#fic: unbreakable
dunbonnets · 1 year
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in any version of reality . . .
reading link | edited by dunbonnets | august 2023
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starcrossedxwriter · 22 days
I might be going Insane but I thought unbreakable had a 3rd part I’ve been trying to find it for like a week now 😭😭
You’re def not insane lol I just forget to update my master list haha and I need to tag things more consistently so they are easier to find 😭
unbreakable actually has a third and fourth part lol
Part 3: https://www.tumblr.com/starcrossedxwriter/737560818477105152/unbreakable-part-3-erik-killmonger-x-oc
Part 4: https://www.tumblr.com/starcrossedxwriter/738724167395999744/unbreakable-part-4-erik-killmonger-x-oc
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ocappreciation · 2 years
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ocappreciation + 2022 oc gift exchange ☃
↳ to: @malice1329​​ → from: @chickensarentcheap​
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0vergrowngraveyard · 17 days
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when your brother who you haven’t seen in years has a whole other family by the time you reunite
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myymi · 9 months
eggman: time to make a choice on who to save, hero. your precious little buddy, or-
sonic: tails.
eggman: you don't even know what the other option is
sonic: don't need to. tails is more important
eggman: oh? more important than an entire city of-
sonic: yes.
sonic: give me my brother
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star-stages · 1 month
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Tails @ everyone in the universe
Popped into my brain as I was reading @skimmingmilk 's new fic
The post with the info/link
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goatpaste · 7 months
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You ever think about how Keicho was 8 years old when it fell into his lap to figure out everything.
he makes me crazy and also @gncgang just wrote this fic and you need to look at it look at it look at it
[Commission Prices][Etsy][Buy me a Kofi]
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bayfuzzball7050 · 3 months
This is about WWM/TA
I’ve been like 3 hours animating exactly 6 seconds
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tornado1992 · 7 months
Unbreakable Bond fics in which whether it be because of a storm, cuddling, or dying, Sonic drops a little kiss on Tails’ forehead.
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courfee · 2 months
@into-the-jeggyverse | "under" | wc: 592 | cw: suicide
“Promise me you’re not going to do anything like this again.”
He doesn’t give a reply.
“Regulus, promise me. Please.”
Regulus pulls his arm sharply out of James’ grip, staring up at him defiantly. “It’s none of your business what I do with my life. Not anymore.”
“It is when you’re trying to fucking drown yourself,” James snaps. “You can’t do that.”
“I could have, if you hadn’t dragged me out of the lake again,” Regulus mutters.
James huffs, his eyes burning with fury and pain and desperation. “This isn’t funny.”
Regulus can’t argue there.
He doesn’t get it, why would James care now? It’s not like he’s cared about him at any point during the past two months. It’s not like anyone has.
James’ expression softens ever so slightly. His voice is quiet when he speaks, the anger gone, now breaking from something else. “I need you to tell me when it gets bad again.”
“Because I care about you.”
“Why?” Regulus repeats.
James frowns. He doesn’t know the answer either. Regulus doubts he even knows if what he’s said is true at all. “Just, please. When it gets this bad... Tell me.”
Regulus fights with himself, tries his best to stay afloat, but he never knew how to deny James anything when he looks at him like this, eyes huge and glassy with the first idea of tears. So he grinds his teeth and nods.
“Do you promise?”
Another nod.
“You swear it?”
“Under the Unbreakable Vow, if you want,” Regulus says.
And James’ face splits with relief and desperation sets in as he extends his arm towards Regulus, a silent plea to stay true to his word. It’s the first time in months they really touch when Regulus accepts his hand, and when James pulls his wand and speaks the incantation, it’s the warmest Regulus has felt in months, too.
When the magic wraps around their joined hands Regulus knows this is the closest their souls will ever be intertwined again.
Regulus still dreams of drowning. He dreams of the gentle sway of the ocean pulling him in, the soft sounds of waves against his skin, closing in above his head, lulling him in and drawing him down. A lullaby just for him, the gentle rocking back and forth before his eyes close a final time.
Regulus dreams of drowning under the sun.
At night, under the stars, he dreams of different things. He dreams of hands extending out to him, magic tying souls together, lips on his lips, hands in tousled hair.
He dreams of living only when he closes his eyes.
Regulus wonders if he should feel guilty about it. Should feel guilty about using James’ naivety against him, his need to help and his blinded desperation. He supposes he should. If it wasn’t James who had promised him a forever, no matter what, only to take his words back when Regulus followed the path he was always destined to go.
He supposes it doesn’t matter in the end.
James broke his promise. It is only fair that Regulus breaks his too.
The right thing to do, James had said. The only right choice.
This, too, is the right choice. The only right thing to do.
When the hands take hold of him and pull him closer, holding onto him cold and wet in places where once the sun had held him, Regulus doesn’t know if it is the water embedded in his lungs or the vow tied around his soul that claims his final breath.
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 7 months
🎵 Whoooo wants a nice little short 'n sweet post-Prime one shot with Sonic and Tails and some angst and also fluff and cuddles and nightmares and sadness and cuteness and the implementing of that one headcanon from the post I made about Sonic getting more cuddly and clingy when he's hurt or upset??? 🎵
Sonic Prime - Healing Hugs
Something had happened in the cave with Sonic. Tails was absolutely certain of it.
At first, it had just been pleasant changes, pleasant surprises. Sonic had suddenly switched to being a 100% team player, had started paying attention to each and every thing Tails instructed, and seemingly communicated with Shadow just as the Ultimate Lifeform arrived out of nowhere to Chaos Control the Paradox Prism to who-knows-where.
Then there had been the more weird changes.
Every time Tails opened his mouth, Sonic would drop everything to listen to every word with laser focus, even if it was about something as simple as what he was going to get for dinner or some cool comics he'd read. He was giving a lot more hugs, too, far more than usual. Sonic used to be a lot more selective about physical affection, but now, Tails couldn't seem to get through 30 minutes of a day without his older brother scooping him up in an embrace, however brief. Not that he was complaining, it was nice.
He kept catching the hedgehog lying around in the grass, fingering the green leaves with utter delight in his eyes. Once he found him on the beach, sitting in a palm tree and singing some kind of pirate-y sounding song. Another time he found him wandering slowly around the woods nearby, talking to the flickies about how pretty the trees were.
Something was off, but Tails couldn't put his finger on it. From his perspective, he hadn't seen anything out of the ordinary happen during the battle in the cave, but Sonic's change in behavior made it painfully obvious something had.
Especially when the more negative changes started manifesting.
Not negative in a sense that Sonic was doing anything wrong. But he seemed . . . a little rattled. Some of his hugs were far more than just quick side squeezes. Sometimes he'd stare at Tails with an oddly pensive, faraway look in his eyes.
In bed, one night about a week after the cave incident, Tails found himself tossing and turning. These thoughts were driving him up the wall with how often they'd been occupying his mind lately.
He wanted so badly to sit down with Sonic and ask him what happened. He knew something had happened. But whether Sonic was willing to talk about it was another question entirely. He knew something was different, but he also knew his brother. Sonic didn't like uncomfortable conversations. If he felt unsafe, he would run.
Tails knew better than to confront him with questions that Sonic would likely not want to answer. If he'd wanted to tell Tails what was going on, what was different, he probably would've told him already.
With an exhausted sigh, Tails gave up trying to sleep and sat up in bed, casting a quick glance at the digital clock on his nightstand.
3:47 a.m.
Great. Even when I'm not working on a project, I STILL end up sleep-deprived. He smirked. At least Sonic can't get ticked at me this time, it's not my fault.
Speaking of the Blue Devil, he was right down the hall. Conked out on the couch, where he often slept. In fact, he'd been sleeping there every night for the past week.
Since he couldn't sleep, anyway, Tails slipped out of bed and crept down the hall, having memorized which boards creaked and which ones didn't. He half-hoped Sonic was awake so he'd have someone to talk to, but as he emerged into the living room, he saw his brother sound asleep, half-curled on his side.
Tails blinked and looked closer.
Sonic was asleep, but . . . he was also clinging extra tightly to his pillow. And he looked . . . incredibly stressed.
Was he having a bad dream?
Tails took a couple steps towards the couch until he stood right beside it. In past experiences where he'd found his brother having a nightmare, talking it out rarely helped. Sometimes even waking him up didn't help, either. He usually just wound up disoriented and panicking, and sometimes even ran off to deal with his feelings alone out in the wilderness.
Tails really didn't want him to leave. He also didn't want him to be alone.
He reached out and ever so gently placed his hand over Sonic's clenched fist, both ungloved.
One thing he had discovered about his brother during hard times like this was that he became more clingy. On the rare occasion he was visibly upset, he'd sometimes come up and just hug Tails without a word. When he was sick or injured somehow (and actually allowing himself to be taken care of), he tended to snuggle more. If he was in enough pain, he'd hold onto Tails as tightly as he could. Sometimes he'd do the same with their other friends, but Tails was always his go-to.
Not that it happened very often. Tails only knew these things because he'd known Sonic for most of his life. Sonic had raised him. He'd seen more of Sonic than anyone else had.
Now, he rubbed a finger over his brother's fist for a moment, then very carefully tugged the pillow out of Sonic's unconscious grasp. He set it softly on the floor, then carefully clambered onto the couch next to him, lay down, and hugged him tightly.
Without waking up, Sonic wrapped his arms around him in return and held him close, burying his face between Tails's ears with a barely audible whimper.
Tails could feel his brother's heartbeat racing, so he snuggled in closer and softly began to purr.
And, with time, he felt Sonic start to calm down.
A couple minutes went by, and his heart rate slowed down just a bit. The tension coiled throughout his entire body started to unwind, and his spiked-up quills lowered slightly in a more relaxed position. His ears were still kinda droopy, but he seemed a lot more restful than he had a few minutes ago.
Tails smiled, still bundled up tightly against Sonic. And his smile only grew wider when he felt his brother start purring, too.
There was something infinitely comforting about being held, about snuggling with his brother, the person who loved him to the moon and back. The person he loved in exactly the same way. For those moments, the very problems that had been keeping Tails awake half an hour earlier seemed to fade. He was here, Sonic was here, no words were spoken or needed, and they would be okay.
Tails slept soundly for the rest of the night.
The sound of flickies singing from the treetops woke Sonic the next day. He blinked blearily as his eyes came into focus, and he realized that Tails had joined him sometime during the night.
Once upon a time, waking up to find him right there had made him jump. It didn't anymore.
He smiled, carefully adjusting one hand so he could stroke his little brother's bangs and give him a tiny scratch behind one ear. Tails mumbled something unintelligible in his sleep, and snuggled closer in Sonic's chest.
He grinned wider. Tails hadn't been snuggly to this level in a while. Granted, he'd always been the more snuggly one of the two of them, but still. It kind of reminded Sonic of the first couple years he'd been taking care of Tails, when the kit was between 3 and 4 years old.
His smile faded a little as he thought of Nine at that age, still alone, still being bullied and hurt, with no one to save him and show him the love and care he deserved.
He could only hope that the other Shatterverse variants were showing him such kindness now. The thought that he would never get to see him again made his heart ache in a way he couldn't quell.
Sonic studied Tails's sleeping face, noting the intense similarities and differences between him and Nine. He wondered whether Nine had always existed even before the Shatter event, as a part of his little brother that Tails would never bring to light. Was it the same with Mangey and Sails?
A tiny snort escaped him against his will as he thought about whether Mangey's existence was an implication that a part of Tails just wanted to go a little feral. Sometimes he couldn't blame him.
His suppressed laugh had Tails stirring, blinking open his big blue eyes. He looked back at Sonic, grinning sleepily. "G'morning."
Sonic ruffled his bangs again, smiling as Tails giggled. "G'morning, little buddy."
Stop calling me that!
He froze at the memory of Nine's angry shout, and Tails clearly saw it.
"Are you okay?" he asked with a gentle, inquiring frown, slowly sitting up.
Sonic sighed as he sat up as well, leaning back to stretch, then pulled his little brother close again. "I've got a story for you, bud," he admitted, deciding it was about time to open up about what had really happened in the cave.
Tails gazed up at him with surprise, but then smiled and nodded.
"I'm listening," he replied quietly.
AO3 version
Did I come up with this while hugging a giant pillow during my nap earlier today? Maybe :3
I also maybe just really wanted to implement that headcanon somewhere teehee
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max-nico · 2 months
Tails is very special. He's been aware of this fact his entire life. Whether being special is a good thing is up in the air, as that answer completely depends on what time of his life you're looking at.
He was special when he was just barely two, when he still had his birth parents, but that's not to say he remembers much about them. He was special when he was four, because the village decided the anomaly he was born with was a curse, and not a blessing. Tails is special even now, when he is six, for a very different reason.
Well, not for a completely different reason. He still has that same anomaly curse gift that he had before. The village still believes him to be an unwanted child, and surely his biological parents, wherever they are, still love him the same as they did when he was two.
But there are whole new reasons for Tails to be special now.
For one, Tails was gifted an entirely new name. His name used to be Miles, but no one has called him that in years. He was also given new titles of little buddy, pal, kiddo, and his favorite, little brother. Yes, being a little brother is quite special, especially because he is the little brother of Sonic the hedgehog. This is a perfect Segway to the last reason he is special.
He is special because Sonic, his older brother, hates handshakes. He also hates slowing down, and hugs, and mint, and rain, and snow, and lots of other things that Tails is doing his due diligence to keep track of.
But there are lots of days where Sonic gives Tails a hug without him asking, and sometimes when there's lots of rain Sonic pitches the tent under a tree or in a cave, and he lets Tails play in it. There are even days where Tails is just too tired to keep up and Sonic slows down, letting him take a nap.
Now this may not mean much by itself, and at first Tails thought he was doing a bad thing by telling Sonic he's tired, but recently he's started to get it. He's started to understand.
Before, Tails would feel guilty when Sonic would stop to play in the snow with him. He would always be cold and shivery, it always made Tails feel horrible that he dragged his older brother outside with him. That changed at some point, he's pretty sure it was recently, but he's not actually that sure. Now he only feels warm and giddy inside, like he's going to throw up, but in a good way.
Tails has realized that he may be special because of his anomaly, or his name, or his brain, or his title, or even his parents, but there is a much more important reason why he's special. A reason that makes him feel that weird happy-nauseous emotion.
Tails has realized that he is special, because he is special to Sonic. He doesn't think there's any better reason to be special, either. Tails thinks that if he does nothing else in his life than be important to Sonic, then he has done what he was meant for.
Don't tell Sonic he said that though. The hedgehog will noogie him again, like he always does when Tails gets sentimental.
Wrote this in the bathroom at 1:30am, inspiration struck for some reason
I was kinda going for a long-winded ramble without my run-on sentences being too annoying. Did I capture that well ? I hope so 🙏🏾
Will post this when I wake up tomorrow, good night everyone (barely proof read as usual)
Come hop into my askbox if you want. I'm a Tails-centric blog if you are an enjoyer of him
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spinsun · 2 years
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@myyla-x's fic lives rent free in my head so here are some sketches inspired by it!! The idea of Sonic changing his name is so sweet I can't stop thinking about it...
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dreamlandcreations · 1 month
Imagine Aaravos sacrificing his last connection to the real world for you...
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Imagine Aaravos sacrificing his last connection to the real world for you, for your wish to have the power for revenge.
As you float in the waters of the Sea of the Castout, you fight with all your strength and magic to stay alive. Not for anyone or anything you love. No, all that was destroyed not far, by the Ruins of Elarion, where your people hid from the rest of the world which wouldn't accept mixed-bloods like you.
Unaware that someone was listening to your pleas, you slowly start to drift away from your home and the land of the living. In the last moment, you feel the water's energy shift into something more powerful, a power that seeps into your very being, transforming you into something else, tethering you to the physical world as an undying spirit of the water who is ready to unleash her wrath on those who wronged her.
Centuries later, the being who made you what you are comes to collect the debt...
Inspired by TANIWHA ( Get in the water )
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0vergrowngraveyard · 4 months
He still remembered the first time he called Tails “lil’ bro” out loud. The kit’s reaction was unforgettable.
It felt natural to Sonic. He’d already been referring to the kit as his little brother to cashiers and any other stranger who got nosy and asked what a blue hedgehog was doing with a two tailed fox kit without either of their parents around. They always gave him an odd look but that didn’t matter. He didn’t exactly care what these people he’d probably never see again thought of his and Tails’ little life. They weren’t in it so they didn’t get to have an opinion about it.
However, he apparently never voiced the whole little brother thing to the kit himself. Part of him didn’t think he needed to and that it was pretty obvious that they were basically family at this point. Sure it had only been a few months since they met, but Sonic only needed a few months to decide that this kid was his and there wasn’t anything anyone could do about it.
In hindsight, he probably should’ve realized that Tails wouldn’t have come to that conclusion. He knew they were friends, best friends even, but Sonic could tell that the kid was still nervous about the whole situation between them. Whenever he thought he did something wrong, he always had this scared look in his eyes as he apologized over and over again. It was like he was still expecting the hedgehog to just dump him somewhere and leave him alone again.
There was also the chance that he just didn’t have a very good opinion of families. With his biological one being completely out of the picture and all, Sonic would have been surprised if it left a sour taste in his mouth. Then again, this theory hinged on the idea that he actually remembered his parents which he didn’t seem to, so it was safe to say that it probably wasn’t the case.
(There was a secret third option that had suggested that Tails simply didn’t see him as an older brother figure. Sonic didn’t like to think about that one too much.)
When he finally called Tails “lil’ bro” out loud, the kit stared up at him with the biggest blue eyes he’d ever seen. They almost reminded him of the light blue chaos emerald with how much they were sparkling. Tails asked over and over if he meant it, that he really did see him as a little brother and barreled into the hedgehog when he confirmed. The kid pricked himself on a few quills but he didn’t seem to care, his namesakes spinning in happy circles all the same.
It had been maybe three weeks since then.
Tails never really called him his big brother in public, or in private really. Any time someone asked him who he was with, he’d just silently pointed over at Sonic. When asked what their relationship was, he just fidgeted nervously and ran over to the hedgehog, making it so that Sonic had to explain that they were brothers.
He never held it against the kit, figuring that he was just nervous. He was never comfortable around strangers for obvious reasons so it made sense that he wouldn’t talk to them.
He was just a quiet and anxious kid. That's all it was.
The memory faded away as the sound of a small coughing fit brought him back to reality. He slowly sat up and stretched, looking around their campsite for the source of the noise only to find the culprit where’d he’d been for the past few days now. Sonic sighed and made his way over to him.
The duo hadn’t moved in almost a week. Tails had caught a pretty bad flu and Sonic didn’t want to force him to fly around the zone or travel at supersonic speeds in general. He didn’t think that kind of thing would do him very good when what he needed was fluids and sleep.
Sonic sat down next to the sick kit who had conked out again after his quick coughing fit. He took his glove and put the back of his hand on the fox’s forehead. Tails was still burning up, his fur was damp with sweat and his sinuses still audibly congested as his small body fought off the intruder.
He sighed again as he put his glove back on. They were nowhere near any hospitals where the kid could lay down in an actual bed and be looked over by professionals. Instead, all he had was the ground, a pillow and blanket, and some broke eleven year old.
Luckily, Sonic had enough money to quickly run off and buy some medicine for the kid but that was pretty much it. His wallet was empty except for a few coins and they were running low on food. Last he checked, they only had two cans of chili left. That was dinner tonight and tomorrow, they’d have to skip breakfast and lunch which wasn’t good for the sick fox.
The medicine made Tails sleep for most of the day so he couldn’t see as Sonic’s worries and doubts started eating the hedgehog alive.
Had he made the right call when he decided to stop looking for a suitable family for the kit? What did he have to offer him, especially right now? He wasn’t fit to be watching over a little kid by any means. They ate the same thing every day, sometimes they didn’t eat at all, Sonic was far from a good influence, and their life was full of potential danger. Chaos, the kid had gotten grabbed by Robotnik a few times and almost used as a living battery for one of his robots.
To top it all off, Sonic himself was still a kid. What did he know about raising someone?
He loved Tails, he really did. Without fail, he looked forward to seeing him the next day and continuing their little adventure to save the island one zone at a time. He loved the little guy’s laugh, his smile, the way he tilted his head when he was confused and all his other quirks that made him who he is. For a bit, he kinda thought it was weird for an eleven year old to have a four year old best friend. But when that four year old just so happens to be the coolest kid you’ve ever met and will ever meet, it really can’t be helped.
But as much as he adored his little tagalong, this wasn’t something he could be selfish about. Part of him was starting to regret telling Tails that he saw him as family and getting his hopes up because if this didn’t work out after all-
“Mmm…Sonic?” A quiet little voice weakly called out as its owner temporarily returned to the waking world.
Sonic snapped out of his self loathing and directed his attention towards the kit, “Hey, bud. How you feelin’?” He asked, putting a hand on the kit’s head and gently petting him.
“m’body still aches… ‘nd m’nose is still stuff-“ he cut himself off with one sneeze, then another, “stuffy…”
He went to wipe his nose with his paw, but Sonic beat him to it as he cleaned off his little brother’s muzzle with a small scrap of cloth. “Well, you still feel pretty warm. You wanna try drinking some water?”
The kit’s watery eyes stared off into space as he thought about it before he gave a small nod that was barely visible. Sonic helped him sit up, wincing at how his ears drooped and how limp his tails were. The fox rubbed his eyes with the back of his paw and let out a squeaky yawn as Sonic fetched the big water bottle he had stolen from the pharmacy he got the medicine at.
(He probably could’ve stolen the medicine too and saved some money. What would they have done? Chase after him?)
He handed the bottle to the kit and put a hand on his back as Tails slowly brought the bottle to his mouth and drank, making sure not to spill any even in his state of delirium.
When he was done, he handed the bottle back to Sonic who put the cap back on and set it to the side. “That any better?”
Tails nodded, “mm-hm…it tasted good.”
Sonic chuckled at the kid’s slurred words, a firm indicator that he was once again fading quickly, “I’ll bet. Why don’t you lay back down and get some more sleep, bud.”
He nodded again and laid back down, tails weakly curling around him as Sonic tucked him in nice and snug.
“Why’d you look sad earlier?” The fox asked, fighting against his heavy eyelids to stay awake a little longer.
The hedgehog blinked at him, “You were awake?”
Tails shifted a bit, “Mm…kinda..b’also kinda not..”
Sonic lifted his hand to the kit’s head, scritching behind his ear and trying to ignore just how warm he felt, “You sure you weren’t just imagining things? You might’ve just been out of it, kiddo.”
His eyebrows furrowed slightly, “i ‘unno..maybe..” he nuzzled into his pillow, “b’ you looked pretty upset…”
“I’m all good, bud.” Sonic promised, “You just gotta worry about getting better so we can get back to kick Ro-butt-nik’s butt, alright?”
Tails nodded and finally allowed his eyes to close, “M’sorry i got sick…”
“No need to apologize for that, lil’ bro.” He shook his head, “I’ll wake you up when it’s time for dinner, alright?”
“okay big bro…” was the last thing the fox managed to get out before he fell asleep for what would be the next few hours.
He continued scritching until he made sure the kit was out. He then pulled his hand back and just stared at him.
Big bro…
It shouldn’t have meant so much to him, it really shouldn’t have, but Sonic couldn’t help the smile that forced its way onto his muzzle as fondness filled his entire chest, squeezing him tight.
Never in a million years did he ever think he’d be called someone’s brother, let alone be part of a family. He always thought that kind of life would weigh him down and force him to stop moving.
He thought he’d hate it and yet here he was, in the middle of Hill Top Zone with the only person in Mobius he considered to be family.
He wouldn’t want it any other way.
He placed the water bottle in arm’s length of the fox just in case as he picked up the dirty cloth and ran down to the river nearby to wash it off for later use. When he returned, he put it back in the backpack and got out their cooking supplies and a can of chili to start making dinner.
Maybe he wasn’t the most qualified to be looking after a four year old, but that didn’t mean he was about to quit just because he’d hit a rough spot.
This kid was his, and there wasn’t anything anyone could do about it. Not even his own self doubts.
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myymi · 6 months
sonic's in station square waiting for amy and tails so the three of them could have lunch together. it isn't long until reporters flag him down for an interview
it's all standard questions; "why are you a hero?" "would you ever stop fighting eggman?" etc.
randomly, one of them asks him what is favorite color is. a bit strange, but he answers "blue and yellow" with a grin. they ask him why blue and yellow and he states that his favorite person is blue and yellow.
they make that "ohhhh" sound and point out that it was obvious. clearly he's talking about himself! he's normally blue, then turns yellow when he goes super. duh!
but sonic is just like "no?? lmao, i said my favorite person. not me" and right as they ask who is favorite person is if it's not him, amy and tails shout to call his attention.
sonic has the biggest smile as he points at tails and says "that's who" before running to the two so they can go to lunch
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