#fic: stray lines
thedarkestgreys · 6 months
Oh and one more!! Director’s cut for the absolute killer line from “the stray lines that unwind you”
“You sure ‘bout that? You only spending time in my bed, baby.” 🫡🫡🫡 I scream every time
good lord. alright let’s see what my brain remembers about this one. (tbh one of my favorite one shots I’ve ever written for any fandom!)
okay so fun facts: originally this was from Lexi’s POV! I got about 400 or so words in when I realized it wasn’t working? Um… it was originally titled “ocean blue eyes (looking in mine)” when it was from Lexi’s pov! 🌊 and I cut a whole section where Lexi’s rant about summer vacation devolved into her questioning if Ashtray had ever seen an episode of Phineas and Ferb and a very funny back and forth about Perry the Platypus that I wish I had saved in my archives. Alas! I do not have it any longer and I have regrets about it.
but the above mentioned line you want to know about? girl. i think i had about 8-12 variations of it before settling on that one? I knew Fezco needed to be a menace right there but I wasn’t sure just how much of an actual goblin I wanted to make him. I tried so many lines. I was debating them in the text thread with my beta. When we settled on that line I actually went back to sprinkle in the other uses of him calling her baby that pop up prior to that one, deciding that he’d be using it as a pet name already even if they were insisting they were just friends.
It was fun and flirty and set a good tone for the rest of the fic without making it awkward. Also my absolute goal in life is to make Fezco a menace to society Lexi whenever possible. 😇
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dazed--xx · 2 months
SKZ!Fake Texts: He Calls You Clingy(Maknae Line)
Part 2 Part 3 Hyung Line
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chiliyue-archived · 7 months
cause i love to love, to love, to love you
↬ in which you have him all lovesick and smiles
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includes; dazai, chūya, atsushi, fyodor
notes; i am gonna pretend i didn’t disappear for 2-3 months. this has been in my drafts for so long :( i tried to clean it up as much as i could but it’s really old jfjdks
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dazai appears happy. present tense.
his typical inquiries for double suicides came to lessen to conscious degree, substituting in drinking sake together when the sun cowers, nothing but a string of nonsensical chatter proceeding each sip.
he was sticky like that: unannounced visits, impromptu phone calls, sudden changes in his schedule to accommodate yours. in any case, he isn’t one to shy from stooping as low as whining if it rewards him with your familiar face.
( his windpipes splinter before he could mutter it out loud, but the solitude that’s wedged deep in his bones for so long felt lighter when you were near. he questions how long such benevolence would last before becoming sullied by his hand… ).
…and yet all things considered, it hasn’t deterred him from courting you nonetheless. at times he can’t help but think he’s taken a bite of his own medicine when he’s the one skipping around like a helpless maiden.
and yet again in spite of it all, his brazenness remains perpetually untouched as ever. he entertains different approaches if only to coax out a new reaction from you and he’s not bashful in the slightest. so much so, he remains unruffled even under the scrutiny of your coworkers.
. . .
“ this is highly unprofessional.”
“ don’t be so mean, bella. don’t you know how much i missed you?”
your eyes flit down to the man currently using your lap as a headrest, the rest of his body stretching over the expanse of the couch. he was shameless, that much was certain, but his ability to remain unperturbed whilst in his lovey dovey state was impressive. you cocked a brow, sighing.
“ osamu.” his lips visually twitched at the call of his name; it’s a word warm on your tongue but leaves the hairs on his nape at your mercy anyway. " you saw me fifteen minutes ago—”
“ twenty.” he corrected, cheeky (and quite frankly, you wouldn’t be surprised if he pulled that number out his ass). “ but it was the longest twenty minutes of my life.”
he was unrepentant as ever, experimentally positioning his head to rest on the plush on your thighs. by muscle memory, he began to absently draw shapes wherever he could reach, a crude rendition of stars decorating over the bend of your knee.
he smiles innocently when you squint at him, the gleam in his eyes unwavering. “ only a couple more minutes and i would have been yours,” you mutter out, your voice not as sturdy as you hoped. “ at home.”
dazai almost turns pouty at that. almost. “ but my love, i’ve missed you like crazy. twenty minutes is too long, how can i possibly manage?” the words come out through a breathy exhale and you watch as his lashes kiss his cheeks when he flutters them closed. “ all i could think about is you. and now i have you right here.” he hopes his words carry as much truth as the way his heart does, scurrying away the cold that's mocked him for so long. “ can’t we just stay like this a little longer? pretty please?”
resigned to your fate, you could only clamor your palms over your features— if only to salvage your waning dignity from your coworkers.
unfortunate though… that in doing so you miss the blissful smile curling on his lips as he peeks at you from below. and atsushi notes(after throughly grimacing, not expecting him to be so blunt), it reaches his eyes too.
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" chūya-"
" you can't flirt with me. i have a partner."
terse, stubborn and slurred. if the groggy voice wasn’t enough to confirm your suspicions, the shit-face look belonging to your boyfriend did. he was drunk. wasted if you were to speak bluntly.
in truth, it really doesn’t come off as much of a surprise; his ability to hold his liquor was nothing to brag of (despite what he may profusely argue) and you’re half-convinced he’s already forgotten his own name.
still, you don’t loosen your grip on his sleeve even under the figurative holes he’s burned with his stare. “ chūya. i am your partner.”
“you—! wha-!” his voice erupts into a sudden warble, eyes akin to saucers. " you… you are??"
he takes what’s left of his thinning rationality to study you proper; the style of your hair, your clothing, the smell of perfume/cologne, the familiar quirk of your lips—
oh, he thinks as you push back the loose bangs veiling his face. he doesn’t make any attempts to move, feet stalled and eyes blinking, evidently stunned.
you decide to press on. “ do i look familiar now…?” the lilit of your voice grazes against his ear, plucking out a faint memory tucked somewhere in the crevice of his fuzzy head.
oh. he thinks twice, the stern look bruising his face thawing.
without realizing it, he squares his shoulders in any attempt to remedy his current disheveled appearance, slumped posture pulled taut in— what he hopes— was a more put together frame. conversely, he wobbles on his feet when you continue to eat away at the distance, the ghost of your touch pushing pinpricks into his skin.
“ you’re- you’re really all mine…?” he cringes as soon as it leaves his mouth, coming off eager and hopeful. something like a laugh escapes you and he can’t tell if that’s what made his stomach turn or the alcohol. perhaps both.
“ that’s what i’ve been trying to tell you. you’re so stubborn when you’re drunk.” you punctuate the words with a kiss to his cheek, now warm with revelation. chūya, exhausting the last bits of his energy, shrinks beneath it, a gloved hand clutching his reddened face defensively.
“ why haven’t i made you my spouse yet?” he remarks it so suddenly, you nearly choke on air. he can’t even comprehend what you say thereafter or register the look beginning to contort your features, nothing but liquid courage keeping him afloat.
but- well, if there’s anything the haze trotting his head and his thinning cognition could agree on, it’s that your ring finger appears a little too barren for his liking.
( but not for much longer, he hopes )
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the sudden change in atsushi’s behavior was a notable observation within the ADA, many of whom watched as the weretiger became stupefied by a face belonging to you. it wasn’t long before concluding it was all the result of a crush; the culprit of which being atsushi himself who played his hand poorly at discretion.
the lovesick chatter would leave his mouth without much rationality, waxing of "[name] this" or "[name] that," and effectively becoming on the receiving end of his praises. it was almost a routine of sorts, occupied by stutters, belated responses and his fidgety footfalls. by the end of it, he fruitlessly attempts to steady his rabbiting heart— if only to stop his blush from staining beyond his cheeks.
even now as he silhouettes by the agency door, the rattle of rain is deafened by the rush of blood to his ears. he anxiously worries the handle of the umbrella in his palms, bouncing from one sole of his feet to the other. should he just ask you? maybe he should wait… now that he thinks about it would be more appropriate to just leav—
“ damn it.” he perks at your sound of displeasure, his heart spiking. “ so much for leaving in a hurry…” you stiffen, realizing you have nothing but a coat protect you from the weather. the flimsy jacket you hurriedly plucked from your wardrobe only added flavor to your disappointment.
atsushi doesn’t miss the opportunity; his feet carries him to you before the unpleasant voice lurking deep in his subconscious bullies him otherwise. “ we can share,” he gestures to his own, silently praying his voice was leveled. it wobbles anyway and by now his knuckles are sheen white as a product of his nerves.
with the organ jumping around in his chest, he almost doesn’t register your ‘thank you,’ only that his fingers were quickly undoing the straps of the umbrella before you could change your mind ( he impulsively bought it earlier that day— his previous pair worned out and far too tiny for two people. but when you thank him with a kind smile, hands slightly brushing with each step, he argues it was the best 800 yen he’s ever spent ).
… that said, a more appropriate question is how you managed to remain naive to all his pining for so long— he’s become despairingly obvious against his own good and yet he can’t find it in himself to change himself, a perpetual lovesick look copy and pasted whenever you entered his proximity.
the same can't be said to everyone else however and he wasn’t particularly pleased when he caught wind of the bets exchanged among his treacherous colleagues. he fears it's only a matter of time before one of them blabs their tongue to you. at this rate, perhaps one of them should.
. . .
" y'know atsushi," ranpo once said, offering his companion a gleaming simper. " you reallllyyy talk about [name] a lot."
his heart flutters, eyes slowly blinking.
" yeah,” he smiles. “ i guess i do.”
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" you've been awfully quiet, my dear." fyodor’s voice was just loud enough over the sound of clashing cutlery, fixing you a gaze of genuine interest. " is the meal not to your liking?"
you feel your lips twist into a frown. for being attentive, he (for once) falsely saunters pass the source of your displeasure, failing to recognize the extent of your internal woes. " no- no-" you fidget with your fingers, ignoring the way your propped elbows skidded against the table. the behaviour doesn't go unnoticed by the former, who takes it upon himself to hook his index fingers with yours. “ there’s something i’ve been meaning to ask of you. a… request of sorts.”
“ what is it? i’ll have it shipped to you by the end of the week,” he offers generously though it quickly fades into a confused hum when you shake your head at the proposition.
" it isn’t something you can buy…” you drop your gaze from him to the scantly poked portions of cuisine on your plate. fearing he may misinterpret your words and assume it to be unattainable - perhaps gifting you something ludicrous as a piece of land - you amended quickly. " it’s not what you assume to be either.”
at that, he bums questioningly. “ then what displeases you, my darling?” he provides a faint squeeze to your hand, igniting something warm and paradoxical to his thin layer of frigid skin. “ what can i offer to rid you that frown?”
" just your company.”
" my company?"
" yes." perplexed, he cocks his head; an invitation. willing an inhale to your lungs, you took a moment to gather possession of your words. “ these days you've been rather occupied. i was hoping for perhaps… if we may spend some time together?"
fyodor appears vaguely surprised by that, something unfamiliar fortifying around him. requesting his time felt like a hefty expenditure just in itself and it wasn’t too far fetched to assume he’ll disregard it in favor of some plot embellishing deep within his brain. but a swift refusal never comes.
“ i see,” he finally says after a brief pause. his voice was so soft you wondered if it was meant for you to hear.
it's grows quiet before he speaks again, the fingers curled around your hand withdrawing but not before providing the tips a delicate squeeze. " i can arrange some time tomorrow for you,” he proffers. “ will that satisfy your request, myshka?"
hardly anything can catch fyodor off guard, but something had to be said in the way you brightened at the suggestion, a deep curve coasting over your lips. how pleasant you are.
" yes," you hastily replied, dipping your head slightly. " more than perfect. thank you."
the way your lineaments crossed into a smile was always enduring to observe — exasperated, but one he wouldn’t mind seeing tomorrow knowing he was the cause for such elation.
( idly, he wonders what he can do to see it again ).
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A/N !
i’ve been meaning to post this for months but it’s so old & i never quite (and still kinda don’t) liked it :(( fyodor’s is bit ooc jfjdkskla
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4ln-stay8 · 1 month
BF! Stray kids texts - You get an anonymous love letter
>summary: Stray kids reaction to you getting an anonymous love letter
>author’s note: its been a while since the last post but I’m back with something new… Requests are open btw
>warning: fluff ig
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minki-moo · 9 months
♡‧₊˚ 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙤 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪 ♡‧₊˚
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pairing ♡ bang chan x f!reader tags ♡ bf!chan, dom!chan, sub!reader, corruption, fingering, (f.receiving), multiple orgasms rating ♡ e for explicit w/c ♡ 1.5k
a/n ♡ soooo the drabble turned into a full fic :) and yes i was projecting again who's surprised
you and chan haven't been together for too long, only celebrating your 6 month anniversary recently. because of your inexperience in relationships (and sex), you asked chan if you could take it slow, not wanting to rush things and potentially becoming overwhelmed and ruining your relationship.
chan, being the amazing and understanding person he is, was completely fine with it; he loves you and wants to make sure you feel comfortable with him.
however, things started to change as time went on. the less than subtle stares from chan whenever you borrow his hoodies (they reach to your knees so you never felt the need to wear pants under them), and how his hands tended to linger whenever he held you.
you also realized feelings inside you whenever chan did certain things, like when he only wore sweatpants and a tank top around you or when he stretched and you caught a glimpse at his abs.
you always brushed off these feelings, feeling too embarrassed to bring them up, even though you know you shouldn't; chan was experienced and he wouldn't feel weirded out that his girlfriend has these feelings for him.
one night, chan invited you over to his place for a little pizza and movie date. you (once again to his pleasure) wore one of chan's oversized sweaters and snuggled up to him on the couch, oblivious to how you were affecting him. you constantly shifting in his lap was getting him worked up. he wondered briefly if you were doing this on purpose; knowing you, you probably had no idea what you were doing to him.
while you were entranced by the film, you felt chan's arms wrap around your waist and pull you closer to his chest, feeling his growing erection on your back.
"chan-", you whisper shyly.
"shh princess, focus on the movie."
you stiffen up a little as chan's hands find their way to your thighs, now slightly exposed. gently gripping them, chan pulls your legs apart, exposing your clothed pussy.
"do you want to feel good, princess? i can make you feel really good, ok?"
his sweet, innocent sounding whispers made you shiver. at that moment, you wanted chan to touch you, you wanted to feel good even if you didn't know what he would do to you.
you nod, giving chan your silent permission to keep going. he starts kissing your neck, occasionally sucking the soft, delicate skin. as your arousal builds up, you start desperately seeking any friction on your now wet pussy, but chan's large hands kept your thighs apart.
god, this was so embarrassing. the way chan had you like putty in his arms was almost laughable, but you couldn't help it. all the doubts you had about going further with him disappeared, only to be replaced with need.
"don't worry. i have you princess."
before you can say anything else, chan moves one of his hands closer to your pussy, moving so slowly you almost whimper in anticipation.
when his hand reaches its destination, his finger slowly rubs circles on your swollen clit, making you quietly moan and lean back into him.
chan bites your neck, forcing a yelp out of you. he had to stop himself from groaning at how cute you sounded, how helpless and needy his touch made you. it made him want to do more dirty things to you, things you never thought of doing. moving his fingers faster, he thought about how cute you would look on your knees, looking up at him with your innocent look as he guides his cock in your mouth. how fucking adorable you would look pinned down on his bed, begging to cum as he fucks your pussy, forcing orgasm after orgasm out of you.
your grip on chan's thighs tightens as something starts to build up in your core, threatening to spill over at any time. the faster chan's fingers go, the more your legs start to shake. the only things coming out of your mouth are whines, soft moans, and the occasional "channie".
"gonna cum princess?". chan's voice sounds deep yet breathy. "let go for me ok? i promise you'll feel really good."
following chan's instructions, you relax fully into his touch, slowly coming undone. your body writhes in his arms, almost screaming as your orgasm hits you.
"that's my good girl, you did so well for me princess."
the praise makes you giddy in your post-orgasm haze, but you're not able to process it as chan picks you up and takes him to his bedroom.
he places you on his bed, and takes off his clothes one by one. his hungry gaze never leaves you, making you feel small and submissive.
"now baby", he crawls so he's on top of you, his hands situated beside your head, "that was just the beginning. we're going to do a lot more ok?"
you nod.
chan runs his hands on your body, your sweater riding up to expose your stomach and now soaked panties. he moves his way down to your thighs, taking his time to admire a part of you he's fantasized about for so long; the urge to put his head in between them and ravish your sweet, dripping cunt is high.
but he has other plans, lifting up your hips and pulling your panties down. the sight in front of him could make him cum right there on the spot: you spread out on his bed, in his clothes, and your pussy on full display. he's almost sad that he's the only one who can see you like this.
chan takes his finger and runs it through your folds, another whine leaving your mouth as he brushes over your sensitive bud. without warning, he slips his finger inside of you and starts slowly thrusting, making you gasp.
"it's ok baby. i need to stretch your pussy if you're going to take my cock." he chuckles as he feels you tighten and your eyes widen at his words.
"you like that, princess? you want to feel my cock inside you?" he slips another finger inside you. "you want me to tell you how good you are for taking my cock?"
his fingers pumping inside you and his words bring you closer to the edge. "channie, please. 'm gonna cum again."
chan removes his fingers from inside you, leaving you empty to your disappointment. but its not long after that you feel his cock head enter your aching hole.
"channie, 's too big. you won't fit."
"i will princess." he rubs his thumb over your clit, your hips unconsciously grinding into his touch. "i'll make it fit"
with one quick thrust, chan's cock is half way inside your wet cunt, the feeling making him let out a groan; it was so much better then he imagined.
the sudden stretch made your back arch, your mouth open in a silent scream. the feeling was so different, and the burn made it slightly uncomfortable. but the feeling of chan's hot cock inside you made it worth it.
"god, you feel so good princess". he hides his head in your neck, grinding his hips and forcing more and more of his cock into you.
he finally bottoms out, his pelvis flush with yours. the feeling was nothing like it was before. you can feel chan's whole cock inside you, warm and pulsing as the tip brushed against your sweet spot.
"channie, 'm so full, 's too much."
"you can take it, princess."
chan starts to move his hips, moving almost frantically as he thrusts inside you. the punched out moans you make only encourage him to move faster, your reactions making it hard to not cum.
but he refuses to. he will take his time with you. he needs to see you fall apart on his cock, until you've cum two, three, even four times.
the feeling from earlier starts to build up again, your orgasm approaching too quickly for you to handle.
"channiechanniechannie 'm gonna cum."
chan moves his hips faster, helping you chase your orgasm. "cum for me princess. show me how good you are and cum on my cock."
that was enough to make you literally explode. you see stars as your pussy clenches on chan's cock and a scream leaves your mouth, only muffled by chan's lips on yours.
"that's it, princess," he says in between kisses. "god, you did so well baby. you'll cum for me again, ok." his last statement was more of an order than a question.
still blissed out from your high, you notice chan is still very much hard inside you, slowly moving and making you gasp at the sensitivity.
"channie, please i can-"
he snaps his hips again, cries leaving your mouth as he picks up the pace again.
"c-channie please i c-can't anymo-"
"one more time, ok? you can do that for me, right princess? just until i fill you up with my cum."
a/n ♡ this is probably my fav so far i love it >-<
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justcallmesakira · 4 months
"All pickup lines are taken, can I pick you up?~
Sypnosis: Whats better then flirting with your own lover by shocking him with the most flabbergasting pickup line?
Genre: Lowkey crack, a bit suggestive?
Pairings: Dazai x reader
A/N: this was so fun especially since this was a short drabble💗💗💗guys read it again if you already read it I made slight changes
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Today was probably the quietest day in the agency especially since dazai was somehow in a calm mood today. Though it's a very rare possibility of dazais shenanigans to not be on display, everyone was doing their work.
Dazai was leaning against a wall probably thinking of some suicide method in that brain of his. Only God knew what goes on in that big brain of his.
You came marching over to the office with a cheeky grin on yourself which immediately made ranpo jolt up from his seat with a shocked look on his face... Oh boy what did he deduce....
"Helloooo~ donna'! How was your da-" Before dazai could speak the whole of your arm was right beside him with your knee bend down beside his pair of daddy long legs which immediately made his eyes widen in shock.
Only silence in the agency could be heard for a few seconds before everyone's eyes switch to you pining the bandaged man to him.
"I'd love to take you to the movies but they don't let you bring your own snacks" you spit out with a grinding face which makes dazai brain a long time to process what in the rizz lord did you say.
Oh ho ho, you didn't stop there
"By the way, Dazai have we met before? Because you look like my next husband"
you winked at dazai with the most nasty eye, the type of expression which any boy would give to a girl.
Yosano was sighing with ranpo beside her giving them the nastiest eye anyone in the room could give. Atsushi was beyond flustered by your bold move, good thing kenji and kyouka went on a playda-- I mean mission.
Kunikida was simply shocked because of his no pda rule.
Dazai's senses finally came back which made him snicker. "my my, belladonna, trying to be dominating now are we, Though the thought of sliding a ring on your empty finger isn't a bad idea" He really had the audacity to tease you and grin at you while he's the one being pushed against the wall like a poster.
Your little interaction was interrupted when Kunikida came raging towards you two with a file in his hands, hitting the both of you harshly and giving you two a quick scold.
Deep inside though, dazais heartbeat really fastened though that even he couldn't code it down.
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A/N: idk if I should do more well written parts....
Divider creds: @cafekitsune
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autisticlancemcclain · 4 months
Could you explain your position on Shallura? Since Allura was established as a teenager when she started dating Lance and Shiro was very clearly an adult. I can understand the bi shiro headcannon but the shallura thing worries me
i am going to remind yall that i have been in this fandom since 2016. and in the early seasons, allura was not established as a teenager. in fact she was coded as older, as closer to shiro's age -- there was a specific divide between her and the younger paladins that she did not have with shiro. they made her younger (both explicitly and in mannerisms) as the show went on. and i do not give a fuck about voltron like...post s4 and i didn't even watch s7-8. so like. especially with older fics, im going to enjoy shallura.
#also this is less relevant and i was going to put it in the main post but i cant find the words for it#but i found your last sentence kind of condescending. “the shallura thing worries me” as if i am your little project and things arent going#to plan. as if you are the Knower Of All Things and i am straying from my path lol. twas odd#and this is a controversial thing to say i know it but like#we take fandom way too seriously. if someone decides in fic to make two characters the same age to ship them or whatever. do we really need#to get the torches and pitchforks. like i can understand discomfort when people ship like shiro and pidge or something but. also. i feel#like you can just block and move on?? like i dont ship sheith bc they are brothers. to me. but also i dont think sheithers should be#harassed or any dumb shit like that. i think its so so whatever like theyre Lines man theyre moving lines#at the same time i understand that peoples headcanons can be reflective of their worldviews (like when racism/transphobia/sexism shine#through someone's headcanons/characterization) but how much scrutiny is too much? when do we get to remember that fandom is a place to#work with the FICTIONAL? where you can change details without consequence? i saw a fic where keith was the older sibling and shiro was the#younger once. it was a good fic. how come we can play with ages but only when the Fandom Council approves?#i guess this is a really long and clumsy way to say like. you do not own the fandom nor do you get to dictate my work. and while there#is always room for necessary criticism please also think critically before you post your criticism#anyways#rant#ask
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changbinheart · 3 months
okay, my fic hot takes:
1.) Jisung is not a sub. Yeah he can be cute but that MF is the horniest man alive. He'd go absolutely FERAL in the bedroom. Manhandling, spit, choking, etc. Yeah he might be a little whiny at times but he'd groan and growl in your ears and be rough as hell with you.
2.) Seungmin is a bit mean yes. but he's also a whiny baby. He'd tease and bullying is his love language but he'd be absolute fucking putty in your hands. He'd melt into the praise and he really really just wants to be a good boy for you.
3.) Chan definitely gives off Daddy vibes but again, he also just wants to be good for you. PRAISE KINK TO THE MAX. He'd beg, whimper, he's a needy MF and his favorite thing ever is eating his partner out, getting things sloppy, and he'd do everything to get you off without needing anything. I feel like he's someone who could cum untouched just from hearing the sounds his partner makes when they climax
you completely read my mind dude!
people are quick to call hannie a sub and like listen... i get it... like he is babygirl as hell - but I firmly believe that boy is a feral beast
pussy drunk!jisung but like in the pleasure dom way, you know?
I feel like some people have no idea what to do with seungmin for a character so they just default to mean dom, but he's a puppy like he's gonna be so loving and doting and just do whatever you want him to do! i feel like he's very soft, vanilla in the best way! he just loves youuuuuu~
I have many opinions on how chris is portrayed in fics (the joys of your bias being smut fic fuel) and that man is so incredibly a pleasure top who wants to be spoiled and babied every now and then!
like I mean this in the most serious way possible, but be so fucking for real and tell me that this man, who is working all day, being a group leader, and never sleeps wouldn't want to be pampered and pleasured in the most relaxing way ever... BE SO FUCKIN-
pleasure dom!chris is the most logical viewpoint on chris imo
thanks for participating!
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mehoymalloy · 9 months
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Look they have a certain sort of dynamic and I am here for it.
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salemoleander · 1 year
For he to whom a watcher's doom   Is given as his task, Must set a lock upon his lips,   And make his face a mask. Or else he might be moved, and try   To comfort or console: And what should Human Pity do   Pent up in Murderers' Hole?
The Ballad of Reading Gaol | Oscar Wilde
Martyn looks at the ground. If he looks at the sky, he'll see-
judgmental remnants of friends / wisps of cloud sailing by / an endless sea of eyes / theater curtains drenched in blood / stars beginning to come out / his own clock, numbers in freefall
So he looks at the grass. The smell of charred flesh hangs on the air, disturbingly close to the steak they'd all been sharing.
He won. Is the thing.
And now Martyn's not sure what he's meant to do with that, with this clawing nauseous sense of victory. With the silence. The feeling of a trap kill elevated to a million, because he pulled off a betrayal none of those bastards would've ever tried to pull.
Except maybe Grian, but Grian never knew when the time was right to drop the act - too used to driving the knife to have access to many unsuspecting backs anymore. Martyn clicks his tongue, remembering Scar's naïveté earlier in the day.
"Fool me twice," he mutters, voice still too loud for a world gone quiet.
Martyn glances across the arena at Scott's armor. It lies abandoned on the ground, grass torn up and marshy from spilled water and blood. He considers the phrase 'a fair fight'.
Rightfully, Scott won- rightfully, he'd been the winner for the entire episode. They'd all been walking dead. Scott was just egregiously better than most of them at PVP. The only reason he'd even been at 4 hours was due to constant, benevolent deaths to allies.
The idea of being handed a win, of Scott letting him win, was repulsive. Incredibly patronizing, really. Martyn has a great deal of respect for Pearl - if Scott had pulled that stunt with him in Double Life, pulled away the chance to prove his victory in any way that mattered- Well. He'd have hunted him down here immediately, Green Life or not.
And how unfair, that everyone else had to claw and bite and scratch for victory. Alone, afraid, hunted - and they would get to calmly fight as equals? Children, smacking at each other to see who would win a game?
No, that didn't interest him at all.
Winning used to mean something; it demanded everything from you. Somewhere along the line- between Scott refusing to Boogey kill and refusing to fight Pearl and refusing to kill him and Impulse, refusing refusing refusing, like this is something you can just turn down like a bad fucking potato-
Winning this game is going to matter again. And if the only thing he has left to pay that cost is friendship, well. Grian paid just as much; and- his lips curl- he's just seen what friendship gets you.
Martyn cranes his head back to smile coldly up at the sky, and the sky strikes down to meet him.
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philzokman · 6 months
whenever i read skk fanfiction theres always a point in the evening where i look across my room to my copy of dazai’s self portraits and feel the need to clarify to myself that i am not, in fact, reading fanfiction of two authors but rather the twinkified anime versions of said authors
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dazed--xx · 2 months
SKZ!Fake Texts: He Calls you Clingy II (Hyung Line)
Part 1 Part 3 Maknae Line
Bang Chan:
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Taglist: @jaquisos @lovesunshinefelix
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unicornpopcorn14 · 3 days
Last Line Tag
Thanks for tagging me @anticidic!! 🫂❣️
RULES: show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you’d like).
He’s angry- he’s seething, not because the annoyingly grating tone is somehow less taunting than it usually is it’s off, off, off, but because there is an unspoken, sacred principle between Double Black to never bring up any of the good that shines through their partnership audibly– whether that be tending the other, letting little care for the other seep through, or even the simplest fucking touches. None of these things should be reiterated out loud. Chuuya can never say “you saved me.” Dazai can never say “you took care of me.” A “thank you” is all but an anomaly between the two of them. And yet- Dazai’s currently breaking more than a few aspects of that rule…
Taken from a WIP that'll take eons to finish :'))
(Will tag all the writers Ik on here! no pressure to participate at all!
Edit: Can't mention more than about 5 ppl so: @tulipe-rose @kauenelikha @cffeine @whathorselegs @chrxnicdaydream
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4ln-stay8 · 1 month
BF! Stray kids texts - You get an anonymous love letter PART II
>summary: Stray kids reaction to you getting an anonymous love letter
>author’s note: someone said in the comments that they wanted to know who the secret admirer was so I tried to do a part two… I hope you like it….
>warning: fluff ig, mentions of Trendz members, mention of Yechan (ex-pink fantasy member)
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httpseungmxn · 28 days
Painting Prince
Hwang Hyunjin x Reader(afab)
🍧🍬 - angst and fluff
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Author's note: It took me a lot longer to write this than expected, I apologize for that. However, I did put a lot of work into this one and tried my hardest to sound as close to hyunjin as I could. I hope you all enjoy this one!
Warnings: Depression and anxiety are mentioned, reader starts to have a panic attack.
Triggers: N/A
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You had gotten lost. Far away from the love of your life. One minute you had been telling him you wanted to look at a group of sculptures, and the next he was gone. You didn’t know what direction he had gone in, and panic began to set in. You never did have much luck when it came to being out in public. Due to your height, it was easy to get lost from your people.
This museum was rather packed due to an event they were having today. Normally you would try to avoid such big crowds and go the day after. However, Hyunjin just looked so happy when he spoke about watching the fireworks at night and exploring the lit up gardens. You could never say no to that beautiful face.
Now you were craving the thought of saying no to him. You should’ve known this was going to happen because it always did. That didn’t stop the tears from welling in your eyes.
Your hands get sweatier than usual, and every single sense heightened. You were absolutely petrified. Trying desperately to keep your breathing steady as you looked around for your boyfriend.
Checking all the exhibits nearby but seeing no sign of hyunjin. You couldn’t even smell his expensive cologne because there was just so many people around.
Bumping and shoving you around as you pushed against the crowd in the opposite direction. You had to get away from them before you lost it and passed out. You couldn’t ruin hyunjin’s day by doing that.
Noticing an empty space in front of a large portrait nobody paid any mind to. You stood there and stared at the painting while calming your breathing. The eyes of the man in the painting reminded you of Hyunjin’s beautiful siren ones.
Actually everything about this unknown man reminded you of him. From the beautiful white grin he held, to that gorgeous beauty mark near his eye. If you didn’t know this painting was from the 1600s, you would’ve mistaken this for a fan made art piece of your darling boyfriend.
Hearing someone calling your name brought your attention to behind you where your darling boyfriend was staring at you in relief. Immediately rushing to him and hugging him as tight as you could. Letting out a breath you seemed to be holding in for god knows how long. His voice brings you home and comforts you like it always did.
“ Jagiya, I’ve got you now. Don’t worry. “, looking at the photo behind you that you had been previously looking at, and grinning. A grin that you happened to notice and looked back behind you to see what he was looking at.
Smiling sheepishly, cheeks burning a bright red as you looked away from him quickly. “ Shut up. “. This is the shyest you had ever been in your life and all because your boyfriend caught you staring at a painting that looked identical to him. You didn’t care though, you were just glad to be with the man you loved most.
You hadn’t even realized it was dark outside until the loud bang of a firework broke out, stopping the loud chatter of the crowd for just a few seconds before they began to freak out over the colorful explosions.
Happily following your lover to a more secluded area that had a perfect view of the fireworks in the sky. Pressed close to hyunjin as you watched the beautiful fireworks light up the dark sky. This was paradise to you, this is exactly where you wanted to be. You would trade all the time in the world if you could just stay in this moment for the next ten minutes.
Looking up to stare into his eyes and immediately feeling yourself blush when you realized he had already been staring at you. Leaning up to press a short but loving kiss to his lips as the fireworks went off in the background. Pure bliss, that was the perfect description for how you were feeling as you kissed him.
Your painting prince.
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Authors ending note; How'd we feel about this one? I was so nervous about this one because I feel like it can be really easy to mess up Hyunjin sometimes. I hope you all enjoyed this one though! Maybe I'll try hyunjin again in the near future! I'm working on a Choi San x Reader right now, but after that I'll be working on a part 2 to the I.N x reader fic! I think in the near future I'll post a Bang Chan x reader as well! So stick around and get ready for those 🫶
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hyoqa · 10 months
pairing: akatsuki hyoga x gn!reader (no prns)
summary: kind of inspired by from the start by laufey, you loved him from the start
warnings: the reader is described as beautiful and pretty, hyoga is kind of sweet
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If someone were to ask you what made you fall in love with Hyoga, you’d be in a bind, because you truly had no reason. You had no idea what started this little crush, but you were certain you loved him, there was no mistake about it. From the way you would notice your eyes following him, all the way to the way your heart would flutter when he talked to you. There was no other explanation of these emotions you harboured.
Hyoga was skeptical at times. He enjoyed talking to you far more than you would ever imagine, but sometimes he would have a sense that you might have some feelings for him. However, every time he had thought of this, it would immediately fade as he came to his senses, because there was absolutely no way you would fall for him. There was nothing he had ever done that could possibly come across as good, let alone something that would make someone fall for him. And definitely not you.
There were so many people who would kill to get one date with you, but none of them had had the confidence to ask. You were the most beautiful person most people had laid their eyes on, and he wasn’t an exception. This wasn’t only about your looks either, it was actually mainly about who you were. You would always be down to help and you always had a smile on, no matter the day. 
Your existence was more of an annoyance to Hyoga when you were just revived. He first assumed that Senkuu had just decided to revive a pretty person to raise the moral of the team, after realizing you had no particular strengths. However, it wasn’t long until he realized it wasn’t your looks that were making everyone’s day, it was rather your energy that was. For the first time in his life, he realized the effect one’s kindness can have on others. Soon after, the two of you had your first conversation, and for the first time in a very long time, you brought a smile to his face.
Now, you had no idea how to make Hyoga fall for you. You had pondered on this for months now, thinking about this every time you talked to him. Quite frankly, you were tired. You wanted him to like you so badly and today you were going to go for it. You had to start somewhere and whatever you were doing obviously wasn’t working.
The next time you talked to Hyoga was rather soon. He was just finishing his training for the day and you had just helped bring back the minerals that Chrome had found today. You were always nervous when you talked to him, but today must have been so much worse than usual, because you blurted out the words you had carefully held in for months.
“Hyoga, I like you,” you said and he was visibly shaken, but to his surprise you looked just as horrified. 
“...What?” he asked, genuinely surprised.
“That came out wrong,” you said and he undeniably felt his heart drop a little. Of course it did.
“If you’re going to pull that prank, at least do it to someone believable,” Hyoga said.
“What?” you said and immediately you realized what he meant. “No, I do like you. I’m serious, I just didn’t mean to blurt it out like that.”
“There’s no way,” Hyoga said, but he was hoping you would deny him and explain. “What have I ever done to make you like me?”
“Well, I’m sure that I do. I can’t quite point out when I first fell in love, but I can list things I like about you,” you said, absolutely confident. “I like the way you don’t say things you don’t mean. I like the way you care for those who matter. Oh, I love the way you’re always working hard. I know you’ve never skipped a day of training, even when you were burning up with that fever and you really should’ve...” You were ready to go on but the way Hyoga’s eyes widened surprised you. Immediately, you remembered when you first fell in love with Hyoga.
It was like you had thawed his frozen heart. He was so lost on how to react, no one had ever said that to him before. It was then that he remembered the time he probably fell for you. It was the first time the two of you had talked and your first comment was that you liked his kudayari spear. He had questioned if you were familiar with it and you told him you were not, a little embarrassed. You had admitted that you hardly knew anything about combats and weapons, but you assumed that the wear and tear in his spear showed how hard he worked. That couldn’t help but make him smile.
You were always like that. 
“Hyoga, I remember what made me fall in love,” you said, almost proud. “The first time we talked, you smiled. I thought a cupid shot me in the heart.”
Your confident demeanor was slowly fading away as you waited for his response. He could tell you were nervous and that made his heart flutter. You were serious. 
It wasn’t on purpose, it wasn’t because you had just said that. He just couldn’t help but smile. 
“Then, I fell in love first.”
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"No way," you said, unable to process that he returned your feelings, let alone fell first.
"You better not go around doing that to other people," he said, not elaborating on the previous statement.
"Oh, don't be silly," you said and he opened his mouth to tell you he was serious, but you went on. "I've only ever been looking at you, how would I know anything about anyone else?"
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