky white skin. He's trying not to stare and knows he's failing.
"I need to get going." She uses Mulder's shoulder to heave herself up from the couch, leaving him in a cloud of her scent. She smells like vanilla and cinnamon, intoxicating him.
"Are you- have you thought about it?" Before she fell asleep, she asked him to accompany her to her mother's. Like every year. And like every year he said he'd think about it, knowing well he's going to decline. That was before he woke up to a sleepy, adorable Scully on his couch, whose face is so disarming that he's no longer sure what he should do.
"It would make my mom happy," she says. "It would make me even happier," she adds quietly. He can't say no. Not when she looks like she does. Or when she looks at him like this.
"How about," he begins and he sees her face fall. "I drive you to your mother's and then when you and her still want me there-"
"Mulder," she cuts him off, exasperation in her voice that he decides to ignore.
"Then I might stay an hour or two. What do you say?"
She observes him for a long, languid moment before she says, "let's go."
The roads are empty and they get to her mother's easily. And way too quickly for Mulder to have made up his mind. He parks the car and Scully throws him a smile, sweetly asking him to help her with the gifts. There's no way he can deny her.
They make their way to Mrs. Scully's house, their arms full with gifts. He's carrying a few more so that she can ring the doorbell. He hears a happy "Fox!" and mumbles a hello as he's ushered inside.
"Put the gifts over there." Maggie Scully pushes him into what he presumes is the living room. Once he's put down the boxes, he finds himself looking at a brightly smiling Mrs. Scully. Mulder has never seen her this delighted.
"I'm so happy you've finally decided to join us for Christmas, Fox." She engulfs him in a hug so tight that he's afraid he won't be able to catch another breath. A typical Scully hug. But usually, he receives them from her daughter and after he's almost died. He prefers it like this.
"I told you," Scully says smugly once her mother lets go of him.
"I had a feeling," she says, taking his hand into hers and pulling him toward the kitchen where various pans and pots are filled with pleasantly smelling delicacies. His stomach grumbles. Neither he nor Scully have eaten in a while.
"Dana said you're half Jewish," Mrs. Scully explains. "And I asked around, wanting to make something that would show you how much we appreciate you, Fox." With every word she says, the noose around his heart tightens. "I made latkes. Now, this is the first time I made them, but I had my neighbor try one and he said if you don't show up, he'll eat every single one of them. Do you like latkes, Fox? Oh, I hope you do." The knot in his throat prevents him from speaking, so he just throws his arms around Mrs. Scully, hoping she understands what this means to him.
"He loves everything that's made from potatoes," Scully says to her mother, and both women smile at him. A feeling of warmth spreads in his stomach. It feels very much like love.
"First things first," Mrs. Scully says, clapping her hands. "We have several little children - and a few adults - who want to open their presents. Come on you two."
In the next few hours, Mulder experiences a Christmas like he never has before. People he's never met treat him like he's part of the family. When Bill Jr. shows up, he grumbles exactly three times and then his expression softens. He pats Mulder on the back, lets him hold baby Matthew, and if he's heard right, gives him his blessing. For what, Mulder can only guess.
Scully remains by his side like a shadow. She falls asleep on him once while they're waiting for dinner. When she wakes up, and he moves a strand of hair off her forehead, her smile is like the first breaths of spring after an ice-cold winter. It takes his breath away.
She brushes his cheek with a finger, wiping away an invisible piece of lint, and her touch lingers. He still feels it when he stuffs himself with latkes, unable to stop himself. He thanks Mrs. Scully profusely in between bites, making her grin from ear to ear.
"Leave some for the rest of us," someone says to the amusement of everyone. He holds his breath while Bill Jr. tries one and only lets go of it once he announces that he likes it. There's laughter and joy, happiness and love. To Mulder, it feels surreal, like a dream. He barely dares to blink, afraid that if he does, he'll wake up in his cold, dark apartment, all alone.
"You look like a deer caught in the headlights." Scully is leaning against him and has her face tipped up. She's smaller than either of them is used to without her heels.
"Not to be pathetic," Mulder says, "but this might be the best Christmas I've ever had."
"Does that mean I won't have to talk you into this next year?" When she laughs, he feels it vibrate through his own body. Her eyes are sparkling and he's sure it's from the mulled wine they've had. He feels the effect of the alcohol, too, and can't stop glancing at her berry-red lips that are so deliciously inviting.
"You're going to get sick of me."
"Hmm, not gonna happen." She wobbles and he puts his hands on her waist to steady her. "I like having you here."
"I like being here."
"Then it's settled," she says, sighing. She turns in his arms, looking up at him. Should he dare? Should he try and make this night perfect?
"I wish there were mistletoe here," he whispers.
"Just pretend there is." Their mouths meet in the middle and Mulder thinks he hears music and cheering while he kisses her, his tongue tangling with hers.
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sugawhaaa · 1 year
Hyunjin X reader
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"If love was poison we'd drink it anyways~"
Part. 1
Sly fox dumb bunny
Warnings::mentions stealing, weapons, toxic relationships, bets, intoxication
Pairing::criminal!hyunjin! X cop!reader
[Pls read epilog before this]
You turned around and pointed the gun at the man. He looked surprised but not afraid in the slightest. "Put your hands up or I'll shoot!" You shouted firmly at him.
"Who the Hell do you think you are?" The man laughed with a cocky expression.
"Officer Y/N L/N from the Korean national police, a senior inspector." You stated harshly while the man just laughed.
"And I'm Johnny Rob from the fucking circus, your rank doesn't mean shit to me." He laughed as he shrugged before putting his hand at his hip, like he was going to grab something. You pointed the tip of your gun at his hand before reluctantly pulling the trigger.
There was a loud bang! But nothing else. You opened your eyes to find his hand unharmed. "Haha you're gonna need these to shoot me." He said showing you the bullets in his hand. You looked at your gun in shock before hearing a loud crash behind you. Oh yeah there's two more! You turned around and saw the massive window now smashed to bits. You turned back around to where the blonde man was but he was nowhere to be found. You turned to the window again before running over to it and looked out of it. As you looked down at the ground you found no reminisce of the other two people from before. You examined the gun closer before realizing it was just a fake model gun!
You threw it on the floor before stomping out the door to go find the bartender from earlier. You spotted him and informed him of everything, he looked at you like you were crazy.
"Alright that's enough," he said as he put his hand up. "Seems like you've had enough drinks for tonight." He said as he started approaching you.
"No! I'm telling the truth! I'm a police officer and I work for the KNP!" You explained as you backed away from him.
"Yeah and I'm the government of America, let's get going home. Do you have that friend to drive you home?" He said as he held you, not forcefully, just enough to keep you standing here.
"Yeah, she's still in the club."
-time skip-
You sat in the back of Alyssa's car as she and her new friend Vanquisha sat in front chatting up a storm. You replayed what happened in your head over and over again. That's when the car halted and you realized you were already at your apartment. You thanked Alyssa for driving you and got out of the car. As you were shutting the car door Alyssa rolled down her window and called out your name. You walked over to the window and leaned in, she stuck her head out the window and softly spoke.
"Don't stress about what you think you saw tonight. I think the work stress is just getting to you and all those drinks made you visualize things that weren't there. Maybe there was a girl crying? And maybe you did follow them? But the rest was the alcohol. Maybe someone put something stronger in it to make you hallucinate?" She said as you were thinking about her every word.
"Yeah, you're probably right," you lied. You know what you saw. Those men were there, and the blonde one had a gun. Besides, the window was actually broken when you saw it later.
"Alright go get some sleep," Alyssa said with a wave of her hand before driving off. You were exhausted so you wasted no time getting changed and into bed. It was mere seconds before you fell asleep.
The next morning you woke up with your hair a mess, blankets half off, clothes on backwards and you had no idea where you were. Perhaps you were a little tipsy last night. You checked your phone to see the battery was at 10% so you plugged it back in and sat in bed. Rethinking all your life choices. You then remembered today was a Friday so you had the entire day off and you weren't on call for the next month so you decided to start the day off with a nice healthy meal. You went out to your fridge and opened it to see…nothing.
"Fuck!" You said as you slammed the door. You then went to the cupboard to find coffee but when you opened it…no coffee. "I mean it's not like I had milk anyway," You said to yourself before closing the cupboard door. You decided to go down to the coffee shop nearby and pick up a little breakfast and some coffee before getting groceries.
You walked up to the line in the shop and looked around the menu. You come here often but you usually don't eat breakfast outside of your own home. When it was time for you to order you walked up to the counter and prepared to request your order but when you made eye contact with the woman at the counter you realized. She looks exactly like the girl from last night. You paused for a moment as you stared at her, she tilted her head and said "is something wrong mam?" You snapped back to reality and replied.
"Sorry, still not awake yet haha," you laughed.
"No,no I get you don't worry about it," She seemed super laid back and friendly and you could tell that by just 9 words. After ordering your food you picked it up and waved goodbye to the woman. You ate it on your way over to the supermarket to get some things to last you a few days. It'd be a fairly short visit.
You finished your breakfast and put the garbage in a trashcan on the side of the sidewalk. As you entered the store you realized you forgot your phone. You sighed and continued on shopping considering you were already here. Vegetables, meat, ketchup, milk, cheese, breakfast foods, snack food what else? You checked off the grocery list in your mind while going through the isle's. Ramen!
You went to the noodles section and started looking around. Unfortunately they didn't have your favorite instant Ramen so you had to find a substitute. As you examined different packs a man stood beside you. You didn't mind because all he was doing was the same as you until he tapped you on the shoulder. You looked up to see a soft man with fluffy blonde hair, glasses, a warm long coat smiling at you.
"I'm sorry but do you know where on this it'd say it's vegan?" He said warmly as he held the little circular box towards you. You looked at him suspiciously to which he responded with a frightened look. He looked so much like the man who had a gun last night.
"Oh don't worry. If it was vegan it'd be listed right here." You said as you pointed at the box for him.
"Thank you very much," he said with a light bow before moving around and checking the bowls of Ramen. He picked one up, checked it, and nodded before walking off. You eyed him for any suspicious behavior. You decided to stop him from walking past you.
"By the way, are you vegan?" You asked kindly.
"I'm afraid not. What makes you ask?" He said slightly aloof.
"I'm just interested in vegans and vegetarians, I think they're very well mind setted people." You explained.
"I can't help but agree," he said, taking a moment to stop and chat to you. Hands on his hips, one still holding his Ramen bowl.
"Why aren't you vegan?" You asked. It sounded a little stupid now that you thought about it but too late, you already said it.
"Too expensive haha," he chuckled awkwardly. "But I still try to get vegan things, such as Ramen." He said idly.
"Funny that you say that because you were the one asking me for help when it comes to knowing if it was vegan." You said getting a little serious.
"Whoa whoa, it's just that when I dormed with my ex-roommate he was the vegan one so he'd know how to get all the vegan food and I'd just follow his lead!" You explained sincerely.
"That makes sense but how did you never notice the big VEGAN label on them?" You said as you pointed at the box.
"My roommate would be the one to cook them." He explained getting serious himself.
"All the time?" You said with an uncertain look. That's when a man asked to get past you "O-oh sorry!" You apologized as you moved out of the way but when you turned back around again the man from before was gone. The only thing left was a vegan Ramen bowl on the floor. You picked it up and looked at it before sighing to yourself. Maybe work is getting to me… you thought to yourself.
You paid for your food and went back home. After putting everything away you checked your phone. You had 5 messages from Alyssa, she invited you to hang out with her and Vanquisha this evening. You replied with an excited yes and talked about the plans.
Time skip□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■
It was now 5:43pm and you were at a Korean barbecue restaurant with Vanquisha and Alyssa. Basically third wheeling for the past hour. They weren't dating yet but it was PAINFULLY obvious they were both so into each other and as you watched them recreate perfect kdrama scenes throughout this get together you lost your mind.
It came time to pay and one of the young men came up to you and asked if they were ready to pay. Even during that they were being romantic. Fighting over which one of them was gonna pay until you frustratedly told the man to split it.
After paying you went out to Alyssa's car and sat in the back seat…again. As they were being lovey dovey you looked out the window and replayed your recent memories from the club and grocery store. The more you thought about it his facial features were similar to the blonde gunman at the club. Your head started aching at all this thinking.
"Sorry to butt in but is it okay if you drop me off now?" You said leaning forward to the two girls in front.
"Sure, but why don't you want to come with us?" Alyssa smiled at you while stopping at a red light.
"I'm not feeling great. I've got a headache and I'm feeling light headed," you explained.
"Oh okay. I'll drop you off now." Alyssa said before turning to the left when the light turned green. Vanquisha gave you some meds with a warm smile, her dark skin filled her eyes as she smiled.
You arrived home and lazily walked up to your apartment room. After fumbling around with the keys you got inside. At the window you found a male figure standing in the moonlight. You panicked and shouted "who are you!?" To the mysterious figure.
"Don't recognize me?" The man said as he turned around and approached you, his face now visible. You analyzed his features and it clicked. He pulled his hair back with a smirk. "You don't happen to have any vegan ramen?" He chuckled before sitting on a chair around your circular table.
"How the hell did you know where I live!?" You said angrily stomping over to him.
"Check the pocket of the jacket you wore to the grocery store," he said pointing to your jacket hanging on the wall. You looked at him suspicious before going over to your jacket. You shoved your hand in the pocket and found a little pill shaped red tracker in it. You grabbed it in a fist and growled. "You're pretty unaware for a cop," he smirked as he sipped some tea from one of your tea cups.
"When did you-" you said as you looked around for any remnants of him getting tea. Nothing to be found. You looked back at him to make sure he wasn't doing anything troublesome. "What do you want?" You said with crossed arms.
"I want you to quit your job." He said cheekily.
"What?!" You said as you stomped over to him. He was unbothered, simply sipping his tea. "Why the hell do you want me doing that?" You tried to get behind his motives.
"Haha, you really don't know anything about this police industry sweetie," he laughed as your fists clenched.
"Says you!" You said sitting down, arms crossed.
"I was once a fool like you," he waved his hand in the air. "Gullible, immature, slow," he stated as your blood boiled. "But it didn't take long for this fox to figure it all out," he said, gesturing to himself. You raised an eyebrow at him at his unbelievable talk.
"What do you mean by that?" You inquired. He shook his head with a "tsk, tsk, tsk"
He stood up and started heading for the door before you ran in front of it. He bent down to look at you in the eye. "I'm going to have to ask you to move, bunny." He said with a gentle smile that melted your heart. You snapped yourself out of it.
"No! And I'm not a bunny!" You retorted. He sighed and shook his head.
"You have no reason to keep me here so let me pass,"
"No! I have reasons!"
"Such as?"
"You broke into my house-"
"I opened it with a key," he chuckled as he dangled said keys in your face. You grabbed them and examined them.
"You put a tracker on me!" You gestured to your jacket and his eyes followed.
"Correction. I put it in your jacket. Not on you." He replied cockily. You grumbled and looked back at him. "Admit it, ya can't touch me bunny," he said, pushing you out of his way.
"No, no, no! Where'd you get the key!" You pointed a finger at him.
"I borrowed it from someone."
"Without my consent!" You replied angrily.
"I didn't get it from you, bunny." He chuckled as he started opening the door.
"Then who did you get it from?" You said as you stood in front of the door again.
"That is none of your concern, bunny" he said, getting annoyed with you.
"Would you stop calling me that!" You said with frustration.
"Listen toots." He knelt down to you. "If you quit your job in two weeks, I'll stop stealing, give you these keys, and never talk to you again." He stated. "I'll even stop committing crimes! Talk about being heroic. Stopping someone from ending countless lives by just stealing! Haha!" He said with annoyance.
"Promise?" You said sticking out a hand to him.
"Deal." He grabbed your hand and shook it. It felt like shaking the devil's hand. With that you let him open the door and just barely step out into the hallway before you spoke up.
"And if you break the deal I'll expose this audio recording." You said as you held up your phone that played a recording. "I'll stop stealing, give you these keys, and never talk to you again. I'll even stop committing crimes! Talk about heroic! Stopping someone from ending countless lives by just stealing!haha!"
You shut the door on his shocked face. He then started banging on the door.
"If you don't delete that I'm gonna-!"
You just laughed in response. "Do what?"
You said as you examined the keys you swiped off of the man. He just growled as he stopped banging on the door. "Admit it, you can't touch me fox," you giggled.
"Hey that's my line!" He kicked the door before leaving.
"We won't be seeing him for a while," you said to yourself outloud as you held up the exact copy of your keys that used to be in his hands.
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randomfoggytiger · 11 months
"We'll Think of Something"
(Fictober, Day 15)
“We’ll think of something.” 
How many times had Scully heard Mulder utter those words, and how many times had he counted them as a clean victory after both of them had narrowly squeaked by death yet again.
The truth-- the ever elusive one Mulder ran away from rather than towards-- was that he was absolutely retched at changing plans. If Fox Mulder Plan A fell to pieces, he and she drifted in the wind until their metaphorical sails were snagged, usually accidentally, on the next creepy crawly or escape hidey hole they tumbled into; and regrouping usually fell to her as naturally as a knack for getting into trouble fell to him. Then he followed along for five steps, pivoted wildly left, and ran off into some thicket, tumbling into other dangers. 
Somewhere in-between adventures in prehistoric bug-infested woods, drug-happy Texan RV towns, and Bermuda Triangle ghost ships, Scully decided some ground rules needed to be set.  
Of course, you couldn’t pitch it that way to Mulder-- he’d sense intent coming a mile away; then he’d hover and ask a ton of pesky, invasive questions: Is everything okay, Scully? and Did something happen last time? and Miss me that badly, partner? And that was the last thing she wanted. (Well, not the last thing. At least he’d take half a second to ask about her experiences without something dire like death looming over their heads.)
But the thing that really got her goat, raised her hackles, drew her ire was that renowned Spooky Golden Boy Fox Mulder-- who knew better-- had called her in to work on a Saturday, made her do all the heavy lifting, gave her heavy lifting a cursory two seconds of attention between his box scores and her ice cream, and took off to chase another lead. 
Without me. Fine. Whatever. 
Scully spent the rest of the day cleaning up spilled ice cream, lugging books back to their original location, and mumbling to herself to, in, and from the ice-cream shop for a second cone. 
Then she sat in the park, determined to stew and not to look at her phone. 
Then she got up and went home, wondering if there was a message on her answering machine. 
Then she fell asleep by the phone, waiting, hoping for a call. 
The room was dark, quiet, peaceful; and Scully felt it must have been so for some time because that tranquility was sharply broken by a sudden, electrifying holler from her answering machine-- “THIS IS FOX MANTLE CALLING--”
She bolted upright, disoriented (and vaguely aware there was a drool mark on the couch arm) while her prodigal partner continued to ramble a mile an hour to the drumbeat of his fast, giant-like stomps (and covering a lot of ground, if the quickly changing background noises were to be believed.) 
An invitation… to a ballpark. For her very early or very late birthday. 
And if she was not mistaken, he’d dragged a kid out there with him at who knows what hour for who knows what reason at who knows what price (likely very little, knowing him and his stingy pocketbook.)
Scully sighed, smiled, decided not to look at the clock as she gathered her shoes and headed out to see what all the fuss was about. 
As she reached the door, it dawned on her that the Mulder Punishment had been quite easily set aside for another day. Scully shrugged, grabbed the doorknob, and muttered, “I’ll think of something.”
Thank you for reading~
Tagging @today-in-fic and @xffictober2023 and @fictober-event
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kellykadesperate · 1 year
yes exactly!!!! i bought the book two weeks ago (it was on my list forever) and i'm pretty close to finishing it. i was planning on reading the book fully first and then watching the movie but then the movie happened and i just couldn't look away lmao 😭😭😭 listen i know this gets thrown around a lot but that whole 'a fell first but b fell harder' is like???? the way alex has to wrap his head around being into boys and then also having feelings for the boy he thought he despised for so long. but then, once gets there, he's All In. like with everything, if alex claremont diaz decided to go for something, he goes for it fully and without hesitation and it's so beautiful to see henry fox, who doesn't think he'll ever find or get to have the love he so desperately wants, get alex's unrestrained love and affection!!!!! i saw a gifset of that scene where zahra catches henry in alex's hotel room, and at the beginning when they're in bed, henry is dead asleep, looking so comfortable and rested, next to the man he probably already loves. and it hit me, 'world class imsomniac', the grief that hits him at times and there's nothing he can do but ride the wave, and then alex comes along and is able to give him a sense of peace and calm and he finally gets to rest.
i wanna cry. this is a book i think i'll read every few months or so.
oh 100% about alex being all in! he's like hm ok henry? really? him? well i do kind of like him and then he just starts tumbling down the hill so fast it's insane lmao. henry is literally like hm ok well maybe alex doesn't mind kissing me a bit and then alex is holding his hand is like hey i want to do this again and henry has to be like don't overreact don't get ahead of urself. he has to be the one that mentions they have to keep it casual because if alex won't say it, he's clearly forced to. but alex is like so loudly into him it's insane
oh my god it really is a sense of peace. absolute peace. he's literally like well alex is my happy calm place so yes i can sleep and i can feel safe and loved. the same with the party which literally is top3 scenes of the whole film. like henry is having a blast just sitting at a party talking to alex and you literally see him seize up when the girl is on alex's lap and alex goes off to dance. he literally looks so out of place again until alex drags him to dance and he's dancing around him before the girl drags alex again lmao
sidenote this bit in the book would have killed me in the film but it has such a different meaning considering we literally see henry watching alex the whole time:
“Here,” Alex says, moving his own hips, “watch me.” With a grave gulp of champagne, Henry says, “I am.”
honestly ofc the book has so much more nuance to it but i actually love how many more details and things are picked up on the film. seeing henry so utterly in love with alex at the party is insane because we don't see that pov in the book. the addition of henry looking heartbroken when alex is kissed by those random girls at midnight rather than nora actually took me tf out because you can tell henry is like 'i want to do that, i want to be able to do that' and then he gets to! and then he ghosts alex because he convinces himself that alex just saw that as another wild nye kiss thing. urgh naunce was added in a new and cool way
film adaptations which are true to the book but do things differently are just so so interesting to me!
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A3! Ayakashi Summer Festival | Mikage Hisoka | Mini Chats Translation
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Disclaimer: Neither English nor Japanese is my native language, but I did my best with the translation. By the way, I took some liberties while translating. If you find any mistakes, feel free to tell me.
Practice Conversation 1 
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I’m a prankster small fox on the stage for the Ayakashi summer festival. 
He and the Tanuki Masumi plays are a pair, so we have been discussing our exchanges. 
Festivals are noisy because many people go to them… but they have a lot of stalls selling sweets. 
I want to eat cotton candy, crepes, and choco bananas if I can find them there.  
It would be even better if there were a marshmallow stall, so I’m going to suggest it at the meeting for the festival. 
Practice Conversation 2 
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Masumi and I play a tanuki and a small fox that love to play pranks. 
Azuma suggested we play some pranks for our role study, and so we did it.
Both hid in the courtyard where no one could see us and waited to surprise someone passing by… 
But while we waited for someone to pass by, Masumi and I fell asleep… 
However, Tsumugi got a bit surprised when he saw us asleep, hiding in a corner of the courtyard.
Since we surprised Tsumugi… maybe our prank was a success? 
Practice Conversation 3
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Who~ am I? 
…It’s me. …Did I surprise you? 
Muku told me this prank appeared in shoujo manga, so I tried it for my small fox role study. 
I’m sorry for doing it out of nothing. 
But… you look cute when you get flustered from surprise, Director. 
You had fun too? I’m glad, then. 
I think I get more why the small fox likes playing pranks.
Don’t worry. I won’t go playing pranks like that. 
…But since you enjoyed it, maybe I can play some on you now and then, Director.
Taichi and Hisoka Chat
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Taichi: Hisoka-san is playing a small fox for the summer festival, right? A fox ayakashi sounds kinda cute! 
Hisoka: My small fox role likes festivals and playing pranks. …It reminds me a bit of you, Taichi. 
Taichi: Yeah, I like festivals! Hehe, and I play pranks from time to time~. 
Hisoka: Masumi plays a tanuki, so we talked about playing pranks as our role study… do you have any suggestions? 
Taichi: Suggestions for pranks to play?! Hmm… it depends on the person… but maybe you can surprise them by acting like a real ghost. 
Taichi: Ah, in my school, it was common to draw a doodle in someone else’s notebook without being noticed. 
Hisoka: A doodle… okay, I got it. 
- time passes -
Taichi: …Ngh… Huh? I dozed off watching TV. 
Taichi: Wait, what? There’s a doodle of a fox in my arm?! 
Taichi: No way! So Hisoka did it at the end! And with me?! 
Taichi: …It’s a cute drawing, though. Ah, forget it. I’m gonna show it to everyone!
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laxmiree · 2 years
[CN] Journey to Wonderful Fairyland: Amusement Rides- Lucien’s Part translation
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“But today, I want to be the little fox!”
After quickly putting on rabbit ears for Lucien, I grinned and put on little fox ears for myself.
“Because I'm afraid that once I let go of your hand, I won't be able to remember again.”
✧ Love and Producer X Shining Nikki Collab Event ✧ Prologue | Amusement Park Rides (You’re here!) | Small tidbits from Shining Nikki event (check blog for update)
[Pixel Maze-1]
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Lucien and I were guided by the staff and entered the first station to search for clues - the pixel maze.
This maze of stacked pixel blocks is full of hidden things.
Although Lucien said he wasn’t good at playing games, he unexpectedly solved the events on the way without any problems.
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MC: Maybe you have more talents in games than you think..!
MC: But then let’s see how well I play!
One of the joys of walking a maze is getting lost. But now it seems like the original fun has been gone in the smooth sailing.
I secretly plotted to let Lucien feel the true essence of a maze- walking into a dead end.
Yet I seemed to be getting through it like a miracle, and countless question marks kept popping up from the top of my head.
Lucien: MC is really talented. I believe we will be able to go out soon.
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MC: Hahaha… Yup.
But… I must find a dead end!
Finally, after counter-intuitively choosing a path at a crossroads, a wall appeared in front of us.
MC: Lucien, look! We walked into a dead end~
MC: It can’t be helped. This is the usual way to walk through the maze.
I pat Lucien on the shoulder, only to find him looking forward with interest.
Lucien: Well, there is indeed a wall. But I don’t think you’re going the wrong way.
Lucien fumbled around on the wall and pressed hard. Then, the initially closed wall showed a path.
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Lucien: Under your guidance, I don’t think I will ever get lost.
[Pixel Maze-2]
As we went deeper into the maze, it seemed that Lucien and I walked into an area similar to a haunted house.
Cute little pixelated ghosts draped in sheets drifted silently past the path ahead with their loose teeth and claws.
MC: The ghosts here are so cute. They are not scary at all.
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Lucien: Well, should I try to add some horror to the mix?
Lucien: For instance… Continuing the ghost story we didn’t finish last night.
Lucien bent down a little. His warm breath enveloped the tip of my ear.
MC: I was too tired yesterday and fell asleep before I heard the best part.
MC: I think I remember you telling me about… Where was it again?
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Lucien: Don’t worry, I know exactly where to start.
Lucien slows down his pace and continues his unfinished bedtime story in a low voice.
It was a strange ancient Chinese tale but unexpectedly suited to the pixelated atmosphere in front of him.
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Lucien: The fox spirit had set up a trap for a long time, but a rabbit accidentally destroyed it.
Lucien: Say, what should I do with this rabbit that has fallen into a trap?
Lucien’s slightly invasive voice teased in my ears.
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MC: A-are you going to eat them?
Lucien: Of course, I’m going to eat them.
Lucien: But there are more important things to do before eating them, aren’t there?
Lucien turned his head, unable to stop the smile in his eyes.
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Lucien: For example, enjoying the cute expression you are making right now.
[Animal Castle-1]
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We saw a huge castle looming on the horizon after exiting the pixel maze.
“Only Mr. and Ms. Animal are allowed inside. Human friends, please look to your side.”
A small arrow points to the shelf on the right, decorated with colorful animal outfits.
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Lucien: Looks like we have to change our clothes before we can get permission to enter.
MC: Hehe, I already picked it out just now.
I shook the rabbit and fox hair bands in my hand. The fluffy ears looked especially cute.
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MC: But today, I want to be the little fox!
After quickly putting on rabbit ears for Lucien, I grinned and also put on little fox ears for myself.
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Lucien: Why do you want to play as a little fox today?
MC: Because today, the clever little fox is going to teach the little rabbit a good lesson.
Although my mouth speaks with conviction, honestly, I just want to see Lucien with rabbit ears.
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Lucien: So, what are you going to teach me?
Facing Lucien’s gradually approaching and pressing figure, I raised a small protest flag.
MC: F-foul! According to the food chain… how can there be a rabbit that moves so close to the fox!
Lucien: But in my world, the rabbit is the one who has the upper hand.
[Animal Castle-2]
After entering the animal castle, we were invited by the fox club to participate in a quiz with prizes.
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Lucien: To be precise, this question has no answer.
Mr. Fox: Mr. Rabbit got the correct answer. Congratulations on your special prize!
Mr. Fox: The two of you asked how to get out before. You may need to take the magic rowing boat across the water to find out.
Lucien slowly walked down the steps, with his long rabbit ears swaying in the air.
MC: Excellent! Now we’ll get the grand prize!
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Lucien: Unfortunately, not all the answers were correct.
MC: It can’t be helped. Who can answer to the kind of questions like what Phoenix likes to eat?
MC: However, I didn’t expect you to get the correct answer to the question of “What is the essence of the world?” just now.
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Lucien: That’s not hard to guess because it’s not easy to define any world, no matter what kind of world it is.
Lucien: Just like you, there will always be something I don’t understand.
Lucien: I couldn’t help but want to know more.
Mr. Fox, who was in charge of the questions just now, came over with a badge.
The little fox on the badge is beaming with laughter. His eyes closed peacefully as he leaned against the rabbit sleeping sweetly in his arms.
[Magical Rowing Boat-1]
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Following Mr. Fox’s tip, Lucien and I arrived at the big lake.
After renting a “magic rowboat” on the shore, Lucien and I started the boat tour mode.
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Lucien: It’s been too long since I’ve rowed. I think I kind of forgot how to do it.
Our boat started to spin in place shortly after we rowed out.
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MC: I didn’t know that Professor Lucien could forget something.
MC: In that case, let me show you how to do it!
I slowly swayed the oars. The rocking waves stirred up a pleasing sound in my ears.
MC: You don’t have to row too fast. The boat will move with a little force.
Lucien: I don’t have to use too much force. Is it like this?
Lucien leaned down and put his hands on the back of my hands, gently pushing the oars.
The boat moved forward smoothly, even better than I had just demonstrated.
MC: You haven’t forgotten at all, have you?
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Lucien: I didn’t lie to you. I did forget about it just now.
MC: Well, it’s good that you can row properly now.
Lucien: Not yet.
Lucien: Because I’m afraid that once I let go of your hand, I won’t be able to remember again.
[Magical Rowing Boat-2]
After rowing on the lake for a while, I wondered as I watched the boats around me pass by with a bit of foam.
MC: Why doesn’t our boat puff bubbles?
Lucien thought for a while, then bent down. He fumbled at the back of the boat, and then there was a crisp snap.
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Lucien: I guess the staff forgot to turn the switch for us, but it should be okay now.
He gently swayed the oars, and a blanket of foam emerged from all sides of the boat.
The view reflected on the crystal foam made me rush over to it.
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MC: Lucien, look, we’re on the bubbles!
The lingering sunshine on the rising foam makes me want to touch it with my fingertips.
But before I could touch it, the bubble broke into tiny droplets in the air with a “pop”.
MC: It burst… What a shame.
Obviously, only a bubble is popped off, but my heart is painted with the color of loss.
Lucien: There is no need to be too upset.
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Lucien pulled my hand over and placed it on his broad, warm chest.
Lucien: You can poke and prod at this Lucien.
Lucien: I’m very curious to know what kind of me will be revealed when you ‘pop’ me open.
(t/n…reminds me of the little mermaid that turned into sea foam :”)
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After getting out of the magic rowboat, we entered an underground aquarium through a tunnel on the shore.
Countless sea creatures are dancing through the glass windows, showing their most free form.
MC: Lucien, what is that?
I pointed to the tiny dots of light clustered in the deep end of the water and excitedly asked Lucien.
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Lucien: Those should be luminous jellyfish.
MC: How amazing… I can’t believe it can emit such a bright light.
Lucien: The smaller the creature, the more severe the survival pressure, and it may not be discovered for thousands of years.
Lucien: But having this glimmer of light is enough to prove their existence to the world.
Lucien: You can look a little closer.
As soon as he finished speaking, the group of jellyfish swam towards a more profound place and was invisible for a while.
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MC: I remember that the last time I went to the aquarium, the jellyfish also swam away very quickly…
Lucien: Mmm… But it seems to be a long time ago since we last went to the aquarium.
Lucien looked at me, the fluctuating water waves swirling in his eyes.
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Lucien: Actually, I’ve been looking forward to going to the aquarium with you again.
Like a shell suddenly falling into the deep sea, my memory continues to stir up echoes of the past in my ears.
The shark in front of the huge viewing glass. The dark and deep water. And the kiss that I initiated.
MC: Next time, let’s go to the aquarium to see jellyfish!
I tried to hold back my blush and tried to change the subject.
Lucien: There is no need to wait until next time.
Without changing his face, Lucien pointed to the billboard at the passage’s entrance, which reads “Mermaid Experience Event”.
Half an hour later–
Staff Member: All right, the oxygen coating can provide a three-hour swimming experience.
Staff Member: Don’t panic when it automatically returns to the surface with ten minutes left to use.
After finishing the preparations, Lucien and I swam side by side toward the bottom of the water.
The magical coating that covers the skin provides the necessary oxygen and allows us to swim underwater easily.
We followed the path the jellyfish had taken before, but the scenery around us became darker and darker.
MC: Why is it so dark here? Did we go to the wrong place?
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Lucien: Shh… Here they are
Lucien gently pointed with his finger, and something seemed to move around me.
Fluorescent dots diving in the dark, the big school of jellyfish swirled around us like a fluttering green ribbon.
Lucien gathered the jellyfish, and the light floated in my neck, forming a jade-like necklace.
Lucien: They seem to like you so much that they want to stay by your side.
MC: If you like someone, would you want to get close to them?
Lucien gently leaned to my ear and said in a non-committal voice.
Lucien: People are naturally attracted to the things they like, and I am no exception.
After the “Mermaid Experience”, we sat on the seats in the corridor and took a break.
I leaned on Lucien’s shoulder and drifted off to sleep, but a young girl’s voice suddenly appeared next to me.
??: Momo, where have you been?
??: Momo was admiring the giant colorful octopus up close.
I slightly opened my eyes and found a pink-haired girl and her friend sitting on the right seat. A cat with a yellow cloak jumped into her arms.
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MC: A talking…cat?
Lucien: Hmm… It sure looks like it.
The pink-haired girl heard our voices, turned her head, and spoke slightly apologetically.
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Nikki: I’m sorry. Did I wake you up?
MC: It’s okay. Are you also a visitor of Paperland?
Nikki nodded with a smile.
Nikki: My name is Nikki. I’m here with Momo and my friend. We’re designers from Miraland.
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Momo: I am the Great and Handsome Momo!
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Lucien and I silently exchanged glances. It seems that this space does pull a lot of people from other spaces to come here.
MC: We come from a place called Loveland City.
Lucien: And if we find the mystery man, we can return to the original world.
MC: That being said, we’ve actually been concentrating on playing until now…
After hearing my words, Nikki seems to be thinking of something.
Nikki: Earlier, we heard that the mystery man seems to be in a place called the Puppet Theater.
MC: Really?
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Nikki: Um! But my friends and I have also collected some other clues and intend to look at them first. Let’s meet again at the puppet theater.
[Lake Expressway-1]
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After parting with Nikki’s group, Lucien and I waited for the train to arrive at the small store at the departure point of the Lake Expressway.
The neat window sill was filled with postcards of different designs accompanied by a tiny poem in them.
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MC: To gather reed goes she, when her I do not see, one day seems long as seasons three.
(T/N: the poem that Lucien read in Winter Farewell Date!)
I picked up a postcard with a poem that Lucien had recited.
Poems always have a kind of time travel magic. As long as I read it, the scene will appear in front of me.
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Lucien: Time is much faster now than it was then.
MC: Why do you say so?
Lucien: Because for me at that time, one day is like three years long.
Lucien: When I don’t see you for a long time, time will naturally slow down.
MC: And what about now?
Lucien: The words that can describe me now…
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Lucien gestured to the wall calendar placed in the store. A small line was written next to the distant snowy mountain scenery.
If you look at me, I will softly melt, just like the snow in a volcano.*
Lucien: For snow, there is no place where it melts faster than in a volcano.
Lucien: Just like me with you by my side.
(*T/N: This line is not from a poem but rather from the song “Templo” by Chico Cesar)
[Lake Expressway-2]
Conductor: In front of us is the famous “Long Promenade”, which provides a good view of the lake.
Conductor: The train will be slowed down to allow passengers a chance to enjoy the view.
The train conductor drove the train, and the crisp announcement echoed in the compartment.
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Lucien: ….
Lucien examined the camera in his hands. His brows frowned slightly.
MC: What’s wrong?
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Lucien: The camera is out of power, and there seems to be no charging port here.
Lucien: Now I can’t shoot the promenade around the lake.
Lucien reveals some regret in his tone.
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MC: It doesn’t matter. Haven’t you taken so many photos before?
MC: It was a bit of a shame, but we could still enjoy the scenery.
MC: If we want to take pictures, we can do this!
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I used my hands to make a picture frame, then framed Lucien and the scenery outside the window.
MC: Mm-hmm, this pose is perfect!
Lucien faintly lowered his head, thoughtfully looking at me.
Lucien: We do have other ways of recording.
Lucien gently called the staff over to buy paper and pencils from the carts.
MC: Are you going to draw it?
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Lucien: Although it is not as good as the camera, sometimes a drawing can express a person’s feelings better.
Lucien lowered his head, his slender fingertips wielding a pencil, silently drawing.
At the end of the whistle sound, he slowly raised his head.
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Lucien: The drawing is finished.
I took the paper, and unexpectedly it was not the realistic scene that I had imagined back then
In the picture, we stand above the water surface in the middle of the lake. We pressed our foreheads together. It was as if we were the only two people in the world.
Lucien: Now, there are no regrets on this trip.
[Colourful drink stand-1]
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MC: So tired, I feel like I’m going to be paralyzed….
Exhausted, I collapsed on a seat near the drink stand, sheltering from the sun’s rays.
The sign for the Puppet Theater is not far away, but who knew it would be so hot at this time of year?
MC: It would be nice to have Mr. Air-Conditioner suddenly appear before me.
The moment my forehead became cold, I knew the person who could fulfill my wish had appeared.
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Lucien: This is the first time I have seen this way of making a wish.
Lucien put his hand near my forehead, spreading an immense feeling of coolness.
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MC: But super effective, isn’t it? The air conditioner that’s exclusively mine has already shown up.
I leaned back in my seat and gave Lucien a big grin.
Lucien: I just bought two novel-looking drinks over there.
I raised my body and followed Lucien’s gaze, then landed on cups of brilliantly colored drinks on the table.
MC: It looks delicious!
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Lucien: So do you want to have a drink first, or do you want to continue enjoying yourself like this for a while?
I reached for my drink, tried to adjust my body to a comfortable position, and leaned on Lucien’s side.
MC: Of course, I want both~
(t/n: I will never get over how mc also slowly gets ‘infected’ by his greediness ahah-)
[Colourful drink stand-2]
I decided to exchange drinks with Lucien to taste a greater variety of flavors.
With one sip, the purple drink with bubbles spreads a refreshing flavor in my mouth.
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MC: Although it is slightly bitter, it has a pleasant refreshing taste.
MC: And, amazingly, I always feel calm after drinking it.
I nudged the nonexistent glasses on the bridge of my nose and tried to imitate Lucien’s usual way of reflection.
MC: After drinking it, there is an illusion of “Being possessed by Lucien”!
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Lucien: Perhaps this drink’s theme is based on emotional colors.
Lucien lazily propped up his head and slowly poured the drink from my cup into his cup.
The two different colors are beautifully blended together to form a new and indescribable color.
Lucien: If I am right, we should be able to drink the taste of “ happiness” now.
Lucien: Here, try it.
I just took a sip from the straw, and an overflowing wave of emotions captured my heart.
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MC: I can really drink the taste of happiness!
Lucien: The feeling of happiness often needs bitterness to be more pronounced.
Lucien: Just like a particular emotion that I can only show when I’m by your side.
[Puppet Theater-1]
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When we arrived at the lakeside theater, we didn’t see Nikki and her friends, so Lucien and I decided to look at the theater first.
MC: 14, 15… Eh?
The number on the backrest finally stopped at number 14.
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Lucien: I’m number 15, and it appears to be just on the other side.
MC: Should we go to change seats?
Staff Member: Please take your seats as soon as possible. The show is about to start.
The staff’s reminder dissuaded me from changing my seat.
Lucien: Don’t worry, we can wait for the intermission and then try to change seats.
MC: Okay then, you go ahead.
Lucien gently stroked my hair, then walked to the distant seat.
I was staring at the stage in boredom when suddenly a soft call came from my right side.
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Nikki: MC?
Nikki and her friend sat in their seats and looked at me with surprise.
Nikki: This is great! We didn’t see you outside and thought you weren’t here.
Nikki: We almost missed the sightseeing train just now.
MC: It was great to catch up, though.
Nikki smiled and turned her head. She handed over the popcorn in her arms.
The shimmering light from the stage made the tips of her pink hair look extra bright.
Nikki: Momo bought popcorn at the entrance, which was unexpectedly delicious. MC, do you want to try it?
[Puppet Theater-2]
During the intermission, I went over to Lucien’s side, ready to change seats with Momo.
After the seat exchange, the second performance began.
Although the story is still the same as before, the mood of the stage has changed from joyful to melancholy.
The protagonist is moving on a dark stage, singing a tragic soliloquy in solitude.
The spotlight swept over one character after another, but it missed his presence.
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MC: This would not be a tragedy, right….
After the second act, I leaned on Lucien’s shoulder and pouted in dissatisfaction.
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Lucien: Don’t worry.
Lucien: I believe that his moonlight will come as expected.
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MC: Professor Lucien spoke as if he had seen through the script.
Lucien lowered his voice, as light as moonlight flowing through the twilight.
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Lucien: Rather than seeing through it, I would say that this is the experience I have learned from being on it myself.
The curtain rises again, and a youthful female voice comes out from behind the curtain.
Actress: Is this the paintbrush you lost?
(T/N: not sure if it’s related, but here a small translation of a play about Lucien in Shining Nikki part of the event)
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With the lively sound of the piano, the curtain slowly came down.
MC: Great! It really ends on a good ending!
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Lucien: It seems that the tragic element in the middle is designed to move the audience’s emotions.
MC: This is the so-called “eat a bit of bitterness to make the sweet taste more accentuated”, right?
Lucien: When you put it that way, it does make it more understandable.
??: It seems that the two of you enjoyed the show at Paperland.
The sounds came down from the sky. I looked up but was dangerously close to being swallowed by the colorful balloons.
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Lucien: Watch out.
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A slightly hurried shout passed by my ears. Lucien wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me to the side.
Pop, pop, pop - when the balloons have burst apart, a man stands in a hood.
Mystery Man: I’m sorry, Paperland’s way of traveling is always somewhat unconventional.
Mystery Man: But just as you two said, a quiet life always needs some turbulence to be interesting, right?
The mysterious man looked over with a smile.
Mystery Man: But as long as you spend time with someone important to you, there will always be happy experiences.
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Lucien: So, is that the only justification for bringing us into this?
Lucien still maintains a smile, but his imposing manner does not give the other side a chance to breathe.
The mystery man softly coughed twice, trying to change the subject.
Mystery Man: I better take you to the exit of Paperland.
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He soon led us to an enormous gate in front of the square.
And at this moment, in addition to us, Nikki and her friends also came to the square.
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Nikki: Looks like you guys found a way to leave too~
Momo: After shopping for so long, we can finally go back!
Momo: But the food here is so good, it would be nice to bring some more back.
The big meow patted his round stomach. He must have eaten a lot of good food.
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MC: Hey hey, next time, if I have a chance, I welcome you all to play in Loveland City.
Nikki: I’m looking forward to it, and if there’s a chance, I’d like to invite you to Miraland and introduce you to my friends~
Mystery Man: Once you walk through this door, you can return to your world.
Lucien and I waved our hands as we watched Nikki and her friends walk through the door and disappear from view.
The unexpected events that took place during this time are a collection of unforgettable memories.
MC: I didn’t expect to encounter so many things, and the saying “life is full of surprises” is true.
MC: I’m afraid it will be a while before we can continue with the photography experiment we wanted to do at the beginning.
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Lucien: About that experiment, actually, I already got the answer.
Lucien waved a picture in the air, on which I was smiling with my eyes closed, but the shot was somehow shaky.
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MC: Wasn’t this photo not appropriately taken?
Lucien: It can be said that it is not a good shot, and it can be said that the shot is out of panic.
MC: Out of panic…?
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Lucien: When I just pressed the shutter, the park’s tunnel appeared.
Lucien: Perhaps this is also a kind of fated “accident”.
It was then I realized that the shaking on it resulted from Lucien’s hurry.
I don’t know why, but I felt a little bit of triumph and happiness in my heart.
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MC: Then this glimmer of haste will be saved by me.
Lucien: Would that be enough?
Lucien spread his slender fingers and grabbed the camera in my hand.
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Lucien: I have a lot more emotions that I want to show only to you.
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babygirl-riley · 2 years
Love Shack *
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Ghost and Fox watch the safe house of Makarov, waiting to see if he will show. Or even when he will show. However Fox and Ghost seem to not be able to keep their hands off each other.
Warnings: Violence, Fluff, Angst Swearing, and SMUT
“You know it would be warmer if you placed that hand of yours on my chest.” Allison mumbled while looking through her scope. Simon almost choked on the cigarette smoke that he puffed out.
Fuck how much Simon would love to. He tried so fucking hard to not fuck her but he couldn’t resist any longer, when Allison got up from her nap, he made the move, he felt bad for rejecting her. Caught up in his own damn emotions, emotions he wants nobody to see, so he pushes. It was a couple of hours before they left the cabin…
The way her skin glistened as sweat dropped between her breasts. The way her legs were wrapped around his waist. The air that was being puffed out from both of our moans. Simon dreamed over and over of their reunion. The 6 months was dreadful, he was more snappy at recruits, he was more uptight, hell Soap even made a joke about going to get fucked so he could loosen up. Now she is here right now.
He had to clasp her mouth to keep her quiet as his dick hit her g spot, when he shifted inside of her, fucking her hard. It was so long since his dick felt her cunt. It felt so fucking good. She had to feel the same as well cause he had to try to quiet her down. What if someone came from patrol? However when he got closer to his orgasm he didn’t care. Fuck he loved watching how her mouth would gape wide with those sweet sounds coming out. He felt his hoodie cling onto him and the heat trying to find escape but it didn’t bug him no, the pleasure he was feeling going in and out of her, it overpowered that.
God she felt so fucking good. He kissed her neck, bit her lips. God how he missed those lips. He missed her soft skin. He missed her. Missed fucking her. Missed her laugh. Missed her eyes. Missed her smell. Missed her. He can’t say it out loud no, that would make it a reality. Someone he cared about. He can’t care he has to stay focused. This is just a quick fuck. A quick release. No he can’t have anything happen to her.
When they both came it was blissful. Her legs shaking. His arms tensing, gripping the arm of the couch. He pulled her up to chest. The way she bit his shoulder to quiet her scream, her nails would be digging into his skin if it wasn’t for the bloody hoodie. He wondered how it would feel. He pushed his cock all the way into her till it basically touched her womb. In the back of his mind he would think his cum was marking her pussy. The way it would drip out of her watching it stick to the family owned couch. He remembered he dipped his glove into it and licked it. She always tasted so fucking good.
Usually after they fuck he would leave, even if it was the first time they fucked on a mission, he could have left her there, got her a blanket, get dressed, and watch until they would leave the cabin. Instead they laid there, her head on his chest, she fell asleep. When he woke her up he loved how her eyes were sleepy and how she smiled up at him before putting her forehead to his.
He remembered when they first started the forehead kiss, that’s what he considered it as when he did it to her. Another distraction. Another person to worry about. He knew when he would put his lips on her it was done. But he needs to keep pushing her away. He wants to stop pushing her away but can’t. It’s safer not to be loved. Not to be cared for. Not to care. Fuck how much he missed her.
Simon thought about the feeling he got. The light feeling in his chest when he heard her soft breaths of her sleeping. The way she barely shifted to get closer to him, for warmth. Simon also panicked inside, thinking about all the what ifs. He can’t be caring too much, a bullet could take her away. One of his mates killing her. He can’t risk putting that in front of him, his feelings. He can’t break it. It cracked a bit before she left to see her mom.
Once she left though he had to make sure work came first. There were lives he had to think of. People that depended on him. He was prepared when she would arrive but fuck no. When she stepped in, he felt that light feeling again. He cursed at himself when he said something flirty. So he avoided her. Short and sweet that was all he would give her.
Then she slapped him. God how he wanted to yell at her. When she left the room he punched the bed over and over again, trying to get all that rage out. He was pissed that he called her a bloody sex toy. He was angry. Simon always had anger issues. But he never took it out on Allison.
“Earth to Ghost,” She teased looking over at him. How long was he staring? He cleared his throat before adjusting on the ground, pulling his scope out. “Was there anything you needed to say?”
He shook his head. “Just how I would fuck you right here if we weren’t looking for a terrorist.”
She hummed and shifted as well. He smirked underneath his balaclava. “That would be fun,” He glanced at her. “Wonder how the Russians would react.”
“Wouldn’t take it well even if they were watching a free porno.” He mumbled going back to the task at hand.
She chuckled and stood up. “I am going to move positions,” He looked up at her before cocking his head to the side. “For a better view of the cabin.”
“Rog,” He fished his pocket to pull out a small walkie with an earpiece attached. Putting out is cigarette after. “Keep in touch.”
She nodded grabbing the electronic out of his hands, making sure his fingers touched hers. “Yes sir.” Allison smiled and nodded walking away.
I made it to the other side of the cabin in 60 minutes. I passed a patrol earlier but my white outfit made me blend in with the surrounding area, as I laid low. I pressed the radio on my chest. “Bravo 0-7, Bravo 0-8 I’m in position, how copy?”
“Solid copy.” He responded, taking a moment before continuing. “See anything?”
I climbed up a tree and was able to lay down on to branches close enough with each other. I wrapped a cord attached to my stomach to the tree, just in case I fell out of it. I scoped through my rifle looking into the house windows. “I don’t see the target. There are 4 men that I see on the top floor and 12 on bottom. There could be a basement.”
“Or attic,” Ghost added. “Let’s watch for a couple more hours and head back to base.”
“Rog.” I responded. I continued to watch through the scope and sending updates on the pager.
It wasn’t has cold as yesterday thank fucking god. I watched as 4 men walked out of the building, I attached a audio reader to my scope to see if I could get anything.
“Ты смотрел игру прошлой ночью?” (Did you watch the game last night.) The man that was skinnier and shorter than the others.
“Нет, моей маме нужно было приготовить продукты.” (No my mother needed some groceries done.) The other responded pulling his jacket good up.
They all had rifles in hand, one of them pulled out a cigarette and lighted it. Offered more to the others. They kept talking about the hockey game, personally not a fan but it was interesting to know what happened. I sighed, sometimes these missions made me want to blow my own brains out. So boring. It also was a good relaxing time.
As I was about to put the sensor away another man walked out. “Кингфиш приедет завтра, будьте готовы,” (Kingfish will be arriving tomorrow.) “Так что засунь свои задницы внутрь.” (So get your asses inside.)
They did their mumbling, cigarette throwing, small fits and headed back inside. I reached for my radio. “Ghost how copy?”
“Copy, have anything?”
“Yes sir. Kingfish, have any idea who that is?” I asked smirking knowing what the answer would be.
“Heh, oh I have one,” His voice raspy. “Let Watcher know.”
“Yes sir.”
By the time we got back to our “base,” it was dark out. We informed Laswell and Price about Kingfish to arrive at the cabin. Ghost and I had a feeling it would be Makarov himself, Laswell believe the same. It would only make sense since he is in charge of this whole damn operation.
I was looking in the cabinets for food while Ghost went to patrol outside. There were just cans of corn or beans, since we couldn’t or wouldn’t start a fire, the corn and beans would have to do. Ghost never found a generator which meant the owners themselves took it with them. I took out my knife and jammed the top of the bean can I chose for myself. I grabbed two spoons that were in the drawer in their kitchen and grabbed one corn and one bean can.
I headed outside to see Ghost walking towards the cabin, a cigarette in hand. I forget how tall and big he was as he strutted his way up the stairs. He had to be 6 foot the most, he towered over me. “What’s this pet?” He asked huffing some cold air.
Pet. It made me pool inside my pants. That was a new one. He flicked the bud on the ground squishing it to make sure it stayed out on the frosted ground. I cleared my throat. “Um, beans or corn?”
He looked down and saw the two cans the pointed at the beans, lightly grabbing them out of my hands with his other pulling his balaclava down. “Corn is fucking gross.” As he walked inside grabbing his knife out.
“Corn?” I asked, I followed him in. “Let me guess you are a picky eater?”
“No,” He said defensively. “Corn is the spawn of the devil is all.”
I let out a light chuckle. “Fuck Ghost you really hate corn.”
He just hummed as he took a spoonful of beans, his balaclava was lifted up, as he shoved the beans in his mouth. His mouth was pink and I could tell his face was red from being outside. He sat on the same couch that he railed me on this morning. I took my spoon and shoved beans in my mouth trying not to slobber thinking about it. I sat on the floor a couple of feet away from him.
I still felt sore from him this morning, it was 6 months that we didn’t fuck, well I did at least. Knowing how he was this morning I would guess the same. We kept looking at each other, it was tense but a good tense, sexual tense. I shoved one last spoonful swallowing it before tossing it and he tossed his. We smashed our lips together, teeth started to graze each other tongues dancing with one another, trying to dominate. I could taste the last cigarette he had lingering.
He pulled me up on his lap having me straddle him. I dragged my clothed pussy on his clothed cock. He growled underneath me then took my bottom lip between his teeth and slowly broke us apart. He made me move my neck to the side and bit down before dragging his tongue along it and kissed. I moaned against him dragging myself on top of him.
“Take. It. Off.” Referring to my pants and panties, I stood up and shoved my white cargo pants and my panties.
He groaned and palmed himself wanting the much needed release. “You’re eager.” I teased taking off my jacket, shirt, and bra and throwing them on the floor with my pants and underwear.
“Says you.” He said groaning as I went back to sit on his lap. “I only wanted your top half but the whole thing will do.”
His mouth was inches from mine, I felt his breath meeting with my lips. “Fuck,” I whispered as I felt his finger dragged across my clit. He didn’t have his gloves on. When did he take them off? He made tight circles around my clit sending shivers up and down my spin. “Just like that Simon.” I whispered.
He grunted as I moved my hips but his other hand grabbed to hold me still. “No no dirty girl,” He whispered. “I want to see if you cum just like this.”
I moaned has he kissed my jaw then my chest as he continued his hand making those beautiful circles. He still hand his other hand holding my hips still, anytime I would buck he would hold tighter. He started to go faster and I felt my oragasming coming close right before I could arch my back he stops and moves me to lay on the couch.
I moaned in frustration but once his eyes were above me his was soft but blown from lust. “Don’t worry love you will get your release,” I was about to say something before he grabbed my neck. “Open,” He ordered, I opened my mouth as he slowly spat in my mouth. I swallowed it and he groaned grinding down on me. “Fucking hell that was beautiful.”
Simon started to kiss down my chest and sucking on each nipple. I arched into him moaning loudly, I felt his hand against my lips. “How much I want to here those beautiful noises we can’t risk it.”
I nodded and he took back his hand and glided it back down to my core. “God so fucking wet for me,” He used his finger to gather some of my juices. Before putting it into his mouth sucking on it and hummed. “So fucking good princess.”
My mind went fuzzy once that fucking word left his mouth. His masked face looking down at me and his eyes blown out. It was so hot that I couldn’t even breathe. “You are going to take both of my fingers yeah?” I nodded and he put both of them in, it was a blissful stretch. He pumped and curled his fingers inside as he hit that sponged part. I held my breath so I wouldn’t scream it felt so fucking good.
I felt my toes curl.. Fuck,” I strained trying not to scream. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”
That’s all I could muster as he went faster. “Fuck is right.” He said as I came all over his fingers, he groaned as I started to come down from the high, he pumped two more times before licking his fingers. “That’s a good girl.” He mumbled before standing up, taking off his pants.
I watched as he walked out of them and pumped his cock. He looked down at me and I smiled. “Come here Lieutenant.” I whispered as he took that one step before hovering over me.
“Yes ma’am.” He whispered back before kissing me. It was softer less needy, more compassion. I felt him line up with my entrance before slowly pushing himself in.
I moaned into his and so did he. Swallowing our sounds. We sat like that for a minute before he pulled out leaving his tip in and slammed back into me. I gasped breaking our kiss from the sudden movement, he did it again watching my face. I gripped his back and pulled him closer. He repeated this over and over again. I could hear his groans and moans. “Fuck,” He whispered. “What are you doing to me?”
He buried his head into the nape of my neck slamming harder and faster. “So fucking beautiful all the time.” He said going even faster, never have I seen him going this hard.
I started panting and gripping harder around him. “Fuck,” He said and he stopped sitting up.
“What? What’s…” Before I could finish he took off his jacket and his long sleeves before throwing them on the ground. His mask following suit.
Once they were off he sat there observing me. Watching closely. There were more scars then I thought, big ones, little ones, deep ones, burns. He had a sleeve tattoo on his arm, his veins on each arm were gorgeous. I didn’t even notice the tattoo on his calf either. The scars on his legs. Abdomen with scars and burn marks. His two week stubble showing, also hiding a small scar on his cheek. I felt my face soften. He shifted his black covered brown eyes back to his clothes. He didn’t even realize why he did that. Regret immediately was shown in his eyes. This wasn’t Ghost…this was Simon. Vulnerable. Naked. Exposed. He was desperately looking back at me searching for my reaction.
I lifted my hand shakily and traced one of his scars. “So beautiful Simon.” I whispered, tracing the one on his stomach. He watched my hand, closely looking at me now.
“Really?” He whispered almost enough to where I didn’t hear him. It shocked me to see him unfold like that to crack a bit of his barrier. This is Simon. I tried not to tear up.
I shot my head up. “Always Simon,” I moved my hand up to his cheek. “Your scars will always be beautiful to me.”
Simon looked down at me then leaned down to kiss me. It was hard and full of care. He started fucking me again, hard and slow. He moaned as I grabbed at his back feeling all the dips and curves, his muscles. He placed his forehead against mine has he pumped faster. I moaned loud closing my eyes. “No love,” He places his hand on the side of my face. It was a soft move even for him, it took me by surprise. “Open them, I want to see you come undone.”
I slowly opened them as he lifted my leg to cling higher on his waist. “Good girl, just like that.” I could hear the slapping of our bodies. We both stared at each other as I felt my orgasm coming in hot. “Fuck yes, just like that sweetheart, I can fe…” He couldn’t finish the sentence as his hips began to falter and his dick pulsing inside.
He grunted loudly as my walls began to tighten around him. Simon looked down to where we were joined and back up at me. I bit down on his shoulder, crying, trying to muffle my screams, as my orgasm came rushing through, scratching his back. He groaned loud fucking me faster, him also coming with me. I felt his cum shoot inside me, filling me up.
Simon rested his arm above me as he collapsed, putting his head on my chest. We both were panting trying to gasp the crisp air. I felt dazed, this was probably the best sex we had. It felt more intense, more care. I rubbed his back as he started to collect himself, he lifted his head, his mask looking back at me.His eyes had one emotion I knew but never knew he had. I placed my hand on his cheek. “I meant what I said Simon,” I kissed his cheek then his lips. He latched onto mine immediately moaning softly. “You are a handsome man.”
He was quiet placing his forehead on mine. “Say that again.” He said, having a half smile on his face.
“Say what?” I laughed as he played circles on my stomach.
“My name.”
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crimson-aureus · 6 months
The Echo Nightmare
It's been a few months since I had this dream and I'm fully over it so I feel like I can post this without causing myself too many issues.
So back in December I had this, absolutely horrific, nightmare in which I was Chase from the furry visual novel Echo and I got buried alive.
This nightmare left me feeling very uncomfortable for a while, to put it mildly. And so shortly after the nightmare happened I had a brilliant idea, I figured that if I wrote down my recollection of the dream that it would help get it out of my head and help me get over it.
I was very wrong and it ended up making it all so much worse. Oops. But anyway, despite that, I think the story ended up turning out well the way I wrote it.
The story is below the keep reading but there's a few things I should say to make it make sense.
I chose to write this from Crimson's perspective because I thought that would be fun. He's my fursona and he's a golden jackal/small part fox.
In the dream I was not myself, I was Chase from Echo, he's an otter.
When I had this nightmare it didn't take place in chronological order, so for the sake of this story I rearranged things into the proper order of events.
I didn't remember a lot of the specific dialog from the dream, because remembering precise details like that is hard, so I just came up with stuff that would fit for a lot of this. Still the same idea though, I didn't change the story at all.
          ‘Well, time to get some sleep…’ I thought to myself, seeing that it was already after 5am. By the time I got ready for bed and fell asleep it would be nearly 5:30, and I didn’t want to end up sleeping in too late, not that I had anywhere to be the next day.
          I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth, checking myself out in the mirror as I do. The fur around the back of my head is a mess and I look tired but otherwise I’m looking good, so I give a thumbs up to the jackal in the mirror. I finish up and then head back to my room so I can get some sleep. I remove my clothes, turn out the lights, and then climb into bed, burying myself in the blankets as I do.
          ‘So comfy…’ I think to myself, feeling the softness of the mattress and the blankets against my fur.  There really is no comfier place than your own bed.
          I roll over onto my left side and start to let my mind wander, just thinking about anything and everything helps ease me into sleep every night. But tonight, I couldn’t keep my mind from wandering to some not so nice places.
          Recently, I’ve been having way more nightmares than usual, and it was a worry each time I got into bed. Usually my bad dreams were rare, and exclusively about drowning or the ocean when they did happen. But now, they’ve started diversifying, my subconscious coming up with all kinds of ways to terrify me in my dreams.
          I thought back to the one where a raccoon brandishing a huge knife broke into my room and tried to kill me. Luckily, I woke up before I got stabbed but it was still scary.
          And then there was the one, on the same night even, where someone grabbed my head and held me underwater in an attempt to drown me. That night was not fun to say the least.
          A few days after that came the worst one of all. I dreamed that I did die, luckily, I don’t remember how. But I died, and I turned into a ghost and had to see all my sad and grieving friends and family I’d left behind. Needless to say, this one left me feeling depressed all day long.
          At this point I found myself curled up with my tail in my paws, it was something that I did without realizing whenever I got too scared or upset. Having a big tail to hold was quite comforting, it was one of the perks of being part fox.
          Despite freaking myself out with all of this I soon found myself about to pass out. The last thing I remember thinking before I fell asleep was ‘I really hope I don’t have another nightmare tonight.’
* * *
Next thing I knew I was sitting on the floor of an old wooden building, almost like something you’d see in a stereotypical old west town. There wasn’t much of a floor at all though, it was just dirt.
The next thing I realized was that all my friends were there, the wolf, the lynx, the ram, the fennec, and the Gila lizard. Now that I’d noticed them, they all started to talk amongst themselves. I couldn’t make out what they were saying though so I wasn’t able to join in. And to be honest, I was feeling a bit nervous and on edge for reasons I couldn’t place.
A short while later I heard heavy footsteps coming from outside and a massive bear walked in and stood at the doorway. My heart dropped as I immediately recognized him, it was Brian, a bear known for being on all sorts of drugs and cruelly torturing people.
Before I even had time to react at all the bear just pointed at me and commanded, “I want Chase.”
‘Fuck fuck fuck’ I thought, now well and truly panicking. I don’t know what he wanted from me but there was no way it was good. I was frozen in fear, unable to even make myself get up and run. Before I could snap out of it, I felt Brian grab me by the arm and drag me towards the swinging double doors of the building we were in.
At this point I started to really struggle in a desperate attempt to get away from the huge bear. I gave panicked looks to my friends, hoping that they would try to help me.
They were still doing nothing but continuing to talk amongst themselves, but this time I could hear them a bit better, and their words made me fight even harder. They were saying how they should just ignore what’s going on, and how they want to help me but have no chance of standing up to Brian, so they weren’t gonna try.
As I was pulled outside, I gave my friends one last look and saw them all looking incredibly sad and refusing to make eye contact with me. We crossed the threshold into the outside world and the first thing I noticed was that it was HOT. We must have been in a desert, to match the western theme. Along both sides of the unpaved dirt road that passed in front of the building we had come from were a bunch more wooden structures similar to the one we had just come from.  
Brian was roughly dragging me across the street to the next closest building, despite my gradually weakening struggles. I still fought with all I could, but my weak otter body was no match for the huge bear.
He effortlessly shoved me onto the floor of the porch in front of the building. There was a wooden railing on all sides of the porch, so he was easily able to corner me and cut off any means of escape.
At this point my heart was beating out of my chest and I was beyond terrified. This bear was known for torturing people in the most cruel, horrific ways and my mind was already swimming with all the possibilities of what he intended to do to me.
I’d backed myself as far into the corner as possible without even realizing it as the bear towered over me. Brian was saying something to me, but I couldn’t make out much of it due to just how scared I was. But what I did hear made my blood run cold, something about “this stuff’ll knock ya out.” And “it ain’t gonna be pleasant.”
The bear pulled me up by my arm, which was already sore from being dragged across the street. Without another word he jammed a huge needle into my shoulder. There was a tube attached to it leading to a bag of some liquid, almost like an IV you’d get at the hospital.
It hurt like hell, but I tried to hold back my screams. Once the liquid made it down the tube I couldn’t hold back anymore and let out a scream. Whatever it was inflated the area around the injection site and burned like nothing I’d ever experienced.
Through the pain all I could hear Brian say was, “if ya didn’t feel so guilty this wouldn’t be taking so long.”
I had no idea what the fuck he was talking about, but it didn’t matter, soon enough I found myself blacking out, the pain fading away.
When I woke up, I was groggy as hell, but even in my half-awake state I could tell that I wasn’t where I was before I got knocked out. I was looking towards the sky so clearly; I must be laying on the ground somewhere, and I must be outside. I felt loose dirt underneath my, thankfully still clothed, body so I guessed I must be outside of the town.  
Within a few more moments I was conscious enough to fully understand where I was and the predicament I was in.
I was in a hole, as evidenced by the dirt walls all around me. It wasn’t very deep, and I could easily get up and step out of it. Or rather I could have if I wasn’t bound. Attempts to move had revealed that I was bound tightly with ropes in a hogtie position with my thick otter tail tied to my back and I was laying on my side.
Looking to my side I saw something that left no more doubt in my mind about why I was in this hole. Brian and someone else I couldn’t make out were standing next to a pile of dirt and holding shovels.
“Start shoveling” Brian commanded.
As the first shovelful of dirt hit my body, I felt a level of fear I didn’t even know was possible. I knew I was going to die, and I was beyond terrified. I struggled with all my might against the ropes, now fully consumed with panic.
The ropes dug hard into my fur and skin but that doesn’t matter when you’re consumed by fear and fighting for your life. But it didn't matter how hard I struggled and thrashed about, the ropework was too good and I wasn’t even making a bit of progress.
The dirt was beginning to pile up around and on my body and I knew I was running out of time. I thought I was scared before, but now, being so close to a horrific death, I was nothing but fear and terror and every other awful feeling you can imagine. I couldn’t even make myself struggle anymore; it was hopeless. All I could do was cry as the last shovelfuls of dirt landed on my face. Shortly after, I blacked out, my eyes closing for what I knew would be the last time…
But then I woke up. I woke up suddenly and I was back in my own bedroom, safe and sound. I looked around the room and took a few moments to allow myself to wake up fully.
Once I was fully aware it all came back to me at once. The last thing I remembered was being tied up and buried alive. ‘How did I even survive that?’ I thought, ‘Did I survive that? Am I dead and in some kind of heaven or something?’
Not wanting to pursue those thoughts any further I got dressed and made my way downstairs so I could get some breakfast. The first thing I noticed when I walked into the kitchen was that my mom, another otter of course, was sitting at the table alone and she looked nervous and worried.
I sat down and before I could even open my mouth to speak, she practically leapt over the table to embrace me in a tight hug.
“I’m still just so glad that you’re okay, I was so worried after I heard what happened. I thought I’d lost you.” She said, nearly crying at this point.
“I’m okay, just a little traumatized.” I replied, hugging her back just as tightly. “Okay, well, a lot traumatized but you know what I mean.”
We talked for a while longer as we ate, both of us just happy that I was alive. After we’d finished eating, she brought up something that I could tell she’d been wanting to mention.
“So, Chase, there’s someone who wants to come over and see you today.” She said. “But only if you’re okay with it, I know you’re still not feeling great.
“Is it one of my friends?” I asked.
“Unfortunately, no, though I’m sure they all want to see you as soon as possible.” She replied.
“Who is it then?” I asked her.
“Well, there’s this journalist who heard about what happened and got in contact with me, wanting to talk to you. They want to write a story about what happened.” She told me.
I sigh. This really wasn’t what I’d expected. “Sure, I’ll talk to them. But don’t be surprised or upset if I end up freaking out or panicking or something. Please.” I reply.
“Oh, of course. I know how awful this was for you and I don’t expect you to be okay so soon.” She said.
Later that day as I was hanging out downstairs, I heard a knock at the door. My mom went to answer it and I prepared myself for what was about to happen. I knew this was important, but I didn’t think I was mentally ready.
My mom let the fox in and suggested the two of us sit in the kitchen to talk. I followed him over there and the two of us sat down at the small kitchen table.
“Hi, Chase. I’m sure your mom told you who I am.” The fox said to me.
“Yeah, you want to do a story on, the thing, that happened to me.” I replied.
“Indeed.” He introduced himself and held out a paw. I took it and shook paws with the fox.
“So, what do you want to know?” I ask.
“To start, just go over the entire events of the day, as you remember. The more detail the better, especially about Brian, so that he can be captured.” The fox said.
My breathing and heartrate quickened at his words. “Wait, Brian is still out there?”
“Unfortunately, yes.” Was the fox’s reply.
“I feel even less safe now, but let’s get this over with.”
I spend the next hour going over everything I remember from that day, in order. I talk about how I was hanging out with my friends in Echo, and then how Brian kidnapped and drugged me. I had to stop to compose myself a few times, but I managed to get through it better than I’d expected so far.
“And then when I woke up I was in a hole and I was tied up and-“ I suddenly stopped speaking.
“And what?” the fox questioned gently, sensing that something was wrong.
I just shake my head, all the fear from that moment when I was in the hole is coming back in full force. It’s so overwhelming and I can’t hold back the tears and the panic.
I feel the fox comforting me as everything fades out…
* * *
And then I suddenly woke up, back in my own bed, but with all the fear still more than present. I was curled up with my tail between my legs, hugging it and shaking in fear.
Gradually, the fear faded somewhat, and I realized that I was safe. I was back in my bed and in my jackal body, everything was okay.
But still, that dream felt so fucking real. And even though the dream wasn’t real the fear definitely was. I-I don’t think I’ve ever been that scared in my life. I truly felt like I was about to die…
I lay there unmoving for a while longer. It’s only been a couple hours since I got into bed, but I don’t think there’s any way I’m going back to sleep tonight. I can’t stop thinking about the dream that just happened.
Half an hour later and I was still laying there, feeling incredibly shaken up. I wanted to get out of bed and get my day started but I couldn’t make myself move. The fear wasn’t going away.
Eventually I was able to reach under my pillow and pull out my phone. I really wanted to text a friend; I could certainly use the company right now. But it was only 7am and I didn’t think Jason or Alex would be awake yet, and I didn’t want to wake them up.
I sighed and put the phone back, choosing to continue lying in bed. Eventually, by some miracle, I ended up falling asleep again.
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griffintail · 3 years
Here’s some sad juice lmao. So fundy ends up having to raise his kid sister that ghostbur adopted because Wilbur was revived and dosent have ghostburs memories
His Sister’s Keeper
Pairings: Fundy x Sister! Child! Reader
Past Ghostbur x Child! Reader
Warnings: Mentions of resurrection, Mentions of Death, Mild Angst
A/N: There’s references to Lost Ones but this is not Lost Ones storyline.
        Phil had been successful, after many trials and finally, with no errors, he managed to bring Ghostbur back as Wilbur. When Phil was confident, fully confident, Ghostbur promised his little girl he’d be back to take care of his little blue. The ten-year-old had sat on the stairs at Techno’s house, humming to herself as Fundy paced and Friend grazed on some of the grass that managed to live close-by when the door opened and Phil was grinning widely.
        “It really worked…?” Fundy asked.
        “Yes, Wilbur’s back. He just woke up and getting used to…living again. But, you two can come in.”
        “Can Friend come? He misses daddy too.” (Y/N) stood up.
        Phil chuckled lightly. “Maybe later, come on.”
        (Y/N) gave a small pout before smiling again as she bounced slightly as she followed behind Fundy. Wilbur was stretching his arm out, getting used to the feeling of having a full form again, as the group walked in. He looked, grinning when he saw Fundy.
        “Fundy, my little champion.” Wilbur spread his arms.
        Fundy’s ears flattened but he gave a laugh as he smiled. “Hey, dad.”
        “You’ve grown quite a bit, haven’t you?” Wilbur came over, putting a hand on Fundy’s shoulder. “It’s been, how long you said Phil?”
        “Little over ten years.”
        “That seems short.” He muttered to himself before spotting the child tilting their head as they looked at the man before her. “And did you have a child?!”
        That’s when a heavyweight settled on Fundy and Phil as they shared a shocked look. No one considered if Wilbur would remember…
        “I uh…no dad that’s…” Fundy put a hand on his head.
        “You like a lot like my daddy, but he’s see-through.” (Y/N) piped up now. “My name’s (Y/N), what’s your name?”
        Wilbur frowned, looking at Phil. “Wait, is she saying…?”
        “Ghostbur took her in,” Phil told him. “I-I thought you’d have his memories.”
        “Hey…(Y/N), let’s go outside,” Fundy muttered to her.
        “Oh…but where’s daddy?” She asked him.
        “I…uh…I’ll tell you in a minute,” Fundy told her, showing her out. “Let’s go play with Friend.”
        “Friend loves to play!” She grinned before running to play with blue sheep, Fundy staying at the front door to watch her and listen to the conversation.
        “He took in a child?!” Wilbur exclaimed.
        “She was in a bad spot Wilbur. I’m sure even you would have done the same.”
        “At the time, maybe but now things need to be done, Phil! I need to be stronger, that’s why Casper wanted to be back right? I can’t do that while taking care of a child! I don’t even know her!”
        “Wilbur.” Phil tried to change his mind. “She’d not like other children, she’d going to need her father.”
        “You know her, you take care of her.”
        Fundy heard enough. He was fuming to himself. Even after being resurrected, still the same old dad. Fine, if the bastard wasn’t going to take care of her…
        “(Y/N), why don’t you and Friend come with me to my house?” He smiled gently at her as he came over.
        “But what about daddy? He said he’d be right back.”
        Fundy folded his ears back before crouching in front of her. “(Y/N), you know the man inside?”
        She nodded.
        “And you know how Ghostbur would talk about Alivebur?”
        “Yes, he talked about how he made L’Manberg a lot.” She smiled.
        “…Well, that is Alivebur, his real name is Wilbur. Which, was also Ghostbur’s name.”
        “I’m confused.” She muttered.
        “Ghostbur was Wilbur’s ghost and Phil brought Wilbur back. Which means, he put Ghostbur back into him.”
        “Then…Where’s daddy?” The little girl mumbled, scrunching up her eyebrows in confusion.
        “Wilbur is your dad but…he doesn’t remember…”
        “Oh, does he need some blue?” She asked.
        “No, I—” Fundy groaned into his hands before looking at her. “Ghostbur isn’t coming back (Y/N). Wilbur is Ghostbur and he can’t remember anything about being a ghost.”
        The poor girl was confused. How did her father forget her? He did forget a lot of things but he never forgot her! She was little blue. He also promised that he’d be right back.
        “He’ll come back though, he promised he would.” She wrung her hands together, the sheep nudging her side. “Friend and I are here! He wouldn’t leave us…”      
        Fundy sighed now, seeing her panic. “He thought Wilbur would remember, but that’s not the case. So, I think it’s best if you come with me. Alright? Maybe until Wilbur remembers!”
        He was lying through his teeth with the last sentence but he needed to say something. Anything to get her to come with him. That perked the little girl up before she nodded.
        “Ok. I’m sure he’ll remember. Maybe he just needs some blue.” She reasoned, before hugging the blue sheep. “We’re going with Fundy, Friend! You’ll like his house, there’s lots of grass.”
        Fundy didn’t know what he was in for, but he’d make sure she was alright. Especially if Wilbur didn’t give a damn about the poor child, he had called sister the past few years.
        Fundy was not ready for how much energy the ten-year-old had. Phil knew that Fundy had taken the child and told him that Wilbur did indeed not place a current care on her. He offered Fundy help if he ever needed it and Fundy was sure he’d be fine because she shouldn’t be too bad, she’s Ghostbur’s kid.
        He was wrong.
        She was all over the place, running around or dancing as she giggled. She liked to spend a lot of time with the blue sheep and that was Fundy’s biggest assurance. If he needed to know where she was, look for the one blue sheep. When it came time to sleep came as well, she was extremely difficult about sleeping.
        He had woken up groggily in the middle of the night and she was standing there, hugging the fox plushy Ghostbur had given her forever ago.
        “I can’t sleep.” She muttered.
        “What do you need me to do?” Fundy yawned.
        “Can I sleep with you? I always slept with daddy.”
        Fundy’s ears folded back at the sad thought but he nodded, letting her into his bed. She cuddled against him and before he knew it, she was asleep. He tried other ways to get her to sleep, but every night, he was back in the same spot. She cuddled into him and she was out like a light and stayed like that as long as he kept her there.
        Her naivety also was problematic too.
        “Fundy! Look at the salmon!” She giggled as she leaned over the pier at the lake Fundy had taken her to, to catch some fish.
        He looked over and yelped, dashing over and catching her before she fell into the lake.
        “Wow, you’re fast Fundy.” She smiled as he folded his ears back with a frown.
        He was working the hardest with that.
        “Don’t. Wander off.” Fundy grabbed her hand with practiced ease as she got distracted on a simple walk to Church Prime.
        He wasn’t prepared for any of it. But, day by day, he learned the ins and outs of taking care of her. She would…sometimes ask if Wilbur remembered her and every time, he lied to her…but he was scared about how the girl would react knowing that Ghostbur would truly never come back.
        Today was a good day though, (Y/N) had stayed by his side and was talking to him about a book he had given her to read in order to calm her a bit. They were walking to Church Prime once again together when Fundy saw Wilbur walking down the path towards them. Fundy’s ears pointed back as he carefully took (Y/N)’s hand, pulling her closer to him. She barely noticed, just enjoying the warmth of his hand as she continued on.
        “Fundy, and…(Y/N) right?” Wilbur asked as he stopped in front of the two.
        “Yes sir!” She smiled widely. “You remember me?”
        “I remember you from Techno’s house, yes.” Wilbur nodded.
        “Oh.” She gave a small pout before smiling again, Wilbur raising an eyebrow.
        “Good talk, come on—” Fundy went to lightly pull the girl forward when Wilbur spoke.
        “So, you’re taking care of her?” Wilbur questioned his son.
        “Yeah, no one else would.” Fundy huffed. “She’s my sister anyways.”
        “Fundy’s the best brother.” (Y/N) nodded.
        “She’s not really your sister, Fundy. You could have left her with Phil.” Wilbur told him, (Y/N) turning confused.
        Fundy gripped her hand tighter. “No, she’s my sister. And right now, we’re going to church for the day.”
        “She’s not my child so she’s not—”
        “She was!” Fundy snapped, pulling (Y/N) behind him. “Just because you’re a bastard and refuse to know her, doesn’t mean she wasn’t yours! You could have easily done it! I didn’t know her and now I know how to take care of her just fine! And want to know why I did? Because she’s my fucking sister, whether you like it or not. I don’t care if you remember and probably never will. She’s my sister. So, leave it the hell alone.”
        With that, Fundy pulled (Y/N) along. He didn’t look at the girl for some time as they made their way to the church, but he did when he felt something go into his hand and his anger faded. Looking, he saw (Y/N) had slipped a piece of blue into his free hand and she was holding her own.
        Stopping his walk, he crouched in front of her.
        “Are you ok?” He asked her gently.
        “It was a bit scary that you yelled.” She muttered, looking at the blue in her hands. “But the blue is helping.”
        “Ok, well, you don’t need to use blue all the time ok? I’m here to talk to and you can talk to me about anything because I’m going to always be here to take care of you, alright little sis?”
        She paused before nodding, smiling at him. “Ok. He remembered my name, so hopefully, he’ll remember more soon.”
        Fundy sighed in his head but he put a smile on his face, nodding.
        “I’m sure. Come on, let’s go to Church Prime, and then maybe we’ll go home and take Friend on a walk.”
        She gasped excitedly as she nodded.
        He’d make sure she was always happy because he was now his sister’s keeper and he couldn’t imagine her any other way.
939 notes · View notes
aerialflight · 3 years
Fic Rec (it's been too long and I read a whole lot of fics)
I've read so many fics these past couple of months and my need to share them to the world has seized me by the throat. Please enjoy and support these fanfic writers! They are the best. XD
Nine-Tailed Foxes are Dead by RowlettLesbian
Ship: Shikamaru/Naruto
For Konoha, it's been one month since the preliminary Chunin exams. For Naruto, it's been six. And he wasn't in Konoha.
At the end of his ordeal, Naruto walks into the Chunin Exam finals without his left arm.
Shikamaru is very concerned. And, eventually, very precious to Naruto as they work together to solve the mysteries of Konoha and bring kindness to the Shinobi world, one adventure at a time.
(I would die for this fic. I know the summary sounds doom and gloom but IT'S NOT. This fic made me fucking cry, I don't think I've ever read a fic that characterized Naruto so right. He's so full of hope and love and develops into the best version of himself and I'm so HERE FOR IT. And it's not just Naruto, Shikamaru is absolutely amazing here along with Kakashi and surprise surprise Ino, I can't BELIEVE it took me this long to stumble across this fic. Also THE WORLDBUILDING IS TO DIE FOR!!! And the plot! Is! So! Interesting! Just, everything about this fic is just amazing so please PLEASE read this!!!)
The End of the Uchiha by RowlettLesbian
Ship: Naruto/Sasuke
“I promise, little electric spirit of this shrine,” he whispered into the soft dirt and fallen leaves, “I will never gain the eyes. I will never pass them on. And I will make sure the eyes end in my brother, so that they can’t hurt anybody anymore. I will be the last Uchiha, and see to the end of the Copy-Wheel Clan. Then all of the hatred here can stop, and my family can rest peacefully. I promise, little shrine.”
Sasuke is more than his brother thinks he is. He's more than any Uchiha has ever been. He will kill his brother, but it will not be vengeance.
It will be mercy.
(Same author as the one above, they are the gift that keeps on giving. Seriously, HOW did I NEVER FIND THESE FICS before now??? One of life's greatest mysteries. The author's sense of humor is so on point here along with the atmospheric writing that's so vivid in the mind. Their writing style is so recognizable to me now and makes me fall into the world they're creating, it's stunning. Sasuke here makes me want to hug him and the idea of him living like a feral ghibli character has me LIVING. Check the tags of the fic, all of it is true, hand to god. Please give all of the author's fics a shot, it's a rabbit hole I'm thankful I fell into!)
mil fantasmas (gritan en calma) by LegaciesandMemories
Post-Tsukuyomi, something in Uchiha Sasuke's mind shatters. The same night, Yamanaka Ino falls asleep and doesn't wake up for 15 days.
In which Ino and Sasuke both wake from the aftermath of the Uchiha Massacre with the ability to see ghosts, and no one is prepared for the fallout.
(This fic has arrested my curiosity and eagerness to know what will happen next. These poor kids need so many hugs and Ino is getting the spotlight she deserves. I am so excited for this fic and what it has in store! Please read! XD)
Lichtenberg Figures by Asteroid_Duck (JustThatOneGirl1815)
Name: Kakashi Hatake Rank: Jounin Status: Missing Nin Missing Since: June 15th, 271 AD Note: Flee on Sight . . . Haburashi looked his team in the eyes— three, fresh out of the Academy genin— and resolved to teach them as best as he could. And right now, his lesson was simple: “Stay. Away. From. Kakashi. Hatake.”
(Dimension travel fic with a slice of Kakashi being an absolute troll and dealing with the shitty hand he's been dealt with. Seriously, the man has the worst luck in all of Konoha. Also, the mystery of the other Kakashi's history has me leaning by the edge of my seat, I need to know.)
The Governess by Ysmirel
Ship: Kakashi/OFC
"“What,” he finally asked, “is so funny?”
Ibara bit her lower lip to keep the chuckles in, still smiling and making absolutely no effort to get more space between them, seemingly perfectly at ease within reach of a trained shinobi. Her self-control wasn't all that good, as she ended up snorting and was overcame once again by another fit of laughter. “I just- It's just-” She struggled to speak, trying to catch her breath and wiping away tears of mirth with the hand that wasn't still holding onto his vest. Finally, she looked him in the eye and said, with a smile that was all teeth and without a hint of her previous drunken stupor, “and who's going to believe you?”
As he stood there, stunned by her words and change in demeanor, he realized with dawning horror that she was right."
In which Kakashi finds himself at the other end of the troll shtick, and he doesn't appreciate it all that much.
(It's so hard to find self-insert fics with a fresh concept these days, especially in the naruto fandom. Not that I don't enjoy and devour a lot of self insert fics like it's going out of style, but it's just so nice to find something new and shiny and really damn good. I'm so pumped for this fic and how it's going to develop so please join me in rooting for this fic!)
half a league (until the valley of death) by SpectersShadow117
Kakashi can think of no reason for Sasuke's inexplicable and drastic change in behavior. He doesn't like the desperate, haunted gleam in his student's eyes, and he also doesn't like the nagging feeling that he's missing something very important. Aka: Future Sasuke goes to Past Sasuke and gives him a reality check with Specific Intentions, but as with most Uchiha, his methods leave much to be desired. (Featuring: Childhood trauma FTW, Konoha's shitty care of orphans, and absolutely no one having a fun time.)
(Sasuke wanting to change the future out of complete and utter spite has me LIVING. Sasuke is such a Mess here and the twist on the time travel premise is so good and the kid is so Traumatized and Desperate and Not Having A Good Time. Naruto and Sakura developing as better ninjas and Kakashi trying his best makes me want to scream. Also, how Sasuke thinks about Itachi makes me want to cackle. I am 100% down for this. I am rooting for this kid, go get them! XD)
[Harry Potter]
fruit loops in time (circle around me) by justprompts
Ships: Harry/Draco, Remus/Sirius
"This is Crabbe, and Goyle," the blonde boy says, pointing at the two boys next to him. "And I'm Malfoy, Draco Ma - "
Ron laughs, and Malfoy immediately bristles.
"Think my name's funny, do you?" Malfoy says, angrily. "No need to ask yours - "
"You're honestly so cute," Ron interrupts, yet again, shaking his head. "So tiny. And so angry, all the time. It's adorable."
Alternatively Ron Weasley, Time Traveller Extraordinaire, is stuck in the same seven year Hogwarts Loop, repeating the same thing over and over again. Naturally, he's so done with everything.
(This is the greatest hp fic I've ever read. I LOVE RON WEASLEY and by the time you read this fic SO WILL YOU!! This is the fic I WISH I have the ability to write. I read this entire fic aloud to my brother and we spent literal hours howling and talking about how utterly insane and incredible this fic is, it's amazing. This is hands down my favorite Ron Weasley. You Can Pry This Fic From My Cold Dead Fingers.)
[Boku no Hero Academia]
Kacchan's Cult by Ourliazo
Pro Hero Ground Zero is attacked, originally meant to be de-aged out of existence by a desperate villain but is instead launched into his 14-year-old self.
But Katsuki is a fucking pro so whatever, time to fuck up someone's day. And sure, maybe he's only one man, but that's why he conscripts the entirety of the UA student body into tearing down some criminal empires.
(It's time travel, crack, and Bakugou being his usual explody, competent self. What more in life do you want? Seriously though, please read. I'm obsessed with this fic and having a Good Time!)
Cleaning Crew; Teaching Kids to Value their Safety, for Fun and Profit by Reavv
Takenaka Hideo is a thirty-two year old, in mild desperation for money, who has just been hired as a new janitor for UA's support staff. He has a quirk that lets him find lost objects, a liaison with the police because of it, and desperate desire for competent co-workers.
Oh, and he's already lived a previous life, in a world where quirks and heroes didn't even exist.
Not a big deal, though. It's not like you ever see the janitor playing a big part in action movies. He's here to get paid, and that's it.
On the opposite side of the equation, class 1-A has to wonder at the new UA cryptid that always seems to show up when things are on fire, and who keeps trying to convince them to let the adults handle the fire extinguisher.
(A great deal of fun packed into one fic. That is how I title this fic and nothing will change my mind! Hideo just wants to quietly do his job and not get in the way. I Relate. Please read!)
Poltergeist by WriterGreenReads
Class 1-A is haunted.
Well, not really.
I AM dead, though.
World's friendliest poltergeist, at your service.
(I don't know how I got so sucked into OC fics, but I found some fantastic fics along the way so I have no regrets. The author really tries to push the premise and I just love all the interactions and dynamics that form as the fic gets further in. And the OC character and all the hijinks they get up to cracks me up! At the same time, it's pretty heartwarming and it's practically a friendships galore fic! Definitely recommend it!)
invincible by supercrunch for Engrin
Ship: Bakugou/Midoriya
This is the way the world works: the sun rises in the east. The strong come out on top. Bakugou Katsuki rockets through life like a comet and Midoriya Izuku stumbles after. If he believed in such things Katsuki would say it was written in the stars. That some god of war had looked at him and said this one. That he’d been passed along a line to get his blessings – genius, willpower, fearless ambition – and dropped off on earth.
Then, of course, there is the question of Deku. The spitfire runt. Deku, no matter what the world does to him, never stops hoping.
Until, of course, he eventually does.
(Katsuki broke him. Snapped him in half like a twig and now has to scramble to put Deku back together. “We can do this, Deku," he says slowly. "There are so many mysteries that never got put to bed. Criminals roaming around looking to hurt people and you and me, we can fix that.”
There’s a long pause. The comforter slips a little off Deku’s skinny shoulders and drowns him. “You mean like a team?”
In that split second, Katsuki makes a decision he’s never even considered. He swallows his pride. “Yeah, Deku. We’d be a team.”)
(If there was any other way canon could've gone, this is the story I would've wanted. It's perfect.)
Inadvertent Wilderness Therapy by Cacid
Following an unfortunate encounter with a teleporter on the last day of internships, Bakugou Katsuki and Hakamata Tsunagu spend some quality time in northern Canada.
In no particular order they will: build ugly survival shelters, stalk rabbits, run from polar bears, reflect on the chemical composition of trees, insult each other, and complain about krumholtz.
(THESE TWO. TOGETHER. IN THE WILDERNESS. IN FUCKING CANADA OF ALL PLACES. I still can't believe this fic actually exists and just how INVESTED I became in their relationship. Blue Jeanist instantly became my favorite ranked hero with this fic alone. HIS SENSE OF HUMOR IS TERRIBLE, I LOVE HIM SO MUCH FNIEWOPAF. BAKUGOU DOES TOO. IT'S FUCKING INCREDIBLE. *incoherent screeching into the wild*)
[Stranger Things]
Baci D'aria by RabbitDarling
“Love is worth the sum of itself, and nothing more.” ― Alice Hoffman, Practical Magic
Steve learned a lot at his Aunt's side before she passed but his favourite thing she taught him was baci d'aria; special little spells that you created from the heart and put into the food you shared.
In opening his heart and gifts to those around him Steve slowly finds himself a family in a way he never thought he'd get to experience. One by One he collects pre-teens to trail in his wake like ducklings and Steve can't even refute it by the time he realizes what has happened.
(This fic is so soft and Steve is just collecting people and winning them over with his magical food (literally). I am always a sucker for heartwarming, good for the soul fics so if you want to make yourself hungry and feel all warm and gooey inside, read this!)
(Don't Fear) The Reaper by TeaFourTwo
Ship: Steve/Billy
He looks down at the blood on his hands and on the floor and wonders why the memory hasn’t broken yet, why he isn’t back in Starcourt mall with control of his body again, wonders if he's even still alive at all. Is this hell then? Or perhaps purgatory? It certainly isn’t heaven, that’s for sure. None of this makes any sense…but then what's new—nothing in Billy’s life makes sense anymore.
Billy laughs then, loud and long and unhinged. It's the only sound in the whole house, and it bounces off the walls like a fucked up echo, like the world is laughing with him.
“Jesus christ you’re insane…” It’s Max’s voice and it’s shaking. It only makes Billy laugh harder, because Max has it all wrong. Billy isn’t crazy, it’s the rest of the world that’s insane.
Billy dies a hero of sorts. He wakes up back in his bed on Saturday morning, the third of November, 1984...nearly nine months earlier.
(Billy is stuck in a time loop and it's slowly driving him crazy. And the fic shows just how much influence Billy did have in the plot and how doomed the world is without him in it. Great character exploration with Billy's character and all the ways he's so messy and human. Definitely recommend it!)
[Knives Out]
The Road Less Traveled By by UisceOneLove
Ship: Marta/Ransom
If Harlan wants to leave Ransom to be on his own, fine. He'll show him just what Ransom Drysdale is capable of.
or, where Ransom chooses to prove his abilities through means of the non-homicidal variety and finds himself becoming exactly what Harlan was hoping he would.
(I found this fic out of sheer chance and god, Ransom is just, so fascinating to me as a character. Marta of course is the Best here and I will forever stan her. Seriously, this is such a good fic! Please read!)
Sky Full of Stars by grilledsquids
The Hinatas are twins. They're practically identical.
But while Shouyou seeks out Karasuno's volleyball team to become the next Little Giant, Natsu is scouted to to play soccer for Shiratorizawa. While Shouyou sets his eyes on playing volleyball at the highest level possible, his sister wonders how much longer she can play soccer... and if it's worth it to keep going.
A Natsu-centric story featuring: Shiratorizawa VBC shenanigans, too many soccer OCs, mild teenage drama, a little bit of plot, and Semi Eita not knowing what a period is.
(It's just!! So cute and wholesome!!! The Shiratorizawa volleyball team is so fleshed out along with the OC characters for the girl's soccer team and I swear, it's been a long while since I've laughed this much at the sheer shenanigans that happen in a fic. It's surprisingly hard to find good gen fics in this fandom so finding this gem made me so happy! If you want a fic that brings a smile to your face, read this!!)
like water by speakingincode
Ship: Oikawa/Kageyama
“Oikawa,” Iwaizumi says, and when Tooru looks at him, he can read My best friend’s an idiot off the crease of his eyebrows. “Are you telling me you spent the last three years weirdly obsessed with Kageyama – I still remember the time you made us play him on a dumb whim, you know – and now you’re at his beck and call? Are you okay? What the hell is wrong with you?”
“I’m— I’m not at his beck and call! I said no last week. It’s… It’s like you said. I get bored easily. I saw him at the park a couple weeks after they played Nationals and called him a perfect little tyrant, and he pestered me into spending time with him after,” Tooru says. “I’m not a monster, Iwa-chan. If he wants the company of his cool, handsome ex-upperclassman that badly, who am I to begrudge him?”
Or: Oikawa doesn't know why Kageyama keeps asking to meet him on Saturdays. He also doesn't know why he keeps saying yes.
(The fact this fic is canon-compliant and covers post-canon too makes me want to shout to the heavens. Fucking incredible! One of the best Oikakage fics ever and it's a crime how it's not at the top of the ship tag. Please please read!!)
twist into your shape by kakkoweeb
Ship: Oikawa/Kageyama
The only thing better than sweets were sweets containing paper that told you whether your future would be good or bad--or in Kageyama and Oikawa's case, paper that somehow caused you to live inside each other's bodies.
(Everyone probably already read this fic but it needs to be said, you need to read this fic. How these two try and manage each other's lives and slowly start to care about one another is so beautiful and sincere and I am ready to wrestle anyone to the floor and comply them into reading this fic. Doesn't matter if you like the ship, you will become a fan if you read it, I promise. Please please read!!)
Take the Long Road Home by pepperfield
Ship: Kuroo/Sawamura
When Azumane Asahi goes missing before his engagement meeting with Kozume Kenma, what other option is there but for Daichi to impersonate his brother and fake his way through a first date with Asahi's fiance?
Okay, let's be realistic - there were probably at least four other options.
Unfortunately, Tetsurou couldn't come up with any of them either, so now he's here flirting with Kenma's future husband while trying to keep his web of deceit from collapsing.
It's going to be an eventful day.
(I got obsessed with this ship alongside Oikakage and SO WILL YOU. THE POTENTIAL. THE BANTER. THE FACT THEY'RE BOTH DORKS AND THE FIC HAS IDENTITY SHENANIGANS DANCING ALL OVER IT!! I had so much fun reading this and these two are MEANT TO BE FENIWPAF. If you don't see the potential of this ship, you will now.)
a misunderstanding a day keeps the boyfriend away by bartallen for betuls
Ship: Kuroo/Sawamura
Kuroo doesn’t fall in love hard and fast like many others do – he falls slowly, and very very softly. Most of the times he doesn’t even realise he’s in love with someone until it’s too late.
(Kuroo is the dumbest man alive and I've never related to someone so hard in my life. God help me.)
You like me. by roseknight
Ship: Daishou/Kuroo
Kuroo nearly lived a Daishou-free life, and sometimes he looked back and wondered how much better and how much worse that would've been.
(I didn't even know who Daishou was until I read this fic and now I can't unsee the potential this ship has. I'm a ruined woman and I regret NOTHING.)
Kings of the Road, Kings of the Universe by EzzyDean
Eight magical captains, one bus, an entire summer (and country) waiting for them.
What could possibly go wrong?
(The magic of friendship meets the magic of a summer road trip meets pure magic.)
宿縁 : See You Soon by MissKiraBlue
Ship: Oikawa/Kageyama
Upon arriving at the train station of death, an impure soul is granted a second chance at life against his will. Reincarnating into the body of Kageyama Tobio, a 15-year-old boy who recently committed suicide. Tobio's soul will depart at death and the soul needs to slip in to replace it. If the soul's reformation succeeds, he’ll reenter the cycle of rebirth and regain the right to be reborn. He will have three months to accomplish this task.
“Even though you had enough of life,” the soul whispered into the void of the room, “you were still afraid to hurt your hands, Tobio.”
Afraid of giving himself a scar, if he survived.
He touched his pulse and grasped life and couldn’t help but pity Kageyama Tobio.
"You wanted to die and now I’m here making you live again," he whispered into the night.
(I'm not even exaggerating when I say out of all the fics in this entire goddamn, too long list, this is the fic I'm anticipating and heart eyeing the most. It's only starting, but I already cried on chapter fucking 2, the power of this fic, holy shit. The author also wrote the hq time loop Every Tomorrows series, which I have an undying love for and am full on praying for the day it updates, so you KNOW this fic will be just as good. (Anybody who hasn't read this series, where the hell have you been?? Read it!!) Just, everything about this fic hurts me and something in my chest just aches when I read this fic. Go into it blind with an open heart and I swear to you, it's going to change your life. I'm already calling it. Seriously though, please please read!)
Learning to Fly by Asteroid_Duck (JustThatOneGirl1815)
Fandoms: Boku no Hero Academia, Naruto
The number three hero is a walking (well, flying) contradiction in every sense of the word. This includes his teaching skills. Why had Tokoyami agreed to this internship again? Oh right. He’d thought he was actually going to learn something. …….remind him to never be so optimistic again. . . . OR, Kakashi Hatake is reincarnated as the pro hero, Hawks. Tokoyami Fumikage suffers as a result.
(The reincarnation fic I never thought I needed and it's so good!! I've never really paid attention to Tokoyami and this fic sent me headfirst into loving him. Their dynamic is so interesting and I just love how their relationship develops. Also, Kakashi trolling the poor kid made me cackle, it's great! Definitely recommend it!)
Si Vis Pacem by athenoot
Fandoms: Boku no Hero Academia, John Wick
Everything has a price. That's what John has always known and will forever remember, even in death.
Which is pretty ironic considering his current circumstance.
Instead of a grown, scarred, weary body belonging to a man as cruel and broken as him, he's inhabiting a younger, smaller, unblemished one belonging to a child with strangely colored hair, and is living in what seems to be a superhuman society.
Well. May it never be said that John isn't a strategist. He can live with this. Maybe.
(Somewhere out there in the universe, he's certain he could hear the laughter of his enemies from beyond the grave.)
Or: John Wick is reincarnated as Midoriya Izuku. The world should probably watch its back.
(This should be one of the crackiest fics I've read in a while, but it's taken so seriously and I'm so HERE FOR THIS. John Wick being John Wick in a world of quirks and heroes is the GREATEST, honestly, he's so badass. Bakugou, I feel for you, you must be so fucking confused lol. Bakugou trying his best to be a good friend is one of the best things about this fic. Trust me, this fic will make your day, promise!)
A Girl's Mind is a Dangerous Place by clenastia
Fandoms: Naruto, Fairy Tail
Natsu wakes up in Sakura's body. It only gets worse from there. Also known as: In Which Natsu has No Idea what to do with Boobs.
(I binged this in two fucking days, I couldn't put it down. This fic reminded me why I liked fairy tail when I was younger and why Natsu is honestly such a great protagonist, god. And the fic does that thing, you know, the Thing where when two worlds collide, the characters struggle to acclimate and adapt to a completely another world with different rules and mindsets against their own. This fic is seriously one of the best when it comes to that aspect, it's incredible. I am going absolutely feral over here for this fic to update, I'm waiting in the wings, ready to pounce like a tiger, all the metaphors man. For the love of god, read this fic.)
Give me a landscape made of obstacles by Melise
Fandoms: Naruto, Natsume's Book of Friends
Kakashi Hatake isn’t who he says he is.
Because the truth is that he’s actually a youkai in disguise, a wolf spirit named Madara who stumbled across the Hatake clan during the Warring States Period. Intrigued by the shinobi he saw, he’d proposed a temporary alliance in which he would offer the clan protection in exchange for their teachings.
Decades later, Madara is surprised to find himself inadvertently summoned to Konoha by the last living member of the Hatake clan. Sakumo Hatake, who is mourning the recent deaths of his wife and stillborn child, doesn’t want to be alone anymore. So with his permission, Madara takes the place of Sakumo’s deceased son in order to watch over the last Hatake.
(Fusion in which the youkai of Natsume’s Book of Friends all exist in the Naruto world. No knowledge of Natsume’s Book of Friends required).
(Before this fic, I only had a very vague idea of what Natsume's Book of Friends was, and honestly, I still don't know much about it. But I didn't really need to know to get into this fic. I love the worldbuilding and the relationships Kakashi forms, both supernatural and mortal. I love how Kakashi's inhumane ways affect others around him, whether to stress them out or become used to the strange. You can go straight into this fic without knowing anything and absolutely still have a fantastic time. I definitely recommend this so please read!)
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johaerys-writes · 3 years
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Fandom: The Song of Achilles Pairing: Achilles/Patroclus
Chapter 14: A Bounty of Hours of High-Flying Birds is up! The boys’ first night together in Skyros, from Patroclus’ POV. Smut, cuddles and feels galore :)
Read on AO3! Or read from the beginning
For a long while, I simply held him.
I wrapped my arms around him, hid in the hollow of his throat. Felt his lungs, the way they swelled with every breath. Listened to his heartbeat, the way it pulsed in his neck, in the dark. I traced the channel of his spine with my fingertips. It was hidden under layers of fabric, but I knew the subtle dip between the shoulder blades, the curve of the lower back. I knew it, better than my own. I had followed it countless times; I could have done so in my sleep.
Achilles’ fingers smoothed up my back, caressed the back of my neck, threaded through my hair, mirroring my own movements. We had only lit a single lamp and left the window open, and in the moonlight that streamed in he was silver-bright and luminescent, a flame flickering in the dark. I gazed at him, and wondered how I had spent a single moment, a single breath without gazing at him; it all seemed so far away now, incomprehensible. A nightmare that disperses upon waking, yet its echoes still leave a trace of bitterness, of fear, behind.
None of that mattered now. Nothing mattered, not when he was breathing, his pulse beating, the moon shining upon him while I held him in my arms. I breathed deep, the deepest I had breathed in days, weeks, months— I breathed like I never had before, like all the air around me had been sucked the moment he’d been taken away, and it was now given back to me in abundance.
I breathed. We breathed.
Achilles did not speak. He hadn’t spoken a word since we’d walked into the room and closed the door behind us. He leaned back to look down upon me, his eyes searching my own. He would do that, every so often, as if he could not believe I was there, as if to convince himself that it was truly me, and not some ghost, some mirage, some half-formed dream. Long, delicate fingers traced the sides of my face, as if to make sure.
“Patroclus,” he whispered.
I took in a shaky breath. I did not take my gaze off him— I do not think I could, even if I wanted to. I watched his eyes the whole while, the way they gleamed beneath his eyelashes, the way his pupils widened like a hunting cat’s in the night. His fingers moved lower to trace the line of my jaw, smoothing down the column of my neck. He caressed my collarbone with his knuckle, then followed its line until it let him to the clasps of my tunic.
An intake of breath. The whisper of fabric as it fell loose over my shoulder.
“Patroclus,” he breathed, leaning down to kiss the skin he’d exposed. I shivered, my head falling back on a sigh when I felt his petal soft lips on me, his breath warming me.  
He moved on to the other clasp to unfasten it, his lips following where his fingers had touched. His palm smoothed down my chest, pushing my tunic down. When I was standing before him in nothing but my skin, he undid the laces, clasps and sashes that kept his own dress in place with quick and sure movements. It was swiftly discarded in a pile on the floor, next to my own clothes. Then, he drew me flush against him, holding me so tightly I thought my breath would leave me, his lips gliding over my own, his hands roaming, roaming.
“Achilles—” I gasped when I was suddenly lifted off the ground. I laughed despite myself, wrapping my legs around his waist, my arms coming around his shoulders. My nose was buried in golden curls, rich with the smell of him, the taste. Rose water and sandalwood, pomegranate, him. His scent suffused me, filled me to the brim— my lungs were close to bursting, yet I wanted more. I needed more. I needed to breathe him in, to drink him in, to keep him safe within me, forever.
“Achilles,” I whispered into his hair, squeezing my eyes shut when I felt them burning.
Don’t leave me.
With his arms around me, keeping me aloft, he walked me to the bed. I held on to him tightly as he lay me down, with my legs wrapped around his waist and my arms locked behind his neck, feeling his lungs that swelled and his heart that beat against my own. He felt so solid, so real against me. It was as if we’d never been apart, as if the last two months had been but a blink of an eye, while at the same time I could still feel the hollow of his absence as if he was not there at all. I thought of all the nights that had gone by in an endless, dizzying stream, nights that I had spent dreaming of him, wanting him, aching.
“Achilles,” I whispered into the soft hollow of his neck, and I was aching still.
Stay with me.
He spoke my name again, I think. He was kissing me everywhere, whispers interspersed, warming my already flushed skin, lips and hands mapping every inch of me. Our kisses, from slow and gentle, had turned fierce, exploratory and possessive, as if in the span of a single night we could make up for all the lost time, like we could unwind those shimmering threads and wrap them all again around us, for us.
It wasn’t long before his deft fingers slid down between us, quick and agile like watersnakes. I gasped when I felt them wrapping around me in a firm grip. He knew the rhythm I liked— oh, he knew it well— and his eyes were on mine now as he stroked me, faster now and faster.
I might have spoken then, perhaps. I might have said something —I missed you, I missed this, I need this— but words were slipping away from me, like so much sand through my fingers. I surrendered myself wholly, unable to hold back. I reached down too, past his chest, past his stomach, past the soft tangle of golden curls at his navel. He was hard and slick with dew and ready already, and I watched him, drinking in the sight of him as every stroke of my fist brought him closer and closer to the edge.
“Patroclus,” he moaned, thrusting in my hand, “Patroclus—”
Release was quick to come, for both of us. He came with a gasp, spilling messily over my stomach. The beads of his seed shone all over me, pearlescent in the moonlight. I wasn’t far behind, riding the crest of that wave while he kissed me, and kissed me, and kissed me.
“Achilles,” I sighed against his lips, drawing his breath into my lungs, dizzy with the sweetness of his mouth. He was smiling when he collapsed on top of me, his arms coming around me to hug, to hold, to keep. Weak shivers were still running through me when I hid my face in his hair.
Never leave me.
Sleep was just at arm’s reach.
Later, the chill breeze that blows through the window stirs me awake. Achilles is sprawled over me like a blanket, like the fox furs we would throw over us in Pelion to keep us warm in the heart of winter. He is smiling in his sleep. My eyes fall closed again, and I think:
Don’t leave me.
He stirs, still asleep. His lips press against my cheek as if by instinct, and I think:
Stay with me.
“Patroclus,” he breathes, still reaching for me, even in his dreams, and I think, I think, I think-
Don’t leave me. Stay with me. Never leave me.
We slept for a while like this, tangled in each other’s arms. Legs under legs over legs, arms beneath necks, hands going numb and tingly from the weight. When we finally peeled away, we were both sticky, sweaty; we laughed at how little we cared. A brass bowl of water with strips of clean cloth had been left for me by the servants before I came in, and we washed ourselves hastily before moving back to the bed.
The moon beyond the window was bronze and full now, slipping sideways, dipping towards the west. The Pleiades were twinkling, in the far away.
Achilles lay on his back on the narrow bed, his chest rising and falling softly with his breaths. The oil in the lamp was almost gone, and in the light that was fading he looked hazy and indistinct, his outlines blurring in a soft, shimmering halo.
I lay on my side, watching him. I let my gaze sweep over his smooth brow, his sharp profile, the bridge of his nose, his bow-shaped mouth. He swallowed, and I reached out to ride the tiny motion with the pad of my finger. That made him smile.
“It tickles,” he said. His fair eyelashes fluttered, revealing sleepy jade green eyes.
I shifted closer to him, pressing against the length of his body, and he lifted his arm to hold me. I felt safe there, wrapped in his undulating warmth, in the heat that always seemed to emanate from him. It was because of his divine blood, he’d explained to me once, that his skin was so warm.
I had nodded then, but it still made little sense to me. Thetis was as frigid as the dark waters of bottomless oceans. I could not imagine her bone white skin being warm to the touch. Achilles radiated like the sun; Thetis was as cold and distant as the moon. He was honest and direct when she was scheming, golden and resplendent when she was sharp, cold, cruel to the core.
It mattered not. He was Achilles, and he was beautiful, and he was there. He was my light, my life; Thetis would readily take both from me. I had never feared, nor hated, anyone as much as I did her, right at that moment.  
Sullen determination sparked within me. I would never let him go, regardless of how little she thought I deserved him. I would defy the gods themselves, if I had to.
“What are you thinking about?” came the drowsy, sleepy question.
I stayed silent for a moment. I did not want to share with him the acid of my thoughts, and I did not want to lie to him. I simply said, “Your mother was trying to hide you from the war?”
Achilles’ eyes cracked open, when they had been half closed, and he shifted to face me. Sleep was gone now; his attention was entirely focused on me. “She does not want me to go to Troy. It’s too soon, she says. I’m too young. There will still be wars to be fought, she says, and Troy should not be it. I think...” He paused for a moment, considering. “I think she wants me to be safe, and you with me.”
I frowned. Thetis had always wanted him to fight. If there was something I had come to know about her, was that nothing she ever did or said was simple or straightforward. I wondered where the knife lay, amidst the flowers.
“So it was not because of me? This…” I gestured at the remnants of his disguise, his hair that was still hanging in its womanly curls.
“Deidameia was because of you, I think. But the rest was the war.”
I struggled to understand it. Achilles could explain it no better than I could, so we simply stayed silent for a long while. The wick in the oil lamp was sputtering softly when Achilles’ fingers smoothed gently up my arm.
“I missed you,” he sighed.
His touch made my skin prickle. Desire sparked readily within me, just with the feel of his breath brushing my cheek as he shifted closer to me still.  
He flattened his palm down my sides, following the curve of my hips, brushing down my thighs, claiming every inch of me. “I missed you,” he said again, more fervently, urgently.
I kissed him in response. There were no words to encompass the depth of my need for him while we’d been apart, the hollow that his absence had left behind. I touched him as he touched me, following his movements, like a flower follows the sun.
“I thought about you.” His breath was shaky when he rolled over me, washing over me like riptide, waves that rolled over a golden shore only to retreat again. His jade eyes were blazing through his golden lashes, and his lips were flushed and glistening. “I thought about you all the time.”
His words warmed me and I sighed, letting my head fall back against the pillows as I looked at him. The tips of his curled hair caressed my face like feathers.
“You did?”
“Yes. I thought,” he whispered in my ear, his voice raising the hairs all over my body, “of holding you like this. Touching you like this.” His hands moved ceaselessly, endlessly wandering, as he planted kiss after kiss on my lips, my eyes, the angle of my jaw. “Did you think of me?”
I blushed; I could feel my cheeks catching fire. Of course I had thought about him too. All those nights that had seemed never ending, when it felt like the ship would never reach the shore, and I feared I would remain trapped in the interstice between darkness and the unknown, I always thought of him. I would summon his image in my mind, like a talisman to ward off every terror. The way his hair looked in the bright sun, strands of molten gold heavy with water, clinging to his skin when we went swimming in the stream or in the sea; the droplets that glittered on his curved eyelashes and in the space between his full lips like beads of morning dew.
“I did,” I said, a touch strained, when his tongue flicked over my earlobe. I felt alive, vibrant; more than that, I felt bold. I tilted my head to the side to give him better access to my neck as I asked, “What else did you think about?”
Read the rest on AO3!
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peterxwade24 · 4 years
The Best Cocoa
For Maribat March 2021 day 10 prompt Creature and Cryptids (sort of. if you squint hard enough).
This one is short, I'm sorry. I didn't know what to write for it. Enjoy. ~
Marinette had always known her family was different, from the way her father rose at dusk and fell asleep just before the sun rose above the horizon to the way her youngest older brother seemed to have animals flocking to him and an innate ability to cause mischief. Her oldest brother seemed to be best suited to tending to house plants and greenhouses while her second oldest brother was little more than a ghost and her third oldest brother seemed to be a species of leprechaun. Her second youngest older brother was a giant being with magical healing abilities while her eldest sister had large wings which shone in the moonlight. Her second oldest sister had the ability to turn into a fox while her youngest older sister had glowing green eyes and had a perpetuity to find missing children. Her favourite aunt always had a beautiful maroon coloured seal skin shawl paired with all of her outfits.
Marinette herself wasn’t even the odd one out. However, she was the shortest, standing only nineteen inches tall. She and Damian had what most denizens of Gotham, which she and her siblings called his haunt, would call brown skin. Tim was barely taller than her, standing only two feet tall. However, they all fit together in ways that no one thought they would, given their different pedigrees and all.
The first time Bruce Wayne was publicly asked about his odd collection of children was just after Tim had joined the family.
“Mr. Wayne!” Vicki Vale called as Bruce walked with Dick, Jason, Barbara, Cass and Tim. “What’s up with your, odd, collection of children? Why do you keep adopting?”
“Because all children deserve a loving home. I just wish I could do more for the kids still on the streets. Not all of them want a home but they all deserve a place where they’re safe and have enough food.”
Bruce’s collection only grew, adding four more before the next gala. What people couldn’t understand is why he kept getting children of different species. Wouldn’t he just be happier with children who were the same species as him?
To their displeasure, Bruce made an announcement halfway through the gala.
“I would like to thank everyone in attendance for being here to support this great cause. I would also like to take a moment to thank everyone for their support in recent years. I know the way I grew my family wasn’t the traditional way, but I love each and every one of my children just as much as their siblings. It does not matter to me that they are all different species, it does not matter to me that some of my children are what some might consider dangerous. I, myself, have faced adverse reactions because of what I am. I am a vampire and some might think me a monster. Behind every rumor is a benevolent creature who society looked down upon. Thank you for your time.” Bruce stepped away from the podium amidst the uproar of the gathered peoples and walked back to his children, allowing the two smallest of their group to climb onto his shoulders. “What do you say? Go home and have some of Alfred’s special hot cocoa or stay here and be asked more questions?”
With a resounding answer of “cocoa”, the Gotham Waynes piled into their car and drove back to the manor.
Alfred, or as he was once worshiped Anulap, always made the best cocoa.
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tiedyexuxi · 4 years
between the lines. [part one of two.]
yooha x fem!reader.
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a/n: my dislike of the Taehee bias in-game makes itself pretty prevalent here, so if you don't like some mild Taehee bashing then don't read. The second part will be NSFW. ♡ Enjoy!
YOUR PINKIE DIDN'T ache for Taehee anymore. It took you a while to realize it, being around him as often as you were, of course; you never attributed the shift because where Yooha was, Taehee was somewhere nearby always monopolizing your attention from even the smallest of things.
You had, at first, liked the monopolization. It was something to keep your mind off of your mom, off of the situation you had landed yourself in by some foolish childish promise you had made that you barely even remembered. It was a distraction--Taehee was a distraction.
So whenever Yooha was jealous or hurt over the eldest goblin, you didn't notice. You were so wrapped up in Taehee, and Hansol and Biho, that somehow, he fell to the wayside despite most of your days being spent with him at shoots or meetings. So close, and yet the distance between the both of you was so far that you only noticed it when it was a gaping chasm filled with cold shoulders, stiff silences, and not-quite-sincere smiles.
And then, slowly, like petals upon fresh grass, your fondness for Taehee started to wither. Or rather, the fate that had tied you to him had started to fade completely and Yooha was becoming an unusually common centerpiece in your thoughts and dreams. Dreams that not even Biho could stop, evidenced by the peculiar look on his face every time you woke up in the morning for breakfast.
You barely even noticed when you stopped rubbing your pinkie in his presence. You were sure he noticed, looking back on it, blue eyes noticing as you shoved your hands in your short pockets more often, or twisting them behind your back as you spoke, but never in that anxious, almost nervous habit that helped the ache in your finger and your nerves. He never said anything about it, but his actions spoke for him; he watched you more closely, after that, seeing which goblin it was that made your finger hurt and not him.
It was none of them, as it turned out.
Over the past weeks or so that you had been coming to terms with your lack of fondness for Taehee, Yooha had been a ghost--at home, at least. He would engage in light banter with you at work when you crossed paths, would do the shoots with you whenever your managers choreographed them in, but past that, you never saw him. You would catch glimpses of him here and there: a tuft of silver hair vanishing into his room; a tail waving as he spoke to Hansol; his blue shirt fluttering in the breeze as he left the cafe you had just sat down in...
Even though you could have called his name and forced him to come to you, you didn't. You hesitated instead, knowing deep down that if he was avoiding you, it had to be because of something you did--you had gone out of your way just to catch those small glimpses of him. He was hard to find when he didn't want to be, and when it was you, it was... painful.
The dull throb in your finger, late at night, reminded you of it. It even kept you awake, sometimes. But you couldn't resist it.
It was why you were awake, now, at two in the morning. The goblins all were asleep; you had checked. Yooha was conspicuously absent, likely doing anything but coming home, and usually that meant he was busy with work of some kind.
But you couldn't wait. This had been eating at you since you had noticed it.
There was the familiar rush of cool, calming magic. And then he was there, a warm weight resting against your back in your bed, arm closing around your waist to hold you there.
He was quiet, for a moment, silently pondering. You could almost hear the gears whirring inside his head. And then, carefully, he lowered his head down to your pillow. He waited for you to push him away, evident by the way he tensed up, but you didn't--you didn't have the heart to fight him off anymore.
Not with your fate tied to him so thoroughly that not even a goblin could break it.
"You called?" Yooha kept his voice to a whisper, wary of Taehee's keen hearing, but you detected the edge in his tone. He was still... off. Angry, perhaps.
"I did." You reached down and linked his fingers with yours. There was a quiet little inhale of surprise right next to your ear. "I'm sorry."
"What are you sorry for?" You wished you could roll over and look at him. "Calling me here?"
There was a bitter thread in his voice. You could read between the lines: 'Calling me here... and not Taehee.'
His jealousy for the goblin ran deep, almost as deep as his feelings for you, you would wager. At first his feelings had been nothing more than something to irritate Taehee with, you knew that now. But it had turned into something genuine somewhere along the line. Sometime when your thread had moved down the list.
Sometime when you had, somehow, started feeling the same.
"No." You took a deep, shaky breath. "I... I'm sorry for not telling you that... that my thread of fate has moved to you."
He was so silent that for a moment you thought he had left, if his fingers still weren't laced with yours. Then, so quiet that his whisper was a breath against your shoulder, he said,"I know."
"You knew?"
"I can see it. It's faint, but it's there. I honestly didn't think you would notice it."
Again, more reading between the lines: 'Because you were so wrapped up in Tahee'.
"Why didn't you...?"
"Say anything?" He laughed and you couldn't help the goosebumps that erupted over your skin. "Taehee would have killed me ten times over if I did. You would have let him. So I distanced myself."
"I wouldn't have," you argued.
"You would have, you know you would." Yooha's nose drew a line down the bare flesh of your throat. His lips followed, barely a brush of air. "You would have let self sacrificing, sad, guilty Taehee tear me to ribbons and you wouldn't have made a sound."
"Don't make assumptions for me."
"They're not assumptions when they're true, [Name]."
Your name. Not 'master'; your actual name. And his voice was hard, sharp, laced with an edge meant to cut, to hurt, to maim. And once upon a time, he might have been right; you might have let Taehee get rid of him, once, but now it was different. It had changed.
Your feelings had changed.
"Yooha." You turned over to face him, almost shocked when your nose brushed his. You were so close that you could see the individual flecks of iridescent silver in his eyes. He could see you far better than you could see him with those fox eyes, an unusual green reflection in them from the moonlight. "That's not true."
"Sure it isn't." His fingers tightened against yours. "What do you want?"
"What do you mean?"
"I can't keep doing this with you." Yooha's eyes were practically slits. "I can't keep wanting your love, watching you fawn over Taehee, and completely reject me as an option. You won't even accept me as a friend. Just someone who lives here, happens to be bound to you, and comes when called."
You could read between the lines there, too: 'Like your pet.'
"You don't have to." You watched his eyes widen slightly as you reached up to gently brush strands of hair from his face, as soft as his fur. His tails paused in their rioting behind him, frozen in time. "Not anymore."
"You're lying." His tone said he wanted to believe.
"No, I'm not." And with nothing else to say, you kissed him.
His lips were impossibly soft, softer than you had imagined. When you pulled away, his eyes were wide, pupils blown out to cover his iris. Before you could even try to speak, he was dragging you on top of him and crushing your body to his like his life depended on it. You settled into him, two pieces of a puzzle fit perfectly together, and when your lips met again, your finger burned as if someone had set it on fire.
And then, blissful numbness.
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randomfoggytiger · 2 years
X-Files Collector’s Edition:  Amor Fati(gue) AUs
Part 2 is here, baby! Woo! Amor Fati canon-divergent-and-AUs time!
Loose chronological timeline below~.
Canon-Divergent Fics
Maria Nicole’s Off Center
“Once, she had fallen before him, her lips forming the word, "you," as she fell, contempt in her closing eyes. Before her gaze, he had felt unnerved and guilty, although he had not betrayed her, although what he had done, he had done to save her.
The guilt was worse now that he had betrayed her, betrayed both of them, and her eyes did not close this time as she accused both him and Diana Fowley of being liars.””
Skinner is forced to work against Scully as she prepares to leave for Africa. His guilt is intensified when Scully catches on and withdraws all trust.
@greekowl87′s (Ao3)
Kisses Are Meant to Be Distracting
““Scully disappeared back out to his apartment. She could hear the shower turning on and could swear she could also hear him ‘Walking on Sunshine’ off-key. She bit her lip and smiled to herself. Despite her initial confusion on where to turn, she recalled Mulder’s words…his touchstone, his constant…and for the first time in their seven years, she had never been happier. Granted his situation warranted that they stay slow with their new development, but it wouldn’t be their thing if it didn’t go slow.””
Mulder’s recovery is sweetened by his budding relationship with Scully.
Voices in the Dark
“You hated me. You said I gave up. You left me. I deserved it too.”
“Mulder…” Like a ghost, she maneuvered herself so they were looking at each other face to face. “Look at me.” Their eyes met. In the nightlight from the street lights below, Scully could see Mulder’s own tears. “Oh, Mulder.””
Mulder finally opens up about his vision; and Scully immediately dispels any loathsome thoughts he has about himself by affirming her loyalty and love.
@bluesamutra/bluesamutra’s una via 
““Go outside,” she says nudging Dana’s hip, “Bill has been on his best behavior but I’m sure Fox came to spend time with you, not your brothers.”
Dana presses a kiss on her forehead and rises from the arm of the chair.  
“Thanks Mom,” she murmurs.
Moments later, Margaret watches as Dana picks her way carefully across the lawn in those perilously high-heels she insists on wearing, her black overcoat wrapped tightly around her.  The sky is darkening rapidly, the far end of the garden where the lawn gives way to trees and the Patapsco River beyond, almost completely obscured.  Snow has begun to fall, swirling around and glowing in the glare from the coach lanterns.””
Post recovery, Mulder joins Scully for Christmas and gets involved in family bonding, saving Matthew from dramatically drowning late at night, winning Bill’s respect, and soaking up acceptance and love.  
Diana Alexander’s Kaleidoscope Visions
““Not really, Scully, if you think about it.  If the mind has received so much information that it's incapable of receiving more, it does one of two things.  It either represses it or takes it into an arena that it can handle.  Apparently this is the arena where our minds agreed that we could handle.””
Scully is still in Africa... but somehow can communicate with Mulder via telepathy. He, of course, has a theory.
Guardian Angel
““I had been asleep most of the last forty-eight hours, finally knocked out by the barbiturates in my system. They had found no signs of a tumor, just signs of extremely abnormal brain function, as yet unexplained.  I am blown away by the grasp Mrs. Scully has of the situation; she is rattling off every detail with an authoritative poise that I have only seen in her daughter's demeanor.  
I make no attempt to speak, just nodding my head occasionally to show that I am indeed listening and comprehending every word of her monologue.””
Mulder’s pain disspiates after Scully kicks Diana out and leaves him in the care of her mother and TLG. He blearily waits for her return from Africa.
Safe Haven
““I tell the guys to just wait a couple minutes while I grab a wheelchair and enter Mulder's private room, a room I had fought hard to get him, along with a treatment plan that included fewer drugs and fewer unwelcome visitors. Banning Diana Fowley may have been seen as the actions of a jealous woman, but I was still not convinced that she hadn't exacerbated his condition by slipping some drug into his bloodstream.  I could see right through her concern.  I knew she still worked for the Consortium, whatever still remained of it.””
Scully returns from Africa, victorious-- hailed by TLG, and sneak-hugged by an incredibly happy Mulder.  
Gwendolyn’s Temporary Shelter 
““It isn't proximity, then? You're hearing thoughts from people further away?" It was a new twist she hadn't even considered before.
"Not exactly." He wore the enigmatic expression he donned when he was holding some new mystery close to him, unwilling to share.
"Then what?" she asked.
"I don't think we're necessarily the only ones here."
Scully springs Mulder from the hospital to hide out in Africa, hoping to secure his safety while she digs for answers. In his isolation, Mulder uncovers the journal of a woman whose fate was also tied up in the mystery of the buried spaceship.
Amatia’s Midnight on the Firing Line
““I've seen this before, in Russia. Look, if you don't believe me, fine. But Agent Mulder must, because that's my name on your hand."
Skinner sighed, and nodded. Krycek filled the syringe, and injected it into the IV bag of saline. He handed Skinner the other bottle. "You've got to do it again when they replace the IV."
Skinner slid the bottle into his pocket, and looked down at Mulder, who was becoming more aware. "Agent Mulder?" he asked.
"Krycek's gotta get out of here," Mulder said, his voice raspy. "Diana's coming."
Mulder breaks out of the hospital with the help of Skinner and Krycek; but unfortunately, no one is ever truly “free” with the Syndicate right behind.
@atths--twice’s (Ao3, Alt. Ao3, FFN)
A Slightly Different Path - Chapter 3 - Constant Love
““After she left, he felt so alone, his mind buzzing. He had more nightmares, not wanting to rely solely on the painkillers to help him sleep. He would call her sobbing, needing to hear her voice, to know she was not dead, her blood running across the floor as he had just dreamt. Or her face blue from choking, or her body only bones and found in a shallow grave.
She took every call, talking to him until he stopped crying, telling him repeatedly that she was there and she was okay.””
Mulder is tortured by nightmares as he slowly recovers; but his reflection through his trauma gives him a beautiful analogy for his (*gasp*) wife Scully. 
While recovering, Mulder’s continuous nightmares enable him to fully translate his newfound contentment to his (*gasp*) secret wife Scully. Peace is achieved. 
Sarah Segretti’s (Ao3) A Less Certain World (Ao3) 
“"No, Mulder. I looked. I know your scars. I saw nothing new. And your blood work in the hospital showed nothing I considered unusual." So I escaped Skinner's fate, then. "What, then?" My voice wobbles. Her eyes are still full. "I'm afraid -" And so am I, because that’s the second time today she’s admitted to an emotion she never admits she has - "I'm afraid the enhanced brain activity and the medications and the tests may have caused -" She stops, licks her lips, takes a breath. Her voice is very small. "Brain damage." Everything goes white and silent for a moment. Was this what it was like for her to hear the word "cancer"? She’s still talking - about having me tested, about finally taking me to a neurologist or two, how she should have done this before but I was in no mental shape - and her words slide past me like drops of rain down a windshield. Nothing sticks except those two words.””
Mulder’s sluggish recovery is shaken when Scully finally confesses that she, TLG, and Skinner performed remote brain surgery via the Biogenesis map, which gave him permanent brain damage. He begins to drown in fear, PTSD, and the implications of aliens blueprinting his genome while Scully scrambles to aid the newly-formed Resistance and reconfigure a cure for Mulder.
Magnifique! This fic isn’t about the bigger plot happening in the background: it’s about Mulder’s trauma in the face of irrevocable change and fear that he will lose his self-identity, too.
fxthisit’s You’re It
““What’s there to talk about?” She got her coat, “I’m not abandoning you, Mulder, if you are worried about that. I don’t know about you, but my priority has always been my work and the X-files.” She started heading out the room before turning around at the doorway, regarding Mulder with a look. “We’re partners, Mulder. I still got your back. I’ll see you tomorrow morning at the scene,” she turned around and walked away, leaving Mulder dazed with only the receding sound of her heels....””
Apparently, fate decided not to give Scully a break. Diana’s alive, and hands Mulder a vague “I’m better now” excuse... which he tries to make Scully accept. Instead, she gently withdraws, redraws lines, and continues her work... which almost leads her to her death. 
(And while Diana not being dead is a big fat bummer to end this list on, it IS in loose chronological order soooooo... format integrity!) 
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mintsuke · 4 years
Latibule (s.r.)
(n.) a hiding place; a place of safety and comfort
In which you have a crush on Suna Rintarou, only to find out his biggest secret after witnessing the murder of your classmate.
WC: 4.7K
A/N: I’ve been dying to write something for Suna, and this is the result! Enjoy and lmk what you think <3
Warnings!: Death, slight gore, Suna’s tongue.
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“Are you okay?”
You look up at the boy, his eyes shimmering a beautiful gold hue as he gazes down at you. The two of you stand in the middle of a night district, bystanders never truly looking like real human beings the more you gawk at them. 
Some look like harmless humans, others look like they’ve jumped straight out of the folklore told to children to keep them from misbehaving. Above, you see the silhouette of a long snake-like figure, with a gigantic head, slither across the sky. 
Tears continue to fall from your glimmering eyes as you shake your head and hug his torso. His hand reaches up to caress over the back of your hair gently, other wrapped around your back securely.
“Hey hey... you’re alright, what are you doing in the yokai district?”
“I tried going home,” you cry into his shirt, “I don’t know where I am..”
He glances around warily before producing a mask from a wisp of flames on his palm. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll get you back home,” He says as he fastens the fox-like mask over your face, “Just hold my hand, okay?”
“(F/n)-chan!” You hear your friend hiss from beside you, jolting you awake. 
Blinking rampantly, you heave a sigh as you silently thank her for waking you up during your literature lesson. Lately you’ve been having the same dream, not knowing where and who that boy was. His face is almost always scratched out in your dreams, as though a child had scribbled crayons over him, save for the glower of those fiery eyes. 
You don’t think much of it, finding if you think too hard about it, it almost always result in a terrible headache.
Glancing back up to your teacher, you catch a glimpse of Suna Rintarou. 
You could never quite place the attraction you had for the aloof middle blocker of your school’s volleyball club. Wherever he was, your eyes were drawn to him. You’ve never spoken a word to each other, and yet you watch fondly as his head tilts slightly on the hand on his cheek, arm propped up on his desk. 
The literature book held in his other hand is threatening to fall from his loose grip, and onto the floor. Long legs are stretched out and impeding underneath the chair of the student in front of him. He’s not even listening to the teacher lecture, eyelids falling and rising in attempt to stay awake. Soon enough, they don’t open again and he’s fast asleep. 
Cute, you think with a small smile as the teacher turns to catch him and calls out his name in exasperation. The book falls flat on the floor and his eyes fly open to see the irritated teacher.
“My bad,” He drawls lazily, much to everyone’s amusement as they snicker and chuckle at the exchange. 
After retrieving his book, his head shifts slightly, enough such that his eye catches you sitting diagonally behind him. Your smile immediately vanishes at the sudden attention, blinking as you immediately turn your attention back to your book. 
As if on perfect timing, the teacher calls your name to recite the next passage, and you use that to avoid Suna’s eyes. Heat creeps up to the swell of your cheeks as you glance at the boy to see the small quirk of his lips. It looks almost conniving as he returns to watching the lecture with disinterest as he usually does.
Nothing ever really changes, not since you moved to Hyogo in your first year. You don’t try to act upon your attraction towards the boy, and keep mum as you stick to admiring him from afar. While the girls in your class gush over the Miya twins, one of which sat in front of the raven-haired boy, you silently fell for the boy that seemed to always be around them. 
Usually, Miya Atsumu came over from class 2 during breaks and lunch, sitting on the chair two seats in front of you. You eat with a few friends in your class, but you find yourself barely tuning into the conversation. Your eyes are always drawn towards the boy between the two twins. The two are always bickering or talking animatedly to one another as he joins in here and there, but he’s usually scrolling through his phone. 
Despite this, you’re grateful they don’t move somewhere else for breaks, otherwise you wouldn’t have been able to catch the small laugh that tumbles from his mouth at something especially funny. You wonder what he finds funny, the things he likes, secrets he keeps from others, anything and everything about Suna.
Lately however, he catches you staring. You look away every time, embarrassed enough to throw yourself off the third floor, but you always catch the way the ghost of a smile just barely curls at the corner of his mouth. His eyes narrow slyly, and you wonder what he’s thinking about. 
“They’re so cute,” One of your friends swoons, cheeks teeming with warmth as she glances at the trio nearby. The others agree with muted giggles under the hands cupped over their mouths. 
“Which one do you like better (F/n)-chan?”
Tearing your eyes from the group, you look to your friends to see their expectant gazes. 
“Oh... uh... I like Suna,” You whisper lowly with burning cheeks. 
The group is surprised by your answer, expecting one of the twins. Sure the two were attractive, but you could never explain why you had eyes for Suna the way you did. The others, however, call you adorable for your crush on the middle blocker and wish you luck. 
Unbeknownst to you, you fail to see the way Atsumu grins from ear to ear, cheekily elbowing Suna’s side. The latter swatting the blonde’s hand away with reddening ears. 
At the rate you were going, you were never going to ever grow close to the middle blocker, but you felt satisfied just watching him from afar and enjoying the small cracks in his disinterested exterior. The slight smiles and the bubbles of laughter, you held those moments close despite knowing you’d only ever have a one-sided interest in him. 
On a particular night, you stay behind in your club to work more on your project. All of the other members have long parted with yawned farewells and reminders to lock up after you’ve cleaned up. 
The volleyball club should’ve finished up their practice by now, the lights usually out in the gym. Passing by, your thoughts confirm at the dark windows of the gymnasium. 
Mouth widening in a long yawn, you leave school grounds. Stomach grumbling, you wonder if maybe you should stop by the local conbini, a curry bun sounds really good right now. 
You pass by an alley that runs between two buildings. Loud shuffling comes from within the darkness, the crunch of footsteps on the dirt, the rustling of clothes, causing you to freeze mid-step. About to continue walking, ignoring the possible couple that might’ve been putting on an exhibition, you catch the strangled cry of a girl. Recognizing the voice, you come to a stop, turning towards the alley. Was that? You think of your friend that had woken you up earlier today during class.
“Help! Pleas— gh! Someone!” 
Against your inhibitions, you turn sharply to investigate the sound. To your horror, you see your classmate, flat on her back on the ground and her clothes torn and barely hanging off her person. Her eyes are wide in fear as a blood curdling scream sounds from her open mouth, one hand frantically pushing at the body on top of her, the other reaching towards you for help. 
The syllables of her name is clinging to the tip of your tongue when you notice her midsection. Your stomach lurches at the sight of hands tearing away at her torso, blood splattering over the dirt as the figure above her devours her innards, especially salivating at the sight of her heart in their clawed hands. The wet sounds of the being slurping up the rest of her intestines makes bile rise up you throat, dread filling your stomach.
Her voice fades as does her life, the shine in her tearful eyes dull and she falls limp. 
She’s dead, your breath hitches.
You make a mistake to take a step back, the movement causing the person’s head to snap upward in your direction. They, possibly a male on further examination, don’t appear to have pupils, eyes shining a bright and pure white. He breathes heavily, almost ragged, the bottom half of his face dripping in your classmate’s blood. You glance down at his teeth to find them uncharacteristically sharp, like a shark’s. 
“Um excuse me!” You squeak, turning on your heels to run just as he lurches forward to follow after you. 
This had to be a dream, there was no way. You had to be sleep deprived or something. You’d have thought him to be a cannibal, still equally as scary, but those eyes and teeth were otherworldly. 
The male is following close behind, quick on his feet. You don’t no how long you’ll have until his supernatural speed will catch up to you. Not risking a glance back, his claws catch your arm as you turn into another alley. You cry out as white hot pain engulfs your upper arm, blood dripping down your appendage and from your fingertips in result. He doesn’t suspect your change in path, and you take the momentary distraction to force yourself through a narrow passage between buildings from the alley. 
The other side of the passage is bright and bustling with people. You don’t look behind you as you place your hand over your arm, wincing at the scorching pain as blood smears across your fingers, pressing down in attempts to sway the bleeding. 
The pain was way too real to be a dream, you think batedly. Your stamina runs empty as you come to a full stop, bending over to catch your breath. Glancing backwards, you don’t see him in the crowd for now. Releasing a heavy exhale, you push the pain of your deep wound to the side to assess your surroundings. Shops line up one after another, brightly lit by scarlet lanterns. There’s a restaurant serving large plates of grilled meat, another selling melted sugar art on sticks, other vendors selling trinkets and whatnot. 
There’s something about this place that feels familiar, but you don’t remember ever being here despite that. Glancing around, you notice the population of the district, some appearing as normal human beings, others the complete opposite. Sprites float in the air and come bustling at your feet. A man passes by, donning a large and single eye, as well as horns protruding from his bald head. Another leaves a shop, his neck notably absent with his head floating over his shoulders. 
You gape.
What the fuck did I eat today?!
Your head whips to and fro now as some glance your way. Where were you? Was this really Hyogo? Was that guy still following you? Your breathing becomes increasingly ragged, head swimming as you feel the pain in your arm throb. 
Suddenly, a hand reaches out to push your head down slightly. 
“Wh-wha!” You blurt out as another hand takes yours and leads you to walk forward. 
“Keep your head down and don’t look at the others, just hold my hand.”
Your eyes widen at the voice. Recognizing that monotonous drawl anywhere. 
“Shh, they’ll catch on idiot,” He hisses as he warily eyes the others, glaring when some continue to look your way. Their eyes specifically eyeing your exposed and leaking wound. 
Glancing down at your hand, his fingers curl around your own firmly, large and warm like you always imagined. Gulping, you let yourself be guided as you stare at your locked hands. 
Then you hear them.
“Do ya smell that?” One says.
“I smell a human.”
A low moan this time, “Mm I haven’t had the taste of a human’s heart in a long time.”
“Smells delicious.”
Your heart twists in your chest, thinking back to your friend, her lifeless body rigged of her heart and organs. Were these people like that man? Were these even people? Tears spring to your eyes, stomach spinning at the memory of her death. Plaguing your thoughts like leeches, making you gag at her disemboweled body.
“Take it easy, if you breathe like that they’ll sniff you out.”
You gulp, “I-I’m bleeding though!” 
“I know stupid, so shut up and hurry.”
He leads you into a passage, dimly lit by the lights from within a restaurant that he stirs you into, passing underneath the maroon noren that line the top of the doorway. 
It’s fairly empty beside two customers. Nodding to the host (a familiar spiky and silver-haired boy), he tugs you upstairs without a second to spare. Just as you bound upstairs, you catch the sight of a certain grey-haired twin in the kitchen. Blinking, you almost stop completely when Suna tugs you in warning to keep moving. 
He throws open a door to a bathroom, picking you up effortlessly and placing you on top of the counter beside the sink. His brows are knit together as he silently tears off the remains of the sleeve of your uniform. You make a noise in protest, but the sound simmers under his sharp gaze that shuts you up immediately.
You purse your lips, watching as he inspects the wound, four jagged gashes right across the lateral side of your bicep. They cut deep into your tissue, but not enough to reach bone. 
He was really here, you think as you wince when the pad of his thumb brushes along the perimeter of one of the slashes. 
Today was becoming increasingly weird. From that cannibalistic man that just killed your friend, to the otherworldly inhabitants of the just as peculiar shopping district that you never remembered existing in Hyogo. What was he doing here? 
Still wearing the maroon and white tracksuit of the volleyball club, you wonder if he’d been walking home as well. Did he witness you running from that creature?
“Excuse me,” he mumbles, voice low that you almost don’t even decipher his words before he leans down. Tongue parting his lips and laving a long stripe over one gash. Breath hot against your sensitive skin, causing you to shiver.
“W-woah!” You hiss at the sensation, face flushing at the action. Arm jerking away at the intimate touch, he narrows his eyes at you, fingers wrapping tightly around your wrist. This time, his eyes flash a hue of fiery gold, catching you by surprise.
“Keep still.”
“I—” You say before being shut up by his hardened gaze once again, using your free hand to mock the action of zipping up your mouth with a mute nod. 
He doesn’t respond and returns his gaze to your wound, lowering his mouth again to lick away at the bloody lacerations. Pressing his whole appendage flat against the wound, his eyes glow once more. 
Biting your lip, your heart is pounding away in your ears, cheeks burning at your situation. Just as red as your blood, the tips of his ears glow with a similar tinge of embarrassment at his own actions. His eyes rise to catch your stare, fiery golden as a guttural growl vibrates from his chest.
Too enamored by his peculiar eyes, you don’t realize the dull ache in your arm is gone and the wounds have closed until he pulls away. His fingers release your wrist to wipe his mouth with the back of his hand. 
“Sweet,” he mutters, voice slightly hoarse (almost breathless), as he licks the remnants smeared over his hand before twisting the handle of the sink, water bursting from the faucet. You gape as he merely washes his hands before wetting a towel to dab the remnants of blood from your arm and other hand, the skin slightly stained still.
“I— er... thank you...” you say, finally finding your voice.
He tosses the soiled paper towels into the trashcan, eyes finding yours now. They’ve returned to their normal grey hue now, and you wonder if maybe you were just hallucinating.
His hand reaches out and you stiffen as he pokes your forehead with his index finger.
“Are you dumb? Wandering into the yokai district like this again? On top of that, you came here injured, I’m surprised you weren’t found out and eaten,” he reprimands, foreign emotions swirling in his eyes as well as underlying the tone of his voice. You’ve never heard him speak like this, nor have you seen any emotion cross his face like so. 
Did he say again?
Wait. Yokai? 
“Um... when you say yokai district... the people that were there... the person in the alley... was..?” 
You gawk as he nods firmly.
“Alley? But yes, those were all yokai.”
“And you are... too?” You glance at him expectantly, imagining the gleam of his eyes from just seconds earlier.
“Ah... I’ve been found out haven’t I?” He drawls coyly, scratching the back of neck, “You weren’t supposed to find out, we’ve got a real problem now.”
His eyes catch yours, and there’s that glimmer of gold again. This time, his lips curl into a sly smirk, letting his tongue swipe over his bottom lip sensuously. 
“Your blood did taste good after all, shall I take your heart as well?”
“M-my heart?” You squeak, blood rushing to your cheeks.
His mouth opens to reveal his suddenly sharp incisors, tongue dragging lightly underneath the tip of one. He really was one of them, and he was going to eat you, just like your classmate. Your eyes widen, looking up at him with wide and fearful eyes. 
“Just kidding,” He hums, “...kind of.”
A tongue clicks from the entrance to the restroom, snatching both of your attentions. 
“Yer scaring her Suna, that’s no way to woo a girl,” Atsumu grins wickedly from his spot leaning against the door frame. His eyes flare similarly to the middle blocker’s. His nose twitches, narrowing his eyes in your direction, “Ya smell quite tasty, (L/n)-san.”
You gulp, shivering at his lecherous gaze until a growl sounds from the male in front of you. Suna stands to shield you from the blonde, eyes erupting their golden hue as he snarls at the boy. 
“I’ll swipe your head right off if you touch her, Atsumu.”
The setter raises his hands in surrender, smiling at his unusually riled up friend, “Yikes, my bad.”
“Miya Atsumu?” You say in confusion, remembering your fleeting glimpse of Osamu in the kitchen of the restaurant downstairs as well as Ginjima at the entrance.
“In the flesh,” He grins with a mock salute. 
“What the hell is going on,” You stammer, clutching your head in your confusion. Maybe you’ve really hit your head hard or something. It all never felt real, but the excruciating pain in your arm earlier begged to differ.
Suna snorts, “You tell me, there’s no fucking way you’re dumb enough to waltz into the whole district full of hungry yokai while bleeding.”
“Listen,” You protest exasperatedly, “I was attacked by this guy... probably a yokai... and I was running away when I came here. I didn’t even know yokai existed until now!”
“That guy...” You suck in a breath at the thought of your friend’s lifeless eyes, “He killed and ate my friend!” 
“It’s dangerous to keep her here,” Atsumu concludes after a shared look between him and the middle blocker. A mutual nod exchanged.  
“Can you walk?” Suna asks, turning to you with softer eyes than before. He holds out a hand, waiting patiently as you take it and let him help you onto your feet. He leads you back down the stairs after nodding to the blonde. He sighs as you both leave the restaurant, “Ah... I’m gonna get an ear full from Kita-san tomorrow.” 
“Kita-san?” You repeat, racking your brain to match the name to the captain of the volleyball club, “Wait. If you and the Miya twins are here... and they’re are also yokai...”
“Most of us are yokai,” He finishes for you as he hands you a mask, “Here, wear this until we leave the district.”
Your breath catches in your throat as you stare down at the mask depicting that of a fox. White with red designs and a braided ornament hanging on the right side. 
Noticing his growing impatience, you don the mask and let him lead you back onto the main street, still teeming with yokai. His fingers lace with yours, tugging you close to his side as the crowd still whispers about the presence of a human. 
You remember now. This district. This mask. Those golden eyes. 
You were visiting your mother as a child. It was the very first night when you were out playing with the neighborhood children. Night had fallen and you forgot the way home. You wandered here as a result. 
Scared of the peculiar creatures of the night, you cried until this similar mask was placed over your face. A boy appeared before you, holding your hand as he led you back to the park where your mother had been frantically searching for you.
Despite remembering the district, you don’t remember the face of the boy who had helped you. Thinking about it makes your head hurt, his face merely static if you think hard enough.
“I’ve been here before,” You gasp under your breath, looking around at the lively shops, “When I was younger, I got lost here.”
Suna glances at you silently before turning back to gaze straight forward as he takes a sharp turn into the passage you had emerged from. 
“I know.”
You blink. 
He doesn’t answer as he stops abruptly, releasing your hand before stretching his arm out in front of you. You stop, watching him curiously as he steps in front of you. 
“Stay away if you want to live,” His voice barks in warning. 
To your surprise, dark ears sprout from the top of his head and a bushy tail from his backside. 
A fox, you gasp inwardly.
You don’t realize who he’s referring to when you peer around his body to catch the glare of a familiar white-eyed male. You suck in a breath, chest tightening.
“That’s him,” You whisper, your fingers finding the back of Suna’s sweater and curling into the material.
The other shoots forward without an answer, hand outstretched in attempt to attack you both. Pushing you to the side, Suna sidesteps to dodge the swipe of his claws before reaching out to seize him by the neck. Smashing the creature’s body into the side of the building, his eyes burn brightly as his claws continue to crush their windpipe. 
With a sound crack, their body crumbles to the floor once he releases his hold. Turning, he glances at your frozen form standing to the side. You’re scared, that much apparent in your wide eyes. His own soften, his irises calming as his ears and tail disappear. 
“I’m sorry you had to see that, are you okay?” He asks gently, slipping off his maroon jacket to place around your shoulders after taking the mask from around your head. Underneath, he’s left with a black tee that reads Inarizaki on the upper left of the breast area. Taking your hand in his, gingerly running his thumb over your knuckles, you appreciate the wave of comfort that washes over your stiff form. 
“You’re a kitsune?” You ask finally. 
He gazes down at your hand, nodding slightly, “Yes.”
“Are you afraid...?” He asks tentatively after a moment passes, looking you straight in the eyes nervously. You’ve never seen this emotion as well. Quite frankly, you’ve never seen any emotion cross his expression at all. Nothing besides blank and boredom. This much development in a matter of just an hour was overwhelming.
“Unless you’re gonna eat my heart, I don’t think I am.” 
He’s bemused by the answer, not expecting your sudden humor. 
“I’ll think about it,” He grins, “Let’s get you home?”
“Yeah...” You breathe, glancing down at the body of your friend’s killer, his mouth still stained with her blood. Taking a shaky step, you yelp as your knee gives out and you nearly crumple to the ground if not for Suna catching you by the waist. 
Flushing, you don’t expect him to pick you up as effortlessly as he did at the restaurant. He sets off in the direction of your home. 
You gaze up at him the entire time, momentarily growing flustered when he calls you a pervert for staring at him so intently. Who knew you’d finally interact with the object of your affections like this. Finding out his huge secret and being carried home like this. 
Who knew you’d return to the yokai district like you did in your childhood. The thought reminds you. 
“Pff— just Suna is fine,” He laughs lightly, the sound much more charming up close, rather than from afar in a lively classroom. 
The sounds comforts you greatly, just as warm as his arms holding you close to his chest.
“Back then... I said I remembered the district... how did you know?”
He falls silent, the tips of his ears tinging with rosy hues. 
Your eyes widen in recognition. 
“Could it be... you were the boy from before?”
The boy only nods, slightly embarrassed for being found out. 
“You do have a knack of getting lost, you know?” He says teasingly after regaining his composure. 
“How come you didn’t say anything,” You frown, realizing he must’ve recognized you when you moved here.
Shrugging, “You didn’t recognize me, and you didn’t really remember that time until now did you?”
He grins down at you this time, almost cheshire-like, “Don’t think I didn’t notice the way you watch me in class.”
“O-oh I... uh...” You stammer, face growing hot. 
“Don’t sweat it, you’re cute,” He chuckles, enjoying your continued fluster, “I also heard your little confession earlier.”
“Relax,” Suna says when you struggle in his hold, resulting in shoving your face into his shoulder out of embarrassment, “The feeling is mutual.”
You suck in a breath, looking up at him in surprise. The fox, however, refuses to look at you, staring straight ahead with reddened cheeks.
Reaching your apartment, he sets you down and moves to bid you farewell for the night when you catch him by the wrist. He stops to regard you curiously. Retracting your hand, you feel almost embarrassed for your rash actions but he waits patiently for you to gather your thoughts.
“Don’t leave me alone...” You mutter nervously.
He’s stunned by the invitation, “Your mother...?”
He was half expecting for you to be disgusted by his identity as a kitsune, most lore depicting them as malevolent creatures that bring strife and mischievous. Although he couldn’t say the same for the troublemaker twins, or himself for the matter, given he enjoyed riling up others every now and then, he didn’t want to scare you away. 
“Away for a business trip.”
“That’s a dangerous request given that I’m a yokai just like that guy from before, you know?” he says as you fumble to unlock the door, although failing to hide the eagerness to stay with you for a while longer, “I could eat you up right now.” Fingers brush over your clothed hips, pressing you back into his body once the two of you have stepped inside and the door shuts you both from outside. The action does well to make you shy, pursing your lips as your heart drums against your chest. 
“You won’t though,” You answer simply, relaxing against him as he dips his head to rest in the nook of your shoulder and neck. There was nothing to fear. He was your safe place. Back then, and now. He had the strength to crush you without batting an eyelash, but you knew he wouldn’t harm you. You trusted him.
“You’re right.”
Suna holds you through the rest of the night, laying on the couch with you tucked against him from above, cuddling close to his chest as his arms tighten around you protectively. 
“Please don’t eat my heart,” You whisper through the darkness of the living room. He wonders if you were half asleep, nestling impossibly closer to him. 
“I won’t, but on second thought... as thanks for saving you, would you mind if I stole it?”
You don’t look up at him, smiling from ear to ear.
“You already have.”
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