#fifi’s prompts
shhhsoftnwet · 4 months
Evilive gang rivalry AU
I really wished I can write but I can’t be good at everything now can I? All I can offer are short bulletpoint ideas I’m sorry 😔
Premise: What’ll happen if DYDS never broke up after getting rid of Moon Sangguk? Well, a decade later Doyoung became a business tycoon and Dongsoo became the new Minister of Justice of course. Eventually they managed to shed away their criminal lives behind, but not without a few painful sacrifices of course. Upon finding out what Dongsoo has done to achieve his goals, his family completely disappeared from his life and it took Doyoung 2 years waiting patiently for Dongsoo to get over the loss and reciprocate his feelings.
Life is very good for Seo Doyoung. He’s been running the Shinnam Ferry and Marine Casino well, his wealth in abundance, got his trophy husband of his dreams, even opened a baseball club for the youth…… yet everything feels so stagnant. Achieving his goals has given Doyoung midlife crisis. During dinner, they reminisced their past and how far they’ve become. Doyoung sorta missed the thrill and violence…
He decided to rebuild his criminal empire in secret, concealing his true identity as the boss to protect his current reputation, as well as to not worry Dongsoo and risk losing him. A decade hiatus is long enough for a new predator to rule over the underbelly of Shinnam. Feeling extremely competitive, Doyoung is determined to create havoc and overthrow his rival.
Doyoung’s new gang quickly gains notoriety and a violent turf war and sabotaging soon began. Doyoung learns that his rival’s modus operandi is very structured and their boss’ identity is also closely guarded, but after much spying and digging, he found out that most of the members used to be the now disbanded Family gang and Bae Jongha is their leader.
Doyoung and a few of his trusted men cornered Bae Jongha. Surprised by this unfavourable yet funny turn of events, Bae Jongha resentfully revealed that he’s just a puppet and refused to reveal his boss’ true identity to Doyoung out of spite. Feeling extremely irritated that he couldn’t get an answer from Bae Jongha, he rid him off.
It’s later revealed that…. /dramatic drumrolls/…. HAN DONGSOO IS THE TRUE BOSS OF THE RIVAL GANG!!! (I want it to be dramatic ok like Doyoung trying to vent under the pretence that he’s concerned about the rising turf wars in the news, and then Dongsoo tried to assure Doyoung that he’ll do something about it. Then after that he got a phone call informing him that they found Bae Jongha dead in a ditch!!)
At this point, the audience are left questioning whether Dongsoo knew that Doyoung is his rival and if he has any ulterior motives/grudges. However it is later revealed that he truly doesn’t know that his husband is his opp.
Bae Jongha’s death became a catalyst for both gangs to start hunting for the bosses’ true identities. Lotsa spy cams and trackers going on. At some point Doyoung got the scare of his life thinking his rival found his identity and tried to infiltrate his house and harm Dongsoo. He warned Dongsoo of the intruders, but Dongsoo managed to bluff his way out (apparently he’s not supposed to be home at the time), thinking that his rival gang ALSO found out about his true identity. (TLDR: they both thought their identities are uncovered while still unaware that they’re each other’s opps. Bae Jongha cry laughing in his grave at this comedy)
At some point however, Doyoung slowly realised that Dongsoo is the boss based on a tiny slip up/minor injury(?). Doyoung unravels his complicated feelings during their sexy time (with Dongsoo being dominant and choking him 👹👹) A part of him is thrilled of this diabolical and corrupted side of Dongsoo, a side of him that he sorely missed a decade ago. Yet a part of him is also extremely sick with paranoia, unsure of who is this man before him and wondered if this is Dongsoo’s plan to get rid of him after all.
Doyoung decided to hold an emergency meeting with his gang to plan their next move, only to receive a surprise ambush from Dongsoo’s gang. A lot of bloodshed happened, Doyoung solo fights a bunch of guys. Dongsoo is shocked to see his husband is his enemy, but Doyoung is too enraged by the entire situation to think properly.
They had an emotional one on one knife + fist fight and somehow managed to clear up their misunderstandings. They shed some tears, they makeout, maaaayyybbee being freaky while covered in blood idk, it’s gross and unhinged but beautifully poetic in a blood pact way. Now that the couple has come clean with each other of their wants and worries, their love is renewed with fiery passion. And maybe soon they’ll rebuild their criminal empire once more, together this time.
Yeah this is all I have…. If you wanna adopt it, go ahead like I can’t write proper sentences beautifully for shit. Just lemme know so I can read it 😭😭🙏
Anyways some things to elaborate on character motivations and why they choose to conceal their actions from their partners:
HDS: Dongsoo have always wanted to rule the criminal empire ever since they got rid of Moon Sangguk. However, upon spending some time listening to Doyoung’s experiences and understanding why he wanted to leave the criminal life behind him, as well as feeling grateful of Doyoung’s support during his difficult time accepting that his family had left him and paving a way for his current career, he decided to lead a double life to protect their peace and reputation.
SDY: Doyoung realises that achieving his goals is never going to fill the void and hunger in his heart. Doyoung missed the good old days, but he doesn’t want to bring anymore pain to Dongsoo’s life, not after seeing how broken he was after losing his family. The last thing Doyoung wanted is to lose him too. But Seo Doyoung is a selfish man, he will get the best of both worlds no matter what.
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fifiophobia · 7 months
I miss drawing Mar’i 😔
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neonpinkfeels · 1 year
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Hello there, let me plant here a fic idea 🤭
nace getting absolutely destroyed by jure (homoerotically)
Shit, my brain ain’t braining after elections but one day…
Jumps into my idea bank! 🫡
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I know they didnt start out conjoined but ill ask for both anyway
1, 3, 11, 16 for Cici and Fifi
In all fairness I imagine this would take place in an alternate human AU scenario, so I'll just treat this ask as them being separate from each other! The only exception is with 16 because they both got their money for school from the same place.
Prompt this is for
Christina Fermata (CiCi)
1. Music ofc! She's genuinely passionate about writing songs, and she wishes to grow well beyond her musical career as a child.
3. I think her and FiFi would be sorority girls honestly! CiCi loves having a gaggle of potential minions-er, besties around her! Plus, don't gotta worry about rent!
11. Nah, like I said she's genuinely dedicated to being a big star. If CiCi is anything, it's determined!
Francine Fermata (FiFi)
1. Taxidermy, she finds the idea of making something dead look alive fascinating.
3. Sorority like I said before, but FiFi mostly stays in her room studying. She only did it to make CiCi happy.
11. No, obnoxious peers aside, FiFi does care about her education.
16. I imagine the money CiCi and FiFi garnered from being child stars is covering for their education now. Their parents made sure to save every penny they could for their girls.
-From Biblically Accurate Producer!
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edenesth · 1 month
TWTHH Spinoff: Love to Hate You [Teaser]
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Pairing: royal secretary!San x female scholar!reader
AU: historical au (Joseon era)
Summary: San prided himself on his knack for building easy connections with women, viewing himself as a trusted ally for the opposite gender. Thanks to his deep bonds with his mother and sister, he possessed keen insights into the female mindset. Never did he imagine facing the ire of a woman, until he encountered a resolute female scholar with a strong dislike towards men.
A/N: Once again, special thanks to my one and only, my pookie, @itstheghostofmypast, for coming up with the main concept of San's spinoff.
Main Story | Spinoff Masterlist | Part 1
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"I'm just trying to help, Scholar Moon," the royal secretary insisted, his arms emptying as the stack of books he was previously carrying was abruptly snatched away by the newly acquainted female scholar.
You scoffed in response, "I don't remember asking for your help, sir. I understand it must be quite intriguing to meet a female scholar for the first time. However, there's a reason I'm the first. I'm not your typical damsel in distress. I don't need saving. While you may be used to women swooning at your feet, rest assured, I won't be one of them."
San stood in stunned silence as he watched you storming off in a fit of anger, completely taken aback by your hostile response to his well-intentioned gesture.
He had stumbled upon you as you exited the royal library burdened with a stack of borrowed books, his innate helpfulness and gentlemanly nature immediately prompted him to offer assistance without hesitation. But rather than the customary grateful smile and expression of thanks he anticipated, he couldn't believe he was met with such an unexpected and vehement reaction.
Did I... do something wrong?
A court lady standing nearby widened her eyes in disbelief. "Did you seriously just say that? Do you even know who he is?"
You rolled your eyes dismissively. "Probably just a eunuch, why?" you retorted, waving off her concern. "I doubt any high-ranking officials would pay me any mind."
"Well, you're correct about that. He's not a high-ranking official, but he is someone close to the King. He's the royal secretary," she disclosed, causing your heart to nearly stop as you gaped at her.
He's the what?!
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I'll do my best to get the first part out as soon as I can! Hope you're excited about Sannie's spinoff hehe as always, let me know your thoughts on the concept! <3
Tag list (1/9): Tumblr is a bitch and won't let me mention more than 5 users in a single sentence, so now my tag list looks like a complete joke🤡
@itstheghostofmypast @huachengsbestie01 @minghaoslatina @weedforthoughtz @minkiflwr |
@cheolliehugs @the-kpop-simp @writingwieny @stayatinykatsy @skzline |
@green-agent @stayinhellevator @vampzity @tinyteezer @evidive |
@vantediary @superbbananananana @kimyeolchan @chocolate-scoups @decadentstrangernacho |
@vic0921 @marievllr-abg @sunnyhokyu @seungmin-in-thebuilding @heyitsmetonid |
@sansaurora9904 @darkestacademiamindsx12-blog @myblovedjyh @professormingisglasses @newworldwritings |
@chicken-fifi @thunderous-wolf @shythinggiver @madnpan @yandere-stories |
@anxiousskylar @frobin4ever @starssongs98 @dollce-exe @jan-l |
@lovelyred2 @haven-cove @watermelon2319 @dreamingofyeo @akimkim |
@scuzmunkie @satsuri3su @mismatchfluffysocks @borntoshineateez @st4rhwa |
@ddaeing @tropicalsstuff @bts-army380 @skteezcursed @beauty143 |
@naps-over-degree @idfkeddieishot @sis-101 @lemon-sage17 @jcalicocatj
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bidoofenergy · 4 months
Five fun facts AU: Henry owns a bookshop who takes public transport to work every day. He keeps getting glimpses of Alex through the crowd, always reading, and Henry is all 🥵 about him... until one day they end up sitting next to/across from each other and Henry realises Alex dog-ears his books.
xoxo MJ/kiwiana-writes
how did you know i dog ear my books i mean whooaa hi MJ thanks for the prompt!!
ONE: henry's bookstore not mainstream popular but it is well-known in the NYC queer scene. when you're at the bar, lamenting the fact that all queer spaces have alcohol? henry's bookstore. when you're on reddit, asking for queer-friendly places to go? henry's bookstore. when you're crying over a paper, trying to get your hands on some obscure out of print work by a queer author? henry's bookstore. henry knows this, kinda, but he doesn't really get what he means to people yet.
TWO: alex buys beat-up paperbacks and devours them--on his commute, when he's waiting for his emails to be returned, on the treadmill, in line at the coffee store, on his lunch break, in the middle of the night when he can't sleep. he's not lonely--he has june and nora (his sister and his ex/her girlfriend) and raf and zahra (his bosses) and random hinge dates he hangs out with for a couple months before they inevitable get bored with each other or annoyed with each other or both. the obsessive reading--that's just a cute little hobby :) he's just trying to read 100 books this year :) nothings wrong with him :))
THREE: henry's bookstore (no name yet) is a small, skinny store in NYC, tucked in between a bodega and the best thai restaurant he's ever had in his life. the bodega has a cat, grey tabby, gorgeous, and wonderful mouser. hates david with a passion. she's named something like fifi or pippa or minnie. david just wants her to love him back. it's a love story for the ages--david constantly stopping henry just to stare longingly after her, her hissing at him through the window, henry and the bodega owner laughing.
FOUR: alex and henry live two stops away from each other, get off at the same stop, but walk in opposite directions. henry gets on after alex does, and Totally Accidentally finds himself in prime position to watch alex. he's handsome and tired and artfully mused, fancy backpack (a gift from his mom) in his lap or worn against his chest, a single loose curl always falling across his forehead the same way everyday, dark circles under his big beautiful brown eyes. he's a painting, framed by metal poles and the press of rush hour bodies. he's a statue, carved out of everything henry could possibly want. he's gorgeous, a voracious reader, untouchable--and totally scrumptious (pez's words (henry agrees))
FIVE: one day henry exits the station right behind alex and watches him foLD THE CORNER OF THE PAGE DOWN AND SHOVE IT IN HIS BAG WITHOUT ANOTHER THOUGHT HENRY SAW IT END UP AROUND A NOTEBOOK THE COVER IS RUINED PEZ HOW COULD SOMEONE SO HANDSOME BE SO CALLOUS PEZ NOW HENRY HAS TO FIND ANOTHER COMMUTE CRUSH PEZ (all of this is said over drinks at pez's favorite bar, the one nora and june also really love and are always trying to get alex to come to)
(send me a potential AU and i'll tell you five fun facts)
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misshoneyimhome · 5 months
Hey! So I'm back with another Fifi (Kevin Fiala) request, I saw this prompt in a list around and I thought that it would be amazing if you could write him: "They had very different approaches to problem solving and it took some time to figure out how to accept that without getting into fights every time they disagreed on something.
Like they fight over a situation got mad at each other, maybe spend a few days like that, but when they start missing the other its time to make up, and the reconciliation it's just filled with love, passion and desire.
Thank you ! 😘❤️
- 🇧🇷
Alrighty love, my apologies for the delay! Christmas kept me quite occupied; Anyway, I hope you like this Fifi story 🤍 I aimed for a gentle and warm vibe, hoping it didn't contain too much angst or sadness 😅😉 as always, feel free to let me know what you think 🥰
Kevin Fiala x reader
Word count: 2.9K
・✶ 。゚
We spent the late nights making things right between us I Kevin Fiala 🖋️
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"Hey, schätzi, I'm back home..." Kevin Fiala announced wearily as he trudged through the front door, holding a gym bag in one hand and a bag of take-out in the other.
"Perfect timing," you said with a smile, meeting him in the hallway while adjusting your earring. "Do you need about 5 minutes to freshen up before we go out? Put on a new shirt perhaps?"
Kevin looked at you, slightly confused.
"Go out? Where to?" he asked. "I've just returned home..."
"Yeah, well, we're meeting Linsey and John before the gallery event... Remember I mentioned it this morning before you went for training?" you tried to explain without sounding like you were nagging, as you had already informed your boyfriend about the plans, which he appeared to have forgotten.
"I'm not going anywhere tonight," the man in front of you sighed deeply, dropping his bag on the floor, kicking off his shoes, and heading to the dining room.
"What do you mean you're not going anywhere?" you questioned, with a slightly firmer tone.
"Babe, I've had a 12-hour day, with practice, meetings, and workouts... I'm not up for navigating a crowd at a gallery..."
You struggled to contain yourself as his words sank in, disappointment filling your body and mind.
"Kev, we've planned this for months... we can't just bail now."
"Just go without me?" he said casually, unpacking his dinner.
"But I don't want to go without you..." you tried to explain, your voice rising slightly as his overly casual attitude started to irritate you, as if he didn't care about your evening plans at all.
"Come on, what's the problem?" Kevin chuckled lightly, grabbing a plate as he prepared to enjoy his meal, not even considering your dinner plans. "This is clearly something you want to do, and I'm just too tired... so, just go..."
But you found nothing amusing about it.
You'd marked this event months ago on the calendar. You'd reminded him multiple times, before and after the road trip. Sure, today had been a long day for him with hockey, but that was his job, and you couldn't understand why he couldn't make this one effort for you.
"What's the problem?" you asked rhetorically, echoing his question. "My problem is that we had plans for tonight, together, and now you suddenly don't want to go because you're 'too tired'... you were aware of tonight, and all I'm asking is for you to put on a clean shirt and join me for a couple of hours for something I'd like to do. Can't you do that for me? Not just this once..."
Your tone had raised a little more as you felt stunned by his response to the situation. He was behaving so carelessly, and you simply couldn't handle it.
"It's just an event at the gallery..."
"Just an... yes, precisely, Kev! It's ONE event... ONE evening I'm asking you to do this for me... EVERY DAY is about YOU and hockey... And I always support you through it – I'm at games until late at night despite having to work the following day, or I always have a meal ready for when you get home!"
"I'm not asking you to do all that for me..."
Anger surged through your body as you explained your disappointment, feeling completely content in confronting him. But the audacity he had to question your loyalty and his justify his unwillingness to do something for you in return.
"Alright then... then maybe I will go without you," you huffed, slowly realising that he wasn't going to change his mind. "You enjoy your takeout... and by the way, no, I wasn't hungry. I already ate the dinner I made for us – leftovers are in the fridge, but thank you for asking," you spoke sharply, before heading back to the hallway. There, you finished getting dressed, put on your heels and coat, slammed the door firmly enough for Kevin to notice, and made your way to your car.
This wasn't the first time such a situation had happened. Since moving in with Kevin a little under a year ago, it had happened a couple of times before. He'd return home late, or later than expected, forgetting plans you had, leading to an argument.
The first time, he had relented and joined you for the evening you'd planned. 
The second time, you had to cancel on your girlfriends last minute. It was just before a road trip, and Kevin had expected you to stick around since he wanted to spend time with you.
And in both cases, the tension had eventually dissipated as you relaxed in each other's company, knowing your love for each other surpassed everything.
But this time, it felt different.
You had been eagerly looking forward to this event, and so had Linsey and John, two of your closest friends, and you were all set to meet up and attend tonight's gallery event. Naturally, you had expected your boyfriend to join since it meant a lot to you. Yet, as had happened multiple times before, he was simply tired after a long day at the rink. Seemingly, he was too exhausted to spend even a few hours with you.
Disappointment surged through you as you navigated the streets towards your destination, struggling to hold back the tears slowly welling up.
However, you refused to let it ruin your night. Despite understanding how important Kevin's career was to him (and to an extent, to you), you couldn't grasp why he wouldn't make an exception this time. But dressed in your best dark green pantsuit, a piece you bought specifically for the occasion, empowering you to feel like a true boss lady ready to conquer the world, you confidently stepped out of the vehicle, flaunting your new heels, and greeted your friends.
And although the evening unfolded magnificently, there lingered a thought about your man back at home. And you couldn’t help but wonder if he, too, was thinking of you. Yet, quickly brushing off these thoughts, and you refocused on the engaging conversations with your friends.
But amidst the laughter and enjoyable chats, your occasional moments of distraction didn't escape the notice of your best friend. And eventually, you caved in and confided in her about the fight with Kevin.
"He's probably just stressed about the season..." John offered reassurance with a warm, friendly smile.
"Yeah, like last week's 3-2 loss in overtime... that's a tough one to swallow," Linsey added sweetly. You knew both your friends were just trying their best to uplift your spirits, even if they couldn't entirely grasp the challenges of being an NHL girlfriend.
"Thanks, guys, but I'm afraid it's more than just that," you sighed deeply, feeling slightly overwhelmed by different emotions. "I feel like I support him through everything... but he NEVER even tries to find the time and energy to do something for me..."
And as if the gates were sudden completely open, you continued expressing the difficulties of dating a professional hockey player, trying to align your social life with his career. As you heard your own words echoing, eventually running out of breath, you stopped talking, releasing a deep exhale.
"Perhaps, babe," Linsey's gentle voice interjected again, "it sounds like you could really use a break... not just when he's away on a road trip, but in your own space, where you can gather your thoughts."
Her words resonated, 'your own space,' a place free from thoughts of Kevin or hockey, where you could truly unwind and relax, away from your shared house.
It didn't actually sound like a bad idea.
And you knew just where to go.
Then offering a nod in agreement and a soft smile, you decided to continue with the night's event and not dwell on thoughts of your boyfriend and his career.
Meanwhile, back at home, Kevin was feeling awful. Well, not entirely awful, as he was genuinely just tired and happy that he’d chosen to have stayed in the comfort of his sofa and home.
But the intensity of your fight still lingered in his mind though. Your expressions of disappointment and anger weighed heavily on him, and he felt terrible about how things were left between you.
Despite the fact, that it was a familiar pattern in your fights.
You would get visibly agitated and annoyed, while he would adopt a low-key, casual, occasionally passive-aggressive stance. It seemed as if all his anger and energy were expended on the ice, leaving him with nothing to give during disagreements with you. He simply often ended up wanting to let things go, which would sometimes infuriate you even further.
At times, you wished he would just match your level of frustration, show his true emotions, and argue back. But instead, he would often brush it off and act nonchalant, which didn't resolve any issues but simply swept them under the rug.
And as the evening wore on, Kevin's feelings of sadness gradually dissipated, and exhaustion took over, causing him to doze off while watching reruns on the television.
Morning arrived, and Kevin slowly woke up still on the sofa.
The TV had been turned off, probably by you as you’d come home, but his initial thought wasn't about that. He wondered why you hadn't woken him up to say goodnight.
And even worse still, when he then glanced at the coffee table, where he saw a small post-it note signed by you.
"Morning love, hope you slept alright ❤️ I've gone over to my old apartment, just to have some time to myself and finish up some work - didn't want to wake you as I know you need the rest. Love you, y/n/n"
Reading your note, Kevin felt a pang of disappointment and sadness. However, it was sweet, and you had used your nickname, which indicated that perhaps you weren't entirely mad. But he couldn't understand why you’d suddenly left without waking him, nor saying anything in person. You had just returned home, slept, left a note, and departed from your shared house.
And he knew you well enough that when you needed space, it was better to respect that.
So, he merely let out a deep sigh, got up, and prepared for the day, filled with training, media coverage, and another round of workouts in the evening.
But, to his surprise, you didn't text him all day, which, even after a fight, was highly unusual. And by his second workout, Kevin grew concerned and felt the urge to call you.
"Hey, you," you greeted him over the phone. Your voice lacked excitement, yet he didn't sense traces of annoyance either.
"Hey, schätzi, I just wanted to check in with you," he spoke with genuine curiosity and concern.
"Kev, I'm all good, I just need some time for myself... just for a day or two," you softly explained, still feeling the sting from your recent argument.
"Oh okay... but we're okay, right?"
"Yes, babe, we're just fine."
At first, he didn’t entirely believe you, but decided to let the matter go, and ending the call after exchanging 'love you's.
And as the day progressed, Kevin did his best to trust your need for space. However, he could also feel himself gradually feel a growing need to see you again, particularly on the following day, when you planned to spend more time alone working on your project and didn't attend the home game where the Kings faced off against the Islanders.
Feeling a sting of heartache, Kevin began to fear that your relationship might be closer to its breaking point due to your recent fight. Your valid point about him not investing the same level of time and energy into things that mattered to you, despite your unwavering support for him, weighed heavily on his mind. Yet, he tried to maintain composure, convincing himself that all you needed was a bit of time.
Meanwhile, as you watched the game from your old sofa across town, feelings of longing filled your body and mind each time Kevin's name was mentioned and number 22 flashed on the screen. Despite relishing the wonderful solitude you'd found, being able to wholly concentrate on your work and personal needs in your sublet place that sat empty at the time, you began to miss your boyfriend more than anything.
And as you reflected on the intensity of your recent argument, you acknowledged your justified frustration but also had to admit it might had been somewhat exaggerated.
You loved Kevin deeply, and that had been evident since the day he had so boldly asked you out on a date without much knowledge about you. His humble confidence had intrigued you, and soon, you found yourself immersed in the world of hockey players and their significant others almost every night.
So, as the match concluded with a satisfying 2-1 win for the Kings, you decided it was time to head home and await your boyfriend's return.
And spotting your car in the driveway as Kevin pulled up filled him with a sense of happiness. However, upon closing the front door behind him and entering the hallway, he was met with an eerie silence and darkness.
Had you come back home and left again? he wondered.
Perhaps you’d changed your mind and went to a friend's place instead?
Once again, the fear of the potential breaking point of your relationship crept into his mind.
But then suddenly, he heard noises coming from upstairs, seemingly from your bedroom. And carefully placing his bag by the door, Kevin removed his coat and shoes before walking slowly up the staircase.
A faint glimmer of light caught his attention, emanating from your bedroom. And feeling a surge of relief, he knew it had to be you, so he proceeded down the hallway with cautious steps and entered, noticing the light filtering from the en suite bathroom.
Approaching the doorway, Kevin stood still, observing you standing over the sink, your head slightly bowed, dressed in a satin robe. He then caught a faint sniffle before your eyes met in the mirror, revealing a trace of redness, indicating that you had shed some tears earlier. 
And as you both paused, locking eyes, a surge of warmth and relief enveloped you. Seeing Kevin again definitely had you now more convinced than ever that you had missed him deeply and never wanted to be apart from him, if it wasn’t necessary.
So, releasing another deep breath, you turned around and slowly walked towards the Swiss player, who instinctively enveloped you in his large frame, wrapping his arms around you, and drew you close.
In that embrace, all the tension suddenly seemed to dissolve, leaving only unspoken love between you, as words felt unnecessary.
Then, as you gazed up at him, you delicately lifted your hands to encircle his neck, gently pulling him down for a soft kiss. Kevin quickly reciprocated, as he was also yearning for your touch more than anything.
The days without you, despite being in the same city, had been agonising for him, as he had feared that it might had been the end of your relationship. However, as you both stood in the bathroom doorway, sharing a heartfelt kiss, those fears vanished entirely.
As the kiss deepened, Kevin's hands gently cradled the back of your head, his fingers entwined in your hair, while his tongue delicately explored past your lips, engaging in a tender exchange with yours. You couldn’t help but lean into it as well, surrendering to the lustfulness of the kiss you had initiated.
Then as you gradually pulled back, both of you needed a moment to catch your breath. And while locking eyes once more, Kevin whispered softly, "Please don't leave me," his face and body exuding humble gratitude, almost welling up with emotion.
"Never, Schätzi," you reassured him, gently shaking your head. "Kev, I know sometimes I say things that might sound like I don't want this life with you, but I do, I really do."
A tear trickled down your cheek, mirroring the sadness in Kevin's eyes.
"I understand. I'm just... I'm constantly afraid," he confessed, the vulnerability evident in his voice. "I know I need to pay more attention to what you like and make time for that too..."
"Hey, I think we both need to work on it, babe," you added, attempting a timid smile. "I need to stop overreacting, and we should try and communicate better. I knew what I signed up for when we started dating, but it means we need to be better at discussing things and planning together."
"Yeah, you're probably right," Kevin sighed deeply.
You knew you had your differences in approaching situations, but you also knew that you were in a good relationship, which also meant that meeting each other halfway was key.
"Join me in a bath, baby," you then softly suggested, and Kevin couldn’t help but softly smile and nodded as he gently removed the robe from your slender frame.
And as you then both settled in the warm water, with you leaning against his broad chest, gently caressing each other's hands, you discussed the little improvements and changes you could think of you both could make. You respected each other's boundaries but also recognised the need to occasionally push those lines just a little.
It was a good conversation that lifted a weight from both your hearts. And then snuggled into bed, smiles adorned your faces as you drifted off into a much-needed deep sleep, feeling lighter and more at peace.
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chicken-fifi · 8 months
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Tis the Season to be Jolly my Nuggets!
It is once again that time of year to send in your favorite actors, soloists, and group members for the 'Tis the Season 2023 Event. Originally, I was going to have the same rules as the previous two events, but with the addition of KDrama / KMovie characters to my masterlist I'm changing a few things. Every week of the event I will write for one artist/character/actor/soloist/group member of my choice or that I haven't written for before (this is to get some variety in these events since it does feel like I tend to write for the same people every time). These will be listed on the calendar below with those respective prompts. Seven (7) requests for actors and group members will be accepted (meaning for each category). Six (6) requests for soloists and drama/movie characters will be accepted (for each category). Like before, no repeats and only one celeb per prompt unless the prompt directly calls for it. I also ask that when requesting for soloists to please, please, request intially for the soloists listed on my masterlist (or suggest new ones for a quick drabble. i'm very open and did it for the 3 year event). I will take requests for group members who also promote as soloists later on in the requesting period when I feel like enough time has passed to accept them. Now all of that is out of the way, I do have a few things I wanted to express to all of you.
I want to thank you for the wonderful year and support I have received this 2023 season. I hope all of you have a very happy holiday season no matter what it is that you and your loved ones celebrate. Happy Holidays and Happy Reading! Please send requests in during the month of October! And please continue to be incredible readers and little chicken nuggies!
chicken-fifi 🐣🎅🎄
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Day 1: Penomeco (self choice)
Day 2: Ji Changwook (Act)
Day 3: Jang Hanseok (Vincenzo)
Day 4: Amber Liu (Solo)
Day 5: Taecyeon (2pm)
Day 6: Lee Jongsuk (Act)
Day 7: Heechul (SuJu)
Day 8: Lee Jungjae (self choice)
Day 9: Reserved Post Day EXOLSS 23
Day 10: Vincenzo Cassano (Vincenzo)
Day 11: Kyuhyun (SuJu)
Day 12: Suga (BTS)
Day 13: Rowoon (Act)
Day 14: Cha Dalgun (Vagabond)
Day 15: ghost!YoungK Series Installment (self choice)
Day 16: Henry Lau
Day 17: Kim Taeho (Space Sweepers)
Day 18: Chanyeol (EXO)
Day 19: V (BTS)
Day 20: Kim Jeha/K2 (The K2)
Day 21: Changbin (SKZ)
Day 22: Jung Woosung (self choice)
Day 23: Kim Seonho (Act)
Day 24: Kim Bum (Act)
Day 25: Hyungwon (Monsta X)
Day 26: Woo Dohwan (Act)
Day 27: Rieul/Ryu Minhyuk (The Sound of Magic)
Day 28: Eunhyuk (SuJu)
Day 29: Choi Doil (Little Women) (self choice)
Day 30: Woosung (The Rose)
Day 31: Yonghwa (CNBLUE) (self choice)
Day 32: Park Seojoon (Act)
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demoiselettes · 2 years
It is I, fanfiction addicted inufinuf, and i am here with a request for you to fulfill
I am requesting Zenitsu (and Tanjirou if i can request multiple characters:>) with a story, anything your mind can come up with, with the prompt- "I'll make you my wife one day"
(also ask me for more details if you don't get it)
« I’ll make you my wife one day »
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Pairing(s): Tanjiro x reader Zenitsu/Tanjiro x reader/Zenitsu x reader
Category: fluff
Warning(s)/note(s): fem! Reader, pining, these two are dorks in love, reader is also in love, reader is confused af
A/n: Fifi.. i was gonna make this separate but i love poly relationships..SO HAVE GONPACHIRO AND MONITSU PINING OVER READER-
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You had found yourself becoming a regular at the Butterfly Mansion. One would think you were exerting yourself, perhaps taking on strenuous training regimes or throwing yourself in danger’s way during your usual missions. Yet how could that be, when no part of yourself had even the slightest hint of scratch?
The truth was something Shinobu Kocho, had taken to teasing you for. As much as you had tried to avoid your feelings at the beginning, you were now too far down the rabbit hole to pull yourself out and the impossible had to be admitted: you were in love.
That alone was not such a problem but being in love with two people? You were stuck in a vicious circle of contemplating whether you would be shunned for admitting it out aloud or not. Kocho had assured(despite your insistence that you were not in love) that you could not control who your heart beats for. With this, she introduced you to the Sound Pillar, Uzui Tengen.
Who had three wives.
With little comfort, you had spent the day mulling over the course of events so much that you had not even registered her until Nezuko ruffled your hair in a sisterly way. She seemed to have an innate sense of telling when someone was under the weather and you deduced her ability to do so was just as keen as her brother’s sense of smell. You accepted her gesture gratefully, happy of the distraction it provided. Yet what was the point, when the person(or rather one of them) was trailing right behind her?
« Nezuko! » Tanjiro scolded, though his voice held no malice. « I’m sorry, [Name]-chan, she was eager to meet you today. »
« Ah! It’s no problem, really, » your voice was more shrill than you’d have liked. « She’s so adorable, it’s hard to not love her presence. »
Something which bugged you everytime you interacted with him, was the way he looked at you. His eyes held none of the usual friendliness that you’d see in people whom you talked to on a daily basis. No, with him it was..almost piercing. Like he was seeing right through you and he might as well does, considering his heightened sense of smell. You’ve done your best to conceal your feelings before, but your attempts might have been futile as the boy always knew your current state of mind. If he had any inkling that you may or may not feel attracted to him, he gave no indication of it. So you just stopped.
He tilted his head to the side. His Demon Slayer uniform had been replaced with the button up shirt and pants patients at the Butterfly Estate usually wore. « Why are you here, [Name]-chan? Are you injured? » despite the question, he seemed to be looking at you expectantly as though attempting to gauge an answer out of you..and not exactly the answer that you’d usually respond with to his question.
« Erm, no. » something in his eyes shone just a tad brighter than usual. « I came here to see you and Zenitsu-kun. » if the ground didn’t open up and swallow you whole, you were going to commit seppuku.
« Ah! That’s very thoughtful of you. Zenitsu, Inosuke and i were quite injured on our last mission, so we had to come back here. » his gaze fell on Nezuko, who had taken to resting her head on your lap(forcing you to sit down on one of the beds, your legs hanging over the edge) and the corners of his lips quirked up. « if you want we could—« 
« Tanjiro! » the shoji door slid open abruptly, and if you didn’t have better reflexes, you would have jumped and let Nezuko fall onto the floor. « You! I knew it, Inosuke told me you had disappeared the moment [Name]-chan arrived and here you are, getting chummy with her! »
Your face felt warm. Very warm. You looked back down at Nezuko, who’s eyes were now open, silently scrutinizing Zenitsu for disrupting her nap.
« What- that’s not what we’re doing! » Tanjiro’s cheeks almost matched the color of his hair. « You can’t just say something like that! We were just..talking. »
If you knew something about Zenitsu, it was the fact that he had extremely good hearing, able to pick up on nuances. His eyes flashed for a second, and he marched inside, shooting Tanjiro a half-hearted glare(and causing the poor Kamado to flinch). His whole demeanor seemed to change upon setting eyes on you and before you knew it, his arms were on you— or rather around you— and he was rubbing his cheek against yours, promptly suffocating Nezuko who whined and wiggled her way out.
« [Name]-channnn! » his voice was sing-song like. « Did i hear that right? You came to see me? »
Tanjiro, sighed, patting Nezuko’s head to placate her, but ultimately decided—for his sanity most likely—to remain silent and to abstain from telling him you were here to see the both of them.
You chose to follow his actions as well, granting him a little laugh. You might have been imagining it, but his hold on you tightened just slightly and you were hoping against hope that he could not hear the rapid beating of your heart. « Sure, how are you? »
And so you, Tanjiro and a very grumpy Nezuko(who immediately gave up and resorted to going back into her box) found yourselves listening to Zenitsu very flamboyantly complain about the training they were put through by the residents of the Butterfly Estate. If you hadn’t had feelings for him, you might’ve asked him to shut up.
« That.. does sound awful, but the training’s only to make sure you are not rusty on missions after resting for so long. » you offered as his tears wet your uniform.
« That’s exactly what i told him as well, but he still complains.. » Tanjiro said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.
« Of course you’ll find it easy! » Zenitsu’s eyes were almost bulging out of his sockets. « You get to get close to Kanao-chan during training, you like chasing after her, don’t you? »
You tried to ignore the sting in your chest, but before you could come to Tanjiro’s aid, he was already by your side, his hands waving in front of him. His face was painted with surprising alarm. « I don’t chase after her! » he wasn’t looking at Zenitsu. « Th-that’s not it, [Name]-chan! I just have to actually chase after her when we’re playing tag, but i don’t chase after her in- the way that Zenitsu means! »
The latter had fallen surprisingly silent. His honey eyes staring Tanjiro down with something that you couldn’t quite make out.
« It’s fine, really, » you smiled. « I know what you mean. »
He seemed uncertain as he looked at you, but for the second time that day, he decided to stay quiet. Soon, night was falling and you were waving goodbye to Kanao, Tanjiro and Zenitsu as you walked down the path that would take you to your home.
Watching you leave from the engawa, they felt something pull at their heartstrings. It was like every other time they watched you leave. They knew what they felt about you, they knew what you felt about them.
And they also knew what the other felt about you.
Neither of them knew what those feelings would lead to but with everytime you talked to them, comforted them, trained with them, their resolution built stronger.
They knew, then, that one day they’d make you their wife.
One day.
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ravvenheart · 10 months
fifi here, sparklative thong left a trace in my head (and since I’m occupied by other works, idk if I write it) so I’m leaving a prompt with a usage of those:
Roleplay in bed - SW and client, idk something along those lines. Feat SPARKLATIVE THONG. And maybe slight femininization (switching pronouns??? A bit of makeup)
A scene before - “lets try something new” talk with negotiation and boundaries, bc it’s good to talk abt trying something new
"Why this has been so has been sparkling?" jan asks, no one in particlar. In hindsight, the footage of him drunkenly wondering about this piece of fabric was slightly embarassing. With grammatical skills of the english language completely lost on him, Jure and Nace passed him after some time. The drummer chuckled along but ignored him ultimately but Nace, best boyfriend one could ever have, paid attention to him and listened to his ramblings. the battery of mark's battery conviently gave up, so he left for his bag inside, promising hed return in a moment.
"nacko, look at it, its so pretty"
The older nodded along and looked him up and down with dark eyes jan always got lost in. "Yeah, very pretty"
"But why so sparkla-, sparkly-, sparklative?" he rambled on, completely focsued on the thin fabric with deliacate lace and shining rhinestones.
Totally oblivious to the dark gaze his boyfriend is sending him, nace leaned in and whispered "Reds always been your color Janći. think youd look breathtaking"
Jans head whipped around at the words, trance abrubtly ending as he finally met naces mischevious eyes. something in his stomach fluttered as images flew around his head and his breath stopped for a second.
Lace across his pelvis, rhinestones framing his hips and fabric barely fitting his dick with the head peaking out to the side. Nace between his legs, kissing hickies onto his inner thighs and hands, gripping tight, leaving bruises on his hips. He felt himself shifting away from the hot breath on his sensetive skin but then again moving back, needing more, more stimulation, more touch, more nace. he was breathing hard as the bassists large, calloused hands caressed his sides and spread on his stomach. Goosebumps all over his body-
Jan felt the blush on his ears but the footsteps of marc made him return to the present because jesus christ, where did these thoughts come from? this was definetely neither the right time nor place to dive into this newly developed-, kink? Preference? interest? Well, whatever it was, nace chuckled meanly at jan, apparently fully aware of the crisis he started in the younger man. the bassist planted a short but hot kiss under his ear, making jan shiver and freed himself from his grip and turned back to walk back to the venue just as marc started filming again. quickly realizing he needed to get his act back to the "why is this so sparklative?", he rambled on again and yelled back at nace, though the older mans words reverberated in his mind. The vision even more.
Guess who returned with a little treat!?
Dear fifi, you are so correct about the sparkative thong and there has been a vision in my head I cannot get rid of and I've been writing whenever I had time this week (in between working 40hrs and getting sick lol) and I am not even remotely finished but I really really wanted to share this with yall!
I'll try to get this done in the next few days, I think I am at 2k right now but I won't promise anything, because I never fulfill my promises anyway lol but I offer this as a little tasting, teasing you for what is about to come (and who!)
Excuse the typos, I haven't betad this yet and I'll be going on a trip to brugge tmr and I am very tired, I promise the finished version will be better!
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i-did-not-mean-to · 1 year
Fire on fire
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@linasofia has been so good to send this one in! My dear, dear friend, it was a pleasure and an honour to be writing this for you!
🥳Happy Birthday🥳
Prompts: Coworker AU - Firefighter - Sick/Injured
Words: 1.95
Characters: Thorin x OC, Fíli, Ori x OC
Warnings: Fire, injury, danger
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“Old man,” Fíli muttered under his breath, “this looks nasty. Do you not want to take the day off?”
Thorin merely cocked an eyebrow at his oldest nephew—he was still not convinced that he liked the fact that both of his esteemed sister’s sons had followed him into his rather dangerous life as a firefighter. He also knew that he should have been a role model and agreed with Fíli; he’d never want the boys to put themselves and their colleagues into harm’s way because they were too stubborn to accept that they were not up for it.
Nonetheless, he shook his head and retracted his foot from the stool on which he had rested his sore ankle.
It had been such a minor accident—a mere slip on the treadmill—and he had earnestly tried to simply walk it off, but, as the day progressed, his ankle kept swelling and the pain did not abate.
“No, I am in charge, and I cannot leave you lot to your own devices,” Thorin replied, forcing a light, humorous note into his strained voice—he knew better than this and yet, he could not bear to leave the station to mope in his empty apartment.
Not when she was on the roster.
Fia, as she chose to be called by her colleagues, had joined their station recently and, even though Thorin had initially given her a hard time, she had turned out to be one of the most reliable and skilled firefighters he’d ever met—level-headed and calm, her apt assessment of the situation had saved their asses more than once and her gentle, friendly nature had quickly made her one of the favourites of the team.
Of course, Thorin had to admit as he forced his foot back into its boot and tried not to groan, she was also gorgeous.
Had he always known? Probably. Looking at the members of his team in such a light went against his own moral and professional code and so, Thorin had done his best to deny the way her hearty laughter and her steadfast courage made him feel for as long as he could.
When she had come in on her off-day though, her dark hair open and fragrant and her twinkling blue-grey eyes accentuated by a discreet hint of make-up, he had been unable to keep up that flimsy charade of disinterest anymore.
As the head of the team and the uncle of two grown men, Thorin was far past the point where he was supposed to let a silly crush bring him to his knees and convince him to act recklessly but, this much he was certain of, he would never have behaved so foolishly if she had been merely beautiful.
It was her spirit and her innate strength that had convinced and impressed him first and, as the months went by, he had realised that he enjoyed her company—her dry humour and her wickedly impish streak—more than he was ready to concede.
He had ever been unlucky in love, which was the reason why he had accepted to risk his life every day—there was nobody except his sister who would be devastated if he ever succumbed to the potentially lethal threat inherent to his job.
Thus, he was not surprised when the first woman to catch his attention in an eternity was one he could not have without risking the integrity of his whole life—he was frightened and excited in equal measures by this unexpected, rather late second spring, awakening debilitating desires and fantasies within his cold, rational heart.
“Please, tell me you’re not staying because you’ve got the hots for the other Fifi,” Fíli grinned and clapped his broad, calloused hand on his uncle’s shoulder playfully. “I am sure she’d be delighted to take you home and tend to you—have you seen her results in the first aid run? And I am not saying that because she’s a woman; I simply bow to my superior, she’s destroyed us!”
Obviously, Thorin remembered the first aid drill they had undergone a few weeks prior in which—as his nephew so correctly recalled—Fia had outperformed all of them with her calm efficiency and the gentle skill. How could he forget the light in her eyes as she generously shared her tips and insights with the others?
“Really, uncle,” Fíli tried again but was interrupted by the sudden appearance of Ori.
“The house,” the flustered ginger exclaimed, “it’s on fire. I’ve seen it from afar and I thought I’d come here first. My love, she might still be in there.”
Forgetting all about his ankle, Thorin sprang up and ran towards the garage, all the while bellowing commands.
“I’ve got you,” Fia replied, already pulling up her overalls. “Kíli you take care of the civilian, Fíli you get the gear ready. Engine 13 is prepared.”
She had just been cleaning and checking that particular vehicle when Thorin’s loud voice came booming through the space, startling her considerably—she had seen Ori around before and she liked the mousy little accountant just fine. As far as she had understood the matter, he was a distant cousin of the boys which explained why he and his girlfriend regularly brought food and other treats to the station to “keep their spirits up”.
At the thought that the shy woman with the furtive eyes was cowering in a smoke-filled room, Fia’s mind grew sharp and empty. There was no margin for error and her whole body stilled in anticipation of the inferno that was awaiting them.
A single glance at Thorin, her venerable captain, and his firmly set jaw made a surge of iron determination well up in her—she would be his right-hand woman, going in by his side and watching his back as he scanned every room for survivors.
“One civilian,” Kíli’s grainy, unsteady voice came from the speakers. “Only her. Get her, Thorin, we’re counting on you.”
“On it,” Thorin barked back. His boys, for all the children in the neighbourhood were his in a way, were his first priority and he’d never let any of them come to harm if he could avoid it.
“Uncle, your foot,” Fíli piped up nervously but was shushed by a tempestuous side-glance from his uncle. “Be careful!”
As soon as Thorin hit the brakes, they were out of the engine. The fire was contained in the back of the house and the hydrant on the street was easily accessible and in good condition; this would be a routine intervention if they handled the situation well and quickly enough.
"I’ve got the lines,” Fíli barked. “Here come Bofur and the others.” He took a breath, waiting for Thorin’s instructions.
“I’m going in to get the girl,” Thorin replied calmly, pulling on his helmet and checking his gear perfunctorily.
“Don’t go alone,” Fíli urged, his eyes so reminiscent of the young boy he had been not too long ago that Thorin paused for a precious second.
“I’ve got you, cap,” Fia reiterated and dug her fingers into Thorin’s belt. “Go ahead.” She would not let go of him until they were both out of the burning building again or he told her to fan out.
“On 3,” Thorin articulated painstakingly and marched forward; his ankle was screaming and protesting, but he did not slow down for the fire was eating its way voraciously through the ground floor now and every second lost would allow it to gain more and more traction.
Calling the young woman’s name in his sonorous voice, Thorin delved into the thick smoke and unbearable heat fearlessly.
“Here,” came the weak call. She had made it to the stairs and stayed there, frozen between the awareness that she had to get out of the carpet of asphyxiating smoke and the fear that she’d be trapped on the first floor.
Dimly, they all registered the crackling sound of water hitting the side of the house, but they couldn’t dwell on that.
“Jump, baby,” Thorin called, extending his arms. “I’ve got you.”
The frightened lady trusted him enough to do as she was told, Fia realised, awe and respect surging within her instinctively.
“Let’s…” She didn’t get to finish her sentence though because Thorin had buckled and collapsed on the floor, his body protectively wrapped around Ori’s girl. Flashes of the conversation in the truck came back to her and she shook her head—Thorin was injured, and he should have let her handle this!
“Take her out!” Thorin commanded, sitting up and leaning heavily against the banister behind him. “I’ll be with you in a second.”
“Come here,” she said to the woman and guided her to the door. “Civilian retrieved,” she cried at the top of her lungs. “She needs medical attention!”
Before she had finished her bellowing directive, other firefighters swarmed to the door, unmindful of the mud that splashed around their boots on account of the water that ran across the front yard in dirty rivulets.
“I’ve got her,” Fíli promised. “Where is Thorin?”
“I’m going back now,” Fia answered tersely. “He seems to be injured.” The unwavering resolve in her voice and face brooked no argument and so, Fíli merely nodded as he lifted the young victim into his strong arms.
“We’ll need another stretcher here,” he told Bofur who came to meet him with a paramedic on his heels. “Let’s go, people!”
Fia meanwhile plunged back into the house—the fire had spread, and time was running out fast.
“Cap?” she called and coughed; she knew that she was not supposed to take out her mouthpiece but how else would she get Thorin to tell her where he was.
“Haven’t moved much,” he chuckled, his voice raw and thin from smoke inhalation.
“Oh, you fool!” she cursed as she ran towards him, ducking and dashing as wisps of burning curtains flew past her. He had pulled himself up and was in the process of hobbling towards the exit.
“Trust me,” she said in a tone that made it very clear that this was an order and not a plea. “You can write me up for insubordination later!”
When he nodded, she took off her oxygen tank and chucked it into the general direction of the front door.
“What are you…” Thorin exclaimed angrily.
“Shut up!”
Squatting down, she grabbed his arms and pulled them over her shoulders. “Hold on,” she grunted and then, she made for that blessed rectangle of fresh air and blinding light as fast her own legs would carry her.
Time seemed to slow to a crawl around them, but Fia would not take her eyes or mind off that window to life and freedom.
“Thorin! Fia!” Fíli ran towards them as soon as he saw them appear. Later, he knew, he would mock his uncle relentlessly and mercilessly for having gotten what basically amounted to a half-assed piggyback ride from a woman, but in that second, he was simply relieved that both of them had made it out alive.
“I told you!” he screamed even as he was waving his hands frantically to get the medical personnel to attend even faster.
“I know,” Thorin wheezed. “This was entirely my fault, and I shall admit as much in my report. Never worry about that.”
“Later,” Fia grunted, wiping the back of her hand across her pale brow—the smeared sweat and ash made her look even more imperious and disapproving than Fíli’s flashing eyes ever could. “Right now, we’ll go to the hospital for a check-up and then, I’ll take you home and we’ll see what can be done for that foot of yours!”
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@fellowshipofthefics Here is the first one for May then :)
Lots of love from me
-> Masterlist
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da-proti-toku-grem · 2 months
Thank you for the ask sis <333
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Jance headcanon (does this count as headcanon?) - Nace helps a lot to keep Jan grounded. We know Jan seems to be in another plane of existence most of the time, but after having watched a lot of interviews (before, during and after esc), I've noticed that he seems to be more "present" when he's near Nace. They don't really need to talk, but just a hand on Jan's thigh/back or an arm around his shoulder, some shared looks and smiles... It seems to help him stay on earth - maybe it also helps ease some anxiety as well
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
Well, I've been reading fanfiction for years, but I actually never thought about writing anything (and I mean anything - not even the typical thing that you write but never post). But one day I was talking with @fifi-goes-to-hollywood and we ended up talking about jance going on a roadtrip together, and then the day after (which, fun fact, was new year's eve lmao) I sent her this:
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It went smoothly for a while, but then I lost motivation (bc mental health went 📉📉📉) and I decided to start doing those kiss prompts to get some motivation back. All the nice comments actually helped a lot and I finally finished the fic so... Thank you everyone hehe <3
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
Oh I am definitely calling you 😌 We've already planned a k*dnapping twice, so I think you're the right person to call for help ahshshwbshbxs
If we need more help then I'd call the rest of the nace enthusiasts, I'm sure they'll be willing to help ;)
Writers Truth & Dare Ask Game
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companion-showdown · 10 months
we're going to do a mini-tournament next (not any reason, i just need a break from full tournaments for a couple of weeks), it might only be one or a few in a row
if you weren't here last time what that means is fewer contestants, rounds will be less prompt, i'll reblog less, if any, propaganda, and any seeding will be minimal. Basically, it'll still be fun, just slightly less involved
The next time poll will go up tomorrow, if you have any mini-tournament ideas you want to nominate, go for it. At the moment that list is:
smart companions
the robotathon (robotic or cybernetically enhanced sompanions)
UNIT members
animated companion
Most tragic departure
Impossible Doctor-companion pairing (not sure how this one would work, it was a suggestion that came in, if it gets voted for we'll figure it out)
freaky little pets (specifically your sandy the sand beasts, your aggedors, your fifis, but normal, earthly, pets would also be welcome)
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nurse-buckley · 1 year
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I posted 2,570 times in 2022
That's 55 more posts than 2021!
232 posts created (9%)
2,338 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,025 of my posts in 2022
#0 - 253 posts
#9-1-1 - 235 posts
#eddie diaz - 158 posts
#i got queue - 139 posts
#evan buckley - 138 posts
#queue - 138 posts
#9-1-1 spoilers - 135 posts
#911 spoilers - 131 posts
#buddie - 103 posts
#eurovision - 69 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#a unknown breed some terrier mix of chaos adopted and rescued from a killing station in hungary originally called fifi but he's milo now
My Top Posts in 2022:
Sicktember - Day Four
Fandom: 9-1-1  Pairing: Buddie x Reader (platonic)   Word Count: 1,293 words Prompt: @sicktember Alt. Prompt 5 “Can You Be Brave For Me?” Tagslist: @firemedicdiaz @fireladybuckley @winterreader-nowwriter @iamasimpingh0e @dayrin085 @hauntedmilkshakeghost @floralbuckleys @writingmysanity  If you want to be added or removed from my tagslist, please let me know!  Authors Note: CEO of getting these fics out 25 minutes before midnight! Once again, unbeta’d so I apologise for any mistakes! Requested by the amazing @firemedicdiaz I hope this helps cheer you up lovely <3
You let out a low groan as you feel someone shaking your shoulders in an attempt to rouse you, “Hey. Y/N? Can you hear me? Open your eyes for me sweetheart.” You can vaguely hear Eddie’s voice cutting through the haze, but your eyes are just too heavy. 
Eddie moves his fingers to the side of your neck, feeling for your pulse .He lets out a sigh of relief to feel the gentle thrumming beneath his finger tips, even if it is a little fast for his liking. He gently shakes your shoulders once more, releasing another sigh of relief as your eyes begin to flutter open. 
“Ed…?” you slurred, as consciousness returns to you. “What? Why am I on the floor?” Your mind still fuzzy, your head pounding, probably from the impact of your head hitting the floor considering the last thing you remember was helping Eddie in the kitchen before the world began to spin. 
Eddie can sense your rising anxiety as you come to your senses a little more and attempt to sit up, easing you back down with a gentle hand on your shoulder. “Easy cariña, you fainted. Just lay back for me, you’re alright. We’ve got you,” he reassures. 
‘We? Right…you were at Buck’s. You and Eddie had gone there after work to hang out. 
You startle as you hear a noise from your side, watching as Buck comes into view and sets the first aid kit you knew he kept in his closet beside you. The younger man kneels beside you, opposite Eddie, unzipping the kit to pull out a piece of gauze before passing the kit over to Eddie. 
Buck moves into your line of sight, taking your focus away from Eddie as he begins to pull out various pieces of equipment, sensing your anxiety growing more. “I’m just going to hold this to the side of your head, alright? You bumped your head pretty hard when you hit the floor.” He apologies as the contact causes you to flinch away, but he holds your head steady with his other hand on the other side of your face. 
You see Eddie placing a stethoscope around his neck, and feel your breathing start to come a little quicker, suddenly feeling self-conscious of all the attention on you. 
“You know, I’m actually feeling a lot better. It’s okay. I’m just really tired or it’s probably just low blood sugar. I’m fine…really. I don’t need the hospital or anything, really,” you stutter, trying to sit up once more. 
“Hey,” Eddie speaks up from your other side, taking your hand in his and squeezing it reassuringly, “No one said anything about the hospital, I can’t rule it out just yet, but I just need to check you over, that’s non-negotiable. Can you be brave for me? Just for a little while.” 
You nod defeatedly, allowing Buck to ease you back down this time. A stray tear rolls down your cheek at the thought of there being something wrong with you, but you know you’re in safe hands with the pair of them at your side. 
“That’s it. Just lay back, we’ve got you. You’re safe,” Buck reassures, wiping away the stray tear with the pad of his thumb. 
“Did you have any symptoms before you passed out? Any dizziness, blurred vision, palpitations?” 
You give a worried look to Buck, but an encouraging nod from him has you nodding your head, “i-is that bad?” 
“Try not to worry, it could be nothing,” Buck tries to reassure you. 
“B-but it could be something. I’ve never passed out before,” your panic begins to rise once more, the thought of something being wrong with you overwhelming you. 
“I need you to take a deep breath for me sweetheart,” Eddie says this time, “We need you calm okay, just let me worry about everything else.” 
You mimic Eddie as he takes a slow, deep breath, feeling a little calmer. “Good, now, keep taking deep breaths with Buck here, and let me check you over. I’ll explain everything before I do it and if it gets too much we’ll take a break.” 
Buck gently moves back into your line of vision, taking slow deep breaths for you to follow. 
“I’m just going to check your pulse,” Eddie announces, gently placing his fingers around your wrist and glancing at his watch. You focus on your breath, following Buck and trying not to focus on the feeling of your pulse tapping away against Eddie’s touch. 
He sets your arm down by your side, before picking up the blood pressure cuff from the kit next. “Is it alright if I just slip this on here?” You nod your consent, trying not to focus on the feeling of the cool fabric as Eddie wraps it tightly around your upper arm. You watch as he puts on the stethoscope and places it at the crook of your elbow, “Just a little squeeze here.” He inflates the cuff, just enough to be uncomfortable before releasing it, quickly and efficiently taking the reading. 
“Your vitals are a little concerning,” Eddie quickly continues, before you work yourself up again, “I’m just going to check one more thing, is it alright if I check your blood sugar?” 
The thought of the needle pricking your finger is enough to make bile rise at the back of your throat, but you knew Eddie wouldn’t be asking if he wasn’t certain. 
As if he were able to read your mind, Eddie speaks up once more, “I’ll be as gentle as I can and it’ll be over before you know it.” 
You nod once more, offering your middle finger to Eddie and holding out your free hand to Buck to hold as Eddie gets the necessary equipment together. “Do you want me to count down?” Eddie asks as he presses the tip of the lancet against your chosen finger. 
“Count down please,” you ask as you look away and focus on Buck, squeezing his hand tighter. 
Before you have a chance to even think, you feel the needle quickly pinch your skin before Eddie squeezes your finger and takes the reading. Buck is quick, grabbing another piece of gauze from the packet he’d opened earlier and wraps it around the tip of your finger. 
See the full post
99 notes - Posted September 4, 2022
Sicktember Day 9 - Home Remedy
Fandom: 9-1-1  Pairing: Buck x Reader Word Count: 789 words  Prompt: @sicktember Day 9 - Home Remedy  Tagslist: @firemedicdiaz @fireladybuckley @winterreader-nowwriter @iamasimpingh0e @dayrin085 @hauntedmilkshakeghost @floralbuckleys @writingmysanity  If you want to be added or removed from my tagslist, please let me know!  Authors Note: Is this me early posting (for me at least) for once? I have now officially finished my presentation so hopefully more regular posting - I am also going to be clearing my ask box and getting through my prompts missed during the big depression! Thank you @firemedicdiaz for having a quick glance at this, I hope you feel better soon love <3
You hate the feeling of migraines, but at the same time, when one hits, you can't remember a time before them. The pain is agonising, overtaking every one of your senses. Everything is too bright. Noises too loud. Movements causing the already dizzying nausea to worsen tenfold. 
“Babe?” Buck calls out softly as he enters his apartment, squinting in the dim light to spot any sign of you. He knew you were no stranger to migraines and judging by the darkness and eerie silence that fell upon the loft, he guessed that is what was happening. 
With no sign of you, he makes his way quietly up the stairs towards the bedroom, seeing you bundled under the duvet and your head buried into the pillows. 
You feel the bed dip as Buck perches on the bed next to you, even that gentle movement was nauseating. He places a gentle hand on top of where he guesses your hip is under the covers, before softly uttering the word, “migraine?” 
“Yeah,” you reply, just loud enough for him to hear you from beneath the cocoon you’d wrapped yourself in, whining as even the slightest movement causes the pain radiating from deep within your head to throb even more. 
“Have you taken anything for it?” Buck asks again, being mindful to keep his voice low. 
You chance coming out of the safety of blankets, thankful that Buck has kept the light off, “no…I feel too nauseous. Plus, nothing touches it, just gotta ride it out…” you whisper your reply. 
“I think I might have something that could help,” you feel him shift from the bed and move into the bathroom. 
You can see he’s carrying something, but you’re not sure of what in the dim light of the loft. He comes to kneel by your bedside, “do you trust me?” 
There was no doubt in your mind anything Buck did would make the pain any worse, so with nothing to lose you slowly nod your head. 
“Alright, I need you to shift around for me.” He guides you with a hand at the small of your back, helping to ease you down onto a pillow he’d laid out in front of him, so he has better access to your head. 
“I did a little research after your last migraine and read that lavender oil and a head massage can work wonders,” he explains as he pops the cap from the small amber bottle and warms a few drops between his palms. 
You wrinkle your nose, preparing for the overwhelming floral smell you’d encountered with some essential oils before, but are pleased to find the scent isn’t strong at all. 
“Alright, just relax and if it gets too much, just let me know.” 
You take a deep breath and close your eyes, feeling safe in Buck’s capable hands. Buck had given you massages before, but nothing prepared you for the pure bliss you felt as his touch gave you some relief, easing away the tension that had built up around your head, neck and shoulders. 
He places his middle and index fingers on your temples and begins to massage the area in a circular motion with just enough pressure to counter the pressure you were feeling from the migraine, causing you to let out a low groan. The feeling of relief only grows as he moves down to your chin, gently stroking his fingers up from your jaw towards your temples again. 
You hiss slightly as he moves his hands again, adding slight pressure with his thumbs along your eyebrows, right above where the pain is radiating from. 
“I’m sorry,” Buck apologises, moving his hands away. 
You make a move to grab his hands, placing them back over your head, “Nooo,” you whine, “don’t stop…feels good.” 
He continues on, moving towards you neck and back, turning your head gently to the side cupping your neck with his hands and using his thumb to work out the knots deep within the tissue. You feel him working into the area at the base of your skull, rubbing small circular motions, before moving back to the rest of your head, slow circular motions, gently scratching your scalp. 
Between Buck’s skilled hands and the relaxing scent of lavender you begin to relax more and more, the tension leaving your body along with the majority of the migraine pain. He finishes the massage, rubbing his hands together, warming a little more oil, before he places both his hands covering your forehead and eyes. 
The gentle pressure he’s applying feels wonderful, “Buck…”  
“Yeah?” he whispers his reply. 
“I am going to need you to do this again and again when I’m feeling better…because this was amazing. Thank you.” 
106 notes - Posted September 9, 2022
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Eurovision 2022 opening.
173 notes - Posted May 14, 2022
Sicktember Day Nine - Emergency Room/ Ambulance
Fandom: 9-1-1  Pairing: Buck x Reader  Word Count: 1,095 words  Prompt: @sicktember Day 9 - Emergency Room/ Ambulance, written for the amazing @floralbuckleys  Tagslist: @firemedicdiaz @fireladybuckley @winterreader-nowwriter @iamasimpingh0e @dayrin085 @hauntedmilkshakeghost @floralbuckleys @writingmysanity  If you want to be added or removed from my tagslist, please let me know!  
Buck had warned you on more than one occasion to be careful carrying stuff down the steep stairs of his loft, even more so now you had both welcomed the latest edition to your family. The shelter a block from your shared apartment had had a special event for the cats and kittens in their care with their kennels recently overwhelmed. With a lot of pleading from you and the endless cute cat photos you'd sent to Buck, he had eventually caved and you’d adopted Sammie, a beautiful little white and ginger cat who had definitely made the place her home. 
“Come on girl,” you gently nudged her with your foot to try and get her to walk ahead of you, your hands full with a basket of laundry that had built up. You giggled as she didn't listen, flopping over dramatically in front of you before moving to weave in and out between your legs as you continued to ignore her. 
You’d had a few near misses, Sammie wanting to be right by your side, rubbing her face against your legs as you attempted to move past her. “Sammie, come on sweetheart, you’re going to trip…” you didn’t have time to finish your sentence as you came tumbling down the stairs, Sammie running off to hide with her tail fluffed as the flying laundry startled her. 
You tumbled down the stairs, each one seeming to find a new spot to hit, sending jolts of pain through your body until you flew forward, your head landing on the floor with a sickening thud. 
With the wind knocked out of you it took a little while for the initial shock to wear off. You took a shaky breath before you began to move each of your legs, testing for injury, moving higher and higher as you checked your body over. When it came to checking your wrist, you let out a yelp as a jolt of pain shot up your arm.  The jerk sent another pain through your head and you could already feel the large lump forming near your temple where you’d made impact with the ground. You lifted your hand to inspect the side of your head, gasping when it came away with a smear of blood from a cut on your forehead. 
With the danger over, you glanced around as you heard a meow, the sound followed by Sammie who had come out from her hiding spot to investigate what had happened. She made her way over coming to nuzzle against your side; if you knew better you would think she was apologising for causing the accident. 
“And this is why we’re careful on the stairs,” you groaned as you cautiously sat up. Sammie seemed to take this as an invitation and she climbed onto your lap, her paws coming to rest on your chest as she nuzzled against your face. “Alright, get off me. I guess I’ve got to go and get checked out at the hospital.  What’s your dad going to say about this? You think we can get away without calling him from the ER?” 
Being gentle, you shoved her off before you slowly got to your feet, glad you were the only injured party between you. Once you were sure you were okay to stand, you made your way to the bathroom, grabbed some gauze for your head, and left your apartment for the short walk to the hospital. 
By the time you arrived in the ER and were triaged, the pain in your head and wrist had doubled and you were beginning to think maybe it would be a good time to call Buck. 
Your thoughts were interrupted as you heard your name in an all too familiar voice. You turned just in time to see Buck and Eddie wheeling a patient into the ER, cursing whatever power had led them to bringing someone in at that exact moment. 
“Heeeeeey babe. It’s not as bad as it looks,” you replied. 
Buck wasted no time, checking that Eddie was okay being left with the patient before he made his way over to where you were sitting. 
“Let me be the judge of that,” he said as his hands came to hover over you, afraid to hurt you as he checked over your injuries. He put a gentle hand over the one holding the bloodied gauze to your head, pulling it away with a hiss as he got a glimpse at the wound. 
“Y/N what the hell happened? Why didn’t you call me?” 
“I swear, I was going to as soon as the nurse saw me. I wasn’t looking where I was going with the laundry and Sammie got under my feet and I ended up falling down the last few steps.” 
Buck sighed as he glanced over the various bruises that had begun to form over your body and the swelling in your wrist, “that looks like a lot more than a few,” he admonished.   “I’m going to go catch up with Bobby and let him know I’m staying with you, you’ll need someone to take you home with that head injury…,” Buck paused, “wait…how did you get here anyway? Did you drive with a head injury?  Y/n, do you even know how dangerous…” 
“Buck,” you interrupted him. “I’m not that stupid, I didn’t drive here…I walked.” You realised as soon as you said it and by the look on Buck’s face that it probably wasn’t the wisest decision you had made either, but you decided to chalk that up to the head injury.  
“Why didn’t you call 911, or me? You could have had a spinal injury, you could have a serious head injury and be unconscious on the side of the road right now,” he continued rambling off each and every worst case scenario he could think of. 
“I know and I’m sorry, I was embarrassed, you’ve told me time and time again to watch out for Sammie and I didn’t listen.” 
Buck silenced you with a chaste kiss to your forehead, “it doesn’t matter now, as long as you’re both okay. I’m going to take the rest of the shift off, take you home, and we’re going to get your favourite takeout and chill on the couch tonight.” 
You stopped him as he began to turn and walk away to find his captain. 
“What’s wrong baby?” 
“Can we stop by the store and get Sammie a treat? She’s had a trauma today too!” 
“Anything for you two,” he chuckled, shaking his head. 
262 notes - Posted September 11, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
To Keep Me From Freezing
Fandom: 9-1-1 Word Count: 3,383 Pairing: Buck x Reader Warnings: Being locked in a walk in (honestly my biggest fear when I worked in a grocery store!) Minor medical exams/ mentions.  Tagslist: @firemedicdiaz , @fireladybuckley @winterreader-nowwriter @iamasimpingh0e @dayrin085 @floralbuckleys If you want to be added or taken off my tagslist please let me know!  Thank you @floralbuckleys and @firemedicdiaz for helping revamp and reading over this fic for me and @floralbuckleys for the amazing graphic. <3 
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‘Have a good shift.’
You smile as your phone lights up with a notification from Buck, you pocket the device with a sigh knowing it was time to start getting yourself ready to leave for work. You’d been taking on more shifts in the store trying to keep yourself busy while Buck was away for his long shifts. The added bonus of overtime was also a very good incentive. 
Throwing on your store branded jacket and name tag, you grab your keys and make your way out of the door, walking the familiar route. 
The shift went by as usual, stocking the shelves in your assigned aisle, helping the off customer here and there looking for various products or advice. You enjoyed the quiet of the night shifts, unlike the majority of your colleagues, fewer customers meant you could work mostly uninterrupted. Having the shelves fully stocked, neat and tidy at the end also gave you satisfaction, Buck teased you for it endlessly as you’d found yourself doing the same at home, constantly reminding him to rotate the food in the cupboards in date order. 
You glanced at your watch, finding relief that you didn’t have long left of your shift. The display you’d been working on just needed a few finishing touches and then you could go home, shower and spend the day with your boyfriend. You spot your manager walking past, looking beyond stressed as she paces up and down the aisles looking for someone. 
You sigh when her eyes land on you and she begins to make her way over to you. “Y/N, I hate to ask…” she begins. 
“It’s fine, Elise. What’s up?” you reassure her, kicking yourself for the offer, hoping the task won’t take too long. You guessed you weren’t her first choice but you were happy to help if it meant a little more overtime.
You watch the relief wash over her face, happy you weren’t going to be another in what was probably a long line of colleagues who chose to blow her off. “Everyone’s gone home, and you know I wouldn’t ask if I wasn’t desperate but that shelf in the walk-in freezer is broken again, someone’s just left stock all over the floor. I’ve gotta go to an appointment so I can’t stay until open,” she says all at once. 
“Elise, it’s fine. I’ve got it. I’ll just finish up here and then I’ll see what I can do.” 
She flashes you a smile, giving you a clap on the shoulder before turning to leave. “You’re a lifesaver!” Elise tosses you the keys to the store, going over the instructions on how to lock up when you finish, assuring you’d be paid for the overtime. She continues her thank yous as she walks away, leaving you by yourself in the store. 
You pull out your phone, sending a quick text to Buck, ‘might be home a little later, gotta fix something in the walk-in and then lock up. Going to need a hot shower when I get in…maybe someone to join me too?’ You sent with a few emojis. 
Your phone lights up as the three dots appear, then disappear as Buck decides on how to respond. You let out a laugh as your phone buzzes with a new notification, Buck having replied with a few suggestive emojis. 
Pocketing your phone once more, you zip up your jacket as far as it can go and pull on the gloves before heading to the back of the store to the walk-in freezer. You should feel slightly ridiculous at the attire, considering the climate you live in, but they were needed in the biting 0 degrees of the freezer. 
The cool air hits you as soon as the doors open, causing you to suck in a deep breath. Your boss hadn’t been lying when she’d said the stock was everywhere. In fact, she probably hadn’t been entirely truthful with you. Realizing you would probably be in there longer than you thought, you decide to close the door behind you, not wanting to let in the warm air or hear the robotic voice reminding you ‘door open, please close the door,’ on an endless loop. 
Unsure of where to start, you begin by shifting the stock around to give you a bit more room to work. It probably wasn’t the wisest decision to go in with only your jacket, but you knew the sooner you got in, the sooner you would be out of there and you could be on your way home. You shake off the cold, focussing on the task at hand, hoping you will be done soon. 
Your fingers are numb and you’re barely able to grasp at the last few items by the time you are done, the gloves just about doing their jobs none they were damp from the melting ice from the frozen produce. With the shelf finally fixed, you make quick work of restacking the boxes of frozen vegetables and oven fries before turning to leave. 
You give another pull on the handle, surprised as the motion jerks you. You were stuck. Not quite believing it, you give the door handle another hard yank, trying to keep the panic from rising further, but once again the door doesn't budge.  
You try to swallow the anxiety that has risen in your chest as your biggest fear has come true. ‘The safety release, it’s there for a reason. Try that before you panic,’ you thought to yourself as you pulled on the emergency release next. Dread washes over you, the uncomfortable sensation of your stomach dropping with the realization that the door is still jammed tightly shut. 
With all the strength you could muster, you try one more time, hoping it is just a small build up of ice that is preventing your escape. Your strength, however, is of no use. The lever hardly budges. You slam your hands against the freezer food in frustration as you let out a choked sob as you finally admit to yourself that you’re stuck. Turning your back against the freezer door, you allow yourself to slide down, your emotions finally taking over as you let the tears you’ve been holding back escape. 
The tears only made you colder as the moisture hits the cold air. You try, in vain, to stop, hiccupping as you try to choke back the tears; but the fear and anxiety were too much. 
You pull out your phone from your pocket, glancing at the top right hand corner of the screen to see what you had expected; no signal. Elise had likely already left, so you knew there was no point in ringing the safety buzzer either. With no one to call and the store empty, you choked out another sob at the realization that the morning team wouldn’t be in for another hour. 
With the knowledge you wouldn't be able to get out, your mind turns to survival mode. You vaguely remember something from one of the survival shows Buck loved to watch; you needed to keep calm. Panic would only burn energy and your body needs that to keep warm and to survive. 
You glance around, noting the broken down cardboard boxes you’d cleared, sitting by the door to the freezer. You place a few on the floor, hoping it would be enough of a barrier to insulate you from the cold ground. You also spot the roll of saran wrap you know is kept in the freezer to wrap the full cages and begin to frantically unravel the rolls, folding it as you went to make a makeshift blanket. 
You sit down on the insulated floor, wrapping the improvised blanket over your head and around your shoulders. With the remaining cardboard, you cover the rest of your body, hoping it will stave off the chill from the cool freezer air. 
Despite the makeshift shelter, you can’t help the involuntary shivering causing your whole body to convulse as it tries to keep you warm. 
You can gradually feel yourself growing more tired, not sure if it's from the cold air or the effect of the long shift you’d completed, not that you cared either way. 
For once, you’re thankful for the thermal socks and heavy uncomfortable steel toe cap boots, at least your feet are warmer than your hands. You know it’s not looking good for you when you begin to lose the feeling in your fingers, despite having your arms wrapped around you and your hands tucked beneath your armpits. Rubbing your hands up and down your arms helps to warm you some, the action helps to keep your blood circulating, praying to any god who would listen that you’ll make it out of this alive. 
You clumsily fumble your phone from your pocket, with the hope that by some miracle you might have at least one bar of signal, but as suspected, nothing. Checking the time, you sigh, sliding the phone back into your pocket, fumbling it slightly as your fingers are no longer cooperating. 
See the full post
359 notes - Posted August 29, 2022
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batrogers · 9 days
WIP ask game
'Cause some of y'all liked the last one, and I recently got my writing folder sorted out so have a few more.
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it!
I'm not tagging anyone bc I don't want to and also the original was "As many as you have WIPs" and uh.....
You're tagged if you wanna be, that covers the list right?
List under the cut bc I have.... a lot. Roughly in order of age (some of these have been untouched for a few years.)
Ocarina True Start 2
Sleepy Prompts
NiNiko Kiss
Far and Hyrule
Hateno Fluff
Dragon Pains
LU Legend ByeBye
TBP Second Broken Promise
Fierce n First Whump
LU Spirit Intro
TBP Linebeck
LU Wars and Twi Talk
Fifi Meeting
LU de-aging
TBP Hateno Backstory
Temple of Souls Xover
Prince’s Journal
Spirit Concussed
Chief and Yuga
Souls Crossover Doc
GanZelLink Idea
First Take Two
OoT Teenaged Ganondorf
Dragmire TOTK
Warrior Crossover Draft 2a
MidZel Meeting
Battle of the Triforce 2
GanZeLink Sequel
Temple of Souls
The Imprisoned
Pregame Doc
BOTW Inverted
Can you tell I tend to name things descriptively? Yeah LOL.
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