#financially stable for the past several years
remy · 6 months
$50 to last me the next two weeks. I'm doing so good
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cepheustarot · 10 months
Who will be your love in 2024?
Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best.
Paid readings
Pick a pile. Choose one or more pictures. Trust your intuition.
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Pile 1. As I see it, next year you will have a choice between two people! The first man endowed with self-confidence, quite cheerful, sociable, leads an active lifestyle. At the same time, when you first meet him, you will think that he looks mysterious and in general for you he will be like a "mysterious person", because the person will not immediately talk about himself, will hide his personal information. I would also like to point out that he is more of an observer than an activist, he needs to assess the situation first, gather information and only then act, but he may delay the process.In that sense, he needs someone to push him into action. Also, this man has hard work, diligence, he tries to develop all areas of his life, to achieve balance in them, whatever he takes, he will always succeed. 
Speaking of the second person, he tends to behave closed and cold with people, but despite this external severity, he is quite sensitive inside and vulnerable. By itself, a person does not manifest or manifests rarely emotions in people, he tries to maintain calm and resistance. But he has a good reputation among people, he’s quite intelligent, erudite, spiritual, he respects tradition. Also people can often ask him for help, as he has a lot of experience, he is wise and can always say/do something that will help people. This person is also hard-working and diligent, he can have excellent grades in his studies or good stable salary at work, his activities can be related to people, for example, he can work as a teacher, lecturer, can work/study in law or in the medical field, he can also do podcasts.
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Pile 2. Here, your love will be a person from the past, with whom you once stopped communicating. However, you have had quite good and warm relations in the past! By the way, there is a high probability that this is your friend from childhood or from youth, from school days (but this is not necessary, again). It may happen that you will meet by chance somewhere, or this person decides to suddenly call you, write, you will start a dialogue and you will begin to communicate as closely as before. By himself, this person is authoritative, he can be too serious, looks at things rationally, relies more on logic and facts and evidence will be important to him in disputes, not the feelings of a person. He is a good leader, purposeful, and at the same time he is a reliable enough person to trust! He clearly understands what he wants from life and how to get what he wants. He is also honest, always tells the truth to his face, he can be called straightforward. By the way, outwardly he has a pretty toned body, he has an athletic build!
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Pile 3. You will meet a person who inspires people, he is a good leader and speaker, he knows how to work in a team and how to achieve success.He is a good planner, and instead of improvising, he prefers planning, acting strictly according to plan, but even if something does not go according to plan, he can calmly adapt to the situation, in this regard he can be called flexibility to adapt. He is also financially literate, does not make mindless purchases, knows how to save money and generally monitors his spending money. He can devote a lot of time and effort to work, in this regard he is a workaholic who does not know what rest is. He is not one of those who likes to lose and admit defeat, so he will stand up to the end in an argument, proving his truth. At the same time, this person is prone to self-sacrifice, it is difficult for him to say "no", he is ready to help loved ones and people, is capable of full dedication. He may have many difficulties and problems in life, but nevertheless he tries to solve them all, and in general he prefers the approach of "it is better to do something that is in my power than to do nothing."
Thank you for reading! I will be glad of any feedback 🖤
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AITA for making my sister lie about her gender for BOTH our financial gain?
Tw for mentions of transphobia, abuse, and suicide
I (26F she/her) and my sister (21X she/they) are both transgender. We're extremely low contact with our father, and moved out together at the first opportunity. Our parents are conservatives and emotionally abused us basically the entirety of our childhood, and after my mother died and after covid it only got worse (think alt-right, flat earther, qanon)
Basically, as much as I would love to go completely no-contact with our father I'm sticking it out in the lowest contact relationship I can manage. My father is severely transphobic, but we live on a "don't ask don't tell" kind of rule where even though we are both obviously queer and transgender (on HRT nonetheless) he just keeps pretending that nothing has changed.
Recently out of nowhere my sister has gotten extremely hellbent on the idea of telling him off in one last "fuck you" before cutting him off. I have been very vocally against this, even if I also would love to because:
1) if we blow this entire relationship up we'll be taken off the will and removed from life insurance, which equals over a fat MILLION as well as a full paid off property. You can imagine as two broke 20 y/os in this economy this is a literal dream. This is our one shot at getting a house and being financially stable.
2) she does not have to interact with him. I'm the one who has to do all the talking over text when he reaches out every few months. She does not see the texts where he misgenders/deadnames her. She herself hasn't had to interact with him beyond a short birthday wish for the past 5 years, so I don't think she has the right to blow this for the both of us just to get the final word
3) not to be crass but he might do it soon, and there's nobody left in his life who's going to talk him down off that ledge. Chances of success are pretty high. Family history of depression, no friends, he's dead to us already, he also made me suicidal from abuse so I have no empathy for him etc etc. Payout is less, but still 5% is life changing for us. Point is I'm not asking my sister to lie until she's 60 here.
Now I think the reason my sister is so focused on getting the final word *might* be related to that last point, wanting to get it in before he kicks the bucket. But I don't think it's a worthy tradeoff for everything else. I've told her that if she does something stupid and blows this for us, she'll have to find another roommate (I would not be kicking her out, I would move out, she just doesn't like the idea of living with anyone else but me).
So, AITA for making my sister lie about her gender to our father, just for a little while longer?
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damebunbury · 4 months
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Been feeling kinda unmotivated so I did some outfit designs for my builder, Mai. I’m just gonna info dump about my silly lil OC bc it’s my blog, my rules babyyyyy. Also I’m making a tag for this particular character for any future posts I do about her (#mai’stimeatsandrock)
Mai competed as an athlete in Highwind’s gliding competitions (Until Pathea releases more info about Highwind’s gliding, this my concept lol). She participated in racing and had the impressive performance in the obstacle race event, where gliders have to not only make it to the finish line first, but must also navigate through a series of obstacles as well. During one year’s competition, Mai gets into a physical altercation with one of the most popular athletes bc Mai believes they tampered with her glider after witnessing them hanging around her equipment shortly before one of the races. Mai’s glider malfunctions during the race, nearly causing her to crash and be severely injured but she manages to perform and emergency landing and avoid too much harm. Mai, being extremely high-strung and prone to lashing out at this point in her life, throws the first punch. Her claims of the competitor’s possible interference are ignored by authorities due to Mai’s instigation of the fight, the competitor’s prestige, and the knowledge of Mai’s past aggressive behavior. She is banned from competing and thus ends her future as an athlete
Mai’s reputation and sense of self are both shattered. She feels incredibly guilty bc not only is she harassed and gossiped about, but her family and friends are also affected. Mai is unable to show her face in public for quite some time without ppl immediately talking about her or confronting her. She harbors shame about her behavior and the burdens she has brought in her parents’ lives. During this time, Mai fixes things around the house and for some kind neighbors who are at least willing to hire her for some small jobs. In the hardest time of her life, building seems to offer some kind of respite
Mai, realizing that any previous hopes of gaining scholarships from gliding were effectively gone, decides to pursue building as a career. Reconnecting with a childhood joy seems as good an option as any. Only, due to her horrible reputation, she has no access to any sort of financial aide from Highwind’s trade schools. Mai, with the help of her parents, manages to pay her way through school and takes any and all classes she possibly can. From building basics, to history, to defense classes, to safe ruin-diving practices. She throws herself into building and vows to prove herself to make up for her past mistakes
Mai learns to discipline herself and ends up becoming a very patient person, but she struggles to shake off the bad reputation and shame of the gliding scandal. Not to mention she’s just growing into a mature adult, so she doesn’t behave as recklessly as she did as a teen
After graduating, Mai cannot find any work in Highwind for several years. She can only find odd jobs here and there but nothing stable or long-term. What may have served her during school is not viable for any future plans. Her reputation in Highwind prevents her from getting any long-term contracts as a builder, and she struggles to find work outside of Highwind as well. Mai becomes a bit listless and idle, and slowly starts to grow restless in the process
Finally, after a few years, Mai notices a “Builder Wanted” flyer from Sandrock, and she jumps at the chance. She doesn’t even consult her parents she just sends a telegram to Sandrock’s City Hall to let them know she’s coming to work. She tells her parents, who are obviously shocked but supportive. They know how desperate their daughter was becoming and so they don’t try to stop her
However, her parents and Nia are worried because there are rumors of Sandrock’s state—it’s basically a wasteland and ppl avoid going due to the dangers of vicious monsters and a rogue bandit on the loose
Sandrock provides a much-needed sanctuary for Mai. She has a fresh start and can show what she’s capable of free from her past. She meets ppl who are similar to her—perseverant, stubborn, a bit reckless and crazy, but all in all trustworthy and committed to their community. Mai deals with severe homesickness, and for a while, she doesn’t plan on staying in Sandrock for longer than her 2yr-contract mandates. But she comes to consider Sandrock home, and eventually lets go of Highwind (although she knows two places can be like home), and chooses to settle down and sign a long-term contract. This part of Mai’s story will (hopefully) be elaborated on in future posts
Anyways, that’s all for nowsies byyyeeee
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Glad you liked them, I have more Ojiro thoughts! Again, you can take or leave whatever!
Ojiro’s family!
So, his Grandparents are Genkai Ojiro, and his wife, Sumomo. Genkai’s Quirk is “Stubborn”, basically turning him into the Immovable Object, and Sumomo’s Quirk is called “Bounce”, letting her direct kinetic energy in her own body, or something that she’s in contact with, to “bounce” off things, also lets her jump really high. Both are martial artists, with Genkai having a dojo that’s been in his family for hundreds of years. Like, he can trace it back to before the Quirk era by a good several generations, at this point it might qualify as a heritage site.
Genkai has passed the Dojo to his oldest and only son, which was more coincidence, the son was the only one who wanted to take it over. Ojiro’s Uncle, Yosuke, also has the Quirk “Stubborn”, and runs the dojo with his wife, Keiko (why yes, I AM pulling names from Yu Yu Hakusho, why do you ask?), who has a Quirk called “Momentum”. It lets her increase or decrease the momentum of any object she’s in contact with, including herself, and she has enhanced durability, so she’s basically the “Unstoppable Force”. Yes, this IS an Unstoppable Force, Immovable Object joke. What happens when the two meet? Well, in MHA-verse, they get married and have eight kids. The kids are currently undefined, but most would also have a variation on Stubborn, though there’s room to play around if you want to add anything.
then there’s Masumi, the middle kid, who got Bounce, and none of the rest of the family’s “down-to-earth”, practical attitude. She’s Ojiro’s mom, but often left him to be babysat by his grandparents so she could ���keep living her life”. One day, she just never came back to get him, and the family hasn’t heard from her since. Flighty, a bit ditzy, but a cunning gambler who has spent the past decade or so living the high life around the world. A recent string of “bad luck” has put her in an awkward financial situation, which is her primary motivator for reconnecting with her family, especially her son, whom she saw compete in the UA Sports Festival on TV. Not entirely sure what her plan IS, but she’s been calling up Shizuka, her sister, to being the process (without the yelling that would result from calling her parents or Yosuke).
Shizuka is Ojiro’s aunt, the youngest of Genkai and Sumomo’s kids, and works as a financial consultant. Her Quirk is a variation on Stubborn, rather than planting herself in a solid stance, she has to be holding onto something, and then she can’t be moved (for example, if she jammed a staff into the ground, and held on to that, her Quirk would work, both she and the staff become immovable). She has a partner of some kind (undefined at the moment), who she is planning to propose to. Shizuka spends at least a few days a month travelling, usually only about a week, but currently doesn’t feel like she’s in a “stable” place for kids or marriage. Growing up, Shizuka was the closest to Masumi, and has missed her sister, but has VERY mixed feelings about her, and unless she’s genuinely going to try to fix her relationship with Ojiro …
While Shizuka has an apartment across town with her partner, Genkai, Sumomo, Yosuke and Keiko all live next to each other. Yosuke and Keiko live in the family house, which is connected to the original Dojo - while it’s still used as such, the family purchases and rents spaces for their classes at local community centres, so they are more accessible - while Genkai and Sumomo have the house next door. They bought it and moved after Yosuke and Keiko got married, wanting to give the couple space, and Yosuke was inheriting. Yosuke and Keiko at first protested that there was plenty of room, but since they had their kids, concede that while everyone CAN fit in that house, the grandparents having their own space is probably wise. 
When it became clear that Masumi wasn’t going to come back, the family had a big sit down to discuss what to do. While Yosuke and Keiko were more than willing to take Ojiro in, they already had several kids, and Keiko at the time was pregnant again, and they worried that they wouldn’t be able to give Ojiro the attention he might need - the whole family was concerned he might have issues from being abandoned, and wanted to make sure they could pay attention to him. Shizuka, meanwhile, besides being younger, had just gotten her finance job, and was travelling A LOT, and knew if she got primary custody, she’d be leaving him with the others regardless, or taking him on lots of random trips, and felt that probably wasn’t great for him either. So, Genkai and Sumomo took primary custody, and Ojiro officially moved in with them. Considering they’re literally RIGHT NEXT DOOR to the dojo, and his uncle and aunt, the four of them ended up parenting him all together, along with Yosuke and Keiko’s kids, but it did give Ojiro a sense of stability, having a room and space he didn’t have to share with other kids, and his grandparents being the ones to look after him. While Ojiro loves his whole family, he’s probably closest with his grandad, who worked with him to help him learn to do martial arts with his tail, and was one of his biggest supporters in applying to UA.
None of them know who Ojiro’s dad is, and his grandparents in particular are incensed by this. They are very family oriented, and Masumi simply seeming to NOT CARE about Ojiro’s dad, was deeply offensive to them. Unless the guy was trash, he deserves to know his kid, to be in Ojiro’s life, and Ojiro deserves to know where that part of him comes from, to connect if he wants to. Genkai is especially pissed off, because Ojiro is the only one in their family with his Tail Quirk, and Genkai was in a similar situation growing up, being the only one in his family with Stubborn. Having someone with any kind of knowledge to help figuring that out would have been extremely helpful - not that Genkai let that stop him from helping Ojiro figure it out - and he hasn’t really forgiven Masumi for never seeming to care.
Other random shorter bits:
You’d think Ojiro might have faced some bullying or stigma from being “abandoned”, or an “out of wedlock” baby, but honestly, Masumi was so out of the picture, and Yosuke and Keiko had so many kids, most people assumed he’s one of theirs. Unless you are close to the family, most people don’t know he’s Masumi’s kid.
Scorpio moved to the town Ojiro grew up in shortly after graduating hero school, he wasn’t born there, and didn’t really become a prominent figure for a few years. He really only started getting popular when Ojiro was about seven.
Ojiro DOES, in fact, have a poster of Scorpio in his room. He’s seen a few of his villain takedowns, and admires him as a hero with a similar Quirk, who is doing fairly well with it. The fact that Scorpio is a hero, when his only advantage is basically “Tail” (even with the stinger) was what helped inspire Ojiro, and make him think HE could be a hero.
(When Scorpio finally gets told everything, and meets Ojiro properly, this story is going to reduce him to tears.)
That’s all I got right now, so tell me what you think, and feel free to dump or alter anything you like!
I love all of this and I’m slamming it right into CC as soon as I get a chance to and also when you said the thing about referencing other manga my brain swung right over to Ranma 1/2 for some reason because hey family dojo passed down through generations
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nerdieforpedro · 1 year
This baggage is heavy, can we drop it off somewhere?
Chapter two of "Do we know how to love?"
Frankie Morales x Nadia Thomas (plus size OFC)
Fanfiction 18+ MDNI
Summary: Nadia makes an impulsive but ultimately good decision. We found out a lot more about Frankie’s past. Nadia also decides to just let go.
Warnings: cursing, toxic relationships, angst, thoughts about sex, lengthy mentions of drugs and drug use, Addiction, pregnancy, death, mental health issues, medical issues during pregnancy, 12 step program
Notes: I kinda meant for it to be more lighthearted than it turned out.
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Sitting in her driveway, Nadia studied the sticky note. She thought about throwing it away, she should not have this, shouldn’t have even taken it, but she did. Nadia had been swept away in the magnetism of meeting a man like Francisco Morales. Him speaking to her and enticing her with a few sentences was something that Eddie had never been capable of remotely doing, even when they first met years ago. Nadia felt she should just sent a text and break up with Eddie, but it still felt wrong, she preferred to be upfront with him, but it didn’t work well the first time.
“I’m in a relationship I can’t stand. What’s the harm? I’m meeting a new friend. A sexy new friend.” Nadia grinned to herself and got out of the car and went into her house, putting down her purse and hopped in the shower. She texted Kim and Katie and told them that she wasn’t coming she was tired. They texted back playfully mocking her for being a homebody, but hoped that she felt better and that they may stop by this weekend. Nadia told them that she’s working on something, and that she would tell them about it later. The nurse did add the number of her contacts under the name ‘Chocolate curls.’
“Hey hermana, thanks for coming by. I’m have a meeting tonight.” Frankie stated flatly. It was required for him to keep working as a pilot. He may not have to go as often as he once did, but he had to make sure he went and call his manager. Frankie was a hell of a pilot, he could fly a plane, helicopter, jet, anything if you let him tell it, he could also fly a blimp and hot air balloon. The woman was his best friend’s wife, Yovanna, she watched his daughter during his meetings.
The meetings were with cocaine anonymous, a program he entered the year his daughter was born. His wife at the time, Maria had put up a lot from him, with his drug use, being away for long periods of time due to work and a difficult pregnancy to boot. She had been stable on her lithium for years along with lexapro. He remembered the doctors testing her heart to make sure it was okay periodically and it was but when she became pregnant things changed. 
The OBGYN reviewed her medications and said she couldn’t take the lithium anymore, only the lexapro. Maria’s mood swings worsened and she started having high blood pressure during her second trimester. Frankie missed more of her appointments and they fought more which let to him doing more cocaine and picking up more hours while high. It was his own fault he knew, he should have talked to her more and supported her. He did not, one week before his daughter’s birth, he was fired for flying under the influence and nearly crashing a helicopter with some big wigs on it. The very least he could do was provide for Maria financially, but he couldn’t even do that. Maria had been complaining of contractions but her water hadn’t broken yet, Frankie did offer to go to the doctor with her but she didn’t want to, she had her birth plan with a planned home birth, doula and candles that he didn’t understand. 
The pilot had told his wife that he was off to work when really, he was going to snort his cocaine in an industrial parking lot, away from everyone. He received several calls, but drowned them out with the swimming high, riding the waves as he closed his eyes. By the time he was coherent enough to check his phone, there were two missed calls from his wife, two from her doula and five from the hospital. Maria passed out during the home birth after her water broke and her doula had called 911 and tried to get a hold of Frankie as well. When 911 came, it was the doula who went to the hospital with Maria. The medical staff tried contacting Frankie as well but he didn’t answer. They treated her as best they could while Maria went in and out of consciousness, she kept stating that she wanted her baby to be safe and asked if her husband was here. The staff told her that they would do their best and that he was on the way, though no one had actually spoken with him. Maria was having seizures associated with eclampsia, the baby was delivered safely, but the medical staff were having difficulty getting Maria stable post birth, they were able to slow her seizures, but her blood pressure kept increasing and making her bleed more than expected and they weren’t able to keep up with her body’s demands. When Frankie finally arrived he greeted his daughter Camilla and the body of his wife Maria.
Francisco Morales cried for the first time since finding out he was going to be a father. He mourned his wife Maria and their marriage and that he had failed not only as a husband but a father for not being there for his daughter’s birth and caring for her mother properly.
It was then that he asked for some of the biggest favors in his life and relied on his old Special Forces buddies. He needed to get clean ASAP but doing too quickly would do more harm than good. He asked his best friend Santiago and his wife Yvonne to care for Camilla while he went into inpatient rehab, meanwhile Will and Ben (who was never in Speical forces but tagged along to see what he could do, not much except some babysitting) working on talking some old commanding officers to have Frankie become a pilot again with strict requirements.
Complete inpatient rehab
Drug testing weekly
Go through a re-fresher course for non-commercial pilots
Attend meetings at least three times a week, calling his CO (commanding officer/manager) so the call could be traced to a cell tower near where the meeting was supposed to take place.
Give address of meeting for further location confirmation.
After six months of negative weekly drug testing, while switch to monthly hair testing for one year and then either testing can be done if drug use is suspected.
Morales adhiered to the rules placed on them and welcomed them, after getting the house ready and baby proofed and working out day care, he was able to care for Camilla and himself within the year while working. Now that she was six, he focused on childcare during summers but had turned things around, though he still had to deal with people mentioning his past drug use, thankfully they seemed to have enough tact outside of Ms. Shirley not to mention it mostly.
On his way to tonight’s meeting he reflected on things as he usually did, not quite feeling the urges he once had for the drug, instead it was placed elsewhere in caring for his daughter and sex. Frankie did not have an issue in that arena, more like he wanted something in addition to the sex and he hadn’t really found a woman that he could go on more that three dates with, they were all boring, some of them married. None of it was for him.
The school nurse he met today was interesting though, he was used to dealing with more confidant women, that matched his ‘let’s get it’ energy no matter if his daughter was present or not because when the feeling strikes you it’s best to say something coded so little ears don’t catch on. He did appreciate that she didn’t seem to be swayed by what he was sure Ms. Shirley had already told her, that old prune took the opportunity to badmouth him whenever she got the chance. Frankie suspected is may have to do with him not eating her dry cake that she was offering everyone. Most of the parents took a pity piece, but Ms. Shirley’s face became real twisted when he asked if she had any milk or water to go with the cake. The pilot was up for the challenge of getting the nurse, Miss Nadia, to be more honest about what she wanted with all those breathy sighs. Had his daughter not been there, he may have tried to sweet talk her onto that desk and fuck her in just that lab coat.
Taking a few deep breaths himself, Frankie steeled himself for this week’s meeting, he wouldn’t have much to say per usual. He didn’t want much to say, he preferred boring everywhere except the bedroom. He hopped out of his truck and locked it, double checking he had his keys wallet and phone. He was about to turn it off when he saw a text notification:
Hi, it’s Nadia from the school nurse’s office. I just wanted to reach out and see when we could meet up this week. My evenings and weekend are open.
Frankie chuckled, it’s pretty business like how she was at the office. He made sure not to open the notification because he didn’t want to leave her on read. He would definently have the bare minimum to say, he needs to check his schedule after this meeting. It was rare that he ever went to these meetings with a smile on his face, but tonight he did.
Nadia sat on the couch sipping her moscatio out of a 16 oz Sailor Moon tumbler with a straw. She had texted Frankie and was nervously awaiting a reply or maybe she wouldn’t get one, she wasn’t super worried about it, because she had refilled the tumbler once already. Instead, she was more concerned about the text she would send to Eddie. The wine emboldening her, she felt she could just send him a text, telling him not to come by her house any more because they were over and he can go with some basic woman elsewhere. It sounded simple, it was not want she texted Eddie. 
Nadia sent him the following text message:
Eddie, I haven’t heard from you for three days even after I tried calling you with the time difference and texting you. You’re over there doing monkey business and you can keep doing it. I don’t want to see you ever again. Everything is on your terms and I hate it. I wasted more of my life because you sucked my nipple a few times. Fuck you, or better yet, have someone else fuck you so they too can be disappointed in not being satisfied any of the times, like not even close to where I can finish the rest. Just bad. Horrible. You should watch some porn and get some pointers. Ugh.
The nurse finished her tumbler and stood up triumphantly, but then held onto her couch because she had stood up too fast. She then decided, drinking water would be best and to take some Tylenol before bed. “I gotta change the locks, I think I was dumb enough to make him a key.”
Nadia called first thing in the morning and paid a bit extra to get a locksmith in that morning. There was still a wide time window, but she would be able to be at work by noon. So far Eddie hadn’t called or responded, she was nervous, but also glad because she didn’t want to talk to him. After having the locks changed and having two spare keys in addition to the main one made, the school nurse headed on into work. Once she arrived, she got settled in her office and started reviewing her emails. Her phone pinged and a text came from Frankie exactly at 12pm:
Hey sexy nurse. This weekend sounds perfect, I know a good Italian resturant we can go to, you alright with me picking you up around 7 on Friday? I’m looking forward to finidng out what else you like besides chocolate.
Nadia could feel the smirk he likely wrote that last line with. She just read it a few times while she sat at her desk, imagining him looking down at her again. Running his hand up her arm, pulling her forward onto the desk, spreading her legs and…
“Nadia honey! Have you seen the stapler? I bet that wispy looking guidance couseler took it again and didn’t bring it back. If he can wear such big sweaters, why can’t he get his own stapler, I’m sure that sweater was more than a stapler.” Miss Shirley’s noise brought Nadia back from her daydream. She cleared her throat and realized she was hovering over her chair, leaning her body forward.
“Are those some new chair exericses? Are those any good? You look flushed dear, Maybe you should take a break from those, you just got in.” The older woman remarked before leaving her door, presumly to track down the rouge counsuler for the stapler.The nurse plopped back in her chair and closed her eyes, trying to calm down, inhaling and exhaling deeply. She then giggled becuase she remembered when Frankie had commented on her breath control. 
“I’m losing it…over a man I met once. Will I even make it through a date with him? At this rate, I should drive, becuase that’s they only way i won’t jump into his car.” She muttered to herself. Then in dawned on her, why should she? If she wants to fuck him in the car and he’s fine with it, why not? Hell, maybe they won’t make it to dinner. Nadia crossed her arms and spun around in her chair. She’s just getting out of a relationship, it doesn’t need to be serious, right? Could she do that? Be un-attached?
“I just must be firm. I can do it…I think.” Nadia finally replied to Frankie.
Good afternoon handsome. Seven sounds perfect and I love Italian. You can pick me up, I feel like being pampered a bit.
Nadia sent it and put her head on her desk. She did feel like being pampered at least one night and if she had a one-night stand, it would be icing on the cake. She just had to mentally prepare for the cake.
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wolfhorrors · 1 year
Do you have any advice for smaller furry artist trying to “make it”? I’m a disabled trans man but I don’t qualify for disability in my state even though it’s hard to keep a job due to my paranoia, anxiety and severe autism.
I’ve been trying to be a somewhat successful artist for 5 years and I found that my following never picked up past 100 do you have any advice as to what I could probably do differently?
I think it all depends on what you define as successful or making it, and what your goals are. being an artist with a big following isn't the same as being a financially stable artist or being a good artist either.
being an artist surviving off of commissions is in no way an easy route and requires a lot of planning, hard work, and patience as much as most other jobs do, if not more. so I will preface my advice with that, as someone who has been through it all at this point.
to start with, gaining a following requires consistently posting art, and drawing art that you enjoy! whether of your own characters or other people's characters, people can often tell when you're having fun and this is important if you want to actually have a career making art for other people. trying to draw art and improve when your focus is on being successful / gaining followers is only going to make you feel frustrated and burnt out
additionally with commission work it is extremely important that you are consistently keeping track of your clients and taking care of them, if you keep up with them it doesn't matter if it's done quickly, they will recommend you to others. be friendly with them! customers will come back to you over and over again if you are a joy to work with and care about the art you're making as much as they care about it!
the last piece of advice I will give that's important with getting commissions is to start making connections with other people in the fandom as well and be active in those community spaces. if you're around people you enjoy, your voice will be heard more and that gets around fast! people will know who you are and feel more comfortable commissioning you
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unpluggedfinancial · 9 days
The Historical Downfall of Fiat Currencies and How Bitcoin Provides the Answer
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Fiat currencies have dominated the global economy for over a century. However, history repeatedly shows us that fiat money, detached from any tangible asset like gold, carries inherent flaws that have led to catastrophic failures time and again. Today, as governments around the world continue to print money without restraint, we must revisit the lessons of the past and consider how Bitcoin provides a solution to these long-standing issues.
The Origins of Fiat Currency: A Fragile System
Fiat currency emerged as a convenient alternative to gold-backed money, allowing governments more flexibility in managing their economies. The United States officially abandoned the gold standard in 1971, signaling the beginning of modern fiat currency as we know it. Without a hard asset like gold backing the currency, governments gained the ability to print money at will, but this power has proven to be a double-edged sword.
While fiat currencies offered short-term economic relief in times of crisis, they also paved the way for rampant inflation, social unrest, and economic collapse when mismanaged. History is littered with examples of fiat currency failures that devastated entire nations.
Historical Case Studies of Hyperinflation
1. Weimar Germany (1921–1923)
After World War I, Germany was left crippled by war reparations and a broken economy. To meet these financial obligations, the government printed money, causing the value of the German mark to plummet. By 1923, hyperinflation had reached unimaginable levels—prices doubled every few days, and basic goods like bread cost billions of marks. People resorted to wheelbarrows full of money just to buy essentials.
The result? The collapse of the German economy and a loss of faith in the government, which set the stage for extreme political movements and social unrest. This case is a stark reminder of how unchecked money printing can destroy a nation's currency and lead to dire social consequences.
2. Zimbabwe (2000s)
Zimbabwe, once a prosperous agricultural nation, experienced one of the worst hyperinflations in history. In the early 2000s, government seizure of white-owned farms destroyed agricultural productivity, and the government resorted to printing money to cover its deficits. The results were catastrophic: by 2008, inflation reached an absurd 89.7 sextillion percent. The Zimbabwean dollar became worthless, and the country was forced to abandon it in favor of the U.S. dollar.
This case shows how reckless monetary policy and the overreliance on fiat currency printing can decimate an economy, forcing citizens into poverty and destabilizing the country.
3. Venezuela (2010s)
Venezuela is a modern-day example of fiat currency collapse. Mismanagement of oil revenues and poor economic policies led the government to print vast amounts of bolivars to cover its growing debt. The result? Hyperinflation of over 1,000,000% in 2018. Citizens saw their life savings evaporate as the currency became worthless. Many turned to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as a store of value, using them to escape the destructive cycle of inflation.
Venezuela illustrates how a modern, seemingly wealthy nation can quickly spiral into chaos through reckless monetary policy, and how Bitcoin can provide a lifeline for those suffering the consequences.
Failed Solutions to Fiat Currency Problems
Over the years, several attempts have been made to address the issues inherent in fiat currencies, but they often fall short.
Currency Boards
A currency board is a monetary authority that pegs a country's currency to a stable foreign currency, like the U.S. dollar. Argentina implemented a currency board in the 1990s to curb inflation, tying its peso to the U.S. dollar. While this initially stabilized the economy, it collapsed in 2001 when Argentina couldn't maintain the peg due to fiscal mismanagement and massive debt. The fixed exchange rate removed the country's flexibility to deal with economic shocks, leading to a severe economic crisis.
Countries like Ecuador and El Salvador have adopted the U.S. dollar as their national currency to stabilize their economies. While dollarization may offer short-term stability, it deprives these nations of control over their monetary policy, making them vulnerable to external factors and reliant on the U.S. Federal Reserve's decisions. However, El Salvador took a groundbreaking step by becoming the first country to make Bitcoin legal tender, providing an alternative to traditional dollarization. While this move aims to restore some financial sovereignty, dollarization still leaves countries ill-equipped to fully respond to local economic challenges, making it more of a temporary patch than a lasting solution.
Why These Solutions Fail
These attempts—whether currency boards or dollarization—are temporary fixes that fail to address the core issues: reckless fiscal policies, corruption, and the absence of long-term stability. They simply shift control from one system to another without providing a sustainable solution.
The Social and Political Fallout of Fiat Currency Failures
The collapse of a fiat currency isn't just an economic disaster—it’s a social and political one as well.
Social Unrest
When a currency collapses, it erodes the very foundation of a society. People lose faith not only in their currency but also in their government. This often leads to widespread protests, social unrest, and, in extreme cases, revolution. Weimar Germany’s collapse laid the groundwork for the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, as people desperately sought stability in any form.
In Venezuela, hyperinflation forced millions to flee the country, resulting in one of the largest refugee crises in modern history. The social consequences of fiat currency collapse are profound and often irreversible.
Erosion of Trust
When governments abuse their ability to print money, it shatters the trust that citizens have in their leaders. Fiat currency failure exposes the fragility of a political system that relies on economic stability to maintain control. This erosion of trust can lead to authoritarianism, as citizens look for strong leaders to restore order—often at the cost of democratic values.
Fiat currency failures disproportionately harm the poor and middle class, who often lack access to hard assets like gold or real estate to protect their wealth. As the currency devalues, their savings and purchasing power evaporate, while the wealthy, who have the means to move assets abroad or into stable currencies, are better insulated from the impact.
How Bitcoin Addresses These Core Issues
Bitcoin offers a solution that directly tackles the problems inherent in fiat currency systems. Here’s how:
Fixed Supply
Bitcoin’s fixed supply of 21 million coins ensures that no government or central authority can inflate the currency. Unlike fiat currencies, Bitcoin cannot be devalued by reckless monetary policy, making it a powerful hedge against inflation.
Bitcoin operates on a decentralized network, meaning no single government or entity controls it. This prevents the kind of centralized mismanagement that leads to hyperinflation and currency collapse. It’s a system that thrives on transparency and trust in code rather than in corruptible human institutions.
Global Accessibility
Bitcoin provides financial access to anyone with an internet connection, offering a lifeline to those living in countries with unstable fiat currencies. In places like Venezuela, citizens have already turned to Bitcoin to preserve their wealth and protect themselves from the destructive forces of hyperinflation.
Trustless System
Bitcoin’s blockchain technology allows for transparent and secure transactions without relying on third parties, such as banks or governments. This trustless system empowers individuals to take control of their financial futures, restoring autonomy and security in an increasingly unstable world.
Conclusion: A Solution for the Future
The failures of fiat currency are well-documented and consistent throughout history. Whether it's Weimar Germany, Zimbabwe, or Venezuela, the result is always the same: social and economic collapse. But we now have a solution in Bitcoin—a decentralized, finite, and global currency that offers a hedge against the systemic flaws of fiat money.
As we face an era of unprecedented money printing and growing economic uncertainty, the lessons of history are more relevant than ever. Bitcoin represents a new paradigm for financial stability, one that addresses the failures of fiat and offers a hopeful future for individuals seeking financial sovereignty.
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imgeekgirlfan · 1 year
Till Death Do Us Part│#TheLastofUs
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Pairings:  joel miller x Black!reader [From The Last of Us : TV Series]
Major character death/Heavy Angst/Canon Divergence
Synopsis: You are Sara Miller's mother (who recently divorced Joel) and your daughter was killed. You blame Joel and want to kill him, but as the Fireflies' leader, you need Joel's help getting Ellie and yourself to Vaccine Research Center #TheLastofUs
AN: I'm back again Lol.Once again,I translate a fanfiction from Thai to English for all of you. I wrote this story during the time when the series "The Last of Us" had just aired. It's clear that the characters are from the series, but some parts of the content are taken from the game. I hope everyone enjoys it.
➡ Next 
Act 1 : What if
The name Joel Miller is the first name that comes to mind every time you close your eyes and every time you wake up. Not out of feelings of love or longing from the past, but out of deep resentment and a desire to kill.
But before all the chaos ensued for you, him, and this miserable world, there was a time when you and Joel were in love.
You met Joel when you were still in college—a tall, tan-skinned man with a sweet Texan smile, charming and captivating enough to instantly catch your attention at a bar. With a couple of drinks and some funny conversations, without hesitation, you would get into bed with this man without regrets or second thoughts.
What started as a casual one-night stand quickly developed into deep feelings that grew rapidly. Joel was both charming and kind-hearted, and no woman could resist falling for someone like him. You were no exception.
"I think I've fallen in love with you," you said directly after waking up one morning in his bed. With a genuine desire to see his face every morning from now on, Joel chuckled, kissed the tip of your nose, and replied, "I feel the same way."
It all began so easily—surprisingly easy to the point of astonishment. And eventually, you developed a serious relationship with a man several years older than you. Despite the objections from your parents, who wanted their daughter to be with a stable man of the same age (which you didn't care to listen to), everything seemed to be going perfectly, almost like a sweet romance novel you once read.
Everything was genuinely perfect until you found out you were pregnant.
This was a mistake. You were always confident in taking precautions whenever you were together, but the clear double red lines on the pregnancy test left no room for self-deception. All of this happened too fast for you to react. You were only twenty-three years old, just starting your career at a big company that you had dreamed of working for since your school days. Of course, you were not ready to be a mother. There were many other things in life that you aspired to do. However, the opportunity vanished in an instant when another life began growing inside you unintentionally.
Not only were you unprepared, but Joel wasn't ready either. He was planning to start a construction contracting business with his younger brother, Tommy. His financial situation was unstable, causing concerns. But despite all that, both you and Joel made the decision to keep the baby instead of opting for an abortion. And because raising a child requires significant time and money—a major sacrifice in your lives—you moved in together and prepared for the impending arrival of your first child while also facing an uncertain future and unknown paths.
This was not a great start for a family, and sometimes it could be a sign of impending disaster, a subtle warning to both you and Joel that the ending of this story would only be filled with suffering.
You never imagined that pregnancy would bring so many hardships. The weight gain, unstable hormones, and being kicked from within by your own child throughout the night drove you almost insane. Most of your time was spent crying alone at home, both lonely and in pain, while Joel barely showed any concern or asked about your well-being. He goes to work all day and comes back home exhausted, falling asleep immediately. Meanwhile, you couldn't shut your eyes, even if you tried. It's strange that you both sleep on the same bed every night, yet you feel increasingly distant from Joel, as if this man is slowly transforming into someone who isn't the loving partner and father of your child.
As the pregnancy progresses, things only get worse. You argue with Joel more frequently over trivial matters, and he often responds with silence, devoid of any emotion, grumbles, or complaints, just an indifferent stillness like a robot. And that only makes you angrier at him. You can no longer remember how many times you've cried and screamed in the remaining three months before the due date. You never thought that both you and Joel would be able to endure and survive until then.
But in the final and excruciating month nine, followed by the piercing cry of the fragile little being born into this world for the first time, in an instant, as you held the newborn close to your chest, the doctor's voice filled you with joy as he said, "You have a baby girl." And finally, you experience overwhelming happiness that fills your heart to the brim. It's as if all the previous hardships were just illusions, and the truest thing in your life was this daughter.
Sara Miller, your little angel, and your most precious gift
Sara improved your relationship with Joel in the short term before it plummeted again. If pregnancy was exhausting, taking care of an infant was even more demanding. It felt like Sara's screaming and crying tirelessly took a toll on you more than anything else. You almost forgot how it felt to have a full night's sleep. While anxiety clung to you like a ghost, even a few minutes of being away from your child made you nervous. You were afraid of what might happen to her if you looked away for a moment. Additionally, postpartum depression only grew heavier with time. Your mind and body couldn't return to their previous states. That was the price you had to pay for being a mother.
You found yourself arguing with Joel once again, mainly due to his lack of help in fully caring for Sara. Although you knew how hard Joel worked outside the home, you still felt that it wasn't fair because raising a child was an equally demanding job. And at least he got to go out somewhere, while you were stuck alone at home in a place that felt like a prison. You had to keep a constant eye on Sara from day to night.  The exhaustion took a toll on your relationship, which was already fragile. After enduring and holding onto the relationship for several years, you and Joel finally separated when Sara turned five years old.
When it comes to reality, the breakup between you and Joel hardly made any difference in terms of co-parenting. As co-parents, you still had to allocate time and help each other raise your daughter for several years to come. The only clear difference was the choice to separate and walk different paths. Joel went back to working for a contracting company with Tommy, just as he had always wanted. As for you, you had the opportunity to become a columnist for a renowned magazine, which may not align with your past dreams, but it gave you enough free time to dedicate yourself fully to Sara. It also gave you time to heal and take care of your own mental well-being.
That's because deep down in your heart, you still loved Joel, but love alone wasn't enough to sustain everything. This breakup left scars in your heart, and it made you decide firmly that you wouldn't love anyone else because you weren't confident that you could love someone as much as you loved Sara and Joel.
Even Joel never had a new love after parting ways with you. Despite the years that have passed—even a decade—you learned these stories from Tommy himself. He was the one who always tried to bring you and Joel back together. Partly because these two siblings grew up in a broken family, Tommy didn't want his niece to be in the same situation. So, he often sought chances to meet you coincidentally and pretended to casually mention how much Joel loved and missed both you and Sara. He also kept you updated on Joel's life without your asking. Sometimes, it was the little details, like how he still kept a photo of you in his wallet alongside Sara's picture,or him drinking heavily almost every night in sorrow.
Of course, you knew Tommy's intentions very well, so you didn't really trust his words and exaggerations about Joel. It annoyed you a little that he always talked about Joel with you.  (You admitted that Joel's name hurt you like an old wound being reopened.) Even though you knew that he did it out of love and good intentions.
"Anything is possible in the future. You just have to open your heart to that stubborn Joel a little," Tommy replied to you every time you told him it was impossible for you and Joel to go back to how things were.
But you were right because the future Tommy spoke of never came. It was destroyed along with the end of the world on September 26, 2003.
Because that day was Joel's birthday, you let Sarah spend time with her father throughout the week. Previously, Joel had casually asked you about celebrating his birthday with the whole family, but you didn't give him a definite answer. Partly because of pending work and partly because of your uncertainty about having to spend time together with your past love. But Sarah was excited about this. She liked having her parents together and was determined to convince you to surprise her father in the evening with a cake, as Joel always forgot to buy a cake on his own birthday.
Whenever you reminisced about the many stories that unfolded in your life, that particular event was one of the few that you remembered most vividly. And whenever you mentally revisited those moments, the only thing that remained in your mind was a short phrase underlined and emphasized, ‘If only.’
If you had decided to go see Joel and Sarah that night
Or if you hadn't let Sarah stay with Joel on his birthday
Would the fate of everything be better than this?
But destiny had already been set in motion. That was the beginning of the transformation that led to complete chaos.
The fungal epidemic No one knew the exact cause when it first happened. And by the time they realized the extent of the catastrophe, it was already too late. The Cordyceps fungus spreads directly into the brain, turning ordinary people into decaying, walking corpses. They began to bite and devour humans. Over 60% of the world's population was infected, plunging every corner of the globe into panic and madness. It was the most catastrophic calamity humanity had ever faced, worse than any war.
The world is falling apart, just like your heart when you learned that Sarah Miller was killed that night.
You fought desperately to survive in the midst of the dire situation, both from the infected group and the crumbling group of humans. With only one goal in mind: to find Joel and Sarah.  You held onto the hopeful belief in your heart that your daughter would be safe. Because Joel was strong enough to protect Sarah better than an ordinary woman like you, and Joel would never let any harm befall his beloved Sarah. You clung to that belief throughout the tumultuous journey until, finally, you met him again.  You saw tears on Joel's face and the lifeless body of Sarah, soaked in her own blood, in his arms. You knew instantly that your life had ended along with Sarah.
Sarah died from being shot by the soldiers while Joel was trying to lead her to safety. You blamed Joel for not being able to protect your daughter, despite having trusted and believed in him more than anything. And you had no chance to be with Sarah in her final moments. All you could do at that moment was weep in front of her lifeless body, just like when you cried in front of the tiny baby's face you gave birth to over a decade ago. But your tears now were not tears of joy but tears of sorrow, pain, and madness.
"If I ever see you again, I'll kill you." That was the final sentence you uttered to Joel's face before walking away from his life forever. That's what you hoped for, as you had no desire to ever lay eyes on his face again after this.
The love you once had for Joel has come to an end. All that remained in the depths of your tormented soul was nothing but endless anger, resentment, and revenge.
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darkmaga-retard · 27 days
American Healthcare: Corrupt, Broken and Lethal. “Politically and Morally Wrong, Health Care is A Human Right”
By Richard Gale and Dr. Gary Null
Global Research, August 22, 2024
For a nation that prides itself on being the world’s wealthiest, most innovative and technologically advanced, the US’ healthcare system is nothing less than a disaster and disgrace. Not only are Americans the least healthy among the most developed nations, but the US’ health system ranks dead last among high-income countries. Despite rising costs and our unshakeable faith in American medical exceptionalism, average life expectancy in the US has remained lower than other OECD nations for many years and continues to decline. The United Nations recognizes healthcare as a human right. In 2018, former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon denounced the American healthcare system as “politically and morally wrong.”
During the pandemic it is estimated that two to three years was lost on average life expectancy. On the other hand, before the Covid-19 pandemic, countries with universal healthcare coverage found their average life expectancy stable or slowly increasing. The fundamental problem in the U.S. is that politics have been far too beholden to the pharmaceutical, HMO and private insurance industries. Neither party has made any concerted effort to reign in the corruption of corporate campaign funding and do what is sensible, financially feasible and morally correct to improve Americans’ quality of health and well-being.
The fact that our healthcare system is horribly broken is proof that moneyed interests have become so powerful to keep single-payer debate out of the media spotlight and censored. Poll after poll shows that the American public favors the expansion of public health coverage. Other incremental proposals, including Medicare and Medicaid buy-in plans, are also widely preferred to the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare mess we are currently stuck with.
It is not difficult to understand how the dismal state of American medicine is the result of a system that has been sold out to the free-market and the bottom line interests of drug makers and an inflated private insurance industry. How advanced and ethically sound can a healthcare system be if tens of millions of people have no access to medical care because it is financially out of their reach? 
The figures speak for themselves. The U.S. is burdened with a $41 trillion Medicare liability. The number of uninsured has declined during the past several years but still lingers around 25 million. An additional 30-35 million are underinsured. There are currently 65 million Medicare enrollees and 89 million Medicaid recipients. This is an extremely unhealthy snapshot of the country’s ability to provide affordable healthcare and it is certainly unsustainable. The system is a public economic failure, benefiting no one except the large and increasingly consolidated insurance and pharmaceutical firms at the top that supervise the racket.
Our political parties have wrestled with single-payer or universal healthcare for decades. Obama ran his first 2008 presidential campaign on a single-payer platform. Since 1985, his campaign health adviser, the late Dr. Quentin Young from the University of Illinois Medical School, was one of the nation’s leading voices calling for universal health coverage. 
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iloveutoodeath · 7 months
so this is incredibly embarrassing to admit but with my sister having a baby last year and watching my little nephew grow over the course of several months, and also with some of my older cousins and some coworkers and basically a lot of ppl i know irl suddenly having babies over the course of the past few years…. well i wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s given me baby fever but it really has given me a big big soft spot for little babies and toddlers. obviously i liked babies already, but it was a more detached sort of like u know?? anyways the embarrassing thing is all this proximity to babies and to buying cute baby clothes and toys and books as gifts for baby showers and birthdays and such is making me feel like it probably would be pretty nice to have a kid. tbh i think i’d make a great mom but i’d rather die than ever get pregnant but maybe in the future if i’m ever in a financially stable position i’d probably consider adopting. who knows. like i knowwww this is a very normal thing to think about and want for yourself but i’ve always been very stubborn about not wanting kids and have always hatedddd when adults would say things like “you’ll change your mind when you get older” so to suddenly feel different about this feels like a betrayal to my old self or something 😂😂 the good thing is that i have three very cuddly and cute small dogs who i love to spoil and dress in cute sweaters and stuff so i can redirect this energy towards them 😂😂 but whatevs lmao i probably only feel like this right now because it’s what i’m surrounded by. babies and kids really are wonderful tho and it’s really a joy to watch them grow up and become their own person
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yourtastefulcannibal · 2 months
Hello, Dr Lecter!
I took this photo of the sky which reminded me of a painting but I can't remember it's name for the life or death of me. With this picture, I'm also revealing (a bit unwillingly) my identity. I'm the same person who asked you a while ago about your diet. I would still be curious to know what naming you would give me shouldn't I have revealed my identity (I will send the following asks as anonymous though).
Since we're here, would you be so kind to tell what made you adopt this very, very polite style of life? Many of us are prone to outbursts, swearing now and then, and many other behaviours as such. But not you, which makes you a very interesting and fascinating man.
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“Good evening, Aspasia. This photograph is indeed reminiscent of the art from several different artists and movement, the first coming to my mind being that of John Constable’s paintings of Hampstead Heath, which I will attach a few examples of below. The clouds do remind me of the soft realism characteristic of art created under the movement of Romanticism, which is the movement most closely associated with John Constable’s landscapes.”
“As for the reasoning behind my chosen method of lifestyle… I would say that I was raised to be an exceedingly polite child, although I had my moments.” He chuckled softly, considering those long-past moments which would only ever exist within his mind. “Fending for myself, as I was for several years, I came to have a great distaste for the way many individuals treated one another. Once I was taken in by my aunt and uncle and was more or less financially stable enough, I decided to always insist upon politeness wherever possible — as I do acknowledge that some situations cannot call for the regular rules of decorum to apply, such as within an operating theatre at times.”
He pursed his lips. “Perhaps I have not completely answered your question… in which case you may of course ask me to further explain, if you’d like, though I cannot guarantee that my next answer will sate you any further. As always, it’s been a pleasure speaking to you, Aspasia.”
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wamtorical · 1 year
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Prologue: 1888 - 1890
Elmer Pence: 17 years old, heir of Mr and Mrs. Pence’s vast fortune. Except said fortune would never be passed on, for Elmer would soon land his eyes on a certain girl who regularly made her way past his street, picking berries and peforming errands as such. This girl, who looked his age and skipped gleefully all the way home (to which he’d watch until she disappeared from view) was not eligible for what his parents seeked in a wife and therefore irrelevant. So back to his studies he guessed he'd go, racking his brain for several grueling hours on end learning dull business affairs in preparation for a very dreaded future.
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‘Twas Autumn of 1888 when Elmer had first taken his glimpse of the girl and she stubbornly resided in a very prominent place of his mind, haunting him with her strange magnetic force for the weeks following. It’d gotten so bad, he found himself unable to concentrate on the work at hand, much to his father’s disappointment. There was only one thing for it: to seek her out. Elmer would have to be careful, and by no means was he planning on talking to her. No; he just wanted to find out more.
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Contrary to his assumption, Claudia was more than aware that the upper-class boy she'd only ever seen in the occasional paper was watching from a near distance. It was easy to dismiss his interest for ignorant curioisity, so she'd let the boy be. A few weeks of feeling his eyes on her passed by and Claudia grew tired of this secret admirer - maybe slightly flattered, but frustrated if anything: why couldn't he just talk to her, or interview her if he so pleased? So she returned his glance to find only utter adoration in his pupils - that is before he frantically pulled away and fled the scene, his face turning the shade of a freshly grown tomato. Now if anyone was curious, it was Claudia.
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After pacing up and down his room for days, Elmer came to the decision that he would talk to the town’s sweetheart and hopefully clear things up. Talking to Claudia proved to be extremely difficult, but with her reciprocation to communicate their friendship slowly blossomed and like Elmer had wished, he began to learn a lot about Claudia. It was agreed that every Monday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday they would meet by the oak tree - this was because Elmer practiced football on these days and it gave him the opportunity to be gone for hours without his father's suspicion. Elmer began to learn she had a splendid sense of humour, unlike him who feared neglect if he joked around his father. Charlotte Deane was her elder sister, and the two had been orphans since their parents passed away, their mother dying tragically during her second childbirth and their father succumbing to Tuberculosis just a few years later. She was also confident and rather traditional, confiding in him that she longed for the perfect life; a loving husband (It was at this that Elmer flushed red), many children and a stable financial state. In time, the two grew closer and closer, until Elmer couldn’t distinguish what their relationship was anymore.
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Deep down, Elmer knew developing feelings for the townsgirl would be nothing but trouble for him. It was inevitable that one day, soon to come, Elmer would be wed to a woman over conveniency rather than love. He would not know that woman nor choose her. Still, he decided he'd talk to his father - Henry Pence - in regards to the matter (hypothetically) and evident it was that even the mere association of Elmer with that possibility angered him.
For the rest of the day, his fathers words rang through his ears:
"Quiet, you naive boy! It's rather simple, don't go befriending the townspeople. Should you stray from our support then I shan't hesitate to be rid of you - Don't disappoint us Elmer, you're our only son. Do you want to see me and your mother on the streets?"
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And so as quick as he'd found Claudia, 1889 came round and posed, beautiful and well-dressed women - slightly younger than him - started to dine with him and his family. The gatherings were more business arangements than anything and just as notably so, they were an absolute bore. The sad and reluctant eyes gazing at him from the other side of the table just made him long for Claudia even more. Elmer wondered if those ladies too had someone they'd rather spend the rest of their lives with.
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Only a couple of months into the new year, the day came when Elmer's fiancé was to be selected, and he rushed to Claudia as early as he could, longing for her comfort, her touch, and her warm presence. He was certain, though he'd never felt anything similar to it before, that what he felt for her was surely love. With her daintiful hands placed upon his chest she whispered to him softly, as if speaking to a young child.
“You don't have to do this, Elmer. You know that right?"
And Elmer said nothing in response. Instead, he tightly embraced Claudia and kept her close to him for what felt like hours, pondering on what outcome was more important to him. Claudia stroked his hair with a tenderness they had yet to voice, listening to the chirps of the birds filling the empty space between them. Minutes past and Claudia offered the one thing she knew she could in the moment: the comfort and affection only Claudia Deane could give.
Without exchanging a single word to Claudia, he took her hand and led her to the tavern he'd planned to meet his parents at. And the sight - their son so tenderly holding the hand of a girl who was not his fiancé - came as quite a shock to Henry and Ethel.
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Elmer ignored the collective confusion from the people around him and instead took a deep breath before stepping forward towards his parents.
“Mother, Father, this is Claudia Deane," he said, his voice steady despite the nervous fluttering in his stomach. "She's the girl I've cherished since the moment I laid eyes on her. Sudden, I know, but I'm positive I want to start a new life with her, away from here."
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Henry and Ethel stayed silent, their simultaneous shock and disappointment - perhaps from Henry rather than his mother - palpable. On the other hand, the woman he loved spoke volumes with her body language, her grip on Elmer's hand tightening as she stood by his side.
“I shan't be asking you for much, not anything at all, not even your financial support or your blessings. Just that you'll understand and let me go."
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Ethel Pence looked down, tears silently streaming down her face. Henry was just as quiet, if not more than his mother. A heavy and slightly uncomfortable silence hung in the air, and no one spoke. Claudia said a lot more - just not with words. When he looked back, his father was gone, and that alone solidifed Henry's feelings on the matter. Ethel remained.
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Though for a while waves of guilt washed over Elmer, regret was something he never once felt. Of course, from here forth things wouldn't be as simple as they seemed. After leaving his family behind, Elmer found himself living with Claudia and Charlotte while searching for a place they could call their own
It was hard for Elmer, a boy who'd known nothing but luxury for 18 years to get used to this lifestyle but in a way, he preferred it. The Deane cabin had it's own distinct scent - soil, freshly baked bread, wet dog ... He didn't mind it one bit. Elmer and Claudia spent a large sum of 1889 trying to think smartly about how'd they deal financially if they were to move elsewhere and eventually, with Charlottes contributions and suggestions, a bank loan was arranged. £9000. The young lovers were more than positive they would be able to pay it back. With Claudia content working on the farm, Elmer could find a job - perhaps in the medical field like he'd always dreamed, if it were even possible, which he'd been lead to believe was merely a fairytail ambition.
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Elmer traded in his fancy garments for more practical clothes, and with the extra money, he purchased Claudia the dress she'd longfully commented on whilst they were window shopping. Many kisses and embraces were exchanged of course, Claudia excitedly muttering the entire time how she'd wear it every chance she got, even when Elmer assured her she wouldn't have to. A matching hat accompanied the outfit and an unusual lump in its skirt pocket too, a lump she'd discovered after it fell onto the floor was a gorgeous and expensive-looking engagement ring one would only assume had been the very ring he'd kept for years upon waiting for his bride.
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So on the crisp winter day of December 19th, 1889, Elmer Pence and Claudia 'Deane', now known as Claudia Pence, exchanged their vows inside the cozy and quaint church that stood not far from their new home near the shores of Brindleton Bay. Elmer's trusted butler, John Calvert, proudly stood by his side as his best man, while Charlotte and a few of Claudia's closest friends adorned the roles of beautiful bridesmaids. The young newlyweds had much to look forward to and embraced eachothers company as they eagerly anticipated the adventures and blessings that awaited them in their future together, marking the beginning of the Pence lineage.
Current year: 1890
Prologue end
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mister-snake · 1 year
It's crazy, but sometimes, it takes years to recognize you went through abuse as a kid. Maybe because as a child, you have a naïve and oversimplified view of the world. Also because your little kid brain managed to make you see the good in people as a defense mechanism. Because it's hard to take a step back when you're still so vulnerable, under the care of adults you're supposed to be able to rely on. When your very small social world revolves around the people who raised you for so many years, how are you supposed to see what's wrong. Maybe it's needed for some kids to idealize their caretakers, in order to survive, to be blind to the pain, to make what's not okay be okay, to be normal and find a way into happiness, Hell, even create one of their own.
I've come to realize that what was normal for me may seem abusive for someone else. And even just writing it down like that sounds inappropriate to me. Growing up as a kid and a teen, I got close to some people who had really terrible relationships with their parents and wider family. I heard it all, all that toxic crazy shit an adult could do to their own flesh, the one being they're supposed to look after, love and protect. That one woman I remember the most of would hit her child with a fucking frying pan, tell her to die, that she was unwanted trash, she would insult her, slap her, lock her outside of the house, tell her anorexic daughter how fat and ugly she was, all so she could mentally detroy her as much as possible. With such parenting models, to me abuse meant violence, verbal degradation, anything that could be clearly seen and pointed out as cruel.
I never got to acknowledge the fact that there are some invisible forms of abuse. Neglect was never spoken of. To me, still, it all feels so normal. I never really fully understood what was wrong, the lacks, the flaws, the mistakes I was exposed to as a kid, the needs left unattended. I just made my own bad choices, learned to fight on my own, and my parents would pick up the pieces I left behind, afterwards. To me, they did their best, they acted the way they learned to act from where they came from, with the best intentions. There is no such thing as a guideline for being a parent and we are all humans with emotions, flaws, fears. I always felt like I had pretty good parents and my past relationships' toxic parents strengthened that belief. Yet, whenever I now talk about it with my therapist or when my buddy compares his own stable, normal and healthy parental experience with mine, I can clearly see how bad it actually was.
From the lack of emotional support and presence ever since they lost their first child to me having to take care of my younger brother for several years before they started acting like parents again. The fear of judgement and pain leading to covering up all the bad things that happened, the rapes, suicide, family drama, my own fuck-ups, with no safe space to ever talk about it, no closure. The complete freedom I got that allowed me to break the law as an impulsive kid with mental illnesses, leading to alcohol abuse, skipping school, disciplary issues. The lack of warmth and love demonstrations with relationships based on simply solving problems, answering material and financial needs.
I grew up with no guidance, no consequences and no reassurance. I never had any, so I never felt these needs. However, I do regret not having those growing up, because damn, so much of my struggles make sense, looking back.
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mit · 10 months
With a quantum “squeeze,” clocks could keep even more precise time, MIT researchers propose
More stable clocks could measure quantum phenomena, including the presence of dark matter.
Jennifer Chu | MIT News
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The practice of keeping time hinges on stable oscillations. In a grandfather clock, the length of a second is marked by a single swing of the pendulum. In a digital watch, the vibrations of a quartz crystal mark much smaller fractions of time. And in atomic clocks, the world’s state-of-the-art timekeepers, the oscillations of a laser beam stimulate atoms to vibrate at 9.2 billion times per second. These smallest, most stable divisions of time set the timing for today’s satellite communications, GPS systems, and financial markets.
A clock’s stability depends on the noise in its environment. A slight wind can throw a pendulum’s swing out of sync. And heat can disrupt the oscillations of atoms in an atomic clock. Eliminating such environmental effects can improve a clock’s precision. But only by so much.
A new MIT study finds that even if all noise from the outside world is eliminated, the stability of clocks, laser beams, and other oscillators would still be vulnerable to quantum mechanical effects. The precision of oscillators would ultimately be limited by quantum noise.
But in theory, there’s a way to push past this quantum limit. In their study, the researchers also show that by manipulating, or “squeezing,” the states that contribute to quantum noise, the stability of an oscillator could be improved, even past its quantum limit.
“What we’ve shown is, there’s actually a limit to how stable oscillators like lasers and clocks can be, that’s set not just by their environment, but by the fact that quantum mechanics forces them to shake around a little bit,” says Vivishek Sudhir, assistant professor of mechanical engineering at MIT. “Then, we’ve shown that there are ways you can even get around this quantum mechanical shaking. But you have to be more clever than just isolating the thing from its environment. You have to play with the quantum states themselves.”
The team is working on an experimental test of their theory. If they can demonstrate that they can manipulate the quantum states in an oscillating system, the researchers envision that clocks, lasers, and other oscillators could be tuned to super-quantum precision. These systems could then be used to track infinitesimally small differences in time, such as the fluctuations of a single qubit in a quantum computer or the presence of a dark matter particle flitting between detectors.
“We plan to demonstrate several instances of lasers with quantum-enhanced timekeeping ability over the next several years,” says Hudson Loughlin, a graduate student in MIT’s Department of Physics. “We hope that our recent theoretical developments and upcoming experiments will advance our fundamental ability to keep time accurately, and enable new revolutionary technologies.”
Loughlin and Sudhir detail their work in an open-access paper published in the journal Nature Communications.
Keep reading.
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threshie · 1 year
Hi, Tumblr, I'm Still Alive
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Life has been a tad overwhelming for me lately. And by "lately" I mean for the past several years. Stuff that has been going on:
Family/loved ones having Big Medical Problems
Trying to prevent myself having Big Medical Problems (by scheduling Big Scary Medical Procedure)
Parents moving close by after years away
Have figured out after much, much research that I'm almost certainly somewhere on the autism spectrum (lots of feeling like an imposter and like nobody's gonna accept me/believe me coming along with it... Oof.)
Securing stable fully-functioning place to live (ongoing, but workin' on it. In the meantime, fridge has failed/spoiled all fresh food 4+ times in the past couple of years.)
Disrupted my writing/publishing schedule as a full-time indie author to start a part-time summer job (stressed seeing my sales momentum slow down, struggling to focus in on writing the 2 days per week I have for it right now. Still writing and sending out newsletters ever other week, though!)
Really tired and feeling burnt out, but can't slow down the merry-go-round of life.
A weekend where I just get to stay home and do my own thing for more than one day in a row happens only once or twice per month lately.
Missing having more time to make art and to write without deadlines.
I still have plans to refund everybody who ordered an art commission from me who never got one. I know it's been a couple of years by now, but I never intended to take anybody's money and not deliver what I promised, so I want to make it right. Have been waiting to be financially able to, and I think that time is soon.
I hope everybody on Tumblr is doing okay. I'm not sure how many folks I knew are still on here, even, but if you're an old pal, know I wish you well! Hang in there.
-Threshie ♥
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