#finished barista Jake
losfacedevil · 8 months
It’s my last day of vacation and now my mind wants to churn out all the fics I wanted to write this week? Ma’am now you don’t have the time 😂😭
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rae-gar-targaryen · 2 years
Why yes, your Honour, I would like to lick Jake Seresin’s abs. Each and every one of them. Trace them with my tongue. If that’s a crime throw me in jail.
Well, congratulations, lovely anon. You've inspired something that no one ever thought possible -- Rae writing for a BLONDE MAN, of all people. Pls enjoy this little blurb. Even though it's probably not the greatest thing I've ever written --
your name (on that coffee cup)
warnings: none, just bad flirting.
pairing: jake jortles "hangman" seresin x fem!civilian reader
word count: 2.3k (you've gotta be fucking kidding me) of sweet, if not stilted, flirtation and whatever the fuck this is...
Reblogs make the world go 'round! 🌿💜
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The coffee shop was more crowded than usual today. You supposed it might have something to do with the fact that today, the weather gods had decided that it would be the one, annual rainy day, forcing commuters to seek shelter indoors from the "deluge" (but what you considered to be, at most, a decent sprinkle). Southern Californians were decidedly not built for the rain.
You casually observed the casuals and regulars alike filtering in and out from your chosen table adjacent to the pickup counter. Your usual table, from where you'd set up shop, plinking away at your novel with your playlist and the welcome, muffled bustle of customers as backdrop busy-noise that filtered through your headphones for company. 
People-watching was uniquely inspirational whenever you were facing a bit of writer's block, so you had opted for leaving the relative coziness of your nearby apartment – content to perch on at this table and allow the quirks of strangers to serve as fodder for your novel.
Except that today, it was more overstuffed than your favorite blue-velvet chair in your apartment. The queue of bodies waiting for their cups of caffeine and their matcha lattes causing the already-warm interior of the shop to fog the windows. 
You'd just finished a particularly troublesome paragraph – How your two stubborn protagonists were ever going to set aside their differences as they made their way through the enchanted wood, you weren't one hundred percent clear on. But sometimes it was best to skip the mental obfuscation and jump straight into a part you were excited to write … their eventual love scene was beckoning you.
You worried your drink's straw between your teeth, eyes unfocused, pondering how to get Ser Marcus out of his shirt and beneath Lady Lucy, when he walked in. 
The tall drink of water with broad shoulders and dirty-blonde hair. With a million-watt smile he graced to whichever barista happened to be handing him his coffee that day.
He looked like a Ken-doll, if you were honest. But not in a bad (junkless) way. More of an All-American, conventionally attractive way, if he'd asked you. Not that he had. You had certainly seen him here before. But you weren't sure the same could be said of him. 
You watched idly as he breezed past you to place his order in a damp shirt that was veritably plastered to his torso, and running shoes that squeaked with rainwater, the noise making its way over the dull din of the shop. 
Perhaps he'd been out for a run when the rain had started.
He spoke to Monica the barista at the counter, out of earshot, though the easy way he leaned against the counter and smiled at her made it clear he didn't mind his own state of dress. The sort of easy handsome of an Eastwood.
You had turned back to the blinking cursor of your doc, thoughts buzzing with handsomely tanned skin and wet clothes, when the unmistakable shadow of a person loomed over you.
You glanced up, only to be simultaneously thankful for your screen protector and greeted with –
"Hi there," he breezed. 
It was Ken. In the perfect plastic flesh.
And, really, it was the fact that his torso was directly in your seated eyeline (and no other reason, you swear) that allowed you to notice (appreciate) that his already-rainwet and plastered shirt hugged his torso in such a way that allowed you to observe (appreciate) that you could see the outline of every. single. one. of his abdominal muscles, as though his shirt was made of flimsy tissue paper that might tear away beneath your touch.
No, this was fine.
"Uhhh." You were articulate, you swear. "Hi."
"Would it be alright if I sat with you while I wait?" He gestured over his shoulder with a pointed thumb vaguely in the direction of the pickup counter. "It's a little crowded in here today, and this is the only open seat."
Ah. An arrangement of convenience, and not that he wanted to sit with you.
You bit down your disappointment long enough to ease your lips into what you hoped resembled a smile, gesturing openly to the seat.
"By all means."
He shot a grateful–if not cheeky– wink your way as he pulled the seat out, angling himself to maintain eye contact with you, while still keeping one ear open for his name.
"Thank you, ma'am," he conceded politely, voice still warm and easy, as though no one had ever refused him a paltry request in his life. (And maybe they hadn't.) "I didn't exactly want to stand there in my wet clothes."
"No," you agreed. "Sitting in wet clothes is much more pleasant. Especially in those tight, Baby Gap-sized t-shirts. Everyone knows that."
"Everyone," he agreed, eyes twinkling and allowing you to appreciate just how green they were, glimmering, verdant and mossy, like the forest bedecked with fresh rainfall. How fortuitous, then, that he'd choose to sit with you on San Diego's one rainy day per year. "Teacher? Grading?" He nodded at your laptop, gem eyes flitting over the fading, curled stickers slapped onto the back.
You couldn't help yourself. You giggled.
"No," you shook your head. "Novelist."
"Ah," he conceded. "So whatcha writing?" 
And as you made to open your mouth to tell him that he shouldn't really ask a writer those types of question, he perked, and held up a finger as if to say "hold that thought," as he shot up to retrieve his beverage from the counter.
He must've heard his name. Ah well, it was nice while it lasted. You tried not to feel disappointed that your one encounter with hot coffee shop guy had come and gone in the blink of an eye. And tried not to beat yourself up that you hadn't caught the name when it had been called…
To your surprise, he turned back and plopped himself back into the seat opposite you, expectant eyes awaiting your answer as he blew into the small hole at the lid of his coffee cup.
"Ehm," you continued. "It's… a … novel," you finished, lamely. Flushed with the prospect of having to admit to this guy that you wrote high-fantasy erotica for a living, your self-preservation instincts kicking in before you admitted something you wouldn't necessarily have the chance to come back from if he decided to make fun of you for.
And he was ridiculously handsome. The sort of guy who looked like he belonged on the cover of the type of book you were writing, billowing unbuttoned shirt, and all... Maybe he'd pose if you asked?
If he was annoyed or put off by your evasiveness, Ken-doll didn't show it, that million-watt grin easing its way back onto his very pleasing face, prominent jaw and white teeth on full display as he played along.
"I might've guessed," he said. "I'm Jake, by the way." 
He held out his hand for you to shake. You responded in kind, allowing his hand to envelop yours with both size and warmth as you pumped your arm in a firm, decided handshake.
"I might've guessed," you parroted. 
He shot you a quizzical look; brows furrowed.
"It's on your cup," you nodded in the direction of the cup clutched in his other hand, the corner of your mouth titling into a smile. 
"A dead giveaway," he agreed, pleased that you had thought to make the observation. Maybe you were this way with everyone, he thought. All sweet smiles and starry, foxlike eyes, discerning but decidedly available. Selfishly, perhaps — he hoped that wasn't the case.
"Unless of course they had gotten the wrong name, and it's really, like, Jack, or James, or something," the fizzling pleasure of his hand on yours and the swelter of this coffee shop was really doing a number on your head, because now you were rambling. "Then if I had called you Jake based on the cup, I would've been both presumptuous and stupid. Like a 'Mark-with-a-C situation… Cark," you finished, unhelpfully.
"Now that's just unlikely, sweetheart," he disagreed. "You're clearly too sharp for that… Bridget." He squinted at your cup, greeting you with a name that was not your own.
"Oh, no…" you laughed, the pleased sound meeting his ears despite the relative staticky-din of the late-morning rush around him, "My name isn't Bridget," you explained, sheepish about the relative silliness of the game of being friends with one of the workers. "Uh, Monica likes to give me a new name every day I come in. Sort of to mock me for how often I come, I guess? We've known each other awhile. So, she's allowed."
If Jake thought it was childish or silly, he didn't let on, instead nodding and smiling at your explanation, still incomprehensibly interested in what you had to say…
"So that's why I see you in here so often," he conceded. "A novelist who writes in a coffee shop, where she knows everyone. Cute."
Out of any other mouth, it might have sounded condescending. But there was no hint of condescension in his honey-smooth voice. Only the facile twang of Southern charm and genuine earnestness. 
But all you heard was that he'd seen you before. He had seen you.
And you must've asked this out loud, because the next thing you knew, he was all smooth laughter and glimmering teeth,
"Yeah, I've seen you," he agreed. "You always look so concentrated, I never want to interrupt. My mama raised me better than that. But today I actually had the chance to say hello. So, uh, thank the rain, I guess…" he eased.
And you'd really hoped that the pleased warmth of flirtatious embarrassment wasn't inclined to show itself in any way, across your face or the exposed skin of your shoulders. Because you were certain those sparkling eyes of his were shrewd enough to tell. And how could a guy like this not be aware of his effect on women? So, you pressed on, closing your laptop lid, the better to focus on him with.
"And what do you do, Jake? If you're out for a run in the rain, you're clearly committed. Let me guess," you tapped your chin in mock-consternation, voice trailing in thought. "Model? Please say no because that would be a lot for me."
Jake barked a laugh at this. And perhaps you'd incidentally, dangerously boosted what was already a high ego. But he continued in good humor –
"No, sweetheart. Not a model. Naval aviator," and he'd actually shrugged at that, like it was no big deal. "I'm at the base down the way. So, yeah, I guess you can say I'm dedicated."
You groaned, teasingly, fucking your head into your arms, "Oh fuck, no. So just a civil servant who looks like a model. You can get the fuck outta here with that." You leaned across the table to teasingly shove one of his (ridiculously sculpted) shoulders, pleased at the feel of him beneath your fingertips.
"It's my honor to serve you, ma'am," he straightened in his seat, taking on his best "official" voice. (Oh, god, this was doing a number on you.) He continued,
"In fact, I think you should let me take you to dinner…?" He trailed off, perhaps in realization that he still didn't know your name.
You twisted in your seat to pluck a pen from the messenger bag hanging from the back of your chair, turning back to pluck his cup from his very hands in a move so cheeky you would swear you were having some kind of out-of-body experience. You were never this bold.
But the attentions of this, okay, let's be real… this veritable Adonis before you was likely doing something dangerous to your own ego, never mind his. Your head was somewhere in the clouds (a place he was clearly comfortable, being a "naval aviator, ma'am," and all)..
You tugged the pen cap off with your teeth, your attention fixed on the label.
Huh. Vanilla soy latte. 
You didn't comment on his drink of choice, choosing instead to strike through his name with the pen, and ink your own, your phone number printed clearly and neatly beneath it. Handing the cup back to him when you'd finished, recapping the pen as he twirled the cup in his hands to read what you'd put on the label.
He parroted your name back to you, the way his mouth worked out the letters an image you'd likely think about for a little too long, ya know, later... and the sound of it from his throat ringing in your ears.
"I'll text you," he assured, winking at you as he made to stand, rapping his knuckles on the corner of your table before mock-saluting you with two fingers to his forehead and an easy, charming grin on his lips. "I look forward to hearing about that novel over dinner, ma'am." 
With that, he walked out of the shop, taking with him the air in your lungs and your certainty that that had actually just happened, and leaving you with the faintly buzzing feeling of lofty flirtation and the blooming promise of a fucking date!
Eager to capitalize on the fizzy feelings, you opened your laptop lid and turned back to your unfinished section now, wan smile borne of fresh flirtation affixed to your lips, your thoughts swimming in a seafoam green ocean of emerald eyes, breezy flirtation, and, yeah, tight t-shirts...
"It was then that Lady Lucy swung her leg astride Ser Marcus, devilish fingers peeling his tunic from his toned stomach. With a smirk painted across her features, she dipped her head, allowing herself to trace her tongue along the ridges and planes of her lover's stomach, reveling in the feel of each prominent abdominal muscle beneath her tongue. Greeted with the delightful sound of her beloved's surprised gasps, manifestations of pleasure at her attentions…"
And no, you reasoned with yourself as you typed. You totally weren't thinking of green-eyed, handsome Jake as you wrote. These desires were your character's, not yours – you swear.
And no, your thoughts also were definitely not on his promised text message, either, that lit up your phone as you glanced at it. Greeted with the proposition of "Dinner Thursday?" No, you totally weren't thinking of him…
It's life that imitates art, after all... (Or was it the other way around?) And you hadn't had the chance to taste those abs for yourself. (But hope springs eternal...)
Tagging:  @withahappyrefrain @thegirlwhowritesfics @xbamboowishesx @friendly-neighborhood-blondie @abibliophobiaa @clints-lucky-arrow @inklore @phoenixhalliwell @ohmagawd-life @thematthewmurdock @mrshipsmcgee @p3mybeloved @decadentpaperduck @letmeplaytheliontoo @vestrangel @moonlight-prose @aphrogeneias @levylovegood @thatredheadwriter @2clones-1kamino @zombieaurora @shadeds-library @writercole @ijustwantedplums @gretagerwigsmuse @fanboysfangirl @shakira-sasha @siriusfahey @joaquinwhorres @jakexfmc @the-navistar-carol  @jadore-andor @fanboygarcia @lavenderluna10 @fluffyprettykitty @mickeyluvs @mothdruid  @maxmayfield @drew-garfi @eagerforthesky
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jaeyunluvbot · 3 months
chapter eleven. clock watching
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𝜗𝜚 You sigh exasperatedly, quickly pulling out your phone to check the time again, you're off of work in five minutes and Jake still hasn't shown up. On top of this fact, you've had a stressful day, with your manager hiring multiple new baristas in preparation for the holidays, which are rapidly approaching.
Your eyes trail away from the new employees to your watch, three minutes left, and he still hasn't come in.
You'd spend the majority of your shift training new employees and answering basic questions, which you usually wouldn't mind, except for the fact that your mind was currently fully occupied with anticipation for your 'hang-out' with Jake.
You're zoning out when Jungwon approaches you, "thinking about date with Jake?" He laughs as you whip your head to face him, not having heard him coming up behind you.
"It's not a date, and no, I'm just tired, training a bunch of new employees will do that to a person." You say flippantly.
Jungwon smiles knowingly, "Mhm, sure. Whatever you say. Just don't let him replace me as your favorite member of the soccer team."
You groan and put your head in your hands, "Who said you were my favorite?"
"Well who else would it be, Taehyun?"
You shove him gently and he pouts, "Don't you have trash to take out or something, I'm about to get off so you'll have to take over training for me."
He groans, "Be honest, how bad are they?" You glare at him, "They're not bad, just new, but be prepared for a million questions, at least."
Your conversation is interrupted by the bell hanging above the door letting out a jingle, your head shooting up to see Jake entering the store. You quickly rush to the register, dismissing the new employee who had been learning the system.
Usually, you'd never interrupt an employee who was still learning the ropes but for today you decided you'd make an exception.
Jake smiles and gives a little wave as he approaches the counter. You smile back and pull out a to-go cup, "one vanilla latte to go?"
"You know me so well, I'm touched." He begins to pull out his wallet but you wave your hand, "Don’t worry about it, it's on the house, think of it as payment for last time."
He grins even wider, your heart fluttering slightly at his boyish smile, but you quickly compose yourself, "let me make your drink and then I'll clock out and we can go."
He nods and you head over to the espresso machine, busying yourself with his drink and willing yourself not to take a peek in his direction.
You finish his drink and head to the office to grab your things and clock out, suddenly thankful for the fact that your job didn't have a strict dress code, allowing you to dress semi-cute for your shift, meaning you don't need to change before hanging out with Jake.
You quickly pull up your phone camera, examining your appearance, and once satisfied, heading out to the front of house, seeing Jake talking animatedly with Jungwon.
The pair grows quiet as you approach and you tilt your head, wondering what they could've been talking about. You brush it off and hand Jake his drink, nodding at Jungwon as he excuses himself to help the new employees.
"You ready to go?" Jake asks, and you nod, tucking your apron into your hat and following Jake out to his car. 𝜗𝜚
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𝜗𝜚 author's note - i promise next chapter will be a written one of them hanging out you have my word fr. this one was lowkey filler coz I'm tired asf and it's 3 am, but i'll try to write more tmrw <3.
𝜗𝜚 taglist - @dreamiestay @haechansbbg @n1k1mura @soobieboobiedoobiedaboobie @bluxjun @lilifiedeans @rikisly @dojaejunging @nctsshoes2 @noobgod1269
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melodygatesauthor · 2 years
Chapter 1: The Awakening
prof!Steven Grant-Jake Lockley-Marc Spector X f!Reader
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Edited by: @welcometostayingawake (she's the real MVP)
Mood Boards - Book Cover - Masterlist
Doctor Steven Grant accepted a job as a professor at a prestigious college in New England. While you're on your way to your first history class in your second semester of your junior year, you run into an attractive English man at the coffee shop. The two of you hit it off, and since you're both headed in the same direction upon leaving, you decide to walk together. You're both excited to have met someone you have clear chemistry with right off the bat until...you realize that you both were headed to the same building, and that he's your new history professor.
When you discover that there's even more to this man than meets the eye, things get even more complicated than you could've imagined. Loving one man who's almost twice your age in a place where your relationship is forbidden is hard enough, nevermind three.
Chapter Summary:
It's your first day of class, and you meet a nice guy at the coffee shop on your way in. Too bad when you find out he's just out of reach.
Tags/Summary (these are for the ENTIRE fic):
college AU, no powers/not in MCU/no Khonshu, talk of mental illness, Marc has DID, forbidden relationship, age gap, reader is 21y/o, Boys are 38y/o, reader attends college in America but isn't necessarily American, smut, sex, masturbation, p in v, creampies galore, reader is on birth control, dubious consent due to identity issues, ANGST, romance, fluff and smut, oral sex, falling in love, reader is not race coded.
Word Count: 3.8k
It was the first day of the semester and you were already looking forward to it being over. With the holidays out of the way, you should be feeling refreshed and ready for the second half of your junior year, but when the sun beat through your dorm room and directly into your eyes, in combination with your screeching alarm, you wanted nothing more than to stay in bed. Your roommate was stirring on the other side of the room in her own bed, and you were sure she felt the same.
Coming back from winter break was never easy. You had to get used to a new schedule, and leave behind the laziness of gorging on food and festivities with your family. You picked up your phone and turned off the alarm with a groan before flopping back over on the mattress. It was only 7:15am.
Layla grumbled into her pillow. “I don’t want to go.”
“Yeah, me neither.” You agreed, throwing your blanket off in a huff.
“What class do you have first?”
“History with… Dr. Grant, I think.” You rolled your eyes.
“Oh, he’s the new professor who came over from England I think.” She sighed and got out of bed.
Her dark curls were a mess and bouncing all around her as she walked over to the small mirror in the wardrobe and picked something out of her teeth. You remembered hearing there was a new professor for this history course after the last one got kicked out for having inappropriate relations with a student, but you had forgotten the name of the replacement until now. History wasn’t really your strong suit anyway.
“My parents told me I have to ask him for tutoring.” You said, picking some clothes out of your drawer. “I flunked last year.”
“I remember.” She said with a hair elastic in her teeth while she pulled her curls back into a messy bun.
You got yourself dressed, put a little makeup on and finished getting ready. The air outside was chilly, and you pulled your coat tightly over yourself. You stopped in at Moonbean Coffee to get your usual pick-me-up before your first class. One of the perks of an open campus was the luxury of grabbing a real coffee before spending hours in a lecture.
The line in front of you was fortunately short, only one person stood between you and the barista. You noticed the man in front of you fumbling around in the pockets of his gray jacket. He let out a sound in frustration.
“Bollocks.” He said under his breath, patting himself down. “I think I left my wallet…”
He looked panicked, and you felt bad, having been in that position before. You decided it was time to do your good samaritan act of the day and you pulled your own wallet out of your bag.
“Here.” You reached around the man and handed the woman at the register a bill.
The man turned to you and his lips curled into a big smile. His tired eyes looked you up and down. You took note of his disheveled appearance. He clearly needed his drink as badly as you did.
“Oh! You don’t have to do that, I’m just-erm…I don’t have to have it.” He said, clearly anxious from your kind gesture. You took note of his thick English accent.
You shrugged and smiled at him comfortingly, “I’d die without my morning coffee. Don’t worry about it.”
“Good morning…” the barista said your name.
“Morning, T.” You said as she got started on your usual drink.
The man still stood there to the side. “That really was very kind of you. Very sweet.” He sipped the cup. “Oh bugger.” He cursed. “That’s hot.” A small chuckle escaped him.
You giggled. “Don’t mention it. I’ve been there, done that.”
His gaze lingered on you, lips still curled in a cheeky grin. He gasped when his wrist buzzed. He looked at it quickly.
“Oh, I really have to get goin’. You come here often, yeah?” He asked, looking at you eagerly.
“Y-yeah, I do.” T handed you your coffee as you handed her another bill and told her to keep the change.
Following him to the door, he opened it for you, letting you out first before exiting as well.
“Good, maybe I’ll catch you another time then, I’ll getcha back.” He nodded. “Alright then. Bye!”
“Yeah, sounds good!” You smiled foolishly at him, “bye.” You waved before realizing he was walking the same direction you were going.
He let out a laugh as you kept pace with him. “Well of course we’re walkin’ the same way. That’s not awkward at all.”
You chuckled, “Well, you can make it up to me now then, walking alone can be boring.”
When you saw the way he looked at you, your stomach fluttered. You’d seen that look before. He was interested in you. The man was clearly older than you, but you didn’t care. He was good looking, and judging by his messy curls, gentle gaze and overall demeanor, he was just your type.
“Alright sure, yeah, I can do that.” He said eagerly.
You introduced yourself. “…what’s your name?”
“Oh, name’s Steven, with a V.”
The two of you started walking in the direction of the building your class would be held in.
“So, Steven, clearly you’re not from around here, what brings you to a small college city like this?” You sipped your warm drink while the two of you walked through the chilly September air, not wanting to rush.
“Well, a job, actually.” He sipped from his cup, too, this time not flinching at the temperature.
“Oh, what do you do for work?” You asked, realizing you were approaching the brick building where your class was held all too quickly. You wished it was just a little further so you could get just another moment with Steven.
He stopped in front of the building, as if he knew you were stopping there before you told him your destination.
“I’m a history professor. This is my stop actually! Sorry, not a long walking partner.” His friendly and naive smile was about to fade when he realized the awful irony of the situation you were both in.
It hit you like a truck, “a-are you…Dr. Grant?” You asked, brows stitched together as your heart dropped into your stomach.
It made sense now: the English accent, out of place in a New England college city, the messy hair, the messenger bag and binder of notes that you just then took notice of. It should’ve been obvious from the moment you met him, everything about his appearance screamed ‘college professor’.
For some reason, this felt awkward. It was obvious just in the short time you’d known this man that you both were somewhat attracted to one another. Not that it was serious, of course, but there was an undeniable flirtatious air surrounding the whole encounter. The way he looked at you, and the way you looked at him, sharing timid smiles between promises of coffee, it was plain as day.
Now, he was shifting awkwardly in front of you as you were tapping the paper cup in your hand deep in thought. There was nothing wrong with buying your new professor a cup of coffee when he forgot his wallet, and there was nothing wrong with your new professor walking his student to class. You were both walking the same way anyway.
“Erm…yeah, yup.” You could see him trying to shake off the fog, the fantasy you both had entertained for the two minute walk.
“Well, that’s so ironic.” You tried to push past it, hoping it would help diffuse the new tension. “I’m in your class.”
He nodded despondently, his dark circled eyes looking to the ground to avoid your gaze. He hastily opened the door for you, and you thanked him as you walked in. You were stiff as a board as you made your way inside the classroom. Even though there was really nothing wrong with the interaction you’d had, something felt maddeningly nerve wracking about the whole situation.
You took a seat somewhere in the middle next to someone you remembered seeing around in other classes last semester, but never remembered her name. You hoped Dr. Grant would take you sitting in the middle table as a way of saying, “that whole interaction was totally normal, not awkward at all, see? I’m sitting in the middle instead of all the way in the back corner to avoid you.” You silently hoped the message translated.
You pulled your laptop out of your bag. You opened it and peered over the top. Dr. Grant’s eyes were stuck on you for a second while he shuffled the papers on his desk before he nervously looked away and sat down. 
You tried to look at anything other than him, but you couldn’t help stealing glances at him over the top of your screen. He put his laptop on his desk and opened it. You watched him inconspicuously as he put his jacket around the back of his chair and he pulled out a pair of glasses, placing them on his face. They made him look older, but you didn’t think it made him any less attractive. In fact, you liked the way they looked. You quickly shook the thought from your head.
You need to stop this, you’re acting ridiculous, you told yourself.
“Alright, well.” He stood up, let out a deep exhale, and put the glasses back on the table. The final students were trickling in. “I’m Dr. Grant, but you can all call me Steven. Dr. Grant is a bit formal, innit?” He chuckled, but the rest of the class remained silent. “Alright.” He rubbed his hands together nervously.
You felt bad, seeing him clearly trying to connect with the uncaring class. He messed idly with his dark blue tie before patting it down and clearing his throat.
“Well, I won’t start us off with anything too flashy today. It is the first day after all.” He began.
The lecture was a couple of hours, but Dr. Grant made it feel like it was much shorter than that. He was like a completely different person than the anxious man you’d met at the cafe. He was excited, smiling and full of energy while he taught the first lesson. To see someone so passionate about something sparked excitement and admiration inside you, even if the subject itself wasn’t your strong suit.
The amount of times he said, ‘I mean, wow’, was surprising and more than a little endearing. He certainly had a way of making a topic that you weren’t very adept in much more interesting just from his own enthusiasm. As he was wrapping up the lecture, you checked the clock. 10:20am. Your next class wasn’t until 1:00pm, leaving you plenty of time to talk to him about tutoring. Only tutoring, you reminded yourself.
You felt anxious though, standing there after the last student left. You clutched your satchel to your side like your life depended on it. He didn’t notice you at first, because you’d started to walk away with the crowd, trying to decide if you were even going to ask him to tutor you or not, but then you remembered your father’s words. I’m not paying for you to waste your time in school, you already picked a meaningless major, the least you can do is get decent grades.
You stepped up to his desk and cleared your throat. He peered up over his reading glasses and jumped when he saw you.
“Oh, erm, hi, class is dismissed.” He said anxiously, so different from the person speaking with utmost confidence to fifty or more students just a few minutes ago.
“Yeah, I know,” you started, “I know, I just needed to talk to you about something.”
He started getting nervous, you could see sweat beading on his forehead above his strong eyebrows. If someone asked you why you were so anxious about asking your new history professor to tutor you, you’d tell them you had no idea, but deep down you knew it was because the two of you definitely had a weird connection at the coffee shop.
“Oh, is this about…it’s about the coffee, yeah? I really-”
“N-no, Dr. Grant-“
“Steven.” He corrected you.
“S-Steven.” You cleared your throat once again. “No, I’m, uh, I’m not worried about the coffee. I need to ask for tutoring.”
He pressed a hand to his chest in relief, “Oh, heh, right, yeah, ‘course.” A large smile on his face. 
He felt the connection, too, you thought, and he’s relieved you didn’t bring it up.
“Well, there’s plenty of other students around who do that, yeah? Maybe go to the library, I think that’s where you sign up for something like that.” You didn’t know what it was about this man that captivated you, but when his eyes locked on to yours you felt your stomach twist in yearning.
“Um…yeah.” You were wearing a faint smile while accepting his rejection. “Yeah, I guess I can try that. They didn’t have anyone last semester, but maybe they will this time. Thanks.”
It was probably for the best that he didn’t tutor you, judging by his reaction, and that’s not even considering if the connection was real and you hadn’t just made it up. You gave him a friendly nod and turned on your heel toward the exit. Just as you were grabbing the door handle, Steven spoke up.
“Wait, hold on.” He said, standing up. You turned to him. “They probably aren’t very good anyway, the students they have tutoring. Why don’t you come by after your last class on Wednesday? Not sure why time you get finished, but I can make something work.”
“M-my last class on Wednesday gets over at like seven.” You explained.
He shrugged, “M’sure my goldfish will be alright if I get home a bit later than usual.”
“Wow, okay, brilliant, yes Dr. G-uh-Steven!” You couldn’t contain your toothy grin as you thanked him profusely and left.
You felt like you were in a trance for the rest of the day. You’d thought that by not having Steven in your direct line of sight you’d be able to move on from the feeling in your gut, but it only festered. He was occupying your mind. The way he laughed, the way he talked, the way he looked at you, it was maddening.
You kept thinking about his messy hair, wondering what it would feel like to run your fingers through it. When he got nervous just from looking at you, straightening his tie, you wondered what it would look like to have him loosening it, maybe unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt. His eyes are what really captivated you, he looked exhausted, but they still shined so brightly when he looked at you, before he’d realized that you were his student.
When you got back to your dorm and turned in for the night, you took it upon yourself to look up your college’s specific rules around student and teacher relationships. Even though the last history professor got fired, you were trying to convince yourself now that there had to be a different reason. There just had to be.
There wasn’t a different reason though. The rules were plain as day: student and professor relationships were a no go. No one seemed to care what happened when you graduated, but until then, it was strictly forbidden. There was even talk in some resources you found about the student being expelled since they are, after all, a consenting adult who knew the consequences of their actions.
With that, it was time to lay your growing need to put yourself in Steven’s presence as much as possible to rest. At least, you wanted to. You couldn’t though, while you lay there in the dark, with Layla snoring on the other side of the room. You couldn’t stop thinking about the way he looked you up and down, his hooded eyes drinking you in, the way he exuded confidence to the class, and then became shy around you immediately after. 
Your hand trailed down under your pajama bottoms to your already soaking folds, slick with your desire to know what else Steven was proficient in. You thought about his hands around the coffee cup earlier, how big they looked, veins rippling under the skin when he brought the cup to his lips. You wondered what they felt like, what one of his thick fingers would feel like inside of you. Slipping one of your own fingers inside wasn’t enough, you wanted more, you wanted to feel him.
You wished that you could fit a second finger inside, but it was too tight. You felt hot with need as you pumped in and out of your slick hole, imagining Steven hovering over you. He would tell you how wrong it was to be doing what you were doing as he trailed his hands up your ribcage and to your breasts. Would he moan loudly when he came, or would he be quiet but breathy, pressing his face into the nape of your neck to muffle his sound?
You didn’t know much about sex, not outside of porn that is. You’d done other things before. You’d tried going down on someone, but had a hard time figuring out how to do it right, at least according to the guy you were with. He had tried eating you out, but you found it was either very overrated, or he was really bad at it.
Thinking about those things made you wonder what Dr. Grant’s cock tasted like, or what it felt like. If you couldn’t even fit two fingers, you weren’t sure how you were going to manage to take him. Just thinking about it was making your arousal become unbearable. You needed him, badly, no matter how wrong you knew it was.
You could hardly take it, feeling your orgasm approaching as you fingered yourself to thoughts of your history professor. You decided you didn’t really care what he sounded like when he came, you just ached to hear him. It almost hurt how hard you bit your lip when your cunt clamped in waves over your lone digit. Your breathing was heavy, and when you felt clarity once more, you fell back onto your pillow. You had to let it go, you had to get over him somehow.
But Steven had to get over you, too. 
When he got home that night after a long day of classes, he found himself standing in front of his mirror. It had been so long since he’d heard their voices. At least a couple of months. They said they wouldn’t come back, they said they would stay in the headspace, and that they wouldn’t say a word. They hadn’t said anything specific yet, but he could hear them becoming more active since that morning.
That wasn’t the only thing bothering him, the thought of you danced in his mind. You were there, causing his heart to race; causing him to feel a pang of guilt that was vastly outweighed by the arousal building behind his zipper. He had been fighting the pressure all day, fighting the heady thoughts. Steven liked to think he was mentally stronger than the primal desires that came with sex, but just seeing you in that coffee shop that morning, and the way you looked at him, it kept playing in his head over and over again like a movie.
It got to a point that he couldn’t bear the ache any longer. He took off his pants and boxer-briefs, freeing his weeping erection. He crawled into bed, not even bothering to remove his jacket or shirt, as he was too eager. Nothing had inspired him to relieve himself like this in a long, long time. He crawled into bed and laid down on his back, taking his cock into his closed fist.
Dry…s’dry, need some…
He leaned up, spitting a glob of saliva into his palm before going back to work on himself. He gripped his length, sliding over it with his fist much easier now, tossing his head back as he reached the tip. He ran his hand through his curls to get them out of his face, looking down at his cock while he thrust upward into his fingers.
“F-fu…” He said, trembling slightly.
He kept thinking about you, your hair, your sweet lips, the way you giggled when he burned himself on his hot coffee that morning. He whined, reaching down to grab the sheet at his side. He exhaled sharply, continuing to glide into his palm smoothly, increasing speed as he got even closer. The way your face lit up when he agreed to tutor you was etched into his memory.
So young, though…he thought, too young…
It didn’t stop him from bringing his hand back to his mouth, adding more saliva to continue jerking his length. He was putting his hips into it now, imagining what it would be like to have you, just for a second he let himself go there in his mind. He thought about having you on top of him, legs on either side of his hips. You, lowering yourself over his cock, taking him all the way to the hilt. Another whine escaped him. You were so pretty, he imagined looking up at you, maybe you’d bite your lip and throw your head back with a moan. Maybe you’d grab your breast, pinching the nipple, maybe you’d tell him how good he felt inside of you. That’s all it took. He filled the apartment with his moans as he coated his fingers and abdomen in hot sticky cum.
Steven’s brain was empty, other than thoughts of you that still plagued him. He’d hoped that by doing this, it would help him let it go, but now he wished you were there for different reasons. You were so bubbly and full of energy. He wanted to talk to you, he wanted to learn more about you, get to know what else makes you laugh.
With a heavy sigh, Steven slid off the bed, careful to keep his cum coated fingers from touching anything. He turned on the light in the bathroom and started rinsing his hands in the sink, finishing and grabbing a towel. When he started drying his hands, his eyes looked up into the mirror again. 
His heart stopped. He waved at himself, checking to make sure his reflection kept up. They said they weren’t coming back…
Next Chapter
TAGLIST (please let me know if you would like to be added or removed): @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction, @my-secret-shame, @thatmomwitchfriend, @alexxavicry, @welcometostayingawake, @jake-g-lockley, @campingwiththecharmings, @steven-grants-world, @lia275, @minigirl87, @ahookedheroespureheart, @ninebluehearts, @outmodead, @sleepyamaya, @pimosworld, @ababynova, @flordelalunas, @360iris, @momo-mochiball, @missdragon-1
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taeraemisu · 1 year
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pretty mess ; jay enhypen
synopsis ; getting into embarrassing situations in front of a cute stranger wasn’t exactly how jay was planning to spend his day
genre ; strangers to lovers, fluff, barista!jay, a sprinkle of a cafe au
pairings ; jay x reader, mentions of jake
word count ; 1.2k words
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jay cautiously turned on the espresso machine. it had been acting up all morning and he finally got to fix it, he managed to stop the liquid from spilling all over but was it really working?
jay heard bell ring, the door opening, but he was too focused on the machine to even glance at the customer who just walked in. this machine better work.
he pressed the button, placing the cup below the dispenser in hopes that it will actually pour coffee out and not spray everywhere. just this once-
coffee sprayed everywhere, droplets splashing onto his face and all over his apron. jay yelped, before hurrying to turn the machine off, covering any leakage with his hands.
he sighed, feeling hopeless before turning around to face the cafe. his eyes lay on you, who was just watching the whole ordeal. his ears turned red, suddenly embarrassed you witnessed it all.
“i’m sorry,” he said sheepishly, walking over to the register. he wiped the coffee off his face, before clearing his throat to greet you. what a first impression.
“welcome to polaroid love! can i get you anything?”
you hummed, looking at the menu. you were planning on getting an espresso, but you clearly weren’t going to get it. “can i have a vanilla latte? to go?”
jay nodded, inputting your order. “so sorry about earlier, today isn’t my day-“ he apologised again.
you shake your hands, dismissing his words. “no, it’s really fine!” you smiled softly. “i understand. you might need to get that machine fix though.”
jay gave you a tight-lipped smile. “i have been fixing it all morning. i don’t get why it isn’t working today …” his voice trails off before heading off to work on your drink.
you wait patiently at the side, looking at the barista make your drink. jay pours some coffee into the plastic cup. he grabs the milk carton, about it pour it when-
milk came pouring out, making jay curse under his breath. what is wrong with today?
he inspected the carton. someone didn’t screw the cap on properly after use. “i bet it’s jake,” jay grumbled, his ears turning even redder when he turned to look at you. you witnessed him messing up two times in a row.
“i’m so sorry!” jay apologised again while he went off to find any napkins to clean up the mess. milk spilt everywhere, from all over the counter to the floor. this really wasn’t his day.
“it’s really fine!” you say, feeling bad for the cute barista. “i can wait, i’m in no rush.” you rummaged through your bag and took out a handkerchief you keep on you, handing it to him. “use this.”
embarrassed still, jay took your handkerchief and wiped the mess. “i’m so sorry about all this,” he said as he cleaned up. “i will wash this and find you to return it to you somehow.”
once he cleaned up, he went back to working on your drink. he made it from scratch, still embarrassed about the whole mess. you were fine with it, you knew everyone had those sort of days. the barista in front of you just happened to be more unlucky.
jay finally finished your drink, handing it to you. “again, i’m so sorry-“ he tried to apologise but you shook your head. “it’s really fine!” you grinned at him. “i will come by another day and get that handkerchief back.”
jay sheepishly smiles, waving you off while you leave the cafe. he went back to doing his cafe duties when a thought came to him. he looked over at the door, eyes widened. wait, you will come back?
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jay was on the bus, heading home after a shift at his cafe. thankfully, no other misshapes happened in front of other customers. his ears were still red, remembering how you witnessed him messing up two times in a row.
jay groaned, leaning back on his seat. since the cafe wasn’t that busy that day, he got time to wash your handkerchief nice and clean. he remembers you saying you were going to come back, and jay couldn’t help wishing it was soon.
he snapped back into reality, hearing the bus stop. he glanced out the window and someone catches his eye. it was you, sitting down peacefully at the bus stop, the drink you ordered from earlier still on your hand.
jay’s eyes widen. he was literally just thinking about you, and there you were? right in front of him?
he jumped out of his seat, scurrying to get off the bus quickly. he managed to get off in time, the bus driver momentarily pissed he didn’t get off earlier. but jay was way too quick that he-
he fell face first onto the ground.
jay knew you were sitting in front of him, and he never wanted to dig a hole and disappear off the face of the earth more than that moment. he embarrassed himself, again.
jay quickly got up, wiping the dust and dirt off him. most people at the bus stop saw him, but they pretended to look away. as soon as he stood up, he met face to face with you.
you were struggling to hold your laughter in, a part of you feeling bad for him. you recognised him almost immediately. with that face for a barista, it was hard to even forget. especially the interesting events that occurred earlier.
jay cleared his throat, ears turning redder than he thought was possible. “so …” his voice trailed off. “we meet again?”
you smiled, getting up from your seat to face him. “indeed, i didn’t think i would see you again so soon.”
jay chuckled, pointing at the empty cup in your hand. “you must have really liked it.”
you nod, holding the empty cup up. “definitely, the whole mess earlier made it even tastier.”
jay groaned while you giggle a little. “i’m joking, seriously i will forget about it if you want me to.”
he hides his face in his hands. “this isn’t me i swear! i’m not a mess all the time it’s just-“
“you are a pretty mess then.”
jay looked at you with widen eyes, this time, your ears are turning red. those words came out of your mouth without warning and it was your turn to hide in your hands. “no, i didn’t mean to say that-“
jay chuckled, finding you really adorable at that moment. “it’s really fine!” he made an impression of your words earlier, laughing. you rolled your eyes, looking at him. oh how the turned tables.
“wait, my handkerchief?” you questioned. “i did say i will come back for it …”
“and i said i will find you to return it,” he said as he rummaged through his bag, taking out the now-cleaned handkerchief. he was about to hand it to you when he pulled his hand back, wagging his finger at you. “do something for me first.”
you raised an eyebrow. seriously?
“you can get this back if you … go on a date with me.”
you rolled your eyes. “is this blackmail?” you joked while he shrugs at you. “it is if you look at it that way.”
you giggled, snatching your handkerchief off his hands.
“you don’t have to do that, i would gladly go on a date with you if you just ask.”
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© taeraemisu do not copy my works !
perm taglist ! (send an ask) ; @wtfhyuck
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soft-girl-musings · 1 year
Last Night -- Chapter 1 (MIA)
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chapter 2 chapter 3
cross-posted to ao3
Jake Lockley x fem!Reader
tags: baby's first angst, potential misuse of alcohol, protective Jake, brief allusion to Marc/Steven
wc: 1,045
fic summary: You're usually tight-lipped about your frustrations, especially when it comes to Jake. But a drink too many leaves you spilling your thoughts one by one.
You aren't usually this late.
Jake sighs as he drums his fingers on the countertop, checking his phone for the tenth time in a minute.
He sighs again. You'd said 8 o'clock, right? The stovetop clock glows mercilessly up at him. An hour since you said you'd be home for dinner. And no text from you. The phone's in his hands again, thumb hovering over your number.
He said he'd stop calling so often. He'd promised.
As your relationship has progressed, Jake has tried to dial back his instinct to protect you. He'd assumed the role of your bodyguard almost immediately: his hand gripping yours a little too tight, sizing up every passerby when you're out together. 
"Jake, relax," you always tell him. "You look like you're going to kill someone." The gentle touch of your hand always brings him back down, making him bite his tongue before he admits that he would, he'd do anything to keep you from a modicum of what he knows people are capable of. If it meant roughing up the occasional barista or store clerk when they look at you the wrong way, he'd do it in a heartbeat. Do it for you.
But you don't want him to, at least you haven't told him otherwise. What you did tell him is that you don't enjoy being hounded for updates like you have a curfew.
So there Jake stands: phone in hand, mind racing through every possible reason why you haven't called him back.
Before he locks his phone and puts it away, it starts buzzing, your name lighting up the screen.
He answers quickly. "Dios, cariño, I was worried–"
"Hey Jake," a tense voice cuts him off from the other line. Not your voice.
His jaw clenches. "What's going on, where's–"
"She's safe, we went out for drinks, but, um." The stranger hesitates, the bustle of whatever bar you're in filling the silence. It doesn't sound like your scene, it's too busy. "She's had too much to drink, and she's– someone suggested we call you to pick her up. Can you?"
Jake's rushing out the door, coat and keys in hand before your friend finishes speaking. "Text me the address."
He's sure he broke a couple of laws getting to your location, speeding downtown in record time.
His instinct was right: the dimly lit, bass-bumping establishment really isn't your usual scene. Adjusting his cap, he steps inside. It's impossibly dark, and he has no idea which friends you're with. He scans the main area once, twice, his heart rate skyrocketing. Every second without you in his line of sight means anything could have happened to you.
"Jake?" That voice. He turns to see one of your work friends rounding the corner, your phone in hand. She's timid as she approaches. Jake shakes himself, forcing a more neutral expression. You've told him you're not one to flaunt your "scary dog privilege" by his side, and he took that as your way of saying he makes your friends nervous.
"Thanks for calling me." He tries to sound sincere, but his urgency forces the words out more harshly than he'd prefer. "Where is she?"
Your friend nods and leads him to the rest of the group.
A couple of other girls from your workplace sit on either side of you on a plush couch, tucked in the corner of the bar. You cradle your head in your hands, shaking it as you seem to ramble on and on about something Jake can't quite hear. He notices the copious shot glasses on the table–  the majority of which are piled in front of you.
His jaw clenches. You told him you didn't drink. "I hate the person I become if I have even a drop," you'd insisted when he'd once offered to buy you something.
The friend who'd called him appears by his side. "She had a hard week, so we figured we'd go out tonight. We didn't– we didn't know she was such a lightweight." She doesn't speak with condescension; her eyes never leave you, and they're filled with pity. "But she insisted."
Jake runs a hand over his face, processing the situation. You never mentioned you were having a hard week. If he'd known, he could have fixed it. He could have prevented the scene you were so close to causing, your overindulgence clearly taking its toll. He could have– should have– been here.
Jake turns back to your friend and takes your phone when she offers it. "I've got her from here... thank you." They exchange a knowing look before he's swiftly by your side.
"Hey, cariño," he offers warmly, kneeling next to you. He takes your hand in his, rubbing circles on your palm the way he usually does.
You look a mess, even in the dim room: your eyes glistening with tears that make mascara run down your flushed cheeks, your mouth fixed in a frown as you carry on, not registering Jake's presence.
"...And I swear, it wasn't even my fault the deadline got pushed up, but Evan had to keep being a jerk about it–" You stop your slurred speech when you feel his hand squeeze yours. Eyes squinted, you lean in, scanning over his features. Your free hand lazily pats his head.
 "Jake." You almost sneer in recognition. Your tone makes him flinch, but he grasps your hand all the same.
"Querida," he begins again, urging you to look at him. "I think we should go home."
He stands to bring you to your feet, but you protest. "N-no, we were just talking– Jake, come on." Your friends scoot over as you’re guided up, Jake’s hands firmly on your waist when you waver. "Don't baby me," you warn, your voice unusually low. Jake's hold on you loosens, but he doesn't budge.
He murmurs back, "Then work with me. Please." The look in your eyes– glassy, but with an unfamiliar intensity behind them– sends a chill down his spine.
You straighten yourself, pushing his hands away. "Let's just go," you huff. You make your way to the door, careful not to stumble as you walk. Jake turns to the group, already distracting themselves with their own drinks, and follows you outside.
You need to talk.
A/N: I can't believe this story came together so quickly; I'm excited to finish the next 2 parts. This was loosely based on Morgan Wallen's "Last Night" (which is v out of left field for me genre-wise).
Thank you for reading!
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tgmsunmontue · 2 months
What to write weekend...?
Same time, same place... Let's get this writing started. If your curious about wordcounts etc. I have a spreadsheet here.
Explanation on how "What to Write Weekend" works and fic descriptions under the read more because it's long... Once you know you know though.
Sagas of Solitude 8/? - IceMav with side Hangster AU - angsty Nepo!Baby
Season to Taste 0/? - Professional and Famous Chef Bradley and Naval Aviator Jake Seresin. (Building on this).
A, B, C, D, E, H, I, J, K, L, M
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If you need it, here's an explanation of how it works:
You pick 1-3 of the above and either:
Send an ask (Anon is on)
with the letters/Numbers of the fic/s you wish would hurry up and get finished/posted already. (Yes, you can pick the same one three times - some of these fics are that close to getting parts/chapters finished that would be enough to tip them over, you also don't have to pick more than one).
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I WILL WRITE AT LEAST 250 WORDS for each one you pick. I reply to let you know when it is done. I've also started tracking it in a spreadsheet.
--- --- --- --- --- ---
Numbers indicate fics I am consciously working on updating/completing, and likely have a completion date in mind.
Letters are fics that are often getting completed because people ask for me to work on them through things like this. (I usually do this every weekend).
Doing this keeps me on task and makes me accountable. It stops me from procrastinating and I really appreciate people providing their numbers.
--- --- --- --- --- ---
A) Upon which our souls touch - 3/? - Hangster TGM AU involving dragon riders and shape shifters and fantasy... Seriously, I wouldn't vote for this one because my kids ask about it almost daily so... it gets attention regardless.
B) I'd know you anywhere 2/4?- Bradshaw Twins - Hangster (Tumblr post)
C) To wake, perchance to dream - 3/? - Hangster Jake wakes up in the future, gets a glimpse of what their life could be and then wakes up back right before being called back to Top Gun for the special detachment (e.g. TGM). (Tumblr post and the beginning of the fic)
D) Together or not at all... (SEQUEL) - Hangster - years after Javy/Nat get together they think their best friends (Hangman and Rooster) could maybe try dating each other. It'll either end in disaster or not.
E) Cyclone/Maverick - Cyclone is struggling to deal with being attracted to the most annoying person he's ever met. Why does he like him so much?
H) From the top - 1/? - an Ice/Mav epistolary fic where Jake and Bradley matchmake them, not realising exactly who it is they've matched together.
I) Life is too short to waste time matching socks... 3/? The peach and eggplant socks as an anonymous gift as an incredibly unsubtle hint that someone would like to fuck them. (tumblr idea unspooling here...)
J) Barista Jake who cannot spell Bradley's name. (HERE)
K) Caring, Keeping and Collecting Transformers - A Guide - 5/?Transformers cross-over.
L) Hangster Soulmates, Bodyguard (leftover from the Bingo...)
M) IceMav Florist/Undercover Agent AU (also leftover from Bingo)
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lipstickitty · 6 months
I Wanna Be Yours
Chapter Five
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2.4k+ words
Warnings: 18+ ONLY MINORS GO AWAY!! demon!reader, fluff, language, pet names, teasing, dirty talk, cocky Jake, making out, fingering, oral f&m receiving, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, cum play, pegging
It took some time and effort on both your parts, but slowly you and Jake had found your own little routines. You had to take a couple nights a week to find someone to feed on so that you could say you were doing your job, but pretty much any spare second you weren’t doing that or working at the bookstore, you spent with Jake. You both still went to the cat cafe a couple times a week, much to the delight of the baristas there. They were thrilled you’d decided to keep Jake around. The only exceptions being when he has plans with his family or for the band.
“I want you to meet my family.” Jake’s words startle you as neither of you have spoken in at least five minutes, just sitting in a comfortable silence.
“Huh?” You ask, the picture of eloquence.
He huffs a laugh, “You heard me, baby. I want you to meet my family. I want them to know you.”
“Jacob, you want to take a demon home to meet your family?” You ask incredulously. “Do you realize how insane that sounds?”
“Oh whatever, they wouldn’t even know what you are. You’re perfectly charming. Just don’t feed on my brothers and everything will be great.” He quipped.
“Oh, I don’t know, aren’t you and Josh identical twins? I might not be able to resist.” You shot back.
“You think he could make you feel the way I do?” He teased, pulling you in for a kiss and a nip to your bottom lip.
“Hmm, I’ll find out and let you know.” You squeal with laughter when he throws you over his shoulder and carries you to your bedroom before letting you drop onto the mattress. You squealed again when you bounced back up slightly off the bed, and then it got even higher in pitch when Jake climbed over you and started kissing, licking, sucking and biting all over your neck.
“Jaaaaaaaaake.” You groan and try to squirm out of his grip.
“Oh, ‘Jake’, huh? What happened to Josh, hmm?” He said with a smirk.
“Maybe you should call him, I bet he’d already have me naked.” You shrug casually, making him let out a little growl.
“My brother could never make you cum like I do. You’d be calling me up, begging me to come finish the job.” He whispers lowly in your ear, making you shiver. You liked when he got a little cocky, the main reason why you enjoyed working him up so much.
“Yeah? Maybe you should remind me.” You pull him down by his hair for a kiss, basically smashing your lips to his and pushing your hips up into his to feel him starting to harden under his clothes.
“With my hands free? Oh baby, you’re in for it.” He roughly bites your bottom lip before soothing over it with his tongue, starting to just barely glide his fingers over your skin. He pulls your shirt over your head and pauses to suck a mark onto the skin of your breast before trailing his tongue down to the waist of your leggings. You hum at the feeling of his mouth on you, allowing him to pull your leggings and panties down together in one harsh tug.
He runs a single finger through your wetness before trailing up to rub slow circles into your clit. You cry out at the feeling, making him chuckle quietly. “You think you’d be this wet for anyone else? No, baby. You know that pretty pussy belongs to me. I make her feel so good.” He finishes his sentence by letting one finger slip inside you, making you whine and clench around his finger.
“See, she’s already squeezin me so tight. I know what you need, angel.” He slips another finger into your entrance, curling them up inside you and making your back arch off the bed. “There she is. That’s my good girl.” You moan loudly, tangling your fingers in his dark hair as he ducks down to press a kiss over your clit before swirling his tongue around it, continuing to pump and curl his fingers inside of you. “Does it feel good, baby? You like having my fingers and my tongue at the same time?” And then he sucks your throbbing clit into his warm mouth, sucking and flicking his tongue around it.
“Yes, Jake, yes, I fucking love it. You’re so good for me, you’re so good. Don’t stop, please don’t stop baby.” You almost sob as he speeds up his movements, making you clench and flutter around his fingers as his tongue continues its assault on your clit.
“I’m not gonna stop, angel. Not until you fucking beg me to.” And with that he returns his mouth to you. You start rocking your hips up into his face, unable to resist. He just feels too fucking good. “That’s it baby, fuck my face. Take what you need, greedy little thing. You know I love that shit.” He backs away from your heat just long enough to speak between panting breaths before diving back in, delivering sharp pointed flicks of his tongue over your sensitive clit, never letting up on his fingers mercilessly pounding into you.
“Jaaaake, fuck, how are you so fucking good at that? Oh my god, I’m so close so close so- FUCK!” You cut yourself off with a cry as your orgasm washes over you, leaving you panting and writhing under him. He slows his movements once you start to come down but doesn’t stop them altogether.
“Jake, it’s too much- too sensitive- fuck, baby.” You sob out as he speeds back up, sucking your clit into his mouth just right.
“You’re gonna give me one more, sweet girl. I know you can, you’re so close already. I can feel it, just give it up. I fucking want it.” He growls against your skin before diving back in, devouring you like you’re his last meal. He runs the thumb of his other hand through the slick mess created by your arousal and his saliva before circling it around your ass, sliding in just the tip of it.
You let out a wail as the mix of sensations overwhelms your senses completely and throws you into your second orgasm. Your vision goes white and you can’t hear anything for a minute, not even sure if you’re making any noise as you come undone, soaking his fingers and his face.
Once you’ve come down for the second time he surfaces for air, chest heaving. Your cheeks flush at the sight of his face covered in your slick but he just grins evilly and crawls back up your body to smash your lips together in a bruising kiss. “Didn’t know you could do that. You been holding out on me, angel?” He taunts against your lips.
“You were right- no one else could make me feel like you do.” You giggle, drenched in sweat and panting.
“Oh don’t say that love, you’ll inflate my ego.”
“Can I taste you, Jakey? Please?” You ask in your sultriest voice, looking up at him with big doe eyes.
“Fuck yeah, angel, please.” At that, you set to work getting him out of his pants. You took a moment to appreciate the dark spot in the front of his boxers where precum had flowed while he was going down on you. It turned you on to no end to know that he truly was getting pleasure from your pleasure.
“Sweet, messy boy. Your pretty cock was just leaking all over the place while you were eating my pussy, hmm?” You coo, yanking his boxers down and taking his painfully hard cock into your hand. You smirk when you feel him twitch in your grip.
“Couldn’t help it mama, you sounded so sweet saying my name like that. I almost came in my fucking pants just from hearing you.” He lets out a strangled moan when you take his cock all the way to the back of your throat in one smooth move. You swallow around his length a couple times to hear him whine before pulling back off of him with a soft ‘pop’.
“You taste so sweet, Jakey. Here, taste.” You swipe up some of his precum on your thumb before sliding it between his lips to suck.
“Are you gonna fuck me now?” He whispers once you free his lips.
“Aw, you want my cock, baby?” You coo and he nods eagerly. “Okay Jakey, get comfy for me and I’ll get everything we need.” You leave him with a kiss on his sweaty forehead. You find the lube from where you had tossed it aside after the last use, then grab the silicone cock and the harness to strap it to you.
Making your way back over to him, you set everything down on the bed and settle yourself between his thighs, placing sweet kisses all up and down them. “I love these thighs, baby. Especially when I get to be between them. You’re fucking delicious, did you know that?” You lick a stripe up the underside of his cock making him shudder.
You coat two fingers in the lube and gently stroke over his entrance a few times before slipping one of them inside him. “I love being inside you, Jake. You’re so fucking tight and warm and you make the prettiest sounds for me.” You start slowly pumping your finger in and out, starting to stroke him slowly with your other hand.
“How’s that feel, baby? Talk to me.” You murmur softly as you start curling your finger up inside him, searching for that special spot by memory. He lets out a whine when your fingertip brushes over it, his hand coming down to grip your wrist and keep you there.
“Feels so good mama, fuck. Please, I need more.” He whimpers out.
You pull your finger out of him long enough to replace it with two, immediately curling up into that spot again. You pump your two fingers in and out of him, brushing that spot on every stroke. Your other hand working his cock speeds up just slightly when you look up at him and see his head thrashing around on the pillows.
“What do you need, Jakey? Tell me.”
“I need your cock, mama, please- fucking please, I need it.” He practically sobs.
“Okay, honey, let me stretch you just a little more, okay? One more finger and I’ll give you what you want.” You soothe, slipping a third finger inside him. You feel him clench around them as a loud moan rips from his chest.
“There it is baby, good boy. Are you ready for me?” You ask after slipping your three fingers in and out for a few minutes to let him adjust.
“Please!” He wails. You smile with pride up at him, removing your fingers and starting to strap your silicone cock to your body. Once it’s secure you start coating the silicone with lube, Jake’s chest heaving with his panting breaths.
“Okay baby, you’ve been such a good boy for me. I’m gonna go slow and don’t forget, just say red if you want to stop or you need a break.” You press your lips to his as you push just the tip of the strap inside him, making his back arch and a little moan fall from his lips against yours.
You slowly press into him, inch by inch until you’re buried to the hilt. You wait for him to tell you he’s ready for you to move. At his okay, you slowly back out of him almost all the way before pushing back in, angling your hips in search of that spot that makes him sing for you.
His back arches off the bed and a near shout tears from him when you find it. “Is that the spot, Jakey? Right here?” You tease, rocking your hips against that spot.
“Yes, yes, fuck! Your cock feels so fucking good mama, I’m so close, please make me cum. I need it so fucking bad.” Desperate tears are flowing down his cheeks now.
You squirt a tiny bit more lube in one hand before bringing it down to his cock, stroking him roughly in time with your hips smacking against the back of his thighs.
“Cum for me Jakey, make a mess baby. You look so pretty taking my cock. Be a good boy and cum for me.” You feel him throbbing and twitching wildly in your grip. He screams out as you see the first rope of his cum spurt out onto his belly. He’s babbling nonsense while you fuck him through it, you gently whispering sweet praises to him as the rest of his load pools on his lower belly and some of it flows into your hand.
You wait for his eyes to open to bring your hand up to your lips, lapping up some of his release off your skin. He whimpers at the sight. “Did you want some too, baby?” You coo, bringing your hand to his lips this time. He laps the rest of his cum off your skin with a quiet moan, looking entirely fucked out and exhausted.
“I’m gonna pull out now, okay baby? You wait here and I’ll start the shower for us.” You give him a sweet kiss before slowly pulling out of him, making him let out a quiet whine at the feeling of being empty. “You did so good for me Jakey, so so good.”
Once the shower is running you make your way back to Jake’s side, helping him stand up and letting him lean on you when his legs felt a little unsteady. You help him into the shower before joining him, quickly washing off the both of you then drying off and helping him back to the bed.
“You really don’t want to meet my family?” He asks quietly once you’re both settled in bed, legs tangled together and his head on your chest.
“I do, baby. They’re important to you so they’re important to me. I just wanted you to be sure of it, ya know, because of… what I am.”
“You mean it? You’ll go?” He asks excitedly.
“Yeah Jakey, you’ve worn me down. Whatever you want.” You kiss the top of his head, breathing in his scent.
“Thank you, thank you, I love you!!!” He giggles, kissing all over your face. You’d discussed the fact that you had both fallen for each other, but neither of you had said those specific words yet.
You felt tears pricking at your eyes as you gaze into his, “I love you, too, baby. I love you.”
Tags: @jake-whatthefisgoingon-kiszka @gracev0609 @clairesjointshurt
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gaslasyttune · 5 months
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Whispers in the Margins
Jake enhypen!barista /yn(lacey)!college girl
₊˚ ‿︵‿︵‿︵୨୧ · · ♡ · · ୨୧‿︵‿︵‿︵ ˚₊
Guys it's my first story if you have any advice please leave a comment 🤓👍🏻
Chapter 2: A Glimpse Inside
As Jake wiped down the last of the tables, his mind kept returning to the small, leather-bound notebook that had been left behind by Lacey. He couldn't shake the image of her frantic search, the look of relief that had flooded her features when he had handed it back to her.
What was it about that journal that had Lacey so worried? Jake knew he shouldn't pry, that it was a deeply personal possession, but a part of him couldn't help but wonder. He had been captivated by Lacey for weeks, drawn to her quiet intensity and the way she seemed to lose herself in her own private world. And now, with this accidental glimpse into her life, he found himself even more intrigued.
As Jake finished up his closing duties, his gaze kept drifting back to the journal, sitting innocuously on the counter where Lacey had left it. He chewed on his lip, his fingers drumming against the smooth surface as he wrestled with the decision. He knew it would be a violation of Lacey's privacy to read her journal, but the temptation was overwhelming.
With a resigned sigh, Jake picked up the notebook, his heart pounding in his chest. He flipped open the cover, his eyes scanning the neat, looping handwriting that covered the pages. He paused, his fingers tracing the words, hesitant to delve any deeper.
But his curiosity got the better of him, and before he knew it, he had begun reading.
The first few entries were mundane, chronicling Lacey's daily routines and activities. But as Jake continued reading, he was struck by the vulnerability and rawness of her words. Lacey wrote about her struggles with social anxiety, her self-doubts, and her passion for music. She described the way she often felt out of place, like an outsider looking in, and her deep longing for genuine connection.
Jake's heart ached as he read Lacey's words, for they mirrored his own experiences all too well. He, too, had always felt like an awkward, socially anxious outcast, unable to fully express himself or forge meaningful relationships. And like Lacey, he had found solace in the quiet, solitary moments, retreating into his own inner world.
As he delved deeper into the journal, Jake was struck by the parallels between their lives. Lacey wrote about her dreams of becoming a successful singer-songwriter, a passion that had long been simmering within her but that she often doubted and second-guessed. Jake couldn't help but empathize, knowing all too well the crippling self-doubt that could plague one's aspirations.
But what truly captivated Jake were the moments when Lacey's journal entries turned to him – the shy barista she had come to admire from afar. Jake felt his breath catch in his throat as he read Lacey's descriptions of their brief, fleeting interactions, the way she had found herself drawn to his kind eyes and gentle demeanor.
"There's something about him," Lacey had written, "that makes me feel... seen, in a way. He's so quiet and unassuming, but there's a warmth and sincerity to him that I can't help but be drawn to."
Jake felt a surge of emotion as he read those words, his cheeks flushing with a mix of disbelief and profound gratitude. He had never imagined that the quiet, awkward barista he had been, the one who struggled to make eye contact and stumbled over his words, could have had such an impact on someone as captivating as Lacey.
As he continued reading, Jake was struck by the vulnerability and honesty of Lacey's entries. She wrote about her dreams and aspirations, her fears and insecurities, and the way she longed for someone to truly understand her. And in that moment, Jake felt a connection to her that he had never experienced with another person before.
Without even realizing it, Jake found himself picking up a pen and a blank page in the journal, his fingers trembling slightly as he began to write.
"Lacey," he began, his words flowing from the depths of his heart, "I... I don't even know how to begin. I never imagined that someone like you would ever notice me, let alone think of me in the way you've described. I'm... I'm honestly still trying to process it all."
Jake paused, his brow furrowed in concentration as he carefully chose his next words.
"When you left your journal behind, I... I know I shouldn't have read it. It was an invasion of your privacy, and I'm so sorry for that. But as I read your words, I couldn't help but feel a sense of... connection. Your struggles, your fears, your dreams – they mirror my own in so many ways. I, too, have always felt like an outsider, someone who can't quite find the courage to truly open up and be seen."
He took a deep breath, his fingers trembling as he continued.
"But reading your journal has made me realize that I'm not alone. That there's someone out there who understands, who feels the same way I do. And I... I want you to know that you're not alone, either. I may be just a shy barista, but I see you, Lacey. I see the incredible, talented, and beautiful person that you are, and I... I admire you more than you could ever know."
Jake paused, his heart pounding in his chest as he contemplated his next words. He knew he was taking a risk, putting himself out there in such a vulnerable way, but something about Lacey's journal entries had stirred a courage within him that he hadn't known he possessed.
"I want you to know that I... I feel the same way about you. You've captivated me from the moment I first saw you in this cafe, and I've longed to find the courage to speak to you, to truly connect. And now, having read your words, I feel like I finally understand why I've been so drawn to you. Because we're kindred spirits, Lacey. We're both searching for that elusive sense of belonging, that connection that so many take for granted."
Jake's hand trembled as he wrote the final words, his heart pounding in his chest.
"So, if you're willing, I'd like to continue this... conversation. To share our stories, our fears, our dreams, and maybe, just maybe, find the strength to take a chance on something more. Because I truly believe that together, we could be something extraordinary."
With a deep, shuddering breath, Jake closed the journal, his fingers reverently caressing the worn leather cover. He knew he was taking a risk, that he was laying bare his heart and soul in a way he had never done before. But as he looked down at the journal, he felt a sense of hope and determination that he hadn't experienced in a very long time.
Tomorrow, he would return the journal to Lacey, and he would take that first, terrifying step towards connecting with her – truly connecting, in a way he had never dared to before. And who knows, maybe together, they could find the courage to forge a bond that would transcend their shared anxieties and insecurities, and blossom into something truly special.
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yourmomni · 1 year
Word count: 2k
Summary: y/n is just trying to get through life and university without making any humanly contact with other people minus her bestfriends and her protective sister but what happened when the soccer captain falls head over heels for her and develops a crush on her
Jake soccer x femreader
A/n: chapter 2 🥰
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The library was extra quiet today making it easier to study and grab any books I wanted. Some may call me an overachiever but I just like to get things done and correct the first time so if that means studying until the late am's and not having a social life then so be it.
"Y/N I've been looking for you everywhere, come on the place closes at 8." I pushed my glasses up " Okay okay one more page." My sister snatched the book from me then closed it. " no more pages now let's go." She grabbed my arm dragging me out of my seat. My sister Amilla was the spitting image of our mother with her soft brown skin, a mole under her eye and her almond shaped eyes. The only difference was the under strands of her hair being dyed a now faded pink.
It was your sophomore year in college and your sister's senior year in university. She dragged you out of the library with your protest falling on deaf ears. She finally let you go as you both continued walking with your tote bag hanging over your shoulder. "You could've at least let me put my books away." I grumbled she shrugged me off and we cut across the grass. "Sorry it's just I want a good seat and I wanna try their new drink in the menu."
You smiled to yourself knowing her real reason for wanting to go to the Cafe. " yeah sure it's totally not because of the new barista that works there." She faltered a little but went back to her same pace. " I have no idea who you're talking about." I caught up to her. " yes you do what his name again Jay." She pushed me away but not before smiling. "Stopppp." I giggled. In my eyes Amilla was the most beautifulest person in the world to me. She could blink once and all the men in the world would fall to their knees and worship her.But she never gave them the day until Jay
On our breaks before class started we usually would get pick me up from the Cafe across campus that was a hot spot for all the other students as well. Me and Amilla were walking to our usual table when we notice it needed to be clean off
" oh let me go find someone to clean that off for you ladies." The older lady who owned the Cafe said we thanked her. " hey I'm gonna go order our drinks." I said leaving her alone. She nodded and went on her phone. " Sorry for the mess." " oh it's fine." She looked up from her phone and was met with a handsome boy whipping down her table. Not the normal guy who usually did. He had black hair and it was parted through the middle and two hoop earrings in his ear. Handsome was a understatement. He finished cleaning and turned towards her his breath hitched but he caught himself before she noticed.
"Hi, you must be new." He nodded "yeah new." She smiled at him. " I mean yes I'm new today is my first day." Amilla reached her hand out " well nice to meet you I'm Amilla ." He went for her hand but immediately retracted it back, wiping it on his apron. " I'm sorry, before this I was baking in the back with my hands all dirty. I wouldn't wanna get you all messy." He rambled on. " I'm Jay by the way." I nodded. God he was cute. I mentally slapped myself
Amilla remembered what mom said " men are the devil in disguise waiting to ruin your life and take everything you've worked for." maybe she was being a little dramatic after your parents divorce but she always raised us to be independent and never depend on anyone else
"Jay I need you back here." " Coming." He yelled back. " I um gotta go ill see you around." He walked away disappearing in the back." Yeah totally later." The smile wouldn't disappear from her face. " who was that." I asked, raising my eyebrows. She took her drink. " Just the new guy, his name is jay."
Amilla shoved my shoulder when I reminded her of the time she and Jay met. " Okay I admit he is kinda cute-" I squealed" but that doesn't mean anything. It's normal to find people attractive." I scoffed. "Yeah but not for you." As I was talking to her I had a weird feeling someone was staring at me. But I shrugged it off. I was never the type of girl to get compliments from guys or have them drool over me. I always kept to myself socializing only when needed. Despite all that I still had friends but they always were the complete opposite of me. Outgoing party people while I just enjoyed reading and staying In all day. No one was interested in me or so I thought
" Wow." Jake said stopping in his tracks watching the prettiest girl walk past he admired her side profile and gasped when she turned her head to face him without looking at him. " Hey bro, who is that?" He tapped Heeseung's chest. Heesueng looked up from his phone. " Who Amilla?" Jake shook his head. " no the girl beside her." " That's Y/n her little sister." Jake smirked. " Y/n." He started walking towards her " hey woah woah." Heeseung grabbed his arm. " Where are you going? We have class."
"I'm going to go talk to her." He said removing his hand. "Jake be careful not many people talk to her and I heard her sister is really protective ." Jake looked towards the gìrl again. if he was in a cartoon hearts would have been flying above his head " what is she going to do kill me." Heeseung sighed and jake jogged off before heesung could interject again
Your sister was telling you how much she needed coffee when a boy stood in front of you blocking your way. " Hi." He said look at us. " um hi can we help you." The tone in my sister's voice turned dark causing me to get a little nervous.``yes you can actually." He looked at me and I jumped a little. " Hi My name is Jake." He extended his hand out to me and I just stared at it
My sister was watching me in confusion. I took his hand and shook it." Nice to meet you I'm Y/n." He smiled " yeah I know." My eyes widened " you know who I am." Now I was the one confused and my sister was watching us in amusement. " Yes I've been watching you for some time you read in the bleachers while I have practice." I heard my sister scoff and she got in front of me.
"Yeah she's not interested." I looked at her in shock. " I'm not?" He raised his eyebrows `` I don't understand." "Well I do." She started walking towards him now I was completely behind her " You don't know my sister nor have you seen her around. She spends most of her time in the library or in her dorm, she doesn't have any friends-" I interrupted " I have Jeno." " He doesn't count. Anyways" she is closer to him " I know boys like you. Boys who think it's funny to mess with the quiet girl , you mess with their heads making them targets for your little '' fan girls'' to push around and abuse making them feel bad about themselves. It's pathetic and under my watch you will not do it to my sister come on y/n." She grabbed my arm and pulled me away from the boy I looked back at him to see him waving with a sad smile and I waves back
" Aw he was cute." I pouted and she dragged me all the way to the Cafe in silence ordering our drinks and sitting down " why wouldn't you let me talk to jake." I stirred my tea " because he's a fuckboy who wants nothing but to ruin you." I frowned. "He seemed nice. And I do read on the bleachers during soccer. Maybe he has really seen me." My sister groaned " Y/n open your eyes Jake's-" " What about sim jake." Jeno slide in beside me pushing me to the side." Hello Jeno, how nice of you to show up." I said, rolling my eyes at him. Jeno smiled widely, making me push his face away. `` he was trying to talk to y/n."" he what, when." He asked frantically, shaking my arm. Just then Amillas' order came and Jay sat it down in front of her. " Here Milla, I hope you enjoy it. I made it just the way you like it, extra sweet." He winked and walked away. I squealed, " I made it extra sweet just like you." Jeno copied his voice and I giggled
" did he call you Milla." She was smiling hard trying to look away from me " You do like him." She shushed me tossing a napkin at me " Okay fine maybe just a little though." Jeno shrugged. " He's on the soccer team with me, he's pretty cool, he hangs out with the captain mostly . Speaking of the captain, why were you talking about jake." Amilla rolled her eyes " He tried picking up your bestfriend that's what happened and I shut him down immediately." Jeno gasped ." Why the hell would you do that he's nice." I looked at her." Because she thinks I can't take care of myself." You can't." She bluntly replied I looked at her and gasped " what yes I can right Jeno." He looked away from me like he was reading the back of my cup. I slapped his shoulder." Y/n you can barely cook, I have to remind you to go to sleep most night because you stay up studying till the late nights and you get lost everywhere you go." I crossed my arms. " I get confused sometimes." She sighed " I'm just looking out for you, you've never had a boyfriend before-" " yes I have" "Jeno doesn't count." I pouted " it was like for 4 days and you both couldn't stand each other." I silently agreed with her but jeno stayed silent.
"Just give him a chance please." Amilla didn't even look at her sister's pleading face; she immediately declined it ." Not gonna happen."
After lunch at the Cafe I said bye to my sister and walked to my last class of the day while she went home to finish her paper. I took my glasses off and put them in the case dropping them in my tote.
"HEY WATCH OUT." I turned around one second and the next I was on the ground with something heavy on top of me." Ow." I groaned. " shit shit shit y/n I'm so sorry." Jake was looking down at me frantic. He quickly got up and grabbed my hand. " Are you ok?" I dusted my skirt off and noticed my knee was bleeding." Yeah I'm fine just a scratch." He started putting everything back into my bag while rambling on about how sorry he was.
With him on the ground I finally got a better look at him and his features. He was handsome, really handsome. " Your Australian right." I mentally slapped myself, talking to people is not my strong suit. He smiled up at me. " Yeah I'm an international student here but I'm korean so that's why they put me in the korean dorms." I nodded silently proud of my self for starting a conversation. " soooo um I heard that your on the soccer team well you kind of told me and other people told me also." I rambled on he nodded. " So you've been talking about to other people about me, it's good to know I left a good impression on you. I thought I messed up." He stood up handing me my bag. I thanked him. " Yeah sorry about my sister she's really-" "protective." He finished. I nodded. "Yeah but I thought you were sweet." He smiled " oh really." I looked away at him so he wouldn't see me smile.
" Yeah not many people talk to me especially to flirt." I looked back at him and he was looking at me with so much endearment. "I-i-." I couldn’t figure out the words to say with him staring at me like that. No one has ever looked at me the way he was.." your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." He blurted out I didn't know how to react but jake seemed shocked at his words." I mean…..wait what am I saying… I didn't mean that well I did mean that you are beautiful." My brain was overflowing with signals to run and get away from this hazard as fast as I could. I've never experienced a feeling like this. My stomach started bubbling and I felt light. Was this what having a crush feels like.
Jake continued to ramble on and didn't stop until I told him too "I get it it's okay." He shoved his hands in his hoodie pocket and started fiddling with his fingers. If his friends could see him now. THE Jake Sim stuttering in front of a girl. That was rare. He was known for his handsome features and charming personality which meant that every girl at the university had a crush on him. "I think you're pretty handsome yourself." He smiled. The noon clock ringed bringing me back to reality "oh nooo I'm late for lecture." I pulled my phone out to check if the clock was maybe going too fast. " you have psych right I'll walk you I'm going the same way I have bio in the building over I'm late for class aswell." I nodded and we walked together. We started talking about the soccer team and their next game. "I didn't know you liked soccer have you gone to any games." I nodded, smiling." Yeah my best friend jeno is on the team.
He bit the inside of his cheek. " Wait your friends with jeno." He looked concerned." Yeah since we were kids." We made it to my class and I bowed. " thank you for walking me to class." He bowed to me." Thank you for letting me and I'm sorry about your leg." I looked down at the dry blood on my knee. " it's okay I have a first aide in my tote." I rambled in my tote and noticed my glasses broke. "Dang it." I pulled them out watching the arm fall off and looking at the shattered lens. " I'll buy you new ones." He winced expecting them with me." No it's fine I can just call my dad to tell him-" he took them out of my hand and shoved them in his pocket. "no it's okay plus gives me an excuse to see you again." He bit his lip smiling at me. " oh you want to see me again? Well okay then." I felt like my legs were going to give out
"Okay well bye." He waved and I waved back " bye." I turned around and entered my class later than I've ever had. Jake watched her walk into the classroom smiling to himself. He was skipping in his head like a little boy and walked back to the boys who were still kicking around the soccer ball on the grass. " hyung where did you go?" Sunoo asked adding jake back into the game by sending him the ball. " Sunoo didn't you see he was talking to a girl." Sunghoon said wiggling his eyebrows at jake. " well he sorta ran into her he was just being polite." Jake went behind sunghoon and kicked the ball between his legs causing him to falter a little. " Or he was getting himself a date for the party coming up." Jay kicked the ball causing it to intercept. Jake walked to heeseung putting his arm around him. " I already told you guys I'm not going to that party and plus y/n not like those other girls I talked to in the past she's sweet and caring." The boys ohhhed " oh so her names is y/n huh." Jay poked . " I have class with her she sits in the front, she's really smart." Sunoo picked up the ball running to where the boys were circled
" Yeah she is… I was thinking about asking her on a date." They gasped. " Jake Sim going on a date Woah." Jake felt his ears turn read as he continued to tell his plan to his brothers. " Go for it dude." Heeseung said, patting him on the shoulder. " All non classes end at 3 so you can wait for her then drop the question." Jake beamed today would be jake sim history. The first time jake will ask a girl out and actually care if she says no.
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starryevermore · 2 years
isn’t she lovely ✧ marc spector
angst city™ library | send in a request (consult request faqs first)
request: Hi! This is my first time requesting and I love how you wrote for our moonboys. I notice a lot of fics have Steven meeting reader working at the museum. I was wondering if there could be a situation for Marc or Jake that has a fluffy meeting the first time because I feel like they deserve that. There could be eventual smut but doesn’t have to. - anon
summary: marc has a crush on the girl he always sees at the café.
pairing: marc spector x fem!reader
word count: 1,204
warnings?: fluff, meet cute, not proofread
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Marc wasn’t fond of spending time in London. He respected it, knowing that Steven loved the city. Steven had a job he loved, a home he loved. He had a reason to stay, and so Marc didn’t push about moving elsewhere. The one time he brought it up in passing, talking about maybe moving back to Chicago one day, Steven got so tore up that Marc dropped it without a second thought. So, Marc kept his thoughts to himself and tried to figure out a way to make London a tad more bearable. 
That’s how he found this little 24-hour café just around the block from Steven’s flat. It was a quaint, little place. It had plush chairs that you could sink into and take a nice, long nap in (which he sometimes did, when he got back late from a mission for Khonshu). The ambient music that played was oddly comforting. The coffee wasn’t half-bad, either. A tad overpriced, but better priced (and better made) than the shit he could get at the nearest Starbucks. Plus, sometimes, he’d get to see the pretty woman who sat in the corner booth, typing away at your laptop, completely engrossed in your work. 
You weren’t there all the time. There really was no rhyme or reason to when you’d be at the café. But when you showed up, you were there for hours, drinking the same drink. A white chocolate mocha, every time. Always just the one that you’d drink the entire you were there. Some days, you finished it. Other days, you tossed a half-empty cup in the trash on your way out. 
Marc felt something like a freak when he watched you. He didn’t mean to. It’s just…You looked kind. You looked like the kind of person Steven would fall head-over-heels in love with. (And, if he was being honest, you looked like that kind of person to Marc, too.) He couldn’t help but wonder about you, about what it would be like to actually know you. He hoped you didn’t notice. The last thing he wanted was for you to think he was some creep. 
He didn’t expect you to come in tonight. You hadn’t come in for over a week. (He was more than a little bit concerned, but he wasn’t sure how to check in on you.) But when he walked in, he saw you sitting in your little corner booth, typing away at your computer. Your head lifted when the bell above the door jingled. Your entire face lit up, a smile stretched across your face. You lifted your hand, waving at him. 
Marc looked around, trying to make sure you were motioning at him. It had to be. It was only you, the barista, and him. 
“Yeah, you!” you said. You had a pretty accent. Marc wished he could listen to it all the time. You waved your hand, motioning for him to walk towards you. “C’mere!”
Marc stumbled forward. His feet felt oddly heavy. What the hell was happening? What…What were you doing? Was this real? Was he stuck in a dream world right now? He slid into booth, sitting on the opposite end of you. A thousand questions were on the tip of his tongue as you pushed a drink toward him, but he didn’t get to ask a single one. 
“Americano, right?” you asked. “I’m pretty sure I heard you order that a few times.”
Marc nodded. “I—”
“Oh, good! I was worried that I got the wrong drink for a minute there. One of my friends always gets an Americano, and I thought maybe I got your order switched with hers. I’d buy you another, of course, if it wasn’t right. Wouldn’t be fair of me to make you drink something you hated, would it?”
Steven would love you. Maybe he should introduce you to him. Or would that be weird? He didn’t know you. He had no right to introduce you to anyone. (Besides, Marc loved you more. When was the last time someone thought of him like this?) 
“And then I worried you weren’t going to show up. I haven’t been here all week, so I wasn’t sure if you were in town. Holiday season, you know? People travel, wasn’t sure if you were that type of person. And then I thought, well maybe he is in town but this is the one night he doesn’t show up. I mean, just because you happen to be here the same days and times as me doesn’t me today would be the same, you know? Anyways, I’m so glad you’re here and—”
“What’s happening?” Marc finally managed to say.
Your brows pinched together. “What? Oh, I’m sorry! Got ahead of myself, didn’t I? I’m Y/N, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you, Marc. Anyways, I got it in my head that since we’re always here at the same time, it would be nice to actually get to know each other, you know? Fellow insomniacs unite, or something.” Panic washed over your face. “Oh, shit. I’m not being too presumptuous, am I? Oh, I shouldn’t have assumed anything! I’m so sorry, if you’d like to go back to your regular business and forget this all happened, that’s totally okay! I’m so—”
“Stop saying you’re sorry,” Marc said.
Your mouth slammed shut. 
“I’m, uh, terrible at small talk, but uh…What do you do? You know, when you’re not hiding out in a café at half-past midnight.”
Your mouth twitched up into a smile. “I think about the cute guy who’s also hiding out in a café at half-past midnight.”
Marc’s heart stuttered in his chest. Okay, Steven may love you if he ever met you, but Marc wanted to keep you to himself. If there was anything that was going to be wholly Marc’s…He wanted this to be it.
“Funny. I think about the cute girl who comes here.”
“A cute guy and a cute girl walk into a café,” you started. “…and, I don’t know. Some funny punchline, I guess. The girl freaks out about his coffee order and the guy totally thinks she’s a freak.”
“I would never think you’re a freak. It was endearing, actually.” Marc swallowed again. He lifted his drink, taking a long sip. “I can’t remember the last time someone just…did something for me. No strings attached.”
“That’s a sad life to live.”
Marc shrugged. 
“Well, every time I come here, I’m gonna get you a drink. Okay? No strings attached.”
Marc paused, a thought popping into his head. He wanted to ignore it, but…Well, it was so tempting. “Actually, I’d like one string attached.”
You raised a brow, waiting for him to continue. 
“I’ll let you get me a drink every time you come in, if you let me to take you out to dinner.”
Your smile grew wider. “Like a date, you mean?”
“A proper date. Fancy restaurant, flowers and chocolates. Maybe a horse and carriage, if I can find one. I mean, this is London, isn’t it? All historical and shit. Someone’s gotta have a horse and carriage business.”
“You know, that would be lovely.”
“Almost as lovely as you.”
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woonierkiz · 2 years
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CHAPTER SUMMARY. Jake Sim skipped his violin lessons to hang out with his friends, and they suggested going to Starbucks. However, he doesn't know how to order a drink at Starbucks. But when he saw this cute barista, he couldn't stop stuttering and making up a weird combination of a latte. When the barista asked for his name, he thought she was making a move. So, he gave his number instead!  After that horrible memory of his, he continued his journey as an idol. However, things turned sideways when that cute barista was a senior of him AND SAME LABELS. Will he continue to embarrass himself? Will he grow some balls?
profiles. enpepipen
ABOUT ENPEPIPEN. ENHYPEN (엔하이픈) is the final 7 members of the survival show I-LAND under BE:LIFT Lab, a joint label created by HYBE and CJ E&M Entertainment (previously known as BigHit Entertainment). The group consists of Heeseung, Jay, Jake, Sunghoon, Sunoo, Jungwon, and Ni-ki. ENHYPEN debuted on November 30th, 2020 with their mini-album “BORDER: DAY ONE” and title track “Given-Taken”.
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NOTES ! finished enhypen's profiles & before i make dis i was watching unlocked BRO GOT MY CP CHANGED PASSWORDS FR, trauma alert
preview ≠ next ♡ masterlist.
TAGLIST. @astrae4 @hafsa-hoofsa-heefs @lalalalawon
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babybearsnz · 1 year
Hello, again! Can I request a coffee shop au, where Sunghoon (Enhypen) works as a barista, but he has quiet sensitive nose, which makes other staff(members of a group) take care of him and coo:)
Having an itchy day
Sickie: Sunghoon
Caretakers: Jake and Jungwon
Relationships: Platonic
AU: Coffeeshop barista
Sunghoon’s pov:
I woke up to a faint buzzing sensation in my nose. Groaning, I reached over and stopped my alarm.
While getting ready for work, I had to keep pausing to rub at my itching nose. I recognized the feeling as my rhinitis acting up and I couldn’t stop sniffling. I blew my nose in hopes of relief, but my nose was too sensitive and irritated, causing the itch to momentarily get worse.
I stopped what I was doing, eyes closed, mouth agape, head tilted back. “haNGXTtchu! heNGXTtss!”
I felt my roommate place a comforting hand on my back. “Bless you, bless you.”
“Thanks, Jake.” I sniffled and cleared my throat.
Jake messed with my hair. “You alright?“ he asked.
I nodded. “Having an itchy day, I guess.” I rubbed at my nose and sighed.
“You’re okay, bud,” he cooed. “How about I give you a ride to work so you don’t have to walk. Don’t wanna be exposed to any extra pollen if you already feel like this.”
Jake pulled me into a quick hug before he let me finish preparing for the day.
********time skip********
As soon as I walked through the door of the cafe I was greeted by one of my coworkers.
“Morning, Sunghoon!” Jungwon yelled from behind the counter he was cleaning.
“Hey, Wonnie,” I replied and clocked in for my shift.
“Do you mind if I take care of a couple mobile orders?” He asked.
I nodded. “Sure thing,” I said and sniffled, “I can handle customers.”
Jungwon turned back around to face me and raised an eyebrow. I answered his question before he could ask it. “Just my rhinitis, I’ll be fine.”
He nodded and started brewing some espresso.
The bell on the front door rang and I got ready to put my costumer service voice to good use as a young lady approached my spot at the register.
“Hi, what can I get for you?”
She smiled. “Can I just have a large iced americano?”
I nodded and punched in the order. “Of course!”
She thanked me, paid, and sat down to wait.
While I was grinding the espresso beans, the strong scent made the tickle in my nose resurface. “haNGXT!” The sneeze was barely audible.
“Bless you” I heard from behind me.
I turned to see Heeseung and sniffled. “Thank you, hyung.”
When I was finished making the coffee I placed it at the end of the counter. “Iced americano,” I called. The customer thanked me once again and left.
“Sunghoon-ah,” Heeseung said. “Could you get the box of cups from the back for me?”
I nodded and went to fulfill his request.
The box in question was on a higher shelf and I had to go on my toes to reach it. When I got it down, I must have disturbed a layer of dust because I was hit with another itch in my nose at an alarming speed.
I quickly placed the box on the floor and cupped my hands over my face. “haNGXTtchiiew! huhNGXTaah! hahETCHhiii! ETCHhiii!” I groaned and let out a small cough, hearing frantic footsteps approach.
“Sunghoon?” Jungwon said, cringing at the sight of my situation. “Aish, what happened here?”
My breath was hitching like crazy. “Dust,” I managed before twisting to the side once more. “hATCHhiih!”
“Oh, Sunghoon, bless you.” He said and held both of my shoulders to stabilize me. “I’ll take this box to Heeseung-hyung. You should go home and rest.”
“I’m not sick,” I objected.
Jungwon picked up the box. “I know, but you’re gonna be tired and miserable if you have to work while handling allergies on top of your rhinitis.”
And with that, he left the room and I took out my phone to call Jake.
“What’s up, Sungie?” He answered.
I was starting to get congested from all of the sneezes. “Jake, can you come get me?”
He must have picked up on the sound of my voice because when he responded, he sounded worried. “Oh no, what’s wrong?” I heard him pick up his car keys.
“haESHhuhh! haETCHhiiew! So dusty,” I whined.
“Aw, ok, now you’re having an allergy attack too? I’m on my way.” I heard the door to his car close and hung up.
********time skip********
“hihNGXT! hehNGXTtchh!” I sneezed for the billionth time since I had gotten in the car.
Jake sighed. “Bless you.”
I hummed in acknowledgment.
When we finally got home, I headed straight for the couch.
“Here,” Jake said. “Take some meds. It might help a bit.” He handed me allergy tablets and a glass of water which I gratefully accepted.
“haKISHhoo!” Jake sat beside me and put an arm around me.
“Ah, bless you.” He stroked my arm up and down. I sniffled and rested my head on his shoulder, quickly having to turn away to sneeze again.
“You’re okay, just let it out.” Jake did his best to comfort me until the meds kicked in. I shut my eyes and leaned into him once again, dozing off before I knew it.
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Christmas Gift - Sim Jake
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Genre: fluff, fluff, fluff
Pairing: Enhypen Jake x reader
Word count: 1k
A/n: I'm starting a few Christmas drabbles with Enhypen and I'm getting a head start. I'm hoping to finish these but I never know if I'll be able to. Thanks for reading! 💕
The air was cold outside, and December was approaching fast after Thanksgiving ended. Left over snow from the last storm remained in the shaded areas close to buildings, silently waiting for the new snow to join it on the ground. The wind was cold due to the new storm blowing into town, expected to dumb a lot of fresh snow on the ground overnight and into the morning.
You were making the walk home from work to your house when you noticed a local coffee shop selling hot chocolate with colored marshmallows. The idea of a warm drink accompanying you on your journey home thrilled you. Maybe you could get a cup for the specific someone waiting back at your house. Hopefully he wasn't bored to the point of attempting anything stupid. He was probably watching a movie or on his phone playing games.
Inside the little coffee shop, they had decorated with a Christmas tree in one corner and spruced up the walls with other cute little decor like Christmas balls and garland. It was magical and the smell of warm coffee gave you an extra boost of energy. 
You ordered two hot chocolate cups to-go and waited patiently at the end of the counter for them. When looking around the shop you noticed there was only but a few people occupying tables and booths. Considering it was a slow Wednesday afternoon, there wouldn't be a great crowd like on the weekends. 
"Thank you," you smiled as the barista behind the counter handed you your drinks. You grabbed cup sleeves to protect your hands from the hot contents in the cups and left the coffee shop to go home. 
When you got home, you were greeted by a dark house. Everything but the Christmas tree was turned off making you grow confused. Where was he? Did he leave to go somewhere without telling you? Not that it mattered whether he told you or not.
You set your keys and bag on the kitchen table and slipped your shoes off. You set both the cups down on the table as well and looked at your surroundings once more. Maybe you should check the rest of the house.
You put your coat in the closet next to the kitchen before making your way up to the second floor. The carpet on the stairs gave a little with each step you took, giving comfort to your tired body. It was good to be home after a long day. You looked in the small studio you had upstairs but didn't find him in there. Lastly, you came to your room. The door was closed slightly with the wooden door resting about a foot away from the frame. You pushed in the door and peeked at your bed.
There he was. Jake was asleep in the middle of your bed with his phone beside him and his cream border collie resting against him with her head on his left hip. Since he was on his back, you assumed he'd fallen asleep in that position. The TV in your room was off, but it presumedly turned itself off after a while of Jake being asleep.
Layla raised her head when she sensed someone coming into the room. Her tail wagged, quietly greeting you as her ears went back in happiness. She accepted your outstretched hand as you stroked her head gently. When you got on the bed, she looked at Jake and realized he was still asleep. Layla settled back on his hip when she knew you were going to lay next to Jake. 
Carefully, you picked up Jakes right arm and nuzzled into the space between him and his arm. He began to stir when he felt you against him. His eyes opened slightly and blinked a few time before focusing on you.
"Hi," you whispered. Jake responded by squeezing you into his side with the strength he had due to being so sleepy. 
"Hi," he returned the greeting. You felt his lips press into your hair. When you peeked up at him his head was laying back down and his eyes were closed. 
Jake was exhausted. He'd been working so hard and rarely got to rest. Some of the only times he got to were with you which made him sad. More than once he'd wake up and complain that you let him sleep. He wanted to spend time with you. Times with you were even more rare than his sleep times. 
Jake reached over and gave Layla a pet as well not realizing she had joined him on the bed while he was asleep. To be fair he didn't remember falling asleep. He checked the time on the clock next to the bed and blinked a few times after to help wash away the sleep still clouding his mind.
How long had he been asleep for? He wondered. He kissed your forehead again before raising the two of you into a sitting position. Layla moved and got up off the bed, leaving you two alone. But not before shaking her coat out and stretching.
"I brought you some hot chocolate." The mention of it had him looking around for the drink. His mind however wouldn't let him focus one bit. You smiled, "It's downstairs."
"Oh," came his reply followed by a few more slow blinks. You laughed lightly and began to sort his hair back into place in the back as he looked around for his phone. 
Sleepy Jake was your favorite.
"Did you have a good day?" Jake asked, helping you off the bed before intertwining his fingers with yours. You nodded and followed him to the stairs. The two of you walked down the stairs together hand in hand, heading for the kitchen. It was dinner time.
"Jake that one is mine," you said to him as you went to grab some ramen from the pantry. Jake continued to take your hot chocolate and drink from it. "Mine is the one that's half empty."
"I want you to have the full one." 
You stared at him with a deadpan look. He smiled and broke your stare before taking another sip from your cup. He came over and leaned the counter to watch you.
"It's my sixth and a half Christmas present to you." 
"Half?" you furrowed your eyebrows at the first bit of his sentence. 
"Here's the other bit," Jake said right before pressing a tender kiss to your lips. His arms snaked around your waist, pulling you into his embrace as he turned his head to deepen the kiss. He pulled away when he couldn't breathe. 
"I love you," you whispered to him. 
"Not as much as I do," he kissed your cheek when you turned back to the ramen and stepped back with a huge smile on his face. "You're the reason I love Christmas so much."
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whatthefishh · 1 year
I realize a lot of you probably don’t know about my WIPs but in case you do / don’t, I’d love to know what would be the most interesting for me to start with!!
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renneiscent · 1 year
Two Sides of The Same Coin
Note: This chapter… is kind of contained NSFW part that I embarrassedly managed to write. So... yeah, pardon my bad grammar and ugly writing.
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Chapter 8: …but also my heart that yearns for you.
“So, where is this secret coffee shop you talked about?”
I turn and find Jake is putting his wallet inside his pants pocket. We just had finished delightful lunch, our laughter and conversation (mostly my monologues) are still lingering in the air as we walk out from the restaurant. I have no clue about how much Jake paid for today’s lunch but I saw some cash when he paid for our food. It must be so damn expensive. I’m upset that old man didn’t give him free meal or at least discount, at least that’s what I saw judging about how much cash Jake handed to the cashier.
“That’s just few blocks from my flat,” I explain. But that means we will separate too soon if we go grab some coffee right away. I don’t want that.
“Oh,” his brows are raised. I guess he realise that too. “Very well, shall we go now?”
Then Jake calls the taxi for us while I’m hoping for us to hardly get the taxi, but no, the taxi comes right away parked in front of us. He then opens the door for me as the sign to get inside first, which I stop him right away by holding the side of his shirt. I’m thinking to go there by bus, but it is too much of public space. Too many people. Who can ensure that it will be safe for Jake and his transparency while being in the public transportation? I highly doubt that. So it makes taxi is the best option we got so far. Let’s just ask the driver to stop at the bus stop so we can walk to the coffee shop. Yeah, that will do.
“Nothing,” I smile. “Let’s go then.”
The traffic is smooth, which I hate it. I’m hoping it will be crowded and there is going to be traffic jam like usual. It’s Sunday after all, it’s a weekend! But why suddenly people didn’t go out and crowd the whole street like when I spent some time by myself? I take glance on my phone screen, it’s still 5 o’clock but the sky already turns darker rather than usual. Will it rain? As soon as I notice the bus stop, I immediately sign the driver to stop. Jake looks very surprised but he didn’t ask much but just pay the fare again. I hope I didn’t make him broke in one date.
“What was that?” he walks beside me. I look up and read his expression which is now showing confusion and uncertainty.
I cannot help myself but grin. “Nothing,” I lie.
“What’s that grin for?” He lifts one brow, still watching me in perplexed.
I press my lips together, forcing my smile away. “I’m just excited to get some coffee.”
“Right,” he smiles. “As if I didn’t notice your sneaky plan to stop the taxi right in front of the nearest bus stop in your neighbourhood.”
I blush.
I’m trying to counter his statement—which is true and I hate to admit it, but I cannot come up with anything. So I’m just looking away while our hands are brushing each other until Jake chooses to hold mine, his hand covering my hand entirely. Without saying anything, I’m holding his hand and intertwining our fingers together as if they were meant to fit perfectly together.
As we step inside the coffee shop, there are only 4 customers inside; one person is sitting while facing the huge window of the shop and reading a thick novel, two people are sitting not far from the first person while having chit-chat and sipping their lattes, the last person is drowning on whatever on her laptop with a slice of carrot cake and latte as her companion. It makes us don’t have to get in line and directly order the coffee to the barista.
“Good afternoon,” the barista smiles cheerfully to both of us. “Oh—it’s you MC. How have you been? I rarely see you these days. Let me guess… cappuccino for here as usual?”
“Hi Kevin,” I greet him. Since I’m one of those loyal customers here, it isn’t weird that the barista know my name and even my usual order, right? Especially when the shop is near my place and we often have the chance to bump into each other. “Yes, I’ve been busy these days. Now finally have some free time to get my usual order.”
I chuckle. Kevin also chuckles. Only Jake that doesn’t chuckle.
“Of course,” Kevin winks while smiling so wide. “Then what about you, mate?”
“Coffee. Black. For takeaway…” he takes a short pause. “…mate.”
“We don’t stay here?” I ask, confused.
“I prefer spending time in your place,” he winks at me as he tugs the strand of my hair behind my ear.
That’s a sudden strangely hot moment he gives me.
“Oh…” I can feel the heat on my face. “Well then, mine also takeaway please.” And I find Kevin’s face is strangely frowning. Now I understand about what’s happening here. Jake is jealous. I love it. I love the Jealous Jake.
“Good, so 1 cappuccino for you and 1 black coffee for this mate and take away.” Kevin wraps our orders before asking about the warm pumpkin pie on the display or their signature carrot cake or their new muffin like usual. “That will be £5.20.”
Jake takes his wallet out from his pocket and I quickly hold his wrist to stop him from spend more money in our very first date. “No, you promise me I will buy you coffee.”
“Yeah, and I did.” He hands out the cash to Kevin, “would you mind to give the receipt to the lady next to me, Kevin? Oh, you can keep the change.”
“What—well, thanks mate…” Kevin says sheepishly and hands me the receipt before going to make our orders.
I stare at the receipt then stare at Jake who is now leaning on the wall and his eyes are gazing on me, waiting for my response. “Uhm, a little bit help here?”
“You insisted to buy me coffee,” he smiles. “I bought yours and you bought mine. The price is on that receipt you are holding.”
I nod then quickly grope for my wallet inside my purse but then Jake holds my hand and pulls me closer to him. “Later,” he says. “We still have much time.”
I smile, completely amused with his act. I always have this assumption about how much Jake is not PDA person but thinking about today, I need to dump that assumption. Judging from today’s date, he is like a man written by woman; he is gentle, polite, such a sweetheart, that type of guy that you will not be ashamed to bring in front of your friends or family. That type of guy that will make your parents love him more than you as their own child. That type of guy that will make your friends defend him when you have an argument with him. That type of guy that will make you question yourself about what did your past life do until you have him in your arms?
I might sound like I’m really biased but Jake is such a lovely man and it’s such an unfortunate how he is living tough life like this; when a freedom is such a luxury to have. It makes me so eager to discover about his life, to reveal what actually happened until he lost that luxury. But to be honest, I’m kind of scared. Rather than scared with the damage that I will find from him, I’m more scared if my questions, my intention to know him further will bring him to the memory he want to erase. I’m more scared with the questions that in any way will harm him and damage him even more. Because he must have lost so many things, he must have killed so many parts of himself just to stay alive, just to be survived.
We are only a block away from my place, when I’m slowing my pace until stop completely. Jake notices right away as he also stops and turns himself to face me completely, holding the black coffee that he sipped in every minute. He lifts one brow and look at me, perhaps studying me for finding the reason why I suddenly stop when it’s just a block away from our final destination.
Just when I open my mouth intending to call his name, I feel a droplet of water against my skin. It begins with the pitter-patter of the rain but the drops suddenly fall even faster and become a downpour. The sudden heavy rain is pouring and every drop of the water bathes me in until I can smell that fresh and earthy scent. People are rushing and passing past us, seeking for the shelter to run away from the rainfall, but neither of us is moving, neither of us is trying to get away.
Neither of us, until Jake moves first. He throws his cup of black coffee that I’m certain that’s already mixed with the fresh water from upstairs, I throw mine too—I wonder if we will get scold for littering in the middle of heavy rain. His hand reaches my face, despite the cold of the rainfall is that sliding down on my skin, my face, my neck, my body, my everything, and I still can feel the warmth from his skin that brushing me. I still can feel the taste of his lips that strokes against me. I still can feel his body heat that press against me. I still can feel him.
The lips of his as cold as the first snow in the soothing night and as wet as the dew on the grass in the morning, it’s soaked from the rain but then I can feel the warmth of his tongue gently strokes mine. It twirls and dances inside me, giving me life and colour when our surroundings feel little grey because of the rain. Jake’s warm hand is moving to the back of my head and the other hand is holding my waist tightly, wrapping me in his embrace; while both of my hands are clutching on his shoulders as if those already attached with him, becoming him.
Is it our second kiss? I cannot remember. Every time we have kiss, it’s feeling so great, it’s feeling so amazing. It feels like we have done this so many times since his mouth fits mine so perfectly, as if this is our usual routine, as if we are the two pieces of puzzle that matching.
If only it’s not because both of us are still mere human that need oxygen to breath, there is nothing that can possibly separate us right now. I lean on his chest while hoping to hear his heartbeat but only the rainfall that I can hear. He pulls me closer into his arms, embracing me until I can feel his chest is going up and down as he is panting so hard.
“Going to catch the cold, aren’t we?” he chuckles. His words are clear as he speaks next to my temple. “Come on,” he says while pulling me away and taking my wrist, keeping me close as both of us are running. I match my pace with him, both of us are running until we finally reach the entrance of Mister Wright’s building.
“Should check the weather forecast,” I pretend to be disappointed. I’m grateful, absolutely. I cannot help but notice the figure of Jake who is soaked by the rain; how dare he is brushing his drenched hair while the shirt that soaked by water is clinging to his torso, outlining the lines of his abdomen. How dare he do that without thinking the damage that he causes on me?
“Neither did I,” he takes out his flip phone, perhaps checking if the phone still works out or not.
“It feels like the rain is not going to stop any sooner,” I mumble, waiting for him done checking his phone.
“Feels so,” he turns at me. “You should go inside and get change immediately.”
“What about you?”
“Do you have umbrella that I can borrow?”
“And letting you pass through that heavy rainfalls after soaked by the water? No.” I cross my arms over my chest. “Come inside, I believe I have some clothes that you can borrow.”
“How come you have some clothes which fit me?” he lifts one of his eyebrows, there is accusation in his tone. Oh, is he being jealous? I love this overprotective side of him.
“I like wearing oversized clothes when staying at home,” I open the entrance door and beckons him to follow me. “Some of it really big since I bought men outfit. So I believe you can wear it.” As we are going inside, there is so much water over the floor as if there is something leaked. It feels like not only us that got soaked by the sudden rainfall.  I hope we don’t get scolded by Mister Wright or maybe I will just make Jake to persuade him in case he’s angry.
When we finally inside my flat, I immediately go to the bathroom and take two towels. I hand one of it to Jake and dry myself with another towel. “Wait here, let me take the clothes,” I sprint toward my bedroom and check my cupboard to see the oversized shirt and pants that I thought will fit on Jake. After I managed to find the right size, I head toward him.
Normally I’m neither feeling shy nor awkward when a guy is taking off his shirt and making him exposed his upper’s body half-naked. Normally. Since I’m growing up with brother who loves to bring his guy friends stay over or spend the weekend together, I’m getting used with that kind of horror scene. But this time is different, well of course it is! I already thought about whatever lies beneath that polo shirt twice—let me remind you, twice! Which is I never did it with other guys before. So when I found Jake with his upper body’s half naked, exposing his bare skin and making me notice that he owns these huge tattoos that covered almost of his back, what do you expect me to do besides subconsciously walk toward him and brush his tattoo with my fingers?
It’s just a small and light touch that I made subconsciously against his back, but he easily flinches and immediately holds my wrist, his gaze on me is intense.
“I don’t know you are a tattoo person,” I comment. “Even the massive one.”
“I’m seriously concerned about your opinion on me,” he escapes soft chuckle.
“That’s why you need to open up,” I click my tongue. “First thing first, may I see it?” I beam.
There is slightest hesitation on his face but then for whatever reason, he relents. Then he turns his back on me, granting me with a great view of his back and of course his tattoos. As my fingers gingerly explore the intricate designs etched upon his skin, I find myself captivated by the artwork that adorns him. Beginning at the upper back, near his nape, a majestic ship with its flag unfurled commands attention. Following the contours of his spine, a meticulously crafted clock, its intricate details resembling a perfectly real image, captures my gaze. Nestled beneath the clock, a compass merges harmoniously with bare branches, their absence of leaves adding more questions for me about the meaning of his tattoo. The compass is connected with a simple design gears, but still meticulously shaped and aligned. As my eyes travel downward, I discover a lighthouse gracefully stretching from his lower back to his loin, elegantly encircled by twin anchors. The expanse of his shoulder blades down to the lowest part of back reveals a symmetrical arrangement of bold geometric lines resembling wings, as if those are fences that keeping the art on his spine to be protected.
While I’m staring on his tattoos, my eyes are catching some scars scattered like there is the constellation engraved on his back. The scars that are faint and covered with the tattoos’ ink make you have to get closely to see them. “This is beautiful,” I says while keep stroking his back. “This is painfully beautiful,” I correct my previous word. With the amount of pain for making this masterpiece, I couldn’t imagine how much he needs to suffer.
He turns to face me, there is something in his gaze that I cannot grasp into it. “I will deliver your praise to the creator,” his lips curl and form a smile.
“So many people must want to get in line to see that masterpiece,” I tease.
“I don’t know about that,” his hip is leaning against the wall while still staring at me. “There are only two people this far.”
“Two?” I lift my eyebrows, feeling upset about the fact that I’m the second. “Who are they?”
“The tattoo artist and you.”
I cannot recall who starts this another round of passionate kiss we are sharing with each other; was it me or was it Jake? The only thing that I can remember that I lean closer to him as his hand glides to my lower back and pulls me against him, and just like that… our lips are pressing into each other again. The kiss is little different this time; it’s still sharing the same passion and affection from the previous, but it’s more deep and somehow more desperate.
He pushes my body and makes me being pinned against the wall, not so hard but it’s so gentle. His hands wrap around me as if I’m a fragile thing and he is afraid to cause any harm. The mouth of his tastes so sweet and I’m certainly addicted with the taste and its sensation he puts under me. He pulls down the collar of my turtleneck, making it expose a glimpse of my skin and he claims the land to be his. He kisses, he nibbles, he sucks, as if he is trying to declare that I’m his.
And he succeeds.
As I cannot help myself but escape a soft moan, my hands are clutching onto his shoulder and grasping it tightly. I perhaps cannot think straight under this situation but I clearly know what I want. And I want him right now, so, so bad. And I want to throw whatever things that crossing Jake’s mind, until it makes him pull away and stares at me with those ocean waves that still calmly welcome me.
“Should I stop?”
That question is clearly rhetorical. He is not asking because he wants to stop, but instead he is asking because he wants me to say it clearly what I want. He wants me to say it out loud, that I, also want him as much as he wants me.
“No,” I trace his bare chest with my finger. “I thought it’s clear that I want you as much as you want me.”
“I hope you are aware that I just wanted to have lunch with you,” he inhales deeply and exhales sharply. “And I didn’t come prepared, not at all,” he nudges his nose on my forehead.
“I hope you are aware that I’m always understanding my menstrual cycle,” I’m peppering his neck with kisses. “And lucky you, it’s already passed my fertile time.”
He clenches his jaw with his eyes are staring at me, it’s growing darker as if the desire he has been holding is finally growing bigger and consuming him. But he still hesitates to make a move.
“No way, is it your first time?” I accuse.
He snorts, feeling offended with my accusation, “I’m sorry to disappoint you but you are not my first.” He lifts his brow, showing that cocky grin that I don’t know that he has. “Is it yours?”
“Of course not,” now I’m the one that feeling offended right now. I don’t know why it feels like we are showing off about the fact that we both already had our first time moment in having intercourse with someone else. “Then, why you still hesitate? Do you have STI?” I accuse him again.
“I’m really strict with the person I’m making love with,” he leans closer and plants another kiss on my temple to my jaw and then my neck. “I can assure you that I’m clean,” his hand is slipping under my shirt as he is breathing and whispering on my ear. “Are you?”
The way he said making love instead of having intercourse or having sex—or worst, fucking someone, really managed to make my heart pounding so hard. “Am I what?” I feel like I’m starting to lose my composure as he begins to claim me again.
“Clean,” he replies shortly as his hand that inside my shirt is caressing my skin. I can feel his warm hand again on me. “Are you also clean, MC?”
“I am,” I answer but I’m not sure if the words managed to escape from my mouth because what I can hear is my moan and his deep breath that are born because of his fingers running all over my skin and my thigh suddenly between his legs. As my knees feel weak and start to tremble, I’m clutching onto Jake and mumble, “let’s move to bedroom.”
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Note: Don’t do this, fella. Remember what Uncle Ben said, great power comes with great responsibility. Always use contraception! And always put the trash on the trash bin! Do not littering!
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