#fetus rick
soramimi-keeki · 5 months
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this little blorbo has an special place in my heart,,,
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oddtripps · 6 months
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Careful, he’s a clinger
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mrsoftthoughts · 4 months
We need to discuss all the implications of being a pregnant mortal in the Riordanverse when the baby you're carryingn is a greecoroman demigod
Because you can't look me dead in the eyes and tell me that that thing would be a normal pregnancy down any standards
I mean, there's a good chance that this it's only Rick forgetting about the math once again, but Sally's pregnancy should haven been either 3 months or between 11-14 months, and i feel like baby Percy would have wanted to stay there the longest possible because idk, just being comfy in his momma belly full of liquid
And i don't even want to think about being esperanza Valdez with a fetus capable of fuckin combust at any moment, beryl grace getting electroshocks everytime that Thalia kicked or anything that could happen with Maria di Angelo and her Two kids of the lord of the death
And Also exist the possibility that the mortal body isn't taking well having a interspecies fetus that maybe has a chance to act like ambrosia or nectar making that you feel like if you were burning from your insides because way too much Divinity too handle
And there's more
A Demigod can be born troug a C-section without the Doctors seeing something that a mortal definitely shouldn't? Who knows how a Demigod looks when they still in the uterus, there's even a chance of them having a minor scale "real" form as their parents, a now the doctor is fuckin blind
And how many times some of the mortal parents being really freaked out about this and knowing that they can't keep the baby have tried to get an abortion, in the best case it would work and now everything is ok..... But you can even abort a Demigod?? At least trough mortal methods, because i feel like there's a pretty big chance of this doesn't working
There's also a chance of this doesn't looking like a pregnancy at all, being honest this born from my headcanon of the Apollo kids gestations being unnoticeable ( since that apollos reaction towards sally pregnancy was really weird) and that i already mentioned in a previos post , but what if there's also the chance of you being completely oblivious towards this and then BOOM !! Baby
And then we have that the possibilities are low but never zero for a "pregnancy" like the ones of Castor and Pollux and Helen and Clytemnestra happening nowadays
And ofc... That we shouldn't look away for the possibilities of Mpreg with mortals being the ones carrying the baby, the limit with weird things here is inexistent to this point ( I'm not talking about Darren Knowles here btw, unless that you pull out the trans!Darren headcanon it's obvious that the one that give birth to kayla was Apollo, not for being a god, but because this man is such a bottom)
As a summary: Don't get pregnant from a god, theres a chance of it being terrifying
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felixfeliccis · 1 year
5 year olds in a nutshell:
"Is that Spiderman from Fortnite?"
"Is that Rick and Morty from Fortnite?"
"Is that the Mandalorian from Fortnite?"
"Is that the Predator from Alien from Fortnite?"
"Is that Thanos from Fortnite Season 5?"
"Is that a child predator from Fortn-?"
Yoink the child
Yeetus the fetus
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usagiichuwu · 9 months
Rick Sanchez fetus eepy 💤
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While I was checking Twitter I found this trend like a poorly drawn fetus and I couldn't think of a better idea than to make Rick XDD he's very silly and all small, I love him, all wrinkled and poorly drawn XDD
I leave the original Twitter post so you can see the example:333
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haystarlight · 9 months
Okay but I can't stop thinking about this
Obviously, back in Ancient Greece, there were no options like we have today. Sex resulting in a child was unpreventable. So the gods really couldn't do anything about the demigod children because goodness knows they're not gonna stop falling in love with mortals.
But things are different now and I wonder about how the invention of contraceptives and the facilitation/legalization of abortion (in some places, at least) would affect the gods.
(longer discussion under the "keep reading", content warning for talk of abortion, sex and how shitty some male gods are)
(Athena doesn't facture in because her method of making demigods is batshit, this is for the demigods that were made with sex) (and for The Big Three, more specifically)
Like I talked with my partner the other day and he says he thinks it's totally possible to abort a demigod fetus and I agreed with him. Because, even though they're stronger than normal humans, half-bloods can definitely die. So, if you were pregnant with a half-blood fetus, I think you *could* abort it like a normal human one.
What would the god dad think about that. Would they be, like, offended that a mere mortal would have the gall to reject a gift from a god? would they try to punish the mortal for not wanting the demigod fetus? would they see it as "impertinent"?
Or would they be relieved like "oh nice! one less half-blood child to worry about!"?
I'm especially thinking about Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. Obviously. Because they're the ones that made a promise not to have more babies. The others made no such promises but, in their case, you'd think preventing the birth would be in their best interest, right? because you're helping them keep their promise? they should be happy, right?
But, then again, the gods are irrational a lot of the time.
Also, condoms.
Idk if god sperm would be stronger than human sperm. Like, maybe there's a chance the condom wouldn't work to stop it (they do sometimes fail, after all, "only 97% effective" and all that). But this is assuming condoms can stop even god sperm.
Again, you think The Big Three would be like "awesome! a way to keep my promise of no more kids and still have sex!" or would they be like those dude bros that don't like wearing condoms cause "they're too small for me!!!" (shut up they're not)
I'm thinking Zeus at least gives definitely the "I would never wear a condom how dare you" vibe.
Tbh, maybe the gods should try seeking out mortals that already have their tubes tied. That sounds like a plan.
Also for not-maiden goddesses like Aphrodite and Demeter, for example. You think they can just, you know, decide not to get pregnant? cause they're goddesses, maybe they can just do that? tho, since they don't have an oath that tells them not to, they probably don't care enough to decide to not get pregnant anyway?
Also, wild to think the kids whose godly parent is their mom get recognized as demigods from birth, that's crazy.
Also also, I think I remember one character in the books that's a child of Apollo with another man. Which it's cool for the queer representation but also HOW. Like... Rick, is Apollo mpreg canon in the books?! RICK?!
(I'm sure if you ask Rick all this, he just says "I write these books for kids, please leave me alone" but THE WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW)
(I'm pro choice, in case that wasn't totally clear. I'm not saying mortals should be punished for not wanting demigod kids (which is a fictional thing anyways). Of course not. I was just wondering what would the gods think of that)
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petitprincess1 · 2 years
..Alright hi I'm about to get real technical but near with me for a fucking second.
So I've been into hazbin since I wanna say 2014-2015 era of zoophobia. I was a fetus (I'll be 25 soon)
Ya know. Back when the show was nothing but doodle pages for a teenager and her other comic about anthro animals. Good now that provides context!
Stop. Complaining. About the fucking quality and time. Please.
I waited. SIX YEARS for a pilot. SIX. the moment she announced voice claims for them and shit?
Fun fact for the kiddies! Husks voice claim? Who he was based on? Rick Sanchez.
Now let me go to another side tangent.
I dare you to watch an episode of season six and then go back to season one and tell me you don't HEAR THE DIFFERENCE in quality of voice acting and sound effects.
SEE THE DIFFERENCE in animation.
What's the point of all this shit I'm saying?
Everyone of you impatient babies who are new to the fandom and complaining about this show and how long it's taking? You're getting a full season?
Everyone who complains about "animation quality"?
Bro. Look at most pilots for most cartoons. Was hazbin perfect? As someone who took animation-no. The pilot had flaws. I see that.
The gifs I've seen for this show so far have shown me a couple things.
Improvement in animation keyframing and consistency.
Improvement in lighting and color palette work.
Taking the "too much red, everything clashes" criticism to heart.
It shows her animation team is putting an actual atmospheric tone to the show the pilot was lacking that we've seen brought to helluva boss.
It shows improvement in the designs and HOW WELL THEY WORK NOW.
That clip of Alastor alone floored me with the absolutely beautiful pacing. The in betweens OH MWAH.
What I'm getting at y'all?
I get it. Voice actors being replaced sucks. I was SO MAD about Micheal because she promised he would be working with her. I was so fucking angry about Niffty because she also gave her voice to the Japanese dub.
But...I also know it's years later and I matured. I understand that's how the industry is. And if vivzie made changes? It's for a reason.
It sucks. And it's antsy waiting.
But guys. It'll be worth it. It'll be SO FUCKING worth it.
And I hope you feel that way too.
Hazbin pilot hit the ground with something unlike most animation for adults.
Love and compassion for the show.
That's why I love Rick and Morty
That's why I love Bob's burger
That's why I love HAZBIN. above helluva. Hazbin has more I emotionally connect to.
And it won't ever stop being loved by me. 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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moviesludge · 2 years
masterlist of sfx wizards (PLEASE suggest big ones I'm missing because I want to tag gifs with these too and I have not spent enough time learning who makes all this great stuff and I want to)
John Carl Buechler
Rob Bottin
Stan Winston
Tom Savini
Chris Walas
Chiodo Bros
Rick Baker
Dick Smith
Makeup Effects Lab (Doug White, Allan Apone, Frank Carriosa)
Joe Alves (Jaws 3D)
John Dods & Tim Hildebrant (Deadly Spawn)
Greg Cannom
Tom Burman (Cat People)
Peter Knowlton (Cujo)
Bill Munns (Boogens)
Giannetto De Rossi (Fulci)
Screaming Mad George
Tom Sullivan (Evil Dead)
Steve Johnson (Ghostbusters/Night of the Demons)
Ed French (T2)
Mark Shostrom (Evil Dead 2, The Mutilator)
Alec Gillis & Tom Woodruff Jr (Aliens, Tremors)
Steve Wang (Guyver)
Chih-Hung Kuei (Boxer's Omen)
Hsiu-Ju Chang (Devil Fetus)
Richard (Richie) Alonzo (The Jitters/The Boneyard)
Sergio Stivaletti (Demons, Opera, The Church, Cemetery Man, Wax Mask)
Germano Natali (Argento Movies, Starcrash)
Carlo Rambaldi
Ray Harryhausen
Stephen Kostanski
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thatsrickdiculous · 1 year
What do you think will happen in the season seven finale?
ooooo thats a good one!! I honestly don’t have too many ideas I see a lot of ppl talking about lots of stuff with rick prime and evil morty but i don’t think we’re going to get lots of them cause we still have like 3 more confirmed seasons! They’re not gonna give us all of the good lore in 1 season, then again maybe they will who knows. For the final episode I do think maybe it could have something to do with evil morty based on the title or perhaps morty prime going berserk or something the description of “the only thing to fear is fear itself, broh” makes me also think of morty prime because although he is very brave he is still just a kid who’s somewhat fearful and i think in the end rick may end up fearing morty more than morty fears him. i honestly don’t know though!! cant wait to see what happens :) (also what’s with that fetus in that little sack in the picture for this episode?? why is that detail in the picture?? is it important? will we learn more? i sure hope so)
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monsieuremjaydee · 2 years
The Squatty Potty
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I’ve been living with Staceyann and her husband Rick in New Jersey ever since I left my dorm at Columbia back in January. They don’t charge me rent as long as I chip in on the groceries and electrical bill, so it’s good deal. I met them at an AA meeting some years back.
Typical north Jersey trash. Staceyann’s in her mid-40s. Purple-black hair, tattoos on her arms, on her legs, on her chest, on her neck, smokes Newport 100s, molested by her junkie father’s buddies as a child. Rick about the same age, a little on the heavy side, long hair, likes to gamble, not too quick in the head because he spent more than half his life smoking PCP mixed with crack. Loves Bob Dylan.
I live in a little annexed room where the hot water heater is down in their basement. I’ve got a twin size bed with a mattress so worn out that every time I shift in my sleep the springs poke through and wake me up. I’m confined to the downstairs bathroom because one of their kids is—
I should also mention that Staceyann and Rick have three kids. All boys, somewhere between the ages of ten and sixteen. I find it impossible to accurately guess a child’s age and never once found myself anywhere near sufficiently interested when listening to people yap about their kids to even attempt to commit such useless information to memory. I never understood why people make such a fuss about their children. They inadvertently end up making you hate them by acting like they’re the best kids to ever walk the earth. Right. And when they grow up to be dimwitted imbeciles, out come the excuses. ADHD, Asperger’s, anxiety, depression, a chronically itchy sphincter. How about bad parenting? Ever try that one? You wheel your strollers around acting like you’ve got the queen of England in there, demanding that everyone get out of your way, growling at anyone who doesn’t move or make a big deal about your boring child — excuse me, don’t you see I have a baby here? Yes, I can see your mediocre baby and I’m deeply unimpressed. Now please, stop acting like you’ve achieved something extraordinary by plopping out a fetus. Congratulations. A standing ovation for doing exactly what human beings have consistently done since long before they knew how to start a fire. We only apologize for not applauding each time you remember to breathe. What I’m really trying to say here is that one of Staceyann and Rick’s kids isn’t fully there. I’m not exactly sure what’s wrong with him but let’s just say that if this was happening in ancient Sparta, he’d go flying off a cliff.
And so, as you can imagine things can get a bit messy in the bathroom and that’s why I use the one downstairs. No worries there, it lacks nothing. I mean, it did at one point lack a squatty potty and that’s the whole point of this story, but otherwise no complaints. Now, as a broke recent college grad who studied the most useless major on the planet, I wasn’t exactly in the position to buy myself one due to my obvious financial constraints.  
Until one morning right around my birthday when Rick barged into the basement. “Wake up!” he started shaking me. What the hell? “Wake up, wake up, wake up,” he wouldn’t quit. “You wanna make two bills?” he says once my eyes open.
But I was in such an immensely deep sleep, the kind that makes your eyelids feel like a million pounds. The kind that if you manage to somehow open your eyes, your vision refuses to focus, you’re disoriented, your mind refuses to align—where am I? is all you can think—your entire body just refuses.
“No thanks,” I mumbled, then turned around and instantly began dreaming about a brown horse who’s lying in bed on his back under the covers reading the February edition of Seventeen Magazine. Hot chocolate steaming on the nightstand.
It’s not that I didn’t NEED the money… It’s that it was 7am on Sunday. Who the hell gets out of bed at 7am on Sunday!
“Five,” I heard Rick’s voice echoing inside the horse’s small but trendy bedroom. “You don’t wanna make five hundred dollars? It’ll take you thirty minutes for god’s sake.”
That calculates to one thousand dollars an hour, which in turn calculates to over two million dollars a year if working forty hours per week. The horse looked at me from under his spectacles, waiting.
“Yea,” I sat up.
“Here.” Rick handed me a flat black box about the size of a frozen dinner. “Take this and drive down to Dunkin’ Donuts in Clifton.”
“There’s like five Dunkin’ Donuts in Clifton,” I yawned.
“The one on Clifton Avenue.”
“The one across from the police station?”
“Exactly,” Rick confirmed. “A guy’ll meet you there. Black Range Rover. Just hop in, hand him the box, he’ll give you cash. Eighteen grand. Count it.”
“Now?” I asked, rubbing my eyes.
“He’ll be there in ten minutes. I can’t go myself, otherwise I would.”
I peaked in the box. “Okay.” I got up, got dressed, got in Rick’s beat up ’98 champagne Maxima, drove to Clifton, forgot to brush my teeth.
Everything went smooth. Back in 28 minutes.
“Here,” I handed Rick the cash. He peeled off five bills. “Pleasure doing business with you,” I said while putting the Washingtons in my pocket. Then went downstairs and back to sleep.
The next day I bought myself a squatty potty as a birthday gift. The thing is great. Nothing gets left behind if you know wat I mean. Nothing.
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!!Temporary pinned!!
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Hi welcome to our page!
We are the Chaoticlimes system
The host is Denny, Me (Pepper) and Spamton are co hosts, I am helping Denny with making this pinned post
We are a system of 16, we are a DID system (yes we have DID)
We are intersex and we collectively are systemfluid, genderqueer, daisy gay, abrosys and polyamsys and our collective pronouns are He/they/it, our collective name is Limez
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Members and pronouns
Denny - They/it/xe/ne/bun (He/him accepted) (Xe/xim, xe/xem, ne/nym, ne/nem)
Pepper - They/it (she/her accepted if only referring to Pepper)
Luca - It/zem (They/them accepted)
Rick - He/him
Yosh - He/him or name
Tash - Void/he/it
Stocks - He/xim
Spamton G. Spamton - He/it/them/nya
Jevil - He/they/it
Mia - they/it/nya/meow
Minmin - They/it
Nacho - He/it/they/ze
May - They/them
Zwapz - He/they
Razch - They/it/vamp
Razz - He/it
»»————- ♡ ————-««
We are extremely tired of system discourse, queer discourse, neurodiverse discourse and disability discourse
We (especially Denny and Yosh) are not afraid of fighting back or biting scumbags
If you’re here to start fights or discourses over small things like flags, identity, gender, orientation, mental health, systems/plurality, personas, oc’s (especially Mary/Gary stues), disabilities and/or neurodivergency please fuck off, we do not have time or spoons for you - Denny
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Not sure what you're looking for
»»————- ♡ ————-««
We post content involving clowns, horror, body positivity, feminism, LGBTQIA2S+, MOGAI, anarchy, furbies, animatronics, furry, body horror, food, Pokemon, My Little Pony, space related stuff, frogs, autism acceptance, neurodivergent acceptance and anti ableism
Art that we post usually have this content
Horror, clowns, body horror, horror, gore, My Little Pony, Pokemon, animatronics, robots, demons, angels, anthros, ferals, humans, humanoids, aliens, monsters, certain kinks, nudity, violence, vent art, self ship, self insert, body positivity, trans bodies, queer couples, fat bodies, chubby bodies, anarchy, feminism and characters from media (Take Undertale and Super Mario Bros as some examples)
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Ableism, demonisation of cluster b disorders, fatmisia/fat phobia, queermisia (queerphobia), flag or sexual/romantic/tertiary orientation discourse, flag discourse, exorsexism (anti enby), intersexism (anti intersex), anti xenogender, anti neogender, demonisation or stigmatisation of mental illnesses psychosis or disabilities, general nastiness, catcalling, think it is okay to harass minors or anyone in general, harassing our alters or us in general, harassing individuals for their hobbies (geek, furry etc.), general nasty people, people who send unsolicited gore (fictional AND/OR IRL) to people to trigger people
General DNI criteria, if you stigmatize or demonise cluster B disorders (This includes using narcissistic and/or narcissist as insults), if you stigmatise or demonise mental illness disabilities and psychosis, if you believe or do eugenics, BMI scale, Anti-recovery, act like assholes towards individuals struggling with addiction, Sysmed, Proana, Promia, Fatmisic, Ableist, Kodocon (loli/shotacon/both), Proship/Neuship/Comship, Anti-anti, Pro/neu/com contact (you’re a predator), Overall nasty people, Pro-fetus, Pro-birth, Pro-life, TERF/SWERF/TIRF/TEHM, Radfem, syscourse/flagcourse (People are literally fucking dying out here Susan), exclusionists or neutral on exclusionism, exorsexist, intersexist, anti cringe, support/promote or even neutral on Autism Speaks and ABA
Scott Cawthon endorser, JKR endorser, Emily Gwen endorser
Think mspec sapphics can't: use butch/femme, reclaim the d-slur, use the ⚢ symbol, call themselves lesbians
Think that fiction can't or doesn’t affect reality (It indeed can)
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Teeth divider by @mmadeinheavenn
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Optimus learns about the human gods in the most inconvenient way possible - Chapter 1 - Agentsquirrel - Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan [Archive of Our Own]
Another one of mine I found while going through ao3
I really do adore all of my pjo and tf crossovers.
Tw mother of monsters - becoming a mother. It's all offscreen, don't at me.
First chapter under the cut!
Optimus dreamed. He faced a pregnant goddess, her face pained. She wore a floor - length linen skirt and a beaded bra top, a sling made out of stained, tattered fabric around one shoulder. She was curled into a rocky outcropping, kicked up stones, and brushed away dirt, revealing that she had prepared the place quickly.
She introduced herself as the goddess Echidna.
"Are you alright?" Optimus asked, concerned on why a woman that far along would be left completely alone.
She gave Optimus a wicked smile. "I am cursed to always be pregnant. I'm not called the mother of monsters for nothing. But this one, this one is different."
She let out a gasp of pain, and golden icor streamed down the rocky outcropping from under her skirt. Optimus darted forward, hovering over her, his face pleading for him to let him help her.
"If you desire to help, offer a new sling for my newest child. I have birthed hundreds of thousands of children on my own. I am an immortal being. Bleeding out is a mere inconvenience." Her eyes fluttered closed, and one final gush of gold blood trickled out of her skirts. Optimus felt for her pulse, and found none.
Optimus felt a new weight in his subspace and pulled out a beautifully embroidered red nursing sling. It was embroidered with cybertronian glyphs, mostly for protection and blessings for a healthy child. It was wrapped around a proportionally sized bottle of liquid that he recognized as nectar from Nico's explanations. Remembering that the liquid could perform miracle healing, he tipped the liquid into the goddess's mouth.
She woke up and, with a final push, reached into her skirt and pulled out a screaming silver sparkling, its plating unusually humanoid and smooth, the seams fitting a bit too smoothly together It's spark shined through their delicate chest plating. The placenta, which looked like a clear bladder of icor, was wrapped around the baby's crotch and legs. Echidna pulled it away. "It's a girl." She cooed, showing Optimus. She wiped the leftover blood, dirt, and viscera off the shiny metal with her skirt. "Now my favorite part." She looped the sling around her shoulders, encouraging her to latch. She rubbed the baby's back, smiling softly. The baby's blue eyes turned gold as she drank.
The baby finished eating, and Echidna fixed her bra. The baby's eyes returned to normal, and she took off the sling and looped it around Optimus's neck, handing the baby with it. She taught Optimus how to hold her, him taking to it quickly. Optimus hummed and rocked the baby, fully enjoying the sleepy baby cuddles.
"This will be yours when you wake up, her name is Quintessa, and her care is your problem now. She will be next to you when you wake up, as a gift from me." She declared. "It's only fair, you helped deliver her, and I have far too many of my own."
The edges of the dream warped, and Optimus woke up to Ratchet taking blood samples from the screaming infant.
Apparently, the Matrix had spat out Quintessa as a fetus out of Optimus's chest, and she had grown silently and quickly to term next to him on his bed.
He had slept through his alarms, and finally Ratchet had broken into his room to find a dry, giant metal 23 week old human fetus growing next to him.
Ratchet panicked and had him moved to the medbay and covered with monitors, relieved to find that the odd creature wasn't connected to the Matrix, though appeared to come from it. Optimus gave Ratchet the stink eye and when back to sleep.
Optimus groaned, Quintessa was still screaming, and he was irritated at waking up in the medbay yet again. "Ratchet, I swear if this is another surprise check up…" He remembered his dream and looked to his side to see Quintessa lying in an open plastic tub on a cart. It was a decent attempt at making a bassinet on very short notice.
Optimus sat up and found the sling in his subspace, along with the now massive bottle of nectar. A tag told him to put a few drops into any food or drink she consumes until she bleeds gold, then give the leftovers to a demigod of his choice. Ratchet was fussing with the ratios to formula feed her, entirely overthinking the stuff, despite his human coworkers reassuring him that it really didn't matter too much. It wouldn't kill her to have a little extra powder or water in her formula, as long as he was in the right ballpark.
"Ratchet, let me help. I am fine, and you are in over your head. She can't eat laying down anyway. Gives you an opportunity to do whatever tests you want on me."
Ratchet handed over the water bladder that he filled with formula. He had Wheeljack 3d print and sterilize some nipple caps while Optimus was sleeping, making it so Quintessa could actually drink from it on her own.
Optimus took the kid and popped the cap into her mouth, propping her up. Being held while eating was more for Quintessa's benefit than his own, and Optimus assumed that she would have similar milestones as a human child.
Quintessa grew faster than everyone was expecting, growing into a child of about eight in a few months. Her head sprouted a frill on the back of her head that looked like a slicked back, straight bob, sticking close to her skull. She had sculpted ears, a pair of audio fins jutting back like elf ears. Her powers came in too.
She was mostly her mother's child, summoning cups of wine, energon, and nectar, along with plates of ambrosia. She aummoned and wore flowy skirts, but let her chestplates construct a short for her. She was currently laying on the Burns' red couch, eating ambrosia in the form of brownies while drinking energon from an obnoxious gold cup.
Optimus was talking to Percy and Heatwave, trying to offload her onto Heatwave for the week while asking Percy questions on what was human kid stuff versus child of goddesses stuff. Percy was very confused when Optimus asked how much wine was normal for an eight year old to drink.
"Quinn, get over here." Optimus sighed.
Quintessa groaned and stuffed the rest of the brownie into her mouth. "I hate when you use nicknames."
"Percy tells me you shouldn't be drinking wine, period. Can you give me the chalice, please?"
"Fine." She grabbed the giant cup and handed it to Optimus. She then shrunk down to human size, manipulated her body to look more human, and slunk off to sulk.
"Every day, I sort of regret meeting that goddess." Optimus grumbled.
"What goddess?" Heatwave asked.
"Heatwave, I broke the first rule of messing with forces you don't entirely understand. Don't. Help. Anyone. Without. Discussing. Terms. This time, I technically got a better deal, but next time, someone might steal my name."
"What did you do?"
"I helped a goddess of monsters while she was pregnant with her next litter. I wasn't clear that I didn't want anything in exchange, and the next morning I woke up with her in a premature state on my bed, with care instructions in my subspace."
"And we have been cursed ever since." Grumbled Ratchet, finishing up repairs on Boulder. He had cracked his feet running from a landslide.
"I don't know what to do for her. We are kinda busy with our own stuff right now. A goddess is rising from the dead and if she does that we are all doomed, so I would like to get back to that."
"Of course."
Percy bent water from the sink and called Nico. He picked up, and Shadow traveled them both back to the Argo II.
<p>Optimus sighed and watched Quinn play. She wouldn't be human like for very long.</p>
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hiriajuu-suffering · 2 years
Texas Midterm Elections 2022
Disclaimer: I'm Libertarian, not a Democrat. You saying I'm a snowflake liberal just shows your internalized notions of white supremacy, whether you, yourself are white-passing or not.
it's been awhile since Texas Democrats have put forward a gubernatorial candidate that could really challenge the redness of the state.
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too bad the smear campaign against him seems to be effective. Abbot, Patrick, and Paxton have too much corporate fascist money. all riding on the prosperity Rick Perry is really responsible for. the state government is growing more Islamophobic day-by-day.
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The DFW area is a little too misogynistic for a female liberal to take the helm, that's the mistake left-leaning politics made last time
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Lizzie probably represents more of what I want to see out of Texas policy than other major political race going on, but the smear campaigns and tough on crime puffing chest rhetoric are really infuriating. calling Hidalgo and her office out as enabling criminal behavior when they're using non-enforcement and nullifying status as a political tool is just disingenuous. I feel much safer in Houston than I did 4 years ago, not to mention how much I respected Lina when we were both high schoolers in Debate on how she competed in Student Congress.
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I know the gubernatorial race indicates the lieutenant and attorney general races as well. I actually have less problems with crony Abbott than the Islamophobic Patrick and Paxton, I need Collier and Garza to win to preserve my rights, personally.
The races that are really important for rights preservation in general: turn our courts bluer to show Texans aren't crazy fetus-worshiping zealots like Abbott is.
As a Libertarian, I've always supported Tom Oxford, but he's going against the better judge in his race in Erin A. Nowell
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Who else matters to me? Well, I hate Dan Crenshaw with a passion, since he represents all the concentrated racism in Montgomery County. The Nehls brothers represent everything wrong with Texas because they've tried to arrest people for exercising free speech against Republican rule. I had hope Jacey Jetton would be decent, but he's just another Republican puppet, so vote for Daniel Lee on that alone. However, my state district got rezoned to one of the few Republicans I actually agreed with, Phil Stephenson, but he got primaried by the neoNazi Stan Kitzman and won, so I'll be voting for Larry Baggett since Mike Miller has no chance of getting my district because of how anti-3rd party my local politics have gotten.
Is it so much to ask for Republican candidates that respect my 1st Amendment rights, as a non-white Muslim American? or ones that don't want to actively control women's bodies as an extension of toxic patriarchy? Beto O'Rourke stands for something, and even though I don't totally agree with his policy leanings, it's better than treating brown, black, and feminine bodies as less than. Fletcher stands for the rational Texan that I feel represents the informed political consensus of the greater Houston area. Lina Hidalgo has been unafraid to enact the right policies for Houston in spite of the predictable backlash she knew she would get for it and I trust her more than Mayor Turner at this point.
Dan Crenshaw, the Nehls brothers, and Stan Kitzman would prefer we go back to a pre-Civil Rights era Texas, with white supremacy as the law of the land. People like Jacey Jetton enable that behavior through their loyalty and worship of Republican institutionalism.
Local politics are ruled by extremists and cushy moderates, we might never achieve real directional consensus if don't hold Republicans accountable for the anti-American values they've co-opted during the Trump administration.
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ozomatli-9 · 2 years
Young Sheldon, but hes a fetus, and his parents are debating whether or not to abort him because they see an abnormality in his ultrasound of what looks like a cyst where his brain should be, but of course its his normal hyper intelligent brain. So, in his fetal state, he comes up with wacky ways to manipulate the world from his mothers womb to prevent their attempts at abortion. Season after season go by but the last episode is they are at the hospital and 9 month old fetus Sheldon in a desperate state says something to the tune of lord why does the world attack me for being intelligent why have you burdened me with hyper autistic intelect if you knew the world would have me undone for it. I am now humbled all my efforts bore no success. I now give to you all mighty god the reigns of my fate. Then, a booming pure voice breaks through, and its God he erupts and speaks to Sheldon something about human arrogance how god sent him to bring laughter and smiles to the weak and vacuous individuals watching him through the screen. Confused but unquestioning; humbled but honored fetus Sheldon accepts his call to serve our lord God as a conduit for joy and merriment. Under this newfound covenant with god, devinely, he intervened out of no where Rick and Morty show up and they tell fetus Sheldon their gonna get him out of there so Rick and Morty go and zap the pills meant to dissolve Sheldon and zap the contraptions meant to rip him from the womb. The abortion doctor who happens to be played by Bendict Cumberbatch is like this is very STRANGE, but these weapons fashioned against him just won't prosper how... STRANGE. Then, his parents broke down as they realized they sought to destroy god given life at pursuit of empty worldy pursuits. They then felt a compelling force take hold of them; they knew in that moment that to kill Sheldon for his brain cyst would be taking the role of God for a moment at the expense of their childs life and thats really what it was all about. They chose to love and care for Sheldon depite his taxing condition, and for that they were blessed with the autistic brainiac we all know and love.
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ashleysboomstick · 4 years
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Day 15 daily pic of JDM
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spinetrick · 7 years
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did she take the deal??
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