#fic: potions of paradox
siobhanhazel · 4 months
Masterlist (Harry Potter fics)
SiobhanHazel @ AO3
Our Forever Home || [E] 20k words 7th Year Severus Snape ♡ Professor Potter feat. time travel
Between These Walls || [E] 40k words Severus wakes up in the hospital next to Harry, who he soon realises is struggling with depression. They both learn what it means to be in a relationship for the first time. Kintsugi || [G] 2.5k words “Magic is not material. It is paradoxical. Almost spiritual.” Only Harry's magic can save Snape. Written in Japanese and translated to English (so the style is a bit different from my usual fics).
The Risk of Falling || [T] 19.7k words Draco-centric coming out fic i wish that i could wear hats || [T] 4.5k words Humorous songfic for brian david gilbert’s song
Sweets and Meat & Sweet Relief || [T & E] 8.2k words Marauders Era, anxiety, hurt/comfort, realising feelings Seeing Other People || [E] 8.8k words Marauders Era getting-together songfic for Belle and Sebastian’s song Summer Sweating in a One-Room Flat || [E] 4.0k words Muggle AU smut short with Japanese Sirius and travelling Brit Remus Whines, Knocks, Shouts || [E] 3.6k words Humorous smut for Animagi Week 2024
Striking a Spark || [T] 8.4k words Minerva McGonagall/Lily Evans Potter ー Thanks to sophisticated time travel methods, de-aged nineteen-year-old Minerva finds herself at a bar, revelling in the spontaneity of youth with her former students; Lily Evans and her friends. Perfectionism || [T] 2.6k words Minerva McGonagall/Eileen Prince ー Hogwarts Seventh Year, sweet girlfriends Hanami (Cherry Blossoms) || [G] 500 words Minerva McGonagall/Eileen Prince ー More sweet girlfriends, for Animagi Week 2024
M/M MISC: COMPLETED Jupiter and Virtus || [G] 2k words Neville Longbottom/Harry Potter ー Magical AU. An offbeat short fic about growing up and the crushes along the way. Burn the Dark Away [G] 500 words Remus Lupin/Severus Snape ー Cathartic, somewhat angsty moment for Remus and Severus after the war is all over. After Dawn Delight || [E] 1.8k words Viktor Krum/Percy Weasley ー Percy wishes Viktor would eat a proper meal, but unfortunately, Viktor distracts him from cooking breakfast. Tranquillitas || [E] 2k words James Potter/Severus Snape ー in 7th year, struggling with pressures of his own, James Potter finds himself making an unexpected peace offering. Hurt/comfort. Lightning Strike, Loving Squeeze || [G] 3.5k words Harry Potter/Ron Weasley ー Auror Ron discovers his animagi and his feelings for Harry Fluffy Snuggles || [G] 2.1k words Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter ー Pure fluff in an AU with an interesting animagi Fiery Sniffles || [G] 2.1k words Scorpius Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter ー Fluff sequel to “Fluffy Snuggles” Nibbles || [G] 1.1k words Sirius Black/Severus Snape ー Snogging and antics in Grimmauld’s potion lab Lost & Won || [T] 1.4k words Sirius Black/James Potter ー Marauders Era Seventh Year, a romp in the Forbidden Forest
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silversiren1101 · 2 years
You know what, you get two more, because I absolutely lost track of which one had been answered already when I sent the numbers since I asked first and did the reading after. 😅❤️ 8. And 28.!
I will HAPPILY take more!
8. What happens if one of them gets sick?
I LOVE sick-fics and this question and it's been so hard to rationalize how level 20 + mythic 10 martial characters could get sick BUT I have two solid ideas for this hehe.
Minovae: She is a semi-divine being, as she is a protean lord but with the vessel of a once-mortal humanoid. The fact the is also a being of paradox means that I like to think that her powers have to be carefully managed, as she is something that quite literally breaks the laws of existence. If she leans too hard on the Lawful or Chaotic aspects of her power (oh the stress of being a True Neutral deity but a Lawful Good person) it unbalances her and she can get ill if it's too extreme. Too much Chaotic energy -> vomiting rainbow sludge, unable to hold her default form (proteans are shapeshifters), her blood takes on a rainbow sheen like an oil slick, classic fever and full-on body aches. Too much Lawful energy -> hard to stay tangible, starts to blink in and out of existence, her true sight runs haywire, debilitating migraines from overload of information streaming into her thoughts (long range telepathy), body goes rigid, temperature plummets. All are things totally fine for an actual Aeon or Protean, but for a once mortal woman?
In super extremes, she can be dangerous to physically be around as she radiates the imbalanced energy and can impact the environment around her.
Regill always has potions on hand infused with Lawful or Chaotic energy. Think if a Cure Wounds potion is filled with Positive, this would be the equivalent. Shoving the opposite energy down her throat helps correct the imbalance but it still takes her a little while to physically feel better. He'll move his work into either their bedroom or whatever room in the medical wing she's being looked after in to keep an eye on her. Checks her temperature and makes sure she's comfortable, wordlessly, every hour or so, just doesn't make a big deal out of it. Strokes her hair and helps her move about if she's in a bunch of pain or very ill.
If she's too overloaded she becomes more like an actual Protean or Aeon too, personality wise and disposition. He's one of the only people that can reason with her in that state and help bring her back to herself.
These are all extremely rare occurrences. Something terrible must've happened for an imbalance so severe to have happened.
Regill: The Thrune-cursed wounds he earned from saving Mino's life have periods where they ache severely, and can debilitate him from the pain and stiffness alongside a burning fever. This is generally when the cold season hits, that first major fall in temperature. Mino always knows because he'll still be in bed around her when she wakes up. He hates it, finds it humiliating, but she is careful to treat him exactly the same so he doesn't feel coddled and even more embarassed. Hot compresses, heated salves, bringing him a potion so he can at least get up and move around (he insists, a lictor can't be bedridden). Worst comes to worst, a sling to keep his arm stable which she helps him with, but without ceremony and with a light, joking disposition as usual. Inside she feels terrible because those wounds were meant for her after all, but she's not about to make him feel worse or make it about her.
28. What are there thoughts on pet names? Do they have any?
Nothing overly saccharine or sweet here! The fact he calls her "Mino" is quite a feat enough as is, but he will use 'my dear' with her as well. It makes her turn into a puddle.
She doesn't use any for him. She has tried many many times to come up with any that don't immediately make her laugh or feel wrong. There aren't any. She will use them jokingly or ironically as in a "oh sure 'hun'" kind of way, but that's all.
Link to Questions
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aquagustd · 2 years
not sure if youre still doing the wip game, but could you tell me about potions of paradox, jagged edges, and love without end?
oh and the fic you’re working on about yoongi being oc’s sisters ex husband sounds so good and i’d love to read it, but if you don’t end up posting it, i completely understand!
ofc !! ah yeah. i might not post it bc i’m afraid that i’ll have fingers pointing at me after i post it lmfao. it’s different & for mature mature audiences ig. vv slow burn too. but i appreciate you saying that <3
potions of paradox — i love night drives. so one day i was taking a cool drive yk & this song came on and i heard the words “i summoned you” & my mind literally…idk where it went. grew a whole other mind of its own and came up with this idea.
reader is preparing for this big exam in a few months. she’s in the medical field. & she’s incredibly anxious. she’s deathly afraid that she might fail and disappoint her parents & waste their money and all her years of hard work bc this exam is so important to her and her future. at a family gathering, she meets this aunt of hers that she hasn’t seen in a while. there, she opens up about her fears, etc. and her aunt is like this witch or sumn and she tells her about this ~magical~ cave. a series of things that need to be done and her biggest desire will come true. oc knows what this desire is - to pass her exams. so she goes through with the spell but what if her deepest, darkest desire is not what she thinks it is. she finds out that the most handsome, charming man she’s ever seen happens to be her biggest desire when he emerges from the cave after the spell is performed 🫣 how is he gonna help her pass her exams 😀 so she’s back to square one. except with handsome man/genie (seokjin) she can’t get rid of.
jagged edges — is the hitman!joon fic i’ve been working on for quite some time. reader is a politician’s daughter & you can guess what namjoon is assigned to do. but what he finds out is that it’s completely pointless to go through with it since she hasn’t been in contact with her family for years. he ends up overriding his superior’s orders, you can guess why, which turns out to be a terrible, grave mistake 😳 reader is also anemic lmao. (like me) just a tiny detail. bc it’s important.
love without end — words cannot express how much i love this fic. i started writing it in february when i really wasn’t in the right frame of mind. based on this song.
i don’t really like writing fics based on movies. i tried multiple times but i feel like i don’t have much creative freedom & readers will go in expecting this & that from the original movie to be in my work you know? but this fic is loosely (very loosely) based on the movie Age Of Adaline. only the concept of jimin living forever - not aging - is taken from the movie. the dialogues and scenes are all my own.
jimin will probably live forever. reader won’t. they’ve been childhood friends. they get married and are happy. but jimin will live forever…and reader won’t. jimin doesn’t age. but reader does 😔 that’s all im gonna say. i love this fic a lot. a lot a lot a lot. my best fic i might say.
ask me anything about my wips
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drabsyo · 3 years
okay this is my absolute favourite cissamoine fic i’ve ever read. i literally do not have words for how much i love everything about it. both hermione and narcissa’s characterisations in this…. no words. specifically everything to do with narcissus in this is just.. i can’t. the author’s take on pure blood marriage vows and how they can effect both the individuals who’re married, AND the people in their lives is fascinating to me. i love it.
i literally cannot recommend it strongly enough
ANON LET ME TELL YOU: Fixed in Time by TheWorldsaBeastofBurden owns my ENTIRE HEART.
🛑MINOR SPOILERS BUT I CAN'T HELP IT.🛑 Fixed in Time has EVERYTHING. It has purebloods not knowing how to do muggle things (Narcissa flicking the light switch on and off, riding the passenger seat side while Hermione drives and being curious about EVERYTHING, domestic bliss in a muggle neighborhood), you-and-me-against- the-world-and-whoops-we-fell-in-love, stargayzing, purebloods trying to go GROCERY SHOPPING (Narcissa calling it "The Tesco" and Andromeda being utterly disgraced by it), sibling banter, barista Hermione, PROFESSOR NARCISSA, healer Andromeda, Narcissa being The Best Person Ever, Hermione being disarmingly good (just Hermione being Hermione), character development for EVERYONE, TIME TRAVEL, enemies to YEARNING IDIOTS to lovers, Narcissa being jealous of... herself?? (of COURSE she would be, that's so Narcissa of her), and so. much. more.
Although, I admit, I haven't finished reading Fixed in Time yet but that's only because it's so massive. It's approximately 600k words and ongoing. It's absolutely incredible. It's mind boggling in the best ways. And if I recall correctly, one chapter is equivalent to one, maybe even two, novels. I have no words. Just go read it. It's amazing. I've made it past the halfway mark, but it's just so good that I end up rereading the previous chapters before I can even continue reading the rest.
Fixed in Time by TheWorldsaBeastofBurden
Summary: "I did not want this for him, for my son. I did not want...any of this," the words poured from her lips like bubbling potion boiling over, "I wish...I wish I never allowed him to set foot on this path. That I never stood by and let the Dark Lord brand his precious skin with his Mark…I wish for many things Miss Granger. If I could change the past, I would.”
A desperate plea leads to a desperate mission. In a split second when all seems lost, Hermione Granger, Gryffindor’s Golden Girl unlinks the golden chain around her neck and throws it around the shoulders of Narcissa Malfoy and turns back time to a week before Draco was set to take the Mark. Working together they'll manipulate the events of the last few years to lead their past selves to victory against the Dark Lord. They have a year and a half to change the course of Draco's life, destroy the Horcruxes, prepare all versions of themselves for the Final Battle and make certain their past selves still end up in Malfoy Manor so they can snap back into time without creating a major paradox.
A lot can happen in a year and a half.
A WHOLE LOT. Listen listen. If you love Cissamione just as much as I do, GO. GO READ THIS. NOW. Like anon said, we literally cannot recommend it strongly enough.
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incrackandwhite · 3 years
I know you read a lot of books, and I was just wondering if you read fanfic too? what are your favourites?
Honestly, I don't read that much fanfiction. It’s not that I dislike it, it’s just that once I ship a couple, I decide that I like this one specific dynamic for them. And I prefer to not read anything outside that dynamic lol, even when I’m pretty sure the fic is great. And the only ff I’ve read is really HP (dramione).
If we’re talking about fics I’ve read, then let’s see:
Isolation by Bex-chan
Literally anything and everything by @olivieblake
All of everythurday’s works (as I understand, she’s left the fandom and her work is no longer available online)
I don’t really remember anymore. I’ve read a lot of one-shots though, and my favourite fics are tagged below:
How to Win Friends and Influence People by olivieblake (my absolute favourite)
The Fallout by everythursday
Divination for Skeptics by olivieblake
Nobility by olivieblake
Parade of the Sun by everythursday
This World or Any Other series by olivieblake
Lethal Combination by olivieblake
When The Bell Tolls by everythursday
Paradox by olivieblake
Modern Romance by olivieblake
Any and every one-shot in olivieblake’s Potion Collections, Amortentia and Draught of Living Death
(yes I know I haven't included Isolation, but to be honest, I didn't like it. I've committed blasphemy, I know).
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celestial-alignment · 3 years
Masterlist of my Wild Wild West Fanfic!
Of all the fandoms, I have written the most fics for TWWW, so I figured it was time for a masterlist! I separated them by the platonic and romantic fics, since I know shipping Jim and Artie isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. 
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The Night of the Valley of Death Rated General Audience. 2,817 words.  Jim and Artie are left for dead in Death Valley. Just another day on the job.
The Night of the Pickled Prussian Rated General Audience. 1,899 words.  Jim and Artie are on a mission to find a Prussian spy in the middle of a wedding.
The Night of the Burning Barn Rated General Audience. 611 words.  Self preservation? When Artie's in danger? Never heard of it. (This one is easily platonic or romantic. They love each other, no matter how you want to look at it.)
The Night of the Glass Cuffing Not Rated. 2,226 words.  A baddie takes away Jim and Artie's ability to speak, so they have to get creative in how they communicate.
Floating, like a vapor, on the soft summer air Rated General Audience. 769 words.  Artie discovers that Jim has a secret talent.
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Face Lessons Rated Explicit. 2,952 words.  Artemus tries to teach Jim how to be ugly, and boy does it backfire.
Sun Rising in the West Rated Explicit. 18,127 words.  Jim West gets a little too drunk and kisses Artie, opening up a whole new world of feelings.
And yet Methinks I have Astronomy Rated General Audience. 1,027 words.  One shot of Jim getting angsty, and the only cure is Artie's voice.
What Kind of Fool Am I? Rated General Audience. 1,917 words.  While attending a wedding, Jim wonders why he has never fallen in love.... Or has he?
Closet Space Rated Explicit. 3,080 words.  While on a mission, Jim and Artie hide in a closet that is much, much too small.
The Night of the Tender Cipher Rated General Audience. 703 words. What did Emmett Stark say back in Paradox? “I forgot how full of subtleties you two were.”
The Night of the Good Boy Rated Mature (for violence and gore). 52,244 words.  After "The Night of the Wolf" Jim is inflicted with the curse of the werewolf. With Artie's help they try to figure out how to manage this burden, but an old nemesis complicates things.
The Night of the Mordant Memories General Audiences. 683 words.  Post retirement, Jim and Artie reminisce about their history together.
The Night of the Passionate Potation Rated Mature. 3,379 words.  Based on the prompt: Artie creates a love potion for fun, and Jim accidentally drinks it.
The Night of the One Bed Rated Explicit. 4,445 words. Jim and Artie get caught in the rain and have no choice but to strip down and share the only bed in the room.
The Night of the Desperado Rated Explicit. In Progress.  In an alternate timeline, Artemus Gordon is still a Secret Service agent, but Jim West is a notorious outlaw. Artemus has been chasing him from afar for years, but their paths finally cross in an alternate take on the events of The Night of the Vipers.
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Hazard Pay Rating General Audience. 505 words.  When you're a thug and you get hired by the villain of the week in The Wild Wild West.
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desencante · 3 years
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oi, march reads! I read a lot this month.
Please, don’t forget to leave a comment or kudos for the authors of these fics!
(The texts aren't the summary, just my ramble thoughts.)
Loving Cannibalism by glittering_git/@glittering-git (Mature, 2 works, 952 words) | Post-War, Angst, Established Relationship
Two marvellous and poetic histories about (loving) cannibalism. This is such a dark and heavy theme but the author does a great job writing and makes me enjoy reading them. (And I'm definitely here for more.)
(Please, read the Author's Tags.)
don’t say you love me, that’s extortion by LowerEastSide/@lower-east-side (Explicit, 1k) | Post-War, Angst, Fluff, Established Relationship
It is a domestic and loving and little sad history – about not saying 'I love you' but acting in that way.
The Pink Paradox by vina_writes/@dracothecupcake (Teen and Up, 1k) | Post-War, Humor, Auror Harry, Unspeakable Draco
Harry Potter Is Obsessed With Draco Malfoy TM. And Draco has pink hair. Have a fun time!
Harry's Promise by JosephineStone (Teen and Up, 2k) | Post-War, Angst, Reunion, Established Relationship
This one it's kind of part two of Circumpolar. The history continues the consequences of Draco's change, after the war – left me with a warm heart.
Burnt Casserole by Samunderthelights/@samunderthelights (General Audiences, 2k) | Post-War, Fluff, Established Relationship
Nervous Draco for Meeting Ron and Hermione. Getting back together and meeting your boyfriend's friends (who may hate you) showing them your (not) great cooking abilities.
Magical Homes, and Where to Find Them (in the arms of your lover) by Erebeus/@erebeus-roxy (General Audiences, 2k) | Post-War, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship
Who doesn't want some fluff established relationship sometimes? Harry has a painful case at work and then comes home to a calm and domestic night with his husband.
Together Like This by shealwaysreads/@shealwaysreads (Explicit, 3k) | Post-War, Getting Back Together
Draco Malfoy in the Muggle World TM. I find it so interesting reading stories where Draco denies Harry's love because of the war, and Harry is there to change his mind. Here we have that and it's written the super talented shealwaysreads.
For Old Times' Sake by thestarryknight/@the-starryknight (Teen and Up, 3k) | Post-War, Drugs, Potioneer Draco, Artist Harry
This one gives me such a cosy and domestic vibe. "'It's Complicated' is their relationship status" resume perfect what this fic is. (There're some cool references too, so pay attention.)
Like Gold by The_Sinking_Ship/@the-sinking-ship (Explicit, 4k) | Post-War, PWP
(It's always good to see.) Harry Has a Motorbike Just Like Sirius! Harry rides a motorbike and Draco rides him.
Harry and Draco's Little Talk by Ladderofyears (Teen and Up, 5k) | Post-War, Angst, Established Relationship, mpreg
Who doesn't hear 'I need to talk to you' by someone you like and run with? Harry thinks Draco will break up with him and freak (a little) out but maybe the subject of Draco's conversation is quite the opposite.
Sugar Sweet by The_Sinking_Ship/@the-sinking-ship (Teen and Up, 5k) | Post-War, Humor, Fluff, Auror Harry, Healer Draco
It is a very sweet story with a surprise party for Draco and Harry getting late but not so late.
Show them the night that they dreamed about before by fluxweed/@fluxweeed (Explicit, 6k) | Post-War, PWP, Threesome, Boss/Employee Relationship, Dubious Consent
(Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter/Percy Weasley)
All I have to say is: 😳😯🤫😈🔥🥵🔥🥵😈😏!
This Is How by bixgirl1/@bixgirl1 (Explicit, 6k) | Post-War, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, a/b/o
Omega Draco has an incident in the ministry Alpha Harry is there to help. After they fall in love! (One more reason to read: it's written by bixgirl1!)
It Never Occurred to Me That I Would Fall in Love With a Frenchman by lamerezouille/@elsalapizza (Teen and Up, 6k) | Post-War, Angst, Humor, Established Relationship
OMG, I never read something like this! The plot was so surprising – you will ever think about the Malfoys meeting the Dursleys? BOOM! Here it's a very awkward dinner that looks funny but has some depth stuff going on.
Litany by thistle_verse/@thistle-verse (Mature, 7k) | Post-War, Angst, Pandemic, Isolation, Touch-Starved, Ghost Draco
Ghost's story isn't my cup of tea, but I give this one a chance and don't regret it. The magic world is passing through a pandemic (just like us!), Harry is doing quarantine at home alone until ghost Draco, directly from Azkaban, shows up. Then, we have fluffy and sad conversations between the two and a turn of events in the end. (And lots of lists.)
As the Crow Flies by thestarryknight/@the-starryknight (Mature, 7k) | Post-War, Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship, Animagus Draco, Werewolf Harry
Draco helps Harry on a full moon night. Domestic vibes with some angst. 10/10!
Circumpolar by LowerEastSide/@lower-east-side (Teen and Up, 8k) | Hogwarts Era, Angst, Sectumsempra Scars
I see an amazing fanart and spend some days obsessed with Draco having worse scars from Sectumsempra. (There's, in this list, another two fanfics with this concept.) In this one, because of the pretty bad scars Draco's plan about the war change – is interesting to imagine how one incident could put another thing in perspective for him. And Draco and Harry have a touching conversation on the Astronomy Tower! (I'm a sucker for long expressive conversations about feelings.)
if somebody’s there, then tell me who. by kryptidfox/@kryptidfoxwrites (Explicit, 11k) | Post-War, Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Housemates
Much more like Idiots to Lovers! Draco has a disastrous way to make Harry notice him – bring every man possible to a one-night stand then call their name very loud – until things go wrong when he brings a guy named Harry. I constantly have a good time reading these two making dumb thing in their path to be together.
Commander by Cassiopeias_shadow/@cassiopeiasshadow (Explicit, 14k) | Post-War, Horror, Suspense, Drugs, Animagi, Auror Harry, Light dom/sub
Almost a case fic with dark things in the plot. Draco is addicted to potions and in a pretty bad place when he has a chance to help the auros in a big case. It turns out that Draco got so much involved with the case he needed Harry, to make him put his feet on the ground – the fine line between doing everything to make up for your past or lost yourself doing things for the great good. Featuring: Harry as a snake and parselmouth kink.
(Please, read the Author's tags.)
Fire and Wonder by Lomonaaeren (Mature, 15k) | Post-War, Dark-ish, Veela
Lomonaaeren written dark Harry, I'm here for! After the war, Harry get wing and has some controversial ideas about The Great Good. So, we see him put these ideas into practice with his mate Draco.
Hold what's dear in your hands (and never let go) by Fae_vorite/@faevorite-main-blog, PollyWeasley/@polly-weasley (Explicit, 16k) | Post-War, Arrange Marriage, a/b/o, mpreg
I was always here for some a/b/o and this story is a chef kiss! Harry can't find a partner; So he goes to an upgrade tinder and matches with Draco, then they live happily ever after. Featuring intersex Draco and a lot of sex kinks.
Keep Me Close (I Need Your Faith) by aviforsrose (Explicit, 23k) | Post-War, Angst, Friends with Benefits, Light dom/sub
Idiots in love! The old same GOOD story: I love him but he loves me? Yes, of course! Man, you two have been pinning each other for years now. Let's do some love confessions.
The Critiquer by dysonrules (Explicit, 24k) | Post-War, Humor, Romance, Secret Identity
Drunk Harry doing dumb stuff with Seamus and Dean, take him a very funny drive to Draco's hearty. Draco and his assistant interactions was another very humorous part. Can't forget to congratulate who made all of the edits, principally the text divisors.
The Nobility of Ascent by Lomonaaeren (Explicit, 27k) | Post-War, Angst, Politics
I love reading Lomonaaeren stories with dark-ish Harry. This is another great example of just not the good or evil side. Harry can't Make a Better World because of pureblood politics so he goes to Draco for help.
Can I tell you something? by GallaPlacidia (Not Rated, 33k) | Post-War, Angst, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Sectumsempra Scars, Drugs, Auror Harry, Burlesquedance Draco
What I can say about this one? It's by GallaPlacidia, go read! The story takes place during a few years, after the war, Harry collides in parties with a drugged Draco, things happen – they lived a very real journey of connecting with someone, learning to love and to be loved and understanding the mistakes of the past... 10/10!
Says The Magpie To The Morning (Sorrow, Take Your Own Advice) by Femme/@femmequixotic (Explicit, 33k) | Post-War, Angst, Getting Back Together
Draco Horrible Sad TM after a breakup with Harry. Featuring so much PDA by Pansy/Ron, angst, miscommunication, angst, sharing a house with your ex and angst. If you are up to a sad time before a happy ending this nice story is here.
Eight Days (to Save the World) by gnarf/@gnarf (Mature, 47k) | Post-War, Friend to Lovers, Housemates, Case Fic, Auror Harry, Unspeakable Draco
Shit happens in The Wizard World again so Harry, Draco and company get together to Save The World Again. What will you do if you receive an order not so right by your superior? A very interesting story begins with the ministry's haunted easy target to blame for the new conspiracy. Enjoy too Protective Harry.
Turning Leaves by Kbrick (Explicit, 112k) | Post-War, Angst, Fluff, Time Travel, Auror Harry, Unspeakable Draco
Draco Tries to Concert His Friendship With Harry by Time Travel. This gives me The Cursed Child vibe but so much better, Draco goes to several scenarios trying to change one important moment in the past to make Harry like-like now. A great story who think about what will happen if Draco acts differently in the Hogwarts years.
Cannot Save You Now by tigrelilje (Mature, 132k) | Hogwart Era, Angst, Horror, Dark, Vampire Harry
Harry dies and comes back (as a vampire) for revenge! If you want to see Harry hating almost everybody this fanfic this here. Featuring: Slytherin Harry.
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Your Costume Would Look Better on my Bedroom Floor - RIVUSA fic
Read on ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29331153
Riven hooks up with a masked girl at a Halloween party and is determined to find her again.
But his feelings are torn, when Musa, his newest-specialism partner, starts acting weird.
The music's so loud that she can't hear herself think.
And what a blessing that is. The strobe lights flash neon; reflected off of shiny, sweating bodies and the shadows cast are hues of amber and red and Musa could get lost in the blur of those lights and the pounding beat of the music and visions of Halloween masks. Skeletons slide past her, girls with impressive (read: petrifying) make up, fairies with fangs, and even specialists with werewolf ears.
She isn't sure quite how it happened, but a group of girls she isn't particularly close to, from her English class, had begged her to be their ninth muse.
"Your name is Musa!" Daisy, the water (not earth, not earth) fairy had said, leaning against the back of the chair and giving Musa her biggest puppy-dog eyes. "And we totally like, need a ninth muse. Please!"
The other girls had all nodded vigorously. Musa had inwardly cursed her inability to pack away her things faster and high-tail it out of the class as soon as the bell had rung, cursed herself for letting them corner her like this. And even though she hadn't wanted to, she could read the wholesomeness radiating off of them like enormous waves. It was only an earnest desire to have fun. Daisy had prattled on about the group photo opportunities, how she even had Musa's costume all lined up, when Musa had lifted her hand to silence the babbling.
"Alright," she said, to their elation and surprise, "fine." And then she'd put her headphones on and done her best to forget about it.
She'd wondered for a while, briefly, if the Suite had wanted some sort of group costume. It wasn't Stella's thing, really, to coordinate outfits with other people, and as the end of October rolled around, Sky and Bloom had begun the hunt for couples costumes and Musa had supported each suggestion whole-heartedly; eager to avoid any awkwardness.
Stella's at this party too, somewhere. Dressed in some intense haute-couture, and Terra too, as a bat? Musa isn't sure, and she wasn't about to ask. Aisha would show, for an hour or less, before rushing back to the dorm to study for the Elementals final on Tuesday. Sky and Bloom were on the dance floor, and Musa allowed herself a moment to bask in their respective bliss.
It had been a good night so far, to her surprise.
Daisy and her classic-fanatics had helped her into costume, and there had been pre-drinks (fruity cocktails that were worryingly easy to drink) and a lot of photos.
Musa had to admit, they looked good. The nine of them, in their silks and their satins, and the intricate, embroidered masks that sat on the bridge of Musa's nose and fanned her eyes with fine, delicate lace detail.
"You'll be Euterpe," Daisy had said, with perfect pronunciation, as she helped Musa into the lilac and purple swathes of silk that cinched in tight at the waist. "The muse of Music. Since you're always listening to it!"
"Funny." Musa grinned, only a little forced, before she'd turned to the mirror and blended out her eyeshadow.
It's not that she doesn't like Daisy. Daisy’s fine. Nice. Perfectly average. It’s just Musa keeps to herself. Her mother had always called her an introvert, or rather: someone who re-charged in the dark with music, before the battery was high-enough to go out and socialise again. Some people require more energy: the girls in her Suite are a moderate amount, but Daisy and the English Lit gang? They require a lot of power. They can be draining.
They're all out on the dance-floor now, though, leaving her alone, and Musa sips her strawberry daiquiri and basks into the mind-numbingly, paradoxically loud, peace of the crowd.
"As hot as you look in that costume," comes a slow, sultry drawl, "I'm sure you'd look much better out of it."
Musa's smiling, it's a reflex to smile now, whenever she hears Riven's voice. She doesn't like to think about the ramifications of that too much, so she turns and grins up at him, content to enjoy the night without over-analysing the feelings that have been simmering just under her skin for a while now.
Riven's...well, she's glad for the low-light, because she can feel the burn in her cheeks. Some sort of pirate, maybe? But he's shirtless, with that broad, wiry definition she's grown use to seeing from their Specialism training together, and there's a dark trail of hair leading into his black leather pants. He's got a leather waistcoat on too, over his bare torso, and an eye-patch flipped up onto his forehead, a red bandana tied around his neck and his hair all mussed in that way she knows takes him at least twenty minutes in the mornings.
He towers over her, a drink in hand, and an appreciative gleam in his eyes. She leans against the pillar and sips her strawberry potion. "How many times have you used that one tonight?"
"Only half a dozen," he shrugs, one hand toying with the silk train of her dress. The fabric is so light, it glides through his fingertips and she can feel the heat of his hands on her thighs.
"Wow. Way to make a girl feel special."
He chuckles, and his breath fans over her ear and she shivers all over. "Is that what you want, baby?" He asks, pushing in closer, and she sets her drink down before she spills it. "You wanna feel special? I can arrange that."
She wonders if he's drunk, or feeling bolder than usual in the dark- she certainly is- and she almost can't contain her joy that he likes her back. It spills out of her, and he smiles in bemusement.
They've flirted before, in class, or well- something like flirting. Something like banter, but with softer edges, and secret smiles and inside jokes, but he's so well-guarded, Musa can never quite get a fix on his emotions.
She can now though, she can read the desire and it's not at all hidden, and she feels brave and confident so-
She stretches onto her tiptoes (screw Daisy and these short-ass sandals) and bites the bullet and kisses him.
He moans in surprise, and she hears his own drink being set down, before his hands are in her hair, mindful of her mask, moving gently through the beads and jewellery, skimming down her body to her waist and then his mouth is on her jaw, and Musa leans her head back, granting him all the access he wants, as she clings to his shoulders.
It’s perfect. It’s body-tingling, it’s everything she let herself think it would be on all those lonely nights when he was just letters on her phone, shining in the darkness.
"I've wanted this for so long," she admits, elated, and Riven hums in surprise, pulling away a little.
His lips are raw, and she runs the pad of her thumb over them. She did that. He nips at her finger, and she laughs.
"Really?" He asks, curious but not displeased, as he leans in for another kiss, "do we share a class or something?"
She laughs, before she realises he's being serious. It takes her a long, awful moment, before it all clicks.
Riven doesn't know it's her.
Riven doesn't recognise her.
It's like she's been shoved into the Alfea-River, cold and sobering and awful (no matter how much Aisha sings it's praises) and Musa stumbles out of Riven's embrace, heart-pounding, stomach dropping.
"Hey," Riven frowns, reaching for her arm, "what's wrong-"
"I-" She can't believe it. For a wild moment, she'd thought- allowed herself to think that Riven wanted- "I have to go." is what comes out, before she turns and bolts into the crowd. She runs into people, gets a few elbows in the ribs, her dress snags on a door handle and she hopes Daisy isn't mad- before she finally gets outside.
She gulps in the night air, feels the prickle of tears on her cheeks and wipes them away harshly, laughing at her own ludicrousness. What was she thinking?
She rips off the mask, and a loud, embarrassing sob tears from her throat. She looks over the empty-parking lot, can still hear, mostly muted now, the music inside. The drop from cloud nine to here is giving her whiplash.
"Musa!" Comes Terra's concerned yelp, and Musa jumps. She's not used to being taken off-guard, not when she can feel people before they sneak up on her. Especially Terra. And now great, she's crying, and she hates crying in front of people. Terra bundles over, wrapped up in a thick winter coat. Was she leaving the party early? "What's happened! Are you okay?"
Musa tries to play it off, she doesn't like being the centre of attention. "Yeah, no- I'm- long night. A bit fried."
Terra nods: understanding. "I'll bet. Me too. Let's go back to the Suite. I can make us some hot-chocolate. We can watch a movie?"
"That actually sounds really nice." Musa whispers, letting Terra guide her away. Terra's a comforting mix of worry and a fissure of pleasure. Musa assumes the latter is because they're finally spending some time together. Terra's all about roommate bonding, and Musa supposes she hasn't always been the most accommodating. It’s a good distraction, to focus on how she’ll make more of an effort with Terra.
Later, once they're both in Terra's bed, drinking hot chocolate (which is really, rather painfully sweet for Musa's taste, but she drinks it anyway) and watching Garfield Goes to London, the events of earlier seem sort of like a nightmare.
She drifts off, her head finds Terra's shoulder, and Terra is warm, and smells like apple-body wash, and she falls asleep, hoping that when she wakes up, it won't have been real. It'll be the morning of October 31st, and none of will have ever happened.
The sun rises on November 1st.
Riven tosses his shoe at it, but it remains stubbornly in the sky. Mocking him. It's then he realises how cold it is. And then, a little dimly, he notices that he's outside. Dazed, aching, and evidently he slept in the now dew-damp grass. And that the rather ugly looking cloud frowning down at him is-
“Morning, Silva.” Riven mutters, trying to block out the light. His voice sounds as rough as he feels. He gets to his feet, wobbling, and Silva steadies him and brushes some of the dead grass off his shoulders.
“This is the way to behave?" Silva berates, but he doesn't sound too angry, so Riven drowns it out. "This is the kind of example my two best Specialists are setting? I expect this from you, Riven, but Sky? How disappointing.”
Sky? Oh, that's right. Riven has a murky memory of the two of them searching for the grounds for- shit. More memories trickle back to him. The lovely lady in lavender, with thighs he's desperate to get his hands on, and who'd had a crush on him for ages. How she's disappeared and he didn't have her name, her number, her instagram, only a description of her costume. Sky had been eager to help, more than a little drunk, with Bloom on his arm. Riven wonders where Bloom is, before deciding he doesn't really care that much.
“Saul, it wasn’t, I’m sorry.” Sky stammers, as Riven turns and heads back to school.
It's still excruciatingly early for a Sunday morning, as he staggers back to his room and into the shower. The hot water cascades over him, sinks deep into his bones and soothes. I've wanted this for so long the mystery-girl whispers, and she's achingly familiar, tantalising, lighting up a spark inside him that doesn't burn often. Fuck, she was hot. He's not sure what happened, but he's pretty sure it isn't how the night was meant to have ended.
When he gets out of the shower, Sky is sitting on his bed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Got a good tongue-lashing?" Riven asks, pulling on a shirt.
Sky groans. "There was more alcohol in that punch than I thought." His phone buzzes, and he smiles at it, and Riven rolls his eyes.
"I take it your girlfriend got back."
"Yeah, she- oh wait." Sky's eyes light up, "did we find your girl?" Riven shakes his head and Sky slumps with disappointment. "Oh, maybe Bloom knows. What was she dressed as again?"
"I don't know, a goddess or a princess something? It was purple."
Sky types into his phone and Riven chugs half his bottle of water and contemplates bullying one of the first-years into bringing him a stack of pancakes from the cafeteria.
"She can't remember anything." Sky says apologetically, sliding his phone into his pocket. "We think someone spiked the punch."
"Right." Riven sighs, and honestly, of course someone spiked the punch. He knows at least five different people who tossed vodka shots into it throughout the night. He may have been one of them. "I need food."
He's almost out the door when Sky's voice drifts after him. "You're still gonna look for her right? You said she was your soulmate!"
Jesus. He's way too soft a drunk. "Forget I said that." Riven demands, even though it's futile, because Sky likes to collect all the soft, little vulnerable parts of people and treasure it about them forever. "But yes, I'm still gonna find her. At the very least, it's a damn good lay."
Sky jogs after him down the hall, stumbling into a member of the cleaning-staff and haphazardly picking up the mop. "And at the most: you'll fall in love. Imagine it, Riven." He slings an arm over Riven's shoulder. "You: in love. It's hard to picture, right?"
"Keep dreaming, mate."
"It'd suit you, I bet." Sky continues, ever the optimist, "maybe it'll tone down your dickish tendencies by 30%. Maybe even 40."
The arm over his shoulder turns less into a friendly gesture and more into a drunk man desperately needing support, so Riven clutches Sky tighter and helps him down the stairs, wondering when he got such an idiot for a best friend.
The cafeteria's fairly empty, Riven would expect nothing less for this hour, so he dumps Sky unceremoniously at one of the many vacant tables, and flashes his most shit-eating grin at the lunch lady who hands him a plate full of pancakes so reluctantly, he'd almost think she'd rather have handed him a terminal illness.
He turns, ready to re-join Sky and hatch a game plan for finding his mystery girl, when his eyes lock onto a figure in the corner of the room.
It's Musa. As soon as he realises it, he's already on his way over. He's drawn to her, he's always been drawn to her. It had been easy, at first, to shrug it off as attraction. He's hot, she's hot, it's basic physics. But they've been sparring partners for two Semesters now, and though he'll never admit it, he likes her company. Likes the easy banter and the way they fit together. If he ever let himself think about it more deeply, he knows he'd stumble onto how compatible they are. How everything seems just a touch brighter when she smiles at him.
"Well, you look radiant this morning." He says, dumping his plate onto her table with a clatter and watching her wince.
Her hair's a mess, her make-up dried, and her eyes red. He chuckles at how bedraggled a figure she makes, normally so pristine and put-together. It's a fun contrast.
She looks up at him, annoyed, before something strange flickers over her face. It startles him, whatever it is, she looks- ashamed?
"Ut-oh," he sing-songs, folding up one of his pancakes and sliding the whole thing into his mouth. "Regretting last night's decisions, are we? Where'd you end up? Let me guess: Terra talked you into her weed-brownies and she fucked up the batch. Baked, I don't know, fucking clovers instead of weed into the batter."
It earns him a tiny little smile on the corner of her mouth, and his whole body curves closer to her in response. "Don't even. I want to forget it. Forget everything about it."
She takes a long gulp of her drink and he notices it's black coffee. Not very Musa. She likes that disgusting earl grey shit the school doesn't stock very often. When she's forced to have coffee, it's so milky that she might as well not bother. Something's off. He examines her a little more closely, and, not for the first time, envies her powers. To see what was going on in her head, to see her emotions instead of sitting across the table and guessing at them, would be extremely useful right now.
She reaches across the table and steals one of his pancakes, and she looks so pitiful that he lets her, and she tears it up like a bird before she eats it. "What about you?" She asks, not meeting his eyes, "how was your night?"
For some reason, he doesn't want to tell her about the mystery-girl and his new quest to find her. It feels...wrong, to brag about some conquest. It shouldn't. It's not like they're- they're just friends. Barely. "No complaints," he says instead, and he hates this a little bit, that they're both being so evasive.
So, he gives her shin a good kick under the table.
"Ow! Riven!" She scowls, whacking his arm.
He grins at her. "Muscle spasm."
She huffs out a fond laugh, when anyone else would have stormed away from him. "Oh, really? You're getting muscle spasms now? Good to know, so I can kick your ass in training this week."
"You wish." He hums, ripping the next pancake in half and offering the larger piece to her. She takes it and eats it, and when the maple syrup dribbles down her hand, she licks it up from her wrist to her thumb, with a rose-pink tongue that Riven can't look away from. He thinks, vaguely, that she's asked him a question, because she's looking at him with expectant eyes, but there's still glossy, shiny maple on her lips and he thinks it would probably taste a lot better on her. "Huh?"
"I said, I think Sky's going to throw-up."
He follows her gaze to where Sky is leaning over the table, looking particularly green.
Riven shrugs, going for another pancake. "Probably. He's a light-weight."
"Shouldn't you tend to him? Best friend duties?"
"Oh," Riven hums, smacking his lips together, "is that why all of yours are here with us?"
Musa frowns down at her coffee. "They wanted to come with me, but...it's so loud sometimes, you know? Sometimes I just need this. Peace." She closes her eyes, breathes in deeply, and Riven is arrested by the sight of her.
By the time he regains control of his vocal abilities, her eyes are open, ringed just a little with purple, and she's beautiful. "Does that mean I count as peace?" He teases, just a little flattered.
"Please," she scoffs, "your emotions are not quiet. You're as loud as Terra-"
"Fuck you, take that back."
"-but it's different."
Riven leans closer on the stool; curious. She doesn't often talk about her powers with him, and he knows why. He'd been pretty blunt when they were first paired up, practically threatened to ruin her life if she'd so much as peeked into his head. He knows now that her control still isn't great, and that she tries, and that most of the time, she doesn't want to know what anyone's feeling, not when it drowns out her own emotions.
Prompted by his look, she struggles to find the words. "Terra is...it's like a room of people all yelling my name. They each want something different, they each crave something, and it's just not a fun situation, really."
That sounds about right. He can't imagine any situation being fun with Terra. "And what about me?"
"You-" she meets his eyes, and quickly looks away again, and he's so fucking intrigued by her. What is this? She's never been like this before, he's never been like this before. It's too soft, too intimate for them. But it's a quiet, empty Sunday morning, when she looks at her black, black coffee and says: "You sound sort of like a rainforest. It's lots of sounds: a growling jaguar, beetles scuttling up wet bark, gorilla's moving through trees, the creak of branches, storms, rain, it's...it's a harmony. Each sound is a different emotion, but they come together, like an orchestra. It's..." Her cheeks flame red, and he can tell she wants him to look away from her, but he can't. "It's peaceful." She admits, finally.
Riven opens his mouth but nothing comes out. It's the nicest thing anyone's ever said about him. He feels raw, cut to the bone and exposed like a deep paper cut. The air seems to sting around him, and he can't believe that it's Musa, Musa, that associates him with something that isn't bad.
"So. Yeah." She says, awkwardly, toying with her empty coffee cup. "I feel really stupid, by the way, so feel free to even the playing field."
"Don't feel stupid." He whispers, and his voice must sound different because her eyes snap up to meet his. His hand is across the table, and he's not sure how it got there or what he planned on doing with her. Her fingers thrum against her cup in response. Neither one of them moves. "I uh-, that's...I picture you sometimes. Like, obviously I don't know what you're feeling, but sometimes when you're talking or we're fighting, I get these images of you, like landscapes." What the fuck is he doing, why is he speaking, why doesn't he shut up- "like a white-sand beach, or an over-grown field of harebells."
Riven can feel his heart thumping in his chest, and Musa is staring at him, and their fingers are inching, slowly, towards each other and then-
Sky vomits. Loudly.
Musa jumps up. "Oh my god!" She cries, rushing over to him. Riven scrambles after her, as Sky coughs up the rest of it. "I'll get him some water."  Musa says, running to the lunch lady.
Riven pats Sky's back, and Sky looks up at him, still a little green around the edges. "Oh hey! You should definitely ask Musa if she saw your mystery girl last night." He says hoarsely. Still definitely drunk, then.
"Shut the fuck up and don't say anything about that to her." Riven hisses, as Musa returns with a plastic cup of water. She looks between them curiously, and Riven gives Sky a warning glare, but all Sky does is vomit some more, and then reach for the water with a pained smile. "I'm gonna take him back to the dorm." Riven mutters, and Musa nods.
"Sure, uh, feel better Sky. I'll see you in class, Riven."
"Bye Musa! Say hi to Bloom for me!" Sky bellows, and Riven regrets, just a little, spiking the punch.
"Dressing to impress." Stella observes, spotting Musa through her hand mirror as Musa walks into the classroom on Monday morning.
Stella's been bitchier than usual to all the girls in the Suite. Musa is nearly one hundred percent sure that things with her mom are worse than usual, so she's given Stella a lot of leeway. Her patience is reaching it's limit, though. Especially because she is dressing to impress. They share this class with the Specialists: History of Magic, and as she'd pulled on the thigh-high socks and fussed over her space-buns for slightly longer than usual, she maybe, sort of, a little, had a certain Specialist in mind. And Musa does not like being called out.
"I'm surprised you even noticed my outfit," Musa says, voice just a little mean, "considering the fact you spend almost all your time looking at yourself in the mirror."
"Hm." Stella cocks her head, "can you read how I feel about that joke? Or should I tell you?"
Definitely a mom-thing.
"Watch it, princess." Riven calls, catching Musa's attention from one of the desk's near the back. He kick out the chair beside him for Musa, who ducks her head to hide her smile, as she goes over to join him.
Stella rolls her eyes. "You fighting Musa's battles now for her?" She asks, as Musa shrugs off her backpack and takes out her pencil case.
"Musa starts her own fights," Riven grins, grabbing the leg of Musa's seat and dragging it closer to his own. Their thighs touch. Musa's breath hitches, and she looks up at him, but he's still looking at Stella; a challenge in his voice. "But I sure like to finish them. Wanna tussle, blondie?"
Stella looks over the two of them for a moment longer before turning away. "Whatever." She mutters, dismissively.
Riven looks down at her then, a lot closer than Musa expected, and smelling of cologne. Does he normally wear cologne to class? She doesn't know. But he fills her head with pleased, protective, content and she likes that he's in such a good mood. "She's not wrong, though," he murmurs, tweaking one of her space-buns, "this is a big improvement from the train-wreck you were on Sunday."
"Gee, thanks, Riven."
"You're welcome."
The teacher walks in then, so Musa has to flip him the bird under the table, and Riven laughs too loudly and has to turn it into a cough when Dowling glowers at him.
To Musa's relief, the lesson is...normal. As normal as it is for the two of them to sit beside each other in History of Magic, which isn't really. She normally sits beside Stella, and meets Riven's eye every few minutes, as he purposely disrupts the class, or cracks a joke, and then he seems to find her, relishing in everyone's good-humour but seeking her out all the same, as if to check he's made her smile too.
Or maybe she's reading too much into it. He's forgotten the kiss, that much is totally clear. It probably happens to him all the time, kissing unknown girls under flashing lights. After she left, he probably found a new conquest.
She tries not to let it get her down. It's not as if he's dating anyone, not that it would- not that it would matter.
But then she remembers yesterday morning. Remember's him leaning in, his emotions a swirl of brutal honesty as he said she was a field of overgrown harebells.
She hadn't even known he knew what harebells were, but then again, why wouldn't he? She has a vague memory of him as a first-year, hiding in the Green House most lunch times, smuggling potted plants back into his dorm room. She knows if she told anyone (which she wouldn't, not ever, not without his express consent) how soft, and sweet and brutally deep he can be, no one would believe her because he hides it, buries it deep under everything else, and for some reason, he shows it to her.
"What?" He whispers to her, and she turns, pulling from her musings to see him leaning in, an eyebrow arched.
Musa looks at him quizzically, before he taps the edge of her notebook.
Oh fuck. She's written his name. Riven stares accusingly up at her from the top corner of her page.
Thinking on her feet, she scribbles some more:
wanna have lunch today?
He reads it, and he nods, but still looks a little bemused, so she keeps writing:
in the woods. past the barrier.
"Ah," he whispers, nodding, and she feels relief bubble up inside her. "Sure. I'll meet you at 2."
"Riven," Dowling calls, and Musa jerks her head up. "Something you'd like to share with the rest of the class?"
Riven pretends to think. "Not that I can think of." He says, "you go on."
Musa can't help her smile, and Dowling catches it. Disapproval wafts off of her, and Musa cringes away from it.
"Ignore her." Riven mutters, uncapping his pen, "crazy old bat."
Then he writes Musa in the top left corner of his notebook, and she knows he caught her, but when she sees his smile, her mortification fades away. She likes her name in his handwriting. How he loops it, how the M's tail drifts into the u.
She pushes her own notebook towards him. "Write it again," she whispers.
"Kinky." But he obliges her, and writes Musa, you should wear those socks more often. His eyes flicker to her legs and she rests her chin on her hands.
"I knew you'd like them."
His hand reaches under the table, toys with the end of her socks on her thigh. "You were thinking of me then you put them on?" He asks, voice low, and she doesn't mean to dip into his head but the arousal is strong and sweet and addictive.
Triumph lights up her mental periphery, and Musa looks around to see Stella's eyes on them, a smirk on her lips.
"Shit." Musa whispers, pulling her legs away, turning from Riven entirely, heart pounding. She can feel his disappointment, but she forces herself to focus on her notes. It could be worse, she tries to reason, Stella's a great secret-keeper, when she's not pissed off. And besides, what's the secret? Sure, she and Riven flirt, it's harmless, it's nothing, it's-
"You're in love with him." Stella says, accosting her after class, as Musa looks desperately for an escape route.
"What? No-"
"It's not fun, is it? Having someone know your feelings?"
Musa sighs and takes a breath. "Look, Stell, it's really nothing. Please."
Stella looks over her, pursing her lips thoughtfully. Finally, she relaxes. "I'm not going to tell anyone, Musa. I'm not a total bitch."
"I don't think you're a bitch." Musa says honestly, "I think you can be bitchy, when you have a bad day, but I know you're going through your own stuff. Everyone has their shit."
"You sound like him." Stella shudders, looping their arms together and leading them down the halls like they're best friends again. And really, with Stella, they might be. The girl doesn't hold a grudge. "But I like it: the two of you. You really were dressing to impress. Have you made a move?"
"No- look, I-" she doesn't know where to begin, or how to explain, and Stella's eyes are really blue and piercing and a little frightening.
"Stone circle." Stella says, steering them to their next lesson. "Perfect. We'll partner up, our powers don't need too much guidance, and you can tell me everything. Finally. I feel like you never have any good gossip, when really, you should have the best considering your power."
"I don't really wanna talk about it, Stella-"
"Tough." Stella sings, navigating the cobblestones outside in her heels with enviable grace, "you're getting my help, whether you want it or not."
Musa thinks of the notebook tucked tenderly into her bag, of Riven writing her name, and he way he'd pulled her chair closer to his. The way she'd flushed hot all over at such an easy show of strength.
"Maybe I do need your help." She mutters, and Stella squeaks so loudly that two magpies leap out of trees into the sky with fright.
Riven's scanning instagram account after instagram account, looking for any girl in the school that bears a passing resemblance to the one he kissed on Halloween. A lot of them posted photos of themselves in costume, so it's easy to cross them off the list. But it's not really working. He can't quite get a fix on the features the girl had. The shape of her lips or her nose are a blur to him. He shuts off his phone in frustration and Sky pauses in his never-ending quest to do as many push-ups as possible.
"No luck?" He guesses and Riven clicks his tongue. "Maybe she doesn't go to our school."
He's considered that. "She said she'd liked me for a while."
"Maybe she's from some sort of facility? She's clearly not well."
Riven tosses a pillow at Sky, but it lacks heat.
Sky gets to his feet and reaches for a protein bar. "Maybe we should just accept that she's gone? You and Musa seem to have a pretty good thing going."
"Don't play." Sky rolls his eyes, "I'm not blind. Also, you left me alone at a lunch table to puke my guts out while you made moon-eyes at her."
"I think the alcohol has seriously affected your recall abilities."
Sky shoves him a little, before joining him on the bed. "She's nice, she likes you, you like her. I'm not seeing the problem?"
Oh brilliant, they're doing this. A conversation about feelings. "We're friends." Riven says carefully, because Sky talks to Bloom and the last thing Riven needs is for Musa to hear some hacked, Chinese-whispers version of this. "We're good friends, and I don't know if there's anything more to it than that. We flirt, but..."
"You're a flirt." Sky nods, understanding. "You don't know if it's real?"
"Well, do you want it to be?"
"Jesus, Sky, what are you, Freud?"
"Seems like a straight forward question."
"Well, of course." Riven erupts, getting to his feet and pacing the length of the room and back. "Of course, I'd like it to be real, why wouldn't I? She's the only person at this school that understands me. She's gorgeous, she makes me laugh, she-"
"Oh shit."
Riven turns to look at Sky, who's looking at him like he's grown two heads. "What?" He asks, feeling self-conscious, and Sky back-pedals.
"Nothing, I just- you...you love her. It sounds like. Like maybe you love her, a little."
Riven remembers his stomach tightening when she'd taken the seat beside him in History. Of the way he always seems to seek her out, how each buzz of his phone might be a notification from her.
Love is a far-fetched notion. But he likes her. A lot. Too much, sometimes. He always feels one breath way from over-playing his hand, from revealing his deck, and he just doesn't know if his flush is enough to get him through to the next round. He doesn't know if he can risk going all in. Doesn't know if he'll survive it.
"You've got to tell her, dude," Sky murmurs, and Riven nods.
He decides he'll do it in Specialism, but words fail him when he sees her on their training mat, hair in two high pig-tails, grinning at him in the morning sun. "Ready to get your ass-kicked?" She calls, as he drops down his bag beside her and joins her in their warm-up stretches.
"In your dreams." He says, wondering how they got here. Marvelling at the fact she's here, in their spot, on their mat, waiting for him with that smile. Wondering when and how and why she stuck by him when all he ever tried to do was shove her away. "Musa," he begins, watching as she fumbles with her laces. He knocks her fingers out of the way and laces them for her himself, the way he does every week. She emits a little pulse of gratitude and it wraps around him like an embrace. "You're getting better at that." He hums.
"It's pretty great," she beams, proud of the advances in her magic. She's been struggling for some time, but more and more often lately, she's able to communicate like that and Riven's rewarded by little pulses of smugness, playful, pleasure as she projects them at him in lieu of a response.
He wants to feel other emotions from her. He wants to know what want will feel like, knocking him to his core, knowing that she could show him if she wanted him, when she wanted him- "Musa," he tries again, when Dane's shadow falls over them both.
Riven glowers up at him and Dane's smile wavers. "Uh, hey Riven. Hi Musa."
Musa offers a small wave, and Riven gets to his feet. "What."
"I just- Sky told me a few days ago about that girl you were looking for? I think it might actually be a friend of my sister's. She's a second year too: transferred a few months ago. She's really nice, her name is Lila."
Riven takes a deep breath and keeps his voice low. "That's great, Dane. Now get lost."
"Uh, o-okay, do you want me to text you her number?"
"Scram!" Riven growls, and Dane high-tails it, and when Riven turns around, Musa's face is different, and she's lacing up her other shoe on her own, so skilfully Riven suspects she never needed any help at all, and crap.
"You've met someone," Musa says, smile tight, tone light hearted. "That's great."
Riven looks at her. "Is it?"
"Well, sure it is," she laughs, "you didn't say. When did you guys meet?"
He wants to rip his hair out in frustration. Does she not care? Is this all a front? Does she want him to find someone else because she can read all his emotions and the fact that he's in fucking love with her is creeping her out? Is she jealous? "On Halloween, actually."
Her eyes flash to him and away again. Her voice sounds heart-broken when she says. "Oh."
He can't bear the sound of it. He reaches for her wrist, staring at her as if he could peer into that brain of hers and get just a glimpse at whatever's going on. "I was looking for her, but I'm not anymore."
"Why not?"
"Because she's not you."
Musa's breath hitches, and Riven's hand on her wrist gentles, and her fingers touch his arm. "Riven..."
"Do you? Even a bit?" He asks wretchedly, trying to brace himself for her disgust. For her to pull away. Or maybe she'd do it gently, full of kind words and understanding, and honestly he's not sure which he hates more. But he won't lash out. Not at her.
She laughs, a little watery, and she moves so their fingers are twined together. "I've liked you for ages, Riven," she admits, and his heart swells, when-
It all fucking slots into place.
"Jesus." He groans, pulling her hand to his and kissing it. "It was fucking you, on Halloween, wasn't it? I should've guessed." He's such a moron. Of course it was her, who else could it be? Who else could hold even a candle to what he feels for her?
Musa's eyes are owlish. "What do you mean?"
"You're the goddess. The purple one."
Her cheeks flame and she ducks her head. "You remember that?"
"I just told you I was looking for her!"
"For me?!" She squeaks, "I thought you'd hooked up with someone afterwards-"
He pulls her in for a hug and wraps his arms tight around her. Smells her hair and feels almost giddy. "You thought I didn't want you." He breathes, the thought unfathomable. Does she not know? Does she not know the depth of his desire for her?
"Well, I don't know," she says mulishly, her voice muffled into his chest. Her arms are looped around his neck, and she fits into him: small and perfect. "I wasn't sure if it was more than flirting."
"It was. It is." He promises, and they pull apart, and he feels shy, suddenly, under her shining eyes. "Show me." He pleads quietly, "project it."
She worries her bottom lip with her teeth, but nods. "Alright, but if I turn this entire class into an orgy, that's on you."
When the love wraps around him, it isn't a pulse of emotion. It doesn't feel like finger-tips tracing over his skin, like her joy does, it feels like something else. Like warmth. Like turning your face into a shining sun, or putting your frozen-hands above a fireplace. It's heady and endless and perfect.
"Ow," Musa pants, and the warmth disappears, and she's standing in front of him, rubbing her temples. "Did that work?"
He steps forward and kisses her, leaning down, emoting as much love as he can, hoping she can feel it in her mind, or from their kiss, hoping that she knows, finally, that he's been waiting for her just as long as she's been waiting for him. Maybe longer.
"Oh," she murmurs, pleased-as-punch, when they pull apart. And he laughs.
"Yeah. Oh." He brushes her hair out of her face, "what does it feel like? My love?"
He's not sure what he expects her to say. Something about a beautiful rainforest, or perhaps a landscape. Maybe something like what he felt from her: a warm, life-giving heat.
But instead, she leans up to kiss him again and she says:
"It feels like you."
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seekingseven · 3 years
Gosh, this fic is a super old one! I can’t believe I never posted it, but considering that it’s one of the few LU pieces I’ve written that I’m happy with, I think it’s worth sharing! 
So, Chapter 1 of sugarcane baby ! 
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Story Summary: 
I have been thinking a lot about undoing. I lose a tooth and gain a phantom pain. I lose a brother and gain a memory
I truly should have less I have pulled so many petals the soil asked me not to touch
- William Bortz, “A Lot About Undoing”
Four is one of the most serious, quiet, and secretive members of the Chain. This doesn't mean that he's aloof or unapproachable, in fact, his gentleness make it clear that he's anything but. It's this strange paradox that makes Four even more enigmatic to the other heroes; however, they have no intentions to pry into his secrets.
No intentions, that is, until Four drinks a potion that forces him to respond to each and every question with unflinching honesty.
(A belated birthday gift for my wonderful friend Purple!)
Chapter Summary: 
Four reflects on the things he has lost. Three rooms down and a thousand miles away, Hyrule and Wild play with chemicals and creat a truth serum that looks...suspiciously...like water. 
Disaster is spelled out in all caps when Four mistakes the truth serum for such. 
You can read the chapter here on Ao3! Preview below the cut! 
[Next Chapter] 
What was that on the windowsill?
Four peered closer.
Was that a bottle of water?
The skin around Four's eyes crinkled as he walked over to the windowsill and uncorked the bottle. If the others asked him why he didn't head to the bathroom, he could just say he opted to have a drink instead. And he wouldn't even be lying一
"Four, it's your turn to一"
Four turned to the noise, the lip of the bottle resting against his. Hyrule stared back in horror.
"Oh goddesses don't drink that 一 Four! Four, stop! Stop! Don't 一 don't drink that!"
There's a coolness sliding down Four's throat as Hyrule's footsteps grow louder, slipping down, down, down, down...
A fistful of baby hairs fell from Four's hand as the ground gave out beneath him.
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Girl you know I'm jumping at the occasion :D
Pre-relationship: 1 and 2
General: 1 and 7 bc I can't ever get enough of the dynamics between those two 🖤
Love: 7 and 13
Domestic life: I'd ask for 1 and 2 but I know you plan that hand-fasting fic in the future (still, won't say no to some spoilers... :D)
1. How did they first meet?
Charlie already knew who Kate was from the stories Bill told about her. It was Charlie himself who approached her in the first Care of Magical Creatures class they had together. He had no romantic interest in her at the time, but Bill had spoken so highly of her that Charlie felt they could be good friends. 
His first words were something along the lines of "I know who you are..." He didn't mean to cause her the disappointment he saw on her face.
Kate forced a smile without looking up, wanting to be polite, but nipping in the bud the conversation she was about to have with yet another stranger pretending to know her. 
This all went by very quickly, and as soon as Charlie mentioned that "Bill has spoken very highly of you..." Kate finally met his eyes.
"You're Charlie!" she exclaimed, a little too loudly "Bill has told me about you, too."
They worked very well together that day, like a well-oiled machine foreshadowing the kind of relationship they would have later on. When class was over, Kate ran off to meet Rowan, but not before shouting to Charlie that it had been a pleasure to meet him.
He shouldered his satchel, watching the messy-haired girl hurry off, and thought that not only was she not as the horrible rumours circulating about her described her, but that this had been the beginning of a great friendship.
2. What was their first impression of each other?
He had never been swayed by rumours. But so many people spoke ill of her and her brother that he was tempted to believe them.
The first time he formed an opinion about her was in his first year; he entered the Great Dining Hall with a determined stride and fury written all over his face. Charlie did not know that she had just escaped from a devil's snare, nor that the feud with Merula had begun. Trying not to be too swayed by what he had heard, he merely watched as she sat down at the Hufflepuff table and began speaking at full speed to a girl he would later come to know as Rowan. He had no interest in finding out about her. He just let her be.
Bill remarked that he had a brother at Hogwarts in the same year as her. In the courtyard, Bill pointed to Charlie, who was reading by the fountain. Kate thought he wasn't like Bill at all, that adventures weren't his thing and that he seemed like a quiet boy. A rule-follower. Oh, boy, was she wrong. They didn't meet that day, or for another three years.
1. Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
The fifth year was very critical for Charlie, and Kate was his rock in that regard. It was when they started spending more and more time together and to the rest of Hogwarts, they were dating without a doubt. At this point Kate already had feelings for him, but she kept them to herself in the face of his disinterest in dating. In his sixth year, and in better mental health, Charlie began to...feel...things. Dazed by these new sensations, he sought refuge in the forbidden forest until André confronted him. At the same time Rowan, commented that they spent all. the. day. together. Both friends took it upon themselves to set them up on a date.
It was so orthopaedic, so strange and awkward that they both questioned their feelings for each other.At the end of the year, having pretended that the day had never happened, Kate decided to admit that she still liked him. He did the same, with great difficulty.
They both came to an agreement and decided that their friends should not interfere, that whatever they did would have to flow naturally. That agreement day was the start of their official relationship.
7. Who takes the lead in social situations?
Contrary to what it might seem, Charlie. Although he is known as the dragon boy, who is always alone, reading or in the forest, he is held in high esteem by everyone. He makes friends wherever he goes.
Kate is a bit more reserved. She has no difficulty talking to people, but tends to be more cautious around strangers. Paradoxically, she is a magnet for anyone who gets to know her, and although Charlie takes the lead in social situations, there will always be people gravitating around Kate. She says she makes a lot of friends by chance, but it's because she prefers listening than talking about herself.
That said, although they both enjoy being around their friends, they always need to get away somewhere quiet for a while.
7. What are their favorite things to do together?
In the Hogwarts years they used to spend the whole day together studying, reading or going to the Forbidden Forest. It was then when Charlie taught Kate how to track both animals and people.
Their activities didn't change much when Kate moved to Romania, as soon after, the war started and there was no more time for leisure.
After the war, they set about making up for lost time, and began to explore Romania and other nearby countries, making short trips wherever they could. One trip a year is mandatory.
They like to go on picnics in the mountains every weekend; they take a blanket, food, maybe books, and spend the day talking and laughing, sometimes even...
They were both surprised at how much they liked watching movies; when they got their first TV, they started having marathons every night over dinner.
Cooking? Or rather, chatting while Charlie cooked. It's a time just for them, especially during the war, where they can clear their heads. Many times they both prepare food in silence, just enjoying each other's company.
Dancing! Some time ago I mentioned that they attended several dance classes as a couple, something they didn't like very much, they prefer to dance without an audience.Later, when they have their daughter, they discovered how much they like to play board games together.
Although they deny it, they like to attend events as a couple; birthdays, or parties at their respective jobs, where they can show each other off.
13. Who remembers the little things?
They both do, I think. Kate remembers how he likes tea, that he takes a bubble bath when he is stressed and she often anticipates it, the brand of pencils he likes, many of the names of the dragons on the reserve, his favourite balaclava and so on.
Charlie knows what her favourite mug is; when she runs out of seeds, how she braids her hair; that she likes to wear jewellery and also knows what style; that there are some yellow flowers that give her allergies, and he has an antihistamine potion in his backpack just in case....
It's not the only thing, but I think they're both good at paying attention to detail. It's one of their love-languages.
1. If they get married, who proposes? 2. What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
Ok, I'll try to answer with as few spoilers as possible. It's no secret that they do a handfasting ceremony. I once said it was Kate who officiated at it, but no. I'm going to change that because I think I have a better idea.I'm still studying how marriage works in the magical world, but what I do know is that neither Muggles nor the Ministry see a handfasting as a legal union (although it used to be, I'm still studying). This will be important.
If I can get it right, the two of them will be proposing to each other in very subtle and unknowing ways. I haven't decided who will be the one to take a more definitive step, I like both options: on the one hand Kate, because I like the idea of seeing the woman propose, and on the other hand Charlie, because it's something he would never have seen himself doing.
There are 4 people in attendance (6 counting them), one of them is her grandpa, Bernard, and the other three are people they meet in Ireland. One of those three people officiates the wedding.
As I said, the wedding is a handfasting, a Celtic ceremony used to symbolise the intention to marry and the commitement to someone. I don't want to say anything! I think this is my favourite part and I want it to be very emotional. I have looked up what the officiant says to do the ceremony and it is really beautiful. I have personalised it a bit with the fragments that I liked the most.
This is what struck me most (from a website about the ceremony) and what I intend to reflect:
"The absolute honesty inherent in the answers to the questions in this ritual usually takes guests by surprise. This leads the guests to concentrate on what is happening and gets them more emotionally invested in this part of the ceremony".
From this ask
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mrsren · 4 years
Could you do a Tom+Hermione fic rec please? I’m just starting to get into it and I’ve read some good ones but I’d always love more (can never have too many fics you know?)
Tom Riddle/Hermione Granger is my OTP, and I haven’t read all the fics that are about them, but I’ve read a healthy amount. After writing out this rec list, I realized that I didn’t organize the categories very well, but I hope you find something you enjoy! I included the summaries as well. 
I tried to tag the users I know, but tumblr was not working with me. If the links are formatted incorrectly, I’ll fix them after work. 
If you’re looking for more organized asks, check out tomionefinds! They’re fantastic.
If you’re looking for fics over 100k that are currently completed:
Somewhere In Time by Serpent In Red
Sent back in time by a mysterious person and trapped in the past with a missing Dumbledore and an overbearing, charismatic Dark Lord, they had no idea how much they could dabble with before the world they had known shattered into pieces.
All the Wrong Choices by Queen of Dreamers 
Hermione is kidnapped by Severus Snape and taken to Lord Voldemort, who behaves in a bizarrely familiar manner with Hermione. When she's rocketed back in time by Voldemort, she realises just why he knew her so well in the 1990s - it was because he'd known her very well indeed, as Tom Riddle, in an entirely different time. She had to go back because she'd been there. Re-upload.
Serpentine Moves by betagyre 
Medieval Norman Conquest AU.
Fourteen years after eloping with a Muggle, Merope Riddle, of an English wizarding noble family, discovers that she and her son are the last of the line, so she petitions for her title and fiefdom back. Meanwhile Lord and Lady Granger are minor nobility who want their daughter taught magic, but Lord Malfoy, appointed by William the Conqueror to rule English wizards, won’t allow an unattached Muggle-born to study alongside young purebloods at Hogwarts. Merope and the Grangers make common cause and betroth their children, thwarting him for now. But war is coming, and a long, dark path lies ahead.
Nightmare by provocative_envy
A broken time turner shouldn't have sent me back so far. It was unprecedented. Stepping on it--smashing it--nothing should have happened. At most, I should have lost a week. At worst, I should have disappeared altogether. I shouldn't have traveled back fifty-two years; half a bloody century.
This should not have happened.
School Days by meowmers 
They meet on the playground. Ron told her that if she doesn't fight for herself no one will ever leave her alone so she's just trying to follow his advice. "Are you crying?" He asks. She musters all the fury in her 7-year-old body and channels it into her voice when she speaks through the tears. "So what? I'll still kick your arse." Tomione. AU. Rated M for future chapters.
unsphere the stars by cocoartist
When you can't change time, but you can't go forward, what is left? Hermione learns how to be the protagonist of her own story. [Tomione] COMPLETE!
Pygmalion by colubrina
When Tom Riddle walked through a doorway one fall afternoon everything changed and he found himself in a world wholly unprepared for him. "Something about you makes my brain itch," Hermione Granger said. "As if an earthquake had shifted everything sharply two feet to the left and then back again and it didn't all fit back quite right." Tomione. AU. COMPLETE.
Choosing Grey by betagyre 
Hermione has always been a warrior for the Light. But when an attempt to salvage more than a Pyrrhic victory lands her in 1944, she quickly realizes that sometimes it is best to allow a lesser evil to flourish, because defeating it only creates the conditions for a greater one to rise. With conspiracies, schemes, and difficult choices in every corner, and a charismatic young Tom Riddle who is increasingly interested in her, she will eventually have to answer the question: How much darkness and grey in him can she accept?
And the sequel, A Marked Deck by betagyre 
Minister for Magic Tom Riddle has a family and a position of immense political power, and he must adapt to the responsibility that comes with both. But Hermione has much to adjust to as well, married to someone who is still very much a power-hungry Dark wizard. Follows Choosing Grey.
If you are looking for fics less than 100k. (After making this list, I realized this wasn’t the best way to break it up. Whoops.) 
Blitz by crochetaway 
Tom Riddle charms everyone, but he hates Hermione Granger because she's a bossy, know-it-all; until she does something impossible and Tom is desperate to know how she did it... because he can do impossible things too. As a Muggle war rages outside of Britains' borders, Tom and Hermione attend Hogwarts and navigate the wizarding world and it's xenophobic politics the best way they know how. When Grindelwald's rise threatens to overshadow them all, what will Tom and Hermione do to survive? And will they change the fabric of the wizarding world while they do it? Complete!
The Experiment by thekarmapolice 
She entered his shop one rainy afternoon.
A Tomione story. AU.
Besotted by Sharkdiver1980
A story in which Lord Voldemort is accidentally given a love potion meant for Bellatrix Lestrange, by none other than his faithful servant, Wormtail. When said love potion is ingested while interrogating a prisoner, all hell breaks loose. HG/LV
Dark Seduction by crochetaway 
As Tom Riddle is hunting for the diadem in Albania, he stumbles across a strange artifact he's never seen before. Hermione Granger is a lowly Ministry employee on vacation in the mountains of Albania. She's found the perfect cabin for a week of relaxing, hiking and reading. Until a stranger shows up in her living room. Wearing a time-turner. Complete!
Linen Rope by Brightki 
Hermione is an upper sixth student at the highly elite Hogwarts School, and she needs extra hours working in the school’s science labs for her pre-admission to Oxford the next year. However, she has to get the approval from the chemistry teacher, Dr. Snape, as well as the support of the man in charge of the science department - Dr. Tom Riddle. *NOW COMPLETE*
A Big Ball is Wibbly-Wobbly by Colubrina
The war is over, the good guys have won, and Hermione Granger goes to sleep in her lovely flat only to wake up in 1953 in the bed of someone she'd really much rather were dead. "I'm working on the 'kill Lord Voldemort now, work out the temporal paradox issues later' plan," she tells him. He laughs. Tomione. COMPLETE. 
Anamoran by crochetaway 
Tom Riddle finds a mysterious girl on the steps of Hogwarts. When he finds out she's from the future, he decides he can't live without her. Written for the very first Tomione Fest hosted by Tomione Fanfics on FB!
Tempora Abducto by Flaignhan
Inconveniently it's the things that need fixing the most which are often irreparable.
Just Another Girl Alone at the Bar by elbowless-rubber-duck
“Oh Ron-Ron, you're too funny," a feminine voice says, giggling. Hermione thinks she might vomit. In which Hermione pretends Tom is her boyfriend until he actually is.
If you’re looking for oneshots, these are my favorites. 
Not Friends, Some Benefits by devdevlin 
She hated the way he never asked for his coffee, instead outstretching a wide palm as he passed her desk in the morning as if getting it for him was her first priority of the day.
She hated the way his overpriced shoes would click obnoxiously against the floors whenever he passed.
She absolutely loathed the way the others in the firm would hang onto his every word, vying for his attention as if he were some sort of celebrity, as if they would better themselves by merely being seen to associate with him.
But what she hated the very most about Tom Riddle, was that he was an unbelievable fuck.
The Summoning by Lovely Villain 
Hermione never meant for this to happen. No one was supposed to get hurt. She was summoning an Angel after all...
She forgot to read the fine print.
Tainted by nekositting 
“I’ve been curious.”
“Oh?” Hermione inquired with a lift of a brow, a spark of adrenaline bolting through her at the heat in his eyes. He was aroused even if she couldn’t tell apart his pupils from the rest of his irises. His cheeks had taken on a flushed hue, and his mouth—
His teeth caught his bottom lip before letting it go.
Hermione’s insides warmed, anticipating what it was he was about to say.
“What is the most sexually deviant thing you’ve ever done?”
Shattered Glass by betagyre 
As Head of Magical Law Enforcement, Tom has been up to no good, and Hermione is irritated about it. She decides to try an experiment with him involving a different outlet for power… and he is delighted at the idea.
Occurs during early events of A Marked Deck. Part of the same AU but a separate fic for tag reasons.
Ringing Satan’s Doorbell by PenelopeGrace 
Instead of designing weapons for humanity, Satan keeps hearing a persistent call from the girl-next-door.
Demons AU + Tomione
Youth In Retrospect by provocative_envy
She’s buying a box of condoms when she meets him.
“Those are shit, you know,” he says, jerking his chin at the pale purple box in her hand. “Can’t feel anything.”
She stares at him for a moment too long. The bell above the door jingles merrily as a rowdy group of schoolboys enters the store.
“Excuse you,” she replies, cheeks turning pink.
The Graduates by Orphicus [triad + Draco]
Hermione is having a difficult time controlling her raging libido around her two hot roommates/best friends-Draco Malfoy and Tom Riddle. But it soon turns out she isn't the only one who wants a good shag. Threesome. DMHGTR. Smut. AU.
Peeping Tom by Nekositting 
Hermione blinked through the haze, confusion and something like annoyance replacing it.
What did that even mean?
“My name. It’s best you become familiar with it now because you will be screaming it rather shortly.”
Be My Blood by LadyKenz347 
Hermione travels back in time to change the course of history.
An AU for MrsRen's day of birth!
Mr. Riddle by dreamsofdramione
Girls like Hermione Granger don’t belong in places like Felix Felicius. 
Girls like Hermione belong in posh tea houses with their ankles primly crossed and their pinkies extended as they took delicate sips of tasteless teas, feigning interest in whatever society gossip the gaggle of her peers were circulating that day.
Girls like Hermione were raised to be prim and proper, to lay napkins across their lips at their meals, and make polite conversation with strangers even if it bored them to tears. 
Yet, despite her social status as a wellborn English girl, Hermione craved the daring edge of ruffling feathers, of uncrossing those tired ankles and spreading her legs wide in the dim light of clubs well past any semblance of a decent hour.
Philophobia by weestarmeggie 
Or five times it was just sex and the one time it wasn't.
She Noticed Him In First Year by weestarmeggie
Hermione noticed Tom in first year, not when he started playing quidditch, which is when everyone else seemed to notice him too.
This is my TBR list. Some have been started, some have not, but I’m looking forward to all of them! 
The Department of Magical Law Enforcement by devdevlin
What if Voldemort survived the Battle of Hogwarts? Flight instead of fight? Seven years after the Battle of Hogwarts, Hermione is appointed to the team given the task of tracking him down. But when an attractive young man, who Harry is strangely suspicious of, is appointed as her boss, things quickly get out of hand…
peccatophilia by LovelyVillain 
Hermione has a terrible secret, the past won’t let her go. Neither will her brother. A tale of obsession told in three parts.
Madam Umbridge Home for Wayward Girls by LovelyVillain 
Hermione’s life takes a dark turn after the death of her parents, leaving her at the mercy of a tyrannical Matron. Her new home is more prison than sanctuary, haunted by ghosts bearing terrible, bloody secrets. And though she's surrounded by troubled young women, it’s the men in her life who teach her freedom comes at the greatest price of all.
Victorian AU, Tomione, Dramione, no triad
Stepbrother by cherry-cup 
AU. The Grangers adopt a young Tom Riddle, and seal their daughter's fate forever. Set in the 30s-40s.
Fostering A Nightmare by Ninja Fairy 
A ten-year-old foster child named Tom Riddle showed up on the Granger's front doorstep with his social worker in the summer of 1990. Hermione spent the following years adjusting to life with her new foster brother; so, she never realized how often he kept an eye on her. "I've always watched you, Hermione; and you've always been mine." [Magical AU]
Two Steps From Hell by ssserpenssotia
The road to hell is often paved with good intentions. LV/HG, Complete
Daddy Dearest by ImmortalObsession 
It is 1895 in England. Purebloods are the supremacy. Dumbledore rules them all. Lord Malfoy, one of his many devout followers, has a daughter no one has ever seen. The daughter herself, Hermione Malfoy, never questions the strict rules standing between her and everyone else – that is, until Master Riddle arrives and makes her think twice. AU/OOC/Rated M for dark themes.
Renatus by frozenbeans
“His name is Professor Riddle, and at least for now, no matter who you ask, nobody knows anything more. Professor Riddle, the new Defence Against the Dark Arts Teacher.”
[Golden Trio Era Professor Riddle AU]
His Persephone by Reneehart 
Hermione Granger is in a losing war, one causing the world to fall apart at the seams. Ever since the Battle of Hogwarts, things have only grown more dim, with Voldemort creating even more horcruxes and his army growing larger still. The order has been disbanded and those she loved are either dead or soon to be dead. But even when the world is at its darkest, light will find a way to break free, and she may be the key to turning the war around- long before it took a turn for the worst.
"1943? And you'd like me to...kill Tom Riddle?" Dumbledore shook his head, that annoying twinkle glowing thrice as bright as before. "No, my dear. I'd like you to join him."
Please, Save Me by winterblume
AU Tomione. No time travel no time turners. - 'Are you not scared of him? Tom Riddle has got a rather peculiar reputation. But I'm sure it's all stupid talk. He's Head Boy after all.' - 'What kind of a reputation' - 'Er… he's… well, he seems kinda dark.'
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singofsolace · 4 years
Mambo Marie March Masterlist!
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Many thanks to everyone who participated in Mambo Marie March! Over four weeks, we created seventeen fanfics that otherwise wouldn't exist. A grand total of 34,053 words were published to the collection on Ao3. Thank you to all those who participated in this challenge, and thank you to everyone who supported it with their comments, kudos, and reblogs!
Check out the 17 fanfics below the cut <3
Week One: Rest & Relaxation
Down in New Orleans by flowerdragon13 ( @queerteapie​ )
Marie LaFleur and Zelda Spellman step away from the drama in Greendale for a little romantic getaway in New Orleans, allowing Zelda to learn more of Marie's voodoo ways. 
la chaleur dans ma vie by paradox_n_bedrock ( @paradox-n-bedrock​ )
Marie is thoughtful and effusive by nature and sometimes Zelda doesn't know how to respond to that, but she does her best to make it up to her. 
laissez les bons temps rouler by Singofsolace 
Zelda Spellman and Mambo Marie LaFleur attend the Mardi Gras celebrations in New Orleans.
Worship by CCNSurvivor ( @hb-spellman​ )
Following Hilda's suggestion, Zelda goes on a vacation to New Orleans. Marie helps her reconnect with herself again. 
Week Two: First Time
It's like heaven (taking the place of something evil) by m1cahelle
“Now tell me, Zelda Spellman. Has no one ever shown you how to love yourself?”
me and the sky by Singofsolace 
Marie Lafleur has been a pilot all of her life. She's dealt with a lot of difficult situations, but she's never had an ex-lover come back into her life at the beginning of a flight, only to cause an emergency landing half-way through.
Moonlight Musings by Saturn_Silk ( @saturn-silk​ )
The first time Zelda and Marie sit down and talk after their kiss.
My High Priestess by flowerdragon13 ( @queerteapie )
High Priestess Zelda, tastes a woman for the first time in over a thousand years and is surprised by the even deeper connection she has with Mambo Marie than she originally thought.
Somnium by CCNSurvivor ( @hb-spellman )
Zelda hasn't been sleeping well since her marriage to Faustus, since becoming High Priestess and banishing the threat of the Pagans. This is the first time she does.
we wear our traumas the way the guillotine wears gravity by paradox_n_bedrock ( @paradox-n-bedrock )
As she stopped to rinse her hands at the water pump, the disappearing sun glinted off the glossy hair of a woman standing alone at the edge of the property. Arms crossed, her casual lean against the fence belied the sadness in her face.
(The first time Marie has a conversation with Lilith, they discuss Zelda and religion and even Marie has a hard time navigating Lilith's defenses.)
Week Three: Sick Fic
Aftercare by CCNSurvivor ( @hb-spellman​ )
After beating the Pagans, Marie makes sure that Zelda is healing.
I'll Be Your NyQuil (or Tylenol) by seriousoncer ( @linnhaave​ )
Being an extremely talented and powerful witch, Zelda had never truly worried about her health. Honestly, she never really had to; everyone and their mothers knew that a witch could never get sick. 
let me help you count your sheep by Singofsolace 
Zelda Spellman falls ill. Mambo Marie keeps vigil. Everything unravels, even that which should remain unspoken.
Week Four: Magical Mishaps
Are You a Jealous God? by paradox_n_bedrock ( @paradox-n-bedrock​ )
Zelda calls upon a goddess and when it doesn't go to plan, Marie and Lilith are left to deal with the fallout.
cafune by Singofsolace 
Sabrina makes a potion, but it isn't quite right. Zelda offers to clean it up. When Marie startles her, a magical mishap ensues, but she's more than willing to help make it better. 
Hide & Seek by CCNSurvivor ( @hb-spellman​ )
When Sabrina's daughter can't control her magic, Zelda and Marie get stuck in a closet during a game of hide and seek.
Let Me Be There by Saturn_Silk ( @saturn-silk​ )
Desperate to protect her coven, Zelda decides to cast a protection spell, but it doesn't go quite as planned.
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mystarsandmyocean · 4 years
Yuletide letter 2020
yuletide letter 2020
Dear, dear author,
Thank you for the gift of a wonderful story! I am so, so looking forward to this year’s Yuletide. It’s been a year, to say the least, so I’m looking forward to the comfort of old friends and familiar faces from my favorite fandoms.
Regarding my letter, please feel free to view the following requests as more guidelines than demands (with the exception of my DNWs!). The best wishes are the ones for which you don’t even ask, so I am guaranteed to love whatever you write!
Ladies! All the lady love. Female characters, female friendship, complicated female relationships, I love them all. I know my requested fandoms are more romance heavy, so I wanted to make clear that as much as I love the lovin’; the lady loves gotta come first.
Found Family! A common theme in my fandoms is the belief that family is based on bonds, not blood, and any exploration of such relationships would absolutely thrill me! I am a big believer in making one’s own family, and I have a near and dear spot in my heart for seeing that philosophy play out amongst my favorite fandoms and characters.
Pining! More specifically, pining by the more privileged party. Few tropes give me greater joy than the person in power waxing anguish over their loves. Give me ALL the pining pine trees is what I am saying.
Romance Tropes j'adore: Fake Dating! Marriages of Convenience! UST! Mistaken and/or Secret Identities (a la You’ve Got Mail and Cyrano de Bergerac)! Bets and Wagers (a la She’s All That & 10 Things I Hate About You)! Childhood Friends Reunited! Berserk Buttons in high danger situations! H/C brought on by high danger or hallucinations/nightmares situations! Groveling!
Smut Tropes j'adore: Sex pollen, love potions, and all other inhibition releasers—provided the pairing is a consenting one! Light, consensual bondage! Consensual pain play! 69ing and oral sex! Voyeurism! Overall however, while I do enjoy smut, PWP is not my preferred cup of tea. Please don’t feel pressured to write smut if it’s not your own preferred cup of comfort!
Plot Tropes j'adore: Heists! Spies and thieves and con artists! Fairytale Retellings (especially of the unusual kind a la Tam Lin, Anastasia, Swan Lake/Swan Princess, etc.)! Shakespeare & classic literature callbacks! Behind the Scenes shenanigans of TV/Reality TV! Magic-infused reality! Epistolary writing (both letters/emails and social media usage)! Time Travel! Paradoxes! Multiverse theory and Parallel Universes!
AUs! Including Alternate Reality, What Ifs, and Transplanted Characters/Fusions! I am a HUGE lover of the alternate universe lifestyle. My AU tastes lean towards alternative reality or transplanted character/fusion AUs, but I’m also partial to well-done What If AUs (some favorites have included regency AUs, spy AUs, living in NYC AUs, and transplanted character AUs of any of my old or new fandoms). Most important for me will always be the integration of the original canon into the world of the AU, taking into consideration how different choices, different lives, different plotlines would need to be adjusted for a different fandom’s characters’. My only request is no crossover fic (If you feel any of the below canons would work EXCEPTIONALLY WELL in a crossover, feel free to ask). In this case, my own fics and bookmarked fics on A03 would really be the best place to see my favorite takes on AUs.
In conclusion, I am generally drawn to stories driven by the characters, rather than the plot (though I would also ADORE a well-executed and well-developed twisty-turny sort of plot-driven mystery or heist). I really love stories that delve deep into characterization, whether as a behind/missing scene or more plot/trope-focused fic. I love watching a relationship/feelings develop, both in romance and friendship, and I am a huge shipper when it comes to the couples I love. At the end of the day, it’s the characters that are important to me. So long as they read true, I will undoubtedly be happy!
Dislikes/Do Not Wants:
Noncon, dubcon, rape threats, attempted sexual assault, etc. I will be triggered by this content and ask that it not be included at all.
Pandemic. For stories set in our present-day, please do not include reference to the pandemic or use quarantining as a plot device, etc. Please also no ‘killer virus must be stopped’ related plots.
Not Like the Other Girls! The inverse of my love for ladies. Sometimes, by writing or position or profession, female characters are inevitably a “woman in a man’s field” or friendships-wise “just one of the guys.” I’m fine if you leave out ladies you don’t love/don’t feel comfortable writing, but I do ask for no misogyny/hate between them (adding in or creating non-canonical friendships between women is always a plus!).
Romance Tropes je déteste: Beautiful All Along (a la Pygmalion and Taming of the Shrew)! Sex with the Love Interest is Like Being Touched for the Very First Time! Unrequited Pining! Being “Saved” by the Purity of Love! Nice Guys TM! Basically, any story that centers around one person fighting to show the other that they “deserve” them & that involves a grossly unequal power difference. There are also very few circumstances in which I enjoy the person with less privilege loving the other first/from afar/unrequited, so this trope is one to avoid for me.
Plot Tropes je déteste: Misogyny! Racism! Anti-semitism! Homophobia! If a villain canonically does these things, I’m okay with minimal inclusion. I also really detest historical handwaving re: well-known facts, stories set in suburbia, and inaccurate city details (particularly NYC, since I live here).
Excessive character bashing and situations of extreme embarrassment/mortification. If there is a character I love (or even simply ask to see!) that you cannot stand, please just find an organic way to exclude them from the story. I also absolutely cannot stand anything that will give me extreme secondhand embarrassment, no matter my feelings on the character.
Christmas-themed stories. On the flip side, as a practicing Jew, if there is canonical Judaism in any of these stories, I would love for it to be included—but please only do so if it’s a topic you’re familiar with and/or comfortable researching. Thank you!
Major character deaths. Injury and angst are fine, but please stick to canon re: deaths of any core characters. The only exception would be a parallel universe/time loop situation, where revised timelines would “fix” the death. Please feel free to ask the mods or anonymously via Tumblr if you need clarification
For further insight into my tastes, my A03 page has all of written fic to date (x). And I am always happy to clarify via mods or anonymous Tumblr asks!
Characters: Philip Jennings | Clark Westerfeld, Elizabeth Jennings, Oleg Burov, Nina Krilova
**Eithor/Or Request: So long as EITHER Phillip Jennings | Clark Westerfeld & Elizabeth Jennings OR Oleg Burov & Nina Krilova are included, I shall be happy.**
Possible Prompts: Missing Scenes! What If!
I started watching this series during the pandemic and unexpectedly fell in love. It’s been a treat to watch the progression between Philip and Elizabeth from reluctant allies to tentative lovers to true partners. On the flipside, it was an absolute heady whirlwind to go from hating Oleg alongside Nina to being devastated alongside him when she was murdered.
Re: Phillip and Elizabeth, I’d love to see more of those quiet/missing moments between the two of them, either before or during the series. Moments where their feelings began changing, moments of them comforting each other after missions gone wrong (I *love* how protective they are of each other!), moments of them worrying over the other.
Re: Oleg and Nina, I’d of course love to see missing moments of theirs as well—their romance was so sudden, we didn’t see enough of their emotions shifting! I’d also love to see more of their thoughts as the stakes became higher for Nina and her mission with Stan.
And for both couples, I’d love to see what if scenarios! Both larger what ifs, such as what if Philip and Elizabeth met while working at the Rezidentura? What if Oleg and Nina were a Directorate S couple? Or smaller what ifs, like if Oleg had been able to save Nina? If Philip and Elizabeth fell for each other at a different time?
Characters: Yvenne, Maddek 
Possible Prompts: Missing Scenes! What if’s! AU it!
Well-written fantasy romance is hard to find, but oh, did this hit the spot! Badass princesses, epic adventures, world-ending stakes, pining (so much pining)—all of my favorite things!
My first request would be to see more missing/quiet moments between Yvenne and Maddek, especially as their feelings for each other change from hate to respect to more. I’d love to see Yvenne come to terms with her feelings for Maddek being the man she now knows vs the man she’s learned about from his loved ones. Likewise, I’d love more insight into Maddek as he grapples with Yvenne’s lessons and what it means to be a good king—and a good husband.
Of course, this series is also rife with what if potential! I’d love to see any various scenarios, such as what if Maddek’s parents had been able to send him a message about Yvenne before dying? Or what if Yvenne and her mother had only been confined once Yvenne was older? What if Yvenne and Maddek has met as children?
I also think Yvenne and Maddek would make a great AU setup—regency era or modern celebrities, for example. If any ideas strike your fancy, I would love to see where that goes!
Characters: Tazia Nerif, Stefan Berg, Brenna Kincaid, Judd Lauren
**Eithor/Or Request: So long as EITHER Tazia Nerif & Stefan Berg OR Brenna Kincaid & Judd Lauren are included, I shall be happy.**
Possible Prompts: Missing or Pre-Novella Scenes! Post-Novella Fallout of the Series’ Events! The Arrow Guide to Sex & Its Origin! AU it!
You might spot a pattern by now re: what I look for in fandom—fantastic romance, intriguing world building, opportunities for more quiet/falling in love moments! I adore both of these couples, but since we have much less material re: Tazia and Stefan, my asks for them are a bit more broad. I’d really love to see their missing moments from before, during, after their novella. For example, what was Tazi’s first impression of Stefan and the ship, in her first few months away from home? What was Stefan’s experience like as Tazi’s presence caused his Silence to fall apart? How and where did his feelings develop? I’d also love more moments of Stefan awkwardly being drawn to Tazi—and frustrated by his inability to communicate!
Since their relationship began pre-Fall, I’d also love to see them developing as a couple, relying and learning about each other in a pre- and post-Fall world. When and how, for example, do they reveal their marriage to their teammates? Does Stefan play in the Arrow rebellion against Ming LeBon? How does discovering their relationship’s influence on the Honeycomb affect them?
Re: Brenna and Judd, I’d love specifically pre or during Caressed by Ice missing moments. Specifically, when did they realize their feelings for each other? Was there something even before the attack?
Re: either couple, I think this series makes for a great AU! Crime fighting, Regency, government assassins, or spies were some thoughts I had.
Last but not least, my wildcard request would be for you to explore Stefan and Judd’s research into telekinetic sex. I would love all the shennanigans of the Arrows collecting information and perhaps creating some unofficial Arrow Guide to Sex? Alternatively, I think an AU take would be great fun: A group of female psychology grads are conducting a study on adult virgins—and in walks some prime male specimens.
Characters: Reid Diggory, Louise Le Blanc
Possible Prompts: Missing Scenes! What’s Next! AU It!
This pairing—and series—had more than a few of my favorite things: star crossed romance, mystery & intrigue, gorgeous & magical settings. And of course, Reid and Louise.
There’s a wealth of missing moments between the two as they overcame their prejudices and fell in love—I’d love to see any and all of those quiet moments where Reid and Louise began looking at each other in a new light (I’d also love canon scenes in the POV we didn’t see!). Of course, both books one and two also ended on such intense cliffhangers—I’d also love to see speculation as to what’s next for book three (or in the case of book two, if you haven’t read, alternate scenarios for what could have happened!).
Last but not least, I think Lou and Reid’s story works in so many different universes! I’m particularly interested in a fairytale AU, given how many Snow White and Swan Lake references there are throughout the book. I also think a regency era or Harry Potter AU would be such fun—but I’m interested in any AU, really!
In conclusion, I hope my letter proved helpful rather than overwhelming, and I apologize for the verbosity! If there’s anything I missed or that you’d like clarification on, please don’t hesitate to ask, either via the mods or Tumblr!
Thank you so, so, so much for taking the time to write for me, my dearest author, and happiest of Yuletides to you! I look forward to reveal day!
All my best,
mystarsandmyocean (otherwise known as Sam)
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justhereforseverus · 4 years
A Rose by any Other Name Would Smell as Sweet
After meeting Dumbledore at a party with Slughorn, he employs you as a teacher at Hogwarts for the new subject of theatre/literature of the Wizard World. One of the first tasks to do is to form a theatre group and organise a performance at the end of the school year. Yet, this subject is rare at Wizard schools and you are met with quiet a lot of suspicion from your students and colleagues. This causes more than one sleepless night and after Dumbledore can’t take your exhausted face every morning at the teacher’s meeting, he sends you to Severus Snape to get a potion that’ll help you sleep. Reluctantly you go to the teacher you’ve been most afraid of but with every visit your feelings for him change for the better. The menacing potion master seems to feel the same..
This is my first fic and English is not my first language, so excuse any mistakes. I hope you enjoy it as it has been in my head for aaaages. This plays in a non-canon time where business is as usual at Hogwarts but Remus Lupin is Defence against the Dark Arts teacher and his condition is accepted by everyone (because I love him as equally as our dear but difficult Snape AND HE DESERVED A BETTER ENDING). Slow start because I suck.
Following chapter will come very soon!!!!
This is a work of fan fiction using characters from the Harry Potter world, which is trademarked by J. K. Rowling. I do not profit financially from the creation and publication of this story.
Chapter Management
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Chapter 1
: Methought I heard a voice cry ‘Sleep no more!Chapter Text
My first day at Hogwarts. I still can’t believe it. I’ve never thought that I’d get a job here with my.. profession. Three weeks ago, Slughorn invited me to one of his parties. He’s seen one of my plays in the small London Wizard Theatre and was entirely enchanted by it. Though it was his first play to watch, so I’m not sure how to take this compliment. Nevertheless, as theatre and literature are still something not entirely accepted as important or anything of high value, I nevertheless felt honoured. During the chill get-together, he introduced me to Albus Dumbledore. After some drinks, we chatted about fiction, theatre and the arts (muggle-and wizard ones) and his regret that these things are quite non-existent in the wizardy school world. A couple of days later, I got an owl with an invitation to teach all these things to his students. And naturally, I accepted as kinda broken actor and literature scholar.
Now, I’m here. I had some days to get familiar to the school, my room and offices as well as most of the teachers here. Minerva and Sprout welcomed me with open arms and immediately talked to me about their favourites works of fiction. Remus has visited me several times in my quarters and showed me books from the muggle-world he loved. But of course, there were some.. other reactions, too. Especially, Severus Snape, the potion master has looked at me with suspicion and rather ignored me during all meetings. I don’t think he likes me very much. Yet, his whole attire fascinates me. His tendency to dramatically walk away with his Dracula-like coat would make him a perfect actor on stage. I’ve seen types like him in many of my companies. Yet, I think he’d not be fond of this idea.
Dumbledore announced me in the great hall on the first day of term. It was interesting to see the reactions of the students. While many on the Slytherin table rolled their eyes and whispered how useless the arts are in their careers, many on the Gryffindor and especially Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw table clapped and looked at me with joy. But after the feast students from every house came to me and proclaimed, they will not only join my literature and arts classes but also join my theatre group. The first day couldn’t have been any better in that regard.
Yet, the whispers behind my back and the snarky looks caused me to be very unsure of myself. I reworked my first lesson schedules over and over again for hours and rearranged the material for the theatre group for way too many times. At about 3am I gave up on perfecting every little worksheet and took a walk because I knew sleep wouldn’t come that night. It’s typical for me really. MY ability to sleep vanished every time I was nervous or scared. It was especially bad when I had fears about the future, financial troubles, or when I was love-sick.. ok so maybe just every time everything wasn’t happy and well and I have to deal with things every adult has to deal with. My body cut on sleep every time I felt any kind of trouble apparently. Thanks for nothing. This status continued with the added stress of daily teachings and the difficult task of putting together the theatre group. The only time I don’t feel nervous at all is when I’m on stage or in front of a class. It feels like home, a parallel world and paradoxically…. it’s soothing and makes me feel at ease. The preparation for it however.. is a different story.
My first session of the drama group was compiled of about 25 students, which is way more than I expected. But after the introductions, I realized that apart from the half-born ones, most experience with theatre came from scandal-driven made-up stories from the papers, which dramatized the whole business too much. Only three had acting experience and the choice of the right play lied entirely in my hands as no one could recommend one that was realistic to perform with a cast made up of beginners. However, I was thrilled to have the curiosity and interest of the students and decided we’ll perform Hamlet because who doesn’t love Shakespeare! This should even impress the theatre-haters with the elements of blood, betrayals, and tragedy.
Unfortunately, the preparations left me rather sleepless Dumbledore noticed this after a month of short naps and 2-3 hours of sleep. One morning of me looking miserably at the way too early teacher’s meeting, he took me aside. “I know you’re under a lot of stress and uncertainty, but you got to sleep and this can’t continue. I suggest you visit Severus and he’ll help you with a calming potion.” However, that wasn’t something I was very keen on doing… I replied: “But…. I don’t think he likes me much. I’m not sure he’ll be pleased with me putting extra work upon him with my anxiety.” Dumbledore insisted though and told me to stop putting more pressure on myself on talking me down. He said: “Severus might be… difficult. But I can assure you, he is fonder of your profession than he might admit voluntarily. Tell him, I send you. It’ll be fine. Otherwise...” and here he winked at me with a smile.” I have to seriously think about employing a teacher that suffers that much under her work here. ”That was something like a jokingly thread but nevertheless it convinced me. I don’t want to screw this up. Well then, up to the dungeon….
Ok, not directly to the dungeon. I taught my lessons and procrastinated with absolutely everything to do before deciding on a time in the evening. I knocked after standing 5 minutes in nervousness before his office door. I heard a “come in” and stepped into the cold cellar of the potion realm.
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infernumlilith · 4 years
This or That: Fanfiction Edition
Tagged by @paradox-n-bedrock (Thank you <3 I love everything fanfiction)
Slow burn or love at first sight?: It has always been slow burn. Give me sexual tension, denial, arguments that slowly develops into more and I will sell you my soul for it.
Fake dating or secretly dating: I don’t usually see the reason behind secret dating. But fake dating has so many possibilities.
“Oh no, there’s only one bed” or long distance correspondence: I just love the tension that will be created through that. If by morning they end up cuddled up and followed by more awkward tension that’s a bonus.
Hurt/comfort or amnesia: Amnesia has it’s limits. I would still read it but I prefer hurt/comfort.
Enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers: Is there anything better than enemies to lovers? It’s the best story. After all there is a fine line between love and “hate”.
Mutual pining or domestic bliss: Absolutely! 
Smut or fluff: I love them both. Who am I even kidding? But I’d rather read a full fluffy fic than a full smutty one. Which is why I usually write fluff anyway.
Fantasy au or modern au: Both! Definitely both. Give me AUs and I’ll devour them in an instant.
Alternative universe or future fic: I love AUs so much I can’t even put it in words. The possibilities are endless.
Kid fic or road trip fic: Again both! For Kid fic, I prefer if the other person comes later into the family and loves the kid as if it was their own. I love that.
Canon compliant/missing scenes or fix-it: Fix it! Canon tends to disappoint me so I’d prefer a fix for that.
Reincarnation or character death: I will say neither. I see them both as sad fics. I can’t deal with character death and the reincarnation doesn’t offer me any satisfaction. I don’t like sad fics. I’ll completely accept the pain of break up if they are both idiots and get back together eventually but if one of them dies, no. I simply can’t.
One-shot or multi chapter: I’ll read them both and I will love them both. Absolutely! But I find it easier to get lost in the world of a multi-chapter than an one-shot. As soon as you get tangled in the one-shot, it ends and I just want MORE! Isn’t that how everyone feels?
Time travel or isolated together: It depends on the fandom really. If it were MadamSpellman/Marith/Spellwell I would go for isolated together. Can you imagine the tension? But if it were for Harry Potter fics, I would go for Time travel because it’s easier to be done. Time travel needs to make sense and be created perfectly for me to like it. 
High school romance or middle aged romance: Every time! Nonnegotiable! I can’t stand teenage romance. What do teenagers know about love? I am 25 and I still have no clue.
Arranged marriage or accidental marriage: I would go for arranged marriage in some occasions. I wouldn’t turn it down as long as there is a good reason and of course TENSION.
Sci-fi au or magic au: Both but I would most likely go for magic. It’s my thing. I’ve always loved magic way too much.
Neighbours or roommates: Again both. If there is some annoyance there, all the better.
Body swap or gender-bend: Give me a freaky Friday incident any time! Can you imagine Mary waking up in Zelda’s body and Zelda in Mary’s? The brunette freaking out because she doesn’t believe in magic and both of them keeping it quiet because Zelda doesn’t want anyone to know that she fucked up a potion while Mary being cute and confused for not being able to explain. And then both to have to work together to fix it? Just imagine that.
Angst or crack: Who doesn’t love angst in a fic? I would still read crack so I can have a good laugh but angst is the way to go any day.
Apocalyptic or mundane: I think. I am not sure entirely. When I hear apocalyptic, my mind usually goes to the task of trying to survive. So I wouldn’t mind reading about MadamSpellman or Spellwell surviving into an apocalyptic world and meeting each other and of course falling in love after countless arguments and (you guessed it) TENSION!
I tag: @depressedpianist @lesbiandemoness @danaedaniels @softlilith @alexusonfire @killyourstarlings @saturn-silk @renaissancefleabag @jyou-no-sonoko19
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dictacontrion · 5 years
H/D Erised Quote Reveals!
Soooo with all the excitement of revealing @hd-erised​ creations from the modly side, I’ve just realized that I hadn’t revealed authorship on the wonderful fics I recced during the run of the fest. Facepalm and then some! I’ve updated author info on the quotes from 2018′s H/D Erised, and links, author info, and summaries are below. They’re wonderful and I absolutely recommend checking them out, alongside everything else that posted! There was so much brilliance in this fest, fic and art and everything in between - including a few stories I’m still trying to get to, so please don’t think this is exhaustive! - and I’m already excited for next year’s. Enjoy and, as always, please remember to leave some love for these incredibly talented creators!! 
All Change by @cassieblack​ - PG-13, 10.5k - Neville and Luna are getting married, Draco’s playing bridesmaid, and Harry’s finally learning that people really can change.
Because Cats by @icmezzo​ - PG-13, 14.5k - Harry has a cat, and Draco doesn’t. Then Draco has a cat, and Harry doesn’t. Then Harry has a cat again, but Draco doesn’t. Then Draco has a cat, but Harry—OMG HOW WILL IT END.
The Campaign by @alis-anne - NC-17, 16.5k - When Draco reluctantly puts his hat in the ring to become Minister of Magic he doesn’t realise how much it will change his life.
Cryptography by @lower-east-side​ - NC-17, 19k - Draco Malfoy is still a puzzle that Harry Potter wants to solve. Good thing they both solve puzzles for a living.
The Five Trials by @doubleappleed - NC-17, 11.5k - Harry’s willing to go to great lengths for the chance to date Draco — even when those lengths come in the form of an 11th-century courtship ritual. Even when he’s pretty sure he’d rather die (again) than dance in public.
For Thine Is the Kingdom by @kedavranox​ - NC-17, 67k - On a secret mission, Draco is Turned. With no memory of what happened, he learns that to save his missing Auror partner and regain what he’s lost, he must uncover the long-buried secrets of the vampire covens. To do that, Draco must open his mind and heart to what he has become, the new-found family that surrounds him, and the man who has remained steadfast at his side through it all. Harry spent five years avoiding the man he fell in love with, but when Draco needs his help, he cannot refuse. As they race against the clock to find Draco’s partner, Harry discovers that the bond they share is nothing to hide from, and that he'll never outrun the pace of his own heart.
Harry Potter and The Bisexual Awakening by @writcraft​ - NC-17, 23k - Harry is perfectly content being single, heterosexual and living in Godric's Hollow with his very clingy rescue dog, Snitch. When Draco Malfoy turns up on Harry's doorstep demanding that Harry teach him how to drive, things quickly become a lot more complicated.
I could be wrong, I could be ready by @harryromper​ - M, 57.5k - At first Harry wonders if they’ve managed to destroy his vaults and are trying to tell him in the most oblique way possible. But when he turns the page he realises they’ve found a vault. A vault in the name of Lily and James Potter. The parchment trembles a little in Harry’s hand. He takes another gulp of wine. Harry Potter left Britain after the war and didn’t look back. Ten years later, when Gringotts discovers a vault containing his parents’ belongings—including their badly spell-damaged wedding rings—he’s forced to face up to friends and family who’ve grown in ways he could never imagine, a wizarding London rebuilt beyond his expectations, and the anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts. And if that wasn’t enough, there’s the entirely unforeseen problem of Draco Malfoy. Featuring pureblood wizarding traditions, ancestral magic, open mic nights, marriage equality, a diner in Brooklyn, and the return of Fleamont Potter.
Is It Love, Obsession or Just Us? by Titti - PG-13, 15k - The Ministry needs Draco to testify at the Death Eaters' trials to ensure no one claims to be under the Imperius. When Draco gets attacked, Harry volunteers to protect him and his family. Of course, things are never simple when the two of them are involved.
It’s Not a Passing Fascination by @firethesound​ - NC-17, 9.5k - One of Harry's favourite things is watching Malfoy work.
Of Wands and Trees by Omi_Ohmy - NC-17, 45k - All Draco wants to do is be a wandmaker, but to do so he needs to understand the soul of trees. Of course, the only man who might be able to help him is the one man who is more of a mystery to him than any tree.
The Paradox of Active Surrender by @korlaena​ and @saulaie​ - NC-17, 108k - When Draco shows up as a suspect in a murder case after eight years of no contact, Harry has to balance his professional life and his past friendship with Draco. As suspicion mounts against him, Harry knows he has to keep his distance, but Draco makes that difficult when he starts claiming that they have a Life Debt to settle. Harry wants to trust him, but what is he hiding and where has he been these long years?
Predictable Little Curses by @brightowlwrites​ - NC-17, 14.5k - Two single fathers. One rather inconvenient bonding spell.
The Romances of the Saviour by @themightyflynn08 - NC-17, 8k - Forced to work together in Potions, Harry and Draco get more than they were expecting.
Sex and the Art of Castle Maintenance by birdsofshore - NC-17, 15k - "Come on, boys," Zabini drawled. "You’re only delaying the inevitable." Trouble always had a way of finding Harry, and eighth year was obviously going to be no exception.
Star Quality by who_la_hoop - NC-17, 118.5k - Two years after the war, and Harry’s content with his life. OK, so it’s a little annoying that he keeps winning Witch Weekly’s Most Eligible Bachelor award, and he’s really not looking forward to the unveiling of an enormous gold statue of himself, but he loves his friends, and he loves being an Auror. And if he yearns for something more, something he can barely bring himself to think about, well, he’ll probably get over it. No one’s happy all the time, are they? But then everything changes, and Harry’s thrown into a new and dazzling world he’s not sure he can actually escape from. And as time goes on, he starts to wonder: does he actually want to?
this will be my beacon by @huldrejenta​ - M, 16k - Draco and Harry spend one night together after the war, and when one of them sees it as the beginning of a relationship and the other one sees it as a one night stand, things do get awkward. Years later they're thrown together on a demanding case which brings old wounds back to the surface.
with exactness grinds he all by @thistle-verse​ - M, 6k - Harry has known the forest, and now he knows Draco.
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