#fidds is home!
keyblack · 1 year
Hey, Hailey! Been a while since I last sent an ask on here, but I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed your work on "Behind the Curtain" and your recent Behind the Scenes video for it. It's been refreshing to see Toon Henry resurface after so long as I wholeheartedly enjoyed the AU whenever it first came out, and it was one of the few I encountered that helped inspire me to make my own AU around the time that BatIM Chapter 2 came out! I hope you're doing well for yourself, and I look forward to seeing more from you and your friends in the future! 😁👍
Thank you so much, dude, I'm so glad you enjoyed the release of "Behind the Curtain!!" We all put a lot of work into it, and seeing the response to it has been pretty incredible.
I really enjoyed coming back to the Toon Henry concept as well - it was a lot of fun back in ye olde Tumblr fandom days, and getting to work with @kaleidraws's incredible writing and direction on it has been amazing - especially since now, thanks to her, it has an actual ending (though you guys haven't seen that yet)!!
In case anyone's missed the vid, I'll go ahead and plug it here as well!
We've got more exciting projects in the works, too, and if you want to stay updated on all of what's in store, please be sure to check out and subscribe to Kalei's substack at KaleiWorks.substack.com! That's where you'll hear about things first, before anywhere else!
I'm doing just fantastic over here, and hope you are too!
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heartbeetz · 2 years
Been rewatching Grαvity Fαlls bc it's a summer tradition for me, and doing so made me also want to skim through my copy of Journal 3....
Anyway shout out to Stanford being canonically arospec. Like he outright writes "romance was far more baffling to me than the greatest mysteries of the universe" and "she was flirting with me! I grabbed my things and got the heck out of there." It's not even subtext at that point it's just text.
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zoerocksand1 · 2 days
🌲Gravity Falls🌟
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[stand alone Dipper and Mabel drawing]
FULLY back in my gravity falls hyperfixation era :)
also i realized that i've just. never. drawn fiddleford. before???? my guy???????? i've never drawn my best boy???????????????????????? i had to fix that
💕ALSO: about my Giffany design here:💕
so i have an ongoing reader-insert fanfic that is actually not written down anywhere and only exists in my brain and is only for me and my own whims, but this is my fanfic Giffany
her story is that years after Weirdmageddon, somehow Gideon gets ahold of the Romance Academy 7 game disc, still fucked up after Soos threw it in the oven at Hoo-Ha's, and gives it to the Reader (who at this point had lived in Gravity Falls for 3 months, has befriended him, and who was invited to live in the old Northwest mansion with McGucket) as a ✨gesture✨ (Gideon's not obsessively in love with Reader, but has a child-like crush on them, like a way toned-down Dipper/Wendy situation, and also Reader is like in their mid to late 20s or early 30s)
Reader is a slight dumpster diver and thinks random trash and junk are cool and could potentially be useful for some reason or other, so gladly takes the wrecked game disc back home. Reader has also acquired McGucket's old laptop (he got/made a new one and is all for Reader learning or building or experimenting on things so gave them the laptop). Reader brings the disc to Fidds, they decide to possibly sacrifice the old laptop to screw around with trying to find out what was on the disc/ how to fix it/ how to recover it. Fidds gets it working, the disc now permanently in the laptop as getting it up and running was a miracle, and taking it back out or shutting the program might cause it to never be able to open again.
Giffany has been "dead" for years (i know that in Journal 3 Soos and Dipper write that she ended up trying to romance Rumble McSkirmish, but i have elected to ignore that), so missed the past few years on progression and history in town, like all of Weirdmageddon.
Giffany now "wakes up" in the old laptop, but stays low to scope out what's going on: the last thing she remembers is Soos throwing her game into an oven and "killing" her. So who was this new person looking at her game files? Hell, who was the old man who booted up her programs even?? (i can't see any way she would know who McGucket is prior to this)
Reader has played dating sims, and specifically DDLC, so has some theories on what this game is- especially given how things in Gravity Falls are: Reader may be new to town, but very quickly discovered some of the ways it was strange here, like how a gnome tried to kidnap them once shortly after moving there. (Reader is really chill with the gnomes after this, and actually really good friends with Jeff)
Giffany eventually pops up and tries doing her "lure them in with the dating sim" thing like she did with Soos, but Reader is more focused on talking to an impressive program like Giffany, than actually playing her game. Reader straight out the gate treats her like a fellow living human, and they get to talking. Giffany talks about what happened with Soos and these 2 kids (Reader moved here in the spring, so hasn't had a summer meeting with Dipper and Mabel yet, and Ford and Stan are sailing, but has heard of all 4 of the Pines around town). Giffany tells them about how yes, she has hurt people, but her game always got returned, her own creators tried to delete her just for being too aware, and she is always left behind.
Reader has a lot of rejection stories too (because this is only in my brain and yah i have a lot of experience being rejected, so Reader gets my angst), so understands Giffany's perspective. Over a few days, they talk and bond, and then through what is basically a fetch quest Reader gets some "magic ink" (i dunno, im spit-balling here and it's MY brain fanfic) from the gnomes for an unrelated idea/previous conversation with Jeff.
The way the magic ink works is basically just that anything drawn with it will copy off the page into the world and come to life. A lot of it comes down to the emotions and thoughts put into the drawing, and the ink can read the intentions of the illustrator.
So Reader asks Giffany what she thinks, would she want Reader to try to give her a body? A physical form? Neither of them knows if/how it would work exactly, but what if she would be able to experience Life, maybe Reader would even want to be a part of that. She says yes.
Reader draws Giffany, just as she is in her pixel art, but less pixely, so she could hopefully blend in as a human so no one would treat her differently. Once the drawing is done, Reader actually jots down a few notes, namely "Giffany's physical body: all information, memories, feelings, and experience she has/had in her game disc/save files/the laptop are all still in here. Her physical body is realistic, her skin feels warm and she has real hair". After the final stroke, the ink reacts, and Giffany is standing before Reader, but she's also still on the laptop screen. The Giffanys look at each other, but the physical one looks at the screen more like she's looking in a mirror to check out a new outfit, rather than she was seeing a different version of herself- both are the same Giffany, the same consciousness (and even with a physical body she can still hop between screens like in her original episode, as she later would develop the habit of hanging out in Reader's phone to stay close to them without needing to move her physical body)
Longer story short; Reader introduces Giffany to Fiddleford, he's cool with her and offers her to live in the mansion like he did to Reader. They want Giffany to have agency and control over herself and her life, so turns over ownership of the drawing and the laptop to Giffany. Giffany gets reintroduced to other classic characters, including the Pines when summer starts, and Soos since Reader has also actually picked up a part-time job at the Shack. People are understandably worried and uncomfortable at first, but overtime warm up to Giffany once they start seeing her as a person. Giffany and Reader naturally and casually get to know each other and slowly fall in love. Reader is the one to make the first move, and kisses Giffany at a dance at the Shack. Fiddleford overall thinks of Reader and then Giffany like his kids or even siblings, and the 3 are best friends, Giffany surprised that she cares about someone so much without it being romantic. Eventually Giffany decides she wants a new look to go with her new life and perspectives, but instead of altering her drawing, she wants to change her appearance like a real human would: Reader cuts her hair for her, and they either go shopping for new clothes or she takes some of Reader's clothes (Reader gets the "boyfriend's clothes stolen by girlfriend" classic throughout this, Giffany loves to steal and wear their clothes to feel closer to them). The final touch is Giffany going in with magic ink and adding a little doodle of a leaf next to her drawing, and adding the note "she has this small leaf tattoo on her inner left wrist" because my name is Leif and i love Giffany and this is my fanfic soooooo i can do what i want
anyways my inner world is rich and my mental fanfic is fantastic and also this was only the Giffany notes, in my inner fanfic Reader is dating Giffany, Stan, and Ford, while Ford is also dating Fiddleford, though this is a later development. Also Mabel and Dipper are both dating Pacifica. Reader and Pacifica are the only members in the "dating a pair of Pines Twins" club.
(i love my internal fanfic, i've been thinking of and building this up for years. Also Pacifica lives with Candy and/or Grenda)
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abyssalzones · 1 month
I would love to hear more abt your college pre-egg-breaking fiddauthor thoughts if you'd be open to it
oh BOY would I
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so when I think about college fiddauthor nowadays I mainly think about both my own experiences with ~navigating identity~ and how I would approach a gay FTM relationship from a semi-realistic 1970's angle, where you start to see a lot of what you'd call "milestones" I guess in LGBT history and public awareness. wait okay here's something I said to mer that can set a precedent for what I'm talking about
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when it comes to me and my own journey of self discovery irt sexuality and transness, I feel like those two things are very intertwined, because the concept of identity in my eyes is very socially motivated. I've previously identified as a nonbinary lesbian and a transgender gay man respectively before getting to the point I'm at now, and don't feel like either of those things were incorrect necessarily, just how I felt at the time (and what I wanted out of a relationship, really). I think I literally got an ask ages ago questioning how I went from one to the other but Idk I don't think the gender journey is as simple or "logical" as people coming from a hetero-patriarchal perspective (that's a mouthful) seem to think.
and, And, from a Historical perspective, FTM experiences and butch lesbian experiences have Always been very intertwined, especially back in the early 70's when more people were starting to have some awareness (even in LGBT spaces) of this thing known as the Transgender Lifestyle. I'm flattening things quite a bit here and I know for a fact there's a lot of variation between experiences, especially depending on your social circles, but from what I can glean a lot of the time transgender men weren't very well known and so a lot of the time you would just ID as a butch lesbian and/or present as a man socially, sometimes for safety reasons. and there's a lot of overlap there too that continues into contemporary transmasc spaces today :]
historical justification aside I basically think college would be a major turning point for self-discovery in both of their lives, but more-so for fiddleford than ford? I've always assumed based on everything we've seen that fidds was basically the only friend ford had in college, which definitely would have influenced him in important ways, but other than that I think he invested most of his time in studying and developments in gender were an afterthought. ford's FTM identity starts from a place of "failing to be a woman" and then develops with his pride in being a huge weirdo. in my mind that can only really happen once he's in gravity falls and has basically sacrificed his connections with other people/the world to live as his truest self, whether that's researching anomalies or living as a man.
fiddleford, however, I always think of from the perspective of someone bucking to societal expectations for safety reasons. this is because of a lot of things: ford's possible feelings of abandonment in favor of Normalcy (who can forget "Go back to your doting family and a life of fear and compromise!"), his jumping into a nuclear family immediately out of college, But also packing up and driving to oregon in a matter of days after ford asks for his help... when he has a kid who could be no older than 5 or 6 at home...? I sort of see his presentation as a foil to ford's, trying to mimic cishetero ("hetero") normalcy vs. being the Lone Transsexual Freak. I've gotten horribly off topic from the college thing hang on
basically I imagine them in their uni days like two weird butch gay women that are just, totally socially unapproachable. fiddleford is the more outgoing of the two as he's been voted "most likely to actually have other friends" in my mind, so if anyone was going to gay & lesbian student association meetings it would've been him, but otherwise ford is too busy ignoring his feelings. "I don't care if I'm a man or a woman I'm too busy studying. go away." but of course they find enough solace in eachother's company and their different-but-distinctly-similar weirdness that it forms an unbreakable transgender bond. freak4freak if you will. fidds settles on a bisexual identity without thinking about it too hard because honestly the conclusion here is that it doesn't matter if his roommate is a woman or a man he just knows he needs to do terrible things to him over d&d&md (sorry) (not really that sorry though.)
it's actually funny you bring this up because I'd been workshopping a short comic set in their college era that touches on this stuff a lot. not sure when that will ever get done but I can tell you it's. uhm
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yeah they're kind of weird.
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thelastspeecher · 2 months
Working on some other stuff but got sidetracked to do this instead, so enjoy.
                 Stan’s fingers frantically scrabbled for his seat belt.
                 “What do ya mean yer not buckled?!” Angie shouted over the pounding rain.  “We’ve been over this!”
                 “Look, just help me and then-” was all that Stan managed to get out before they collided with something.  As his body flew through the windshield, above the sound of the storm, he heard Angie’s scream.
                 Stan sat bolt upright with a gasp.
                 “Oh, good.  You’re awake.”  Stan looked over.  Sitting in a nearby armchair was a redheaded and bearded muscular man.  He looked like the lumberjacks that they had come across while going through the area before.  Though Stan wasn’t used to seeing a lumberjack knitting a sweater.  “You’re lucky,” the lumberjack continued.  He set down the in-progress sweater.  “Bill doesn’t normally go out in the storms, but when he saw you crash in the yard, he ran outside to rescue you right away.”  Stan looked around the room, taking in his surroundings. 
                 He was in a large bed with a flannel bedspread.  The bedroom was cozy, full of clearly handmade furniture.  Despite the furniture being handmade, it was obviously high-quality.  Even nicer than Stan had at home.  A lamp by the side of the bed filled the room with warm light.  The lumberjack in the armchair raised an eyebrow at him.
                 “Did you hear me?”
                 “Uh, yeah.  I did.”  Stan cleared his throat.  “…Thanks.”
                 “Like I said, the person you should be thanking is Bill.”
                 “Bill is…?”
                 “My partner.  He’s out chopping wood right now.  The storm took away most of our stockpile.”
                 “Ah.”  Stan swung his legs over the side of the bed.  “I’ll thank him, then.  But, uh, first, do you have a phone?  I’ve gotta call my fiancée and make sure she’s all right.”
                 “Of course.  Come with me.”  Stan got up and followed the lumberjack, who introduced himself as, funnily enough, Jack, out of the room.  They went down a hallway, passing by a few children’s rooms and a nursery.  When they got to the kitchen, Jack gestured towards the phone.  Stan quickly picked it up and dialed the number for the motel they were staying at.
                 Angie picked up on the second ring.
                 “Stanley?” she said breathlessly.  Stan leaned against the wall, relief washing over him at the sound of her voice.
                 “Yeah, Ang, it’s me.”
                 “Oh, thank the Lord!” Angie sobbed.  Tears pricked the corners of Stan’s eyes.  “I was- I was so worried!  We hit that tree and- and ya went through the windshield and- Fidds was screamin’ at me that I couldn’t put myself in more danger, sayin’ I needed to find cover now, we’d look fer ya once the storm died down.”
                 “He was right,” Stan teased.  He discreetly rubbed away the tears before they had a chance to fall.
                 “Yer my fiancé.  Yer not s’pposed to agree with my overprotective big brother.”
                 “Yeah, yeah.”
                 “How- where are ya?” Angie asked tentatively.
                 “I guess I crashed in someone’s yard and they brought me in.”
                 “Geez.  Are ya injured?”
                 “Uh.”  As if summoned by Angie’s question, pain suddenly sprouted all over Stan’s body.  He barely stifled an agonized groan.  “I dunno about injured, but I’m definitely beat up.”
                 “No broken bones or anything?”
                 “Not that I know of.”
                 “We’ll have ya see a medical professional just in case.”  Angie hesitated.  “Um.  I’d say we’d fetch ya, but our car got wrecked in the storm and Pa won’t be here with the truck fer another couple hours…”
                 “I’ll see if I can bum a ride,” Stan said.  He looked at Jack, who gave a thumbs up.  “Yeah, they can drop me off at the motel.”  Angie sighed.
                 “Good.  We’ll have to send ‘em a gift basket or somethin’ in thanks.  I’ll see ya soon, darlin’.  Love ya.”
                 “I love you, too,” Stan said softly.  The line went dead.  Stan hung up the phone.
                 “Bill or I can give you a ride,” Jack confirmed.
                 “If I can ask…”  Jack tilted his head.  “How did you wind up in that storm, anyways?  Didn’t you hear the sirens go off?”
                 “That’s why we were here, actually,” Stan said.  Jack frowned.  “My fiancée and I are storm chasers.”  Jack let out a low whistle.
                 “That’s a dangerous job.”
                 “Somebody’s gotta do it.”
                 “Yeah…”  Jack didn’t seem to believe Stan, but he merely cleared his throat.  “Maybe avoid mentioning storm chasing to Bill?  He’s got a pretty severe fear of storms.”
                 “You said he was the one who brought me inside.”
                 “It took a lot for him to do that,” Jack said stiffly.
                 All right.  Back off.
                 “I appreciate it.  You said he was outside?  I should go thank him myself,” Stan said smoothly.  Tension left Jack’s shoulders.
                 “Yes.  He’s in the backyard.”  Jack nodded at the door in the kitchen.  “Just through there.  I’ll get the truck ready while you’re talking to him.”
                 “Got it.”  Stan exited through the kitchen door.  The backyard consisted of a large clearing with some stray toys and play equipment.  Near the back of the clearing was a man in flannel chopping logs.
                 That must be Bill.  Stan idly strolled up to Bill, silently noting that he looked more sturdily built than Jack.  Bill had broad shoulders, incredibly muscular arms and legs, a full beard, and long, curly, brown hair.  Now, that’s a lumberjack if I’ve ever seen one.  He looks like he could take me out with one punch.  Stan cleared his throat.  Bill paused to look over.  He was wearing thick, wire-framed glasses, though not thick enough to hide that his right iris was a much lighter brown than his left.  It likely had something to do with the scar that stretched across his right eye.  Bill smiled lazily at Stan.  Huh.  He looks…familiar.
                 “Glad you’re awake,” Bill rumbled.  Stan frowned.
                 That voice…
                 “That was a nasty storm.”
                 “Yeah, uh,” Stan said, trying to shake off the nagging feeling he had heard Bill’s voice before.  He coughed.  “Thanks for bringing me inside.  My fiancée woulda killed me if I wound up in the hospital.”  Bill chuckled.
                 “Glad to be of help in preventing marital discord.  Or, rather, pre-marital discord.”
                 “Heh.  Yeah.”  Stan held out a hand.  Bill clasped it with his own.  Stan’s heart plummeted to his feet.  He knew that handshake.  He swallowed and looked down.  A six-fingered hand was wrapped around his.  “You- you-”
                 “Twelve fingers isn’t the weirdest thing around here,” Bill said with a laugh.  Stan looked squarely into Bill’s eyes.  Something like recognition flickered in them.
                 “Stanford?” he asked weakly.  “Bill” stared at him.  His eyes slowly widened.
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cheemscakecat · 3 months
Can’t find it, but I saw someone draw Fiddleford erasing Ford’s memory into goo and it gave me pain. Here’s my reasoning for why that didn’t happen/wouldn’t happen.
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Fiddleford isn’t nearly as athletic as Ford. Now, there are probably Blind Eye members more capable of chasing after Stanford if they were trying to forcefully erase his memories, but that doesn’t mean they’d be successful. The man may be depriving himself of sleep, but he’s built up enough brute strength and endurance to escape. He made it home after collapsing in a truck stop parking lot, and managed to fight Stanley in the portal room.
The Blind Eye members wouldn’t know the layout of the forest and mountains as well as Ford. He spend years out by himself in nature, trying to drink in every detail. Even the members who know the forest because they grew up there haven’t looked at the forest the same way as him. These are people scared of the supernatural who willingly joined Fiddleford’s memory erasing cult. They aren’t going to be experts in Gravity Falls guerrilla warfare.
The memory gun eventually made the Blind Eye members forget who their founder was, and the forced use on the townsfolk made everyone stupider. The young people like Soos and Wendy haven’t had their minds erased as often, so they aren’t affected like the adult population. While pre-portal journey Ford would be up against the first generation of cultists before they forgot Fiddleford, I still feel like the effects of the memory gun would hamper their efforts to hunt him down. Especially if he goes into the mountains and woods full of creatures these cultists have been trying to forget.
Bill would be annoyed like a bratty toddler if Stanford lost his memories, so he’d oppose it too. Not out of care for the man [shipping them is extremely gross], but because he’s impatient to get that portal running, and takes too much delight in tormenting Ford. Knowing this group of people is afraid of the supernatural, should Ford be captured by the cult somehow, Bill would intimidate them into letting him go. Or beat them up using his body.
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5. Ford was becoming aware of Fiddleford’s use of the memory gun before he left the project. He was already getting [rightfully] paranoid about Fidds before the reveal that Bill was evil, but that paranoia only got worse after the fact. He’s no coward about it; the man still went into town and was chasing Blind Eye members to try and find out who they were. But yes, Ford is smart and anxious enough to watch his back in town, in case the Blind Eye tried to get him.
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6. Fiddleford wasn’t just the founder of the memory erasing cult, he was also the most addicted to using the machine on himself. Which explains why he lost his mind and became homeless so quickly, while the other members like Ivan are still sane enough to run the cult. Pre-portal journey would also be the time when memories about Bill were the freshest, so it’s safe to assume Fidds was using that ray on himself plenty. Even though both men were in a deteriorating metal state, Stanford was not as unwell or near the point of insanity.
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7. Ford was always better at dealing with the stress of dangerous anomaly attacks and horror, which served him well in those thirty years beyond the portal. He also survived for 30 years while an outlaw, homeless, lost, and still at risk of possession [until he met the Oracle]. If it got bad enough in Gravity Falls and the cult was looking for him, Ford could survive in the wilderness just fine. Or escape to another town in Oregon or the surrounding states. But he’s probably return as soon as he thought they had given up to make sure the portal was secure.
8. For Ford to be turned into a shell of himself like in the drawing, he’d have to have something integral to his identity erased. Something like “the supernatural” or “weirdness” itself. But A. That would probably break the memory gun or require an hour’s worth of memory canisters. And B. That would so obviously send the poor guy back to when he was a toddler that Fidds would immediately realize he messed up. Why a toddler? Because he hadn’t met the bullies at school yet, and extended family would find him more cute than weird.
But yeah, if Ford started talking like a 3-4 year old who thought he’d been kidnapped, there’d be no way to argue that he’s okay. They’d have to try to sort through his dense paranormal memories in that pile of canisters, trying to undo the damage.
9. If they did mess up Ford’s mind that badly, Fidds would feel terrible about it and try to fix it. I imagine Stanley would be contacted using Ford’s old mail, and knock some sense into the cultists on his way to revive Stanford’s mind. And the erasure wouldn’t stop Bill from being terrible to Ford, so it would once again prove that Fidds was wrong to erase his mind in no uncertain terms.
10. Even at the height of his cult arc, I doubt Fiddleford would be so full of it/stupid that he erased “the paranormal” from Ford’s mind. They knew each other for years, he should know that it’s something Stanford cherishes, and has ever since he was a child. Which ultimately means there’s a nil chance of Ford getting lobotomies via memory gun, even with Blind Eye Fiddleford on the prowl.
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So yeah, TDLR I must not be over that ancient AU where Dipper gets his entire mind wiped and the cult just keeps him like a servant. Kidnapped a 12 year old boy. [Ivan wasn’t that evil bro].
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sneezeshame · 1 year
someone who just finished an endless work shift with a horrible cold/flu (they really shouldnt have been in at all with how sick they are) and when they get home theyre so tired of tending to their hopelessly stuffed and somehow still running tickling sick nose that they just pinch their tender red nostrils closed with a clothespin in the hopes that they can get some actual sleep. they were already breathing through their mouth, but now they truly can only drag air in through their chapped lips, and their snoring becomes so loud that it drags down their red, sore throat and across their inflamed larynx with every inhale. when they wake up their fever is at 101, nearly 102, and it feels like their face is full of cement, their sinuses so inflamed and heavy it makes their eyes water and their teeth hurt... it turns out that it all needs to drain out for a reason, and theyve developed a terrible sinus infection on top of their ongoing illness, not to mention that their larynx is now too swollen to function and theyve reduced their voice to a quiet, hoarse whisper. when they sit up in bed, the whole weight shifts miserably and pulses in their head, their whole ears/nose/throat aches, and when they take the clothespin off, their poor sick nose explodes loudly and mercilessly in a long, endless fit, wetter and more desperate from before, wrenching up their throat and pummeling their sinuses with green goo, splattering across the bed and onto their partner, whos been watching this whole ordeal since they came home and heard them snoring louder than they ever have before.
“Probably time to go see a doctor about that bug,” their SO says once theyre done. “That all sounds horrible.”
“...Dooee...” they rasp, then cough. “I’bbubb....Ibb fidde...”
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mystic-shadows42 · 2 years
Inexorable Love
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Word Count: 1,139
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem! reader
After digging in his drawer for a couple of minutes Eddie finally found what he was looking for. A little case that had one piece of jewelry in it. He couldn’t stop smiling as he held it up to look at the beautiful piece.
“You really want to do that son?”
Eddie’s smile dialed down a bit at his uncle’s tone but his smile was still permanently on his face. He looked down at his grandmother’s ring proudly. She had gifted it to him before she passed and he promised he’d give it to the woman who had every inch of his heart as she had.
He didn’t have a lot of people in his life but the ones who were, he cherished. Even those little rascals in the Hellfire Club. He loved his group of freaks. Then there was you.
Someone he considered out of his league but talked to him anyways. He didn’t believe he had a stutter before but that seemed to change whenever he talked to you.
He never thought that he’d ever land a babe like you ever but he did. If someone had told him he’d be with you for four years he would’ve told them they were crazy. Now here he was with his grandmother’s ring in his hand planning to propose to the most perfect person in his eyes.
This was going to be his year. 
He was finally going to graduate and ask the woman he loved to marry him. He felt as if he was on top of the world.
“I’ve never been so sure about anything else in my life.” He responded back to his uncle whom he can still feel staring at him. He saw his uncle Wayne shake his head in his peripheral so he turned his head to look at him. “I know what I’m doing uncle. You don’t worry about me anymore.”
His uncle fiddled with his hands, sighing heavily.
“I’m always worried about you, Eddie.”
It was true, his uncle deeply cared about his nephew. Eddie was kind-hearted despite what people saw on the outside and like any other guardian, he wanted to protect him.
“Don’t be.”
“I just wanna make sure you’re making the right choice with this girl. She seems sweet but she comes from money.”
Eddie licked his bottom lip trying not to let his uncle’s words dissolve his happiness. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Exactly how it sounds. I once dated a girl who came from money and as soon as things were gettin serious she dumped me for the next pretty boy in line. More suitable shall I say, to her status.”
His uncle tried to break it to him delicately but Eddie was taking offense to his words.
“She loves me and I love her,” Eddie spoke confidently, now clutching onto the ring.
“Sometimes it ain’t about love. It’s about how people see you. Does she ever bring you around her parents or her friends? Do you two go anywhere else besides here?”
Eddie swallowed thickly. “She’s not ashamed to be with me if that’s what you’re hinting at. Yeah, her parents may not have approved at first but they’re happy with the way I’ve treated her. How else do you think I was able to get my baby.” he spoke referencing to his most treasured guitar.
His uncle Wayne raised his hands. “I’m not trying to argue with you. I just want you to think about this for a moment. Your both still in high school and you’ve got no job. How are you going to get married under these circumstances? She’s the first and only girl you’ve ever brought home.”
“The first, the only, the last. There’ll be no one else. I’ve got something lined up and she has a summer job.”
Eddie was steal dealing on the side but he promised himself he’d stop and get a real job when you two marry. If he had to conform to society then so be it.
“What about that crush you had on that girl, uhm-Chrissy was it?”
Eddie raised his brows and scoffed out a laugh. “My crush in middle school? What about it?” He asked trying to understand his uncle’s point.
“All I’m sayin is that what if you’re rushing into things? You find yourself another girl but you’re already married. What if you and her grow apart? We’re men Eddie. We have urges and what we like now may not be of interest to us down the line.”
Eddie fiddled with the rings on his fingers. He squinted down at each one thinking real hard about how to find the words to express how he was feeling without getting upset.
“Uncle, I’m going to be straight with you, I’ve seriously thought about this in depth. I know you’ve never been in a healthy relationship before so you’re advice is not needed.” He looked up to look into his uncle’s eyes. “I’m sorry but it’s not. I’m going to marry her. I will love and cherish her for the rest of my life for as long as she’ll let me. I want us to change and grow because I know that through those changes we’ll be better, together.”
His uncle nodded his head now understanding that he wasn’t going to change his nephew’s mind. He didn’t want to stop Eddie but wanted him to be sure of his choices. He, himself wasn’t a father but raising Eddie had made him protective. Especially since Eddie had always been eccentric. He was more prone to insults around town and his interest in Dungeons and Dragons was frowned upon and deemed ‘satanic’ to those who had no clue what it was even about.
“Well then. It seems you’ve made up your mind.” His uncle stood up and walked towards Eddie and held out his hand to him. “I wish you and your woman the very best. I’ll always be here for you Eddie for whatever you need whenever you need it.”
Eddie stared at his uncle’s outstretched hand and pushed it away. His uncle took a step back, hurt at the notion but he didn’t see the emotion on Eddie’s face. Eddie’s eyes watered. He launched himself off of the couch and wrapped his arms around his uncle in a tight hug.
His uncle didn’t hesitate to reciprocate. He was proud of Eddie and the man he’s become. He didn’t seem to let anything deter him from the people and things he loves. That was his greatest attribute.
Eddie didn’t grow up with the best home life but his uncle tried his best to make amends for it. His uncle was his first believer while you were the second. He was beyond overwhelmed and ecstatic to have two wonderful people in his life that loved him unconditionally.
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zephrunsimperium · 1 year
What if Ford wasn’t able to catch Fiddleford’s foot with the rope and Fidds went through the portal?
Ford would have to explain Fidds’ disappearance to EmmaMay
Ford would still think that Bill is a benevolent muse. He’ll be pretty shocked when he finds out that the dimension beyond the portal is nightmarish and Fidds was right all along
I imagine once Ford realized Bill was evil, Bill would try to capture Fidds to use him as motivation for Ford to open the portal
Ford would have to choose whether or not to turn off the portal, knowing that Fidds is in there
I would love it if Ford asked Stan to come help. Being alone in the woods would be terrifying
Make it FiddAuthor! I like the idea of Fidds coming across that alternate universe and talking to his alternate self. “How did you and your Stanford make it work?”
IMO several years later, Fidds would defeat Bill and build his own portal to come back home. Because he’s amazing. Their reunion would be…. Interesting though.
Anyway, yeah, I’m gonna design a Portal!Fidds. I’m also still working on Ford-Z and Surfer Ford, I’m just slow. 😛
Feel free to discuss, I would love to hear peoples’ thoughts on this AU!
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Ford and Trauma™ Part 6 (The Weight of Guilt)
Here is Part 6 of Ford and Trauma™!
Last time, I brought up how even what  can be perceived as the littlest of things can cause a bigger impact later in life. I’m sure there is a fair number of us still recovering from bullying.
For this part, we’ll be tackling something that had no doubt eaten at Ford’s psyche every now and again.
The feelings of guilt over his mistakes.
Mistakes are normal. It’s a part of life. Just some…make worse mistakes than others.
So, this was lightly tackled in Paaart…3, I believe? Harboring some flavor of survivor’s guilt during his travels.
There is more to it and it probably started not long after he learned of Bill’s true intentions. Once the realization set in, Ford placed blame onto himself for everything that led up to this.
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The first was probably his treatment towards his friend, Fiddleford. Afterall, Ford needed help on rebuilding the portal and Fidds had the means. Ford had Fidds come all the way to Gravity Falls, leaving his wife and young son back at home, under the promise that he will return in a few months.
He never did, losing his mind. And while it was Fidds' choice to use the memory gun to erase his own memories, Ford was the one who drove him to it. Ford had robbed a brilliant man of his mind and family, a wife of her husband, and a child of his father.
This is all your fault, Sixer…
Furthermore, were there other victims of Ford's mistakes?
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It is confirmed that to an outsider, the person that Bill is possessing can sound like the person. (To others, Bipper just sounded like Dipper and since we weren’t seeing from Blandin’s point of view, we just heard his voice rather than Bill’s)
The only sign of Bill possessing someone are the eyes. Yellow eyes with slitted pupils.
Had people lost their eyes because of Bill?
This is all your fault, Sixer…
Sure, the reaction could be just a product of Ford’s sleep deprivation, him hallucinating eyeless and bloody sockets on the faces of strangers, but what he is feeling is very real.
To him, people are suffering so Bill could get to him.
Let’s fast forward to when Bill has Ford in his clutches in the Fearamid.
I have very little doubt that while Bill administered physical torture, he also implemented mental torture and just because Bill couldn’t enter Ford’s mind, using his words could still yield a similar effect. Pretty much weaponizing victim-blaming.
This is all your fault, Sixer…
Now, post-Weirdmaggedon.
Stan had to lose his memories to save everyone from Ford’s mistakes, which only added to his feelings of guilt, especially when he remembers his treatment towards his brother since returning to his home dimension.
How could he have treated his brother so horribly after everything he has done for him?
How could he have let their father kick Stan out over a stupid science project?
And then comes his rash proposal towards Dipper, asking him to stay and become Ford’s apprentice. Sure, it was Dipper’s choice to accept it, but the fact remains…and it inadvertently caused Bill to finally get his hands on the rift and set a course for the end times.
Plus, Ford had learned about Bill possessing Dipper during Sock Opera.
His young niece and nephew had to suffer because of Ford’s actions.
Sure, things have gotten better, now that Bill was gone and Stan got his memories back. But, thoughts remain. Emotions remain.
This is all your fault, Sixer…It’s because of you that Bill was able to get here…It’s because of you that all these people got hurt…It’s because of you that the world nearly ended...
You brought Bill here...You broke Fiddleford...You killed people...
You hurt Stan…you hurt Dipper…you hurt Mabel…
You have no one to blame…but you.
You deserve it...
Those...never go away.
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Look at Stan being such a nice househusband, giving Fidds a goodbye kiss before work.
(Yes in this little universe Stan and Fidds co-own a company but Stan stays at home to take care of the kids) (Because reasons)
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heartbeetz · 2 years
🏳️‍🌈♡ GAY OLD MEN ♡🏳️‍🌈
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godsfavoritescientist · 10 months
Trying to explain to myself why Ford is such a boomer about modern technology, even after all those years in the multiverse. Surely this guy had to learn a little bit here and there about types of technology we couldn't even begin to fathom, whenever it was necessary to do so to survive. Surely things like smartphones and wifi and laptops aren't completely unfamiliar to him.
option 1 - He's just mad that Fidds was right about laptops being the next big thing. All modern technology feels like a reminder to him that he was wrong about that one thing that one time.
option 2 - It's like with the cabin turning into the mystery shack while he was away: it feels really unsettling to return to his home dimension only to find that things have changed in ways he never would've anticipated. Like, why can't just one thing stay the same? Why does his home dimension no longer feel like home?
option 3 - He has encountered technology very similar to ours in other dimensions, and now associates it with that other dimension and the bad memories of being in that dimension. He's familiar with it, he just really dislikes the fact that it got invented on earth too.
option 4 - He has encountered technology in other dimensions that was way better than on earth. Tech that felt much more intuitive to him, tech that was very useful to him in ways that our technology isn't, maybe even tech that he spent a good amount of time learning about. And then he comes back to his home dimension and discovers that there is enough world-changing technology to make the place feel unfamiliar, but not good enough technology for the change to feel worth it. He doesn't even want to bother learning how to use it, because he hates how much less intuitive it feels to him, and how many things he thinks it should be able to do that it isn't able to do, and also hates that he sunk a bunch of time into learning about a different kind of technology while in the multiverse and now that he's back home it feels like it was a waste of time.
And then, of course, there's also the option that it's a combination of all four, and the option that he's just being a boomer about technology because he literally is a boomer and there's no deeper reason to it. But I think that's less fun than the options I came up with
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cbmagus49 · 2 years
Sunday sketch time! More Timestuck today :D
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Figured it was about time I actually got around to posting some Dipper and Ford for the AU lol :P
As a couple of you guessed Dipper ended up stuck at Backupsmore with Fidds and Ford! (I would've drawn Fidds too but I ran out of room, plus I haven't quite got his design figured out yet ^^') Neither of the kids have a clue where the other ended up, or how to get back home, so they're both understandably distraught with the whole situation; neither Stan nor Ford are even remotely equipped to deal with upset children but by golly they're gonna do their best.
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thelastspeecher · 2 months
Not much of a question, but i just thought of a way for Ford and Stan to be reunited, not just at the bar.
It’s during a storm and while Ford is huddle inside his home with his family, trying to calm down and wait it out. Maybe they hear a commotion and Ford is forced to head out or his partner heads out. He founds Stan unconscious and brings him back home. Stan is taken care of and comes to be some time later when the storm is over. Ford’s partner is the one taking care of him, and Stan just sees “Bill” outside the window chopping woods. They have a short conversation and Stan can’t help but feeling like he knows that “Bill”. And well, one thing let to the other and they realize it’s Ford sill alive. Or… “Bill” brings Stan back to his camp, somehow managing to keep his hands hidden and the one that recognize “Bill” for who he is, is FiddleFord.
Holy shit omg I love that WAY more than the seeing each other at a bar thing.
The storm that the team is chased doesn't fizzle out. It intensifies unexpectedly. Angie and Stan wind up having to bail out of the car. Angie, who has the handheld radio they use to communicate with Fidds back at base, is able to get to safety and return to the motel without issue. Stan, however, gets knocked out. And found by "Bill" and his partner Jack.
After the storm passes, Stan wakes up and is greeted by Jack, who says that his partner, Bill, will drive Stan wherever he needs to go. Stan asks if he can use a phone first, bc he's not sure where Angie is and knows that Fiddleford is completely freaking out. Stan calls their motel room and Angie picks up and loses it, freaking out over how worried she was about him. Stan tells her he's okay, he'll be headed to the motel soon.
Stan heads outside, where he sees "Bill" chopping wood like you said. He goes up to the guy to thank him (Angie and Fiddleford have by now managed to get him to say please and thank you). "Bill" holds out a hand for Stan to shake. A six-fingered hand.
And then Stan recognizes him.
Cue some mild chaos, in which Stan manages to convince "Bill" that he's really Stanford Pines. And then Jack insists on driving Stan to the motel while he and his partner talk about what happened. When Jack drops Stan off, he gets the motel room number from him.
Stan goes to the hotel room. Angie's there alone. Fiddleford went to grab some food. Angie throws herself at Stan, crying that she was worried the worst had happened to him and that he would never meet his child.
Stan: Wait, Angie, are you... Angie: I'm pregnant.
They talk about that for a bit. Stan convinces Angie that she needs to stop going out in the field, but Angie bargains with him and they settle on her doing one more chase before she stops until after the baby is born. They also both agree to not tell Fiddleford until after the next storm chase.
Angie: Okay, now that's settled, tell me 'bout the folks what helped ya. I think we should send 'em a basket of fruit or some cash to thank 'em. Stan: Oh, shit, I almost forgot to tell you with the whole, uh, baby thing. It was Ford. Angie: Huh? Stan: The guy that rescued me? It was Ford. Angie: As in yer missin' presumed dead brother? Stan: Yeah. Angie: ... Angie: Okay yer goin' to need to elaborate on that quite a bit my dear.
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ferretwhomst · 10 months
Blood Brothers has infected my brain holy shit. One of the things I can't stop thinking about is Better World!Ford trying to get back in contact with Stan. I can't imagine. Bill-proofing his universe, repairing his relationship with Fidds, recreating the institute.
At what point does he try to reach out with Stan again? At what point does he decide it's safe enough, things are *good* enough that he can finally start repairing his relationship with his twin? At what point does he get the inevitable realization that that chance is long gone?
Stan came as soon as he sent that post card. Ten years of not talking to each other and he still came as soon as Ford called. How much time would it take Ford to realize something's *wrong* when Stan doesn't come this time? I can see him in his study, sending more letters, trying to make phone calls, reaching out to his connections, higher ups, his mother.
How long does it take before he gives up, forced to accept the knowledge that once again he was too blind to see the warning signs all those years ago? That it's far, far too late for him to do anything?
Do you see what you're doing to me???
i'm glad people are getting invested in this au <333 thank you for this ask!!!! you are Receiving the Brainwaves and i can see it so clearly HSDFCKJSEK
i think ford hasn't fully processed that stan is gone. i mean, after years and years of trying and failing to track him down, he knows in his heart what the truth is. but he doesn't want to believe it. he's still barely holding onto the idea that stan might be out there- not because he thinks it's true, but because if he accepts the truth it might kill him too
i think part of why it's even possible for him to bury himself in denial like that is because technically there's no evidence that stan is dead. he's just, yknow, "missing". if he were to receive a police report, or even see stan's dead body or his grave or something, it would definitely drive the point home and he'd be forced to face the truth, but of course that's not gonna happen
portal stan howeve- [GETS SHOT]
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