#cancer crew preferences
astro-royale · 1 year
「Astrology: What Men find attractive」
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A man with Moon in Aries likes brave, strong, capable women subconsciously seeking a leader in her; Venus in Aries provides preference for women with crew-cut who go in for sports, are slightly muscular, skinny and even bony. Such man also likes a woman to “ get “ him.
A man with Moon in Taurus likes affluent women, good cooks, women who are thrifty and who economise; with Venus in Taurus he likes plump women with pronounced feminine characteristics, courting takes place over a good meal without fail…
A man with the Moon in Gemini likes talkative, intelligent women, he goes for a “ good conversation”, likes women who look and act young and enjoy going for a spin and short trips. Venus in Gemini produces preferences for women of a very narrow waist, fine hands and shoulders …
A man with the Moon in Cancer likes women who cry easily, are stay-at-home types, good housewives and subconsciously, in a woman he seeks his mother. Venus in Cancer expresses preferences for nice breasts, provocative cleavage and likes to see his woman looking nice even at home.
A man with Moon in Leo likes successful women in high places from well-known and reputable families, he likes to be proud of his wife. Venus in Leo – a woman must be dressed exceptionally well as if she was about to take part in a beauty contest …
A man with the Moon in Virgo likes diligent women, pedantic and neat, the ones who take care of their husband’s health …Venus in Virgo provides special liking for sexy belly button, fine tummy and ordinary clothes…
A man with the Moon in Libra likes sweet and good-looking women, models, politicians, lawyers, women active in public life. With Venus in Libra he is very much receptive to women’s buttocks …
A man with the Moon in Scorpio likes women who came into a property of some kind, women with pronounced sex appeal who do not hide their charms, women whose looks and appearance imply “ a straightforward offer “…With Venus in Scorpio he likes see-through dressing style and goes for gipsy music …
The Moon in Sagittarius produces a man with a special liking for women who follow the fashion and in their appearance resemble the women from foreign countries; he likes educated women with university degree who go in for sports, especially tennis … Venus in Sagittarius makes him responsive to long legs, short skirts, shorts …
A man with the Moon in Capricorn goes for a darker complexion, dark-haired women of a serious and even melancholic expression; he also likes older women…Venus in Capricorn produces liking for conventional clothing style, women wearing leather and dressed in darker shades.
A man with the Moon in Aquarius likes outgoing women; his motto is “ friends first, relationship later “, he likes intelligent women …With Venus in Aquarius he likes eccentric-looking women of an eccentric style, is responsive to women’s legs, and especially calves.
A man with the Moon in Pisces likes mysterious, withrawn, shy women who always seem as if they are in need of protection…Venus in Pisces produces liking for fine stockings, shoes, lingerie …
What’s your opinion🤔✨?
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Original article link, by Nikola Stojanovic
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Meteor Blades at Daily Kos:
Below is an unrolled string of tweets from Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse about our political predicament. More of our Senators should be talking like this and joining Whitehouse’s relentless attacks on the corruption and authoritarianism eating away at democracy.  In my impossible fantasies, the bulk of Democratic Senators would sign onto Whitehouse’s take here and submit it as an Op-Ed to The Washington Post. But that, of course, isn’t going to happen. Here’s Whitehouse in full. (If you prefer, you can read it at X/Twitter. )
Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) is right: There is “one crew, one plan, one cancer in the body politic” that is wrecking America’s future, and that is because of right-wing dark money interests and the compromised MAGA majority on SCOTUS seeking to eat away at our once-robust but significantly weakened democracy.
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askvashthetyphoon · 1 year
Separate tanks- Mermay
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Trigun Mermay AU lol Vash, Wolfwood, and Knives are merpeople Meryl, Roberto, Milly, and Legato are human trainers/caretakers Milly and Legato care for Knives, while Meryl and Roberto are assigned to Vash and Wolfwood respectively. Milly was assigned to Knives because Knives enjoyed punting Meryl out of the water and attempting to drown Roberto. More random Mer!AU stuff below lol
-In this AU, there are 2 types of merfolk : Feral, ( most common, always female) and Humanoid (always male). Merfolk are critically endangered, and since their blood, skin, hair, and basically every bit of them provides humanity with medicines, food, and cures for almost every ailment including cancers, and to some extent aging, they're many groups striving to keep the species alive. Some through humane practices and others not so much. Wolfwood and Knives were both changed from humans into merfolk by the Eye of Poseidon and need to occasionally drink 'stabilizing' potions to otherwise their DNA will start to unravel from all the tampering.( 'Manufactured' merpeople can take on their human forms for 2-3 hours at a time, but this shortens their lifespan significantly ( in other words 1 hour= 1 year off their natural lifespan). -Wolfwood volunteered at age 12 to be experimented on in order to send money to support the run down orphanage he lived in. As a result he was transformed into a merfolk and although he can speak, prefers mer-language. Vash is currently teaching him ASL. He has large gaps in his memory and reacts violently and fiercely to any sort of examinations, so currently he's being rehabilitated alongside Vash. Meryl and Roberto are collecting evidence that Wolfwood was used to illegally, artificially boost the feral populations within Eye of Poseidon in an attempt to breed more Humanoid Merfolk. -Wolfwood can be bribed to human speech with smokes or his favorite cold beer. Wolfwood sometimes hangs out with Roberto in the 'med bay/ employee lounge' ( there's a mid-size tank in there) to drink, watch TV, and smoke together. -Vash was always too 'curious' about human ships and boats and is covered in various scars from too-close encounters. However, during a trawling accident( where Knives was part of the crew) He lost his arm and nearly his life- he was tossed back into the ocean to die. If not for Knives diving in, and swimming them both ashore, Vash wouldn't be alive today. After this incident, Knives blamed himself for the accident and the reaction of the crew, and lets himself be experimented on in order to live with Vash and protect him for the rest of his life, since Vash can never return to the ocean. -Roberto, Milly, Meryl, and Legato all work for the same government run company, and have to document and care for the merfolk to the best of their abilities.
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julianxpark · 5 months
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[cis male and he/him] Welcome to Aurora Bay, [JULIAN PARK]! I couldn’t help but notice you look an awful lot like [JUSTIN H MIN]. You must be the [THIRTY FOUR] year old [TASTING STAFF AT SUNRISE WINERY]. Word is you’re [OPTIMISTIC] but can also be a bit [PASSIVE] and your favorite song is [KOOL AID BY ROYEL OTIS]. I also heard you’ll be staying in [SEABROOK QUARTER]. I’m sure you’ll love it!
fullname. julian park (줄리안 파크)
nicknames. none.
gender. cis male
pronouns. he / him
d.o.b. august 16th, 1990 | ( 34 years old )
astrology. leo ☀ cancer ☾  aries ↑
birth place. san diego, california.
hometown. san diego, california.
current residence. aurora bay, california. ( @aurorabayaesthetic​ )
occupation. unemployed / ex-actor.
religion. buddist.
tattoos. matching tattoo with cast mates.
piercings. none.
marital status. single.
sexual preference. pansexual.
family. ha-won park ( mother ), joon park ( father ), simon park ( stepfather ) , step-sister (WC).
children. none.
shane mccarthy ( will they or won't they by ava wilder ), smith jarrett ( sex and the city ), rick dalton ( once upon a time in hollywood ), vince chase ( entourage ).
+ optimistic, friendly, talented. - passive, directionless, self-deprecating.
Julian Park had never wanted to be an actor. That's what he has always said, the many times he's been interviewed over the years. When he was discovered at the ripe old age of 23, the ex-waiter would have had no idea what his life would become. All he ever wanted was to make good tips and get stoned with his friends, that was why he moved from San Diego to Los Angeles after all. That was why he was working as a waiter in the Bestia, an up-and-coming italian restaurant that attracted a lot of the Hollywood crowd. Julian had always enjoys schmoozing, knowing what people wanted to hear was his secret talent and it paid off in the hospitality industry. It wasn't until he was serving Roman Schultz, a network showrunner - that Julian realised that maybe there was more to life than charming your way into getting bigger tips.
When he was invited to audition for the lead in a paranormal drama aimed at teenagers, Julian nearly didn't bother showing up. What did he know about acting? Other than pretending to be interested in the random conversations with regulars and saying he was going to call a few one-night stands when he never had any intention of doing so, he had no experience with it. But as he read the lines aloud to a panel of producers and casting directors, Julian could feel himself become someone else. He became Harrison Chu. A ghost who haunted his love interest, a rookie cop, into solving his own murder.
And he would continue being Harrison Chu for the next ten years.
Off the back of the Twilight craze, the supernatural dramas were still on the rise but vampires were so done. The network said it was all about ghosts now. Throw in a 'will they or won't they' love dynamic between Julian and his co-star and it was a hit! The chemistry between the two leads was so intense that people often speculated that they were together in real life, although the two never confirmed it. The network would milk that tension for the better part of a decade.
The Hunt would air for nine seasons, from 2013 until the spring of 2023, when ratings had dropped far too low for the network to continue. Upon hearing that their ninth season would be their last, most of the cast and crew were relieved. All plot lines were exhausted to the point where it was borderline ridiculous. While they were like family, most of the cast were looking for other projects, wanting to grow as actors. But for Julian.. he'd only ever played Harrison. Shooting in Vancouver for ninth months of the year didn't leave much time for anything else, in between press tours, promo shoots and the convention circuit. The Hunt was the only experience he'd ever had in the film and television industry, and while it had made him rich and semi-famous in some circles, it didn't necessarily translate into range.
As things were finishing up on the show, Julian's agent kept pushing for audition after audition. Eventually, he did try out for a small indie movie with a well-known actor attached to make their directorial debut. It had Oscar bait written all over it and it generated a lot of buzz, but for all the wrong reasons. Critics said it was pretentious, the dialogue was stilted. And while Redditors online were lenient on Julian's acting, it did not bode well for his chances of launching into bigger budget films.
Thankfully, Julian wasn't the type to take things too personally and it wasn't as if he was necessarily needing a job right away. He had nine seasons of residuals and a dedicated fanbase, but away from the spotlight, he felt adrift once again. Life had been so easy on set, with a strict schedule and places to be. While it was exhausting, at least it was something to do. Since studios weren't necessarily banging down his door and his agent kept forgetting to return his calls, Julian started looking for inspiration elsewhere.
An interest in surfing is what had originally brought him to Aurora Bay. The perfect waves that lapped at the shore was the perfect reset from the hustle and bustle of Hollywood life, but it was still close enough if he did ever want to go back and throw his hat into the ring again. And while he may have no plan lined up for his future, he's in the perfect place to rediscover who he really is behind the lens.
julian only just moved to aurora bay after needing a break from the hustle and bustle of LA. he's always lived in california, born and raised in san diego.
roommates with @robinsantos and @ziggykyeons
close friends with @tillycai
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novemberhope · 5 months
the basics:
name: Kaito Niara age: eighteen years old zodiac sign: cancer. one good trait very optimistic one bad trait: easily distracted
one bad habit: talks too much and doesn't always watch what she's saying. one good habit: :always ready to cheer the others up if they're feeling down one habit they can’t break: she always makes a fool of herself when she crushes on a guy (you're her type if you're cute, dark-haired and have dark eyes...) one they’ve broken: she grew out of giggling so much when she got older what they’re afraid of: losing her freedom
their parents names: Kaito Takeru (father, marine Admiral), Kaito Miho (mother, former 2nd Lieutnant) their siblings names: Soshi, Hina, Yuki (all hold various naval ranks) favorite childhood memory: long walks on the beach in the evening with her mother, before Miho got too sick to walk favorite childhood toy: her dolls, she took them to the beach and plate pirates vs marines with them embarrassing story: breaking her arm when she jumped from the shed pretending to be a pirate capturing one of her friends who was playing the role of scared civilian favorite family member: her late mother a story about that family member: when her mother got sick and Niara was the one caring for her, it got her out from under her father's strict rule of thumb. Her mother realized how different Niara was from the rest of her siblings and was the first and only family member to even consider Niara's life taking a different path. She even tried to intervene with her husband but he did not want to hear it. But Miho told Niara to never give up her dreams and to this day Niara is upholding this.
what they prefer:
coffee or tea?: coffee. showering in the day or night?: day. taking baths or taking showers?: baths. writing or reading?: writing. She's writing the ship's journals and she has a beautiful handwriting. platonic or romantic love?: both would be ideal, but she does have the tendency to have crushes... iced tea or lemonade?:lemonade ice cream or smoothies?: ice cream. cupcakes or cake?: cupcakes. beach or mountains?: beach.
outfit: her favorite skirt and a tank top with ruffles and flower print and sandals place: the crow's nest, looking over the ocean, seemingly on top of the world (and then using one of her vines to swing herself down on deck) memory: first setting out to sea with Ace's first crew back in the day, finally being free person: Ace because that's how it started. [no, he's not going to be her love interest - but Marineford is still gonna hit hard!]
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whumpbug · 2 years
˗ˏˋ hi there! ´ˎ˗
my name is bug! i go by any pronouns (i seriously have no preference)! i have been in the whump community for a while now and i wanted to make a blog to organize everything and try my hand at writing things (i am insecure af tho ..)
anyways as for the actual blog, expect reposts, short prompts, and writing from me! i’ll mostly be writing a/b/c whump and original character whump (i’ll include links to any necessary AU or character info below) but i’m not totally opposed to fandom whump, it just depends on what mood i’m in!
i am not the kind of person that likes to go into writing blind so i’ll be trying to add as much context as i can before my longer pieces! this context includes background info on character relationships, which characters are whumpees and which are caretakers, and any important environmental info!
links! ➼
simon and archie (vigilante/hero whump)
gene and cassidy (cowboy/western whump)
scarab crew (sci-fi/team whump)
im a little bit picky about my whump so here are some of my likes n dislikes!
likes ✭
soft comfort
caretaker turned whumpee
fevers / colds / illnesses
injuries (can be serious but not fatal)
hypothermia / cold whump
heatstroke / hot weather whump
emotional whump / guilt (though i usually pair it with physical whump)
drugged / drunk whumpee (again, not fatal ever)
sleepy whumpee / exhaustion
different time period whump (the wild west mostly)
environmental whump
tooth-rotting fluff
snarky caretakers and/or whumpees
whumpers turned whumpee (within reason)
dislikes ✭
explicitly nsfw content
extreme gore/violence
hurt / no comfort
cancer / terminal illness (this is an active trigger for me)
self harm / suicide (this is an active trigger for me)
major character death
pet whump / dehumanization
DNI!!!! ✕ ✕ ✕
the usual (racists, homophobes, terfs, etc etc.)
solely nsfw blogs (if your nsfw is properly tagged we're good!)
gore blogs
well that pretty much it!! i hope you enjoy this blog as much as i enjoy whumpblr and feel free to send questions or prompts or ask in my inbox!
(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
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briankeene · 1 year
Another Toothpick
Grief is a weird beast, and every time you think you’ve got a hold of it, the damn thing slips your grasp, all snarling and drooling. Last year, somewhere between the deaths of Dave Thomas and Jay Wilburn, I noticed a marked change in how I processed and dealt with loss. Namely, I shut down and compartmentalize and treat the passing of friends like I would a novel I have to write or a garden I have to tend or any of the other activities that fill my daily life. I approached those deaths with a checklist: “What do I need to do to help?” In Jay’s case, that was fairly easy, since Armand Rosamilia is overseeing his literary estate. In Dave’s case, I shouldered the workload, and though I grumble and complain about that workload from time to time, the truth is, I am happy to take it on, because I view it as something healthy to do. Trust me when I tell you, this is a far more preferable method to dealing with grief than the suicidal tendencies I felt after J. F. Gonzalez’s passing, or the abject numbness I felt after Tom Piccirilli followed him.
The Sopranos is my favorite television show of all time. This is no secret. I’ve got a poster signed by James Gandolfini, can quote every line of dialogue from all 6 seasons, and intimately understood the ending the night it aired. My dream convention panel is for somebody to allow me to talk for an hour about how The Sopranos is a frighteningly apt documentary about horror fiction in the late 1990s and early 2000s — just replace mob with writing and publishing. My least favorite character — the one I loathe above all others — is Janice. And one of the reasons I loathed her was her reaction in season 3, episode 5, titled ‘Another Toothpick’. When Tony reveals to Janice that Bobby’s old man is dying of lung cancer, she casually replies, “Another toothpick.” When Tony becomes rightly incensed by this horrendously misplaced metaphor until Janice points out to him that it was their mother who coined the phrase, in regards to terminally ill people. After watching The Many Saints of Newark, it’s pretty clear that Livia and Janice both —m despite all their faults — were probably living with lifelong PTSD, as was Tony. With that in mind, the term can be forgiven and is somewhat understandable. It’s a coping mechanism — a way of battening down the emotional hatches for people who simply can’t take much more.
This evening we found out that my dear friend Lee D. Miller has a month or so to live. Cancer — severe and sudden. He and I served together in the Navy many, many years ago. Of the guys I served with, only six of our main crew are left now. A few of us are flying to Texas to be at his bedside next Friday. When his wife told us, I did not think “Another toothpick”. Nor did I wallow in numb apathy or careening suicidal thoughts. I did not jump into the fray and try to fix or take care of things. I did not do any of the things I’ve done over the last few years when it comes to grief.
Instead, I simply poured myself a drink, stepped outside, and listened to emergency sirens wail in the cool evening air. I consoled another friend who we served with. I looked at pictures of us all, barely out of high school and thrown into a world of unexpected shit all in the name of protecting this country — a country which seems to be coming apart at the seams.
I’m not sure I have the emotional capacity to properly grieve anymore. But I know that I will miss Lee, and I know that I love him. We traveled the world together — leaving a lawless, hilarious, sometimes bloody and always chaotic path across several continents and a host of time zones. We were both Joe R. Lansdale fans from early on. We (along with another friend) knew every line of every track on the Beastie Boys’ License to Ill, and we could alternate them, rapping in perfect time, much to the chagrin of everyone else we served with. I turned him on to Eric B and Rakim. He turned me on to Pixies and Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys. He was a peacenik serving during the Cold War, but he was also a ruthless fighter and if you fucked with him, you were fucked indeed. We once saw him order a sandwich in a restaurant and immediately take half of it out to a homeless person on the sidewalk. We once saw him piss in a guy’s boots because the guy had done something to cross him. And I still can’t talk about our time in Cuba and the smuggled iguana, or the time after we were all discharged that we crashed a random small town high school dance without breaking into simultaneous laughter and tears.
Or maybe that’s just the grief.
I know how to grieve. I’ve had practice.
Anyway, Lee, I know Genise said you’re still aware, so when you read this, you just hang on a little bit longer if you can. Me and Blum and Buige will land in Dallas on the 28th. We’ll bring a few Norfallos with us. Maybe a few Mickeys Big Mouths. You have to stick around for that. Love you, shipmate.
You aren’t just another toothpick.
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astrxthesiai · 1 month
She is one of the protagonists chosen for Honkai Star Rail.  She is the receptacle Kafka and Silver Wolf refers to for a Stelleron.  A Stelleron is sometimes called the Cancer of All Worlds, because they cause destruction and other bad things in their wake.  They are objects found across the universe.  Stelle journeys with the Astral Express crew in an attempt to uncover why she is the vessel for a Stelleron, who she was before she became a vessel, and what is the point of her existence.
All she wants is a few simple things, and one of them includes napping in a dumpster…
Birthday: July 28 (Leo, when I first started playing Honkai Star Rail.  She and Caelus scream Leo to me.) Sexual Preference: Bisexual Romantic Preference: Biromantic Affiliates:  Ship Status: Multi-Ship (Likely 21-23)
⇢✶ Biography ⇢✶‘Verses ⇢✶ Tags ⇢✶ Bonds ⇢✶ Playlist/Soundtrack ⇢✶ Aesthetics ⇢✶ Headcanons ⇢✶ Questionnaires ⇢✶ Answered Asks
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jennygamble · 4 months
Well...I spoke too soon about the pain. They day we left for UW, the headaches set in. They start by creeping up the neck, then my body gets disoriented by nausea and extreme smell aversion, and then the crown rises to the top throbbing around my head until I can time my ibuprofen/Tylenol assault. It's been one week now where I feel that I have been in full combat. Today marks 24 hours without taking a pain med and I am so grateful. It has been a bit scary wondering to what we attribute all of this. The shift in chemo to Methotrexate from Topotican (which helped my vision) could likely be to blame - typical chemo side effect which I have been able to avoid. But these symptoms are also all signs of leptomeningeal disease and increases in the cancer cell count (cytology) in cerebral spinal fluid.
The layer floating above (or below) all of this is...what next? There are very few options with LMD and I have now worked my way through one of them (Topotican by intrathecal therapy). Just finished a brief treatment of methotrexate which helped with vision, but possibly destroyed quality of life with horrific headaches. So now...I am off to University of Washington, Fred Hutch Cancer Center for Proton cranial/spine radiation. I feel nervous, of course, to have my brain radiated. They said it will slow down my short term memory for awhile and to that I say...what if my brain function was bad in the first place!?
I am profoundly grateful to my doctors and to my doctors' friends and colleagues who are guiding my way. So many friends have checked in and received NOTHING from me in return. I am sorry. I am figuring out how to communicate better with everyone when I get knocked down and have no energy for anything. My preference is to just NOT get knocked down but I am up against something a little harder to control than I would care to admit. Please know all your wishes and messages are so appreciated and are giving me the strength to continue to beat the odds.
So the latest plan is to start cranial spine therapy on Monday, May 20 and finish Tuesday, June 3 at UW. I am determined (now that I will have super powers radiated into my brain) to figure out how to use this blog more consistently as a central spot to give updates. (And also give Carin a break from sharing updates that are changing constantly.)
An extra thank you to my local crew for brining food over these next few weeks - as it is going to be challenging to wrap up the school year from UW! So much love to all of you!
Much love!
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manyfandomocs · 8 months
Cute character questions: Gabe?
the basics:
name: Gabriel Gautier Legume age: 16-18 zodiac sign: Cancer (January 23rd) one good trait: loyal one bad trait: arrogant
one bad habit: lying one good habit: cheering up friends one habit they can’t break: avoiding problems one they’ve broken: blaming himself for everything what they’re afraid of: his father
their parents names: Gaston Legume and Lilian Bambina (doesn't know mother) their siblings names: Gaston Jr, Gaston III, and Gillian favorite childhood memory: Meeting Evie favorite childhood toy: He didn't really have any embarrassing story: He met Mal because he was using her windows to check himself out favorite family member: Gil a story about that family member: When Gil was little, he used to steal Gabe's clothes
what they prefer:
coffee or tea? Coffee showering in the day or night? Night taking baths or taking showers? Showers tv or movies? Movies writing or reading? Writing platonic or romantic love? Platonic iced tea or lemonade? Lemonade ice cream or smoothies? Ice cream cupcakes or cake? Cupcakes beach or mountains? Mountains
song: Maybe Landslide? The Chicks verson band: Whatever the Descendants version of Fleetwood Mac would be outfit: Enchanted lake date with Ben place: Auradon memory: The day he joined the crew person: Evie or Ben movie: Some unexpected romcom idk show: Real Housewives of Auradon
Send me cute character questions and find out...
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imlershy · 2 years
What Makes Hims For Men So Special?
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drsohinisastri · 2 years
Aquarius Compatibility- How  Aquarius Pairs with Each Zodiac Sign?
According to the famous astrologer in India, Air sign that has been fixed Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, is the zodiac's flower child, preferring to live by their own, self-written code rather than conforming to what society considers typical or standard. Those born between January 20 and February 18 — or those with other astrological positions in their birth chart — show rebelliousness, quirkiness, a love of community and humanitarian causes, an intuitive comfort with platonic bonds, and a sensible, if often contrarian, attitude on life.
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These traits correspond to the themes of Aquarius' Eleventh House of Networking. The Eleventh House covers groups of all kinds — those you form with friends, colleagues, neighbours, other members of your political party. It also speaks to wishes, destiny, and hope, and the aspirations covered here are often those you'll achieve through collaboration.
 Aquarius and Aries Compatibility:
Aquarius is sextile, or two signs apart from Aries, the cardinal fire sign, resulting in a friendly, laid-back relationship. Both are autonomous, free-spirited, and driven to succeed in their own unique ways. However, because Aquarius is more of a people person than Aries, and Aries is frequently more open-minded, they can learn a lot from each other. The Ram will be fast to jump on whatever enormous project the two come up with, while the Water Bearer will make sure it gets done.
 Aquarius and Taurus Compatibility :
Aquarius is three signs away from earthy Taurus, a fellow fixed sign, which creates a demanding but also energising dynamic. Both the Water Bearer and the Bull are stubborn and insistent on perceiving the world through their own eyes, which makes it difficult for them to work together. Taurus, ruled by pleasure-seeking Venus, is a bit of a homebody, but Aquarius, controlled by energising Uranus, prefers to get out and about, surrounded by everyone and everyone. Still, if these two are prepared to consider the other's point of view, they'll discover that they can achieve anything they set out to do as a team.
 Aquarius and Gemini Compatibility :
Aquarius is four signs away from Gemini, the mutable air sign. Both are humanitarian, social, and mentally charged, therefore this is one of the most natural combinations you can imagine. Despite their airiness, the Water Bearer is the fixed sign of the air crew, thus they prefer to dig their heels in on their way of seeing the world, whereas Gemini wants to reserve the right to change things up at any time. This breezy couple can stay on the same page by leaning into their natural instincts to be open-minded and accepting of one another's quirks.
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Aquarius and Cancer Compatibility :
Aquarius and cardinal water sign Cancer are quincunx, or five signs apart, making for an uneasy and unsure pairing. Airy Aquarius, ruled by revolutionary Uranus, is distant, cold, and forward-thinking, favouring rational intellect above emotions, whereas Cancer is unlikely to put aside how they intuitively feel in order to use only their heads. Through the top astrologer in India, The Crab has a soft place for traditions, particularly those tied to family, but the Water Bearer prefers to go it alone – and against the grain. In a perfect world, Aquarius would be able to provide Cancer a break from the norm, while Cancer would be able to show Aquarius the beauty of consistency.
 Aquarius and Leo Compatibility :
Aquarius is six signs distant from Leo, the fixed fire sign, creating a yin-yang connection. Airy Aquarius, ruled by revolutionary Uranus, can be cold, progressive, and platonic-minded, preferring rational ideas over feelings, whereas Leo radiates warmth and fantasises of cinematic-level romance.
 The Lion is also self-centered and desires to be viewed as a thought leader, whereas the Water Bearer, on the other hand, favours eccentricity, despises uniformity, and values community above self. Still, each has something the other lacks, so as long as both partners' give and take are on point, their relationship may be as well.
 Aquarius and Virgo Compatibility:
Aquarius is quincunx, or five signs apart from Virgo, the mutable earth sign, which is considered an awkward angle. Despite the fact that Aquarius is obsessed with global events and Virgo is completely immersed in the minutiae, the two can find common ground when it comes to their enormous, humanitarian hearts, reasonable thinking, and personability. Aquarius can expose Virgo to a cause or campaign to which they are passionate, and Virgo can devise a step-by-step action plan for achieving genuine results.
 Aquarius and Libra Compatibility:
Aquarius is trine, or four signs away from Libra, the cardinal air sign, which is considered the "best of the best" harmonic combination. They'll come across as an influential power couple because they're both super-social and have a lot of mental energy. At the same time, Libra, controlled by gentle Venus, appreciates old-fashioned romance and traditional styles that may appear monotonous and conventional to eccentric, mainstream-hating Aquarius, ruled by rebellious Uranus. This breezy couple will stay on the same page if they are willing to embrace one another's passions.
 Aquarius and Scorpio Compatibility :
Aquarius is three signs apart from Scorpio, the fixed water sign, and is regarded to be a tense, at worst, and activating, at best, link. Water Bearers are known for being pleasant but distant, forward-thinking but obstinate, and idealistic but irrational. Scorpio can't help but feel, intuit, and even psychically tap into the shadow side of existence, although they're designed to engage with the universe in a very academic way. As fixed signals, they may both refuse to change their game plans, resulting in a stalemate. They may, however, teach each other a lot about how to see things from a different perspective.
 Aquarius and Sagittarius Compatibility :
Aquarius is sextile, or two signs apart from mutable fire sign Sag, resulting in a warm, organic relationship. The Water Bearer values humanity, community, and what's best for everyone as a whole, which can be a nice compliment to Sag's love of truth and soaking up knowledge. Both prefer to choose an own, free-spirited path. The only place where they might collide is: Despite its forward-thinking and progressive nature, Aquarius has a black-and-white mentality, digging in their heels when they believe they are correct, whereas Sag is nearly preoccupied with being open-minded. They'll be unstoppable if they can learn from one another.
 Aquarius and Capricorn Compatibility:
Aquarius is a semisextile, or one sign apart from Capricorn, the cardinal earth sign, which causes some confusion. Cap is more focused on taking on the problems they perceive along their own road and keeping to a tried-and-true traditional strategy, whereas Aquarius is all about moving in an unorthodox, free-spirited manner. If Cap is willing to let Aquarius teach them the benefits of going it alone, and Aquarius is willing to learn about perseverance from the Goat, they might be a powerful team.
 Aquarius and Aquarius Compatibility :
Two Aquarians will undoubtedly become fast friends, eager to team up to save the world. They'll feel like best friends even if they're sexually linked. They're both most at ease in platonic relationships, where they have plenty of room to breathe, and they'll have no trouble getting that from one another. Only when one Water Bearer's reasonable but frequently black-and-white way of thinking differs from the others, causing fixed sign-on-fixed sign conflict, might there be a problem.
 Aquarius and Pisces Compatibility :
The semi-sextile, or one sign apart, between Aquarius and Pisces, the mutable water sign, causes some unease. Despite the fact that they are both humanitarians and infinitely inventive, the Water Bearer thinks in a scientific, rational manner, whilst the Fish is a dreamer to the core. Aquarius, on the other hand, can learn adaptation from the Fish, and the Fish may learn to be more proactive in achieving their objectives. If these two are prepared to see the world through the eyes of the other, they can turn any wild, artistic vision into something actual.
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According to the famous astrologer in Kolkata, Whether you're feeling confident or nervous right now, keep in mind that no matter how compatible — or not — you and your spouse or possible love match appear to be, sun sign compatibility is only one little component of a greater picture. Looking at your full natal chart will give you the most accurate picture of how you match with a spouse.
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diccwetti-blog · 7 years
#3 - After a fight
Joji Joji would need some time to cool of after a fight, space being the best way for him to clear his head. Lighting a smoke, he’d cool down with every drag, cursing himself for the things he said, restless with fear that you’d leave him. Eventually, of course, he’d try loosening up the atmosphere, edging closer to you, hoping you wouldn’t reject his touch. Accepting his cheek-kisses and soft touch, you obviously weren’t ever able to stay mad at him for very long. With his heart fluttering, Joji would smile, finally bringing you in for a long-awaited, needy kiss.
Ian He’d blame himself, fill himself up with unnecessary anxiety over the smallest spats, not knowing what to say or do. Burying his face in his hands or rubbing his temples, Ian would think and think of what to do to loosen up your cold behaviour. He can’t bear going to bed angry, and would quietly sneak his foot across the bed, touching yours. Awaiting your response, his heart would ease as you reciprocated his touch, finally turning around. Then he’d engulf you in his arms, kissing your hair over and over whilst muttering “I’m so fucking sorry” multiple times, until you both calmed down.
Max Depending on who was in the wrong, Max would either grow completely silent, and need time to cool off before being able to accept an apology, or try hard to stay out of your way if you were pissed. After feeling like you’ve had enough time to calm down, he’d walk up to you, and embracing you from behind, hoping you’d accept his touch. Loosening up from his soft and sloppy neck kisses, you’d turn around and fully embrace his suggestive touches. No matter who’s the most pissed, your arguments would often melt away into soft touches, kisses and heated moments.
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frankumoefoetv · 8 years
Preference: Bath Time with the Boys
Bath time with the boys! || Requests are open! :)
Max: Baths with Max would be so much fun because he would go out of his way to make it fun. He is a strong believer that bubbles are a must when it comes to bath times. He liked it when you’d face each other rather than having you back to back, cuddling. He would probably have bath toys like a boat or he’d blow the bubbles at you to bug you. Sometimes, he’d make comments such as, “You know what’d be better than a bubble bath? A hot tub.” But after awhile, he’d surprise you with some fart bubbles from him and he would just smirk at you, saying, “I guess my wishes were answered.”
Joji: Baths with Joji would be more relaxing than fun compared to Max. He doesn’t often take baths, the only time he’s ever really in a bath is when he’s wearing a pink suit rapping profanities. However, the very few times that he takes baths with you, he goes out of his way to make it relaxing for the two of you; especially on days that one or both of you were stressed out. He would put candles to get the mood going, have warm water, and put on some relaxing chill hop songs he found on Soundcloud. He’d have you sit in front of him so he could hold you from behind and sing to your ear.
Ian: Baths with Ian are very rare. He’s more of a shower person than a bath person, he thinks it’s weird to just sit in a body of water of your own filth. However, if you asked him to take a bath with you, he wouldn’t say no. If it meant seeing your naked body and having the opportunity to get a little farther with you, then he was all up for it. He doesn’t really do anything like Joji or Max would to make the time more fun or relaxing, he would mostly just wash your body. If you were stressed out or sad; he’d give you massages, kissing your neck, reminding you that you were his queen.
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subway-tolkien · 2 years
u sure the problem isn’t gonna be izzy stans harassing the creators when izzy doesn’t inexplicably become the main protagonist and love interest of the show bc I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be that
Okay, extrapolating from your ask I’m guessing you are irritated that Blorbo X is enjoying a popularity surge, while you prefer Blorbo Y. It’s not fair that Blorbo X is getting attention that rightfully belongs to Blorbo Y, because Blorbo Y is morally superior in every way. Even worse: Blorbo X is evil, and evil characters are bad characters and the people who like them are also bad. So, you've decided the constructive response is to hate Blorbo X and Blorbo X’s fans for “stealing” the spotlight from Blorbo Y, and the way to do that is with online bullying and snotty, anonymous asks aiming for inflammatory but falling short and landing firmly in cringe.
That’s my theory, anyway, because I felt the same about Krycek being more popular than Mulder for a while, when I was fourteen. I didn't bully people because I wasn't raised like that, but I sure resented them, for no real reason, until I grew out of it and moved on.
At any rate, here's a little remedial lesson in storytelling: the purpose of a villain is to supply conflict to the plot by opposing the hero(s). Villains are also compelling because good villains are complicated people with their own set of morals and motives. For some folks, they are just as interested in the villain’s arc as they are in the hero’s. Additionally, some people enjoy villains more than the heroes or side-characters, and there is nothing wrong with that.
Punishing other fans for enjoying the same show because they focus on a different facet of it than you do is, in a word, stupid. In thirty years of fandom, I’ve never understood the need to target, harass, and bully internet strangers—and the cast and crew of the show!—because of a difference of opinion regarding fictional characters that do not exist. 
This is not unique to OFMD; this behavior is a cancer on every fandom it touches and has gotten so much worse over the last ten years that I barely recognize modern fandom anymore, but OFMD is the latest victim of entitled fan behavior, blind ego, and a distinct lack of critical thinking skills, so I'm focusing on it right now.
I don't know anyone who thinks Stede will be replaced by Izzy as the protagonist of OFMD; you're exaggerating in an effort to antagonize me/other people, but you just sound impossibly young and, frankly, very boring. You really don't warrant a reply, but I seem to have Opinions on this subject and since you felt the need to share yours, you get to enjoy mine. 🎉
Anyway, I've no dog in this fight. I like Izzy as a villain just as I like Ed and Stede as the heroes, and the Revenge crew as the supporting ensemble. I trust David et al to know what's best for their own show. I wish everybody could. I don't care what characters people like or why, I care what characters I like and why. I read the fic I enjoy, I look at the fanart I like. I make good use of filters and blocking. I also know how to scroll past things I don't want to see. What other people like about the show has no effect on what I like about the show, because I don't take other people's opinions of the show personally. Their opinions have nothing to do with me.
Let people like what they like, and step back and analyze why you resent the opinions of one segment of a broader fandom to the point where it threatens your enjoyment of the show enough to drive you to attack strangers on the internet and harass an actor for just doing his job.
We are all on the same boat, heading in the same direction. Stop trying to sink it.
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