#fic: aza
potterandpromises · 2 years
This fic was written as an experiment. It's 26 paragraphs long and the first word of each begins with the corresponding letter of the alphabet. This was something I'd been wanting to try with an Amelia client for awhile, and it was surprisingly easy to write when it came down to it. Aza had no background when I began writing her story and it went in a direction I wasn't expecting. This was a thoroughly interesting experience and I'm glad I did it.
Content warning: semi-graphic description of past child abuse, 
Also on AO3
“Aza Asher?”
By the grace of a bus and three separate trains, Aza had made it to the offices of The Amelia Project. Her way out. Her way forward. “Yes." Her voice is thick with excitement. “I’m Aza, but hopefully not for much longer.”
Ceiling fan blades cast shadows on the wall behind the man she’s just been let in to see. Aza feels like she’s in a noir film, although she’s never actually seen a noir film. “Yes, hopefully not for much longer,” the man echoes, and Aza plays with her fidget ring. He’s not a particularly intimating man, but she is intimated nonetheless.
“Do you have anything working with animals?”
“Excuse me?”
“For my new life?” Aza isn’t sure she’s going about this in the right way, but surely almost no one goes through this process twice, so he must be used to a little confusion. “Do you have any jobs where I could work with animals? I'm not picky, but I've always wanted to. I could be a dog trainer or—“
“Get out.”
Her mouth falls open, closes, starts to quiver. But she bites down, steals herself. She didn’t go through public transport hell, stealing, the abuse, to be turned down like this.
“I’m kidding!” He extends his arms in a wide arc and Aza steps back instinctively. “Unless you have an uninteresting reason for wanting to fake your own death, in which case I really will have to tell you to get out. You see, here at Amelia, we deal in stories.” Is there any such thing as an uninteresting reason to fake one's own death? She doubts it. Even if the reason itself might be wholly guessable and common, the sort of person who would go to the lengths Aza herself is going to must almost always be quite a character. Then again, Aza has always thought of herself as the side character in someone else's story. “Oh, I used you in my little prank war— that's 34 for me by the way— and I haven't even offered you cocoa. My bad, truly. Please take a seat. Joey!”
Joey brings in a mug of cocoa in what must be close to 10 seconds flat. Aza takes it even though there’s a voice in the back of her head telling her to never accept a drink, any drink, from a stranger. She’ll have to trust them with far more then a cup of cocoa if she wants to survive. “Heavenly doesn't even begin to describe it, right?"
“Kill me,“ she pleads, likely with a chocolate mustache on her lip. “Please kill me, because— please pretend to kill me or—“
Lake water down her throat, sputtering on shore; bruises she almost couldn't cover; blood from her mouth as if she were in a horror movie.
“Mum will destroy the world.”
No going back now. No telling the truth. This isn’t a charity, she'd always known that, hence the few thousand stuffed in her clothing. But she hadn’t planned this lie.
“Oh my.”
“Please." She begs him to believe her or not believe her but take pity on her anyway. "You have to help me die so the world can live."
“Queer, very queer. How is it that your mum will destroy the planet?” Aza can tell he doesn’t believe her, she’s not stupid. She trudges on anyway.
“Rosalie Asher is a a scientist, ah, was a scientist. But she was fired. You see, my mother is an evil, evil woman, and at home she talks about— about using the nuclear codes, which she still has. Apparently it’s not actually that difficult to get into where those buttons are. She told me one time this guy was delivering food to her workplace, and he called to tell them the door was left open!" That last part is at least one quarter true. She’d heard a story like that on Last Week Tonight, although it had happened in America. “My mother may be evil, but she loves me, and if she thinks I’m dead, it’ll destroy her. She won’t be able to complete her plan.”
“Shit on a stick you’re lying to me.” Aza imagines her forehead hitting the table, finally letting her guard down.
“There’s the story you told me. Then there’s the true story. Then there’s the reason you lied. I want to hear all of them.” But Aza isn’t prepared to tell. She should have known The Amelia Project was too good to be true, even if it isn't a hoax. She cannot tell. Yet she cannot turn back, not now, not ever. Will her parents find her if she doesn't have help? She has no doubt they will, if her face is still her face.
“Upstream from my house,” she begins, her last ditch chance, “by the edge of the woods there’s this rock that’s covered in moss. I used to go there when I was little, thought it was my secret hide out, until I ran there one day when I was eight and my mum fractured my skill on that rock. That isn’t even the worst of it. I’m done begging and I’m done explaining.” Aza takes the wads of cash from her pocket, her bra, her socks, and places them on the desk. “Will you help me or not?"
“Very well." He's visibility horrified but gives nothing else away. “We’ve had an opening in Antarctica for ages, you’d be researching” —he shudders, she thinks involuntarily— “penguins. No one would ever find you there apart from us and maybe an extremely lost biologist or two. The only thing that might hurt you is frost bite.” He pauses. "And elephant seals."
“What about somewhere warmer?”
“Xylophone player in Uzbekistan?”
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” But she’s smiling and she can't remember the last time she smiled.
“Zebra keeper in Kenya?” Zebras. She can work with zebras.
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woodle-isbae · 7 months
Connie the type to...
Connie springer x reader
Warnings: Not proof read , Fluff , Gender neutral reader
Lmk if I missed anything
☆Connie the type to save a bunch of nail , hair and outfit inspos for diffrent occasions just for yall
☆Connie the type to be loud in public , I mean he talk about EVERYTHING , It could go from you needing pads to which position he wants to put you in
☆Connie the type to cook the most mouth watering , lip biting , tear dropping food but once a while
☆Connie the type to complain abt something then like it the next minute
☆Connie the type to get you guys subtle matching things , like perfumes/colognes , hair dye , shoe laces and even cutlery
☆Connie the type to have a book set just for you , it has everything about you! Ranging from your favorite food to the small things you do when your slightly excited
☆Connie the type to write down your family's birthdays in that book and help you get gifts for them
☆Connie the type to be LOVED by your mother, she cooks up meals you never had before just for him ♡
☆Connie the type to get you a controller so you can play with him 😭
☆Connie the type to genuinely be a sweet person , even tho he jokes around alot , he's always gonna be there to help you
☆Connie the type to be My mannnn🤭
A small drable since I've been busy 💕
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aza-trash-can · 2 months
I got hit with a bittersweet headcanon or two about Satoru (and Suguru, just let me set the stage for them)
Firstly, I imagine Satoru would be insanely smart when it comes to math and physics. It comes with the territory of his technique being to manipulate space and the concept of infinity. So, I like imagining this translates to having some interest in the universe as a whole and outer space, since he can think about concepts I can only have even a fleeting understanding of when it comes to the nature of the universe
So we have Satoru rambling on and on about these stupidly complex physics concepts to Suguru, who doesn't understand half of the words coming out of his mouth, but he's happy to listen to Satoru ramble about something that manages to actually capture his interest. Something that makes him think. Suguru gets lost in the way Satoru's eyes light up not through the activation of his cursed technique, but through fascination and wonder and excitement over what he's talking about
At some point during one of these rambles, Satoru brings up how everything is made of stardust, or if not stardust, then at least the same stuff that can make a star. Off the cuff says that "that kinda makes everything connected, y'know? Well, everything is kinda connected anyways, but that's a way that more people can actually understand and conceptualise." And, being Satoru, he just rambles on and on after that little tidbit. But Suguru clings to it, holds on to the little facts that he can understand because he loves it when Satoru shares these things, and he loves even more when he can bring it up later and watch Satoru's eyes shimmer like a lake reflecting the sun because he bothered to remember something Satoru likes to talk and think about
And one day, later on, when Satoru goes unusually quiet and his gaze is not quite there, when it's just the two of them and he dares to let Suguru peek past the facade of 'the strongest' (one of two, it's still the two of them that make up that whole), when he says "I don't think I'm human," Suguru says
"You're still made of stardust too." And when Satoru doesn't respond right away, he continues. "Even if you think you're not human, you're made of stardust, like everyone, everything, else. You're still connected to everyone."
Nothing more is said when Satoru fights back tears, hidden as they are behind his glasses. No comment is made when he leans against Suguru slowly. They sit in silence as Satoru falls apart and pulls himself back together without so much as a whisper
Afterwards, maybe a few minutes, maybe a few hours, maybe in an entirely new conversation, Suguru floats the idea that they were made from the same star. The iron in their veins still holding the energy of the same supernova, two souls from one bright, shining light, forever connected more intimately to each other than to anything else in the universe. Satoru can't think of a more perfect theory
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batterygarden · 1 year
some love birds in a hammock (aza chobe x gn reader)—sfw but pls don’t follow me if ur a minor
Chobe’s not really listening — or maybe he is only half way. ‘Cause when you say something funny he knows to throw out a fake laugh that has you shoving his fucking battering ram of a shoulder with all your might till he moves half an inch in your hammock. He slides right back against your body though—gravity and all—and peers at you over his sunglasses with a face that acknowledges your nonexistent strength in a teasing way. Then he resumes focus on the map he was studying.
“You’re an asshole.” You say, leaning against him anyway and glaring at the maze of park trails on his lap.
He ignores you pointedly this time, pushing his shades in his hair before tracing one of the lines in front of him with his finger. You observe as his face pouts in concentration, catching his eyes moving so fast over the guide you can’t understand how he’s even absorbing anything—your boyfriend’s some kind of genius when it comes to processing new information. You only have another moment to watch him before the map is folded back in his pocket and he’s giving you his full attention again—evidently having learned the directions he’d been searching for in record time.
His confidence earns a frown. He’s so annoyingly perfect sometimes—it almost makes you self-conscious.
You think back to the way he handled being lost in the first place. When it was revealed that you’d confidently led the two of you at least a mile off the trail you were meant to be hiking in the wrong direction, rather than groaning and complaining or even teasing, Chobe had taken the situation in stride. He’d only heaved a deep breath and unzipped his backpack, offering you a canteen of lukewarm water while he set to work pitching his hammock in some nearby trees.
When you were confused, wondering, “shouldn’t we retrace our steps to find the main trail?” Aza was shaking his head before you could finish your sentence.
“Nah, it’s time to take a break.”
You aren’t sure whether aza’s reaction to the situation makes it more or less embarrassing—he definitely handled it with more grace and maturity than you would have if the situation were reversed… there’s no way you could have resisted at least one teasing comment.
His endless patience somehow only manages to make him feel farther away, farther above you, like your forgetfulness and clumsy ways are expected. He makes you feel childish. Childish and yet, ironically, very trusted—like he doesn't expect you to scrape your knees but is unsurprised and band-aid-prepared when you do. It’s nerve-wracking because you look up to him so much, and now, as your feet kick back and forth to get his hammock swinging, you can’t help but worry his trust for you will run out some day.
Aza starts kicking his legs a little too, before leaning back so his head rests against fabric.
“You’re worried we won’t find our way back?”
He guesses, sensing the stress you radiate while contrasting it completely—letting his eyelids droop all serene-faced. You wanna punch him. And do a million sweeter, mushier things.
“No,” you swing your legs harder, the leaves around you swaying as the hammock flies.
“I know you can find the way Mr. Human compass man.”
“Why’re you so pissed then? ‘T’s a nice day.”
You bite your tongue while you wait for a response to come together in your head—better to word this wisely.
“I… wish you’d been the one to get us lost.”
Chobe’s instantly chuckling, pulling you against his chest so he can drag you both sideways—laying down instead of sitting.
His deep laugh takes a while to die down—your cheeks could start a forest fire by the time he’s finished.
“You want me to take the blame?” His voice is teasing and unserious when he finally breathes enough to speak, his hands warm where they rub up and down your back
You sigh long and hard, finally revealing your buried face to frown at him.
“No! Ugh! That’s not it at all.”
His eyes widen when he sees you’re seriously upset and he clears his throat before shoving a nearby tree branch so you’re swinging again.
He uses a placating tone,
“‘Course not. I’m just teasin’.”
You let him rock you with your face buried again for a while before you try and speak some more, eventually wrapping your arms around his neck to scoot your face closer.
“‘M just. Feeling embarrassed that I got us lost. Sometimes I feel like everything I do is wrong and everything you do is right.”
Your voice is tiny and it’s a miracle he even hears it, but you know he does because he squeezes you closer after each word.
He traces patterns on your back for a minute while you swing before he replies.
“Well that’s kind of true.”
You lift yourself up so he can see your glare.
He’s quick to add a defensive tone, “I am always right! ‘M I supposed to argue the facts??”
He smiles when you roll your eyes, pinching your cheek before he adds
“But you’re also never wrong.”
You giggle, letting him cradle you back to his chest before reminding him—
“Except about trail directions!”
He hums no, pushing a branch so you’re swinging again.
“This wasn’t the wrong way. We coulda missed this hammock spot if we didn’t take it.”
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Doing What Big Brother's Do (Hell's Paradise)
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Oh look, it’s my boys 🥰🥰🥰
Heyo everyone! Guess who finally wrote her Chobe fic? This girl! Like “Hardened Criminals”, this one has been in the making for awhile now- I just never got the motivation to finish it until the anime came out ajsnnwmsmwms 🤣 I love them so much, and I hope you like it!
Summary: Toma’s starting to feel the effect of the island and questions his worth. Lucky for him, he’s got his brother Chobe there to help him out.
“Stay here, I’m gonna go find us something to eat.” Chobe’s call back was only an echo now, fading as he exited the safety of the cave. Toma would have gone with him had he not injured himself. Fighting these oversized beasts left him exhausted, and one misstep nearly sent him tumbling over an edge to his death.
Thanks to Chobe’s fast reflexes, he remained alive- the only drawback was a now strained ankle. Physically be fine- it wasn’t that severe of an injury.
Mentally…not so much.
“I’m sorry, brother.” He said to no one, burying his chin in his drawn up knees, his mind sharpening like a blade to his heart. 
‘Nothing but an anchor to Chobe you are.’ 
‘He’s gonna die because of you.’ ‘Look how much he’s given up- for you.’
It hurt. Hurt worse than the loss of their lives. It hurt worse than any pain he’s experienced before. The reality that he was only holding his brother back- that he was nothing but an extra mouth to feed and body to shield for him. He was weak and scared and so very useless.
‘I want to disappear.’ He thought bitterly. ‘I want to disappear.’
“Hey, I’m back! Look what I found!” Chobe grinned as he entered the cave, shirt in arms filled with a variety of fruits and other edible things. Well- hopefully editable things. It was hard to tell what was safe and what wasn’t on this god forsaken island. “I know you won’t eat any monster parts- even though they really aren’t all that bad…”
When he got no answer- no cry of “Ew! No way!” or note of interest, Chobe looked around. “Toma?” He called out, laying the haul on the floor.
His brother was curled up with his face in his knees, still as a stone. For a brief, panicked moment, Chobe was scared for the worst. Then Toma’s shoulders shook and he felt his chest unwind some. “Toma? You alright?” He came over, kneeling before his brother. He couldn’t hear any sobbing- just shaky breaths. “Toma, look at me.”
“I’m a burden.” He got instead, Toma’s face still in his arms. This made Chobe nearly fall over in shock. “You don’t need to lie. I know I am.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa- back the hell up like- a hundred steps.” Chobe reached out, taking his brother’s shoulders in hand. “Toma, look at me.” He asked again. “Please?”
Finally, he did. As suspected, his face was dry, but those eyes. Those eyes cut Chobe to the core. Dark and sad, as if Toma was drowning within. “Brother-”
“Nope, shut up.” Chobe cut him off, reaching out and fisting the back of Toma’s hair. Pressing their foreheads together, he looked him dead in the eye, willing the younger boy to hear him through the ache. “You listen to me. You are not a burden. You’ve never been a burden. You’re the farthest thing from it, and if I ever hear you call yourself that again I’ll pinch you.”
“But brother-”
“I’m not done.” Chobe tugged his hair, making Toma go silent. “If it weren’t for you, I’d be stuck in that prison cell waiting for my death. If it weren’t for you, I’d be dead years ago, lying in my own filth without a purpose to live.”
“You’d be fine.” Toma spoke softly, voice scarily reassured. “You’re great at change.”
“Only because I need to. Because we need to.” Chobe released his hold on Toma’s hair, letting it fall back in place. “You’re my brother- my flesh and blood, and the only person on this godforsaken earth I care about. Even if you lost all your limbs and the ability to speak, I’d bring you with me. I’d tie you to my back and take you with me everywhere I went, cause that’s what big brothers do.” He nodded, voice softening as tears rolled down Toma’s face. “I don’t need to though- I know you’d be fine too. You’re smart, you’re good with the right kinds of people, and you’re as tough as me. So no more burden thoughts, okay?”
Toma didn’t speak, lips quivering some before he flattened his mouth, taking a deep breath. When he blinked, the dark swamp in his eyes lessened. “Okay.”
“Good. Now- as your big brother, I need to fix this mess you’ve gotten yourself into.” Chobe grinned, his hands falling from Toma’s shoulders to his sides, quickly digging in and making the other squeak. “Can’t have you crying over dinner- the food won’t taste very good! Well- maybe it would add some salt…”
“Ah! Ahehahahahhaha! B-Brohohohohother! Wahhahhahait!” Toma squeaked, doubling over in giggles as he tried catching Chobe’s hands. “Thahahahhat’s not fahhahahahhair!” 
“What’s not fair? I’m just doing what big brother’s do.” Chobe snickered, moving closer so he could really get all the bad spots along Toma’s ribs. He should probably feel bad- Toma couldn’t fight back- not with a sprained ankle.
Eh? Ces’t la vie.
“Coohohohoohme ohoohoohoohn! Dohoohohohn’t be mehehehhehan!” Toma cried, arms coming down in a weak effort to protect his sides, unable to block out Chobe’s investigative fingers. “I’m ihihiiihihihnjured!”
“Are you now? Did you get hurt anywhere besides your ankle?” Chobe reached down, squeezing his hip. “Here? How about here?” He pinched beneath his ribs. “Are these broken? Lemme check!”
“Brohohohoohohohther!” Toma squeaked, falling to his side in a weak attempt at escape. Chobe followed him down, one hand attacking his belly while the other dug into his armpit. “Stahhahhahap, stahhahhap, pleahhahahahse!”
“Feel better? Not gonna call yourself a burden anymore?” Chobe questioned, bringing both hands into Toma’s armpits for maximum effect. Toma all but shrieked.
“Are you gonna start having more faith in yourself and me?”
“.....are you sure?”
“Pfft- okay okay.” Chobe cackled, falling back as he watched Toma curl into himself, gasping for breath. “Heh, still so ticklish all these years later.”
“Shuhuhuuhsh! Yoohohu’re just as bahahhahad!” Toma jabbed him in the belly, making Chobe double over with a snort-laugh. Swatting his hands away, he stood up, bringing his findings back to Toma.
“Alright, smart ass. Look; I found us food.” He grinned, presenting the apple. “Don’t worry, it’s real. I took a bite out of everything just to be sure.”
“Brother, that’s dangerous!” Toma sat up, wide eyed. Then he winced, grossed out. “And disgusting. What if it was a monster part?”
“Yeah, took a bite of one of those fish monsters. It was so-!”
“EW! Stop!”
Chobe cackled in glee, grinning like a goon. “I’m kidding! I know what’s safe and what’s not.” He pulled Toma up, passing him an orange. “Now eat. Before this stuff goes bad.”
Toma nodded, taking the orange. He looked at it briefly before meeting his brother’s eyes, a small but genuine smile on his lips. “Thanks brother.”
“Eh, don’t mention it.” Chobe grinned around an apple. “That’s what big brother’s do.”
Thanks for reading!
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lonelystarrs · 1 year
I’m sitting and waiting patiently for all the Aza Chobe and Sanemi Shinazugawa fics to start pouring in cause these men are finally getting animated… gimme gimme I’m a greedy girl with particular tastes.
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libraryofnini · 2 years
hi! just wondering if u are friends with aza (lovingyu04) and if they moved url’s or deactivated or moved somewhere else? rly miss their fics :( thank u!
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uplatterme · 2 years
ok but like you should eat dottore out too in return of favor yknow?🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
oh i would. id probably start w his fingers, bet they taste like chicken drumsticks.
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kingkatsuki · 2 months
This is a very very tentative Kinktober brainstorm. I'm gonna try for 13 fics this year cause I've done it like 3/4 years now and I'm yet to finish one.
BUT instead of Kinktober, I am proposing Cucktober.
Each fic will be a threesome/moresome and will either include someone being cucked or just raunchy threesome (or both). All x Reader.
These are subject to change, but if you have any ideas for pairings I haven't thought of or anything you'd rather see over the ones I've listed please let me know (I LOVE rare pairs!) Or if you think this is a terrible idea and you’d rather have just one character x reader pairings you can let me know too and I’ll switch it up!
AND the important part. If there are any kinks you want to see please let me know too and specify for which character(s) because I've only decided a handful so far.
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Jou Togame & Choji Tomiya (wind breaker)
Haruka Sakura & Ren Kaji (wind breaker)
Enjin & Tamsy Caines (gachiakuta)
Tsubakino Tasuku & Seiryu Sakaki & Uryu Sakaki (wind breaker)
Sanemi Shinazugawa & Iguro Obanai & Mitsuri Kanroji (demon slayer)
Katsuki Bakugou & Yo Shindou (mha)
Toge Inumaki & Kokichi Muta (jjk)
Chihiro Rokuhira & Togo Shiba (kagurabachi)
Chihiro Rokuhira & Hakuri Sazanami (kagurabachi)
Hakuri Sazanami & Togo Shiba (kagurabachi)
Rensuke Kunigami & Ryusei Shidou (blue lock)
Oliver Aiku & Shuto Sendou (blue lock)
Eita Otoya & Oliver Aiku (blue lock)
Enjin & Zodyl Typhon (gachiakuta)
Rayne Ames & ?????? (mashle)
Kaji Ren & Natori Shingo (wind breaker)
Haruka Sakura & Kyotaro Sugishita (wind breaker)
Hajime Umemiya & Tsubakino Tasuku (wind breaker)
Hajime Umemiya & Chika Takiishi & Yamato Endo (wind breaker)
Enjin & Griss Rubion (gachiakuta)
Enjin & Griss Rubion & Follo Tunito (gachiakuta)
Enjin & Arkha Corvus (gachiakuta)
Jabber Wonger & Tamsy Caines (gachiakuta)
Mash Burnedad & Rayne Ames (mashle)
Oliver Aiku & Rensuke Kunigami (blue lock)
Oliver Aiku & Ryusei Shidou (blue lock)
Katsuki Bakugou & Enji Todoroki (mha)
Genya Shinazugawa & Sanemi Shinazugawa (demon slayer)
Chobei Aza & Toma Aza (hell’s paradise)
Giyuu Tomioka & Sanemi Shinazugawa (demon slayer)
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astrachigo · 1 month
Eternal Dream 🌙🌌
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My submission for the Glitch Inn contest!
Uhh.. okay. This is it.
I would like to thank you all for being there for me. If it weren't for MD, I wouldn't meet all of you! I met new friends, gained an audience and awesome readers.. it's so shocking to me how far I've come.
I discovered MD back in 2021, when Liam dropped the teaser. I had no idea how much this show would impact my life, and I really mean it when I say that it changed my online life. Not just online, but irl, too!
I never thought I would get back into writing, but I loved the show so much that I just had to write something for it. It all began with a one-shot. A small one-shot that was more-so of a vent fic. But.. look at me now. I've achieved more than I thought I would thanks to you!
I'd like to thank you all. For being there for me. For reading my stuff and supporting me. It means so much to me, it seriously makes me want to cry.
It's sad that the show is over, but I will always cherish the memories I made with it. Forever and ever.
I'd like to thank my friends, whom I met thanks to our shared passion for the show.
Special thanks to these people that I met: Diane, Vivie, Solga, Brookie, Xeon, Kio, DB, InspiredDragonWriter, Cipher and Rikki! You guys are wonderful friends and it's always so much chatting with all of you! Thank you for being there for me. Even if we are not chatting much, you guys are still wonderful people, and I am just glad to have you guys by my side! Thank you for being my friends!
Another special thanks goes to my dear, beloved server members. Thank you for joining and just.. being there for me. It's always so much fun chatting with all of you. I was so scared to create my own Discord server because of my past with them, but I am so happy that I opened it, regardless.
Some special thanks goes to the most active members there: Rozen, Stuki, Stella, Cherry Juice, Jello, Pay, Vee, Fez, Shadow, Apostate, Shortcake, Aza, WinterWhiteLodge! Thank you for being so active in the server and making me laugh!!
Thank you, guys, for being there for me. Remember, this is not the end of our adventure just yet! There is still so much more to come, and I have some ideas in store that I wish to share with you all!
Thank you. I love you all.
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shintaru · 3 months
characters I’ll write for + tags ~ prompt list
Who wants to be tagged for which characters when I post the finished project?
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Juwan Jang 🦈 TJ
Kazuma Takeda
Sung kwon Monster @jesusownsme @cozyunderworld
Mahon Jo
Humming bird
Jo Jay @ankita607
Junsu Lee / June Lee
Minu yoon
Shelly Scott Dom kang @cozyunderworld @samuelseowife
Hyuk Kwon @inosukehana Wooin yoo @cozyunderworld Vinny hong @ankita607Joker (Hajun) @cozyunderworld @inosukehana
Light Calvary
Owen knight @catsrkool @rossesnd Camilla Nelson
Harry shepherd
Chris D’ Char ~ @rossesnd @cozyunderworld @inosukehana
Noah Austin
League of street
Sangho Choi @cozyunderworld @koiiiiijiii Hwangyeon Choi @koiiiiijiii
Juwon ryu
Kenji ikusaba
Kaneshiro Takeda Ryohei Hachijō Hyōma Nagase
Daniel Park @koiiiiijiii Vasco @koiiiiijiii Jay Hong @koiiiiijiii Zack Lee @koiiiiijiii Jace Park @koiiiiijiii Jiho Park @koiiiiijiii Mary Kim Vin Jin @koiiiiijiii Jaegyeon Na @koiiiiijiii Samuel Seo @vynnyll @samuelseowife @koiiiiijiii @dessmq Eli Jang @koiiiiijiii Johan Seong Jong Gun @vynnyll @koiiiiijiii Joon Goo @koiiiiijiii Jake Kim @vynnyll @koiiiiijiii DG @eugueen @koiiiiijiii Eugene @koiiiiijiii Ryūhei/Nōmen @koiiiiijiii Magami kenta @koiiiiijiii Seonji Yukcho @koiiiiijiii Cho Yisu @koiiiiijiii Cheon taejin @koiiiiijiii gongseob ji @koiiiiijiii gapryong Kim @koiiiiijiii jinyeong park @koiiiiijiii
Jaekyung Kim dan Heesung Yoon gu Baek Junmin
Kuroko’s basketball:
Tetsuya Kuroko Taiga Kagami @cozyunderworld Junpei Hyūga Teppei Kiyoshi Ryōta Kise Yukio Kasamatsu Shintarō Midorima Kazunari Takao Daiki Aomine @cozyunderworld Shōichi Imayoshi Atsushi Murasakibara @cozyunderworld Tatsuya Himuro Seijūrō Akashi Reo Mibuchi Makoto Hanamiya Kotarō Hayama Katsunori Harasawa  Chihiro Mayuzumj  momoi satsuki Alex Garcia 
Gaara @aishabbbb kankuro Sasuke @aishabbbb itachi @aishabbbb Kakashi hatake jiraiya Sai Pain sasori orachimaru
blue lock:
Michael Kaiser  shidou Ryusei Meguru Bachira  Rensuke Kunigami Yoichi Isagi  Ryosuke Kira Zantetsu Tsurugi  Reo Mikage  Seishiro Nagi Rin itoshi Sae itoshi Jinpachi Ego pablo cavazos ikki Niko Akira Endoji Jin Kiyora Jingo Raichi Oliver Aiku
one piece:
Luffy @ydkm00 Sanji @hi3431 Zoro Law @nah-idwin Eustass Kid Boa Hancock  Nami  Nico Robin Shanks  Portgas D’Ace  Vivi Nefertari  Crocodile  Smoker Donquixote Doflamingo  Paulie Dracule Mihawk Koby  Pell Hina  Sabo  Katekuri Koala Perona corazon
Osamu Dazai Chuya Nakahara Saigiku Jouno Atsushi Nakajima Doppo Kunikida Ranpo Edogawa Poe Bram Stoker Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
Hell’s paradise:
Gabimaru Aza chobe Aza Toma Yamada Asaemon Shugen Yamada Asaemon Sagiri Yamada Asaemon, Tenza Yamada Asaemon, Shion Yuzuriha
Miya atsumu @cozyunderworld Miya osamu Aran ojiro Semi Eita Suna Ushijima wakatoshi Tendou Oikawa toru Tanaka Mad dog kyotani Kentarou Kunimi Akira Bokuto Koutarou Akaashi Keiji daishou suguru Nishinoya Kuroo tetsuro Kenma Kageyama tobio Hinata shoyo Tsukkishima kei Terushima yuji Kita Hoshiumi Yamakoto Lev haiba Haiba Hiroo
Gojo Choso Toji Yuta Sukuna Naoya that one hot guy with the mask Nanami
Aether Childe ZHONGLI scaramouche Kaveh alhaithum
Windbreaker anime:
Burning kabaddi:
@duaajpeg Tatsuya Yoigoshi Kei lura Masato ojo Shinji date Ren takaya Manabu Sakura Yu eikura Yuuki hitomi
Grimmjow Ichigo Renji
Black clover:
Langris vaude Leopald Julius Vangeance Yuno Nozel Asta Luck Magna Klaus Jack Zora
Outer banks:
Rafe JJ Pope
Bruce Wayne (bale) Dr. crane (cillian)
Harry Potter:
Draco Voldemort Fred George Harry
Suicide Squad:
Joker (Leto) Harley (Margot)
Jojo’s bizarre adventure:
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milkteamoon · 9 months
2023 fanfic review ✨
Meant to do a wrap up a few days ago but I got busy — so I'm doing it today! Here's a big long list of fics I read and enjoyed in 2023 (not all were published in 2023, but several were!). Ratings may vary, so please read the tags!
▷ Ask an Exec by shinyopals — (rated T, complete, 6/6) A series of posts to a workplace management advice form made by a particularly strange poster. This one was so fun to read along with, and Opal always nails it with the unique storytelling methods.
▷ And We Are Full of Stories to be Told by saintbleeding — (rated T, oneshot) a meeting somewhere else. Just...just read it. You'll like it, I promise.
▷ Particular by aza — (rated G, oneshot) Jon doesn't like anyone, but sometimes he likes this one. I love a good ace Jon fic.
▷ Stay Here Under My Tail by ravenxavier — (rated M, oneshot) after Jon's statement habits are discovered, him and Daisy take a ride. I love this fic's depiction of Jon and Daisy's relationship, with just the right amount of s4 anxiety.
▷ The Wounded and the Blessed by hihereami — (rated T, oneshot) an au set in the 1950s where a priest makes friends with a very lonely doctor. Y'all, the yearning in this fic...... literally left me staring at a wall for hours after finishing. A must read.
▷ Strange Manner by inkfingers_mcgee — (rated T, complete, 17/17) needing money, Martin signs up for a dubious app for blood donors and meets a very particular vampire in the process. Also kept up with this fic as it was coming out and had so much fun being tugged along for the ride. A great universe and a great lot of fun!
▷ A Measure Outside the Lines by rend_herring — (rated E, oneshot) after fleeing to Scotland, Jon and Martin navigate their post-Lonely relationship. I know there's a million safehouse fics out there, but this one is just...so sweet... There are so many lines I want to quote but I'd just end up quoting the whole fic haha.
▷ It Blooms by godshaper — (rated M, oneshot) Martin meets a mysterious stranger the day before his wedding. Fae au!! This one has a really fun universe and a deliciously excellent fast burn.
▷ On the Factual Particulars of the Death of Mrs. Blackwood by saintbleeding — (rated T, ongoing, 5/?) primarily sourced accounts from one Mr. Martin Blackwood regarding his new job at The Magnus Archives. This is a really fun victorian au that really nails the style and character voices.
▷ Sun in an Empty Room by transjon — (rated T, oneshot) the in between after the apocalypse. I love a romantic bad-ish end fic, and this one is very fun.
▷ Communion Past the Need of Speech by pieandsouffle — (rated G, oneshot) a hologram and a former borg drone have a lunch date. Star Trek au anyone?? Star Trek au.
▷ Gertrude is Still Around by occudo — (rated T, series) an au where Gertrude is still archivist and the archival crew members are her assistants. This one is technically a comic series but I'm putting it on this because it's my rec list and I can do what I want okay!!!!!!
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waddei · 7 months
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commission for aza on twt for the fic "but not the truth"
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aza-trash-can · 10 months
Screw it, more Neuvillette headcanons, childhood edition
He technically did have a human family. A couple (I'll call them Elle and Antoine for now) found him and took him in. They quickly realised he wasn't human after taking him in. They didn't want to leave him immediately, he was still an infant, but they certainly didn't want to keep him around for longer than they had to
Despite not really wanting him anymore, they still wanted to be decent parents to him. Great, no, not by a long shot, but they took care of him, made sure he had food and shelter, gave him a name (though not their last name, they just took the name of their town and made that his last name), taught him to read and write. They were strained, but they did try to be as nice to him as they could bear
Little Neuvi was the definition of chill. Unless there was a body of water nearby. Then he was full on sprinting into it at every chance he had. He nearly gave Antoine and Elle a heart attack one time when he went under and just didn't come back up (he was happy as can be. Antoine and Elle counted this as another reason they couldn't take care of whatever the hell he was in the long run)
When Antoine and Elle found an opportunity to go to the Court of Fontaine, they leapt at the chance for a fresh start and tried to give little Neuvi away to anyone in their little town who would take him. No one wanted him (he was, unfortunately for him, well known in the town by that point as some sort of water spirit, and unnerved everyone there), and Antoine and Elle didn't want to take him, so they just left him in their old home when they moved. They couldn't take everything with them anyways, and oh, he was always so self-sufficient, he can take care of himself with the things they leave behind
And he did, in fact, take care of himself quite well for a kid. For a few months, too, until some thieves broke in, thinking it was abandonned. A small fight broke out, and little Neuvi booked it for the sea as soon as he could escape. He jumped (read: fell) off a ledge into the water, and the thieves didn't follow
He avoided humanity for about a century after that. Not that he hates them or holds a grudge, but more so that he decided he didn't want to deal with whatever hell humanity might want to throw at him if he stuck around, so he'll just keep to himself and do his own thing. Besides, humans are just yet another creature on this planet, and the otters he's met are much nicer to be around. Easier to understand too. Why bother with humans when he can feel at home in the water and among the aquatic creatures there?
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
parkner fic recs
this is tech nick lee for @azraphael but we don’t gatekeep art in this household, so you all are getting recs this fine day. aza, darling, hope these suit your needs.
I said this last time, but I don’t recommend incomplete fics, no matter how brilliant I think they are. personal preference and all that. 
crossing a distance by lavenade- pretty sure I recc’ed this previously, but bro. I have a lot of fics that I just consider canon for harley and peter individually, but this is them. like. it’s just them. I don’t know how else to explain it. 
Keen for Keener by Cinnarolly- it’s just harley and peter being insane about each other. if you read the post I made recently about harley being a country boy and liked it, this is your fic. 
a primer for the small weird loves by babyloveparkner- *insert frantic keyboard smash here* the fic to end all fics, really. I cry every time I read it. also, the author, the amazing @thompsborn, is here on tumblr. check her out. 
Tect Me Quarantine by ProsperDemeter- gay crack (affectionate). last time, I put this one on the personal favorites, hesitant on recc’ing, just because it’s utter chaos and delirium. 10/10. 
For the First Time, Eye to Eye by Sarah_Sandwich- the literal embodiment of genius dumbasses. comedic gold. author is also on tumblr, check them out. 
art of the game by volantium- rivals to friends to lovers to exes to lovers. it’s so good I want to scream. 
I definitely have more that I love, but these are the fundamental reads that you MUST consume, per Emme Rules. let me know your thoughts. 
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milkfromcats · 2 years
TW: 🔞
Sketches and a snippet of my Namor fic:
" Breathe My Salt "
As always, you can find the uncropped version my 18+ art on my twitter.
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Aza's hooded gaze followed the god as he knelt. The shower tiles were no longer cold against the skin of her back, but shivers still crawled down her limbs and twisted her nipples into almost painfully taut points. The steam created a sensation of warmth to compliment the heat coiling in the pit of her stomach.
In front of her, in her apartment's small glass shower, Namor rested on one knee to lather her body in the mango scented suds. She was still breathless from his kiss, but flinched with hyper awareness whenever his fingers grazed the sensitive flesh of her inner thighs.
"Be still, in yakunaj." Namor murmured, busy lifting one foot after the other to wash. He handled her body with care, like she was a relic he wished to cherish for ages to come.
The temperature of her shower water was set to its usual extra hot, but Namor didn't seem to mind. The water beat against his broad shoulders and back as he worked. His hair was already soaked through, heavy locks falling over his brow. She itched to push it back, but she'd wait until she was standing on steady feet.
"That's a little hard with ticklish feet." Aza retorted. She flattened her hands on the slippery tile with a little more pressure, hoping to achieve better balance.
Namor looked up, one of her feet still in his palm. "Are you talking back right now?"
She bit her tongue. "No."
He finished with her legs and feet, "Je'el. I didn't think so."
— To be continued —
Je'el : Yes
A/N: I originally had him say "Right. I didn't think so." But the Yucatec Mayan translation for "right" was in Spanish (translators suck). And someone commented on it, so I just decided to change it all together so I'm not confusing anyone. I know Namor would not speak Spanish.
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