#final qsmp quote
bloodpen-to-paper · 4 months
"Pac and Mike killed themselves. Richarlyson killed themself. I got deported. Philza died of old age. Tubbo's character canonically died a virgin. Everyone got the bad ending." - FitMC of 2b2t
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groingus · 1 year
"I'll be waiting for you. However long it takes"
"Just please come back."
"..happy birthday."
"...just please come back soon."
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leemontoast · 4 months
'I would never leave you behind'- Pac
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svtskneecaps · 5 months
literally it's 3am where i live and i'm on mobile but FUCK IT i haven't posted any actual writing in like a YEAR on this blog whose description include the words "I WRITE" and i can't tell if i'm even going anywhere with this so fuck it under the cut is the prospective absolute mess of the first chapter of the flipo family time loop fic. (for clarity, flipo family as in slime, mariana, and juanaflippa) this covers loop 0, aka the relevant parts of canon. words: 1630
parts of it i popped off with and other parts i hate; up to you to identify them. also the italics and other formatting got erased when i copy pasted and i'm re-adding all of it by hand so if i missed a spot, no i didn't. if i missed an accent on a letter in spanish that was a typo, if i missed a ¡ or ¿ that may have been on purpose.
oh and for obvious reasons, content warning for mentions and mild descriptions of child death and child murder. no blood, and most of it is a three word mention; i'd say the brief paragraph beginning "Tilín didn't scream" is most of the reason this warning exists.
Charlie Slimecicle stepped off the train.
He’d been hoping for a bright, sunny day to start their vacation, but was sorely disappointed. The portal had apparently taken them pretty far, since they’d gone from noon to night time. Talk about jetlag. They hadn’t even been on a plane.
“What happened to the other guys?” he wondered aloud as he stepped onto the platform.
“Yeah no clue,” Phil said, scanning the empty station. “Thought they’d meet us here.”
“Guys!” one of the Spanish speakers--Vegetta, he’d said, when they’d all met up at the first station--called, from a lectern at the wall. “There is a book!”
They crowded around as he read the instructions aloud--something about pressure plates, Slime wasn’t paying that close of attention. He was a little more preoccupied with making sure it only felt like his brain was dripping out of his ears. That would be kind of embarrassing.
Which was not to say that he wasn’t enjoying the constant onslaught of people talking over each other using words he may or may not understand. In fact, it was the opposite; he was frankly thriving in the absolute chaos that kicked back up around him as a timer appeared in the wrist communicators they’d been provided along with their tickets.
“Como se dice ‘we are going to die now’?” He giggled, chasing Phil and Fit to one end of the station.
“¡Vamos a morir!” shouted Spiderman, echoed seconds later by the black bear in the collared shirt.
Giddy over the high of attempting to use his high school foreign language for the first time maybe ever, Slime absolutely didn’t contribute much to solving the puzzle, and before long the sound of the timer ticking down was accompanied by a loud buzzing alarm.
“It’s been an honor!” he shrieked at the top of his lungs. “It’s been an honor!”
The bear ran past them again, shouting, “I’m going to die!” in English this time.
“Adiós amigos!” Slime yelled.
The countdown ended.
And then his communicator buzzed, and there was a video playing on the screen, showing a cartoonish yellow duck in front of a blurry beach stock photo. He skimmed it absently--some generic welcoming message and another side quest for them--distracted by Maximus audibly losing his shit laughing across the station.
“Come on, I’m trying to take a vacation, I gotta work now?” Fit complained. “This is ridiculous.”
Slime wanted to jump on that bit, but the message cut off with coordinates marred by static and the noise of the emergency weather alert system and he lost his train of thought completely.
“I got the English book!” Spreen called, holding it with two fingers like it had personally offended him.
“English leader,” Vegetta said, seeming to find that amusing.
“English leader.” Spreen laughed and flicked the book away. Slime stepped back but somehow it still nailed him in the chest.
“Guess I’m reading then,” he said cheerfully.
“In Spanish?” Maximus said.
Vegetta called something, backing across the plaza with the book open in his hands. Phil backed up to the wall.
“Here,” Phil instructed, “we’ll read it here.”
“Okay okay.” He flicked it open. “So we have to get water wheel planks--”
Their peace lasted a grand total of thirty seconds as voices suddenly began shouting, overlapping in chaotic chorus.
“What is that?” Fit demanded.
“Is that coming from the other side?” Phil stared up at the top of the wall.
“This is the thinnest thick wall I’ve ever seen,” Slime said, giddy laughter bubbling out of him again. “Is this thing made out of pencil shavings? If I sneeze on it, is there gonna be a hole?”
“Nevermind, we’ll read it over here.” Phil dragged them away again, but the Spanish speakers were dispersing into the trees.
“Forget the book,” Fit said, “follow them!”
(In the end it was explosives that took the wall down, which in hindsight was a precursor to how a not insignificant portion of time on the island was spent. The first day, however, it was just funny, much like everything else.)
(That was to say, the first first day.)
The communicator had indicated that today there was something special planned, so he made an extra effort to wake up.
“Morning Jaiden!” he called to his upstairs neighbor.
“Hi Charlie!” He could hear her farming through the wall. “Glad you woke up on time!”
“Well you know, you know, El Backflipo couldn’t miss it,” he joked, sifting through his backpack. “Got any spare food? I’ll trade you uno backflipo.”
“I have so much toast, come here and get some, free of charge.”
With a quick backflip and some toast to start the day, he popped open the map.
“There’s a lot of people down the wall,” he noted, their green dots so clustered they formed one. “Wanna check it out?”
“Yeah sure.” Jaiden tossed some seeds into a chest. “Do you know what this event’s gonna be?”
“I have no idea,” he admitted cheerfully.
She laughed. “Yeah, me neither. I guess there’s an egg involved, but that’s all I know.”
He dug around in his backpack for a paraglider, nodding along. “Yeah, yeah, un huevo, I get you.” Shuffling the landmine from Vegetta to one side, he yanked out his glider and threw himself out her window. “Let’s go!”
(nothing like getting struck by lightning to wake a guy up in the morning)
Slime fiddled with the communicator as he waited for the line of people to get through the ticket machine; he already had his own, a nice B for Backflipo. The new live translations still boggled his mind. He had to fight the urge to chant weird shit under his breath, just to see what the bubbles would say.
He paid a little extra attention when Mariana walked up to the machine. That guy seemed cool. They’d done that pequeño dormir together on day one, and he had a good sense of humor. Egg parenting would probably be funny.
He was thrilled to see the B for Backflipo on the ticket Mariana stepped away with, even if Mariana was decidedly less so. This was gonna be good.
(it was, and it wasn’t)
So, Mariana wasn’t exactly the coparent of dreams. Then again, Slime was pretty sure Mariana could say the same about him. In fact he was pretty sure Mariana had said the same, but in Spanish, when he wasn’t checking the translation.
It was great. They thought they’d killed a child immediately and then decided to fake their own child’s death to get away with it, and then confessed their sins to a bilingual angel and built a farm and then he buried himself beneath an improvised cross and went into a coma until his sins were forgiven, or something, except his sins weren’t forgiven in time to save his own child’s life.
And then Juanaflippa was dead. Dead at Mariana’s hand.
His bitch wife killed their daughter.
(Everything went faster, after that.)
Slime wanted to kill him.
Slime wanted to kill him for killing their fucking daughter, but of course, Mariana couldn’t even be bothered to be around to take care of her alive, never mind to pay for his crimes when she died by his hand!
(in a better world, his rage started and ended there. in a better world, the anger fizzled out with the lack of a target.
this was not that world)
There couldn’t be an Egg Event with no eggs.
If he killed them all, it would bring her back.
(in a worse world, he succeeded. in a worse world, the Egg Event ended there.
this was not that world)
They held a trial.
If he won, it would bring her back.
(in another world, he didn’t convince them. in another world, they left his daughter in Hell.
this was not that world)
Tilín was still before she hit the ground.
Tilín didn’t scream. Maybe they didn’t have time. It happened so fast. He was sure it happened fast. Almost too fast. But everything went so fast, now, even though Flippa was back. Yet, time slowed down for this, like a rubberneck driving past a highway accident, watching him desperately trying to shock their heart back into motion.
“YOU KILL MY BEST FRIENDS,” Flippa wrote. He begged her to understand. She wrote, “i can’t believe it.”
She wrote, “I HATE YOU.”
(in a better world, the error would have been caught in April instead of July.
this was not that world)
His daughter fell to his bitch wife’s sword. The same way. The next day.
They’d only just gotten her back. And Mariana killed her again.
He only left eggxile for the funeral. She wouldn’t stay dead, but he had to be there.
Time went even faster after that. He was Gegg, or maybe Gegg was him, or maybe Gegg was Gegg, or maybe. . . ?
He went back to eggxile.
He wasn’t leaving without them. Tilín. Juanaflippa. He would do whatever was necessary. He would pray to any higher power. Lil J still owed him a goddamn favor, but the guy wouldn’t pick up his calls. Maybe if he put more shit in the shrine; angels liked shiny shit, didn’t they? He went back to the mine, where the gasses swirled in his head. He built the shrine. He mined. He built the shrine.
He went back to the mine.
He went back to the mine.
He went back to the mine.
“This is where I sit, this is where my bitch wife sits, and this is where my daughter sits, if I had one!”
He’d said that before. No he hadn’t. Yes he had.
No, he just needed to clear his head.
Charlie Slimecicle went back to the mine.
Charlie Slimecicle stepped off the train.
#qsmp#qsmp fanfiction#qsmp slimecicle#qsmp juanaflippa#won't tag his partner since he didn't get to star much in this part#this idea is at its core a flipo FAMILY fic though it starts out with slime#just. the problem is getting to that point. bc beyond these words i have like 500 more lmao#for anyone curious for directors commentary in the tags:#pequeño dormir' is on purpose; i figured that would be a mistake slime would make at day 14 on the island#i also omitted the ¿ and ¡ from slime's spanish dialogue for the same reason; it's as close to an actual accent as i can get in text#(accent as in accented speech not accented letter; speaking spanish with an american accent)#slime's quote at the end about where people sit is taken verbatim from one of his streams#at time of posting it is available on his vods channel titled 'we won the war. (qsmp)'#a lot of the day 1 dialogue and flippa's dialogue from tilín's death is also verbatim#oh and the sequence from the 'we won the war' vod carries a lot of weight in the idea (wasn't the spark but it filled some gaps)#for me the cave gases are what drives every loop; time rolls back whenever slime inhales too much gas and 'forgets'#i don't have exact mechanics about it but suffice it to say if ANYONE were to spend too much time in this random ass cave#they would also loop back in time; slime's just the one who in this timeline Happened to discover it#shut up vic#block game brainrot#yea idk i just liked some of the dialogue tbh i think this gets super messy after they get flippa and then brings it back around at the mine#it's got some messy pacing in that middle bit but the foundation of a time loop story is its loop 0#that's what every loop after it has to call back to; that's the beauty of a time loop story#how is this different from loop 0; how is it the same#we've come so far only to get nowhere at all yknow#i'm a fan of stories rhyming but ESPECIALLY time loops so this is the setup for a lot of that#dude i gotta send this i've been sitting on parts of this draft for a year#may someone besides me read these words 🙏 thank you and goodnight#if people say nice things maybe i'll finally wring more words out of my brain. idk.#long tags
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mllenugget · 9 months
Hello I mcyt fandom-ified la Team du Lundi members and wrote a shit ton of text about it
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After exhausting myself on trying to catch up on the current QSMP lore I got a sudden craving for a more familiar and fast paced kind of minecraft content and ended up rewatching all the Team du Lundi's SMP best of's I could find
And while doing so with my brain still hazed in fandom brainrot, I started picking up on minor details or info the players casually dropped, and drew parallels to the French speakers' QSMP counterparts This is going to be a long wordy post I don't even know what I am rambling about and for. Three things you need to be aware of about la Team du Lundi before reading :
Baghera, Antoine and Etoiles are the only QSMP players that are part of la Team du Lundi
As far as I remember the only two elements that suggest that la Team du Lundi's SMP could be canon to QSMP are Antoine being pressured into building another Tower of Shit, and Baghera's infamous fountain being mentioned when she was asked if her character remembers anything from her past before the island
La Team du Lundi's SMP was NOT a roleplaying server, it was just a private survival server for a small circle of friends casually playing together. So whenever I quote someone in this specific post, it is the streamer : there is no character other than the persona the streamer is usually showing on stream, but I just thought it would be fun to interpret certain situations while keeping in mind the QSMP lore. And here goes :
Baghera claims that when she was a kid she strongly believed that she could breathe underwater. The others joke about her having fins
Antoine jokingly tells Baghera he doesn’t need oxygen at all
Antoine claims he will still be alive thousands of years forwards
Antoine’s voice shifts when he wants to appear creepy
Baghera built an aquarium at her place, then helped Antoine build one at his tower, then built a giant swimming pool, then a fountain, then a waterslide- do you see a theme ?
Baghera knows that her skin is actually that of a chick and not a duckling, and calls it so here
Chat said that Baghera has a middle child syndrome, justifying that she bullies Angle Droit because Etoiles bullies her in the first place (Etoiles has also called her « little sister » in a derogatory way)
Etoiles has repeatedly asked people to play Valorant with him at least once
Here's a clip of Etoiles getting languaged in french and owing "a gifted sub in the swear jar"
Unrelated random clip of Etoiles because it creates happy hormones in me brain
Etoiles is regularly refered to as "the warrior"
Etoiles guided the whole group during an expedition to the End and he was literally glowing doing so (enchanted arrows effect) Everyone called him "the guide"
Baghera was the one who gave the final blow to the Enderdragon (and died from magic right after)
Etoiles spent most of his time adventuring in order to bring stuff and gear back to everyone for their builds
Etoiles asked Aypierre for help in order to design a redstone door for his cave which could only open upon solving a puzzle (which was egg & arrow related) (Aypierre was not a member of the server)
Etoiles built a nightclub with the walls and ceiling covered in wardenblocks making it look like a starry sky. He also rehomed Allays holding golden apples inside claiming them to be the souls working for him and that they lived there peacefuly
Etoiles jokingly talks about Antoine acting jealous and violent towards him because Etoiles told him he wanted to go and visit Kameto (who also was not a member of the server)
Baghera (along with Horty) had a rivalry with Joueur du Grenier (host of the server with admin powers) after he decided to build a massive parking lot right next to their house. They countered by covering the whole thing with dirt, followed by JDG building a factory and the two parties went back and forth. Baghera argued that it was stupid because they didnt even have cars to begin with (which is a sentence she reused when talking about Forever's roads) Also she tells JDG that he could've built a seaport instead, which makes JDG contemplate the thought of building an airport (and though he ended up never building it, I am side eyeing the French's plane crash)
At some point JDG wonders about what a roleplaying minecraft server would look like (RPZ 2), to which Baghera replies that she has a hard time picturing the thing "We'd all just build things you see ? I don't think we'd create stories, we would all just be like "I'm a builder, ah you too ? Well awesome, builders, cool"" and I find this to be hilariously ironic (fun fact : Baghera had no idea that QSMP was a roleplaying server when she first joined and often claims she would've taken a different approach with her character had she known right off the gate)
As I was finishing to write this down, these fuckers (/lh) decided to host a closure night for the server as they've never really officially did it, everyone just sort of deserted the server after a while. Baghera, Etoiles and Antoine kept referring to QSMP throughout the night, mostly talking about how weird it felt without mods. Among other meta commentary things
They mentionned Cellbit and Bad multiple times as the group was trying to solve enigmas. Antoine talked about "the cultural sharing" between communities as he taught insults to each others with Mike, Roier and Maximus in their respective languages Multiple more players were namedropped (including eggs) while Antoine was talking about how the server functions
Yes, Baghera and Etoiles kept their QSMP skins. Etoiles with his code corrupted purgatory one, and Baghera with her fading pink disheveled hair (with the addition of her cubito wearing Horty's merch)
Baghera admits that going back to this small familiar vanilla server feels like coming back home to your family during the holidays
Team du Lundi's cameos in QSMP :
Though Pomme has never canonically met JDG (even though most of her parents have talked about him to her at least once), she occasionaly breaks the 4th wall to refer to him. She once compared one of BBH's "vacation" flower shirts with his, and when Foolish and Bad asked her to elaborate (obviously not getting the reference) she proceeded to play JDG's music theme with the flute instead (Also I really feel the need to once more point out how mindblowing it is for your average french speaking viewer to have JDG's intro theme being added to the mod they use in the QSMP because of how anchored it is within french internet pop culture. Like this shit has been existing for 14 fucking years, it's part of the childhood of a lot of us, so to find a clip of British hardcore player Philza peacefuly listening to Mexican egg admin Tallulah play this theme on her flute feels like a multiverse fever dream)
Horty has been on Quesadilla Island through cc!Baghera's account, but neither of them really wanted to justify it RP wise. Baghera just wanted to give her best friend a tour of the island. Horty only got to meet Richarlyson who gave her a tour of Cellbit's castle and made her pick a room (she chose Chaos). She also chatted with Etoiles who tagged along for a bit and (this is obviously justified by it being a one-shot out of roleplay filler episode kind of night) they both already knew each other and were on friendly enough terms to bicker with one another Also she was part of the French speakers Quackity reached out to to invite on the server, but she had to decline because she was very busy at that time (and also not interested) Also also she was Baghera's teammate for that Formula 4 event, and Baghera has discussed it and showed pictures to a couple of islanders, including Richas who was very hyped about it
Another player the viewers were hoping to see on Quackity's server is Mynthos. He exists within the server with the picture of him that hangs in Pomme's art gallery, the cursed animation video that used to play in La France, as well as with Aypierre's health potion factory that bears his name
Angle Droit and Zerator are sometimes namedropped when the French speakers talk with their chat. Angle Droit frequently raids Baghera's and Antoine's streams, and though it has never been confirmed, a lot of viewers theorized that she was the +1 player Baghera and Etoiles wanted to invite on the server had they won the elections.
As for Zera, Etoiles went AFK on QSMP a couple of times in order to test some of Zerator's TrackMania maps (which he later discussed with Pac). I also remember a very trivial conversation Etoiles had with Mouse and Aypierre where he laughed about hurting his back very badly after carrying a fellow streamer during a caritative event, said event was hosted by Zerator (he's also the one judging them with concern from his desk)
I'm done.
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Bonus alternative design for Angle Droit because at first I thought she was a fox then it turned out she was a corgi but then she changed it again to a fox and woop
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qmorningcrew · 11 months
tubbo banger quotes from his monologue while opening qsmp
“this isn’t a story about heros and villians. it’s about revenge”
“this isn’t a somber day. this is a great day. they’ll finally be able to see what i’m capable of”
“this is a conflict of which this is no winner. only mutually insured destruction.”
“we’ll break every single block this motherfucker has placed. (all eleven of them!!)”
“i’m not feeling particularly righteous today. anything to get the other hand. anything.”
“do you think i care?”
“i’d say the members of this island are far worse than the federation has ever been to me”
“the morning crew don’t need to know. they don’t need to know the truth.”
“they will underestimate me. and i think we show them a healthy dose of regret.”
“what could go wrong? what could go possibly wrong?”
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waitingawhile · 1 year
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Finally watched Tubbo’s introduction to the QSMP
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Reference (in heavy quotes bc I traced the anatomy. I’ll be damned if I don’t use digital art to cheat)
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iminyourbookshelf · 7 months
QSMP community positivity because the streamer awards made me so happy
(under the cut because it's going to be A LOT)
QSMP Digital Artist - Ate and left NO crumbs ever omg. The amount of detail, varying styles, and epic scenes are my favorite. The variety of art styles for QSMP artist is like just going to a buffet to browse and they're all special little dishes made with so much love.
QSMP Tradtional Artist - HOW CAN YOU DRAW/PAINT SOME OF THIS STUFF?? Watercolor paintings of QSMP bulids, notebook spreads with cute little details, the fact that you can draw traditionally at all. All so talented.
QSMP Beginner Artist - NEVER GET DISCOURAGED <33. Everyone was a beginner at some point and seeing people improve over time with their art is so cool. I consider myself still a beginner even though I've been drawing for a couple years now lol. There is still so much for me to learn, and the fact how kind the qsmp art community is makes me so happy. Keep improving, your art looks great <3
QSMP Fanfiction Authors - I don't know whether to compliment you or ask for my therapy payment (/lh). So many authors have ripped my heart out and left it out to dry and others are like a bucket of fluff and joy. I love both of these. The writing quality is genuinely amazing on so many of these. I love to visualize when reading and with all the details it's basically just watching a movie.
QSMP Web Weavers - You guys are AMAZING. Finding so many quotes, transcripts, fanarts, aesthetic photos, and being able to combine them in a way that represents characters so well is beautiful. Not to mention the fact how your able to put credits for everything in an easy to find way??? Perfect.
QSMP Moodboards/Stimboard makers - These are so cute aaaa. I love seeing them, all the little collections of photos or gifs of characters I like is very fun.
QSMP Poll Accounts - I LIVE for taking polls. It's just fun to have a place to put an opinion you had for yourself that you didn't know how to put unprompted on your own post. Seeing results after a while also makes me happy to see what as a general consensus the fandom is on.
QSMBLR and QSMPTWT users - Transferring information from one hellsite to the other, I admire anyone who can survive in the discourse trenches and come back with account updates.
QSMP Clip accounts - I love seeing silly clips of cubitos, and especially those with transcripts and translations. It's a lot of effort and I admire that. Gives me so much info I would've missed otherwise.
QSMP translators - As someone still currently learning the other languages, it is so helpful when people translate it. Sometimes your brain just hurts and you can only read your native language. Also anyone who translates things from English to other languages, yes please make it for other speakers.
QSMP Multi-Shippers - It's so fun to see these, yes give your cubito 7 different romantic/platonic partners. You guys collect ships like Pokémon and it is inspiring
QSMP Cosplayers - I respect cosplayers so much. The wigs, the makeup, the costume, the PROPS?? All take so much work it's amazing to see final products. I reccently tried making a scythe for one I want to do, and I was struggling. Y'all are so cool.
QSMP Character Analysis Posts - Keeping fanfiction accuracy and my personal view on characters as close to canon as possible. These help so much when I need to look for a character I haven't watched much and easy to read.
QSMP Livebloggers - Save me from losing track of lore when I'm busy. I swear some of you just never sleep (please do but thank you for information). The amount of stuff I can figure out from vague post of combined livebloggers makes it much easier to know what's happening. Most of my mutual liveblog a lot and it saves me so much time <3
QSMP Rebloggers - KEEPING THIS FANDOM ALIVE‼️‼️ Tumblrs algorithm is based on reblogs, accounts that are just lurkers rb stuff ily. Hell yeah man, take all the cool stuff and share it.
QSMP Animatics - Movie night exists because of you guys!! Sometimes you all make me want to sob violently or laugh till I can't breathe. The differences in each video is so fun to see. The effort in each one is just beautiful too, animatics are NOT easy.
QSMP Editors - The fact that people can take a cube game and turn into epic/sad/cute edits with a few clips, transitions, and audios astounds me. You guys are so cool and I love seeing them. Also the fanart edits are so sick, finding the best ones to match.
QSMP Fan Video Creators - Stuff like the Federation Welcoming Workers Video, that one cucrucho cereal video, things like that. Quality is usually amazing and all the unique takes or camera work is epic. Idk what else fits in this genre but I just wanted to mention it.
QSMP RP Accounts - Seeing other people's takes on characters are so interesting and fun to see. RP is a skill I need to work on and it's done pretty well with these accounts. The amount of detail y'all can put is insane.
QSMP OC creators - Cringe culture is dead, I love seeing people make their little characters interact with eachother based on the QSMP. Keep it up and pls share it.
QSMP 3D Animators/Modelers - I never expirence more joy than when I see a 3D model of a qsmp rat spinning around. Also any 3D animators your dedication is insane. I tried learning 3D animation once and that was a STRUGGLE.
QSMP Vod savers/YT summaries -Actual lifesavers, there is no way I could've been apart of this community without them. Watching a few videos a day about what happened on the server makes it easier for me to actually do other things. Also that one person who made a QSMP2023 summary in UNDER 10 minutes, you are insane and did such a great job.
QSMP Accounts in Different Languages - QSMPBLR is heavily more English speaking than other languages, and when people main tag with post in different languages it makes me so happy. This was the point of the server, to let people post in whatever language they wanted. It's also fun for me to practice and try to translate it for myself.
I tried to get everything but please add if you have anything <3
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fluffypotatey · 5 months
OK SO! the tommyinnit 101. technically this isn't really tied to an smp though.
so first we must start at the very beginning. the dream smp. in late 2020-early 2021, the dream smp was at the height of its popularity, and tommyinnit played one of its most prominent characters (tommy, henceforth referred to as c!tommy). now the thing about c!tommy is that both he and cc!tommy (idk if i've talked about the c! vs cc! divide before but that is its own 101) were under 18 at the time, and therefore if you shipped his character with anyone about 70% of the fandom would tear you apart.
honestly dsmp isn't too relevant here, though, except to introduce tommy and tubbo. you see, in a world of straight men using their little block guys to flirt with one another, tommy was Very vocal about loving women. being Straight was part of his Bit in the same way that being Annoying and playing the able sisters music from animal crossing was.
anyways in late 2022 he uploaded a vlog of him and tubbo getting married, tubbo mostly against his will. they pulled out all the stops- got an ordained minister (their friend scott, who you may recognize from the life series 101s) to do a little ceremony, had a lot of their friends acting as different members of the wedding party, even signed and filed real paperwork!
yep. that's right. they signed legal fucking paperwork. i've heard that tubbo didn't even know it was a marriage certificate, he thought it was a waiver for being in the video or smth. that's right, known straight man tommyinnit tricked his best friend into getting Real Life Legally Married to him, presumably just for shits and giggles.
This fact went unnoticed until mid-late 2023. tubbo was playing on the QSMP with some other people (i know FitMC, not sure who else), and was joking about going to Vegas and getting married to Fit. and then tubbo realized he was still married to tommy.
also, around that time, tommy wrote and published (to wattpad) a rpf crack fic called Tommy x Tubbo Love Triangle, where tommy leaves his Real Life Girlfriend molly for tubbo (molly dies directly afterwards because it was so romantic) and then he and tubbo kiss without tongue. tubbo was not consulted during the production of this fanfiction.
after learning about the marriage, tubbo started working to get a Real Life Divorce from his Real Life Friend Tom. tommy refused to sign the paperwork. if any of this ever goes to court tubbo fully intends to livestream the whole thing.
around 2 months ago, tommy did a parody of "I'm Just Ken" called "I'm Just Tom," in which he begs tubbo not to divorce him. it must be seen to be believed. idk if the link will work in an ask but i need you to see it https://youtu.be/laAPXcxjDlI?si=wPQM3ZJHBIv11Cfr
also if you're wondering how molly, tommy's Real Life Girlfriend, feels about all of this? she thinks it's hilarious. for the past month or two-ish (?), tommy's been doing a stand-up comedy tour in america (because they are all british), and at the same time tubbo's been doing a subathon (aka tubbathon bc it's tubbo) (a subathon is a twitch stream with a timer on it. the stream ends when the timer finishes out, and whenever someone subscribes to the streamer's channel more time is added) (the tubbathon is still going btw and isn't slowing down anytime soon). at one point molly came onto the tubbathon, and tubbo bought her a new phone bc hers was shit. (directly afterwards tommy posted a vlog about it, saying he felt like he was being cucked by his gay husband)
fans have dubbed these three the nightmare polycule, and it's not hard to see why.
and then, finally, this morning (last night in england time), tommy and tubbo were on a phone call. tubbo (gay) encouraged tommy to "say the f slur!" and tommy said, and i quote, "I'm bicurious, so I guess I could say like a fifth of it. [Tochat] Hear that, ya -ggots?"
i needed to tell you all of this so that you would understand the full insanity of all of this. there are some bits that don't really translate unless you were a dsmp fan in the 2020-2021 era, but i need you to see the ongoing insanity this man creates. he had been planning to use that joke for his live comedy show
ok uh
i some pointers on his singing voice (a bit too belty there, that'll damage the throat later, some vowels need rounding)
hilarious that he rhymed Tom with arm
reading this was like a fever dream
molly is me tbh this is the most hilarious drama i have ever read
his comedic timing is beautiful
what the fuck
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inksolate · 1 year
q!Quackity Character Analysis
After the wedding yesterday, I was pondering and you know, q!Quackity is a very tragic character so far. Rewatch Quackity's VOD perspective of Festa Junina and you'll find this quote:
"Maybe just like Sofia, I've got to relearn the process of love too." (Quackity Marries Wilbur in the QSMP, June 11 2023, 1:37:55).
Since the beginning of the server, he hasn't had someone he can let his guard down around until Tilin (and later other eggs). When Tilin died, he lost one of his strongest connections, one that is incomparable to ones formed after. Whereas q!Wilbur has been physically distanced from people of the server, to me q!Quackity is emotionally distanced from people. During Festa Junina when he was looking out at his friends partying, you can feel that loneliness. It seems that his bits and schemes to intervene in other people relations thus far has been hidden call for help or connection.
Yesterday (June 16th, 2023), this became apparent when he was dragged off by Cucurucho after blowing up part of guapoduo's wedding venue. Nobody but Jaiden had noticed his initial departure, and after teleporting to the Federation's office he potentially died alone (unconfirmed because he was only kicked, so it could be a Felps/Cellbit scenario).
His descriptions of what friendship, love, and death feels like upon first meeting Sofia show he has been through a lot thus far. Here are those descriptions from the VOD "Quackity Takes Care of Tallulah While Being Followed" from June 8th, 2023:
"Love is a compilation of, probably, any and all emotions that a human being can feel in their lives, because love can be good, it can be bad, it can be hurtful, it can be joyful. Love is a compilation of all feelings a human will feel in their lifetime" (2:26:50).
"Death is not only when an entity ceases to exist anymore. Death is also another compilation of emotions, usually negative ones. It goes hand-in-hand with love because when someone that you love dies, (and) they cease to exist you start a grieving process. You miss them, you want them to come back, but it's the acceptance that something is gone forever" (2:29:03).
"Friends are people you are around, people that you enjoy speaking to, it's people that mean something to you...These are my friends. They just might seem like people to you, and to some people they are just people, but to me since I got to know them, since I got to hang out with them, they are my friends. They mean more to me more than another human being that I may see on the streets. That is a friend" (2:30:47).
So when Quackity says, "I need to explore other feelings I have right now", although relating to Wilbur in the context of saying this to Tallulah, I think it might also be the cultivation of him managing the grief from losing Tilin, seeking out deeper friendships in those around him, and wanting to trust in others again.
So TLDR: Despite q!Quackity's schemes and bits every now and then, there is a deeper pain residing in his character. I hope that with several other characters concerned about his current wellbeing he can learn to love again (if it truly wasn't his "final day").
(Sidebar: Although people have been saying tntduo should marry soon, I don't think he's ready to dawn someone else's feelings yet. He needs to be able to trust others again, and that's a process that will take time and care.)
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d1g1tald1saster · 1 year
A lot of QSMP incorrect quotes
prepare yourself
Slimecicle: I would never say that my wife is a bitch and I don’t don’t like them. That’s not true… My wife is a bitch and I like them so much!
Foolish: Yum, thanks! 
Kidnapper: *puts more tape over their mouth* I said stop eating it. 
Etoiles: The ‘how the fucks’ and 'why are you so dumbs’ don’t matter. All that matters is that I have a new gun. 
Jaiden: I'm a nice person, but I'm about to start throwing rocks at people. 
Bad: Underestimate me. That'll be fun. 
Slimecicle: Well, if you're not at least a little bit gay for your friends, then what kind of friend are you? 
Philza: My knee just cracked so loudly that I half expect it to glow in the dark tonight. 
Forever: *slowly pushes a cannon into a 17th century bank* Okay everyone, be cool. This is a robbery. 
Roier: My life isn't as glamourous as my wanted poster makes it look. 
Cellbit: I only have two emotions: exhaustion and stress. And I’m somehow always feeling both simultaneously. 
Jaiden: My aesthetic is "would be suspected of witchcraft by small town citizens." 
Slimecicle: Operation no more distractions is a go! 
*not even 10 seconds later* 
Slimecicle: Oh, look! A butterfly! 
Roier: Drink your school, stay in drugs, and get 8 hours of drugs. 
Bagherra: The only thing I'm guilty of is being adorable... ...and also assault with a deadly weapon. 
Quackity after the show: I have been tricked, I have been backstabbed, and I have quite possibly been bamboozled. 
Bagherra: What, I can’t be in a bad mood? It’s like people think, “Oh, Bagherra is such a nice person, Bagherra is so happy-go-lucky! Bagherra can’t be in a bad mood!” Well, you know what? Bagherra CAN be in a bad mood. And right now, Bagherra IS be in a bad mood. 
Forever: If I make you breakfast in bed, a simple "thank you" is all I need. 
Forever: Not all this "how did you get into my house" business. 
Badboyhalo: My expectations were low but holy fudge. 
Quackity: When I see initials carved into a tree with a heart I think it’s so romantic. Two lovers on a date... one of them carrying a knife for some reason. 
Quackity: Assert your dominance over your friends by kicking them in the face, and then giving them a little smooch on the forehead! 
Slimecicle: The waiter at Olive Garden has been grating my cheese for 6 hours now, waiting for me to say when. Customers are screaming. Three people have died. 
Slimecicle: I will not yield. 
Badboyhalo: I just learned a way to get furniture cheap. Steal it! 
El Mariana: I love saying 'fuck me' because it can either be sexual or self-loathing and those are two things that describe me perfectly. 
Etoiles: *cocks gun* Go to Bed. This is no longer a request, This is now a Threat. 
Badboyhalo: I'd roast you, but my mom says you can't burn trash. 
Badboyhalo: *slow-mo walks out of the room* 
Roier: I can't believe there's a cat somewhere in my house. Amazing feeling. Love cats. And he's here, in my house! Somewhere! And I may encounter him! What a treat. 
Etoiles: I’m sick and tired of being called 'mortal' like, you don’t know that. Neither do I. I have never died even ONCE. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It’s rude. 
Jaiden: I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally. 
Foolish: If we were in prison you guys would be like my bitches. 
Roier: Why are you on fire?  Badboyhalo: This is just how my day is going.
Slimecicle: Murder literally doesn’t hurt anyone! 
Wilbur: What are you talking about? Of course— 
Etoiles, holding out a hand to shut Wilbur up: No, no, they have a point— 
Badboyhalo: Well, Forever and I finally did it! 
The rest of the squad: *gasps, shocked expressions, etc.* 
Badboyhalo: That's right... We held hands! 
Roier: To everyone who has treated me poorly; I am sexier than you. 
Roier: Wait, if baby oil dissolves condoms, what does it do to babies? 
Cellbit: Believe it or not, babies and condoms are made of different materials. 
Jaiden: It’s like rock paper scissors. Baby oil defeats condom, baby defeats baby oil, condom defeats baby. 
Bagherra from across the room: Rock also defeats baby!
Philza, holding a kettle: Coffee or tea? 
Forever: Tea, please~
Philza: Wrong. It's coffee. 
Slimecicle: I’m gonna die alone. 
Wilbur: Slimecicle, you’re not gonna die alone. 
Slimecicle: Mariana, was my safety net, okay? We got divorced and now I have to get a snake. 
Quackity: Uh-huh. Why is that? 
Slimecicle: If I’m gonna be an old lonely person, I’m gonna need a thing, you know? A hook. Like that guy in the subway who eats his own face. 
Slimecicle: So I figured I’ll be “Crazy Man With A Snake”, you know? Crazy snake man. 
Slimecicle: Then I’ll get more snakes, call them my babies. Kids won’t walk past my place, they will run! RUN AWAY FROM CRAZY SNAKE MAN! 
Forever I got us matching friendship bracelets, and you say I don't care about our relationship. 
Badboyhalo: These are handcuffs. 
Forever: Yeah, 'cause we're partners in crime! 
Badboyhalo: I want to be like a caterpillar. 
Forever: Explain?
Badboyhalo: Eat a lot, sleep for a while, wake up beautiful. 
Forever: You know they have a lifespan of a week, right? 
Badboyhalo: That's just another highlight! 
Bagherra: My stomach growled super loud in French. 
Bagherra: I would like to clarify, my stomach did not speak in French. It growled during a meet up with the French creators. 
Badboyhalo: Bonjour. 
Cellbit: Le growl. 
Forever: Hon hon hon, feed me a baguette. 
Foolish: *sucking on a popsicle* 
Roier: Pfft, you practicing for when Vegetta gets here? 
Foolish: *takes a huge ass bite out of the popsicle* 
Roier: *Concern* 
Badboyhalo: Hey, if you type in your password, it'll show in stars. 
Badboyhalo: ********* see! 
Foolish: hunter2 
Foolish: Doesn't look like stars to me. 
Badboyhalo: Foolish: ******* 
Badboyhalo: That's what I see. 
Foolish: Oh, really? 
Badboyhalo: Absolutely. 
Foolish: You can go hunter2 my hunter2-ing hunter2. 
Foolish: Haha, does that look funny to you? 
Badboyhalo: Lol, yes. See when YOU type hunter2, it shows it to us as ******* 
Foolish: That's cool. I didn't know this site did that. 
Badboyhalo: Yup. No matter how many times you type hunter2, it will show to us as ******* 
Foolish: Awesome. 
Foolish: Wait, how do you know my password? 
Badboyhalo: Er, I just copy pasted YOUR ******'s and it appears to YOU as hunter2 cause it's your password. 
Foolish: Oh, ok. 
Etoiles: Slash gamemode creative. 
Bagherra: Dude, this isn't Min- 
Etoiles: *starts levitating* 
Jaiden: Who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to Max and Quackity's convo? 
Badboyhalo: Me. I'm in the laundry basket. 
Jaiden: I'm in the washing machine. 
Foolish: I'm in the closet. 
Badboyhalo: We accept you Roier. <3
Foolish: No I'm literally in the closet. 
Badboyhalo: Love is love. <3 
Badboyhalo: I've connected the two dots. 
Foolish: You didn't connect shit. 
Badboyhalo: I've connected them. 
Bagherra: Bagherra! For the love of god, please turn down that music. I have a hangover. 
Forever: *blasting the mii theme at full volume* That sounds like a you problem, not a mii 
Philza: I’ve become a bread crumb dealer to four crows at the lake. They pay me with a bit of everything. Like shiny things, fabric, or pens. But recently they paid me with a 20 dollar bill they found somewhere. So I decided to buy them some more expensive bread. They loved it. So they understand what to do. Give me money. I’ve probably racked up about 200 dollars at this point. Is it morally wrong though, I mean. They’re the ones who steal the money from others. Or perhaps they just have a big pile laying somewhere. Should I keep on doing this? 
Badboyhalo: You sound like the start of a Batman villain. 
Philza: So, Wilbur is no longer allowed to take the trash out at night. 
Chayanne: Why? 
Philza: Because I've caught them trying to train raccoons to fight five times in a row. 
Wilbur, arms crossed and pouting: You'll be thanking me when the third raccoon battalion saves your ass. 
Roier: We need a diversion. I say Cellbit gets naked. 
Cellbit: No. 
Roier: I could get naked. 
Everyone: NO!!! 
Badboyhalo: Sometimes I wonder if I’m hearing voices. 
Badboyhalo: Then I remember that’s the last bit of sanity I have trying to get me to fall asleep at a reasonable time. 
Slimecicle: Hello, McDonald's, I would like to purchase 130 chicken nuggets. Prepare yourselves. 
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atthebell · 2 months
This isn't really prompted by anything but this fandoms obsession with angst I think it's from how dsmp ccs made their characters suffer to get idk the best reaction from fans even tho it didn't really make sense narrative wise
What gets me with the qsmp tho is you would get your angst but also be rewarded for it. Like for example cellbit focusing on a puzzle which eventually tells us more about the federation or bagi using clues to solve a mystery, fit and foolish having their own roles to play within too. Felps being kidnapped but saving him lets in the audience on what the feds are like (and tbf it was the first kidnapping so it felt p new)
Egg disappearance arc tho is where I've had enough angst (I don't think there was really a plan like why did eggs leave on their own, who's this guy with the single eye etc etc)
finally at my computer so i can answer this okay i disagree somewhat with your first point and i'll explain why. also this might seem more aggro than i mean it to be i just like talking and swear a lot
first thing: i dont think dsmp ccs were making their characters suffer just to get a reaction out of fans. i think this is a deeply pessimistic and just obviously untrue take on the server and the ccs. it is VERY clear that several of them just deeply enjoy sad stories and that's where they wanted to go with things.
also think about this outside the context of minecraft roleplay for a moment. the dsmp narrative is a story that, from the outset of genuine quote unquote lore kicking up, involved a war; everything that followed, as lore became more and more serious, had to then take the implications of that seriously. war is a deeply awful and traumatizing thing. do you want them to have not taken that seriously? do you want people to never tell dark or tragic stories and talk about the real effects of certain events on people's psyches and relationships? because while i am not an angst enjoyer, as i've said many times, i do think people have the right to tell dark and sad and raw stories. my issue is more the fandom obsession with angst that goes beyond my tolerable level and becomes overwhelming, which i'll get into later in this post; not an issue with sadness and tragedy being portrayed in mcrp (or any story) at all. do i like constant tragedy in my media? no. but for the dsmp and qsmp both that isn't the case, so it's not relevant here really.
i in part understand where you're coming from here, in that fans were SO obnoxious and because interactivity was so much more present in this type of medium, fans had way more influence on the narrative than is typical of fiction. so there were definitely times where people had to change their plans due to how they thought fans would react, although i would argue this was more common with like. women on the server trying not to piss off inniters rather than tommy deciding that fans would kill him if he didn't have c!tommy try and drown himself. like sure i think there were plenty of times that ccs went "ooh, fans will eat this up," but they probably would've done it regardless. i think it's just really uncharitable to assume that it was more due to wanting a good reaction from fans than ccs' genuine desire to take their characters in that direction.
and i'm gonna be real i don't think the fandom obsession with angst actually does come from the canon itself. i think these canons are not overwhelmingly sad, even dsmp, and that the idea that they are is due more to the tragic circumstances surrounding their endings and their controversies than about the actual events of canon. qsmp is not actually a tragedy, in terms of narrative (i'm ignoring the stupid final ending shit i truly don't understand why anyone accepts that as canon; they needed to write a send-off that would wrap things up enough but wasn't overly complicated. it worked for what they needed, which was a goodbye, but otherwise it's narratively stupid and irrelevant). the tragedy is more in how it all fell apart in real life than the story of the whole things itself. and individual ccs deciding to make their character's stories into tragedies does not make the larger narrative (which does exist and matters) itself a tragedy. and the dsmp also isn't a tragedy or an angst fest; there are certainly deeply sad moments, but it's not all doom and gloom.
again my issue is fandom obsession with angst, not the content of the smps themselves. and the biggest reason beyond personal annoyance that i'm confounded about the obsession with angst is that it's completely disproportional to how it works in other fandoms. if you're a longtime fandom person you're probably aware of this, but the angstier a story is, the more likely that the fandom is obsessed with fluff and magical fix-its that solve everything and make sure everyone stays alive. this is the case almost universally, but mcyt, apparently, is a huge exception. people are OBSESSED with ruminating on the tragic parts of canon and then creating even sadder situations to put characters through. it's bizarre and weird and i do not understand it one iota. where are all the fluffy everyone lives and gets ice cream together fics????? why are inniters addicted to putting that child through even worse torment??? why is no one writing happy endings for their ships????? what is with like insane amounts of DD:DNE fic where it's just the most miserable non-ending lack of catharsis imaginable?? THAT is what's weird to me.
and on that last point i've talked about it a lot before but catharsis is really what's missing for me when it comes to angst in this fandom. i'm not a huge sad stories/tragedies fan personally, but i am willing to read them, and when i do, what makes a really good one is catharsis. there is something to a sad story that hits all its beats and makes you feel like you've just cried it out and can finally breath again that does, on occasion, hit for me. but that's something completely missing from the angst in this fandom. there is no catharsis. there is no breath of relief. it's just stress and stress and more stress, all leading up to nothing, leaving you unsatisfied and depressed.
listen, people can do whatever the hell they want forever. i'm not telling anyone they should personally stop writing angst. i'm just baffled as to why so many people are obsessed with it in this fandom in particular and as a fluff enjoyer i am in constant misery.
anyway, on your other points: i think you're right on the point about reward, although i would frame it more as the catharsis that i'm talking about as missing from fandom angst. qsmp had sad moments, and frustrating moments, narratively, but those moments (when the writing was actually good) often led to bouts of information, new relationships, a shift in the story that would take it to new places. it was devastating but it was exciting. and the ccs knew what to do with those moments, as talented rpers, and how to dig their character into a hole and then find a way to get them out again. like, if qcellbit's whole story as a character had just been him getting nonstop bodied by the federation, that would've sucked. that would not have been fun to watch! but that's not what it was. he had moments of victory, even with losses he found out information, like you said, and that was important! even with the stupid fucking reprehensible minimes event, which is the MOST negative i ever saw cellbit about the server (still not that negative, he never complained very much and was very polite despite being, like myself, a serial complainer), he still learned a bunch of information! they learned what the federation did and didn't know about the eggs disappearance, about forever's trip into the nether, about some of the inner workings of the federation. AND despite how stupid it was, cellbit, as a very talented rper and writer himself, managed to spin it into a great character moment.
the eggs disappearance was just fucking evil i will never forgive all of that. i remember on fucking SEPTEMBER 10TH (2 days in!!) i was like hey do they have like. a plan, or what.... and then we found out later no they did not. so. that's a great example of angst via negligence and stupidity. at a certain point it was more tiring than sad because it was just ridiculous how little information anyone had. i will curse that arc til the day i die seriously
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levlies889 · 1 year
Hi, I'm levlies! I finally have an intro post!!!!
This is my main blog btw. All of my QSMP stuff happens over here -> @qfitpac
I'm very into Slimecicle as well as QSMP at the moment. I also like paleontology and stardew valley and k-pop. In particular, I like coelacanths, pterosaurs, exo, and nct. I am also a huge otzi the iceman stan.
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I started the QSMP Miraheze wiki, an alternative wiki to the Fandom.Com wiki. For more info go to @/qsmpmiraheze
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My ao3 is levlies889! I write a lot of cute QSMP fluffy fics, as well as some angst. Most of it is for starcicle, foolhalo, cave sex trio, or tazercraft angst. Mutuals can Dm for my usfw account (Tumblr and ao3).
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I loveeeee shipping. Love it. Will combine most people into ships as long as I like them all. My faves rn are fitpac, starcicle but only in my head, foolhalo, and of course cave sex trio. Been slowly indoctrinated into celltw as well, and then of course the logical next step of celltwmc. Outside of qsmp, been a HUGE norenmin shipper for like 4 years.
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I have a lot of blogs, I like separating things by blog.
This is a noncomprehensive list of my blogs should anyone want it
@qfitpac <qsmp sideblog
@qbladesdv <i reblog qsmp fanart here
@slimesaysthings < slimecicle quotes account
@qsmpsaysthings <qsmp quotes account
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Pfp by @looney-mooney-studio
Egg dividers by @etoilesbienne
Accusations by @qmariana and @arieava
* * * * *
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hijacking-hearts · 1 year
oye, me pareces un tío bastante guay
I don’t know what that means but thank you.
Anyways I’m to lazy to make a separate post to announce my return so this will do.
I have been incredibly busy both at home and at work these past couple of weeks however, I have finally managed to fix my work schedule and I am now more available during the afternoons so this is me just saying I’m gonna be more active in terms of actually posting, and not just reblogging, random shit I find fucking funny you know, so there’s that. Besides that I have some art for you lovelies that I have been drawing in my sketchbook, because for whatever reason digital art is just not clicking with me recently, so ya know.
Here we go:
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So the first image here is just a Quackity compilation, essentially because that’s all I could draw for this page.
The first drawing on the left side is based off of that AU were Quackity is like the son of the gods of Karmaland heavily inspired by all the art I would see of that AU on Twitter and Tumblr. The second drawing is of Quackity in Pandoras vault, just going absolutely fucking insane you know. The last picture is of Quackity in Karmaland when he and Father Alexby were going around just fucking shit up after Luzu “won” the elections. I got some close ups to for y’all as well.
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I had a lot of fun drawing these, especially the revolutionary Quackity because quite frankly it was just one of my favorite versions of him during Karmaland.
Next drawings:
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All right, so the drawing on the left is a Rubuis and his role on the QSMP as both the angel and a demon. Here he’s depicted as a mixture of the two personas he plays. The stained glass took a good second to draw, and I drew him with the quote “ Ven mi niño comete la manzana. Eat the apple my child.” This bitch took too fucking long.  in the drawing on the right is of Tommy, either sometime during or after exile, praying at prime church early in the morning. I hope I conveyed the pure exhaustion,and just sadness Tommy feels through this drawing.
I got close ups of these as well:
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I’ve also got a drawing of Technoblade on the same page. I just didn’t want to take a picture of the whole page so you’ll just get like a little close-up of him. 
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That’s actually the first time overdrawn Technoblade, so like thoughts? Opinions?
And now last, but not least the first, and only drawing I have so far of our beloved, Tilin who has, you know, unfortunately passed. This is like my version of them I drew inspiration from various fanarts of them, I didn’t want them to look too girlish or too boyish it’s just vaguely child like you know, they got a little tail and wings.
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So anyways, I hope you like these drawings. I should be more active in terms of actually posting.
Espero que les gustaron estos dibujitos que hice, estoy hasta la madre de mi trabajo me tienen hasta la chingada y simplemente quiero morir gracias. 
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Intro Post 2.0
I'm Aqua, pronouns they/she/any, likes and replies from @/aquaeclipse. I am an adult. This is my MC/MCYT sideblog, i.e. we post about block people roleplay here, sir.
You might know of me as a TV Tropes and fan wiki editor. On Tumblr, I am the admin of @dreamsmpquoteswithoutcontext and @mcytaita, and a handful of other minor blogs.
In the DSMP fandom specifically, you might know me as the person who revamped c!Quackity's fan wiki page in 2021 and an analyst in the field.
In the Pirates SMP fandom specifically, you might know me as one of the archivists and the recap guy. Yes, several of the Pirates SMP content creators are currently living like rats in my walls. This series is my Roman Empire fr.
I also write fanfics on AO3. Fanfic masterpost can be found here.
I do NOT support the Green Blob Man, a certain Music Man, or many other disgusting people unfortunately within the fandom's walls; please block me if you do.
List of MCYT interests and tags are under the cut. And a final note to all: I ship block people sometimes.
Hola, me llamo Aqua (elle/ella) y soy autora del fanfiction en inglés. Hablo tres lenguas, no hablo Español pero yo aprendía. Posteamos de los cubitos aquí, señor.
Other Notes
Negativity tags under the cut at the bottom of the post because there's too many of them
Content creators can interact with me AT THEIR OWN RISK… and at my own risk too, apparently
Original intro post from 2021 (edited over the years) here
MCYT Interests
Fandoms that I am currently a part of:
Empires SMP
Life series – tagged by season names and #/trafficverse in general
Rats SMP
New Life SMP
Pirates SMP
Fandoms that I used to be part of but still post about sometimes:
Stampy's Lovely World (and other related material, but mainly because I am quite far behind on the content)
Feather Adventures
DSMP (list of content/trigger warnings for the series available here for reference)
Fandoms that I am aware of by osmosis and may post about:
Area Unknown SMP (only barely)
Outsiders SMP (only barely)
Personal Tags
General Tags
#my post – general personal tag + occasionally me inboxing others
#reply post – general replies to asks and other posts
#aqua fracasa en español – spanish learning tag
#aqua goes scientist mode – feral science student vs those dang cubitos, FIGHT!
#aqua live reacts – livereacting tag and unofficial spoilers tag
#aqua's mcytblr resources – my transcripts and recaps
#aquatic memetics – my memes
#aquatic positivity – posts chronicling people appreciating me and my work... I crave validation, okay?
#the great duckling hivemind – Quackblr shenanigans
#hey big queue! look what i found! – queue tag
#musical mayhem – web-weaving, playlists, etc.
#my art – general art tag
#tv tropes – TV Tropes shenanigans
SMP-specific Tags
#aqua analyzes c!quackity from the dsmp – exactly what it says on the tin
#aqua transcribes the dsmp – my transcriptions of the dsmp
#dsmp quotes without context – from my side-blog
#esmp musings – esmp headcanons and theories
#isleposting – pirates smp clips, headcanons, records, etc.
#pirates smp recap – pirates smp lore recap resources and posts
Writing Tags
#aqua writes – general writing tag
#aqua makes conlangs – conlanging tag
#dsmp jailbird backstory – semi-canonical c!Quackity juvie backstory-related posts
#esmp worldbuilding – empires worldbuilding headcanons
#the great duckling hivemind – Quackblr shenanigans
#ttxover – Toontown-related content, usually relating to c!Quackity
#unclassified works – posts that have a creative writing element to them that I would not call a proper fic OR fanfics that don't have their own tag yet
Fanfic Tags [Masterpost]
#kill the lights (fanfic) – c!Quackity post-Butcher Army fic
#love (fanfic) – Lovely World c!Stampy poem/fic written for the Stampytober 2022 event
#the ghosts of yesterday (fanfic) – c!Quackity backstory fic
#eye of the tiger (fanfic) – DSMP crackfic I wrote for Quackity's victory in the MCYTblr Sexyman Polls
#the morning falls nonetheless (fanfic) – Pirates AU fic involving Aurelia and Hudson Denholm's A+ parenting (/neg)
#the mushroom incident (fanfic) – Rats AITA fic written for @/inthelittlewood's compilation and at @/willowmvp's request
#tell me did i do wrong? (fanfic) – Pirates AITA compilation anthology, written for @/inthelittlewood
#chronica siderum (fanfic) – Pirates AITA, ft. Denholm Brothers lore spoilers
#blood on the hillside (fanfic) – Pirates p!Shep continuation fic, ft. chat being menaces (/affectionate)
#hatchling (fanfic) – Pirates ficlet written as propaganda for the @/scottsmajorshipbracket
#we've all been damned c'mon (fanfic) – Life series fic based on c!Gem's not-so-great journey throughout Secret Life
#lrau (fanfic) – Pirates Kite-centric Western AU fic I wrote for AUFest 2024 in collaboration with @/kitefactionofficial (then known as @/philzas-early-gang-society)
[This section has ceased to update as of July 2024; for all later works, please see the masterpost]
Fun Tags
#am i the asshole – MCYT AITA posts; see #mcytaita for polls on another side-blog
#containment breach – this post has left its target audience, everyone scatter
#the crane lives – the life series except the crane lives write the soundtrack
#the family forest™️ – if you make me update the Love Dodecahendron or Tangled Family Tree trope pages, I am going to start crying
#fuchsia fishfuckers – yes, I have a tag dedicated to that too
#i've had enough of this. i'm officially bonking scott to corny jail with an H. – Scott of the absurdly many aliases being a threat to my mental stability
#susage. for the love of christ. pls. control yourself. – Mythical J. Sausage should also cease and desist before he finds himself lacking a sausage /j; this man causes me to take -1,000 points of psychic damage every time he either types or says something
#mcyt without context – some silly polls <3
#psychological torment smp – the QSMP is an unethical psychological experiment that would never fly if it were in real life and not in the block game
Negativity tags AKA the Hall of Shame
General negativity and discourse tags: #/fandom discourse (general); #/negativity (general); #/wtf minecraft fandom (general for mcyt fans, tag was made before i learnt the tumblr tagging system); #/those twitter clowns (tm) (for twitter specifically)
Tags to block in regard to the cc!Dr**m situation: #/the redacted accusations (main tag), #/dreamwastaken (content creator), #/dream (DSMP character), #/urmom smp (U***** SMP), #/drace reveal (face reveal and all non-faceless IRL pictures), #/the video™️ (for the late 2023 video drop)
Tags to block in regard to the DSMP Volume 1 ending (derogatory): #/the crappy conclusion
Tags to block in regard to certain creators' predatory misconduct: #/0 days since last normal cc behaviour /neg
Tags to block in regard to Jellie disrespect in a certain poll: #/justice for the queen of mc
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slimedblr · 1 year
oo and 27 (or 26 if you cant think of anything to ramble abt)
27. free space to talk about anything qsmp related :D
i cant even emphasize how obsessed with the Slimeriana Dynamic i was like last may. i have so many random song quotes in my notes app. i think a big influence to me making this sideblog was this one post that got deleted that was talking about how they give off the Unprepared Parents Thrust Into This Situation vibes so hard. anyways yeah they have a special place in my heart but i dont think about them that often anymore because of The Drought. let's cross our fingers that they finally friend each other back on discord after ten billion years
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