#female reddie
chlorophyllcrimescene · 2 months
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do you guys think i was sane here be honest
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Henderson State Softball
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plus-low-overthrow · 1 year
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Helen Reddy - Hit The Road Jack (EMI Capitol)
arr. Artie Butler, 1972.
Funky Female Rock!
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Pest was (probably) born into a cult
Pest's real name (according to a dialogue between DrRETRO and Reddy) is GuestID: 1314 or Guest 1314.
The name "Pest" was given to him to ridicule him for his condition, most likely being his half-beetle identity (only having part of an exoskeleton) and/or his potential intersex identity (for having both female and male beetle horns/mandibles).
Pest has never met his parents.
Pest has ASPD (antisocial personality disorder).
Number names are particularly common in cults as a way to dehumanize and separate a person from their identity, to make them closer to the cult. There are also other guests before him, hence why he is "1314". People who join cults later in life tend to be given different names as well. Pest also has ASPD, which is one of the disorders that cult leaders are commonly associated to have traits of.
Before anyone corrects me, please don't assume I haven't gone through these experiences and I'm just talking out of my ass. I am sorta just projecting my experiences onto Pest lol.
Also, as a reminder, please don't use my word as canon or use my headcanon to glamorize what cults are actually like. Thanks.
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Not necessary but appreciated robux donation.-Scott_screech
Hello welcome this is short information for now what is happening around in the au and how it looks like and the sexualities,heights,age of each characters+ships and friendships,feel free to ask for the further information,yes here will be more stuff when I will get time to write all...for now answering questions will be easier to me so go ahead! Feel free to ask anything you want or need to know!!-little reminder here,this account is made by only one person so the updates might be more rare cuz I don't have so much time on daily..I still will try do as much as I can
Infectedparty-infected x poob
Partybeetle-pest x poob
Wallmark-wallter x mark
Spive-split x bive
Birthday duo-poob and fleshy
Weird trio-pest,inf and poob
Family-lampert,wallter and mark
Scapro duo-prototype and scag
Apartament time-infected and unpleasant
Ball duo-poob and gregoriah
Light wall-lampert and wallter
Wooden light-lampert and mark
Scenelight-lampert and inf
Wood bros-mark and jim
Fun trio- split,poob and inf AND A LOT MORE!
If anyone have ocs ship also welcome then it will change.
Sexualities+genders,heights and age(reminder some are canon and some not):
🎁Poob-asexual,pansexual(non-binary)|5'6 with hat 5'9+at his early 20's| {Polish}
🪲Pest-gay and demisexual(male)|6 feet +at his mid 20's| {Japanese}
💡Lampert-asexual and omnisexual(male)|5'8+19| {Swedish}
🪵Mark-gay(male)|5'9(6'1 with robotic legs instead stand)+at his mid 40's| {Texan}
🪻Jimmy/Jim-bisexual(male)|5'9+at his early 40's| {texan and From Finland}
🧱Wallter-bisexual(genderfluid)|10 feet+at his mid 40's| {British(england) and Greek}
🍌Split-lesbian(female)|5'8 all fours, 7feet normally+early 30's| {Spanish}
☎️Bive-lesbian and asexual(female)|5'9+early 30's| {Austrian}
🟢Gregoriah-gay(trans man)|5'7+early 20's| {Australian}
💉Drretro-pansexual+demiromantic(female)|normal form 5'7 other form 6 feet+at her mid 40's| {Brazilian}
🎂Fleshcousin-questionable+aroace(no identify gender but goes by he/it)|5'8+no age(adult tho)|{no country-depends who he copies}
🛸Gnarpy-straight+aroace(male)|5'7+18| {Gnarpian(planet Gars)}
👾Infected-bisexual(male)|5'9+at his early 20's| {American,New Yorker}
🤖Prototype-pansexual(male)|6'1 feet+no age|{no country}
🐱Jermbo-straight(male)|5'8+21| {meow meow}
🪨Mr-straight+asexual(rock. He/it)|rock form 3 feet,other form 6'3feet+at his mid 40's|{French}
🐛pilby-pansexual(non-binary)|4'2+at their late 50's|(I want to keep that they are old. I like the old fashioned thingy with pilby){Dane(Denmark)}
🔴Reddy-straight(male)|7'6+no age| {no country}
🪣Spud-asexual+bisexual(male)|5'10 at his late 30's|{Norwegian}
🦠Unpleasant-straight(male)|5'10+at his mid 30's|{American, Alaskan)
☂️Mach-lesbian(female)|6'10 no hat,with hat 9'5(canon)+at her late 30's|{Canadian}
Folly-aroace(female)|9'5+at her late 40's|{Russian}
(bonus cuz why not)
🍦Crem-pansexual(demiboy)|5'11+at his late 20's|{Italian}
🙂Enphoso-aroace+bisexual(trans man)|6'5+at his early 40's|{German}
📌Emerson-omnisexual+asexual(male)|5'10+at his early 30's|{Kiwi(New Zealand}
👑Jeremy-bisexual(male)|normal form 12 feet,other form 7'3+at his mid 30's|{British}
🏕️Sarah-straight(female)|5'9+at her late 30's|{Australian}
🧽Swibbledib-pansexual(gender fluid)|5'10+at his mid 20's|{Portuguese}
📼Scag-bisexual(trans woman)|5'5+at her early 50's|{no country}
💻Williamplayz57/william-straight(male)|normal form 3'2,other form 6 feet+no age|{American, Floridian}
🦉Sab-straight(male)|5'11 feet+at his early 40's|{Greek}
🕳️Scary mike/mike-questionable(non binary)|6'2+no age|{Nepali}
🪓Glevil-asexual+bisexual(male)|5'10+at his late 40's|{American,New Mexico}
clover-gay(demiboy)|6'3 feet normal form,other form 7 feet+at his late 30's|{Scottish}
Döug-straight(intersex)|14 feet normal form,5 feet other form+at it's mid 50's|{German}
Tag-no comfirmed Sexuality|5'3 feet+no age information and country|
zAyee-Lesbian|10'5 feet+no age or country information| !both belong to @b4nd4g3-d0ct0r !
1.Okay for sure here will be a lot of happy wallmark posts,so if here any wallmark happiness needers,enjoy!they are switches and wallter is the malewife...wallter really likes cooking and taking care of others
Mark tries to be as helpful as he can but mark is a clumsy type of guy but very nice,tho sometimes stubborn so is wallter!enjoy-they did have a divorce before but they decided to give it another try and then remarried so yeah,they are a happy married gay couple!!!.
2.Yes the au have a story,kind of a lore and all but I just want to say that in this au most of things are happy(maybe.) and here are not a lot problems(no promises)...except with Mr and unpleasant still is unpleasant,I will write the story one day eventually when I will get time-each cast member of wter have their own backstories and secrets.
3.|pest doesn't really like infected In fact,poob is dating infected and pest but pest and infected are not dating cuz they quite hate each other but after all everything is fine in their relationships,they all agreed on this and are fine with it|,|spive,it just split x bive,bive is still very paranoid but with split she calms down a bit and split tries to help her out with stuff and they love each other very much|,|wallmark,as I said they had a divorce but they remarried,for Lampert and themselves and now they are happy with each other,they still prefer their building materials but they realized it's not such a big of a deal so they ignore what they prefer here|
4. Mark and Jim are siblings,glevil is their cousin|Mark and Jim are very close to each other and would die for one another,Jim really helped mark after divorce and with the remarry plan which worked out|
5.Ocs are still welcomed!Just tell me information about them and if I have rights to add them to the au,I will let on your own answer questions for your oc since I don't want to be rude here and say something incorrect
6.some npcs Live together and here I will give some
Infected+unpleasant+Lampert(tho lampert spends most of his time in rokea)
7.not everything is here from canon and it's more fanon...I try to keep each npcs personalities but also a bit changes,I made this au to a bit make it up to me but I also made this like that to keep important details and not change too much!
8(out of info) you can use my designs for anything you want,ship art and etc but I would be grateful if you tag me when u do
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huntersmoon1 · 6 months
If the boys adopted pets.
•Xavier would have a cat that followed him home and refused to leave.
•Rafayel,well he already has a fish named Reddie (sp) so maybe,a bird of some kind or a dog.
(Edit) or some kind of sea creature.
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•Zayne would have a dog,an abandoned great big gentle giant Great Dane or Great Dane mix that wanders into the hospital and starts to comfort kids.
-And she kinda becomes the hospital mascot after they realize she’s harmless and get her checked out and get her all her shots.
-And she sorta chooses Zayne as her owner (they say dogs choose their owners as much as cats do.).
-And whenever he has an ice attack whenever his evol starts to take over she gives him a neck hug wherever she can reach,his stomach if he’s sitting in his desk chair or his leg if he’s standing up.
-And even if that’s not happening she’ll often rest her head in his lap when he’s sitting at his desk. (This man needs love.)
Ok because of this⬇️ he would have a cat and one dog maybe.
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•Caleb a dog and a cat duo.
•Thomas a cat.(Rafayel never visits his house after he gets the cat even though she’s a sweet heart and is loving as a dog.) Maybe a dog too, a female Irish Wolfhound Great Dane mix (AKA Irish Dane or Wolfhound Dane) complete with big paws and long lanky legs she doesn’t know what to do with.
-He learned that she can jump a fence with ease and even climb over one if she really really wants to get out when someone tried to break into his house while she was outside and he was away.
-Most of the time she’s pretty calm,quiet,obedient,and well behaved but does have her hyper or excited moments.
-She’s pretty protective of him too.
-She’s his cuddle baby though.
-She does have a bit separation anxiety though,she doesn’t like it when he leaves for the day but is pretty chill while he’s gone cuz she knows when to expect him to come home.
-But as soon as he has his suitcase open on the bed ready to pack she sitting in it like she’s either saying “don’t go” or “me too!” or “take me with you!”.
-If it’s an over night trip or heaven forbid a week long trip god help the house sitter/dog sitter cuz big baby will cry so much,especially at night when she normally cuddles with Thomas aka daddy in his bed.
-Thomas puts a blanket he used for the last week in her crate since it has his scent on it and it makes it a little easier on her and she cries a little less.
-But when he comes home he better be prepared to be attacked with love in a way an only a dog that’s a big puppy could.
-Whenever he comes home after a long day especially if he had to deal with Rafayel,you can usually find him cuddling with his dog and his cat on the couch or the bed or heck even the floor.
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I just like this breed. It’s one of my favorites.
•Greyson a fish.
•Sylus a cat or some kind of bird. He has Mephisto but he’s stated Mephisto hates being called a pet.
-Seriously I don’t know why he doesn’t have a pet cat he obviously loves cats and cats are pretty independent if he doesn’t feed it then it’ll go hunting if it’s let outside,assuming it was either a stray or feral cat first or it’s a half indoor cat half outdoor cat.
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drivingsideways · 9 months
Year-end discussion in the Indian film space was dominated by the success of controversial film maker Sandeep Reddy Vanga's latest offering of undiluted misogyny and rage, appropriately titled "Animal"; but the best commentary I've seen on failed fatherhood and violent, toxic masculinity this year comes in a 2 minute scene in Kaathal: The Core, where a wizened old man testifies quietly in a family court that yes, he always knew that his son is gay, and still coerced him into a heterosexual marriage.
Kaathal: The Core isn't a film without flaws; one could argue that it's the quintessential film made about queer people by straight allies- actually more interested in the reaction to queerness and the adjustment to queerness by cishets, than in queer lives; that it has a one dimensional view of the reality of queer living in India. It has its moments of what I call "educational speechifying" that feel tonally at odds with the rest of it, but again, this paternalism in Indian cinema of the self-consciously "progressive" variety isn't unfamiliar.
The ending feels a little trite, and some artistic choices- an actual rainbow in the sky appears as the two lovers drive off into the sunset of their newly liberated lives-feel particularly anvil-like- much like the ending of another of director Jeo Baby's films, The Great Indian Kitchen, which was an exploration of the brutality of Indian-flavoured patriarchy. In short: a movie filled with intricately and deliberately placed subtleties that occasionally - somewhat inexplicably-loses confidence in its audience, and chooses to remedy that by being a bit over the top.
But those are minor quibbles. This movie gutted me. The story revolves around a middle-aged closeted gay man from a small close knit village community in Kerala whose life- and the lives of those around him- is thrown into disarray when his wife of twenty years files for divorce citing his gayness as the reason for the breakdown of the marriage- a step she takes just as he's nominated as his party's candidate for the local elections. With this premise, you'd be forgiven for expecting the movie to be high decibel melodrama- and possibly a tragedy- from start to finish. Instead, it deliberately chooses the quieter route, the most tender one; while not flinching away from the grim realities of widespread homophobia, it portrays both individuals and a community who , in a moment of crisis, discover that they are better than they think they are. And it does this not from a jingoistic, self-congratulatory ethno-nationalist perspective- but from a place of genuine love- as a reminder and a beacon in these dark times.
All of this is anchored in some fantastic performances- Mammootty once more showing up to remind us why he's one of the greatest living actors in the world, and Sudhi Kozhikode as Thankan in what should be a multiple-award winning performance as his long time lover. I've rarely seen an actor make so much of their limited screen time. When I say that minutes 50-52 of this film are the most devastatingly tragic-romantic moments in world cinema, you'll think I'm exaggerating and perhaps I am, but I can also guarantee that you're going to want to rewatch that sequence at least ten times and cry about two old geezers in love. Lives were changed in those moments, no lie.
My one disappointment in terms of performances is Jyothika, playing Omana, the long suffering wife. Omana is one of the stand-outs in the history of female characters in Malayalam cinema, and Jyothika is- barely adequate. When you contrast it with a similar role - say Hsieh Ying -xuan's performance as Liu San-lian in Dear Ex (2018)- the flatness is even more jarring. Still, the sheer love with which her character and her relationships, especially with her husband, are written carry the film through.
Tl;dr: watch it on Amazon Prime or at a theatre near you! You will not regret it.
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mariacallous · 4 months
On a stifling April afternoon in Ajmer, in the Indian state of Rajasthan, local politician Shakti Singh Rathore sat down in front of a greenscreen to shoot a short video. He looked nervous. It was his first time being cloned.
Wearing a crisp white shirt and a ceremonial saffron scarf bearing a lotus flower—the logo of the BJP, the country’s ruling party—Rathore pressed his palms together and greeted his audience in Hindi. “Namashkar,” he began. “To all my brothers—”
Before he could continue, the director of the shoot walked into the frame. Divyendra Singh Jadoun, a 31-year-old with a bald head and a thick black beard, told Rathore he was moving around too much on camera. Jadoun was trying to capture enough audio and video data to build an AI deepfake of Rathore that would convince 300,000 potential voters around Ajmer that they’d had a personalized conversation with him—but excess movement would break the algorithm. Jadoun told his subject to look straight into the camera and move only his lips. “Start again,” he said.
Right now, the world’s largest democracy is going to the polls. Close to a billion Indians are eligible to vote as part of the country’s general election, and deepfakes could play a decisive, and potentially divisive, role. India’s political parties have exploited AI to warp reality through cheap audio fakes, propaganda images, and AI parodies. But while the global discourse on deepfakes often focuses on misinformation, disinformation, and other societal harms, many Indian politicians are using the technology for a different purpose: voter outreach.
Across the ideological spectrum, they’re relying on AI to help them navigate the nation’s 22 official languages and thousands of regional dialects, and to deliver personalized messages in farther-flung communities. While the US recently made it illegal to use AI-generated voices for unsolicited calls, in India sanctioned deepfakes have become a $60 million business opportunity. More than 50 million AI-generated voice clone calls were made in the two months leading up to the start of the elections in April—and millions more will be made during voting, one of the country’s largest business messaging operators told WIRED.
Jadoun is the poster boy of this burgeoning industry. His firm, Polymath Synthetic Media Solutions, is one of many deepfake service providers from across India that have emerged to cater to the political class. This election season, Jadoun has delivered five AI campaigns so far, for which his company has been paid a total of $55,000. (He charges significantly less than the big political consultants—125,000 rupees [$1,500] to make a digital avatar, and 60,000 rupees [$720] for an audio clone.) He’s made deepfakes for Prem Singh Tamang, the chief minister of the Himalayan state of Sikkim, and resurrected Y. S. Rajasekhara Reddy, an iconic politician who died in a helicopter crash in 2009, to endorse his son Y. S. Jagan Mohan Reddy, currently chief minister of the state of Andhra Pradesh. Jadoun has also created AI-generated propaganda songs for several politicians, including Tamang, a local candidate for parliament, and the chief minister of the western state of Maharashtra. “He is our pride,” ran one song in Hindi about a local politician in Ajmer, with male and female voices set to a peppy tune. “He’s always been impartial.”
While Rathore isn’t up for election this year, he’s one of more than 18 million BJP volunteers tasked with ensuring that the government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi maintains its hold on power. In the past, that would have meant spending months crisscrossing Rajasthan, a desert state roughly the size of Italy, to speak with voters individually, reminding them of how they have benefited from various BJP social programs—pensions, free tanks for cooking gas, cash payments for pregnant women. But with the help of Jadoun’s deepfakes, Rathore’s job has gotten a lot easier.
He’ll spend 15 minutes here talking to the camera about some of the key election issues, while Jadoun prompts him with questions. But it doesn’t really matter what he says. All Jadoun needs is Rathore’s voice. Once that’s done, Jadoun will use the data to generate videos and calls that will go directly to voters’ phones. In lieu of a knock at their door or a quick handshake at a rally, they’ll see or hear Rathore address them by name and talk with eerie specificity about the issues that matter most to them and ask them to vote for the BJP. If they ask questions, the AI should respond—in a clear and calm voice that’s almost better than the real Rathore’s rapid drawl. Less tech-savvy voters may not even realize they’ve been talking to a machine. Even Rathore admits he doesn’t know much about AI. But he understands psychology. “Such calls can help with swing voters.”
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princess-glassred · 5 months
I had an idea for a Reddie Cinderella AU and I can't stop thinking about it
Eddie is the new kid in town, his mother constantly moves them around to intentionally isolate him from people, so he unfortunately has never had a real friend before.
Richie on the other hand is still friends with the rest of the losers club, but he's been feeling rather lonely as of late becaude all of his friends seem to have some one and he doesn't. Bill and Ben are constantly slobbering over Bev, and both Stan and Mike are starting to get some pretty serious crushes on their female classmates.
All and all this leaves Richie feeling a little left out, especially since their school is having a dance next week and his parents are practically forcing him to go.
Then Greta shows up, being uncharacteristically nice to him and asks if he would like to take her to the dance. Richie doesn't really like her but through his desperation to look like a cool ladies man, he says yes.
on the flip side of things, Eddie is still alone, but stumbles across the Bowers gang on his way to pick up his prescription at the pharmacy. They're smoking in the alley, and the moment they see Eddie they instantly try to kill him just because he's new and an easy target.
However, Eddie is able to talk his way out of it through bargaining with them. He tells them he has an account here that his mom regularly refills with out really checking, and if Henry lets him go he would be ""happy"" to hook them up with prescription drugs and medical supplies they can resell for pocket change.
Henry talks it over with his friends and they agree, but Eddie's duties to the Bower's gang get more and more ridiculous over time. It was bad enough basically being a drug mule, but now he's practically their slave. They make him do meaningless tasks, hurt him for a laugh, take his inhaler, and of course, get belch to set off his germaphobia. They don't even call him by his name anymore, just "Sissy", "Fag", "Pipsqueak", ect.
it's even worse because Henry basically uses Eddie as something he can take his frustrations about his own father out on. If Henry's dad humiliates him in front of his friends, Henry humiliates Eddie in front of them too, if Henry is forced to do a stupid chore for his dad (clean his gun, take out trash, pick up beer), Eddie will have to work his ass off.
He loathes doing all this stuff for them, but he has too or else Henry will kick his ass. Besides, anything's better than staying at home with his mother 24/7, and at least the Bowers gang are a "crowd", not a good crowd, but the first crowd Eddie's ever had.
With the dance coming up, Eddie is surprisingly dead set on going, but his mother obviously won't let him. Dances are riddled with disease, germs, and sweaty preteens grinding on each other. The last place she'd ever want Eddie to go.
Later that day, while cleaning a pair of boots that belong to Henry down at the quarry, he comes across Bev, Ben, and Bill taking a swim. They recognize him from school and ask what the heck he's doing cleaning Bowers shoes. Eddie, having had no one to really talk to at all before this, basically tells them his life story.
The three feel quite bad for never giving Eddie the time of day before noe, and ask if he wants to take a break and join them for a swim. He's naturally hesitant, but agrees and ends up having a really fun time with them. After they get out Bill even hands him his phone number and tells Eddie that if he needs anything, anything at all, he can just call them and they'd be happy to help. Eddie is utterly astonished to think he might actually have a shot at real friendship for once.
Even later on in the day, Henry, Belch, and Patrick are all tailgating in the woods while Eddie tries to get a fire going so he can cook them something.
Soon, their conversation turns to the upcoming dance where, although Henry and his friends are going, they're only doing it try and coerce girls into fucking them, which Eddie finds repulsive.
he's utterly disgusted by all this heteronormative sex talk, but keeps his mouth shut for the most part, until everything goes quiet and he offhandedly mentions how he might like to go too.
Henry spontaneously busts into laughter and uses it as an oppertunity to get up and humiliate him once more. He asks Eddie if he wants to wear one of his mom's dresses to the dance, if he's got a secret boyfriend he's been hiding from them, capping off with Henry telling Eddie he's a sorry little creep that nobody wants anywhere except for his nutcase mother. And then to add insult to injury, Patrick chimes in and asks how Eddie could ever expect to dance with his stupid asthma, followed by a really bad impression of him having an asthma attack.
Eddie feels pretty bad after that, but he feels even worse when Henry reveals he can't go to the dance anyways because Belch has a few missing assignments he doesn't wanna do himself, so Eddie has to do them for him.
But the day of the dance, despite Eddie not having anything to wear and Henry's warnings, he still tries his hardest to sneak out on his bike. However, Henry appearently expected this and was waiting just down the road in his car to jump him. He and his friends attack him and the bike, breaking the whole thing in half and leaving Eddie with a bunch of cuts and bruises on his body.
At first, Eddie thinks it's all over, and there's nothing left to do but go home and cry, but then he remembers what Bill said and decides to give him a call.
Bill takes him to Stan's house where they give him a tux Stan usually wears to the synagogue, and although pretty baggy since Eddie is quite small, he actually thinks he looks nice.
Ben and Mike begin tending to his injuries, while Berverly cuts his hair into something a little cleaner and "dashing", which Eddie also likes a lot. Bill even let's Eddie borrow his trusty bike so he can have a ride.
Eddie is supremely grateful and thanks all of them for being so nice to a stranger, but they all say it's not big deal because they're friends now.
At the dance, Richie is incredibly nervous, he's had like three cups of punch as he waits on Greta and his friends cause there's nothing else to occupy his shakey little hands. He doesn't really care about dancing with Greta, she's mean and kinda annoying, but he feels pressured to at least try and make a good impression on her due to comp het and stuff.
unfortunately, all those hopes are dashed when Greta does show up with her REAL date. When Richie asks what the hell is going on, Greta laughs at him and says "Oh come ON Richie, you didn't think I was serious, right? Look at yourself, you have buckteeth and coke bottle glasses, why the fuck would I ever like you.".
Richie tries to stand up for himself and tell Greta off but her date punches him in the face, breaking his glasses so much they're literally unusable.
Richie is so embarrassed about this he runs under the bleachers and hides, planning to stay there until his mom can come pick him up in an hour.  He's mortified and doesn't even wanna let his friends see him since the last time he talked to them they all seemed pretty happy he got a date. He couldn't possibly tell them what happened now.
When the rest of the losers club finally arrives Eddie is very excited, but quickly gets overwhelmed at all the lights, sounds, and people walking around. He's able to put up with it for a while, but then he sees Bowers out of the corner of his eye and had to run and hide under the bleachers.
The losers are fairly concerned as to where Eddie and Richie are, having not seen them since they got here, but they decide not to investigate since they have their own dates to tend to.
Underneath the bleachers is where Eddie and Richie finally meet, Richie's glasses are totally busted and the bleachers are dark so he can't see his face at all, but they still manage to make pleasant conversation.
They tell each other why they're hiding and crack jokes about it, which gets the two of them laughing like mad. They have such a good time talking together that at one point Richie even asks if this is one of Henry's friends fucking with him cause he can't see, but Eddie assures him it isn't.
they spend practically the whole dance just sitting under the bleachers, talking, and when they get sick of it Richie asks if he would be oh so curteous as to accompany him to the parking lot.
when they get outside their conversation becomes more intimate, even downright flirtatious. They decide to play 20 questions with each other, but Eddie convinces Richie to knock it down to just 5 questions. They ask each other the usual, why haven't I seen you around, are you new, ect. and Eddie tries his best to answer them, while Richie gives mostly joke answers.
Anyone listening in on the conversation could tell right away Eddie and Richie are enamored with one another, but it takes them a hot minute to realize it themselves. Eddie's having the time of his life with Richie though, he's all he's ever wanted in a friend (or possibly more than that).
Eddie's heart is absolutely pounding out of his chest, he's feeling so flustered and excited he's gotta use his inhaler to calm his nerves. Richie asks what it is and then asks if he can try it too, since he is also super fucking nervous. Then, despite his overwhelming germaphobia, Eddie let's him. After he does it, he cracks a joke about how it tastes like battery acid, making Eddie laugh.
Suddenly, the music inside the gym switches from a shitty disco tune to some random slow dance song, and that makes Eddie even more flustered than he already was.
Everything is just so perfect, the stars, the moon, the slow music, it's all so beautiful that Richie simply just can't handle himself anymore and has to kiss him on the cheek.
At first Richie immediately wants to take it back cause he thinks he ruined it all because Eddie goes quiet, but he's actually just silent because he's so stunned (in a good way).
He tries to reciprocate Richie's advances and kiss him on the lips, but right before he can they are interuppted when he suddenly starts freaking the fuck out and asks what time it is.
Every night at exactly midnight his mom ALWAYS checks to see if Eddie's safe in bed, and if she finds out he's not there right now she's gonna fucking flip.
Panicked, Eddie asks what time it is and Richie says it's about ten til midnight. Fuck.
He scrambles to get on Bill's bike, and as if the time crunch wasn't already bad enough, Henry's throwing a hissy fit in the gym.
He grabs Bill and interrogates him, demanding he tell them where "that fucking queer is", but none of the losers club actually know.
Eddie attempts to reassure Richie that this has nothing to do with him and that he's a great guy and yadda yadda yadds but he's gotta go NOW, so he just says a jumbled mess of words and speeds off.
Richie tries to get him to stay but it's too late, and Eddie rides off into the night, but luckily for him he manages to get back just in the knick of time, hiding his clothes and bill's bike in a nearby bush to get in the morning.
However, it's only when he's in bed does he realize that in his hurry he accidentally left his inhaler with Richie, forgetting to take it back from him when he tried it.
The following day Richie is devastated but determined to find him, unfortunately though, he never got a name and was so blind he could barely make out the kid's face in the dark. All he has to go off of is an inhaler, and he doesn't really know how to use that to find this kid. He even stalks outside the pharmacy for a while, but manages to just BARELY miss Eddie when he walks away.
The rest of the losers club can't be much help either since, although they know Eddie, they don't know that's the guy that he's looking for. All while Eddie is terrified to come forward about it due to Henry's homophobic bullshit.
What will happen when Eddie inveitabley gets introduced to Richie and he's still searching for that mystery boy? How will he confront his fears and stand up to his mother and Henry? Will they find their happily ever after, or will this story take a grim turn? Idk. I'm tired and this post is already long as fuck.
Sorry if this is a lame or poorly written idea, this is my the Reddie thing i've ever made and i'm new to this ship.
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chlorophyllcrimescene · 2 months
something has made me into a creature. i’m wandering the suburban streets, looking for a volunteer to rip me clean in half. blood on teeth seems like such a cliche until you’re spitting it out into the bushes and realize that it hurts. it really fucking hurts.
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scag is an alpha female and she has her 3 beta males proto pest and reddy
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darusia-chan · 4 months
Meet my Regretevator OC ^^
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Name: Rosette
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: She/Her
Species: Rose Moth/Demon
Can enter elevator: Yes
Killable: No
Hostile: No
Floors that she can appear: FNARB(Rarely), Temple of, Something, Scarlet Garden(her own floor)
Floors that she can leave: Two Stud Camp, Backrooms
-First spawining:
•"Oh, Hello there my new friends!"
-First spawning(with Reddy in the elevator):
•"Oh my gosh! It's the animatronic from Red Ball's Dinner and my best friend!"
-First spawning(with Pest in the elevator):
•"It's him! I guess it's my time to stay with him!"
-Leaving the elevator:
•"So long everyone, farewell!"
-Leaving on the Two Stud Camp floor:
•"Finally some fresh air and maybe some stargazing"
-Leaving on the Two Stud Camp floor(with Pest):
•"Wait for me, Pest my love!"
-Showered with the Petal Cone:
•"Those Rose Petals are so pretty!"
•"I'll steal your heart my friend"
•"Oh, Do you wish you were me?"
-Sprayed with Spray Bottle:
•"Thank you, I needed some fresh shower"
•"Kya ha ha ha! Hey! Stop spraying at my wings!"
•"Do you wish if there was more water?"
•"My grace is beautiful as a rose.."
•"Do you saw for first time a beauty like me?"
•"Roses are so pretty like you all..."
Interacting with Pest:
•"Ara Ara~"
•Pest: "Huh?"
•"Sorry, I-I didn't mean to say that..."
•Pest: "Whatever you say rose face..."
•"Is that so, my lovely Beetle Boy..~"
•Pest: "わかってるよ蛾娘"(I know, moth girl)
•"愛しています、私のビートルボーイ"(I love you, my Beetle boy)
Interacting with Reddy:
•"Heya my animatronic pal! How's your job going?"
•Reddy: "Everything is RED-RED-REDASTIC!"
•"Good to hear!"
•Reddy: "If you're interested for more information"
•Reddy: "*KZZRT*"
•Reddy: "please see the front desk"
•"Oh, ok!"
+Relationship Chart
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(If you want to draw her in your style, I don't mind!)
(Edit: I added a floor of my own for my OC which I reveal the design soon)
(Another Edit: I changed status to be killable from "Yes" to "No" bc my OC is a Immortal)
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kittykaspbrak · 1 year
I was just about to drift into snooze land but then I had an aching sickening (like my stomach dropped) thought of MY Richie Tozier dating a FEMALE. Soon enough the rest of the intrusive thoughts were rushing in and time was of the essence. I had to swiftly pull up a reddie oneshot book before the thoughts took over and guided me to a very depressing place.
The moral of the story is don’t get obsessed with anything, it will ruin your fucking life forever.
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reddie-ao3feed · 17 days
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/HJ56j9K by french3xit Richie Tozier cannot, for the life of him, remember. He knows something happened in the summer of 1989. But every time he reaches back in his mind to remember it, he comes up empty. What's worse, is that he's concluded its the reason Eddie Kaspbrak won't speak to him anymore. Through trial, error, and a lot of new wave music, Richie discovers that the scariest thing imaginable might not be beating the devil, but coming to terms with himself.   (OR: Bite-size Reddie for you all. I was bored. LOL.) Words: 4168, Chapters: 1/7, Language: English Fandoms: IT - Stephen King Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak, Bill Denbrough, Stanley Uris, Ben Hanscom, Beverly Marsh, Mike Hanlon, Richie Tozier's Parents, Original Tozier Character(s), Richie Tozier's Sister, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s) Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Eddie Kaspbrak & Richie Tozier Additional Tags: First Kiss, First Crush, Period Typical Attitudes, Period-Typical Homophobia, Internalized Homophobia, Internal Conflict, Memory Loss, Canon Compliant, Denial of Feelings, 80's Music read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/HJ56j9K
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Tag Game: Fandom Edition
I was tagged by both @mistmarauder and @princessfbi, presumably to expose me.
Current Hyperfixation: 911 (it's appalling how fast that came back) and my original blorbos
Previous Hyperfixation: Uh... probably Timeless? That show held me strong in its grip for two solid years but I don't think there was anything super strong before or - OH YEAH. REDDIE. HOW COULD I HAVE FORGOTTEN FALL OF 2019. A DIFFERENT TIME.
Top 5 Ships of All Time: Buddie (911), Phrack (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries), Spirk (Star Trek), Garcy/Garcyatt (Timeless), and Kastle (The Punisher - look I'm still mad, okay? I'm always gonna be mad. the scars run deep!!!)
Top 5 Ships at the Moment: Buddie (911), Xedgin (DND:HAT), House/Wilson/Cuddy (House M.D.), Dom/Brian (DO NOT JUDGE ME. LET HE WHO IS WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE, BITCHES), and Jisbon from The Mentalist
Top 5 Fandoms of All Time: I'm terrible at being "in" fandoms so this is a mix of fandoms I was active in and fandoms whose fic I devoured the most - 911, The Man From UNCLE, Star Trek, Timeless, IT
(Honorary mention to Castle - since I really was SO into that show - but it hasn't stood the test of time with me the way other fandoms such as Star Trek have.)
Favorite Female Character of All Time: Phryne Fisher
Favorite Minor Character of All Time: Xenk Yendar (he is, sadly, only in the film for about 15 minutes)
A Rarepair that you love: As the official captain of both Garcyatt and Jamy, I have to go with them
Favorite Movie: The Man from UNCLE (the people who joined me post-Timeless and 911 have NO idea the insanity that movie inspired in me. NONE WHATSOEVER. @captainofthefallen KNOWS!!! SHE WAS THERE, GANDALF!!!)
Favorite TV Series: 9-1-1 and Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
Favorite Book: Murder on the Orient Express by Agatha Christie
First Site you Ever Read Fanfiction on: I don't even remember the name. Um. Uh. It was a LotR site.
Where You Find Most of your Fanfiction Today: Ao3
Favorite Social Media Site for Fandom: Tumblr
Tagging: @captainofthefallen @givemeunicorns @lisbonsteresa @devilsbrokerank
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school56df · 1 month
The Extraordinary Journey of a family friendly Goat movie
 Family Friendly Goat Movie Venkat Prabhu, an iconic call inside the Tamil movie enterprise, is known for his distinctive fashion of filmmaking that blends humor, nostalgia, and unconventional narratives. Over the years, he has carved a spot for himself with films that stand out for their fresh, irreverent tone and ensemble casts. One such movie that showcases his particular directorial style is "Goa," a movie this is both a party of friendship and a bold exploration of the concept of freedom.
Released in 2010, "Goat movie trailor " is a Tamil-language comedy-drama that revolves around the escapades of three younger guys—Vinayagam (Jai), Ramarajan (Premji Amaren), and Saamikannu (Vaibhav Reddy)—who dream of escaping their mundane lives in a small village in Tamil Nadu. Their aspirations are fueled through memories of journey and romance they pay attention from their pals, and they decide to embark on a journey to the coastal paradise of Goa, hoping to revel in a lifestyles of pleasure and freedom.
The film starts offevolved within the picturesque town of Pannaipuram, in which the three protagonists lead an uneventful life. Vinayagam, the ringleader of the organization, is determined to interrupt loose from the limitations in their conservative village and explore the world past. His  pals, Ramarajan and Saamikannu, are without difficulty swayed via his infectious enthusiasm, and together, they hatch a plan to visit Goa. Their decision to go away the village is impulsive, spurred by means of the romantic testimonies of a friend who claims to have married a foreign female in Goa and settled down in a lifestyles of luxury.
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Venkat Prabhu uses the primary a part of the movie to set up the innocence and naivety of the 3 buddies. Their interactions with the villagers, their daydreams approximately a glamorous existence, and their comical attempts to put together for their adventure set the tone for the film's humor. The trio's adventure to Goat is marked by way of a series of funny activities, which includes their encounters with quirky characters on the manner, which includes a talkative truck driver and a mysterious hitchhiker. These scenes are peppered with Venkat Prabhu’s trademark humor, that's frequently situational and relies on the chemistry between the characters.
Upon attaining Goat, the 3 buddies are mesmerized with the aid of the splendor and vibrancy of the place. The movie then shifts gears as they begin exploring the seashores, nightclubs, and the carefree life-style that Goat is well-known for. However, their initial exhilaration quickly gives manner to a sequence of misadventures that challenge their friendship and test their clear up.
Vinayagam, the maximum ambitious of the 3, becomes infatuated with a overseas girl named Jessica (performed by using Australian actress Melanie Marie Jobstreibitzer), whom he meets at a seaside celebration. Convinced that she is the key to his dream of a high-priced lifestyles, he pursues her relentlessly, leading to a number of comical situations. Meanwhile, Ramarajan, the bumbling comic alleviation, finds himself entangled with a nearby Goat female named Suhasini (played by way of Piaa Bajpai), who has her personal set of issues. Saamikannu, the most grounded of the trio, attempts to keep the organization together however unearths himself increasingly more interested in the peaceful and religious aspect of Goa.
The splendor of "Goat" lies in its capacity to balance humor with moments of proper emotion. As the three pals navigate their way via the u.S.And downs in their journey, the movie subtly explores subject matters of friendship, love, and the look for identification. Vinayagam’s pursuit of Jessica, as an example, isn't just about his desire for a glamorous existence; it also reflects his deeper insecurities and his want to prove himself to the world. Similarly, Ramarajan’s dating with Suhasini, although played for laughs, is tinged with a feel of longing and vulnerability.
One of the standout functions of "Goat" is its ensemble cast, which incorporates some of Tamil cinema’s maximum beloved actors. Jai, Premji Amaren, and Vaibhav Reddy supply memorable performances as the three friends, with each bringing their personal unique electricity to the movie. Jai’s portrayal of Vinayagam is each endearing and exasperating, capturing the character’s mix of ambition and cluelessness. Premji Amaren, a ordinary in Venkat Prabhu’s movies, is in pinnacle form because the hapless Ramarajan, imparting plenty of the movie’s comic remedy. Vaibhav Reddy, as the extent-headed Saamikannu, serves because the emotional anchor of the institution, grounding the film with his understated performance.
The assisting solid is equally incredible, with Sampath Raj as a gangster with a heart of gold, Aravind Akash as a flamboyant fashion clothier, and the past due comedian ‘Lollu Sabha’ Jeeva in a memorable cameo. Each of those characters provides a layer of richness to the movie, making "Goat" a colourful tapestry of personalities and reviews.
Venkat Prabhu’s course is marked by means of his eager eye for element and his capability to create a lively, immersive world. The movie’s cinematography, via Sakthi Saravanan, beautifully captures the scenic beauty of Goat, from its solar-kissed beaches to its bustling markets. The song, composed by Yuvan Shankar Raja, is another spotlight, with its catchy tunes and lively historical past score complementing the movie’s lively mood. Songs like "Idhu Varai" and "Azhagaana Neeyum" became instant hits and are nevertheless remembered for his or her catchy beats and noteworthy lyrics.
What sets "Goat" other than other films within the style is its willingness to embrace the absurd and the unconventional. Venkat Prabhu infuses the film with a experience of playfulness, whether or not it’s thru the film’s quirky characters, its unexpected plot twists, or its playful nods to famous way of life. For example, the film features several references to Tamil cinema, which include a hilarious spoof of the iconic "Mankatha" movie, which Venkat Prabhu would move directly to direct a year later.
At its core, "Best Goat movie " is a film approximately the joy of dwelling inside the second and the significance of friendship. The film’s lighthearted tone is balanced by way of moments of introspection, because the three friends come to recognise that the liberty they are trying to find can not be observed in a place or a life-style, however within themselves. This message is delivered in a way this is both diffused and impactful, making "Goa" extra than just a comedy; it is a movie with coronary heart and soul.
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