#finally had the time to finish their fic and oml
shegetsburned · 1 year
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❝ He didn’t just kiss, he claimed ownership. Took her mouth with urgency, as if his life depended on his kissing her. ❞
— 𝐱: 𝐚 𝐠𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐜𝐞 (𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐬 & 𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐟𝐥𝐚𝐠)
Renée Watts belongs to the lovely @captastra <3
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base0h · 6 months
Hiiii. So this is my first time requesting or anything so I’m kinda really nervous??? Anyways, I love your crack fics, I literally giggle non stop and they bring light into my soul.
So, that being said, I have a request. Could you do something with Crocodile and Ace (and whichever other characters) reacting to their s/o having a spider or some type of scary bug on their back? Idk if your can go anywhere with this but hey, it’s worth a shot.
Okay that’s it bye bye have a good day :)))
a/n - omg I’m so glad I can bring light into your life 😭🫶 literally my goal when I’m writing this stuff 💜 oml bro crocodile is afraid of bugs I just know he is 💀 that’s why he had robin, so she could handle them for him
warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, crack, crocodile would leave you with the the bug just to run as far away as possible 💀🫶
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- pls if he sees a single bug in his house he’d move out of his mansion and go to another sea of ocean 💀
- don’t get me wrong he takes you with him of course and makes sure you’re protected from those heinous insects. Get ready for loads of bug spray and pest killing chemicals, because your house is going to smell like that for at least a couple weeks 😃🫶
- so one day, you’re relaxing on the sofa, listening to some ambient music, the lights a bit dimmed, with the shutters open just enough for some light to shine through without being too harsh. It was a weekend, so it was due time for some relaxation!
- crocodile had just gotten finished with his work, and finally he’d get to spend some quality time with you. As he walked over, getting ready to join you on the couch, he froze.
- his eyes were locked onto your back, his breathing completely stopped, his body stiff as a board
- a tiny black speck on your back was… moving. Could that be a- SPIDER? You turned around because you heard footsteps, and you looked confused to see crocodile just- frozen, with wide, disgusted, fearful eyes as if you just committed some heinous crime against humanity
- “….Crocodile? You ok?”
- …
- “Hello???? Earth to crocodile?”
- “Y/n. You know I love you right?“
- “…What?”
- “Then you know why I must do this.”
- “What do you me- hey where’re you going?!”
- to go bag (he has one prepared for this exact situation bruh 💀) materializes out of thin air, then cue crocodile skedaddling out the door without explaining or warning you like a scared selfish asshole
- “..well of course I would’ve sent someone back for you-“
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- see now ace is afraid of bugs too. But he’s not a selfish asshole like crocodile 💀 bro would at least try and protect you while screaming and sobbing
- you two were relaxing, snuggling together and watching the sun set on the deck of the Moby dick. It always never failed to amaze you with how many colors spread across the sky.
- ace absolutely adored these moments with you. It made him feel so- alive but also dead at the same time. Because how could one be this happy and in love with you?
- he looked down at you, and leaned down to press a kiss to the top of your head, and that’s when he saw… it
- cue the scream of a demon plus a kid who just saw a clown
- ace grabbed his shoe in a panic, and aimed directly at your head. But since he was so afraid, he was closing his eyes.. as he was swinging to kill the bug.. and he ended up slapping the absolute shit out of you instead of the bug
- “Phew, think I got it- Y/N?! WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU OK?!”
- “Sorry.. OH SHIT I MISSED-“
- you got hit five times before he actually got it. 💀🫶 I hope your brain isn’t damaged 😭
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- luffy was one of those kids who collected beetles and watched them fight each other like it was the most intense battle he’s ever seen 💀
- so of course he’s not afraid of them. Bro likes them so much that he doesn’t know if the one piece is better or if beetles are better 😭
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- luffy was rambling to you about the various different types of beetles, and which ones were the strongest in fights. He was giving you the WHOLE lowdown, their stats, weaknesses, special skills, traits, etc. 💀 you were surprised luffy had this level of knowledge on- anything really
- “Yeah so the atlas beetle can DEFINITELY take down the rhino beetle because of its really tough shell and- OH MY GOD-“
- “Huh-?! What’s wrong?!”
- “Luffy you better be joking. Is it even April yet?”
- “Nono it’s right here see?”
- he pulled it off your head and put it in front of your face. The way you froze, and the way your heart stopped, dropped down to your feet, and then climbed back up 😭
- you couldn’t even scream, you just got up and hauled ass away from whatever that abomination of a creature was
- “Y/n where are you going?! I have to show you how it fights!”
- “But y/n they really like you! You’ve got a rhino beetle on your back too!”
- “WHAT?!”
- you legit stopped, dropped, and rolled 💀💀💀 poor robin was watching the whole thing transpire from really far away so she couldn’t hear the context of what the hell was happening 😭
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a/n - bro I missed writing these. I’m a bit rusty tho 😂
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berrisweet · 3 months
VANILLA & STRAWBERRIES . . . tsukishima kei. 🍓
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intro : kei tells you that you taste like vanilla and strawberries.
rika 💬 : his smile is so precious oml <33 first written fic hope you guys enjoy!! i had no plan whatsoever so i was just writing as i was going so i'm sorry if it's all over the place lol
tw : none, pure fluffy fic :D
you're currently sitting in your boyfriends lap while he's doing homework. "kei?" you ask softly. he hums questioningly in response, his focus shifting on you. "are you almost done?" you ask. "only a few more problems left. i'll finish soon, i promise." he says in response while jotting more answers down.
a few more minutes pass as he finally finishes up, sighing softly and putting his materials away. you somehow end up on the couch, still sitting on his lap, leaning back against him. his hands rested on you waist, rubbing small, soothing circles. moments pass as you're in this position when he finally asks you to turn towards him. "why?" "just do it." you nod, turning around to face him. his hand comes up to cup your face, his thumb rubbing your cheek gently. you chuckle softly, smiling.
"something funny?" he asks, although there's no undertone of annoyance, just a hint of fondness. you shake your head. "i just find it cute when you're affectionate. especially your smile." you say, leaning into his touch. he smiles, inching closer to you. he kisses you softly, cupping your face so gently, almost as if you're a porcelain doll, and he's scared you'll break.
you loved it when he did that though, enjoying how his skin felt on yours. you melt into the kiss, bringing your hand to rest on top of his. he pulls back after a moments, his soft features tinged with a rosy hue. "y'know.." he starts. "you taste like vanilla and strawberries." you smile again, wider this time, eyes twinkling with amusement. "really?" you ask teasingly. "yes, really. my two favorite things in the world combined and put into one person."
"you're not so bad yourself." you say, a grin plastered on your face. he rolls his eyes and says, "you love me though."
"that i do."
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imjustspirit · 4 months
A very sane rant about the Epilogue
Wrote this after I finished reading the epilogue and needed to rant lol. Spoilers obviously
oh my lord what a TORTUROUS epilogue I just read like seriously???
Don't get me wrong, it's well written like the rest of the story, but it is just 35 chapters of the characters getting pulled around getting destroyed like oml
I read episode 99 this morning and it was an incredible end, open-ended in a perfect way and I cried a little. I was then like, oh I should read the epilogue now, I'm sure it will just be KDJ looking down on his companions to see how they're growing and how everyone eventually moves forward and forges ahead with him still in their hearts. What a mistake that was.
First I quickly clocked onto the fact that this was only an epilogue thematically (?) and was actually just a continuation of the story, which was cool. And then I actually started reading it and 👁️👁️
KDJ gets called out in a way very suiting of the scene by the one who was most likely to notice, HSY and it's a great scene which made me thing that, at least epilogue 1, was going to be about them coming to terms with this 49% KDJ. Then it started spiralling
What could have been a seemingly very nice and deep epilogue about coming to terms turned into the author repeatedly tearing into the characters. It's 35 chapters of the characters desperately trying to save KDJ only to fail, despair, and bicker. They are given hope after hope and it is just torn away every time and as the reader you feel it every time as well, every time you think the resolution is round the corner it gets yanked away.
It is soul destroying to see how they all fall apart and separate, especially after turn 1865 which just made the who situation worse, then they fight, then a solution is found, which then goes wrong again, then it starts going right, only for it to go wrong again again
And on the final chapter, hope is gifted back to us, only for us to never see it come to fruition, because the story was never for us readers. It existed, and always has existed, for one reader, one Dokja, and I'm not them.
When I shared this last part, someone pointed out that "we are all that one reader, by reading this story, we helped that ending we want to see come to pass. as much as we write the ending by imagining it, it's also telling us: that ending can't exist without us. dokja won't make it without us. so we have to survive, too." which I believe to be a very interesting point of view.
I had personally read it more as I am a 'collateral' reader, someone who happened to find the story on its way to dokja, and in return for helping it spread, I was allowed to view that story and enjoy it myself. However, when it's re-read under the context they presented, it reveals a different, although still, very interesting concept. The idea that everyone is the reader serves to validate our own imaginations. It tells us that our interpretations, understandings, and derivatives, are all correct, as long as we continue to create them, and someone continues to view them. It a much more hopeful perspective for a collective fanbase such as the one surrounding orv.
Anyway amazing epilogue which perfectly characterised everyone to end off the incredible story, I'm going to go finish my looming assignments before I end up locating the side-stories I need to read or googling fan-fics :D
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Hey love! If this would be possible it would be amazing!
Do you think you could could write a little fic about reader and their experience on antibiotics after being in hospital because oml I feel so unwell after taking them 🤣 but if you could do that with bucky or derek that would be amazing, just some fluff and comfort when she’s about to get discharged whilst she’s in pain meds and her having to sleep them off and derek/ bucky getting worried because she’s basically been knocked out since they got home, it’s just comfort fluff helping her get her appetite back and her meds finished 🫶🏻🫶🏻 thank you
I hope you’re doing well too!
Omg this is such a good idea! Gonna do it with like a pre teen/early teen daughter because we love Dad Derek
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Hospital stays and side effects
Derek Morgan x daughter! Reader
Warnings: mention of hospitals, medication side effects, fluff throughout
Derek stood by his daughters hospital bed as the doctor finished his examination, she’d been admitted three days ago after Derek thought her appendix had burst, the thought of that day made him shudder, seeing his daughter writhe and cry out in pain, clutching her stomach and sobbing, “make it stop dad please” she begged as he drove to the hospital, foot through the floor.
Turns out it was just a nasty kidney infection, and a three day intense course of antibiotics and they were about to be discharged. “Now” the doctor began, “these are the antibiotics, you need to continue taking these for seven days, and make sure you eat before you take them” he said, handing Derek the box of pills. Y/N groaned, the meds had made her feel nauseous and lethargic, “I can’t eat they make me feel so sick” she groaned at the doctor, “we can prescribe you some anti sickness medication, but they will make you sleepy” the doctor replied and Y/N nodded.
After signing lots of paperwork Derek was finally able to take his daughter home, he wheeled her out to the car and helped her into the front seat, draping a purple fluffy Sherpa blanket that Garcia had bought for her. He quickly returned the wheelchair and jumped in the car, “ok all set babygi-“ he looked over at his daughter and she was already asleep, those meds must have kicked in, he thought.
Y/N slept the whole drive home, her soft snores making Derek chuckle, he gently scooped up Y/N and carried her inside, laying her on the couch and pulling the blanket back up to cover her and pulling off her black converse she got for her 11th birthday. He quickly grabbed her bags from the car and set them down in her room for when she woke up.
As he walked back down the hall, he noticed Y/N was still fast asleep, he crouched next to her and was relieved when he saw a piece of hair blowing gently as she exhaled, thank god she was breathing, but Derek still wasn’t happy, he called the doctor, “hey doc I know we’ve only been home a couple hours but Y/Ns been sleeping the whole time and I don’t know if this is normal or if I should bring her back and-“ the doctor cut him off, “it’ll be the medication, she’s fine Mr Morgan, let her rest as long as much as possible, she’s fighting off a nasty infection, her body needs as much rest as it can get” the doctor said, Derek breathed a sigh of relief and thanked the doctor before hanging up.
He looked at his phone and realised it was time for Y/Ns afternoon medication, he walked over and gently shook her awake, “hey kiddo it’s time to take your medicine” he said, Y/N groaned and rubbed her eyes, “you gotta eat first though, I’ll make you a sandwich?” Y/N shook her head, “don’t wanna eat dad” she said and buried her head in the blanket, “come on baby there’s gotta be something you want?” He asked pulling the blanket down and moving some hair out her eyes, “no” she said blankly and pulled the blanket tighter, trying to go back to sleep.
Derek sighed, suddenly he had an idea, he ruffled Y/Ns hair lightly and walked back to the kitchen, pulling out his phone he looked for Rossi’s phone number and dialled it, “hello?” “Hey Rossi it’s Derek” “oh hi! How’s the kid doing?” He asked, “she’s ok but I can’t get her to eat, she needs to eat so she can take her medication but It’s having some side effects that make her sick and I can’t get her to touch anything, I thought you might have an idea?” He said, his voice laced with desperation, Rossi chuckled, “have you tried something simple? When my wife was undergoing chemotherapy the only thing she would eat was spaghetti with butter and Parmesan cheese” Rossi said, Derek thanked him and got to work boiling some pasta, he decided to make some tea as well, tea makes everyone feel better.
Once the food was ready he put it on a tray and brought it to Y/N who was sat up, the blanket wrapped around her as she watched the tv, “so your uncle Rossi gave me an idea” Derek said as he placed the tray down, Y/N peered over at the food, it did smell kind of good, she picked up the fork and twirled a small forkful of spaghetti, she ate it slowly, ok she didn’t puke, that’s a good start, little by little she ate the bowl of pasta, and felt a little better for it. “Attagirl” Derek said kissing her forehead and passing her her medication with a glass of water, Y/N grimaced but took the medication. “I just gotta do some paperwork ok? I’ll be in the office if you need me” Derek said turning to leave, “wait dad” Y/N said, “ can you stay with me? We could watch a movie maybe?” She said giving him puppy dog eyes, Derek sighed and smiled, “of course I can babygirl” he said and sat next to her on the couch, Y/N lay her head in his lap and his hands went straight to her scalp, massaging it gently as she scrolled through Netflix picking out a movie to watch.
Maybe being sick wasn’t so bad
Sorry I kinda ran with this and went slightly off track but it’s fine
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negative-citadel · 7 months
Writing Patterns
Oml, I have a terrible memory disorder and almost forgot to do this - sorry lol
Tagged by @sunwarmed-ash & @sweeteatercat <3 <3
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
(I'm not gonna include silly collabs lol)
Choices were already made. - This is Who We Are (DBH)
There she was, alone, without any form of human companionship.  - Make this World Seem Right (Interstellar)
“How did it go?” Eager brown eyes asked. Connor was as nosey as ever as he sat at the desk across from Hank’s. The android seemed completely distracted from work. - More Than Complicated (DBH, part 2 of Complicated)
Connor was more than prepared. Hidden in his jacket was a set of stakes, a vial of holy water, and a small jar of garlic cloves. The vampire hunter always completed his mission - no matter how difficult. This time would be no different. Connor held his crossbow close to his chest. - Lose Your Way (DBH, RK1K Week)
A small, but safe, smile formed across Markus’s face. Finally, after everything he had gone through, the RK200 could relax, away from all the world’s chaos. Sitting up on the rooftop, Markus watched the gentle snow trickling down from the sky. The gentle winter breeze was surprisingly welcoming as Markus remained in place, watching the distant surroundings of a noisy Detroit. - Company (DBH, RK1K Week)
There was nowhere safe to retreat to. - Marbles on Glass (DBH, RK1K Week)
Hank rolled his eyes as a certain detective arrived on the scene. “ Great , now we have to deal with this prick…” He grunted under his breath as Connor remained unphased by Detective Reed’s presence.  - Kinda Complicated (DBH)
Lieutenant Reed glared at his phone, checking the time. Displayed in the bright white font, he was able to read it - 13:06 October 7th, 2040 . He let out a long, tired sigh before he finished his cigarette. Glancing back at the public crime scene behind him, he watched as the forensic team was beginning to wrap things up. - Shoot Before You See the Target (DBH, Part 2 of Pretend This is Gonna End Well)
Deviant related crimes hadn’t stopped at murder and assault. It almost seemed a waste of time, but Connor found himself investigating a CyberLife shipping facility where the disappearance of six AP700 models had been reported. The warehouse amongst the docks was a massive complex dedicated to transporting androids and android parts across the country. - Fix The Error (DBH)
 “Could you be any more obnoxious?” Gavin sneered at Tina as he kept his hands well buried in his jacket. It was fucking cold out, yet here he was - convinced to visit an amusement park in the middle of December. Unlike Tina, Gavin was not amused by the Christmas lights strung throughout the park. - Wheel (DBH)
Do I have a pattern? Hmmm, mayhaps. Might need it pointed out to me.
Tagging you guys, but don't feel obligated if you don't want to <3
@kissoflightning @edgarthepc
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liseytopia · 9 months
I think you owe me a fic so this is just your reminder 😋
Anyway, could you pls do Gabbi Broussard x Fem!Reader hcs where reader gets asked out to prom by Gabbi
Doesn’t have to be that long I just love her oml 🤞🏻
HEY RY!! I kno it's been a minute since this request but I finally started working on it for you <33 this one was fun to write, tysm!! xoxo
summary: your girlfriend, gabbi, greets you with an unexpected message after school. you meet her where she planned, behind the school, when she leads you to the nearby garden. little did you know she was asking you to prom.
pairing: gabbi broussard x fem!reader
contents: fluff
warnings: cursing
an: i'm well aware i got in a little too much detail.. it may not be what you wanted but i enjoy nit-picking the small things in writing!! also see if you can find the little easter eggs i hid inside the writing~
wc: 1.1k
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𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧.
- 𝘨𝘢𝘣𝘣𝘪 𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘥
it was obvious gabbi loved you just as much as you loved her, maybe even more. she's always showed her ways of loving you, whether it was hugs from behind or little kisses on your neck, or oftentimes a small gift she'd brought you from a shop nearby. this one day was especially meaningful, however.
it was early may and the weather outside was warm and silky. breathing the air felt like taking a nice shower after a long day and washing away all the dirt and unwanted essence; it was refreshing, rather. you wanted nothing more than to bask in the perfect environment around you forever.
your day at school had just finished and you had then gotten done chatting with your friend group in the halls about your day. after waving them goodbye and blowing a kiss, you walked for the exit. suddenly your phone buzzed in your hand. you check the notification on your lock screen. it was your girlfriend, gabbi. the message read 'meet me at the back of the school, 7:00.' a smile crept its way onto your cheeks and you turned your phone off, walking to your car and thinking about the message.
the car door slammed shut as your footsteps traced to your front door. you reached for your keys and fumbled them around in your hand while trying to unlock the door. once you got it, you wasted no time to walk straight to your bedroom and get ready for whatever event gabbi was preparing for you.
your backpack landed on the soft carpet of your bedroom floor with a thud. you had homework but didn't care to do any of it, considering you were the kind of girl to never turn down an invite, especially from the girl you love, gabbi. you sat yourself down at your pretty little vanity and got to work, fixing up the mess of makeup on your face that had previously been ruined by school air.
after a bit of re-curling your lashes and applying more mascara, you fixed the other tiny details and checked the clock. it was around 4:00 when you arrived back at home and it was 5:12 right now. you raised yourself off your seat and walked over to the closet door, sliding it open. your hands maneuvered around, sorting between your section of dresses. you decided on a strapless, sunset-orange dress that stretched long, down to your ankles. it was silky and had a slit by your left leg, topped with a tiny bit of lace trim around the edges. you completed the outfit with your preferable basic white sneakers, of which were your only desirable option since you weren't fond of heels at all. you also wore gold hoop earrings and a matching necklace with a butterfly on it that gabbi had given to you as a gift for your six month anniversary. you had on a few pearly gold rings and had your hair relaxed down with a white, silky bow that clipped into the back of your hair.
you glanced over at the clock once more, the time reading 6:30. you reached for your phone & purse, applied one more layer of lip gloss before tossing the tube into your bag, and happily strolled out the door and into your car. it was a necessary routine every time you entered your car to put on your music. you put on one of your playlists, the center console screen scrolling the title of the song, betty by taylor swift. you hummed along to the rhythm as your hands turned the steering wheel of your car and you stopped at the lights.
you parked your car into a space that wasn't much of a distance to the back of the school. you followed the path that went back around to the outdoor seats, eyes scanning the area in sights of your girlfriend. on the ledge of the fountain you found a little piece of paper that had your name on it. you gently picked it up and unfolded it. "hint: go to the garden" was visibly written in gabbi's handwriting. you giggled at the scavenger hunt and tucked the now unfolded paper into your purse.
standing at the edge of the trail, your eyes widened when you saw the sight of the garden. the trees were thick and covering beautifully over a path that went down and split into two, one end going to a flower garden and the other going to the school's fruit & veggie garden. there were small shrubs and flowers lining the trail. that was a usual appearance for the garden, but what made you shocked was the candles going down the flower garden path and the orange roses scattered along the way. you smiled warmly. orange was your favorite color. the thought that gabbi remembered the smallest things about you brought light into your life.
as curiosity continued to strike, you walked slowly along the trail, splitting off the side with the candles. the ongoing feeling of butterflies in your stomach sent you into bliss. gabbi would be happy to know how excited you get at the thought of her face. you slowly pushed open the wooden gate to the flower garden, looking around. you stepped carefully through the daisies and rounded the corner, meeting eyes with your girlfriend.
you giggled. gabbi seemed to be hiding something behind her back. she walked closer to you. "hey, beautiful. you're definitely more dressed up than i am," she said in a sweet voice, winking at you. looking up at her you ask, "what's the important occasion?" gabbi hesitated for a moment. she brushed a stray strand of hair out of your face. the look in her eyes was pure and loving, different from her usual chill demeanor. she started to talk, failing to hide a smile from appearing on her face.
"will you.. go to prom with me?" gabbi held up a board with the same words on it, covered from top to bottom in pearly white paint and your favorite color orange glitter. it wasn't any messy little sign-- it was beautiful and had so much detail to it. you felt tears nip at the corners of your eyes and a wide grin spread across your face. you nodded. "yes, baby. of course. how could i ever say no to you?"
moments later you two were kissing lovingly. the board was discarded elsewhere on the ground and gabbi was pressed back against the fence with her hands on your hips, rubbing the dress softly. you had your hands cupping her face and stroking her cheeks with your thumbs. between breaths you were giggling, causing her to imitate your actions. it wasn't that the moment was funny, it was just the fact you never would have thought gabbi loved you this much. and she did. and she always will, until her last breath.
ʚ © this subject is copyright to liseytopia. : do not copy, translate, or steal my writing. ɞ
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wesperbrekkered · 11 months
Thanks for the tag @sixofsol ! I've missed these kinda tag games, they're so fun to do!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
20 so far! (I published my first fic in Jan of this year oml)
2. What is your AO3 word count?
172,381! My goal is to get 200k written by new years day but October was a terrible month for writing so I'm 10k words behind schedule :(
3. What fandoms do you write for?
So far only six of crows. One day I want to branch out into rwrb or lokius but for now the wesper brainrot is way too strong
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Of Merchlings and Letters Home with 963
Of Lies and Rash Decisions with 839
I Wish You Meant It with 787
You got me wrapped around your finger (not that I'm complaining) with 600
Jesper Fahey Couldn't Sleep with 537
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I love responding to comments as they make my smile sm. Sometimes I'm too overwhelmed (in a good way) or busy to answer immediately but I do try my best!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Heh it definitely has to be Just You and Me Merchling. I had so much fun writing that one, hurt no comfort is my beloved.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Uhm, depends on how you want to look at it. Fic with the fluffiest ending? Probably Summer Days Drifting Away or Out Of The Blue. Fic where they finally found happiness after everything they'd been through? Flair For The Dramatics or Never Let Me Go. Fic where against all odds it worked out in the end? Of Lies and Rash Decisions.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully I haven't to my knowledge.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I dabble in some every now and then... it's always soft and either full of jesper being a simp or a pining idiot (or both) during it. Lost On The Shape Of You and The Longest Hour are my only published examples
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
The only crossover I've published was Never Let Me Go, if that even counts considering it was more of a Spiderverse AU then a Spiderverse crossover. I have a How To Train Your Dragon wesper au in the works, but it's still in the baby phase so I don't yet know how faithful to the og movie the storyline will play out. There will definitely be all the iconic scenes anyway.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, no.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah! Of Merchlings and Letters Home, Of Lies and Rash Decisions and Flair For The Dramatics have all been translated into French by the wonderful shippoutsy on ao3 and twitter. (Link to the translated fics in the titles) it is one of the highest honour someone can bestow to a fanfic writer in my opinion, alongside fanart and book binding. If I was only more fluent in my native language I'd offer to translate so many of my fave fics
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Not yet, but I'd love to one day! @mezlymils squinting at you babe
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
Wesper... who's surprised?? Nobody
15. What's a WIP you'd like to finish but doubt you ever will?
So far it's my Rose Tinted Glasses wip. Tooth rotting fluff is way too difficult for me to write and I am STRUGGLING.
There's also the omalh epilogue
16. What are your writing strengths?
Metaphors are my lover and descriptive imagery my best friend!! I love being able to metaphor the fuck out of everything and I defo think one of my strengths is setting the scene. There's also internal monologuing but I think that's my adhd jumping out there hehe
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Definitely dialogue and small scenes that don't require much description, such as washing dishes or something else mundane but necessary to the scene. I don't feel like I'm a very humorous person so having dialogue that's natural and in character is something I can struggle with a LOT.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
It's quiet jarring to me personally, really takes me out of the scene and forces me to disconnect from the fic, especially if its a language I don't know. A word or two is fine, but whole sentences don't work for me.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I used to publish marauders fics on wattpad when I was 12...
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
Of Lies and Rash Decisions my eldest child, Little Stolen Moments my middle child and Never Let Me Go my youngest child. Those fics are everything to me for so many reasons that I won't delve into here lest I bore you lmao
Tagging: @mezlymilsposts @crowpricorn @sunfl8wer @violets-and-books @littlelcvestory @thesacredlore ♡
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slytherinshua · 11 months
genre. fluff. very domestic. coffeeshop au sorta...? seungsik being sooooo husband :( warnings. kissing. pairing. husband!seungsik x reader. wc. 779. a/n. idk why this fic just turned out soooo domestically fluffy and like seungsik oml hes just sooooo husband and i miss him sm </3 im in such a victon era again i just love them and miss them so badly 😭 also i feel like this is written in a slightly different style from what i normally do lmao (tho i'm not even sure if i have a style... do i have a style?)
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Seungsik loved you with every cup of coffee. 
Every iced americano, every caramel macchiato, every vanilla latte, every hazelnut cappuccino reminded you how much Seungsik loved you. 
From the moment you first locked eyes, to your first date, to when he put a ring on your finger, to now— Seungsik loved you with every cup of coffee.
You would never have known that the cute new barista at your local coffee shop would become a permanent fixture of your life, or that just 4 years later you would be opening up your own coffee shop with the very same man, but life is full of surprises and events that no one could ever predict.
The week had been tiresome overall. It was hard to keep up with customers when it was just the two of you. Seungsik took the counter, making coffees and charming customers with his handsome face and even handsomer smile. While he handled the front, you were in the back baking cookies or muffins or other baked goods. The morning rush before people went to work was always the busiest. You liked to man the counter together, otherwise it became unmanageable. 
Every day was pretty much the same, but you liked the familiarity. The routine was relaxing, and the constant surety of a day at the cafe helped with the stress of life outside of it. 
It was mostly Seungsik, though.
You woke up in his arms, breathing in his cologne, feeling the warmth of his body against yours. You stayed like that for a long time. Even after Seungsik woke up, he wanted to hug you for longer, just stay close for “5 more minutes”. 5 always turned into 10 which turned into 20, but there never seemed to be any urgency when you were with him.
When you finally got free from his arms to go shower, he watched you leave with a sleepy smile on his face, mumbles about how breakfast would be ready when you were done. If there was one thing about Seungsik, it was that he always made sure breakfast was ready for you.
Some mornings it was french toast, or fruit parfaits with granola, or kimchi pancakes. This morning it was eggs benedict. But the best part of every breakfast was the coffee that came with it. Freshly brewed with the drip coffee pot that you had given him on your anniversary. He said it was the best thing in his life (after you).
You finished getting ready quickly, eager to join Seungsik for breakfast, and by the time you got to the kitchen, he was just starting on the coffee. One of the things you loved the most about Seungsik was his voice, and he had a habit of singing while working. His voice filled the entire room with a soft clear melody and you smiled at the sound. He was singing your favourite song. You slipped your arms around his waist and rested your head against his broad back as he poured water over the coffee grounds in slow circles. He slowed his singing down to a gentle hum, his left hand finding yours circling his waist to intertwine your fingers.
“Out of the shower?” 
You hummed in response, stepping up on your tippy toes to press small kisses to his neck. He smiled at the feeling.
“I’ve got to plate the eggs. Can you finish the coffee?” He turned around, leaning down to press a long kiss to your lips before leaving you to finish pouring the water. He started singing again as he transferred the eggs to two matching plates and poured a generous amount of hollandaise sauce on each one. 
“Go sit down, I’ll pour the coffee.” Seungsik urged, leading you to the table and pulling out your chair for you.
“You’re so sweet this morning.” You commented, smiling at the cute breakfast laid out on the table and your husband who was grabbing two matching mugs to pour the coffee into.
“Aren’t I sweet every morning?” He countered, placing the coffee down in front of you. You giggled. He was right, of course. He was sweet to you every morning. You sometimes couldn’t even imagine how you had ended up with such a loving husband.
You watched the cream make little swirls in your coffee and you allowed a relaxed smile to take over your face at the sight. It wasn’t just coffee to you— it was coffee made by Seungsik, and it held his love for you in it. And in that moment you were again reminded that Seungsik loved you steadily, gently, slowly. 
Seungsik loved you with every cup of coffee.
↳ victon taglist: @yeonjuns-redhair,, @skz-minchan-enthusiast,, @edensgardenn
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aphroditestummyrolls · 10 months
helloHELLOHI?? OML.. your fanfics are just.. *chef's kiss*.. your skill with imagery is amazing, and you absolutely nail the characters' personalities in all your fics. i adore your stories oh so much..
my favorite finished one atm is probably "In Fits and Starts", and my favorite WIP is probably "Between Hope and Desperation". (WIP game..? ^^ )
anyways, your stories are awesome and you are too! i love your work and would love to see more of it DHJDHBJHBD
Hi hihihi! ❤️ thank you so much, this is so flattering. I have a section of BHaD for you!
Jesper just held his hand for a long few minutes. The only sound between them was Wylan’s breathing. It came out laboured and a little loud— louder than he thought. But, as the tightness in his chest eased, and the last of the ringing faded from his ears, he couldn’t help the twinge of embarrassment.
He timed his breaths with the slow stroke of Jesper’s thumb over the knob of his wrist. He considerately avoided his knuckles, giving them a wide berth.
His hand hurt. It throbbed with its own pulse, blood still oozing sluggishly out past the raw skin and bloodied mud he’d ground into himself.
Jesper didn’t ask how it happened, but Wylan still told. Now that he’d finally shared his worst, most pressing secrets, he couldn’t seem to stop himself. It was alright, though— Jesper wanted nothing more than to know what Wylan wanted to tell him.
And Wylan never wanted to hide anything from him again.
“I— um. I killed one of the men who came to take me.”
It was easier to say than he thought it would be, surreal. Part of him still flatly denied it. But all the same, he supposed, there was no way that man survived. He couldn’t stop seeing it in his mind, and hearing the deafening BOOM in his ears.
He’d snuck up behind him while he was cleaning up his workbench. You were caught off guard, he reasoned with his conscience, you defended yourself with what you had.
Wylan had panicked. He grabbed the nearest vial of something— anything— and shoved it at the man. Incidentally, into his mouth. And then he punched him, hard.
It exploded.
His hand throbbed in Jesper’s tender hold, and he didn’t know what to think. What had he done? He blinked up to meet his boyfriend’s gaze. Jes held it steadily.
Good. Something giddy and manic bubbled up through him, even as the guilt collapsed through his chest like a dying star. The gravity was immeasurable.
He loved this brutal, beautiful man.
He would be the reason this brutal, beautiful man died.
Thank you so so much for your sweetness 🥹 and thank you for playing my little game!
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lattesqueeze · 11 months
I’d love to hear anything about your favorite WIP, or you can answer some of these prompts:
1. What’s the main ship and/or dynamic?
2. What inspired you? Convo with a mutual, music, etc.
3. How long have you been working on this project?
4. What’s your favorite line you’ve written/planned so far?
5. What concept came to you first, the plot or the characters?
6. What are you finding challenging about this WIP?
My current favourite wip is very little more than a concept at the moment, which is a Lestappen fic (no surprises lol) that I think was inspired by a tweet or a tumblr post. The secondary inspiration that solidified the concept/plot was the recent press conference when our Charlie was high out of his mind on painkillers and kept giggling and chatting with Max.
It stems from them being much younger and still karting, and one thing leads to another and they kiss. And promptly never speak of it again. Buuuut they both think of it all the time. As they grow up, they encounter some deja vu and find themselves kissing again and, shock!, it’s just as good as they remembered and more.
(Answering about this actually helped me formulate a lot of the background plot so thank you!!)
HOWEVER I also want an excuse to post this excerpt from a separate Landoscar wip, just bc I like it :’) I’ll put it under a cut so it doesn’t clog anyone’s dash!
Shit. Lando shoved his way out of the kitchen he had found himself in, scanning every face for the soft cheekbones or warm brown eyes he had come to recognise.
A girl Lando had definitely hooked up with before caught his arm, and tried to pull him in another direction, but he brushed her off.
Eight! Seven! Six!
Lando set his half-finished drink down and rubbed at his eyes. He was determined not to let Oscar go into 2023 alone among strangers. He just had to find him first.
Oscar wasn’t in the bathroom, or the one bedroom Lando hazarded a peek into.
One job, Lando. One job. Keep Oscar safe while showing him a good time. And, somehow, he had managed to lose him at the most crucial time of the party.
Lando burst out of the apartment and onto the balcony, where only a few partygoers were stood. The night was cool, but not unbearable, though Lando shivered a little as he stepped outside.
There he was. Thank God. Lando spied the sandy blond wave of hair and crisp white shirt, stood right by the railing, gazing out over the city. He rushed over to Oscar, and put his hand on his arm, making Oscar jump.
The crowd around them erupted into cheers, popping open champagne and kissing their other halves. Without thinking twice, Lando grabbed Oscar by the back of the neck and kissed him, hard. He felt Oscar tense up for just a moment - just long enough for him to panic and regret the risky manoeuvre. But, milliseconds later, Oscar’s hands found their way to Lando’s waist, and he was kissing him back. The fireworks exploding across the city around them echoed the fireworks in Lando’s mind. When they finally broke apart to breathe, Lando grinned dopily at Oscar.
“Happy New Year, new teamie.” Lando said, almost into Oscar’s mouth, before kissing him again.
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altaneenarts · 11 months
Tag game from @amoxilwrites
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
10 all for DSMP
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
162,320 (oml that's a lot)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just DSMP rn
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1) in the doorway with you a zombie!george dnf fic based on mushie's apocalypse AU
2) perpetuam memoriam king!george/assassin!dream au
3) The Divine Right DSMP canon-divergent platonic dnf fic where c!George rescues c!Dream with the help of DreamXD (this action has consequences)
4) the crown, the shadow the prequel to "perpetuam memorial"
5) Communion a sequel to "in the doorway with you"
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! I love answering comments especially if a reader has a question. I'm happy to talk about my fics or characterizations with others. I've made some good friends this way :)
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm well I'd say some of the ones I'm writing now have angstier endings, but of those I have published it's probably "The Divine Right" simply because of how long the fic is. (SPOILERS) It's about losing what you thought you had regained and coming to grips with the truth that the person you knew is no longer what they once were.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The End post DSMP finale fic where DreamXD saves c!George from the nuke
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope. I have yet to get any real hate comments lol.
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
So far, no. I've written short snippets of hypothetical scenarios which @amoxilwrites has enjoyed lol. But if I ever publish any, it'll be very character/plot driven. I want the smut to have meaning and give a look inside who the characters are or progress the story somehow—I just find it more engaging that way.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yes, back on an old account for the Hannigram fandom.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship
Oof of all time? As much as I love DNF, nothing will compare to Destiel (sorry gamers lol)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
Hmm now that depends on what you consider a wip XD I have many planned/brainstormed but of the ones I've actually started writing I think I can finish them all, it'll just take a long while.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Atmosphere/description (I love setting the tone), metaphors, and dialogue
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I can't write pure fluff/happiness for the life of me. I can only write happiness in the contrast of sadness. I also struggle with modern settings as my dialogue tends to lean towards poeticness more than realism. Too many metaphors. Whenever I edit, I always try to cut down my metaphors to one at a time instead of a bunch of wordiness that'll tire out a reader.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've done it with Enokian from Supernatural which was very painful given that it's not a complete language and the translators that exist aren't always accurate. So it was a lot of coming up with multiple ways to say a sentence until one was translatable. I also translate Latin pretty often (even now for "perpetuam memoriam") I'll never claim that it's accurate but I do often double check what I want to say through multiple translators before the final draft.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically Harry Potter, but I first posted fics for Supernatural
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I'm really happy with how "perpetuam memoriam" is going so far but of those that are complete I'd say "Communion". I really enjoy capturing a morally grey character whose logic is different from the norm in order to rationalize their life; how they can be vicious and kind.
oh gosh i feel like a dsmpblr noobie what other writers do i know well enough to tag *sweats* I think I'll just leave this open to whoever wants to join :D that way I can get to know yall better and can tag you next time lol
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77-79 for a heart of iron for the fic ask game
77: What scene in [Fanfic Name] took the longest to write? What was difficult about it?
The  scene in chapter 33/34 where Loki is in Tony's brainwashing dream was so hard to write oml. It's probably the only setting in the fic that I don't have a detailed picture in my head of because it's so abstract, and I wanted to write both Tony's and Loki's perspective of the scene, so I had to see it from their pov as well.
78: Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of [Fanfic Name]?
You might be able to tell, but I was originally going to have their universe's version of the Defenders fight Thanos, and that had to be scrapped because I couldn't figure out who was going to be in it. Also, I was going to have Matt play a much bigger role in part one, maybe even delving into MattFoggy a little bit, but as with the Defenders, I just didn't have the time to develop that as I hoped to. I might end up doing a spin-off using both of those, but at the very least that won't come until I start book 2, and probably not until I finish it, so it will be a while.
79: Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from [Fanfic Name] story/chapter?
Hell yeah. Chapter 22 aka when I first really introduced Kosto. His storyline is the only one that has been fully planned out since the beginning, and I can't effing wait for you guys to see what I have planned for him :>
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Razor: Cuddle HCs
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Hi anon! Thank you so much for the compliment^^ I absolutely adore Razor, he was my favourite to play until Childe came out. Who is Diluc? Sorry? Claymore user?? Empowered autos??? Yeah no, I only see Razor sorry. Hahh, I’m still trying to grind all the materials I would need to 90 Xiao but it’s hard;;
Today’s appreciation post goes to svnflowery. Actual sweetheart oml. One reply and I’m already smitten (❤´艸`❤). One of the few people I can shout my conspiracy theories to about a fictional game but I appreciate you. Really it just devolves into me crying about how upsetting character stories are;; Seriously if you ever want to chat with me, my dms are open do not be shy. I love lore talk so goddamn much you have no idea.
Semi Part 1: General HCs
Semi Part 2: Pre-Relationship HCs
Semi Part 4: Jealous HCs
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
@hanniejji​​  @mikeysbike​​ @unionwitch​ @musekala​ @sunnshiii​ @stanzastic​ @akaasea​ @xoneaboveallx​ @adoring-ghost​ @asheseiler​ @childelover​ @dilucsz​ @dai-tsukki-desu​ @thicmitten​
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Razor: Cuddle HCs
During your first interactions with Razor, he was a bit aloof and quiet. He never came off as rude but he didn’t seem like the cuddly type you would have expected. Though, he did live with wolves his entire life. It was cute to see his head popping out of the bushes when he noticed it was just you and running over. He didn’t smile as much as you would have hoped when he saw you but you could get a small one or even a laugh on lucky day’s when you both went exploring or hunting. After spending some more time together and having Razor warm up to you, it was almost like his entire personality did a 180 flip and he became this affectionate ball of fluff. The day he announced you as one of his Lupical was the first day he ever smiled full heartedly at you.
The first time you cuddled was during a really bad rainstorm. You could hear the thunder and some area’s of Wolvendom even sparked blue static before lightening crashed down. It’d be safe to say that it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to try and walk home in this kind of weather condition. Razor seemed to agree as he quickly led you to a small cave hidden under some moss while telling you to avoid the trees unless you wanted to get struck. It was a bit of a tight fit if you both didn’t want to get pelted by rain but it was oddly comforting. Feeling Razor’s soft hair brush against your cheek and feeling him press against your arm. That was until lightening struck down a tree near you both scaring you out of your skin.
Razor subtly jumped at your jumpiness and noticed your shivering and quickly huddled up to you. He felt how cold you were against him but any fire you both could have started wouldn’t have any room where it was safe. Plus all the wood was probably wet at this point. He quickly shuffled closer to you and placed his head on top of yours and letting his body drape over you. It made you short-circuit for a moment before reminding yourself, Razor’s naturally affectionate with people he trusts and he had been raised by wolves. This was something he and his family did during rainstorms. There wasn’t anything wrong with this, just him trying to warm you up. There was no hidden meaning behind this and you should stop over-thinking and let your heart be still or else you might have a bigger problem on your hands.
Razor doesn’t cuddle in the traditional way, he doesn’t necessarily embrace you from behind in a back hug or anything, he was raised by wolves so he cuddles the way they do. At first it confused you the first time you huddle together during that thunderstorm and he just nuzzled into your neck and was basically trapping you under his body but it was a comforting weight, even if the hard ground wasn’t the most pleasant. His soft gray hair was a bit matted due to the rain but you didn’t mind one bit. As much as you tried not to compare Razor to a puppy it really did feel like you were cuddling up to one. Being able to wrap your arms around him, running your hands through his hair, and listening to the rain fall made you slowly drift off into sleep.
Razor’s always been amazed at how soft you are in your own way. After spending so much time living as a wolf, he had scars running over his body and his hands were rough from the grass and the occasional wolfhook that managed to scratch him. The scar on his cheek always made you wonder if they still hurt as you gently ran your hands over them but he never seemed to stir. Whenever you both cuddle Razor ends up falling asleep first but he’s a bit of a light sleeper. You can’t really make any sudden movements but just so long as you’re quiet he won’t be startled awake. Razor is always running around or taking care of his family that it makes you feel soft to see him finally relax, that he’s comfortable enough to cuddle up to you and fall asleep. Plus whenever he wakes up he seems so drowsy that you can’t help but internally squeal.
Sometimes when you’re stressed or just tired and lonely, you’ll go see Razor. He can catch your mood in your scent, not sure on how that works but you really hope it’s just wolf instinct that he’s picked up and not other things, and you can sit down and open your arms and he’ll run up and cuddle into your embrace. His hair is so soft despite being in the wild that you can’t help but sigh into his shoulder and nuzzle your cheek into it. When you’re with Razor, there is no such thing as personal boundary unless directly stated. You might have lost some sense of embarrassment or self-restraint considering how Razor acts that you have to catch yourself from petting Bennet or Sucrose because they both remind you of him. Which ends up making you feel a bit clingy and you find yourself back in Wolvendom searching for a head of gray hair to pop up from the bushes.
Every fiber of my being want’s to stop calling Razor a dog or giving him dog qualities but goddammit he’s such a goodboy.
A bit of a delay but I managed to finish my assignment on time to finish writing this. I’m gonna make these a bit shorter since I don’t have time to write a full fic at the bottom, sorry;; I woke up because I forgot to post this so I go back to sleep now. When I’m awake again I’ll reply to asks^^
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mercur1e · 3 years
Saw your Father’s Day post and I knew I had to ask for it:
Dilf!Jean x Teacher!Black reader fic
I’ll let you pick whether it’s sfw or nsfw, I just need some Jean content rn😌
Contains: Modern AU, female anatomy but no pronouns
Jean has had his eye on you for a while now. You're his kid's teacher, he know he shouldn't be feeling this way. But he can't help it. You're so kind and beautiful. You're great with the kids, and always patient with them. And god, your smile. That pretty, pretty smile. When he dropped Julia off at the first day of school, you had smiled and introduced yourself. Nothing unusual, it's just common courtesy. So why was he acting like a teenager in love all over again? He brushed it off thinking it was just because he hasn't dated in a while. Ever since his divorce he hasn't really been interested in dating.
Everytime Jean would pick up his child he made small talk with you. About his daughter, about your jobs, anything that would get you to talk to him. Jean would subtly compliment you, telling you that you look pretty or that a color looks good on you. Hell, he pointed out when you changed your hair up for a day, even if it wasnt anything major. Every once in a while he would lightly flirt with you, questioning how you're single and asking if you have a s/o. You'd always reply that you haven't been interested in anyone around here.
And it wasn't one sided, no. You'd glance at him when (you thought) he wasn't looking, looking as handsome as ever. His slicked back hair and style would make anyone swoon. A million dollar smile, great personality, and he was a good father? You wanted to be with him, you really did. But as a teacher you know you shouldn't. But the school year is almost out, you wish he would make a move.
Today was just like any other day, Jean came to pick up his kid and he was making small talk with you. Talking to you about your plans for the summer, and where you would like to go. Meanwhile Jean was was worrying about how to ask you out. "Do I just say it? Do I slip it in? Shit. Fuck it I'll just say it."
As you were talking about your summer plans, Jean interrupted you. "I..I was wondering if I can take you out on a date? If not I'm sorry that-"
"I've been waiting for you to say that." A smile forms on your lips. "I thought I'd become a corspe before you asked me out!" You poke in a joking manner.
Jean chuckled at you. "Well how about as an apology for making you wait so long, I take you out to dinner tonight?" He says while smiling at you. God, he's got a nice smile.
"I would love that. Is 7 o'clock good for you?" You ask Jean while writing your number on a slip of paper and handing it to him.
"Works for me. It won't be hard finding a babysitter for Julia for the night. I'll see you then sweetheart."
The rest of the school day went by fast. Happy to be home, you search through you closet to find something to wear. After digging in your closet you found your perfect outfit. Putting it on and standing infront the mirror you looked damn good in it. Going into the bathroom to finish up your hair and getting the look you wanted, you were almost done. Now you just had to find the right fragrance and any other additions. And with that, you were ready for your date. Hearing a knock on your door, you go to answer it.
You're met with Jean, looking as handsome as ever. He has on a dress shirt with some slacks, paired with a nice watch and shoes. Eyeing you up and down, he shoots you a smirk.
"You look amazing."
"And you look handsome, which is a shocker for you." You play, he knows he looks even on his worst days.
Jean guffawed at your comment. "Uh huh, like I don't notice you checking me out almost everyday at school."
Locking your door behind you, you two begin walking towards his car. "Guess I'm not as sneaky as I thought."
"Nope, you're shit and trying to be sneaky."
"Oh shut up!" You giggled as you slapped his arm lightly. He opens the car door for you and you get in.
"So, where are we going?" You ask once he gets in the car.
"It's a surprise, but I think you'll like it when we get there."
As he was driving, you two talked and joked together. It wasn't a very long ride, maybe about 15-20 minutes until you arrived to the destination. It was a popular steakhouse that had recently opened up, and it wasn't cheap either.
"I've always wanted to go here, I've heard good things about this place." Looking around the parking lot, you could tell it wasn't a super busy night but they had business, that's good.
"Me too. I've heard good things about the place and its owned by a local chef." Holding out his hand to you, you take it as you're getting out of the car. To his pleasant surprise, you hold on to his hand until you two are seated at the table he reserved. The rest of the date went wonderfully, you both thoroughly enjoyed dinner and had fun getting to know each other more. And of course taking playful jabs at each other and eating dessert.
Pulling up in front of your house, Jean helps you out the car and walks you to your front door.
"I really enjoyed tonight, I loved every bit of it. Thank you for treating me to dinner."
"Of course." Jean replies, secretly hoping you'd you'd kiss him.
You two sat in silence for a few minutes until you looked him in the eye. His eyes were shining, hoping that you'd make a move. Finally, you broke the silence.
"Can I kiss you-" You didn't even finish your sentence before his lips landed on yours. He pulled back though, the kiss ending as quick as it started. You kissed him again. And again, until it turned into a full blown makeout session. "Do you want to go inside?" You asked once you finally caught your breath. Jean nodded at you, eyes now clouded with need. Opening your door, you barely have time to register what happened. Jean's got you pressed against your door, lips back on yours. Running your hands through his hair you let his tongue roam your mouth. He sucks on your tongue while trying to take your clothes off. "Mm, not here, my bedroom." While hurrying towards your bedroom, articles of clothing litter your hallway as you both rush to take off your clothes. After you get into the bedroom Jean motions for you to lay on the bed.
Laying between your legs, he leaves kisses on your navel and thighs, avoiding where you need him the most. Taking a long finger and swiping up your slit, he feels just how wet you are for him.
"Fuck, I've been waiting to do this for so long."
You hum in agreement. "Me too, I've wanted you for so long"
Licking a stripe up your pussy, you shiver under him. He kitten licks your clit before sticking a long finger into you. Your vagina clenches around the digit, adjusting to it after a minute.
"Another" you mewl, wanting more of him. He listens, putting his index finger in. He moves his fingers in a scissoring motion, loving the way you feel around him. His fingers are coated with your juices, creating a wet sound every time he thrusted them into you. Sucking on your clit, you moan and twitch under him. He speeds his fingers up, and starts sucking at your clit more harshly.
"Ah! Ah! M' gonna cum!"
"That's right, come for me baby. Cum all over my fingers."
Your body shivers from your orgasm as your hole convulses around Jean's fingers, creaming around him. He takes his fingers out of you, and you whine at the loss. He takes his fingers up to his mouth and sucks on them.
"You tatse so good baby. So good for me. Can't wait to have you screaming for me."
He looks so hot like this. Hair disheveled and out of place, lust filled eyes just waiting to devour you. He takes his dick and strokes it a few times before pushing your legs against your chest. He lines himself up at your entrance, and slowly pushes in. It stings at first, he's so big. You already feel full, before you look down and see that you've only taken half of him. Jean slowly eases the rest of himself into you, before he's finally buried to the hilt. You swear you can feel him in your throat.
"Y-you can move baby, I can take it."
Jean smirks at you. "You sure?"
"Mhm..keep going."
Once Jean knew you were okay he started roughly thrusting into you. Leaning down to suck at your nipples, your hand grabbed at his hair. Tugging lightly at it, you wrangled a low groan out of the man above you. He can tell you're close because your moans are getting louder and he can feel you tightening around his dick.
"You gonna cum for me baby? Want me to fill you up?"
"Mm Mhm!"
"Say it."
"Cum in my Jean, please!"
He smirked. "Anything you want baby."
Slamming his hips into you, Jean's abusing your poor g-spot at this point. He flips you over so you're face down ass up and you can tell he's close too by the way his dick is twitching inside of you.
"Fuck! Fuck! I'm cummimg, I'm cumming-"
"That's it baby, come all over me."
Jean doesn't let up even after you've come. Your overstimulated pussy fills the room with sloppy noises. Jean gives a few more rough thrusts before coming inside of you. You both simultaneously groan out, you feel even fuller than before. He pulls out of you, feeling a sense of pride as he watches some of his cum drip out of your pussy.
Rolling over onto your back, you gaze up at Jean. A fucked out grin makes its way onto your face. Jean smiles back down at you before he lays down onto your chest.
"Is it selfish if I say I don't want this to end?" He mumbles in between the valley of your breats.
"Mm no. Because I don't want it to end either. I really like you Jean, I mean it." Your hand runs through his hair, its original style long gone.
"I really like you too, you think we could make something outta this? Maybe even a relationship?"
You giggle. "Is this your way of asking me to be your s/o?"
"Yeah...pretty shitty way huh?" Jean let's out a small laugh.
"Hmm yes, but I accept. I'll be your s/o."
"Guess it's not stupid if it works hm?" Jean leans up to plant a kiss against your lips.
"Oh shut up you!"
IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE THIS DONE YESTERDAY BUT I FEEL ASLEEP! Anyways I hoped you liked it! Thank you for requesting and feedback is appreciated!! Have a good day! <33
This is my original work. Do not steal, repost, or copy my works. All works on this belong to @c00chi
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onionsoop · 3 years
Blackmail /// Tendou Satori x f!Reader /// (+18)
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Summary: During a game for Shiratorizawa, you plan to slip a love letter to Ushijima until Tendou catches you in the act. After stealing you letter, he blackmails you into cheering for the game without bra or panties and later fucks you the bathroom as one last request to get your letter back.
Length: 5k
Tags & Warnings: dub-con, exhibitionism, fingering, oral (fem receiving), unprotected sex, creampie, semi-possessive Tendou, praise (kind of) Tendou calls you a slut once
Authors Note: Hey, so this fic kinda doesn’t make sense emotion wise for Y/N with the soft ending, but its whatever. I had this idea for a fic and my brain refused to let me write anything else until I got it out, so enjoy. I just finished Season 3 of Haikyu and oml I simp Tendou so much I just had to write a fic for him. Regardless, sorry for any spelling or grammer mistakes and I hope you enjoy :)
Two days stood between you and the big game on Saturday. You had joined the cheer team for Shiratorizawa at the start of this year and it was truthfully one of the best decisions you had ever made. You had met so many wonderful and kind people during your time there, and most importantly, you had fallen in love. During all the times you had been in the stands cheering for the team, you had gotten accustomed to having your eyes fall to Ushijima, watching the way he moved and played— how his muscles moved under his uniform. Despite only truly speaking to him once or twice, his silent and brooding nature had utterly charmed you, leading you to the situation you were in now, waiting to give him a love letter.
You knew it was a bit of a cheesy thing to do, but you couldn’t imagine actually telling him in person. Your current plan was to slip it into his bag sometime before or after a game, but the idea of going through with it created a sinking feeling of anxiety in your stomach. So, you decided to pick a day, a day where a game was going to happen so he might be in a good mood. But, as each day passed and you got closer to Saturday you felt your choice to do it weighing on you more and more. How was he going to react? Maybe he didn’t even remember you… No, you had to stay hopeful, after all, you had already gotten this far.
The big day had finally come, and you were a nervous wreck. The entire time you were getting into your cheer uniform you couldn’t stop glancing at the corner of the envelope sticking out of your backpack. Thoughts of being rejected previous times by guys in elementary and middle school filled your head, and the more you thought about giving the note to Ushijima the less you wanted to do it.
You finished changing and looked at the clock— only ten minutes until it was time to head to the stadium. You picked up the envelope from the place in its bag and clutched it tightly in your hands. You felt like you were on a spy mission as you made your way through the hallways trying your best to seem unsuspicious. It seemed like everyone was watching you as you made your way to the boys’ locker room and your heart thundering in your chest was the only sound you could hear as you made your way there.
As you got closer to the entrance, the number of people was beginning to dwindle, sending a wave of relief over you. You didn’t want anyone seeing you entering in case word got around that someone had given Ushijima a confession. As the last few people in the hallway were leaving, you made yourself seem very invested in a poster on the wall, keeping an eye out for anyone approaching. Finally, the last person turned the corner and you darted over to the doorway, peeking inside. It looked completely empty, your eyes scanning the bags and towels strewn around the room.
Tip-toeing inside, you nervously looked for the bag with his name on it, finding it in the corner, zipped up and tidy. With shaky hands, you pulled out the envelope, trying to build up the courage to slip it inside. You felt a shiver go up through your whole body and suddenly you whipped around, coming face to face with Tendou Satori who was looming over your shoulder with a surprised sneer on his face. You jumped backward, scrambling to hide the letter behind you, and act natural.
“Whatcha got there?” he said, leaning over you and snatching the letter out of your hands. Panic was the only emotion you felt as he took it from your hands. You didn’t know where he had come from, you thought you had entered discreetly, but apparently you had missed him during your frantic search.
“N-nothing, give it back,” you said, trying to snatch the letter back but Tendou held it just out of your reach with his long arms.
“Is this a love letter?!” he said, peering up at the pink script you had written on the envelope and the heart sticker you had sealed it with. You could feel your face going bright red as regret about your decoration choices filled you.
“Oh-ho-ho, now this is good. This’ll definitely get a kick out of the team, especially Ushijima,” he said, giving you a sly smile, knowing exactly how he was making you feel. You felt tears pick at the corners of your eyes and your lower lip beginning to tremble. You knew Tendou was just saying it to get a rise out of you but the words still hurt. It wasn’t like him to tease other people so much, but the way he saw you guilty standing there, trying to hide your letter made him-- you were just too cute to not mess with.
“Give it back… please…” you said weakly, casting your eyes downward trying to regain your composure.
“Mm? And why should I do that?” Tendou said, finally taking his eyes off the envelope and shifting them to you. You hated the way that a smug expression still adorned his face, you knew that Tendou had a reputation for being a cocky and overzealous guy, which was why you had tried to avoid him any time you could, but now you regretted not gaining some good footing with him before now.
“Please… I’ll do anything,” you mumbled, desperation laced through your voice.
“Anything?” he said, punctuating the syllables as he said the word, “Now that's quite the offer.” He leaned back on his heels, letting out a “hmm,” pretending to think as he slowly waved the letter in the air between two fingers. His eyes shifted down to you again and the way you glared up at him through your eyelashes, clenching your fists at your sides. A smile grew on his face as he watched you, savoring how small and pathetic you looked trying to argue with him.
“I’ve got it. You’re on the cheer team, right? For this game I want you to go out there with no bra or panties.”
The shock was visible on your face as he said those last words. A playful grin was set on his face, but you could see that he was being serious in his eyes.
“You’re kidding… r-right?” you said, feeling your face start to go red again.
“Nope. But it's just one teensy request, I doubt anyone will notice,” he said nonchalantly, “Plus, you said you would do anything.” He still held the letter out of your reach, taunting you with it by waving back and forth, making a twinge of anger go through you.
You weighed your options, you knew you would be mortified if he shared that letter with the rest of the team, and it would probably get out to the cheer team as well making your life hellish, or you could do this. You looked down at your uniform, your skirt coming down to mid-thigh and your shirt only being the slightest bit cropped, no one would notice… right? You took a deep breath and answered, trying to keep your voice steady.
“Fine, now give it back,” you said, lunging for the letter.
“Ah-ah-ah,” he teased, “you’ll get this back later, now hand ‘em over.” He held out a palm and stared at you, shoving your letter in his pocket.
“At least turn around pervert,” you hissed, causing Tendou to let out a chuckle. He luckily obliged and you stepped into a corner while he turned away. You quickly slid your panties down and unclasped your bra, making sure to keep your eyes on him the whole time. Once you had them off, you felt so open and exposed, making you instinctively cross your arms over your chest.
“Here,” you said, holding out your undergarments for Tendou. He snatched them from your hand and went over to shove them in his bag, keeping an eye on you as you stood in the corner of the room. The annoying smile that never seemed to leave his face was still there as he looked you up and down, taking in your exposed form, but you could see an intensity in his eyes that wasn’t there before, making you shiver.
“Alright then, see you after the game,” he said, as he lazily waved goodbye, picking up his bag and bringing it with him. As the door shut behind him it took you a minute to calm down and fully realize what happened.
Panic rose in your throat as you thought about walking out there and cheering for more than an hour. You wanted to sit down and hide in this room until the game was over, but you knew you would have to leave. Walking out there would be embarrassing, but it would only be worse if the team came back after and found you in this sorry state.
You began to walk forwards, legs shaky and unstable-- you felt tears begin to fill your eyes again but you took a deep breath and swallowed, forcing yourself to continue.
Once you got into the empty hallway, you felt more exposed than before. The wide-open space and the bright fluorescent lights above made you feel like you were on display for anyone who happened to walk by. There were only two minutes that remained before the game started, forcing you to pick up your pace as you walked down the hall. You were hyper-aware of the way that your skirt and shirt moved as you walked, making sure that you were keeping covered as you passed by the last few people waiting to head into the gym.
You finally made your way into the stand above the auditorium and joined the rest of your team. As you walked in you were truly grateful for your place in the second row of the group, making it so that you didn’t have to worry about people looking up your skirt. You were finally starting to get used to the feeling of your nipples brushing up against the fabric of your shirt, but the uncomfortable drafty feeling between your legs took a little more concentration to ignore.
Being in such a large crowd of people did nothing to calm your nerves as you waited for the players to enter, constantly checking that the back of your skirt hadn’t flipped up. The whistles blew down below, making you jump in your anxious state. The players filed in, all taking their time getting organized and lined up— you held your breath as you looked at the front, where your head cheerleader was standing, getting ready to start your routine, and you took one more look at the stadium preparing for the long game you were about to endure.
By the time the last point was scored and the whistle blew you wanted to cry tears of relief. The entire game had been a nightmare, each set coming to a deuce and dragging on far longer than it should have. Shiratorizawa had lost in the end, but at this point you didn’t even care, you just wanted to leave.
Throughout the game, you had felt only a constant rush of anxiety. Every jump and cheer and shake had sent waves of worry through you as you thought about all the people standing around you. After the first fifteen minutes of the game, you had gotten used to the weird sensations of not having any undergarments on, but the thought of someone finding out had kept you on edge the entire time.
Being able to sit down and relax felt like a godsend. The rest of the crowd was depressed and complaining about how we had lost, but you hadn’t watched much of the game and didn’t really feel like participating in the pity party.
Once the crowd was starting to dissipate, you rushed down the stairs and back to the boys’ locker room, keeping your skirt down the entire time with your hands. You stood a good ways away from the entrance, so as to not draw attention to yourself, and fervorously scanned the crowd for Tendou. The rest of the team was starting to arrive, including Ushijima, who put your heart in your throat as he walked by, but Tendou was nowhere to be seen.
Finally, when you were beginning to consider running off and looking for him, Tendou stalked by, a tired and annoyed look spread across his features. Once he caught sight of you, standing patiently against the wall, he grabbed your arm and started pulling you down the hall.
“W-wait, where are we going?” you asked, trying your best to keep up with his large stride.
“What, you don’t think I’m gonna give you back your belongings here, do you?” he said in a playful tone, but he couldn’t quite hide the tone of displeasure under it. You kept quiet the rest of the time while he dragged you off into an emptier part of the building and into the bathrooms. You weakly tried to pull away from his grasp, but his grip was tight on your arm as he pulled you around.
A wave of surprise hit you though, when he shoved you into a bathroom stall, locking the door behind both of you. He stood in front of you, hand against the stall door near your head, towering over your small figure.
“You want your letter back right?” he said, staring you down. You quickly nodded your head, beginning to feel uncomfortable, trying to gauge what he was planning.
“You’d be willing to do anything for it right?” he asked, leaning in closer to you to where you could feel his breath against your ear. It took you a second, but you nodded again, this time a little more hesitantly than before.
“How ‘bout you do me one more favor then, hmm?”
“Y-you said you would give it back now though,” you said, shuffling backwards, trying to get away from him in the confined space of the bathroom. His large figure made it hard for you to find any place away from him and you felt your back hit the door as you leaned away. Everything felt very claustrophobic and you felt heat rush to your face from how close he was to you.
He took a piece of your hair between two fingers and began to play with it idly.
“I know, I know, but I think it’s only fair that you do a little more for me, after all, we just lost the game, and I’m in a bit of a bad mood,” he said, a playful smile spreading across his lips again, “plus, seeing you like that the whole time was a little distracting, so if anything you’re a little bit at fault too.” You felt your face begin to burn as the implications of his words hit you and the stall suddenly felt far too small. He shifted his head to look into your eyes, hand coming around to grip your chin and keep you in place.
“Come on baby, just one little favor and you’ll get your letter back.” His other hand came down to your exposed waist and started making its way under your shirt, his fingers drawing playful circles on your skin.
You didn’t know what to say, the urge between getting away and retrieving your letter were warring with each other inside your mind, keeping you frozen where you stood. Having people find out about it would be humiliating, but the thought of having Tendou use you like this was almost worse. You opened your mouth to respond but nothing came out, your body refused to act. His stare still bored into your eyes, waiting for an answer, but you couldn’t respond.
“I’ll take your lack of protest as a yes then,” he said, brushing a thumb across your cheek before hiking your shirt up. You felt his lips slam into yours, pinning you against the door in a deep kiss and in that moment everything else seemed to fade away-- all you could focus on was the feeling of his lips invading yours. They were warm and inviting and almost made you feel as if you wanted more, but the rational part of your brain was still screaming for you to run away.
Tendou’s hand moved from its place on your face and slid down to your ass, pulling you into him. Your hands went up between the two of you and rested on Tendou’s chest, feeling the sculpted muscles underneath his shirt. It had been so long since you had been touched like this and your body craved more but remembering who Tendou was and what he was making you do caused you to hesitate. You weren’t sure if you wanted to push him away or not, but you at least kept your hands there to keep some distance between you as your brain scrambled to try and make a decision.
You felt Tendou swipe his tongue along your bottom lip, asking for entrance to the rest of your mouth, and you reluctantly opened your lips to let him inside. He was rough and demanding with his movements, making heat creep down to your core.
The hand that was under your shirt crept up and roughly squeezed your breast and you felt a small noise slip out of your throat as it happened. You knew you were touched starved, but this was absurd, you shouldn’t be enjoying this. Tendou had blackmailed you into those slutty actions during the game, and now he was blackmailing you yet again into this— but you were enjoying it, you were even beginning to reciprocate with your lips and tongue.
Your head was too adrenaline-filled for you to think properly, and no matter how much you tried to concentrate on being rational, the feeling of Tendou pressed up against you with his tongue in your mouth brought you away every time. You could feel his movements getting rougher as he groped you, and he pulled away from your lips, a grin returning to his face as he looked down at you.
“Bend over for me baby, will you?” he said, not giving you a chance to respond before grabbing your hips to help turn you around. You placed your shaky hands against the door and sucked in a breath as you felt his hands slide up your thighs and under your skirt. Your hands felt hot against the cool plastic of the door but all you could feel was Tendou’s fingers creeping closer and closer to the wet heat between your legs, pulling on your skin and spreading your folds.
“Look at you, already soaked and I’ve barely even touched you,” he said, making your face go red. You tried to stutter out a protest, but you knew you were completely guilty. A small part of yourself felt ashamed at the way you were getting wet over Tendou’s touches— you shouldn’t be feeling this way, it was wrong, but your thoughts were quickly interrupted at the feeling of Tendou’s fingers brushing up against your entrance before pulling away, causing you to let out a small gasp. A wave of heat rushed through your body, making your head fuzzy— leaving only the desire for more pleasure in your mind.
Tendou could feel the tent in his pants growing larger as he viewed your supple thighs and ass in front of him. He had thought about this scene so often, thinking about how good you would look bent over for him, ready to take his cock, but he had to stay patient. Both of his hands grabbed your ass to keep you stable before he bent down and gave a slow lick to the inside of your thigh, making you shudder.
You could feel your hands beginning to get slick against the door as you prepared for the sensation of Tendou’s mouth against you. Once you felt his tongue swipe up against your cunt you felt your back arch and couldn’t contain the small whimper that you let out. All rational thinking was out the window and all you wanted was the feeling of him all over you.
The feeling of him lapping at your folds was tortuous, and every time you felt his tongue brush up against your clit it made your legs tremble beneath you. Despite the fact that Tendou could feel your legs beginning to get shaky, he only wanted to see you submit to him more. He tentatively slipped one finger inside of you, causing you to let out a high-pitched whine.
All you could focus on was the stretch of your insides from Tendou’s finger. He had sheathed it inside you suddenly, not letting you adjust to the feeling, and was now starting to rub against that spongy spot inside of you. You could feel your eyes beginning to go glossy from pleasure and you felt like your knees were about to give out. Tendou wasn’t giving you any time to adjust to the sensations and you could almost feel the hungry smirk on his face while he was playing with you.
When his other hand moved down to your clit it almost made you fall to your knees, but he made sure to hold you up, keeping you in your humiliating position for him to view. Almost every time he pushed his fingers into you you had to bite your lip to keep moans from coming out— any more and you didn't think you would be able to hold back.
Tendou let out a small chuckle as he watched you struggle to maintain your balance and keep quiet. He knew that you were in a secluded enough area where you could be loud, but seeing the pathetic attempt you gave only made you look more adorable. Seeing you in such a pitiful state was making it hard for him to keep his patience, but he knew he needed to stretch your tight little cunt out more before he would be able to fuck you how he wanted to.
Tendou slipped a second finger inside of you, making you clamp a hand over your mouth, and began scissoring inside of you, making sure you would be ready to take his cock.
“Good girl, you’re doing so well, you know that right?”
You felt a wave of heat go through you at the praise along with the feeling of your pussy tightening up around his fingers— earning an approving “mm” from Tendou.
“Do you think you’re ready to take me, sweetheart?” he said, beginning to go rougher on your clit, causing you to let out a gasp. You desperately nodded your head and let out a small “mhm,” wanting to have him fill you up completely.
“Come on baby, use your words for me,” he said, stilling his motions until he got an answer from you.
“Y-Yes Tendou, p-please,”
“There you go, see you can do it,” he said, pulling his fingers out of you and standing up. It took all your strength, but you turned your head to look up at him and got to watch as he stuck his fingers in his mouth, greedily sucking off the residue from your cunt. The sight made you clench around nothing and made your head go fuzzy at the thought of him enjoying the taste of you. You eagerly watched as he quickly pulled down his shorts and boxers, revealing his hard cock which already had a bead of precum at the tip.
“W-Wait T-Tendou we don’t have protection!” you said, collecting just enough consciousness to remember basic sex education.
“Shh don’t worry, I’ll pull out,” he said, placing a hand on your ass, rubbing soothing strokes with his thumb. You knew that you shouldn’t continue and that it wasn’t safe, but your pleasure-filled brain didn’t care. All you wanted was to feel him filling you up and stretching your tight little cunt out— you could worry about the consequences later.
The feeling of the tip of his cock pressing up against your entrance was enough to make you whine out his name, begging for more. Waiting was causing you too much agony and you began to buck your hips against him, trying to push him inside you.
“Eager aren’t we,” he said, his voice more strained than before. He slowly began to push his dick into you, causing your eyes to roll back and a needy moan to fall from your lips. You could hear his breathing getting ragged behind you as he got further into your tight cunt, filling you up more than you had ever been before. He was only halfway inside of you by the time he hit your cervix . The pain of having him so deep inside of you was masked by the utter ecstasy you felt from thinking about how much he was stretching you out.
Tendou was leaning over you, one hand gripping your hip while the other was wrapped around your waist pulling you up against him. You could hear his ragged breathing next to your head and the way his breath hitched as he pulled out of you before ramming back in.
He didn’t give you nearly enough time to adjust to his size, and the pace he was fucking you at was ruthless, causing a dull pain to form in your cunt as he began to bruise it. Eventually, though, you adjusted to the feeling of your walls being stretched so far and began to only feel the pleasure as his cock dragged along your slick insides.
You were unable to keep your mouth shut and had resorted to letting it hang open, allowing all your moans and whimpers to fall out. Your hands were beginning to slip against the door as Tendou continued to rail you and you scrambled to keep supporting yourself.
“Fuck baby, you’re so tight… so, so tight, just for me…” Tendou mumbled, his eyes shut tight trying to concentrate on not cumming inside of you. The way you felt around him was better than he ever could have imagined. He had to make sure you came before him, he wanted to cum with you so badly— he needed to feel your walls flutter around his cock as you moaned his name.
“How does it feel, sweetheart? Does it feel good? Tell me it feels good. I wanna hear you say it,” he rambled, his movements becoming more sloppy as he continued to fuck into you. His hand moved down to your clit and began to roughly play with it, causing you to tighten up around him.
“I-It feels so good Tendou mm- I-I love it so much,” you whined, only halfway aware of what you were saying.
“I’ve wanted to fuck you like this for so long. I’ve been interested in you for so long too— but you only want him, you only want Ushijima don’t you, you fucking slut.” His words mixed with his harsh tone confused you as you tried to decipher the meaning of them. It was so hard to think with him pistoning into you like this, making you go loopy.
“Tell me that you love me, not him, I wanna hear you say it so badly,” he said, his fingers digging into your hip, sure to leave bruises.
You weren’t sure why you said it, but it slipped out of your mouth before you could truly think about it, “I-I love you Tendou, I-I love you more than anyone else.” Those words were enough to bring him right to the brink of orgasm, making him have to fully concentrate on fucking you as hard as he could to get you to cum first. The combination of his fingers rubbing your clit in tantalizing circles and the feeling of him ramming into your womb was what caused you to finish. You felt the tension in your stomach snap and you let out a loud moan as your walls spasmed around him. You heard Tendou mutter a string of curses, trying his best to remain calm and in control.
“Fuck, baby you’re so tight, I don’t know if I can pull out,” he said, his grip on you digging into your skin. In your fucked out head the thought of having him cum inside you was almost too much— despite your safety you wanted to feel it.
“P-Please, please cum inside me, please I want it so badly,” you moaned out, not even processing what you were saying. Even though he knew he should pull out, hearing your cute little voice beg for him to fill you up was too much for Tendou, making him ram into you a few more times before cumming with you. You could feel his hot cum spilling into your pussy and dripping out the sides, making your legs weak.
As you were both coming down all that could be heard was the heavy breathing from both of you echoing in the bathroom. Tendou pulled out, letting the mixture inside of you begin to drip out. He held you tightly, making sure that you didn’t fall over or hit your head on the door in front of you.
You felt so worn out once you came down from your orgasm. The only thing you wanted to do was to lay down next to him but you knew you couldn’t in such a confined space.
You slowly moved your arms, trying your best to maintain your balance as you turned around to wrap your arms around his neck. You both sat down, and Tendou cupped a hand behind your head, running his fingers through your hair. The thoughts about Ushijima and blackmail had completely left your mind and the feeling of him beneath you, strong and warm, was the only thing you wanted to focus on.
After a few minutes Tendou broke the silence, tilting your head up to look at him, “So, do you still want your letter back?”
You scowled at him, receiving a small laugh before you nestled back into his chest, ready to fall asleep.
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