#female locklear
thelaughtercafe · 7 months
BEN Drowned, Jeff the Killer, Homicidal Liu, and Doctor Locklear finding out their victim has a tickle kink
Tea Type: Rose Boba
Potential Triggers: Dubious consent (for tickling only) in BEN’s, and Jeff’s- Liu and Locklear are established relationships so it’s different.
Suggestive speaking of tickling especially in BEN's and Liu's and similar suggestiveness surrounding fear/enjoying being scared in BEN's.
For Liu's there's threatening and violence, though what's directed at Reader is not from Liu or Sully.
There is a graphically worded description of violence involving eyes though, towards the perpetrator though it's not dwelled on too long and the intensity of the injury isn't described, just implied.
Pairing: BEN/F! Reader, Jeff/F! Reader, Liu/Sully/F! Reader, Locklear/F! Reader
Length: 6.8k+
Summary: The Creeps find out something interesting about their intended victim and decide maybe keeping them around isn't such a bad idea.
A/N: So looking back this is much longer than I realized. Especially BEN and Liu's! They're my faves, tied for number one so I suppose I went overboard haha. HABIT from EverymanHYBRID is right up there though in second place. I already continued the self-indulgent BEN lead in, while including HABIT and Liu in the mix so we'll see if I post it. If you guys have any interest, let me know and I'll post it if enough people want to see it!
Also, please let me know if you want any additional triggers added; I think I got them all, but just in case!
BEN Drowned:
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BEN was nothing if not meticulous when learning all he could about his victims. While typically he liked to do all his research at the start, he felt like a change of pace with you, doing it in the moment could be more fun and perhaps frighten you even more as he could go by your most recent searches and documents. That never failed to add an extra edge of panic.
It was inevitable he would find your dirty little secret; especially in a document with no password and nothing to guard it save the word twordish. 
“Foolish girl…” 
He took in the information easily, and couldn’t help the sadistic smirk that lit up his face, fingers twitching with sparks. 
“Not as innocent as you seem after all, huh?”
That good girl image you held was what initially drew him to you as prey but clearly…there was a side to yourself you hid from him. From everyone, in fact.  
A part of you liked being scared, and therefore what he was doing to you. Memories hit him then. The blush that would frequently appear on your cheeks, eyes darting to the side, half sighs and even the occasional clenched thighs all made sense now when put together. 
You’d recently decided to ditch your technology in an attempt to get rid of him, hence why he was looking for something to draw you back. Appearing in reality and making you frightened of things that aroused you, only to then turn that fear itself into arousal again made him ravenous. 
It’d been so long since he’d had a victim perfectly suited to his love of fucking with their minds. He couldn’t wait to have you screaming underneath him, the fear that would fill your eyes, the tears…
He bit back a moan and sighed in much the way you had. 
Oh, he couldn’t wait. 
That boy was definitely stealing glances at you.  You were sure of it now. 
You were at the library again, comfortable in your reading corner in a secluded room when a boy walked in. He wore jean shorts, black converse, a dark green hoodie and a matching beanie on a cursory glance. 
You assumed he’d entered to look for a book in here and that he’d leave soon and returned your eyes to the book in your hands. 
You flinched a little in surprise as he suddenly spoke, making you look up again. 
“Mind if I sit here?”
His voice sounded older than you expected, in his 20’s for sure despite his shorter stature, but there was still a quality to his voice that called you back to childhood, an underlying playfulness. 
It…made you uneasy rather than comforted for some reason though and you felt dread in you that wasn’t there before. Hmph. You’d just be a little more vigilant.
Still, you smiled and nodded, as you would for anyone else and he smiled back, before taking a seat and starting to scroll through his phone. 
Your smile instantly dropped and you trembled a moment as memories assaulted you of that thing that’d been messing with you from every screen available. Another reason you picked this room. It was far away from the computer room and the only screen in the adjacent room was facing away, towards the library clerk. 
Using your phone for contact was unavoidable, but you’d had it on airplane mode for ages now, only taking it off to check email and communication once a week before putting it right back on. Given you were putting yourself through college which was currently in the off season of Summer while you worked to pay tuition meant you only had one person to keep in touch with, your Mom. 
The rest of the time when you weren’t working was spent here, in safety and solitude. Luckily, the boy’s screen was facing away, but you moved an extra seat away just for comfort’s sake before letting out a shaky breath and returning to your book. 
It took a few minutes but eventually you fully relaxed again. Until the back of your neck prickled anyway. You risked a discreet glance up, and caught the boys’ rushing back to his screen. Once was a mistake. Twice, perhaps a coincidence. Thrice, maybe he was checking you out? But four times? Now you were full on anxious. The dread since he’d initially spoken to you was now a solid, immovable pit in your stomach. 
You were debating how best to leave discreetly while pretending to read when he cleared his throat, much closer than you would like. You stood instinctively but he continued walking over until he was in front of you and smiled amicably. He seemed nice enough but why was your body screaming at you to run? Your gut typically wasn’t off…but it had told you to download that damned file in the first place so maybe you were just wrong. 
You smiled back, just as innocently, tilting your head to the side. 
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah. Just fine. I know this might be somewhat forward, but any chance you want to get some hot chocolate with me?”
That made you giggle. 
“Hot chocolate huh? How old are you again?”
You found the tease coming easy to you and relaxed. So it really was just interest. Hm. In all honesty, he was your type.  He was quite a bit taller than you despite being around average height, and his blue eyes were quite hypnotizing. His blond locks were messy but in that cute, wind tousled way and he had this roguish charm that was mischievous. You’d always been drawn to things she shouldn’t be. He was no different. 
He pulled an offended face at your question. 
“Who doesn’t like hot chocolate? Are you coming with me to the cafe or not smartass?”
He quipped, turning on his heel and walking towards the door. 
You hesitated a beat and then you let yourself smile, following after. 
“Yeah yeah, I’m comin’.”
The walk to the cafe was comfortable and you found your earlier fears assuaged. 
He made conversation easily; you’d asked what he was doing on his phone and he’d said he was using an emulator to play Zelda. You had fond memories of the series and found he did as well, leading to a lighthearted debate over if Twilight Princess or Majoras Mask was better. 
The cafe was just as peaceful, with you both getting hot chocolate. It was summer, but you found you didn’t mind as he pushed you aside with his shoulder to pay for both of you.  It didn’t take much to make you swoon, and he was well on his way at this rate. Respect was hard to find these days and he was being such a sweetheart. He was funny too and you seemed to have common interests. What was there not to like? 
He motioned to the book beside you as you sipped your drink. 
“So you like Becca Fitzpatrick? Can’t say I’ve heard of her. The cover is interesting though.”
“Yeah! I’m a lover of supernatural romances. Even guilty pleasure stuff like this…probably not the most healthy relationship. It’s about a fallen angel and a Human who fall in love, but Patch at the start; he uses his powers to mess with her pretty often.”
He casually sipped his drink before tilting his head. 
“What kind of powers?”
“So far? Talking directly in her head, taunting her about intimate knowledge he shouldn’t have about her and her life, and messing with her memories. Making her think she’s crazy. He kind of almost killed her once already, but changed his mind last minute. It’s…toxic logically but as guilty pleasure fuel it’s hot. I guess. I dunno. I try not to think about it too much." 
You laughed sheepishly, embarrassed about rambling and about such a weird ass topic only to hear him laugh. 
"We all have our kinks right? I’d love to see your full collection back at your place. Think we could swing by if it’s close?”
You nodded at that, moving to throw out your now empty cups as you headed out with him following after. 
“Yeah sure. It’s mostly supernatural romance though but I do have some video game art books you might like that I can lend you, long as you promise to take good care of them. I’ve got a really big game collection too." 
Oops that slipped out. You didn’t want to tell him about your weird issues with tech. Not when things were going so well. Too late now though. His eyes had lit up as he asked excitedly. 
"Oh cool, really? What’s your favorite?”
“The World Ends With You. It’s kind of indie but-”
“The one with Neku right? I love that game too! Most people don’t know about it!" 
Your eyes lit up despite yourself. Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad. As long as you were just talking about them and not playing them it should be fine. 
The walk from the cafe to your house was short so the distraction was nice. You were half tuned in to the conversation half dreading his reaction when you headed inside. 
“Alright here we are.”
You led the way inside, unlocking the door and headed to your room with him in tow. He closed the door behind him and looked around in awe. 
"Woah. You’re definitely a gamer.”
Given you had a ps4, a Nintendo switch and a ps3 all underneath your TV at once you saw why he thought that. But then his brow furrowed and you braced yourself.  
“Why is everything unplugged though? Even the tv looks dead." 
A glance over at your laptop on the desk, very intentionally unplugged from the charger. 
"Laptop too.”
Your smile was tight and anxious and you felt shaky. 
He smiled amicably as he turned back to face you.   
“Don’t tell me you’re doing some tech detox! Those things don’t actually help you know; you’ll just get more addicted when you return to it later.”
He joked, and you felt like you could breathe again, laughing to hide your anxiety.  
“Y-Yeah how’d you know?”
Just as you were about to confirm his claim a loud, and most importantly familiar beep rang out and you panicked, breathing already getting harder as you searched frantically for the source. 
“That’s impossible.”
“What’s impossible? Hey, are you ok? You’re awfully pale and jumpy all of a sudden.”
He touched your arm lightly and your gaze moved to him. That’s right!
“I-um-God. I have a confession to make but first can you please turn off your phone?”
You knew it sounded crazy, even to you, but you couldn’t risk it. You’d happily have gone along with the tech detox excuse but…but you couldn’t risk giving it an in again. Better to be safe and tell an outsider in a tech free environment. 
“My phone? Uh…why though?”
“I promise I’ll explain but we’re not safe until-ugh I sound like a lunatic." 
You hid your face in your hands for a moment, cheeks burning in humiliation and panic. 
"You can leave if this is too weird. I know I’m not making much sense but I just-there’s a very important reason I can’t be near tech.”
A hesitant peek up and the boy was taking you in with such sweet worry…and then he sighed in defeat. 
“…Fine. If it’ll really make you feel better and you’ll explain.”
He looked at his phone and then pocketed it after holding down the power button and turning it off. His gaze returned to you, expectantly. 
“There. Now what’s got you so panicked? You love video games, that much is obvious. So why would you unplug everything like this?”
You still trembled. The fear lingered, along with hope. Finally, someone you could confide in. 
“I’m-again this is gonna sound crazy but…”
A broken laugh escaped you.  
“I have nothing else to lose, I guess. I’ve got some kind of awful…thing watching me. 
His face screwed up at the very thought like he was offended. 
"A thing? What, like some kinda hacker?”
You hummed, moving to sit down on your bed and fiddled with your fingers. 
“Yeah. Kind of. But it’s more than that. See, if it was on one computer and my phone, that’d make sense. It’s what I thought at first. The calling me by name, the popups to scare me and chat with me where even more personal details were revealed…all that could be a hacker.”
You clenched and unclenched your hands as you swallowed nervously. 
“But that wasn’t where it ended. It followed me. Any screen in my line of sight it’d taunt me. Send me pictures of myself. Display messages making fun of me for trying to escape. Even then. I thought…maybe just a really good hacker right?”
You risked a glance at him, and he looked down at you nodding encouragingly. 
“Yeah. I could see it being some black hat who just…saw you as an easy target and wanted to really fuck with you.  But something tells me there’s more.”
You smirked bitterly. 
“…it knew things it shouldn’t. Like; things I’d never said aloud or confessed online; so no mic work or camera or internet involved.”
“That’s impossible. Maybe you did and just don’t remember?’
You shook your head. 
"I mean…Gods I swear I head it in my head once.”
“Like Patch?”
“Yeah actually exactly like-”
“Like this maybe?”
You couldn’t help it. You yelped, and jerked looking around in fear, tears instinctively filling your eyes. You’d know that glitched, demonic in its deepness tone anywhere. It haunted your nightmares. 
He looked at you worriedly, grounding you again with a hand on your shoulder. 
"Hey, come back to me! You good?”
He frowned seriously as your eyes refocused on him  and you sniffled comforted by the kindness in his blue eyes. 
“It just did it. It-it-I just- I don’t know why this demon is doing this to me.”
That was what did it. You looking up at him, teary eyed and desperate, thinking he was your knight in shining armor when really he was the monster in your closet all along. 
He caressed your face softly, cupping your cheek so he could see every micro-expression and then he grinned. 
“Because it’s fun. Why else?”
His tone was so sweetly gentle that it took you a moment for the actual words meaning to click and when they did you shivered. 
“Tha-That’s not funny. I’m not playing around.”
He pulled back to swagger around the room, the same and yet completely different all at once, as he hummed. 
“Hmm… shame. Feels like a game to me and a fun one at that. Y'know, I never did tell you my name, and luckily your cute romantic naivete ensured you went with it when I told you they didn’t define us. Why don’t you ask me again now that I’m ready to answer you?”
You shook your head, eyes flicking to the door as you tried to hold yourself together. This couldn’t be happening. It couldn’t. 
You stood and despite expecting to be stopped you made it to the door. Exhilaration and adrenaline fueled you and as you went to open the door-
You jerked away as you were violently shocked the second your hand made contact with the doorknob. Your mind raced. When had you closed the door?
“You didn’t.”
You flinched and reluctantly turned to face your captor trying to put on a brave face as he smirked and cornered you against the door, hovering over you with his hands on either side of your trembling frame. 
His entire demeanor had shifted on a dime. The sweet kind boy from earlier may as well never have existed.  This person in front of you- no this monster looked all too amused at your fearful denial.  But there was eagerness in his eyes too. More passionate than any he’s shown when engaging in your conversations before. 
“You’re so easy to predict. I charged the doorknob when I closed it; did you like my little mind trick earlier too? Heh " 
He snickered. 
"The only way you’re getting out is if I open the door first. Now then…”
He tilted his head condescendingly, blue eyes seeming to spark with the demand.
“Say it. I know you want to know.”
You weakly shook your head and flinched again as he hissed at you, raising his voice a little and drawing closer to your face. 
“Do it!”
“Fine! W-What are you?”
He pulled back to snicker, calm as if he wasn’t making you a frightened mess. 
“Tsk tsk, what a different question than who but I suppose I’ll answer both since I’m feeling gracious.”
He met your eyes and you whimpered as he grabbed your chin, forcing you to maintain eye contact. 
“My name is BEN. But you already knew that little mouse didn’t you~?”
His voice was a coo and your cheeks heated despite yourself even as you were filled with icy fear at the confirmation. He even used that stupid nickname that always flustered you. No-one else would know that. You ached with the want to look away but he was way too strong. Pushing at his chest did nothing but make him throw his head back in light laughter. 
“Ahahaha! Aww that’s adorable. Don’t make me pin your arms down darling, we were getting along so well earlier. Now! As for your other question. I suppose there is many things you could consider me. A virus, a lost soul, a villain, technically I used to be Human and those fools who know of me online call me legend, a Creepypasta but now, knowing what name you’d give me is what I’ll go by I think. What was it you called me? A demon? I can roll with that." 
Your breath hitched as he leaned down cooing lovingly in your ear. 
"After all you like demons, don’t you cutie? You can be my Nora and I’ll be your Patch. " 
You scoffed and he growled low, demoni- cruel, and glitchy. 
Yet you were so scared, so wound up over months of torment and anxiety that you just broke. Constantly being on edge and paranoid. Now you have a direct source to vent your frustrations.  Of course it’d bubble over.
“Get off me you psychopath!!”
You raised your voice, something exceedingly out of character and pushed him back harshly, right into the corner of your desk, making him wince. A brief flash of surprise filled his face and then he was snarling, and advancing on you.  
Luckily, you’d already used his shock to turn on your heel and go for the doorknob again and this time we’re successful. You crossed the threshold when a deceptively weak looking arm pulled you back as you struggled and tried to elbow him while his other arm held you to him with another arm resting casually against your shoulders by your neck. 
All pretense was lost  and he laughed openly against the side of your neck, relishing your squirming as he easily kept you in check.
“You actually caught me off guard. Guess seeing me in the flesh is a little intense huh? Even made a weak little thing like you go for fight just for an opportunity of flight. I suppose now is as good a time to mention as any.” 
His mouth moved to your ear where he whispered. 
“I know your secret~”
You frowned, wracking your brain for anything else he could use as ammo but came up empty so you called his bluff. 
“Oh yeah? Like what?”
And then his fingers squeezed at your waist and you squealed and jerked in his grip and it clicked what he meant. But before you could voice it, he spoke up. 
“Like this. Who’d have guessed a seemingly innocent girl like you would have a goldmine of kinks and scenarios for me to play with you with just waiting to be exploited.”
You shook a little, but this time the trembling wasn’t from fear alone, it was withheld arousal too, especially as you could swear his teeth, his fairly sharp teeth- grazed your ear and made you jerk, followed by his hiss in your ear. 
“Guess you really are a tickle slut. You like fear too which is just perfect for me.”
Your voice was admittedly breathless as you stopped struggling, simply holding his other arm, positioned around your neck. 
“What-What are you going to do with me?”
“I’m going to make you mine of course. I like you, so I’ve decided I want to keep you. I think you’ll find the arrangement to your liking, once you get used to the other inhabitants anyway. I’ll introduce you more intimately. I know you can get anxious in big groups so after your initial intro to everyone it’ll be smaller groups. And in our free time…” 
You quickly descended into giggles as the hand at your waist spidered up and down your whole left side, making you squirm and blush. You were distracted so you squealed as his tongue brushed your ear, making you shudder in lust before a hesitant moan left your lips at the cruel and exhilarating words that left his lips. With no need to maintain a facade, his voice deepened and sounded twisted, glitching as he purred. 
“I’ll take my time breaking you.”
Jeff the Killer:
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Jeff would already be faltering. You’d been bullied for many a year by now. Of course, the bullies had already been disposed of, but Jeff was triggered heavily by the weakness he saw in you. He feels an odd sense of ownership. 
When you flinch in your sleep and giggle, Jeff frowns in confusion from where he had been watching you while he grappled with his thoughts. 
You mumble in your sleep, and his eyes move to your hands as you seem to try and push someone away before slapping the air, a grin and evident blush on your face as you squirm. 
"Mike s-stop- quit ihihihit!! Damn it no! Not thehehere!”
Jeff experiences a brief flash that has him stumbling back a step and swallowing hard. 
A much younger him, Liu, shrieking in laughter under his wiggling fingertips. 
Right. Tickling. 
Is there a weakness you don’t have? 
He frowns in discomfort and quickly moves to dig into your sides, covering your mouth with his free hand to muffle your squeal of laughter. 
As you struggle underneath him, Jeff glares as you eye him in fearful shock between gasps of forced mirth. 
“Gods, you’re so pathetic. Yet another weakness I’ll have to train you to cope with.”
Right. Training. You could serve as a good partner if he worked you hard enough. 
His voice is gruff, and he only pulls his hand away when you’re out of breath not moving from where he’s straddling your waist. 
“Who…f-fhuhuhuck me- who the Hehehell are you?”
Jeff snickers immaturely at your word choice before he smirks. 
“The man who saved you from those pricks sweetheart. Means you owe me and I’ll be takin’ you under my wing. You either come willingly or…”
He twirls his knife with practiced skills and watches you take in his offer, smirking with intent. 
“I’ll take ya by force and tickle you more in front of all my friends, soon as we’re home.”
Homicidal Liu:
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You’d always liked Liu. He was sweet, attentive, attractive; truly the whole package.  You’d been getting closer to Liu for a few months now and despite Liu warning you that he had an alternate personality you hadn’t met you’d accepted him with open arms. At least now you knew why he’d been procrastinating on answering your request to date. 
He’d looked so shocked as you threw your arms around him.  
“You really don’t mind? Sully isn’t- he’s the opposite of how I normally am. He’s not exactly…palatable to most. He can be quite intense.”
You raised your chin confidently at that and smirked slightly. 
“Well I’ve dealt with you when you’re being particularly needy- I think I’ll be okay. Besides; he’s a part of you.  I’m sure I’ll come to love him too!”
Your confident declaration suddenly fell apart as you scrambled for the right words, going red. 
“Ah-well I mean- if he would be okay with that obviously!! I’d never-”
Liu cut you off with a laugh and tugged you into his chest, lovingly nuzzling the top of your head as you mumbled defeatedly into his chest. 
“I’m not very good at this huh? Sorry.”
Liu shuddered suddenly, a full body shake that made you pull back to look at him in worry. He firmly turned his face away from you, avoiding your concerned gaze before he was ready and clearing his throat as the tremors faded. He sighed in relief and smiled gently at you.  
“Sorry about that love. Didn’t mean to make you worried. It seems Sully is a little too eager. I don’t want you meeting until we’ve been dating a while first. I…well.”
He looked nervous before his blue eyes bore into yours. 
“Admittedly I want you all to myself. You fell for me first, not him. Can’t have him stealing my girl, even if he is a part of me.”
You couldn’t hold back your quickly growing smile if you tried. 
“So that’s a yes? Thank you thank you thank you!”
You laughed, giddy as you hugged him so tight your new boyfriend nearly spun. 
It happened a month in, rather unexpectedly. 
Liu had come to pick you up from work at the movie theater as per your usual schedule. Your coworkers already were familiar with him from your past months getting to know each other and he waved amicably to anyone he saw, chatting a few moments as he waited for you to emerge from where you’d gone to put out the garbage for the night. When you didn’t return after several minutes, his brow furrowed in worry. 
He told your coworkers he was going to check in on you and they waved him off, distracted by their own closing duties. It was late, dark out and already, Liu was feeling anxious. He’d never liked the dark. Not after that night. He rounded the corner where the dumpster and hopefully you awaited and locked on a situation he never thought he’d see again. 
Someone he loved, with a knife to her throat. 
No-one would be taken from him again. 
You meanwhile, were petrified. Tears swam in your eyes that you refused to let fall as the man currently holding you captive against him hissed into your ear. 
“Here’s the plan sweetheart, you’re gonna lead the way inside with me and we’re gonna go right over to the cash registers. Take out every bit inside and bring it all out back here. All your little coworkers, the ones that are left anyway? They’ll be too scared ‘a me cutting this pretty neck of yours to do anything stupid.”
A deep voice you’d never heard before emerged, quickly followed by the love of your life. Liu had come for you! 
“That’s my pretty neck actually, and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll let her go before I really get angry.”
Green eyes, similar but distinctly different to Liu’s blue glared into the man. 
A knife being tossed casually as a children’s toy as he flipped it effortlessly between his fingers when you knew well Liu let you do the cooking because of his phobia and it clicked. 
His eyes cut to you, sharp and biting for an instant before the man behind you laughed. 
“Oh you know each other, do you? Lovebirds. How sweet.”
Your breath caught as the knife pressed in enough to make a line of blood trickle down the column of your throat. Your tears fell too, unable to keep them at bay as you bit your lip to stifle the sobs. Like Hell were you giving him that much. But still. 
“But now ain’t the time to play hero kid. All the lass has to do is cooperate and she’ll be just fine. Once I get my just rewards I’m out of here and you can both be reunited at last.”
Sully appraised the situation, eyes still locked on you a moment more before that piercing gaze moved to your captor. He tilted his head with a strange smile on his lips before he hummed. 
“Who’s playing hero? We both want something. I’ll help you get your money, you give me my girl. Seems a simple enough trade to me. How much were you thinking? 100? 1000?”
Sully threw his knife casually to the side as if it was trash and instead easily instead slipped out his wallet, beginning to flip through bills as both you and the captor were bewildered. 
Sully cursed as he dropped the stack of bills, rushing to pick them up, looking nervous and while the expression and clumsiness reminded you of Liu a moment you knew better. Liu scolded you for cursing when it slipped out. Huh. Seems you had a lot to learn about Sully. 
He approached once he’d gathered all the bills and though the man tensed a bit his grip was loose. You were tempted to fight but you had a feeling…saw something in Sully’s eyes that told you to wait as he shot you a quick look. 
“Is this enough?”
He held out one hand, filled with 100’s, hunched in submission with his head lowered and when the man couldn’t help himself and bent over your shoulder to look closer, slightly removing the knife a few inches from your neck Sully struck. 
He lunged, his free hand holding the man’s head down forcibly; using your shoulder as leverage to better press his neck down and then instantaneously letting the money scatter as he reached his hand in his pocket a moment only to ruthlessly shove it straight into the man’s eye. Somehow, he was still alive. Screaming but alive and when Sully reared back his hand to finish the job, the man having dropped the knife in his agony and fallen on his ass, you shook off your shock to rush him and nearly topple him over in a bone crushing hug. 
“Oof! What are you-he’ll get away!”
He hissed, trying to tug you off him but you didn’t budge, holding him tighter. 
“L-Liu wouldn’t want this. I don’t either. What you did was enough please Sully, you already took his sight- he’s crippled and not going anywhere and I’m safe. Isn’t that enough?”
“No. For me it’s not. He was going to kill you. Ready, willing and able to rob you of your life…why should I not do the same to him?”
Your reply was simple and you pulled back to look into his eyes. They didn’t hold the same softness Liu tended to, instead expectant and frustrated.
“Because that’s too good for him. Think about it. He was going to make Liu be alone the rest of his life. Murder me in front of him. In front of you.  Leave you a lifetime of Hell. Let him learn to live with a disability in a prison cell.”
He stared you down a moment and just as nervousness bubbled in your gut he pulled you in for a bruising kiss. You heard the crying behind you peak as one of Sully’s hands left you and jerked in his grip to try and see. He didn’t let you even as he broke the kiss. When you frowned disapprovingly at him he smirked, slow and measured. 
“Well now. I think you and I will get along just fine. Don’t look so cross. ”
His smile widened, eyes alight with enough glee to make you shiver. His voice dropped just as it had when he’d first appeared, sounding almost demonic in comparison to Liu’s lilting intonation. 
“He dared to not only take what is mine, but also had the gall to steal a sight for my eyes alone. You, vulnerable, with tears in your eyes. It’s only fair he lost his.”
A thought hits you suddenly and you can’t resist asking it. 
“…You planned this from the second you came out of those shadows didn’t you?”
Sully smiles mysteriously before he sighs. 
“It seems our time is running out. Ah, yes. Liu apologizes in advance for this, by the way.”
And just like that; Sully passed out, all of his weight going on you and nearly sending you tumbling to the ground. Luckily Liu recovered fast and blinked several times as he reoriented, looking around before hugging you tightly. 
From there, the man now passed out from the pain was arrested and everyone vouched for Liu along with you, claiming it must’ve been self defense because he was such a gentle, nonviolent and calm guy. 
Liu was ecstatic once the hectic night was over and you finally made it home, a little after daybreak. 
“I can’t believe it!! Sully loves you!!! I knew he would!”
He peppered kisses all over your face, making you giggle and blush.
“I’m gonna have nightmares for weeks, but I confess I’m so glad I finally got to meet him. He’s so different to you, but he’s also my type. As if one of you wasn’t bad enough for my heart and libido both.”
“What was that?”
You stiffened as you realized the last thing you’d said and swallowed nervously. You hadn’t talked sex things yet but with Sully riling you up earlier it just popped out. 
“Forget I said anything it really doesn’t-”
 Liu made you turn to face him on the bed and you gasped as you saw one of his eyes was green, and the other blue. 
“You really want to go there? You’re positive?”
You nodded shyly at Liu and jumped a little as Sully spoke up after a moment, all casual nonchalance. 
“So does this mean we can finally make you come undone with tickling like you so desperately want us too?" 
You gaped at him before moving to scramble out of the bed in your haste to get away, a nervous grin on already at the edges of your lips. 
"H-How did you-”
Sully barked out a mocking laugh. 
“Oh sweetheart you really are too trusting. I’ll have to teach you to delete your search history once you’re done on our laptop. You panicked and had a blush on your cheeks, slammed our laptop closed when we came home from work one day. Liu said to trust you but I confess I was curious and snuck a peek.”
His grin widened and his voice dropped to a husky purr as he stood, cornering you against the wall before cooing into your ear.
“Imagine our surprise when we saw what a naughty little slut you were being~” 
“S-Sullly, Liu I-”
At your anxiety, Liu was already smiling and cradling your face, pecking your lips and you sighed, somewhat soothed. 
“Don’t be scared baby. We love you, both of us.”
Sully agreed, voice more mature than you’d expect. 
“Every part of you; including the cute kinky side.”
“I-It’s not cute…” 
You grumbled a little, bright red and the sound of their laughter mixing into one was so beautiful you just had to raise your head to savor it. His expression was even better, and with the green and blue eye he sported, the pure joy on his face, you only blushed darker. 
“Sorry love. Anyone who says they’re not cute, is adorable. Them’s the breaks.”
Liu cooed affectionately, hugging you and nuzzling the top of your head. 
Sully chimed in after a few moment’s peace.
“So; what’s the deal Liu? Take turns tickling in 5 minutes increments to see who can make her either cry uncle or moan first?” 
The smirk he shot your way was wolfish but the way your thighs clenched had Liu smirking too, albeit in a kinder way. He was older than you after all and given he was your first everything, along with Sully, he wanted to treasure every second. 
“Deal. If I win I get a whole day with her alone.”
“Ditto for me. Better pray cause your weak ass technique-”
But Liu didn’t need his mouth to tickle and you soon found yourself laughing  as he dug right into your hipbones without a trace of the mercy that was so characteristic of him.
You heard Sully scoff before reluctantly giving Liu total control but you didn’t really care who won. 
All you knew was that you were incredibly lucky, had two stunning men to keep you safe when you were in danger, and one thing for absolutely certain. 
There would be many more laughs in your future.
Dr. Locklear:
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You pace nervously, awaiting Locklear and chewing anxiously on your nails. 
He was late. Ever since that hang up saying “a situation had arisen” you’d been anxious. You knew you shouldn’t care. You should be glad, especially since you weren’t 100% sure if the victim he chose was really guilty without a doubt but-
You found you trusted him more. 
Gods, what had he turned you into? Tears burned your eyes and you sniffled at the thought of losing him, rubbing at your eyes angrily. 
Your door opened with a 'BANG!’ and the man of the hour waltzed in, flowers in hand which quickly dropped along with his smile as he saw your state. 
“I’m fi-”
Yet he was already pulling down your hands from your face and gently wiping the remaining wetness himself, crystal blue eyes taking you in with worry. 
“Who made you cry? It’s been mere hours since we last spoke who could have-”
“No-one that matters. I’m fine.”
You were dismissive as you could manage but he wasn’t having it, seeing through your half truths and bluffs as always and cutting to the heart of the matter. 
“So me, then. Explain.”
His eyes and expression were both serious as he guided you to the couch. 
You frowned and turned your face away, going silent. 
His tone turned playful in response and out of the corner of your eye you saw his own hold a glimmer of playfulness, returning to his old self now that he knew you were unharmed. 
“Ah, the silent treatment, hm? How am I ever to cope with such a thing?”
His voice was teasing and you fought a blush back with difficulty as you 'hmph’d’.
He made a show of tapping his sculpted chin before his eyes darted over to yours and you quickly looked away fully, not wanting him to know you’d been peeking. 
Of course, that was what he wanted, if his enticing chuckle was anything to go by. 
His arms wrapped around you, pulling you against his chest, between his legs as he nuzzled into your neck. 
“C'mon love of mine~ I can’t make it better if you don’t talk and I’d just hate having to make you.”
He sounded so gleeful. Stupid sadist. So much for fighting your blush. You were sure it was crawling to your ears by now-
“Oh? What have we here? Seems the blood has risen to your ears. How adorable. You must be really embarrassed for that to happen~”
His lips against your ear so incessantly had left you squirming a little in his grip as you fought back a smile, swallowing the urge to giggle. 
“If you’d like me to stop, all you need do is talk my dear.”
You were tense as a spring, barely holding yourself together as he cooed, blew air and teased your neck and ears. 
“Of course…I feel a trade off is in order as well. I made you cry so making you laugh feels like a fair retribution to me. Don’t you think?”
He began squeezing at your sides and exploring your torso and you were gone, trying desperately to curl up and hide your snickers and squeaks as he messed with you. 
“You’re such a jehehehehrk! You k-knew what you were-nohohoho!!”
You whined, throwing your head back against his shoulder in mirth as he spidered his fingers ticklishly up your back. 
“Of course I did sweetling. Intelligence aside for a moment, I’m a doctor. I touch people’s bodies and elicit all manner of reactions. Do you know how many people I’ve had to restrain so I can work properly due to over ticklishness? Too many. Now then, enough distracting. Unless of course…”
His nimble fingers picked up speed and danced their way into your underarms and ribs until you were kicking helplessly and laughing openly.
“You’d also like to see how mean I can really be.”
“Fuck yhohohohou!!”
He tsked despite the smirk on his face and shrugged nonchalantly. 
“What a naughty brat you are. Such vulgarity too. I’ll have to add a punishment to your care plan~ Fine then. Don’t say I didn’t warn you though, sweet. I’ll just have to replace those initial tears of fear with tears of laughter. Tickle tickle tickle~”
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penmansparadise · 1 year
Eddie Munson ~ The Yuletide Bluff
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: Mild language 
a/n: Well, it has definitely been a while since I've written anything.  I really hope you all enjoy this, and I'm sure you will notice that I gave myself some room to either write another part or leave it where it ended.  Let me know what you all think!
Sunday evenings used to be your favorite thing in the world. You loved having your family gather for dinner at your house. Your mom and aunts would be busy in the kitchen, hands at work creating a delicious meal while your uncles and dad sat in the living room watching ESPN, beers in hand. Your baby cousins would be running around squealing as they played, and your older cousins would just sit and watch before being elicited to help in the kitchen. It was totally and wonderfully normal and something you could never get enough of. That is until you started your senior year of high school.
It wasn’t bad in the beginning. Your mom and aunts would ask if you had a crush on anyone here and there, and that would be it. But the farther into your senior year you got, those innocent questions turned into badgering from every female member of your family.
“You’re graduating soon,” your aunt would say, giving you a pitiful look. “Don’t you want to begin adulthood with that special someone?”
“Your cousin Adriana has had a boyfriend since sophomore year, you know?” Another Aunt would say as if it were some sort of backhanded comment.
It was now the first week of December, nearly halfway through your senior year, and they hadn’t let up. So, when the hordes of your family began to file into your house while you were perched on one of the bar stools in your kitchen, you couldn’t help the way your molars ground down. You gave everyone a halfhearted smile and kiss on the cheek as they made their way to their usual places.
For the first hour or so, no one bothered you. You were able to comfortably sit at the bar, listening to the radio lull over the conversation filling the kitchen. It wasn’t until your cousin plopped into the seat next to yours that your bubble of solitude popped.
“Hey, Y/N,” she said, her lips curling upward into a devious grin.
You gave a tight-lipped smile.
She toyed with one of the bangles on her wrist and crossed her legs. You knew what was coming before her eyes landed back on yours.
“My mom tells me you’re still unlucky in love.”
God, you wanted to smack the smug look right off her face. But you didn’t. Instead, you fisted your hands in your lap and hummed.
“Has she now?”
Adriana sighed, “Yeah, we’re all worried about you, hon. I mean, I know not everyone can get as lucky as Carlo and me, but still.”
You knew all too well how “lucky” your cousin and her longtime boyfriend were. They had a chance meeting in the library in the 10th grade, and the rest was history. Now, you had to watch her and Carlo walk around Hawkins High like they were a teenage version of Tommy Lee and Heather Locklear.
Adriana placed a hand on your knee and gave a pout.
“I just feel terrible watching you all by yourself all the time,” she said, giving your knee a little squeeze.
Typically, you contained your emotions when faced with adversity. Usually, the constant harassment from your family about still being single didn’t get under your skin. You could brush it off. But when Adriana poked her bottom lip out in an overdramatic pout and said, “And with Christmas just around the corner, I can’t even imagine how lonely you must feel right now,” you snapped.
Your fists balled in your lap, and before you could even think of the ramifications, you blurted out, “I’m not alone. I have a boyfriend.”
It was as if a record scratched at your statement. The hustle and bustle of the house came to a screeching halt, and all eyes fell on you. The weight of your words landed on you, but it was too late. Your mom and aunts had already started swarming you, smiles spread across their faces. Their rapid-fire questions flooded your head, but you could only focus on one person: Adriana. Her brows furrowed, and her eyes narrowed as she slowly removed her hand from your leg and crossed her arms.
“Who is it?” She asked, not even trying to cover her skepticism.
Your heart was racing as you began to babble.
“Oh, um, I don’t think that’s really important.”
“I think it is,” Adriana began looking at the other women in the room. “Don’t you?”
They all agreed in unison before silencing and waiting for you to speak. You coughed.
“You probably don’t even know him, so…”
Adriana ran her tongue over the front of her teeth and began tapping her fingers against her arm.
“I don’t think that’s possible.”
You swallowed. The thought of confessing crossed your mind. You could tell everyone you were just joking, and they would just laugh and not think you were completely pathetic. But you knew that wouldn’t be the case. You dropped your gaze to your lap and sighed, seconds away from admitting defeat, when your eyes landed on the shirt you had forgotten you were wearing. The crimson red of the horned devil sitting stark against the white fabric covering your body and the telltale die of your favorite game floating next to it. You raised your eyes to meet Adriana’s again, mustered as much fake confidence as possible, put on your most believable smile, and said, “Eddie.”
His name came out more like a prayer than a statement. Your mom and aunts began cooing in your ear again, but Adriana reared back slightly, and her lips curled up into a grimace.
“Eddie?” She asked. “Like Eddie Munson? That kid you play that stupid board game with?”
The insult slapped you in the face, and you ground your teeth together again.
“First of all,” you said through gritted teeth, “DnD is not a stupid board game. Secondly, yes, that Eddie Munson.”
The squeals of excitement from behind Adriana filled the room, but you ignored them. You could tell that Adriana didn’t believe you, which didn’t surprise you. You barely knew Eddie. He had only recently taken you into Hellfire after you heard they needed a stand-in for Lucas one night and offered to do it. The two of you never hung out aside from Hellfire and lunch. You didn’t go out of your way to be around him; the same went for him. When you thought about it, you wouldn’t even really consider yourselves friends. If anything, you were acquaintances that barely said more than a few words to each other. Adriana had no reason to believe that you were dating Eddie, and she made it blatantly clear.
“How long has this been going on?” Adriana asked.
“Oh, you know,” you said, waving your hand around, “about a month or so.”
The joy that spread across your mom’s face was unmistakable, and the guilt of what you created began to claw at your stomach.
“Why haven’t you brought him home yet?” Your mom asked, taking your hands into hers.
You stared into her excited eyes and, without even a second thought, said, “I was planning on bringing him home for Christmas dinner.”
Everyone in the kitchen burst into joyous cheers. You gave them a weak smile, but all you could think was that you were going to need a bigger shovel to help dig the hole you were putting yourself into. You feigned excitement for the rest of the evening, barely getting through dinner without vomiting from the guilt and nerves wrestling in your gut. When everyone finally left, you showed yourself to your room and plopped down onto your bed, only beginning to process the shit show you just created.
The next day, you felt like you had cinder blocks tied to your ankles. You had barely been able to sleep the night before as the thought of what you said bounced around in your brain. All night you tried to think of a way to get around the situation you created, but you came up with nothing. By the time the sun started rising, it was very clear what needed to be done. You had to convince Eddie to go along with your plan.
You couldn’t focus on any of your classes as you stared at the clock, watching the seconds tick by, trying to muster up as much confidence as possible before you faced Eddie. You played a million scenarios in your head, and every one of them ended with him laughing in your face and you walking away with absolutely none of your dignity intact. The thought made you sick.
Each period passed by slower than the next until you were finally released for lunch when you reluctantly carried yourself through the halls toward the cafeteria. You knew what you had to do, and you were going to do it. You were going to ask Eddie to pretend to be your boyfriend, and it was going to be okay. At least that’s what you told yourself all the way up until you stood at the doors of the cafeteria. When you saw Eddie sitting at his usual lunch table with the rest of the Hellfire Club, all the courage you had vanished. In its place was a hollow void slowly filling with the dread of having to face the consequences of your reckless statements.
You stood in the entryway for another moment before carrying yourself to the table and sitting with the rest of the club. After giving a halfhearted wave to everyone, you retreated into your thoughts. Your mind was racing, and your stomach churned as you sat nibbling on your bottom lip. You had no idea what you were going to do. Maybe you could tell everyone Eddie wasn’t the one, and you broke up…after only one month…and so conveniently before the Christmas dinner, you said you would bring him to. You shook your head and let out a sigh just before a hand landed on your shoulder, pulling you back to reality. When you looked up and saw Eddie staring down at you, you almost choked.
“You okay?” He asked, his eyebrows furrowing just slightly.
Your mouth opened and shut a few times, but nothing came out. The cafeteria was almost empty, and the rest of the Hellfire boys had already left. You were so caught up in your panic-ridden thoughts you didn’t even hear the bell ring. When you looked back to Eddie, the concern that was etched on his face only deepened, and he shifted on his feet a little, his hand never leaving your shoulder. The warmth from his palm and coolness from the rings on his fingers seeped through your shirt as he waited patiently. Your breathing grew shallow as your anxiety swelled in your chest. Eddie’s soft brown eyes held your gaze until you finally swallowed and took a shaky breath.
“I need to talk to you,” you said, your voice tinny compared to your normal vibrato. “In private.”
Eddie’s troubled look never left his face as he removed his hand from your shoulder and used his head to motion toward the door.
“Come with me,” he said, and you didn’t waste any time, grabbing your bag and following him out the door.
When you said you needed to talk to Eddie in private, you were thinking maybe in your car or under the bleachers. What you didn’t expect was to trudge behind him as he made his way through the woods surrounding the football field. Your heart was racing, and it wasn’t only because you were unfamiliar with where Eddie was taking you. But before you had time to even dwell on your emotions, a beat-up wooden picnic table sitting by itself in the middle of a clearing came into view. It looked like something out of a horror movie. You couldn’t help but look around and make sure there wasn’t some sort of sacrificial altar Eddie was about to pin you to.
“Are you going to kill me out here?” The question fell from your lips before you could stop it.
Eddie chuckled as he made his way toward the table.
“Calm down, Y/N. I have more reason to be scared of you.”
The compliment landed somewhere in the center of your chest, but you felt it all over your body. Eddie took a seat and then motioned for you to do the same. Your cheeks felt like they were on fire as you slid onto the bench across from Eddie.
“So,” he began, folding his hands on the table, “what’s on your mind? What do you need to talk about?
Oh, don’t tell me,” his back stiffened a little, and his calm demeanor shifted. “Did that little shithead Henderson come onto you again? Because I don’t have any problem putting him in his place again.”
You reared back a little and shut your eyes, shaking your head.
“What? No, no. And trust me, if Henderson ever tried that shit again, I’d be able to handle it on my own.”
Eddie’s lips pulled upward on one side, revealing a crater of a dimple on his cheek.
“I don’t doubt that at all, Y/N.”
Your body buzzed under his stare as his words blanketed you in an electric current you were unfamiliar with. It was nice, and you found yourself wondering why this was the first time you had ever spoken to this boy alone. You shook your head.
“Anyway,” you said, swatting your thoughts away, “um, I actually have a favor to ask you.”
Eddie raised his eyebrows but didn’t say anything. You wrung your hands together in your lap, doing everything you could to avoid looking at Eddie directly. You felt like your insides were going to implode as sweat beaded on your forehead. This was a mistake. There was absolutely no way you were going to be able to do this. But when you finally brought your eyes to meet Eddie’s, that same worried look from before was planted on his face.
“Y/N, is everything okay?”
You gulped the bile that was steadily crawling up your throat and said, “I’ve gotten myself into a bit of a situation, and I need your help.”
His stare softened.
“What is it?”
You don’t know what made you say it. Maybe it was the way he looked at you like he would do anything for you; all you had to do was ask. Or the way he gave you his full and undivided attention, even though you were being so cryptic. Or maybe there was still a small part of you that thought he might sacrifice you out in the middle of those woods and so why not throw caution to the wind. Whatever it was, you rolled your shoulders back, looked Eddie Munson straight in the eye, and said, “I need you to be my fake boyfriend.”
His eyes grew to the size of saucers, and his mouth fell slightly agape. When he didn’t say anything at first, you immediately stood up and began to pace.
“I know that is a really weird favor to ask, but I’ve been dealing with my family constantly on my ass about not having a boyfriend for years now. And I didn’t care, really, I didn’t, until my stupid cousin had to get under my damn skin last night. She started going on about how she and her boyfriend Carlo are so happy and lucky and how I must feel so alone, especially with Christmas right around the corner. So, what did I do? Instead of giving her a ‘fuck you’ smile, I blurted out that I actually do have a boyfriend. And unfortunately for me, my whole family heard. They were happy, but Adriana had to start sticking her nose in my business…again and asked who it was. Well, I didn’t know what else to do or who else to say. I tried to tell her she didn’t know the guy, but she insisted, and so I just,” you paused, sucking in a deep breath and looking back at Eddie, “I said it was you, and I said that I was going to bring you home for Christmas dinner and now they’re all expecting to meet you.”
You stood across from Eddie, who was frozen in his seat. The utter surprise was plain as day on his face.
“Wow,” was all he said before the silence of the secluded woods surrounded the two of you.
You waited another moment, hoping that Eddie would say something. Anything. But he didn’t, so you continued.
“I know it’s a lot to ask, but I don’t expect you to do it for free.”
Eddie’s face went from surprised to mortified within a matter of seconds.
You shook your head.
“Not like that. I heard you say you’re struggling in Ms. O’Donnell’s class the other day. I know you need to pass her final to graduate.”
The panic that was once present on his face vanished as you continued.
“I can help you. I’ll be your tutor for the rest of the year and make sure you pass and graduate. All I need you to do is pretend to be my boyfriend for the next few weeks, put on a good show for Christmas dinner, and then we can fake breakup and act like this whole transaction never took place.”
Eddie stared at you, his fingers idly spinning one of his many rings. You couldn’t help the way your eyes traveled down to his hands and watched, mesmerized. How had you never noticed how big his hands were? The thought sent a surge through your body, and you had to bury the unholy thoughts that started to emerge in your brain.
“I just have to pretend to date you for the rest of the month, and you’ll help me graduate?”
Your eyes flicked back up to meet his, and you nodded.
“That’s it?”
“That’s it,” you parroted.
Eddie sat still for a second before smacking his hands against the wooden table and slowly standing up. He rounded the table until he was standing directly in front of you. You swallowed your nerves down.
His lips tugged upward on one side again, putting that dimple on full display before he gave a dramatic bow. His hair fell over his face, but he still managed to look up at you through hooded eyes, sending your insides into a whirl of spasms.
“Consider me your knight in shining armor,” he said before standing back up with a flourish.
You could feel your shoulders relax as a small laugh bubbled out of you. A part of you was kicking yourself for not getting to know Eddie before now. Sure, you had always thought he was cute, but you never really gave your friendship, or lack thereof, much thought. That was until you thrust the two of you into this weird business transaction.
Your lips spread into a wide grin as you held back the urge to hug Eddie.
“Thank you so much. You won’t regret this. I promise.”
He let out a chuckle that seemed to vibrate through you.
“I wouldn’t have agreed if I thought I might regret it, Y/N. Now,” he said, rubbing his hands together, “when do we start?”
You paused for a minute, not having thought the logistics through since you didn’t even think, you would get this far. But eventually, you let out a huff, gave Eddie a nervous smile, and said, “Right after we create some ground rules.”
Then, you proceeded to dig a pen and paper out of your bag, sat down at that dilapidated table, and looked up at Eddie.
“Shall we?” 
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blowflyfag · 1 year
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DM BLONDE AMBITIONS Is everybody beneath Debra McMichael?
Transcript Below!!!
How many of us are Melrose Place fans? Heather Locklear, one of the stars of the show, portrays Amanda Woodward–the beautiful but dangerous blonde who has schemed and connived her way to the top. Several seasons ago, Amanda purchased the apartment complex Melrose Place and found it an unlimited source of lovers, enemies and potential clients for her advertising business. Amanda is extremely demanding and when anyone crosses her there’s hell to pay. 
Maybe the producers of the series were thinking of Debra McMichael when they created the character of Amanda Woodward. 
A native of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Debra grew up with three brothers and a sister in what she calls an average family. Her mother was a nurse and her father worked in a foundry and in her free time the high school cheerleader liked to ride horses on their 10-acre spread. But she dreamed of a career in television and movies. 
“Growing up, my parents were very protective, and they didn’t even want me to become a cheerleader,” Debra revealed on a telephone interview. “But I snuck out and did it anyway, and there wasn’t much they could do about itt. From there, I got involved in beauty pageants because I thought it would be fun to dress up in beautiful gowns.”
Debra went on to become Miss Illinois America and Miss Texas USA. In 1985 while on a Chicago flight Debra met the mother of her future husband, then-Chicago Bears football star Steve McMichael. After meeting on a blind date, the two hit it off and eventually married. It must have been like winning the lottery for the Southern belle. In her own words, their lifestyle was like “the Super Bowl every year.” Money May not buy happiness, but it certainly helped Debra open a few doors. 
The beauty made certain that wherever Steve went, she was a star as well. As a result of their marriage, Debra was featured on ESPN and HBO, numerous sports talk  programs and Oprah Winfrey’s show on two occasions. In addition, Debra appeared in half a dozen television commercials, two of country singing star George Strait’s music videos and landed roles in films such as Texas Chainsaw Massacre IV.
“My second appearance on Oprah was the best,” Debra recalls. “The topic was ‘How do you handle your mate being a sex symbol.’ Well, Steve was the NFL star, but I was the one who was the sex symbol on the show.” 
When Steve entered World Championship Wrestling, it wasn’t long before Debra accompanied him. The woman who came from Tuscaloosa with the dream of making it in show business must have fallen in love with the bright lights and the big city. After all, she was turning more heads than her husband. 
In the South is where Debra also first met Jeff Jarrett. Without much hesitation, McMichael quickly cast aside her husband for a successful business relationship with Jarrett. Her marriage to Steve deteriorated and they soon divorced. Debra followed her protege to the World Wrestling Federation within a year. 
After debuting on RAW, McMichael quickly asserted her power. Proving she was adobe the gyrations of Val Venis when she resisted his advances–something other “ladies” would jump at–Debra turned the table and played Val! While the former beauty queen pretended to be interested in him, Venus left himself wide open to an attack by Jarrett. Other women superstars are no threat to Debra either. After Terri Runnels confronted McMichael over what she had done, the business woman simply shrugged it off like a fly. Once McMichael gets a reaction out of someone–male or female–they’re little more than pawns in her game. In the big picture, the beauty knows that all who cross her will have to pay a price down the road. 
Jarrett’s recent battle with Al Snow is another example of how Debra combines intelligence and beauty. After learning that Head had an eye for the ladies–and Debra in particular–McMichael did everything to take advantage of the situation. Soon Head was completely out of the fight, thanks to a shrewd strategy and her provocative attire. Debra knows what men want and using that to her advantage is just one of her many skills. 
McMichael is equally clever in her business dealings. According to sources, proper to signing a contract with the Federation Debra made it clear that she would be the only one controlling her business dealings. Thanks to her connections in both entertainment and business, she seems to have dirt on anyone who dares to challenge her. But one wonders what might happen if this beauty queen ever hinges for more. Would she cast aside Jarrett, like her former husband, to further her own career?
After all, Amanda has no problem deceiving her long-time clients for the prospect of power and wealth on Melrose Place. Why would Debra do Otherwise?
Debra McMichael debuted alongside long-time client Jeff Jarrett on the October 19 RAW from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. During Harrett’s bout with Steve Blackman, Al Snow attempted to attack the former Intercontinental Champion, but McMichael served as a beautiful distraction! With Snow and Head completely out of the fight, Debra’s protege was free to lay Al out with his guitar!
On the November 1 Sunday Night HEAT from Austin, Texas, the former beauty pageant winner turned the tables on Val Venis–feigning interest in the adult film star’s gyrations, but actually leaving him wide open to an attack by Jarrett! When Terri Runnels confronted Debra about her actions, the business woman could not have cared less about what Terri had to say! This beauty uses everyone, male and female, to get what she wants! Debra once again showed her lethal mix of brains and beauty on the November 9 RAW from Dallas, Texas during Al Snow’s match. Originally slated to be Snow vs. Tiger Ali, The rich Indian offered up Babu as Al’s opponent instead! During the bout, McMichael appeared at ringside and held Head in her arms, playing up to “their” interest in  beautiful women. Once again, with Head out of the match, Tiger Ali took advantage of the situation, sneaking back into the ring and scoring the win over the J.O.B. Squad leader.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
A 35-year-old woman was shot in the leg by a Virginia homeowner after she allegedly broke into his house naked and attacked him with a frying pan, police said.
Paula Michelle Locklear was taken into custody last week and charged with one count each of felony breaking and entering of an occupied home while armed with a deadly weapon to commit larceny, assault and battery, and intentional damage to property, court records reviewed by Law&Crime show.
Deputies with the Carroll County Sheriff’s Office responded to a call on the night of Feb. 26 about a reported shooting at a residence in Austinsville, just under 30 miles from the state’s southern border, according to a police press release.
Upon arriving at the home, first responders located an adult female — later identified as Locklear — suffering from a single gunshot wound to the leg. Emergency Medical Servies (EMS) personnel arrived and transported the woman to a local hospital for medical treatment, police said.
Investigators determined the shooting to be the result of Locklear allegedly breaking into the residence of the homeowner, whose name is not mentioned in the release.
The homeowner told investigators that he heard a noise in the rear of his home and went down to the kitchen to investigate. When he got there, he “observed an unclothed female, who was unknown to the homeowner, coming into the rear door,” the release states. The homeowner told investigators that Locklear then began hitting him with a cast iron fry pan, striking him in the head and the hand.
The homeowner was able to get Locklear out the rear entrance and secure the door, leaving a still-naked Locklear on the back porch, where she began turning off all of the electrical breakers connected to the home, per the release. Then Locklear allegedly “started beating on the kitchen window while yelling at the homeowner to get out of her house or she was going to kill him.”
The homeowner said that Locklear then began “beating on the same door in which she had already previously made entry,” which is when the homeowner “discharged his firearm, striking the female in the lower leg,” the release states.
After she was treated for the gunshot wound, Locklear was transported to the Carroll County Jail where she is currently being held without bond pending her arraignment. It is unclear whether she has an attorney.
The homeowner will not be charged as the Carroll County Commonwealth Attorney’s Office determined the shooting was justified as the homeowner was acting in self-defense.
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bloodgulchblog · 2 years
Wasn't there only 2 male Spartans and 3 female spartans on the ship during first strike? It was John, Fred, Linda, Kelly, and grace right? So Locklear had a better chance of hitting on one of the female spartans than he did one of the males.
Will was there too iirc.
But nobody is allowed to have luck in Halo.
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nameguider · 2 years
800+ Duck Names And Suggestions (2022)
800+ Duck Names And Suggestions (2022)
800+ Duck Names And Suggestions (2022). Keeping ducks is cute and enjoyable. Having a pet duck is a great idea because, like dogs, cats, and other pets, ducks are adorable, entertaining, and have a variety of personalities. Funny Names for Female Ducks Ducktape Feather Locklear Eggory Peck Selena Gomeggz Mrs. Presiduck Wiggles Sirius Quack Peking Snowflake Peeplette Mrs. Quacks Mrs.…
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maniac-mac · 6 years
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Some cosplays of female Kaminari and female Evander Locklear that I've done recently, along with a bonus drawing I did of Locklear.
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kiame-sama · 3 years
How would your ocs react when they catch their s/o during masturbating?
Preemptive warning; NSFW (but if you're here, you knew that already)
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- Need any help? Walter is quite content to help you however you may need him to in order to get you off. Something about your face all blissed out gives him immense pleasure and he will keep going too, until you are begging for him. These are the times he is most likely to be a sadist, giving and denying pleasure is a big thing to him and he will make you cry from pleasure. Just keep being good and beg for him.
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- Baby, what on earth are you doing? Don't you know that's Daddy's job? Be good and let him take over for you, he might be gentle. Be bad and disobey him, he's gonna make you apologize and promise to behave one way or another. Either a good little submissive darling or a bratty submissive darling, he's gonna make you cum more than once.
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- Voyeurism does something for Carlos. Because it is you he is spying on, he is going to feel like he's in heaven. Once he's run out of patience, he is going to invite himself in and give you specific orders on how to pleasure yourself while he gets a front row seat. He will be fucking you eventually anyway, you may as well give him a nice show while he gets himself painfully hard for you.
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- Please let him do it for you. Please. He will beg if he must, but he will do anything to make you let him. He adores giving you any kind of pleasure, no matter how painfully hard he may get. He will beg you breathlessly to let him fuck you like he needs to. He needs to so much it hurts.
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- Wow, don't you just look so delicious right there. Would you mind a bit of company? Amira is happy to use her mouth and ample breasts to please you however she can. Won't you just let her have a taste? Please? She promises not to bite (unless you ask her to)
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- Oh? What a wonderful thing to walk in on, darling! Please, don't stop on account of her! Actually, can she join you? Play with her or let her play with you, she's quite okay with either one. Lay on display for her like the magnificent specimen you are and let her examine you, she will make sure to learn your body and know it better than you do. And she's a fast-learner.
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- Don't stop, Julie is enjoying the show. Just lay back and let her watch. She will need your help with her own pleasure once you're done, and she is happy to let you do what you want with her. If it is her choice, she will be smothering you between her thighs and riding your tongue until she gets to cum all over you.
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- This woman is a wonderful dom in the sheets and she is ready to show you just how she wants you, tying you up and leaving you helpless to her wants and desires. Oh, is it too much for you? Good. She loves seeing you just delirious with pleasure. She is very content to fuck or be fucked and she has no inhibitions when it comes to pegging. Let this lovely lady make you scream for her.
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Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff: The Kristine Carlson Story (Original air date Oct 16th, 2021) [18.10.2021] 1/ 2
Based on the book by Kristine Carlson; Written by Shannon Bradley-Colleary; Directed by Ellen S. Pressman
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reverieinsimlish · 5 years
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Betta: You look so formal.
Locklear: Yes, I’m a grown man with a job and affairs to manage now, so...
Betta: Oh, hi January, I haven’t seen you since you graduated. Oh, my, congratulations, I guess.
January: I have no idea what I’m going to do. <drinks more>
Betta: Why’s that?
January: I have no idea how to tell Jim this baby isn’t his... oh Maker! And I’ve run out of time!
Ming: What do you mean that isn’t my niece? Who’s the daddy?
Locklear: Oh shit! Oh shit!
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momolady · 2 years
World Building Tidbits: Part One
Demon’s Hide, Hearthway Hollow, and The Carnival all take place in the ‘real world’, meaning they could exist in the time we inhabit. But they are connected to the other world via the Underneath. Characters from this universe have traveled to the others. This includes most of the carnival, Odd’s partner Allie, and Himank’s partner Soo-Jin (both of whom were sent to Ruby Empire in one of Robin’s antique shops).
Every character that has ‘a relative they don’t know how they’re related’, aka Robin, they’re all actually descendents or children of Pan as well. Robin keeps tabs on the entire family and helps out when he feels it is needed.
Mr. Faire has had several partners before Ruby, but remained a virgin until her. Hector Keres was his last relationship before Ruby. Mr. Faire also had a massive crush on Mrs. Locklear when she was younger, unaware she was a lesbian at the time. He feels embarrassed he never realized.
Mrs. Locklear and Mr. Faire met and befriended one another when she was twenty-five, and the Carnival made its first appearance in Hearthway Hollow. Ms. Locklear was offered to join, but instead she sold Mr. Faire some property in Hearthway Hollow so he could always come back. She considers him like a brother.
Big Billy is a distant relative of Pan. It was Robin who directed the injured and raging Billy to Hearthway Hollow after his pack abandoned him. This is why Billy has such power and charisma, as well as his dark hair. Same for his brother Delaynie. Robin was the one who told him his brother was in Hearthway Hollow.
Angels have no gender or sex. If they become a demon they’ll gain a sex. Most demons become male, but the few that become female become the most powerful and are their rulers. At the moment, most female demons are in a hibernative state, but once they awaken a new era is supposed to begin.
Demons, which are former angels, created a subspace from the Underneath that they inhabit. The demons in my stories are bleached white due to the light of angels. Angels in my story are all dark in color, whether it be deep brown, black, or even wine colored. Brom, Muna, and Fye are types of angels.
The Underneath is a cumulative space that inhabits Angels, and their offspring which are room monsters, other celestials, shadows, and is the origin of the tentacle plants. Most monsters in the world can have their origins traced back to the Underneath in one way or another.
Angels created celestials to do their bidding on earth, and unlike angels, the celestials were able to mate and copulate with one another, as well as humans on earth. This is how some creatures on earth were begot, such as mothman, vampires, Incubi and Succubi, Dullahan, etc.
Room Monsters, also called Cauchemar and other names, were created when the celestials mated together outside the Underneath, which then tethered their children to the human world and the Underneath, which is why they can occupy certain pieces of furniture. When celestials mated within the Underneath they created other celestials who sometimes became revered as gods and deities in the human world. One such child was Pan, who was banished from the Underneath and stripped of some of his powers. Zeus was also considered to be a banished celestial for his sexual appetites. Robin has always though the two were twins or possibly even the same person, but he can’t quite find enough information to back this up.
The Tentacle Plants and shadow creatures came about from the celestials trying to create their own assistants like the Angels did. Other smaller cryptids were failed attempts as well.
Unlike most of the other creatures, Werewolves were created as a curse from the Angels who punished an entire village in Europe for harboring demons and having orgies with said demons. It's rumored that, at the time, Pan was the leader of this village, but vanished when he learned the angels were angry. Other versions of lycans (werecats, werecoyotes, etc) are victims of similar curses around the world.
Vampirism is sometimes genetic, and sometimes won’t appear until later in a family tree. When Vampires are created, it’s usually passed down through female vampires as a virus, but only vampire males can produce offspring with female humans.
Lycanthropy can’t be passed around, it’s wholly genetic and while it acts as a dominant trait, sometimes non-lycans can come from lycan families.
Unlike most of the others, it is unknown where the Fae come from. Robin has done his research, at first believing them to be part of the Pan lineage, but discovered they are unrelated. The Fae haven’t given away their secrets, nor how they hide themselves. But the Fae have said they were created as earthly versions of the Angels. Robin has theorized they might be closely related to the demons, but some history suggests they came before demons. Other research suggests they are the ones who inspired some Angels to become demons. In any case, Robin has learned not to fuck around and find out with them.
Robin also theorizes that merfolk are a type of fae.
The fae exist in all universes of mine, one of the few creatures who do.
Living Dolls are an art invented by the fae, as a means of having companionship and help around the home. Most fae had a living doll as a nanny. The craft was eventually taught to humans who went on to create living statues. The process for creating such creatures often involves a soul harvesting process which often shortens the lifespan of non-fae creators. This is why most Living Dolls aren’t with their creator.
Living statues were created by humans as a means to preserve a dying body. It was then used as punishment on criminals, but was also used by people who felt they had been wronged for minor things. Because of this the craft was eventually outlawed and forgotten.
Living dolls continue to be a popular craft by artists who are told of the craft by fae. Fae track down desperate artists wishing to create their opus, telling them the secret. Fae prefer to now have humans make the living dolls and take the ones they like rather than make their own anymore.
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dear-indies · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could help me find an FC for a female who could pass as an athlete. You know, maybe a bit more thick/muscular build body, mit a particular physical appearance thing besides that, I can adjust. I do have some athletes in mind but, for some, finding resources is a bit tricky so I'm thinking of maybe search for someone out of that context. Thank you so much if you indeed can help <3
Jada Pinkett Smith (1971) African-American / African-/Creole-Barbadian, African-/Creole-Jamaican
Mandira Bedi (1972) Indian. 
Fallon Fox (1975) African-American - trans. 
Danai Gurira (1978) Zimbabwean.
Linda Durbesson (1979) 
Mickie James (1979) Mattaponi, English, Scottish.
Venus Williams (1980) African-American. 
Serena Williams (1981) African-American.
Holly Holm (1981)
Nyla Rose (1982) Oneida / African-American - trans. 
Lee Si-young (1982) Korean.
Emily Blunt (1983) - muscular in Edge of Tomorrow.
Sonia Isaza (1983) Colombian.
Megan Rapinoe (1985) - lesbian.
Michelle Lewin (1986)
Naomi / Trinity Fatu (1987) African-American. 
Paige Hathaway (1988)
Ember Moon /  Adrienne Reese (1988) African-American.
Brie Larson (1989)
Bianca Belair (1989) African-American. 
Annie Thorisdottir (1989)
Mia Yim (1989) African-American / Korean. 
Lauren Simpson (1990)
Sasha Banks / Mercedes Varnado (1992) African-American, German.
Jade Cargill (1992) African-American.
Anllela Sagra (1993) Colombian.
Jen Selter (1993)
Katrin Davidsdottir (1993)
Bakhar Nabieva (1994) Azerbaijani.
Shanique Grant (1995) Afro-Jamaican. 
Julia Vins (1996) 
Sommer Ray (1996) 
Carriejune Anne Bowlby (1996)
Simone Biles (1997) African-American. 
Ashton Locklear (1998) Lumbee.
Mayling Ng (?) Chinese.
Ann Ogbomo (?) Ghanaian.
Bolded those with resources at the time of posting! All of these should have more than enough material to be used as faceclaims even if some are not actresses! @lewistan is also taking suggestions - particularly of wrestlers! There’s also a bunch more famous bodybuilders on Instagram so check out the bodily diverse masterlist for more, I’ve listed those with 1M+ followers here though! 
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kenzielocklear · 4 years
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{ SYDNEY SWEENEY . CIS FEMALE . 23 . SHE/HER } did you see that { MACKENZIE LOCKLEAR } just pulled up in hidden hills with { ANY MALE FC } sitting next to them in the passengers seat - isn’t that cute ! you know, for a { ACTRESS/VOICE ACTRESS }, i’ve heard they’re really { CAREFREE }, but that they make up for it by being so { FAITHFUL }. i see them all the time on snapchat && yesterday in US WEEKLY i read that they { ARE HAVING } a baby - can you believe that ?!
B A S I C S.
Full Name: Mackenzie Piper Locklear Nickname(s): Kenzie, Mack, Pips. Age: Twenty-Three. Date of Birth: Sept 12nd. Hometown: Spokane, Washington Current Location: Hidden Hills, CA. Gender: Cisfemale. Pronouns: She/Her Orientation: Bisexual. Occupation: Actress/Voice Actress.
born on september 12nd to a single mom, mackenzie’s life was filled with nothing but hardship and love. when her mom was working, she was with her grandmother. she never once met her father as he didn’t believe that she was his child in the slightest.
as a child; mackenzie wasn’t shy in the slightest, she was loud and wild. she didn’t have a care in the world and she always had her grandma to back her up in her carefree days. her grandmother encouraged her antics as mack used to put on shows and dance for her. her grandmother loved to see her granddaughter having the time of her life.
as she kept growing, her mother and grandmother encouraged her new love for performing arts. therefore she was involved in a lot of local plays.
her mother ended up finding love in all the wrong places, she married twice and had two more children ( possible wc? ) but her stepfathers were complete assholes towards mackenzie as she was not their blood. 
mack ended up moving in with her grandmother as a result and put a strain on her relationship with her mother. since she never stuck up for mackenzie and just went along with what her husbands/boyfriends would have to say about it
during her senior year of high school, she was sought out by a talent agent who promised to make her a star and she signed right away with him but she had him promise that she had to graduate high school first and he agreed. 
he started to book her for small voice roles on video games, kid shows, and even in commercials then when people started to see mackenzie’s voice, they knew she was destined for bigger things.
mackenzie booked her first television role on grey's anatomy and soon more roles were just falling onto her lap. she had a face that everyone wanted to see. 
the teen booked a show on netflix called everything sucks! soon followed as the handmaid's tale but her breakout show came out last year called  euphoria where she plays cassie howard.
mackenzie is enjoying her time as an actress and voice actress, she loved creating and having fun with her co-workers.
about her pregnancy; kenzie is about 5 months pregnant, she is expecting a baby boy with any male fc. 
baby daddy:
best friend:
big brother figure:
big sister figure:
good influence:
bad influence:
girl squad:
exs: girl/boy, she’s bi (:
one night stands:
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galaxyshine24-7 · 4 years
Brenden Locklear The Mountain Man🌲
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Slasher Oc Backstory
Warnings: Animal Abuse, Violence, Bullying
In a town in Alaska William Anderson and Anette Jørgensen had a baby boy named Brenden after his dad’s grandfather who was a well-liked fisherman in the community. The parents were middle class and didn’t need much except themselves. Over time Brenden showed that he was a genius in school and would keep to his studies. He wasn’t one for making friends and would rather hang out with the neighborhood stray dogs and cats. During his high school years is when the bullying started. Brenden was never one to place his problems on others and sought to handle it himself. So, he handled the bullies as best he could. Even if the school got involved, and his parents got involved the bullying kept coming with rumors going around that he likes to torture animals when no one was looking. 
During his Junior year an incident occurred as he was walking home one day the bullies drove by him throwing the body of a beaten puppy at his feet. He wrapped the dog up and buried it later however his anger still stayed. Brenden has always had a problem with his anger, something he’s been working through since he was younger when he broke a kid arm in preschool. The bullies soon realized how unwise it was to pick a bone with him. That night was the night of the prom and the Juniors got to party away. Brenden was never one for parties until that night when the bullies hung out by the woods taking a break from the party. They sat and drank the night away until it was around midnight when Brenden came. He carried his father's axe with him as he attacked them. His rage fueling the fight until they became almost unrecognizable. His parents returned home from date night to find him in a daze sitting in the living room covered in blood. He was sent to a Juvenile detention facility until after his senior year. He went off to college to study animals making a few friends but keeping them at arm's length. He visited his parents around holidays, but mostly kept to himself. He went to bars and drank more and grew more distant with people after being alone for a while. After he finished schooling, he traveled the world camping and surviving. For about three years until he found a great national park in the northern region of America. He camped there one day and came across a few campers beating up on the body of a wolf as they baby whimpers nearby.
It's been years since he felt this rage. He took a broken bottle and killed the two campers burying their bodies deep in the woods. He buried the body of the female wolf in a nice spot taking the baby and naming him Njal. He later found a job working and living in the national park as a park ranger. He handles poachers around the areas and people that get on his nerves. He stays in a cabin with Njal by the lake. People around the National Park call the person committing these crimes the Mountain Man. He has become a local horror story to tell around the fire, and he doesn’t really mind that at all. 
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zumpietoo · 4 years
Yup. Alex’s list of all the casts so called success outside of the show is a whole lot of nothing. The starring roles that the cast had were all received badly or “starring” is a loose term, as you rightly pointed out. Also MPs leggings line with fabletics is nothing, almost every young female starlet has a line with them lately. Also MP has the worst one. I use that line (or I did when I went to the gym) and Mps are just all various shades of red. Because that’s her signature.
Oh well aware...it’s hilarious, in fact....and reminds me of an old, shortlived series with Rosie O’Donnell and Melissa Gilbert, where Rosie’s character worked for a KMart rip off and wore clothes “from the Heather Locklear collection”.....which elicited, from their snobby neighbor, “I’m sure it’s veryyyy......sturdy.....”
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zeleniafic · 4 years
Tess for the WBW ask game
Hell yussss thank you <3
full name: Theresa Elizabeth Locklear
gender: female
sexuality: straight (rip)
pronouns: she/her
family: only child to parents Elizabeth & Jonathan Locklear
birthplace: Cokeworth, England
job: student
phobias: DROWNING! she is also v afraid of losing all her friends/family and being alone. And she would never admit it but flying still kinda makes her nervous. Tbh I can’t think of more amusing/lowkey ones like bugs or clowns or such rn????
guilty pleasures:   s u g a r   q u i l l s
morality alignment?: chaotic good
sins - lust/greed/gluttony/sloth/pride/envy/wrath
virtues - chastity/charity/diligence/humility/kindness/patience/justice
T H I S - O R - T H A T
introvert/extrovert: extrovert
organized/disorganized: organized
close minded/open-minded: close-minded
calm/anxious: calm
disagreeable/agreeable: disagreeable
cautious/reckless: reckless
patient/impatient: impatient
outspoken/reserved: outspoken
leader/follower: leader
empathetic/unemphatic: empathetic
optimistic/pessimistic: pessimistic
traditional/modern: modern
hard-working/lazy: hard-working
otp: tess x regulus
ot3: n/a
brotp: tess & lily, tess & sirius & james
notp: tess x sirius, tess x james, tess x snape
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