#fem johnny joestar
fedorabjorn · 6 months
well i completely forgot about my tumblr page but anyway let me show you some wlw (fem gyjo is something that always makes my lesbian ass happy)
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the quality is so low that even my signature barely visible lol
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batgummy98 · 2 years
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fem johnny josestar i love her mwah
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mightbemod · 9 months
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and then they yuri'ed all over the place
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sapphicadventure · 4 months
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+35°C where i live so take this
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inkpot909 · 5 months
Little Sister Figure Headcanons: Platonic!Joseph Joestar x Reader
Fem!Reader with she/her pronouns. The Reader’s boss is written to be a jerk.
A/n: It feels great to be writing again! I took a massive break for the holidays, and in order to give myself time adjusting to a new job. Writing this was rather personal to me in a sense, as Joseph very much so reminds me of my own older brother. Hope y’all enjoy. <3
Warning(s): Joseph’s pathetic complicated relationship with women. Canon-typical swearing. Period-typical sexism.
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Joseph Joestar… historically does not have a positive reputation amongst women.
It’s well earned; coming off as rude at best and downright insensitive at worst. And this behavior doesn’t exclude women he hardly knows either. In fact, his brash attitude is arguably more on display around strangers.
A whistle to an attractive passerby leading to his foot being stomped on. Talking a little too loudly about how women “doing up their faces is a sort of trap” earning him harsh glances from pretty much every woman within earshot. An older woman smacking him across the face with an umbrella after a murmur about not being surprised at the lack of a ring on her left hand. Making an unfounded claim that women can’t drive well, only to have been questioned, walk back on his claim, and ultimately cultivating in a knee harshly connecting with his stomach. The list only goes on.
For every five women that brush off his comments, there’s always one who isn’t afraid to give him an immediate reality check.
You fell into the latter category upon your first meeting.
“Out of the kindness of his heart,” Joseph helped you out one day when you needed it most. New York City can be a real rough place to live, and on that day, the sins of the city turned their attention to you.
Cornered by some thugs, they demanded anything of value be handed over. It made blood drain from your face, twisting your expression into something that didn’t do much to conceal the fear you had felt.
Regardless of your explicit nervousness, you had attempted to stand your ground. Sticking to your guns, although you wouldn’t ever regret doing so, seemingly only made things worse. The thugs took no time at all roughing you up a bit, to the point where they knocked you down to the concrete ground below you.
Looking back, it seems like a stroke of fate, that Joseph Joestar happened to be walking past at that very moment.
Seemingly without much hesitancy, he jumped to your defense. It was quite the spectacle, if you’re being completely honest. His cocky attitude was only validated by his genuine intuition and strength in the fight that inevitably unfolded. Watching him in combat for the first time is something you doubt you’ll ever forget.
His actions right after the fact is also something you’re likely to never forget:
Sparks seemed to ripple off him; beginning at his fingertips only to move beyond in crackling waves. Watching this stranger move about, picking off the three men that approached you not even ten minutes ago, your quick to understand that the energy illuminating from him is more than just what you can see on the surface.
It’s unbelievable, but there’s little reason to doubt what you’re seeing with your own eyes.
All the while a grin never once disappears from his face. When he initially inserted himself into the conflict, your stomach sank. Sure, he’s quippy, but he gave the impression of a man who’s all bark and no bite.
But by now, you’ve stumbled to your feet. Standing off to the side, your body motionless, eyes widen in subtle recognition that you’d been wrong about him.
It isn’t long before the three thugs desperately scramble away from the scene, tripping over themselves trying to do so. Not wavering one bit, the brunette closely watches them run off. The intensity of his gaze was jarring compared to his goofy and outlandish behavior. And you only find yourself relaxing after he finally relaxed.
Taking a step closer to him, you lift a brow when he doesn’t at all turn to look at you. Pausing, you once again plant your feet in the position they’re in.
Despite his almost insultingly unserious demeanor during the fight, you can’t not say something to him. Even if all that leaves your mouth is a simple “thank you,” it’s not within your own morality to just ignore or disregard the actions of someone who just saved your skin.
“Uhm…” you clear your throat. The action finally prompts him to whirl around in your direction, his eyes blinking a couple times displaying dumb recognition. You continue on to tell him, “Thank you a lot. You didn’t have to do that, but you still chose to get involved anyway. I don’t know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t showed up.”
You felt internally glad that, albeit briefly, you were able to voice your appreciation for his help.
He blinks some more, before bringing up a hand to the side of his face. “Wow! You look terrible!” he blurts, saying it with his entire chest.
“What?” you respond, taken aback.
“Geez, lady, look you you!” he puts his hands on his hips, bending down at the waist. The action, whether he meant to or not, fully emphasizes the size difference between you. In the moment, you certainly felt more than a little patronized. “Did you even style your hair this morning? It looks awful!”
“Of… of course I did, you jerk!” you snap back, clenching your hands into fists and shaking them wildly at him. You were far too surprised to even think of explaining to him that getting hit and shoved doesn’t keep your appearance in pristine condition.
“Whoa, whoa…” he chuckles, taking a step backwards, “What happened to being all grateful?”
“Excuse me!?”
It was a rough first impression, to say the least.
You likely couldn’t stand Joseph Joestar after the initial meeting. Well, if anyone were to ask your opinion of him, that’s what would be your immediate response.
Despite that, his willingness to help a stranger out without even properly looking at them first intrigued you a bit.
Even more so, the fact that his little found family - a kind-hearted grandmother and his fun-loving friend, Smoky -immediately took a liking to you without much hesitation.
It’s those two who you’re likely to get along with first, not quite seeing eye-to-eye with Joseph for a good while.
So what is it exactly that leads to the two of you developing more of a genuine friendship? Fighting him.
No, seriously.
Not long after your brush up with the three thugs, you and Joseph engaged in a conversation about your own strength. He told you (rather bluntly) that “although your fiery, you can’t fight for shit.”
This eventually evolved into the two of you working out together. Then, that naturally progressed into him giving you pointers when in a fight. Then, that progressed into the two of you sparring one another from time to time.
Now, that power he displayed the first time you met (hamon, you remember him calling it), wasn’t something he was willing to teach you. But Joseph was more than happy to help teach you how to hold your own in a fight at the very least.
He went on to say how dangerous New York City can be for a young woman who doesn’t know how to protect herself, but you long learned to stop listening to him when he got in the mood to lecture. And though you certainly didn’t need him to tell you about the dangers of being a woman, you know there’s a certain degree of good will to his intent.
Despite his slightly condescending attitude at the start, this proved to do a lot for your relationship the more you spent time together. He was unafraid to speak his mind, and you were unafraid to call him out. With time, he started to genuinely appreciate that about you.
He went from purely pestering you, to doing so with a much friendlier edge that expressed a deeper understanding of your own sense of humor.
And at the end of the day, after each time he works out with you, he ruffles up the hair on the top of your head and tells you good job- from a surprisingly genuine place.
Considering how your friendship began, no one could really blame you from feeling surprised with its development. And there’s been several times now when Joseph’s truly had your back in a way that really makes you remember his care:
“This is a really stupid idea.”
“Shush! Besides, you think all my ideas are bad ideas.”
“And am I wrong...?”
“Oh- Jesus- would you just shush!?” Joseph hushes you once more, his head snaping over to your direction.
“JoJo,” you frown, eyes darting back and forth between him and the subject of your concern. The two of you are hunched over, peaking over a corner inside the building where you work. It’s early in the morning too. So early, in fact, your boss is the only person besides a janitor or two who’s bound to be in the building for at least another hour. “You know I could be fired for this if he finds out I’m the one behind it. He’s already itching to-“
“Quit your worrying, would you? I’ve got it all figured out! No one blaming you for jack shit- got it?” Joseph cuts you off, tone indicating that you really shouldn’t try pressing the matter further. Turning his attention back forwards, he adds, “Now, will you please zip it!?”
“But surely this is taking it a step too far,” you push it further, “When I told you about my boss-“
“A money-hungry and endlessly rude person,” he quotes your own words exactly.
“-I just needed to vent to someone about it. I wasn’t necessarily asking for petty revenge.”
“Don’t call my hamon traps petty!”
“You use it for petty reasons!”
“Oh? So now helping you is petty!?” Joseph raises his voice a little.
You’re quick to match the tone of his voice, “It’s fine that you want to help me, but I’m having a lot of seconds thoughts about this!”
“Well, that’s clearly obvious…”
“Please...” you groan, “Just... reconsider...”
“It’s too late to reconsider!”
“Well, you-“
A booming voice, coming from just a few feet away from the two of you, cuts off your words, “What the hell is going on over here!?”
Like two dear in headlights, you and Joseph slowly turn your heads over to the hall before you. There, your boss stands with an angry and slightly bewildered expression. Neither you nor Joseph heard his approaching footsteps over the sound of your bickering. And your boss is just moments away from looking close enough to recognize you- meaning your just seconds away from likely losing your job....
Luckily, a few seconds is all a person like Joseph needs to react.
Suddenly, he stands up straight and puts his hands triumphantly on his hips. “I-“ he announces, your boss looking up at him with wide eyes, “-harbor a grudge against this stupid establishment! Starting with-“ he dramatically turns to point at you, “-This young woman!”
Before your boss can react- hell, before you can react -Joseph grabs you by the waist and hoists you over his shoulder as if keeping you hostage. The sound you make when he does so certainly sells it.
This is his idea of having everything figured out!?
Laughing loudly, Joseph rushes past your boss cackling as if he’s trying out for a roll as a cartoonish burglar. As he moves away, he yells out, “Your next line will be, “What in the hell is this!?’”
And as you’ve come to expect, those same words almost immediately left your boss’s mouth.
The lecture that Granny Erina had in store for him after she finally found out about that stunt... oh, it was priceless.
He took the fall completely, even though you tried voicing your own involvement. Yes, you weren’t totally on board in at the end, but you still were a part of the ordeal.
Regardless, Joseph was having none of it.
And that’s exactly how he is with you. Cheekily looking after you in a profoundly brotherly way that after that specific incident, you began to refer to him as such. To your delight, he gladly returns the sentiment.
A part of you is hesitant to admit it, but you really look up to him. He’s taught you much, not just about being a fighter, but on anything that crossed his mind. Everything from his own thought process, to how to “properly” prepare an afternoon snack.
And in return, he’s always at your side and eager to listen to whatever thought crosses your mind.
Looking back, it seems like just as the two of you truly became so close, you were completely blindsided by an entire month of complete radio silence from him. It’s as if he’d just packed up and left... and it really broke your heart.
With more time passing, and one false death report later, Joseph was in for the lecture of a lifetime. He thought he’d gone through the ringer, from his grandmother alone, but nothing beats the frustrated ranting from a younger sister.
“Why didn’t you tell me!?”
“Do you have any idea how worried I was about you!?”
“Next time someone threatens your life send me a telegram! Write me a letter for crying out loud! I would’ve went to Italy straight away to kick their asses myself!”
“Don’t you dare ever leave me out of the loop again- you hear me, Joestar!?”
Joseph’s never going to forget a single word it.
And as frustrated you were, the look on your face when he also admitted to getting married without your knowledge on top of all that... he’s very lucky you love him like family.
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metriaaqua · 1 year
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to be updated with more stuff very soon HOORAYYY
IN THE WILD WILD WEST [Steel Ball Run Reader Insert]
[Name] [Surname] has a dream of becoming a famous writer. Every good writer needs a start, right? It seems like a cross-country race was a good choice! Besides, she’s been picking up horseback riding, so why not write about the experience and break those glass ceilings as she goes?
…Well, she’s got a lot to learn. Turns out things aren’t so easy for a woman these days. Between a horse race and the search for some Saint’s “corpse parts”, she can’t catch a break.
Seriously, this all started because of a damn race!
ANOMALIES AND DIAMONDS [Diamond is Unbreakable Reader Insert]
The quaint and small town of Morioh was a dream for those looking to get away from the bustling cities that littered Japan. [Name] [Surname] had started to think differently though. Regardless of her parents opinion, living here had started to become strange. Add a couple of supernatural events, a serial killer, and some new friends in the mix….
Oh, this is a recipe for disaster!
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BLOODY ORCHID [Steel Ball Run Modern AU x GN!Reader]
this one is a fanfic im writing slightly based off of two horror movies, scream/jennifer's body!! (DO U GUYS SEE MY VISION?!?!?!) i may post this here idk. its probably gonna be a fun little fic about college life at first but then it gets crazy?
You, Johnny, Gyro, and many other of your friends are trying to navigate the tribulations of college. One day, a brutal murder completely shakes the entire community to it's core. Everyone is a suspect...even you. Just a reminder, you can't trust anyone, not even yourself.
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instantpuppydreamer · 2 years
•Yandere Johnny
•If you say that you need to leave, then he may cause you to feel guilty, because of this you will stay with him and because of his self-doubt, he will try to keep you close to him
•He really does not want you to meet Jairo, if you insist that you want to meet him, then he will say that he is busy and he does not have time to meet
•100% stalker
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deusluxuria · 6 months
characters whom i feel very strongly about being a different gender (because jjba gender ratio), being trans, etc:
( spoilers: part 1 / phantom blood, part 3 / stardust crusaders, part 5 / golden wind, part 7 / steel ball run )
Abdul/Avdol: Intersex. He doesn't care what pronouns people use for him or what gender they may perceive him as. When he was born, the doctor tried to assign him as "female" but his parents fought to leave the "sex" section blank.
Dio: waman (Dea) (insert verbose explanation about jonathan's </head><body></body)
Donatella: Trans (Trish's sire)
Doppio: Trans (Trish's carrier) -- it would take way too long to explain why i feel so strongly about this lol
FF: Nonbinary (is this canon though actually?? in a way??)
Ghiaccio: woeman (Ghiaccia) (if anyone were to draw her "moe" or anything other than the constantly-screamy spitfire that she is destined to be, i would throw a fit, but would also not care at the same time)
Giorno: Trans. His mother named him "Haruno" with the intention of it being a feminine name -- he chose the surname Giovanna himself. Dea named him Giorno Joestar, before Shiobana took him away (for the insurance money) and renamed him.
Illuso: womon (Illusia)
Johnny: Trans (he literally wears the trans flag colors)
Narancia: Nonbinary, exclusively they/them
Rina Higashikata: Trans
Risotto: Really doesn't know. A lot of the time he just feels like a cryptid lol
Shiobana (Giorno's mother): trans (same circumstances with Giorno as Doppio and Donatella with Trish)
(tell me about yours, ilu)
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mimimimin · 2 years
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brayneworms · 10 months
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note: please find the complete list of content warnings in the fics themselves, and note that this masterlist will only display the more 'extreme' ones. minors and ageless blogs, do not interact with this post or any of the fics linked.
almost none of these fics will feature sub!reader. reader will either be a dom, switch, or power dynamics won't be explored. almost all readers will be totally gender-neutral, with maybe three exceptions such as amab or afab anatomy.
these kinks, characters and content are subject to change.
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➥ 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟎𝟏
fingering + hinata hajime content. new relationship, gn!reader, post-killing game, tba summary. tba
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frottage , sexual frustration, virginity + leviathan content. virgin!levi, gn!reader, tba summary. tba
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dry humping + sampo koski, tighnari content. hatsex elements, gn reader, tba summary. tba content. inexperienced!tighnari, gn!reader, ear petting, tba summary.
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overstimulation + xiao content. inexperienced!xiao, gn!reader, tba summary. tba
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face-sitting + hayakawa aki content. afab!reader, tba summary. tba
➥ 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟎𝟔
collar/leash + mammon content. light petplay elements, anal fingering, praise kink, gn!reader summary. mammon lost a bet, but he doesn't consider it much of a loss, considering
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praise kink + jolyne cujoh content. afab!fem!reader, switch!reader, established relationship, tba summary. tba
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chastity + dazai osamu content. gn!reader, brat dazai, tba summary. tba
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slutwear + leander content. masochist!leander, gn!reader, tba summary. tba
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kissing + johnny joestar content. anal fingering, slight internalised ableism, crying summary. johnny's lost all feeling below his waist, but you try to find another way to make him feel good
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teasing + akutagawa ryunosuke content. virgin!akutagawa, gn reader, tba summary. tba
➥ 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟐
orgasm denial/control, lingerie + sonia nevermind, tanaka gundham content. threesome, switch!reader, gn reader, established relationship, tba summary. tba
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bondage + shenhe, scaramouche content. trust excerises, established relationship, gn reader, tba summary. tba
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uniform + belphegor content. nurse!belphegor, gn!reader, tba summary. tba
➥ 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟓
boot worship + al-haitham content. hatesex elements, brat!alhaitham, gn!reader summary. tba
➥ 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟔
body worship + tsukimi shin content. sweet and sappy, gn!reader, established relationship, tba summary. tba
➥ 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟏𝟕
blowjob + edogawa ranpo content. amab!reader, tba summary. tba
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service top/power bottom + cyno content. pb!cyno, gn!reader, tba summary. tba
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biting + yosano akiko content. gn!reader, tba summary. tba
➥ 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟎
thigh fucking + mhin content. amab!mhin, hatesex elements, tba summary. tba
➥ 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟏
hair pulling + kishibe content. masochist!kishibe, light degradation, gn!reaeder, tba summary. tba
➥ 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟐
sexual exhaustion + komaeda nagito content. gn!reader, tba summary. tba
➥ 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟑
fancy dress + asmodeus, solomon content. threesome, switch!reader, gn!reader summary. tba
➥ 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟒
bratty sub + urie kuki content. gn!reader, brat urie, tba summary. tba
➥ 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟓
leather + higashiyama kobeni content. inexperienced!kobeni, gn!reader, tba summary. tba
➥ 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟔
wax play + kaneki ken content. kuroneki, masochist!kaneki, gn!reader, tba summary. tba
➥ 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟕
edging + matsuda touta content. soft, gn!reader, post-canon, tba summary. tba
➥ 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟖
enclosed space + l lawliet content. trapped in a closet, gn!reader, tba summary. tba
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moonbeamwritings · 1 year
bathed in moonlight
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wc: ~3.3k
pairing: johnny joestar x fem!reader
warnings: nudity, nonsexual intimacy (bathing together), fem!reader pretending to be a man for the steel ball run
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Your life is simple. Quiet. You work on your family’s farm, the only child to two loving parents. You take on a lot, both emotionally and physically, familial burdens becoming your own to bear as soon as you could help on the property. 
The burden gets heavier the winter before the Steel Ball Run. Your back bows and threatens to crack and splinter when your mother falls ill and the responsibility of both mother and daughter comes to rest on your shoulders. You tend to the animals when you can, clean the house, cook the food. All the while, your aunt and uncle who have come to stay in the wake of your mother’s illness to care for her and assist you and your father, talk in hushed tones, blaming you for your family’s misfortune. You’re not doing enough. Well, maybe if they had a son or more money things would be different.
Your father can only tell them off so many times before their words start to seep through your skin, covering your bones in a dark, cloudy haze. You take on more responsibility, eager to prove yourself. To do something.
Months later, a newspaper you find in the corner store changes everything. A horse race with a generous cash prize is set to be held in September — The Steel Ball Run. Your father taught you to ride when you were just a kid. Hours of your youth spent in the warm summer sun working with your horse before your mother rang the dinner bell. You know it won’t be easy, but you know you have to try, even if your family won’t approve.
You spend the next few weeks hoarding supplies, stuffing them into closets and hiding them in the stables, chipping away at all of the things you’ll need, and on the night you plan to leave you press a kiss to your parents’ cheeks, and go to bed, heart turning to lead in your chest.
That night, when the moon is high, and the house has fallen silent, you pull your father’s clothes from beneath your bed — an old pair of pants with a rip in the knee, a loose button up shirt, and an old cowboy hat — and tiptoe down the rickety wooden stairs, careful to avoid the creaky boards along the way, and disappear into the night.
As you ride, the wind whipping in your hair, and the moon casting shadows over the landscape, you assume a new identity, one of a man on the hunt for a new beginning. You’re sure you won’t be the only one, and you’ll be able to slip right through the cracks. And though you’re leaving your home behind, everything you’ve known growing more minuscule with each beat of your horse’s hooves, you feel hopeful — like a grand adventure is waiting just beyond the horizon.
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The moment you meet Johnny Joestar and Gyro Zeppeli is the moment your life becomes infinitely more complicated. They’re nice, friendly despite Gyro’s initial intention to kill you for so much as looking at him. But hey, all budding friendships have their hiccups, right? You travel with them and find safety in their numbers, though getting wrapped up in their scheme to find the parts of a mysterious corpse wasn’t exactly high on your to-do list.
The only times you ever hesitate, the only times you ever find your voice losing the confident vibrato of the man you’re masquerading as is when it’s time to bathe. At inns, tucked neatly along the streets at each checkpoint, it’s easy. Harmless. You can sneak away and conceal your true form behind closed doors and shower curtains. But with the sky overhead and a babbling brook acting as your only chance at freshening up, your fingers wring the soft fabric of your bandana.
You weave intricate excuses, using a different one each time, hoping, praying the boys don’t catch on.
“Oh, I was going to eat first.”
“Someone needs to collect the firewood.”
“I’m just not used to bathing around other people yet.”
And the first few times it works, Gyro doesn’t think a thing of it, looking at Johnny as he dunks his head beneath the water, and raising his shoulders to shrug. “Eh, some guys just have their things, ya know?”
Johnny nods reluctantly, but feels there’s something else going on. Something you’re not telling them. He knows you’re not an enemy stand user, you’re not out to get them or kill them in their sleep. He’s certain you would’ve done it by now if that was your true intention, but there’s something else.
He ends up discovering your secret entirely by accident. 
Sure he’s suspicious of what you’re hiding, and sure he wants to get to the bottom of it, but he’s not a creep. Honest. He didn’t mean to walk in on you just as you were pulling your night shirt down over your head, curves and smooth skin on display. As his entire face burns, he’s at least thankful all he saw was your back.
You whip around at the sound of his strangled gasp, and your face ignites. At the same time, you both frantically mumble, “Oh my god.”
You’re speaking over each other as you race to kick your door shut, pulling Johnny into your room with a harsh tug.
“‘M really sorry. I didn’t mean to barge in! Yer door was open and I just thought-”
“How much did you see? How long have you been here? Do not tell Gyro or I will-”
Words and questions rush from your mouths like waterfalls, only stopping when you finally huff, running a weary hand through your hair. “It’s fine,” you start, only to repeat yourself when Johnny opens his mouth. “It’s fine. Just please, Johnny. Don’t tell Gyro.”
The desperate plea in your voice pulls the strings of his heart taut, and he’d do anything you ask if it meant he’d never have to hear that broken, aching sound again. His brows crease, and his face softens. “I won’t.” And as the clock behind you ticks to fill the silence, he adds, “I promise.”
In the days that follow, you hold your breath, waiting for the pin to drop, for the dynamics to finally shift. But that shift never comes. Johnny keeps your secret to himself, treating you just as he always did. Gratitude blooms in your chest, and you find yourself smiling whenever Johnny does, fixing him with a honeyed expression, like you’re seeing him in a new light.
You sit nearly shoulder to shoulder by campfire light, you eat meals at the same time, and when Gyro isn’t babbling away, the two of you make quiet conversation to fill the silence. It’s nice, feeling like you can finally ease the ache in your shoulders. The burden has shifted, if only just slightly, and you’re grateful to Johnny for taking on some of its weight.
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“Wanna set up here?” Johnny asks, bringing Slow Dancer to a stop at a quiet clearing. The grassy patch is a ways off the path, concealed by trees and dotted with flowers. You hear the dull babbling of a river just down the hill. An oasis. “I think we should rest sooner than later now that the sun is starting to set.”
The ache in your back shoots up your spin and you roll your shoulders. “Yes please. I don’t think I have anything else in me.”
You all dismount and begin spreading out, setting up tents and crafting a little circle of rocks for a small fire. And as you chuck your bag to the ground, Gyro approaches you with a proposition.
“I’m gonna bathe now, I’ll make dinner once I get out if you find the firewood.”
“You’ve got a deal.”
He ruffles your hair, before shooting Johnny a look. “You comin’?”
Johnny's gaze flickers between you and Gyro for a moment, pensive, before he replies, “I’ll take a dip later, wanna rest for a minute.”
Gyro holds up his hands and sets a towel over his shoulder. “Suit yourself.”
“Do ya need help with the wood?”
“No, I think I got it, Johnny. Thank you.”
By the time you come back, bundles of sticks in your hands, Gyro’s already setting up a pot to boil water, wet hair clinging to the back of his night shirt. When you drop the pile, he grins at you appreciatively. “Thanks.”
With Gyro’s attention elsewhere, you and Johnny sneak off down the hill, excited to have your own time in the river.
You perch your things on a rock before hesitantly locking eyes with Johnny. He knows your secret, and with the sun setting, he probably won’t be able to make much out anyway. Yet you feel bare, vulnerable even now, fully clothed.
As if sensing your trepidation, Johnny pulls his hat off. “I’ll, uh, I’ll go first.”
You turn your back and let Johnny strip and get in, and once he gives you the all clear, you fiddle with one of the buttons on your shirt. “Just-... Just don’t look.”
You slowly unbutton your shirt, and Johnny shuts his eyes, the cool water of the river already kneading the ache from his joints. “I won’t.”
“I don’t want a repeat of last time.” A flutter, and a soft thud follow. Johnny figures you must have lost your shirt and your hat. He doesn’t dare peek.
“It was an accident.”
“It’s the principle of the thing.”
The smile that forms on Johnny’s face is lazy, teasing. “Alright, alright.”
Johnny hears you hiss. “Shit, it’s cold.” You dip into the water until only from your shoulders up remains above its surface. “You can open up.”
He almost wishes he hadn’t opened them at all. You have a bar of soap in hand, your hair clinging to the back of your neck with water. His eyes trace along the smooth curve of your neck, watching as the delicate lines kiss your collarbones and shoulders. The setting sun catches the water droplets that cling to your skin, bathing you in tiny flecks of pink and orange. Your body glitters like a jewel as you rinse away the grime and sweat from a long day of traveling. You’re so beautiful Johnny fears he may never be the same.
In that moment, he understands artists and their muses. He understands why someone would painstakingly mix colors and stare, memorizing features and curves and lines. He understands how love inspires art.
And he wants to die when you smile, this tiny sheepish thing that Johnny thinks stops his heart in his chest. You duck beneath the water’s surface until it reaches your chin. “My eyes are up here, ya know.”
Pushing a hand in his direction, you send a gentle spray of water barreling towards his face, and it's then that Johnny decides he needs to get his mind out of the gutter; shifting focus to start washing his hair.
With his back to you, you can admire the strong muscles you find there. His pretty blond waves are darkened by water and slicked back away from his forehead. They brush along his shoulders and bring your attention to the pale skin of his shoulders, inhabited by tiny freckles, constellations trapped right on his skin. You wonder if you’ll ever get close enough to connect the dots, to find patterns in the speckled curves of his shoulders. You want to give names to those tiny stars, to kiss them.
“What-“ Johnny looks like a deer in headlights as he emerges from the water, fresh from dunking his head to wash away the shampoo. “What’re you looking at?”
The shimmer of the water, deep blue tones mixing with the same oranges and pinks that paint your skin, catch the light blue of his eyes, and you feel like you could drown in them. Johnny in the light of that setting sun, eyes sparkling, hair shimmering like precious, golden threads, is a sight you wish to burn into your memory, to covet.
Now it’s your turn to feel caught red handed, vulnerability prickling your bare skin. You speak without thinking. “You’re so…” You struggle to identify the right word, and when you can’t conjure one, you hope that what you do find will be enough to articulate what you’re thinking. “You’re so pretty, Johnny.”
And despite the silence that follows, and the awkward tension that hangs, thick and heavy, in the air, Johnny can’t bring himself to refute you. If he didn’t know you better, he’d wave a hand, tell you you’re full of shit or that you’re just trying to butter him up, but he does know better; and it’s that exact thought that sends his heart racing back to life. It’s a compliment he’ll only accept from you — an angel amongst men. And Johnny’s certain that angels can’t lie.
You watch as his wet cheeks flush, eyes downcast as you catch the tiniest ghost of a smile on his lips. His response is quiet, bashful, and it makes you want to hide your smile beneath the surface of the water. “Thanks.”
Any walls that remained between you have been reduced to rubble, and as the moon begins to peek over the trees, you feel comfortable, more relaxed now that the daylight has made way for night. You fall into murmured conversation and the warm hues of the sun morph into the silver beams of the moon, floating together with your skin feeling refreshed and bodies feeling slack. Your hand brushes over Johnny’s beneath the cool surface of the river.
When the conversation lulls, Johnny worries his lip between his teeth, his brows furrowing.
“What?” You ask, tilting your head and squinting at him in the moonlight. “What is it?”
Johnny looks at you for a long moment. He’s nervous. He runs through a list of things he could say, but even now, with your hand in his and your shoulder brushing against his own, he can’t form the words in his throat.
You’re so pretty it hurts. My heart is hammering against my ribs so fiercely, I’m afraid it’ll burst right out of my chest. If you keep touching me, looking at me like that, I don’t think I’ll be able to control myself anymore. You’ve ignited a fire in my belly that I’ll never be able to extinguish.
He opens his mouth to respond, but is cut off by rapidly approaching footsteps.
Johnny hisses. “It’s Gyro.”
You have to act, and you have to act now. Either you arouse suspicion and stay put, jeopardizing your precious secret, or you hide - somewhere, somehow, and leave Johnny to fill in the gaps. Deciding on the latter, you scramble up to the bank of the river and practically throw yourself behind a bush, praying you’re out of sight of both Johnny and Gyro. You don’t think you can stomach the blow to your ego being caught naked, and now covered in mud (again), would deal.
“Hey, you need help getting out?” Gyro asks when he approaches the edge of the water. “You’ve been down here awhile.
It’s only then that Johnny notices the way his fingertips have started to prune. “Oh, no.” He rushes to answer, “‘m fine. Just got lost thinkin’ about stuff.”
Gyro’s only half listening, gaze fixated on a pile of clothes amongst the rocks. Your clothes. Johnny’s chest tightens.
“What’s this doing here?” Pressing further, Gyro asks if you finally manned up and joined Johnny to bathe. Johnny catches sight of your soaps, sitting just out of eye-line on a rock behind some thickets, and some of the tension eases from his shoulders — less to explain away.
“Oh, he came down and… went around the bend that way,” Johnny nods his head towards the left. “Wanted some privacy, I think.”
You’re shivering from your spot in the bush, branches poking your ribs and leaves getting trapped in your hair. So much for getting cleaned up. 
“You’re a shit liar, Johnny.”
It’s almost like a horror novel, the way your body stills, the way your breath catches in your throat. Shit shit shit. Your heart races, and you worry that somehow Gyro will hear it.
“You don’t have to play coy with me Johnny, I can see it plain as day.”
Johnny has never wanted to curl up and die so badly in his life. Gyro had figured out your secret all on his own, and is content to rub it in Johnny’s face. Torture him with it.
“You finally told him you like him… I gotta hand it to you, I never thought you’d have it in you.”
Johnny stands corrected.
“What’re you-? Gyro that’s not-” Johnny can't even form a coherent sentence under Gyro’s smug gaze, and knowing you’re sitting behind that bush, listening to this shit only serves to add fire to the warmth pooling in his cheeks, boiling up to the tips of his ears.
You have to bring a hand up to cover your mouth.
Gyro clicks his tongue with a wag of his finger, head shaking and ruffling his dirty blond hair. “You don’t have to explain it to me. Trust me, I get it. Our lil riding partner’s pretty easy on the eyes. If you ever need some time alone, I can make myself scarce, ya know? Collect some firewood, maybe hunt a little or something. However long you need.”
Johnny can hear the smirk in Gyro’s tone more than see it in the dark of the evening. He struggles to collect himself. “It’s not like that.”
“Mm,” Gyro hums, “sure it’s not.” He raises his voice a little, ensuring that you both can hear what comes next, “In any case, food’s done whenever you two lovebirds are ready to eat.”
Johnny’s face burns as he watches Gyro disappear back to camp and out of sight, and just as he brings his gaze back towards the smooth surface of the water, you’re climbing back in. He catches an unfiltered glimpse at your curves, the expanse of your legs, the plush of your hips. His eyes squeeze shut and he feels like he’s suffering from acute heat stroke. Johnny knows the visage of your body, sinking into the water, bathed in moonlight that clings to your skin like a silver gown, will haunt his dreams until the end of time. Aphrodite has been plucked from her throne amongst the Gods and dropped right in the lap of some disgraced jockey from Kentucky.
He can’t possibly face you now can he? He’s not prepared to meet a goddess.
“I-” You look up at Johnny through your lashes, water clinging to them from your journey back into the river. You seem almost bashful, shy. Johnny’s heart skips a beat.
“He’s an idiot.” Is all Johnny can bring himself to tell you.
You giggle, and Johnny thinks it’s the most beautiful sound he’s ever heard. “He is.”
A quiet moment passes before you’re back where you started, hand closing over his own as you settle before him, backlit by the full light of the moon. “I meant what I said earlier.”
With the way you carefully examine the slope of his nose, the way your gaze flickers from his eyes to his lips and back again with a look Johnny can only describe as reverence, the man has no choice. He believes you, just as he had before. He captures your cheek in his palm, as if doing so will stop you from returning to the heavens, disappearing before his eyes.
Johnny brings you closer, lips ghosting over yours. “I know.”
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diegodinosgf · 2 years
Under the table...
Johnny Joestar x Fem reader
Warnings: fingering in public, cursing, inappropriate use of stand
His hand found your thigh, slowly rubbing over the soft skin. You shot him a side ways glance but he paid no attention, instead he slid his hand further up your thigh, and softly pressed on your panties with his finger.
You squirmed slightly under his touch as his finger teased your sensitive bud through the cloth but you tried to keep still.
You picked up the fork, poked the potato slice on your plate and put it in your mouth, slowly chewing on it but as you swallowed you choked suddenly, in attempt to suppress a moan from Johnny suddenly pinching on your clit.
The fork fell from your hand and you legs drew closer instinctively as he fondled with your sensitive bundle of nerves.
"Fuck," you cursed under your breath.
"Y/n! Are you okay?" Gyro asked with concern in his voice.
"Yeah, I'm fine.. I'm okay- ah!" Another moan escaped your mouth but you put you hand over your mouth and acted as if it were just a cough.
"Just have some food stuck in my throat- but I'm okay". You bit your lip because you weren't sure if you could cover up the moan again as a cough.
"Here drink some water", Gyro said and placed the cup of water near you, but you motioned your hand saying you didn't need it and gulped down the food completely.
"Hey, you're sweating so much, are you okay?" He asked as he set the water down.
"What? Oh, it's just-" your legs drew closer as his finger pressed onto your bud "It's kind of hot in here, that's ah-all!" You hit your chest in a fist as if you were trying to make the food go down so Gyro wouldn't suspect anything. He looked at you for a moment, and you hoped he hadn't seen through your act, but the tension left you as he shrugged and said "okay" and indulged in his meal again.
Meanwhile Johnny beside you ate the food off his plate as if nothing was happening.
He just looked at you and smirked, then continued eating his dinner.
God that man really knew how to mess with you at the worse possible moments. What was he thinking, here in a diner? Not that you minded though... because it seemed no matter how much your mind tried to deny it your legs didn't, in fact you unconsciously spread them a little further to help him out.
He continued to tease your clit a little longer before he swiped up and down you folds, then inserted one finger into you.
Just one? Maybe he was just trying to tease you and make you beg for him to put in more, but it wasn't going to work.
He slowly pumped his finger into you, feeling how wet you became already, and suddenly, out of nowhere made you feel burning pleasure from within you.
"Shit!" You cursed again, slamming the fork onto the table. You covered your mouth, pretending it was a cough again as the sudden feeling made moans unwittingly come out of your mouth.
"Got- food stuck- in my- throat- ah-again!" You blurted out. Gyro and a few others in the diner looked at you worriedly.
Fuck, you were being too loud, you had to control yourself. Johnny surely wasn't going to pull away now, he was definitely enjoying how you were humiliating yourself right now in front of everyone.
Once every one got back to their meals, you looked down between your legs and were surprised with what you saw.
There were hints of blue and yellow on Johnny's hand, the blue faintly shaped as a ring and the yellow as stars.
He was using his rotation on you. How did he even get such an idea?
If you were going to be honest, it felt too good, it felt exhilarating. The way the tip of his finger spun inside of you, vibrating within your wet walls.
How were you supposed to keep quiet now?
It felt so intense.. there were just so many sensations bursting from within your pussy... God you could even begin to feel yourself getting wetter and wetter by the minute..
As if one finger wasn't enough he slipped in another one that was in rotation as well.
Fuck this man really knew how to pull your strings.
The doubled pleasure was getting to you, it was only a matter of time before your moans came out loud and clear.
You gripped the fork in your hand while your legs began to shake, as well as your entire body, trembling from the pleasure...
Your vison began to blur as you looked down on your plate. But you could no longer eat, not without moaning and banging the table.
So you set down your fork and rested your face on your hand, looking out the window.
Tears started to brim your eyes and your cheeks burned while your legs trembled from his touch.
You were getting close to your climax already. The pulsating between your legs increased and your legs shook more.
You bit you lip from the pleasure, trying your best to keep quiet... but all you wanted to do was cry out to Johnny, to cling to him, and tell him how what he was doing felt too good.
Your thoughts were interrupted when Gyro spoke.
"I'm done. I'm going to go and see how Valkyrie is doing and get her ready to go." He said as he got up from his side of the booth and walked out, leaving you with Johnny.
"Johnny~", you moaned quietly under your breath. "It feels really good... ah~".
"You like it that hm?"
"Yes... mhm.. I do."
"Will you cum for me?"
"Yes, yes! I will cu- cum", you said shakily. Your breath was already getting heavy, and the trembling in your legs was increasing.
"I'm gonna cum Johnny," you whispered. "I'm cumming, I'm cumming, I'm cu- ah!"  it felt as though a band snapped in you, followed by your panties getting drenched.
Johnny stopped the rotation and swirled his fingers around in your walls then pulled them out, bringing them to his mouth and licking them in the most arousing way... he swirled his tongue around his 2 fingers and gave them a small suck.
The sight made you dampen your panties a little more.
"Guess we should going." He said calmly, getting up from the booth.
"Yeah, we should. You go ahead, I'll be there in a minute."
"Okay", he said, and walked away.
Fuck... that man was just too good. If he kept this up he was surely going to be the death of you, but yet you wanted more, more of him because you couldn't deny the way he made you feel, the intense pleasure he gave you.
You sighed and slowly got up from your seat, feeling your legs still slightly tremble, and walked out of the diner to catch up with Johnny and Gyro.
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sapphicadventure · 4 months
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finished sbr like last week. so i had to do this
johnny is in a modern au bc i liked the idea
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the-illiterate-pirate · 9 months
Tell Him that His Lonesome Nights are Over || Pt. 1
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I decided on a two shot! Adding this one together with the rest of the story would be too long imo, and tbh I need to hit my fic quota for the month before it's too late. This chap is just story but dw, the next one will have all the good stuff 😏
This draft is like a year old please forgive me if my old style and my new style clashes together noticably lmao
NOTES: SFW, Fem!reader, Reader and Sandman eat jerky, Reader is said to have a large family, like huge like. Oh my god, keep it in your pants please. Tell me if I need to add anymore warnings!
I've added a reference to a song I enjoy a lot, think you can find it? >:3 probably it's very noticable
You'd felt his eye on you for most of the race. You didn't mind though. It wasn't a harmful look, more like one of interest. And dare you say it, you liked the attention.
Sandman was an attractive man, and he finished first in the last race only on his feet. (His feet! Against horses! How incredible.) It was flattering to know you'd caught the attention of someone so important to the race, but you didn't understand why he watched you so intensely. You were nothing important. You had only finished in tenth place. That was more because you got distracted helping one of the other contestants that had fallen into some cacti. If you truly had your mind on winning, there wasn't a chance you'd score under fifth place, and you knew it.
Maybe it was because you were a woman. You couldn't blame him for that. There wasn't another in the race. You stuck out like a sore thumb compared to all of the men that surrounded you. You had a bright red target on your back since you joined the race, but you didn't really care. You had one plan in mind, and you wouldn't let some misogyny take you off of it. But the woman thing was just a guess. Maybe the sandman saw something else in you.
What timing, maybe I could ask him tonight.
It was dark now, you had settled down for a night of rest. Earlier that afternoon those two riders Johnny Joestar and Gyro Zeppeli raced by, but they were the only two you found. It was late, your horse and you both were tired, and it was still early in the race, it wouldn't hurt to take your time getting to the finish lines.
You watch the dark headed man walking, rather than running, past your camp some meters away. You called his name, arm waving in the air in a gesture for him to come over. He was unsure at first, but he came over. Victory. The fire you had going sparked in his eyes and illuminated his sharp features in a way that made him look more charming than usual. He was beautiful in the firelight.
Settle down, now. You warned yourself.
"Hey! You are Sandman, yeah? Wanna rest those feet of yours? I got food and drink for two." You handed him one of your canteens. He stared at the offering skeptically for a second but decided to take it quickly after, downing it like it was the only water he'd seen today. The container was already half its original weight when he finally pulled away to thank you. You simply waved off the thanks. "You gotta be tired from all this running you're doin', why don'tcha stick around for the night? I don't mind the company."
Silence from the man. Then a soft, "How do I know I can trust you?"
"What? To not hurt you in your sleep? Hah!" You laughed, "I don't care about this race enough to hurt people over it. So I've got some competition, that just makes it even more exciting." You smile wickedly, the fire extenuating the color of your eyes for Sandman to see. You look down at your canteen, swirling the water around inside in a circle. "As for trust... I guess you just have my word." You look into his burning eyes. "I won't hurt you, Sandman."
He seemed to think about it. He took a slow drink from his canteen while he did. He swallowed before answering; "Today has been tiring. I'll take your word for it, so I'll stay the night."
He sat across from you on the other side of the fire. A little too close to your horse for your comfort, but you brushed it off, he didn't seem like the type to hurt an innocent animal.
Only the fire crackling was heard for some time. You both sipped from canteens, washing away the thirst of racing across dry deserts. Just the image of dead trees and cacti in your mind made your cottonmouth act up again.
There were times you almost started a new conversation. Your mouth would open, but you were quick to shut it yet again. Sandman threw you a questioning raise of an eyebrow, but you could only look away in embarrassment at your inability to be comfortable in silence. Growing up in a big family would do that to you. There always had to be some sort of commotion going on in your house, and you'd grown accustomed to it in your years. The thought of being without your family for the next few months saddened you. You really missed it all. A nagging in your reprimanded the rest of you for being so homesick already. It hadn't even been a week yet!
Instead of striking conversation, you turned to your bag and opened it. This bag was smaller than the one that held your clothes (still on your horse) and was home to your toiletries, rations, a third canteen, and finally some elk jerky, made specially for you in your favorite flavoring. You tore off a chunk and began to nibble on the tough meat. The familiar taste brought you back to earlier times of traveling America with your big brothers, hunting for the best game the world offered. Simpler times, you missed it, and your brothers. But maybe now wasn't the time to be sentimental.
You weren't sure if Sandman would be interested in jerky. Did his people have jerky too? Was it wrong to assume otherwise?
"U-Uhm," The glare he shot made you jump just the tiniest bit. No one looked at you the way this man did. It was unnerving. But kind of exciting. You steeled yourself for your next question. "Do you like jerky? My brother's specially made it."
"Jerky." He quoted as he took the dehydrated meat from your hand and looked it over. "I haven't had any before the first race. I think it's really good." He took his first bite and was surprised with how tender the meat was. His eyes sparked at the flavor, mixing together in ways that made his mouth drool like nothing else. You breathed a triumphant breath through your nose. Your brothers win again. Best not to tell them that once you got home, though, all of their heads were big enough.
Although, those boys knew their way around an elk. Meat not too tender, with just enough chew. And the seasonings were to die for.
Sandman quickly finished his first piece of jerky and seemed disappointed that it was gone. He was pleased when you offered more. This time, he ate it slower.
"You mentioned your brothers made this... Do you have a lot of them?" The innocent question got a laugh from you.
"You could say that... F-Five. I... have five brothers."
Your answer must've made him inhale his jerky, because once the words left your mouth he spasmed and coughed like nothing else.
"Five brothers? How, how–?" You tried to smother your giggles, as not to interrupt him, but his face just then was too good. He seemed absolutely gobsmacked over it.
"Yeah! Five brothers and three sisters. We all chip in to help Ma and Pop at home, though. My three eldest brothers help my dad out with work while my sister's help Mom with the gardening and chores. It's pretty crowded but we made it work. We're doing well financially, but the prize money from this race could help us out a lot, that's why I joined... None of them could come though. It's kinda lonely, but I know I'll come back home to a happy family.
"...S-Sorry, I didn't mean to ramble. Do you have any family, Sandman?" He turned his sight at the fire before him, staring intently at the flames. You could see them dancing in his eyes reflection. "I have a sister," He started softly, then paused. Those intense eyes of his looked at you next as he thought over something silently. "My tribesmen have disowned me, so she's all I have left."
He fought against the urge to admit more and explain his situation. Like how with the winning money he would buy back his ancestor's land and save his people. There was something soft about you. Sandman wanted to trust you, there was something about you that made it hard to hate. Was it all just so you can trick him? If he decided to ride with you, would... would you use his trust against him to your advantage? He took his time admiring your features.
...No, he didn't think so. That look on your face, you looked so sympathetic towards him, someone you'd just met.
He decided he hated your full attention on him, he squirmed underneath your gaze. To push your attention away from him, he nodded his head towards the shadows on the far side of the fire. "Your horse, what's their name?"
"Oh! That there is Boom-Lay Boom. But my family's taken to calling her Diamond Eye." The sudden attention to your mount had you excited and jumping up from your seat to walk to her side. She was a fine mare, you'd had her since your fifteenth birthday. It was then you truly learned how to care for a horse, you'd done just about everything for her, all except change her shoes, to this day you were still nervous of hurting her hooves. And at this point you were pretty sure you'd grown a mental connection to the girl. You were as thick as thieves.
"Your horse has two names?" Sandman asked, quirking an eyebrow. "Why not?" You asked back, raising your own. Sandman laughed. And at that moment you decided Sandman's voice was wonderful to listen to. You could hear him speak all night if he would. You'd enjoy it more than your mother's music.
"She's a beautiful steed." He said while he began to stand, coming towards you and Diamond Eye.
"Aw, did'ja hear that, Boom-Lay? Sandman says you're pretty!" You cooed and coddled the horse, running fingers through her mane and up her jaw. She simply snorted at you. You heard Sandman chuckle from his spot on the other side of the mare. His hand was raised, gently petting the side of her thick neck.
It was then you decided that he and you had connected on some level, just like you had with Diamond Eye. Maybe not as deep, yet, but it was a great start.
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silly-l1ttle-guy · 5 months
and the reasons why i like them
Noriaki Kakyoin - I just think he's neat
Risotto Nero - he's emo
Kars - HE'S HOT!!!!
Joseph Joestar - goofy as fuck
Josuke Higashikata - he's so silly it's unreal
Leone Abbacchio - depressed alcoholic? that's a favourite character right there
Caesar Zeppeli - I like him :]
Pannacotta Fugo - I think he's an interesting character (also because of phf)
Robert E.O Speedwagon - waifu
Diavolo - pathetic little bitch
Vinegar Doppio - pathetic little meow meow
Guido Mista - he's pretty chill, I like him
Ghiaccio - fuck dude why do I like all the angry ones
N'doul - i saw him and immediately liked him
Narciso Anasui - i could fix him.
Enrico Pucci - birthing hips
Okuyasu Nijimura - love me a dumb bitch
Rohan Kishibe - cunty
Foo Fighters - water
Hot Pants - please step on me
Diego Brando - DINOSAUR!!!
Johnny Joestar - he was really well written! also he looks like a twink
Yasuho Hirose - silly!!!
Josuke Higashikata8 - silly!!!
Santana - silly!!!
Wamuu - big man tits
Matthew Patel - pathetic little emo (my favourite breed of man)
Scott Pilgrim - pathetic simp (me too)
Ramona Flowers - please step on me
Lucas Lee - himbo
Knives Chau - Silly!!!
Wallace Wells - he's an icon
Young Neil - Silly!!!
Sebastian - emo
Elliot - he has nice hair
Abigail - slay queen
Sam - silly!!!
Shane - depressed alcoholic
Krobus - silly!!!
Tamaki Suoh - stupid blond bitch
Haruhi Fujioka - you go girl
Honey - cutie patootie
Mori - love me a good silent type
Denji - he's so relatable (i want to touch tits too)
Kris - non binary icon
Suzie - lesbian icon
Ralsei - icon
sans - haha funny skeleton guy
Papyrus - autistic icon
Flower - the flower
Toriel - love her
Alphys - lesbian icon
Undyne - lesbian icon
Mettaton - gay icon
Grillby - he's HOT (get it?)
Queen - feel like a fem queen
Lancer - an icon
Ingo - haha funny train man with no memories
Emmet - haha funny train man
Pierce - emo
Raihan - silly!!!
Leon - silly!!!
Hop - silly!!!
Arven - :(
Melli - stuck up bitch
Adaman - "bisexuals are gonna love this guy"
Irida - silly!!!
Brock - simp
Allister - silly!!!
Jessie - girlboss
James - crossdressing icon
N - long hair
Volo - i HATED this guy at first, then thought "nvm he's cool"
Kel - silly!!!
Aubrey - auby
Hero - slay king
Mari - yippee!!!
Randy Jade - pathetic
Dave - vegas
Jack - i like him
Dee - you go girl
Roger - baby
Harry - i like him
Glamrock freddy - way to go superstar
Funtime Freddy - same va as diavolo
Michael Afton - Michael Afton
Alice Asmodeus - gay icon
Clara Valac - silly!!!
Ameri Azazel - girlboss
Opera - non binary icon
Kalego Naberius - emo
Lied Shax - silly!!!
Shichiro Balam - gentle giant
General Furfur - same english va as diavolo
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beeprich · 3 months
patterns tag
thank you for the tag @strugglequill !!!
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
i've only got 9 posted on ao3 so we will work with what we've got .. tagging @t4tozier and everyone else who wants to do it that hasn't been tagged yet
use your hands and my spare time (IT - Reddie)
To be fair, they're all used to it.
2. we could have all night (just say the word) (IT - Reddie)
Richie is well aware that anything Eddie wants Eddie gets.
3. texas reznikoff (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - GyJo)
The fire crackles loud in the cold, open air of the makeshift campsite Gyro and Johnny have got set up. (the first line is technically a mitski lyric but i did NOT write that song)
4. i don't believe in heaven (but, baby, you can be my church) (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Diego/HotPants)
Diego Brando does not believe in a God.
5. suck it and see (you never know) (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - GyJo)
Johnny Joestar is nothing if not stubborn.
6. look at us (you and me back at it again) (IT - fem!Reddie)
Richie Tozier does not hate Eddie Kaspbrak.
7. it hit me (like a beam of light) (IT - Reddie)
Richie's mouth is dry.
8. i fantasize (i call it quits) (IT - fem!Reddie)
This sucks, Eddie thinks.
9. real love (wait until you taste me) (IT - fem!Reddie)
It's all preamble, Richie knows this.
i think there's definitely a pattern here .. like instant exposition and plot development. i like saying what i need to say with immediacy apparently. i also think that i think in the same way i write (that sounds so stupid) but i am blunt i get to the point very quickly and i think i tend to write in the same way like the facts are the facts.
texas reznikoff is an exception because it is a songfic so i feel like the basis of the song did kind of change the way i'd usually start writing something.
also love that i just started saying fuck stephen king's intentions .. these are lesbians. Diego/HotPants is the only cishet fic i've written and posted (not including my humiliating reader insert 5sos/1d fics when i was in middle and high school). also really obsessed with the way i'm only able to write smut and nothing else. they're my barbies and i can make them scissor if i want <3 gyjo is just reddie in another font is what i've come to learn .. growth. i replaced reddie with gyjo, remembered the source material, and came back to the house on neibolt i grew up in.
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