#fighter iwaizumi
eggyrocks · 1 month
bruised part seven -> the healing power of shit talking
♪ now playing: first love/late spring by mitski ♪
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“Are there any concerns you have going into Worlds?”
Iwaizumi bounces his knee, leaning back against the chair at his desk. He stares attentively at his computer screen, her face pixelated across it. It’s strange, he thinks, to see the face he’s known since he was a kid splayed out on screen, twisting in thought.
She’s always hated interviews, ever since her first one, and he can see it on her now. When she gnaws on the inside of her cheek. When she crosses her arms tightly over her chest, fingers tapping against her bicep. When her lip slightly twitches before she speaks. “The bracket’s stacked with a lot of heavy hitters,” she answers, and Iwaizumi can hear the forced diplomacy in her voice, even through the poor audio quality of his desktop’s speakers. “So I just have to make sure I go in with a clear head and play to my own strengths instead of fixating in on my opponent’s. That’s gotten me into trouble before.”
He chuckles at her answer. It’s so strained and uncharacteristic. Because if it was him that had asked her, she would roll her eyes and say, “Yeah, fucking of course I do. It’s Worlds. Don’t be stupid.” But because there is a camera on her face, she puts up a front of faux concentration and gives the first bullshit answer she can think of.
Iwaizumi taps a finger against the edge of his desk, resting his chin on the heel of his other palm. He studies her as she fields another question about her disadvantages against pressure fighters. Her left hand slips under her right elbow, cradling it, thumb drawing circles over the bone. He huffs.
It’s bothering her. Of course it’s bothering her.
His first frustrated thought is that she’s stupid for not telling him, because he told her to keep him updated on how the healing progressed and if she had any pain.
And then his second, worse thought is that it’s entirely his fault that she didn’t.
My world doesn’t revolve around you, y’know.
Iwaizumi sighs, reaching forward to knock his thumb into the space bar, pausing the video right as she started delving into her defense training. He knew it would work. Still, he was just sort of hoping it wouldn’t.
And now that it has, it feels shitty. Really fucking shitty.
Absentmindedly, he digs into his pocket and fishes out his phone, hoping that there might be a notification from her and hoping that there might not be. He’s more disappointed than relieved when there’s nothing.
He opens their conversation, thumbs hovering over the keyboard. Iwaizumi looks at her last words to him just a few days back: okay, whatever. He swallows, and types out a quick and plain: I’m sorry.
Iwaizumi stares down at the unsent message. He doesn’t know how to apologize without taking it back. He doesn’t know how to take it back without setting the distance.
There’s this urge in him to be selfish. To apologize and do whatever groveling is needed to get back to how they were before. But he knows that they can’t go on like that forever. That he would always be standing in her way. That he can’t always be the person she’d choose over anyone else. And if there was a time for his honesty, he knows for certain it’s passed.
Iwaizumi deletes it letter by letter. He knows she needs the distance.
He turns his attention back to the screen and presses play on the video. She picks up mid-sentence, giving them a canned line about how to effectively defend when she’s pushed up into a corner.
“And one last question for you and then I’ll let you get back to training. Is there a driving force behind your punch? What inspires you to fight?”
She was asked the same question back in their university days. He remembers her answer, word for word as it was back then. She grinned, brightly and genuinely, and looked right at the camera as she said, “I promised my friend I’d win.”
Now, she offers a half-hearted shrug and says with a light chuckle, “Who knows these days?”
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fun facts!
yn typed out “np” with actual tears in her eyes
when she said “i know i can be clingy sometimes” she did mean it but there was a (big) part of her hoping he’d deny it and say he likes the attention she gives him
iwaizumi on the other hand was trying very hard not to say exactly that
he didn’t know what the right thing to say was so he just said generic word salad and then immediately regretted it
he’s not doing great either rn
yn has a hyperextended elbow and has had issues with dislocation in the past; she’s been able to avoid surgery but she’s been getting worried abt it acting up again
she wears compression sleeves while she trains to try and keep it at bay
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taglist: @wyrcan @thechaosoflonging @publicbathroompanic @bedeater @rottingt1tz @rintarawr @deluluforcarlos55 @ahseyy @localgaytrainwreck @cherrypieyourface @baskin-robinhoods @polish-cereal @iheartamora @ferntv @eclecticeggknightpsychic @httpakkeiji @does-directions @pinkiscool @hikikaimar @needtoloveoutloud @iheartpinky @makkir0ll @cr4yolaas @k8nicole @cannibalsrider @bookworm-center @causenessus @frootloopscos @0moonii @ekeio @michivrse @phoenix-eclipses @rinthegoose69 @melancholy-nightmares @kottonkndyy @hermaeusmorax @milkwithspiceyicecubes (please complete form linked in masterlist to be added)
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heartofjasmina · 7 days
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🌸 Masterlist 🌸
♡ Writing Tag ♡
My Hero (BNHA)
Glorious (All Might x glory hole)
Gardening!AU (Pro Hero!Bakugou x gardener reader)
Gardening AU HCs
Gardening AU 3
Gardening AU 4
Pro Hero!Deku x superfan reader
Breeding Instincts (Multi character: Daichi, Kirishima, Deku, Bakugou, Iwaizumi)
Alpha Bakugou and Omega son
Katsuki praises you when you need it most
Spanking w/ Todoroki
Dom Amajiki 2
Mommy dom x Amajiki
Anal freak Deku
Anal freak Deku 2
Iida and perv little sis (incest tw)
Pro Hero!Deku x bitch reader at high school reunion
Fashion designer Bakugou
Bakugou x bitch reader fluff
Duke!Bakguou x virgin reader
Glassblower Bakugou
Dilf!Bakugou x Todoroki's daughter
Deaf!Bakugou 2
Deaf!Bakguou 3
Shouto and Dabi x reader (incest tw)
Professional chef!Bakugou
Dom nerd!Izuku x seven minutes of heaven
Pirate King!Aizawa
Daddy Dom!Kirishima x tantrum throwing reader
Cookbook author!Bakugou
Kiribaku x reader
Bimbo girlfriend Denki
Bimbo Denki 2
Big Bro Gamer Denki
Daddy Dom Bakugou fluff 2
Iida x slut reader
Iida x bitch reader
Tokoyami x high protocol
DILF All Might
Proffessional Violinist Bakugou
Kirishima's breeder balls
Bakugou x sleepy gf
Bakugou x anxious reader
Underground fighter!Kirishima
Bakugou x crybaby reader
Kirishima x little reader subspace
Professional chef!Bakugou 2
ProHero!Bakugou x nightmares
Bakugou x bitch gf
Bakugou x bitch reader 2
Big Bro Izuku (incest tw)
Facefucking x Tokoyami
Daddy Dom Bakugou fluff
Bakugou x stoner bitch reader
Deku x bimbo reader (tutoring)
All Might and his fans
Bakugou and gf!reader at Megan Thee Stallion Concert
Ushijima x bitch reader
Ushijima x loudmouth gf!reader
Ushijima x anal
Daddy Dom Ushijima
Giant!Ushijima 1
Giant!Ushijima 2
Giant Ushijima 3 (op)
Ushijima x bimbo reader
personal assistant!Iwaizumi x boss lady!reader
Dom!Daichi pays attention
Nanami x babygirl reader
Big Bro Suguru
Blue Lock
Bimbo!reader x Isagi
Bachira x bimbo gf
Kuroko's Basketball (KNB)
Aomine x tutor!reader
Murasakibara x reader
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bettermiya · 1 year
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Pairings: Kita Shinsuke x Reader. Bokuto Kotaro x Reader x Akaashi Keiji. Miya Atsumu x Reader. Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader.
Trigger Warnings: Violence, Implications of Stalking, Mentions of Domestic Violence.
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Kita – “If he ever bothers ya’ again, I’ll do more ta’ him,” Shinsuke answered easily as you wrapped gauze around his bloody knuckles. His calloused fingers ran through your soft hair, tugging gently so you would look up at him. "My obaa-chan was disappointed because I didn't get another hit in. Besides, he shouldn't be so persistent when yer clearly mine."
You never thought of this little traditional house as home. You were a city person who fell in love with a rice farmer, but it should have been obvious. After you mentioned your dirty past with Hiroto, Shinsuke and his obaa-chan did their best to protect you. Locks. Alarms. It wasn't enough. Your ex-boyfriend tried to physically confront you and, as a result, ended up with a broken face and an arrest. Those hands from hours of rice reaping were more powerful than you realized. The fact that farms had security cameras was also something you should’ve considered. You pretended Shinsuke being popular around your little community didn't have anything to do with how easy this had been.
What matters is you’re safe.
“I love you.” You choked out before finally kissing him, breathing in the sharp tang of surprise as strong arms wrapped around you. You run your tongue over his lower lip and are about to do more, but you stop yourself and bury your face in his shoulder.
You're just embarrassed now.
"If this is what I get for doing the bare minimum, darlin', what will ya' do when it's somethin' special?"
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Atsumu – Samu was the better fighter, Atsumu reluctantly admitted, but they both carried the same amount of tenacity. To rip him away from your terrifying stalker, Bokuto and Meian dugged their fingernails deep into his biceps and heaved him off. They dragged their setter back into the gym by force. You followed as best you could; your horrified eyes met a laid-back, intimidating gaze. You pondered how important if he looked like he was about to kill.
Fortunately, the management team already began discussing how they could keep this controversy quiet. Despite knowing that Atsumu fought for you, you're scared because he could be a more terrifying version of Hiroto if he wanted to be. You're not scared enough to stop yourself from expressing those feelings, though. He deserved that much for grappling your worst mistake into the concrete.
The harsh laugh surprised you. “My ma’ was a single parent. ‘Cause our pa preferred to rule with his fists, she raised Samu and I by ‘erself,” he explained, taking your hand to press an easy kiss to your knuckles. “‘m sorry I scared ya.’”
“I won’t stop ya’ from goin’ ‘cause I know better than ta’ be a man like that, but I’d want ya’ to stay. Please.”
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Bokuto & Akaashi – Kotaro and you clutched each other for dear life, while watching Keiji use his words to systematically tear your ex-boyfriend apart. “AKAAAASHI, CAN WE GO NOW? HE’S ALREADY COWERING. LOOK AT HIM,” the spiker whined loudly, swinging you around in his arms like a particularly loved toy. You desperately tried to whisper that you were being crushed by his massive biceps. Normally, you wouldn't care, but you'd lived long enough to be free of the past, and you wanted to share your new life with them. Even if this would be a magnificent death, you’e not prepared. What a contrast to the you of before who would’ve willingly perished by a pro volleyball player.
“Ack—” This roused Keiji enough from his verbal tirade against Hiroto.
“Bokuto-san, remember to be gentle. You’re hurting them.”
“I’m sorry!” He showered your face with kisses, soft, small touches that reminded you that for all his strength, Kotaro was the gentlest soul. The quick kick to Hiroto's side, on the other hand, demonstrated how terrifying your other boyfriend could be when provoked to protect the both of you.
His face was as impassive as ever as he walked back. “Would you like to go for crepes after, beloved?” Keiji asked, smoothing down his fashionable black trench-coat. “You’ve been wanting to try out the new shop.”
 “Yes, Keiji. We can go for crepes.”
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Iwaizumi – Even though Hajime was as straight-laced as they come, a bar fight had caused that split upper lip. You're fortunate that Oikawa had been there because his silver tongue could get away with murder.
"What happened?"
"Your ex came around."
The moment you froze, he dragged you onto his lap; his head fell onto your shoulder. You could feel a soft huff of breath escape his throat. He had never been good with words, but he didn't need to be. Silence overtook you both as you brushed your fingers through his dark hair before you broke through to say,  “Don’t get hurt on my behalf, Hajime.”
He glanced up, staring at you blandly as if you were the idiot for trying to protect him. You glared back since you refused to let this be a negotiation. His sigh led you to believe that he would give in, but his subsequent words made you shiver to the core, "You don't have to be concerned about me. I won’t let up if there’s a next time."
288 notes · View notes
wttcsms · 5 months
🧸 wttcsms works in progress;
last updated feb. 12, 2024
i'm trying to be more mindful of the projects i tackle while also ensuring that i stay on top on requests from you guys!! i know i don't really reply to my asks or give indication that i've received them, but that's because i just like having a record of your request/if it's a compliment, i hold it very close to my heart and want to always have it on hand haha!! the plan is to knock out everything on the list, but this is just so y'all have an idea of what i'm working on + how things are looking :)
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⸺ personal projects ✧ daylight (part three), colt grice -> est. 50-60k (it's a big chapter LMAO) -> current status: 10k written
⸺ followers' choice ✧ balancing act (part one), satoru gojo -> est. 15k (it's no daylight chapter & i know your attention span is lacking) -> current status: 4k written
⸺ sleepover event ✧ knockout, armin arlert -> est. 5k (these were supposed to be drabbles 😭) -> current status: completed outline -> general premise: underground fighter!au ft. undercover detective!armin who has to participate in an infamous fighting ring in order to get close to the lead crime family running this operation. his assignment is to get sufficient evidence leading to the family's downfall, and you happen to be the easiest target to get close to: the daughter of the crime boss. [based off the selected trope of 'i bet on losing dogs' reader x the losing dog (armin)"] ✧ untitled, hajime iwaizumi -> est. 2k -> current status: planning/currently outlining -> general premise: it's gonna be giving romcom, it's cute and fluffy [based off the selected trope of wrong number, right person] ✧ when he sees me (i like him and he knows it), satoru gojo -> est. 6k -> current status: completed outline -> general premise: 5 times gojo crashes your date + the 1 time he gets to take you out [based off the selected trope of being disgusted about realizing your crush on him] ✧ no more keepin' score (now i just keep you warm), kiyoomi sakusa -> est. 5k -> current status: currently outlining/1k written -> general premise: 5 times you just miss each other + the 1 time you finally formally meet ✧ conversations in the dark, simon "ghost" riley -> est. 2k -> current status: completed outline -> general premise: reader is working as an intel officer for simon; simon doesn't know that this means he can expect 2 am phone calls from you *NOTE THAT IF YOU PARTICIPATED IN THIS EVENT AND DO NOT SEE YOUR REQUEST, I AM STILL GOING THROUGH THEM AND ADDING THEM TO THE LIST!
⸺ second couple syndrome event ✧ untitled, hiromi higuruma -> est. 4k -> current status: planning/currently outlining -> general premise: based off the prompt of the hot, rich older man x the spoiled heiress who's not so easy to impress or get *NOTE THAT IF YOU PARTICIPATED IN THIS EVENT AND DO NOT SEE YOUR REQUEST, I AM STILL GOING THROUGH THEM AND ADDING THEM TO THE LIST!
⸺ general requests ✧ untitled, atsumu miya -> anon asked for pregnant!reader x atsumu fluff drabble
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robotkiyoomi · 2 years
SakuAtsu | MSBY Injury fic, established relationship that’s a forced secret to the public 
Atsumu knew he could still get the ball overhand, he wasn’t going to allow himself to do a bump set. They needed this point or it was over. He wouldn’t – couldn’t let his team down. He finally caught up with the ball and bent backwards as much as he physically could to get beneath it. He was losing his balance but managed a falling set, arcing the ball over the court. He knew who would be there. Who was always there. 
Atsumu’s high was short lived when all thoughts left his head as he landed on the ground. Something was wrong. He knew something was. He had fallen probably as many times as he’d exhaled. Atsumu could hear the crowd roar, was that for them or the other team? But that noise felt like it was much further away than it truly was. Sudden blinding sharp pain shot up his body. Atsumu was so stunned that he couldn’t tell where the pain was coming from at first. However, one look down and he knew where the problem was. His vision was getting blurry from the pain but he knew his knee did not look right. Was it dislocated? Broken? Could that even happen? He cursed himself for not listening to Iwaizumi’s lesson on common sports injuries a couple months ago. But he had never once been severely injured playing volleyball so seeing how many grapes Bokuto could fit into his mouth without Iwaizumi noticing seemed like a more important thing. 
Atsumu felt his head drop back to the floor, the world was spinning too much to look at his knee anymore and it felt like he wasn’t experiencing the sensations of his own body. This was so pathetic. He had been training to take the team all the way to the finals, they hadn’t even made the qualifiers yet and he was injured by an insignificant play. One point of 25 in a set. He heard the whistle blow and some sort of talking, or maybe that was in his head. He felt like he was seriously tripping. Shit. Why did it hurt so much? Samu and him fought all the time and nothing had ever felt like this. Was Samu actually a weak fighter all along? He had dislocated his shoulder before and it felt nothing like this. That couldn’t be a great sign. Yet none of the signs happening currently seemed to be great so that didn’t mean much. 
All the noises were blending together but he had to get back to the court, he just needed some tape and water and he would be fine. 
Miya Atsumu’s guide to recovering from an injury that I definitely can identify, Iwaizumi, I am a serious professional athlete. 
He tried to sit up and move this leg and nearly blacked out from the pain. Nope, that’s not good.
“Love,” suddenly a figure was kneeling in front of him. It was a blur but he could recognize the voice anywhere. 
“Omi,” Atsumu said, trying to sit up again and reach for his knee. 
“Fuck Atsu. Stay down, okay? I’m right here.” Sakusa said, taking one of Atsumu’s hands in his own. More steps came towards him and he felt like a blind helpless animal sat on the ground with his vision going in and out. Sakusa moved so the paramedic could take a look at his knee but he kept holding onto his hand, rubbing small circles on the back with his thumb. Atsumu was so tired. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” Sakusa said, brushing the hair away from Atsumu’s face. He knew it wasn’t. 
“I’m sorry, Omi.” Atsumu said weakly. All pride had gone out the window as people crowded around him and the game paused for the interruption.  
“What are you apologizing for? You have absolutely nothing to be sorry about. Just focus on you right now.” Sakusa’s name was called and he turned to exchange a few words with what Atsumu assumed was the paramedic. 
“They’re gonna take you to the hospital now.” Sakusa said. Atsumu felt himself being lifted onto a stretcher. He gripped his boyfriend’s hand tighter. He couldn’t finish the game for him. 
“The game-” Atsumu said. His throat felt impossibly dry and had no clue if his words had made any noise. 
“Babe, the game is what matters the least. Take care of yourself. I’m just worried about you.” Sakusa said. He had started walking with the stretcher to stay by Atsumu’s side.
“Sakusa, you need to finish the game, I’m sorry.” Atsumu shifted his glance to see Coach Foster standing there. Atsumu felt Sakusa’s grip tighten on his hand. 
“I’m not leaving him alone. I’m sorry, but I honestly couldn't care less about the game when my boyfriend is hurt.” Sakusa said, gesturing to Atsumu. 
“I know, kid, but we have a lot riding on this game. This involves more than just us.” Coach Foster said. 
“Go, it’s okay.” Atsumu said, squeezing Sakusa’s hand. Sakusa looked down at Atsumu with tears welling in his eyes. 
“I’m not letting you go alone.” he said, shaking his head. Atsumu loved him so much it physically hurt. Volleyball was everything to his boyfriend but right now he meant more with no hesitation. 
“Go win, for me.” Atsumu said, and he could feel tears in his eyes. He wanted to be there to do that, but he couldn’t. Sakusa nodded slowly and bent down to kiss Atsumu gently. 
“One call and I will leave, okay? I’m going to give my phone to Iwaizumi and I’ll leave the ringer on. You need me and I will leave, I don’t give a shit about the consequences. I want you to call me if you need me. Do not feel bad because I want to.” Sakusa said, their foreheads pressed together. 
“What happened to not polarizing our sponsoring brands?” Sakusa chuckled softly. 
“I’m playing while you’re hurt, so I'm going to kiss my boyfriend in public and they can go fuck themselves if they think otherwise and have someone other than my boyfriend model their goddamn clothing.” Atsumu choked out a laugh and lifted his head to meet Sakusa for another quick kiss. A hand patted Sakusa's shoulder and he jumped a little. Atsumu was about to fuck his injury and punch whoever got into his boyfriend’s space, without his consent, into the next galaxy but Sakusa just nodded at the paramedic before turning back to Atsumu. 
“I love you so much and will be there as soon as I can.” Atsumu nodded as Sakusa kissed his cheek. 
“I love you more. Go kick some ass Omi.”
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miyababes · 1 year
bokuto koutarou.
long fics. (5k+)
struck by you by kodaiki [ college au ] [ sfw ; fluff ]
fics. (2.5k+)
a royal first by tteokdoroki [ royal au ] [ king!bokuto ] [ nsfw ]
on the drive home by duino [ sfw ; fluff ]
satiated by shibaraki [ nsfw ]
you get jealous of their manager by ceijoh [ sfw ; angst/fluff ]
short fics. (1k+)
accidental confession by dnlcsml02 [ sfw ; fluff ]
blowing your back out by saetyrn9 [ nsfw ; fluff ]
close the distance by hornime [ nsfw ]
confessions of a teenage captain by writiolite [ sfw ; fluff ]
facesitting by bjbex [ nsfw ]
'i said i was sorry' by heartaro [ sfw ; hurt/comfort ]
morning sex by bjbex [ nsfw ]
mr fahrenheit by shoyoist [ sfw ; fluff ]
our middle by myelocin [ sfw ; fluff ]
shift's not so bad by tteokdoroki [ barista au ] [ nsfw ]
shine by eqgtart [ sfw ; fluff ]
slip by mrs-kurooo [ nsfw ]
star boy by kuroosdarling [ sfw ; fluff ]
stoner sex by bjbex [ nsfw ]
superpower by lovelyunholyc [ sfw ; fluff ]
take a seat by shibaraki [ nsfw ]
thigh fucking by saetyrn9 [ nsfw ]
[ sfw ]: 1 - 100.
110% by hornime [ nsfw ]
chubby s/o by elysianslove [ nsfw ]
cock and ball worship by bobaji (+ aone, atsumu, sakusa) [ nsfw ]
cum play by bobaji [ nsfw ]
desperate by saetoru [ nsfw ]
drunk on sex by pupkou [ nsfw ]
fighter!bokuto by kyovtani [ nsfw ]
fisting by shoyokuns [ nsfw ]
he loves to spoil you by adoringhaikyuu [ nsfw ]
how they fuck by bobaji (+ iwaizumi, atsumu, hanamaki) [ nsfw ]
i'll consume you (if you let me) by satorini (+ atsumu, sakusa, hinata, sawamura) [ nsfw ]
impatient by joyaphoria [ nsfw ]
insatiable by hornime [ nsfw ]
like he would by munsonsins [ nsfw ]
locker room sex by saetoru (+ meian, atsumu, adriah, sakusa, hinata) [ nsfw ]
made for me by hornime [ nsfw ]
period sex by bobaji (+ osamu, iwaizumi, aran, tendou) [ nsfw ]
pussy drunk by joyaphoria [ nsfw ]
reacting to the scratch marks you left by joyaphoria (+ kuroo, suna) [ suggestive ]
size kink by adoringhaikyuu (+ kageyama, tendou, tsukishima) [ nsfw ]
size kink by tteokdoroki [ nsfw ]
smile for the camera by hornime [ nsfw ]
somnophilia by shibaraki [ nsfw ]
sweatpants by saetoru [ nsfw ]
the high life by tiniella [ rich boy!bokuto ] [ nsfw ]
they find out you hooked up with their friend/teammate before you started dating by adoringhaikyuu (+ sawamura, kuroo, tanaka) [ suggestive ]
thigh ride by adoringhaikyuu [ nsfw ]
thighs by utahimeow [ nsfw ]
using their safe word by elysianslove (+ iwaizumi) [ nsfw ]
using your safe word by bobaji (+ sakusa, atsumu) [ nsfw ]
what sucking him off is like by adoringhaikyuu (+ atsumu, iwaizumi) [ nsfw ]
you jokingly ask them if they're using you for your body by adoringhaikyuu (+ kageyama, iwaizumi) [ suggestive ; fluff ]
crawling into his lap by kageyuji (+ oikawa, akaashi, kenma, iwaizumi, matsukawa) [ sfw ; fluff ]
horny thoughts by saetoru (+ atsumu, suna, osamu, sakusa, iwaizumi) [ nsfw ]
soft captains by luvbub-archive (+ sawamura, oikawa, kuroo, ushijima, kita) [ sfw ; fluff ]
when they're lovesick by kodaiki (+ kuroo, iwaizumi, atsumu, kita) [ sfw ; fluff ]
7.21am by kodaiki [ sfw ; fluff ]
11.02am by kodaiki [ sfw ; fluff ]
1.40pm by kodaiki [ sfw ; fluff ]
4.46pm by kodaiki [ sfw ; fluff ]
10.56pm by kodaiki [ sfw ; hurt/comfort ]
asking him to rail you by toru-oikawas-milkbread [ nsfw ]
'can i wear your hoodie?' by darlingimawitch (+ terushima, iwaizumi) [ sfw ; fluff ]
finding out you didn't change his contact name by darlingimawitch (+ oikawa, kuroo, sawamura, terushima, kita) [ sfw ; fluff ]
'finish the heart' trend by arhvste (+ oikawa, kuroo, atsumu) [ sfw ]
good morning texts by kodaiki (+ sawamura, kuroo, oikawa, ushijima, terushima, kita) [ sfw ; fluff ]
leaving you on read after you say 'i love you' by toru-oikawas-milkbread (+ akaashi, hinata, kageyama, tsukishima, nishinoya, tanaka, sawamura, sugawara, terushima) [ sfw
reacting to 'you can come over now' texts by cowcreamers (+ akaashi, tendou, kenma, kuroo, kageyama) [ sfw ; fluff ]
sending you a dirty text by toru-oikawas-milkbread (+ lev, yaku, akaashi, hinata, kageyama, tsukishima, tanaka, nishinoya, terushima) [ nsfw ]
texting you while they're playing an away match by arhvste (+ atsumu, sakusa, hinata ) [ sfw ; fluff ]
they ask you to come cuddle but you have to turn them down by toru-oikawas-milkbread (+ akaashi, hinata, kageyama, tsukishima) [ sfw ]
they respond to 'cuddle me' texts by cowcreamers (+ oikawa, tsukishima, nishinoya, sakusa, akaashi) [ sfw ; fluff ]
when he finds out your fictional crush is your lockscreen by darlingimawitch (+ atsumu, suna) [ sfw ; fluff ]
you ask if he's jealous by oikawa-torus-milkbread (+ akaashi, hinata, kageyama, tsukishima) [ sfw ; fluff ]
you ask them 'do you only care about my body?' by toru-oikawas-milkbread (+ akaashi, hinata, kageyama, tsukishima, nishinoya, tanaka, sawamura, sugawara, terushima) [ sfw ]
you ask them for nudes by toru-oikawas-milkbread (+ akaashi, hinata, kageyama, tsukishima, tanaka, nishinoya, sawamura, sugawara, terushima) [ nsfw ]
you ask them if they still find you attractive by oikawa-torus-milkbread (+ akaashi, hinata, kageyama, tsukishima, nishinoya, tanaka, sawamura, sugawara, ennoshita) [ sfw ; fluff ]
you ask them 'on a scale of 1-10, how annoyed are you with me right now?' after a fight by toru-oikawas-milkbread (+ akaashi, hinata, kageyama, tsukishima, nishinoya, tanaka, sawamura, sugawara, terushima) [ sfw ]
you ask them to 'pick a number between 1-10' and send them that many nudes by toru-oikawas-milkbread (+ tendou, ushijima, akaashi, hinata, kageyama, tsukishima) [ nsfw ]
you leave them on read after they say 'i love you' by toru-oikawas-milkbread (+ oikawa, iwaizumi, matsukawa, hanamaki, kyoutani, kunimi, kindaichi, akaashi, terushima) [ sfw ]
you send them a dirty text by toru-oikawas-milkbread (+ akaashi, hinata, kageyama, tsukishima, nishinoya, tanaka, sawamura, sugawara, terushima) [ nsfw ]
you text them 'i want to sit on your face' by toru-oikawas-milkbread (+ akaashi, hinata, kageyama, tsukishima, nishinoya, tanaka, sawamura, sugawara, ennoshita) [ nsfw ]
you text them 'you hurt my feelings' after a fight by oikawa-torus-milkbread (+ akaashi, hinata, kageyama, tsukishima, nishinoya, tanaka, sawamura, sugawara, ennoshita) [ sfw ]
you're being clingy by toru-oikawas-milkbread (+ akaashi, hinata, kageyama, tsukishima, nishinoya, tanaka, sawamura, sugawara, terushima) [ sfw ]
smau series.
is this love? by nekomas-kuroo [ sfw ; fluff ]
love is war by boomboomjaz [ sfw ; fluff ]
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oiks-milkbread · 2 years
Haikyuu characters as d&d classes
Fighter: iwaizumi, bokuto,
Monk: sawamura, ushijima, aone,
Bard: oikawa, nishinoya,
Cleric: akaashi, kita, miya a,
Warlock: tsukishima, tendou, futakuchi
Rogue: suna,
Druid: asahi, yamaguchi,
Barbarian: tanaka,
Paladin: hinata, sugawara,
Ranger: ennoshita, lev,
Sorcerer: kageyama, miya o,
Magician: kenma,
Artificer: kuroo,
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mintmatcha · 2 years
fighter AU kyotani, after his fight you're dressing his knuckles, putting antiseptic on his face and kissing his bruises. you always tease him when he hisses at the sting of the alcohol but can handle getting punched as much as he does. and every time you finish and he's done getting himself cleaned, you always place a butterfly kiss on his lips, careful to avoid where it's been split.
you do this even though he knows you're sqeamish. even though he sees the way your face grimaces when he gets punched and a concerning amount of blood leaves his mouth. even through your barely concealed horror upon witnessing his face after he lost to Iwaizumi, and his eye was so tightly swollen shut and he could hardly speak. even when he spots you diligently scrubbing blood out of your shirt from where he'd bled on you.
for all his muscles and all his training, he's constantly floored by your strength.
he does your laundry and hand scrubs the blood stains out for you, because he can't figure out how to tell you in words how much he values you and your love.
loves you gently at night-- partially because he's too sore and broken to fuck you hard, partially because he's sappy and in love
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osamusbigtits · 2 years
I dont think iwaizumi can fight. like yeah, he's strong, but the only person he's punched is oikawa. in a fight, iwa would get his ass handed to him. the fighter of seijoh is obviously kyoutani, they all get kyoutani to fight their battles for them lmao.
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red-elric · 2 years
i would love to know more about the dnd group with iwa, oikawa, mattsun, makki, ushijima, asahi, and daichi if you wouldn't mind sharing some hcs about it? i would also love to know how it started... who convinced oikawa to join a dnd group with ushijima? i don't know a lot about dnd personally but i think dnd aus are so fun!!
(also suga would absolutely talk to iwaizumi about asahi and daichi)
iwa starts it and dms bc he's Very Into dnd and he wants his friends to play it with him So Badly; he originally wanted all of seijoh to play w him but only the third years humored him 😭 so he had to branch out to get a fuller group
oikawa has almost no interest in dnd prior to this tbh but he's a sucker for iwa puppy eyes so he was the first one to agree to play!! he plays a bard on iwa's suggestion bc 'your personality is right for it' and he and iwa make everyone else uncomfortable by roleplaying some INTENSE player/npc flirting.... I feel like after ushijima joined iwa came up with an alien long term npc for oikawa to romance on the fly to keep him invested ajdjjdjs
makki and matssun are Exclusively there to fuck w iwaizumi, but I think they end up having fun! cant remember exactly their classes and characters (I came up w these a while ago w a friend on discord lol) but I distinctly remember matsukawa was playing as colonel sanders from that kfc dating sim LMAO
daichi LIKES dnd but he has a hard time remembering the rules sometimes lol.... he does go on dnd reddit or whatever and thats how he and iwa realize they have an interest in common lmao. he plays a fighter and bullies asahi into coming with him so he has someone there he knows 😭
asahi barely knows what dnd is when he starts and doesnt pick it up v quickly, but he does like the role playing aspect of it! daichi asked him to play cleric tho bc 'we need a healer!' and iwa didnt realize right away how much asahi doesnt know so he's stuck in a VERY difficult class :( still has fun tho, especially as he gets to know the seijoh kids a little better!
ushijima joins after theyve been playing for a while! he hears daichi and asahi talking about it after the karasuno/shiratorizawa match and inserts himself into the conversation because he is also Very into dnd (he plays in another campaign w most of shiratorizawa but he's way more into it than the rest of them so he's looking for another group). he plays a paladin and is SUPER annoying about it, and he's in character the Entire Time theyre playing!! but he also bails them out of fights constantly and he's actually really funny so the majority of the group is chill w it lmao
not explicitly related to the dnd headcanons, but I feel like on days that they meet suga is getting high with tendou and semi aksjdjjdhdhd he tells daichi and asahi when they get back that he's having more fun than they are every time
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scandeniall · 2 years
nekoma master list
❀ = semi nsfw (can be just mature themes or brief implied sex)
⭒ = nsfw (sexual content)
❂ = heavier topics (mentions of death, implied but never outright struggle w/ mental health (based off me being sad) or in the case of my kuroo street fighter, talking about the dangers of that life!!!)
Kuroo Tetsurō
just friends |Pt 2 (kinda?) ❀
relationship fem!reader ❀
wash day w/ black!reader(head canon)
braiding his hair w/ black/afro!reader
my self ship tag
bad newsgn!reader ❀ ❂
you smell good
im so into you
fancy seeing you
mirrors for friends (band!au)- TBD x fem!reader (ft. Kuroo, Atsumu, Iwazumi)
romeo? where art thou? [SMAU]- Kuroo x fem!reader
singing disney songs(aoba johsai, nekoma, inarizaki)
characters as megan thee stallion lyrics
what color LED lights I’d give the boys (suna, atsumu, kuroo, sakusa, iwaizumi) ⭒
posting you on social media (bokuto, atsumu, mattsun, osamu, sakusa, Suna, Iwaizumi, kuroo, oikawa)
having pictures of you (atsumu, Suna, sakusa, kuroo)
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 1 year
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Y5umxt6
by Spac3ali3n
One random morning, Oikawa wakes up and sees two people wearing funny costumes running around Tokyo, making a mess of things. The media describes them, as Vertigo, the hero, and The Ace, a horrific villain. But.. no one in the entire world has seen real life crime fighters. That was for comic books! Where did these two come from? Oikawa just wants his normal life, but somehow gets roped into all of this madness. How will things be set right again?
Superhero/villain au.
Words: 1281, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Oikawa Tooru, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Iwaizumi Hajime, Matsukawa Issei, Hanamaki Takahiro
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, Oikawa Tooru/Ushijima Wakatoshi
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Superheroes/Superpowers, villain!Iwaizumi, Hero!ushijima, citizen!oikawa, Love Triangles, matsuoi friendship, endgame iwaoi
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/Y5umxt6
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eurydicees · 2 years
Iwaizumi - fighter
Hinata - rogue
Osamu - sorcerer
Kenma - wizard
I forgot who else was in the list
that's exactly what i was thinking lol. stan.
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bruh-kill-me · 2 years
Does anyone remember that fic that was ab iwaizumi and he was a fighter and they were in college and it had bad in the title or sumn. I don’t remember when it came out bc the days blend tg but it was last year I think
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jotatetsuken · 2 years
My Favorites <3
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my mains: jotaro kujo, tetsuro kuroo, kento nanami, levi ackerman, shota aizawa, yami sukehiro, hajime iwaizumi, fuegoleon vermillion, erwin smith, noriaki kakyoin, daiki aomine, daichi sawamura, leorio paladiknight, jean kirstein, chrollo lucilfer, hawks, and satoru gojo, to name a few
my kins (and i thoroughly relate to them personality wise): shoyo hinata, kotaro bokuto, mirio togata, daichi sawamura, yuu nishinoya, all might, tooru oikawa, kiyoshi teppei, atsumu miya, bruno bucciarati, jonathan joestar, jean pierre polnareff, fuegoleon vermillion, kyojuro rengoku, to name a few
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haikyuu: hinata, bokuto, atsumu, tsukishima, tanaka, oikawa, iwaizumi, satori, asahi, daichi, kuroo, kenma, akaashi, aran, osamu
attack on titan: levi, erwin, hange, armin, jean, zeke, sasha, reiner
my hero academia: midoriya, mirio, iida, tsuyu, uraraka, all might, aizawa, present mic, dabi
black clover: asta, yuno, noelle silva, yami sukehiro, luck voltia, fuegoleon vermillion, william vangeance
jjba: all the jojo's especially jotaro kujo, robert e.o. speedwagon,caesar anthonio zeppeli, noriaki kakyoin, mohammed avdol, jean-pierre polnareff, josuke higashikata, koichi hirose, rohan kishibe, okuyasu nijimura, giorno giovanna, bruno bucciarati, guido mista, ermes costello, foo fighters, gyro zeppeli
jjk: itadori, nobara, sukuna, gojo, nanami, geto, inumaki, maki, toji, yuuta
demon slayer: tanjiro, inosuke, zenitsu, rengoku, tengen, nezuko
kuroko no basket: kuroko, aomine, kise, teppei, kasamatsu, takao
tokyo revengers: draken, mikey, hajime kokonoi, baji, chifuyu, naoto
marvel: captain america, iron man, bucky barnes, doctor strange
dc: the flash
doctor who: the tenth doctor, donna noble, amy & rory williams
bridgerton: benedict bridgerton, eloise bridgerton, simon basset, kate sharma, edwina sharma
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miyababes · 8 months
iwaizumi hajime: drabbles [ 1 - 100 ] [ nsfw ].
505 by tetvshoe [ suggestive ; light angst/fluff ]
adapted for film by hornime [ nsfw ]
angry sex by saetoru (+ osamu, sakusa, atsumu) [ nsfw ]
besties bonding by dejwrites [ nsfw ]
chain by saintodo [ nsfw ]
communication by prettyboykatsuki [ nsfw ]
discovering his best friend is a cam girl by elysianslove [ nsfw ]
; [ part two ] [ part three ]
dumbification by saintodo [ nsfw ]
facetime by shoyoist (+ hinata, oikawa, kageyama, ushijima) [ nsfw ]
fighter!iwa by kyovtani [ nsfw ]
how they fuck by bobaji (+ bokuto, atsumu, hanamaki) [ nsfw ]
initials by aiiwa [ nsfw ]
intrusion by elysianslove [ nsfw ]
love language by utahimeow [ nsfw ]
mine by iwas-princess [ nsfw ]
on the phone by saetoru [ nsfw ]
period sex by bobaji (+ osamu, bokuto, aran, tendou) [ nsfw ]
pussy whipped by aiiwa [ nsfw ]
reacting to the scratch marks you left by joyaphoria (+ kenma, oikawa) [ suggestive ]
short skirts society by ilyluffy (+ kageyama, tsukishima, atsumu) [ nsfw ]
show you what it's like by elysianslove (+ osamu, suna) [ nsfw ]
starved by adoringhaikyuu [ nsfw ]
steamy makeout session by aiiwa [ nsfw ]
they find out you hooked up with their friend/teammate before you started dating by adoringhaikyuu (+ akaashi, osamu, suna) [ suggestive ]
using their safe word by elysianslove (+ bokuto) [ nsfw ]
what sucking him off is like by adoringhaikyuu (+ atsumu, bokuto) [ nsfw ]
when they realised that they fell for their fwb by hajimine (+ oikawa, matsukawa, hanamaki) [ nsfw ]
you get insecure before your first time by adoringhaikyuu (+ suna) [ suggestive ]
you jokingly ask them if they're using you for your body by adoringhaikyuu (+ bokuto, kageyama) [ suggestive ; fluff ]
young love by iwas-princess [ suggestive ]
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