#finally. its here
angie-long-legs · 3 months
starter for @hazbinned travis
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Typical. Just typical of Valentino to leave Angel stranded in a rough part of town with no cab fare, no spare clothes, no nothing. Not even a goddamn jacket.
It was the same old story. The pair had got into fight, Angel had been a little too mouthy for Val's liking, and this was how he was making him pay for it: by hiring him out at a reduced rate for a spell (the difference, of course, coming out of Angel's pay check). This culminated in the spider being thrown back to his roots of frequenting grubby apartments and dingy motels and the joy of Johns who were clearly unvetted prior to their arrangement with the porn star.
As much as it was a punishment, it was a lesson. Val wanted to remind his star where he'd be if it weren't for his illustrious power and influence; where he'd end up if he were to tow the line of his patience any further. It was a promise - one that Angel didn't truly know if he would make good on, but he certainly did not feel inclined to find out.
The pimp had been that special brand of cold and smug as he'd dropped Angel off with this particular client, giving no indication of where they even were, let alone what the actor should expect from the encounter. Of course, Angel had been well aware that Valentino's generosity of escorting him to the job did not extent to actually collecting him afterwards - he would be left to fend for himself, just as he'd always done before he'd been swept off his feet by the whirlwind that was Valentino.
So now, here he was: a hooker in a tight dress, loitering on a street corner in a bad neighbourhood in the early hours of the morning, with nothing but a cash payment that was not his to spend and his phone that boasted an impressively low battery of three percent.
He needed an escape plan, and he needed one fast.
Three sets of arms curled around his torso instinctively as he did his best to blend into the shadows. He could just call Val... give him the usual blubbering spiel of "I'm so sorry, you were right, I need ya, I can't do this by myself" until the gloating moth caved and sent a car to get him. His pride was surely a worthy sacrifice in the place of being mugged, abducted, murdered, worse.
Yeah, right.
The few remaining threads of dignity that the spider vehemently clung to after enduring two hours of being a stranger's bitch were absolutely not on the table. Any other time, he might have considered sinking so low, but in the hot, shameful aftermath of Valentino's cruel games designed to break his pet project? Angel would rather face a host of evils than give that bastard the satisfaction of his submission.
No, he needed someone who didn't have the power to humiliate him like that. He sighed, scrolling through the contacts on his dim-screened phone, ruling out anyone who didn't meet his strict critera. Someone he didn't care about seeing him in this pitiful state... someone he could rely on to be around in the middle of the night, who would jump at the chance to offer Angel a favour...
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Keen to preserve the dregs of his phone battery, Angel was quick to click said contact, sending his location before typing out the accompanying message:
Sent to: Travis 🤑
u up? need a ride. pls come get me? xx
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objectcrazy · 2 years
finally. its here
Littered With Problems
My first fic on tumbles… so happi!
Tags: Vore, Oral, Implied Homosexual Tension, Safe, G/T
“Geez, this is bigger than I thought.”
Ozzy remarked as he stepped through the gates of starr park. The thing really was really big though. Maps of it seemed to get bigger with new sections each month or so.
Front the entrance he pulled out a beautifully detailed and descriptive map out. He went along his way as usual, all be it that he wasn’t exactly very… big. He couldn’t fit in otherwise. He didn’t know how to stay constantly regular sized yet, and his giant form would definitely be too much. He’d settle for tiny he figured.
He obviously couldn’t ride rides, but plenty of still enjoyable activities dotted the park. He would still definitely come back when he could be normal sized though.
At least he had to power to re-size things, he could still enjoy food and drinks. After drinking a soda he looked up at the nearby trash can with a worried feeling.
“How do i… put it in?” Ozzy pondered. He couldn’t just place it in, and he wasn’t physically fit enough to climb up and dunk it in. He gazed with uncertainty.
“Its so small… no one will mind right?” He placed the cup next to the trash can. He was almost completely certain regular patrons couldn’t see it at their eye level. Much less tell what it was.
He attempted to walk off, only to feel the ground raise under him, the suprise of the feeling knocked him off his feet.
“YOU! I SAW YOU LITTERING!” The gruff voice said from behind him. Ozzy turned to face the voice, realizing it was coming from inside the trash can. A person, who was very mad at him, was inside the bin. Their limbs now stretched out of it, a hand being what was used to lift him off the ground.
“G-gee sir i didn’t have any other choi-“ He tried to politely explain but was cut off
“Excuses, EXCUSES! Company policy damns you no matter what reason ya had!” He angrily responded.
“The policy is that- that- hold on-“ He stopped and opened a door to a compartment on his back. He rummaged around and grabbed a thick booklet, and flipped through it. He landed on the desired section and scimmed and scammed through.
“Aye, the specifics are irrelevant, 15 minute out for littering! Yer going to a time out station! which issss-“ He looked back at the booklet, and then pulled another thing out of his compartment, an even more indepth map than the one Ozzy had.
“Does that say mind cont-“ Ozzy said, responding to an area he saw on the map
“OI! Avert ya eyes ladie, this map be for employees only!” He told him. He looked around the map clearly struggling to find what he was looking for.
Feeling awkard Ozzy felt the need to ask “Soooo… what’s your name?” He wanted to know to be able to address them more politely.
“Hmm? Well i guess its not against the rules… My names Ash.” He responded surprisingly polite.
“Well my name is-“
“Oswald. Everyone calls you Ozzy don’t they though?”
“H-how did you know-“
“Your part of the safety inspection organization we partner with. They and only they are allowed to inspect us. They’re like another part of park staff, we’re good friends with them. They’ve talked about you before. But I wager your on vacation here?”
“How did you guess that?”
“Your not in uniform.”
“Tsssk… enough acting all chummy. I finished looking at the map! And it turns out theres NO time out stations yet!” Ash groaned.
“What- how don’t they have them?” Ozzy pondered.
“They’ve only have the rule since last tuesday, cuz we had a really nasty trash pile up earlier that week. It was disgusting, tons of guests and employees got sick or reported the nasty smell. They’re gonna build the stations some time soon, along with more trash cans and what not so this never happen again.” He explained
As he groaned, Ozzy stared on at him. Because of the size difference he was looking at Ash at quite the perculiar angle. Infact he could stare right down his mouth. He could see so much detail in it, all of the saliva, his teeth, his thr-
“Oh? Heh heh, those stares gave me an idea!” Ash said, with a mischievous grin.
He grabbed Ozzy by the torso, and lifted him above his mouth.
“Oh i know a place thats plentyyyy punishing enough for a time out now!”
“W-wait lets talk this over- “ Ozzy stuttered.
But Ash didn’t wanna talk it over, he wanted to do his job. He lowered ozzy into his mouth slowly, bit by bit. Ozzy gently landed into his mouth proper, already covered in slobber.
Ozzy was gonna say something but was interrupted as the tongue pressed him against the ceiling, Ash was enjoying his taste a whole lot. He did this over and over, straining Ozzy’s poor muscles and tiring him out. Once Ash sensed his snack was exhausted, he tilted his head back and-
Sent him on his way to the properly begin his punishment.
He slid down slowly but surely, finding his way into the stomach. It was incredibly tight and… snug. Soft and warm… the stomach noises where relaxing too…
Wasn’t this supposed to be a punishment though?
“Heh, what a cute little snack that was~” Ash snickered. Ozzy blushed a little in response.
“Ight… Im starting a timer for 15 minutes. Your punishment officially starts… Now.” Ash clicked a timer as he finished his sentence. He went back to janitorial work, as if everything that just happened didn’t.
Ozzy yawned, and rested his head on the stomach wall. He was so comfy he felt like napping. He shut his eyes and went to sleep.
But it wasn’t long til he felt a rude interruption end his peaceful slumber, as he impolitely spat right onto the floor.
“Uggg… what time is it-“ He was groggy from having his sleep interrupted as he hadn’t actually entered the final stage of sleep.
“Time for your punishment to end. The timer just went off.” Ash informed him.
“Hmm- Oh. Okay…. see you later?” Ozzy asked
“I mean, you’d have to if you like, littered or something-“ Ash said, averting his gaze.
“Okay… Guess ill start doing that a little more often hehe~”
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hinamie · 2 months
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bigfatbreak · 4 months
Birds of a Feather previous / next
tw: blood
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bathylychnops · 4 months
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its like 105° outside andhes been in his garden forlike 4 hours hesgoing to get heat stroke
stephens sitting in a lawn chair during this in a bathrobe and sunglasses and drinking a mimosa watching jett inthr garden like hes stephens poolguy and stephens a cougar orsomething
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tizzymcwizzy · 11 months
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HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! i hope you get to eat a lot of candy and watch a scary movie if you celebrate :D
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k-0re · 5 months
Happy birthday to my favorite game!!!
Link to yt video
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haunted-xander · 4 months
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I made this AAAAGES ago and forgot to post it and now I'm annoyed by how it's rotting away on my phone so here. Bratty teen Thancred being a menace to Fourchenault (and a bad influence on Urianger lol)
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