#fire fighter makoto
mr-president · 26 days
if sean and yun met would they explode i neeed to know
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TLDR; i think they meet, maybe get into a fight, realize their mental illnesses are compatible, and then explode into a fire of pure bromance.
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i really don’t know how i’d describe their dynamic the moment they meet—yun, for one, is waaaaaaaaaay stronger than sean, considering that everyone kind of is. yun’s kind of a huge narcissistic asshole sometimes, so if they had met through a fight (perhaps gill’s tournament or just being like ‘yo are those the twin dragons? let’s fight!’), then he’d probably just clown on and torment sean with taunts. or, based on yun’s win quotes, pity him and not try at all in the fight and still win. not a great start (i have my own headcanons about that tournament, and i like to think sean faced alex).
either way, it’d be interesting to explore on sean’s part: how do you forgive/bear with someone like that? how can you consolidate being friends having also been hurt quite deeply with regards to something you’ve tried so hard with? it would be interesting for yun, who’s used to being superior and holding it over people’s head, to try and not be an asshole, be a good friend that recognizes sean’s worth. i think this goes for sean’s relationships in general, and part of why i include him in my art is to show that he has other elements and skills that are valuable.
like, sure i think the 3rd strike kiddos all fight each other and spar for fun, but most people aren’t friends with each other to do one thing. elena and yun complain about shitty customers at their part time jobs over ice cream, makoto and sean ramble about their respective masters and martial arts movies they’ve watched, and ibuki and yang (i’ve already drawn) swap daydreams and go to pet cafés. there is more to sean than being ass at fighting—he is worth more than that, and though the series itself can’t explore that by the nature of being “street fighter,” guess what, i’m a fan artist, and i can explore that.
i like to think they either met through elena, but they probably jsut met at gill’s tournament or the classic “yo you’re that guy? let’s fight” plot. when they first meet though, they definitely click personality-wise, and yes, they explode.
what’s important about sean is that he’s the one who doesn’t just tolerate yun’s mischievous bullshit, he fully understands and bounces it back. it’s like, jock-to-jock communication (yang’s tired of living with his brother’s bullshit for the entirety of his existence, makoto gets pissed and kicks the shit outta him, ibuki tolerates it to an extent when their goals match up but also jsut punches him when she gets annoyed, and elena’s autism isn’t on the same wavelength and yun feels bad teasing her).
yun says something weird and sean just nods and it becomes a whole bit between them, growing more and more absurd that the others are like “we don’t know these people.” pure bro-i-ness, and i’m sure it’s nice for sean to be involved in things, and yun enjoys a willing accomplice in his bullshit.
that being said, they balance each other out really nicely. sean’s a loser younger sibling, neglected by a shitty mentor, and what skills he does have are understated and belittled. he’s trying to carve out his own path, but despite trying so hard, it isn’t enough to impress anyone much less win.
yun’s an older sibling, and i’m sure he’s handled yang and jamie’s feelings of inadequacy quite well (yang hasn’t dumped yun onto the street yet, and jamie’s…like that now). hence, i think he’s really good at boosting sean’s confidence when they’re not fighting, and he has the balls to be like “ken masters is a bitch for doing that to you, man.”
meanwhile, yun’s never taken seriously, so he doesn’t try at anything. at the same time, he’s the eldest sibling in an asian “family,” and though they don’t have parents, there’s still that expectation that he is the best, that he is the role model his brothers should look up to and try to become. not to mention, he’s the beloved protector/peacekeeper of hong kong—that’s a lot of pressure, but he’s the chill, swag party boy he always is anyway.
i think yun would have a hard time talking about anything emotional—he’s the role model to yang and jamie, so he can’t falter there. hoimei is seemingly hostile to him, and though i could see ibuki and elena lending a helpful ear, i don’t think yun would be comfortable talking to them (partly due to internalized misogyny, but also he’s not as close with them) beyond everyday issues. sean’s just a good friend for him in this regard, and they could learn a lot from each other by sharing their upbringings and experiences.
it’s a comfortable role/dynamic they’re accustomed to—teasing, older brother and teased, younger sibling—but because they’re not actually siblings, the “sibling dynamic” and the expectations that come with isnt so rigid. sean can tell yun when his teasing gets too harsh without fear of being electrocuted, and yun can seem “weak” without the fear that he’s not living up to the expectations of his brothers. additionally, yun build’s sean’s confidence while sean keeps yun grounded, not becoming too cocky.
but of course, that’s later into their friendship! i think they meet, maybe get into a fight, realize their mental illnesses are compatible, and then become close friends. close bros, even.
early in their friendship, i think both kind of “test the waters” with jokes, saying something weird and then seeing if the other will continue the joke. when it becomes clear they’re on the same wavelength all the time somehow, yun starts hanging out with sean without yang (very significant), and keeps doing that. it helps they have similar interests—the skate park is pretty close to the basketball court, infinite—the guy who does the third strike opening and select—is the greatest rapper of all time, the arcade’s the absolute shit, and a quick spar’s always welcome.
you probably did notice that i “paired up” the third strike kiddos, but i hope to mix and match them more! i kinda didn’t have much yun and sean drawn, mostly because their dynamic feels very obvious to me, and i usually draw to “make a statement.”
thanks for reading, if you got this far! here’s some seanyun yaoi as a reward.
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maybe i’ll write a bit about that; haven’t thought about it very much
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nkn0va · 6 months
On you write for Blazeblue, neat.
do you have any basic relationship headcanons for Bullet, Litchi, and Makoto?
Well I technically did HCs for Litchi already but that was a lot more story driven. Fuck it, we ball.
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-Bullet is a very naive, brash lover. That's by no means negative, but that's just how she is.
-As show in the Spectacles of Eros reel, she sorta just follows whatever advice she's told, calling you whatever pet names she comes across and tries to show affection in some rather...odd ways.
-If you have a bad day, she'll try doing the "hot pants" thing she read in the Ikaruga Walker. As tempting as the idea is, you'll have to stop her from doing that in public.
-Conventional dates aren't exactly her forte, a safe way to ease her into it is with training/sparring dates. If you're not the most adept fighter out there she can get you at least up to a level where you can confidently defend yourself in an emergency.
-If you weren't part of the squad she was in, you'll have to come to know about it eventually, it's her entire motivation for why she's doing what she is.
-You're probably already travelling with her to help her find her Captain if you end up dating her. She really appreciates the company. It helps her feel less lonely when things get tough.
-If you want to sleep in the same tent at night it's probably gonna have to be initiated by you. Bullet's too nervous to do so, she thinks that would be too forward of her.
-If you're the more physically affectionate type, you're basically a godsend to the poor woman, she is so unbelievably touch starved.
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-There's a good chance you're a fair bit younger than Litchi. She's not old obviously by any means but she's probably going to take a more dominant role in the relationship though you probably don't have any qualms with that.
-She tends to default to being a caretaker due to her background as a doctor. She makes sure that you're eating well, getting enough exercise, etc. She can be a bit nagging at times, but she does have your best interest at heart.
-You help Litchi out in her clinic often whenever Linhua isn't available. She appreciates the extra pair of hands when things get particularly busy or when Tao gets up to her shenanigans again.
-She knows she can't always be there to help you as much as you both wish she could, so she's sure to drive how to at the very least do first-aid into you.
-If the way she's so hellbent on saving Roy is any indication, Litchi is the most dedicated partner you could ever hope to have. She will go 200 percent of the way to help you, no matter what it takes. Her heart is huge as a lover, she'll make any sacrifice necessary to make sure you're safe and sound.
-You very quickly become one of the most important things to her. Call and she'll be there in an instant for anything you need. She'll make sure you're as fulfilled as she can make you.
-As mentioned in the last Litchi ask, a relationship with her is fulfilling in every possible way. Yes, that obviously includes the bedroom. You're down for a "physical exam" anytime with a doctor that hot.
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-Makoto's feelings towards you probably start off in your days at Torifune together, after you defend her from racially motivated bullying.
-The only other person to stand up like that for her was Tsubaki, it wasn't an everyday occurrence for her. Such continued kindness even after that meant she fell relatively quickly.
-Makoto tries not to fire back at the bullies, it never ended well for her, but if you're a human yourself you don't have to worry about that, always coming to her defense at the first sight of discrimination.
-A very outgoing, wear her heart on her sleeves type of person overall. She's quite physically affectionate, and PDA is no problem for her, but she'll at least refrain from that if you're not comfortable with it.
-When you're alone though, expect to see no mercy from the onslaught on hugs and cuddles. You welcome it though, especially when she wraps her tail around you to make sure you're extra comfy.
-Makoto absolutely shows you off to her friends, namely the rest of the Remix Heart team, who immediately take to you. If you were able to earn Makoto's heart, they know they can trust you.
-It's honestly only a matter of time before you inevitably find out she was acting as a mole for Kokonoe, whether she likes it or not. It's a long conversation to sit down for as she explains all the business about the Imperator, the corruption of the NOL, and whatnot. Thankfully you're pretty inclined to believe her as she's your girlfriend, and especially as you see Tsubaki being taken by the Mind Eater.
-Even without that, you wanna return some of the loyalty Makoto has so gladly shown you for all the time you've known each other. You'll stick by her no matter the consequences.
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generatia · 1 year
. °•★|•°∵[An Honest Mistake]∵°•|☆•° . *
Majima has a teeny little slip up and calls you by the wrong name when you wake up... Oops [Read More]
Inspired by Mistaken Makoto by Akimama on Ao3 * . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° . *
You hurriedly put on your clothes as best as you could hopping down the hallway, pulling up your skirt and zipping it in swift motion with as much force as your angry body could muster, underwear and tights were long forgotten and left in the bedroom, deemed unessential as you made your exit. Desperately you tried to escape the muffled shouts coming from behind you through the door which you had previously slammed shut so hard that a few pictures on the wall had fallen. Anger wasn’t good enough to describe the sensation that was now enveloping your whole body, fire burned within your chest and your eyes started to swell up with tears, god you were pathetic, crying when you should be bursting with unfathomable rage. 
The door behind you suddenly swung open, knocking down any remaining pictures that held. You had already managed to button up your blouse fully, tucked it into your skirt haphhazardly, and were navigating towards the front door, handbag in hand shaking furiously.  “Darlin’ please, just let me explain.” Majima practically flew out of the door, sliding on the floor almost losing balance as he desperately trailed behind you in his underwear. Not a word as you put on your shoes, one hand rubbing the tears from your eyes.
Majima had caught up and was now practically grasping onto your arm, pulling and tugging to try to get your attention, crouching so that he was almost on his knees. “Darlin’ it was nothing but an honest mistake, I was tired, stupid, please…” Words were pouring out of his mouth at record speed, the jumble was sometimes hard to decipher as you pulled your arm away placing a hand on the handle of the door ready to vacate the apartment that suddenly didn’t seem like home anymore. Majima slid past you and placed himself in front of the door so that you couldn’t open it, arms sprawled out.
“Out. Of. My. Way.” Stern words, very unlike you. At this point he knew he royally fucked up, your tone was almost emotionless and detached. He never saw this side of you, it made his spine shiver. 
“Baby please, it was an honest mistake.” Very, very bad choice of words. The moment that string of words had etched itself into your brain it felt like the world around you was crumbling, you felt like your knees were about to buckle and you could drop down to the floor with the earth crumbling beneath you, falling into a deep dark pit of nothingness. At this point you would rather disappear than have to face him. You looked up at him, his face was contorted with a mix of emotions, fear, regret and pity. Whether the pity was for himself or for you, you didn’t know, but what you did know is that you were seconds away from kneeing him in the crotch if he didn’t move. You took a deep breath in and closed your eyes, placing your fingers on the bridge of your nose squeezing gently.
“An honest mistake... No Goro. An honest mistake is when you buy the wrong type of bento, an honest mistake is when you forget to take out the laundry after it's done but what an honest mistake isn’t is when you call your girlfriend by another woman's name when you wake up.” You didn’t raise your voice at him, instead you opted to talk in a calm and collected manner, this in turn made his fear ever more apparent by the way he was plastering himself across the door. His body seemed to tremble as he attempted to put one hand on your cheek which you immediately swatted away at breakneck speed hoping that your message of wanting to be left alone would finally reach him but he was unrelenting, a fighter through and through. 
“I know I ain’t got an excuse fer what I did but -” “You’re right, you don’t. Now get out of my way.” Your eyes were locked in a battle against his, your eyes full of fury and hellfire while his were timid and despondent. He was fighting a losing battle and yet he kept going thinking that maybe he could find the right words that could sway you to his side. 
“[Y/N]...” The cutesy nickname was gone, his tone somber and full of regret. You let go of the door handle and backed away from him for a moment, you stood there assessing him. How could this man try and appease you at a moment like this, in your mind no words could make up for what he did. The agony you felt in your chest had spread its tendrils throughout your whole body making it ache, not often did you feel such anger it was making you sick to your stomach, feeling like you could wretch at any point. 
“Goro, I need you to move before someone gets hurt.” You pinched the temple of your nose and closed your eyes momentarily hoping that once you reopened them this whole thing would turn out to be just a bad dream but, things weren’t that simple. Majima still stood his best in front of the door blocking your path, a stubborn and foolish man. “Can ya just hear me out? I ain’t asking for much.” Something about the way he said those words had finally tipped you over the edge, it was due to no fault of his though, from here on out you were guided by blinding anger. Anger that you could no longer control. 
“No.” A snappy and short response. “I am tired of hearing you talk. I’m tired of seeing you. I’m tired of feeling like a replacement.” You stomped your heel against the wooden floor like a toddler, your vain attempt at anger seeming more pathetic than threatening but your words seemed to cut deep. Deep enough for even Majima to be stunned briefly, his eye widened in surprise. 
“Huh?” Is all that escaped his lips. 
“It’s her isn’t it… God I should’ve known.” You rolled your eyes, a maniacle grin spreading across your face. Majima hesitated for a second, carefully thinking what to say next but he himself was clueless.
“What the hell are yer on about? There is no one else.” He protested with a hint of bewilderment in his voice. 
Silence. A long, uncomfortable, looming silence had filled the air. Both of you just stood there staring at each other, basking in the tension of the situation wondering which one of you would have the guts to speak up.
“So that is her name…” “How…” Majima leaned against the door for extra support, his knees buckling from shock sending him stumbling back a little bit before his back hit the cold polished wood of the door. He was no longer reaching out to you with his hand, instead it collapsed to his side.
“Remember that night, the night you came to me hurt and on death's door. The night Nishida dragged you in here? No, how could you…” You adjusted your bag strap further on your shoulder, your hands instinctively clasped together in front of you so that you could fiddle with your fingers, a sign of anxiety. “That night when I was tending to you, you spoke her name. At first I thought it was just an accident that I had misheard you trying to tell me something but I was wrong. You kept calling out her name during the night, at that point I had my suspicions but chose to let it go. I can’t ignore it any longer.” “It ain’t like that.” His voice was quiet, he put his hand behind his head scratching at a spot, averting his eye away from you. This was one of the few moments you saw the anxious side of him, the side he kept under strict lock and key for no one to see. It was a strange sight to see the man who was hailed as the mad dog of Shimano be reduced to that of a pup. Still, with newfound determination you decided you weren’t up for any more talking and pushed your way past him to the door finally making your way out of the apartment. As you were one foot out the door you felt a grip on your arm, a firm and tight grip bordering on painful. “Will I see you again?” His head was pressed against the side of the door, his good eye looking downwards fearing to meet your fiery gaze.
“I…I need time.” His grip loosened swiftly and his hand once again fell to his side. Without looking back you had made your way to the elevator at the end of the hallway choosing to ignore the tears that have now spilled over your reddened cheeks leaving watery trails that connected at your chin. It was a cool sensation compared to how warm your skin had felt, your whole body was on fire. It took all of your strength not to break down completely in the elevator, the ride feeling long and tedious. Were there always this many floors? Once you reached the bottom floor the dreadful walk of shame back to your shoebox apartment had begun.
* . °•★|•°∵ ∵°•|☆•° . * Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/generatia/726459247440871424/an-honest-mistake-chapter-2?source=share
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latenitewaffles · 9 months
OK incredibly random and meaningless poll time
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neonknightjaey · 5 months
What if SEES gained a new member?
Part 1
TW: Shooting in the head mentions
Around the time Fuukas name had been mentioned as a possible recruit for the team, Mitsuru had come in with news of her own. She had found someone with the potential that can’t be a nav but could be a new teammate.
Well hey, any new hands are better than no hands and it turns out Mitsuru had brought them over right now!
It could be anybody, it could be a random new student, it could be another transfer, it could be Kenji…okay it really can’t be Kenji. Either way, nobody was expecting that the next person to walk through the door, was a glasses wearing brunette who looked pale and scared.
She was instantly recognized as Chihiro Fushimi, the treasurer of the student council. And oh boy, not only can this poor girl not find any words, she’s now staring at three more boys. Only one she knows via a new link that had been formed or student council meetings, but now she has two more to worry about.
She was explained the situation beforehand and hasn’t made her choice yet on whether she wants to even be part of the team.
She decides to stay in the dorm for now to sleep on it, she can sleep in a spare room for now anyway.
One night she just decides to go with everyone to tartarus to see what she could do. Normally they wouldn’t but she seemed adamant about what she could do. She was even given an armband and an evoker as well.
When she gets into battle she has…a paper fan…she really must not be a physical fighter. Can’t really blame her though. She’s terrified just being there and realizing what she has to do with the evoker.
In the midst of battle she gets hit and can barely take two hits at most. Though she seems immune to light attacks but pierce seems to be what knocks her down.
In a really heated battle however, she sees everyone is cornered and decides that it’s now or never.
She holds the evoker to her head and pulls the trigger…
Out comes a female persona surrounded by light and floating angel wings…okay this part is a wip that I’ll expand upon more.
So she has defensive skills to help the party, that’s nice. Fire too? Hmm, okay…seems ni-
Yeah so…Chihiro is a glass cannon. And her magic and sp are jacked! Her endurance and agility leave quite a bit to be desired though…but that’s a risk you take.
She apologizes profusely for that display of destruction but Junpei and Yukari call her amazing
Makoto could care less…okay he does care at the nuke but he seems unphased by much else
With these words of praise from basically everyone, Mitsuru and Akihiko included, she gladly accepts being part of the team. Maybe this way she can build her confidence more and more…plus three guys helping with her guy phobia would be more beneficial than just one.
Good luck Fushimi…it’s gonna be a long year.
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The Wolf Hunts Alone.
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*Teruya barely jumps into cover as a gigantic Monokuma-themed tank fires a shell at him. He avoids being caught in the explosion, and keeps his head low as the other Monokuma's rain fire on him.
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Who the hell thought it was a good idea to give these Monokuma's AK's!?
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I dunno! Seems pretty on brand for Zetsubou!
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Everyone keep your head low.
*The first group of Kisaragi Foundation fighters find themselves holed up outside what appears to be a miniature fortress within the factory. Several Monokuma's block the path by hiding in the fort, and posting a huge Monokuma themed tank outside the front, equipped with an explosive cannon and machine gun rounds. Though they try, they can't get close enough.
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This is NOT good...This is the only way down to those lower levels. If we don't get through here, we can't get to Hibiki and the others.
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I did NOT sign up for a raid on Zetsubou's headquarters just to find myself stuck in a hole! Look for any opening!
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We'll be here forever if we do that! We need to MAKE an opening if we're going to get anywhere!
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Well be my guest! Just don't start crying when all you find is a tub full of lead!
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*Everyone suddenly goes quiet as another figure in a white hood suddenly strides forward, paying little attention to the gunfire around. Curious, the Monokumas and soldiers holed up in the fort also cease fire.
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Uh...What's going on?
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Another one of your Whitecloaks?
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The one that was sent here originally to aid Makoto Naegi. Let me handle this...
*Yuki steps out of hiding with the other supporting Whitecloak and approaches his other disciple. Though no one can see her face, the Whitecloak turns to him.
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Akane is in danger?
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It would seem so. She fell down a hole to the lower levels and we're trying to get past. Unfortunately, we're holed up here. We don't have the equipment we need to get around that tank.
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But I'm grateful for my Ultimate Luck. I imagine it's what helped you get here.
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Haha...It really is a blessing...Don't worry sir...I can do one last favor for you.
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...One LAST favor?
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Aaaanyone got any idea what they're on about?
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Shush! Let them do their thing.
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So...that's it? You're leaving us?
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You don't have to look so guilty.
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Uh...How do you know what she looks like?
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pikespendragon67 · 11 months
With a Resounding "Yes", It's Time for Paranormasight VA Headcanons!
I'm going to be an oddball and switch between Japanese & English VAs when I find it relevant. Also my order's gonna be based on how strongly I think the headcanon works. I'll also try to provide examples for the angle I'm going for
let's a go
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Tetsuo Tsutsumi Japanese: Option 1 - Akio Otsuka (Executioner from Akudama Drive). Option 2 - Jouji Nakata (Osvald from Octopath Traveler 2) English: Option 1 - Jamieson Price (Malik Caesar from Tales of Graces F). Option 2 - Jason Douglas (Kishibe from Chainsaw Man)
Middle aged men characters are my specialty so really it depends on the delivery you want. Richard Epcar (Ace from 999) could also work for English as well as Bill Butts (Ciocolotta from Jojo part 5)
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Makoto Ashimiya/Fumichika Nejima Japanese: Kenjiro Tsuda (Ogata from Golden Kamuy...and also Kishibe from Chainsaw Man). Katsuyuki Konishi could also be a good example but I can't really think of an old man character. I guess Takehito Koyasu could also work? But like this is THE most TsudaKen looking motherfucker I've ever seen English: Joe J. Thomas (Nobunaga Hazama from Hunter x Hunter). His "So I did" line really cemented this casting choice tbh.
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Richter Kai Japanese: Shiniciro Miki (Kisuke Urahara from Bleach) English: For this, it depends again on the delivery you want. I originally wanted Doug Erholz (maybe not like Vega from Street Fighter), but upon closer inspection, Ray Chase (Uzui Tengen from Demon Slayer) might be a better pick.
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Harue Shigima English: Laura Post (Empress from A Hat in Time) Japanese: Kikuko Inoue (Rhea from Fire Emblem Three Houses)
It just works, it just works~
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Shogo Okiie English: Chris Hackney (Yuito from Scarlet Nexus) Japanese: Tatsuhisa Suzuki (Noctis from Final Fantasy 15)
Standard older protagonist
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Jun Erio Japanese: Kaito Ishikawa (Noe from Case Study of Vanitas or Iida from My Hero Academia) English: Griffin Burns (Doppio from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure). Zeno Robinson (Akira from Zom 100) would also work great!
An excitable character that I think can work great with the right delivery.
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Takumi Yumioka Japanese: Toshiyuki Morikawa (Yoshikage Kira from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) English: Ben Lepley (Gouto from 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim)
I feel like a flat delivery that still has an air of intimidation would work best for him.
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Mayu Chozawa English: Option 1 - Tara Sands (Sonya from Fire Emblem Echoes); Option 2 - Cristina Vee (Velvet from Tales of Berseria). Amanda C. Miller (Sailor Jupiter from Sailor Moon) is also a good pick along with Heather Gonzalez (Cherche from Fire Emblem Heroes) Japanese: Miyuki Sawashiro (Kyoko Honda from Fruits Basket). Nana Mizuki could also work, though I sadly can't think of a role off the top of my head
Going for the woman who grew up a punk vibe
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Yutaro Namigaki Japanese: Jun Fukuyama (Draluc from Vampire Dies in No Time) English: It's tempting to put Xander Mobus for the total Joker Persona 5 duology but ehhhhh. It depends on the delivery again. Brian Beacock (Luthier from Fire Emblem Echoes) or Steve Staley (Hubert from Tales of Graces F) could also work tbh. Maybe Lucien Dodge (Waver Velvet from Fate/Zero)
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Ayame Touno English: Faye Mata (Amame from AI: The Somnium Files) Japanese: Rie Kugimiya (Rise from Persona 4)
The voices contrast each other, but I think each one compliments the kind of character Ayame is.
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Storyteller Japanese: Hochu Otsuka (Tsurumi from Golden Kamuy) English: TBD
Here's where I'm starting to think about 1 solid casting and kinda improvising for the second one. I think the Storyteller changes voices depending on the mask they wear, so for this old man mask, an old man they shall sound like.
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Michiyo Shiraishi English: Xanthe Huynh (Marianne from Fire Emblem Three Houses) Japanese: Aya Endo (Miyuki from Lucky Star)
Few lines for such a sweet gal
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Yakko Sakazaki English: Abby Trott (Older Annette from Fire Emblem Three Houses). For some reason I also pictured Cassandra Lee Morris (Tomi Kisaragi from 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim) Japanese: Marina Inoue (Female Protagonist from Persona 3 Portable)
Spunky young lady, ain't she?
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Mio Kurosuzu English: Amber Connor (Faye from Fire Emblem Echoes) Japanese: Rie Murakawa (Est from Fire Emblem Echoes)
Young but calm & sweet
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Yoko Fukunaga English: Cherami Leigh (Patty from Soul Eater) Japanese: Saori Hayami (Yor from Spy x Family)
Not related to casting but I think she and Ayame would be weird girl besties and I love that for them
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Hideiki Araishi English: Patrick Seitz (there's a specific role in mind that sounds similar to Mama from AI: The Somnium Files but naaah that doesn't sound right) Japanese: Tomokazu Sugita (sadly can't think of a role off the top of my head)
He's a bit of a snob so something a bit arrogant works best
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Kohei Jounichi Japanese: Here's where I think Katsuyki Konishi would fit best (Koito from Golden Kamuy comes to mind, oddly). Makoto Furukawa (why did I think Ronaldo from Vampire Dies in No Time??) could also work English: I think this will depend on the delivery. Do you want him more cowardly? I kinda see David Vincent tbh (Henri from Iruma-kun)
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Hajime Yoshimi English: He could be another potential Patrick Seitz role, but I want to avoid double casting as much as possible. Japanese: Subaru Kimura (Todo from Jujutsu Kaisen)
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Hitomi Okuda Japanese: Ai Farouz (Jolyne Kujo from JJBA) English: Option 1 - Laura Stahl (Alear from Fire Emblem Engage); Option 2 - Erica Mendez (can't think of a role off the top of my head)
Once again going for toughness, but from a younger angle
aaaand I think that's all the voiced characters! Some roles I had to think up of on the spot, so I might come back and revisit this, but I'm open for suggestions as well!
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Here will be all of the returning characters from the previous tournaments!
Here's the link to the character submissions if you'd like to add more!
The First Tournament
Vash the Stampede - Trigun
Miles “Tails” Prower - Sonic the Hedgehog
Percy Jackson - Percy Jackson series
Oz - Monster Prom
Max - Sam and Max
Happy Chaos - Guilty Gear
Wheatly - Portal 2
Amity Blight - The Owl House
Agent 3 - Splatoon
Riku - Kingdom Hearts
Will Graham - Hannibal
Jigglypuff - Pokemon
Rosencrantz - Rosencrantz And Gildenstern Are Dead
Terra - Kingdom Hearts
Diamond - Pokemon Diamond & Pearl
Kairi - Kingdom Hearts
Wise Elder Vex - Yonderland
MK - Lego Monkie Kid
Vector the Crocodile - Sonic the Hedgehog
Link - Legend of Zelda
Nicelander Gene - Wreck-It Ralph
Gretchen Wieners - Mean Girls
Wes - One Last Stop
N - Pokemon Black & White
Big Man - Splatoon
(the rest are under the cut!)
Aziraphale - Good Omens
Spock - Star Trek
Hawkeye Pierce - MASH
Isabelle - Animal Crossing
Plagg - Miraculous Ladybug
Glory - Wings of Fire
Darcy - Pride and Prejudice
Snatch - A Hat In Time
Virgil - Sanders Sides
Makoto Yuki - Persona 3
Aled Last - Radio Silence
Sho Minamimoto - The World Ends With You
Rose Quartz - Steven Universe
Pico - Pico’s School
Bandana Waddle Dee - Kirby series
Sora - Kingdom Hearts
Alfred - Fire Emblem Engage
Kagami Tsurugi - Miraculous Ladybug
Morpheus - The Sandman
Odo - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
Alfur Aldric - Hilda
Tintin - Adventures of Tintin
Humphrey Bone - Ghosts
Unikitty - The Lego Movie
Wu Zetian - Iron Widow
Adrien Agreste - Miraculous Ladybug
Razputin Aquato - Psychonauts
Callie - Splatoon
Volo - Pokemon: Legends Arceus
Shadow the Hedgehog- Sonic the Hedgehog
Riolu - Pokemon
Data - Star Trek: The Next Generation
Albedo - Genshin Impact
Celeste - Animal Crossing
Gyro Gearloose - Ducktales
Elfilin - Kirby and the Forgotten Land
Raichu - Pokemon
Carden Greenbrier - The Cruel Prince
Yu Narukami - Persona 4
Van Fanel - Escaflowne
Fenton Cabrera - Ducktales
Horatio - Hamlet
Meta Knight - Kirby series
Pit - Kid Icarus
Peridot - Steven Universe
Anne - Anne With An E
Yusuke Kitagawa - Persona 5
Edric Blight - The Owl House
Zenitsu Agatsuma - Demon Slayer
Josuke Higashikata - Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Graystripe - Warrior Cats
Cheng Xiaoshi - Link Click
Hilda - Hilda
Roxas - Kingdom Hearts
Luz Noceda - The Owl House
Koraidon - Pokemon
Leiland - Dimension 20
The Second Tournament
Arven - Pokemon Scarlet & Violet
Revali - Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Tinkaton - Pokemon
Ravio - Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds
K_K - Deltarune
Bambi - Disney’s Bambi 
Luxu - Kingdom Hearts
Umbreon - Pokemon 
Aqua - Kingdom Hearts
Asriel Dreemur - Undertale
Launchpad McQuack - Ducktales
Midna - Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Nikol - Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Sprig Plantar - Amphibia 
Blaze the Cat - Sonic the Hedgehog
Ballister Boldhearts - Nimona
Peppermint Vandelay - Hi-Fi RUSH
Oshawott - Pokemon 
Luke Sullivan - Street Fighter 5
Killua Zoldyck - Hunter X Hunter
Axel - Kingdom Hearts
Bede - Pokemon Sword & Shield 
Chandelure - Pokemon
Scaramouche - Genshin Impact
Simon Snow - Carry On 
Canti - FLCL
Anya Forger - Spy X Family 
Cloud Strife - Final Fantasy 7
Azymondias - The Dragon Prince
Swellow - Pokemon
Jibanyan - Yo-kai Watch
Marluxia - Kingdom Hearts
Iruma Suzuki - Welcome To Demon School Iruma-kun
Basil - Omori
Sypha Belnades - Castlevania
Surge the Tenrec - IDW Sonic
Ai - Puyo Puyo
Dillon - Dillon’s Rolling Western
Mew - Pokemon
Yoshi - Super Mario Bros
Rasmus - Omega Strikers
Daroach - Kirby series
Silvally - Pokemon
Silver - Pokemon Gold & Silver
Undyne - Undertale
Aerith Gainsborough - Final Fantasy 7
Bowser Jr - Super Mario Bros
The Professor - Puppet History
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1cat200 · 2 months
Rise kids:Next gen-part 5
This is now going to be about my rottmnt ocs Cathy Hamato (bengal tiger mutant) and Tanjiro Takahashi (human samurai vigilante). For more info about them you can check it out on my Tumblr and my rottmnt Tiger Sister au. Next week on Tuesday will be about April and Sunita's kids. Enjoy!
•Cathy and Tanjiro's adopted son.
•Used He/They pronouns.
•15 years old.
•Cathy found him as a baby when she was investigating about an illegal government lab making illegal experiments and found Oliver inside of a test tube and took him home.
•Cathy named Oliver after one of her favourite classical novels "Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens".
•Oliver looks completely human but is actually an artificially made mutant with multiple powers abilities and even has blue blood.
•Oliver's powers include electric manipulation, fire control, healing factor, shape shifting, crystal shields and night vision.
•Oliver can only shape shift into a few type of animals such as a wolf,puma,otter,gecko,fox,turtle even a Harpy (he only has falcon wings and talons whenever he shifts into his Harpy form).
•This is what Oliver looks like as a turtle:
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•Oliver is bisexual and is a complete mama's boy.
•He can even meow like a cat thanks to him being so close to Cathy.
•His weapon of choice is a wakisashi.
•He's the oldest of his siblings and loves them a lot.
•Is a My Hero Academia fan boy (and totally does not have a fanboy crush on Deku 😏).
•Wants to be a hero like his mom someday.
•Oliver's birthday is May 18th.
•Cathy and Tanjiro's biological son.
•Uses He/him pronouns.
•14 years old.
•Transmasculine and gay as a rainbow 🏳️‍🌈.
•Is the second oldest of his siblings.
•Acts like Leo when he was a teenager and Makoto can be a little cocky and overconfident at times.
•Came out mostly human except for his tiger ears and tail and his stripe birthmarks on his shoulders down to his elbows.
•Athlete and is the fastest kid you'll ever meet.
•Has been recently having a few nightmares and weird sensations which feels like their from.....another life?
•He and Casey are besties and love causing occasional chaos.
•Often is a bit of a punk.
•Has an extreme fear of needles and the smallest mention or sight of a needle will make him scream so loud that glass windows will shatter into pieces and will pass out for 2 hours.
•Makoto still doesn't currently have any mystic powers of his own yet which upsets him a bit.
•His weapon of choice is a katana.
•Makoto's birthday is June 23rd.
•Cathy and Tanjiro's biological daughter.
•Uses She/Her pronouns.
•14 years old.
•Complete goth gal.
•Makoto's identical twin sister.
•Autistic twin while Makoto is the undiagnosed ADHD twin.
•Is a little shy at times and didn't speak until she was 5 years old.
•Her mystic powers are ghost like and similar to witchcraft.
•Loves horror films.
•Halloween is like a second birthday to her.
•Heather can also speak to ghosts which sometimes scares the crap out of her family.
•Her weapon of choice is Kamas.
•Do NOT under any circumstances leave her and Makoto alone for more then 1 hour or they will get bored and plot chaos in less the 2 minutes!
•She and Makoto are like the junior Disaster Twins if the family.
•Heather's birthday is June 23rd.
•Cathy and Tanjiro's biological daughter.
•Uses she/her pronouns.
•11 years old.
•Artistic sweet heart with a heart filled with pure gold.
•Her mystic powers are wind manipulation and control.
•She adores penguins and is absolutely crazy about penguins.
•Is more of a lover then a fighter.
•Isn't into violence and prefers cuddles.
•Because of this,Kana doesn't do ninja training and instead practices art with Mikey.
•Is an absolute menace to her siblings.
•Looks a lot like Cathy.
•Can be mischievous and has an extreme sweet tooth (be very careful with sugar around her!).
•Surprised everyone when she was born as a white tiger. After some tests it turned out that it was a hidden genetic from Cathy's tiger DNA.
•Is super friendly which leads to her older siblings being very protective of her.
• Kana's birthday is April 8th.
•Cathy and Tanjiro's biological child.
•Uses she/him pronouns.
•10 years old.
•Is usually shy and reserved.
•Is a huge fan of cute and fluffy animals.
•Is a vegetarian and if he sees meat then he will faint.
•Can shift from tiger mutant to human at will like Cathy.
•His mystic powers are to communicate with animals.
•Often sneaks stray pets into the house.
•His brothers and sisters are very protective of her and will destroy anyone who tries to harm him.
•Is in ninja training so she doesn't have any weapons of his own yet.
•Loves his family a lot.
•Is a sensitive kid and usually goes to Heather and Kana for comfort whenever he feels down or has a bad day.
•Sam's birthday is coincidentally the same day as Kana's (Kana refers to her and Sam being semi twins sometimes because of it).
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zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u · 2 years
Nitro+Chiral Characters Fighting Ranking ( & Game Stats?)
Big dumb brain moment. On the Dmmd discord, we suddenly had a conversation ranking the N+C characters based on their fighting skills. (Subject to change as we discuss more!)
Protagonists + their love interests:
Rhyme!Ren (Dramatical murder) > Nano (Togainu no Chi) > Clear (Dmmd) > Shiki (TnC)/Rai (Lamento)> Madarame (Slow damage) > Asato (L) > Bardo (L) >  Desire!Aoba (Dmmd) > demon!Koujaku (Dmmd) > Rei (SD) > Mink (Dmmd) > Konoe (L) > sane!Koujaku > drugged!Keisuke (TnC) > Akira (TnC) > Reason!Aoba (Dmmd) > Noiz (Dmmd)/Rin (TnC) > sober!Keisuke (TnC) > Fujieda (SD) > Towa (when not malnourished) > Taku (SD)/Motomi (TnC) > human!Ren (Dmmd) > Tetsuo (Sweet pool) > Zenya (SP) > Makoto (SP) >>>>>>>>>>>>> Youji (SP)
(Thanks @yukirayu & some other people that I can’t find on tumblr.)
And then some bonus headcanons for a Smash-style crossover fighting game w/ the characters + some other characters cause let’s be honest; don’t we wanna see Koujaku vs Shiki or smash-versions of Rhyme!Ren shooting cannonballs at Towa throwing beer bottles? Or Mink riding on a Tori-motorcycle, Minecraft Steve style xD
Ren: All-arounder or zone breaker. Obviously he’s just gonna be his Rhyme battle version with the same powers, which have long range attacks like the arm cannon which can also be good close range attacks when in blade/claw form, good defense, and i think in a rhyme battle he once regenerated his own HP? Plus he was Desire!Aoba’s champion Allmate for several years with Sly Blue.
Aoba: Rushdown. He’s agile, mostly known for kicks, but isn’t super defensive. However Desire!Aoba is able to come out as his ult move for some serious brain damage 1HKOs. Alternatively, Desire!Aoba is a separate glass canon fighter who has has Scrap as his ult?
Sei: His real body is weak but he could be a puppeteer for Usui who would do the actual battling.
Youji: Ok we had to get real creative with this because the cast of Sweet Pool are all high school weaklings xD Basically he’d be a zoner who summons meat monsters/shoot meat chunks for attacks, and then has the Pure breed do something for his ult.
Towa: Also got creative with this- along with close combat moves, he also attacks with beer bottles, molotov cocktails, art canvases, and then his ult is pouring oil paint or paint thinner on the ground and lighting everything on fire.
Mink: He’s a grappler and he can bring out the Tori-motorcycle to do some Smash Minecraft Steve-style cart riding. And also ride onstage himself.
Keisuke: He should have screwdrivers cause of... that scene. But otherwise a glass canon rushdown.
Makoto: More Sweet pool weakling creativeness. A box cutter would be his primary weapon, but he’d also have biting attacks cause of... that scene.
Clear: As cute as he is... I think he’d also be a zone breaker or dominator. Superhuman strength, (usually) immediate self healing, very fast/can jump hella high, high defense due to being a robot (he survived an acid attack man), and music powers.
Uuuuh more to come!
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creativesplat · 5 months
I haven't read the manga, but i agree with you. The women are drawn super sexualised and objectified, especially when compared to the men. Women can have boobs and legs and not be sexualised- take tons of dungeon meshi characters and street fighter makoto for example.
a anyway this is just my two cents feel free to disregard 😅
Thank you snails :) honestly I'm just so tired of being a woman and having to say that things other people are defending as 'dynamic poses' 'the way the clothing would work' or 'reference images because we need to know the lady has modesty shorts'. Just...
yeah. Thank you for your two cents. :)
I think fire emblem fans are desensitised to it all (mainly because of FEH) so knowing that someone from outside the fandom has these thoughts is quite a good reminder that we need to get out of our echo chamber of FE sexualised art, to something that treats women as people - as well as having a sexual aspect to them. Dungeon Messi is a really good example.
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kavvehs · 2 years
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if you enjoy any of my work, please consider reblogging! it greatly helps get my work seen by others!
requests are not the main point of this blog. i write them for fun when i have the time, not out of obligation.
you can request up to three characters of your choice per headcanon. they must be from the same franchise, however.
there are only three available slots at a time. please only request once at a time, so others can participate.
yandere requests must be requested off of anon with an age visible.
breaking any of these rules or requesting while they’re closed will result in your ask being deleted.
this page can and will be updated the more i’m introduced to different concepts and ideas.
if you have any questions or concerns, you’re more than welcome to approach me about it!
female / gender neutral reader | headcanons | fluff | angst | yandere / dark content | suggestive | various au | spoilers | familial / platonic / romantic relationships | enemies to lovers | sagau | feel free to ask!!
oneshots | male readers | ocs / canon x canon | nsfw | reader with specific physical traits | fetishes / kinks | cheating | incest | pedophilia | large age gaps
JUJUTSU KAISEN — satoru gojo, yuji itadori, megumi fushiguro, nobara kugisaki, yuta okkotsu, maki zenin, aoi todo, MAHITO.
FIRE EMBLEM THREE HOUSES — all blue lions, all golden deer, seteth, flayn, rhea, dorothea, bernadetta, sothis, shez, arval.
NIER — brother!nier, kainé, devola, popola, 2b, 9s, a2, adam, eve.
PERSONA 5 ROYAL — REN AMAMIYA, yusuke kitagawa, ryuji sakamoto, haru okumura, makoto niijima, futaba sakura, “kasumi” yoshizawa, GORO AKECHI, morgana (platonic), sae niijima, takuto maruki.
K/DA — evelynn, seraphine, ahri
ARCANE — vi, silco, vander, jayce, viktor
BREATH OF THE WILD — LINK, zelda, SIDON, REVALI, mipha, urbosa.
JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE — dio, joseph joestar, team bucciarati, diavolo / doppio, narciso anasui, foo fighters, weather report, enrico pucci, jolyne kujo, emporio (platonic)
KILL LA KILL — ryuko, satsuki, mako.
YUGIOH — yugi, atem, joey, kaiba, jaden (+ yubel), chazz, jesse, zane.
CODE GEASS — lelouch, c.c., mao, suzaku, euphemia.
DARLING IN THE FRANXX — squad 13, zero two, klaxosaur princess, alpha
FINAL FANTASY — cloud, zack, tifa, aerith, reeve, rufus, sephiroth (cc), reno, rude, tseng, kadaj, yazoo, loz, denzel (platonic), noctis, prompto, gladiolus, ignis, lunafreya, gentiana, iris, nyx, crowe, ardyn.
if you’ve read this far and intend to request from me, pls like this post so i know you read it!
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epiceneandroid · 1 year
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for day 14 of @cocajimmycola‘s icon challenge: ball of energy/calm dynamic!
i chose elena and makoto for this; i ship the two of them (being that they’re two girls close in age and have friendly winquotes with each other) and DESPITE udon’s SLANDER of makoto she is actually rather calm, though with a little fire lit underneath her burning inside.
so. trans lesbian makoto (because literally there is SO much accidental evidence for this in canon) and her enboygirlbyfriend enboygirlby polysexual elena (because polysexual elena was a headcanon i’ve had for years and enboygirlby elena would fit pretty well because i think she’d see herself as equally having male and female energy but NOT exactly fully male and female energy, more like a female maverique/male aporagender type energy). please enjoy, the two or three street fighter fans who are on mogaiblr
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y00h00 · 9 months
Dancey Hippy Mixtape 2023
In 2004, I started making dance music mixes as part of my end-of-year mixtape extravaganza. This is for those of you who like a little bounce and shimmer to your days.
Listen to Dancey Hippy 2023 on Spotify (24/24 tracks)
Listen to Dancey Hippy 2023 on YouTube (24/24 tracks)
Download the entire Dancey Hippy 2023 MP3 mix in ZIP format
Download the Dancey Hippy 2023 mix as a single MP3 file
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Track List:
Rope (deadmau5 mix) / Foo Fighters
Too Much TV / Fear of Tigers
Unity (Baauer Remix) / Röyksopp (feat. Karen Harding)
Fire Walk (Extended Mix) / Yotto
Cygnes (First State Remix) / Mr Sam & Claud9
Kinetic / Makoto and Polaris
Night Light / Yunè Pinku
Lost in Mumbai / Apashe
Ali Ali / Diorange, A.R. Rahman, Nooran Sisters
Ion (Extended Mix) / Ummet Ozcan
Ceremony / Liquid Stranger + CloZee
Infinity / Ganja White Knight + CloZee
Close to Me / IVY
Push Up / Creeds
Breathe (Mefjus & Camo & Krooked Remix) / The Prodigy
Timebomb Zone / The Prodigy
Feeling Pressure / Klangphonics
Don't Let Me Go / Shortround + FOVOS feat. Georgi
Mercy Killing / Pendulum & Scarlxrd
This Time, This Place / Röyksopp & Beki Mari
Stepped Out / Loadstar
Amethyst / Keeno
Now I Am Gandalf / Auralnauts
My past mixtapes are available here: http://y00h00.tumblr.com/tagged/Mixtape
The complete Dancey Hippy mixtape archive going back to 2004 is available here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1E2ZbJOv28bw1AYYjuu_FzcpIk8dPVgWj?usp=sharing
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delugedecade · 8 months
Top three girls in Persona 5
How Dare
Deluge's Top 3 : Persona Girls
#3 : Ann Takamaki
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Lover, Fighter, and on Fire~
#3 : Makoto Niijima
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No Dude, That's a bike. And She's our Queen!
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Honorable Mentions
Futaba Sakura (What a Bean)
Haru Okumura (Needs more Beans)
Sae Niijima (Robbed)
Tae Takemi (God Damn)
Sadayo Kawakami (GOD DAMN)
Chihaya Mifune (Adorable)
Hifumi Togo (Sweet)
Caroline, Justine, Lavenza (I don't want to be on the other end of the chainsaw)
#1 : Kasumi Yoshizawa
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ieppiq · 1 year
Happy STS!
Are there any specific lyrics you associate with your characters?
A bit late to this. There are many but too many, so I used a picker wheel to help narrow it down. Here are some lyrics I associate with the main characters of my current WIP: The Court Of Rooks.
A. "I will not ‘poligise I will not walk away I will not compromise you'll find I'm here to stay. Cause I'm a fighter, a tiger, see me walk through fire Try chain me up but I'll burst through, I'll defy ya."
B. "I was on the left You were only fading I was on my own Starin' at the ceiling Hold, holdin' out Read it on a map Never how I planned it Holdin' on for work Taking it for granted I was looking up I was being blinded Holdin' on for work Hopin' that I'd find it
I would lie awake at night Hopin' that one day I'd arrive I had waited all my life Yeah I was holdin' Holding you Yeah I was holdin' Waited for you"
"Everybody knows you're wonderful That golden look Everywhere you go is colorful Like comic books
Maybe you're better than everyone else You don't get focused on only yourself In your own lane
Even if you got a needy side You keep it close Even if you know you're always right Yeah, you never boast"
"My day will come, I gave too much I sold my soul, I'm waiting for my pay in full I only want your dying love, I've seen enough
I tried, but I don't think so Maybe it was me who was fucking up I gave all I could give, but It seems like it never really was enough
My whole life can change in one week I don't mind my own reflection I don't see how you've been let down Don't speak unless you have to
I'm sorry if I hurt you I'm sorry if it got that bad I'm sorry I can't help you Somebody should've had your back
I changed my whole life when I learned to ignore them"
(specifically the remix by NGHTMARE)
Thank you for the ask! It was a fun one to do!
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