renegadeleia · 9 years
Honey slow mornings, sunbeams through the window Green eyes tan skin freckles sunshine Ripples on the lake, warm sand underfoot Sweet-smelling grass and torn old jeans Drunk on summer and the look in your eyes And whiskey kisses and lemonade Fall back on a blanket, salute the sky That velvety darkness over our heads Let stardust and moonlight race through your veins Arm over shoulder, smile in your eyes Drunk on starbeams and the laugh on your lips And whiskey kisses and fireflies Drive away with me, hit the open road Your deep blue eyes and my old leather jacket Music up loud with the windows rolled down Wind in your hair, my hand in yours Drunk on freedom and the sound of your voice And whiskey kisses and loving you
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selfihateyouithink · 9 years
Close enough to taste: Twitfic.
I’m having such a feel about like, Alex fondly rolling her eyes about Claire geeking out over the sword (#Long post.)
Them meeting. “So how’d you end up here?” “Vampires tried to make me one of the family.” “No shit. An angel took my dad."
“Holy crap. But I can top you. I WAS a vampire for a day or so.” “Pft. I was a damn angel when I was like, twelve. You CAN'T go weirder."
And then later, after they know each other better, they whisper, “They used to use me as bait.” “…Guy who took me in sold me to a rapist."
And they look at each other with teary eyes and Alex gets in bed with Claire, and Jody worries her lip outside the door, listening.
“Fuck monsters.” Claire’s crying a little bit, but she starts giggling a bit. “I think that Winchester dude actually wants to."
“No WAY. Nothing in the crappy school Jody put me in is THAT interesting. You gotta tell me.” [Distraction: common coping mechanism.]
And Jody smiles, presses a hand to the door, and walks away, to sink into the sofa and call Donna and give her an update.
And they’re each other’s person, fast. Sometimes Alex lies on Claire’s lap, #smokes a cigarette & whispers, “I miss them. Kinda. Sometimes."
And Claire shakes her head when Alex offers her a hit, pets her hair. “Family’s family, after a while. It’s not like you can control it.”
“I actually kinda like the angel who stole my dad and borrowed my body. How’s that for fucked up family love.”
Alex laughs. “You win again.” She pats Claire’s chin gently, staring up at her with utter adoration. “I like this better, though.”
“...How about you?” And she starts to get up, a little terrified at being that vulnerable, but Claire makes a protesting noise and she stills.
“This is the best I’ve been in years,” Claire says quietly—not thinking, #smokes the cig. “But I don’t know if ‘family’ is really the word."
She’s kind of shaking when Alex sits up and stares into her eyes. And they’re really close. “So, what is then?” “Just. Less. Uh.”
Claire stares at the cigarette in her hand instead of looking at Alex. “...Different than that. Different than anybody I ever knew."
And Alex starts to smile, slowly. “Are you grossed out or something, thinking of us as sisters?” Claire’s head snaps up, “No! …Well. I uh.”
“...Kinda.” “Because you want…something else.” Claire smashes the cigarette out on the already burn mark -covered nightstand. Sighs.
“I want to do…non-sister things with you. Like…like, really non-sister things.” Alex laughs. “Are you trying to seduce me, Ms. Novak?"
“Oh, come on, I am so not old enough for THAT reference. We’re both misses.” Alex relents, squeezes Claire’s knee. “Yeah. True.”
She leans in. “I’m kind of loving that part. Actually, I. Kind of love you.”
And Claire’s eyes go wide and SLAM their noses clash when she hurries to kiss her.
“Young and dumb, I guess,” Claire says, rubbing her nose, trying to laugh off the embarrassment.
Alex isn’t laughing. She just leans in again, slides Claire’s hand away, and kisses her for real, slow. Careful. Nothing touching but lips.
It goes on until they hear something thump down the hall, and then they break apart, and laugh a little, and share one more peck.
“I hope Jody wasn’t thinking of us that way…” Alex leans in to her ear, “I want to do very non-sister things with you, too, Miss Novak."
Claire’s tongue gets tied when Alex pulls back; she just makes a huffing noise and buries her face in Alex’s shoulder. “Jerk,” she grumbles.
Alex kisses her hair. “I’ll make up for it next time Jody goes out with Donna. That’s a promise.” Claire shivers, gasps, “Okay.”
And then Jody calls them for dinner, and they break apart; hands brushing but not quite holding, all the way to the dining room.
(Jody can tell something is different immediately, but her big ol’ ball of sunshine tells her not to push it yet, when she gets home.)
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help for the dcbb??
okay so i’m thinking about signing up for the dcbb this year again (and hope i don’t drop out) but i need some help in which fic to do so i was hoping you could help me!!
In My Time of Dying - Dean's life had gone downhill ever since his mother died. His father was never there for him and Dean was too busy looking after his younger brother - making sure he got everything he needed - that he never thought about looking after himself. But years later, when the only way he can cope with his life is through shoving a needle into his arm, he learns that he really does deserve to be happy - that maybe he does deserve to be loved.
Ramble On - Dean Winchester is a Marine, has been ever since he signed up to put his younger brother, Sam, through law school. Whilst deployed in Afghanistan, bored from his days on base, he starts reading a book by a science professor named Castiel Novak. And there's something in his works that makes Dean share his thoughts and feelings with the author he's never met. And well, it's totally possible to develop feelings for a person you've never laid eyes on, right?
The Blood Legion - Clawing himself out of Hell was no easy task. Other demons trying to hold him back, pull him back to the bottom and pin him on the rack. But he managed. He needed to manage because he needed to get to Alastair  - needed to make him pay for what he did to him. Only when he gets topside, he meets an angel - an angel who was sent to save him before, but arrived a little too late.
Travellin’ Soldier - After Sammy leaves for Stanford, Dean parts ways with his father and starts hunting on his own. He's surprised when John gives him the Impala, but he doesn't complain. He finds himself following a trail that leads him directly into the path of one Castiel Novak. During Dean's stay in the town, they grow close and form a relationship that's unusually close for the both of them. But soon, the monster is gone and Dean needs to leave. He promises to write, and for a while he does, but when problems arise and he can't, it gives Castiel the wrong impression.
Those are the ideas that i have so far but i can’t decide, so yeah.. just tell me what one sounds more interesting/what one you wanna see more?? even if you don’t ship destiel, if you could just tell me which one sounds interesting anyway?? 
thank you!!!
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memitims · 9 years
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"You know, I thought you were gonna toss me some cheap pickup line. "
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renegadeleia · 9 years
Prompts are Open!
To celebrate 100 followers I'm going to open up fic prompts. This'll be open until about Dec. 25. I would prefer it if you're following me, but you don't have to be, and if I can't write your prompt I will let you know. I'll write for any of the fandoms I'm in and while I do prefer femslash, I'll write general and slash as well.
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selfihateyouithink · 9 years
For those of you in both camps
Don't forget that once upon a time, in Castiel's first season, he was "heartless", he betrayed Dean, he sacrificed innocent people to please and protect his own.
He seemed no better than Lexa does now, then.
We know better.
Wait for her.
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sckywalker · 9 years
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dean winchester aesthetics
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my anna milton central fic is gonna have three parts. the old, the new and the fatherless testaments. 
bu the thing is the fatherless testaments span over 2,000 years and i'm trying to think the important things that happen after jesus' death that would affect an angel............
when did this project get so hugeeee??
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memitims · 10 years
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"I'm sorry. Did I scare you?"
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sckywalker · 9 years
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au where dean is raised by mary
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Title: A Fallacy in Your Head
Word Count: 3,993 || 40,6111
Fandom: Supernatural/RENT
Pairing(s): Dean Winchester x Castiel
Chapter: 8/8
Chapter Title: Dying in America.
Summary: When paying rent gets too hard for Dean, his brother Sam convinces him to find a roommate, someone to share the load and strain with. Dean’s hesitant but his brother’s the smart one, so why not? After interviewing far too many people, Dean’s ready to give up and of course, that’s when the struggling author Castiel enters.
Bohemian!AU, based on Rent but not set in the Rent universe.
Dean swallows hard, raising his hand slowly. His knuckles graze the wood of the door before he lets it fall again. He shakes his head with a sigh. What is wrong with you, Winchester? He shakes his head again and raises his hand once more. Before he allows his hand to drop for a second time, he knocks the door three times. The sharp chapping echoes around the empty hallway. He looks around himself. He doesn't even know what he's looking for, but whatever it is, he knows it isn't there.  He turns back around when he hears the lock on the door go. His eyes raise, swallowing when they come in contact with green eyes much like his own. Red hair cascades down over shoulders in a messy braid, and Anna looks like she's ready to kill him already. This is not going to go well. 'What the hell do you want?' She sneers. Dean opens his mouth, ready to answer, but Anna cuts him off. 'Y'know, if you didn't mean so much to Jo, I'd string you up right now!'  'Put the claws in kitty.' Jo's voice seeps in through Dean's ears, and never before has her voice sounded like that of an angel. Maybe today won't be the day that he dies at Anna Milton's hands.  Jo appears in his sight a moment later, shouldering her way past Anna and embracing him. Dean holds on to her, thankful for the act of kindness. He wraps his arms around, holding her tight and considering never letting her go.
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mp3sea · 10 years
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hEY hows this?
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memitims · 10 years
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rowena in 10.07
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