#ill bring popcorn
adarkermiserablecrow · 3 months
Bruh at this point im actually gonna be a little dissapointed if bi buck doesnt happen
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sniorskipday · 11 months
hey tumblr sleepover my house tonight we're watching the croods !!!! xxx
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securemoon · 7 months
Anyone wanna watch spirited away with me and cuddle in bed????
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altarpup · 10 months
this place rules
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haveihitanerve · 10 days
Bruce sends his kids little notes using carrier bats. It first started when Dick moved out and he wanted to talk to his son but didn't want to call and then have dick hang up on him or decline, didn't want to see his message be left on read, so he bought a little circus bat and taught it to fly to wherever Dick’s scent was (ie he would hang a piece of dicks clothing up at one end of the cave) and built him a nest built of dicks old bedsheets and then tied a little note to its foot, just a little question about how the weather is in Bludhaven and if hes getting enough sleep and alfred misses him, nothing that can be seen as overbearing or forcing himself into his life, and the little bat flies all the way to Bludhaven and hangs on Dicks window and Dick sees it and memories slam into him full force because bats are batman and robin and he cant, not yet. So he doesn't open the window. Ignores him. But the little bat is anything if not as stubborn as the man who trained him so he stays. And after two days Dick relents because the bat hasn't moved an inch and is probably hungry, so he brings him inside and then he sees the note for the first time and opens it and then he breaks and the tears flow because Bruce cares and bruce still wants him. And dick spends time with the little bat and takes it on missions as Nightwing because they’re both nocturnal and then finally, dick attaches a little note to the bats leg and he flies off to bruce. And bruce sees the little bat on his window and opens it, when he spots Dick standing just below, smiling faintly. “Hey b.” 
Bruce gets a bat from the cave ceiling for Babs almost immediately after her accident with Joker because he has responsibilities but he cant leave her alone so he sends her notes everyday and hopes the bat is a good enough companion and when she becomes oracle the bat serves as an exchange of information and contacts and bruce still uses him to check up on her and babs rolls her eyes everytime, but its fond
And so then when Jason comes bruce finds another little bat hanging in crime alley and uses her as a therapy animal after he dies and trains her the way he trained Dick’s but the bat doesn't have anyone to fly to and bruce tries not to cry when he sends it out with notes and it returns because it has no one to deliver to… until one day it doesn't come back. And bruce is afraid and confused and a week later the bat is back, a new note attached to her leg and bruce takes it and breaks down and he gets to talk to his son again. 
Tim already comes with his own bat because Nightwing has one, but the little girl imprints on Bruce right away and Tim pouts but he cant really be angry, not when Bruce sends his bat over to him almost daily while hes in the batcave or his room or the tower with reminders to eat and sleep and coupons for coffee
When Steph arrives Bruce hates himself for firing her but he just cant right now, but he stills gets a bat from the cave and sends it to her and apologizes because he cant bring himself to leave everything unspoken between them and Steph actually adores it and every so often she’ll send him a note and bruce knows hes forgiven
For Damian theres no need for a bat because he lives in the house with Bruce, but then they have Goliath and well… he serves as a messenger when no one else can get damian out of the training area
bruce has never named the bats, thinking that was for them alone to do and he didnt want to get too attached because theres always a chance he pushed too far and his kids wont send a message back, but one day all his kids were hanging out in the living room together and bruce had just come up to join them when he hears dick say "hey wheres b? the movie's about to start?" and jason chucks a piece of popcorn in his mouth and goes "idk, ill send him a note." but tim goes "no i will!" and all together they yell "ROBIN!!!" and all their bats come flying from the cave and fly to their specific masters and Bruce cant fight the tears and when every little bat flies towards him and delivers their note he walks out into the living room and gives them the biggest hug
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satoruhour · 9 months
Thoughts on poly with satosugu
a/n: long post LOL enjoy
howd you manage to get two of the most caring yet annoying boyfriends ever??? they feed off each others energy sm it’s insane lol good luck. but not in a bad way of course. it def started out when one man of the two was frustrated with the stagnancy and the mixed signals between the three of you that gojo decided to confess and the both of you dated for a while.
geto didnt rlly wanna intrude and felt bad even tho you three were still eye fucking basically every time u were in a room together. gojo was the first to ask you about it “no because ive thought of it too” and gojo’s face lights up bc teecchnically hes been texting geto always how its been a dream to date you even tho it rubs in the wound a little. but it’s ok!!!! im sorry suguru!!! all three of you are together now !!!! 
to start off they are very physical and clingy. always need to have some part of their body on you. gojo prefers the arm slinging over your shoulders, geto prefers a more subtle arm around the waist. ppl r always starin when you three go out 😭 but it’s so cute lowkey! gojo is usually the upbeat one, suggesting dates and places to go and things to do, creating the gc between the three of you (if u didnt alr have one), keeping the relationship fresh with a lot of questions. geto contributes more to the practicality of the rs?? not to say he doesnt talk or is passive in the poly rs but he’s more of a getting groceries, lounging in the back watching the two of you talk excitedly bout digimon, and likes the household chores kind of guy.
it feels like if i say this it’s too cheesy but gojo feels like a sunrise: the dawn of a new day and the adventures that it may bring while geto is like sunsets: the dusk of winding down after the exciting day and youre always craving both. gojo and geto complete each other in countless other ways too and the dynamic you three have is super adorable.
ill highlight a few scenarios bc theres too much potential and power w/ poly stsg!! watching movies: geto us usually okay with anything u two pick out and gojo picks out some psychological horror for funsies but hes screaming into geto’s arms at every jumpscare 😭 the popcorn goes everywhere good lord. you and geto laugh (in the case youre not too afraid of horror) laugh at gojo and pepper him in kisses even when he puts the blame on you for choosing this movie. “too scared that youre placing the blame on our poor (y/n)?” gojo tsks and swats away geto’s hand but is soon distracted by you pulling u into your embrace lol <3 the usual movie positions are like this: either the both of you latch onto geto’s sides, or youre tucked into geto and gojo sits on the floor, your head in either man’s laps and your feet on the other, you squashed in the middle of them both, gojo tucked in your hug while you are tucked in geto’s <333
going grocery shopping: it’s stocking up time and geto cant possibly handle bringing back all the groceries by himself so he brings you along and also (reluctantly) brings gojo. main reason is bc gojo likes to put a lot of things in the cart and begs with his pretty eyes of his that geto always gives in 😭 youre like semi-focused on the task. you put together the grocery list but then youre getting distracted when you see the fruits section and point at it excitedly to geto. gojo is somewhere in the store. sometimes you lead the expedition, pushing the trolley as geto and gojo walk together a few steps behind hand in hand. it changes a whole lot.
sometimes geto will head off to get something and youre left to push the trolley, with gojo by your side kissing your temples walking by your side. they will both sometimes play pranks on you and go off without telling u and run around the store hoping you wont find them LMAO, or even be so so embarrassing dancing in the middle of the aisles or putting their face up to the cameras that broadcast the footage on big tvs ….. also once you guys lost gojo and you had to make an announcement at the counter to call for a six foot man to meet you two at the cashiers….
it’s easy to feel insecure sometimes, or rather not getting enough love / feeling left out bc sometimes they both click so well together you cant understand their inside jokes or they act like boys again, hitting and laughing to each other about shoko fumbling utahime again or something. they apologise profusely, feeling guilty that they even made u feel like that, esp gojo since he has a tendency to initiate a lot of those jokes which you dont understand, or talk about man things lol. youre the sole focus of their eyes always and they show it even more today by pampering you, having a sleepover ish date night, you paint each other’s nails and do some skin care, gossip a little. geto and gojo compliments you a lot, even more so during this bout of insecurity. they fight over who gives better compliments 😭😭😭😭
but either way you bring both of them in to kiss them as a thank you. it’s so difficult to choose between the both of them for cuddling too bc theyre so warm always. you curl into geto first bc on this night you guys picked your fav movie (which also happened to be gojo’s fav) but you were feeling tired asf so the former let you rest up on him while hte latter had his eyes glued. and later when geto needs to clean up he passes you to gojo gently and you adjust yourself against his lanky body <3333 “she’s just so cute, ain’t she?” geto smiles, brushes your hair out ur face, placing a peck on your forehead and another on gojo’s lips. “rest up first, both of you. i’ll come in soon.”
overall best boyfriends ever; let me highlight some more scenarios which i think would happen: coddling over you when you get your period. geto holding your tummy and massaging it while gojo feeds u snacks. fighting over the blanket between the three of you. gojo runs cold at night, geto runs a little cold too so youre usually the mediator between the two of them. “just buy a bigger blanket!!!” and gojos up and ready to head out at 3am. “go to sleep satoru the stores not open rn.” “theft exists.” “no!” sometimes youd go on individual dates when the other cant make it, esp when you three have busy schedules. either two will ALWAYS promise to shower the third in affection once they return home from the date! sometimes when you three need to visit weddings, you’d be squashed in the middle dancing with them, two towers and the shorter one in between that it looks a little comical.
fighting about whose music is the best in the car and fighting over the au, fighting abt who gets to drive. gojo tries to squeeze into the stick shift bc sometimes he misses you two in the back seat :(((( they let you sit down on public transport if the car isnt possible. scary dog privileges, two of them. gojo sneers at anyone who wants ur number and tells them off, geto glares quietly, gojo thinks its bc of him but actually it’s all geto’s doing LMAOAOAO. loving the kisses they both give you: gojo a little more excitable and geto’s sensual and slower, will also fight over who you should straddle when your making out but u give them both equal attention. one will take over the other whos preoccupied with your lips. geto littering kisses down your neck while youre busy with gojo’s lips and vice versa 💟💟💟
sigh id love to be in a poly rs with them and id love to write n*sfw but my hands hurt toodles (i do have a stsg ask that is smutty tho ... will write that soon muahahha)
hello hello!
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writtnbyhan · 8 months
Let me take care of you.
PAIRING: han jisung x reader
TAGS: sickfic, idol!han, established relationship.
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PROMPT: "and just when were you going to tell me about your [injury/illness]?" You're sick and Jisung is worried -- That's the plot.
warnings: mentions of being sick (reader has a cold). Let me know if I missed a warning.
author's note: i don't know where this came from. I had something very different planned for today's post but this came to me in a vision and now i can only think of jisung taking care of his s/o, he's so baby and he's probably so good at taking care of people !!!!! i just wanna be in between his arms !! being cared for !!!
Okay, here’s the thing: you knew you were getting kinda sick. You knew from the way your body ached when you first woke up, from the sore throat and from the general feeling of being unwell. However, you decided it was not a big deal, and that was obviously your first mistake.
It was Jisung’s kind-of-free day, which meant he only had to go to the studio with 3RACHA to work on “some stuff”, as he put it himself, refusing to elaborate claiming that it was a surprise. You knew they were probably working on music for the next comeback even when this one wasn’t even out yet, and that’s why Jisung wouldn’t come clean, wanting to avoid your reprimanding from overworking themselves when they finally have some free time from the studio, only having to comply with the schedules related to the comeback.
On these days, he was usually only busy for a few hours before they got distracted with something random and therefore decided to call it quits, going home and relaxing for a few hours before moving onto the next scheduled activity. Today, Jisung didn’t have any of those, only going to the studio and then straight back home. You didn’t want to ruin what little time together you were getting these days, and you weren’t actually sick yet, so it wasn’t anything you should worry about.
You woke up alone, the other side of the bed unmade from when Hanji woke up, earlier, and went to the gym before the studio. He spent most nights with you, cuddling to make up for the time you weren’t capable of being together due to busy schedules and responsibilities. Everything ached, and the only thing you wanted to do was cover yourself with the sheets and sleep some more. But, you couldn’t do that. You needed to take a shower, clean up a bit, and force yourself to feel better. “Just for today, tomorrow we can be sick,” you told your body as you got out of bed, frowning and closing your eyes when the light coming through the window was quick to cause you a headache.
Shower first, you decided, going for the warm water and hoping it’d help with the pain on your body. It did, luckily. You then brushed your teeth, noticing on the mirror that the bags under your eyes were darker and more noticeable. Yes, you were obviously getting sick. Tomorrow. You were getting sick tomorrow, because today you had to spend the day with Jisung and cuddle with him watching Ghibli movies, it was a need.
After breakfast, you took some ibuprofen and sent Jisung a quick text.
“good morning, baby. hope everything’s going well at the studio, missing you already :)”
Putting your phone down after that, you set out to clean up the apartment, taking more ibuprofen whenever your body was being inconvenient to you.
“hello cutie, we’re actually wrapping up for the day!! going home in 30, love you.” You read the text when ten minutes had already passed since it was received. With a smile on your face, you sent a quick reply, knowing it wasn’t necessary given that he was already coming home, but also knowing that he would sulk if you didn’t reply to his “love you”.
“love you too<3 will be waiting with the popcorn ready.”
Making good on your promise, you started making popcorn and conditioning the living room for
Making good on your promise, you started making popcorn and setting up the living room for your movie plans, bringing all the blankets you could find (which was not actually necessary, but you were starting to feel cold so you thought it’d be better to have those around) and the pillows from your bed.
As you were placing the popcorn on the table with some juice, the door opened, and in came the squirrel-looking boy that was able to put a smile on your face instantaneously, even when you were feeling so ill.
“Hello, my love!” you said, dramatically, bringing a hand to your own chest as if to hold your heart. “I thought you’d never make it, I was left missing you for too long!”
He smiled with that heart-shaped smile that made your heart do spins. You felt dizzy just by looking at him (okay, maybe that was the cold you probably had, but you decided to convince yourself it was Jisung’s fault). “My lady, I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting, shall we begin with our plans?”
You giggled, skipping towards him to give him a kiss on the cheek and drag him to the couch that was currently surrounded by blankets. You chose one and threw it over both of you, getting comfortable in between your boyfriend’s arms with the remote in hand.
Halfway through the first Ghibli movie of the night, you began sneezing.
“’m sorry” you mumbled, getting up to grab some tissues and noticing you felt much more sick than in the morning.
You should tell Jisung, you knew that. But he’d worry, and you didn’t want to cut your night together short.
So, you didn’t. You grabbed the tissues and got back into his arms, kissing his hands when they were in front of you. Jisung freezed when you did that, and you frowned — it was a common gesture between the two of you, why was he reacting like that?
His hand went quickly to your forehead.
Oh, that.
Jisung gasped.
“Baby, you’re burning up.”
He sounded worried, and you sighed.
“I know.” You said. You didn’t actually know you had a fever, but you didn’t want him to make a fuss. You wanted to watch movies together, and cuddle, and sleep. And okay, maybe you had a headache and that had made you grumpy, which was something that always happened when you were sick so Jisung was used by now to your complaints about his caring.
However, despite knowing you always reacted badly to feeling unwell, that comment had made him frown, looking at you while his hand was still on your forehead.
“You knew?” he repeated, clearly agravated by what you had just told him. “And when exactly were you planning on telling me? When you collapsed in the hallway or while I was being forced to bring you to the hospital?”
He was being dramatic, of course, but the sincerity in his worry and his concern made your heart soften a little, so you directed your eyes to the floor, blinking to try and ease the headache that had formed from looking at the screen for too long.
“I didn’t wanna worry you” you mumbled, voice soft and shy. He melted a little at that, his anger dissapearing almost as quick as it had made his way forth.
“Baby, you need someone to take care of you when you’re feeling like this. We could’ve just cuddled in bed so you were more comfortable, and I could’ve been checking on your temperature and your medicine. What hurts?” he asked, giving a little kiss to your forehead before letting his hold around you loosen, clearly having plans of getting up.
You whined at the lost of his warmth against your back, your eyes filling up with unwanted tears at the cold and the loneliness you suddenly felt.
“Hannie…” you cried out, looking up at him, who looked almost bewildered. When he met your eyes, a pout formed in his face. He extended his arms towards you, now standing in front of the couch, and hugged you so you could attach yourself to him like a koala would to a tree. Your hold was weak, so he made sure to keep you safe with one hand on your back while he wrapped a blanket around you as if you were a baby. You knew the plan was to get you to your shared bed so you could cuddle more comfortably and drift off to sleep when you needed it. Problem was: you had needed it for about 15 minutes by now, so hiding your face in his neck and letting his warmth envelop you, you were quick to fall asleep against him, not minding his movements or the sounds around you.
You woke up when it was already dark outside. A wet cloth was on your forehead and you were now in bed, your boyfriend’s hand on your waist and Ponyo playing in the background. You looked to your bedside table and found a water bottle and some pills that you knew you didn’t have in your house. You knew Jisung never wanted to leave your side when you were sick, no matter that you were asleep, so you were sure he had those delivered or asked one of the boys to pick them up for him.
You turned around, letting the wet cloth fall off so as to hide your face in his chest. You felt better after sleeping, and you were sure your fever had subsided because you no longer felt cold, but your throat was still sore and your eyes still stung with the light.
At your movement, Han directed all his attention towards you, kissing your forehead and tightening his hold on your waist.
“Hello, sleepyhead. You need to take some medicine, I asked Chan-hyung to bring it here because all you had was some ibuprofen, and you were running out of it. How are you feeling?” he asked, his free hand caressing your hair and making you feel a lot more relaxed, even when your back still ached and your throat hurt.
“I’m okay,” you settled for, your voice coming out raspy and probably revealing what you were hiding. He chuckled, and you knew he knew what you just said was a lie, so you sighed. “I’m feeling a lot better, but my throat still hurts and my body aches. It’s probably just a cold.” You mumbled the last part against his chest, a subtle way of saying: there’s no need to worry this much.
He nodded, which you knew because you felt his head moving above yours. “Probably. Please, take some medicine so you can feel better faster.”
You did as he asked, taking the pill he was offering you and drinking from the water bottle he had uncapped and handed to you. You smiled at him in thanks, after wincing from the bitter taste of the pill.
“Sorry for ruining or movie date.” Your eyes were sad and he knew you were sincerely sorry. A pout formed on your lips as you thought of when you would be able to have the next one, knowing it’d be difficult to plan out given that the comeback was so close.
“You didn’t ruin anything, baby,” he said, equally as sincere. “It’s not your fault you got sick, and I don’t mind taking care of you — I really like it, actually. Plus, I got to watch the movies while watching you sleep, so… I really don’t mind. I just want you to be okay so we can have more movie dates.”
You blushed at his words, feeling soft and just wanting to kiss him — you both knew you should not do that, for he couldn’t get sick now because he had a lot of presentations and performances to do. You pouted.
“This is so unfair, I want to kiss you so badly,” you complained, and he laughed, kissing your cheek.
“I know, baby, me too. So, take your medicine so I can get all the kisses you owe me.”
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rafeandonlyrafe · 8 months
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words: 1.1k
"what are you doing?"
you jump at rafes voice, dropping the fabric that was in your hand. you turn and give him your best innocent smile, one you know he sees right through.
"nothing!" you hum, rushing out of the closet and towards your boyfriend, giving him a peck on the lips in greeting. you go to step away, but rafe places his hands on your hips to stop you.
"are you stealing my clothes again?" he asks, eyeing you as you quickly shake your head no, clearly not believing you.
"i was just doing some organizing in your closet while i waited for you to get home." you explain, rubbing your hands over his shoulders and chest. "missed you."
"you haven't organized a thing in your life, woman. you can't fool me." rafe says, hands briefly tightening on your hips in warning.
you pout, looking up at him through your eyelashes. "fine. i wanted one of your hoodies. i like them."
"i like them too baby and i won't have any left if you keep stealing all of them." rafe laughs, bending down to press a kiss to your lips.
"ugh." you groan, but still burrow into his chest, missing his warmth. you close your eyes and wrap your arms around his firm shoulders, both needing a moment of silence to just be together.
"do you still wanna go out tonight?" rafe asks, moving his hand to comb his fingers through your hair.
"mmm, sure." you shrug. "as long as you want to. im kind of excited to see this movie."
rafe smiles, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "alright, ill tell top we're coming then, he's gonna get us chairs and everything."
you hum in response, excited to watch a movie in the open air cinema under the stars, right next to the water.
you eventually have to let go of rafe so he can shower and get ready to go, and you busy yourself fixing your hair, then just lay on the couch as you wait for rafe to come downstairs.
"that's what you're wearing tonight sweetie?" he asks, admiring the sundress.
"mhm. it's supposed to be warm, i don't think you'll need a sweatshirt." you say, looking up to rafe.
"i can take it off, besides it's a double feature tonight, it may get chilly."
"mkay." you hum. you didn't bring anything else to wear, so you're stuck in just the sundress as you head out to rafes truck.
he opens up the passenger side door for you, giving you a hand to help you climb in considering it's lifted quite high off the ground.
rafe turns on the radio once he starts up the truck, placing a hand on your thigh as he drives the short distance to where the outdoor movie is.
"let's find top." you say once rafe is parked.
rafe spots him easily among the crowd and leads you towards him, and the three lawn chairs set up next to each other.
"hey topper." you say, giving him a friendly wave. you're not close to him by any means, but he's rafes friend, therefore you end up spending a considerable amount of time together.
"hey, what's up?" he asks both of you, making sure to not address his question to just you, as rafe gets overprotective very easily.
rafe answers, and you sit down as the boys launch into some conversation about golf that you don't care to listen to. the eventually take their seats as the sun starts to set, rafe pulling your chair as closely as possible to his, lacing your hands together as the movie starts.
you giggle at the jokes, eyes always moving over to rafe to make sure he’s smiling and laughing too. he catches you once, during the movie, eyes also turning to you. he gives you a smile, tugging you in close to press a kiss to your lips.
you’re surprised how much you like the first movie, but you do find your stomach rumbling slightly, so when they call a ten minute intermission between the movies, you pout and ask rafe to get you some popcorn.
rafe eyes topper as he gets up, a clear warning to stay away from you but to also keep an eye on you.
you shiver, rubbing your hands over your arms, and topper doesn’t miss it. he felt the temperature drop as well, a sudden increase in the wind speed bringing a chill to his body as well.
“shit, are you cold?” topper immediately begins to shrug off his jacket. he can’t have rafe, who entrusted you to his care, come back to find you with goosebumps.
“thank you.” you take toppers jacket, using it to cover yourself but not slipping your arms into the sleeves, knowing that your boyfriend would not like that. you sit in silence with topper, both looking for rafe to come back. 
you smile when you spot him, weaving through chairs and people with two bags of popcorn in his hands. his eyes briefly brighten with a smile, only to drop down and see you with toppers jacket thrown over your front.
“baby, you’re cold?” rafe asks, but it’s more of a statement.
“topper gave me his jacket just until you got back.” you say, taking it off and handing it back to topper quickly. “wasn’t that nice of him?”
rafe pauses, eyes flickering between the two of you. “yeah, nice.” rafe sets down the bags of popcorn on his empty chair, shrugging his own jacket off and handing it to you. you smile and put it on fully, zipping yourself up in the warm material. he sets down, handing one of the popcorns to topper. 
you snicker to yourself, but rafes perceptive eyes see it. “don’t even start.” you move yourself to rafes lap, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. “you’re such a good friend and boyfriend.” 
“stop it right now.” rafe says, but the corners of his mouth tick up. you smile as well, leaning in and pressing a kiss to his lips.
you can see topper smile as well when you pull away, but he remains facing forward, eyes on the movie screen as he pops a piece of popcorn into his mouth.
you turn as the movie starts, your back against rafes chest, eating out of the popcorn bag as he holds it for you. you rest your head against his shoulder, hoping your body heat is keeping him warm now that he’s given you his jacket. you turn your head to the side, pecking a kiss to rafes jaw. “what happened to not being allowed any more of your hoodies?”
“i was mistaken, baby. you can have all my hoodies as long as you never wear one of toppers, or anyone elses, ever again.”
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the girl next door 12
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as age gap, manipulation, chronic illness, noncon/dubcon, coercion, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: A new neighbour moves in and upends your already disarrayed life.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself.
This lewk but silverfox
“How about it, Holly?” Steve’s voice brings you back from your trance.
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You only realise then that you’ve zoned out. You look down at your plate, your burger half-eaten and the salad mostly gone. As your mom babbled on, you’d lost yourself staring out at the lawn. It didn’t really matter, she barely acknowledged you since you came out with dinner.
You glance between her and Steve, lost in the conversation already underway.
“I’d love that, it will be nice,” your mom answers, beaming across the table; the shade of the umbrella gathering in the lines of her face.
“How about you, kiddo? Grab you pajamas and join the party,” Steve looks at you.
“Huh?” You and your mom utter in unison.
“Both of us?” She asks in a brittle quaver.
“Yeah, sure, it’ll be a nice way to connect. Holly, I know you’re a mother first, it’s a package deal.”
“Mm, yeah, I just... I misinterpreted,” she puts her hand against her neck. “A sleepover, that’s fun.”
“I felt bad about last time. Don’t want anyone left out of movie night. I got popcorn, mph,” he turns to you again, “do you like cream soda? I got some cane stuff in the glass bottles--”
“That’s a lot of sugar,” your mother murmurs.
“It’s one night,” he shrugs, “it won’t hurt. Lots to go around.”
“I guess...” she forces a smile.
“Well, we can always hold off. I did promise ice cream,” he sits back and claps his thighs. “You all done?”
You stare at the table then look up in the silence. You don’t realise he’s talking to you. You nod. Your stomach won’t settle. It’s been off all day; you wonder if maybe the maple syrup was a bit too much yesterday.
“I’ll wrap it up for you, you can have it later if you want,” he stands and takes your plate, then your mother’s and his own. Where you nibbled through barely half, they had nothing left.
You sit back and cross your arms as Steve goes inside. Your mother sighs and glares past you. She’s annoyed even if you hadn’t made the decision yourself. You didn’t even accept the invitation.
“Sorry,” you mumble.
“Whatever,” she rolls her eyes, “you just can’t help but get in the way.”
She leans forward. When she’s angry, her tremors worsen. She’s barely able to keep her head still.
“I didn’t...”
“Oh, be quiet. He only feels bad for you because he knows I can’t get rid of you,” she sneers. “He knows you have nothing go for you. No job, no friends, no hobbies.” She sits back and huffs, “I tried to raise you better. I really did. I don’t know what happened.”
You lower your head. Maybe you can come up with a lie. If you can find an excuse to leave, she won’t be able to hate you.
“I could say I’m not feeling well--”
“Just stay out of the way,” she snarls.
You sniff and turn away, hiding the gloss of tears in your eyes. Sometimes, you don’t do anything at all and she’s mad. You hear Steve coming back out and you wipe your nose, keeping your face down as you shrink.
You can be invisible. You’re good at that.
Not wanting to seem ungrateful, you accept a bowl of ice cream and finish it. Strawberry. It's delicious but you just can't enjoy it. You're uneasy, unsure.
You go to grab some pajamas, your mother issuing another warning before you return to Steve's. You wear a pair of polka dot bottoms and a jersey shirt. You'll just be watching tv, and hopefully, if you can settle down, sleeping.
Your mother sits on the couch. You can see the fatigue quivering in her lip and drooping in her eyelids. She never did as much before your new neighbour. You only ever stayed inside and wilted in the sunlight.
"Holly, you need anything?" Steve asks as he pushes up the ottoman, "how about you put your feet up. I just wanted to show her something."
"What's that?" Your mom asks.
"Oh, yeah, well, I know she likes art so I wanted to show her my studio. Or office, whatever you wanna call it."
"Mm, right. Upstairs, huh?" She grumbles.
"Right," he confirms, "we won't be too long. You can find a movie." He hands her the remote, "I had some extra pencils and stuff I found on the move. Figured she could take em off my hands."
"Sure, sure," she yawns and leans her head in her hands. You can't tell if she's witholding herself out of exhaustion or for Steve's benefit.
"Come on. We'll just pop up for minute," Steve nudges your arm.
You hug one arm across your stomach and push your shoulder up. You take his direction as he points you actoss the room. You go to the stairs and climb one by one.
Further down, he takes you into another room, just across from an open bedroom. You shuffle inside and can't help marvel at the interior. The walls are hung with still lifes in pencil, charcoal, and ink, and an easel stands by the window, a large drafting table at the center of the room.
"You do these?" You ask bluntly.
"Ha, yeah, I... when I saw your sketchbook, I admit, I got a bit excited. A fellow artist."
"You're an artist? You make money off of this?"
"Sure do," he smiles proudly. "Did some time in the army then had to get out, find some peace. Always found painting calms me."
"I wanted to say something sooner but I wanted to show you," he enters and brushes by you, hand dragging across your back. "Let me find those pencils."
You nod and pace cautiously around the table. There's an open sketchbook. A woman's naked back greets you, a piece of fabric draped around her hips as her refined profile is etched perfectly.
He's good. Better than you. You back away as he sorts through the shelf.
'Ah, here," he turns to you again, "pencils, sketchbook, oh and maybe you'll want these watercolours. I was sent two by accident."
"Oh, uh, thanks, but... you don't have to."
"You're talented. You'll make good use of them, I know it."
"Mm, I... try."
"There's this place I know. Great view. Maybe you can come one day. Good fodder," he offers. "Trees, water, and the sunset..."
"Maybe," you agree half-heartedly.
"Then maybe you can bring it to my next art show."
"Art show?" You mutter, eyes rounding.
"Sure. It'll be good for you. I know you take care of your mom and that's sweet but you gotta make your way. Eventually."
"I know," you slump and take the sketchbooks and flat tins from him. "Thank you. I..." you look at the brand names. You know they're expensive from the catalogues you look at but never buy from. "No one... these are so nice. I appreciate it."
"No problem, sweetie. Let me know if you need anything else. Hell, if you want a quiet place to work..." he stops behind you and looks around, "even just an escape..."
“That's okay,” you say as you go back into the hall.
You head back downstairs, the pencils clattering just a little in your hands. As you enter the living room, you hear a snort. Your mom's head lolls back against the couch as she snores. Steve walks into you from behind as he stops too late.
“Oop,” he frames your hips for just a moment as he presses again your back then parts. “Sleepyhead,” he chuckles and sidles past you, a waft of his cologne filling your lungs. He didn't smell so strongly before. “Well, guess it's your choice, sweetie,” he takes the remote and holds it out to you.
“Oh, uh, you choose,” you try to wave him off but he pushes the remote into your hand.
“You can put your stuff on the table,” he points to the sketchbook clutches against your chest, “better get cozy while I get the popcorn going.”
Before you can argue, he's gone. You turn to look at your mom. Why did she have to fall asleep? She could've said no to all of this, that she's too tired. Now it's you and Steve. Hopefully, the movie keeps the chatter to a minimum.
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lizzieislife94x · 6 months
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New Recruit (w.m)
Requested ❤️
Wanda G!PxFem Reader
Let's say its set in age of ultron era
 Y/ns POV:
I lay in bed curled up staring at the wall I've been here for a while but still feel super uncomfortable I still don't speak to anyone I can't seem to come out of my shell and let any of them in except one Wanda Maximoff she's the only avenger I've spent time with or spoke to she makes me feel safe and comfortable when anyone else tries to speak to me I just look at the floor and play with my fingers they all understand and I'm greatful but I prefer to stay in my room alone, I'm suddenly snapped out of my thoughts by a knock at my door, I don't make an attempt to answer it I stay where I am until I hear her voice in my head "y/n sweetie it's only me it's wanda can I come in please I know you're there I can hear your thoughts they're so loud honey" I close my eyes enjoying her voice as I roll out of bed and walk to the door opening it slowly looking at wanda then the floor with a shy smile I step back indicating for her to come in she gladly steps in and skips to my bed with a huge smile "hey" I whisper low as walk towards the bed pulling my jumper over my hands nervously I sit at my side of the bed and bring my knees up to my chest and wrap my arms around my legs looking at the witch sitting opposite of me "hey how are you feeling tonight still not ready to talk to the rest of the guys yet" I look down and shake my head no she scoots closer to me and rubs my arm I take a deep breath and look at her "you're the only person I feel comfortable with the only person I want to talk to"
I confess playing with the bottom of my pants as she smiles pulling me into a tight hug catching me off guard I instantly relax into her hold on me and let out a content sigh I slightly turn my head and take a deep breath smelling her vanilla scent she smells so good oh god I hear her giggle and rub my back I wrap my arms around her wanting to be as close as possible to her thankful for any skin on skin contact I can get "this is nice " she whispers as her hand moves to my hair playing with it ever so gently I just nod in agreement, both of us sitting in a comfortable silence for a minute "hey how about I go get some snacks tell no one to bother us order some take out and we lay like this and watch movies?" I can't help but smile against her neck "yes please that would be amazing" I roll off her so she can go get snacks and stuff while I sit on the bed watching her leave, uh god this woman has my heart and she doesn't even know it how can I be madly inlove with her, I shake my head and smile she's so understanding and patient with me all the small things she does like what she just done makes my heart melt she could be hanging out with everyone else having fun doing whatever they're doing but instead she came to me to see if I was OK to spend time with me to make sure I was feeling fine shes so perf... "ok I got chips, chocolates soda and water some popcorn some nerds some airheads and some nerd ropes"
she says with a huge grin making me smile wide as she runs to the bed throwing all the snacks down "you're amazing all my favourites" I smile feeling my cheeks flush red "anything for you princess, I also told everyone to stay away the rest of the night and I ordered your favourite Chinese food" I feel my eyes water and quickly wrap my arms around her holding her tight "thank you" I simply whisper as she wraps her arms around me and leaves a little kiss on my shoulder but I brush it off and pull away leaning in to grab some snacks as she playfully slaps my hand "don't dare you need proper food before junk food" god her tone is serious but playful making me swallow harshly "you're right I'm sorry" she giggles pushing me gently as we start looking for movies I let wanda choose because I don't mind what we watch I just want to be with her.
after an hour Jarvis announces that our food has arrived "ill get it princess" she says as she goes to walk out I chock on air as the word slips past her mouth before I know it she's back with our food and I smile "I'm starving" I say as she agrees with me "me too princess" there it is again the pet name I feel my cheeks turn bright red as I start to eat we eat in a comfortable silence occasionally looking at eachother giggling at nothing after 10 minutes I put my food down shortly followed by wanda"ohhh god I'm so stuffed" I say as I let out a breath wanda almost spits her food out making me look at her with a confused look "are you ok wands" I say putting my hand on her thigh as she nods "it just uhh..it went down the wrong pipe" I giggle and clear the bed before pulling back the covers "wait let me get changed into comfortable clothes do you want some shorts and tee wanda" I say looking at her she smiles and nods after I find clothes I pass wanda shorts that where short and a tee i proceed to go to the bathroom to change into my own Shorts and tee when I walk back into the room I can't take my eyes off her holy shit my eyes run over her body multiple times and my eyes keep getting pulled back to the huge bulge in the shorts that's visible I take my eyes off not wanting to make her uncomfortable I can feel her eyes running over my body as I climb into bed wanda following my lead I can't help but feel excited I'll be able to feel her skin pressed against mine during the whole movie, we press play as wanda pulls me into a hug intertwining our legs I lay on her chest my hand resting on her lower stomach I didn't even notice where I placed it, we cuddle comfortably during the first half of the movie wandas hand is under my tee tickling my back making it hard to concentrate on the movie roughly 10 minutes later a spicy part starts to play making my cheeks heat up oh god I keep my eyes on the screen and let out a low moan as the scene continues to play I feel her pull me closer my leg going over her hips as she does both of us keeping our gaze on the TV as the scene gets hotter making me grip her tee without releasing I've done It I feel something weird right next to my private area at the top of my thigh what is it its hard and fells like it's getting harder...oh fuck she's hard another moan slips past my mouth I fidget a little as the pool of wetness gathers in my panties my eyes are on the TV but attention is very much on the fact wandas hard dick is so close to my vagina I need to cool down I have an internal fight with myself the thought of seeing and feeling her dick becoming more and more my priority
I smirk to myself and shift my body a little so her bulge is pressing right against my pussy making me bite my lip as soon as I shift I hear her moan that only adds to my wetness "careful princess keep moving like that and ill not be able to control myself any longer" she whispers in a low sexy tone as her words hit my ears I let out a whimper as my pussy aches more "I.. I.. I don't know what you mean" I try to act like I didn't know what she meant and before I know it she pulls me fully ontop of her ,her hard cock pressing right into my pussy causing me to let out a louder moan as she grips my hips "be a good girl for me princess and grind that cute little ass" I moan and do as I'm told I start to grind my pussy into her cock harder leaning my head back as the moans fall from my mouth her moans only turning me on more I feel her hand slide up my top grabbing my tits since I took my bra off earlier "fuck princess that feels amazing do you like rubbing your needy little cunt on my cock" she says as she pinches both my nippes at the same time sending curse words flying from my mouth "mmh mhhh fuck yes feels so...fuck so good" I pant as she plays with my nipples she pulls my top over my head and throws it somewhere in the room I lean down putting my hands on her chest to steady myself "gonna cum, please can I cum daddy" she let's out a low growl and bucks her hips adding more pressure "cum for me princess, fuck such a needy little cunt and I've not even touched you yet" I lean my head down as I start to cum screaming her name "fuck wanda so good uh fuckk"
I feel my body shake as my orgasm washes over me wanda holds my waist and grinds slowly riding me through my orgasm as she takes my nipple in her mouth "to much clothes daddy" I whisper as I feel my cheeks heat up she giggles and moves me off her as she stands up I bite my lip watching her instantly seeing the huge wet patch on the shorts I gave her she looks down and then back at me "such a naughty girl look at the mess you made" I nod and think of what to say "your fault" she starts to remove her clothes as I take my shorts and panties off I look back in time to see her remove the shorts and let out a gasp when her cock springs out to action "don't worry princess you'll be able to take it ill be gentle at first" she smirks walking over to me as her dick swings making me moan she grabs my ankles pulling me to the edge of the bed making me yelp in surprise followed by a giggle making her giggle she take a second to admire my naked body "mmmmh princess you're so fucking wet look at this pretty little cunt dripping for me" she gently runs her fingers through my folds as she says it making me moan "please daddy.." I whimper causing her to lean down and kiss me "please what princess "she grins against my lips knowing full well what I want "please fuck me daddy I need you inside me" i breath out my chest rising and falling as she steps closer grabbing her dick rubbing the tip through my wet folds "fuckkkk pl..please" I groan as she teases my entrance "eyes on my princess don't close them I wanna look into those eyes as you cum all over my cock" I nod unable to form words my eyes glued to her eyes as she slowly starts to sink her cock inside me making me grip the bed sheets hard I scream a mixture of pain and pleasure "uh fuck baby so tight your gonna make me cum so fucking hard and way to quick' she bites her lip as her thumb plays with my clit gently only adding to the pleasure she continues to slide inside me slowly till she bottoms out "shh it's OK princess I won't move till you're ready' she wipes my tears from eyes as I nod after a minute i bite my lip "I'm ready wanda" she starts to thrust slowly making us both moan as she leans down to kiss me "you..are...so...fucking...perfect y/n" she groans thrusting a little faster I feel so full but she feels amazing "fa...faster daddy" I pant digging my nails into her back causing her to moan as she thrusts faster and deeper hitting all the right spots making my legs shake uncontrollably "fuckkkk princess"
she picks up her pace putting my legs over her shoulders making me scream as she hits deeper than I thought possible "fuccccccck daddy I'm so ....fucking .....close" I say staring into her eyes only encourages her to go harder and faster "gonna..cu..cum daddy please" i cry out as she continues to fuck me at an animalistic pace my legs shaking as I start to squirt all over her cock causing her to moan loud as she slams deep inside me cumming hard our eyes never leaving one an other "uh fuck" we both moan as she collapses onto my chest kissing my neck "you done so fucking well princess so well " I pull her closer to me hiding my face "can we stay like this cuddled in bed naked I feel so safe when our skins are together" I say feeling instantly embarrassed she smiles and nods "of course baby but I need to clean you up first I wasn't expecting you to be a squirter how many times has it happened' she questions as she walks into the bathroom to get a damp cloth "it's never happened..I've never don't THAT with anyone" I say truthfully as I hide my face, wanda cleans us both up and climbs into bed pulling me closer pressing our bodies together "it makes me happy knowing I was your first princess" she says  kissing my head as I drift off to sleep in her arms with a smile on my face.
AN: hope yall like it as always requests are open remember drink water and stay hydrated people hope yall have a great day/night all feedback welcome, word count is over 2.4k �
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tendousfingers · 2 years
slasher | eren yeager
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summary: you and your best friend + long time crush end up alone together for a halloween movie night.
warnings: fem!reader, probably ooc eren, mentions of scary movies, vaginal penetration, mentions of choking, please let me know if i missed anything! 3.1k words.
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you'd frowned at your phone for the fourth time tonight, a freshly popped bowl of popcorn in your hand being placed onto the counter while your eyes skim over yet another text message from a friend, this time, connie.
'gonna stay the night with sasha, she's sick.'
you knew. jean had texted the same thing before only a few hours ago, letting you know that sasha had eaten entirely way too much halloween candy and that she wasn't feeling well. it was no big deal, you had told yourself, there was still armin, and mikasa, historia and ymir, even reiner had mentioned going a few days ago too. but as fate would have it, you would receive another text message in the group chat explaining that they were going to hit up some halloween party instead.
it was fine, really. you weren't mad; you know that no one owes you anything and that the plans you'd made last week were a spur of the moment mention anyways, once you had discovered that your favorite collection of slasher movies had been uploaded to netflix. you throw your feet up onto the coffee table as you sit down, thumbs typing out a quick 'no worries, i didn't pick up a costume so you guys have fun.'
"ill just watch them by myself.." you mumble, tossing your phone aside onto the couch cushions and grabbing your tv remote. you point it, finger poised over the button to press play on the first installment of the series, only, you feel your phone buzz with another message. you lazily drag your eyes over to the screen as it was still on, your heart immediately thumping in your chest at the words displayed in the group chat.
yeager bomb: 'ill come.'
"holy shit." you can't even contain the curse that emits from your lips, his first text quickly being followed by another, 'see you in 10'
"holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!" you repeat yourself in a panicked frenzy, jumping from your couch and immediately running to your bedroom. the cheesy halloween pj's you had been wearing are nearly ripped from your body and tossed across the room, dresser drawers yanked open with such force you weren't sure how they didn't manage to fall out. you quickly settle for a simple outfit, a black crop top and black spandex shorts. you keep on your fuzzy halloween socks with little pumpkins, said articles slipping across your wooden floors as you pace like a maniac.
you had completely forgotten about eren, somehow or another the thought of eren being the only one to show up had never crossed your mind and boy, were you fucking nervous. the heels of your hands grind into your eyes before your fingers run through your hair, your heart pounding a mile a minute. the last time you'd been alone with eren, at a fourth of july party only a few months back, you had kissed. you told yourself it wasn't anything serious— a harmless kiss made by two people who had drunk entirely too much booze.
just calm down is what you keep telling yourself, phone shaking in your hands as you type out a response. it was only a little crush, something silly you had harbored for your best friend over the last few years while telling yourself that it's not like he would like you back anyways. the kiss however, made things much more complicated; you and eren were shying away from each other at every possible opportunity.
you bite you lip, pressing send on your message, 'okay (: bring a pizza.'
by the time you hear eren knocking at your front door, you'd managed to apply mascara and lip gloss, and even style your hair cutely. he notices right off the bat, as soon as you open the door his ears are immediately flushed from how pretty you look, eyes bright and lashes fluttering as you invite him in with sweetly plumped lips. as you lead him towards the living room, he could almost swear you were swaying your hips oh so sensually on purpose.
"why didn't you go to the party?" you ask, glancing at him from over your shoulder as you collect the popcorn and some drinks from the kitchen. you can't help but wonder if he came here for a reason, the thought dancing in the back of your mind.
eren's already gotten into the pizza, gooey strings of cheese stretching from it as he pulls out a slice, "i didn't have a costume either." he admits, gazing at you for what feels like entirely too long before looking back down at the ridiculously greasy slice of pizza in his hands, lips pursing together.
it's not like he was going to admit that he wanted to be alone with you again, that ever since that night he had been pining for you just as you were for him. that he'd been fisting his cock in cold showers after hanging out with the group every single time, just from a few passing glances of your face and maybe a moment that your cleavage had shown, or you had brushed close to him when moving past.
kicking his feet up on the table, he leans back into the cushions, "what are we watchin'?" you fumble with the tv remote, pressing a random button to refresh the page from the current idle screensaver, "oh, uh scream. that okay?" you glance to him, licking your lips before swallowing dryly. eren gulps down the large bite of pizza in his mouth, pointing towards the tv with a greasy finger. "course, you remember when i dressed up as ghostface last year?"
eren remembered vividly— but not because of his own costume, but because of yours. you and sasha had dressed up as a matching pair of a devil and an angel, an entirely classic costume idea.. but the way that red mini skirt gripped at your hips and the way that pointed, heart clip on tail swayed behind you with every movement was a scene he simply couldn't erase from his mind.
you hold back a giggle, biting at the tip of your thumb, "oh yeah! you scared the shit out of armin when you came out of the bathroom." you feel your stomach swirling with excitement and nervousness all in one, as close as the two of you were as friends, you couldn't stop your heart from skipping a beat as he looked at you with beryl colored irises, tawny lips pulled into to a handsome smile as you reminisced together.
you scoot back onto the couch, swinging your legs and placing your feet in his lap with a snicker, hands fiddling with the remote in your hands. you look down to your lap, a foot pressing into his thigh. "hey, ren..?" you speak softly, the abbreviation of his name catching his attention almost instantly. he could only recall one previous time you'd called him that, your voice shaky over the phone as you had asked him to pick you up from a local restaurant after being stood up for a date.
"yeah?" he's finished his pizza by now, hands gripping one of your feet and playing with the fuzzy cotton of your sock. eren gives you his full, undivided attention, admiring every detail of your face as he waits for you to speak. your lips press together, and you almost want to say nevermind and turn your attention back to the tv, but the attentive look drawn on eren's features encourages you. "i just.." you release a sigh, wiggling your toes his his hands, "wanted to say thank you for coming. i figured id be alone tonight, but you pulled through."
there's that pretty smile eren adores playing on your lips, and he can't help but mirror it, his fingers slipping just beneath the ankle of your sock to tickle at the side of your foot. "thank me? you know i wouldn't miss it for the world, you're my best friend." he pulls the elastic of your sock, allowing it to pop against your skin, "now get over here, i'm fuckin' freezing."
ignoring the dull sting against your ankle you shuffle over towards him, pressing play on the movie and setting the remote down. it wasn't weird to be so close to eren— the two of you had done this countless times before yet, the thumping of your heart is heard clearly by both you and him. he can't help but glance over towards you as you come near, scooting until you're shoulder to shoulder.
there's a certain thickness in the atmosphere as you guide your eyes to the television, both of you wanting each other yet neither of you making a move. eren had come for a reason— your shared friends encouraging him to watch the movies with you by himself because they were all aware of the feelings you had for each other. watching the two of you avoid each other in that desperate, lovey dovey way was painstakingly agonizing for them. they'd pushed eren to cross that imaginary line drawn in the dirt that separated you two.
dully, the movie plays behind your loud thoughts, churning within your brain. you can barely focus, the way eren had smiled at you and spoken to you making you all the more flustered. you felt just as you did that summer night, when his lips had pressed against yours so deeply and the bitter taste of alcohol transferred from him to you. it ended as fast as it began, sasha and connie rounding the corner all loud and rowdy with jello shots in hand. you and eren shared a final passing glance, before melding back into the party.
beside you, eren had come to a similar consensus. with a balmy hand, he places it on your thigh, turning to face you in the dimly lit apartment, with only the tv illuminating his features. "[name], can i be honest?" you'd switched your attention from the movie towards him at an embarrassing speed, shifting in your seat just slightly to get closer to him. you don't trust your voice, so you only nod then ghost your hands over his, a fingertip tracing his rough knuckles. his hand feels hot against your exposed skin, and it makes you want to squirm.
"ever since the kiss.." he starts, and you can suddenly hear your heart beating behind your ear drums, your eyes wide and guileless as you look at him. eren feels it— when your thighs press together just slightly and this only pushes him further, his confidence growing stronger. "i couldn't stop fuckin' thinking about you." it's as if the world around you is drowning out, the movie playing yet you can't hear it, only moving pictures in your peripheral vision. "all the time, driving me crazy.."
your breath hitches as he suddenly nears closer to you, close enough that you can feel his breath fan across your frontispiece. your bottom lip quivers just barely before parting, "me too.. i missed you, ren." with your every word, you nearly keen from the way his hand caresses your thigh, slowly inching closer and closer to the heat that spreads rapidly between your thighs. his fingertips meet with the fabric that shields your cunt from him, sticky to the touch already. he hums, eyes flickering up towards you with laze.
"yeah? thinking bout me makes you like this?" you spread your legs at his touch without even thinking, and eren sneers at your eagerness, rubbing his fingers even deeper into your clothed folds. even through your shorts and panties, you soak his digits, and that's enough of an answer to him. "ive barely even touched you, [name]." eren's chin juts up just slightly, that arrogant look you've known for years playing on his face.
"it's been awhile.." you admit shyly, averting your gaze away from him. eren cups your heat firmly, "then it's my job to take good care of you, isn't it?"
this time, you build up the courage to make a move, leaning forward to press your lips against his. it's soft at first, barely grazing together but eren grasps you with his free hand, long fingers spraying over your cheek and touching your hair as he pulls you in deeper, closer. you're both desperate for more, your hand gripping his shirt in a balled up fist and the other finding purchase on his bun, all his hair tied up in one spot being the perfect anchor to hold on to.
there's a quick moment when you part your lips to heave in a shaky breath, and eren steals yet another kiss from you, delving his tongue into your mouth with a low groan. you absent-mindedly tug his hair once more and eren finds himself leaning back with lustful eyes, that dull pain with each yank turning him on more and more. "you keep on doing that and i'm gonna have to teach you a lesson."
eren guides you from the couch to the bedroom with ease, knowing the layout of your apartment like the back of his hand. he can smell you on every blanket and pillow, the place where you lay your head each night.. the place where you might've even touched yourself thinking of him. eren could jump out of his clothes right now and lose himself, but he holds himself together for a bit longer while he's peeling your shorts down your legs.
pink flushes the apples of his cheeks at the sight, your plush legs spread open just for him, wetness seeping through the material of your panties and that bashful look on your face as you gaze at him. you drag your eyes over every inch of him, admiring his body even though he's fully clothed and you aren't. you stare especially long at the obvious bulge beneath his sweatpants, a pout forming on your glossed lips. you rub your foot over it with a whine as eren pulls off your panties, fingers pressed to your entrance and ready to slide in.
he pauses, glancing down to where you rub against him then back up to you, another smirk playing on his lips. "what?" eren already knows, but he'd much rather hear you say it. hear that sultry voice of yours telling him how *bad* you want him. your brows are pinched together, knees knocking into each other out of bashfulness as you look up him, eyelashes batting softly, "need you now, ren. can't wait."
eren feels his cock twitch, throbbing within his confines and he knows just as well as you do that neither of you could wait any longer. he tugs off his shirt while you work at sliding his pants down to his knees and soon his hands join yours with his boxers, cock swaying once it's free of his pants. one hand meets the plush of the mattress as he leans forward, shimmying out of his pants and letting his other hand slide up your side. there's no time to take off your shirt, so he hikes it up above your tits.
eren cups one firmly, his hips finding their way between your legs. like a magnet his glaring red cockhead presses flush against your entrance, and before you can manage to sputter out even a sound he's crashing his lips onto yours, thumb ghosting over your nipple. your fingers feel cool against his stomach as you glide them over, following that trail of hairs that lead you right on down to where you want him the most. your touch is soft, nearly hesitant with clammy fingers wrapping around his shaft and guiding it into your awaiting, inviting walls.
you both let out a sigh of unison at the feeling, your juices coating him and allowing him to slide with ease. "fuck—!" eren seethes through his teeth as he bottoms out, both hands hooking beneath your knees and folding you up nice and wide. you cry out, fingernails painting red lines across his flesh with every inch that stretches you out. your foreheads press together as the kiss ends, and eren keeps his eyes trained to where the two of you are connected, watching as he pulls his hips back just to drop them back down firmly.
the length of his cock makes you squirm, hips shying away from the way he bullies against your cervix already. eren grunts, releasing your legs to instead grab both of your wrists and pull them down flatly against your stomach. he braces down with this grip, his hips picking up a quick pace while rolling into you skillfully. you can do nothing but take it, and eren watches the way your pretty little eyes fill with tears. they spill over onto your round cheeks, and eren thinks you just look absolutely stunning this way.
to see you crying for him, with your lips gaped and brows furrowed together while you take him in again and again is enough to make him cum already, but he once more, wills himself to keep it together. he's not ready for this to end, and he intends to savor you for a bit longer.
eren jackhammers into you, and you find yourself wondering how you ever lived with out him fucking you like this up until now. how he somehow knows your body like the two of you have done this before, easily finding that spot inside of you that makes your entire body spasm, walls clenching around him sporadically, your fingernails digging into the palms of your hands as you let out a wail of warning.
eren choses to release one of your hands in order to rub against your clit with his thumb and work you through your sudden orgasm, watching with amused eyes as your body shudders and shakes. eren looks too good— and you can't help but crane your neck upwards, lips pooching towards him to ask for another kiss. with you looking like that, sweet and plush just for him he could never say no. he'd have to save it for another day because he's coming undone, leaning down to claim your lips as his.
"yes, yes" you cry out in a whisper just before his lips touch yours, legs tightening around his taut waist and your walls tightening even more. eren's hips stall momentarily as he reaches his pinnacle, only moving once more to pump you full with his release. you can feel his cock throb one last time, and this is what brings you to your orgasm once more. you whimper sloppily against his lips, holding onto his shoulders with an iron grip.
you feel your legs fall, relaxing from the position you had locked eren in. eren has other ideas however, long fingers clasping around your neck and tilting your head back just slightly to meet his gaze.
"one more time for me, yeah?"
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ghostkingdoesstuff · 5 months
A friendly reminder I am not to be held accountable for the things I'm about to say. Percy Jackson Season 1 FINALLY (SPOILERS BUT THAT'S THE LEAST OF YOUR PROBLEMS)
The visceral noise I made eating popcorn as Luke said "look you didn't ask to be a half-blood" caused an earthquake in Alaska, I'm sorry I was facing northwest.
"Riposte" I'm sorry, no I'm sorry no-
Also, the background of the sword fighting scene was very pretty.
Poseidon showing up for his son!!! Letts gooooooo! THE WEIGHT OF THE OCEAN UPON YEE!!!
Right in the heel, it's gotta hurt!
Percy asked his uncle to please return his mom, wholesome family gold.
"He'll kill you." "I done to stop running from monsters." "You're gonna need all the luck you can get." The show gets why these two work. Friends before anything else.
Glory as a theme is something that I like that the show highlights more. But Grover is right. at least send an insurance email or something. A quick "on my way, please don't kill anyone"
Dropping the master bolt on some poor dudes desk, legendary.
Olympus is so fucking beutiful omg
I'm gonna cry if Luke and Percy are in the same scene as each other in this episode again. ILL DO IT! THAT'S A THREAT!
The dead silence, I'm shitting omg... yes I know what happens and?
Followed by "I didn't steal it! Neither did any of my friends" IM GONNA CRY! IM GONNA DO IT
The pin strip suit, the sky blue paisley tie, the presence, the voice, THE KING OF THE GODS PEOPLE
Lotta talk for someone so small and scary
"Of course we dream. why do you ask?" "Do you ever dream about mom?" ;-;
Thalia looking strudy as ever.
Another reminder I am not to held liable for anything I might say, you need only see how many times I've listened to "Last day of Summer" from The musical to understand how much I've thought of this moment in fictional time.
Confirmation that Luke was indeed what mattered most in the end? I'm gonna make myself cry shit-
Honestly, this Percy might be too smart for his own good. Bro's never gonna live this heartbreak down.
"You...I'm here to recruit." I- fucking- AHHHH
"Stop saying "we"!" "It’s the word Zeus fears the most."
AND SHE HEARD EVERYTHING! Wasn't she supposed to be watching Clarrise? He'll, if Percy could figure it out, I'm sure Annabeth would. It's worth it to see that LOOK on Luke's face. I'm sorry. Feel the weight of your actions, man.
Miss my old friend the pit scorpion but I also like my new friend "the first scars we gave eachother"
He knows Luke won't hurt him physically, but the psychic damage hurts more and has lasting status de buffs.
"Just be a kid" that's it
"I'll find you" that's it
Promising to meet again next summer...Percy just you wait.
"Grandpa" "don't call him that"
They are the ultimate mother son duo
Kinda hate that Sally didn't intentionally do a murder, or at least she has a lot more possible deniability now, but I hope she still makes a sweet sale on that sculpture!
And that's it! Fuck it's over what to do now... RE READING THE LIGHTING THEIF LIFE BLOG COMING SOON! As well I'll probably drop a summary of my thoughts on the whole season at some point soon! Happy Finally, y'all! Can't wait to see the discorse!
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whatdoidosatoru · 2 months
Sweet Nothings
PART 4 of The Only Exception
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - ao3 wc: 4938 pairing: Baji x OC (reader insert bc oc is very vaguely described) tags: smut, oral sex (f and m receiving), face-sitting, fingering, thigh-fucking, dirty talk, penetrative sex, he's so nice!!!!!
tag list: @bontensbabygirl @mrsryuguji - thank you so much for expressing interest for this fic I genuinely feel like crying when I think about it!
summary: post-exam stress turns into a fun night meeting Baji's friends :)
Sweet Nothings - Neck Deep
Just The Girl - The Click Five
She’s a God - Neck Deep
Last of the Real Ones - Fall Out Boy
You and I - Anarbor
Feeling This - blink-182
Closer - Nine Inch Nails
MINORS DNI!!!! 18+
The following week went by incredibly slowly. Yuna and I had classes and work so we couldn’t see each other, but we kept messaging throughout most of our days, apart from when we were working.
Every time I felt my phone vibrating I felt giddy, like a teenager in love. The feeling was explosive, overwhelming. That girl will be the death of me. Even Chifuyu couldn’t help but notice and take the piss out of me for it.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you smile this much since you stopped beating people up for shits and giggles.”
“Piss off, Chifuyu, I’m the embodiment of sunshine. I’m always smiling.”
Chifuyu laughed, “Sure, that’s why that old lady ran away when she saw you in front of our building today. Because you’re too cheerful.”
I flipped him off, still grinning at my phone and the latest selfie from Yuna while Chifuyu was setting up a show for us to watch.
Yuna🖤💙, 21:36
if my future werent on the line id just sleep in tomorrow tbh my eyes cannot stay open anymore midterms will be the death of me fuck this shit wanna move in with me in a cottage in the middle of nowhere and own some goats off the grid well get some cats as well ill take my dog back from my parents just us and animals and sometimes mai you can invite matsuno to visit tell him to bring us books when he visits
Boyfriend Material🧛🏻, 21:40
You’ve definitely got a good plan there But please go to sleep, you need rest before your exam <3 I’ll be home by the time you’ve finished and you can come over for lunch if you’d like
Yuna🖤💙, 21:42
thats kinda making me wet ngl
Boyfriend Material🧛🏻, 21:43
Lunch is making you wet? Have I told you how weird you are?
Yuna🖤💙, 21:43
you making me food and also coming to your place is, dumbass but anyway! off to sleep i go, tell matsuno im taking him up on that challenge to beat his ass in uno when i meet him good night hot stuff <3
Boyfriend Material🧛🏻, 21:44
Go to sleep, woman! And have the best dreams, preferably of me c; And good luck!!!! For tomorrow!! I know you’ll smash it!!! <33333
“Yuna’s coming over tomorrow after her exam to wipe the floor with you in uno.”
Chifuyu threw his head back and let out a villainous laugh.
“Does she know she’s talking to a master strategist and an uno master?"
“Listen, I know you’re my best friend an-”
“Brother, but continue.”
“....and all that. But if I’m not in her corner I don’t have sex. So if I have to make team Yuna t-shirts don’t be surprised.”
To that, he launched a piece of popcorn at me.
When I got back from work I jumped into the shower, counting down the minutes until Yuna came. When I finished making noodles, she rang the bell to be let upstairs. I all but sprinted to the door to let her in, standing with the apartment door open, just in my towel, waiting to see her face.
“I hope that food I smell is for me because if I don’t have something in my mouth in a minute I’ll riot.”
She was grumpy and tired, it was obvious from the way she dragged her feet on the stairs.
“I’ve got something you can put in your mouth.”
“Baji-kun I’m gonna bite it off.”
“Ooooh ‘Baji-kun’? I didn't think you were this serious. The food is ready, there will be no need for biting off my dick, you hater.”
Yuna reached up to grab my face and kissed it before making her way inside. She’d never been inside my apartment before, but the kitchen was right next to the front door, so she didn’t have to wander before lunch. I served her the food, sitting down next to her to eat and hear about her day.
“...and I knew he was going to put that ridiculous text in the exam and I almost screamed when I saw it. Unfortunately, Hana said she didn’t even get to that part with her revision so I didn’t have anyone to check the answers with.”
She practically inhaled the noodles and vegetables, doing a little dance as she ate.
“But anyway, I’m getting the results in a week, which is shit because if I failed it’s gonna ruin the whole night out! These are amazing by the way. I haven’t eaten all day until now so sorry if I was hangry.”
She was tripping her own sentences, trying to say everything at once. All I wanted to do was grab her face and smother her in affection, but I was trying to give her space to relax and reach out when she wanted to.
When I told her about my day, we moved to my bedroom. As she was taking it all in, lingering on the vinyl collection, I towel-dried my hair and started to look for some clothes to put on, but she stopped me, dragging me toward the bed and pushing me down.
“I could hardly focus on what you were saying earlier.”
“Something on your mind, sweetheart?”
“The food was amazing, but I want to taste you.”
Oh. I see. She unwrapped the towel from around my hips with a pleading look in her eyes. I pulled her hair up and used her own hair tie from my wrist to tie it back. With a soft smile, she took my cock into her mouth, not breaking eye contact.
My eyes rolled back and I struggled to keep myself sitting up to look at her. All I wanted was to lie down and process the sensation, but the intensity in her gaze was somehow holding me in place, the only thing moving was my mouth to let out a moan.
“Fuck it’s so warm,” I managed to squeeze out as she nodded, hummed in affirmation, and licked along my slit, teasing with her soft tongue. I wanted to burn this into the insides of my eyelids - Yuna on her knees between my legs, one hand on my balls, the other on my shaft, and her beautiful mouth enveloping my cock, hollowed-out cheeks as she sucked in air around it, her head bobbing up and down slightly, and most importantly, her eyes gazing into mine like she was memorising every detail of my face that was twisting into expressions of pure pleasure.
“Your mouth is so pretty-ah-when you do this. Fuck you’re so hot like this.”
My words just kept coming. She needed to know how she made me feel and it seemed to make her hollow out her cheeks even more and suck with more intensity - I felt my orgasm coming rapidly.
“I’m so close sweets, can you take it?”
In reply her hand found mine and placed it on her ponytail so I gripped it tight, leading her into the pace I needed to finally exhale and spurt cum into her throat. She carefully removed her mouth from my cock and opened it to show me milky white cum on her tongue, promptly swallowing it and showing me her empty mouth.
I groaned and pulled her into my lap for a deep kiss, her hands flew to the back of my head to grip my hair and she was straddling my lap. My hands were holding her hips tightly squeezing her skin and I could feel the heat radiating from her pussy.
She started rubbing myself on my thigh, but only slightly. I held her tighter and moved her hips back and forth, intensifying the friction between her core and my leg. She started moaning into my mouth and keeping the pace on her own, clearly getting more and more pleasure than just with her own small movements.
“Keisuke I need you,” her moans were so cute, barely pronouncing my name through whines.
I pulled her off my lap to unbutton her jeans and take them off along with her underwear.
“How do you want me?” She moaned into my mouth as I swiped my fingers through her wet folds.
“All to myself, sweetness, but I’ll make do with your pussy on my face for now.”
I could feel her arousal leaking, soon to be smeared on my face. I lay on my back, waiting for her to position herself over me, she gripped the bed frame and hovered above me.
“I’m gonna need you to get lower, can’t reach you like this.” I grabbed her thighs to try and lower her.
“I’m scared I’ll crush you!”
How cute.
“What a way to die, feasting on your sweetness, suffocated by sweet,” I lightly slapped her thigh where it met her ass, “soft thighs of a gorgeous woman. Now sit.”
With that, I pulled her all the way onto my face and, as soon as she was met with my eager tongue, she let out a scrumptious moan. I licked a long strip from her entrance all the way to her clit and started circling the soft sensitive bud and spelling out my name on it. Every time the tip of my tongue finished an S, I could feel her thighs twitch, making me dig my fingers into her.
Her moans turned to whimpers, whimpers to cries, and with a breathy cry of my name she tightened…and let go. I drank her release slowly, gently, to not overwhelm her, and let go of her thighs. She collapsed on the bed next to me, breathing heavily.
“I’ve…fuck I’ve never done that before.” With a quick roll, I was above her, pinning her to the bed and kissing her deeply, making her taste herself on my lips.
“Stick around and this won’t be the last time.” I winked at her and helped her up to put her clothes on.
I rummaged around my wardrobe looking for a minute and pulled out a dark grey band hoodie. Yuna’s eyes widened when I handed it to her.
“I told you I’d give you a hoodie you can sniff like a weirdo.”
“Kei…The Black Parade? If I had any energy left I’d cry. Thank you."
She launched herself at me with arms wide open. I embraced her tightly and kissed the top of her head. If I’d known this would make her so happy I would’ve done it right away. She got her book bag and I went to put the plates away before we went to her flat to get her things.
I couldn’t believe my absolute luck that I got to flaunt her in front of my friends and she agreed to sleep over tonight. I was practically skipping on the way to hers. We were holding hands again and I swear I could feel her smile burning into the side of my head every time I stopped looking at her.
She packed up a pyjama top, toothbrush, some skincare stuff, and makeup while I was looking through her bookshelf, picking up some books to see what she read.
“Why doesn’t it say what they’re about on the back? Who is the Guardian and why am I supposed to care that they think this book is ‘moving and engaging by turns, with an ending to blow down walls’? Just tell me the plot dammit!”
Yuna laughed softly, “Unfortunately, it’s all too common these days. That’s why I rely on the internet.”
Placing the book back, my gaze went over a nail polish basket. Out of curiosity I picked up a few bottles to look at them more closely and was met with a light chuckle from the door.
“You want me to paint your nails, Kei?”
“I wouldn’t mind that. Do you have black?”
“Do I have….Baji Keisuke look at me and ask me that again.” She couldn’t keep a serious face on, immediately grinning at me.
“Fair point, so will you do it?”
She walked over to me, all of her stuff packed into a rucksack, and placed a kiss on my fingers.
“Of course. You’ll look even hotter with black nail polish on while you’re fingering me.”
Immediate hard-on. It wasn’t fair.
On our way back to mine, we stopped by a shop to get some snacks and drinks for tonight, I could feel Yuna growing more anxious by the minute. Having arrived at the apartment, I got to dusting and cleaning up while Yuna excused herself to my bedroom to put on some makeup - something about feeling more put together to help with her nerves. Chifuyu was on his way home from work so he should be the first one out of the group to meet her. 
Twisted Firestarter, 14:26 She’s really nervous rn Please be nice to her Or I’ll burn your pillows c:
ChiFOOLyu, 14:27 I’M ALWAYS NICE I get it man don’t touch my stuff if you don’t want to be strangled in your sleep :D I’m home in 20 mins 
Twisted Firestarter, 14:28 Just saying, the gang might be too much to handle so it’s be nice if she had another person apart from me to talk to
ChiFOOLyu, 14:29 👌
There was a knock on the door and a faint voice coming in, “I hope both of you are dressed because I don’t need any more jump scares today!”
With that, Chifuyu unlocked the front door and walked in, tossed his keys on the shelf in the hallway, and took his boots off before walking over to us sitting on the couch. Yuna took a deep breath and grinned at him, immediately turning to banter to mask her nervousness.
“Matsuno-kun, I heard you think you could hold a candle to my absolute domination at card games?”
Chifuyu all but threw himself onto the couch next to her, acting like they’d known each other for years.
“My deepest apologies, Yuna-sensei. All I want is a chance to play against a world-renowned master such as yourself. And you can call me Chifuyu, no need to be so formal.”
“Okay Fufu, but chumminess is not going to make me go easy on you.” She said with a wink. I liked seeing her growing more and more relaxed with Chifuyu, even though she was nervous as all hell earlier.
“Fufu? Aight…are you painting your nails, Keisuke?” He clocked one of my hands spread across Yuna’s lap, the other in the air trying not to smudge the freshly applied coat of black nail polish.
“I’m pretty sure you have eyes, Chi, Yuna is painting them, not me. And what of it?” I knew he didn’t mean anything negative by it, but it wouldn’t be us if we didn’t tease each other for no reason.
“Fuck off trying to insinuate shit. Yuna, could you paint mine as well? Might make me seem more badass since I’m not fighting anym-” A silent, but intense look in my eyes made him stop talking and smile at Yuna instead.
Yuna lifted her head to look at him when she finished painting my other hand and reached for Chifuyu after instructing me to be careful not to smudge anything.
“Wow your cuticles are so neat,” she inspected his hands before taking the nail polish and started applying, “what happened to your face anyway? That scratch looks fresh.”
They started chatting about all the cats we get at work and how some are absolute bastards to take care of, sometimes we get scratched up. Just looking at the energy between the two of them was soothing.
I no longer had to worry about there being any awkwardness in Yuna meeting my friends. I was still waiting for her answer to being my girlfriend, hopefully, tonight might make her see she is wanted and I wouldn’t hide her away.
A few hours later, after we dried our nails and joked around with Yuna, my phone rang. When I picked up, I could hear two sets of voices, one clearly not talking to me, the other trying to be loud enough for me to hear, but unfortunately loud enough that I had to move the phone away from my ear.
“MIKEY FORGOT WHICH BUTTON HE NEEDS TO PRESS CAN YOU BUZZ US IN,” I could hear Mitsuya shouting over Mikey and Draken arguing in the background.
I hung up and pressed the button next to the porta phone, waiting for them to make their way to my door. They were still arguing over who knew which button to press when they walked in and I took the pizza boxes from Mitsuya’s hands.
“Yeah well, it’s Baji’s fault for not having us over anymore.”
“It’s not like we ever needed an invitation?”
“Yeah well, Mr.Big Shot over here is too busy for his best friends because he’s going to be a very important vet someday.”
“I live here, too! You can come and visit me!” Chifuyu shouted at them from the couch where he was keeping Yuna company.
Mikey’s gaze stopped on Yuna’s face as she shyly waved and smiled at them.
“Oh hey, new best friend. I’m Mikey, you’re Yuna, right?” He flashed her an angelic smile, earning a smack to the back of his head from Draken.
“Behave, Mikey.” Draken shook his head, reaching to shake Yuna’s hand, and walking back to the kitchen with me, handing me the watermelon he brought with him.
We cut it together and moved the pizzas to the coffee table while Mikey and Mitsuya were trying to be normal around Yuna. Chifuyu seemed to be fending off Mikey’s overbearing closeness pretty well so Draken and I could bring all the drinks and cups to the gathering spot. 
I sat next to Yuna, sharing the couch with Chifuyu, while Draken was spread out on the other one, Mikey sitting on the floor with Mitsuya. I had plugged my phone into the big speaker under the TV and played some music as background noise to our conversations.
Yuna seemed to be enjoying the company, often being asked about her studies and hobbies. When she wasn’t talking I could hear her humming along to the music and tapping her fingers on my leg in the rhythm of whatever was on. I passed her some pizza and fruit to eat, which she accepted with a massive smile on her face.
Mikey ended up falling asleep curled up on the floor while Chifuyu was arguing with Draken about who bought pizza the last time we had a gathering like this one.
“DID YOU JUST BLUE SHELL ME YUNA I SWEAR TO EVERYTHING HOLY-” Chifuyu was getting frustrated at nearly winning at Mario Kart - again.
Yuna just playfully chuckled and continued playing, Draken taking the opportunity to speed past him and win the race, sharing a conspiratorial smirk with Yuna.
“That’ll teach you not to knock me into the mud next time.” She replied, smacking him on the arm.
I took the controller from his hands and started a new race, ready to obliterate everyone involved.
It was late by the time the guys left, but I wasn’t tired in the slightest. Yuna’s face was blushed from everyone complimenting her and being really nice and genuine with her, as they should’ve been. She helped Chifuyu clean up the plates and glasses and I accompanied her to the bathroom to brush our teeth and for her to remove her makeup.
“I’ve been thinking…” She started.
“Oh no, what about?”
“Kei I’m serious. I’ve had a really good time tonight. Everyone seemed so genuine and friendly.”
“They can be, yeah. That’s why I’ve been friends with them for the past, uhhh, I want to say around ten years, give or take.”
“I want to be your girlfriend, Kei.”
I stood there, completely shocked, with the toothbrush forgotten in my mouth, staring at her reflection in the mirror. Her lips were stretched into a smile, toothbrush still in her mouth, and all I could think about was how I wanted this moment to last forever in its glorious bliss. I quickly spat the toothpaste out and rinsed my mouth, grabbed her hips and spun her around to face me
“You’re sure? I don’t want you to rush your decision just for my sake.”
“I wasn’t planning on rushing it, dumbass, it just feels right.”
I let my hands roam up and down her hips while she finished brushing her teeth and immediately pulled her in for a deep kiss. For the first time as a couple. I picked her up, causing her to break out into a fit of giggles and wrap her legs around my waist, and carried her into my bedroom, walking past Chifuyu, who was still sitting on the couch scrolling on his phone.
“Hey Yuna, maybe we-”
I cut him off before he could stop us, “Not now, pal, my girlfriend and I are a bit busy at the moment.”
“Girlfriend?! Congrats bro!” He returned to his phone, grinning, no doubt alerting the group chat.
As soon as I shut the bedroom door and dropped her on my bed I began undressing, Yuna giggled trying to take her t-shirt off,
“‘My girlfriend and I are a bit busy’ I love the sound of that, mister boyfriend Baji Keisuke.”
I put my hair up into a ponytail and hungrily began kissing up her legs to where her panties started.
“Shhh I’m busy kissing my girlfriend,” I murmured between the kisses, “my beautiful girlfriend,” I nipped at her panties and rolled them down to her ankles, “my gorgeous girlfriend that I’ve somehow managed to pull,” with one hand I held her hips down while the other went to her clit to softly rub it, “my perfect girlfriend who’s going to be so good for me right now and tell me how she wants to cum, hm?”
I looked up at her and, holy shit, her face was already scrunched up in pleasure, her mouth slightly open, her breaths coming out in sharp puffs. One of my fingers was sucked into her needy hole, curling upwards to press on her sensitive spot. She whined at the sensation, squirming under my hand.
“I asked you something, Yuna. How do you want to cum?”
She half-opened her eyes and with a strained voice slurred, “On your fingers, please, Kei.”
How could I not oblige when she asked so nicely?
I inserted another finger into her, attaching my lips to her clit and slowly swirling my tongue around it, drawing sinful moans out of her mouth. She grabbed my hair to bring me even closer to her and I could feel her soft walls tightening around my fingers.
Yuna let out a cry and her juices coated my fingers, I just couldn’t help but lick them clean, before squeezing her thighs and pressing kisses along them, biting to leave marks behind. Making my way up to her, she ran her hands all over my body, admiring me with glassy eyes and hair all over my pillow and her face.
I hoped she wouldn’t mind a little bit of roughness, seeing her spayed out on the bed like that, with her eyes closed, hair sticking to her forehead, made me feel like a wild animal. Like I could bite her flesh forever, leave little reminders of myself on her thighs and hips, which is exactly what I did. She mewled in pleasure whenever I started biting a new bruise into her soft skin.
“Kei it’s s’good,” she was already slurring.
I pulled away and pressed her legs together in the air in front of me, placing my painfully hard erection between her thighs.
“Hope you don’t mind waiting a little more before I fuck you.”
She whined in response as I started pumping my cock through her thighs. Her soft, plush skin felt heavenly on my wanting erection, it grazed her pussy with each thrust, and soon enough I was keeping a steady pace. Her face was flush in frustration, her hips lifting to get more friction on her puffy clit, little whines falling from her lips as she couldn’t get what she was after.
When I was close to finishing I dropped her legs, knees falling towards her chest, and leaned down to grip her lips into a deep kiss. She smelled like freshly squeezed oranges, refreshing my mind as I breathed in her scent. Yuna’s hands roamed across my back and settled in my hair, scratching my scalp, in turn making me shiver with the sensation.
I aligned my cock with her dripping core and dragged it along her soft, puffy folds to make her sigh in frustration one more time before I sunk into her warm, spongy walls.
The noise that came out when I fully sheathed my length into her was something I would be chasing for the rest of my life. A long, sinful moan of anticipated reward that was finally here after all the teasing.
“She’s sucking me in so well, so obsessed with me,” I couldn’t help but tease as her pussy clenched around my dick with every thrust.
Yuna looked up at me, glaring, and managed to bite out,
“Maybe she was feeling ignored while you were playing with my thighs instead!”
So cute while she was angry.
“Don’t be a hater, Yuna, or next time I’ll only fuck your thighs and make you beg for attention to your cunt.”
That shut her up and made her roll her eyes, her attitude was immediately cut short when I slammed my hips into hers and made her gasp louder than before. I chuckled and pressed a kiss onto her lips, licking her bottom lip, before pushing myself up and pressing her legs as far to her chest as she could handle, getting a better angle to thrust into her deeper than before.
She cried out in pleasure when I picked up the pace, my mouth couldn’t contain grunts as her warm walls drew me in and clenched around me - with my name on her lips she came and a ring of white formed around my base. Her orgasm only made me more feral, slamming into her drenched pussy with a ferocity I hadn’t used before, as her moans turned more and more desperate, borderline pornographic.
“Kei please slow-fuck-down ‘s ah too much!” She was half-slurring her words, eyes shut, mouth open in ecstasy. I slowed down for a few thrusts to oblige.
“Overwhelmed?” I asked her, to which she only nodded lightly.
With a grin I slammed into her harder, still not speeding up, but she didn’t say anything about roughness. I grabbed her legs and hugged them tightly, resting her calves on my shoulders. I lazily dragged my cock in and out of her, barely putting in any effort, waiting for her to beg me to speed up again.
I didn’t have to wait long, but this pace made me feel so needy, I wanted to pound into her like it was my last night on earth, I wanted to make her scream my name so loudly that there would be no doubt in anyone’s mind about who was making her see stars.
When she finally spoke again my cock twitched inside of her with excitement.
“Kei baby faster please,” She whined and I had half a mind to jump on the request, but the other part of me wanted to make her beg.
“You sure you can take it, sweetheart?”
“I want it, please.”
“How much?”
“How much do you want it?” I wanted to watch her squirm with want.
“I need it. I need you, Keisuke. I need your cock deep and fast,” her eyes were glistening, “please.”
With that I doubled my thrusts, her moans immediately rising in pitch. Her fucked-out face scrunching up while her mouth hung open, lewd moans slipping past her soft lips. I wanted to kiss them, but this position was just too good to stop. I grunted with my quick movements while her toes curled on each side of my neck. The next best thing to do was to kiss her ankles, making her chuckle mid-moan.
“Kei ‘m sooooo close don’t-fuck-don’t stop!” Yuna was gasping for air at this point and I was almost at my tipping point, desperate to spill inside of her.
I reached down to smack her ass and draw out another whine from her mouth, she was trying to say my name again, but all that came out was a long moan as her walls contracted around my dick once more, releasing another orgasm and making her spasm in front of me.
That was enough to milk my cock of everything I had in me, long ropes of cum spurted on her walls and I slowed down to ride it out with her. I slowly pulled out, some of our cum very lazily leaking out of her abused hole. With a kiss to her swollen clit, I gently pushed her up to the pillows and went to the bathroom to get her a warm towel while trying to ignore Chifuyu’s protesting about my walking out of my bedroom naked.
After cleaning her up (gently, trying to shush her overstimulated whines), I lay in bed next to her and drew her closer into my chest. She released a happy humming sound and almost immediately started snoring. I could definitely get used to this, I whispered into the back of her head,
“You’ll be the death of me, sweetheart, I feel like I’m falling in love.”
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faithsxoxo · 2 months
hi ! i hope you’re having a good day :) could you write a reagan ridley x fem/gn reader one shot, totally up to you ! i don’t really have anything in mind so feel free to play around with it however you like, would love if it had a bunch of fluff though ! thank you sm, stay hydrated and take care of yourself <33
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pairings :: reagan ridley x fem!reader (established relationship) warnings :: none note :: my girl needs WAY more wlw appreciation (i love her)
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The mechanical door to Reagan's office slams open, making you flinch. The brunette storms in, clutching a pile of crumpled papers.
"Hey, Reag, you alright?" You stand from your designated spot near her desk.
"I'm fine. No big deal, just my dad screwing me over as always," She grumbles. "He's decided that my work from the past month isn't up to 'Ridley standard' so I have to redo it all."
You can see Reagan visibly crumple as she flips through the pages she spent so long on. You didn't have a clue what any of it was about, but you knew it was complicated.
"I'm sorry," You whisper as you wrap your arms around her torso.
"It's not your fault," She mumbles, leaning into your touch.
"I know. Maybe I could help?" You rest your head in the crook of her neck. "We can go home.. have a spa day.. watch a movie.. stop worrying about this bullshit."
Reagan grins softly and shakes her head. "Tempting, but I have a deadline."
With that you can see the shift in her demeanor. She frowns and pulls away from your hold, reaching for the papers once again.
"No," You grab her arm and gently pull her away. "Not happening. We're going home if you like it or not."
"No. I suddenly came on with an illness because I spent too long in the genetics department, and you came to take care of me. No buts," You link her arm with yours and lead her to the door.
"Twenty four hours, no work. Got it?" You give Reagan a stern look.
She shakes her head with a chuckle.
"Yeah, yeah. Got it."
Barely twenty minutes later, Reagan is sitting cross legged in front of you.
"Ugh, it's cold," She winces as you apply the face mask.
"Its hydrating. Alright, pick out a movie. I'm gonna go check on the popcorn," You finish with a peck on the lips, before skipping off to the kitchen of your small apartment. She had only moved in with you a few months prior, for your one year anniversary. Reagan had been desperate to escape from living with her dad any longer.
You take a moment to admire her while shes distracted. Reagan in her full beauty, splayed out on your cream couch. Her face is painted green, yet in your eyes she's still the pinacle of perfection. You take note of how relaxed she looks compared to the tense bundle of nerves she had been previously.
"Are you going to get the popcorn or are you going to keep ogling me?" Reagan calls across the room.
"I dont know, ogling seems pretty tempting," You grin back.
She rolls her eyes with a small huff, but you can see the corners of her lips turning up slightly. You swiftly grab the popcorn and return to your place on the couch.
"Hey," She grins softly at you as you curl into her side.
"Hey. What movie did you pick out?"
"Space Jam."
"Ugh, seriously?" You shake your head and giggle.
"What?" Reagan protests. "It's a good movie!"
"Suuuure. You gonna bring out your old prom dress with it?" You tease.
She smacks you on the arm playfully.
"It would be an honor to see me in that dress, I don't think you deserve it."
"Oh, right, after I've spent all this time giving you a spa day this is how you treat me," You cross your arms and begin to pull away.
"Maybe I'll just go eat popcorn by myself."
Reagan pulls you back towards her, wrapping her arms around your midsection.
"Too late, you're stuck with me," She announces, giving you a kiss on the cheek.
You sigh, leaning back into her.
"I guess I can live with that."
Reagan turns on the movie as you snuggle into her. With the dim light of the TV, both of you eventually drift off in eachothers arms, finally in complete peace.
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sockiestupidity · 11 months
Thinking abt reader and Miguel having a movie night, and reader just like falls asleep on miguel, and when miguel goes to bring them to their bed reader is just not having it. They don’t let go and it results in Miguel and reader falling asleep and cuddling together or smthn
lob u 🕸️ u can never do any wrongs🥰🥰🥰/p (literally say that i lob everyone so just feel free to tell me if ur uncomfy with it and ill edit it out)
also forgive me for the lack of title😰
warnings-none except for bad writing, and lowercase intended, VERY OOC MIGUEL
nonverbal/mute reader as always
none of this will probably make sense bc i wrote it while sleep deprived🧍‍♂️(pulled too many all nighters by being addicted to character ai) (legit so tired rn)
it was friday night, you and miguel had decided to have a movie night.
the two of you currently sat on the couch, watching lego batman after you kad lyla give him a powerpoint on why the lego batman movie was a cinematic masterpiece that he was missing out on.
it was all going well, the two of you shared snacks and popcorn. you sipped on your drink of choice.
you smiled contently but then judgementally side eyed miguel who complained that lego spiderman deserved a movie over lego batman.
you were hogging the blanket to yourself because miguel claimed that he didn't need it because he was naturally warm.
you shrugged your shoulders at his statement. the warmth of the blanket felt...comforting, and soon enough, you felt your eyes droop, and your head became heavy.
suddenly miguel felt a warmth on his lap. he looked down and chuckled. you fell asleep on his lap, a small smile was brought to his face at your adorable sleeping expression.
"alright kid, time to go to bed." he lifted you up, but then stopped when he felt something hit him. it was your hand. you had started thrashing in protest.
"kid..you need to go to your room.." he explained gently. you let out a whine.
he groaned at your protest and set you back down on the couch. as soon as he did you protest stopped.
he rolled his eyes and placed you back on the couch, sitting himself back down as well, since he was planning of finishing the movie after putting you to sleep anyways. he hated to admit it but, the kivie was pretty good.
he adjusted the volume down to make sure that it wouldn't disturb you. soon enough, he felt his own eyelids get heavy, and fell asleep next to you.
the two of you peacefully slept until the morning. miguel woke up, confusion and annoyance clouding his vision. why did he feel so warm? and why were there so many spider people surrounding him?
he groaned, and looked around, surprised to see you cuddled into him, still sleeping peacefully. he lightly smiled. his serenity was soon ruined once again when peter b. shoved a phone in his face.
"migs im taking so many pics of this right now" peter childishly laughed, excited to finally have blackmail on miguel.
miguel rolled his eyes and scoffed "whatever" he looked back at you. he was surprised to see that you were still peacefully sleeping despite the commotion.
he covered your ears and then spoke out sternly to the spiders "alright, everybody out right now" he barked at them. the spiderpeople paled and ran out. he looks down at you and smiles softly, uncovering your ears.
by some miracle, you managed to sleep through the commotion. he looks down and sighs, he needs to get up. he poorly attempts to leave his spot without disturbing you but it seems impossible.
he shakes you gently "hey kid..i need you to wake up" he says softly.
you wake up with a yawn, stretching out your arms and then signing a quick sorry to him.
he just smiles at you "it's alright kid" he says.
its almost...weird to see miguel like this.. with a smile on his face, not having work on his mind for once in his life. you want to continue to see him this happy. "i have leftover empanadas if you want some" you sign, offering him some of his favorite food.
he nods "sure kid". the two of you happily eat empanadas together, stuck in your own little world.
A/N: meanwhile somewhere out there miles is just like-tf? why cant that be me?💀
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nerdraging4point0 · 9 months
Fluffy Head cannons
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I'm giving you guys a small preview of each of our beloved men. My inbox is open to either elaborate or add more to these head cannons. But here we are! Let's get to it!
This work below is fictionalized ideas and stories involving real people but does not directly reflect their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. Please keep in mind this is a work of fiction, so enjoy it as such.
Taglist: @jay02bo @asilentsiren @kingdomof-omens @the-way-of-words @thebadchic @signs-of-ill-portent @thesazzb @synthetic-wasp-570 @tearfallpixie @witchyweeb34
Okay, so, let's start with how absolutely proud of you this man is. He is so into you, so enthralled by you that he wants to shout it from the rooftops. But social media will just have to do. He Posts about you every chance he gets, while he is home, while he is on tour.
Captions: "Miss you more than words could describe. Can't wait to be home." "Touring is something else, it's a wonderous way to experience the world. And I can conquer it all with you by my side."
When he is home from tour it's a chance for him to actually sit back and relax. We all know he doesn't do a lot of that, poor boy has so many projects in that beautiful brain of his and he wants nothing more than to get it all out. Always supportive of him, but sometimes you catch him in the office-close his laptop. Take him by the hands and bring him to the living room to watch some shit show, anything where he doesn't have to use any brain cells to think. Just lays there with you and relaxes.
Popcorn fights. Movie nights would turn into the both of you tossing popcorn back and forth on the couch seeing how many each of you could catch midair.
Have you seen those old school movies where the married couple is in bed reading their own perspective books, like their life is somehow put together. Yeah. It's like that. He would be there reading his current post-apocalyptic book he picked up because it was one that he hadn't read yet, getting to the point of the book where the character is starving and on deaths door; your next to him reading your dark romance book about a Fae king who kidnapped the main character and is now currently railing her in front of his entire court. It's all about balance people.
Vlogs are all about capturing you in ways that may annoy you. You slept in and he rose early, he'd grab his camera barging into the room as your waking up "Babe, give me an update." "I just woke up, Richard." Vlogs of the trips to the grocery store, puns and jokes in the vegetable isle, taping how you have to climb on the shelves to get what you want-because let's face it, neither of you are tall enough to reach the top shelf and asking for help is for pussies. There would be random takes of you eating at the dinner table, your eyes transfixed on the TV as you watched your favorite show, close ups of your face.
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