#female minion tribe
nikoldragonne12 · 1 year
Old post:
Despicable Minions (DM AU) - New facts 2
Wilde-Fournier's household heights (female minions aren't included):
Amber - 183 cm
Tom - 195 cm
Damien - 210 cm
Ruby - 176 cm
Amber's whole first name isn't "Amber", it's "Amberlynn". Nobody really calls her that, though.
Since the female minions started living with Amber and her family, the Wilde-Fournier's house has never been robbed by any robber - Susie and Vivi, the IT experts of the female minion tribe, installed a very effective security system that does its job well.
Damien used to be reserved, careful and distrustful after his parents kicked him from home and before he met Tom. Nowadays, he's pretty easy-going and calm, though he kept his carefulness, stubbornness and perseverance.
Most of Amber's sweaters were knitted either by Ruby or by Vicky.
Vicky, the female minion alpha, sees Amber as her second younger sister and is very overprotective of her.
Tom easily panics when something unexpected happens and it's mostly Damien who's saving the situation.
Lydia, the tallest of all minions, also likes chocolate and often fights with Dove to get one (much to the chagrin of Vicky because Lydia and Dove usually fights right under her office).
Melinda, Dove's youngest sister also known as Meli, Mels or Melody, is the one who deals with the two fighters most of the time.
Minnie owns a monkey plushie that Rita, Dove's other sister, made for her.
Colette has type 1 diabetes and has to follow a diet and an eating plan.
Amber helps her human friend and often exercises with her - both people with asthma and people with diabetes should exercise. From what I have read, it affects them positively (if they're exercising the way they should, of course).
Also, Amber sometimes makes Colette some dia desserts.
Bonus facts:
I've stated in the past that Colette is a talented hobby dancer - this ability is a little to the chagrin of her mother Roselle, because it reminds her a lot of Balthazar Bratt (Colette's biological father).
Speaking of Roselle (b. 2nd January 1980), she works in the office of an unnamed company. Even if she strictly stated she doesn't want any partner (unsurprisingly, when you think about how she ended after falling love with Balthazar Bratt), there's one customer of Wilde-Fournier's bakery who would like to ask her out - Collete, Amber, Tom and Damien (and the female minions, of course) offered him some help with this plan.
Pearl, Melinda's wife, is a family fashion designer and is responsible for a lot of outfits, including several of Amber's and/or Colette's ones.
Both Damien and Tom has a significant scar on each of their faces:
Dami has a scar on his crooked nose from how he fell on the ground back in France - when I said his parents kicked him from home, it wasn't just a metaphor. Damien's father really threw his son on the ground (Dami used to be pretty slim before he started his bakery path). And speaking of his crooked nose, it's also from the fall.
Tom's scar is on his lower lip and it's from a fight he had. As I said before, the Wilde-Fournier's house has never been robbed by any robber since the minions moved there, however one broke into the house a year before Tom and Dami met. Tom heard the robber and decided to protect his aunt and daughter but he got into the fight - the robber was eventually arrested and Tom had to go to the hospital due to a big number of bruises… and because of the scar on his lip.
Tom isn't the greatest fighter but when his father's instinct takes over, he can be pretty dangerous.
Roselle's family is also from France but compared to Damien, she (Roselle) was already born in Canada (not in Toronto, though).
Her parents are alive and still in contact with their daughter and granddaughter. They always stop by during holidays.
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king-bob-4ever · 2 months
Do ya got any minion headcanons
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Yes indeed! They're a little gratuitous, but I have a few! And mostly focused on the main three, what can I say.
🍌 Minions produce pheromones that function similarly to ants'. They help them do things like coordinate (a la all their impromptu dancing and singing), delegate tasks non-verbally and across distances (there's much work to be done in quick time-frames when you're a henchman), and convey emotions/reactions in large groups (helpful in situations where they need to avoid something, like when they had to run from upset bosses for example). They produce these pheromones via their whiskery little hairs. This also provides an explanation for why bald little Bob is much more sensitive to loneliness and why he needs to be physically near another minion lest he succumb to melancholy; minions are a social species and these hypothetical pheromones assure them that they're not alone no matter where they are (within reason)! Bob's baldness is quite an unfortunate defect for a tender little thing like him.🙁
🍌 Kevin possesses an unusually developed brain. When he's formally introduced in Minions (2015), the first thing he does is something that I can imagine is highly unusual for a MINION of all creatures to do; he takes up a position of LEADERSHIP! Desperate times call for desperate measures, eh? Regardless, he seems to thrive when put in charge of an operation despite a minions ENTIRE LIFEBLOOD revolving around serving other villains humbly (eh, maybe "humbly" is giving minions as a species too much credit LOL). He's always first to take charge when something goes wrong (re: Rise of Gru), and the others acknowledge this by turning to him in times of crisis (ditto). I wish we saw more of him in the Despicable Me films, because otherwise this headcanon seems... a little spineless. Still, Kevin's ability- nay, his DESIRE to do carefully planned and selfless things seems to separate him from the others neurologically. Of course, he's always willing to blend in with the crowd and get stuff done as a regular old minion. (That being said, he's only marginally more mature than the average minion LOL.)
🍌 ...I wish I had something to say in the way of minions and gender because there's definitely some potential there discussion-wise. Supposedly all minions are men because Pierre Coffin didn't think an all-female species would be that stupid which is a hilarious thing to make canon, provided that it's true, but I digress. Minions seem: a) easily infatuated with women/femininity and b)...I mean they're all male, that much is indisputable. They use masculine terms when referring to one another (Saying "le [name]" for example). Given the fact that they have no reproductive organs does complicate this a bit as they have zero reason to distinguish different sexes. They also cross-dress regularly whenever it suits a situation and never are there "men-in-dress" jokes made (which is very refreshing for such a ridiculous franchise) so there's an apparent lack of strict gender-roles amongst minion tribes. ...I had a point with this, I think. 🍌 Essentially, minions are MALE but only because that's how they popped out of the water. The word is seemingly meaningless to them. I'll pretend not to be jealous of the societal structures of fuckin' MINIONS of all things regarding gender stuff, lol. 🥲
🍌 ...To be honest that's all I've got off the top of my head. Sorry if this isn't exactly coherent, I've been busy all week long and I'm too wound-up (and sweaty ugh) to sleep right. Thanks for the ask!
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whoiserenity · 3 months
LOVE TO HATE ME ~ Rafe Cameron x Female Reader ~ CHAPTER ONE
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contains: alcohol, bad behavior, smoking, fighting, unhealthy jealousy.
trope: enemies to lovers.
credits: introduction is from Outer Banks, season 1, episode 1.
a/n: this is gonna be a mini series and updates are prob gonna be slow.
The Outer Banks, Paradise on Earth.
It's the sort of place where you either have two jobs or two houses.
Two tribes, one island.
All right, so Figure Eight, the rich side of the island. Home of the Kooks. So, guess where we don't live.
And then the south side or the cut. Home of the working class who make a living busing tables, washing yachts, running charters. The natural habitat of... drumroll, please...
...The Pogues.
That's us. Pogues, pogies, the throwaway fish. Lowest member of the food chain. Okay. So the downside of Pogue life is we're ignored and neglected. But the upside of Pogue's life? We're ignored and neglected, which means we do whatever we want, whenever we want.
One of the things you do daily in Pogue life. Surfing. JJ and John B were betting that whoever surfs the big wave coming in would get cash. Kiara, me, and Pope stayed on shore.
"5 bucks." John B said.
"Seriously, dude? 5 bucks for a big wave?" JJ raised an eyebrow at John B's words.
"I say 10 bucks!" Pope yelled at them from the shore.
"10? No. 20!" Kiara said.
"20?" JJ looked at John B who shook his head. "No? Okay. I say 50." JJ suggested as me, Kiara, and Pope agree.
"Where you gonna get 50 bucks?!" I yelled. JJ slammed his hands together before pointing to Kie.
Kiara's head whipped side to side before pointing to herself. "Me?!"
"Yes, you." JJ replied.
Kiara rolled her eyes before taking her wallet from her pocket and taking out $50 dollars and placing it in front of her.
"Alright, guys, the waves coming!" Pope shouted.
"Man, don't get your panties in a twist when I beat you!" JJ smirked at John B as he prepared himself for the wave.
John B chuckled before replying, "Let's see about that." Once the wave came they surfed it, and surprisingly they both managed to.
JJ looked at John B who smirked at him. "Whoever gets back on shore faster gets the dollar!" Pope laughed, so did me and Kiara as we watched JJ and John B surf back to shore, clearly trying to beat the other.
We cheered as they neared shore, now running to the cash.
JJ landed his hands on the cash first but John B catched up and put his hand on top of JJ's.
"Yo, dude, I laid on it first!" JJ exclaimed, shoving his damp hair away from his face.
John B chuckled and freed JJ's hand. "Alright. It's fair. But next time, I'm laying hands on a hundred." We chuckled at John B's words.
"Well, lookie here." A male voice called out.
We all turned to look at where it came from, only to see Rafe, with his petty little minions, Topper and Kelce.
Each of our smiles faltered at the sight of them. Kooks. People who think they own the island. We all had hatred for them ever since we were born. But my hatred for Rafe stood out.
There was just something about him and his face that tempted me to shove his head down into the ocean and keep it there until he couldn't breathe.
"What are you doing on our side of the island?" Rafe stopped in front of us, squinting his eyes at specifically me.
"Last time I checked, anyone can hang on the beach," JJ replied, glaring daggers at Rafe.
"Last time I checked you live in the cut." Kelce laughed when JJ was about to pounce on him but John B stopped him.
"Rafe, if you've got nothing nice to say, I suggest you leave." John B said, his tone calm but demanding.
Rafe cackled at his words, looking at Topper and Kelce who were snickering. "Oh come on, John B, are you literally kicking me out of my own side of the island?"
"You don't own the island, Rafe," I said, my tone annoyed and aggressive. He turned to me.
He rolled his eyes. "And you do?" He took a step closer to me. "You wasted your beauty by hanging out with... them.." He sneered, looking at JJ, John B, and Pope.
"Back off, man." Pope pushed Rafe away from me, causing him to stumble back and almost fall. Rafe looked shocked for a second before glaring at Pope and walking towards him, landing a punch on his face.
Kiara, and I gasped as John B and JJ tried to pull Pope out of the fight, meanwhile, Kelce and Topper were cheering for Rafe.
Rafe tackled Pope onto the sand and continued to abuse the living shit out of his face. He landed a few punches before Pope did to him. After Pope landed a punch on Rafe's face, John B and JJ took the time to pull him away from Rafe.
Pope glared at Rafe as he returned it. "Come on, Pope, let's go." John B glared at Rafe before walking away, us following behind.
"We're not done yet!" Rafe yelled as he got up from kneeling on the ground.
We finally got back to the Chateau, grabbing ice for the bruise on Pope's head. Kiara came back from the kitchen, handing Pope the cold compress as he took it and placed it on his bruise, muttering something under his breath.
I followed behind Kiara and sat down beside JJ, sighing. "Rafe's definitely not gonna let that go." I said as they all turned to me.
"What- what do you mean?" John B asked as I looked at him. "It's midsummers tomorrow and Pope has to help his dad deliver food there. If Rafe sees him, he's dead."
They all exchanged looks, knowing that my point was right. John B sighed and leaned back on his seat, Kiara looked down and JJ bit the inside of his cheek.
"We-ll?" Pope uttered, his voice voice breaking (he's not crying.)
"Alright, here's the plan." JJ propped his elbows on his knees and put his fingertips together. "You..." He turned to Pope. "You'll stay home, jus' tell your pops a lil' white lie, that you're sick and won't be able to help, then me and John B'll cover for you." JJ looked at John B.
Pope, Kiara, and me turned to John B. He sort of became the leader of the group because he was the most responsible out of the five of us, so we usually seek his approval if we ever suggest anything, specially when it comes to JJ.
John B sighed and took turns looking at the four of us before speaking.
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Hi everyone! I'm back! It's been a month and I've been focusing on school but I took my time and finished the first episode of my Rafe Cameron mini series fanfic!
For everyone who has been waiting for it, here it is! Thank you so much for being patient!
That's all! ENJOY!
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If you are still doing the ask character thing but if you are maybe ren or Oscar?
Anon why are you making me pick when I love them both? So I’m gonna talk about both lolz XD.
While I do love them both they both once again are just not used to their full potential. They both have so much potential as characters that get squandered largely due to the insanely large cast of characters that need to be kept up with.
Ren really leaning in and trusting and relying on Ironwood while the others didn’t think they could trust him was such an interesting setup and showed a situation where everyone is not United and on the same page on something. We could have had the group being torn apart over their different opinions on what they should do about Ironwood and if they could trust him or not. It would have allowed the characters to feel like unique individuals with their own histories and ways of processing everything they’ve been through.
I think allowing the characters to have different thoughts and opinions on things without having to immediately back down from them would be such interesting writing. Let Nora and Ren fight about trusting Ironwood or not or hell let him actually be angry Nora kissed him without asking and call her out for that because no one, no matter their gender, has the right to forcibly kiss someone without their consent and Ren has every right to be upset and uncomfortable with her doing that.
Overall though as I said I like Rens character. I just feel like he isn’t being used to his full potential as a character which is a shame.
For Oscar I do think he’s a much better utilization of the mouthpiece for the audience so to speak. Unlike Jaune it makes sense for him not to understand what Aura or Semblances are or how they work. Unfortunately though he also comes into the story too late for that to be properly utilized.
Compare that to another video game I adore Horizon Zero Dawn. While Alloy is a talented warrior she doesn’t know a lot of her people’s history or the history of the world because she grew up as an outcast shunned by her tribe for her entire life. She’s confident and skilled in fighting and weaponry because of this but she is ignorant to the conflicts between tribes and the growing aggression of the machines. This works to introduce the player to the world because we learn things as Alloy does and it doesn’t break immersion of the story doing so because the story set up a good reason for it and we have her at the very beginning of the story.
Compared to Jaune and Oscar, with Jaune it makes no sense him wanting to be a hunter and not knowing these things and Oscar being brought in way to late for it to work either and you have a very sloppy attempt at making a character the audience leans about the world through and with.
Though Oscar isn’t supposed to be the main character he sure feels more like one then the mains. He is being thrust into a war he knows nothing about because someone’s soul got shoved into his body without his knowledge or consent and is now being hunted by an immortal witches minions who want him dead because of aforementioned soul and is forced to go on a dangerous journey not only to protect himself but the world. He’s tasked with protecting a powerful artifact that should he lose it would spell the end of the world and suffers what he believes to be the people he’s looked up to for a large chunk of his journeys deaths.
That is a compelling and interesting main character…too bad the show is called RW//BY and not JN//RO or something like that.
Like I said I really like his character. He’s sweet and timid and a little introverted but genuinely cares and wants to do good and help people but he gets overwhelmed and needs encouragement. He’s a well rounded interesting character. But over and over again we see this good writing given to the male characters and the same care can’t be bothered to be given to the female characters which painfully boils down to CRWBY’s sexism.
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upstartcrow1564 · 2 years
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Family. Ancestors. Lineage. Dynasty. How does where we come from inform who we are and what we do? Humans have been around in one form after another along the evolutionary chain for millions of years, although perhaps it’s most useful to reduce that to, say, 150,000 years, or even 10,000 years. If things look too intense today, allow yourself to step back and perceive the gigantic, endless sweep of history. I used to get myself through hard times by thinking “in 100 years, nobody’s going to give a shit,” which helps with current anxiety and perfection-addiction issues, but it’s not entirely true. Our descendants in 100 years will look back on our lives and our choices and wonder, just as we look back on our ancestors and wonder. Try to act with history in mind, but keep it light. Let yourself play with the idea of eternity and see what comes up. We are the result of the connection of thousands before us; let it help you get through the struggles of today by knowing with 100% certainty that you are not struggling alone. Your ancestors are with you. [Image shows The Dynasty: Ten of Orbs card from the Spirit Keeper’s Tarot deck, Revelation Edition - two figures face each other beneath an ornate stone arch with the Key of Life within it; the figures are wearing bejeweled headdresses and complex fabrics denoting tribe and lineage; one figure is an elderly man and the other is a young man, Past and Future gazing at each other in the Present moment - the Norse rune Othala, the Number 3 Game Tile, the Sled charm, the Female Minion charm, the Frying Pan charm, the Large Key charm, and the Elephant charm.] #tarot #oracle #runes #charms #vitki #volva #disir #ancestress #seer #tarotreading #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotcards #dailytarot #tarotadvice #divination #divinersofinstagram #charmcasting #SpiritKeepersTarotRevelation #TheMusesDarling #witchesofinstagram #AllYourPeopleAreWithYou https://www.instagram.com/p/ChZ50IrL8s2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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illegiblewords · 3 years
I’ve mentioned in the past, the main thing that made me start playing FFXIV properly was seeing people’s character designs. I’m still honestly blown away by the creativity and range of approaches people bring to this game, so I’ve decided to be an absolute madwoman and break my favorites into subcategories to share with anyone curious.
And to be clear. I’m not going to do something so broad as “oh top ten in-general :3″ because that would be sensible. No, I’m going to do it for all the current combat jobs. And all the current races. And different genders within the races and combat jobs as things stand. And I’m going to make a model-focus subcategory. And there are gonna be LOTS. Because I seriously cannot understate how inspired I’ve been by this community, and after however many years I just feel the need to vomit some incredible visuals I’ve encountered at you guys lol.
NOTE: In an abundance of caution, I want to stress this list isn’t a value judgment on anyone but a fragment of things that blew me personally away. Looking at the DRK sections it will be immediately clear that I Illegible really like that edgy dark knight aesthetic lmao, but there are plenty of non-edgy dark knights that I also love to bits. Other people might not like edgy dark knights. Due to a combination of size and search constraints plus trying to keep gear somewhat varied, these glamours are just what wound up on this particular list of mine. I could make another list one day. Other people can make lists too that are totally different.
Also, I was originally going to make a single post that went over male and female options presented in the character creator but straight up tumblr wouldn’t let me save because it got too big. You can see the female character post here.
And without further ado, let us begin.
- A Sinner’s Call by Skollhati Wolfhead
- Divine Judgment by Seth Alexander
- Chevalier by Avenaux Dzemael
- Holy Blade of the Goddesses by Lys Aludra 
- Metal Against the Clouds by Leon Aquitaine
- Spiky Paladin by Hunty Tohsaka
- Ishgardian Nightwatch by Leon Aquitaine
- The Centurion by Kaien Shimazu 
- Veteran Knight by Jax Shadowbane
- Archadian Magister: Chaos, Walker of the Wheel by Callum Crossy
- Coerthan Berserker by Xennon Song
- Skullrender by Xennon Song
- Red Maw by Remearus Maes
- Mistbeard’s Guardian by Galandor Atreides
- Ash Fender by Keiteaux Kisarre
- Wandering Beast by Jax Shadowbane
- Battle Worn by Lyrus Omega 
- At The End Of All Things by Leon Aquitaine
- Demon Warrior by Ravian Ild
- Chieftain by Topher Kyo 
- The Deepshadow by Erin Arckanger
- Nightmare of the Paragons by Papa Cool'down
- The Oathkeeper by Dividus Yliaster
- Deus Knight by Dan Var
- Rage Awakened Final Mix by Fortnite Ninja
- Bale by Xennon Song
- Vampire Baron Knight by Lud Wachtel
- Gothic Souls by Krosah Makara
- Lunarian Knight by Xennon Song
- The Descendent of Ascians by Skyion Skytiel
- Soot-Scaled Striker by Callum Crossy
- Unbound Hecatonchires by Callum Crossy
- The Lone Gunbreaker by Sir Owl
- Alliance Commander by Nova Kie
- Gunblade of the Lost by Ludin Hreitharr
- The Filibreaker by Atticus Averbach
- Neo-Skallic Guardian by Leon Aquitaine
- A bulwark in brass and steam by Filibert Lilibert 
- Plains Tribe Rite of Passage by Filibert Lilibert 
- Spaceage cowboy by Phon Fawn
- A Slumbering God’s Herald by Lud Wachtel 
- The Elder Primals - Neath Dark Waters by Cassius Toledo
- The Occupied Drow City of Skalla by Leon Aquitaine
- Dravanian Viking by Sarafina Vadre
- The Wolf by J'roric Citlalloh
- Tribal Hrothgar Dragoon by Noxelus Virmire
- whitewind by Chiceneaux Selechant
- Edensguard by Kyo Ise
- Dragonblood Knight by Sylvaire Catrevaut
- Mercenary in Mixed Metals by Filibert Lilibert 
- The Dragon of Doma by Ky Tanimura
- Shadow of the Shifting Sands by Dai Tachibana
- Homura by Remearus Maes
- Monster Slayer by Kaien Shimazu
- Good Hunting by Remearus Maes
- Jury by Remearus Maes
- Ronin of the Steppe by Remearus Maes
- Dominicus Secutor by Remearus Maes
- Warg Samu by Fena Mizu
- White Dragon by The Solideizer
- Armored Ninja by Ludger Magniar
- Desert Scar by Magnus Wolfwood
- Righteous Assassin by Lys Aludra
- Classic Shinobi Traditional Ninja Garb by Mog Champ
- White Dragon by King Resh
- Deadly Emissary by Lys Aludra
- night’s blessed by Chiceneaux Selechant
- Umbral Blade by Arik Nergui
- Ascianssin by Dragoon Scythe
- Wolf of Twelveswood by Punch Mage
- Fists of the Sun by Alois Lefleur
- Inner Beast by T'yan Ardeo
- Vathliege Samurai by Austen Bloodspatter
- Ala Mhigan Monk by D'jango Dojango
- Bozjan Brawler by Sahl Suh
- Liberator by Thriced Talon
- Flightless Hawk by Remearus Maes
- Firebrand by Lys Aludra
- Debugging in Process by Uskhal Dalamiq
- Falling Eagle by Feather Relanah
- Reaper-Inspired Bard by Flower Blossom
- Purest arrow by Lys Aludra
- Hunter of Lost Souls by Sahl Suh
- Bloodsinger by Lys Aludra
- Wanderer of the Past by Nyuki Dewinter
- Maelstrom Song by J'roric Citlalloh
- Sand Hunter by R'yo Aderyd
- Tactical Automaton by Lys Aludra
- Ballads of Azim Steppe by T'yan Ardeo
- Violet Archer by T'yan Ardeo
- Flying Guillotine by Punch Mage
- Shadowed Step by Callum Crossy
- Rift Crusader by Onuki Saiga
- Prince Ali by Leisha Aysheen
- Battle Dancer by Ray Stormbringer
- Paglth’an Dancer by Vib'e Cheque
- Waterfall Adagio by T'yan Ardeo
- Memories of a Silhouette by Damien Cavalier 
- Midnight Mint by Violet Wooden
- The Dancing Plague by Geraltus D'doritus
- Fran - Chase by Goelia Sarantia
- Gunslinger by Lys Aludra
- Well-Stocked Sky Pirate by Sari Mogari
- Bozjan Ops by Ilium Lavendeer
- Wild Western Demon Hunter by Mori Sumire
- High Class, High Seas by Yannick Ostheimer
- Onmyo Bullet by Uskhal Dalamiq
- The Wanderer by Dividus Yliaster
- Wildfire by Lys Aludra
- Intrepid Expeditioner by Brazen Elk
- Bohemian Mage by Darmoreaux Lestrange
-  Bonewicca Cultist by Baruk Twinfang
- Chosen of Thal by Jophrey Lethe
- Abyssal Wizard by Jarvis Brakkenwork
- Summer Augurer by Uskhal Dalamiq
- the dark wizard by Eldar Claymore
- Masque of the Red Death by Junius Naenia
- Desert Cultist by Mayo Takoyaki
- Herald of the Zodiac - Geminis by Leisha Aysheen
- Herald of the Zodiac - Aries by Leisha Aysheen
- Desert Emperor by Nilla Balthasva
- Arch Demon Summoner by Demnoc Crohn
- Verbatim by Twitch Prime
- Shinshoku by Callum Crossy
- The Fool by Bruno Brecher
- The Wandering Mage by Camilla Croft 
- Gilded Evoker by Zionek Aurum
- Ensorceled Evoker by Haereidin Doeszwynsyn
- Dusk Groom by J'roric Citlalloh
- Deepwood wanderer by Lys Aludra
- Vagabond Prince by Falion D'erenian
- Ronkan Cultist by J'roric Citlalloh
- Desert Scout by Frahn Loxner'et
- The Goblin King by Leon Aquitaine
- Summoned Guardian by Leon Aquitaine
- Eastern Red Mage by Red Grande
- Royal Rose by Zanel Slayer 
- dual wielding swords by Kiraster Alroumi
- Steampunk Red Mage by Ry Tempester
- Reiterpallasch Hunter by J'roric Citlalloh
- Stroll in the snow by Riv'ir Gwyn
- Winter Druid by Uskhal Dalamiq
- Herald of the Light by Kazek Amilia
- Desert White Mage by Iosen Juan
- Menphina’s Beloved by Puk'a Sweetfellow
- The Ill-fated Doctor by Charybdis K'reon
- The Doc by Denmo Mcstronghuge
- Minion Masquerade- Anima by Aetherflow Media
- cold front by Chiceneaux Selechant
- Secret Keeper by Feather Relanah
- Forest Mage by Sylviel Terrechant
- Studium Provost by Uskhal Dalamiq
- Field Medic by Seyo Senpai
- Stayin Classy Highlander Scholar by Aetherflow Media
- Writer of Fates by Olli Cannoli
- Secret of Nym by Nicky Tilmit
- Scholar of the Wilds by Sohk'yon Ayhan
- The First Cartographer by Edeon Vails
- Warg Sage by Ricola Tesla
- Dark Eastern Healer by Teru Nashira
- Sad Angel by Liam Gray
- Jewel in the Sands by Vosric Oros
- Oracle of the East by Zyrus Highwind
- Golden Sun by Jarvis Brakkenwork
- Dalamiq Seer by Uskhal Dalamiq
- Misfortune Teller by Sahl Suh
- The Red Card by Yujin Seo
- Forgiven Soothsayer by Mongoose Mandolin
- Catharsis by Edeon Vails
- Proud Wave by Khurt Wagner
- Alpha Reticulii by R'yo Aderyd
- King by Ray Fontelon
- Imposter Red Mage by Jarvis Brakkenwork
- Le Cirque Du Rosier by Callum Crossy
- Cobalt Enchanter by Tyo'li Wolndara
- Blubomb by Frahn Loxner'et 
- Faraam by Remearus Maes
- Gate Keeper by Remearus Maes
- The Guardian by Kizake Hayashi
- Mistbeard by Remearus Maes
- Blood Hunter by Lys Aludra
- Jiangshi by Dezel Windriders
- Alliance Salvager by Remearus Maes
- Edengrace Conqueror by Lys Aludra
- Bozjan Rampage by Xennon Song
- Northern Banneret by Lys Aludra
- Fists of the Sun by Alois Lefleur
- Ronin of the Steppe by Remearus Maes
- Armored Ninja by Ludger Magniar
- Vagabond Prince by Falion D'erenian
- Bloodsinger by Lys Aludra
- From Darkness Comes Light by Niran Ashbel
- Black Wolf by Night Mazino
- Murderous School Bus by Night Mazino
- Desperado Breaker by Julies Solomon
- WW2 Pilot by Orillion Aldoreel
- Demon Hunter by Duffy Gelatoni
- Maelstrom Duelist by Roscoe Rackham
- Black Dragon by Lophen Leif 
- Weathered Wanderer by Goro Yamaguchi
- Ravager by Night Mazino
- Jewel in the Sands by Vosric Oros
- Murderous School Bus by Night Mazino
- Desert White Mage by Iosen Juan
- Stayin Classy Highlander Scholar by Aetherflow Media
- Dravanian Viking by Sarafina Vadre
- Lost Thief by Kaunoet Tyshatont
- Princely Protector by Liam Gray
- Cold Mornings, Warm Hearts by Leon Aquitaine
- I don’t know what a swash is but I’m buckling it by Raythe Ondore
- Peregrine by Yannick Ostheimer
- Obsidian and Blood by Leon Aquitaine
- Obsidian Gold by Arius Althea 
- Purple Mage by Kaunoet Tyshatont
- Lord Archer by Mori Sumire
- Angel of Temperance by Agana Belea
- cold front by Chiceneaux Selechant
- Angel of Temperance by Agana Belea
- Lost Thief by Kaunoet Tyshatont
- Oracle of the East by Zyrus Highwind
- Ishgardian Nightwatch by Leon Aquitaine
- Berserker by Munchkin Doofus
- Crimson Dragoon by Janaan Fabre
- Tiny Fist by Barca Ul'nanaca
- Chimera Dragoon by Janaan Fabre
- Royal n’ Loyal by Janaan Fabre
- Manor Estoqueur by Lia Tales
- Stargazer by Ikki Kohi
- Hazardous Caster by Astrancea Quasar'ae
- White Wolf Healer by Pickle Nibbler
- Bard of the Forest by Ryker Nightingale
- Stargazer by Ikki Kohi
- White Wolf Healer by Pickle Nibbler
- Well-Stocked Sky Pirate by Sari Mogari
- Tiny Fist by Barca Ul'nanaca
- Plains Tribe Rite of Passage by Filibert Lilibert
- Fran - Be Quiet by Goelia Sarantia
- The Assassin by Akira Tia
- Warrior of the Sands by U'zolwe Tia
- The Silencer by Grayson Foxworthy
-  nemesis by M'rhene Tia
- Caecius by Callum Crossy
- The Imperial by Rein Drops
- Storm Duelist by K'aihx Nianh
- Cyber Mage by L'unick Tia
- T-53M: Omega by Lib'ra Jarilo
- Fran - Be Quiet by Goelia Sarantia
- Ala Mhigan Monk by D'jango Dojango
- Cobalt Enchanter by Tyo'li Wolndara
- Edensguard by Kyo Ise
- Maelstrom Song by J'roric Citlalloh
- Sin Eater Forgiven Wrath by Arkhon Dullgaroth
- Platebreaker by Biggus Dickkus
- Berzerker Warrior by Cata Clysm
- Dravanian Shadow Knight by Galandor Atreides
- Santa Claus by Aetherflow Media
- Knight of the East by Galandor Atreides
- Roegadyn Samurai by Raiden Hagane
- The Real Barbarian by Milla Lariswind
- The Discipulus by Haereidin Doeszwynsyn
- Cactpot Crackpot by Kaemin Moore
- Knight of the East by Galandor Atreides
- Flying Guillotine by Punch Mage
- The Fool by Bruno Brecher
- Battle Claus by Bard Bro
- The Real Barbarian by Milla Lariswind
- Fatewalker by Kaien Shimazu
- Combat Casual by Arik Nergui
- Suzaku’s Champion by Uskhal Dalamiq 
- Herald of the Zodiac - Taurus by Leisha Aysheen
- The Anti-Paladin by Bastion Blackwater
- Zero by Ace Valstra'liah
- Elegant Duelist by Yoni Neel
- Herald of the Zodiac - Pisces by Leisha Aysheen
- Valkyrie by Rogan Hunter
- Devout of the Sun by Uskhal Dalamiq
- Herald of the Zodiac - Pisces by Leisha Aysheen
- Combat Casual by Arik Nergui
- Samurai of Alexander by Ky Tanimura
- Winter Druid by Uskhal Dalamiq
- Herald of the Zodiac - Geminis by Leisha Aysheen
- Snowfall by Ese Pajic
- Heavy by Radio Jackun 
- Defender of the Forest by Hana Kagura
- Risen Dynasty by Zeth Xerval
- Forgiven Pride by Yoshi Pendragon
- Queen’s Guard by Sahl Suh
- Lord of Umbral Pyre by Stahlhart Vahn'reiz
- Jade Maw by Shin Okusawa
- Einherjar by Baruk Twinfang
- The Exorcist by Haereidin Doeszwynsyn
- Heavy by Radio Jackun
- Tribal Hrothgar Dragoon by Noxelus Virmire
- Gunblade of the Lost by Ludin Hreitharr
- Desert Scar by Magnus Wolfwood
- Risen Dynasty by Zeth Xerval
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spoocyshrub · 3 years
[Uncommon Headcanons Meme] #30, 31 and 32 [for Mama Jeni, Baron Sammdei, and Jobb] ((YEET))
30. What were your muse’s childhood friends like?
Mama Jeni was the strange child that always manage to either terrify the other kids, or fascinate them. Like asking if they wanted to pet a Ratz or lizard. She didn't have very many friends, She only really had animals. Even as she got up in her years. People still don't tend to trust her and have no desire to be social. She's a loner but not by choice. She'd love to have friends and family to surround herself with. she just doesn't.
Baron Sammdei never had friends. He had minions. Servants. Slaves. All that serve a purpose some way or another. even if that purpose was to provide companionship. While he doesn't use the term friend. He holds an unusual amount of tolerance for Jobb despite how brutally he has tortured to poor Mudokon. Some wonder if the Baron's grown soft after that because Jobb's too warped to abandon him and DOES try to be his friend and companion.
Jobb had a very normal childhood, even if most of his tribe had to scatter since the Bonewerks came to take over Necrum. The children he was able to interact with were close friends with him. When he hit adolescence, say about 13-14 years old, Baron bought the boy from his father. He offered him moolah to live comfortably for the rest of his life and made the promise that Jobb would be taken care of and he could visit. Jobb never saw his father or friends again. Jobb was told they abandoned him. Rumor around the citadel is Sammdei had his father disposed of long ago. Along with the friends. So they would never come back for him.
31. Does your muse have a favorite book from their childhood?
Mama Jeni's favorite book that she still keeps reading to this day is an old scripture from years ago that details the legend of a Deity that is the living embodiment of chaos and your inner trauma give personification. Most Mudokons that have heard of this scripture say it's a common horror story you tell Mudokon children so they behave themselves or uneducated ex-slaves to scare them. She seems to really enjoy that book for some strange reason and reads it all the time.
Baron Sammdei has always been fascinated with books around occult themes. Such as the various types and practices of Glukkon Alchemy, Lore of the various spirits and deities, then he has fascination for vykker medical studies. he used what he learned from the vykker texts to further his own goals, one of them had to do with something he did to Jobb. ((I cannot reveal what that is just yet.))
Jobb didn't have books really but enjoyed hearing the various stories from the Mudokons that made their way to Necrum to go mining for bones. Their backgrounds. How they got their jobs, and their hopes to one day earn a vacation, or their freedom. Now in his older years. he sees those stories as nothing but hopeless fairytale ramblings. Mudokons have always been born to work and serve under other parties. Be it the glukkons, or their breeder queens. They have always been born slaves. Even natives who are born to serve a queen. or the females that were raised to fulfill a duty that some did not want to.
32. Does your muse journal, have a diary, bullet journal, etc.?
Mama Jeni does not keep a journal like most people do. She is a type to keep notes on everything. She will write pages about certain events to sort of Chronologize events. Like a personal historian. She keeps these history books herself.
Baron Sammdei's... strange. He kind of leaves pages for Jobb to find and read. Written in the formate of a diary page or a personal memo that gives hints to what needs to be done around the citadel. Jobb follows them to the letter. He kind of conditioned him for that. It's a little game he plays with the Mudokon Servent.
Jobb does keep a diary. Most of the Pages are general things you find like how his day was and commentary over things. There are a few pages that start off normal and just become unhinged as he continues to write...then there are some that are just literal cries for help. torn up, ink blots everywhere, tear and blood stains.
He hasn't had one of those entries in years. since the last one, it's been really disturbing amounts of praise for his life, his love to serve his baron, and even mocking Abe over his hopeless mindset that Mudokons would ever be free. "It is not what we were created for!"
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iamalivenow · 3 years
Tell us more about ur WoL!! : )
ffxiv really is the "you dont have an oc you're obsessed with? would you like one" the game
her name is suvd she's a xaela dancer main and i love her more than god. ill put it under the readmore because there are endwalker spoilers in there
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she had a whole "complicated" childhood because she's from the moks tribe and if you know xaela lore they're the tribe that are like cuckoo birds so her "uncle" resented having to take care of her. she lived in one of the tribes that has some contact with the outside world and has interest in perserving xaela culture so she would spend a lot of time with other tribes as a record keeper for the sake of fitting in. at some point the tribe she lives with presents an opportunity to travel to eorzea to do more general record keeping/research and she takes it/has it pushed on to her. she started in gridania as a lancer and then after the whole haurchefaunt thing became a dancer. she can't read or write eorzean (the echo does a lot of the heavy lifting) and at this point actively refuses to learn. she's reluctant hero flavor and is frequently very miserable about it (especially after the whole 5.3 thing) but is actually pretty held together through most of endwalker.
relationship wise (aside from a long series of flings shes had with almost every single female job npc) she and raha had a more complicated relationship because she really didn't enjoy the hero worship thing but she still had affection for him. post endwalker though they're in a better place : )
she is also deeply into every member of the elpis trio for different reasons. the hades thing fucked her up pretty bad for a while the hyth thing is like extremely casual and the venat thing is like. so deeply complex and emotional but also she thinks shes like the hottest god in the world.
none of this is like that coherent but a lot of her personality is like "im serious, im deeply emotionally invested, im so FUCKING tired" but she will tease the twins and raha for fun : )
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(im in the process of trying to get the starbird minion right now as we speak but until i do the shoebill is her canon minion. they love each other MAYBE)
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Okay, hear me out
So I really wanted to do a Michael x Maria with Kids AU / Future pic, and this glowy/sunny picspam is what I came up with.
Let’s revise.
Majandra has said previously she thinks that M&M would have 3 or 4 alien babies, so that basically makes it canon, okay? She also said Maria would be keepin’ it high n tight (I mean obviously, because she’s the queen of f*cking everything).
Click below to read my in depth rant about their life, their kids, their kids’ names and what m&m are like as parents. I was 3 coffees deep at the time okay, arrest me 💁🏽
So these pics show what loving 3 little Guerin-Delucas is like - exhausting (see top middle), but happiness personified. They live in a modest country-style home on the outskirts of a nondescript city, just the way Michael likes it in order to keep a cover of anonymity. Maria’s okay with their set up because the kids have heaps of space outdoors to play, and she’s close enough to town to get her “city fix” (Michael’s words, not hers) when she needs to.
Michael is absolutely besotted with his kids and would walk through fire for them. He is the best dad, all of his fears of being a terrible parent because of Hank melted away when he realised he felt nothing but pure love for his kids. He also has a deepened love for Maria that he never knew was possible, and he’s literally in awe of her most days (but would never admit to it - apart from special occasions or when he wants her to cook Italian without using half’n’half).
Maria is one of those relaxed, serene motherly types, where nothing seems to overly phase her and she spends most of her time just having fun with her kids as opposed to enforcing heavy routines upon them. She had 3 home-births (because you can’t exactly rock up to a hospital when you’re giving birth to an alien’s offspring), and she was calm and determined throughout. In comparison, Michael lost the plot with stress - pacing about their house, making the lights flicker and the cupboards in the kitchen rattle, until Maria growled at him for “throwing off her flow” and demanding he go top up the aromatherapy burner with more lavender oil. Max and Liz were there to help, and Isabel and Kyle arrived later to welcome the baby too.
When their first baby was born, Michael was absolutely gobsmacked and a little bit terrified of the baby. He’d never seen something so small, fragile and new. From that moment when he first held his first daughter, with tears brimming in his eyes, he vowed that he would protect every single cell of her being. He couldn’t even fathom what he would do if anyone ever tried to hurt his family. No, that was a lie - he could fathom it. He would blow the world to kingdom come if anyone so much as touched a hair on their heads. 
They take photos of their kids every so often and send them anonymously back to Amy. To begin with, Michael refused - explaining it was too risky to have photos of their kids out there in the world for anyone to find - but they came to an agreement when Maria, with tears in her eyes, mumbled that she couldn’t bare the idea that her mom would never get to know that she had grandchildren. So they compromised - they don’t take any close up pics of their children’s faces to keep them safe and relatively anonymous.
Michael was scared sh*tless the first time Maria was pregnant (obviously it’d be a bit nerve wracking being pregnant with a hybrid baby, right?) but it was also the best thing that he could have ever dreamed of happening in his life. Like remember in S1 when he and Isabel had that dream about having a baby? Remember he was so into it in a weirded out kinda way - like determined to be there for Isabel and be part of that dream baby’s life regardless. She had even said to him, “I’ve never seen you that happy”, to which he replied, “Yeah well, I’ve never been that happy.”
Guess what - now he is.
They had 2 girls followed by a boy. The girls are close in age, about 4.5 and 6 yrs old - their son has just turned 1. One of their girls has fair hair and the other is darker, but they both have Michael’s deep brown eyes. Their son was born with blonde spiky hair, but it’s starting to darken up. It’s still too early to tell what colour his eyes will be, but Michael’s hedged his bets on them being a greenish colour like Maria’s.
Michael would be quite happy to continue having an entire tribe of kids, creating his own little hybrid alien baby army, but Maria is pretty certain she’s done. Especially when he uses the term, “hybrid alien baby army” when trying to convince her they should have one more. Okay, maybe two more. She told him she’s really happy that he’s finally found some minions that find his armpit farts actually funny, but that he’ll just have to get his kicks from seeing all his new nephews and nieces that are due soon.
Okay, and lastly - baby names. So I have a suspicion one of the girls would be Amelia. And then that made me think that their other kids would need to have some significance with their names too, but Michael didn’t really have a female figure in his life that meant much to him. And then I thought, what about Hal? He saved Michael et al’s lives when they were in the pods, but I can’t see Maria agreeing to name their son Hal. So THEN I realised that the girl-version of the name Hal would be Hallie. 
So yeah, we have Amelia and Hallie for their daughters, and their son would have obviously been Alex James. Alex because Alex, James for 2 reasons - if you know you know, and if you don’t know I can tell you in the comments 😘✌🏼
And yes, just to kill my fragile heart a little further, that is supposed to be one of their kids with Alex’s guitar (Jim got it sent to a safety deposit box held under the name of a Brandy Wallbanger, and Michael surprised Maria with it one Christmas - The Christmas Nazi strikes again). 😭
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sifeng · 5 years
Chinese Drama Villains
Villains are just as essential to a story as a hero. If you have a weak villain that has no personality beyond evil, and no reasoning behind their actions besides “because they’re evil”, then no matter how good your hero is, the story still won’t be compelling.
Today, I will compare 7 different villains from four different kinds of dramas - wuxia, xianxia, harem and revolutionary era. The eight villains can also be grouped into three different categories based on why they do what they do - for love, for power, and a struggle internally.
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The eight villains I will be analyzing are as follows:
Sui He (穗禾) played by Wang Yifei (王一菲) from Ashes of Love (香蜜沉沉烬如霜) - Xianxia
Xian Fei (娴妃) played by She Shiman (佘诗曼) from The Story of Yanxi Palace (延禧攻略) - Harem
An Lingrong (安陵容) played by Tao Xinran (陶昕然) from Empresses in the Palace (甄嬛传) - Harem
Hua Fei (华妃) played by Jiang Xin (蒋欣) from Empresses in the Palace (甄嬛传) - Harem
Yang Kang (杨康) played by so many different people but from the most recent one its Chen Xingxu (陈星旭) from The Legend of the Condor Heroes (射雕英雄传) - Wuxia
Zhou Zhiruo (周芷若) played by so many different people but from the most recent one its Zhu Xudan (祝绪丹) from Heavenly Sword and Dragon Sabre (倚天屠龙记) - Wuxia
Feng Manna (冯曼娜) played by Tao Xinran (陶昕然) from Rookie Agent Rouge (胭脂) - Revolutionary Era
They can be grouped into the three categories I mentioned before in this order:
For Love - Sui He, Hua Fei, Zhou Zhiruo (kind of)
For Power - Xian Fei, An Lingrong
Internal Struggle - Yang Kang, Zhou Zhiruo (kind of), Feng Manna
Let’s analyze each category separately. Also sorry Yang Kang is the only guy villain here, but lets be real, in recent dramas haven’t the villains always been ladies?
For Love
This group is the easiest to determine what their motivation is: love. For all three, they are the second female leads (arguably) and cannot get the leading man because he obviously belongs to the female lead. 
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Sui He (穗禾) played by Wang Yifei (王一菲) - Ashes of Love (香蜜沉沉烬如霜)
For Sui He, love is one of two factors that causes her to do the things she does. The other factor is because she wants to please the Heavenly Empress to keep her position as the leader of the Bird Tribe. But evidently, it seems that love is her primary motive, as the scene in which she completely breaks down is when Xu Feng (male lead) reveals he never loved Sui He and only wanted to see if she really killed Jin Mi (female lead)’s parents. When she looses leadership of the Bird Tribe, yeah, she’s sad, but not as sad as the aforementioned scene.
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Hua Fei/Nian Shilan (华妃/年世兰) played by Jiang Xin (蒋欣) - Empresses in the Palace (甄嬛传) - the one in hot pink
Hua Fei’s motive is just love. She already has power within the harem (she’s tied with the Empress), and her family is super important and powerful as well. The only thing she wants is the Emperor (male lead)’s love. When the emperor is more interested in the new concubines, Shen Meizhuang and Zhen Huan (female lead), Hua Fei is ready to destroy them. She gets Shen Meizhuang out of favor by tricking her into thinking she was pregnant, and while she tries, on many occasions, to get Zhen Huan out of favor as well, it seems her ideas don’t work. 
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Zhu Xudan (祝绪丹) as Zhou Zhiruo (周芷若) in Heavenly Sword and Dragon-Slaying Sabre (倚天屠龙记)
Zhou Zhiruo could technically be in two categories here, but let’s just talk about how her love for Zhang Wuji (male lead) affects her decisions. After Zhang Wuji leaves her at the altar after Zhao Min (female lead) intrudes on their ceremony and offers to help Zhang Wuji find his godfather only if he leaves with her, Zhou Zhiruo sheds the mask of innocence that she wears. She uses her unorthodox Nine White Bone Claws to try to kill Zhao Min, and this isn’t her first attempt to kill Zhao Min. She tried once to stab her in the stomach while she was sleeping, but got caught by Yin Li, who she had to kill instead. She then tried to make Zhang Wuji kill Zhao Min by pretending that Zhao Min had killed Yin Li and stolen the swords. The reason for her attempted assassinations is she is jealous that Zhang Wuji likes Zhao Min (though some of her other evil actions are for a different reason).
So What Do These Three Have in Common?
Love leads these three female villains into killing at least one person. For Sui He, she kills the Water and Wind Immortal, for Hua Fei she succeeds in giving Zhen Huan a miscarriage, and for Zhou Zhiruo, she is forced to kill Yin Li to silence her. Love drives these three into a frenzy, and they are willing to do anything or kill anyone to get the love of their respective male leads. 
Some Others in this Category:
Zhao Sese (赵瑟瑟) - Goodbye My Princess (东宫)
Su Jin (素锦) - Eternal Love (三生三世十里桃花)
Chun Fei (纯妃) - Story of Yanxi Palace (延禧攻略) - kind of an exception though since she loves the second male lead
For Power
This type of villain is seen commonly in harem dramas, and some heroines even have this as their motive (Zhen Huan, Wei Yingluo). Their basis for their horrible actions is primarily so they can gain power, usually so they can be above those who had previously stepped all over them.
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Xian Fei/Hui Fa Na La Shu Shen (娴妃/辉发那拉·淑慎) played by She Shiman (佘诗曼) - Story of Yanxi Palace (延禧攻略)
Xian Fei had once been a kind and unfavored concubine who didn't bother to play in court politics (but then again, in the beginning only Gao Guifei cared at all). But after her family’s fall from power (of which she cannot do anything for), she changes dramatically. She starts by killing Jia Pin, and making all sorts of ploys to bring Wei Yingluo’s downfall. While she doesn’t hate the emperor, her motives for getting higher in the court have nothing to do with him. Her ending, while not as bad as some of the other ones, is rather tragic, as she becomes an empress that is isolated and given no real power, similar to how she started out.
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An Lingrong (安陵容) played by Tao Xinran (陶昕然) - Empress in the Palace (甄嬛传)
Like Xian Fei, An Lingrong starts out weak, unfavored but still good-hearted. She is grateful for the friendship of her two friends, Zhen Huan and Shen Meizhuang, even though the emperor could care less about her. She actually starts out at the lowest title possible for a concubine and stays there for like eighteen episodes. As her power grows a little stronger, she begins to develop an inferiority complex, and she believes Zhen Huan is trying to sabotage her (even though she’s not). She ends up betraying her two good friends in the beginning and going to the empress to become her minion. Throughout this development, her title grows and grows as does her father’s importance in the court. As her power grows, her personality shifts from kind and innocent to jealous and eager to gain more power. 
Some Others in this Category:
 Hong Shiguang (洪世光) - My Amazing Boyfriend (我的奇妙男友)
So What Do These Two Have in Common?
They both start out weak and unfavored, though Xian Fei’s rank is considerably higher than An Lingrong’s. While An Lingrong doesn’t need a tragedy to get her power hungry quest started, she does require assistance at first from Zhen Huan. The two ladies both use subtle plots and schemes to bring down their competitors, and both kill somebody. Xian Fei straight up chokes Jia Pin (though not with her own hands of course) and An Lingrong causes Zhen Huan’s miscarriage by giving her an ointment whose scent causes miscarriages. Both rise considerably in power, and loose their old personalities, replacing them with a desire for power and revenge. 
Internal Struggle
This is my favorite type of villain, and also the most complex. This group of characters have some sort of struggle internally, usually on whether to do what others say, or do what seems to be easiest. They are the most emotional of these villains because even though they seem to be tough and strong on the outside, inside they have no clue what to do.
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Yang Kang (杨康) played by Chen Xingxu (陈星旭) - Legend of the Condor Heroes (射雕英雄传)
Honestly, while watching the 2003 and 2017 versions and reading the novel, I felt really bad for Yang Kang, but he definitely does do things we as watchers cannot forgive. His struggle is between whether he should accept his fate as a normal Song peasant or continue being the Jurchen Prince he once was. His real father, Yang Tiexin was a Song peasant, as was his mom, Bao Xiruo. After Yang Tiexin was supposedly “killed”, Bao Xiruo married Wanyan Honglie, a Jurchen Prince, so Yang Kang could have a good life. When Yang Tiexin was revealed not to be dead, Bao Xiruo and Mu Nianci (Yang Kang’s love interest) both convinced him to accept his father was Yang Tiexin, and escape the city to live a peasant life with his real family. He refused, and Wanyan Honglie decided to run after the reunited family, this led to the deaths of Yang Tiexin and Bao Xiruo. Their deaths, as well as Yang Kang’s new struggle of “who am I?” leads him to Mu Nianci, and he finally accepts he is Yang Tiexin’s son, and a normal Song peasant. But, life as a Song peasant obviously is not as comfortable as life as a Jurchen Prince, and he constantly switches and back and forth from Song peasant to Jurchen Prince. When he discovers the reason Bao Xiruo and Yang Tiexin were separated in the first place was Wanyan Honglie; Mu Nianci, Guo Jing and Huang Rong all tell him to kill Wanyan Honglie. He is about to, but cannot do so, because well, duh, this dude raised him. For eighteen (something) years, he thought he was Wanyan Kang, and not Yang Kang.
This brings me to why he’s a villain - the things I said before, that doesn’t make him a villain, it makes him a human. But what does make him a villain is when he is willing to betray his true country (Song) for Jin, and when he then lies to Mu Nianci. 
Is he allowed to not be willing to leave the comfort of the palace? Yes. Is he allowed to not have the guts to kill Wanyan Honglie? Yes. Is he allowed to help Wanyan Honglie once in exchange for Wanyan Honglie raising him? Yes, even twice. But, is he allowed to betray his country and the person who loves him the most just for some title and some riches? No. Sure, he can stay in the palace as a Jurchen prince, but the fact that he used Mu Nianci’s connections to get information about Song army advancements and then TOLD THEM TO WANYAN HONGLIE is unacceptable. 
But I do think it ought to be said - Guo Jing, Huang Rong and Mu Nianci were being way too cruel when they asked Yang Kang to kill Wanyan Honglie. That’s like asking you to kill this man who did nothing but be nice to you and raise you as a parent should for your entire childhood. Who is cruel enough to do that? 
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Feng Manna (冯曼娜) played by Tao Xinran (陶昕然) - Rookie Agent Rouge (胭脂)
I also felt really bad for Manna, especially in the beginning. In the beginning, her best friend is Lan Yanzhi, and they’re really close - that is until Yanzhi decides to betray Manna. Yanzhi decides to help the Nationalist Party by infiltrating Manna’s house and revealing how Manna’s parents are Japanese spies. Yanzhi does make the Nationalists promise that in her infiltrating the house, these actions will not hurt Manna (but of course they do). Yanzhi’s spying causes the death of Manna’s parents and the destruction of the friendship the two girls had.
So, doesn’t Yanzhi seem like the villain here? Well, two reasons she isn’t, what Manna does after these first few episodes, and because Yanzhi was helping her country (ooooh, I should do an antihero analysis too! Yanzhi would fit so perfectly). After the death of her parents, Manna can only rely on San Ge, the person she loves the most. And eventually, she is forced to go and help the Japanese, something she does with joy, and she really (really really really) wants to capture Yanzhi and torture her too. She ends up being a huge spy for the Japanese, and when she does capture Yanzhi, she unleashes all sorts of torture on her (mental, physical, all the sorts). Her willingness to betray her country just because of a broken friendship does paint her as a traitor, but you do have to consider the fact that she has no where else to go. Her parents were traitors, and so who will believe that she’s a hero? Another factor that makes her a villain is the fact that she believes her parents were correct, she believes that they’ll go to heaven, even though they were evil and wicked. While of course, we, as children (usually), see our parents as good people no matter what they do, Manna should have seen this situation in context.
But now that I write this, Manna is a very pitiful character, and if this story was told from her point of view, Yanzhi would 100% be the villain. Out of the people on this list, Manna has the most reason to do what she does, and while its not correct (what she does), she really had no other option.
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Zhou Zhiruo (周芷若) played by Zhu Xudan (祝绪丹) - Heavenly Sword and Dragon Slaying Sabre (倚天屠龙记)
We’ve already seen how love impacts Zhou Zhiruo’s decisions and her evil, but another factor that causes her transformation is the pressure her master, Miejue put on her before her death. Miejue made Zhou Zhiruo promise not to ever love Zhang Wuji, and even to kill him. She made her the new leader of Emei, but also said that if Zhiruo disobeyed her, then Miejue would never get to experience peace in the afterlife. Zhiruo, who loves Zhang Wuji, but also Miejue doesn't know what to do.
On the Island, she steals the two swords, and while she tries to kill Zhao Min, her master had told her to kill Wuji. She cannot bring herself to do that (meaning she has disobeyed her master and that Miejue will not find peace in the afterlife). She then gets the Nine Yin Manual, and practices the Nine White Bone Claw skill, though she only learns the inferior unorthodox version. Zhiruo kills Yin Li, and pushes all the responsibility onto Zhao Min, continuing to pretend she too is a victim. After being left at the altar, she decides to follow through with Miejue’s orders and becomes the true leader of Emei. She shuts up one of the Emei students who used to talk trash about her by continuously hitting her with her blows until the student finally accepts Zhiruo is truly the leader. 
So What Do These Three Have in Common?
They’re being told to do one thing, but they cannot. Yang Kang is told to be a Song peasant, since he’s supposed to be one, but he would rather be a prince. Manna is told she should be sincere to her country, but the only people who will accept her are the Japanese. Zhiruo is told to forget her love for Zhang Wuji, but she loves him too much. This kind of struggle leads them to do cruel things out of confusion or anger. These are the most complex villains, with motives that go beyond just one thing. They do bad things because they cannot live up society’s expectations of a good person, and go the opposite way instead.
So What Makes a Good Villain?
The ones I’ve included as analysis are all good villains, but my favorite, in terms of how complex he is, is Yang Kang. He are real, human, and his motives go beyond just one reason. Manna was also really complex, and also she had just a great transformation. She is kind of forced into the role of a villain because there’s no where else to go. Honestly, though she does some bad things, people in that show (Rookie Agent Rouge) all do bad things, even good guys, so she’s a great reflection of how cruel society can be. She’s a victim, and because no one was willing to help her, or because she wasn’t wiling to accept the truth, she turned into the villain. My least favorite type of villains is the “do it for love” type, since, realistically, few people would go to the point of murder for love. 
One of the reasons I feel like Manna is such a good villain, is because Tao Xinran played her role so well. Jiang Xin’s Hua Fei was also SO GOOD! You can see that behind that mask of power and sass, she’s just a little girl who wants to be loved by the one she loves. So, while writing is very important, I think acting is very important as well. You have to create a good character, with human traits and realistic motives, and also an actor or actress has to be able to play out these traits. 
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nikoldragonne12 · 10 months
Old post:
DM AU - my families (updated)
Ruby Wilde (Lucy Wilde's aunt)
Thomas "Tom" Wilde (Lucy Wilde's twin brother)
Damien "Dami" Fournier (Tom's husband)
Amberlynn "Amber" Wilde-Fournier (Lucy Wilde's niece)
Female minion tribe (lead by Vicky and Rita)
Roselle "Rose/Rosie" Moreau (Wilde-Fournier's neighbor)
Colette "Lettie" Moreau (Balthazar Bratt's daughter)
Fabio Moreno (guy who's interested in Roselle)
Ewan Starr (businessman who moved to Canada after his son's birth)
Sabine Starr (Ewan's wife)
Felix Starr (Amber's former classmate)
Gianna Manzo (another of Wilde-Fournier's neighbors)
Lucien Fournier (baker who took Damien in after emigrating to Canada)
Aimée Fournier (Lucien’s wife)
United States of America:
San Francisco
Lei Chow (Master Chow's granddaughter)
Tao Chow (Lei's husband)
Lin Chow (Master Chow's great-granddaughter)
Feng Chow (Master Chow's great-grandson)
Bao Chow (Master Chow's great-grandson)
Charles Werner Nefario (Dr. Nefario's son)
Eva Nefario (Charles's wife)
Alfred "Fred" Isaac Nefario (Dr. Nefario's grandson)
Tiana Nefario (Fred's wife)
Elizabeth "Lizzie" Angela Nefario (Fred's daughter)
New York
Daisy Nelson (Junior's daughter)
Hunter Nelson (Daisy's husband)
Aaron Nelson (Junior's grandson)
Richard "Richie" Nelson (Junior's grandson) 
Zoey Nelson (Junior's granddaughter)
Donovan Nelson (Tina's son)
Lily Nelson (Donny's wife)
Katelin "Katie" Nelson (Tina's granddaughter)
Quinsel "Quinn/Quinnie" Nelson (Tina's granddaughter)
Ronald Nelson (Binkie’s son)
Yvette Nelson (Ron’s wife)
Marcus "Marc" Nelson (Binkie's grandson)
Zachary "Zach" Nelson (Binkie's grandson)
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dc-earth53 · 4 years
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#0002: Wonder Woman (Diana of Themyscira)
Age: 45
Occupation: Ambassador, author, adventurer
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: Hippolyta (mother, deceased), Gaea (mother),  Lyta Hall Trevor (half-sister. deceased), Daniel Hall (nephew), Ares (grandfather), Donna Troy (sister), Cassandra Sandsmark (great-aunt).
Group affiliation: Amazons of Themyscira, Justice League of America, formerly Star Sapphire Corps.
Base of operations: Themysciran Embassy, New York City.
Height: 6′0″
Weight: 165 lbs.
45 years ago: Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons, ashamed that she had to leave her first daughter behind in man’s world, petitions the gods of Olympus to give her another child. They take pity on her, and instruct her to mold the form of a baby girl from clay. Gaea, spirit of the earth itself, imbues this clay figure with a soul, and Hippolyta names the newborn child Diana.
29 years ago: Teenage Diana befriends Troia, another young Amazon who had been adopted by the tribe after washing ashore as a baby.
20 years ago: 
Sensing much trouble and discord in the world of men, the Olympian gods declared that Themyscira should send out an emissary of peace into the world. Hippolyta holds a contest to determine which Amazon would be sent, forbidding Diana to enter. Disguised, Diana enters the competition nonetheless, winning and claiming the uniform her mother had worn decades before her, as well as her Lasso of Truth.
Diana leaves Themyscira, arriving in Boston, Massachusetts, where she is detained by local authorities. The Olympians intervene on her behalf, appearing to her in animal form and granting her abilities beyond those of normal Amazons.
Diana is taken in by Harvard professor Julia Kapatelis, and her daughter Vanessa, and enrolls at the school to learn more about the world.
Diana is attacked by Decay, a minion of Ares, god of war, and the battle spills out onto the streets, garnering her attention from the media, who dub her “Wonder Woman.”
19 years ago: 
Diana foils a plan by Ares and his children, Phobos and Deimos, to cause a nuclear holocaust, using her lasso to convince the god of the error of his ways.
Diana becomes a founding member of the Justice League of America after teaming up with other heroes to repel an alien invasion of Earth.
18 years ago: 
Diana agrees to hire Myndi Mayer as her publicist.
Troia arrives in Boston, taking the moniker of “Wonder Girl.”
Diana gains the attention of Barbara Minerva, the feline femme fatale calling herself the Cheetah. Minerva attacks Diana, attempting to steal the Lasso of Truth. After subduing her, Diana decides to return home to Themyscira.
17 years ago: 
While on Themyscira, Diana is forced to partake in the Challenge of the Gods in order to sate Zeus’s anger for refusing to sleep with him. She fights monsters including the Hydra and Echidna on her way to freeing the imprisoned demigod Heracles.
Diana is first confronted by Valerie Beaudry, the Silver Swan, and Dr. Doris Zuel, alias Giganta.
15 years ago: 
While on a trip to Greece with Vanessa and Julia, Diana is captured by the sorceress Circe, defeating her with the aid of Hermes. 
When Diana returns to Boston, she finds Myndi Mayer dead, victim of a drug overdose.
14 years ago: Themyscira reveals its existence to the world, and the Amazons begin to take a greater part in world affairs.
13 years ago: Vanessa is kidnapped by the diminutive telepath Edgar Cizko, alias Doctor Psycho, beginning his long rivalry with Diana.
11 years ago: Diana, along with the rest of Earth’s superheroes, participates in the fight against the Anti-Monitor.
10 years ago: 
After the Dominator invasion, Cheetah attempts to steal the Lasso of Truth once more, leading Diana to find the lost city of the Bana-Mighdall tribe of Amazons, and their champion, Artemis.
Diana is caught up in a war between the various pantheons of gods on Earth, and is seemingly murdered by Circe during the fighting. With the aid of the Phantom Stranger, she returns to life and defeats Circe, ending the war.
9 years ago: Diana is briefly replaced by Artemis as Wonder Woman after Hippolyta has a vision of her daughter’s death. Artemis dies instead, and Diana reclaims her mantle
8 years ago: 
Diana joins the new incarnation of the Justice League, assembled to combat a team of rogue White Martians.
Vanessa Kapatelis is mutated into the new Silver Swan by Circe, who sets her loose against Diana.
7 years ago: 
Diana re-locates to Gateway City, befriending museum curator Helena Sandsmark and her daughter, Cassandra. Cassandra disguises herself, and using artifacts stolen from Diana’s belongings, helps defeat Morgaine le Fey as the new Wonder Girl.
Themyscira is destroyed by the forces of Imperiex and Brainiac, killing many of the Amazons, including Hippolyta. The survivors relocated to a new Themyscira - a floating island built in the Bermuda Triangle.
5 years ago: 
Diana takes a position as Themyscira’s ambassador to the United Nations, moving to New York City. She publishes a book, titled “Reflections: A Collection of Essays and Speeches,” which makes an enemy out of pharmaceutical tycoon Veronica Cale.
Diana confronts Maxwell Lord, who murdered the Blue Beetle and had Superman under his control, and snaps his neck. Afterwards, seeking internal peace, Diana makes a pilgrimage to Nanda Parbat, leaving her post to Troia.
4 years ago: 
Despite strained relationships with Superman and Batman, Diana joins the newly restructured Justice League.
Diana is placed on trial by the World Court for the murder of Maxwell Lord, with Kate Spencer as her attorney. She is cleared of all charges and returns to the embassy.
3 years ago: Granny Goodness, in the guise of Athena, and Circe, work together, leading an attack on the United States by Themyscira. Diana is forced to fight against her sisters.
2 years ago:
During the Blackest Night crisis, Diana temporarily becomes empowered by the Violet Light of Love, becoming a Star Sapphire.
The resurrected Maxwell Lord enacts a scheme to eliminate Diana from play, trapping her in a prison of her own mind with the aid of Doctor Psycho - all part of a scheme from Nemesis, goddess of revenge. Diana defeats Nemesis and returns to reality.
1 year ago: Diana is attacked by Grail, daughter of Darkseid, who wants the essence of the gods to restore her father to adulthood.
Present day: Diana continues working at the embassy, while also continuing to serve with the Justice League and aiding the Sentinels of Magic against the goddess Hecate.
If Superman embodies hope and Batman embodies justice, Diana embodies compassion. Her existence is almost paradoxical: she’s the most compassionate of the Trinity, but also the most willing to kill when it comes down to it. The New 52 took her character too far in the direction of being a warrior, emphasizing the sword as her main weapon rather than her lasso and bracelets - to the point where her lasso became part of a chainsaw in Death Metal (as badass as that was). This Diana largely rejects that part of her nature, leaning into her status as an ambassador of peace to the world and believing in an open hand rather than a closed fist whenever possible.
This version of Diana is largely based on George Perez and Greg Rucka’s interpretations of the character, although that raises a few issues with regards to the timeline. Since post-Crisis Diana was introduced without any of her prior history, her post-Crisis early career is spread out over several years in this timeline. Certain elements of the post-Flashpoint interpretation of the character are also included, namely her being detained as an illegal alien by immigration officials, and her battle against Grail after this universe’s equivalent of Final Crisis.
This Diana also adheres to her origin according to Perez, rather than Brian Azzarello’s revamped origin that was also used for the live-action film. Diana was originally envisioned as an inherently feminist character, and making her narrative a patriarchal one centered around her heritage as a descendant of Zeus detracts from that. Rather, she’s a daughter of Hippolyta and Gaea, empowered by the female members of the Olympian pantheon (as well as Hermes). Diana doesn’t need a man behind her to be powerful, she just is.
She also doesn’t need a love interest. I have no hatred in my heart for Steve Trevor, but the character works better in the setting of World War II. In this continuity, he’s Hippolyta’s lover who later settles down with Etta Candy after Hippolyta returns to Themyscira. Perhaps a lover is in the cards for her in the near future, however.
Diana’s costume in this canon is the one she currently sports in Rebirth canon. I am shocked that it took so long to give her a battle skirt, given how much sense it makes as a permutation of the classic culottes or leotard look. 
Got questions about Diana or anything else? My asks are open!
#0003 - Hal Jordan
#0004 - Aquaman
#0005 - ?????
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eatmycards · 5 years
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Here is my little girl!! ; u ; used a base of Mariah for this one! To try and fit her in the part 3 kind of style? I didn’t color it like the style doe that’s for sure hhahaha I can’t even lol. Here is some infro on little Joelle!  ♠♣♥♦♠♣♥♦♠♣♥♦♠♣♥♦♠♣♥♦♠♣♥♦♠♣♥♦♠♣♥♦♠♣♥♦♠♣♥♦♠♣♥♦ Name : Joelle Joestar ( ジョエル・ジョースター Joeru jōsutā  ) Real name : Nicte (ニクテ Nikute) Name meaning : Flower ( In ancient Mayan language ) Age : Unknown / Over 10,000??  Gender : Female Hair color : Purple Eye color : Brown  Height : 5″6 Love Interest : None. Stand name : End of an Empire [ 帝国の終わり  Teikoku no owari ] [Chapter 1 - Time / Chapter 2  - Love / Chapter 3  Dream / Chapter 4 - Death] Stand ability : Manipulation of reality withing it’s four chapters , her power is still ongoing the better she controls it the more powerful it gets. Has parts of her Dads and Mother’s powers. Destructive Power (破壊力 Hakairyoku):  Unknown ?  Speed (スピード Supīdo):Unknown ? Range (射程距離 Shatei Kyori): Unknown? Persistence (持続力 Jizoku-ryoku): Unknown ? Precision (精密動作性 Seimitsu Dōsa-sei):  Unknown ? Development Potential (成長性 Seichō-sei): Unknown  ? Father : Kars (カーズ Kāzu) Mother :  Yaxkin (Name meaning : Sun / ヤクスキン  Yakusukin  ) Adoptive Father : Joseph Joestar (ジョセフ・ジョースター Josefu jōsutā ) Short Bio :  Joelle Joestar ( ジョエル・ジョースター Joeru jōsutā  )   Nicte (ニクテ Nikute) Joe goes way back in ancient times , when the days were calmer and more simple . After her mother's death , Kars her dad tries to find a way to eternal life. Because he doesn't want his family and tribe to suffer the same fate as his wife did. Joe (Nicte) really wanted to help her dad in order to help him find a solution to this "eternal life" ends up unleashing an ancient curse which lead to a huge murder fest. Before Kars lost his senses , he had ordered Wammu to take care of Joe (Nicte) and cast an ancient magic which turned Joe (Nicte) into a stone figure,  keeping her safe for decades so he doesn’t end up killing her too.   Eventually after she was released from the ancient magic she ended up in the wrong hands at first , she was used for a test subject by a secret company (Common to Santana) being abused , which gave her a cold personality towards humanity and what it had to offer. Eventually after a lot of painful years of being a test subject , she was taken away by the Speed Wagon Foundation and under the wing of Joseph Joestar . (ジョセフ・ジョースター Josefu jōsutā ) . She becomes part of his family and his student. She grows up to be a powerful ally of the Joestar's and on the quest to Egypt to stop DIO. Her power in Stardust Crusaders is still rather unknow , her stand appears an outline of a strange figure that is covered in mist , that is it's first appearance in the Stardust Crusader's saga. She gained her stand after being hit by an arrow from one of DIO's minions  during an expedition with Joseph in ancient ruins of Bagan in Myanmar . Afterwards she continues her adventure further on being a part of the Stardust Crusaders . ♠♣♥♦♠♣♥♦♠♣♥♦♠♣♥♦♠♣♥♦♠♣♥♦♠♣♥♦♠♣♥♦♠♣♥♦♠♣♥♦♠♣♥♦
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finalfantasytrivia · 4 years
FFXIV Census
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The FFXIV Census website contains approximate statistics for various things concerning the game.
According to data from April 2020:
Most characters exist in American realms
Most characters are female Miqo'te, followed by male Hyur
The most popular class is Conjurer, followed by Arcanist
Grand Company distribution is pretty even, but majority of characters belong to the Order of the Twin Adder
Most Beast Tribe minions were retrieved from Kobolds and Sylphs
Info source: https://ffxivcensus.com/
Picture source: https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Final_Fantasy_XIV
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thedivineprince · 4 years
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The African vampire tradition is thought to be one of the oldest; perhaps consequently it is the known the least because the lore of the African people was shared primarily through the oral tradition. Totally different from the Victorian vampire, the African vampire is less centered on sexual repression, and more a supernatural explanation for crop failures and inexplicable diseases at the time. African vampires range from demonic predators such as Asasabonsam and the Adze that physically extract blood from their victims to the ghostly Obayifo that absorbed blood through psychic means. The closest thing to the human-transformed vampire in the African tradition is the witch that used a myriad of means to steal the blood from its enemies and children to keep itself young. Minions of the witch also tended to be either undead or vampiric and attacked the enemies of their master. n the deep forests of south Ghana the Ashanti hunters speak of a winged, demonic, virile, mannish creature with iron teeth lurking in the trees, the Asasabonsam. A predator to the hunters prowling in the area, the Asasabonsam would snatch men into the trees with their hook shaped feet and suck their blood. The creature may also hang by its hooked feet and snatch you away with its arms. As a species Asasabonsam were both female and male, and the sex and race of those they attacked was also nonspecific. A few sightings of the Asasabonsam declare the creature to have a wingspan of up to twenty feet, giving modern researchers a reason to believe that the Asasabonsam was actually an extremely large bat, a rare species that was indigenous to the area. Whether the creature was actually a man-eater or the scapegoat for missing hunters is of course unknown. A photograph was thought to be taken of the creature, but it is now lost and thus remains a mystery to this day. Also a product of Ashanti lore, the Obayifo (nicknamed “Bayi”) was known to various other tribes’ mythology. The Dahomeans knew it as the Asiman. But despite its different names, the common story holds up. The Obayifo was a witch masquerading amongst the living. (at Hoodoo Central) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIcJJDvjSL0/?igshid=1mcxkb0ahuuoq
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placesyoucallhome · 4 years
Wait if Shadowbringers is ending with 5.3 that means the next expansion might be hinted at soon. Which means we'll get to get a crack at future jobs sooner. Which means time to hype up the possibility of Puppeteer, Beastmaster, and some sort of Chemist healing job! ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN
When was shadowbringers/new classes revealed? Quick google search says like, trailer was dropped in November, at the Las Vegas fan fest, which safe to say fanfests are prolly canceled or online only this year. Class trailers in March, though the ShB trailer did hint at them!
I do think we'll get some hints at where we’re going next in 5.3 story, we’re likely to kill off Elidibus, and we’ll just have the ascian that’s shacking up with Zenos to worry about, and I do hope we don’t kill that one off too terribly quickly. After that? Pretty clear we’re going to have to deal with Garlemald soon, but at the same time... I think there’s better places to go. Even with Garlemald in chaos since Zenos seems to be very ‘lol byeee’ about ruling, I think the rest of the royal family, generals, and mad scientists there are still too much for the Eorzean Alliance to handle, even with Doma and all of those nations under that alliance with them. So, why not pick up Dalmasca, the Golmore Jungle Viera, Ilsabard, ect, there’s plenty of rebellions that we could help with, further whittling down Garlemald’s resources, AND there’s plenty we can find there in terms of classes and lore!
I’ve seen a lot of people throw Puppeteer around, but I think it’s likely to be another ranged dps class and I’m unsure how likely it’s implementation will be? I was on the fence about wanting it for a long time, until I remembered the goth gf of my adolescence, Lulu, and was like, no yeah I can get behind that. I’m imagining stuffed animals strapped to your character’s back like backpacks when ‘sheathed’ and carrying them around or having them follow you like a minion when ‘active’. That I would totally be for! Something a little bigger than a minion, just for ease of visual reads. Just imagine a big mean looking Aura or Roe carrying around a giant stuffed moogle! Easy to think the class as a pet class, but I think that’d be a mistake, I imagine it functioning more like a pokemon trainer, shouting orders and tossing the poor mammet at monsters/people for attacks or buffs, but the mammet/puppet would not have an AI like a fairy or carbuncle beyond following you if it’s allowed to walk on it’s own.
I, obviously, have thought a LOT about Beastmaster and Chemist, I’ve mused on how Beastmaster might work before, but I don’t think I’ve said much about Chemist? I can’t tell you how much I want Chemist, it’s nearly impossible to find a healing class that isn’t magic based, that’s what I want, a NON MAGIC HEALER. Let me be a Chirugeon Square!
Of course, there’s precedence, Chemist/alchemist have been combat classes before, in ff5, ffx-2, and all the tactics games. The main class ability being ‘Mix’, and OH BOY the fun we can have with that! I’m thinking, a combo based healer. ‘But Q’, you think, ‘that can’t work, healers must be reactionary to be effective!’, and yes, absolutely, combos effects are delayed and therefore not great for healing because people are dying NOW. So I propose thus- something between Ninja and Dancer, where each each heal or attack ‘cast’ is an ingredient added to a Mix, and the last 2 (maybe 3 if we want it more complex) ingredients will result in a different potion and therefore effect, like the Ninja mudra system. Two heals in the mix provides a shell buff maybe, two attacks in the mix might be an area poison, a heal and an attack might be an area regen? You can further add control to what is added to the Mix by implementing a 2-part combo system, heal1 prompts heal2 to be available for 15 seconds much like dancer, only heal 2 adds to the Mix, but if you need to throw out an attack first the heal2 will still be available for a few seconds. All heals are up front, and the Mix results are mostly buffs or attacks, so it’s still quick enough on healing while still allowing for a combo like system. Heals could be things like, a potion grenade, panacea darts, stoneskin salve, ect, attacks could be a toxic gas, poison shot, moltov cocktail, ect. And, obviously, the class itself will likely come from Garlemald, much like Dancer was from Thanvir and Gunbreaker from Ilsabard.
SO, Things I’d like to see from 6.0 and am going to read the hell into from any leaks/trailers/5.3+MSQ:
Beastmaster, in almost any capacity but hopeful for a ranged non-magic pet class
Chemist, or any non-magic healing class, bonus points if I get a crossbow/moltov (historically they use guns tho)
Male Viera and female Hrothgar, I understand it’s a very distant long shot, let me dream damnit
Also more hair options for existing Viera and Hrothgar models, come on, they have like 4-6 hair styles? They need more options like holy crap
More face options in general, for all races. One or two per would be nice, there seems to be maybe only 1 or 2 actually used faces for most, I think eventually this should be expanded and I feel it’s a good trade off instead of another race. Hyur have like 6, everyone else should too
Multi-person airship mount, no I’m not going to shut up about this, I want my fking airship!
Pillarless base housing walls, apparently something being looked at so prognosis is favorable
Make either everything ‘tabletop’ so I can set things on the loft as I want, or mark the loft as a ‘floor’. I’ve figured out float glitching but it’s still a pita and this would alleviate a lot of the issues
Ishgard housing, obviously on it’s way, the main question is WHEN? My bets are actually near 6.0 release, quite a long ways off
Bangaa beast tribe, PLEASE SQUARE GIVE ME BANGAA I BEG YOU! If we get Dalmasca it’s likely!
A terrace for apartments, a very small space to allow a few outdoor pieces (5-10?) to be placed, and one small gardening plot. I think the dev team is overthinking it, we don’t need anything more than a generic backdrop of the housing district, we don’t need to see the actual neighborhood
As for when we might see any of this??? Oof, I guess it’ll likely depend on if Fan Fests will be outright canceled or not? We’ll get a few hints on WHERE the next expac will be by the end of 5.3 more than likely, but anything more depends on where and when 6.0 trailer drops. And everything is understandably delayed as is, so we might have to wait for the later EU or JP Fan  Fests assuming those aren’t canceled too. But this SHOULD be the year we get a trailer for it, unless they push their whole timeline back a year, which isn’t impossible.
Over all, we’re probably going to Garlemald, I’d like to go to Dalmasca first, small chance for Thavnir, Sharlayan, or ‘the new world’ instead to build more allies against Garlemald. There is a tiny chance that they throw a curveball and have us go to the 13th to fix that world before all of that, but I think that’s better left to a different expac or even a post expac storyline. But they obviously did that THIS expac, I can’t say anyone could have really called we’d be going to a different world for 5.0, most were convinced we were going to Garlemald! Maybe we’ll go to the moon instead???
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