ellay-gee · 5 years
Y'all for real, tho...
If the internet breaks, we're gonna like...send fic and art thru the mail, right?? Asking for a friend.
...named Sanity.
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I MET ROBBIE DAYMOND AT ANIMENYC TODAY 😭😭😭😭 I've been screaming about it ever since I met him lmfaoo 😭 I was so shy but he was so sweet to me 😭 He also recorded me for his upcoming vlog so I'm looking forward to seeing that soon!
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Promptis or Ignoct?? ❤💜
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Who do ya ship? Tell me 😁
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“Thought You’d Never Ask” Prompto X Reader
Another story I wrote with fluff this time 😊 No trigger warnings necessary 😊 Enjoy and please leave some comments if you liked it 😄
~ Word Count : 1,463
Scenario: Your best friend Prompto confesses his feelings for you while painting your apartment.
As the sunlight peeked into your window that Saturday morning, you felt the bright light shine onto your face, causing you to wake up. You opened your eyes slowly and rolled over on your bed to face the other way, stretching while hiding under your sheets. You were so comfortable in your bed and just wanted to sleep in all day but the the sun’s bright light wasn’t letting you.
“I really have to get darker curtains”, you said with a sigh.
Suddenly, your phone started ringing on the dresser next to your bed. You rolled back over and reached over to grab it wondering who would be bothering you so early in the morning only to see it was your best friend Prompto calling. You smiled weakly and answered the phone to speak to him.
“H-hello?”, you said, your voice sounding so groggy.
“Goooodddmorning sleeping beauty! It’s time to get up!”, Prompto said cheerfully on the phone.
“But whyyy, it’s Saturdayyy”, you whined.
“Uhhh maybe you forgot that today I’m supposed to go over and help you paint your apartment”, he replied.
You slapped your forehead lightly in realization that he was right.
“Oh shit, you’re right, I totally forgot. Sorry Prom”, you said. “I’ll get up now”.
He chuckled at your response. “Well good because breakfast is on me. I’m bringing your favorite muffins and coffee. See ya in 20”, Prompto said.
“You’re the best”, you replied and hung up the phone.
As you got up to go to the bathroom, you looked at yourself in the mirror. Your hair was a mess and you looked so pale from having your beauty sleep but you still smiled at your reflection. Today was finally the day to paint your apartment. You had dreaded having all your walls white for so long and so you wanted something new. Considering that Prompto was your best friend, you felt that he was the perfect person to help you with the job. Speaking of Prompto, your heart couldn’t stop racing at the thought of him coming over. You didn’t know what had gotten into you, but lately, all you wanted to do was see him. You reached for your phone and checked his contact picture. It was a photo of you two the day you and the guys went to Galdin Quay. You had so much fun that day laughing with Prompto, taking pictures together and running away as he chased you into the water. It was the best day ever and since then, you started to have feelings for him. You thought it was a feeling that would go away but it never did.
After shaking the thoughts out of your head and freshening up, you changed into clothes you didn’t mind getting paint on. You then walked to the living room as your eyes widened to see that you never prepared to have your house painted. You ran your hands through your hair as they landed on your hips realizing that you still had picture frames hanged up and your furniture was pressed against the wall.
“I really have to stop procrastinating”, you said to yourself with a sigh. “I had a whole week to do this”.
Looking to your right, you saw the paint that would go on your walls in the living room. It was a light cream color which was perfect because it would get rid of that plain white paint on your walls but would still keep your apartment looking nice and bright. Since Prompto was going to take a little while to get to your apartment, you spent the next 20 minutes taking off picture frames from your wall and moving furniture to the center of the room.
After a while, there was a knock on your door. Your heart raced knowing it was Prompto and boy were you right. You walked over to open it only to be greeted by Prompto holding a closed paper bag in front of his face with a happy face drawn on it. You laughed as Prompto said in a funny voice, “Hello (Y/n). I’m Mr. Muffin, and I am here to sacrifice my life for your hunger needs.”
You shook your head as you continued to laugh at his joke. “You’re so funny Prom”.
He lowered the bag from his face and looked at yours. “Well thank you, it’s what makes me special”, he said grinning.
You thanked him as you both went inside and enjoyed your breakfast and chatted for a bit until it was time to start painting. You both put plastic covers on your furniture and began to get to work. He grabbed the paint roller on the floor and began to paint large portions on one wall while you focused on another.
Prompto looked over to his right and suddenly became distracted with how beautiful you looked. It’s not like this was the first time he noticed your striking features but today felt a little different. You looked so cute focusing on the task in front of you, never taking your eyes off the wall. The sun was shining through the window on your hair and your eyes were glowing just like the day you two and the guys went to Galdin Quay. He remembered how he chased you around because he wanted you to get in the water. He remembered your smile, your laugh and just everything about you. He wanted to hear that everyday. He really liked you since then but unfortunately, he just never had the confidence to say anything. He had to do something quick before it was too late.
Without thinking twice, he grabbed his paint roller full of paint and pressed it all over ur back.
You gasped and and lifted ur hands in shock as you turned to look at Prompto.
“I know you did not just roll paint on me”, you said as your voice still with shock. Prompto stepped back and looked at you nervously thinking he made you upset until you smirked at him.
“Two can play that game so get ready. You just started a war”, you said as you grabbed your paint roller full of paint and chased him around your living room.
“Oh crappp” he said laughing and ran around ur living room trying to dodge your attacks until you got paint on his hair.
“Oh nooo my perfectly groomed hairrrrrr!” he shrieked, as he put a pouty face. All you could do was laugh.
“That’s what you get for painting the back of my shirt!” you said, still laughing at him.
“Oh, I got you now”, he said and went to chase you but tripped over his own feet and landed on top of you on the sofa which was thankfully covered in plastic.
“Astrals, Prom you okay?” you said, giggling with Prompto but stopped when you noticed Prompto staring at you seriously.
“Prom?”, you said.
“It’s now or never”, Prompto thought to himself as he leaned down towards your face and kissed you. You were so caught off guard so you hesitated a bit so he stopped and looked away embarrassed.
“Sorry”, he said. “ I just…”
“No, Prom, look at me”, you said worried.
You reached your right hand towards his chin motioning him to look at you. He looked so flustered, as his cheeks were a bright red. You then reached your hand behind his head and leaned him towards you until his lips came in contact with yours.
His lips were so soft and he had the aftertaste of the muffins and coffee you guys had earlier. Things started to get a little heated between you two but he was still gentle as ever as he slipped his tongue into your mouth. You accepted it, as you started making out with him, tangling your hands in his hair despite the paint. After a few minutes, he pulled apart his lips from yours, still looking embarrassed.
“I-I cannot believe that just happened”, he said as he sat up out of breath.
You sat up as well and looked at him. Your heart was racing and you were out of breath as well.
“Me either”, you said.
Prompto then looked at you.
“I-I just…I really like you (Y/n). I know we’re best friends but I want to be more than that. I want you to be mines.”
You smiled shyly. “Me too”, you replied.
His eyes widened as if he couldn’t believe what he was hearing.
“R-really?”, he said.
“Yea”, you said, feeling your face turn red.
“Wow (Y/n)…so um… would you like to be my girlfriend?”
“Yes”, you said with a huge smile. “Thought you would never ask”, kissing him once more.
You guys never finished painting that day.
Author’s Note: If you’re looking for angst, I have a story I wrote a few days ago with Noctis and the Reader. Click the link below to check it out 😊
“Here For You” Noctis x Reader (One-Shot Angst)
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I really hope Ardyn is shirtless in his DLC... 🖤
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Yea, Bahamut may look cool and all but when is he actually going to hit something with his weapons??
Whether it be in Final Fantasy XV, FFXV: A New Empire or Assassins Creed Origins, he never actually hits anythinggg. Like c'mon! Spoilers below***
Final Fantasy XV:
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FFXV: A New Empire
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****SPOILERS**** AC Origins
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Deception -
Ardyn Izunia x Chocobros x Reader
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Slight noncon kiss, blood, abuse, abuse marks,suffering, asphyxiation, chains, kidnapping, attempted murder, deception, cursing, fear, angst (If I’m missing anything, pleaseee please let me know, this is the first time I write stuff like this.)
Characters : Ardyn Izunia, Noctis Lucis Caelum, Prompto Argentum, Ignis Scientia, Gladiolus Amicitia, The Reader
Word Count: 2,135
P.S. The story sounds better if you listen to Battle on the Big Bridge from Episode Gladio after the first altercation here! That’s where my inspiration came from!
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“Oh if only you could see yourself right now my dear”, Ardyn said with a devilish smirk gripping and squeezing your cheeks hard and examining your face side to side. “So helpless without your beloved Prince. If only you knew he’s forgotten all about you”.
“H-he hasn’t forgotten about me! They will come for me and kill you!”, you attempted to yell, trying to seem fearless while holding back your tears. You would’ve yelled louder if it wasn’t for Ardyn gripping your face so tightly.
Ardyn laughed. “Perhaps you don’t remember that I am immortal. Such is my blessing and curse. And if they haven’t forgotten about you like you say, don’t you think they would have found you already?”
Your eyes widened. You had tried so hard to hide your fear from him but you couldn’t hold it in anymore. You were scared. Beyond scared. You began to think of Noctis.
It’s been 2 weeks since you were taken from the guys by Ardyn and you didn’t know why. It was all so random. One second you were with the guys at Hunters HQ and the next second everything went black and you were gone. The torture you’ve had to endure throughout these 2 weeks were terrible. Your body ached from being chained up to the wall all the time. If you weren’t chained up, you were being thrown around like a rag doll. You had cuts and bruises all over. Dried up blood from your injuries stained your body. You began to cry. Oh how you wanted to be with Noctis and the guys again. The thought of spending another day in this hell hole of Zegnautus Keep with Ardyn hurt you more than anything.
“Oh no no no, now is not the time for waterworks princess. The show is only about to start”, Ardyn stated staring at you.
“W-what do you plan to do with me and with Noct?!”, you yelled.
You truly wanted to know what was Ardyn’s intentions. He never pushed his limit of touching you inappropriately but only left you marks on your body from being hit so much. It didn’t make sense. What were his plans with Noctis? You needed answers.
Ardyn chuckled. “Well you see my dear, I want to do a little experiment with you. How do you think the Prince would react to seeing his one true love hurting him? Oh the betrayal he would feel!“
What? The thought of you hurting Noct would never come to mind. You weren’t an animal like Ardyn was. You weren’t a monster.
“I would never hurt him!”, you yelled again. Your body was already shaking from the nerves you had and Ardyn’s plans for you to hurt Noctis made it worst.
“Oh I know you won’t. But perhaps this will help you”, Ardyn said as he began to take on his demonic form. You were beyond petrified by now. You thought he was going to kill you right there. Then in a dash, Ardyn warped towards you and kissed you hard on the lips. You tried to fight back and move your head away but you couldn’t because of the chains pinning you to the wall. You didn’t know why he was doing this. Suddenly, you felt weird. Your whole body was surrounded by this black and purple smoke you could not explain. What was happening to you? You felt weak. The nice thoughts of Noctis began to leave your mind. You began to feel hate. Hate at him for leaving you. You wanted to kill him. To kill them all. All this was too much to take and sooner or later, you passed out…
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“Noct. We had been searching all day for (Y/n) and night will be soon upon us. We must retreat back to camp where we can rest up”, Ignis said to Noctis as he motioned him to stop with his hand on his shoulder.
“No!”, Noctis said, jerking his body away from Ignis’ touch. “We aren’t leaving her!”
“Dude c'mon. We’ve been searching for her for 2 weeks all over Lucis. We can’t find her”, Prompto exclaimed.
He was right. Every since your disappearance, no matter how hard they looked or how many people they asked for help, you were nowhere to be found. He didn’t care.
“I don’t care!”, Noctis yelled as his voice was filling with panic as he clenched his fist tightly. “We just haven’t looked right! Ardyn has her I know it! We have to keep looking!”
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Gladio was ready to give Noctis a piece of his mind until Ignis stopped him and spoke again.
“With all the more reason we should go rest. We can devise a plan to start searching for her elsewhere tomorrow.”
After countless arguing, Noctis and the guys finally headed back to Palmaugh Haven just outside of Hammerhead. They would devise a plan that night, gather materials tomorrow morning at the shop and head off to Galdin Quay. They would then take the boat to Altissia so that they could begin their search. With a plan that was sure to work, the guys headed off to bed except for Noctis. He couldn’t sleep. How could he sleep after being another night without you. It tore him apart to think of how Ardyn could be abusing you. He wanted to kill him and he would.
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The next day:
When the presence of dawn replaced the night sky, the guys had gathered up their belongings, left camp and headed off towards the shop. That was until someone had blocked their path. Ardyn.
“Oh hello there hello", Ardyn said looking delighted as ever. This was no delight towards Noctis. His eyes burned with hatred seeing him right there took all of his strength not to warp and kill him right there but he knew he couldn’t do that. He needed to find you first.
“You bastard”, Noctis said as his eyebrows bumped together in a scowl and his fist clenched tightly once more. He knew Ardyn had something to do with your disappearance. “I knew you had something to do with it! Where’s (Y/n)?!”
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Ardyn smirked at him and chuckled once more. “Such desperation! Oh how you’ve missed her!”, he said throwing his hands in the air. “(Y/n, Y/n) where are youuu?”.
“Stop mocking me! I’ll kill you!”, Noctis yelled, the panic in his voice rising again. He knew what he was capable of and he was hoping he didn’t hurt you.
“Ah she told me the same exact thing. I guess you too forgot that I am immortal. But fear not. I have your beloved princess. What a fine pet she was indeed.”
“You monster!”, Noctis yelled as he summoned his blade and warped towards Ardyn charging at him with all he had only for Ardyn to disappear. Noctis lifted his blade from off the ground and looked around to find him, again but he was already gone.
Suddenly, black and purple smoke began to appear behind him as he looked at the guys. There you were, amidst the black smoke in plain sight.
Noctis couldn’t believe his eyes. He made his weapon disappear as he ran and flung his arms around you holding you tightly. “(Y/n) you’re here! You’re here!”. Everything seemed right until he had noticed you didn’t hug him back. Even the guys noticed it too. Noctis let go of you and looked at you only to then take notice of the torture you had endured.
Aside from the bruises you had around you body, he noticed your face held no expression. You seemed not to feel anything. You didn’t move, you didn’t speak. You weren’t even looking at him.
“That’s not (Y/n). The chancellor wouldn’t give her up that easily”, Ignis whispered to the guys.
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“(Y/n?) Look at me”, Noctis said as his eyes turned watery.
As you looked at him, your whole expression changed. You went from looking at him to glaring at him, frowning and breathing heavy as your eyes turned a dark yellow and black circles took form around your eyes.
Without a second thought, you lunged at him, throwing him to the ground and wrapping your hands around his neck pressing down hard. You began to choke him as you saw his face turn red and dodging his movements as he tried to hit you. The inside of you was screaming to let him go but the dark presence Ardyn left inside of you wasn’t allowing you to. It wanted him dead. It wanted to kill him.
“(Y/n) no!”, Ignis yelled as he tried to pry your hands from gripping Noctis’ neck. Gladio helped as he saw Ignis’ force alone wasn’t stopping you. He grabbed your whole body and with that, he flung you away not caring if you were hurt or not. As soon as your grip left Noctis’ neck, Prompto ran to his side and sat him up as he struggled to take a deep breath and began to cough repeatedly, tears falling from his eyes. His neck was covered in your handprints and red and purple bruise marks began to take it’s form.
“Hang in there buddy we got you! Breathe man breathe!”, Prompto yelled.
You got up, clearly not hurt from Gladio throwing you and summoned your sword however, it wasn’t your regular sword. Your regular sword was made with Lucian materials and was a shiny silver and gold. Your new one was black, gold and red and was covered in black and purple smoke. Your body was surrounded by the smoke as well. You ran to charge at Noctis once more only to be stopped by Ignis’ daggers and they crossed each other with your sword coming down it’s middle. Ignis struggled to keep his grip on his daggers as he noticed you’ve become incredibly strong.
“(Y/n) what’s wrong with you! Stop this madness at once!”, Ignis yelled still struggling against your sword.
“Get out of my way! He must die!”, you yelled, drawing back your sword and hit Ignis at his side this time, knocking him off his feet to the right as he fell far. You then looked at Noctis again but Gladio was your next opponent and he wouldn’t let you have it easy.
Ignis had took notice of your sudden form and called out to Gladio.
“Gladio! That’s not (Y/n)! We must knock her out of this state or she will kill Noct!”
“Already on it! Prompto, protect Noct! “, Gladio yelled back as he summoned his greatsword and swung it at your direction knocking you harder into the ground once more.
You couldn’t move. You couldn’t breathe. Not the demon form you took but the real you inside it. Never in your life had you been hit by Gladio and it hurt. You knew it wasn’t his fault, he was only trying to protect Noct. You wanted to protect him too. You wanted out of this. You wanted Noct. Nevermind that. The demon in you started to block out those thoughts from you again. You began to stand up trying to keep your balance from the sudden blow.
“It’s working! Strike again!” Ignis yelled as he got closer to you to deliver his hit. You blinked multiple times and got back into focus as you dodged both of their hits and went to strike them only for you to feel a dagger piercing through your stomach. It wasn’t Ignis’ daggers. It was Noct’s. You didn’t take notice when he got up from the ground and warped his dagger towards you. You let out a loud scream as the demon began to leave your body. You clenched Noctis’ jacket hard when he ran to you as your knees felt weak and made you drop to the ground. The real you started to come back. Your eye color returned to normal and the black circles that surrounded your eyes were no longer there. You knew why Noct chose daggers instead of his sword. He didn’t want to kill you. He only wanted to drag the demon out of you and save you.
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Noctis with the help of Ignis began to carefully remove the dagger from your stomach. Prompto then gave him his bandana to help stop the blood as they gave you a phoenix down.
“N-noct…”, you managed to say before your vision started to become blurry. “Y-your neck..I’m s-sorry…”
“Don’t talk!”, Noctis yelled. He didn’t mean to yell at you. He was just so scared. “It’s not your fault, you’re gonna get through this okay?”
“Okay….”, you said.
The potion was doing its work. Noctis scooped you up and carried you to the car to take you to a hotel where you could heal properly. Things were going to be okay…
▪Tagging : @chocobutt-trash @zer0pm
▪Credits to @yallneedtrashjesus for the photo of Noct at camp! Thank you 😊
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Soooo @shut-up-vanessa tagged me in this and I honestly lost my shit cause wow someone thought of me 😂😂😢 Thank uuu
To celebrate a year of FFXV and the end of the first year updates, let’s spread the FFXV love! I haven’t seen a tag meme like this for FFXV yet, so I decided to make one. If you see this and want to copy/paste this list and share what your favourite things about FFXV are.
Favourite Chocobro: Noctis cause aside from how cute he is, we're honestly the same in certain aspects 😂
Favourite guest party member: Aranea, she's such a strong female character
Favourite minor character : Ummm I don't really have one 😭 Probably Holly or Dino
Favourite villain: Ardyn.. don't even get me started.. 😍😍
Favourite Kingsglaive character: Nyx 😁
Favourite Astral/divine being: Ifrittttt cause fireeeee 🔥🔥🔥
Favourite character overall: I would still have to say Noctis however, after playing episode Ignis, Ignis is also ma heart and soul .
Favourite weapon: I don't have a favorite but in the main game, I'm currently using the Durandal but in Comrades I like the Fubuki
Favourite location: Lestallum 😁
Favourite quest/questline/hunt: "Snatched my specs from over my nose and bolted!" I'm pretty sure ya can figure that one out 😭😭 And when Iris shows Noct around Lestallum 😁 It's so cute 😍😍
Favorite boss : Ifrit cause that shit was intense and when Shiva froze him at the end with that kiss I was like yooo
Favourite daemon/monster/monter family/etc: They're all equally a pain in the ass but the Red giant looks pretty cool and Naga had some interesting things to say 😂
Favourite song: Wanderlust (I think that's the one you we're trying to name @shut-up-vanessa ) it sounds so beautifulll 😍😍
Favourite boss theme: Battle on The Big Bridge in episode Gladio 😎😎 And Hellfire in the main game 🔥
Favourite episode DLC: Episode Ignis 😍😍 My baby 😭😭
Other favourites of note:
-Camera filter: Dawn 😍
-Fishing spot: Um I don't really fish much so just to be safe, I'll say Gualdin Quay
-Recipeh: Breaded Cutlet with Tomato cause I've eaten that before in real life and lawd, it's good 😁
-Chapter (besides 15): Chapter 12 cause as heartbreaking as it was, I love all that angst stuff 😭😭
-Outfit: I like their original outfits but their casual outfits are cool too.
-Quote: “That's it! I've come up with a new recipeh" 😭😭
That's all 😂 If anyone wants to tag me in anything, plz do!
Idk if ya done this already but I'm nominating : @dianett-e @chocobutt-trash @roses-and-oceans @ffxvthirstress @ffxvhoe
Thanksss again 😁😁
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Feel free to ask me anything ffxv related 😁
Got one ask and now I dont know how to act 😂 its so cool. Send em
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Finally played Episode Ignis and I was in tears 😭😭 best alternate ending ever!!
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Need friends from the ffxv fandom, hmu so we can talk 😂😂☺
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Ima need every ffxv artist or artist I follow here to comment their twitter or other social media platforms 😭😢
I literally don't wanna lose you guys, your fanart is amazing 😭😭 Spread the word!
And not that I think my blog will be deleted but here's my twitter and instagrams
@vundis-scientia @dianett-e @themadchemist @arcticblade @zimmer2d @fightqueen18 @louisvuittontrashbags
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