#filipe rivera
ebbythust · 7 months
Arslanbek Makhmudov vs. Agit Kabayel & Filip Hrgović vs. Martin Bakole in Riad, Saudi-Arabien!?
Unser deutscher Europameister Agit Kabayel soll es am 23. Dezember in Riad, Saudi-Arabien mit dem unbesiegten Russen Arslanbek Makhmudov aufnehmen. Die FightCard vom 23. Dezember in Riad, Saudi-Arabien wird immer monströser. Bahnt sich da die größte FightCard aller Zeiten für den 23. Dezember in Riad, Saudi-Arabien an? Tag für Tag dringen neue unglaublich News vom Vorweihnachtlichen Kampftag in…
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bearterritory · 3 months
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Pacific Coast Men's Doubles Championship
Bears Blank Tritons 5-0
Stepanov & Irwanto Win Semis
LA JOLLA – On a busy Sunday for the California men's tennis team, Carl Emil Overbeck clinched a 5-0, nighttime victory over UC San Diego and teamed with Mikey Wright to clinch the doubles point against the Tritons at the La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club. Jonathan Irwanto and Timofey Stepanov won their consolation semifinal Sunday morning in the Pacific Coast Men's Doubles Championship, but the consolation final was rained out. Stepanov and Irwanto, one of several pairs seeded 17th in the annual doubles tournament, defeated Caleb and Christian Settles, 4-6, 7-6(2), 10-7, in the Pacific Coast consolation semis. The Golden Bears were set to face Stanford's Filip Kolasinski and Hudson Rivera in the noon PT consolation final, until Mother Nature intervened. The Tritons were scheduled to host Cal at 3 p.m. PT at the Northview Tennis Courts in La Jolla, but rain scuttled the match at UCSD. The teams instead moved to the drier courts at the La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club for a 5:45 p.m. PT start. At court-three doubles, Cal's Alex Chang and John Kim beat Philip Lan and Carson Lee, 6-2, but then Ryder Jackson and Qian Sun – in the latter's first collegiate doubles match – lost on court one, 7-5, to UCSD's Zach Pellouchoud and Pelayo Rodriguez. Wright and Overbeck bested William Lan and Daniel Traxler, 7-6(4), on court two to secure the point for Cal. The Bears were dominant in singles, dropping just one set, with that coming in Sun's first collegiate singles match, though that contest was abandoned when Cal completed its victory. The Bears collected singles wins from Kim, Stepanov, Overbeck – who topped Carson Lee, 7-6(8), 6-1, to clinch – and Irwanto to post the 5-0 result. Cal plays again next Sunday, when it visits SMU for a nonconference battle in Dallas. Pacific Coast Men's Doubles Championship – Cal Results March 3, 2024, in La Jolla, Calif. La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club Semifinal Round [17] Jonathan Irwanto/Timofey Stepanov (Cal) def. Caleb Settles/Christian Settles, 4-6, 7-6(2), 10-7 Final [17] Jonathan Irwanto/Timofey Stepanov (Cal) vs. [17] Filip Kolasinski/Hudson Rivera (Stanford), RAINED OUT California (4-5) defeats UC San Diego (3-11), 5-0 March 3, 2024, in La Jolla, Calif. La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club Doubles 1. Zach Pellouchoud/Pelayo Rodriguez (UCSD) def. Ryder Jackson/Qian Sun (Cal), 7-5 2. Carl Emil Overbeck/Mikey Wright (Cal) def. William Lan/Daniel Traxler (UCSD), 7-6(4)* 3. Alex Chang/John Kim (Cal) def. Philip Lan/Carson Lee (UCSD), 6-2 Order of Finish – 3, 1, 2* *Clinched the doubles point for Cal Singles 1. Carl Emil Overbeck (Cal) def. Carson Lee (UCSD), 7-6(8), 6-1^ 2. Alex Chang (Cal) vs. Philip Lan (UCSD), 6-4, 6-5 UNF 3. Jonathan Irwanto (Cal) def. Diogo Tinoco (UCSD), 7-6(2), 6-2 4. Pelayo Rodriguez (UCSD) vs. Qian Sun (Cal), 7-5, 1-4 UNF 5. Timofey Stepanov (Cal) def. Zach Pellouchoud (UCSD), 6-2, 6-4 6. John Kim (Cal) def. Charles Qian (UCSD), 6-3, 6-4 Order of Finish – 6, 5, 1^, 3 ^Clinched the overall win for Cal Stay Posted For further coverage of the Bears, follow them on Twitter (@CalMensTennis), Instagram (@CalMensTennis) and Facebook (/CalMensTennis/).
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jgmail · 20 days
Sobre el panturanismo
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Por Filip Martens
Traducción de Juan Gabriel Caro Rivera
Turán era el nombre que los pueblos iranios con el que designaban en la Antigüedad al Asia Central. El panturanismo pretende unir a todos los pueblos túrquicos y altaicos en una unidad política y/o cultural conocida como Turán. Esta entidad abarca una vasta zona que se extiende desde Turquía a través del Cáucaso, el noroeste de Irán y Asia Central hasta llegar al océano Ártico. Para algunos panturanistas, esta entidad también incluye la antigua Europa sudoriental otomana y Crimea, siendo claramente una forma de irredentismo.
El origen del panturanismo
Esta ideología surgió a finales del siglo XIX entre los oficiales e intelectuales nacionalistas otomanos que querían unir a todos los pueblos túrquicos en una única entidad política que se extendiera desde el Bósforo hasta las montañas del Altai. A partir de 1911 el término «Turán» se utilizó para designar a todos los pueblos túrquicos, incluidos los que se encontraban fuera del Turán histórico (es decir, Asia Central).
Durante la Primera Guerra Mundial, la élite nacionalista otomana promovió el panturanismo entre los pueblos túrquicos de la Rusia zarista para incitarlos a rebelarse y de ese modo anexionarse el Cáucaso y el Asia Central.
Tras la Primera Guerra Mundial y la posterior Guerra de Independencia turca, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk fundó la República de Turquía y fomentó el panturanismo como una forma de sustituir la identidad otomano-islámica de la población por una identidad turco-secular. A partir de entonces, ya no era la religión (el islam suní), sino la nación la que debía garantizar la unidad.
Prohibición del panturanismo en la URSS
Los pueblos túrquicos constituían aproximadamente el 10% de la población de la URSS cuando esta fue fundada, lo que los convertía en el segundo grupo étnico más numeroso después de los pueblos eslavos. Estos pueblos habitaban el «vientre blando» de la URSS, es decir, las regiones más vulnerables del Cáucaso y el Asia Central que eran ricas en recursos como el petróleo, incluidas las regiones azeríes de Bakú y la región kazaja de Emba.
La Revolución de Octubre avivó el nacionalismo y el separatismo entre los pueblos túrquicos (y otros pueblos no rusos) de la URSS. La revolución transformó el centralizado Imperio ruso en un Estado federal y también condujo a la creación de una serie de repúblicas y regiones autónomas soviéticas a partir de bases étnicas. La exitosa república kemalista de Turquía, que acababa de salir del moribundo Imperio Otomano, actuó como imán para los pueblos túrquicos de la URSS. Turquía también mostró un gran interés mutuo por los «pueblos hermanos» de la URSS.
Por lo tanto, no sorprende que el X Congreso del Partido Comunista de la URSS de 1921 condenara el panturanismo como «una tendencia del nacionalismo democrático-burgués». Debido a la amenaza que el panturanismo suponía para la URSS, la propaganda soviética lo convirtió en una etiqueta política para descalificar a sus enemigos. El panturanismo fue la acusación más común usada durante la dura represión de las élites de los pueblos túrquicos llevada a cabo por los líderes de la URSS durante la década de 1930.
El intento de Alemania de utilizar el panturanismo para balcanizar a la URSS
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial Turquía se mantuvo oficialmente neutral, ya que en la anterior guerra habían sufrido importantes pérdidas territoriales y enfrentado un enorme sufrimiento. Sin embargo, desde el punto de vista ideológico, existían grandes similitudes entre el nacionalsocialismo alemán y el kemalismo turco. Además, Alemania había sido el socio comercial más importante de Turquía durante la década de 1930. El 18 de junio de 1941 – cuatro días antes del inicio de la Operación Barbarroja – Alemania y Turquía firmaron un pacto de no agresión.
La Operación Barbarroja fue lanzada por Alemania con la intención de destruir a Rusia. Esta invasión a gran escala de la URSS tenía como objetivo eliminar a la URSS como superpotencia competidora, anexionando algunas zonas y colonizando otras, en parte expulsando y en parte subyugando a su población, así como suministrando productos agrícolas y materias primas a Alemania.
Aunque Turquía no llegó a participar en la guerra, al principio colaboró estrechamente con Alemania. Turquía proporcionó información y vendió grandes cantidades de cromo a Alemania. Además, Turquía también proporcionó un plan de propaganda pan-turco que sirvió perfectamente a Alemania en las zonas ocupadas de la URSS. Gracias a esta propaganda, Alemania reclutó a las llamadas «Osttruppen» de prisioneros de guerra soviéticos, procedentes de los pueblos túrquicos de la URSS, para la Wehrmacht (unos 250.000 hombres) y para las Waffen-SS (unos 8.000 hombres). A cambio, Alemania prometió independizar las zonas habitadas por pueblos turcos en la URSS. Estos estados turcos pasarían a formar parte de la esfera de influencia de Turquía. Por lo tanto, no es exagerado decir que Turquía fue un «país neutral del Eje» durante la (primera mitad de la) Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Sin embargo, las buenas relaciones entre Alemania y Turquía llevaron al empeoramiento de las relaciones entre Turquía y la URSS que databan de la Guerra de Independencia turca. En ese entonces la recién creada URSS suministró grandes cantidades de armas y financió a las tropas kemalistas de Mustafa Kemal Atatürk.
En el verano de 1942, a medida que el ejército alemán avanzaba hacia Stalingrado y el Cáucaso, Turquía consideraba que la guerra con la URSS era casi inevitable. En febrero de 1942 los soviéticos habían cometido un atentado fallido contra el embajador alemán en Turquía y también habían hundido el buque rumano SS Struma en aguas territoriales turcas. El ejército turco posicionó cientos de miles de soldados en su frontera oriental con el objetivo de conquistar el sur del Cáucaso y, en particular, los ricos yacimientos petrolíferos de Bakú.
1944: Prohibición del panturanismo en Turquía
Tras la conquista/reconquista aliada de todo el norte de África en noviembre de 1942 – mayo de 1943 y del sur de Rusia en febrero de 1943 – Turquía comenzó a desarrollar relaciones estrechas con los aliados liberales (Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña). Turquía recibió de ellos ayuda financiera y militar. En la Segunda Conferencia de El Cairo, en diciembre de 1943, el presidente estadounidense Roosevelt, el primer ministro británico Churchill y el presidente turco Inönü discutieron la participación turca en la guerra del lado del bando aliado. El panturanismo fue prohibido por Inönü en la primavera de 1944. Sus partidarios acabaron en prisión. En agosto de 1944, cuando comenzó la invasión aliada de los Balcanes y la derrota alemana era inevitable, Turquía rompió todas sus relaciones con Alemania.
El 23 de febrero de 1945, Turquía declaró finalmente la guerra a Alemania (y a Japón), porque la Conferencia de Yalta (4-11 de febrero de 1945) estipuló que sólo los países que estuvieran oficialmente en guerra con Alemania y Japón el 1 de marzo de 1945 serían admitidos en las recién creadas Naciones Unidas. Así que fue un acto puramente simbólico. Las tropas turcas nunca participaron en la guerra.
La guerra terminó con la completa destrucción de Alemania y la toma de Berlín por el Ejército Rojo. El 24 de octubre de 1945, Turquía firmó la Carta de las Naciones Unidas como uno de los 51 estados fundadores.
Después de la URSS
La implosión de la URSS en 1991 creó nuevas oportunidades para el pan-turanismo. Las repúblicas soviéticas de Kazajstán, Uzbekistán, Kirguistán, Turkmenistán y Azerbaiyán, habitadas por pueblos túrquicos, se independizaron. Las repúblicas rusas de Tatarstán, Bashkiria, Chuvashia, Yakutia, Jakasia y Tuva, también habitadas por pueblos túrquicos, siguieron formando parte de Rusia.
Los panturanistas promovieron la unificación – principalmente cultural – de los distintos Estados túrquicos. El 12 de julio de 1993, Turquía, los nuevos estados túrquicos y varias repúblicas rusas formaron la Organización Internacional de la Cultura Túrquica. Se trata de una organización para la cooperación cultural. El 3 de octubre de 2009, Turquía, Kazajstán, Uzbekistán, Kirguistán y Azerbaiyán fundaron la Organización de Estados Turcos. Se trata de un órgano consultivo entre los Estados de habla túrquica.
En la Turquía contemporánea, el panturanismo es una parte importante de la ideología del Partido del Movimiento Nacionalista (MHP), cuyo movimiento juvenil se conoce como los Lobos Grises. Esta organización debe su nombre a una loba gris – llamada Asena – que, en el mito del origen preislámico de los pueblos túrquicos y altaicos, sacó a las tribus proto-turcas en peligro de extinción de las tierras salvajes de Siberia y Asia Central. Los Lobos Grises utilizan a Asena como símbolo.
El panturanismo como amenaza para Rusia, China e Irán
Aunque el panturanismo no tiene como objetivo explícito la desintegración de Rusia, es obvio que en el caso de una unificación política de todos los territorios túrquicos se produciría tal escenario. Al fin y al cabo, una parte significativa de las minorías de Rusia son turcas. Naturalmente, Rusia se opone al panturanismo. Si las repúblicas turcas exsoviéticas y las repúblicas constituyentes rusas habitadas por pueblos túrquicos se unieran con Turquía, sería a expensas de Rusia y de la esfera de influencia rusa. Tradicionalmente, Rusia ha sido el socio comercial más importante de estas zonas: todas las infraestructuras de transporte conectan estas zonas con Rusia. Además, el panturanismo también reclama la estratégicamente importante región de Crimea – anteriormente habitada por los tártaros de Crimea – y otros territorios rusos.
China e Irán también se oponen al panturanismo. Al fin y al cabo, la provincia china de Xinjiang – que los panturanistas llaman Turkestán Oriental – está habitada por minorías túrquicas: uigures, kazajos, kirguisos, uzbekos y tártaros. Aproximadamente el 18% de la población de Irán pertenece a minorías túrquicas, principalmente azeríes, qashqai y turcomanos.
Fuente: https://www.geopolitika.ru/en/article/pan-turanism
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2023-09-23 Feat: - Roko Kursar, Funktions   
Stödsnämndens Ordförande, Caroline Elmstedt, 
Fr, Neuro Förbundets Diagnos Stödsverksamhet 
 & Förbunds-Styrelse & (Cykel-Jenny, aka or alias) 
Jenny Ljungberg Samt Presentatören, 
 Stellan ”Iry” Viking, Fr, Neuro- Skåne… 
Samt Orkestern: Formely Known LBB !!! 
@ NEURO DAGEN 2023-09-23 
 Helene Thörnlund: Lead Vocal. 
Filip Lindstrand: Lead Vocal. 
Patrick Ölander Olsson: Guitar. 
Linus Karlsson: Tenor Saxophone. 
Joel Wååg: Trumpet. 
Roger "RA" Altenstam: Con, Com & Key's. 
Mattias Wiborn: Bass. 
Nelson Golott Rivera: Percussion. 
Victor Lundahl: Drums. 
 Ljud: Lars Paulström. 
Soundsystem by: Hans Palm & Tune.se 
Movie & Pictures: Stellan "Iry" Viking 
@ WorldwidewelcomE & INTRA S7 PRO !!! 
Crew Member's: Lars Jungmark, 
 Dennis "Fidde" Rydström, Kevin Blomgren, 
 Niklas "Nille" Norrman, Monica Sjöberg, 
 Kalle Piltz, Cornelia Graje 
 & "Cykel-Jenny" Ljungberg... 
 🗺️✨🕊️🫶 WorldwidewelcomE 🫶🕊️✨🗺️
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docpiplup · 2 years
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@asongofstarkandtargaryen Some days ago Elena Rivera won a Ondas 2022 Award of Best Actress for Los Herederos de la tierra, Sequía and Alba.
And there are 5 nominations for LHDLT in the FICAL 2022 (Festival Internacional de Cine de Almería*): LHDLT for Best show, Jordi Frades for Best Showrunner, Elena Rivera for Best actress, and Yon González & David Solans for Best Actor.
I haven't watched Todos Mienten and Des-Conocidas, but the rest nominations are good.
Although a couple of members of the LHDLT cast also have nominations for other show: Sequía, Rodolfo Sancho for Best Actor and Elena Rivera (again) for Best Actress.
Sequía (Drought)/ Crimes Submersos (Sunken crimes) is a spanish-portuguese coproduction that it's a thriller set in Cáceres and Lisboa**.
Synopsis: Due to a period of extreme drought, the Campomediano reservoir is without water, leaving an old submerged village uncovered where two corpses with bullet wounds are found. Inspector Daniela Yanes (Elena Rivera) and journalist Óscar Santos (Miguel Ángel Muñoz) suspect that the crime may be related to the environmental protests that, twenty years earlier, sought to stop the dam's expansion. But when Portuguese inspector Hélder Gomes (Marco D'Almeida) joins the investigation, instigated to find out if one of the bodies belongs to the heir of the Sousa Cardoso - one of the most powerful Portuguese families - the case takes on new contours, involving the also powerful Barbosa family, owner of the concession of the dam. The drought uncovers secrets that have remained hidden for many years and some people related with the case are murderered, like commissar and Daniela's mentor, Javier Ortiz (Juan Gea), that involves the past of the Barbosa family: the head of the family, Luis Barbosa (Guilherme Filipe), his daughter Paula Barbosa (Myriam Gallego), her husband Martín Ruiz (Rodolfo Sancho) and their son Rubén (Nacho Nugo). Daniela and Hélder will find out what happened to João Portela (Diogo Martins) and Joaquim Sousa Cardoso (Luís Ganito), the first victims, and chase the present day killer (Spoiler: Martín is the current day killer)
Bonus track: More etymology!
* Almería: founded in 955 by Abd al-Rahman III of Córdoba as al-Mariyyāt Baŷŷāna (al-Mariyyāt, from Arabic Al-Marāyyāt, the mirror), although other orygins have been proposed as Mariyyā/Mariyyāt, meaning watchtower, Meria al-Bahri, the mirror of the sea, or Madinat Al-Mariya, that would mean the city of Maryan (Maria), but these last hypotheses are considered inaccurate. Baŷŷāna refers to the Andarax river, because of its old name wadi Bayyana. The river mouth of the Andarax is close to the city of Almería.
** Lisboa: from Olissipo, from the Phoenician or Punic language Allis Ubbo (Safe Harbor), that derived later in Arabic as al-Lixbûnâ.
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pacosemnoticias · 2 years
Ministro da Administração Interna afirma que polícias em início de carreira terão aumentos anuais de 1.500 euros
O ministro da Administração Interna indicou esta quarta-feira que os polícias em início de carreira vão ter aumentos anuais de 1.500 euros, garantindo que as subidas salariais em 2023 "são reais" em todos os escalões.
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"Com as alterações feitas em termos salariais e em termos de IRS podemos estar a falar de um aumento, para aqueles que entram na carreira, na ordem dos 1500 euros anuais. Trata-se de um aumento concreto que se realizará em 2023, 2024, 2025 e 2026, o que significa que quando chegarmos a 2026 haverá um acréscimo remuneratório que andará na ordem dos 20%", disse José Luís Carneiro, durante a apreciação parlamentar na especialidade da proposta de Orçamento do Estado para 2023 (OE2023).
O ministro respondia ao deputado do Chega Pedro Pinto que o questionou sobre o salário base dos elementos das forças de segurança, os baixos salários, a falta de atratividade da profissão e os problemas do recrutamento para a PSP.
"São aumentos consecutivos que ocorreram entre 2023 e 2026", disse, esclarecendo que a valorização das condições salariais dos agentes da PSP e militares da GNR tem duas dimensões.
O ministro explicou que uma dessas dimensões está relacionada com "os aumentos diretos para os diferentes escalões e níveis remuneratórios", que "são mais significativos na base da carreira porque é precisamente aquela que tem efeitos nas condições de atratividade", mas existindo também nos níveis de remuneração superiores.
Outra das dimensões é, segundo o governante, desmistificar que os aumentos salariais não vão ser absorvidos pelo IRS, existindo até um "acréscimo adicional às condições remuneratórias" devido às "alterações nos diferentes escalões de IRS".
"Todos os níveis remuneratórios e todos os escalões terão aumentos reais e, em alguns casos, têm aumentos salariais pelos aumentos remuneratórios, como também as alterações nos escalões de ISR trarão maior rendimento que acresce aos aumentos salariais", frisou.
Durante a discussão do OE para a área da administração Interna, todos os deputados da oposição criticaram o Governo por falta de investimentos nas forças de segurança e alertaram para os baixos salários dos polícias.
O deputado do PSD André Coelho Lima criticou José Luís Carneiro por ausência de novidades na área, considerando que "tudo aquilo que é estruturante" e "as matérias que mais devem preocupar nem uma palavra".
O deputado do Bloco de Esquerda Pedro Filipe Soares lamentou "a falta de policiamento de proximidade" e considerou o orçamento "insuficiente" e "de empobrecimento".
Por sua vez, a deputada do PCP Alma Rivera, deu conta da falta de atratividade das forças de segurança e da necessidade de rejuvenescimento do efetivo, avançando que o Partido Comunista vai apresentar, no âmbito da discussão da especialidade do OE2023, uma proposta de aumento de 400 euros do suplemento de risco para colocar os elementos da PSP e da GNR ao nível de outras polícias, como SEF e PJ.
Em resposta, o ministro disse que o suplemento de risco corresponde a 20% do vencimento base, o que significa que "também há ganhos nos níveis remuneratórios por via do suplemento de risco".
Segundo a proposta do OE2023, haverá um aumento salarial na base da carreira dos agentes da PSP e guardas da GNR na ordem dos 100 euros, que varia entre os 90 e os 107 euros, e depois a partir daí em todos os níveis remuneratórios haverá um aumento médio de 50 euros até aos 2.700 de remuneração, acima dos 2.700 euros há um aumento de 2%, o que significa variações entre os 60 e 100 euros.
José Luís Carneiro garantiu também que houve uma "reforço efetivo" de novos polícias.
O ministro disse ainda que, no próximo ano, está previsto "o ingresso de 921 agentes e 29 Oficiais na PSP e com abertura de um concurso para 1000 novos agentes e 30 Oficiais", bem como "mais 1475 guardas na GNR e a abertura de 1316 novas vagas ao curso de formação de guardas".
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chrancecriber · 2 years
Radio NET Bulgaria (October 25, 2022)
23:57 JOYCE COOLING - Almost Home 23:51 THE SAX PACK - All At Once 23:47 ZOLBERT - A Song for You 23:44 WILL DONATO - What IT Takes (Feat. Steve Oliver) 23:40 ROB TARDIK - Walk It Like You Talk It (feat. Sandra Bouza) 23:36 UNDER THE LAKE - Breaking Through 23:32 WAYMAN TISDALE - Watch Me Play Again (feat. Robert Wilson from The Gap Band) 23:28 JULIAN VAUGHN - Amore 23:24 ROCCO VENTRELLA - Stay Close to Me 23:20 OLI SILK - Just Can't Resist 23:16 VANN BURCHFIELD - Keep Pressing On 23:12 TONY SAUNDERS - Best Part 23:08 TYLE - Lovin on Next to Nothin (feat. Magdalena Chovancova, Robert Fertl & Latonya Black Gilliard) 23:04 TIM BOWMAN - Friends 23:00 VINCENT INGALA - Kimi Trick 22:55 MICHAEL E - That Night Last Summer 22:51 CONJURE ONE - Only Sky (Lounge Edit) 22:46 JOSEPHINE SINCLAR - My Privat Island 22:43 SENSPROOF - Starflight (Alex Atmospheric Chillout Remix) 22:38 LA CAINA - Mona 22:32 LOUNGAHOLIC - Careless Whisper 22:28 ROMA BABANOV - Flight 22:23 SUPER8 TAB, ALYNA - Perfect Day (Original Mix) 22:17 DJ ARTAK SAMVEL, SONE SILVER - I Feel Your Body 22:14 OCEAN DRIVE, DJ ORISKA - Without You (Acoustic Version) 22:09 SOTY - Circle (Original Mix) 22:06 JOEL HIRSCH, ROXANNE EMERY - Neon Dreams (Cinematic Version) 22:02 MANDALAY - Beautiful (7'' Canny Mix) 21:59 DASH BERLIN, ROXANNE EMERY - Shelter 21:56 PUBLIC SYMPHONY - Wings 21:52 JOHANNES HUPPERTZ - Freeee 21:46 DENIS SERGEEV, 4ONE - Merging Of Two Destiny 21:41 HEADSTRONG, KIRSTY HAWKSHAW - Love Calls (Floris De Hann Chillout Mix) 21:35 DEEPER SUBLIME, AVO - Hypnotic 21:31 ROBERT NICKSON - Spiral (Chillout Mix) 21:25 ATB - With You! (Original Mix) 21:22 ASHLEY WALLBRIDGE, ELLEAH - These Walls (Album Mix) 21:18 DT8 PROJECT - Hold Me Till The End (Unplugged Mix Lounge Edit) 21:13 SMOOTH DELUXE - Wonderful Micronesia 21:10 SKYE - Feel Good Inc 21:06 BERK & THE VIRTUAL BAND - You're My Heart, You're My Soul 21:01 ANDAIN - Beautiful Things (Andain Piano Version) 20:56 DAVID GUETTA - The World Is Mine (Paul Mira Chillout Remix) 20:53 LEO ROJAS - Chaski 20:49 SWEET EUPHONY - After We Close Our Eyes (Chillout Version) 20:46 FILIPE NARCISO - Forbidden Love (Original Mix) 20:42 CJ STONE, ANNA TURSKA, SHERLOCK - Believe Me (Chill Out Classic Mix) 20:36 CERF, MITISKA & JAREN - Beggin' You (Aeron Aether & Gorm Sorensen Remix) 20:33 HEADSTRONG, SHELLEY HARLAND - Here In The Dark 20:27 RUSLAN-SET, V.RAY - The Voice of Star (Union Sense Remix) 20:24 MARIO BASANOV VIDIS, JAZZU - Give It A Try 20:21 ERNESTO - Reelin' 20:16 LANA DEL REY - Born To Die 20:13 MASHTI, JEAN VON BADEN - Waiting 20:06 ANTURAGE - Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough (Original Mix) 20:00 RAYAN MYERS - Pleasant Calmness (Original Mix) 19:54 KENNY FONTANA - U R The Sun (Toni Rivera Mix) 19:51 BON JOVI - It's My Life (Piano Version) 19:47 LIULA - Sweet Dreams 19:38 AMEDEO BIANCHI - Spring Water 19:34 ELLIE GOULDING - Heartbeats (Cosmonaut Grechko Edit) 19:28 BLANK & JONES, CORALIE CLEMENT - Days Go By (Cantoma Mix) 19:25 KIRSTY HAWKSHAW, TENISHIA - Reason To Forgive (Piano Mix) 19:18 351 LAKE SHORE DRIVE - Soiree Rouge (feat. Blueberry) 19:14 ATB, AMURAI - Love & Light (Downtempo Mix) 19:09 REUNITED - Sing It Back Shazz (Man Chill Mix) 19:05 ANDY MOOR, SUE McLAREN - Trespass (Masoud Chill Out Mix) 19:00 HESS IS MORE - Yes Boss 18:54 LEO ROJAS - Serenade to Mother Earth 18:50 MIA LEMAR - Colourful Life (Photo In Lounge Remix) 18:47 AREA CODE 51 - Chillout In Paris 18:42 THOMAS ANDERS - You're My Heart, You're My Soul (Acoustic Version) 18:39 DEEJAY HOUSE PROJECT - Komodo (Stefy Martinez Lounge Mix) 18:35 RUTH ANN - Beautiful 18:30 JENS BUCHERT - Bug in Mind (Vocal Mix) 18:25 GABRIELA MENDEZ FUENTE - Romance in Ibiza (Orchester Lite Edit) 18:22 CUEBRICK - Safe (C-Systems Alternative Mix) 18:18 DASH BERLIN, JONATHAN MENDELSOHN - Better Half Of Me (Acoustic Mix) 18:13 SIR LOUNGEALOT - Silver Beach (Original Mix) 18:10 SCUBBA, IVETTE MORAES, RONAN - The Sweetest Taboo (Remix) 18:04 JES - Like A Waterfall (Flipside Ambient Remix) 17:58 CIARA, JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE - Love Sex Magic (Chillout Mix) 17:52 CHRISTIAN HORNBOSTEL - Waiting At Potsdamer Chaussee 17:49 LE VITA, FAB - Apologize 17:44 SANGRE DE LA TIERRA - Antigua 17:39 JIMMY ROQSTA, THALYA HILL - Endless Summer Dance (El Gambrero Remix) 17:36 COASTLINE, MADELIN ZERO - Alone With You (Chillout Mix) 17:31 DAVID TORT, NORMAN DORAY - Chase The Sun (Musica Feliz Ibiza Beat Remix) 17:28 DARK MATTERS, DENISE RIVERA - Take Me Home 17:24 SUNLOUNGER, SEIS CUERDAS - A Balearic Dinner (Chill Mix) 17:19 DELERIUM, SARAH McLACHLAN - Silence (Acoustic Mix) 17:12 LAZY HAMMOCK - Pleasures All Mine (Chill Beat Mix) 17:09 NOMOSK, ROMAN MESSER, CHRISTINA NOVELLI - Lost Soul (Zetandel Chillout Remix) 17:03 NADIA ALI - Fantasy (Original Mix) 17:00 GUSHI, RAFFUNK - Travel (Lemongrass Couch Remix) 16:57 EJAZZ ARTISTRY - Need You Now 16:53 DREAMING IN COLOUR - State & Main 16:49 FRANK MCCOMB - Cha Cha (For Ramsey Lewis) 16:45 MICHAEL HAGGINS - Gift To The World 16:41 MARC ANTOINE - Spooky 16:39 496 WEST - Dilla Jw 16:34 ZACH BRIDGES - Yonder 16:30 DWIGHT SIRLS - The Pawn 16:26 ZOLBERT - Back Home 16:21 JAY KING - Soulful Bossa Nova 16:17 DONN BYNUM - Because I'm Feeling You 16:13 MARQUEAL JORDAN - Sistas (feat. Brian Culbertson) 16:08 YULARA - Bridges To Shambhala 16:04 RON KING - Cascade 16:00 BLAIR BRYANT - Spend the Night 15:58 STEVE RAYBINE - Second Chance 15:53 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - When The Time Comes 15:49 MOTOWN MOE - Shades of Funk (feat. Chris Campbell) 15:45 DR. DAVE, THE HOUSECALL BAND - G.B. Style (Revisited Version) 15:41 JOEL THIBAULT - Miss Foly 15:37 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Coastline Crusader 15:26 Live - 15:24 THE SAX PACK - The Sax Pack 15:19 DERRICK HARVIN - Colombiana 15:14 GREG MANNING - Look Up 15:09 JACKIEM JOYNER - When We Come Together 15:06 SLIM GAMBILL - Up (feat. Charlton Singleton) 15:00 PETER WHITE - Dreamwalk 14:59 SHAUN LABELLE - Spin Cycle 14:54 MEKIEL REUBEN - Zoraida (A Feel for Hope) 14:50 LAWSON ROLLINS - Momentum 14:46 RICHARD ELLIOT - Coco 14:41 RANDY SCOTT - Serenity 14:37 DARRIUS JAMAR - Bounce Back 14:34 SAM BASSMAN JENKINS - After Hours 14:30 LES SABLER - Tranquility 14:25 CHILLAXING JAZZ KOLLEKTION - My Story 14:21 DARRYL WILLIAMS - Do You Remember (feat. Michael Lington) 14:18 ELENA IOUROVA - Autumn Leaf Fall Again 14:12 KIM SCOTT - Rite of Passage 14:07 BLAKE AARON - Groovers and Shakers (feat. Darren Rahn) 14:04 DAVE KOZ - It's All Love 14:00 PHIL DENNY - Black Brim 13:56 ROBERT HARRIS - Cool Breeze 13:51 TERENCE YOUNG - Island Love 13:47 KEITH MASON - End of Days 13:42 RHYTHM LOGIC - Tuesdays Love 13:39 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Sensual 13:35 BRIAN SIMPSON - A Soft Touch 13:31 BLUEY - Back Here Again 13:27 BONEY JAMES - Powerhouse 13:22 NATE WHITE - Long Way Home 13:17 GREGG KARUKAS - Summerhouse 13:12 SKINNY HIGHTOWER - Spanish Harlem 13:08 PIECES OF A DREAM - In Too Deep 13:04 EUGE GROOVE - Slam Dunkn 13:00 PETER WHITE - If Ever... 12:59 JEFFERY SMITH - Turn It Up 12:55 FRANK MCCOMB - Cha Cha (For Ramsey Lewis) 12:52 SPONTANEOUS GROOVIN' COMBUSTION - The Wind Whispers 12:47 JULIAN VAUGHN - Sunday 12:42 DARREN MOTAMEDY - Babadoodaht! 12:38 RANDY SCOTT - Heaven Sent 12:34 JAY KING - My Song 12:29 AVENUE BLUE - I'll Be Around (feat. Jeff Golub) 12:25 KEN NAVARRO - Walking Each Other Home 12:20 BIRDS OF A FEATHER - Above the Clouds 12:16 JAREZ - All Of Me 12:10 KIM SCOTT - Bright Eyes 12:05 TOM BRAXTON - As Long As I'm With You 12:00 KIM WATERS - With Open Arms 11:56 CHRIS STANDRING - Have Your Cake And Eat It 11:51 ILYA SEROV - My Funny Valentine 11:47 RICHARD ELLIOT - Adia 11:42 PAUL JACKSON JR. - Down the Road 11:37 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Snow Lion (Feat. Michael Thompson) 11:34 RON OTIS - Stay in Your Lane 11:30 CHRIS GODBER - Butterfly 11:26 ALEXANDER ZONJIC - Rolling in the Deep 11:22 AL DEGREGORIS - Mythland 11:17 JIM ADKINS - The Secret Place 11:13 MARK JAIMES - Peak Too Soon 11:09 PATRICK LAMB - I See it in Your Eyes 11:04 PIECES OF A DREAM - Smoothing Out 11:00 PETER WHITE - The View From Your Window 10:59 BONEY JAMES - Camouflage 10:55 DEON YATES - When We Meet Again 10:51 SPONTANEOUS GROOVIN' COMBUSTION - Jackie's New Car 10:46 JULIAN VAUGHN - Loving You 10:39 EUGE GROOVE - Rain Down On Me 10:35 GABRIEL MARK HASSELBACH - Heading North 10:30 STEVE OLIVER - Let it Go 10:26 NORMAN BROWN - Ocean Breeze 10:22 JEANETTE HARRIS - Ja'licious 10:18 LOUIE FITZGERALD - Hotlanta 10:13 JODY MAYFIELD - Summer Rain (feat. Michael Tarpley) 10:09 RONALD BOO HINKSON - Dance the Hall 10:04 BOBBY LYLE - What Kind Of World 10:00 GREGG KARUKAS - Manhattan 09:58 CHUCK LOEB - John Leslie (For Wes Montgomery) 09:54 KEITH SLATTERY - It'll Be Alright feat. Everette Harp 09:50 ROB MALETICK - Backwards Talkin' 09:46 SONIX - Cloud 9 09:42 RAY OBIEDO - A Thousand Reasons 09:37 YULARA - Lights Of Ayodhya 09:33 WALTER BEASLEY - Expressway 09:27 OLI SILK - Steppin' Out 09:24 SPECIAL EFX - Never Ending Love 09:20 ZOLBERT - Ocean Breeze 09:16 DIDIER LABOSSIERE - Back to the Beginning 09:12 PAUL BROWN - Sweetness 09:08 CHRIS STANDRING - Fat Tuesday 09:05 ROB TARDIK - East Meets Wes (feat. Paul Brown) 09:00 PETER WHITE - Jump On It 08:56 JAKOB MAGNUSSON - Karlsson's Arrival 08:52 PAUL MESSINA & MARK R. HARRIS - Setting It Straight (feat. Ignacio Nunez & Daniele Silvestri) 08:49 NEIKA SIMONE - Beautiful Moments 08:45 MELTON MUSTAFA JR. - Mosaic Love 08:41 NELSON GARCIA - East Coast Drive 08:36 KIM WATERS - Takin' The High Road 08:32 RICHARD ELLIOT - Sticky Wicked 08:28 MARQUEAL JORDAN - Behave to Love 08:24 NAJEE - Luna 08:20 BLAIR BRYANT - Kiss of Life 08:16 PEET PROJECT - So in Love 08:11 MARCUS ANDERSON - Gotta Move On 08:07 BONEY JAMES - Solid 08:04 EUGE GROOVE - Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight 08:00 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - Forecast 07:54 SEAN U - Magic Hour (feat. Blake Aaron) 07:50 JASON PETERSON DELAIRE - After Hours 07:45 NORMAN BROWN - Just Groovin' 07:42 DEON YATES - Step By Step 07:38 DEMETRIUS NABORS - Get on the Floor 07:33 ROBERT HARRIS - Standing by a Friend 07:29 WALTER BEASLEY - La Nina 07:25 KOOL&KLEAN - Amazing 07:20 ROBERTO RESTUCCIA - With Every Turn 07:14 GREGG KARUKAS - Home To You 07:10 PAUL BROWN - Mr. Cool 07:05 CHRIS STANDRING - Shadow Dance 07:00 PETER WHITE - Wake Up Everybody 06:56 CHILLAXONIC - Other Side Of Jupiter 06:52 JAZZ IN PINK - Roll Out 06:48 NICK COLIONNE - Only 2CU Smile 06:42 CHRIS GODBER - Chill 06:38 STEVE COLE - Living Out Loud 06:34 KIM WATERS - Yearning For You 06:30 ROB TARDIK - Givin' Back (feat. Vincent Ingala) 06:26 KEVIN STEVENSON - Talk To Me 06:22 NAJEE - Modern Lovers 06:18 BLAIR BRYANT - Hello Beautiful 06:14 DANNY LERMAN - Summer in a Hummer 06:08 MARCUS ANDERSON - The Taste Of Passion 06:04 BLAKE AARON - Feels So Right 06:00 JAZZ FUNK SOUL - CSL (For Charles Samuel Loeb) 05:57 K'JON - Live, Love & Laughter 05:52 ROCCO VENTRELLA - Feel Like Making Love 05:47 JEFF KASHIWA - Voices 05:44 NORMAN BROWN - Heart To Heart 05:39 DEON YATES - Quintastic 05:35 RICK HABANA - Journey 05:32 AVENUE BLUE - Stockholm (feat. Jeff Golub) 05:27 WALTER BEASLEY - Skip To My Lew 05:24 SHAWN RAIFORD - Magic Man 05:20 KOOL&KLEAN - Beautiful Surprise 05:16 PAUL TUVMAN - You Can't Do That 05:13 JAY KING - I Once Had Your Love 05:09 PAUL BROWN - My Funny Valentine 05:04 GREGG KARUKAS - Simone 05:00 PETER WHITE - Kinda Sweet 04:58 CHRIS STANDRING - Too Close for Comfort 04:55 PAOLO RUSTICHELLI - Sol (Smooth mix) 04:50 DANIEL CHIA - Just Because (feat. Darren Rahn) 04:46 EDGARDO CINTRON - People Get Ready 04:41 ROBERTO RESTUCCIA - That's It For Tonight 04:37 ART RUPRECHT - Living in the Son 04:33 CAL HARRIS JR. - Bridges 04:28 KENNY NIGHTINGALE - New Day 04:24 THE SAX PACK - Here To Stay 04:20 KIM SCOTT - I'm Every Woman (feat. Althea Rene & Ragan Whiteside) 04:15 BLAIR BRYANT - Spend the Night 04:11 SEAN U - Sunburst 04:08 DEE LUCAS - The Time Is Now 04:04 HIROSHIMA - Someday Soon 04:00 CHILLAXING JAZZ KOLLEKTION - Send My Love 03:56 NILS - Jump Start 03:52 KEN NAVARRO - Summer Smiles 03:48 PIECES OF A DREAM - Gettin' Through It 03:44 JEFF KASHIWA - Creepin' 03:40 NORMAN BROWN - Sunset On Chandler 03:36 MARK JAIMES - ABC 03:32 SERGEY CHIPENKO, DAVE KOZ - Kindness (Remastered 2021) 03:28 DERRICK HARVIN - Eyes Wide Open 03:24 DEON YATES - For Hosea 03:21 SHAWN RAIFORD - Rude Boy 03:16 DIDIER LABOSSIERE - VTB Wings 03:13 JAY KING - Breathe (Cami's Song) 03:09 PAUL BROWN - On The Down Low 03:05 VANN BURCHFIELD - I'm Holding On 03:00 GREGG KARUKAS - Show Me The Way 02:55 LOWELL HOPPER - Distant Love (feat. G. Vernon Burrell, Jr.) 02:52 PAOLO RUSTICHELLI - Romamor (Smooth mix) 02:47 MARQUEAL JORDAN - Sistas (feat. Brian Culbertson) 02:42 EDGARDO CINTRON - Make It Real 02:39 WADE C. LONG - GodChildren 02:35 JOEL THIBAULT - Summer Vibes 02:30 JOYCE COOLING - Another Time 02:25 RANDY SCOTT - Copacetic 02:21 ART RUPRECHT - A Good Thing 02:18 LES SABLER - Keep Pushin' 02:14 BLAIR BRYANT - Relentless 02:10 ROBERT HARRIS - Cry of my Heart 02:05 DAVID PETROSYAN - By Happy 02:00 KIM SCOTT - Sweet Obsession 01:56 MARION MEADOWS - Mother Earth 01:51 UNDER THE LAKE - Another Mothers Day 01:48 496 WEST - Cflat 01:44 MARCIN NOWAKOWSKI - Waiting For You 01:39 AMANDUS - Floating Cloud 01:34 REZA KHAN - Seven Mile Road 01:29 DARREN RAHN - Magnetic 01:25 SSINA & MARK R. HARRIS - A Sultry Summers Night (feat. Greg Minnick, Ignacio Nunez & Dean Rickard) 01:20 BRAD ALEXANDER - Through the Fire (feat. Andrew Gouche) 01:16 DARRON COOKIE - Another Day at Work 01:12 AL DEGREGORIS - Mauritius 01:07 PAUL BROWN - Now 'Til Forever 01:03 WALTER BEASLEY - She Can't Help It 01:00 PETER WHITE - Desert Night 00:56 PAOLO RUSTICHELLI - Momentum 00:54 STEVE RAYBINE - Maui Blue 00:50 EARNEST WALKER JR - Palm Avenue 00:45 PAUL HARDCASTLE - Flight of the Phoenix 00:41 GREGG KARUKAS - Green Hills 00:36 NAJEE - Valentine Love 00:32 BRAD ALEXANDER - Straight Up (feat. Donald Hayes) 00:28 HIROSHIMA - Side Street 00:24 EDGARDO CINTRON - Just Stay Home 00:20 PHILIPPE SAISSE - And So But Then 00:16 RICK HABANA - Lady Luck 00:12 RODNEY GREENE - Real Close 00:07 FRANK MCCOMB - Movin' In Traffic (For Russell Ferrante and George Duke) . 00:04 BE'NE MUSIC - I’m Yours 00:00 GARY PALMER - Coast 2 Coast
0 notes
boxingnewsnetwork · 2 years
Badou Jack starts off our news show this week, given his rather controversial win over Richie Rivera in Saudi Arabia, while Filip Hrgovic remains undefeated, then we have results to report from Florida, where late replacement Sergey Lipinets dropped former champ Omar Figueroa in their title eliminator bout, and where Alberto Puello claimed the vacant WBA Super Lightweight World Championship in the co-main event by defeating Batyr Akhmedov, and at the Pechanga Arena in San Diego Emanuel Navarrete defended his WBO featherweight world title with a sixth-round stoppage over Eduardo Baez, and provide a brief recap of an epic meltdown courtesy of Anthony Joshua, who put on an entertaining post-fight performance in the ring after his loss to Oleksandr Usyk, and conclude with an announcement regarding an upcoming clash featuring undefeated lightweight rising star, Ernesto “Tito” Mercado. https://talkinfight.com/todays-boxing-news-headlines-ep227-boxing-news-today/ Watch live on TalkinFight.com and more episodes on YouTube.com/c/TalkinFight #TalkinFight #Boxen247 #BoxingNews #WBA #WBO #IBF #WBO @The World of Boxing! @Your Boxing Guide @DAZN Boxing @Boxing Stars @World Boxing Council @WORLD BOXING @World Boxing Association @Boxing Legends @Matchroom Boxing ​
0 notes
sweetiepie08 · 5 years
Everything Stays (Chapter 2)
Adventure Time au 
Inspired by Simon & Marcy’s relationship in Adventure Time
Héctor can’t remember how he found the amulet or why it’s chosen him, but it saved him and his daughter when the end of the world came. As he and Coco wander through the wreckage, he can feel the amulet’s power growing and trying to creep into his mind. He knows it’s slowly taking over despite his attempts to fight, but he must hang on for Coco.
Chapter 1. Chapter 2.
The shock at finding each other again was so overwhelming, all they could do was stare. Each pair assumed the other was dead. It took a minute for it to sink in that they were not looking at ghosts.
The moment passed and they rushed toward each other. Her Tío Filipe picked her up and gave her a toss, commenting on how much she’d grown. Tío Oscar embraced Papá with a clap on the back. Papá hugged him back, but was careful to place his hands on his own skin. For some reason he’d become impervious to burns.
“Did you join a boy band?” Oscar joked, a bright smile on his face.
“In the 90s?” Filipe added.
Her Papá pinched a lock of platinum blonde hair in his fingers and absently examined it before flicking back in place. “Would you believe it is natural?” He said with an awkward grin. The scattered locks of blonde now growing from his head was just one sign that something was off. His skin had also turned a shade more orange and his hands were always warm to the touch.  “I can tell you about it later,” he added, sparing a glance at Coco.
“Yes, there’s so much to talk about,” Oscar said. “We’ll explain on our way back to camp.”
“Camp” referred to the little community of survivors from Santa Cecilia. Oscar and Filipe took turns explaining what happened to them before the Flash. As the Mushroom War escalated, the brothers started building a secret bunker just outside of Santa Cecelia, hoping they would never really need it. They happened to be working on it when the green cloud appeared. They started getting everyone they could find into the bunker and closed the door just before the flash went off. They stayed down there for a few days until they finally decided to check if it was safe. When they came out, they found Santa Cecelia destroyed, covered in scorch marks with strange puddles of green slime splashed about the landscape.
They’d become a wandering community since then, everyone had to be now a days. Papá’s first question was if Imelda was with them. She was not. No one had seen her since the flash. Papá looked sick.
They did mention that Ernesto was with them for a time. He hid in the bunker with them and traveled with the community for about a year. Then, he found something, he wouldn’t say what, but he thought he found a way to reverse the flash. He went off on his own to find it, and that was the last time they saw him as well.
When they finally made it to camp, Coco could hardly believe her eyes. Sure, the camp itself was little more than a series of tents and campfires, but there were people there. She hadn’t seen so many people in so long. And there were kids there! Kids her own age! Kids she could play with!  She even recognized a few from school. She begged Papá to let her run ahead, and he actually did. He never let her wander out of his sight these days. Surely this must be a special place.
The rest of the day was like a dream. It was almost like she had her old life back. She got to out to play for the first time since she couldn’t remember when. And the smile Papá wore as he watched her play was real. It was a real smile.
Lately, his usual ones were fake, usually accompanied by lies like, “I’m alright,” despite evidence to the contrary. They were weak with worry and shrouded in sadness. They were frowns forcibly and painstakingly turned upside down, not that he would ever admit that. Whenever she asked about it, he’d tell her not to worry about it. Every kid knew that meant he was just keeping all the worry for himself.
Her dream shattered that night, as quickly as a false smile. After they shared dinner with the rest of the community, Papá asked her uncles to talk and they went into one of the tents. She said she wanted to go too. Papá told her everything was fine and to go play with the other kids. But everything was definitely not fine. She could tell by the way they whispered.
After they went in, she waited until she was sure they’d think she was off playing before sneaking up to the tent flaps. Right away she knew something terrible was about to happen.
“Of course we will,” her Tío Filipe said. “That’s not even a question.”
“But you’re staying too,” Oscar added.
“I wish that I could,” Papá said. He was sad; so, so sad. “Imelda would be so proud to see what you’ve done here, but I can’t be part of it. I’m slipping, I can feel it. I’ve already begun changing. If the amulet were to take over entirely…”
“Maybe it won’t come to that.”
“Maybe, but more likely it will.”
“You can’t just give up.”
“I’m not giving up. If there is a way, I will find it and I will find you all again, but this is what’s best for everyone. Before today, my only plan was to pray that I could hold on long enough for Coco to learn to survive on her own. Now that we found you…” there were tears in his voice, “at least I know I’m leaving her with family who loves her.”
Leave? Her heart jumped into the back of her throat. Papá was going to leave? No. It was worse. He was going to leave her behind.
She tore into the room and launched herself into Papá so hard he nearly fell over. “You can’t!” she cried as she clung to him. “Please, Papá! No! You can’t!”
“Coco…” he breathed. That was all he could say.
“I know the amulet made you sick,” she continued, tears streaming down her cheeks, “but it’s okay now. Tío Oscar and Tío Filipe are here. They’re smart, really smart. They can fix you.”
Her uncles gave each other a helpless look. “Coco, I’m afraid it doesn’t work that way,” one of them said. She couldn’t tell which. They both looked like the same blurry blob through her watery eyes and her heart pounded too loud in her ears to hear the subtle differences in their voices.
Papá wiggled out of her grasp enough to kneel down to her eye level. He placed a hand carefully on her cheek and wiped away a rolling tear. His hands were hot, they always were now, but they didn’t burn. “I never want to leave you.”
“Then don’t!”
She could see the heartbreak behind his kind, brown eyes. Somehow, he managed to keep his composure. “You know about my fire magic,” he said in his calming voice. “It’s getting too dangerous now. I need to go away to find a way to fix myself, but I need to do it alone so that I don’t accidently hurt anyone.”
“You wouldn’t hurt anyone,” she insisted. “You’re too nice.”
“I don’t want to, but if I don’t fix myself, I might. When I find a way, I will come back.”
What if you don’t? The question was in her mind, but she was too afraid to ask. She thought she already knew the answer. Instead, she threw herself into her father’s arms. He held her as she cried until she had no tears left. “Do you have to leave right now?” she asked as she regained her breath.
“No, I can stay a few days.”
“Will you play for me?”
“Of course.” He kissed the top of her head. “Will you sing my songs, even when I’m not around?”
She hugged him tighter and buried her head in his chest. “I promise, Papá.”
She was 8 when he left.
At age 10, her uncles discovered a new force was seeping into the earth. For lack of a better term, they called it magic.
At age 12, they discovered monsters, thought only to be myths and fairy tales, were making themselves known again. Her uncles theorize that the earth cycles through periods of high and low magic and magic was on the rise again.
At age 14, search parties began setting out into the ocean in hopes of finding more inhabitable lands. Some came back empty handed. Some didn’t come back at all.
At age 15, Tío Filipe was attacked by a vampire and nearly killed. Coco began training to be a monster hunter.
At age 16, a search party returned with news of an uncharted archipelago, uninhabited and untouched by the war. They began making plans to build boats and move the community to the islands in hopes it would become a permanent home.
At age 19, she lost a fight with a vampire just weeks before they were set to depart for the islands. The vampire turned her and she couldn’t go with them. She was able to control her new bloodlust just long enough to say goodbye to her uncles.
Age 20, she discovered she didn’t need blood to survive, just the color red. Also, she started going by Socorro. She just doesn’t feel like Coco without her family.
At age 25, she returned to Santa Cecilia and found the white skull guitar miraculously still intact in its case. It was horribly out of tune, but she learned to fix that. She remembered his songs and she swore to learn to play them.
Age 36, she found her Papá again for the first time. She didn’t recognize him at first. He’d been completely transformed into the Flame King.
He didn’t even look anything like the man from her memories. His dark hair had turned to a pale yellow and grown somehow even more unruly. His skin was now an inhuman shade of orange. His brown eyes were tinged with red.
This wasn’t him. It was someone else entirely. She can’t stand to look at him. She ran.
Their paths crossed again at ages 83, 154, 247, 333, 421, 518, 609, and 700. By 705, found her every couple of years. Now, at age 1000, it only takes him a few months.
He didn’t do it intentionally, at least not always. Half the time he didn’t even remember that they’d met before. Once, just once, she let on that he was her father. It was a mistake. Luckily, he forgot by the next time they met.
When he showed up at her home that day, she was ready to throw him out and find a new place to live again, as usual, but then he showed her the little red book. “I thought people might like me if I wrote them a song, and I need your help because you write the best songs,” he said as he held up the book. “Your songs are so good, I wrote them all down. I mean… I don’t remember doing that, but I must have.”
He didn’t know. Her heart twisted. He didn’t know that she sang his songs, that she played his guitar. He didn’t remember that she promised him she would.
So, she let him in. He lugged in a makeshift guitar slapped together out of wood scraps. Socorro took out her own guitar. This one she got herself to play on while the white skull guitar rested safely on its stand. She never risked doing anything that might damage it. She kept it in good shape, cleaning it and tuning it, never letting it collect dust. Every once in a while, she’d hold it across her lap and strum her fingers along the strings, but it was never quite the same as when Papá played.
She wished she’d known the Flame King would be in her house today. She would have locked it up somewhere.
Their session started off predictably awkward. He claimed he never wrote a song before. He wanted pointers from her. She almost laughed at how completely backwards he had it. He was the musical genius, not her.
She tried anyway. At first, she thought she could draw on the hours she spent watching her Papá work. She could easily see him hunched over his guitar, plucking out melodies. He was so vivid in her mind; cringing and biting his tongue when he hit a sour note, furiously erasing lyrics or notes that just didn’t fit, eyes lighting up when he found just the right word. What she wouldn’t give to have that version of her Papá here now.
A crash brought her out of her memories. She turned to see the Flame King holding the remnants of his slapdash guitar. The rest of it sat crumbled on the floor.
Her heart leapt. “Oh no, guess this means we can’t play together anymore,” she said, beginning to usher him out of her home. “You probably want to go home to fix it.”
This was great. If he couldn’t play, they couldn’t write. He’d have to go back to his molten tower and she could get a jump start on moving again. Maybe he would just forget the whole thing and she wouldn’t have to move.
“What are you talking about? You’ve got another one right there.” He pointed at the white skull guitar and her heart sank.
“Oh, I don’t use that one.”
“Why not? Looks alright to me.” He started toward it.
Socorro managed to rush ahead and block his path. “No. You can’t use that one.”
“Why not?” Steam rose from his hands.
“I said no!”
“Let me play!” His hands engulfing into flames.
“Stop it! Right now!”
“Fine!” he shouted. “I don’t need your dumb guitar anyway!” He launched a fireball at the guitar. Socorro managed to grab it out of the way just in time. The fire landed on her carpet. She stomped it out and turned back to him, fire in her own eyes now.
“Do you have any idea what you almost did?” she roared, hovering over him. “You could have destroyed it! You have no idea what that guitar means to me!”
As quickly as his temper flared, it dissolved again. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he pleaded like a child.
She couldn’t look at him. It hurt to look at him.  In fact, it enraged her to look at him. This pathetic creature, whatever it was, was not Papá. It couldn’t be. It might be walking around in his skin and morphing his body, but it was not Papá.
“You don’t know anything! Do you have any idea what it’s like to be around you? You don’t even remember who you are anymore, do you? Héctor?”
“Who?” The Flame King blinked his vacant eyes. Socorro searched for some trace of recognition but found nothing.
She looked around for the songbook and snatched it off the couch. “You wrote these when I was a kid!” she shouted, opening to a random page and showing it to him. “Don’t you remember?”
“I wrote music?”
Socorro let out a sigh and looked back at the book. She traced her fingers over the notes her Papá wrote so long ago. Maybe this is all I get, she thought as she flipped through the book. Vivid memories of her Papá writing and singing and playing danced in her mind. Maybe he is just memories now. That’s more than he has.
She flipped to the back and her hand froze as she came across a song she’d never seen before. It was written in various colors of ink, apparently whatever he had on hand at the time. She ran her fingers over the notes. This is him, she thought as she scanned the lyrics. It might be the last thing he ever wrote.
“What’s that?” The Flame King asked, peeking over her shoulder.
“A song.”
“And I wrote it?”
She turned to him and looked in his eyes. She could almost see something behind the haze, something familiar. “Yes.”
“Is it good?” He picked up her guitar and plucked a few strings. “Sing it for me.”
Socorro looked down at the song. She wondered if her Papá ever played it. He left the guitar behind when they left Santa Cecelia and she doubted he ever found a new one. She never heard him sing it, so if he did, it wasn’t around her. Maybe this song deserved to be played again, just once.
“Socorro, is it just you and me in the wreckage of the world?
That must be so confusing for a little girl.
And I know you're going to need me here with you.
But I'm losing myself, and I'm afraid you're gonna lose me too.”
The Flame King began playing along with her words. She watched his fingers move along the frets. He was still in there somewhere. This was indisputable proof. No one else could play like him. No one else could make it look as effortless and natural as he could. He remembered somehow. Even after he forgot his own name, he remembered the music.
“Wow, I wrote that? What’s it about?”
Her heart dropped. “You don’t remember what it means?” She turned the book toward him and shoved it in his face as something wet rolled down her cheek. “Look!”
He peered at the book and sang the words off the page.
“This magic keeps me alive, but it's making me crazy,
And I need to save you, but who's going to save me?
Please forgive me for whatever I do,
When I don't remember you.”
He didn’t know what he was saying, or at least he didn’t understand the significance of it. She could tell by his vacant eyes. Whatever flicker of her father she saw was just that, a flicker. Very little remained of him now. It wasn’t enough to fight through the havoc the amulet wreaked on his mind. She should have known better than to get her hopes up. Papá was gone and the Flame King took his place.
She picked up with white skull guitar and strummed it in tune as she joined him in the chorus. The tears flowed down her cheeks but he didn’t notice. Papá would have noticed, but he didn’t.
Still, she played on. It was her Papá’s last song. It deserved to be played on his guitar at least one time.
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fic-rec-time · 6 years
Before Coco (Series)
by FootlessData507
Coco/Incomplete/Works: 3   Words: 14,734
[From In Don Alejandro’s Cellar]
Imelda is supposed to be attending a party in the richest hacienda in town. Unfortunately she spends most of the party locked in a cellar with a very annoying musician. 
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ebbythust · 7 months
Die FightCard für den 23. Dezember in Rias, Saudi-Arabien wird immer attraktiver. Jetzt auch noch mit Filip Hrgović und Frank Sanchez auf der FightCard.
Auch die Nr. 3 der WBC Arslanbek Makhmudov wird am 23. Dezember in Riad, Saudi-Arabien in den Ring steigen. Frank Sanchez vs. Junior Fa & Filip Hrgović vs. TBA & Dmitry Bivol vs. Richard Rivera & Arslanbek Makhmudov gegen TBA auch noch auf der FightCard in Riad. Weitere geplante Kämpfe für den Kampf Anthony Joshua gegen Otto Wallin wurden heute für die FightCard am 23. Dezember in Riad,…
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calliopesquill · 6 years
A Year in the Life: Chapter 14
                              Chapter 14: A Step in the Right Direction
         “No change since yesterday.”
         Miguel sighed, running one hand distractedly through his hair as he leaned back against the wall. “I know. Gracias Candela.”
         The nurse ruffled his hair fondly, sliding down the wall to sit beside him. “Her parents visit every day. They have been talking with the doctors about transferring her to a different hospital.”
         “Back in Canada,” Miguel said with a small nod. “Something about better physiotherapy.”
         They’d talked about it extensively during past visits. Candela may have been dead for decades, but haunting a hospital had kept her pretty up-to-date on modern medical knowledge. Assuming that Nell could return to her body next year, it would take months of physical therapy for her to even walk again. Physical therapy during treatment would make a huge difference, but there was only so much that could be done if the body was inactive for so long. And the fact was that Nell’s parents could not stay in Santa Cecilia forever. They had been living in Nell’s apartment since their arrival, but taking a full year’s leave off of work would not be feasible for either of them. Moving Nell back home would probably be for the best, but Miguel still worried. What if something happened while they were moving her? Would he be able to visit her there, or if he could only project to places that he had been before. And the chances of there being another hospital ghost in the hospital they moved her to was infinitesimally small, so he would have no way of knowing if anything changed.
         “Thank you,” Miguel said after a minute. “For watching over her for me.”
         “De nada,” Candela replied. “You are a good friend, Miguel. She is lucky to have you looking out for her.”
         He ducked his head shyly. “We look out for each other.” She had gone after him when he had been taken into the Land of the Dead, had made sure that he was able to come home even though it meant that she might not be able to. He owed her this much. And even if she hadn’t risked everything to save him, that was what friends did, wasn’t it?
         Working with Lina in the archives had to be the most interesting and most frustrating experience of Nell’s life. There was a weird sense of pride in the idea that she was reading text that no living human had ever touched, but with each day that passed without finding anything relevant to her problem, her enthusiasm began to wane. She had figured that nagual were pretty rare, but in the records they seemed almost non-existent, with only one passing reference to them after days of research. And even then it was in reference to a nagual that the writer had known in life. Nothing at all about a living spirit crossing the bridge.
         And then there was the archivist herself. Lina was prickly, with walls up higher than the gates of Troy. It made Nell question how old she really was. It was known within the Department that Lina was one of the oldest spirits in the Land of the Dead, but that could mean a great many things. It was something Nell pondered whenever she took a break from reading. There was a look in her eyes sometimes when she read, the kind of sorrow of a soul that had seen far too much. And then there was her clothing. Most of the spirits here dressed in the same manner that they did when they were alive, but Lina seemed to do the exact opposite. Except, perhaps, for the doublet that she wore as a jacket, and the soft black velvet cap. Those Nell recognized as being approximately fifteenth-century in origin. In that way they complimented the bright blue, red, and green calavera markings on the archivist’s face, which bore some resemblance to the carvings Nell had seen on the pyramids of the lower levels.
         Could she really be over five hundred years old? Who had she been in life that she was still remembered even centuries later?
         “...is Lina your real name?” Nell asked suddenly.
         Lina froze, her fingers flexing against the cover of the book she was holding, pointedly keeping her gaze locked on its’ pages. “Close enough to it.”
         Interesting. She hadn’t even been sure Lina would answer her. “What--”
         “I found something.”
         “Wait, what?” Nell scrambled to her knees, crossing the aisle to get a better look.
         Lina laid the book flat across her lap, pointing at a series of pictograms on the page. “These ones here, they’re a reference to nagual. That one is Mictēcacihuātl, and the mictlan -- the Land of the Dead.”
         “So another living spirit really did cross over here,” Nell breathed. She had been starting to wonder if she had been the only one.
         “Like you, they didn’t make it back before sunrise. It doesn’t look like they knew about the deadline. They didn’t even try. And when they did…”
         “They couldn’t cross back. What happened? Did they make it home?”
         Lina shook her head, turning the page. “He was here for barely a week before he changed.” She held up her own bony hand in illustration.
         Nell sat back against the bookshelf, scrubbing her hands over her face. A week. It had already been six days. Would she really die tomorrow? “Did they say why?”
         Lina shook her head. “Doesn’t say. And the chances of them still being Remembered are small. And if I don’t know them…”
         “They’re probably gone,” Nell finished with a sigh. “How many fifteenth-century spirits are still hanging around?”
         “Not a lot,” Lina admitted. “The ones that are...well, we don’t get along that well.”
         “I’m sorry.”
         “Don’t be,” Lina said, waving her off. “Didn’t know those blowhards when I was alive, and now that I’m dead I see I haven’t missed much. Bunch of stuck-up pendejos.”
         “They’re just jealous because they aren’t as cool as you are.”
         The archivist let out a snort of laughter. “Yeah, sure. Let’s go with that.” It was certainly preferable to the truth. You made your choices, she reminded herself. You survived. No point in questioning it now. She cleared her throat, closing the book in her lap. “So what are you going to tell them?”
         “Them -- the Riveras? Nothing,” Nell answered.
         Lina looked at her sharply. “You’re not going to tell them anything at all? Don’t you think they deserve to know?”
         “I don’t want to worry them,” she said softly. “They’ve been through enough. And if it is my last day, I want it to be normal. And we don’t know for sure. We’ve only found one case so far. Maybe...maybe someone made it back.”
         Nell dove into the reading with renewed determination. They had found one record, so surely there had to be more. And indeed she came across what she was sure was another reference a couple of hours later. Another man who had fallen asleep one night and never woke up again. This one lasted only five days. Nell almost threw the book across the room in frustration, restrained only by her own respect for the artifact and the knowledge that Lina would not hesitate to throw her from the top of the nearest tower if she damaged one of the irreplaceable books.
         She read until her eyes began to cross and didn’t even notice when Victoria stepped into the room.
         Victoria, whose eyes instantly took on a covetous gleam behind her glasses as she gazed over the packed shelves of historical records. She’d had a deep love of history and adventure stories ever since she was a child -- something her packed bookshelves could most certainly attest to. One of the best things about the Land of the Dead was that most of the writers had first-hand experience in the eras that they wrote about. Now, seeing this wealth of knowledge spread out before her, she questioned why she had never set foot in the city archives before today.
         She stepped towards the shelves, then stopped herself, shaking her head. No reading, she reminded herself firmly. If she started now then neither of them would get home and Mamá would have to send out a search party.
         “Wouldn’t go for that one if I were you. Veracruz is dry as the desert,” said a sudden voice from behind her.
         Victoria stepped aside with a small frown. “¿Perdón?”
         “The book you were looking at. Fourth shelf, green cover. Trust me, you’d be bored to tears by the end of the first page.,” Lina said, moving past her to re-shelve a book that had been put in the wrong place. “Castillo is better if you’re into the sixteenth century, and wasn’t as much of a complete pendejo as some of those other tontos. You’re here for the kid, right?”
         She blinked, caught off guard by the sudden change in subject. “Ah...yes. I’m --”
         “Victoria, right?” Lina moved around the shelf to where a pair of not-bony legs were just visible on the floor, and nudged them with her boot. “Oi, your escort’s here.”
         “Just one more page.”
         “I don’t think so, niñita. I’m not falling for that again.”
         “Still bigger than you,” Nell reminded her as she sat up.
         “Still younger than me,” Lina retorted, taking the book from her hand. “Way younger. You’re little compared to your friend here, too.”
         “My -- Oh! Hey, Victoria!” Nell immediately pasted a bright smile on her face. “Didn’t expect to see you down here.”
         “I was running errands this afternoon so I was closest, and Mamá had suggested that I might want to take a look at the archives while I was here,” she shrugged.
         “I can’t believe you haven’t been down here before. Victoria’s book collection rivals mine back home,” Nell told Lina. “And it’s almost all history.”
         Lina raised one bony brow in interest. “Novels or contemporary accounts?”
         “Both.” As many as she could get her hands on.
         The archivist nodded her approval. “You’ve got good taste. Now get this kid out of here before she falls over.”
         “Hey!” Nell laughed as Lina shoved her out the door. “Rude!”
         “What can I say, they hired me for my people skills. Now get out of here. Take it easy tonight.”
         “Yeah, yeah. Sure thing, Mamá.”
         “I am not your mother. Gracias a Dios.”
         Laughing, Nell shook her head and started off down the hall.
         Victoria hung back. “Did something happen?” She asked when she was sure Nell was out of earshot.
         So she’d caught that, did she? Good. “You’ll have to ask her.”
         “You found something,” she realized, and if they were keeping so tight-lipped about it, she doubted it was something good.
         “She has time,” Lina told her quietly, dark eyes glancing towards the stairs in case Nell had turned back. She had not technically lied. There was still time. But how much of it she had…
         Victoria pursed her mouth and gave a short nod of understanding. “Gracias.”
         “De nada.”
         For a moment they stood silent, their eyes meeting across the threshold, then Lina stepped back, shaking her head. “It was good to meet you, Victoria. Maybe I’ll see you around some time.”
         And she disappeared back into the shelves.
         Victoria stared after her for a moment, then pushed up her glasses and headed back up the the ground floor where Nell was waiting for her.
         “Hey, what took so long?” Nell asked, straightening from where she leaned against the wall.
         “Nothing,” Victoria answered. “She wanted to recommend a book.”
         “I bow to her expertise. I swear she’s read every single book in the archive. I think you two would get along really well.”
         Victoria shrugged noncommittally as they made their way out the front door. “Did you find anything useful today?” She asked, her voice deliberately casual.
         There was an almost imperceptible pause, then Nell shook her head. “Nothing. And I’m limited to the colonial and post-colonial records because I can’t read any of the Aztec or Mayan stuff, which is where the answers probably are.”
         Victoria did not believe her for a moment. Oh, she was sure that Nell could not read a single word of nahuatl, but she was absolutely convinced now that the girl had found something, and her unwillingness to share it just underscored how serious it must be. “Not a single reference at all to living spirits crossing the bridge?”
         “Not one.” Technically that was not a lie. Two references was not one.
         Victoria watched the girl out of the corner of her eye the entire way back to the house. Every far-away look, every fallen expression when another spirit jerked away from her, every too-bright smile she absorbed in silence. She watched Nell continue this way even after reaching the house, full of bright chatter, never staying in one place for longer than a few minutes. This, at least, seemed to break the rest of the family of the stiffness that had fallen over them the last few nights.
         There was music tonight, more than the absent tinkering that had been done lately. The rebuilding of Héctor and Imelda’s relationship had been slow, a re-learning of each other and who they had grown to be over the last century. Decades worth of habits die hard. They were hesitant at first, but there were moments of such sweetness that broke up the sorrow and regret and painful awkwardness, that made it that much better when they finally came together again. Héctor, to nobody’s surprise, was a hopeless romantic, and was known to improvise silly little songs to flirt with his wife, or just to tease the family when he was happy. And Imelda -- Well, after that fateful Día de los Muertos two years ago, it was as if she had finally unlocked a door inside of herself that had been closed for far too long. She no longer cringed at the sound of a neighbor’s radio, but sang along in a ringing harmony that brought passers-by to a standstill.
         It had become a much happier neighborhood now that nobody had to worry about getting smacked with a boot for humming.
         Coco remembered a time when she would sneak away from the house under the guise of doing errands to watch the dancers at Mariachi Plaza. Oh, how she had envied them that freedom. It had taken her months to work up the courage to try some of the steps herself. And every time she had to be on the lookout in case her Mamá came looking for her. Now her Mamá danced with her, something she hadn’t done since Coco was a child.
         When her Papá had left on that fateful tour, it was as if he had taken the heart of their family with them. Coco didn’t think she saw her mother really smile again since. Not until their reunion in the Land of the Dead. Learning the truth of what had happened to her father had been heartbreaking, and that it was her Tio Nesto that had taken him away from her… Well, it was probably better for him that the police hadn’t yet found him at that time. It still struck her, now and again, how very young her father had been when he died, and how much time he was robbed of. That they were robbed of. Because of one man’s selfishness, her father never got to see her grow up. He never got to play at her wedding, never got to be the wonderful abuelito to her girls that she knew he would have been. He never got to be part of the thousand beautiful little moments that made up a lifetime.
         Her family was together again now, a blessing she had never been sure that she would have. Her Tía Rosita talking books with her sweet daughter Victoria, her Tios Oscar and Filipe off conspiring in the doorway of the workshop. Her Mamá and Papá, together again at last, their voices raised in song. And there was her Julio, her best friend and the love of her very long life. Losing him had been devastating, and even though she told herself they would meet again, there was a part of her that doubted. He was the first of her family to greet her in the Land of the Dead, and when she was finally in his arms again, it felt at last like coming home.
         As she and her mother spun around each other, she caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of her eye, talking with their daughter, not far from their latest addition at the edge of the courtyard.
         A living spirit. She didn’t think that was possible. But then, she hadn’t thought that curses were possible either, but her great-grandson had certainly proved her wrong there. And hadn’t that been a shock, learning what he had been through that night. He had brought her father back to her, brought music back to their family. There were no words to express her pride in him, or her gratitude. And though she was able to see him again on Día de los Muertos, she thought she’d have to wait until his own passing before she would be able to thank him. But her Miguelito proved to be more full of surprises than any of them had ever guessed. She wasn’t sure which of them was more surprised to see him this year. It was another kind of miracle, to allow her to hold her great-grandson again.
         They had almost lost him again that night. Would have for certain had it not been for that girl. But saving Miguel had come at a price, one that Nell was still paying. How long could a living spirit last in the Land of the Dead? How long could they all pretend that everything was okay before something snapped?
         She linked eyes with Julio, who gave her his calm knowing smile, as though he could tell what she was thinking. He nodded, and crossed over to Nell who was leaning against the wall, observing them. There was that distant sadness in her eyes, which had been omnipresent since she had been viciously pulled away from her living life. She tried to play it off, but it was not difficult to see. As Mamá whirled her around, Coco lost sight of her husband and their friend, but she didn't need to see to know what Julio was going to do . She hoped that whatever her amor was going to say to the lost artist, that maybe it might help her feel a bit less lost.
         Julio stood next to Nell, thumbs tucked casually into the pockets of his trousers. “The first time I ever saw my Coco, she was dancing in Mariachi Plaza,” Julio confided, watching his wife fondly as she and her mother spun lightly through the courtyard. “She danced with such joy… I’d never seen anything so beautiful. I was so nervous, it took me days to get up the courage to finally ask her to dance with me.”
         “Love at first sight,” Nell commented with a small smile. It wasn’t something she believed in anymore -- attraction at first sight, certainly, but not love. But in their case, she could definitely believe it.
         “Close enough to it.” She’d never danced with a partner before, he remembered. But the trodden-on toes and awkward tripping had been nothing when compared to the light that dancing put in her eyes, and he knew in an instant that he would do whatever he could to keep it there. Setting aside his trade skills to become an apprentice shoemaker had been easy. Giving up music… Well, that had been much harder, especially as his Coco loved it so. And he swore he would spend every day of his life trying to give her back the light that the music ban had robbed her of.
         “You suit each other,” Nell said after a moment. “Like, you seem really...together. Like you were made for each other. I don’t know how else to say it.”
         Julio tugged the brim of his had shyly down over his eyes, beaming with pleasure. “Gracias.”
         Nell smiled. What an absolute sweetheart. Coco was a lucky woman. “Oh, she’s looking this way,” she teased, nudging him with her elbow. “She’s coming over!”
         Coco danced over to them, taking her husband by the hand and pulling him in to join her. They spun around the courtyard, giggling like teenagers. Rosita cheered, clapping her hands as her brother and his wife skipped over the cobblestones.
         Nell grinned, leaning back against the wall as she watched them. She had to admit, Coco and Julio had the moves. Every step seemed as simple and natural as breathing. She was small enough to envy that. Not that she wasn’t happy for them, of course. She was. But it made her a little wistful. She’d been out of the dating pool for a couple of years, by her own choice, and most of the time she was completely okay with that. She didn’t need a partner to complete her. She has -- had? -- work she loves, friends she loves. Romance had fallen aside into the “someday” category, but now… Would she even get a “someday” anymore?
         Lowkey jealousy clicked up a notch as Imelda’s voice joined her husband’s. Where do you even find someone like that?
         “You know, I’ve always wanted that,” she confessed as Victoria and Rosita moved to stand beside her. She shook her head, smiling ruefully as she watched Héctor and Imelda play off each other. “It’s silly, and I blame it entirely on too many Disney movies as a kid. But I always wanted to meet someone who would sing with me like that.”
         Rosita frowned. “Don’t you have somebody back home?”
         She shook her head. “No, and all things considered, that’s probably for the best right now. Been a while. But none of them could sing worth a damn. Seriously, the last one, my ears would bleed every time their favorite song came on the radio.”
         Victoria snorted. “Bah. You have time. And men are overrated.”
         Nell snickered, her mouth curving in a small smile. “Sometimes.” Not that she had a choice either way now. Not if this might be her last night. Her hands flexed tensely at her sides, absently rolling and unrolling the hem of her dress. Suddenly the warm night seemed almost oppressive, the bright lights in the sky almost blinding. She needed to go, to find someplace where she could break down in peace. And if she was going to die tonight, she’d rather not do it in full view of the Riveras. But just as she was stepping away, they were approached by the twins.
         “Where are you --”
         “-- off to so early?”
         “I’m just...a bit tired,” Nell answered. “Thought I might turn in.”
         “But the party’s --”
         “ -- just getting started!”
         “I know, and it’s great. It’s just… it’s been a long day. I read through so many records, I think my eyes might be permanently crossed.” She told them, slowly edging towards the door. “And I’m going to do it all again tomorrow, so…”
         Oscar sighed, turning towards his brother. “If you say so. Probably for the best, anyway.”
         “Si,” Filipe agreed. “It was just as you were saying, hermano. She probably can’t dance anyway.”
         Nell froze mid-step, turning slowly back to them as Rosita and Victoria started at the brothers’ rudeness. “I beg your pardon?”
         “It’s nothing,” Oscar shrugged. “You go on, you look tired.”
         “Oh, no. Continue. Please. Who said I couldn’t dance?” She said mildly.
         “Ah, well, mi hermano was saying earlier --”
         “ -- there is often music playing, but we never --”
         “ -- see you dance to it, so he said --”
         “ -- maybe you couldn’t.” Oscar finished.
         “I can dance.”
         Rosita shot a sharp look at the boys, then laid a consoling hand on Nell’s shoulder. “It’s okay if you can’t, mija. There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
         “But I can dance!” She protested, stepping out of Rosita’s hold.
         The music and dancing stuttered to an awkward stop as the other Riveras turned their way.
         “What is going on?” Imelda asked, crossing the courtyard towards them.
         “Nothing!” The twins said quickly.
         “Your boys here think I can’t dance,” Nell said, shifting so she stood hip-shot, leveling a look at them that was less than impressed.
         “Is that so?” Imelda leveled a similar look at her brothers, wondering what mischief they had planned. Troublemakers they could be, but they were rarely so rude before a guest.
         “And I was about to make them eat their words,” Nell continued. She could almost feel the hollowness that had swamped her these last few hours burn away in the flames of her own competitiveness. “How about you boys put your money where your mouths are?”
         The twins exchanged looks. “So you want --”
         “ -- to bet?”
         “Unless you’re too scared.”
         Identical smiles spread over their faces. They nodded and answered together. “Name your terms.”
         Ah, now was the question. She might be dead by morning, but already being in the Land of the Dead meant that wouldn’t change too much. So what would she need? “One song. I win, you find me art supplies. Sketchbook, pencils, pens.”
         “And if we win,” Filipe added. “Bragging rights.”
         “And a favor -- ”
         “ -- to be determined later.”
         “Deal.” Nell glanced over to where Héctor was watching them, curiosity and apprehension clear on his face. “Héctor, is that okay?”
         “Okay.” She glanced around, weighing her options. She could definitely hold her own with a partner, but the two best dancers present were Héctor and Julio. Héctor, of course, was needed to play, and Julio was miles shorter than she was, so that wouldn’t work either. Fine. She had more options with a solo anyway. Mouth set in a stubborn line, forcing down nerves, she strode into the middle of the courtyard. Now she had something to prove.
         Nell took a steadying breath, then turned back to Héctor. “Whenever you’re ready.”
         Héctor glanced between her, the twins, and his wife, then shrugged. Whatever his brothers-in-law had planned, he was sure they knew what they were doing. He started slow, picking out a delicate melody on the strings.
         Nell took a few seconds to accustomize herself to the tempo, then with an absent nod she took her first steps. Choreography and improvisation had never been her strong suit, but she remembered enough pieces of old routines to put on a credible showing. She matched her pace with his, slow and soft, as if moving through water. As he picked up speed, she did the same, her feet flying over the cobblestones, throwing everything she had into the movement. Fuck it. She thought, kicking off the ground in an off-balance split jump. So she might be dead by morning. -- Another spin, arabesque, fouettes, an illusion turn -- So she might never get home. Fuck all of it. -- Turn, jete, axle, brisé volé-- She almost flubbed the landing but kept on moving, building with the music and launching into a final series of fouette turns, landing on one bent leg, the other extended to touch the ground behind her as the final notes faded from the air.
         She stood slowly, her breath burning in her throat, feeling somehow lighter than she had in days. Somewhere in the middle she had kicked off one of her shoes. Who even knew where that had gone. She gave a sheepish smile, dipping into a curtsy and laughing as her audience applauded. Then she turned to applaud their resident músico. “Heh… Thanks for going along with this, Héctor.”
         “Hey, de nada,” he replied, slinging his guitar over his back. “You did good.”
         “Thanks.” Nell cast a guilty look over her shoulder as Oscar and Filipe crossed the courtyard towards them. “I probably should have mentioned… I’ve taken lessons since I was a kid. I won’t hold you to the bet. It wasn’t fair.”
         “A bet is a bet,” Filipe told her.
         His brother nodded in agreement behind him.
         “Well, now that that’s settled,” Coco smiled. “Papá, will you play another song for us?”
         Héctor chuckled, pulling his guitar back around and picking out an airy tune. “I think these old bones have a few songs left in them.”
         Coco took Nell’s hand, gently but insistently pulling her into another dance.
         The others watched in silence for a moment, then Imelda struck, quick as a snake, and cuffed her brothers on the back of the head.
         “Ay!” They cried out in protest, ducking away from her.
         “What was -- “
         “ -- that for?”
         “What was that about? You knew she was a dancer.” Imelda accused.
         “Of course we knew -- “
         “ -- she was a dancer,” they scoffed. “Have you seen -- “
         “ -- that walk?”
         “Then why?”
         “Look at her,” Oscar said softly, nodding towards where Nell and Coco spun at the center of the courtyard.
         “This is the happiest she’s been since Día de los Muertos,” Filipe explained. “I think something happened today.”
         “Victoria said she wouldn’t talk about it.”
         “But we thought, maybe we could get her mind off it for a while.”
         “And you thought insulting her was the way to do it?”
         “We did no such thing!” Filipe scoffed.
         “We just shared a simple theory.” Oscar continued with a mischievous smile. “It’s not our fault -- “
         “ -- she can’t resist a challenge.”
         Imelda shook her head. Her brothers could be idiots sometimes, but their hearts were in the right place. She too had noticed the strain in the girl’s behavior, and had been debating herself what to do about it. Now, it seemed, her brothers had done it for her. “Of course you should still get her that sketchbook. After all, you started it.”
         “Si, si.”
         “We will pick it up tomorrow.”
So Nell's finally found something, though it wasn't what she wanted. At least she has friends to keep her from spinning off the rails.
I know there wasn't a lot of Miguel in this chapter but I promise he is going to get a full chapter of his very own soon. He's definitely got some stories to tell.
As always, thanks for reading! I'll see you all next week! (Same bat time, same bat channel!)
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lukasadss · 6 years
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These were all done in the same night even though I should've been sleeping😅
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one-shot-plus-size · 4 years
Woman - v. president Sons of Anarchy part 1
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Imagine : Club Sons of Anarchy exists really - and Mayans is still series. What will happen when the woman is v. president SAMCRO and will get to know Mayans actors? She knows Emilio Rivera. :) 
Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language. They will accept any attention and criticism :). This is my first post in English.
Words : 
JD Pardo turned from his seat to Emilio.
- That's her? - He pointed to the woman at the door.
- Yes - Emilio smiled. 
- Are you afraid of her? - JD narrowed his eyes.
- No, she is good girl.
JD snorted under it breath, not giving credence to words of his friend. Emilio's phone rang.
📲From Olivia -  How long do I have to wait? 😡
📲To Olivia - I don’t now. But I hope it doesn't take long. 🙏
📲 From Olivia - I'll wait an hour, then you will come to me yourself. 😈
📲To Olivia - Yes, of course. 
Olivia shook her head and left the room. Behind her two men left in kutte. Clayton leaned over to JD.
- Who it was? - He nodded towards the door.
- Emillio's friend.
- Did I see she was wearing a kutte?
- Yes - he nodded.
Emillio tilted to men.
- JD what more people know whom she is, with all the worse for me.
- Why ? - Clayton looked to friend. 
- Clayton isn't series, that is a real life. Dżizas already still too much I said.
Olivia sat on her motorcycle and looks around the street. It was only two years ago that she had a serious position in the club and not every member was able to accept it. After the interview of the actors in the Mayans MC series came to an end, Emilio and JD made their way quickly outside. The men knew better than to tease her. Clayton was following them, and when they went outside, they found their unusual situation. Olivia was ripping off the man's kutte. She was furious. 
- Take him to the club, I'll call Chibs that we have a problem.
- I'll ruin you bitch - The man screamed.
- Tig get him before he puts the ball between his eyes.
Olivia wiped the blood off her lips and looked at the approaching men. She smiled slightly, and her gaze was drawn to a tall man with deep brown eyes. He was the one who was going to get her into a lot of trouble.
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docpiplup · 2 years
Parece que aunque no haya de momento más Emdt, parte del club ministerico vuelve a reunirse en otra serie de RTVE, Rodolfo Sancho (Julián), Juan Gea (Ernesto), Elena Rivera (Margarita de Austria, de Tiempo de Esplendor), Fanny Gautier (Carme) , Miguel Ángel Muñoz (Gonzalo Guerrero, de Tiempo de conquista ) y Myriam Gallego (Mencía, de Tiempo de hechizos)
Yo cada vez que vea un capítulo de Sequía:
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rhodesk · 6 years
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Based on @humanityinahandbag and @slusheeduck headcanon about the Rivera babies http://humanityinahandbag.tumblr.com/post/170102385486/thoughts-on-h%C3%A9ctors-reaction-to-seeing-miguels [Please visit and follow them guys. They are amazing. Their contents and works are pure gold.] I couldn’t help but that headcanon is ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE I have to do something , so here, have my comic :,D EDIT: For desktop peers, please open the pics on new tab for clearer pic. Tumblr broke the quality again ;w;
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