#filthy wicked psychos
maepolzine · 2 years
Looking Back at November 2022
Looking back at everything that happened in the month of November.
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thefallennightmare · 11 months
omg I have to ask/talk about this with you guys. Have any of my followers read the filthy wicked psycho series( twisted game, beautiful devils, corrupt vow, and savage hearts). I started listening to the first book on audible and I'm so fucking obsessed. Clearly, I love the trope of m/m/f/m since I'm writing a Stucky fic haha.
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the-iceni-bitch · 2 years
I Swear I Won’t Tease You
Pairing: mob boss!Lloyd Hansen x femme!reader (le grand homme and coquinette, Poison Paradise AU)
Words: ~2.1k
Summary: Lloyd is fascinated by you from the start.
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sexual content (public sex, minor degradation, lil bit of choking, pussy petting, over the panties stuff, Lloyd’s filthy mouth, some biting), alcohol consumption, thievery, lots of French pet names, mentions of violence, Lloyd is a charismatic asshole, mentions of prostitution, klepto reader, meet “cute”? SMUT!!! 18+ ONLY!!!
A/N: Holy shit, I’m in love with Lloyd Hansen. That psycho woke up my muse in a big way, so be prepared for a bunch of shit starring this asshole for the near future. I literally wrote this in one day and I don’t know how long it’s been since that happened!
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on all the latest filth, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!!!
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Lloyd cracked his neck as he walked into the packed Paris club, rolling his head on his shoulders and growling to himself as he made his way to the bar, his two bodyguards trailing after him. As much as he loved his work, sometimes he hated the travel, especially when it came to having to deal with the unwashed, stuck up frogs in this loser of a country. If he hadn’t desperately needed a drink after slicing that asshole's face off, he would have just made his way back to the hotel and planned on taking the jet back to the states first thing in the morning.
“Find a goddamn phone and let Fowler know Jeanette’s gonna be sending the new batch of girls out in a week.” Lloyd nodded at Brutus after ordering himself a Glenlivet, hissing when he took a gulp and felt the warm liquor burn his throat. “And if Walker is there, tell him I don’t want to see his face for a fucking month and that his twat of a gun contact is now a dead twat.”
“Walker’s not gonna like that boss.” The giant meat head shrugged uncomfortably when Lloyd turned his glare to him before ordering another drink.
“You really think I give a fuck? Do your damn job.” Lloyd snarled as the dumbass finally walked away, sipping on his second scotch slowly and leaning against the bar as he surveyed the crowd that was packed into the club. “Morons.”
Even as the liquor started to relax him he was regretting his choice of venue for his drink, especially when some dick in a white suit knocked into him and almost made him spill. Maybe he’d just find some desperate thing to take back to his hotel and break the bed with, since he hadn’t gotten to test out the new whores like he normally would and filleting that cunt hadn’t gotten out as much aggression as he had expected. He wanted to ruin something, and there seemed to be plenty of dumb little sluts here that were just ripe for the picking.
Oh, wait just a fucking minute. Who the hell were you? In that sweet little pink dress and those heels that pretty much guarantee you couldn’t run away from anyone, though you were still managing to put off every single douche bag that was coming up to you with a shy little smile and big eyes that made you look like the picture of chaste innocence that would be perfect to ruin. Yeah, he was going to make you cry the prettiest fucking tears he’d ever seen.
“Foutez le camp d'ici.” Lloyd growled at the dumbass who was trying to put his hand on your arm as he flirted impotently with you, scowling at him until he scurried away before turning back to you with a wicked grin. “Bonjour, chérie.”
“Bonjour.” You tilted your chin down and gazed at him through your lashes as you bit your lip, and holy fuck did he want to watch you choke on his cock. “Je suis désolé…”
“Vous êtes américain?” He wasn’t going to let you finish that thought, twirling his ring around his pinky as he grinned when you gave him a small nod. There was no way he was leaving this club without at least tasting your lips, and you seemed like the type who just needed to be told what to do. “Ah, me too. What are you doing in Paris, pretty girl?”
“Just… seeing the sights, taking in some culture.” You let out a small sigh as you watched him carefully, cocking your head when he lifted his drink to his lips and the ruby on his ring caught the light. “Enjoying the beautiful things the city has to offer.”
“Hmm, as well you should, chaton.” Lloyd dragged his tongue over his bottom lip when the press of the crowd forced you to step closer to him, reaching out to slowly trace his fingertips along the curve of your shoulder and down your arm. “A course, there isn’t anything here as beautiful as you.” The way you giggled and batted your eyelashes at him let him know he had you, he wondered if you were a virgin, god that would make it even better. “Finish your drink so you can dance with me, poupée.”
You purred when he took your glass from you and set it on the bar once you had finished, sighing softly when he grabbed your hand and pressed some kisses over your knuckles before leading you towards the dance floor. As soon as the two of you reached the floor he was pulling you close and sliding his hands down your back until he was squeezing your hips, letting out a soft growl when you gasped as you braced your palms against his chest, scowling at his remaining bodyguard over your shoulder and jerking his head at him so he would fucking get lost. Lloyd couldn’t believe how goddamn soft you were, he was gonna bruise you the fuck up.
“What’s your name, ma douce?” He ducked even closer to you and groaned appreciatively when you told him, dragging his cheek over your temple and fighting the urge to smack your ass at the feeling of your hips rolling against his. “Mmm, that’s lovely. My name’s Lloyd, sweet thing. I want you to remember that when I make you scream later tonight.”
“Lloyd, you’re so forward.” You gave him a teasing pout before whining softly when he turned you around and wrapped his arms around your waist, winding your fingers through his and gasping when he pressed his lips to the side of your neck. “But I have such an early tour tomorrow, I have to go soon.”
“Oh non, mon ami.” His voice was a soothing purr as he started guiding you towards an empty corner of the club once the song changed, trailing his lips up your jaw until he could bite your ear. “No, I’ll make you feel so good, ma chére. Need more than just a taste of you.” If he didn’t get to at least finger you he was gonna be in a mood tomorrow.
“What if I… hmm.” You moaned when he cut you off by gripping your jaw and tilting your head back so he could smash his lips to yours, pressing your body against the wall and sliding his other hand down the curve of your hip until he could grip the edge of your skirt and start to drag it up your thigh. “I can give you my hotel’s number and we can set something up for later this week.”
“Yeah, that’s not gonna work for me, darling.” He slid his knee between your legs to force them open while you planted heavily into his mouth, swallowing your soft whimper with a grin when he brushed his fingertips over the damp lace that was covering your core. “I just need one, promise I’ll be quick.”
The only response you could give him once he rubbed your clit over your panties was a tiny moan, your mouth falling open when he started circling your swollen bud harshly and letting him shove his fingers between your teeth and press on the back of your tongue until you were drooling all over his hand. Lloyd watched your face with a wicked glint in his eye while he watched you fall apart under his touch, cooing demeaningly against your cheek when he felt you shaking in his arms and tears started leaking from the corners of your eyes, his achingly hard cock pulsing in his slacks as he ground it against your perfect ass.
“Look at you, I thought you were a good girl, ma douce. But here you are about to come like a little slut in front of all these people just from having this sweet little pussy pet a tiny bit.” He bit your cheek and groaned when you sobbed around his fingers, your cunt throbbing under his hand when he gave your clit a sharp smack. “So fucking easy, you gonna cream your pretty panties, chérie? Do it, I want you to come for me, ma petite pute. Make a fucking mess of yourself, come the fuck on.”
The sudden dig of his fingernail against your clit through the lace had your eyes rolling back in your head as your legs almost gave out, your pussy clenching and fluttering around nothing while cream flowed out of you and soaked right through your panties, staining Lloyd’s fingers as he growled against your skin. He pressed you closer to the wall as your body vibrated with pleasure, caging you in his arms and burying his face in your hair as his cock throbbed and twitched until he was filling his briefs with a snarl. You swallowed thickly when he finally pulled his fingers from between your lips, looking at him with glassy eyes as he dragged his nose over your cheek with a deep purr.
“What a pretty thing you are, can you even talk, ami?” His chuckle was dark when you just panted and licked your lips as you whimpered for him, giving your cunt a pat like a good bitch before pulling your skirt back down. “Poor baby, you’re gonna give me your number so I can ruin you again next time I need a good fuck and I’m in the area:”
“O-okay.” You gasped when you turned around and pulled a card out of your clutch, giving it to him with a trembling hand that he gripped to press kisses over your wrist as he tucked the card into his breast pocket. “I-I really do have to go.”
“Alright, chérie, you take care.” Lloyd leaned close and kissed your cheek almost tenderly. “I hope you think about me next time you touch yourself. I might even think of you, petite colombe. You’re almost too sweet for your own good.”
You just swallowed thickly when he finally let you go, wiping the back of your hand over your ruined face and squeezing your thighs together as you walked away after giving him a quizzical smile. Lloyd found something about you puzzlingly endearing, like he’d only barely scratched the surface of what you would let him do to you, maybe even of what you could do to him. He didn’t feel like you were just a typical pump and dump, he actually wanted to see your pretty face again.
“Ready to go boss?” Lloyd actually didn’t feel like tearing the man’s throat out when he opened his stupid mouth, how refreshing.
“Yeah, let me just pay.” He frowned when he reached into his back pocket and didn’t find his money clip, the furrow between his brows deepening when it wasn’t in any of his other pockets either. “What the fuck? Where’s my damn money?”
“Your ring’s missing too, boss.” Brutus took a step back when Lloyd snarled at him, his magnanimous mood evaporating when he looked at his hand and found that the signet ring that never left his pinkie was in fact gone.
“What in the… oh ho, oh shit!” Lloyd couldn’t help himself, he started laughing when the realization hit him, cackling wildly and doubling over for a minute before he finally got himself under control again. “Oh, that tricky little bitch, she fucking robbed me! Fuck, she’s got some balls on her. Change of plans boys, looks like we’re gonna be sticking around Paris a little longer. I’ve got a pretty little thief to track down. Ooh, this is gonna be fun. I’m fucking excited.”
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You grinned to yourself as you reached your motorcycle you had parked a few blocks away, spitting the ring out from where you had it tucked under your tongue and admiring it before sliding it onto your ring finger. The fact that it fit perfectly was like fate, making you wiggle your fingers so it caught the light as you sat on the bike. You plucked the money clip from inside your bra and flipped through its contents, giggling at the size of the bills and the Eurocard. The ring was what you couldn’t stop playing with, though, that had caught your eye and made you let that gorgeous but intimidating man touch you however he wanted. ‘Lloyd Hansen’ sure seemed like he could be a lot of fun. Too bad you were never going to see him again.
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A/N: Don’t worry, she’s definitely gonna see him again 😘
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swxxtsxcchxrine · 1 year
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Psycho (raw)
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+synopsis; the thunder interrupting the deafening silence of the night, the lightening disrupting the stillness of the sky and a sadistic murderer disturbing the peace of his next victim, waiting with anticipation in the dark…
+warnings; kidnapping, hints of violence and murder, unprotected penetration, oral (fem receiving), bondage, breeding, overstimulation, crude language, impact play, degrading, both reader and shidou have a nasty mouth, dacryphillia, doggy style, recording, engaged!reader, gore, spit play, reader is a cock hungry whore, reader has toes and nails done, hints of jealousy, possessive!Shidou, cheating, hint of mask kink
+pairings; ghostface!Shidou x fem!black reader
+a/n; the end is rushed as per usual 😞 but uhm i wrote this bc i was bored but yk enjoy guys🤭
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The rain pounded hard against the window panes of your shared manor. You let out a rough sigh before it was interrupted by a deafening ring that resounded around the walls. The house phone rang about 3 times before it came to a sudden halt. You furrowed your brow in confusion. ‘Who would be calling me at such wicked hours of the night?’
The flip flopping of your house slippers echoed around the home. Where your house phone was situated, the area was shrouded in an empty shadow of darkness and it seemed to be growing larger, feeding on the negativity suffocating the atmosphere. You squealed at the lightning and you could’ve sworn you saw a figure standing in front of you.
Your fears were confirmed as a low chuckle from the other side of the room hit your ears. A sharp thud bounced against the walls before you fell into an abyss of darkness.
You awoke, tied up with thick rope, in what seemed to be a basement? You groaned in pain, the dull thudding in your head spread all the way to the tip of your toes. “You’re awake…Good,” the ghost-faced stranger remarked. Your mind was too distorted to make a snarky reply back. “Awe you poor thing…look at you,” he cooed, squishing your cheeks together, lolling your tongue out, with his cold hands. Panic alarmed throughout your body. ‘Ghost face? What the hell is ghost face doing here?’
“What are you thinking about, pretty girl?” his voice sultry and low.
“Fuck you. And your-,” an intense ring stung on your cheek as the side he landed his hand on was hot and burning. You winced. “Who the fuck you think you’re talking to? Me? Filthy fuckin’ mouth you have on you,” he spat at your reeling figure.
A small tear rolled down your cheek as a response from the pain you were feeling. “You think your little boyfriend will realise you’re gone?” he asked behind the mask. Your wrist was sore and blistered, and your ankles were swollen from struggling against the ropes' harsh binds. Your eyes widened, “Please…don’t kill me, please, I’ll do anything,” you pleaded through gritted teeth.
“Kill you? I LOVE YOU!” his maniacal laugh bled into your ears and the constant thunder didn’t help either. ‘Who the fuck was this man and what does he want with me?’ you questioned, getting frustrated with the situation you so stupidly got yourself into. Those words kept repeating into your head until his words brought you back to your harsh reality. “Y’know, you’re too pretty for him. I will treat you so much better,” he cooed with triumph.
It was all too sudden for you to actually comprehend the situation, but it’s ok because he was there for you. You were his pretty girl, and he was sure to keep you under his embrace forever. He lifted his mask up, just a little, so that his deep pink and plush lips could be seen even in the dim lighting. Before you could register, his lips were on yours, moving smoothly. His cold hands cupping your warm cheeks, as he ran his thumb across your face. You didn’t know why, but you didn’t protest. Not for a second. Was it fear? Or something more?
He groaned, swallowing the sweet taste of your warm mouth. The thought of you kissing your fiancé flashed into his mind. In a wild rage, he bit your bottom lip and drew blood. You squirmed in his tight grip, your lip stinging as he gently sucked on it before releasing it with a pop. Your eyes were glazed over, dazed and blown out with the same fear a prey has when face to face with a predator; your lips glossy and a deep shade of maroon. Your loose braids were disheveled and your tank top’s sleeves were sliding off your shoulders. You looked beautiful. But it wasn’t enough. He looked into your eyes, and could tell thoughts of your husband to be were still swarming your mind.
His hands gripped your throat and pressed down as tears streamed down your cheek; one after the other. “What do you want from me,” your voice came out as a little croak. This was the first time you’d seen his twisted and wicked grin. His canines flashing in your face. “You're mine,” you gasped, trying to get more oxygen in, but it was no use. His grip was hard and cold; unwavering. Just as your vision started getting grainy, his hand released your sore neck from his evil grasp. You gasped and spluttered rolling onto your side in an attempt at getting more oxygen to your lungs as he watched your feeble effort. A sadistic smirk etched across his face and he rolled you onto your back.
“I’m going to show you that you belong to me and me only,” He released your throbbing ankles from the shackles. A glimmer of hope rekindled into your eyes as you thought he might let you go. Your hopes were shattered as he started to remove your shorts. “What cute panties you’ve got on. Can I keep them?” he teased as his middle finger pressed into your clit, eliciting a low squeal from between your swollen lips. You squirmed under his cold gaze.
“You’re so wet. S’all for me, yeah?” he groaned into your ear as he applied pressure onto your throbbing bud. Your mouth was dry. You were trying to think of a response to his running commentary, but you were too hell-bent on trying to get more friction to your aching cunt. Your hole clenched down on empty space as you eagerly bucked your hips into his hand. A sharp smack resounded around the spacious room as you moaned out loud in pain. “You like that? You like it when I’m rough with you, yeah?” he removed his hand from your soaking panties. Your cheek was still stinging and the tears were still flowing. “Your so damn pretty. S’shame you went for someone who doesn’t appreciate you,” your eyes shot up at the man above you.
“Appreciate me?” you repeated in disbelief. You scoffed. Your fiancé‘s appreciation went far beyond your expectations. He spoiled you with gifts of affection and words of affirmation. Sure, he worked often to pursue dreams he’d had since he was small, but he loved you. And that’s all that mattered to you.
But was it enough?
“Look at everything I’ve done for you. I’m risking A LOT here.” he replied to your crude tone. He imitated the dirty look you pulled your face into as if to mock you.
“You? What could you of all people be risking?” you asked sarcastically. He didn’t appreciate that. He clicked his tongue. “Really, Y/N?” he questioned quizzically. At that, he removed his mask. His pink gazed pierced right through yours; it was unhinged and crazed. ‘Shidou?’ Your mind was racing with all kinds of thoughts. “I’m surprised you didn’t recognise my voice,” he feigned hurt. “Maybe after today, you won’t forget,” he lowered himself so that he was face to face with your warm cunt. Your thighs lay upon his broad shoulders. “S..Shidou, what are you doing?”
“What does it look like?” He inhaled your scent through your thin underwear. He gave one lick and then another, progressively adding more pressure. You hissed as his tongue prodded at your entrance through the material. He hummed in satisfaction. Removing the slick underwear, freeing your pussy, he slid them into his back pocket. His lips suctioned themselves against your clit hard. You squirmed and squealed against his hold on your bucking hips. He swiftly turned his attention to your empty hole. Your breathing was hard and heavy and the air was already feeling hot and sticky. He briefly pulled away, spreading your lips apart to look at your eager hole. “Such a pretty cunt,” he muttered to himself before pushing his tongue into your pussy. Your walls clamped down on his talented muscle, working its way on your gummy walls.
It was all getting too much for you. Your whines were getting higher in pitch and your breathing heavier. You brought your bound hands to try and pry him off you. He smacked your smaller hand away. “Shi…please slow down, please!” you begged, but to no avail. In fact, it seemed to encourage him further. He pushed your shaking thighs into your chest, spreading your legs further in the process. “Shidou…please, I can't. I’m gonna cum,” His nose nudged your sensitive bud causing your legs to tense for a second. You were close, he could feel it. He pulled away, biting your thighs. You squealed, as he kissed your thighs before bringing his mouth back to your clit.
He started sucking hard. The tears seemed to come down harder than ever as you sobbed. You tossed and turned, “No please…” What exactly were you pleading for, you didn’t know. Whether you were begging for him not to stop and bring you to your high or thinking about the heinous activities you were getting up to when your fiancé wasn’t there, you didn’t know. The coil in your abdomen snapped as you let out a particularly loud groan. His nose still stuffed itself in your syrupy essence despite you already coming down from your first high. “Look at you, fuckin’ slut.” he finally got up after drinking everything you had to give him. However, his eyes were still hungry for more.
He flipped you over, so you were on your hands and knees. Your cunt was still sensitive from the previous orgasm and your mind was still fuzzy. “Shidou please…” you whined, unsubconsciously spreading your legs wide. “Tell me what you want, pretty girl,” he whispered in your ear before spanking your round ass. He watched, infatuated by the jiggling. You cried out as your cunt gushed.
“Please shidou I want…” you fell silent, giving yourself time to think. What exactly did you want? Before you could answer, you could feel his cold hands spreading your cheeks apart. You felt so lewd in such an exposed position. His cold fingers ran up and down your slick folds. Out of instinct, you moved away from his fingers. He spat on your rim watching as the clear glob slid down into your clenching hole. Spreading your cheeks again, this time for better access to your pretty pussy. He shoved his face, shaking his head side to side, making obscene noises of slurping. Your toes curled at the sudden stimulation. He moaned into your intoxicating essence, milking your cunt. His finger danced around the rim of your ass. “Shi…Dou! Oh my…” you squealed, trying your best to squirm away from his tight hold. Your eyes stung from the tears but they just kept coming. “Stop running away,” his voice was stern and cold. He resumed his work, making you fall off the edge once again.
You pushed up against his stomach and whined. “My pretty girl wants more?” You nodded in agreement. He slid down his black cargos along with his boxers. His hard cock sprung free. You craned your neck and your eyes widened in sudden realisation. His cock was standing at atleast 9 inches, thick, slightly bent to the left. His tip was a deep maroon and his precum was leaking from the top. He pushed your head further into the ground before sliding himself into your slick cunt. As he bottomed out, you could swear he was touching against your cervix. You winced and he thrusted back and forth at a steady pace before increasing. The arch in your back was barely holding as both of your moans resonated within the room. The arch in your back was barely holding as both of your moans resonated within the room. “You're so tight. You’re gonna make me cum too quick,” he hissed as your cunt clamped down on him hard.
Your nose was all sniffly from the crying; snot and tears running down your face. He grabbed your jaw so that you were facing him, “Open your mouth,” he spat onto your awaiting tongue: “Good girl, now swallow,” you happily complied.
His thrust was getting more erratic and your whines getting higher. His hands found their way to your arching clit and started rubbing at the throbbing bud. Your hips move forward, the stimulation too much for you. You try pushing on his abdomen in an attempt to slow him down, but he just grabs your arms and holds them behind your back. “Y’gonna cum for me, pretty girl?” he asked. You moaned a loud ‘yes’ while he just laughed at your dumbed down state. You were nothing but a pretty pile of glitter. “Fuck…I’m gonna cum, where’d you wan it, pretty?” he smirked behind you. “Inside…please! M’cumming…” you drawed out, twitching against him as he stilled his hips.
He let out a deep groan that rumbled in his chest. His cum filled your empty womb to the brim. He whimpered in your ear before pulling out.
You wanted to get up and see what he was up to now but you were too worn out. You stayed in that position before he came and spanked your soft butt again. The concoction of your cum and his came gushing out of your abused hole. He rubbed his hand against your sore cheek. “You're such a pretty girl for me, aren’t you?” he asked. “Yes…M’such a good girl for you…” you sighed.
“Turn around pretty girl, say cheese for your fiance!” the multiple clicks of the camera on your phone was heard as he cackled loud. “I’m sure he’ll love the video of our creampie,”
This man was not the Shidou you know. This man was psycho.
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2023 © swxxtsxcchxrine— do not repost or translate my work. likes, reblogs, and comments are welcome <3
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Psycho Analysis: Judge Claude Frollo
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
The Disney Renaissance was home to some of Disney’s greatest villains. Scar, Ursula, Gaston, Jafar… The films from 1989 to 1999 all redefined what it meant to be an animated antagonist. But while there were many great villains during that time, one in particular managed to be regarded as one of the darkest and most terrifying villains in the entire Disney Animated Canon: Claude Frollo, the sinister minist—er, judge who serves as the main villain of The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
The man is heavily entwined with the more complex themes of the movie as well as a lot more cold and vicious than one might expect from the company that brought you Mickey Mouse, but what exactly is it that makes him such a great villain? Well, read on, because I try my best to explain it.
Motivation/Goals: Frollo is a horrible, bigoted prie—er, judge who wants nothing more than to totally eradicate all of the filthy Romani from Paris in the name of the Lord. Unfortunately, he ends up falling hard for one of them, Esmeralda, after watching her do a saucy dance routine. From there, Frollo is consumed by a single-minded lust for the woman that drives his actions, with his conflicted feelings on the matter leading him to blame her for giving him sinful thoughts and determining that all of Paris needs to burn because he is… well… he’s a
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I get a lot of mileage out of that gif.
Performance: Tony Jay was picked specifically for this due to his memorable bit role in Beauty and the Beast, and boy does he manage to prove that that was the best decision Disney could have made. His naturally magnificent voice lends Frollo the class, dignity, and intimidation it deserves. One could even say that Dr. Lipschitz is off his shits for this one.
Final Fate: As he attempts to slice through a gargoyle and sent Quasimodo and Esmeralda tumbling to their dooms, he loses his footing and ends up clinging to his gargoyle for dear life. Said gargoyle comes alive, breaks off, and sends Frollo hurtling into a river of fire below, which ends up being a pretty spot on interpretation of his attempted one-liner: “And he shall smite the wicked and plunge them into the fiery pit!” With this in mind, it’s pretty easy to interpret what happened to him as karmic divine intervention—Whether you think it’s God Himself, the spirit of Notre Dame, or something else entirely enacting it upon him is up to interpretation, and ultimately unimportant. What matters is he didn’t go to heaven where the angels fly; he fell in a lake of fire and fried. And we definitely won’t see him again on the 4th of July.
Best Scene: It is really not even a contest here. “Hellfire” is without a doubt the greatest Disney villain song ever made (and maybe even the best villain song period) and is a prime showcase of Frollo’s internal struggles and motivations, so of course it is his best scene.
Best Quote: When finally he has Esmeralda at his mercy near the film’s end, he echoes a line from “Hellfire” and says ”Choose me or your pyre.” It’s such an unsettling line that really highlights how deep into his lustful entitlement Frollo has fallen, and what’s more these words echo the real life sentiments of certain disturbed individuals. It’s a truly timeless villain quote in that regard;there are men who would rather a woman die than not be with them, unfortunately, and Frollo is the poster child for that brand of manchild.
Final Thoughts & Score: At the start of the movie, Chopin asks, “Who is the monster, and who is the man?” in regards to Quasimodo and Frollo. While the answer is fairly obvious even just after the opening number—Frollo attempts infanticide after murdering a woman, after all—the way the movie goes about expounding in the two characters in a way that explores this question is deeply fascinating.
Frollo is an incel to put even Gaston to shame. Almost immediately after seeing Esmeralda for the first time, he begins to obsessively lust for her, but his bigotry and zealotry leads him to condemn her because he’s unable to get a grip on his emotions. He ends up being the latter extreme of the Madonna-Whore Complex, contrasting Quasimodo as the opposite extreme. It should come as no shock that Quasi picked up some negative traits from the guy who raised him, but thanks to being a supremely nice guy his incel traits manifest as venerating a caricatured ideal of Esmeralda rather than condemning. There’s a reason the end of “Heaven’s Light” segues right into the start of “Hellfire;” both men have toxic views of Esmeralda, objectifying her in opposite yet equal ways.
It is how they deal with these toxic mindsets that ultimately resolved the question posited at the start, as well as cementing Frollo as one of the darkest villains Disney has ever done. Quasimodo, while not happy at being rejected, still cares for Esmeralda and does all he can to help her, culminating in him saving her from being burned at the stake. His experiences lead to him accepting Esmeralda and Phoebus as couple gracefully, shedding away his toxic mindset. This ends up reaffirming his humanity, earning him the adoration of Paris and the end to the loneliness he’d experienced for so long; he is the man.
Frollo, on the other hand, deals with rejection by going on a racist, genocidal rampage against the Romani, setting the city ablaze simply because his perverse affections aren’t reciprocated. This culminates with him offering Esmeralda either death or to give in to his advances, and when rejected conclusively he doubles down on his murderous rampage, which ultimately leads to his doom. His inability to see Esmeralda as a complex human being instead of an object to lust after, an inability brought on by his own bigoted views, is what ultimately peeled away his humanity and revealed him as he truly was: A monster.
And Frollo is a monster in a very resonant, chilling way. In this day and age, we see people like Frollo all the time. They’re in our schools, seething when the girl they like rejects them for another; they’re on the internet, spewing misogynistic bile because they can’t get dates; they’re in our churches, preaching intolerance to their mass while desperately trying to bury their own sins; and they’re in our government, using their power to oppress and demoralize those with less power than them. “Choose me or your pyre” is the sort of attitude you see in the incels who end up on the news for committing or planning to commit atrocities.
And this is what makes it so good and cathartic to see him fall. We want people like him in real life to face the consequences of their actions, and we can only wish that said consequences are falling into a river of molten lava. It ends up being all the sweeter if you interpret his fall as being an act of God, as mentioned above.
Tony Jay apparently described his role as Frollo as his “bid for immortality,” and it’s safe to say he succeeded. He pretty much singlehandedly elevated the film he’s in so far above its flaws that it’s astounding and proved to the Disney Renaissance, all while giving us a villain song more incredible than any seen before or since. Thank God I’m doing fractions now, because this man deserves a 10.5/10. He’s not quite an 11 because I wouldn’t call Frollo one of the most important and influential villains in the vein of, say, Darth Vader, Count Orlok, or Fu Manchu, but he’s still a cut above the rest when it comes to villains. He’s easily the second most incredible antagonist Disney has ever made, and the only flaw he has is that you don’t get to personally beat his ass in Dream Drop Distance, which is especially bad since he straight up racially profiles Sora before immediately calling him a slur.
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eyiduo · 2 years
Twisted Game (Filthy Wicked Psychos, #1) Writen By Eva Ashwood
Download Or Read PDF Twisted Game (Filthy Wicked Psychos, #1) - Eva Ashwood Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
I was the girl no one looked at twice. Until they saw me.My whole life, no one has had my back. My parents are dead, my adoptive mother is a drug addict, and the mean girls on campus mock me for my scars.So when I end up desperate for money and out of options, I agree to sell the one thing I have left: my innocence.On the night I?m meant to give my body to a brutal Russian mobster, three men storm into the room like dark shadows and kill him before he can claim me. When they drag me from the blood-soaked bed, I?m certain they?re going to kill me too.They don?t? but they don?t forget about me, either.These three dangerous brothers will do anything to make sure I keep my mouth shut about what I saw, even if it means stalking my every movement. I?m a loose thread to them?but somehow, I?m becoming more than that too.I?m becoming an obsession.A temptation.A craving.And no matter how much I try to deny the terrifying attraction that pulses between us, I know if I don?t find a way out of
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heartofamaniac · 9 months
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I'm still stranded on the shoreline.
And nobody hears me scream.
And I'll lure you like a landslide.
And I'll show you lovely things.
The city street lamps flared like ghosts, night time came to bathe me in it’s comforting black like the sweetest embrace of the starlit scene. My own everlasting scars faded into insignificance compared to the carnage caused by my hands. It was a never ending bloodbath, but one that always made my lips twist into the most disturbing smile you’ve ever seen.
“Do you want a smoke?” His voice was croaky and low, the countless whiskey glasses we shared earlier in the bar were partially to blame the lethargy in his words and the way he carried himself while walking across the living room toward me. “They’re laced though... Fancy getting high with me?” A drunk smile danced along the lines of his lips while he passed an already lit cigarette over to me. “Sure.” I was so l tempted, teetering on the edge of my addiction as I held it between my fingers. It always lurked just around the corner, waiting to strike you down again. There was a time in my life when I couldn’t say no to any drug that was offered to me, especially when it came free, but that wasn’t my life anymore and I wasn’t here to get high with a man I just met. No. I was here to raise Hell and grant Satan’s wishes. “God, you’re so fucking beautiful... Come here.” Wasting no time, he reeled me into his embrace with greed and impatience, wrapping his arms around my waist inviting me to drown together in a series of sinful delights.
The moon split in half and the stars crumbled as I watched my life fall apart the day I joined the cult. Lured with empty promises, I was now trapped in a carefully planned out web of deceit, deemed unworthy of a higher reign ever since which resulted in my body being ravaged in more ways that anyone can imagine. Over and over again, sold, used and abused by the highest bidder. Not that I wasn’t familiar with the cuts and bruises all my life, it used to be a way of survival while now it was just the aftermath of manipulation and bad luck. Once you’re in, there is no escape. Unable to run away, my days were filled with misery and tormented cries. Consumed by pain, I couldn’t find a place to hide.
At the end of the shore line in the blazing heat I was waiting all along until that sweet summer night when my sufferings came to and end once Roman saw me for who I really was. Being the son of Father Silvano came with great privileges and a possession of fearless power within the lines of the ring. With my sin stained touch and my wicked tongue, filthy whispered prayers ever only meant for him in the haze of our passion and devotion I trapped him in my own web. We were disgraced in the eyes of the lord from the day we met, I was never just another job for him and he was never just a client. Preying on my greatest weakness he dragged me into this Hell hole and threw away the key before I realized the lies behind his promises. Little did he know that he would soon become my ticket out of here. Despite my anger and perfectly calculated manipulation meant to only ever deceive him once I snaked my way and earned a place by his side, instead I found myself falling to my knees for him. Deeply and desperately. I didn’t know a devotional like that until now. It wasn’t a secret that he was a little bit psycho, everyone knew it, but that only fueled my passion. Roman had a fire within him that could warm up even the coldest of hearts with just the touch of his fingertips. For a while I didn’t realize I had been dancing with the Devil, I fought him relentlessly and lost. He touched me in a trance of raw lust, pinned my hands above my head, shared his secrets through a kiss and gave me his disease.
In the chaos of our newborn love, all I had to do to prove myself worthy in the eyes of the Father was to make my first human sacrifice to Satan himself to show complete devotion and the promise of freedom would be mine to toy with however I wished. I would be welcomed into the family. My sufferings would come to an end and the tables would finally turn if only I faced the unspeakable terror to save myself. In this journey, I found myself falling headfirst into old habits of picking up hopeless men in bars. Only this time I didn’t need their money, just their souls.
Around eleven minutes past midnight I stumbled upon a thirty-something man who just happened to be mourning all the realities he could have created if only life had graced him with courage. What a pathetic excuse of a man. A little pale and horrified, he sat alone, twirling the crystal tumbler in his hand and just like any other man, tried to drown his sorrows at the bottom of the bottle while continuously scribbling around in search for someone. “Looking for me?” A smile, coy yet deceiving twisting on my lips. Replacing the empty seat beside him, I leaned in to place my offer for the night in a tempting whisper and ever since he couldn’t find a stable breath. Oddly enough when people know you’re an escort they feel free, completely shameless to share all their dirty secrets as long as you’re willing to listen. Married with three kids, a compulsive cheater and a liar, high school teacher with nothing left to live for. A breathless lost soul with worn out lungs begging for an escape. Among all the heavy misery, I came as a nightmare disguised as a wet dream and he fell right into my trap.
“Chloe…” His mouth ajar, whispering a series of profanities against my lips as the ride we shared picked up a new pace with the guidance of his possessive hands on my hips in our lust driven rage. Hungry, aching, desperate. With a delightful groan he reached his sweet release. While he had been drowning in a newly found ecstasy under the spell of my touch, completely distracted, I used the moment to retrieve a blade from the nightstand and slit his throat.
“Shh. It’s almost over.” I dragged a single finger over his lips to silence those muffled whimpers of pain threatening to escape. Even if he screamed no one would come to his rescue, not on the land of the never ending sins where Father Silvano eagerly waited for his next nameless sacrifice. My thighs were still tangled around his waist as his body began going limp beneath mine, blood dripping in between our naked bodies in the most mesmerizing way and I just couldn’t peel my eyes away from the sweet sight. Seduce and destroy. It would become a constant game, one I was more than willing to play as long as I wasn’t the one at the sharp end of the knife crying for salvation anymore. Not that I had a choice.
As darkness engulfs his very being, in between the gurgles and the chocking, he could barely speak up anymore, yet the fear and confusion in his blue eyes was so endearing. “Why?” His question triggered something inside of me, almost making me regret my cruelty. I couldn’t help but hear Father’s words echo in the back of my head, telling me to prove my loyalty. And I did. He was the perfect victim, so hopeless and pathetic with nothing but darkness filling his soul and guilt for countless of sins committed. His body was a gift, the nectar of life was also my freedom. Faith has always been a false hope of living, here death and pain is all we’re giving.
“You wanted salvation… I’m making your wish come true.” I dragged the tip of the blade down his chest while my lips traced a line of wet kisses along his jawline. “Satan, we rejoice as sinners. Your rewards are the pleasures of the flesh.” In a form of a saccharine whisper the chant left my lips, my words trailed off as I rolled my hips against his in the most tantalizing pace. In the burning wildfire, I finally felt alive and I’d make sure his last seconds on earth would be filled with the perfect mix of pleasure and pain. Dark invocations rise into the night, shattering all gateways beyond time and space while I allow my head to roll backwards and continue the chant ardently. “Hail Satan, our creator who art in Hell. Sacred is thy eternal name. I praise and honor thee. Guide me towards our immortal kingdom. Bless me with fires and illuminate my path towards the gilded pyres of Hell.”
And just like that I became the dark Angel that would roam all over the place hunting for new souls to take into our broken world where dreams go to die. Blessings cast through filthy holy water became meaningless on our land, we weren’t trying to grasp the hand of God anymore, it was Satan’s hand we were desperately seeking with each unholy act.
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littleredwing89 · 3 years
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Jason Todd x Reader
Summary: Everything flew by him in a blur as he sped through the streets of Gotham. His foot slammed down harder on the accelerator desperate to get there faster. Every second counted. He knew all too well what The Joker was like. The way his face slipped as you defied him, terrified Jason. He’d seen that look right before receiving a crowbar to the face.
Warnings – Language. Kidnapping. Stalking. Mild Violence. Angst. Hurt.
Word Count: 4,870
A/N: This is the final chapter everyone, sorry for the little delay, I was working on a few of the actions scenes to ensure they were good. I really hope you all like this xoxo
It had been almost a month. Every lead turned into a dead end. Nothing. Much like the Joker himself, no one knew a thing. The whole thing was tearing Jason apart. He’d barely slept. He’d maybe had 3 hours per night. If that, and he was convinced the only reason he got sleep was because Bruce had slipped him something in his coffee.
The fourth cassette tape came with a dead yellow rose and a rotten apple. He pushed play on the recorder and swallowed thickly as the grainy camera zoomed in on your face. You looked pale. Your cheeks looked hollow and your once colourful eyes looked gaunt. Haunted.
“Well Jason, I’m a man of my word...I’ve been looking after her so good”, Joker laughed hysterically and smoothed his hand down your cheek, smacking it lightly. The slap caused you to jolt in the chair. A sharp gasp flew out of your chapped lips.
Jason felt Bruce’s hand squeeze his shoulder reassuringly. The notion sent a brief wave of calm through Jason. Maybe this was how Bruce felt all those years ago...when he received similar tape of ..of himself. Jason turned back to the screen and focused his eyes. Searching for a clue. Anything. Something to bring you back to him.
“She’s been such a good little princess bird boy...she’s done everything I asked...and more”, Joker whistled happily as he tapped your nose with a wicked smile. Jason felt his heart stop and looked directly into your eyes through the screen. Good he wanted to hold you in his arms and never let you go. 
The tape skipped and replayed the same thing back, “...and more”. It skipped again, “...and more”. Jason growled and the tape paused before going completely black.
His fist smashed into the computer keyboard, pieces of black plastic scattering across the desk. Jason released a loud sobbing noise and sank to the cold stone floor of the bat cave. His eyes scrunched shut tightly, imagining you were in front of him. Giving him that silly smile you always did when you first woke up. It was one of his favourite smiles. You had hundreds of different types of smiles. The one you gave him when he hugged you randomly. The one you’d give him when he told you a stupid joke. The one you’d show him when you were both standing down one of the grocery aisles for no reason at all.
“Jason...son - we will find her - I promise you”, Bruce’s deep voice shattered Jason’s illusion of you in his mind.
“It’s been so long...what if-”, Jason ran a hand over his face. The stubble was longer, causing him to itch.
“Don’t”, Bruce warned, “don’t think like that. We will find her”.
The last cassette tape Jason received was covered in a dark, red sticky substance. Jason knew what it was but he didn’t know if it was yours. Before Jason could even think about playing it, Bruce had prized it from his fingers.
“Jason we need to analyse the blood, it might give us a clue”, his voice was stable and deep. He attempted to reassure Jason with a firm grip to the shoulder but it did nothing. Jason felt empty without you.
“We need to watch-”, Jason started but was interrupted by Bruce.
“No, I’ll watch it. You need to get some sleep, let me do this Jason. Please”, Bruce pleaded desperately, “You haven’t slept in over 48 hours”.
Jason laughed but it was hollow and sharp, “You really think I can sleep knowing she’s stuck with that fucking psycho?!”.
Bruce sighed and ran a hand over his face, “Jason I know you want to get Y/N back”, he placed the cassette onto a high tech scanning machine, it bleeped repeatedly as it scanned over the material, “But we all need to be working together and that means recharging our batteries”.
Jason scoffed and pushed past Bruce looking over the computer scanner typing something into the system, “So you’re telling me you went and had an eight hour sleep when Joker caught me?”.
Bruce pinched the bridge of his nose, “Jason”.
“JUST STOP!!”, Jason's voice cracked as he shouted and for a moment, he sounded like the broken man in the abandoned shopping mall that long Halloween night many years ago.
“I-I need to do this Bruce. I-I have to, for Y/N”, his voice was scratchy and raw. 
Bruce simply nodded and turned around. He extracted the cassette from the blood stained cloth and pushed it into the player to the right. Bruce took a secondary glance to Jason, giving him one last option but Jason just stared at the screen, waiting to see what the tape would show.
The second the tape played, the batcave was filled with your screams. They sounded broken and dry. Jason’s heart shattered. The shards stabbing him painfully. As you came into view on the camera, your long h/c hair was matted and stuck to your face. Blood staining it a deep red.
The Joker came into the view of the camera and smiled wide, his teeth showing.
“Jason, I see why you’re so attached to this woman, she’s very fiery...her spirit is impenetrable”.
A flicker of evil flew through his eyes at that word and a sick smile slid onto his lips, “but that’s fine. I’m sure I can find more penetrable spots”.
You tug harshly at your binds as he turned and came closer to you, a small blade held in his gloves hand.
“Hold still princess or I might accidentally cut an important part of you...or slit something”.
The blade cut the straps of your top, and the material fluttered down uselessly to the floor, exposing your padded black bra. The Joker whistled appreciatively and winked back at the camera.
“I say Jason...maybe I’m missing out not having a significant other...especially when they’re as beautiful as this”.
Jason had edged so close to the screen Bruce had to pull him back. Tears were running hotly down his cheeks and he swore he tasted blood from biting down on his bottom lip.
Your voice echoed through the empty warehouse room and through the camera speakers, “GO FUCK YOURSELF”.
The Joker smirked down at you and the blade was pressed against the skin of your neck.
“You should watch your manners, princesses don’t speak like that”.
You gulped and looked into his soulless eyes and laughed. It almost sounded as maniacal as his.
“I’m not your fucking princess”.
You spat at his face. Your spit mingled with blood from the earlier smack around the face.
“He’ll come for me...I know he will. And when he does, it’ll be all over for you”.
Something snapped and you saw his eyes darken. His face twisted and the scowl was demonic.
“You filthy fucking bitch!”, he roared and dropped the knife to wipe his face.
Joker turned to the camera and glowered, “I hope you’re watching Jason whilst I teach this rotten little whore some manners!”.
The first blow caused you to cry out in agony. It was harsh and fast. The sound to Jason was ear splitting. The second hit was drawn out and heavy. Designed to bruise. The third was sharp and felt like hundreds of tiny needles piercing your skin. The Joker was laughing wildly all the way through it. Never ceasing his treatment. As he swung his arm back for the fourth hit, the camera jarred and caught a window. Streams of light shone through. Jason could just about make out a sign. It was blurry.
“REWIND AND PAUSE IT BRUCE! There!!!”, he called and waited for Bruce to zoom in.
“Can you clear up that image...that looks like a road sign...”.
Bruce skipped the tape back several seconds, muting the sounds on the screen. The sounds of you getting smacked in the face shaking him to his core. 
“THERE!!! LOOK!! Can you see?!”, Jason pressed his face as close as possible to the screen as Bruce paused it, the image flickered but the road sign was obvious. 
Before Bruce could even react, Jason had launched himself across the cave, guns strapped to his thighs.
Jason ignored Bruce and grabbed his helmet, securing it into place whilst dropping extra magazine clips into his inner jacket pockets.
“Jason, we can’t just go in there all guns blazing. That’s what he’ll want! We have to think about this”, Bruce reasoned and moved into his path.
Huffing in annoyance, Jason’s modulator covered it easily, “I’m going to get her whether you come with me or not”.
Bruce looked stunned for a split second before softening his voice, “You’re letting your emotions get the better of you - they’re clouding your judgment Jason”.
He knew he was right, deep down. But the pressure. The torture you must have endured. Everything. It weighed down on Jason and began to suffocate him slowly. The more time he wasted, the worse it was going to be. He couldn’t do it.
“Let me get into my suit and we’ll tackle this together”.
Nodding briefly, Jason watched Bruce make his way across to the darkened corner of the cave where his suit was behind a glass panel. As Bruce pressed his palm into the wall, the biometric scanner bleeped. The case slid open slowly and Bruce began to take out the suit piece by piece. The batarangs refracted the light they caught from the computer screens.
Fuck. It was taking too long, these precious seconds. He could be half way there by now. His bike was too far away, in the garage at the front of the manor. He side eyed the batmobile and swallowed thickly.
“Fuck it”.
Taking the keys from the secret sliding panel on the desk, Jason leapt into the batmobile before starting the engine and speeding out of the cave. He swore he heard Bruce shouting, he was certain he heard several curse words too. Unlike Bruce. But it was taking too long. He couldn’t wait. He couldn’t leave you. You needed him. You couldn’t wait any longer.
Everything flew by him in a blur as he sped through the streets of Gotham. His foot slammed down harder on the accelerator desperate to get there faster. Every second counted. He knew all too well what The Joker was like. The way his face slipped as you defied him, terrified Jason. He’d seen that look right before receiving a crowbar to the face.
“Come on...come on!!”, Jason cursed to himself, hitting the steering wheel in fury. All the money Bruce had and it wouldn’t go any faster? He took a sharp turn heading towards the abandoned warehouse behind ACE Chemicals. He was so close. So much closer to reaching you. He’d deal with Bruce later. He couldn’t have waited any longer. Bruce would just have to get over him ‘borrowing’ the batmobile.
Swerving another corner and narrowly dodging the underpass columns, he pulled up in front of the derelict building. Almost all of the windows were smashed and hued green with mould. Maybe some of the toxins spewed from the factory had helped taint the glass further.
Grabbing both of his pistols, Jason left the car and headed towards the building fire escape. He could hear voices chattering.
“Joker said to keep an eye out for Batman”.
A goon; Jason noted peering around the brick wall spotting two of them. He noticed the metal railings above them creaking slightly in the strong winds.
“It’s been over a month now and there’s been no sign of any of the Bat freaks, it’s fine, let’s go grab a beer. He won’t even notice”, a second one encouraged the other smirking.
“You really want to cross him? He’s fucking nuts. I’m surprised the girl has even lasted this long with him, you know what he’s like”.
Jason’s fist tightened around one of his guns at the mention of you. It had to be you. Silently firing his grapple gun, he flew up the side of the building and made his way towards the goons.
“Trust me”, the first one spoke again, “He won’t even realise we’re gone, plus we might find some chicks to-”.
Perching on the railings above them, Jason leapt down cracking the base of his pistols onto one of their heads.
“Pleasure to meet you both”, Jason kicked out at the second goon hearing the sick crack of his ankle snapping.
Spinning on his heel, Jason grabbed the other goon and threw him face first into the brick wall knocking him unconscious immediately before turning back to the other man on the floor whimpering in pain.
“Where is she?”, Jason’s voice was strained even with the modulator protecting him.
The man refused to answer, dragging himself away from Jason with his hands, mud covering his palms.
Taking a large step, Jason reached the man on the floor and purposely stood onto his swollen ankle before aiming the cocked pistol towards his skull.
“I won’t ask again, where is she?”.
The screech from the man was deafening as Jason applied a hefty amount of pressure to his fractured bone.
“Basement!! She’s in the basement!! Please!!”, he begged as his eyes flickered nervously to the gun.
Jason rolled his shoulders before smashing the hilt of his pistol into his skull knocking him out cold. He turned back towards the fire escape and grappled back up to the roof. He’d have to make his way through the building to get to the basement. To you. And if he knew Joker, he wouldn’t have made it that easy. The two idiots on the front door were a sick joke. Tormenting Jason. Getting you back wouldn’t be an easy task.
Silently dropping through the window on top of the building, Jason landed onto one of the rusty steel girders. It was dark but his helmet adjusted the night vision so he could see clearly. Several goons patrolling an old foreman’s office in the centre. You had to be in there. He needed to take these idiots out quietly before getting to you.
Swinging across to the next rafter, Jason looked down at the first unsuspecting moron. With the stealth of a panther, he landed silently behind the goon before wrapping his arm around his meaty neck. He struggled against the iron grip of Jason’s forearm but the pressure only intensified the more he thrashed. Eventually the squirming stopped and the goon fell limp in his arms. Jason dragged him across to a darkened corner and dumped him behind some barrels.
As he grappled back up to roof beams, he looked down across at the two henchmen digging out a packet of cigarettes. The idiots had left their guns resting against the far wall. Jason had to chuckle to himself, Joker really was hiring morons. Weren’t these guys supposed to be protection? 
Jason creeped across the rafters towards the two men and grabbed both of his pistols. He had to be silent. He couldn’t alert Joker to his presence.
“This is my last smoke”, one complained bitterly as the cigarette perched between his thin lips.
“I’ll get the next packet, quit your whining”, the second growled and patted his jacket for a lighter, “Fuck, where did I put my lighter?”.
“You’re a fucking moron. You asked to come for a smoke and you don’t even have a light!!”.
Now was his chance. Jason landed between them both, his boots thudding as he hit the concrete floor, “You know, smoking is bad for your health”. Before either of the goons could react, Jason lifted his elbow into the larger man's throat before smashing his pistol into the other man's temple, causing him to drop onto his knees. He slipped his guns back into his holsters quickly before turning to the other goon. He dodged the larger man’s grapple before twisting with ease and kicking out his kneecap. The man gasped but the elbow to his throat had killed off his voice.
Jason threw a heavy right hook into the larger man's nose and watched the blood trickle down his face. This seemed to only infuriate him more and he launched himself towards Jason viciously. Gripping both of his arms, Jason flipped the man over his body and slammed him into the floor hard before hammering punch after punch to his face, knocking him unconscious.
He turned quickly to the other man who was scrambling on his knees for the gun resting against the far wall.
“Sorry bud, but that can’t happen”, Jason grunted and landed a heavy kick to the goons stomach. The man yelped but it was quickly cut off by Jason as he slammed his boot into his face. He dropped onto the floor instantly.
Jason panted heavily and looked around the room, his helmet advising him of one more goon loitering around the door of the office. Looking down at the floor he noticed the floor grates wrapped around the room and more importantly under the henchmen’s feet. Perfect.
He lifted one of the grate coverings quietly and slipped under the flooring. He crouched down and edged around the room. The last goon was much larger and bulkier, with a machine gun strapped around his wide chest.
This goon seemed smarter than the others. Looking around and even checking up in the rafters. He grunted and pressed a button on his jacket, “No boss, still no sign of them...nothing Sir”.
The voice that patched through sent a chill down Jason’s spine. It was a tone that would be forever cemented in his mind, a reminder of his own torment.
“If you get ANY inclination the bat or any of his costumed freaks are in the building, you tell me immediately”.
“Yes boss”.
The static of the radio crackled before cutting off completely. Jason cursed mentally. This had to be precise. Perfection. He had to disable the henchman’s radio unit. Padding over his jacket he searched for the disrupter shooter he had. It wasn’t there. Fuck. He’d fucked up in his rush and left it behind. Fuck. Bruce was right. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Then he heard it. A soft ping from above him. He knew that sound. Jason looked up from the grate and spotted Nightwing hidden in the shadows with his own disrupter. Pointed directly at the goon’s radio system.
“Thought you might need a hand”, Dick patched into Jason’s com line.
Jason growled under his breath, “Thanks”.
“Shall we take this moron out together?”.
“Yes”, Jason muttered before switching his com off and inched closer to the goon.
The second Nightwing flew down from the roof beams, Jason jumped out of the floor grate and kicked out the back of the goons knees. He cursed loudly before Nightwing’s foot landed in his face.
Jason swore he saw a tooth fly out of his mouth along with a glob of blood. He aimed several hard punches to the side of the henchman’s head whilst Nightwing disabled his gun and radio with a graceful poise.
“All this for the girl? She’s nothing but a shell”, the goon smirked across at Jason before choking at the next punch.
“Joker’s hollowed her out...she’s nothing”, he spat out.
His temper flared and his hand subconsciously reached for his pistol. Dick realised and before anything could happen, he landed an electrical ecrisma blow to the goons head, knocking him out cold. His body crashed onto the floor with a loud thump.
“Don’t”, Jason cut him off, “I’m fine”.
He took several steps towards the office door and swallowed thickly. You. You’d be in there. You’d told Joker with the last ounce of confidence left that he’d come for you. He’d never leave you. You were right. Jason would never have stopped looking. Ever.
His hand rested on the door handle, trembling only slightly. What if he was too late. What if this was just another trick?
Drawing his hand back almost as though the door had burnt him. He frowned. He couldn’t think like this. No. He had to be strong. Just like you had been in all those videos. You’d been fierce. Your spirit still pouring through to him.
Jason glared angrily at the door and took a step back before kicking it open furiously with his combat boot. The door flew open wildly and as the dust settled. He saw Joker stood in the middle of the room, a sick, satisfied smirk sat proudly on his demented face.
“Jason my boy! It’s a pleasure to see you again”, his chuckle was deep and sinister, “I see you're still hiding your face though...is that because of what I did?”. The Joker’s eyes danced with delirious joy at the memories.
“I’d have thought you’d have embraced all your scars by now Jason...”, The Joker edged forward leaving you tied up behind him.
Jason rounded The Joker, clicking a button to the side of his mask, revealing his face, his eyes hidden with the domino mask, “I’ve got nothing to hide from you, clown”.
Jason let his eyes run over you for a second. You were bruised and bloodied. Clothes torn and tattered from mistreatment. Your eyes. God. Your beautiful E/C eyes. Red raw from countless tears. Somehow you still managed to give him a smile from behind The Joker. His heart fluttered. God he’d missed your smile.
Tearing his eyes from you he looked back towards The Joker and held his pistols out at him, finger hovering over the trigger. Jason felt the burn mark on his cheek stinging all over again. Pain ever present.
“You don’t have the guts”, The Joker laughed again and walked forward pressing his forehead into the barrel of the gun.
“You wouldn’t dare pull that trigger. I’m your Ace card Jason. You can’t kill me. You want to but you can’t...something will always stop you”.
Jason felt his hand shaking slightly. Everything was throbbing in his mind.
“Even after everything I’ve done to your girl, you still can’t pull that trigger”, The Joker taunted further and grinned sadistically.
“If only you knew where I’d touched...what I’ve done...”, he pushed further into the cold metal of the gun and winked at Jason, “Go on, do it, I dare you...if you don’t- I’m just going to keep coming back and who knows what I’ll do to our little princess next-”.
A gun shot blasted through the air. Smoke drifted slowly from the barrel, dancing into the darkness around them.
Nightwing had thrown one of his ecrisma sticks to Jason’s gun, knocking it off target. The bullet shattered the brickwork behind them, dust erupting.
Crashing down through one of the broken windows on top of the office roof, Nightwing flew towards The Joker tackling him down onto the damp, concrete floor before he could launch himself at Jason.
Still startled, Jason watched Dick wrestling with The Joker on the floor, punches flying back and forth.
Dick turned to Jason, “Y/N-Jason!! Go get Y/N!! I’ll handle this!”.
The Joker was shrieking with laughter underneath Dick, blood pouring down his lip and from his nose.
“Ahhhh another boy blunder!! I must be lucky!! Two for the price of one!”.
Dick threw another punch and reached for the second ecrisma stick on his back, “I can’t wait to cart you back to the Asylum. I hope you’re looking forward to your 5 star stay in a windowless cesspit!”.
Jason could hear Joker continually laughing at Dick, until the sharp sound of electrical buzzing cut him off with a loud scream.
He almost fell over his own feet as he raced towards you. Jason quickly untied your hands and the second they were free you flung them around his neck, sobbing into his neck. Your tears dropping onto his brown leather jacket.
“Oh baby”, Jason stroked your hair and held you tightly to him. He was worried he was crushing you but you seemed to be squeezing him back just as hard.
You didn’t stop sobbing. The overwhelming emotion of being wrapped in his safe, strong arms make your knees buckle. Jason caught you with ease and lifted you up, “It’s ok baby, I’ve got you. I’ve always got you”.
Jason was one step away from breaking down himself but he needed to be strong for you right now.
You pressed your skin against his, the scratch of his stubble a welcome sting against your cheek. His scent overwhelmed you. Leather. Gunpowder. Smoke. And something distinct you’d never been able to place.
“Shhh, it’s ok - nothing is going to hurt you, I’m here now - I’m a bit late but I’m here”.
It had been one week since you’d been back home. Two weeks if you counted the first week you and Jason spent holed up in the manor. Bruce had insisted. You sat in the bathtub, knees pressed up against your bare chest. Silence. All you could hear was the faint crackle of the bubbles every now and again. The clinical white tiles of the bathroom made you feel a little cleaner.
However,  no matter how many baths you took, showers you stood in, you still couldn’t wipe the feel of the slick purple gloves off your skin. Your skin. Skin that was now marred with yellowish bruising. Almost faded physically but not mentally. Looking over the marks you felt yourself transported back into the desolate warehouse. The dank smell of stagnant water filling your nostrils. You choked and coughed loudly, suddenly feeling the oxygen clam up your throat. Drowning in the memories.
Within a mere second Jason had flung open the bathroom door, red tinting his cheek and a little sweat on his forehead, “Sweetheart are you ok?”.
You noted how he chose to call you sweetheart now and not his usual princess. A stark reminder that this whole ordeal had affected him too, more than he’d admitted. You felt the guilt eat away at you. Shame burning at your feet.
“Y-yeah, I’m ok”, you mumbled quietly and swirled some of the water and bubbles around you, “I just accidentally swallowed some of the bath water, I’m sorry”.
Jason nodded although not quite believing you. He closed the door behind him and sat on the edge of the tub taking a deep breath, “It’s ok to not be ok sweetheart...I know it can be difficult to admit that...I know that more than most”, he wiped a stray bubble from the rim of the tub. He looked at you deeply before continuing, “I’ll be here for you...whenever and whatever you need”.
You sat silently in the water and he moved to get up. Maybe he thought it was best to leave you alone, let you uncover your own emotions. Process what had happened. You gripped his wrist and looked up into the crystal blue of his eyes, “Jason”.
“Yeah babe?”, he turned his wrist in your hand and linked his fingers with yours.
“I love you”.
He smiled and squeezed your hand before whispering back, “I love you too, more than you know”.
He looked over you and moved to sit back on the edge of the bath. His spare hand reached out and cupped your chin lovingly, stroking over your skin.
“We’ll work through this together Y/N, I promise”, Jason murmured and leaned forward kissing your forehead lightly, “I’ll do whatever you need me to do...anything at all”.
The words, the touches, the kiss. It made your heart flutter and you fell even more in love with him. Jason made the impossible possible and you had no idea how he managed it every day. You felt so lucky.
“I - I struggle some d-days”, you admitted and with those words you felt a little lighter, “sometimes all I want is for you to hold me and not let me go...Sometimes I-I f-feel like that for hours...”.
“Well then I’ll hold you for hours”, he said simply.
You scoffed lightly but before you could protest or think of arguing back he was stepping into the bath water fully clothed.
“Jay!! You’re going to flood the bathroom”, you gasped loudly, watching the water splash over the sides like dramatic tidal waves. Water dispersed all over the bathroom floor to make way for his broad frame, “What are you doing?!”.
Jason sunk down into the water behind you and wrapped his arms either side, pulling you back into his clothed chest. He rested his head on your shoulder, pressing a chaste kiss there, “Holding you for as long as you need me to”.
You felt yourself melt into his warm embrace. Tears made their way down your cheeks at his endearing show of love, “Jason”.
“Shhh, just let me hold you baby”, he cuddled you tighter into him, his fingers stroking your hips under the water, brushing away the bruises. Marking you with his own special touch.
Relaxing under his soft caresses, you hummed lightly and closed your eyes resting your head back against him. He smelt like leather and spice. You felt at home. He was home.
“Please call me princess”, you whispered quietly into the air, your eyes still closed.
“Whatever you want...princess”.
Special Thanks: @offendedfishnoises​​ @internalsealpanic​​ @batarella​​ - thank you both for proof reading this and all the help you have given me - mwah mwah. xoxo
Tag List: @offendedfishnoises @internalsealpanic @batarella @batarella-mini @lucy-roo @illzarr @pricetagofficial @jadedhillon @vvipgot7be @clementinesandstars @thedeadlythoughts @fantasticwizardnerd​ @power-of-words23​ @vintagexparker​  @borntobewondering​ @l-inkage​ @fourteengemstones​ @ficrecsideblog​ @insane-without-delirium​ @so-now-what-huh​ @imjeralee​ @geekonaleash​ @dairydragon84​ @dragonchildyuki​ @ediwdac​ @fxrchxldws​ @hyperfixationsandhecticness​ @chelinn​ @maniacproffesor​ @8ether​ @the-abyss-of-fandoms​ @babymango-writes​ @indigowcrds​ @catxsnow​ @lostoctaviaaugusta​ @empower-bi-women​ @jd-loves-everyone​ @xatanna-troy​ @phoenixhalliwell​ @a-sketchy-jedi​ @ramdomtails​ @ximaginx​ @little-miss-naill​ @spideypoolfeelz​ @queenbelena​ @rosalietodd013​ @multifandomgirl-us​ @multitudinous-writes​ @mariechen1397​ @brennenscolby​ @batgalsblog​ @bamboozledjt​ @crappy-unicorn​ @batmom69 @adazzlingsakura​ @weirdgirlfromtx​ @anousiemay​ @iamsofuckinglostsblog​ @pinklipsnotips​ @celestialgalaxies​ @galvysta​ @novelisticmess​ @onfir3​ @this-hufflepuff​ @secretlovexo​ @naeratargaryen​ @eyelessjackswife​ @maplumebleue-blog-blog​ @futuristicallysweetstarfish​ @dianduh11​ @beccis18​ @kaylossol​ @alex-ehhh​ @hambuurgerz​ @mando-e​ @laguana-doofinsmirtz​ - Drop me a message if you want to be added to my tag list. xoxo
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galvanizedfriend · 4 years
The Wolf Outtake
This is a little outtake, if you will, of The Wolf universe. It actually fits within the post-TW2 headcanons I've been writing to keep myself happy, so somewhere in S3. It's something that would never fit within the actual story because it's pure domestic fluff. lol I wrote this for @recyclingss, baby Eve's number one fan who yells at me when the child doesn't make an appearance and who’s also the biggest cheerleader this story’s ever had. 💖
This is set much later in the future, and you will notice baby Eve is actually more of toddler Eve here, but I've removed any specific context to make it so this would fit into any point of The Wolf post S2E14, I guess.
Summary: Just random KC+baby moment in The Wolf. It's fluffy, domestic, features the child and Klaus' bitter feelings for Bayou wolves. Nobody asked for it, but I figured, after the WEEK we've all had, maybe people could use some fluff? Hope you guys enjoy it! :)
Klaus doesn't even realize it's morning already until Caroline stirs next to him, making a lazy hum deep in her throat that pulls him out of his idle reverie. He blinks his surroundings back into focus; the fluorescence that had been filtering in through the windows last time he checked has now been replaced by warm sunlight. He didn’t even notice so much time had gone by.
Caroline rolled onto her side and was quickly lulled into blissful sleep after their late-night exertions. Klaus was distracted by the rhythmic rise and fall of her chest for a long time until his mind was ensnared by its usual culprits, thoughts trapped in the latest batch of torments and woes to take over the Mikaelsons’ lives. 
 When Caroline opens her eyes and offers him a slow smile, Klaus feels himself touch ground again.
 "'Morning," she slurs in that husky voice, still thick with sleep.
 "Good morning, sweetheart," he replies with a short grin.
 Caroline yawns as she stretches out her body under the thin sheet covering her modesty.
 "Did you sleep at all?" she asks, blinking sluggishly at him.
 "I'm well-rested, if that's what you're asking."
 "It's not." Caroline props herself up on one elbow to stare levelly at him. Some of that drowsiness in her eyes dissipates, disappointment panging through him for bringing her back to the harshness of reality so fast. This is why, sometimes, especially on those not-so-rare nights when he ends up not getting any sleep, he'd rather not stay in bed. It allows the reprieve that slumber offers Caroline to last a little while longer. "Is it about Elijah?" she inquires, a knowing look on her face.
 Klaus' eyes wander away from hers. "It's about everything," he states vaguely, but not untruthfully. 
 Caroline hums unconvinced. "While I know you don't need to sleep, I also know it spells nothing but trouble when you can’t. It’s never good when you spend the whole night thinking."
 "Well, not the whole night," he says with a suggestive leer. "I did spend a good portion of the time engaged in far more pleasant activities."
 She rolls her eyes at him, but her smile is more than a little satisfied when she leans into him. "You're not as smooth as you think, Mikaelson."
 "I beg to differ." Caroline chuckles, shifting under the sheets to press herself against his side, placing a kiss on his shoulder, then his neck, his jaw. Klaus snakes a hand around her back, pulling her closer still, feeling the familiar stirrings of heat in his underbelly. "Shall I prove my point?" he all but purrs.
 Caroline smirks against the corner of his mouth, her palm coming to rest on his chest. Klaus covers her hand with his, angling his face to take her mouth into a kiss. Her breasts pressing against his skin sends a tingle shooting through his body, and his other hand is already sliding down her spine, ready to guide her to straddle him, when lively conversation in the next room makes them pause.
 "Oh-oh," Caroline mutters. "I guess that means Mr. Wolfy is up early today."
 Klaus lets out a disappointed sigh.
 Eve doesn't cry so much when she wakes up anymore. Now, she either stays quietly in her crib until someone sees to her, or she starts playing with her toys. A social butterfly like her mother, she loves to engage in complex conversations with that hideous stuffed wolf Jackson gave her and her absolute favorite toy, the wooden knight Klaus carved for Rebekah when they were children.
 When he started to wake up to the sound of her talking to herself, he became worried, thinking maybe she was seeing things they weren't - which, in New Orleans, could mean a number of horrifying deals. But Caroline assured him that it is perfectly normal for young children to talk to inanimate objects, especially one who lives exclusively amongst adults.
 Apparently, it's good exercise for her imagination, or something.
 When Klaus is watching her, he will make a point to take part in her debates, always highlighting Mr. Knight's grandeur compared to Mr. Bog Scum. 
 "Sweetheart, this filthy dog here is the enemy. He wants to shroud you in flannel, carry you away to the swamp and bore you to sleep. Mr. Knight is here to save you from this stinky animal's claws."
 He's convinced one day she'll understand what he means.
 What’s most troublesome, however, is that Eve has started to attempt to climb out of her crib on her own. They always lock the other door to her bedroom when she's asleep, but the door connecting her room to Caroline's is always left unlocked for safety reasons. One of these days, Klaus thinks, their little wolf is going to catch mommy and daddy in very compromising positions. The idea mortifies him, especially because he and Caroline can get a tad carried away. They are a hybrid and a near-hybrid, after all. Too much energy and whatnot.
 "No rest for the wicked," Caroline speaks around a sigh before peeling away from him. Klaus watches her naked form with wistfulness as she climbs out of bed, his prospect of a lovely morning enterprise disappearing alongside the shape of her beautiful breasts as she shrugs on a fleece robe.
 Caroline vamps off to the en suite bathroom to freshen up a bit and then follows to Eve's room.
 "Good morning, sweet cheeks!" she greets their daughter sunnily. "Good morning to you, too, Mr. Wolfy!" Oh, for goodness' sake, Klaus curses inwardly. "And Mr. Knight!" Much better.
 Minutes later, Caroline returns with Eve, comfortable in fresh diapers, right on her heels, carrying Mr. Inconvenient and Mr. Knight.
 When she sees Klaus, she takes off towards the bed, her little legs getting more and more agile by the day. He pulls the sheets and covers up to his chest while she tries to hoist herself up. With ease, using just one hand, Klaus lifts her up and puts her sitting on his stomach.
 "Good morning, my littlest wolf," he says. "Where's my kiss?"
 His daughter leans down and smacks a loud kiss on his cheek, and then holds Mr. Fleabag close to him for a kiss as well. Klaus makes a face. "Not the dog, Eve."
 "Seriously?" Caroline says with a bored air about her. "You're antagonizing a stuffed animal now?"
 "This thing is a health hazard."
 "That thing has a cute little name, Mr. Wolfy, and your daughter loves him."
 "I refuse to treat a swamp dog as though it were a gentleman. Besides, I'm sure she loves Mr. Knight way more, don't you, love? Where's Mr. Hero?" She shouts something that sounds like Miter Nigh before pushing it onto Klaus' face. He cracks a proud smile at her. "There you go." He attacks her with tickles, and Eve bursts with sweet laughter.
 Caroline shakes her head at him, but he notices she's quite clearly biting back on a smile. "You're impossible."
 "I’m quite possible, I assure you," he replies smoothly. "Where are you going?" he asks when she starts tying her hair into a ponytail and taking clothes from her drawers.
 "Running with Marcel."
 "Oh, for goodness' sake," he protests. "Can you believe this, Eve? It's not even seven in the morning and your mother is willingly stepping out of the house to run. I sometimes fear she might be a psychopath."
 She scoffs loudly. "You would know, wouldn't you?" While she walks by him to go into the en suite, she slaps him lightly across the legs. "Stop telling my child that I'm a psycho, psycho."
 "How else am I supposed to explain this insanity? What kind of person runs for pleasure when there is an infinite array of far more gratifying activities to invest your energy into? Just now we were about to -"
 "Not in front of the small child, Klaus!" she chides from the bathroom.
 "She doesn't know what daddy is talking about, do you, love?" Eve giggles while he lifts her up above him, holding her like a flying superhero. "Blissfully clueless."
 Caroline steps back into the room, already in her exercise gear. Klaus lets out an infinitely despondent sigh. He would love nothing more than to get her out of those.
 "It's inappropriate conversation to have in front of the toddler," she remarks, putting on the smartwatch she bought recently to exercise with and measure her sleep patterns or whatever the bloody hell that is. She showed him all of this gizmo’s functionalities, swearing it’s the best thing ever invented by human minds. Klaus thinks it’s adorable, however incomprehensible, that someone with such close ties with the supernatural world would still be so impressed by technology. There’s literally nothing that cannot be sorted through magic. How is a watch that counts steps supposed to awe you once you’ve seen someone brought back from the dead? Caroline’s attachment to her humanity goes way beyond her empathy. "Besides, it was gonna be a quick activity because I'd go meet Marcel anyway,” she adds after a beat.
 "I can make you see stars in five minutes," he leers, a smirk growing on his face.
 Caroline whips her face at him with what is clearly an attempt at outrage but turns into something else when she can't hold her own smile. She can't deny him when his point was proved just the night before. Several times, in fact.
 "Shut up," she retorts simply. "Can you give her breakfast? I left chopped fruits in the fridge. You can wait about an hour after the bottle and give it to her as a little treat - not Fruit Loops."
 "She loves that thing."
 "Of course she does, it's pure sugar. That's exactly why we don't let her have it all the time. She needs to eat real fruits."
 Klaus rolls his eyes, sitting up in bed and putting the baby beside him. "Honestly, sweetheart, your mother sometimes..." 
 Caroline narrows her eyes at him. "You really love to make yourself out to be the cool parent, don't you?"
 "I don't have to make myself out to be anything, love. I am the parent who doesn't deny her the little joys of sugary treats. If that makes me cool, then you’ve only got yourself to blame." 
 "You're the parent who'll spoil her rotten, that’s what. Let's see how you'll feel when she's 16 and her boyfriend is climbing the balcony in her room in the middle of the night because she never learned how to take a no."
 "Oh, I would love for her suitors to climb her window in the middle of the night. It’ll be the last thing they do,” he says, smiling innocently at Eve.
 “You’ll be such a ray of sunshine when she starts dating.”
 “As per usual," he says with a bite of arrogance. "Hold the child so I can get decent, will you?"
 Caroline picks Eve up and keeps her looking firmly the other way while Klaus flashes out of bed and into the bathroom. He hears Caroline teasing her with “Where did daddy go?” and laughing at what he knows is Eve's extremely confused but astonished face. She thinks they're magicians. It's one of her favorite things, to watch as Klaus makes full use of his vampire speed to all but vanish right before her eyes. Modern technology has got nothing on him.
 There's something extremely heartwarming about his daughter's innocence. One day, she'll be old enough to understand why he can do the things he does. When that day comes, Klaus will cease to be a creature of magic and wonder, to become what he truly is: darkness made flesh. 
 He has never been ashamed of what he is, hardly ever had any qualms with filling the villain shoes, quite glad to do it, in fact, but he suddenly finds himself dreading the day when his child will figure out what it means to carry the Mikaelson name. When their family’s history will weigh down on her shoulders as it does on theirs.
 While making people cower in fear at the mere sound of his name has brought him an obscene amount of satisfaction and pride over the centuries, Klaus has to admit he's fascinated by the pure sparkle in his child's eyes. She's the first human being in a millennium who does not see even a fraction of monstrosity in him, no shadow, no taints, no mortal flaws. Not yet, anyway. All she sees is a funny man who makes her laugh and can hold her up with his finger, tells her stories about evil werewolves and keeps her safe and that's enough for her to adore him. Sometimes, he feels unworthy of such love. As though he's a fraud, deceiving his own daughter and taking advantage of her innocence.
 It still astonishes him that he should ever be capable of making something as pure and bright as that little girl. In a thousand years, Klaus Mikaelson has only ever brought misery and pain into this world. Eve is the first genuinely good thing he's ever done. Then, of course, she inherited all of that from her mother, who holds herself open for compassion and kindness even though she is herself in a symbiotic existence with her own beast. Caroline has taken control of her darkness in ways Klaus doesn't think he's ever seen a vampire as young as her do before. She truly is extraordinary, and every day he hopes, from the bottom of his withered heart, that Eve will turn out to be every inch Caroline's daughter more so than his.
 Klaus can still smell last night’s sex all over himself, so he takes a quick shower and puts on a pair of denims and a shirt and vamps back to the room again, just to surprise Eve. She gasps when he materializes next to her, flinching, and then starts laughing like a little maniac, reaching out to him. 
 "Remember," Caroline says as she lets Eve slide over to Klaus' arms. "Bottle, fruits. No Fruit Loops. I'll tell your other child you said hi."
 "A child who enjoys running has clearly learned nothing from me," he grumbles. “Hopefully I’ll do a better job with this one.” 
 “Start by not feeding her Fruit Loops,” Caroline remarks with a grin before she smacks a loud kiss on Eve's cheek and then one on his.
 When she’s gone, Klaus turns to look at his little wolf, watching him with those dark blues of hers as though she's studying her father. Sometimes he wonders if toddlers know more than they let on.
 "Do you want to do magic?"
 "Yes!" she practically screams, her face splitting with a wide, toothy grin.
 "Get ready, then. Are you ready?" She gives him an exaggerated nod. "Keep your eyes open. One, two..." And then he flashes out of the room with her.
✨ Thanks for reading! :) If you’ve enjoyed this silly thing, please drop me a comment! Your reblogs are also much appreciated to help this reach more people. ✨
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maepolzine · 2 years
Looking Back at August 2022
Looking back on my last month of reading, body paint, gaming, personal life, and more.
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As we both know Sam gets wet for Billy Loomis, but what about fem!Sam 👀 Dean's known what turns a girl on far younger than he should, but seeing it on his sister is a whole other beast. At first he tries to ignore it, it's a horror movie after all and being skittish is natural. Then he notices the little things. Her gasp being a little too low, toes curling into the carpet, a bit lip and crossed legs. When fucking Billy Loomis licks blood off his fingers (1/2)
his little sister's smile is a little too flirty and her eyes a little too focused on him. When Billy pushes the knife to Sid's throat, Dean swears he hears her moan. (2/2) Love you beautiful! 💋💕💋💕💋💕 - boykingboytoy (Rewatching Scream always makes me think of you~💋💕)
"Are you scared, Sammy?" Dean asks, tone low and gritty, as he reaches over to squeeze his little sister's trembling thigh. Her soft skin is riddled with goosebumps under Dean's callused fingers, and a very dark, jealous part of him, the dominant part, can't help but wonder if Sam's reaction was because of his touch or a result of watching Billy fucking Loomis go crazy.
Sam's eyes dare to slide shut when she feels her brother's lips ghost over her throat. Soft kisses trailing up to her ear before a sharp nip of teeth has Sam shivering and leaning into Dean's space.
"Are you wet?"
Sam bites her lip and looks up at Dean through a sea of long lashes as she helps guide his hand into her panties. Red-hot sparks of pleasure zinging up her spine like rouge fireworks when she hears him groan her name.
His forehead is pressed lightly against her temple now, Dean using the tip of his index and middle finger to gently rub her cunt until she starts to squirm beneath him.
"Don't stop. Please, don't stop."
Sam's soft, breathy moans urge him to give her more, and call Dean a sucker, but he does just that, sliding his fingers upward slowly until his little sister's eyes roll back from the pleasure. Fingertips soaked and sticky with her arousal when he starts to play with her clit, the light, teasing pressure of his touch making Sam's whole body tremble.
God, she's so fucking desperate, and Dean knows that his sister will do anything for him right now. It wouldn't take much to convince her to give him complete control. Shit. The very thought of owning Sam's pleasure, getting her hot and bothered just like that asshole on TV did, goes straight to Dean's dick.
"Fuck, baby girl," Dean whispers in her ear, sounding a little farther gone than he'd like to admit. "This all for him?"
Sam makes a pained sound, weak and desperate, at the loss of Dean's hand, her thighs automatically squeezing together tight to replace the friction.
"Dean," she mewls, pupils blown wide with lust as she watched her brother slowly spread his fingers open wide and them close them. Each deliberate motion showing Sam just how sticky-wet and filthy she'd made him. It drives her fucking crazy.
"Don't worry, sweetheart," he chuckled darkly, fingertips gently tracing the plump curve of Sam's cherry red lips. "I think your little crush is cute."
It's an outright lie, Sam knows that but she doesn't dare argue. Especially not when Dean's fingers are sliding into her mouth, rubbing little circles against her greedy tongue, hot and rough, and salty-sweet.
"But tell me, Sammy," Dean nearly growls, fingers sliding open easily so that Sam could taste herself on his skin.
Dirty slut.
"Do you like misunderstood, devoted boyfriend Billy-"
Sam lets out a high-pitched whine when Dean pulls his hand away without warning. Pouty bottom lip glossy with spit and pushed out in frustration as she watched her brother slide off the couch to kneel on the floor. Her thighs visibly shaking as he gripped Sam by the knees and pulled her legs apart; a wicked smirk tugging at the end of Dean's lips when he noticed that her shorts were soaked through.
"Or," he continued thoughtfully, pressing a sweet kiss to the inside of Sammy's thigh as he reached in his back pocket for the switchblade that he kept there. "...do you prefer him when he goes all psycho killer?"
Sam nearly jumps out of her skin when Dean flicks open his knife.
It feels like her heart is trying to beat a hole through her chest. A million emotions swarming around in her stomach like fear crazed butterflies, but Samantha doesn't question Dean. She won't.
"Huh, Sammy?"
Sam's at a loss for words, pussy throbbing for attention as she contines to watch Dean closely with those big, trusting eyes. Her manicured nails digging into the ratty couch cushion under her when Dean starts to lightly trial the tip of his blade over his little sister's smooth skin.
"Dean, please."
Samantha can feel the sharp cool tip of Dean's knife teasing her clit, and fuck, if it's all she can do to keep her hips from jerking forward. So desperate and turned on that she swears if he really tried, Dean could make her come just like this.
"Please who?"
In the background, Billy is screaming at Sidney.
I'm gonna rip you up, you bitch!
And Sam can hear the sound of glass breaking, see feathers flying as Dean bites his way down her inner thigh.
God, it hurt so good that she almost forgets that Dean still has his knife pressed flat against her pussy.
Sam forces her hips to grind to a halt using her last shred of self control. But she can't hold back a surprised gasp when she feels thick, unforgiving steel biting into the soft damp cotton of her shorts. Teasing her mercilessly.
"Say it, sweetheart."
"Please," she whimpers again, carding her shaky fingers through Dean's hair. Heat pooling deep in the pit of her stomach and shooting up through her veins like liquid fire when the older boy looks at her with a predatory smile. One that says I'll give you anything you want, as long as you play by my rules. "Billy."
I love you too, my darling!! 💕💋💕💋💕 You make my Billy Loomis lovin' heart soar. 💋💕💋💕💋💕
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Demus (Sanders Sides Playlist)
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Glory And Gore by Lorde- “And the cry goes out (ha); They lose their minds for us, and how it plays out (ha); Now we're in the ring and we're coming for blood”
you should see me in a crown by Billie Eilish- “You should see me in a crown; I'm gonna run this nothing town; Watch me make 'em bow”
Seven Devils by Florence + The Machine- “Seven devils all around you; Seven devils in my house; See they were there when I woke up this morning; I'll be dead before the day is done”
A Little Wicked by Valerie Broussard- “A little wicked; That's what he calls me; 'Cause that's what I am; That's what I am”
I Can’t Decide by Scissor Sisters- “I can't decide; Whether you should live or die; Oh, you'll probably go to heaven; Please don't hang your head and cry; No wonder why; My heart feels dead inside”
Play with Fire by Sam Tinnesz+Yacht Money- “Insane, inside the danger gets me high; Can't help myself got secrets I can't tell”
She’s Crazy but She’s Mine by Alex Sparrow- “She's crazy, but she's mine; Damn I lose my mind; She's dancing every night, singing sha-la-la-la-la”
Turn the Lights Off by Tally Hall- “Bend the nightmare; You control it; Artful dodger; Easy does it; Shut the closet; Get under the covers; Snakes and lovers; TURN THE LIGHTS OFF”
Partners in Crime by Set It Off+Ash Costello- “You'll never takes us alive; We swore that death will do us part; They'll call our crimes a work of art; You'll never takes us alive; We'll live like spoiled royalty, lovers and partners; Partners in crime”
Secret by The Pierces- “Got a secret; Can you keep it?; Swear, this one you'll save; Better lock it in your pocket; Takin' this one to the grave; If I show you, then I know you; Won't tell what I said; 'Cause two can keep a secret; If one of them is dead”
Rebels by Call Me Karizma- “Everything is burning and I love it; Sit and watch the world until it's nothing; Scared of going out into the public; Yeah, we the kings now”
Love Me Dead by Ludo- “You suck so passionately; You're a parasitic, psycho, filthy creature; Finger-bangin' my heart; You call me up drunk; Does the fun ever start? You're hideous and sexy!”
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This is psycho!erik, not the softboi or #goals erik we typically love. Be warned. I'll tag when I wake up.
2. Let's Begin
"Annd gotdamn she's awake.. Up and atom, Ms. Stevens."
Ivy felt groggy and mentally off. She was unsettled and her limbs felt heavy and impossible to lift. Where was she?
"Time to wake that ass up, Ms. Stevens..," a voice sung in a hard whisper.
"My bad, I ain't know I was that tired..," she yawned unable to raise her arm to cover it. Her eyes watered. "Shit... My arms feel dead as fuck. Were you able to work with me knocked out or.."
Her eyelids fluttered open unwillingly. They still felt heavy but she could fight it. Her sight focused on the straight white teeth of Dr. Stevens who was close again, sitting on his stool to her right. At least he wasn't pissy about her falling asleep mid-process, she'd maybe chosen the right dentist afterall.
"What's so funny," she smirked watching his wide shoulders shake with silent laughter. He was goofy as hell. She hadn't expected him to be this damn goofy. His entire upper body was engaged, but he wouldn't laugh outright. He was still trying to hold it in.
"Damn, did I embarrass myself while I was out," she asked softly seeing the clear humor in his expression. "I do talk in my sleep sometimes.. What I say while I was out?"
The dentist continued his fit of silent laughter to the point that Ivy was starting to get irritated. She was feeling too out of it to deal with his silliness. He was pissing her off.
"What? What is so damn funny?"
She was too tired to move. Never had she been in the position where she was so tired that it paralyzed her, until now. Suddenly, she was concerned.
His arms wrapped around his body as he rocked back and forth, grinning with his mouth wide enough to show the pointed silver caps on his canines. They hadn't been there before. His head rolled back as his chest and shoulders bounced and now he looked fuckin crazy.
"I'm finna.. yeah." Ivy tried using her weight to lean so left that she could force her body to move, roll, and stand, but she couldn't even lean and that was when she realized she was tied to the chair. Her legs were bound at the knees and ankles to the flat part of the seat by a bright red rope and still stretched forward as they'd been when she fell asleep.
"Oh shit, I think she got it," Erik whispered, voice full of slick humor.
Her shoulders were bound. Her arms were bound at the elbows. Doubled up red rope wrapped around her body trapping her to the seat.
"I see you're experiencing some mild confusion and disorientation... Side effect of the anesthesia," he pouted.
"Most times, the anaesthetic I use won't put a patient to sleep. Typically I'd use a local anaesthetic. Lidocaine."
She watched his eyes unsure of how to respond. The man was clearly on one. What was that supposed to mean for the situation and how did it explain all the rope? She didn't feel her phone in her hand and that made her heart skip a beat. Her eyes darted to her lap. It was gone along with her keys.
"What you lookin at?" His tone was rough as if she'd somehow offended him.
"You looking for your phone? Pft. You won't be needing that, it would only be a distraction."
He gripped her chin as if she weren't already looking at him at that point.
"Nigga, get your strong ass hands off me!"
Was she supposed to stare at him harder or something? He didn't need to grab her face like that. She tried unsuccessfully to snatch away.
"Listen to what the fuck I'm telling you. I won't repeat myself," he bit, lip spread over his teeth, his angry grip vibrating her jaw. He was raising a hail of the reddest flags, as red as the rope Ivy was bound in and at her first opportunity, she was getting the hell outta dodge. She didn't care about how gotdamn fine he was or his job title or his paycheck, he was crazy as a damn cockroach. Now she really couldn't look away. She was scared.
"I assume you don't know much about practicing medical care with anesthesia. You might wanna pay attention."
"First of all," the bass in her voice jumped out. "You not about to talk to me like I'm your child or your assistant. I want my phone back and I'm a get the hell up outta here.. I'm awake now so you can get this shit up off me."
He blinked, his lids fluttering before letting go of her chin and taking a silent deep breath, rubbing the dark beard on his jaw. As if he hadn't just kirked out, his flawless smile returned along with the friendly light in his eyes.
"As I was explaining, typically with a cavity I'd use a local anaesthetic. However, it's not often that a get a patient through here that's single.. alone.. no kids.. no husband.. and she crackin, I mean, body like damn."
Ivy's lip twitched in distaste as she watched his hooded eyes change yet again. The friendly and professional mask began to crack as his irises darkened and she could see a visible shift in his countenance, his eyes narrowing and full lips forming a slight pout. The wheels in his mind seemed to be turning. She could see the muscle in his temple tense with his jaw.
Ivy wondered if she should call out as loudly as she could muster for help, but determined that the two twins would have intervened by now if they were there and planned to do anything. No, they were likely his accomplices. Twin bitches.
There was no one else she knew of who would hear her and answer in time or maybe even at all. Dr. Stevens looked the type to fuck her up real quick as soon as she opened her mouth too wide.
"On you, I used a drug called etorphine. Well, it's actually more of a tranquilizer. I figured if it works on elephants..."
"Elephants? Nigga what? I'm 4'11 do I look like I need something that was intended for elephants?"
He looked amused and that only served to frustrate her further. Ivy couldn't hold her tongue. She was angry and when she got angry she tended to say exactly what was on her mind.
"You got a fuckin screw loose giving me a damn elephant tranquilizer. Are you stupid? This is malpractice. How you still got a license?"
"Shhhhh," his finger went to his lips and his eyes said that this was funny to him. They twinkled and she wanted to slap him but her arms were pinned to her sides.
"I still got my license because I'm smart about what I do. Don't get it twisted. I operate my business just like any other orthodontist... I just like to have a little fun here and there, is that so wrong?"
"I'm tied to the fuckin chair. Yeah. You wrong."
He chuckled and all Ivy could think of was how much she did not like him.
"I take it you're not used to being tied up."
"I take it you're not used to minding ya damn business. What I do has nothing to do with you. You don't know me."
His amused expression cracked into a lopsided smirk as if there was something he knew and was dying to share.
"I know more about you than you think.  Privacy ain't shit these days and neither is an internet service provider. Lot of things you can find out about a person. Shit they hide from the average person. Shit they hide from their friends and families. You have a lotta secrets, Ivy." His smirk expanded into a smug grin that sent a shiver down her spine. What did he have on her? She didn't think it could possibly be anything too bad. Either way, she needed to find a way out. Something told her that this man had no intention of releasing her without a struggle and aside from him, she'd probably have to barrel through Thing 1 and Thing 2.
"You're a sociopath," Ivy muttered watching the glee crinkle his eyes. He was sick.
"And you're a filthy little smut ass whore."
"Excuse you," she blinked.
"Don't like that much, do you? It's all labels. Labels don't necessarily define us, Ivy. We're free to define ourselves and I choose to define myself as an artist. Pretty girls like yourself just so happen to be my preferred medium."
"Uh huh... you know you could've just asked for my number like a normal person?"
He looked taken aback, blinking with a blank expression.
"See there you go getting it twisted again. I don't wanna date you, Ivy.. I wanna transform you. Like I said, I'm an artist. In my profession, it's rare that I get the chance to be creative."
She couldn't stop her mouth.
"Well then paint a sunset, sculpt a vase, chip ice! Don't tie women up in your chair."
He chuckled softly, but again she was serious, annoyed, and also scared.
"As much as I'm enjoying our little conversation.. I'm ready to get into the opening act. There's a lot that I have planned for you today. Hopefully you'll be able to appreciate it... Either way," he shrugged, eyes wide, "I'm finna enjoy myself. It's been too long since I've been able to cut loose... I deserve this," he smirked, his nose wrinkling with wicked intention. It was in the air. She could feel the chill.
"Stay put," he whispered sending another chill through Ivy's body. She had no clue what to expect.
Once Erik disappeared behind her she began to struggle within the ropes to see if she could loosen them. They wereway too tight to slip down or give out. She couldn't escape. All she could do was wait for the dentist to return.
After a minute, Ivy could feel his presence approaching. He was directly behind her and she could feel something about to happen. He was about to do something, she just didn't know what it was. He leaned forward and his lips almost touched her left ear. She shivered feeling the vibration in her side.
"Let's begin," he whispered.
@honey-poooh @missshae @raysunshine78 @destinio1 @marvelmaree @honeytoffee @thickemadame @heykillmongerluhme @ghostfacekill-monger @killmongersmistress
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thethirdamell · 5 years
I'm this close to selling my soul for more AO, but I would settle for more music that inspired it. Pretty please. No pressure, tho.
This is definitely not all of it but I spent a couple hours trying to sort out my playlists so here’s … some. None of them are hyperlinked because. I don’t have anything neat because half is on YouTube, half is on Spotify and none of it is neatly organized. I just really hope the read more works. Make Ready.
Fan Playlists
Amell / OghrenAfterlife - Ingrid MichaelsonCups - Anna KendrickI Will Follow You Into the Dark - Death Cab For CutieToast to Tomorrow - Blackmore’s NightFollow - Crystal FightsOne Last Drink - Enter the HaggisHeroes - AlessoOne Bourbon One Scotch One Beer - George Thorogood
Amell / Zevran (Amell’s Perspective)Ship To Wreck - Florence + The MachineDarkside - Alan WalkerAmellControl - HalseySticks and Stones - The PiercesIcarus - Bastille / Icarus - ChristonAll The King’s Horses - KarminaWhite Flag - Rose CousinsWarrior - Paradise FearsPlay With Fire - Sam TinneszBlack Magic - Digital DaggersShort Change Hero - The HeavyFar Too Young to Die - Panic! At the DiscoJokes About EyesEyes - Kaskade Look at Those Eyes - Alexz JohnsonOpen Your Eyes - Snow PatrolHawkeHey Brother - AviciiLuck - American AuthorsI’m So Sorry - Imagine DragonsGame - Smash MouthGuilty Filthy Soul - AwolnationRed Eyes - The War on DrugsAre You Ready - Distant CousinsWarrior - Paradise FearsSinners - Barns CourtneyFire - Barns CourtneyHome - American AuthorsChampion - Fall Out BoyLosing My Religion - R.E.M.Bartholomew - Silent ComedyBeliever - American AuthorsDavid - Noah GundersenAmen - HalestormSail Away Sweet Sister - QueenBusy Earning - JungleHero - Family of the YearThe Other Side - SireniaAndersLocking Up the Sun - Poets of the FallStill Frame - TraptRun Boy Run - WoodkidBattle Cry - Claire GuerresoAll on Fire - Cut OneMy Demons - StarsetBurn the House Down - AJRHopeless Opus - Imagine DragonsMelanie Martinez - SoapBe Okay - Ingrid Michaelson Whistle (While You Work It) - Katy Tiz Blackout - Breathe Carolina Make Them Hear You - NineFight Song - Rachel PlattenSentimental Scar - IrisJusticeGlitter and Gold - Barns CourtneyAnders / KarlNot Gonna Get Us - t.A.T.u.Yours Truly - Paradise FearsAnders / Amell (From Anders’ Perspective)Apple - Joe BrooksHold On - Chord OverstreetRun - Snow PatrolDreaming Wide Awake - Poets of the FallSay You’ll Haunt Me - Stone SourFlesh - Simon CurtisTrust You - Rob ThomasWorld Spins Madly On - The WeepiesCan’t Feel My Face - The WeekndDo I Wanna Know? - Artic MonkeysWon’t Let Go - InMeSay You’ll Haunt Me - Stone SourPlease Don’t Say You Love Me - Gabrielle AplinAnders / Amell (From Amell’s Perspective)Bad Romance - Jay SmithYellow - ColdplayYou Owe Me Nothing in Return - Alanis MorissetteFor Your Entertainment - Adam LambertCut Your Teeth - Kyla La GrangeDesire - Meg MyersAnders / Amell (Either Perspective / In General)Spectrum - ZedMagic - Mystery SkullsIrresistible - TemposharkBruises & Bitemarks - Good With Gernandes American Beauty / American Psycho - The Whole Album - Fallout BoySuper Psycho Love - Simon CurtisAnders / Hawke (From Anders’ Perspective)Sweet Nothing - Calvin HarrisHeavy In Your Arms - Florence + The MachineThe Peasant’s Promise - Blackmore’s NightBetween Wind and Water - HaelSave Me - GotyeWhen You Say Nothing At All - Ronan KeatingAddicted To You - AviciiAppetite - IrisRoses - Poets of the FallAnders / Hawke (From Hawke’s Perspective)Love You Madly - CakeHuman - Gabrielle AplinMy Obsession - Cinema BizarrePainkiller - Three Days GraceSpit It Out - IAMXDevil’s Backbone - The Civil WarsWith You - Dan Gautreau & Wolfgang BlackOn Your Side - Gabe DixonLast of the Real Ones - Fall Out BoyLift - Poets of the FallAnders / Hawke  (Either Perspective)How Do You Feel Today - Gabrielle AplinBattleships - DaughtryA Lot Like Love - The VoyagersIris - Goo Goo DollsHow Deep Is Your Love - Calvin Harrris Beautiful Now - ZeddAnders / Justice (In General)Phantom & Justice - Old Man CanyonI Will Possess Your Heart - Death Cab For Cutie War - Poets of the FallDark Doo Wop - MS MRJekyll and Hyde - Jonathan Thulin, Rapture RuckusHearts a Mess - GotyeKryptonite - 3 Doors DownTrip the Darkness - Lacuna CoilSuit - Boom! Bap! Pow! Sad Song - We the KingsEverlong - Foo FightersThree Wishes - The PiercesEmpire - Of Monsters and MenForever and Ever - Royal WoodBattle Scars - Paradise FearsRenegades - X AmbassadorsThe Wardens - AwakeningHeaven Knows - The Pretty RecklessThis Is Gonna Hurt - Sixx: A.M.DOA - Foo FightersWicked Ones - DorothyCitizen / Soldier - 3 Doors DownThe Other Side - PendulumCompassion / Anders (From Compassion’s Perspective)Count on Me - Bruno MarsVelanna / Nathaniel Sarcasm - Get ScaredObsessed - BoAFire and the Flood - Vance JoyOghrenProblematic - Get ScaredSigrunAlone Together - Fall Out BoyQuentinBones - MS MRMeredith / LeonieYou Should See Me in a Crown - Billie EilishKingdom Fall - Claire WyndhamLead on Losing Control - Corb Lund
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falloutdialogue · 5 years
Diamond City Security Dialogue
One Liners
Yeah. It's true. I got shot in the ass last year. Long story.
You been to Goodneighbor? Friggin' hole. Ghouls and chem heads all over.
A beer and my slippers after this shift. That's all I ask.
Hey, you that trader, up from Quincy? You sell any ointment? I got me this itch...
I hear you been asking questions around town. What, Diamond City's got two private dicks now?
Wanna do something fun? Run the bases. Trust me.
Ahem. Well hello beautiful.
Now what can I do for you, sweetheart?
Broke up with my girl. She kept the cap off the toothpaste. Know who does that? A synth.
Word of advice - never call your mother a synth unless she really is one. Yikes.
Get off your knees. You look like a jackass.
What the HELL are you doing?
Whoa, whoa, no public squatting. Go find a bathroom. Jeez.
Intro Scene/Fighting Supermutants
Super Mutants!
Here's some Diamond City firepower you green uglies!
[Player helped fight] Damn. Not afraid of mutants, huh? You're our kind of guy/gal.
[Player helped fight, but didn’t get any kills] Mutants sure are hard to kill, huh? Thanks for the assist.
[Strong is a companion] Hey, uh, appreciate the help and all, but maybe keep your big, green friend out of the city, yeah?
[Strong is a companion] Hey, uh, welcome to our town and all, but maybe leave your big, green friend outside the gate, yeah?
[Player stood by] Not eager to get into a fight with mutants, huh? *sigh* I guess I can't blame ya.
[If there were many casualties] Dammit. Lost a lot of good guys today... When are the mutants gonna stop, huh?
Protecting Diamond City from Misc Enemies
This is our city, you fucking machine!
Suck it, you Protectron wannabe!
Die, you Institute asshole!
Time to beat down another crazy...
Batter up, asshole!
Code Red! CODE RED!
Welcome to Diamond City, motherfucker...
Game over, asshole.
That's what I call a strike out...
Posted Outside the Wall
Can't believe I'm posted outside the Wall. Who the heck did I piss off?
Feral Ghouls like to hide in the dark. Makes night patrol a real fright-fest.
Caught Picking Pockets/Stealing
Damn pickpockets!
I saw that!
Theft! Look alive, boys!
Hey. Klepto. Nice try.
Pretty sure that's not yours, pal/lady...
Great. A thief.
Whoa. Slow down there, sticky fingers.
Seriously, pal? Stealing?
Player is Taking Items of No Value
What? You picking up the trash?
You know that's junk right?
Got an amateur janitor over here...
Ain't everyday someone picks up the garbage for free...
Picking up garbage. You an old-time scavenger?
Hey, you wanna pick up trash, I ain't stoppin' ya...
Conversation with Sheng
Sheng, what have I told you about keeping the lake clean? Don't make me shut down this little stand of yours.
Sheng: Every drop of water comes out of that filter 100% pure. Why's a legitimate business man like myself always gotta be hassled by city regulation, huh? 
It's a health hazard, Sheng.
Sheng: It's a PROFIT hazard, is what I say. I manage the water. And I'll do it without your interference, thank you very much.
Eating Outside the Dugout Inn
Can't believe you eat that food. Only one thing worth buying in the Dugout Inn, and that's the booze.
Resident: Man's gotta eat, what can I say?
A real Diamond City boy eats at the noodle stand.
Factions/Main Quest
[If institute takes over commonwealth] These synths just showed up. They're not doing anything wrong... so... we're not sure what to do.
We're getting a lot of graffiti these days. Pictures of lanterns. Know anything about that?
Ask you somethin'. Crazy question. You didn't see a... flying ship recently. Did you?
You see that big blimp? What's the Brotherhood of Steel? Why are they here?
I was on duty when I seen that airship fall out of the sky. I wonder if anyone survived.
[Liberty Prime] Holy nuts! A giant fricken robot just walked by here like it was nuthin'. Now I seen everything.
You keep looking at me like that, I'm gonna start thinking you're a synth...
The Institute. Pfft. I ain't scared of them. No... really. I swear...
You read that article? In Public Occurrences? Damn synths could be anywhere.
Don't worry. You're safe from the synths here in Diamond City. I hope...
So it's true, then? You're leading the Minutemen? Good for you. Great cause.
I'm too friggin' slow to join the Minutemen.
How come whenever something interesting happens around here, you're right in the center of it?
[Excited, then slightly embarrassed] The legend him/herself! Way to give it to the Institute. You're like my hero or something...I dunno. Thanks.
There he/she is! The man/woman of the hour!
On behalf of all the guards here in Diamond City, I just wanted to say thanks. For saving us. All of us.
In the Newspaper
Hey, you were in the paper, right? 
You're 200 years old? Lookin' pretty good for your age, huh?
Vault Dweller? Huh... you seem pretty normal.
Vault Dweller with a thousand guinea pigs? What kind of twisted experiment was that?
Read that interview you gave. That thing you said at the end? 
About having hope? Good on ya.
About getting revenge? Right on.
About taking one day at a time? I can relate.
Player is a Known Criminal (but is now free to walk around)
Well, look. Diamond City's number one troublemaker. Oh, I got my eye on you. Oh, look here. It's the troublemaker.
Don't think we've forgotten about you. Play nice from now on, hear me?
[Player stole from someone] Hear you don't know what "private property" means. Just keep your hands to yourself.
[Player attacked someone] Ain't you the one who's been roughin' people up? Got my eye on you.
[Player killed someone] You're a freakin' psychopath, you know that?
Today's Halloween, but do we get treats? Nooooo. It's all tricks, all day.
Can you believe today's Christmas? Ho ho friggin' ho.
Painting the Wall
Hey, you're the one made the Wall look like a lemonade stand.
Heard you're responsible for that new coat of green on the Wall. Looks nice.
The Wall's looking as green as the day she was built.
You. You're the one turned the Wall into some kind of... blue monster.
Ain't never gonna get used to the Wall looking like... that.
Reactions to Companions
What a mangy mutt.
Filthy animal.
Get out of here, you.
Well hey there, pup.
You keep an eye on that thing. I don't want to hear about anybody getting bit.
Hell of an animal you've got there.
That thing's not a stray, is it?
Nice dog.
Listen, um... Your pal there is kinda... scaring the crap outta me...
You and your mercenary friend keep your guns in your pants. Capiche?
Whoa, whoa. No Ghouls in Diamond City. Get that thing outta here.
Oh, man. You got a robot butler? I want a robot butler...
[Sarcastic] What kind of person pals around with a robot. Oh my God... you're not a synth. Are you?
Your friend looks like trouble. Make sure she's not.
I ain't telling you how to pick your friends, but Piper's kind of a troublemaker.
So what, you're in the Brotherhood of Steel now?
You know, your friend looks kind of familiar. Maybe...
Heard you rescued Valentine. Good work. Most synths scare the hell outta me, but Nicky, he ain't like those Institute psychos.
Hangin' out with Valentine, huh? Good for you. Nicky's good people. Ah, you know what I mean.
Dear God. Your friend. He's not a... you know. One of them super things. Is he?
Your buddy there's pretty intense. Brother needs to lighten up.
Chumming around with a merc, huh? I don't want no trouble on my beat.
Hey, you know the rules. No Ghouls in Diamond City. Get your friend outta here.
I know an ex-Raider when I see one. Make sure your "friend" plays nice inside the Wall, hear me?
[Sarcastic] Hey, ask your knight friend if they got shuffleboard up on that fancy ship.
What's with your shady pal, huh?
Got our eyes on you. Even if you are pallin' around with Nick Valentine.
Your Frankenstein friend there ain't gonna start eating people, is he?
[Sarcastic] Hey, tell your robot we're fresh outta crumpets.
You know, with McDonough out of the picture... We're gonna need a new mayor.
[Sarcastic] You make that robot yourself? You must be wicked smart.
You keep some weird company, pal/lady. Androids, reporters, dogs. Know any gorillas? Heh heh.
If I didn't know better, I could've sworn I saw you hanging out with a Ghoul. Here in Diamond City. But that's impossible. Right?
You're getting pretty chummy with that reporter, huh? Be careful, there. The mayor's got it in for her.
Reactions to Equipment/Armor/Weapons
Ho. Lee. Shit. Now that is some armor.
See you got one of those fancy Vault suits. Those one size fit all?
That a real Vault Suit? Damn.
Is that a Pip-Boy? Give my left arm for one of those.
Geez, pal/lady. I like guns, too. But you think you might be overcompensating there?
Nice piece you got there. Just keep it holstered.
Look, that armor's great, don't get me wrong. But how the hell do you, you know... Pee?
Hey, I ain't sayin' I want to shoot you, 'cause that would be rude. But would you even feel it?
A Swatter's man/gal, huh? Nice.
Nice hat.
Whoa! You look just like that Silver Shroud guy. From the radio.
Now you have the right idea. Power Armor. Only way to travel.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
10 Best Movies of 2021 (So Far)
Can you ever really go home? Millions of cinephiles are likely asking themselves this as summer 2021 winds down with doubt again lingering over their favorite movie houses. For a time, theaters were once again open for big business in the U.S. and UK, and remain so in at least one of those venues. But box office reports paint an ambiguous future, and many casual moviegoers clearly remain reluctant about returning to the cinema.
Nonetheless, it’s still good to be back in those old familiar places, as well as to have an ever expanding list of options to discover on streaming. Compared to last year, 2021 feels like a sunny balm, particularly now that the heaviest hitters and biggest surprises of July and the dog days of summer have landed.
It’s why we typically save our “mid-year” ranking for that deep breath between the end of summer escapism and the awards season push that begins in September. There have been some real treats on the 2021 calendar, so whether you’ve seen the entire list below or are looking for something you missed, sit back and enjoy a collection of the best movies of 2021. So far.
10. Barb and Star Go to Vista Del Mar
Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumolo wrote and star in this bizarre, brightly colored, and utterly joyful comedy that defies expectations throughout. The two are middle-aged best friends who take their very first vacation to Florida together to visit the idyllic Vista del Mar.
But it’s not all cocktails and banana boats. Behind the scenes, super villain Sharon Fisherman (also played by Wiig) has an evil plan for the resort. With shades of the best of Austin Powers (though far more sincere) Barb and Star is a good natured friendship comedy through a surrealist lens, which could scratch an itch for anyone missing a bit of beach time this year.
9. Psycho Goreman
Unexpected gem of the year surely goes to this utterly bonkers grue-filled cosmic horror B-movie which is also really funny and kind of sweet at the same time. It follows annoying little shit Mimi (Nita-Josee Hanna) who bullies her brother Luke (Owen Myre) mercilessly. After defeating him in a game of “crazy ball,” Luke’s punishment is to dig his own grave (!) but instead the pair discover an artifact which turns out to be the key to controlling a universal evil imprisoned on earth for trying to destroy the galaxy.
So of course Mimi names him Psycho Goreman and forces him to hang out with her family and friends despite his insistence that he will bathe in their blood the moment he is freed. From Steven Kostanski, the director of 2016’s The Void, Psycho Goreman is a spot-on blend of brutal slaying and hardcore gore, a cosmic plotline involving an alien council and a wholesome family comedy. An unexpected delight.
8. Cruella
Emma Stone is a punk rock designer in the mold of Vivienne Westwood in this vibrant London-set comedy, which is on paper a prequel to 101 Dalmatians. But in reality, take it as a standalone and you’ll have way more fun.
Up and coming fashionista Estella manages to impress one of the leading designers The Baroness (Emma Thompson) and secures a coveted job at her world famous fashion house. But when Estella discovers a dark secret relating to her own past, she takes on the outrageous alter-ego Cruella to destroy The Baroness by out-fashioning her at every opportunity.
Packed with banging tunes and great dresses, Cruella is a high energy spectacle but it’s the sparring of the two Emmas that brings the real electricity. Forget any future she might have as a puppy killer, in her own film, Cruella is a legend. 
7. In the Heights
The sunniest film to hit theaters this season, Jon M. Chu’s In the Heights was as sugary sweet as the frozen Piragua Lin-Manuel Miranda hocks around this movie’s block. Based on the Hamilton composer’s earlier Tony winning musical, the picture was the rare thing: a Broadway adaptation that actually soars as high as its stage production and (rarer still) the first Hollywood blockbuster with an all-Latinx cast.
Read more
How Cruella Got That Crazy Expensive Soundtrack
By Don Kaye
In the Heights: You Need to Stay for Post-Credits Scene
By David Crow
The film came under fair criticism on social media for not being as inclusive as it could be, but that shouldn’t be the last word on such a big-hearted achievement. From the buoyant performances which have already opened doors for Anthony Ramos and Leslie Grace’s immense charisma, to the Latin, salsa, and hip-hop infused melodies which celebrate a culture long left out of the Hollywood image of American life, In the Heights is a jubilant celebration. There really hasn’t been a giddier time at the multiplex this year. Plus, those “96,000” and “Carnaval del Barrio” sequences really are fire.
6. Zola
Based on a “true” story which was told via a series of tweets posted back in 2015 (and the subsequent Rolling Stone article that brought the tale to prominence), Zola is a stranger-than-fiction saga seen through the lens of social media. An ultra contemporary, experimental, low budget comedy-thriller with a backdrop of abuse and sex trafficking, the film is as willfully uncomfortable to watch as it is massively entertaining.
From the jump, Zola (Taylour Paige) is a Detroit waitress and part time exotic dancer who meets a customer named Stefani (Riley Keough) and agrees to take a trip with her to Florida to hit up strip clubs where Stefani promises they’ll make a lot of money. With them are Stefani’s feckless boyfriend (Succession’s Nicholas Braun) and her obviously dodgy roommate. Sometimes told through spoken tweets with switches in perspective, this marks director Janicza Bravo as a compelling new voice, and her cast of leads as nothing short of captivating.
How much of what you’re watching actually happened? Well, that’s the elusive quality of social media…
5. Judas and the Black Messiah
Fred Hampton was murdered with the consent and planning of law enforcement at both federal and local jurisdiction levels. That Judas and the Black Messiah made this common knowledge would be reason enough for consideration. Yet that director Shaka King tells Hampton’s story so thrillingly here elevates his film into one of the most compelling crime dramas in years—only with the FBI’s illegal COINTELPRO program being the primary criminal element.
Told from the perspective of the man who spied on the Black Panthers and eventually facilitated the raid that took Hampton’s life, Judas radiates a despairing quality which somehow can still feel electrifying whenever Daniel Kaluuya’s powerhouse performance takes center stage. Which is pretty much any time the Black Panther chairman takes the microphone. Kaluuya deserved his Oscar, but LaKeith Stanfield’s paranoid turn as Bill O’Neal, the poor bastard coerced into being a snitch while still a kid, is what gets under your skin and walks beside you after the credits roll.
4. Pig
Are there really folks out there who wandered into a screening of Pig and assumed they’d get the Nicolas Cage knockoff of John Wick? I like to think so, just as I love to imagine what they said to each other afterward. To be sure, Michael Sarnoski’s Pig sounds on paper like something in that ballpark: Cage plays a hermit living in self-exile from his past life when ruffians steal his beloved… truffle pig. In response, he comes down from the mountain, ready to reengage with the old ways.
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Judas and the Black Messiah Remembers Fred Hampton Was a Man of His Words
By Tony Sokol
The Suicide Squad Character Guide, Easter Eggs, and DCEU References
By Mike Cecchini
Yet when you realize those old ways involve being the greatest chef in his state—and reengagement means partaking in a fight club that’s far more pitiful than it sounds and simply cooking gourmet meals—the more apparent it is that this is a sophisticated, nuanced allegory about grief and self-identity. Anchored by Cage’s best performance in a long, long time, Pig is a gentle and revelatory experience that slowly unpacks its brilliance piece by piece, vignette by vignette. For those coming in wanting fast food, this probably will be a disappointment. For all others, it’s a resplendent five course meal.
3. The Suicide Squad
For once the marketing wasn’t kidding. Writer-director James Gunn does have a horribly beautiful mind, and we at last get to see it fully unleashed on a superhero property. Yes, the filmmaker made many cry over a CGI tree and talking raccoon in the Guardians of the Galaxy films, but perhaps not since Logan has a storyteller seen such free rein over valuable studio IP. Gunn didn’t waste it.
The Suicide Squad plays very much like the men and women on a mission ‘60s capers its director grew up on, but that structure is channelled here through a filthy and deranged sensibility. How else can you describe a picture that makes you want to cuddle a land shark who just swallowed a bystander whole? The Suicide Squad does that and more while providing a showcase for sure things like Margot Robbie’s irresistible Harley Quinn, as well as the dregs and rejects of DC Comics who ultimately steal the movie: David Dastmalchian’s Polka-Dot Man and Daniela Melchior’s Ratcatcher 2, namely. Box office be damned, this is one of the best superhero films ever made and will be a classic in the years to come.
2. The Green Knight
When you hear the name “King Arthur,” certain elements spring to mind. It’s one of those classic properties which have been adapted, exploited, and parodied with killer rabbits ad nauseam. Even so, it’s safe to say you’ve never seen the lore become as foreboding and startling as this. Reimagined through the gaze of writer-director David Lowery, the 14th century poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight at last takes on a trippy and witchy connotation. An interpretation that pulls as much from medieval paganism as it does obsessions with chivalry and Christian virtue, The Green Knight successfully reinvents its Arthurian quest into a journey toward certain doom.
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The Green Knight: Why David Lowery and Dev Patel Reimagined Arthurian Legend
By David Crow
The Green Knight Ending Explained
By David Crow
As the central figure on that mission, Dev Patel reveals superstar charisma and the ability to completely command the screen. His version of Gawain, the wayward nephew of King Arthur (Sean Harris), is vain, cowardly, selfish, and somehow wholly sympathetic as he searches for Ralph Ineson’s Green Knight: a godlike creature who has promised to behead Gawain when they meet again. Through it all, Lowery and company craft a sumptuous world that in every shot looks like the most transportive Dungeons and Dragons cover you’ve ever seen. The atmosphere is oppressively brooding, and it will not appeal to everyone. Yet like the very best films released by indie distributor A24, there is a touch of mad genius at work here that demands to be seen and then seen again.
1. Inside
As arguably the best piece of art to come out of 2020’s torments, Bo Burnham’s Inside was not marketed or even conceived of as a film. Nevertheless, it slowly transformed into one throughout its months-long production process, which forewent mere sketch humor to reveal an undeniably cinematic, experimental, and ultimately bleak heart. In other words, it’s a perfect distillation of how all mediums are blurring into that loathsome word: content.
Through heavily edited, conceived, and revised set-pieces, the film’s director, star, writer, and composer lays his insecurities and vanities bare. Filmed inside Burnham’s home studio space, Inside is the result of the young filmmaker behind Eighth Grade becoming acutely aware he’s regressed to his early resources as a teenage YouTube star: a camera, a music keyboard, some synth programs, and hours of idle boredom.
Within those numbing hours, Burnham built something both reflective and suspicious about technology, the internet culture which gave him his career, and even his own self-image. With a catchy songbook of synthesized bangers, many of which echo ’80s pop ballads, Burnham crystallizes better than any typical three-act film the anxieties and delirium of a year spent mostly at home. He also provides a scathing critique of how our concepts of communication and identity have been co-opted and undermined by tech companies whose products incite division for profit—all while still releasing his film on the biggest streaming platform in the world. It’s a challenging, self-loathing, and haunted piece of work that will invariably become a time capsule for its moment in history.
Runner ups that almost made the cut: Annette, Black Widow, Coda, Mr. Soul, No Sudden Move, Raya and the Last Dragon, Rita Moreno: Just a Girl Who Decided to Go For It, The Sparks Brothers, Val.
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