#fingers crossed for thursday
adarkermiserablecrow · 6 months
Bruh at this point im actually gonna be a little dissapointed if bi buck doesnt happen
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rathockey · 25 days
STILL too sick to go to hockey today :/
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megpricephotography · 3 months
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Beach Boy! Barney, jumping for joy during a trip to the beach in July of 2012.
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mothercetrion · 1 year
I got bored and decided to do this OTP ask meme with Johnshi. enjoy!
1) Who rocks the Ferris Wheel seat and who flips out and begs them to stop? Johnny. he is a bit immature and childish sometimes, and being on a Ferris wheel just brings it out. Kenshi is likely irritated at first, but it grows on him quickly.
2) Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place? Johnny. he has a big house, and he loves to experiment. Kenshi is open to trying, but he loves having sex in Johnny's bed the most.
3) Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time? before they get together, Kenshi typically showers, and Johnny mostly showers with the occasional bath (self-care!). after they get together, Johnny is the one to suggest a bath together, and Kenshi agrees after some consideration. it's honestly kind of nice! they're more likely to shower together though; it takes less time to prepare and they can be physically closer together. regardless, they like doing either together, though Johnny likes it more.
4) Who likes to walk around the house naked and who tells the other to go put some clothes on? Johnny loves not wearing clothes, and he's more likely to have a shirt off than to a shirt on. we've seen him shirtless in damn near every game, after all. Kenshi doesn't mind it, however.
5) Who sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight? Kenshi. he is more likely to storm out in a fight, so he'll just go to the couch. sometimes, Johnny will go after him immediately, but other times, he knows that Kenshi needs some space and leaves him there for the night.
6) Who takes photos of the other while they sleep? Johnny. he is convinced that Kenshi is the sexiest man on the planet, plus he needs pictures to prove to social media that his boyfriend is super hot! Kenshi doesn't like making too many social media appearances, but he's on there a few times. regardless, photos of Kenshi sleeping are in abundance on Johnny's phone.
7) Who said “I love you” first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”? Johnny has said "I love you" first in every relationship he's been in…except his relationship with Kenshi. after a difficult night for Kenshi (nightmares are not fun), he and Johnny are lying together in bed, and Kenshi suddenly gets the courage to tell him how he truly feels. Johnny is stunned, but he reciprocates immediately and admits that he's known for a while. Kenshi will also end arguments with "because I love you" when his protectiveness or his worries over Johnny's safety kick in. the argument will start loud, as arguments tend to do, but Kenshi's voice gets softer and quieter when he tells Johnny that he wants him to be safe because he wants him to come home and he loves him. Johnny is touched.
8) Who likes to wear the other's sweatshirts? Kenshi loves wearing Johnny's clothes, mostly his T-shirts. Johhny goes absolutely nuts seeing Kenshi wear anything that he owns.
9) Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after? neither wakes the other, but if Johnny has a cool dream, he'll tell Kenshi about it in the morning. Kenshi definitely has more nightmares than Johnny. dreams of his Yakuza days or his blinding can appear out of nowhere, and they always leave him terribly shaken (or in pain, depending on the extent of the dream). Johnny will hold him close and tell him stories from throughout his career until he calms down and/or falls asleep. the sound of Johnny's voice is shockingly comforting.
10) Who is more likely to cheat at games? Johnny. he likes winning, and he will pull all the punches to make it happen. Kenshi doesn't catch him at first, but when he does, he's pissed. Johnny always swears that he'll stop, but it's only temporary.
11) Who makes fun of the other for having a crush on them, and who has to remind them that they are in a relationship? Johnny is a teasing bastard, but Kenshi secretly loves it. Johnny will catch Kenshi looking just a little too happy around him, and he'll ask if he has a crush on him. Kenshi counters that they're dating, but he loves the conversations when they happen.
12) Who starts a food fight in the kitchen? Johnny. again, he's immature and childish. however, he does more of the cooking between them, so any fights are pretty rare. if he makes a mess, he'll make it worse if he's in a teasing mood.
13) Who initiates duets? and who is the better singer? most of the time, Johnny will initiate a duet if they're in a car together. Kenshi is less likely to sing along unless they're at home, singing quietly to one another in Johnny's bedroom or their kitchen late at night. they both can sing, but Kenshi is a shockingly good singer, though he denies it.
14) Who starts the hand-holding? Who grabs the other's butt? Who slides their arm around their waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops? Johnny initially started the hand-holding, but Kenshi gets a lot more confident in initiating it later in their relationship. they only grab butts in absolute privacy, but Johnny is more likely. both of them will wrap an arm around the other's waist and put their fingers in the belt loops of their pants. it's usually to pull them closer when they're hugging and/or kissing.
15) Who likes to write the other's name on their wrist? neither. they keep mementos/reminders of one another in different ways when they're not together.
16) Who is more seductive when they are drunk? and who is louder in bed? Kenshi is much more seductive after he's gotten drunk. Johnny is too, but Kenshi's seductiveness increases a lot more than Johnny's, so it's more noticeable. Johnny is so damn loud when he's in bed, and he cannot help it. however, Kenshi loves that and can't get enough, and he will do anything to keep Johnny happy, even at the cost of another one of his senses.
17) Who is more protective? Kenshi. he will do whatever he needs to do to keep Johnny safe from the Yakuza, even if it means tapping back into his gangster/criminal side. Johnny thinks that Kenshi's protectiveness is incredibly sexy, but he assures him that he will be safe.
18) Who talks to the other while they are sleeping? Johnny (and secretly Kenshi). if Johnny's awake and he's bored, he'll talk to Kenshi until he gets tired. sometimes though, he'll tell Kenshi how proud of him he is and how grateful he is to have him as a boyfriend. Kenshi will whisper how much he loves Johnny when he knows the actor can't hear him.
19) Who drives and who has the window seat? (ignoring how obvious this one is for the sake of the game LMAO) Kenshi had a license before he was blinded, and every now and then, Johnny can convince him to drive with Sento strapped to his back and sunglasses on his face. most of the time, though, Johnny drives. he likes it a lot, and Kenshi likes being in the passenger seat.
20) Who falls asleep in the other's lap and who carries them to bed? both of them! they're both super busy, and they're both tired after a long day. Johnny is more likely to fall asleep on Kenshi's lap, in the middle of telling Kenshi about his day, but Kenshi is thankfully very strong. if Kenshi falls asleep, he usually wakes up in the middle of Johnny carrying him, and he will stumble up the stairs and fall asleep within seconds of hitting the bed.
21) Who cuts the other's hair? neither. Johnny does not trust anyone but his hairdresser with his hair, and Kenshi feels the same way. however, they'll brush the other's hair (or run their fingers through it) all day.
22) Who is super bad at sexting? and who sends them encouraging messages throughout the day? both? Kenshi is bad at sexting because it's unfamiliar, and Johnny is bad at sexting because some of the things he will send Kenshi are not things you send over text. Johnny is more likely to send an encouraging text, especially if he knows Kenshi will be busy and/or stressed. they always help cheer Kenshi up.
23) Who thinks they are not good enough for the other's love? and who’s more afraid of losing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry? Johnny is a recently divorced, faltering celebrity. he's not getting the gigs he needs to keep up the image that he wants to. sometimes he feels like Kenshi deserves a lot better than that. Kenshi assures him that being with Johnny is what he wants, regardless of if he's super famous. Kenshi is terrified of the Yakuza somehow getting a hold of Johnny to get back at him for leaving, hence his protective side. Johnny always assures him that he can protect himself and will let him know if something is going on that could be because of the Yakuza. I feel like Johnny would be a little more concerned about messing up considering his track record, but "messing up" in a relationship comes with the territory. both of them can be pretty different, and neither of them has had a partner quite like the other before. but they're willing to learn!
24) Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them? Johnny. he loves dancing, but he loves dancing with Kenshi more. they'll hold one another close and sway as long as they can, listening to soft music from one of their phones. they're so close to the same height that lifting one another just off the ground is difficult, but they both love kissing when they're alone like this.
25) Who says shitty puns and sex jokes just to see the other giggle and blush? Johnny. he's much more pun-savvy than Kenshi. many puns will land and make Kenshi laugh, but others, like sex jokes, will not make him laugh…until they're in the bedroom, and then Johnny's jokes hit much differently (in the best way) and leave him flustered as hell.
26) Who kissed first? Johnny. he's more likely to make a physical move than Kenshi is, and he's the one to initiate that first kiss after a romantic evening at Johnny's house. Kenshi was surprised, but he was quick to reciprocate.
27) Who orders takeout at two in the morning? and who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it’s too dark? Johnny gets bored if he can't sleep. the smell and/or sound of Johnny eating at his desk or in the damn bed will wake Kenshi, but Johnny always gets a serving for him (just in case he wakes up). neither will wake the other to go downstairs for water, but if they're both awake, they'll go together.
28) Who writes poems/stories and love songs about the other? Do they sing the songs they write for them? Johnny is the more creative type, and he can be poetic if he really wants to be. he's not likely to share it with Kenshi unless it's perfect in his eyes, and that's rare since it's a less familiar medium to him.
29) Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires? they're both pretty reckless, but Johnny has gotten hurt more since their relationship began. Kenshi isn't impressed when he pulls off something, but he will help him if he gets hurt, all while chastising him for his stupidity. however, Kenshi is a lot more worried if Johnny gets hurt on set, which has happened before since he does his own stunts. it usually doesn't require a hospital visit by the time Kenshi sees him, but he'll dote on him and force him to rest all the same.
30) Who is embarrassed when they have to wear their glasses and who thinks they look super cute? Kenshi obviously doesn't need glasses, and Johnny doesn't either, buuuuut Johnny does wear sunglasses! and sometimes when they're in public, Johnny will lend Kenshi a pair so he can blend in. Johnny thinks he looks great.
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ivypond11 · 1 year
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something something new owl house charm designs mayhaps!
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shopwitchvamp · 15 days
Shipping delay:
Hey everyone, our car unexpectedly had to go in for service today & we've been told it needs to stay overnight. We printed a batch of orders yesterday expecting to ship them today, but they'll have to go out tomorrow after we get the car back instead.
If you got an email with tracking today from the batch we printed yesterday just know that it won't update until we're actually able to drop everything off tomorrow. Thanks for understanding!
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jout--jout · 1 year
jade’s just out here giving us the best stuff to daydream about with the gayest faraway look in existence bc >>imodna<<<
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elvenbeard · 1 year
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Wonder what Kerry is up to... 🤔 I really don't know, just helping out a choom probably!
Full version on my new nsft Twitter xD Happy thirsty Thursday, I'll see myself out now.
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slightlymad · 9 days
YOU SHOULD TOTALLY GET BANGS... I cut them spontaneously last year over the sink and I will never ever ever get rid of them.
JO YOU SUPPORTING MY IMPULSIVE BANG CUTTING IDEAS IS REALLY MAKING ME DEDICATE MYSELF TO THE WHOLE BANGS NOTION.... like........ the thought of me loving my bangs as much as YOU LOVE YOURS ?????? bangs are truly one of your Things™️ this is literally one of the most jo-coded things i could do....... and i've been thinking about this SO MUCH actually ??? like maybe that alone is enough of a reason to do it......... and i would channel the 80s music enthusiast that i am to my core..........
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littlecutiexox · 2 years
I think the second interview went okay?
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💚❤️ steddie The Holiday au preview scene incoming...💚❤️
“So you’re here to…” Eddie swallows the question. Has to try again with a raspy throat. “You’re here to get to know me?”
Steve is looking around the house, picking up little trinkets and placing them back down in different places. Like he is Nancy’s newly hired interior decorator all of a sudden.
“Essentially, yeah.” Steve examines a snowglobe (ugh, Eddie hates those little glass fuckers).
“And then what?”
Eddie’s heart pinballs around in his chest. Ricocheting on every corner and scoring high numbers. Like Eddie just won all the tickets in the whole goddamn arcade.
Almost forgetting that he leaves in a week.
“Is that what people usually do when they are majorly crushing on someone?” Steve asks, suddenly sounding insecure.
“Big shot sportscaster, Steve Harrington, is crushing on a lowly guitarist from Brooklyn?” Eddie is beaming now.
“Thought you were from Georgia.”
“You remembered.”
“You’re hard to forget.”
What a cheesy line. Not even a flirt veteran like Eddie Munson can resist such a cheesy, charming line though. He’s about ten-seconds away from having it down bad for this guy.
Steve sets down the snowglobe, looking diabolical. “So you cyberstalked me back, huh?”
“No.” What a fucking liar. “A little.”
“Well, I went full-blown binoculars outside your bedroom window with how much I researched you.” Steve admits, almost proudly. “And I never look up the people I’m hooking up with.”
Eddie snickers, walking into the living room. “Almost hooked up with.” 
“Right. That never happens either.”
“Almost hooking up?”
“Spending the night in someone’s arms.” Steve approaches Eddie now, reaching for his hair. Twists a curl around his finger - it’s still a little damp from Eddie's shower earlier.
“Oh.” Eddie suddenly feels a little guilty. Like he made Steve do something he wasn’t interested in doing. Like him made him vulnerable when that’s not his Thing.
“Sorry if that was-”
“Don’t.” Steve releases his hair, touching Eddie’s cheek sternly. “I haven’t slept that soundly in several months, so don’t apologize. In fact, I should be thanking you.”
But Eddie is dying to apologize - needs to say 'sorry' a million times over for bailing in seven days. After all of Steve’s raw emotions are on full display, he’s gonna have to catch a plane across the country. It’s stupidly unfair.
He puts his hand over Steve’s, the one that is resting on his cheek. Strokes his thumb over Steve’s knuckles, over the thin sterling band on his index finger. Wondering faintly what the significance behind it might be.
“I’m leaving in a week, Steve.” Eddie finally finds the courage to say it. 
Steve continues to hold his cheek, but his expression falls along with his shoulders. 
“I really want to get to know you better, but…” Eddie holds Steve’s hand now, removing it from his face. “How is this gonna work?”
Their hands drift apart, reality dividing their physical affection. Both of them seem to be contemplating what happens next, predicting an unwritten love story. Filling in the pages with propositions. Hopeless for an answer.
“Whatever.” Steve finally speaks up. Almost dismissive to their predicament.
“Yeah - whatever.” Steve plops down on the couch, kicks his feet up on Nancy’s coffee table (Eddie’s not so sure if Nancy would approve of something like that).
“Care to expand on the context of your ‘whatever,’ Steve Harrington?” Eddie cautiously sits on the adjacent couch.
Steve places his arms behind his head, full-on lounging. “I say we try this anyways.”
“You do?”
“Sure.” He’s so casual about this. How is that even possible? “It’s sort of ideal, actually.”
“In what universe is this ideal?”
“If we spend the next week together and it goes poorly, then we don’t have to worry about an awkward breakup. You’ll fly back to Manhattan and I’ll stay here in LA - no running into each other or being forced to evenly split up our mutual friends post-breakup. No mess.”
That’s only somewhat true. Eddie’s heart will be a mess. His overly tender heart feels everything so deeply. He’ll spend months mopping up the heartache if this doesn’t work out.
“But if things go well, I think we can figure out how to make it work.” Steve says that so casually too. Like he’s suddenly the most capable and committed human being.
“You can’t know that.” Eddie’s tone comes out frustrated. Which he is. The whole thing is frustrating. Lovey-dovey feelings and motherfucking distance? That’s outrageously frustrating.
“No, but I’m trying something new here.”
“Lets just call it an early New Years Resolution. Keeping an open mind. Going with my gut.” 
Steve walks over to Eddie, offering him a hand to shake. Seal the deal, like a fucking business exchange or some professional bullshit. 
“What do you say, Eddie Munson? Wanna date me for a week - see where this holiday whirlwind takes us?”
Eddie chews the inside of his cheek, strongly considering the consequences of this plan. Jots down a scribbly mental list of all the emotions that may lie ahead of them: Heartbreak. Misery. Grief. Resentment. Malice.
And before he can say hell no, a fucking red permanent marker adds two more words to his list, in bold letters:
Potential Love.
There’s potential that this could be it - a potential love that will finally stick. A potential love that can withstand distance and life’s complexities.
Eddie firmly shakes Steve’s hand.
“I’m all in, Steve Harrington.”
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drugsforaddicts · 3 months
My favourite week aka Tuska-week is here, and I was digging through my closet for stuff to wear and I found my Stam1na vest that I painted 2 years ago! 💚
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But now that I look at it, I feel like I could add something more to it? 🤔 Barbed wire to the pockets, maybe? Lyrics, perhaps?
Tavastia palamaan! would be iconic and funny as fuck because now it has a double meaning to me as a sad bojere bitch:
”Muna seisoo, kädet hikoo, pääni räjähtää, mikään upeampaa ei oo, seksi toiseks jää” 🤡 (super rough translation would be something like: ”a boner, hands sweat, my head is exploding, there is nothing more awesome, sex comes second”)
And because people like clicking buttons
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sportsthoughts · 5 months
ok goodnight pens friends! see you wednesday. we're gonna win because it's my birthday and the pens would never be so rude as to lose on the day of my birth.
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darkwater-reservoir · 6 months
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oh yeah before i forget again guess who finally got a job interview
it's for a test associate job for a game company which means it's remote and a desk job which means i won't have to hurt my disabled shitty body running around everyday
pray for me y'all i need this job
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toastsnaffler · 4 months
this is likr the 4th bus journey in a row now that theyve let me on without punching my ticket. guy today didn't even look at it even tho I offered it to him just waved me straight on bc the bus was running "late" (by only 2 mins. and they always make up that time bc there's a v long stretch w no stops on a dual carriageway) and it's been different bus drivers every single time like hello. am I on the vip list or smth 😳
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