#festive baking
maicrowave · 6 months
festive baking
save me festive baking
festive baking save me
festive b
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festive baking 2022 exists to me, just saying 
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thefoodarchivist · 1 year
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Our simple, royal-iced Christmas cake.
Happy Christmas everybody!
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I haven't made ginger-molasses cupcakes for forever. This year seemed like the right time to try again.
Although the family thought the ginger was a bit much, I found them perfect! Tongue-tingling spice and all.
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lavandamichelle · 7 months
Baking Bliss: The Art of Crafting the Perfect Christmas Cookie
Step into the heart of holiday joy as we embark on the enchanting journey of cookie crafting. This festive season, we’re turning your kitchen into a haven of sweet delights. Join us as we explore the art of crafting the perfect Christmas cookie, from timeless classics to innovative flavor twists that will elevate your cookie-baking adventure to new heights. The Art of Crafting the Perfect…
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fatty-food · 6 months
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Rosemary honey butter dinner rolls (via Instagram)
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mynolia · 6 months
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Decorating cookies for Chanukah 💜
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i'm crazier for you (4)
TEEN!gojo x FEM!reader (soulmate AU)
No warnings just fluff, unless bad words and a little tussle is worthy of TW⚠️!
1. what you see, i see
2. where you go, i go
3. you know i adore
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She knew she should've asked him before he left yesterday, if he wanted to go to the school festival with her today. Now, she was looking at an unsent text massage she typed in the morning.
_____._: if you're not busy do you want to come to the school festival with me? It's okay if you can't I know you're busy with training and missions and curses, so if you have time, i'd love it if you stop by.
She couldn't send it. Everytime she read it, it sounded more awkward. Worse, she sounded desperate and she was not desperate. No matter how pretty Gojo Satoru was. Instead, she texted Geto Suguru, surely his best friend knew if he was busy.
_____._: Hello! I just wanted to ask if you knew if Satoru's busy today? I wanted to invite him to the festival. If you're not busy too I'd be great if you'd come. Shoko too!
This turned out to be another unsent message. Texting his best friend somehow reeked of more desperation, not to mention, he would no doubt show Satoru the messages. The thought alone made her want to drown in embarrassment.
There'd be other festivals for her to invite him to. Festivals where she would ask him to go with her with ample time.
No, yes, no - she should just ask him. The worst thing he could say was no, right?
Just as she was going to press send, someone tapped her shoulder from behind.
Ito Haruki, student council treasurer.
She flipped her phone closed, "What's up?"
Haruki smiled nervously, "I wanted to know if you wanted to go to the festival with me. I mean you're not dating that guy, right?"
Her heart leapt to her throat. She wasn't dating Satoru. She and him were just friends - friends who cuddled and held hands and kissed each others cheeks and foreheads. Friends who had consistent midnight rendezvous of him teleporting into her room just to see her - it was easier than sneaking him.
She remembered when her mom almost caught her sneaking him into the bakery, she had to push him under a table. The grin that was plastered on his face that whole night as they snuck in pastries from downstairs into her room. Their hushed whispers as they ate until their sweet tooth was satisfied, which for her soulmate, was never ending. She had to stop him before he ate the entire store up and started bouncing off the walls. Satoru teleporting in her room was efficient as well as an efficient way to sneak out of her room without her mother noticing.
The coffee nights were the best. His was always far too sweet and looked more like milk with the amount of creamer he put on his coffee. Their midnight walks where he would give her his jacket because she got too cold. Those same walks, he would sneak his hands under her sweatshirt to keep warm, until finally, they would warp back into her room and fall asleep in each other's arms.
But they weren't dating - Oh, who was she kidding, they were practically dating.
"You mean Satoru?" Still, she shouldn't lie and it was her decision to go slow, "He's my friend," but she didn't want to see anyone else, so she quickly added, "but we are talking about being something more."
Haruki's smile dropped, "So it's like that."
Her phone buzzed in her hand:
1 TEXT MESSAGE from Gojo Satoru
Gojo.S: something more huh? ;)
How long has he been watching what she was doing? Had he seen that embarrassing text message? She hoped not. She quickly backspaced her old text message and typed:
____._: stalker :/
"Is that him?" Haruki said behind her.
She flipped her phone closed again, "Uh, yeah."
"You smile alot around him," he said, "why aren't you dating him already?"
Her phone buzzed again.
"Well," she said, "we're taking things slow, you know, starting as friends."
Another buzz.
Haruki's gaze was full of disappointment but he left her alone and moved on to another girl.
Buzz- She looked at her phone.
3 TEXT MESSAGES from Gojo Satoru
Gojo.S: :'(
Gojo.S: when are you gonna send me that text???
So he had seen it.
Gojo.S: tell that guy that I'm not afraid to fight >:(
She giggled and typed:
____._: stop stalking me :|
____._: soooooo are you free?
She waited in baited breath for his next text.
Gojo.S: free for what :)
He was the absolute worst.
____._: do you want to come to the festival with me?
Two seconds...
Gojo.S: idk i mean it is pretty last minute
She smirked.
____._: that's okay. i'm sure Geto, Nanami and Haibara are free :)
Gojo.S: >:O
Gojo.S: so that's how it is now
She didn't answer and she flipped her phone close. Now, she was hoping he was watching.
Buzz. Ignored.
Buzz. Ignored.
Buzz. Ignored.
Buzz. Ignored.
Satoru opened his eyes and stared at his phone in shock. He sent another text- nothing. He poked his best friend's cheek annoyingly.
Suguru poked his cheek back harshly, "What," poke, "do" poke, "you", poke, "want?"
Satoru shoved his phone in Suguru's face.
Suguru laughed. He actually laughed at him as buzz came from his phone. He slid it open:
____._: wanna come to my school's festival today? i already texted Shoko, she said yes. I don't have Nanami's # or Haibara's # can you invite them for me?
Suguru grinned, "Guess who just texted me?"
Satoru whirled his head to him and lunged for him, "Give it to me!"
Suguru narrowly evaded his tackle as he typed:
Geto.S: sure, we'll be there
It was only a matter of time before Satoru tackled him to the ground and ripped the phone off his hands. He tumbled to the ground as Satoru's infinity keeping him safe from Suguru's curses.
"I can't believe she actually asked you!" Satoru flipped his phone and started to press the buttons furiously.
Suguru chuckled underneath him, "You should've just said yes when she asked you." He got his hands free from Satoru's hold and landed a double hit on his torso making him double over in pain, "and that's what you get for letting your infinity down."
He picked up his phone from the ground.
1 TEXT MESSAGE from ____ ______
____._: see you later :D
Satoru grabbed him by his pant leg, "Tell her to invite me!"
Suguru smiled in the way that he always had - one that seemed soft and genuine, "No," and slid the door shut on Satoru's hand. The door stopped right before it crushed his hand- Satoru had just turned on his infinity at the knick of time.
Satoru reached for his phone on the floor and stared at the small screen willing his soulmate to text him back.
He closed his eyes and focused. It didn't take much for him to be able to see everything she saw or hear her surroundings. Seeing through her eyes doesn't stop his six eyes from working. It was suppressed to a point where he could and couldn't see curses like he was seeing through two different lenses. It was jarring at first, but he was used to it now.
She was taking notes from her textbook.
He frowned. Suguru was right he should've just said yes.
Satoru doubted Suguru would do anything but he wanted to spend time with her alone in front of her classmates like a real boyfriend. That's where they were headed he knew that but he'd very much like their relationship to be official. He supposed she was making him work for it. He had said some pretty awful things before they met knowing she was watching. Then he died-ish and while he was up in the clouds feeling like he could take on the world - she was alone and full of sorrow. Fear and pride were keeping her from taking the plunge. All he had to do was keep at it and not fuck up.
He flipped his phone closed. He fucked up. Not too badly, though. It was a minor fuck up, nothing, he couldn't fix.
He fixed his sunglasses to cover his eyes completely. Not being invited to events has never stopped him before and it won't stop him now. He had an hour to think of a game plan, but just in case, he called her.
Her phone rang as she walked to the library to ensure that it was locked before people started showing up. She hadn't meant to ignore it. She was going to answer it, truly. She was only teasing him before, but one of her underclassmen needed her help. How could she possibly refuse? And she had meant to call him back but with the last minute preparations and the teachers not wanting to oversee anything meant it was all on her. By the time, she got around to calling him people were already rolling in and she had to greet them.
All she could do was hope that Satoru would show up today, even if she didn't explicitly invite him.
She smiled and waved at classmates and other guests. She smiled brightly when she saw Shoko and Suguru arrive with Nanami and Haibara, only for her smile to slip a little when she didn't see a fluff of white hair towering over them.
Suguru lagged behind to talk to her, "You seem a little disappointed." A soft smile played on his lips, "Upset Satoru didn't show up?"
Pink dusted her cheeks, "No- I mean, yes." She sighed, "It's my fault. I had meant to call him right after, but all of this," she gestured to the school, "got in the way and I forgot."
More people shook her hand and waved.
"Do you have to do this the whole time?" Suguru asked.
She looked at her watch, "Just for twenty more minutes."
Another handshake from a stranger.
From the corner of her eyes she saw Suguru grab a male student from the scruff of his neck and took off his school blazer from him. The student looked at him and seemed like he was about to say something to him, but one daring look from Suguru and he had left without a word.
He quickly replaced his jujutsu tech jacket with the school uniform blazer, "Go, call him." Suguru whispered in her ear, "I've got it from here."
"Are you sure?" She said, "This is my responsibility and-"
"It's fine," he smiled, "I didn't steal this blazer for nothing."
Smiling, she hugged him. "Thank you, Geto. You're the best." She squeezed his arm gently before leaving to call Satoru.
With her phone pressed to ear she waited for him to answer. What if he didn't answer? What if he was angry with her? Seven rings later and the phone went to voicemail. Her heart sank a little but she called again.
No answer.
Satoru usually answered at the first call, even when he was on missions. He must be angry with her. Calling again would probably only annoy him further, or get him to be more upset with her. She thought about texting him but what would her message say: I'm sorry I invited all your friends and not you because of a teasing comment you made.
She went too far this time. She shouldn't have invited everyone and excluded him. She should start the text message with that, so she started typing.
A hearty laugh snapped her out of her message. Suguru's laugh.
She paled. Oh God, he was laughing at someone. She would get in trouble for sure. She quickly moved to apologize for his rudeness (despite what Geto Suguru claimed, him and Satoru were best friends for a reason), and saw a mountain of an oversized pokemon Eevee plushie locked in someone's both arms overcrowding the school entrance.
She pinched Suguru as she helped the poor person get inside the school, "I apologize for my friend's lack of manners." She smiled nervously, "He didn't mean to laugh." She shot him a pointed look, "Right, Geto?"
"Yes, I did." Suguru chuckled, "Satoru looks ridiculous."
Satoru poked his head on the side of the large Eevee and flashed her a wide grin. Extending the plushie in his arms and with a teasing tilt in his voice, he asked, "Aren't you glad I'm here?"
She took the pokemon plushie from him. She loved Eevee.
She leapt his arms, "I really am glad you're here," she grinned up at him, "and not just because of Eevee."
Satoru's grin widened, "I know, I know, I know, I'm great."
She tip-toed and kissed his cheek. He let out a satisfied hum as he rested his head on top of hers to look at his best friend.
"Suguru," Satoru said, "what are you doing?"
"Greeting," Suguru gently smiled at passersby's and gave them warm soft-spoken welcomes.
Shit, she forgot he was there.
She handed Eevee back to Satoru, "Geto, I can do the rest." She said as she took his place at the entrance, "Thank you again for helping me." She waved to them both, "I'll catch up in a few more minutes. Have fun!"
Satoru's smile faded, "How many minutes?"
"Welcome," she told one of her classmates and then turned to Satoru, "Just a few."
Suguru yanked him by his collar.
She couldn't help but laugh.
The festival was looking to be a great day.
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Gojo: *bullying a teacher*
Shoko: *smoking*
Geto: *trying to hide the smoke coming from the classroom Shoko's in*
Nanami: why are we here?
Haibara: bc it's fun :D *pops balloons in a dart game*
Let me know if I missed anyone!!
Part 5: baby, you're the life of the party
Part 6: something's made your eyes go cold
@phoenix666stuff @96jnie @mr-underhills-things @whatamidoing89 @wbad-world @ancientimes @whippedbyikemen @sammyiguess @pumpkindudeishere @witchofthecoffee @arminswifee (there was a problem with this one it would not let me tag you 😭)
Part 5 will probably be the aftermath of the KFC break up scene, if not then Gojo's birthday when he turns 17 in December
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dreamtreat · 6 months
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christmas tree cupcakes from @janespatisserie on ig
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life-spire · 6 months
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gacktova · 6 months
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genshinresource · 6 months
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Genshin Impact ID: Promotional Artwork for 2023 Festival Kenangan Teyvat
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thefoodarchivist · 1 year
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I’ve never made a Yule log before, but found this quicker and easier than I was expecting. There are a few people around here who don’t like dried fruit, so a chocolate option always comes in handy. Cosima was dubious, however, and steely advised me that “chocolate cakes should not look like logs, mummy”… I told her that they do at Christmas.
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sugarstarskitchen · 8 months
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Mooncakes to date! I’ve made a few over the past few years and it’s time to make some more! I’ve even made doggie safe peanut butter mooncakes!
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buffetlicious · 3 months
Itacho Sushi (板长寿司) is currently holding a Premium Hokkaido Scallop Festival with up to 30 per cent off their range of innovative scallop items. As a seafood lover, I can’t afford to miss this chance to savour the shellfishes. Heading to the branch at ION Orchard on a weekday morning to beat the peak lunch time crowd.
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Flipping through the online menu via the tablet, I quickly zoomed in to the Scallop Sushi promotion page and started sending the items to the cart. Took a slightly longer time to decide which are the dishes I wanted as they all look equally delectable. In the meantime, scooped out a small spoonful of wasabi and poured soy sauce over it.
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Didn’t have to wait for long before the first plate of sushi was served. From the left are two each of Roasted Salmon Skin Soya Sauce (S$1++ each) and Roasted Salmon Skin Soya Sauce with Cod Fish Caviar Mayo (S$1.20++ each) sushi. The salmon sushi were melt in the mouth soft and so yummy. If not because the restaurant limits each customer to just two pieces per type, I would have order it over and over again.
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The three scallop sushi on the right side of the plate are Roasted Scallop Sushi (S$3.50++), Roasted Scallop with Black Truffle Sushi (S$3.90++) and Roasted Scallop with Cod Fish Caviar Sushi (S$3.70++). All three of the scallop items were so fresh and sweet tasting just like those I had in Hokkaido. The toppings on the two of the sushi enhanced the overall flavours to raise it up a notch.
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The next plate I ordered is the 3 Kinds Scallop Sushi Set (S$5.80++). The scallops are un-torched and came with different toppings of tobiko mayo (seasoned flying fish roe), black truffle (paste form) and lobster salad with avocado. Again the raw scallops were just so yummy and the toppings complemented the whole package.
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The last dish to be served is this Baked Scallop Spicy Salmon Mayo Egg with Rice (S$8.40++). A beautiful dish topped with six scallops, an egg and baked till golden brown. The creamy and spicy salmon mayonnaise completely covered the white rice underneath. The oozing egg yolk added a wholesome goodness to the rice dish. Even as I walked to the cashier to pay the bill, I am already planning on the next trip to try out the other dishes on the menu.
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Selected images courtesy of Itacho Sushi.
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justarandombrit · 10 months
On today's episode of, there's a musical about basically everything;
Have you ever wished you could see two true crime fanatics actually solve a murder, rather than talking about them on podcasts? Now you can!
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Are you a Great British Bake Off fan? We got you covered.
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Do you... Like public bathrooms? That's... Yeah we have that too!
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Donald Trump with some sort of artistic subversion that I couldn't figure out? You bet we have it.
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(Not technically a musical, but) Lesbians;; can sing... So... That's cool.
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Musicals, in order:
Kathy and Stella Solve a Murder! (by Jon Brittain and Matthew Floyd Jones) | Great British Bake Off: The Musical (by Jake Brunger and Pippa Cleary) | Public - The Musical (by Kyla Stroud) | Trump L'oeil: The Musical (by Henry Parkman Biggs) | The Ministry of Lesbian Affairs (by Iman Qureshi)
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