#locklear x reader
thelaughtercafe · 3 months
BEN Drowned, Jeff the Killer, Homicidal Liu, and Doctor Locklear finding out their victim has a tickle kink
Tea Type: Rose Boba
Potential Triggers: Dubious consent (for tickling only) in BEN’s, and Jeff’s- Liu and Locklear are established relationships so it’s different.
Suggestive speaking of tickling especially in BEN's and Liu's and similar suggestiveness surrounding fear/enjoying being scared in BEN's.
For Liu's there's threatening and violence, though what's directed at Reader is not from Liu or Sully.
There is a graphically worded description of violence involving eyes though, towards the perpetrator though it's not dwelled on too long and the intensity of the injury isn't described, just implied.
Pairing: BEN/F! Reader, Jeff/F! Reader, Liu/Sully/F! Reader, Locklear/F! Reader
Length: 6.8k+
Summary: The Creeps find out something interesting about their intended victim and decide maybe keeping them around isn't such a bad idea.
A/N: So looking back this is much longer than I realized. Especially BEN and Liu's! They're my faves, tied for number one so I suppose I went overboard haha. HABIT from EverymanHYBRID is right up there though in second place. I already continued the self-indulgent BEN lead in, while including HABIT and Liu in the mix so we'll see if I post it. If you guys have any interest, let me know and I'll post it if enough people want to see it!
Also, please let me know if you want any additional triggers added; I think I got them all, but just in case!
BEN Drowned:
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BEN was nothing if not meticulous when learning all he could about his victims. While typically he liked to do all his research at the start, he felt like a change of pace with you, doing it in the moment could be more fun and perhaps frighten you even more as he could go by your most recent searches and documents. That never failed to add an extra edge of panic.
It was inevitable he would find your dirty little secret; especially in a document with no password and nothing to guard it save the word twordish. 
“Foolish girl…” 
He took in the information easily, and couldn’t help the sadistic smirk that lit up his face, fingers twitching with sparks. 
“Not as innocent as you seem after all, huh?”
That good girl image you held was what initially drew him to you as prey but clearly…there was a side to yourself you hid from him. From everyone, in fact.  
A part of you liked being scared, and therefore what he was doing to you. Memories hit him then. The blush that would frequently appear on your cheeks, eyes darting to the side, half sighs and even the occasional clenched thighs all made sense now when put together. 
You’d recently decided to ditch your technology in an attempt to get rid of him, hence why he was looking for something to draw you back. Appearing in reality and making you frightened of things that aroused you, only to then turn that fear itself into arousal again made him ravenous. 
It’d been so long since he’d had a victim perfectly suited to his love of fucking with their minds. He couldn’t wait to have you screaming underneath him, the fear that would fill your eyes, the tears…
He bit back a moan and sighed in much the way you had. 
Oh, he couldn’t wait. 
That boy was definitely stealing glances at you.  You were sure of it now. 
You were at the library again, comfortable in your reading corner in a secluded room when a boy walked in. He wore jean shorts, black converse, a dark green hoodie and a matching beanie on a cursory glance. 
You assumed he’d entered to look for a book in here and that he’d leave soon and returned your eyes to the book in your hands. 
You flinched a little in surprise as he suddenly spoke, making you look up again. 
“Mind if I sit here?”
His voice sounded older than you expected, in his 20’s for sure despite his shorter stature, but there was still a quality to his voice that called you back to childhood, an underlying playfulness. 
It…made you uneasy rather than comforted for some reason though and you felt dread in you that wasn’t there before. Hmph. You’d just be a little more vigilant.
Still, you smiled and nodded, as you would for anyone else and he smiled back, before taking a seat and starting to scroll through his phone. 
Your smile instantly dropped and you trembled a moment as memories assaulted you of that thing that’d been messing with you from every screen available. Another reason you picked this room. It was far away from the computer room and the only screen in the adjacent room was facing away, towards the library clerk. 
Using your phone for contact was unavoidable, but you’d had it on airplane mode for ages now, only taking it off to check email and communication once a week before putting it right back on. Given you were putting yourself through college which was currently in the off season of Summer while you worked to pay tuition meant you only had one person to keep in touch with, your Mom. 
The rest of the time when you weren’t working was spent here, in safety and solitude. Luckily, the boy’s screen was facing away, but you moved an extra seat away just for comfort’s sake before letting out a shaky breath and returning to your book. 
It took a few minutes but eventually you fully relaxed again. Until the back of your neck prickled anyway. You risked a discreet glance up, and caught the boys’ rushing back to his screen. Once was a mistake. Twice, perhaps a coincidence. Thrice, maybe he was checking you out? But four times? Now you were full on anxious. The dread since he’d initially spoken to you was now a solid, immovable pit in your stomach. 
You were debating how best to leave discreetly while pretending to read when he cleared his throat, much closer than you would like. You stood instinctively but he continued walking over until he was in front of you and smiled amicably. He seemed nice enough but why was your body screaming at you to run? Your gut typically wasn’t off…but it had told you to download that damned file in the first place so maybe you were just wrong. 
You smiled back, just as innocently, tilting your head to the side. 
“Everything okay?”
“Yeah. Just fine. I know this might be somewhat forward, but any chance you want to get some hot chocolate with me?”
That made you giggle. 
“Hot chocolate huh? How old are you again?”
You found the tease coming easy to you and relaxed. So it really was just interest. Hm. In all honesty, he was your type.  He was quite a bit taller than you despite being around average height, and his blue eyes were quite hypnotizing. His blond locks were messy but in that cute, wind tousled way and he had this roguish charm that was mischievous. You’d always been drawn to things she shouldn’t be. He was no different. 
He pulled an offended face at your question. 
“Who doesn’t like hot chocolate? Are you coming with me to the cafe or not smartass?”
He quipped, turning on his heel and walking towards the door. 
You hesitated a beat and then you let yourself smile, following after. 
“Yeah yeah, I’m comin’.”
The walk to the cafe was comfortable and you found your earlier fears assuaged. 
He made conversation easily; you’d asked what he was doing on his phone and he’d said he was using an emulator to play Zelda. You had fond memories of the series and found he did as well, leading to a lighthearted debate over if Twilight Princess or Majoras Mask was better. 
The cafe was just as peaceful, with you both getting hot chocolate. It was summer, but you found you didn’t mind as he pushed you aside with his shoulder to pay for both of you.  It didn’t take much to make you swoon, and he was well on his way at this rate. Respect was hard to find these days and he was being such a sweetheart. He was funny too and you seemed to have common interests. What was there not to like? 
He motioned to the book beside you as you sipped your drink. 
“So you like Becca Fitzpatrick? Can’t say I’ve heard of her. The cover is interesting though.”
“Yeah! I’m a lover of supernatural romances. Even guilty pleasure stuff like this…probably not the most healthy relationship. It’s about a fallen angel and a Human who fall in love, but Patch at the start; he uses his powers to mess with her pretty often.”
He casually sipped his drink before tilting his head. 
“What kind of powers?”
“So far? Talking directly in her head, taunting her about intimate knowledge he shouldn’t have about her and her life, and messing with her memories. Making her think she’s crazy. He kind of almost killed her once already, but changed his mind last minute. It’s…toxic logically but as guilty pleasure fuel it’s hot. I guess. I dunno. I try not to think about it too much." 
You laughed sheepishly, embarrassed about rambling and about such a weird ass topic only to hear him laugh. 
"We all have our kinks right? I’d love to see your full collection back at your place. Think we could swing by if it’s close?”
You nodded at that, moving to throw out your now empty cups as you headed out with him following after. 
“Yeah sure. It’s mostly supernatural romance though but I do have some video game art books you might like that I can lend you, long as you promise to take good care of them. I’ve got a really big game collection too." 
Oops that slipped out. You didn’t want to tell him about your weird issues with tech. Not when things were going so well. Too late now though. His eyes had lit up as he asked excitedly. 
"Oh cool, really? What’s your favorite?”
“The World Ends With You. It’s kind of indie but-”
“The one with Neku right? I love that game too! Most people don’t know about it!" 
Your eyes lit up despite yourself. Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad. As long as you were just talking about them and not playing them it should be fine. 
The walk from the cafe to your house was short so the distraction was nice. You were half tuned in to the conversation half dreading his reaction when you headed inside. 
“Alright here we are.”
You led the way inside, unlocking the door and headed to your room with him in tow. He closed the door behind him and looked around in awe. 
"Woah. You’re definitely a gamer.”
Given you had a ps4, a Nintendo switch and a ps3 all underneath your TV at once you saw why he thought that. But then his brow furrowed and you braced yourself.  
“Why is everything unplugged though? Even the tv looks dead." 
A glance over at your laptop on the desk, very intentionally unplugged from the charger. 
"Laptop too.”
Your smile was tight and anxious and you felt shaky. 
He smiled amicably as he turned back to face you.   
“Don’t tell me you’re doing some tech detox! Those things don’t actually help you know; you’ll just get more addicted when you return to it later.”
He joked, and you felt like you could breathe again, laughing to hide your anxiety.  
“Y-Yeah how’d you know?”
Just as you were about to confirm his claim a loud, and most importantly familiar beep rang out and you panicked, breathing already getting harder as you searched frantically for the source. 
“That’s impossible.”
“What’s impossible? Hey, are you ok? You’re awfully pale and jumpy all of a sudden.”
He touched your arm lightly and your gaze moved to him. That’s right!
“I-um-God. I have a confession to make but first can you please turn off your phone?”
You knew it sounded crazy, even to you, but you couldn’t risk it. You’d happily have gone along with the tech detox excuse but…but you couldn’t risk giving it an in again. Better to be safe and tell an outsider in a tech free environment. 
“My phone? Uh…why though?”
“I promise I’ll explain but we’re not safe until-ugh I sound like a lunatic." 
You hid your face in your hands for a moment, cheeks burning in humiliation and panic. 
"You can leave if this is too weird. I know I’m not making much sense but I just-there’s a very important reason I can’t be near tech.”
A hesitant peek up and the boy was taking you in with such sweet worry…and then he sighed in defeat. 
“…Fine. If it’ll really make you feel better and you’ll explain.”
He looked at his phone and then pocketed it after holding down the power button and turning it off. His gaze returned to you, expectantly. 
“There. Now what’s got you so panicked? You love video games, that much is obvious. So why would you unplug everything like this?”
You still trembled. The fear lingered, along with hope. Finally, someone you could confide in. 
“I’m-again this is gonna sound crazy but…”
A broken laugh escaped you.  
“I have nothing else to lose, I guess. I’ve got some kind of awful…thing watching me. 
His face screwed up at the very thought like he was offended. 
"A thing? What, like some kinda hacker?”
You hummed, moving to sit down on your bed and fiddled with your fingers. 
“Yeah. Kind of. But it’s more than that. See, if it was on one computer and my phone, that’d make sense. It’s what I thought at first. The calling me by name, the popups to scare me and chat with me where even more personal details were revealed…all that could be a hacker.”
You clenched and unclenched your hands as you swallowed nervously. 
“But that wasn’t where it ended. It followed me. Any screen in my line of sight it’d taunt me. Send me pictures of myself. Display messages making fun of me for trying to escape. Even then. I thought…maybe just a really good hacker right?”
You risked a glance at him, and he looked down at you nodding encouragingly. 
“Yeah. I could see it being some black hat who just…saw you as an easy target and wanted to really fuck with you.  But something tells me there’s more.”
You smirked bitterly. 
“…it knew things it shouldn’t. Like; things I’d never said aloud or confessed online; so no mic work or camera or internet involved.”
“That’s impossible. Maybe you did and just don’t remember?’
You shook your head. 
"I mean…Gods I swear I head it in my head once.”
“Like Patch?”
“Yeah actually exactly like-”
“Like this maybe?”
You couldn’t help it. You yelped, and jerked looking around in fear, tears instinctively filling your eyes. You’d know that glitched, demonic in its deepness tone anywhere. It haunted your nightmares. 
He looked at you worriedly, grounding you again with a hand on your shoulder. 
"Hey, come back to me! You good?”
He frowned seriously as your eyes refocused on him  and you sniffled comforted by the kindness in his blue eyes. 
“It just did it. It-it-I just- I don’t know why this demon is doing this to me.”
That was what did it. You looking up at him, teary eyed and desperate, thinking he was your knight in shining armor when really he was the monster in your closet all along. 
He caressed your face softly, cupping your cheek so he could see every micro-expression and then he grinned. 
“Because it’s fun. Why else?”
His tone was so sweetly gentle that it took you a moment for the actual words meaning to click and when they did you shivered. 
“Tha-That’s not funny. I’m not playing around.”
He pulled back to swagger around the room, the same and yet completely different all at once, as he hummed. 
“Hmm… shame. Feels like a game to me and a fun one at that. Y'know, I never did tell you my name, and luckily your cute romantic naivete ensured you went with it when I told you they didn’t define us. Why don’t you ask me again now that I’m ready to answer you?”
You shook your head, eyes flicking to the door as you tried to hold yourself together. This couldn’t be happening. It couldn’t. 
You stood and despite expecting to be stopped you made it to the door. Exhilaration and adrenaline fueled you and as you went to open the door-
You jerked away as you were violently shocked the second your hand made contact with the doorknob. Your mind raced. When had you closed the door?
“You didn’t.”
You flinched and reluctantly turned to face your captor trying to put on a brave face as he smirked and cornered you against the door, hovering over you with his hands on either side of your trembling frame. 
His entire demeanor had shifted on a dime. The sweet kind boy from earlier may as well never have existed.  This person in front of you- no this monster looked all too amused at your fearful denial.  But there was eagerness in his eyes too. More passionate than any he’s shown when engaging in your conversations before. 
“You’re so easy to predict. I charged the doorknob when I closed it; did you like my little mind trick earlier too? Heh " 
He snickered. 
"The only way you’re getting out is if I open the door first. Now then…”
He tilted his head condescendingly, blue eyes seeming to spark with the demand.
“Say it. I know you want to know.”
You weakly shook your head and flinched again as he hissed at you, raising his voice a little and drawing closer to your face. 
“Do it!”
“Fine! W-What are you?”
He pulled back to snicker, calm as if he wasn’t making you a frightened mess. 
“Tsk tsk, what a different question than who but I suppose I’ll answer both since I’m feeling gracious.”
He met your eyes and you whimpered as he grabbed your chin, forcing you to maintain eye contact. 
“My name is BEN. But you already knew that little mouse didn’t you~?”
His voice was a coo and your cheeks heated despite yourself even as you were filled with icy fear at the confirmation. He even used that stupid nickname that always flustered you. No-one else would know that. You ached with the want to look away but he was way too strong. Pushing at his chest did nothing but make him throw his head back in light laughter. 
“Ahahaha! Aww that’s adorable. Don’t make me pin your arms down darling, we were getting along so well earlier. Now! As for your other question. I suppose there is many things you could consider me. A virus, a lost soul, a villain, technically I used to be Human and those fools who know of me online call me legend, a Creepypasta but now, knowing what name you’d give me is what I’ll go by I think. What was it you called me? A demon? I can roll with that." 
Your breath hitched as he leaned down cooing lovingly in your ear. 
"After all you like demons, don’t you cutie? You can be my Nora and I’ll be your Patch. " 
You scoffed and he growled low, demoni- cruel, and glitchy. 
Yet you were so scared, so wound up over months of torment and anxiety that you just broke. Constantly being on edge and paranoid. Now you have a direct source to vent your frustrations.  Of course it’d bubble over.
“Get off me you psychopath!!”
You raised your voice, something exceedingly out of character and pushed him back harshly, right into the corner of your desk, making him wince. A brief flash of surprise filled his face and then he was snarling, and advancing on you.  
Luckily, you’d already used his shock to turn on your heel and go for the doorknob again and this time we’re successful. You crossed the threshold when a deceptively weak looking arm pulled you back as you struggled and tried to elbow him while his other arm held you to him with another arm resting casually against your shoulders by your neck. 
All pretense was lost  and he laughed openly against the side of your neck, relishing your squirming as he easily kept you in check.
“You actually caught me off guard. Guess seeing me in the flesh is a little intense huh? Even made a weak little thing like you go for fight just for an opportunity of flight. I suppose now is as good a time to mention as any.” 
His mouth moved to your ear where he whispered. 
“I know your secret~”
You frowned, wracking your brain for anything else he could use as ammo but came up empty so you called his bluff. 
“Oh yeah? Like what?”
And then his fingers squeezed at your waist and you squealed and jerked in his grip and it clicked what he meant. But before you could voice it, he spoke up. 
“Like this. Who’d have guessed a seemingly innocent girl like you would have a goldmine of kinks and scenarios for me to play with you with just waiting to be exploited.”
You shook a little, but this time the trembling wasn’t from fear alone, it was withheld arousal too, especially as you could swear his teeth, his fairly sharp teeth- grazed your ear and made you jerk, followed by his hiss in your ear. 
“Guess you really are a tickle slut. You like fear too which is just perfect for me.”
Your voice was admittedly breathless as you stopped struggling, simply holding his other arm, positioned around your neck. 
“What-What are you going to do with me?”
“I’m going to make you mine of course. I like you, so I’ve decided I want to keep you. I think you’ll find the arrangement to your liking, once you get used to the other inhabitants anyway. I’ll introduce you more intimately. I know you can get anxious in big groups so after your initial intro to everyone it’ll be smaller groups. And in our free time…” 
You quickly descended into giggles as the hand at your waist spidered up and down your whole left side, making you squirm and blush. You were distracted so you squealed as his tongue brushed your ear, making you shudder in lust before a hesitant moan left your lips at the cruel and exhilarating words that left his lips. With no need to maintain a facade, his voice deepened and sounded twisted, glitching as he purred. 
“I’ll take my time breaking you.”
Jeff the Killer:
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Jeff would already be faltering. You’d been bullied for many a year by now. Of course, the bullies had already been disposed of, but Jeff was triggered heavily by the weakness he saw in you. He feels an odd sense of ownership. 
When you flinch in your sleep and giggle, Jeff frowns in confusion from where he had been watching you while he grappled with his thoughts. 
You mumble in your sleep, and his eyes move to your hands as you seem to try and push someone away before slapping the air, a grin and evident blush on your face as you squirm. 
"Mike s-stop- quit ihihihit!! Damn it no! Not thehehere!”
Jeff experiences a brief flash that has him stumbling back a step and swallowing hard. 
A much younger him, Liu, shrieking in laughter under his wiggling fingertips. 
Right. Tickling. 
Is there a weakness you don’t have? 
He frowns in discomfort and quickly moves to dig into your sides, covering your mouth with his free hand to muffle your squeal of laughter. 
As you struggle underneath him, Jeff glares as you eye him in fearful shock between gasps of forced mirth. 
“Gods, you’re so pathetic. Yet another weakness I’ll have to train you to cope with.”
Right. Training. You could serve as a good partner if he worked you hard enough. 
His voice is gruff, and he only pulls his hand away when you’re out of breath not moving from where he’s straddling your waist. 
“Who…f-fhuhuhuck me- who the Hehehell are you?”
Jeff snickers immaturely at your word choice before he smirks. 
“The man who saved you from those pricks sweetheart. Means you owe me and I’ll be takin’ you under my wing. You either come willingly or…”
He twirls his knife with practiced skills and watches you take in his offer, smirking with intent. 
“I’ll take ya by force and tickle you more in front of all my friends, soon as we’re home.”
Homicidal Liu:
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You’d always liked Liu. He was sweet, attentive, attractive; truly the whole package.  You’d been getting closer to Liu for a few months now and despite Liu warning you that he had an alternate personality you hadn’t met you’d accepted him with open arms. At least now you knew why he’d been procrastinating on answering your request to date. 
He’d looked so shocked as you threw your arms around him.  
“You really don’t mind? Sully isn’t- he’s the opposite of how I normally am. He’s not exactly…palatable to most. He can be quite intense.”
You raised your chin confidently at that and smirked slightly. 
“Well I’ve dealt with you when you’re being particularly needy- I think I’ll be okay. Besides; he’s a part of you.  I’m sure I’ll come to love him too!”
Your confident declaration suddenly fell apart as you scrambled for the right words, going red. 
“Ah-well I mean- if he would be okay with that obviously!! I’d never-”
Liu cut you off with a laugh and tugged you into his chest, lovingly nuzzling the top of your head as you mumbled defeatedly into his chest. 
“I’m not very good at this huh? Sorry.”
Liu shuddered suddenly, a full body shake that made you pull back to look at him in worry. He firmly turned his face away from you, avoiding your concerned gaze before he was ready and clearing his throat as the tremors faded. He sighed in relief and smiled gently at you.  
“Sorry about that love. Didn’t mean to make you worried. It seems Sully is a little too eager. I don’t want you meeting until we’ve been dating a while first. I…well.”
He looked nervous before his blue eyes bore into yours. 
“Admittedly I want you all to myself. You fell for me first, not him. Can’t have him stealing my girl, even if he is a part of me.”
You couldn’t hold back your quickly growing smile if you tried. 
“So that’s a yes? Thank you thank you thank you!”
You laughed, giddy as you hugged him so tight your new boyfriend nearly spun. 
It happened a month in, rather unexpectedly. 
Liu had come to pick you up from work at the movie theater as per your usual schedule. Your coworkers already were familiar with him from your past months getting to know each other and he waved amicably to anyone he saw, chatting a few moments as he waited for you to emerge from where you’d gone to put out the garbage for the night. When you didn’t return after several minutes, his brow furrowed in worry. 
He told your coworkers he was going to check in on you and they waved him off, distracted by their own closing duties. It was late, dark out and already, Liu was feeling anxious. He’d never liked the dark. Not after that night. He rounded the corner where the dumpster and hopefully you awaited and locked on a situation he never thought he’d see again. 
Someone he loved, with a knife to her throat. 
No-one would be taken from him again. 
You meanwhile, were petrified. Tears swam in your eyes that you refused to let fall as the man currently holding you captive against him hissed into your ear. 
“Here’s the plan sweetheart, you’re gonna lead the way inside with me and we’re gonna go right over to the cash registers. Take out every bit inside and bring it all out back here. All your little coworkers, the ones that are left anyway? They’ll be too scared ‘a me cutting this pretty neck of yours to do anything stupid.”
A deep voice you’d never heard before emerged, quickly followed by the love of your life. Liu had come for you! 
“That’s my pretty neck actually, and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll let her go before I really get angry.”
Green eyes, similar but distinctly different to Liu’s blue glared into the man. 
A knife being tossed casually as a children’s toy as he flipped it effortlessly between his fingers when you knew well Liu let you do the cooking because of his phobia and it clicked. 
His eyes cut to you, sharp and biting for an instant before the man behind you laughed. 
“Oh you know each other, do you? Lovebirds. How sweet.”
Your breath caught as the knife pressed in enough to make a line of blood trickle down the column of your throat. Your tears fell too, unable to keep them at bay as you bit your lip to stifle the sobs. Like Hell were you giving him that much. But still. 
“But now ain’t the time to play hero kid. All the lass has to do is cooperate and she’ll be just fine. Once I get my just rewards I’m out of here and you can both be reunited at last.”
Sully appraised the situation, eyes still locked on you a moment more before that piercing gaze moved to your captor. He tilted his head with a strange smile on his lips before he hummed. 
“Who’s playing hero? We both want something. I’ll help you get your money, you give me my girl. Seems a simple enough trade to me. How much were you thinking? 100? 1000?”
Sully threw his knife casually to the side as if it was trash and instead easily instead slipped out his wallet, beginning to flip through bills as both you and the captor were bewildered. 
Sully cursed as he dropped the stack of bills, rushing to pick them up, looking nervous and while the expression and clumsiness reminded you of Liu a moment you knew better. Liu scolded you for cursing when it slipped out. Huh. Seems you had a lot to learn about Sully. 
He approached once he’d gathered all the bills and though the man tensed a bit his grip was loose. You were tempted to fight but you had a feeling…saw something in Sully’s eyes that told you to wait as he shot you a quick look. 
“Is this enough?”
He held out one hand, filled with 100’s, hunched in submission with his head lowered and when the man couldn’t help himself and bent over your shoulder to look closer, slightly removing the knife a few inches from your neck Sully struck. 
He lunged, his free hand holding the man’s head down forcibly; using your shoulder as leverage to better press his neck down and then instantaneously letting the money scatter as he reached his hand in his pocket a moment only to ruthlessly shove it straight into the man’s eye. Somehow, he was still alive. Screaming but alive and when Sully reared back his hand to finish the job, the man having dropped the knife in his agony and fallen on his ass, you shook off your shock to rush him and nearly topple him over in a bone crushing hug. 
“Oof! What are you-he’ll get away!”
He hissed, trying to tug you off him but you didn’t budge, holding him tighter. 
“L-Liu wouldn’t want this. I don’t either. What you did was enough please Sully, you already took his sight- he’s crippled and not going anywhere and I’m safe. Isn’t that enough?”
“No. For me it’s not. He was going to kill you. Ready, willing and able to rob you of your life…why should I not do the same to him?”
Your reply was simple and you pulled back to look into his eyes. They didn’t hold the same softness Liu tended to, instead expectant and frustrated.
“Because that’s too good for him. Think about it. He was going to make Liu be alone the rest of his life. Murder me in front of him. In front of you.  Leave you a lifetime of Hell. Let him learn to live with a disability in a prison cell.”
He stared you down a moment and just as nervousness bubbled in your gut he pulled you in for a bruising kiss. You heard the crying behind you peak as one of Sully’s hands left you and jerked in his grip to try and see. He didn’t let you even as he broke the kiss. When you frowned disapprovingly at him he smirked, slow and measured. 
“Well now. I think you and I will get along just fine. Don’t look so cross. ”
His smile widened, eyes alight with enough glee to make you shiver. His voice dropped just as it had when he’d first appeared, sounding almost demonic in comparison to Liu’s lilting intonation. 
“He dared to not only take what is mine, but also had the gall to steal a sight for my eyes alone. You, vulnerable, with tears in your eyes. It’s only fair he lost his.”
A thought hits you suddenly and you can’t resist asking it. 
“…You planned this from the second you came out of those shadows didn’t you?”
Sully smiles mysteriously before he sighs. 
“It seems our time is running out. Ah, yes. Liu apologizes in advance for this, by the way.”
And just like that; Sully passed out, all of his weight going on you and nearly sending you tumbling to the ground. Luckily Liu recovered fast and blinked several times as he reoriented, looking around before hugging you tightly. 
From there, the man now passed out from the pain was arrested and everyone vouched for Liu along with you, claiming it must’ve been self defense because he was such a gentle, nonviolent and calm guy. 
Liu was ecstatic once the hectic night was over and you finally made it home, a little after daybreak. 
“I can’t believe it!! Sully loves you!!! I knew he would!”
He peppered kisses all over your face, making you giggle and blush.
“I’m gonna have nightmares for weeks, but I confess I’m so glad I finally got to meet him. He’s so different to you, but he’s also my type. As if one of you wasn’t bad enough for my heart and libido both.”
“What was that?”
You stiffened as you realized the last thing you’d said and swallowed nervously. You hadn’t talked sex things yet but with Sully riling you up earlier it just popped out. 
“Forget I said anything it really doesn’t-”
 Liu made you turn to face him on the bed and you gasped as you saw one of his eyes was green, and the other blue. 
“You really want to go there? You’re positive?”
You nodded shyly at Liu and jumped a little as Sully spoke up after a moment, all casual nonchalance. 
“So does this mean we can finally make you come undone with tickling like you so desperately want us too?" 
You gaped at him before moving to scramble out of the bed in your haste to get away, a nervous grin on already at the edges of your lips. 
"H-How did you-”
Sully barked out a mocking laugh. 
“Oh sweetheart you really are too trusting. I’ll have to teach you to delete your search history once you’re done on our laptop. You panicked and had a blush on your cheeks, slammed our laptop closed when we came home from work one day. Liu said to trust you but I confess I was curious and snuck a peek.”
His grin widened and his voice dropped to a husky purr as he stood, cornering you against the wall before cooing into your ear.
“Imagine our surprise when we saw what a naughty little slut you were being~” 
“S-Sullly, Liu I-”
At your anxiety, Liu was already smiling and cradling your face, pecking your lips and you sighed, somewhat soothed. 
“Don’t be scared baby. We love you, both of us.”
Sully agreed, voice more mature than you’d expect. 
“Every part of you; including the cute kinky side.”
“I-It’s not cute…” 
You grumbled a little, bright red and the sound of their laughter mixing into one was so beautiful you just had to raise your head to savor it. His expression was even better, and with the green and blue eye he sported, the pure joy on his face, you only blushed darker. 
“Sorry love. Anyone who says they’re not cute, is adorable. Them’s the breaks.”
Liu cooed affectionately, hugging you and nuzzling the top of your head. 
Sully chimed in after a few moment’s peace.
“So; what’s the deal Liu? Take turns tickling in 5 minutes increments to see who can make her either cry uncle or moan first?” 
The smirk he shot your way was wolfish but the way your thighs clenched had Liu smirking too, albeit in a kinder way. He was older than you after all and given he was your first everything, along with Sully, he wanted to treasure every second. 
“Deal. If I win I get a whole day with her alone.”
“Ditto for me. Better pray cause your weak ass technique-”
But Liu didn’t need his mouth to tickle and you soon found yourself laughing  as he dug right into your hipbones without a trace of the mercy that was so characteristic of him.
You heard Sully scoff before reluctantly giving Liu total control but you didn’t really care who won. 
All you knew was that you were incredibly lucky, had two stunning men to keep you safe when you were in danger, and one thing for absolutely certain. 
There would be many more laughs in your future.
Dr. Locklear:
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You pace nervously, awaiting Locklear and chewing anxiously on your nails. 
He was late. Ever since that hang up saying “a situation had arisen” you’d been anxious. You knew you shouldn’t care. You should be glad, especially since you weren’t 100% sure if the victim he chose was really guilty without a doubt but-
You found you trusted him more. 
Gods, what had he turned you into? Tears burned your eyes and you sniffled at the thought of losing him, rubbing at your eyes angrily. 
Your door opened with a 'BANG!’ and the man of the hour waltzed in, flowers in hand which quickly dropped along with his smile as he saw your state. 
“I’m fi-”
Yet he was already pulling down your hands from your face and gently wiping the remaining wetness himself, crystal blue eyes taking you in with worry. 
“Who made you cry? It’s been mere hours since we last spoke who could have-”
“No-one that matters. I’m fine.”
You were dismissive as you could manage but he wasn’t having it, seeing through your half truths and bluffs as always and cutting to the heart of the matter. 
“So me, then. Explain.”
His eyes and expression were both serious as he guided you to the couch. 
You frowned and turned your face away, going silent. 
His tone turned playful in response and out of the corner of your eye you saw his own hold a glimmer of playfulness, returning to his old self now that he knew you were unharmed. 
“Ah, the silent treatment, hm? How am I ever to cope with such a thing?”
His voice was teasing and you fought a blush back with difficulty as you 'hmph’d’.
He made a show of tapping his sculpted chin before his eyes darted over to yours and you quickly looked away fully, not wanting him to know you’d been peeking. 
Of course, that was what he wanted, if his enticing chuckle was anything to go by. 
His arms wrapped around you, pulling you against his chest, between his legs as he nuzzled into your neck. 
“C'mon love of mine~ I can’t make it better if you don’t talk and I’d just hate having to make you.”
He sounded so gleeful. Stupid sadist. So much for fighting your blush. You were sure it was crawling to your ears by now-
“Oh? What have we here? Seems the blood has risen to your ears. How adorable. You must be really embarrassed for that to happen~”
His lips against your ear so incessantly had left you squirming a little in his grip as you fought back a smile, swallowing the urge to giggle. 
“If you’d like me to stop, all you need do is talk my dear.”
You were tense as a spring, barely holding yourself together as he cooed, blew air and teased your neck and ears. 
“Of course…I feel a trade off is in order as well. I made you cry so making you laugh feels like a fair retribution to me. Don’t you think?”
He began squeezing at your sides and exploring your torso and you were gone, trying desperately to curl up and hide your snickers and squeaks as he messed with you. 
“You’re such a jehehehehrk! You k-knew what you were-nohohoho!!”
You whined, throwing your head back against his shoulder in mirth as he spidered his fingers ticklishly up your back. 
“Of course I did sweetling. Intelligence aside for a moment, I’m a doctor. I touch people’s bodies and elicit all manner of reactions. Do you know how many people I’ve had to restrain so I can work properly due to over ticklishness? Too many. Now then, enough distracting. Unless of course…”
His nimble fingers picked up speed and danced their way into your underarms and ribs until you were kicking helplessly and laughing openly.
“You’d also like to see how mean I can really be.”
“Fuck yhohohohou!!”
He tsked despite the smirk on his face and shrugged nonchalantly. 
“What a naughty brat you are. Such vulgarity too. I’ll have to add a punishment to your care plan~ Fine then. Don’t say I didn’t warn you though, sweet. I’ll just have to replace those initial tears of fear with tears of laughter. Tickle tickle tickle~”
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just-a-creep-babe · 5 months
Creepypasta Masterlist - BEN Drowned, Candypop, Dark Link, Doctor Locklear & Eyeless Jack
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BEN Drowned-
Career Choice
General Headcanons
How he'd Meet his S/O
Optimistic/Hyper S/O
Sweet & Innocent Doting S/O
Giving him Flowers on Valentine’s Day
General NSFW Headcanons
NSFW Alphabet
Shy! S/O Defending Herself
"Bad B*tch"
Smut prompts 35 and 90
Smut prompts 28 and 30
Smut prompts 8 and 55
Smut prompts 27, 57 and 78
BEN getting PEGGED!
"Boy Toy"
"Fanboy" (Yandere)
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General NSFW Headcanons
Caring for his Sick S/O
Pet Play
"Candy’s Kitten"
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Dark Link-
General Headcanons
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Doctor Locklear-
Meeting the Creeps
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Eyeless Jack-
What he thinks of Dr. Smiley
S/O with a Bifurcated Tongue
Shy! S/O Defending Herself
Empath S/O
Jack's Height
Having an S/O who's Stitched Together
S/O Failing to Hide a Valentine's Day Surprise
Yandere Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
General S/O Headcanons
General NSFW Headcanons
Having an S/O who's like him
Heats With & Without an S/O
Mating Risks During Heats
Submissive EJ
Grieving S/O
Soft EJ Fluff
Virgin Male! S/O
Heats and Lingerie
Pegging EJ
Smut prompts 69 and 94
Smut prompts 11, 75 and 76 (Male! Reader)
Smut prompts 32, 81 and 91
After Party (OC)
A Demon's Ache
Graveyard Shift
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kiame-sama · 10 months
The Yandere OCs having a nightmare where they harm/kill reader
Warnings; yandere, yandere relationship, violence (nightmare), death (nightmare), reader centered gore (nightmare)
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Walter Woods;
A body lay open on the operating table, the constant drone of an EKG whining out the flatline. Another patient lost because he wasn't good enough to keep them alive. Another patient gone because Walter let them down.
The sorrow weighed heavily upon his shoulders, a harsh reminder of his failure squealing in his ears as his eyes slowly trailed up the lifeless figure. A painful stab seemed to rip into his chest as he realized it wasn't just any lifeless corpse laying there, it was your lifeless corpse.
- Walter wakes with a startle, enough to disturb you from your peaceful sleep. He is breathing hard and shaking due to the nightmare that was still fresh in his mind. Walter is on the verge of tears at this point.
- "What's wrong?" Your voice is what snaps him out of the stupor he is in and gets him to return to the present. Truly, he is just glad you're alive and that his horrible nightmare was just another nightmare.
- "Nothing, love. Nothing's wrong." He will hold you close and kiss your forehead, relieved that his nightmare was not reality. He is likely going to stay awake for a while on account of the fright he received.
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Evan Rothchester;
The satisfying squish of human flesh beneath his hand met his blade as he sank the knife deep into the person's stomach. Red blood seemed to burst forth like a fountain where the knife was sunken in. Another body for the pile that was Evan's life.
He sighed as he wiped the blood from his skin, using a hand to rip the black hood off of his victim's head. Evan's blood ran cold when he saw just who it was beneath the hood. Your eyes slowly drifted up to look at him, the betrayal clear in your expression before your eyes rolled back. The second your body went limp Evan rushed forward to catch you, to try and undo what he had done.
It was too late.
Your lifeless figure leaned forward against his chest, laying limply in his arms. How could he? How could he have done this to you? How could he live with himself?
- His eyes shot open as he sat upright with a small shout of fear. The shout quickly raising you from your slumber as you also shot up, wondering what the problem was and why Evan responded in such a way.
- "What's going on? Are you okay, Evan?" You are clearly concerned as you question your Mafioso lover, startled and disoriented by the sudden way Evan woke the both of you.
- Evan is panting and looking around in confusion, but as soon as he sees you next to him and safe in bed, he pulls you close into an almost crushing hug. He is shaking and gasping as he holds you close, trying to confirm to himself that you are still there and there is no way he could have done such an unforgivable thing to you.
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Carlos Vargas;
Carlos stares in a bored way as his hapless victim squirms within their binds, seeming to struggle for freedom. Just another day feeding the animals at his sanctuary and today it was human on the chopping block. The body tumbled and fell down, landing with a sickening thud as the tigers closed in.
He was about to turn away to continue his work when a familiar voice screamed out to him, "Carlos, please!"
The voice made him whirl around in time to see the tigers close in, your frightened and pleasing eyes begging for him to help you. He rushed forwards towards the fence, but there was no way he would reach you fast enough. Your cry was cut off sharply as fangs closed around your neck, silencing you permanently.
- "NO!" Carlos wakes with a loud yell, trying desperately to stop his beloved tigers from killing his dear darling. The shout startles you awake just as quickly, trying to find whatever it was that Carlos had screamed about.
- As soon as it dawns upon Carlos that you are not being mauled by tigers and it was all a nightmare, he will actually begin to cry. He will hold you and kiss you and just try to calm himself before anything else.
Jackson Locklear;
- Once Carlos calms down, he will insist on holding you while the two of you return to sleep. Even if you get back to sleep, Carlos will be awake for a while yet, trying to stay calm and keep himself from having another nightmare.
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Your limp body lay in Jackson's trembling arms. His body wracked with sobs as he tried to get you to not leave him. There was nothing he wouldn't give or do to have you come back to him.
Your eyes stared in an empty way up above you, as if looking to the stars you would no longer see. Though you had once been so full of life, you didn't respond to anything Jackson did in an attempt to rouse you. It seemed there truly was no saving you.
With your death, Jackson's world crumbled away into nothingness, swallowing him whole into despair. The awkward way your body lay only made your tragic fall all the more heartbreaking to poor Jackson.
"I'm so sorry.... Please, don't leave me... Please..."
- Jackson wakes slowly, sobbing and trying to take a moment to breathe despite the absolute sorrow in him. He can barely hold himself together as he gasps and shakes in distress and anxiety. It felt so real to sit there and hold you in his arms, leaving him disoriented in a way he had not expected.
- You woke to the sound of heavy and heart wrenching sobs, seeing him sitting with his head in his hands. Jackson is near inconsolable at that moment. In his mind, he may as well have actually done it despite it all being a nightmare.
- Only when he actually takes a moment does he register the sound of your voice as you try to soothe him despite not knowing what was wrong. Upon hearing you and realizing you are still alive, Jackson will immediately grab you and hold you close. He will be so thankful that it was just a horrible nightmare and not actually reality.
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Orion Medici;
Another snoop digging through his drafts looking for ideas to steal. Soon to be yet another body under Orion's belt. He had always prided himself on his quick wit and his even quicker skill with a blade.
The figure turned around only to have their throat meet the sharp end of his blade, a clean cut from one side to the next suddenly adorning their soft skin. What Orion didn't expect was the shocked and familiar face he was met with.
The knife fell from his hand with a loud clatter as the world seemed to pause, your throat gurgling where you had been cut. He barely had time to catch you in his arms as you convulsed, trying to stop the rapid loss of blood despite the clear futility of your efforts. Orion was no better as he tried and failed to staunch the flow, hyperventilating as he made continuous attempts to help you.
"Wh- Why, Orion..?"
- Orion woke with a sharp gasp, the blankets balled in his fists and damp with cold sweat. It takes him a moment to orient himself despite being somewhere very familiar to him. He will look around in bewilderment before seeing you and feeling his entire being relax with the sheer relief running through him.
- You are still asleep and resting peacefully beside him as he gets his breathing under control, watching you sleep for a moment. It has felt so real to him that he honestly thought he had killed you, and that thought alone made his heart ache with an intense pain.
- He will be able to return to sleep, but he will likely hold onto you rather tightly just to make sure you are still there with him. He will continue to hold you even while he sleeps, effectively trapping you until he wakes up again and releases you.
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Hahne Yamare;
Hahne was a good right hand man. A damn good one. He would be damned if he didn't carry out Evan's orders to the exact, and this was no different. It was just another target he had to eliminate and Hahne would make sure he followed through.
The crack of a rifle went off, the body not too far from him collapsing to the ground with a pained wheeze.
Hahne was no monster, despite his more than monstrous actions. He would not leave the soul lying there to die slowly and in pain. But as he drew closer to the figure, a hollow thud seemed to resonate in his chest when he saw the frightened and dying eyes that he had once loved staring into.
"No! No, this wasn't supposed to happen!" He cried out as he picked up your body, watching the light fade from your terrified eyes, "please! I didn't mean to, please!"
Despite his desperate begging, there was nothing Hahne could do as the light faded from your gaze and left you laying there with an empty stare.
- Hahne jolted as he woke, falling from the bed in a confused panic. His panic woke you, making you look over to where he was on the floor in concern as he struggled against the blankets. When he finally managed to free himself, he was panting and frantically looking around for any sign of you.
- When he does finally catch sight of you, he wraps you up in his arms, trying to just hold you and make sure you were truly there with him. The thought of having been the one to kill you nearly drove him mad, and he needed to know you were alright.
- When he calms down he will tell you about the nightmare he had and he may start to choke up just a bit. The only way he can get back to sleep is if you hold him and let him hold you until he manages to drift off again.
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Amira Woods;
"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to!"
Amira cries out as you collapse into her arms, the clear safety shank she keeps on her person protruding from your neck. She can't help but focus on the way that it seems to move and twitch with every beat of your heart, spilling more and more of your precious lifeblood.
Truly, she thought you had been a stranger trying to grab her, not her beloved. She was in tears as she held you, trying to keep the bleeding contained despite having hit your jugular. If she could just get her brother Walter on the phone-
The choking cough that rattled from you broke off that line of thought as your eyes began to roll back, a clear sign that you were not long for this world.
- "Wait!" Amira wakes up with a shrill scream, tears pouring down her face as she practically flies out of bed and onto her feet. Her sudden awakening startles you awake as well, looking around in a panic to find whatever has set Amira off. When you don't see anything immediately, you look to her for answers.
- When Amira takes a moment to take a breath, she realizes that she is standing in your shared room and you are completely safe in bed. She will start crying all over again as she looks to you to comfort her following the nightmare that still held dominion over her mind.
(Didn't realize I pushed post, so I will reblog with Julie, Kaya, Hada, and Ollpheist added on)
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nyxnygma · 2 years
Can you do a angst where mick and reader gets into a fight so reader storms off and ends up geting into a car wreck where mick is told she may not lived but she makes it through the night and when she walks mick swears he will give up drinking.
Wrecked || Mick Mars
[Mick Mars x Fem!Reader]
Summary: Mick has been started to drift away from you and you try to confront him but that leads to an argument where you storm off
Warnings: injuries, alcoholism, car accident, arguing, surgery, hospital
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Sitting on the sofa, you waited for your husband to return home. He promised he would be back by midnight but it was currently 04:30. You were growing worried, he had started coming back later than he said recently but only by an hour or two, that something bad had happened.
You were about to drop asleep when the door opened and Mick stumbled in. “Where have you been?” You ask as soon as he closed the door.
“Shit, Y/N,” he huffed as he went to sit next to you in the couch, “I thought you would be asleep.”
“Mick!” You shout, standing up. “you said you would be back by 12. It’s four fucking forty-five!”
“Hey. No need to shout,” he slurs as he tries to pull you back to sofa but you shrug him off, “I just went out with the boys after the recording and didn’t realise the time.”
“Why didn’t you call? I was worried sick!” You put a hand to your head in disbelief.
“I don’t need to tell you my every location,” Mick shrugs as he takes the glass of wine you were sipping on and drinks the whole thing. “You’re not my mother.”
“No I’m not. I’m you wife, remember?” You laugh in shock, “you’re a drunk. I thought I could handle this but you have gotten so much worse. Your leaving the house earlier and coming home later! I never see you. I miss you.”
“Don’t be so dramatic, Y/N,” he rolls his eyes, “you know who you married.”
“Yes I do know who I married and that man is not you!” You sigh.
“What the fuck do you even mean by that? You’ve been watching too many romcoms,” he breathes, he was starting to get annoyed. You glare at him before storming off upstairs. “Where are you going?!”
He follows you upstairs where he finds you putting clothes into a leather bag. “What are you doing?” He inquired as he grabs a bottle half filled with vodka from the upon the dresser.
“I’m packing my bag,” you nonchalantly say as you rush around the room.
“Why?” He furrows his eyebrows.
“Because I’m going to Heather’s and Tommy’s,” you say as you leave the room, the guitarist following behind.
“Why the hell are you going to theirs?” He huffs.
“Why?!” You laugh at him, grabbing the keys off the side table, “hmm let me see. Because my husband comes home nearly five hours late without warning or a hint of what you were doing, shit, for all I knew you were off galavanting with some blonde groupie! Or maybe because you prefer a bottle of vodka than your wife. Maybe it’s even because your drifting away and hardly talk to me anymore!”
The man looked at you in shock., “Honey, I-”
Before he could finished his sentence, you scoffed and left the through the front door, slamming it shut. You walked through the front garden to the car in the driveway.
You didn’t realise how dark it was and how fire you were until you were on the road. You couldn’t see a damn thing and the street light were not working. It was only last second when you saw the head lights in front of you.
Mick was sat on the sofa where he found you on, in shock, for a good forty-five minutes. He decided to call Tommy’s house and attempt to talk to you and apologises. “Hey man! What you doing calling at six in the morning? Shouldn’t you be all snuggly with wifey?”
“What? She said she would be going to yours,” he froze.
“Why would Y/N be at my house?” Tommy chuckles.
“We had an argument and she said she was going to be!” He explained, “fuck. I shouldn’t have let her drive in the dark.”
He slammed the phone down and tried to think if there is anywhere else you could be. The phone ringing interrupted his thinking. He picked up the phone as, “Y/N?!”
“Sorry no,” the woman apologised before explaining the car crash, “we had to rush her into surgery, you’re her emergency contact.” Mick waisted no time in rushing out the door and into his car as he sped to the hospital.
“Y/N Mars. I’m looking for Y/N Mars,” he told the woman at the front desk of the ER. The woman nods and notions a nurse to lead Mick to a waiting room and tells him to wait there.
Twenty minutes had passed and he still hadn’t been told anything. For all he knew he was waiting for someone to tell him that you didn’t make it. He has never been so panicked in his life.
“Mr Mars?” A masculine voice asked, bringing him out of his thoughts.
“Yes.” He nods.
“Ms Mars is currently in surgery with the best surgeon in LA,” the doctor informs. He then goes on to explain what your state was and what injuries you had.
“Will she make it?” Mick interrupts his information to question.
The doctor looks down, “I’m afraid we cannot give an answer to that question at this moment. Ms Mars came into this ER in a very bad state. She was impaled through her abdomen, yes it didn’t go through any of her vital organs; however when the paramedics got to her she had lost a lot of blood.
The doctor left Mick sat in shock. The thought of the last thing that happened between the two of you was an argument. He thought about what you said even more and realised you were right. He has been growing away from you and he didn’t have a good reason for it. He thought about how you believed he might even been having an affair. You were right. He was a drunk and always had a bottle of vodka in his hand.
He came to the conclusion that he would cut back on his drinking habits until he stops completely. He vowed that he will tell you how much he loves you every single day, that is if you wake up.
He had no idea how much time had past when a nurse walked up to him, “Ms Mars is out of surgery and is in room 201. She is going to be fine.”
Mick wasted no time to walk as far as he could to your room. You we led unconscious on the hospital with wires and tubes all around you. He sat on the chair beside the bed and admired you. There was large cute on your forehead, legs and arms with bruises littered all over your body. “Y/N, I’m so sorry,” he sighed, “this is all my fault.”
“Mick?” Your eyes slowly opened, “what happened? Where am I?”
“When you left you got into a car accident,” he explained, strand of hair behind your ear, “you were I surgery and, shit, I nearly lost you. I’m so so sorry Y/N.”
“I shouldn’t have been such a dick of a husband to!” He interrupts you.
“I promise I’ll be quitting drinking for you and I’ll come home when I said I would, maybe even earlier!”
“You weren’t being over dramatic, you were being totally reasonable. I’ve not been treating you right because I’ve been drinking more. And just so you know I would never EVER choose another woman over you, Y/N. I love you so so much and if you didn’t make it out that surgery room I would never have forgave myself for everything I put you through and how I let you leave the house and drive when it was that dark.”
“It’s all my fault-”
“Mick!” You shout, leaving him silent and shocked in his seat, “its not your fault I crashed the car. I shouldn’t have stormed out the house at 5 am. I shouldn’t have ran away from the argument, it was childish of me, I should’ve talked you about it.”
“Y/N, you weren’t being childish. You had every right to do what you did,” he smiled sadly.
“You really mean all them promises?” You ask.
“Of course,” he nodded as he leans down to kiss your head but you pull him down to kiss your lips. “I love you so much, Mrs Mars.”
“I love you too, Mr Mars.”
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penmansparadise · 10 months
Eddie Munson ~ The Yuletide Bluff
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: Mild language 
a/n: Well, it has definitely been a while since I've written anything.  I really hope you all enjoy this, and I'm sure you will notice that I gave myself some room to either write another part or leave it where it ended.  Let me know what you all think!
Sunday evenings used to be your favorite thing in the world. You loved having your family gather for dinner at your house. Your mom and aunts would be busy in the kitchen, hands at work creating a delicious meal while your uncles and dad sat in the living room watching ESPN, beers in hand. Your baby cousins would be running around squealing as they played, and your older cousins would just sit and watch before being elicited to help in the kitchen. It was totally and wonderfully normal and something you could never get enough of. That is until you started your senior year of high school.
It wasn’t bad in the beginning. Your mom and aunts would ask if you had a crush on anyone here and there, and that would be it. But the farther into your senior year you got, those innocent questions turned into badgering from every female member of your family.
“You’re graduating soon,” your aunt would say, giving you a pitiful look. “Don’t you want to begin adulthood with that special someone?”
“Your cousin Adriana has had a boyfriend since sophomore year, you know?” Another Aunt would say as if it were some sort of backhanded comment.
It was now the first week of December, nearly halfway through your senior year, and they hadn’t let up. So, when the hordes of your family began to file into your house while you were perched on one of the bar stools in your kitchen, you couldn’t help the way your molars ground down. You gave everyone a halfhearted smile and kiss on the cheek as they made their way to their usual places.
For the first hour or so, no one bothered you. You were able to comfortably sit at the bar, listening to the radio lull over the conversation filling the kitchen. It wasn’t until your cousin plopped into the seat next to yours that your bubble of solitude popped.
“Hey, Y/N,” she said, her lips curling upward into a devious grin.
You gave a tight-lipped smile.
She toyed with one of the bangles on her wrist and crossed her legs. You knew what was coming before her eyes landed back on yours.
“My mom tells me you’re still unlucky in love.”
God, you wanted to smack the smug look right off her face. But you didn’t. Instead, you fisted your hands in your lap and hummed.
“Has she now?”
Adriana sighed, “Yeah, we’re all worried about you, hon. I mean, I know not everyone can get as lucky as Carlo and me, but still.”
You knew all too well how “lucky” your cousin and her longtime boyfriend were. They had a chance meeting in the library in the 10th grade, and the rest was history. Now, you had to watch her and Carlo walk around Hawkins High like they were a teenage version of Tommy Lee and Heather Locklear.
Adriana placed a hand on your knee and gave a pout.
“I just feel terrible watching you all by yourself all the time,” she said, giving your knee a little squeeze.
Typically, you contained your emotions when faced with adversity. Usually, the constant harassment from your family about still being single didn’t get under your skin. You could brush it off. But when Adriana poked her bottom lip out in an overdramatic pout and said, “And with Christmas just around the corner, I can’t even imagine how lonely you must feel right now,” you snapped.
Your fists balled in your lap, and before you could even think of the ramifications, you blurted out, “I’m not alone. I have a boyfriend.”
It was as if a record scratched at your statement. The hustle and bustle of the house came to a screeching halt, and all eyes fell on you. The weight of your words landed on you, but it was too late. Your mom and aunts had already started swarming you, smiles spread across their faces. Their rapid-fire questions flooded your head, but you could only focus on one person: Adriana. Her brows furrowed, and her eyes narrowed as she slowly removed her hand from your leg and crossed her arms.
“Who is it?” She asked, not even trying to cover her skepticism.
Your heart was racing as you began to babble.
“Oh, um, I don’t think that’s really important.”
“I think it is,” Adriana began looking at the other women in the room. “Don’t you?”
They all agreed in unison before silencing and waiting for you to speak. You coughed.
“You probably don’t even know him, so…”
Adriana ran her tongue over the front of her teeth and began tapping her fingers against her arm.
“I don’t think that’s possible.”
You swallowed. The thought of confessing crossed your mind. You could tell everyone you were just joking, and they would just laugh and not think you were completely pathetic. But you knew that wouldn’t be the case. You dropped your gaze to your lap and sighed, seconds away from admitting defeat, when your eyes landed on the shirt you had forgotten you were wearing. The crimson red of the horned devil sitting stark against the white fabric covering your body and the telltale die of your favorite game floating next to it. You raised your eyes to meet Adriana’s again, mustered as much fake confidence as possible, put on your most believable smile, and said, “Eddie.”
His name came out more like a prayer than a statement. Your mom and aunts began cooing in your ear again, but Adriana reared back slightly, and her lips curled up into a grimace.
“Eddie?” She asked. “Like Eddie Munson? That kid you play that stupid board game with?”
The insult slapped you in the face, and you ground your teeth together again.
“First of all,” you said through gritted teeth, “DnD is not a stupid board game. Secondly, yes, that Eddie Munson.”
The squeals of excitement from behind Adriana filled the room, but you ignored them. You could tell that Adriana didn’t believe you, which didn’t surprise you. You barely knew Eddie. He had only recently taken you into Hellfire after you heard they needed a stand-in for Lucas one night and offered to do it. The two of you never hung out aside from Hellfire and lunch. You didn’t go out of your way to be around him; the same went for him. When you thought about it, you wouldn’t even really consider yourselves friends. If anything, you were acquaintances that barely said more than a few words to each other. Adriana had no reason to believe that you were dating Eddie, and she made it blatantly clear.
“How long has this been going on?” Adriana asked.
“Oh, you know,” you said, waving your hand around, “about a month or so.”
The joy that spread across your mom’s face was unmistakable, and the guilt of what you created began to claw at your stomach.
“Why haven’t you brought him home yet?” Your mom asked, taking your hands into hers.
You stared into her excited eyes and, without even a second thought, said, “I was planning on bringing him home for Christmas dinner.”
Everyone in the kitchen burst into joyous cheers. You gave them a weak smile, but all you could think was that you were going to need a bigger shovel to help dig the hole you were putting yourself into. You feigned excitement for the rest of the evening, barely getting through dinner without vomiting from the guilt and nerves wrestling in your gut. When everyone finally left, you showed yourself to your room and plopped down onto your bed, only beginning to process the shit show you just created.
The next day, you felt like you had cinder blocks tied to your ankles. You had barely been able to sleep the night before as the thought of what you said bounced around in your brain. All night you tried to think of a way to get around the situation you created, but you came up with nothing. By the time the sun started rising, it was very clear what needed to be done. You had to convince Eddie to go along with your plan.
You couldn’t focus on any of your classes as you stared at the clock, watching the seconds tick by, trying to muster up as much confidence as possible before you faced Eddie. You played a million scenarios in your head, and every one of them ended with him laughing in your face and you walking away with absolutely none of your dignity intact. The thought made you sick.
Each period passed by slower than the next until you were finally released for lunch when you reluctantly carried yourself through the halls toward the cafeteria. You knew what you had to do, and you were going to do it. You were going to ask Eddie to pretend to be your boyfriend, and it was going to be okay. At least that’s what you told yourself all the way up until you stood at the doors of the cafeteria. When you saw Eddie sitting at his usual lunch table with the rest of the Hellfire Club, all the courage you had vanished. In its place was a hollow void slowly filling with the dread of having to face the consequences of your reckless statements.
You stood in the entryway for another moment before carrying yourself to the table and sitting with the rest of the club. After giving a halfhearted wave to everyone, you retreated into your thoughts. Your mind was racing, and your stomach churned as you sat nibbling on your bottom lip. You had no idea what you were going to do. Maybe you could tell everyone Eddie wasn’t the one, and you broke up…after only one month…and so conveniently before the Christmas dinner, you said you would bring him to. You shook your head and let out a sigh just before a hand landed on your shoulder, pulling you back to reality. When you looked up and saw Eddie staring down at you, you almost choked.
“You okay?” He asked, his eyebrows furrowing just slightly.
Your mouth opened and shut a few times, but nothing came out. The cafeteria was almost empty, and the rest of the Hellfire boys had already left. You were so caught up in your panic-ridden thoughts you didn’t even hear the bell ring. When you looked back to Eddie, the concern that was etched on his face only deepened, and he shifted on his feet a little, his hand never leaving your shoulder. The warmth from his palm and coolness from the rings on his fingers seeped through your shirt as he waited patiently. Your breathing grew shallow as your anxiety swelled in your chest. Eddie’s soft brown eyes held your gaze until you finally swallowed and took a shaky breath.
“I need to talk to you,” you said, your voice tinny compared to your normal vibrato. “In private.”
Eddie’s troubled look never left his face as he removed his hand from your shoulder and used his head to motion toward the door.
“Come with me,” he said, and you didn’t waste any time, grabbing your bag and following him out the door.
When you said you needed to talk to Eddie in private, you were thinking maybe in your car or under the bleachers. What you didn’t expect was to trudge behind him as he made his way through the woods surrounding the football field. Your heart was racing, and it wasn’t only because you were unfamiliar with where Eddie was taking you. But before you had time to even dwell on your emotions, a beat-up wooden picnic table sitting by itself in the middle of a clearing came into view. It looked like something out of a horror movie. You couldn’t help but look around and make sure there wasn’t some sort of sacrificial altar Eddie was about to pin you to.
“Are you going to kill me out here?” The question fell from your lips before you could stop it.
Eddie chuckled as he made his way toward the table.
“Calm down, Y/N. I have more reason to be scared of you.”
The compliment landed somewhere in the center of your chest, but you felt it all over your body. Eddie took a seat and then motioned for you to do the same. Your cheeks felt like they were on fire as you slid onto the bench across from Eddie.
“So,” he began, folding his hands on the table, “what’s on your mind? What do you need to talk about?
Oh, don’t tell me,” his back stiffened a little, and his calm demeanor shifted. “Did that little shithead Henderson come onto you again? Because I don’t have any problem putting him in his place again.”
You reared back a little and shut your eyes, shaking your head.
“What? No, no. And trust me, if Henderson ever tried that shit again, I’d be able to handle it on my own.”
Eddie’s lips pulled upward on one side, revealing a crater of a dimple on his cheek.
“I don’t doubt that at all, Y/N.”
Your body buzzed under his stare as his words blanketed you in an electric current you were unfamiliar with. It was nice, and you found yourself wondering why this was the first time you had ever spoken to this boy alone. You shook your head.
“Anyway,” you said, swatting your thoughts away, “um, I actually have a favor to ask you.”
Eddie raised his eyebrows but didn’t say anything. You wrung your hands together in your lap, doing everything you could to avoid looking at Eddie directly. You felt like your insides were going to implode as sweat beaded on your forehead. This was a mistake. There was absolutely no way you were going to be able to do this. But when you finally brought your eyes to meet Eddie’s, that same worried look from before was planted on his face.
“Y/N, is everything okay?”
You gulped the bile that was steadily crawling up your throat and said, “I’ve gotten myself into a bit of a situation, and I need your help.”
His stare softened.
“What is it?”
You don’t know what made you say it. Maybe it was the way he looked at you like he would do anything for you; all you had to do was ask. Or the way he gave you his full and undivided attention, even though you were being so cryptic. Or maybe there was still a small part of you that thought he might sacrifice you out in the middle of those woods and so why not throw caution to the wind. Whatever it was, you rolled your shoulders back, looked Eddie Munson straight in the eye, and said, “I need you to be my fake boyfriend.”
His eyes grew to the size of saucers, and his mouth fell slightly agape. When he didn’t say anything at first, you immediately stood up and began to pace.
“I know that is a really weird favor to ask, but I’ve been dealing with my family constantly on my ass about not having a boyfriend for years now. And I didn’t care, really, I didn’t, until my stupid cousin had to get under my damn skin last night. She started going on about how she and her boyfriend Carlo are so happy and lucky and how I must feel so alone, especially with Christmas right around the corner. So, what did I do? Instead of giving her a ‘fuck you’ smile, I blurted out that I actually do have a boyfriend. And unfortunately for me, my whole family heard. They were happy, but Adriana had to start sticking her nose in my business…again and asked who it was. Well, I didn’t know what else to do or who else to say. I tried to tell her she didn’t know the guy, but she insisted, and so I just,” you paused, sucking in a deep breath and looking back at Eddie, “I said it was you, and I said that I was going to bring you home for Christmas dinner and now they’re all expecting to meet you.”
You stood across from Eddie, who was frozen in his seat. The utter surprise was plain as day on his face.
“Wow,” was all he said before the silence of the secluded woods surrounded the two of you.
You waited another moment, hoping that Eddie would say something. Anything. But he didn’t, so you continued.
“I know it’s a lot to ask, but I don’t expect you to do it for free.”
Eddie’s face went from surprised to mortified within a matter of seconds.
You shook your head.
“Not like that. I heard you say you’re struggling in Ms. O’Donnell’s class the other day. I know you need to pass her final to graduate.”
The panic that was once present on his face vanished as you continued.
“I can help you. I’ll be your tutor for the rest of the year and make sure you pass and graduate. All I need you to do is pretend to be my boyfriend for the next few weeks, put on a good show for Christmas dinner, and then we can fake breakup and act like this whole transaction never took place.”
Eddie stared at you, his fingers idly spinning one of his many rings. You couldn’t help the way your eyes traveled down to his hands and watched, mesmerized. How had you never noticed how big his hands were? The thought sent a surge through your body, and you had to bury the unholy thoughts that started to emerge in your brain.
“I just have to pretend to date you for the rest of the month, and you’ll help me graduate?”
Your eyes flicked back up to meet his, and you nodded.
“That’s it?”
“That’s it,” you parroted.
Eddie sat still for a second before smacking his hands against the wooden table and slowly standing up. He rounded the table until he was standing directly in front of you. You swallowed your nerves down.
His lips tugged upward on one side again, putting that dimple on full display before he gave a dramatic bow. His hair fell over his face, but he still managed to look up at you through hooded eyes, sending your insides into a whirl of spasms.
“Consider me your knight in shining armor,” he said before standing back up with a flourish.
You could feel your shoulders relax as a small laugh bubbled out of you. A part of you was kicking yourself for not getting to know Eddie before now. Sure, you had always thought he was cute, but you never really gave your friendship, or lack thereof, much thought. That was until you thrust the two of you into this weird business transaction.
Your lips spread into a wide grin as you held back the urge to hug Eddie.
“Thank you so much. You won’t regret this. I promise.”
He let out a chuckle that seemed to vibrate through you.
“I wouldn’t have agreed if I thought I might regret it, Y/N. Now,” he said, rubbing his hands together, “when do we start?”
You paused for a minute, not having thought the logistics through since you didn’t even think, you would get this far. But eventually, you let out a huff, gave Eddie a nervous smile, and said, “Right after we create some ground rules.”
Then, you proceeded to dig a pen and paper out of your bag, sat down at that dilapidated table, and looked up at Eddie.
“Shall we?” 
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buckysimp101 · 2 years
To the Moon and Back
Summary: You’re pregnant with your first child with Nikki Sixx. Over the course of your pregnancy you and Nikki both keep journals to document the changes to come. These are a few snippets.
Pairings: Nikki Sixx x Reader, Tommy Lee x Heather Locklear
warnings: none, fluff (it’s a warning...it’s a fluffy Nikki Sixx for goodness sake!
a/n: this is long.....but damn it’s sweet. brb. gotta lil dirt in my eyes. not crying. just dirt.
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February 14, 1992
October. October’s gonna be a big month. Oh fuck is October gonna be a big month. It’s our anniversary. The third one. October 15th, 1989 I made the decision to marry the love of my life, Nikki Sixx. Your daddy. Not only are we celebrating our third anniversary, we’re going to be celebrating you, sweet love. Let me fill you in on mama’s last couple of days. 
When I woke up on Sunday, I had this horrible stomach ache. I thought maybe it was something I ate on Saturday, your dad decided to make ribs for dinner and they were great! But I thought maybe they just didn’t agree with me. As the day went on my nausea turned into just plain tiredness. I couldn’t get off the couch if I tried! Nikki made me peppermint tea to try and calm the nausea and made sure to make the couch up as comfy as possible, he’s really great. But nevertheless, nothing helped. On Wednesday, Nikki and the boys were in the studio so Heather came over to hang out for a little bit. I was in terrible shape and Heather finally asked me the question that seemed to have been sitting in the back of my mind since the beginning of the week, “do you think you could be pregnant?” While I sat on the couch contemplating her question, Heather ran to the closest pharmacy to buy an at home pregnancy test. 
Sweet love, I swear that was the longest ten minutes of my life. But sure enough, two little lines, clear as day, popped up. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. Your daddy and I had talked about wanting a family and here you are. I called my doctor as soon as I could to set up an appointment for today to confirm your existence. One blood test, and a slightly green Aunt Heather, later I had my proof. You. I cannot wait to tell your daddy about this tonight! I have another appointment in a few weeks! I hope he’ll be able to go! Time to get ready to see your daddy, celebrate Valentine’s Day and tell him all about you, sweet love! Just know, Mommy loves you to the moon and back.
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February 14, 1992
Oh shit. It’s happening.
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February 15, 1992
Okay. I’m doing a lot better today than I was last night, my head feels better. Your ma told me she had decided that she was going to keep a journal of her pregnancy with you so I decided, eh, why the fuck not. Shit, probably shouldn’t say fuck...damn it...oh well. I decided to keep one too, who knows, maybe you’ll read it one day. Maybe I’ll gift it to you...that might be a stretch cause I’m not really certain what I’m gonna write yet... But little one, your ma and I? We love you so much already. I came home last night, long day out with your Uncle Tommy as we tried to figure some shit out, fuck  shit I’ll probably have to tell T-Bone soon if Heather hasn’t yet, but anyways. Yeah, I came home and your mama, oh she was so pretty. The prettiest. Standing in the living room with the biggest smile on her face, hands behind her back. I swear all she needed was a bow and that is all the gift I could have wanted. But then, she had to go and hand me this little bag with a smirk on her face. A smirk that usually only means trouble and I opened the bag expecting there to be...something else...from your ma. 
But nope. There, wrapped in tissue paper, was a little Mötley Crüe onesie. Where the hell she managed to find that is beyond me, I know that our merch team was working on that a while back for a bit but I never thought about it til now. I had to look from the onesie, to your mom, back to the onesie, back to your ma. The next thing I remember was waking up to the side of your mom’s concerned face, phone in her hand yelling at someone to come over that I had passed out. I took the phone from her then, she was talking to Aunt Heather of course, told Heather I was fine and we just needed to talk, and hung up. It felt like a million years. That’s how long it took me to finally grow the balls to look my wife, your mother, my beautiful YN, in the eyes and ask “did that onesie mean what I think it means?”
You’d have thought I asked her to marry me all over again. Her eyes got all teary, her head nodding as fast as possible. All I could think over and over and over was “I’m gonna be a daddy.” I still can’t believe it. Your ma has an appointment in a couple weeks where we should get to hear your heartbeat! She says the doctor’s estimate your due date is October 6th. I told her it would be funny if you were born on our anniversary, who knows! Babies are usually born late! Or at least I think they are. I don’t know little one, all I know is that your ma and I are so excited and we cannot wait to meet you. Until next time.
-Daddy Sixx
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March 9, 1992
Sweet love, your heartbeat? It’s so fast. I’ve never heard anything quite like that. I think even your daddy teared up at the sound! That’s right, we got to hear your heartbeat today. I think the doctor almost passed out when your daddy stood up as they called my name. She almost did the last time when Aunt Heather was with my too. Your daddy has that affect on people though. After hearing your heartbeat we got to see you and oh sweet love, you’re so small! About the size of a cherry according to the doctor! I don’t think it really clicked for me. I’ve known about you for over three weeks now but I think hearing your heartbeat and seeing you on that monitor made it really sink in. This is real. I’m gonna be a mama. Nikki Sixx is gonna be a daddy. You’re real and you’re ours. After my appointment your daddy took me to the store, raving about all the baby clothes we were going to buy and all the things he was going to teach you. He wants to teach you how to play bass, says that Uncle Tommy will teach you how to play piano if you really want. Just hearing your daddy get so excited about the future and the role you will play in it made me start crying in the middle of the store. Happy tears of course. Now, I’m about to start crying again. I cannot wait to go on this journey with your daddy, I just know he’s as excited as I am. I love you to the moon and back, sweet love.
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April 10, 1992
Alright little one, your mama and I did a big thing this week....we told Uncle Tommy and Uncle Mick about you. In case you were wondering, daddy met Uncle Tommy and Uncle Mick when we started a band called Mötley Crüe. Yep, that’s right. Your old man is a fuckin’ rockstar. Who knows how long that’ll last. You’ve got another uncle, Uncle Vince. I don’t know when you’ll meet him, hell I don’t know if you’ll ever meet him. But I hope you can. He might be a pain in my ass at times, but he’s still my brother.
Anyways, yeah we had Uncle Tommy, Aunt Heather and Uncle Mick over for dinner the other night. You could tell that Aunt Heather knew. God she as bubbly as hell. Barely containing that contagious smile of hers. Tommy and Mick were dense as hell though, neither of them could see through her face. Your ma, man she was glowing. She barely has a belly and wears her clothes not as tight but I know it’s there. God she looks amazing. But she decided to let me tell T-bone and Mick. And when I told them she was expecting...your Uncle Tommy straight up said “expecting what, a delivery?” Uncle Mick looked like he could have driven his fork through the drummer’s hand at that moment. Uncle Tommy always was a little slower on the uptake. “Well. I guess in a way yeah, due October 6th,” I said hoping the word “due” would spark something in your Uncle Tommy’s head. “Oh cool, must be something really cool if it’s on backorder for that far out,” was Tommy’s response causing me, Uncle Mick, Aunt Heather and your ma to roll your eyes. Finally I said “yeah you idiot, it’s gonna be your niece or nephew.” Tommy, the fucking idiot (sorry kid you might as well learn that about him now) said, “wait how did you know Athena is pregnant...wait Thena is pregnant!?” He thought we were talking about his sister... Heather finally slapped him on the arm and said “No,Thomas! Athena is not pregnant. YN and Nikki are having a baby!”
I’ve never been tackled like that before. And I played football in high school. All six foot two of your Uncle Tommy’s twiggy ass frame bowled me over as he wrapped me in a SOUL CRUSHING hug. I haven’t seen him look that excited since his wedding day. Needless to say, I think Uncle Tommy is just as excited to meet you as we are. See you soon, little one.
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July 4, 1992
Well it’s the fourth of July. We are well past the halfway point and only a few months away from meeting you, sweet love! Once I hit the halfway mark the nausea and morning sickness calmed down. But now the cravings have started. Your daddy is an angel. An angel sent from heaven, though some in the music  industry have actually argued that he’s a demon sent from hell but that’s a story for another time. He has left the house at 3am to get me pickles and ice cream from the 24 hour grocery store. He’s done this 5 times in the last month. Whenever he comes back he just fixes me a bowl, brings it back to the bedroom and lays down next to me, placing his hand on my belly to see if he can feel you kick after the craving is satisfied.
 You do that now! It’s so amazing, my bladder doesn’t thank you for it but it really is the most incredible sensation. The first time I felt it I couldn’t wrap my mind around it. That was our baby! Those little butterflies that I always feel in my stomach when I’m around your dad are real and they’re you, our sweet love. I think it’s daddy’s favorite thing. Well, that and the bump. You’d have thought I was Aphrodite herself the way your father stared at me the moment he started to notice the physical changes, my body growing to accomodate your ever growing self.
 Uncle Tommy and Aunt Heather have gone overboard. They both like to purchase gifts and clothes for you whenever they can. Uncle Mick will occasionally see something in a store and give it to your daddy to add to the nursery. That’s another thing, your daddy LOVES decorating your nursery. I think he’s tried to paint it twenty different colors, I finally got him to decide on a nice light gray. We opted out of finding out the sex at my last appointment, we want to keep it a surprise. Let’s see if your daddy can handle the suspense. 
Tonight your daddy fell asleep after getting my pickles and ice cream so I guess it’s time for me to do the same. Good night sweet love and remember, Mommy and Daddy love you to the moon and back.
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August 29, 1992
Four and a half weeks. We are four and a half weeks out from your due date...and little one we have no clue what your name is. And I thought finding out what your Uncles and I would name our bad was hard...naming a human is difficult as hell. Since we made the decision to not find out the sex we split up, mama gets to pick the girl names, I pick the boy names, and then we narrow it down to our favorites. Your ma likes all sorts of different names for you. She likes Olivia, that one I don’t hate as much, but she also mentioned Eleanor and Charlotte. I looked at her and said “when have you ever met a baby Eleanor or Charlotte? The answer is never, they’re all old ladies with hard candies in their purse leaving lipstick on your face while they pinch your cheek.” Needless to say that didn’t make your mama too happy. Meanwhile I suggested names like Maverick and Zane. Mama’s apparently over her Top Gun phase because she shut both of those down. So, back to the drawing board I guess. Maybe I could get Uncle Tommy’s help.
 Your Aunt Heather held a baby shower for you last week and man are you spoiled. The most spoiled baby to be on the Sunset Strip. I don’t know how you’re gonna wear all the clothes you have, but your ma says you’ll get the chance provided you don’t grow to fast. I don’t know much about babies, to be honest. Your ma got me this book to read to prep me and I’m not really one to read but...who knows...maybe I’ll feel the urge to actually read the closer we get. And shit are we getting close. I still think you’re going to be a neat anniversary present. I just feel it in my bones. October 15th’s just a great date. It would be crazy if you DIDN’T come that day. 
Well whether you come on your due date or on our anniversary, I just want you and mama to be happy and healthy. You’re both the most precious things in my life and man I cannot wait to see how this crazy life of mine goes. Mama told me she’s been signing off her entries a certain way so...guess I could do that too. Daddy loves you to the moon and back.
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October 2, 1992, 3am
Something isn’t right. I keep getting this tightening in my back that lasts for a few minutes, then it goes away. I’ve read about Braxton-Hicks contractions, false labor, and this is the perfect time for those. I’ll give it a few more hours. See how it is. Maybe then I’ll wake up Nikki.
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October 2, 1992, 7am
Alright, little one. Daddy knows he’s talked to you a million times and told you he’s ready to meet you but I’m gonna need you to just hold on a litttttle bit longer. We’re a week out from the due date now, so that wouldn’t be bad at all but man I’m freaking out. Mama’s freaking out. Just give us a minute little one. I gotta get your mama to the hospital.
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October 4, 1992, 5pm
So daddy and mommy were wrong, my sweet Olivia Nicole Sixx. You didn’t come on your due date, you didn’t come on our anniversary. Instead, you decided to make your grand appearance kicking and screaming at 12:01am on October 3rd, 1992. Just in time for your Uncle Tommy’s birthday. Oh was he thrilled, he couldn’t believe the phone call he got from your daddy. I could hear his whoops all the way in the hospital bed where I was trying to feed you. 
You, my sweet love. You have changed our lives. You look just like your daddy. Because of course you do. I do all the work of carrying you for 9 months and pushing you out of a very small hole in my body thank you very much, for you to come out with a head full of dark hair and light eyes. They’re blue right now but I have no reason to believe that they won’t be that same familiar green that I know and love. Your daddy cried. He also almost passed out again when the doctor asked him if he wanted to help catch you. He was so excited for that possibility.. but luckily, the nurse saw him turn quite an interesting shade of green and managed to move him back up to my head to aid in the pushing process. Didn’t need me and your daddy to wind up as patients.
I know I have told you a million times throughout these last 9 months that you are so loved. But my girl, my sweet love, your father and I love you a million lifetimes over. If you asked us to catch the moon for you we’d do it a thousand times over just to make you happy. I am so lucky to be your mama, and I know your daddy feels the same way.
Well it’s time to feed you again. I wonder if your daddy has had time to write his entry yet...I love you to the moon and back, Liv. Always.
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October 4, 1992, 10pm
I don’t have the words. I’ve been writing lyrics for years and I just don’t have enough words to tell you how much I love you. You, Olivia Nicole Sixx, came into our lives with a scream and a clap of thunder on October 3, 1992 at 12:01am. I think I almost screamed too when I tried to catch you but...that’s a different story...one I’m sure your mama has already added to her entry.
Your Uncle Tommy, oh he has never been more excited to share his birthday with anyone else. I called him from the hospital around 8am yesterday and he thought I was telling him happy birthday, well that was part of it but when he answered I could barely hide my excitement. I nearly yelled “Hey Uncle Tommy when are you going to meet your birthday twin?” I think if he had been here he would’ve tackled me like he did all those months ago. He and Aunt Heather will meet you in a few days when we get out.
But my sweet girl. My daughter. My shining star and the light of my life. Your mama and I are so lucky to know you. Hell, I’m lucky to have both of you. I have never seen your mother look stronger than when she pushed you out. That could not have been me, I’d have died. I swear I think she pulled out a couple chunks of my hair and added a few more scars to my arm. But that’s not what this is about right now. 
You’ve only been in our lives for almost two days, and damn it might sound cheesy but I swear you’re the sunshine of our lives. But your birth has kinda thrown me into a bit of a thought spiral. Am I gonna be a good dad? Who knows. I didn’t exactly have the best reference for what that looked like growing up. But Livvie, I swear to you I will do all I can to make sure you know that you are loved and that you will never want for anything. We are so lucky to have you in our lives and we cannot wait to watch you grow. Our love for you, Olivia, could stretch to the moon and back infinite times. 
Love always,
*if you would like to be added to the Nikki Sixx fics taglist just let me know!*
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darkpeacemusic · 1 year
Rules for my asks/requests
Plz read before asking for requests
Fandoms and characters I will accept (so far):
Stranger Things (Mike, Dustin, Will, Lucas, Max, Eleven, Nancy, Steve, Jonathan)
Slashers (Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Candyman, pennywise (1990), Ghostface (Stu and Billy), Billy Lenz, Carrie, Chucky, Tiffany, Michael Myers, Bubba Sawyer, Jennifer Check, Norman Bates, Sinclair Brothers, Harry Warden)
Five Nights at Freddy’s (both games and movie) (Michael Afton, Mike Schmidt, Vanessa A., Vanessa Shelley, any animatronics except BB and JJ, Gregory (platonic only), Cassie (platonic only), Abby Schmidt (platonic only), Henry Emily)
Beetlejuice (Lydia Deetz, Beetlejuice)
Final Girls/Guy (Nancy Thompson, Sidney Prescott, Gale Weathers, Ash Williams)
Fullmetal Alchemist (Edward, Al)
Pirates of the Caribbean (Jack Sparrow, Hector Barbossa)
South Park (Kenny, Kyle, Butters)
Creepypasta (Ben Drowned (platonic only), Jeff, Liu, Sully, Jane, Ticci Toby, Masky, Hoodie, Kate the Chaser, Laughing Jack, Eyeless Jack, Slender brothers (platonic only), Sally (platonic only), Dr Smiley, Nurse Ann, Nina, Candy Pop, Jason the Toymaker, The Puppeteer, Clockwork, Rouge, Wilson, Zalgo (platonic only), Nathan, Bloody Painter, Kagekao, Jill, Sadie, Hobo Heart, Cat Hunter, Chris the Revenant, X-Virus, Dollmaker, Frankie the Undead, Judge Angels, Lifeless Lucy (platonic only), Lost Silver (platonic only), Glitchy Red, Dr. Locklear, Lulu (platonic only), Killing Kate)
DCEU (Bruce Wayne)
MHA (Deku, Bakugo, Tokoyami, Kirishima, Denki, Jirou, Iida, Todoroki, Awaiza (platonic only), Mina, Tyusu, Momo)
MCU (Tony Stark (platonic only), Steve Rogers (platonic only) Peter Parker, Natasha Romanoff, Thor, Loki, Bruce Banner)
Harry Potter (Harry, Ron, Hermione, Snape, Dumbledore (platonic only), Nevel, Remus, the Weasley twins (Fred and George), Luna, Ginny, Draco)
What I will write
General headcanons
X reader headcanons
Canon x canon headcanons (as long as it's appropriate)
Gender neutral reader
Child reader (plantonic)
Poly (only if the characters are the same age and are not related to each other)
S/Os with certain mental illnesses (eg anxiety, OCD, depression)
What I will not accept
Any specific gender reader (Cuz I don’t want to offend anyone by accident)
Parent S/O
Trans S/O (again trying not offend anyone by accident)
Pregnant S/O
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gabigabigabby · 2 years
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romantic homicide | eddie munson
kas!eddie munson x buckley!fem reader
synopsis: steve and robin had to convince to join them along in the upside down. had you thought you'd be able to see eddie again after having to re-kill him, you wouldn't have gone.
wc: 1.2k
category: angst. angst angst ANGST.
content/warnings: mentions of killing and death.
a/n: this is a lot to take. i miss eddie. enjoy <3
after what you did, you vowed to yourself you'd never step foot into the upside down again. your answer to every single one of steve and your sister robin's pleadings were really simple; i'm sorry, no.
you wouldn't want to see eddie after having to kill him all over again after he was sent by vecna to terrorize hawkins three months ago. when you ask why robin and steve so badly want you to tag along, they said that during one of their light conversations, eddie had asked to see you again. they said he wanted to apologise for ambushing hawkins and that it wasn't him, it was all vecna.
so finally, you came to a conclusion. you would tag along if it gets robin and steve to shut the hell up. "you won't regret this, y/n." steve huffs a sigh of relief.
"we promise this is the last time you'll come with us." robin grins gratefully.
steve, alongside dustin, robin and yourself, drives to the munsons' old trailer. dustin still had the old spear lucas made almost seven months ago, so he brought it along with him.
parking in front of the trailer, steve turns to look at you and robin one more time. he gives robin a nod, that she reciprocates before alighting the vehicle. "you okay, buckley?" he nods in reassurance. "just this one time. okay? and if eddie asks to see you again, we'll tell him you won't."
"yeah," your answer came out as a whisper. "yeah, alright." steve's head nudges towards the trailer you got so familiar with. all those nights you spent with eddie come rushing back into your head, you couldn't help but smile to yourself about it.
the first time you smoked weed together. whenever you'd drift off to la la land, staring into blank space until eddie would blow smoke towards your face, snapping you out of it. "what you thinkin' 'bout, sweetheart?"
you giggle at the pet name. eddie always used it on you, but it feels like the first time all over again. "nothing. just... lucky to have you." you preen.
"buckley, stop. you're gonna make me blush." he swoons.
the first time you brought him back to your place. "baby, you sure robin isn't home? your parents?" eddie's very wary of how loud his footsteps are, so he's tip-toeing... a little bit too dramatically.
"robin's at steve's for movie night tonight, and my parents are in dc, doing... i dunno, fuck shit. no one's home, eds." you explain with ease. you weren't tip-toeing, you weren't whispering either. your demeanor allowed eddie to relax a bit.
one glimpse of your bedroom and he knew he's truly head over heels for you. posters of rock bands adorn the wall your bed was leant against. a whole rack of vinyls sit next to your record player on the left of your bed, from scorpions to metallica. kate bush to the stranglers. alice cooper and tears for fears sat outside the rack, which implied to eddie that they were your recently played artists.
until his eyes land on your vanity. posters of johnny depp, robert downey jr and ralph macchio were plastered above the mirror on one side, heather locklear, brooke shields and phoebe cates on the other. he couldn't help his staring at johnny depp before turning to you. "am i ugly, y/n?"
"what?" you head snaps to face him, your brows furrowing in puzzlement.
"eddie, you're everything compared to them. believe me you, you're hotter than johnny depp will ever be. cuter than rdj could ever be. prettier than macchio thinks he is." your hands make their way towards his as you bring them up to your lips. "don't ever berate yourself like that. look at you." your hands pinches his cheeks.
you climb into the upside down, hoping it'll be the last time. you can't bring yourself to see eddie looking all distressed and... horrible. the things vecna had changed about him, the bloodthirsty creature vecna had made him to be, he'd appear in your nightmares. you couldn't be able to count the amount of times robin would come rushing into your bedroom trying to wake you up from the hell your mind locked you in.
your brain keeps bringing you back to the last time you were in this hellhole. it keeps replaying the moment you stabbed eddie in the heart. you recall the hot tears falling down your face as you did it. you never thought your entire life would lead you to this moment; stabbing your boyfriend in the heart, hoping you killed him for good this time. hoping there is no way he could come back from that.
eddie and vecna were already standing outside the trailer, awaiting your comeback. you could already hear the wet squelching from inside the trailer. you lock eyes with eddie. you looked at him with a tinge of terror in your blue eyes only he'd seen before. eddie stared at you, and when you stared back, his eyes were empty. there wasn't a single thought behind those eyes. "eddie, it's me."
"it's me too," his voice is coarse, rougher than the last time you'd heard it. "master let me go just so i could talk to you again. i miss you, y/n."
"you died, eddie," you shake your head slowly in disbelief. "i killed you."
"master brought me back, sweetheart—"
"no, eddie. you don't get to call me that. you get yourself killed and now you want to sweetheart me?" you scoff. "enlighten me, why am i here? why do you want me here?"
"i want to see you again. for the last time." eddie frowns.
"nah, the last time i wanted to see you was the day i put a blade through your stupid heart eddie. and i can't believe i'm gonna say this, but yeah i cried, but i didn't even regret it. you were better off dead," you pause to wipe the stray tears that you didn't realise had cascaded down your cheeks. "you got yourself killed. you did this to yourself. you didn't care about my feelings. you never did. you only care about what the town will think of you after you die. spoiler alert, they don't give two flying fucks."
you see tears fall down eddie's pale face, but you didn't care. you couldn't bring yourself to care. he did this to you, he deserves to feel like this. "if you wanna kill me for saying this to you, then get it over and done with. because i hate that i still care about you. i hate that i still love you."
"y/n..." eddie croaks out as he takes a step closer towards you, trying to blink back the tears on the brim of his tear ducts.
"and i hate the way i don't hate you. not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all." you couldn't even bring yourself to look at eddie even longer. eddie wouldn't want you to look at him either. he realises his mistake. he should've thought about you before running off towards the bats. he realises how stupid he could really be, to get himself killed and turned into vecna's killing machine, his puppet.
eddie munson is in the wrong. and he deserved to die for it. he deserved that stabbing. he deserved to die all over again in your hands. the initial thought in his undead brain that wishes you'd forgive him had long faded. he didn't deserve your forgiveness. he didn't deserve all your tears. and he sure as hell didn't deserve your sympathy.
you were right. he was better off dead.
a/n: yes i was inspired by kat's poem to patrick in '10 things i hate about you'. i just thought it seemed fitting <3
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booknotesbyathina · 1 year
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[Book Tour & Giveaway] Hello everyone!! Today I'm excited to share an Audiobook tour stop for Of Love and Forge by Carly Spade (@authorcarlyspade)! A cyberpunk fantasy Hephaestus x Aphrodite romance with dual POV (narrated by Thomas Locklear & Stella Bloom) that defies myth but answers true love’s call. Of Love and Forge's Audiobook is available now on Audible! Read more about this Beyond a Contemporary Mythos novel in the comments below or in my stories & don't forget to add it to your TBR! *** INTL TOUR-WIDE GIVEAWAY Two readers will win an Of Love and Forge Audible code (US or UK) HOW TO ENTER - Like & leave a comment - Follow me @booknotes_athina, @authorcarlyspade & @mtmctours EXTRA ENTRIES - Tag friends in different comments! - Share to your stories tagging @authorcarlyspade & @mtmctours to count your entry - Visit #OfLoveandForgeAudioMTMC from March 13th to March 19th for more beautiful tour stops! Ends on March 22nd. Must be 18+ or have parental permission to enter. Results announced on MTMC Tours'account. (Not affiliated/endorsed by Instagram) *** #carlyspade #ofloveandforge #mtmctours #fantasyreader #fantasybook #bookaddict #bookcommunity #readingismagic #bookblogger #bookreviewer #greekbookstagram #instavivlio #vivlio #diavazo #eucitesc #mybookfeatures #over30sbookstagram #bookstamums #booknotes_athina (at Sitia , Crête) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp25G3driV_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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momolady · 3 years
Sheba the Werewolf
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We take a short, sweet trip back to Hearthway Hollow. Someone new has moved in.
Female Reader x Female Monster (both cis)
It’s pouring rain as you drive, and somehow you know you’ve made a wrong turn. Not too long ago, you passed over a picturesque bridge, which you remember because you made a mental note to return to take a better look. But when you turned around to head back, the bridge was covered by the overflow of the river.
“Oh, boy.” You sit in your car and stare out the windshield, trying to think of what to do. Your eyes wander over a nearby sign: ‘Hearthway Forest Nature Reserve, 5 Miles’. You decide to drive that way to find somewhere dry to shelter, and more town signs appear on the roadside as you go. How serendipitous, you think. Maybe you can hang out at a cafe until the rain ends.
You park and slip on your hoodie, then put your laptop case inside close to your chest. You should have packed your umbrella before you left, but you didn’t listen to your better judgement. You rush through the rain to the cafe. It’s quiet inside, with only a few people seated at the tables, and even the staff seems to be waiting out this rainstorm.
You’re looking over the menu hanging above you just as someone else comes into the cafe. “Excuse me.” She has a gruff voice but when you look at her she has the most beautiful eyes you’ve ever seen. She walks around you to the counter, where she plucks up a paper bag. You notice her leather jacket is dripping wet, as are parts of her hair. “You’re not going back out in that, are you, Sheba?” someone behind the counter asks.
“The Locklear Bridge is out, so I can’t exactly go home at the moment,” the woman scoffs. “I’ll probably have to shack up at the motel tonight.”
You screw up your courage. “Excuse me, but could you tell me where the motel is? I’m afraid I’m stuck here for the night, too.”
Sheba turns and looks down at you, beautiful eyes sharp, stance stiff and defensive. “You go across the street.” She points out the window. “Then you make a left turn down Deep Holler road. Once you come to the end of it, you make a right, and it’s there.”
“Across, left, right,” you murmur. “Thank you!”
A slight smile appears on Sheba’s face. “Not from here, are you?”
You shake your head. “I think I crossed that Locklear Bridge you were talking about. I got turned around on my way to Asheville and ended up here.”
Sheba suppresses a smug look. “You really did get turned around. Asheville is about an hour back that way.”
Your jaw drops as you look at her. “That’s what I get for using the Post-It Note system!” You stomp your foot. “I can’t afford a smartphone. Really, I still have a flip phone! So I lay out sticky notes along my dashboard with directions and…”
Sheba tries to keep from outright laughing at you. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to laugh.” She combs her fingers through her long, dark hair, sweeping it away from her face. “I don’t even have a phone myself. I’ve just never heard of a Post-It Note system.”
You blush from embarrassment, but also because Sheba is so pretty. She’s so tall and fit, she would actually look pretty scary if you weren’t in such a cute cafe. “I’ve used it since high school, but thank you for the directions. Once it stops raining, I’ll try to get back to Asheville.”
“It usually rains for a few days in a row here,” Sheba warns. “You could get stuck for a few days.”
“Oh.” You begin to deflate..
“It’s a cool town, though. You might like it here.” Sheba walks by you to the door, and when she exits you can see her heading for a motorcycle parked outside.
You stay at the cafe for a bit, long enough to enjoy a warm drink and a particularly fancy sandwich. After that, you go to the motel and reserve a room. As you unlock the room’s door, the next one over opens, and Sheba walks out with an ice bucket in her hand. “You again,” she says with a smile.
“Hi,” you say shyly.
Sheba looks you over. “Guess my directions worked, then?”
“Better than my usual system.” You shrug then fidget with your hair. “So, you live here?” You ask.
“Kind of,” Sheba sighs. “I help part-time at the garage here, repairing motorcycles. But when I’m not here, I live a little further out of town. What about you?”
Your heart sputters. What about you? You swallow and try to sort your thoughts. “I’m doing research for a book I’m writing. I was also going to meet with a doctor for my daughter.”
Sheba raises her eyebrows. “Really?”
You don’t know why you feel like opening up to her. You’ve been on the road for a while now, and you really wanted to talk to someone. You nod. “She’s two, and… It’s a long story, but her current pediatrician says she’s showing signs of autism. There’s a doctor in Asheville she highly recommended so…” You stop, wondering if you’ve unloaded too much.
“I get it,” Sheba says with a soft smile. “If the doctor works out, then you’ll be moving down here, right?”
“Yeah. It’s closer to her grandparents, too.”
Sheba nods. “And that’s why all you can afford is the flip phone?”
“You’re really good at this,” you laugh.
“Nah,” she shrugs. “I’ve just seen all sorts in my life. But you know, maybe it’s fate you ended up here in Hearthway Hollow. It’s a pretty good place to raise a kid. Good schools, good neighborhood. And it isn’t as expensive as Asheville can get when it comes to housing.”
You feel almost goofy around Sheba. She’s so pretty, and her dark hair and skin look so perfectly soft. You’ve always had a hard time talking to beautiful women, but somehow it’s a little easier with Sheba, even if you’ve only just met. “Maybe you can show me around?” Your voice cracks.
Sheba’s eyes widen. “You sure about that?”
“No.” You stiffen. “It’s just a saying.”
She grins and starts to chuckle. “Maybe.” She starts to walk away. “Get some rest, Post-It Note girl.” She lifts the ice bucket above her head to wave it.
You step into your room and rub your face, trying to rid yourself of the embarrassment. Then you call Harmony, your daughter, and talk with her for a bit. After a shower, you nestle into bed and take out your laptop to do a search on Hearthway Hollow. You see some good things, and the pictures of the town make it seem so calendar-ready. Then you find a website called the Spoopy Report, which has dozens of articles about monsters - specifically werewolves - in Hearthway Hollow. You have a laugh and decide to go to bed.
In the morning, it’s still raining. You exit your room, hoping to find a good place to get breakfast, and as you zip up your hoodie Sheba comes out of her room as well. You look at each other. Sheba has something in her hand, which she tucks behind her back. “Where’s a good breakfast place?” you ask, a little breathless.
“I was just headed that way myself,” Sheba says with a smirk. “The diner is down the way from here.”
“Would you like a ride, then? I mean, if we’re going to the same place.”
Sheba’s cheeks darken. “You don’t have to.”
“It’s okay. I don’t mind.” Your stomach is doing flips.
Sheba bites her lip, then sighs. “Okay. It’s still raining anyway.”
She follows you down to your car, taking the passenger seat, which you quickly scoop garbage out of. “Sorry about that.” You toss everything into the back seat and start up the car, and Sheba looks out her window. “Just tell me where to go.”
“Make a right out of the parking lot and it’s straight ahead.” She’s still fidgeting with the thing in her hand, which she’s trying to put into her jacket pocket. You’re quiet, unsure how to talk to her. Once at the diner, you get seated together at a small booth near the window. You look out the window and across the street to a wall of huge trees.
“You know…” you start. “I saw something online last night while I was researching this town.”
Sheba rolls her eyes. “Is it the werewolf thing?”
“Yeah,” you giggle. “I thought it was so funny. Is it because of the wolf reserve or something?”
“Those paranormal investigator types have been going off about that for years. Ages ago, this photo started popping up everywhere. It looked like a giant wolf walking around on two legs. Ever since there have been rumors about the Hearthway Hollow werewolves everywhere. To be fair, it’s drummed up a lot of tourism, which has helped the town grow quite a bit.”
“Did you grow up here?” you ask.
Sheba shrugs. “Kind of. Wound up here as a shitty little kid, and I sort of got roped into the Locklear family.”
“Like the bridge?”
Her smile grows. “Yeah. They’re a big family here, really amazing people. But even around them, I’ve always been a loner.”
“What a line,” you giggle.
Sheba arches a brow and smirks. “I’m trouble, too,” she says teasingly. “You may wanna be careful around me, I’ve been known to charm the pants off a few women.”
Your cheeks burn. “You wouldn’t have to work too hard with me, I’m afraid. I’m a sucker for a pretty face!” You stop, mortified.
The smile that spreads across Sheba’s face is dangerous; a mix of seduction and coyness. She reaches into her pocket and lays a smartphone down on the table. “I remembered I had this. A friend at work gave it to me, but I’m not good with technology so it just sat in my saddlebag. I thought you could use it better than me.”
“I can’t take that! That’s a really expensive phone.”
“And?” Sheba shrugs. “To me it’s useless. For you it’s a chance to escape the horror of post-it notes.” Her smile returns. “Not only that you could do that fancy video call stuff with your kid.”
Your heart is pounding rapidly. “Then let me buy breakfast! It’s the least I can do.”
Sheba tilts her head to the side. “You don’t need to do anything. I’m actually glad to be rid of it. Just seeing you happy about it does my cold heart a world of good.”
You wind up spending the day with Sheba, and the rain lets up just enough that she can show you some of the sights. Once it starts pouring again, you go to the grocery store. Sheba buys beer and snacks, and you buy a few things as well. Then you return to the motel and hang out, watching bad TV while snacking and enjoying the beer. You also get the phone set up and switched to your account. “You sure you don’t want this?” you ask Sheba again.
“I told you, I’m not used to tech and shit. I’m good with motors and wrenches, not buttons and screens.” She looks back to the TV. “It suits you better than me.”
“That’s very sweet. Thank you.”
The next day, you drive to Asheville and meet with the doctor, who is wonderful. You set up future appointments for Harmony, then head back to Hearthway Hollow to look for places to move to within the next couple of months. Sheba ends up being a big help, and helps you find an apartment close to the school and park. A month later, when you pull up with your truck full of boxes, Sheba is there to help you unload. One evening, as you sit in your half-empty apartment, Sheba arrives with takeout. “You’ve been such an angel through all this.” you say as you stretch out on the floor, full and exhausted. “How can I ever repay you?”
Sheba leans over you, one hand beside your head while she looks down at you. Your heart is long gone, having raced out your chest the moment Sheba came close. You close your eyes instinctively, and then you feel her soft lips press against yours. You reach up to run your fingers through her thick hair, then cup your palms around her face. Sheba pulls away reluctantly. “I don’t mean to make you think I want you to repay me with…”
“Be quiet and do it again.” You close the gap between you, but Sheba pulls away again, holding your shoulders firmly. “Wait,” she breathes. “There’s something else I need to tell you before… well, before anything.” She stands up and moves away from you.
“What’s wrong?” You fear it’s something to do with you. Maybe she doesn’t want to date somebody with a kid? She said she was a loner, and being saddled with a child could complicate dating.
Sheba takes a deep breath. “It’s so weird to talk about.” She looks over at you. “Remember when you first looked up Hearthway Hollow and you found those… the werewolf stories?”
You nod. “Yeah.”
Sheba frowns. “It’s hard to explain, let alone make it sound like I’m not trying to pull a prank.” She looks at you, half-guilty and half-afraid. “It’s more than that. It’s a lot more. I just…” She looks frustrated.
You stand up and try to approach her. “Is it something bad?”
She shakes her head. “No. Not really. I mean, it depends on how you feel about…” She hesitates and looks away again. “Do you scare easily?”
You touch her face, smoothing your palm across her skin. Your heartbeat has returned, pounding hard inside your ears. Your mind races with fright, but only because you could lose Sheba. The past two months, you’ve relied so much on her kindness. Without her you wouldn’t have discovered this town, found your new home. She’s been so wonderful it’s hard to imagine being here without her. You move your hand away. “Are you suggesting that werewolves are real?”
Sheba nods in silence.
You’re not sure how to take this. “And you’re one of them?”
Sheba nods again. “I know this sounds insane, but I can show you. I can prove it. But I don’t want to scare you away.” Her voice trembles. “The moment I met you in the cafe, I knew. It scared me. But you kept appearing next to me. You kept coming here, and…” Tears well up in her eyes. “I don’t want to lose you.”
You take a moment to breathe and think through this. “If you’re lying to me or trying to scare me, I won’t find it funny. I won’t like you for it. But if you’re honest, then that’s enough.”
Sheba steps back, removing her jacket and her shirt. She takes off her bra, keeping her muscled arm over her chest. Her hair looks wilder, then her eyes. Your eyes nearly bulge from your head as you watch her shift. Sheba bends over, bones popping and cracking. It sounds painful, but she makes no noises of effort or pain. You stand frozen, unsure if you should run or wait for her to look at you again. Silence descends, and the long, furred shape before you is still. She raises her eyes and looks at you, expecting you to run, but she doesn’t move.
“It’s a good thing Harmony likes dogs,” you whisper.
Sheba trembles.
“It’s okay.” You move to her side, touching her fur and holding her face between your hands. “Isn’t it?”
“I hope so,” she says softly, in an all-too-human voice. “You’re not afraid?”
You shake your head and smile. “I’m in disbelief. Half of me thinks I’m dreaming.”
Sheba nuzzles against your cheek. “Me too.” Gradually, she opens up and tells you the history of Hearthway Hollow, how the town shelters its population of werewolves and establishes traditions for them. “It was hard doing the courtship ritual. The best I could do was give you the phone, then help you find a place. I couldn’t do the whole thing.” she says shyly.
“I think you did great,” you say brightly. “You did more for me than I ever could have expected. I was just a stranger when we met.”
Sheba leans in close, placing her palm on your face and gently smoothing her fingertips across your skin. “But I knew right away who you were. And for me, that meant the world.” Her smile brightens and her muzzle wrinkles. “I wanted to do everything I possibly could to show you I was worthy.”
You lean in, kissing her and feeling her fur against your cheek. Sheba soon has her hands under your clothes, pulling at them and reaching up under your sports bra. You whimper against her cheek, hugging her close so she can feel more. “Is this okay?” Sheba whispers.
You nod shakily. “Please. It’s been a long time. Just be easy on me.”
Sheba lays you out, tugging down your leggings and kissing your bare belly. Her beautiful eyes flick up to you, watching you as her kisses move lower. You’re so excited by this vision, this beauty before you, that your legs open easily for Sheba. Her strong paws massaged into your hips, your thighs. She glances lower and licks her chops. “How lovely.”
You can’t help but giggle. “Oh, hush.”
“Okay, I will.” Sheba moves in, her long tongue pressing against you. You hold your breath, leaning all the way back on the bed, and shut your eyes tight as Sheba’s touch becomes more intense, causing your fluids to seep onto her tongue. Sheba moans hungrily, and you reach down and bunch your fist in the fur at the top of her head, making her ears flick. Finally opening your eyes, you look down and see her gazing back up at you. You moan, letting her hear your voice, and Sheba moans in return, planting her tongue deep inside you.
When your legs begin to shudder Sheba pulls away, licking her lips and panting. “One second.” She takes your leg and drapes it over her shoulder, then dives back in, her tongue slipping back inside while a finger thrums against your clit. You cry out in surprise and bite your lip to keep from being too loud. Sheba looks up at you, her finger moving in slow, even circles. You squeeze internally, feeling her tongue pressing upwards inside you.
“Sheba,” you pant.
Her eyes are hungry. She changes the motions of her finger again, and in a split second you throw yourself back on the bed, pulling her thick fur and whining at the heat coursing through your body.
Sheba rises, licking her chops again with a smug smile on her face. “Good girl,” she rasps. “Did you enjoy that?”
Your face is red and your body is hot all over. Everything feels so cold against your skin, except for Sheba. She feels equally as hot as you. You smile as you look at her, unable to talk just yet but eager to reciprocate. Sheba lies down beside you, curling up against your side, and you run your hand down her body and curl it between her thighs, finding her wet and hot. You burrow your fingers deeper until she moans into your ear. “Oh, wow,” you groan back. “You’re so wet.”
“Can you blame me?” she grunts. “You tasted so good.”
You move your fingers inside her, feeling her inner walls clamp around you. “I should repay the favor.”
Sheba shakes her head. “Stay here.” She cups your breast. “Like this, where I can see you.” She kisses you, sighing against your lips as your fingers glide over her clit. Her hips jerk and she moans against your skin.
“You have a nice clit, too.” You move your fingers in slow circles. “It’s so responsive.”
Sheba grits her teeth and throws her head back. “Been a while for me, too.”
You kiss Sheba, rolling her onto her back so you can climb on top. You press kisses to her neck and chest as you rub her clit faster, and her hips buck upwards, meeting your hand eagerly. “Harder,” she pants. “Harder!”
You do as she commands, watching her face as you feel her loins tremble. She snarls and bucks, then jerks harshly away from you, turning her head to bury it in the pillow. Her breaths are hard and heavy. You kiss down her body until you’re between her thighs and lick her clean, feeling her buck and shudder. “Enough,” Sheba mewls weakly. “You’ll make my heart explode.”
You give her folds one last kiss, then fall into her arms where she crushes you, kissing you over and over until you both fall into a deep sleep.
In the morning, you wake up alone. You begin to panic when you receive a phone call from Harmony and your mother, who will be coming that afternoon with more stuff to move in. You get up to run to the window, but as you do Sheba comes through the door. She smiles and lifts a carton of coffee and a bag from the diner. You smile with relief, listening to your mother brag about how good Harmony was about packing her things. You kiss Sheba on the cheek, then take your coffee as she starts to set breakfast up.
“I can’t wait to see you today. You’re going to love it here,” You tell Harmony, then beam up at Sheba. “There’s someone really special I want you to meet. I know you’ll be best friends.”
You wrap your arms around Sheba and fall back into bed with her. Her kisses are soft, with a hungry edge. Sometimes she bites your lip, or her fingers dig into you a little hard. You like it, though, and you like her more than that. The food smells so good that your stomach grumbles in impatient hunger. “Maybe we should get you fed before we try to do anything else today,” Sheba laughs. She helps you up and points you to the table.
“You know, I think I have a new idea for a book,” you tell her.
“Really?” Sheba kisses your cheek and temple. “What about?”
“Something about werewolves. Maybe something romantic.”
Sheba opens the styrofoam takeout box and sighs in pleasure at the fragrant steam wafts up. “A bit predictable, don’t you think?”
“Maybe,” you giggle. “But I think I’m already attached to the idea.”
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reptilerach · 7 years
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A little something that can be found at the very end of my great friend @aquaticember06‘s Chapter 5 of her original Undertale fanfiction, “Undertones”! If you haven’t checked it out yet, please read from the first chapter. It is so well written: the word choice, the imagery, the length- everything. So please, go support this writer, and if you’d like, follow me for more Undertale/Sans x Frisk art to come! 
(ew, just checked to see how the resolution was; click to read better >///<)
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monstersmutpeddler · 2 years
Heatherway Hollow Volume 02
By: Momo Lady
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Monster Scale
Level 02: Mostly Human But Minor Differences 
Most of them are werewolves, and also have knots. Most sexy times take place with them transformed. 
My Overall Rating For The Book
“I Bought The Book/Series And Want Them Signed Please Holy Shit”
I prefer Volume 02 over Volume 01, it has more of my personal favorites not just Big Billy. It’s a lot longer.
Now I’m basically going to copy and paste what I mentioned in the last post: 
I’d love to have physical copies of these collections, they are so sweet. 
Literally the only gripe I have with them is that if these were an actual physical book, I think it’d be great to have a reader go in to spot for spelling mistakes and makes sure the fonts are consistent sizes. The formatting is a bit off.
These stories are 10/10s, they are so much fun. I’d love to see a full length novella or book in Heatherway Hollow.
Overly Simplified Summary
This is a collection of short stories by Momo Lady (most of which I think are commissions?) that takes place in the town of Heatherway Hollow, a small town that’s populated by werewolves and humans. When a werewolf finds their true mate, they do a courting ritual to win their mates hearts. Each story is contained in a chapter and is around 3,000 words, so these are very quick reads. 
If you want a bunch of short and sweet werewolf smut, this is the series for you! Everything is available online for free on Momo Lady’s tumblr, but you can buy collections like this on her ko-fi.  
Keep reading for ‘This Book Has Everything’, possible Trigger Warnings, and quick thoughts on every short in the book!
This Book Series Has Everything
[x] Touch them and I’ll kill you vibes
[x] Big buff love interest 
[x] Soul mates or fated mates
[x] Love interest and/or main character is hiding something 
For some of the stories they are hiding the fact that they are werewolves. Which, to be fair, that can be a hard thing to drop on someone who thinks they’re fake. 
[x] Smut first plot second
[x] Second chance relationship
[x] Main character gets chased in the woods by the love interest at some point
[x] Straight 
[x] M/M
[x] F/F
The Locklears
[x] Reverse Harem or Poly
[x] Dude got an interesting dick
We’ve got knots.
[x] Love interest has to fight hard to win the love interests heart
[x] Kinky af sex
Bondage in Jaspers story
[x] Holiday season vibes
[x] Love interest is an absolute cinnamon roll  
[x] Lead or love interest has a disability
Delaynie’s story has a leading lady with schizophrenia. 
Akashi is mute (maybe deaf, too not 100% sure) and uses sign language, and Issac as Anosmia
[x] Happy Ending Guaranteed
[x] Super scary/dangerous but very gentle and sweet with the one they love
[x] The lady is the monster
Here’s a link/buy the book!
Trigger Warnings
Quick Thoughts For The Shorts
01: The Locklears
- This is basically the story about how Heatherway Hollow was formed and I love it, 10/10.
02: Big Billy
- I fucking love Big Billy’s story. What a fucking champion. 10/10 probably my favorite short story.
- We also get to learn about feral werwolves here. 
03: Arsene
- Sexy werewolf firefighter!
- God this ones also a 10/10 for me too. Arsene give Big Billy a run for his money. 
04: Rudolph
- Also an asexual leading lady AND love interest. 
05: Jasper
- Ginger the chicken is lokey the best character. Also the ‘Oh no. Jaspers hot.’ fucking killed me. 
- A good one if you want a big strong man that likes being tied up and being a bottom on occasion.
- Interesting that monster hunters are also in this!
06: Delyanie
- Big Billy’s younger brother!
- We get to see how his story starts, then we cut to the leading lady Lenore’s perspective. Lenore has anxiety and schizophrenia. 
07: Ivan
- Protagonist is trans woman!
08: Rohit
- This is the first feral wolf we find out in the woods.
09: Akashi & Isaac
- We’ve got a Poly book! These two were rivals and ended up falling for each other while courting the leading lady. Super sweet. 
10: Dominic
- Remi is also a 10/10 character. A good goat. 
- Dominic is such an adorable shy dork. 
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swiss-cheeze · 5 years
Cheater Cheater Pumpkin Eater || Tommy Lee x reader
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Warnings: uhh, cheating, sexual things I guess, normal Mötley shit
Part 2: https://snitchthewitch.tumblr.com/post/185406896095/cheater-cheater-pumpkin-eater-part-2-tommy
Being on the road with Mötley Crüe was always a new experience, but in Tommy’s case; having a girl suck of your dick while your girlfriend is on the other line of the phone is not new. Sadly, that girl on the other side of the line was you, innocent and unknowing.
“Babe? You sound out of breath” you asked concerned.
“I-I just got done with a seat baby cakes it’s all good” Tommy replied as he bit his lip to conceal a moan as the girl went down on his lower half.
“Ah! Was it fun?” you asked with a grin, shifting in your seat to get more comfortable.
“Y-yeah it was great baby” Tommy covered the mouth piece of the phone as he got closer to his end, “look princess I have to go, I’ll make sure to call you later though okay?”
“Yeah! Can tell me all about it then” you said with a smile, “I love you Tommy. Be safe”
“Love ya too babe” Tommy said before hanging up, letting out a low moan and reaching his peak in the girls mouth (of which he doesn’t even know her name).
“Tommy, you do remember you have a girlfriend at home right?” Vince said to Tommy as they were setting up for a set. Tommy had told Nikki how great it was to have Heather around and that he was truly in love with her when the pair sat at the edge of the stage alongside Mick and Vince had picked up the conversation after saying goodbye to Skyler.
“Huh? Oh yeah! I was meant to call her last night…” Tommy replied, his mind wandering back to you. It had been a whole week since your last phone call, and a few months since he got his dick sucked with you on the other line. Things may have been starting to get out of hand with all this girlfriend stuff, “but…I mean, if she doesn’t know she’s fine right?” Tommy asked looking to the others. Nikki looked away while slurping his drink, Mick gave Tommy a ‘you know the fucking answer douchebag’ look while Vince just raised his eyebrow.
“Look drummer, its either you tell both of them or we’ll do it ourselves” Mick replied as circled a hand in motion to Nikki, himself and Vince.
“Nah count me out man, I don’t like it when girls are angry, and that’s some scary shit man” Nikki said quickly.
“Fine, me and Vince will tell both Heather and (Y/n)” Mick said. Tommy looked between Mick and Vince who both nodded in confirmation and sighed.
“Fine! I’ll…I’ll figure out something” the drummer responded as Vince got onto the stage and started talking with Doc.
Walking home from the nearby shops a news article caught your eye.
‘Mötley Crüe drummer recently found linked with infamous Heather Locklear; see more, page 18 & 19’
Being the ever intrigued you picked up the paper and swiftly glided to page 18 and 19, finding exactly what you didn’t want. Blurry and pixelated photos of Tommy and Heather at a bar, him kissing her, their arms and hands linked while they try to cover their faces with their hands so as to not get caught. Tears brimmed your eyes as you continued reading.
‘Both Lee and Locklear refuse to tell if they are together but by the photos above people speculate they are. How Lee’s current girlfriend (Y/n) (L/n) will react, one can only guess.’
“Ma’am would you like to buy that paper?” the news agency clerk asked, your head shot up to look at the clerk and you coughed to clear your throat as you put the paper back where it originally was from.
“Um, no, no thank you I’m alright” you said with a strained smile. The clerk nodded.
“Shame that” they said pointing to the paper, “he seemed to have a nice relationship with that (L/n) girl, I think they were together for a few years”
“Um, I believe it was four years actually” you said, “funny, I think today was their anniversary” you mumbled. The clerk nodded.
“Yeah…shame” they said, then walked off to the chip isle. You started your trek home.
A few days have passed since the newspaper incident and Tommy hadn’t bothered to call. The tour had finally finished and the boys had been let go to do what they will until the next album, it was now that Tommy finally called.
“Hey baby!” Tommy yelled happily into the phone.
“Hey Tom” (Y/n) said weakly into the phone.
“You okay babe you sound sick?” Tommy asked concerned.
“Yeah. Just tired” (Y/n) mumbled, “What’s up Tom”
“Oh yeah. Nikki wanted to visit the Sunset Strip on the way home so I’m gonna be late getting to yours” Tommy said, he snickered behind the receiver hoping his lie was good enough, in truth Tommy was going to surprise his girl by coming home the next day instead of the next week.
“Alright Tom, have fun. Don’t get into too much shit okay?” (Y/n) asked numbly, she licked her dry lips as she took a drag of the cigarette in her other hand.
“Yeah I promise babe its okay” Tommy answered. Heather came in from the back room and started dragging Tommy away, whispering dirty things into his ear and palming him through his leather pants, “s-shit. I gotta go (Y/n) I’ll call you when I’m coming to yours!” Tommy hung up the receiver and pushed Heather against the wall.
“See-“ (Y/n) got cut off by the long monotone sound of the line going dead. The girl sighed as she placed the phone back in its rightful place and went to cleaning the house. Since the newspaper moment more and more photos have ended up on the front page of Tommy and Heather as well as the rest of the boys.
Tommy opened the door to his and (Y/n)’s shared apartment, “BABE?” the drummer yelled through the house, “GUESS WHOS BAAACCCKKK”
“I can hear you Tommy” (Y/n) called from the kitchen. Tommy walked in and smiled.
“Something smells good” the drummer said, the boy clapped his hands together as he walked over to (Y/n) and wrapped his arms around the girl, kissing her cheek softly.
“It’s just spaghetti” (Y/n) said calmly, those hands have touched her and he touches me without the bat of an eye, the girl thought to herself, his lips have trailed her body the same moment they have mine and he still comes home to kiss me.
“Anything you cook smells good” Tommy said with a smile. (Y/n) let a tear slip through, “whoa babe what’s wrong?” the drummer asked concerned, the girl only sniffed before wiping her eyes.
“I’m tied up between saying ‘nothing’, and saying, ‘you’ right now Tommy” (Y/n) said through gritted teeth.
“What? Why me what did I do?” Tommy asked going straight to a defence.
“Everything Tommy!” (Y/n) finally turned to look at the drummer, “I just can’t seem to wrap my head around the fact that you held my hand with yours while holding hers on the other. I can’t believe you could whisper the same lullabies you sang to me to her ears while I lay in my bed sleepless. I can’t believe that while my heart was breaking, you were fixing hers” (Y/n) said through her tears, Tommy looked like a gaping fish.
“’Her’? Baby who’s ‘her’?” Tommy asked faking innocence.
“Oh don’t you play dumb with me you twat!” (Y/n) said, the girl held a wooden spoon and pointed it to Tommy.
“You found out didn’t you…?” Tommy asked defeated, he knew this wouldn’t end well, it was easier to give up and let go now than later.
“YES I BLOODY WELL FOUND OUT AS WELL AS THE REST OF THE GODDAMN WORLD” (Y/n) yelled, “tabloids with your name and photo on it! Newspapers with your print! The telly! EVERYONE FOUND OUT” (Y/n) let her tears fall, “and not one person actually came here or came up to me when I was out to give some sort of condolences! I was a ghost Tommy, A GHOST”
“B-babe please-“ Tommy started before (Y/n) cut him off.
“DON’T USE THAT NICKNAME FOR ME WHEN IT HAS ALREADY COME OUT FOR HER” (Y/n) yelled, the girl sniffed and her lip trembled, “just save all your excuses for someone that actually cares and answer my one last question: did you ever consider the fact that while you were with her, I was at home worrying that I had not loved you enough?” (Y/n) asked softly, the girl looked to Tommy with the most broken heart and shell and Tommy had never hated himself more. The drummer didn’t answer as he knew both himself and (Y/n) knew what the answer was, “that’s what I thought” (Y/n) put the spoon back in the pot of spaghetti sauce and turned off the heat as she headed for the front door.
“(Y/n) please I’m sorry!” Tommy tried to call out and follow the girl, he gripped her wrist and tried to turn her around; the only thing he got out of that was a harsh blow to his cheek and a cold, harsh hug from the ground.
“Don’t lie to me! You aren’t sorry, and if you were, you wouldn’t have done it” (Y/n) yelled, the girl gripped the door, picked up a ready-made bag from the table and walked out. Tommy hissed from the sting of the slap but laid down on his back staring at the ceiling, I just lost the one thing I loved more than anything, Tommy thought.
The phone rung three times before Vince finally picked up the receiver.
“Hello this is Vince” the singer answered.
“H-he came home, tried to deny it a-and I left” (Y/n) answered. (Y/n) lent against the pay phone she standing at, tears streamed down her as she tried to cover her sobs with her hand.
“Oh darl” Vince sighed softly, “come over and you can stay here” he said softly, “alright? I’ll send someone over in fact, I don’t want you walking in the dark like this. Where are you?” Vince asked, the singer really care for (Y/n), the pair had been childhood friends and anything that happened to one; the other was sure to be there in a tick. Choose-both-or-get-none type of friendship. (Y/n) told Vince her location and the singer quickly sent out a car to fetch the girl.
In no time at all, (Y/n) was already held in Vince’s arms as the girl sobbed into his shirt as M*A*S*H* played in the background.
“H-he didn’t e-even care!” (Y/n) sobbed.
“I know princess I know” Vince cooed softly, “we tried to stop him but he kept denying us” the singer mumbled.
“Y-you guys knew…?” (Y/n) asked, she sat up properly and looked at Vince with a confused gaze.
“We…shit” the singer mumbled, “yeah, we all knew. We told him that if he didn’t do it soon that we would, he kept telling us he would do it but we were so knocked up and stupid that we believed him. I wanted to tell you sweetheart I truly did” Vince finished, the singer himself had tears in his eyes too. (Y/n) looked to Vince and sniffled before wrapped her arms around him and burying her head into his chest again; Vince chuckled softly as he laid down on the couch and held the girl tightly, he played with her hair and rubbed her back before kissing her head, “just rest babe, you’ll be better in the morning” the girl snuggled closer making Vince smile, “you don’t have to do today again. It’s okay”
“Thank you Vinnie” (Y/n) mumbled softly, Vince smiled at the nickname before the pair dozed off together.
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“A Chance for Happiness Part 2 (Meet & Greet)
Summary: Bucky and Y/N attended classes on children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. Also, in depth interviews.
Characters: Bucky Barnes x Wife (Reader) OFC: Haylee Marie, Kaylee Mariah, Attorney Alexander McDowd, Pepper, Tony, Steve, Nat, Wanda, Representatives from New York Department of Family & Children Services, Foster Care counselors, and Foster Care administrator.
Word Count. 1,558
Warnings: Extreme verbiage describing torture.
A/N: My submission to Taw’s 4k Writing Challenge, is now a series. I appreciate your comments about Part 1. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is a subject near and dear to my heart. I know first-hand the damage it can do to a baby or child. The twins are 5 years old; on the growth spectrum, they’re on a 2 ½ year old toddler. Their speech pattern is severely underdeveloped.
Bucky and Y/N attended 6 months of rigorous classes on children with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.  Some days, Y/N cried, balled in the fetal position in bed. The ache from the day’s session weighed heavy on her mind.
Visitation day arrived. Haylee and Kaylee, 5 year old twins, born with FAS, experienced learning disabilities, speech impediment, and occasional soiling themselves.  The Foster Home administrator recommended Pull-Ups.
Bucky and Y/N introduced themselves to Haylee Marie and Kaylee Mariah. Bright charcoal grey irises, brunette pigtails and sparkling smiles, played by themselves. Mr. Carter explained with their underdeveloped speech, some of the kids were mean.
Munching on apples, carrots, and ranch dip, the twins played with balding dolls.
“Girls, this is Mr. and Mrs. Barnes. Can you say hello and introduce yourselves?”
Haylee’s smile reached her beautiful eyes. “I Hayee; dat Kayee.” Kaylee handed a piece of apple to Y/N. “Wonee shum abble?” “No thank you.”
“We pway doyee. Wone pway?” Y/N crossed her legs Indian style on the floor. “I’d love to play with you.”
Kaylee handed Y/N an almost bald doll and a comb. “You want me to comb her hair?” Kaylee nodded and smiled. Bucky watched as Y/N interacted.
“Hey can I play dolly too?” Haylee shook her head no. “U tan’t pway. U not we.” “Oh, I can’t play because I’m a man?” “Uh huh.” “Sorry, Buck. It’s just us girls.”
Haylee touched Y/N’s face, “Pwetty.” “Thank you sweetie. You’re pretty too.” Not to be left out, Kaylee asked Y/N,  “Me pwetty?” Bucky replied, “You’re a Princess Kaylee.”
Struggling to say Princess, Kaylee became frustrated.“Pwin-pwin tain’t shay it.” Y/N sounded the word slowly for her “Princess.” “Pwincesh?” “Very good.”
After an hour, Bucky and Y/N’s visitation ended. Haylee and Kaylee clung to their legs. “Wonna doe you. Wonna doe you!!!! Pwease???” The sound of the girls screams caused Y/N to break down.
“Tell you what. Would you like new dolls?” Y/N waited for approval. Mr. Carter nodded. Sniffling and hiccuping, the twins stopped crying.
“Okay. Then we’ll bring back new dollies.” “‘Tay. She yah.”
Bucky scooped the girls in his arms, kissing the top of their heads. “See you later angels.”
Haylee and Kaylee watched until Bucky and Y/N were out of sight.
“Bucky, they need us; we need them.” “I agree Doll. Time for action”“I agree. Love you.” “Woman, I love you too.”
After their first visit, Tony’s knowledgeable attorney, Alexander McDowd, began the adoption process. First, interviews with Department of Family and Children Services representative, Foster Home counselor, and the Foster Home administrator.
Bucky met with Elizabeth Thompson, DFACS caseworker, Marilyn Ward, Foster Care counselor, and Jamieson Carter, Helen Bradley Foster Care Home.
Ms. Ward: Mr. Barnes, it’s a pleasure to meet you.
Bucky: The pleasure is all mine, ma’am.
Ms. Ward: I understand you’re interested in adopting two kids.
Bucky: Yes ma’am. My wife and I hope to adopt siblings.
Ms. Thompson: Let’s address the elephant in the room. Your past is rather “complicated.”
Bucky: No disrespect, the trigger words were removed in Wakanda; Hydra is my past. I’d never put my  family in jeopardy.
Mr. Carter: IF you were to become a parent, what kind of home would you provide for them? The girls must sleep in the same room.
Bucky: My wife and I purchased a home near the Avengers compound. The kids would share a bedroom suite. Also, there’s a top of the line security system installed.
Ms. Thompson: Do you anticipate danger, Mr. Barnes?
Bucky: No ma’am. My family’s safety comes first.
Mr. Carter: The children in question were severely affected by alcohol. Their mother drank throughout pregnancy.
Bucky: I can’t begin to know what those angels went through. I’ve seen photos  and we discussed mental and physical issues.
Ms Thompson: The State issues a one time stipend to assist with  the children’s need.
Bucky: Ma’am, my wife and I are financially stable. We wouldn’t need that stipend.
Ms. Ward: Thank you, Mr Barnes. I will consult with my superiors, as well as Ms. Thompson and Mr. Carter. The judge will present our findings at the hearing.
Bucky: Thank you. Have a good day.
Across the hall, Y/N was questioned by Jared Locklear and Morris Griffin, hard ass representatives from New York Division of Family and Children Services.
Mr. Griffin: Have a seat Mrs. Barnes.
Y/N: Thank you.
Mr. Locklear: I see you were a member of Hydra. Do you still have dealings with them? Aren’t they Nazi’s?
Y/N: Mr Locklear, I was never a member. They kidnapped me as a teenager by force.
Mr. Griffin: So am I to understand you’re “enhanced?”
Y/N: The serum Hydra injected modified my strength and healing ability.
Mr. Locklear: What if one of the children annoyed you? Can you assure us you won’t hurt he/she?
Y/N: Sir, without doubt I’d never harm the children.
Mr. Griffin: How can you be so sure?
Y/N: Sir, for 20 years I was tortured, beat, injected repeatedly with whatever Hydra concocted; I was their test dummy. When the doctors deemed me no longer useful, one of their minions dragged me kicking and screaming to a cryo chamber.  Trust me when I tell you, patience is my strong suit. James endured 70 years. We understand the children’s plight, sir.
Mr. Locklear wiped his brow. Mrs. Barnes, I’m extremely sorry that happened to you.
Y/N:  Sir, Hydra prepared me to this moment.
Mr. Griffin: Oh really? Enlighten us.
Y/N: I’ve lived without love. Once I met James, we discovered the meaning of happiness. We experienced difficulties in the beginning. Our time in Wakanda enabled us to  lived and love without restrictions.
Mr. Locklear: Mrs. Barnes, this concludes our interview. We’ll deliver our decision to Judge Ingram.
Y/N:  Thank you gentlemen. Good day.
Exhaling sharply, Bucky’s mind drifted to pictures shown in class. His heart splintered.
Their inquisition finished, Bucky and Y/N drove to the compound in silence, fingers intertwined.
Steve, Wanda, Nat, Sam, Tony and Pepper heard the elevator ding, indicating Bucky and Y/N’s return.
Bucky grunted. “Shit, I’m tired.” Tony asked, “What happened.”
Y/N chimed in, “30 minutes of hell. My interviewers were two wannabe hard asses.”
“What about you pal?” “Ms. Locklear, Ms. Carter, and Mr. Griffin questioned me about the children’s living arrangement and why we needed extra security measures?”
Nat, visibly pissed, shook her head. “You mean to tell me they didn’t ask for a kidney?” Tony explained. “Mr. and Mrs. Heavy Metal’s past plays a huge role as well. We got a court date.”
“When?” “3 weeks.” “That’s not enough time.” Steve frowned.
“Capsicle, one of the worst judges in New York will preside over the case; Augustus Ingram, dickhead extraordinaire.”
“Listen, Bucky and I can’t begin to express our gratitude. Tony and Pepper, you’re angels. We are truly a family, albeit dysfunctional.”  “Yeah, what Doll said. We love all of ya.”
“Please excuse us. Buck and I are gonna lay down for a bit. See you at dinner?”
Wanda nodded, “Of course you will. If not, we’ll understand.”
Bucky placed his arm over Y/N’s shoulder.
Pepper cautioned, “I have confidence in Bucky and Y/N. It’s the judge I don’t trust. T’Challa and Shuri should be here.”
As promised, Bucky and Y/N bought cute dolls for the twins. “Tank you. Doe you?” Sadly, Bucky told them not today.
Both girls sucked their thumbs, holding onto their prized possessions. “She yayah.” “See you later.”
Driving away without those girls was a knife through the heart. Haylee and Kaylee had Bucky and Y/N wrapped around their finger.
Sam, Nat, Wanda, and Vision gathered in the common room; Steve, Tony and Pepper waited at the kitchen island.
“Buck, how’d it go?” Bucky’s eyes were rimmed red. “Gotta go. Need time.”
Sam questioned Y/N. “What happened?” “They stole our hearts guys. The girls cried our first visit. Now, the angels asked if they were coming with us.” Nat and Wanda hugged her. “Don’t cry.” “I can’t help it Nat. I left my heart with Haylee and Kaylee.”
The floodgates opened. Whatever Y/N held inside, fell from her eyes. “I want my girls; I want my girls!!!!!”
@supersoldierslover @omalleysgirl22 @rebelslicious @pegasusdragontiger @suz-123 @sgtjamesbuchananbarnes107th @httppartytattoos @wxntersoldiers @crazy-little-thing-called-buck  @sebstanfanma @bolontiku @stars8melanin @getinmelanin011 @papi-chulo-bucky
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kiame-sama · 29 days
Hi there, I was wondering who were your oc's first in terms of intimacy?
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Walter's first was one of his fellow moonlighters in the middle of Med-School. He was stressed one evening and his fellow student suggested intimacy to blow off some steam.
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Evan's first was his favorite Nanny on his 18th birthday. Even has always had a thing for the more 'mommy' types and absolutely was down bad for his Nanny for a while.
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Carlos' first was when he was in Guatemala studying the feeding habits of Jaguars. One of the ladies he worked with on the trip propositioned him and he was happy to take the offer.
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Jackson is a Virgin.
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VIRGIN. Amira is very intimidated by the idea of intimacy and believes she should only be intimate with someone she loves.
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Kaya's first was her partner of the time while she was defending her thesis. They went their separate ways not long after due to conflicting views on fracking.
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Julie's first was while was on a trip to Venice. A random handsome stranger propositioned and she didn't refuse.
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Hada's first was one of her classmates when she first started education in marine biology. She was already in America at this point but did have a few past significant others get close.
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Hahne is a virgin. He didn't lose his virginity before he transitioned because he felt like he was uncomfortable in his own skin. He hasn't really been interested/confident enough with anyone after his transition. The only person he would consider hooking up with just to get the experience (other than his beloved) is Evan and even then it makes Hahne squirm at the thought.
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Orion's first was when he was in his late teens and took interest in a feisty Italian hooker. His wealthy background was enough to convince her to hook up with him.
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kiame-sama · 1 year
I have a kinda wholesome request if you’re feeling up to it? How would your oc boys react after having a bad day seeing a cup of freshly brewed coffee plus cookies sitting at his desk? It also has a note that says “Hang in there! :)” from their lovely wife who was peacefully snoozing on the couch! I hope that would cheer up the oc boys!
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Walter Woods;
- Walter has no idea what he did in his life to deserve you, but bless you and all you do for him. He can't put into words how much he adores you.
- Walter is a surgeon- one of the top surgeons in the country- and that means he literally holds lives in his hands. This puts some serious stress on the poor man and it isn't like the idea of having lives at stake puts him at any ease. Once he is out of one surgery, he is likely being called to the next. Some surgeries are routine and less than an hour, some take 12 hours or more to complete.
- Any ounce of kindness you give him means the world to him and he is so happy you think of him.
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Evan Rothchester;
- Well, ain't you just the sweetest thing in the world? Evan finds it extremely endearing to find you thought of him and he will be joining you on the couch to cuddle and unwind.
- Evan lives with the constant threat of death always in the back of his mind and he can get fairly stressed with everything he has to deal with. The kindness you show him soothes him and truly gives him a genuine joy. He has always wanted a sweet lover to come back to at the end of the day and spend his evenings cuddling affectionately to unwind.
- Evan will be napping with you on the couch and he will be holding you tightly. If you wake up, he will hush you and tell you to go back to sleep while he holds you secure in his grasp.
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Carlos Vargas;
- Carlos is ECSTATIC to see you were thinking of him. He will be taking pictures of you while you are asleep and he will coo over your sleeping form before he even touches the treats you give him.
- Odds are you are not alone on the couch and the ever loving house Serval- Mimis- will be lounging with you. Carlos thinks this is precious and will completely melt.
- He won't wake you, but he will sit and enjoy the coffee and cookies you prepared for him as he waits for you to wake up from your nap. The dogs will most likely wake you before he does, or the lions doing their afternoon roaring near sunset. He will greet you and kiss you affectionately when you do wake, thanking you for the kind gesture.
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Jackson Locklear;
- He is going to cry happy tears. The kind of support and affection you give him will be enough to make him weep from joy at having you with him and caring so much about him. Truly, Jackson appreciates the gesture more than you will likely ever know.
- Jackson already holds you in very high regard because of you saving him from his loneliness and longing for a place in the world, he will only see the gesture as even more reason to obsess over you. He adores your kindness and he will savor every cookie and every sip of coffee he takes. If you ask, he will say he can taste the love you put into it in every morsel.
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Orion Medici;
- Aww, Darling, how sweet of you! Orion is thrilled you took the time to think of him and prepare sweets for him, he finds it quite endearing.
- Orion was likely working on a new novel or editing chapters when his head started to hurt and his eyes began to strain. Stepping away when he is in full swing while writing is difficult for him, but if he knows you are ready and waiting for him to return he will likely be able to pull himself away faster. He thinks it is precious that you showed such thoughtful behavior towards him and took the time to do something nice for him.
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Hahne Yamare;
- Wait... These are... For him?
- Hahne is used to being the one to do the nice things, not having nice things done for him. He will genuinely become a flustered mess when he sees the cute note and the prepared snack you placed for him. He thought it wasn't possible for him to adore you any more than he already did, yet here you were.
- Hahne appreciates the ever-living hell out of your sweet behavior and is thrilled that you think of him. He will try to repay the kindness however he can, even if it is something simple that helps you out.
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