#fire meeting ice and the songs people will sing about that
gwaedhannen · 9 months
Preamble: the state of Beleriand after the First Battle
Ah fuck guess I'm writing this now. Bullet-point style because all the best AUs use it (yes I'm talking about @thelordofgifs's The Fairest Stars) and definitely not because I'm lazy.
Quick synopsis of the First Battle in Y.T. 1497:
Morgoth upon his return sends two orc-hosts through the northern passes, the west-host down Sirion and Narog and the east down Celon and Gelion.
The east-host is beaten by Thingol and the Laiquendi, but the Laiquendi take heavy losses, and their king Denethor and his kin are all slain on Amon Ereb before Thingol can reinforce them.
The dwarves of Mount Dolmed deal with the surviving orcs.
The west-host cuts Thingol off from Círdan, and the Falathrim are driven back to Eglarest and Brithombar and besieged.
The aftermath:
Thingol pulls his people into Neldoreth and Region, and Melian raises the Girdle. Doriath is founded.
The surviving Laiquendi either scatter into Ossiriand or join with Thingol's people.
Orcs have the run of West Beleriand.
Eglarest and Brithombar are besieged until Fëanáro's host arrives and the siege is called off to go deal with them (and they're destroyed by Tyelkormo's forces).
...But in this universe, Fëanáro and the rest of the Noldor are still on the Helcaraxë for another 25 solar years.
Now we're getting into conjecture:
In canon, Eglarest and Brithombar are besieged and destroyed a year after the Nírnaeth, thanks to Morgoth's siege engineers. This is despite the elves of Nargothrond helping to rebuild the cities during the Long Peace, and the Falathrim's reinforcement by survivors of the battle and the fall of Hithlum. Only a few survivors escape with Círdan to Balar and the mouths of Sirion. Three fleeing ships also sail far further south and found Edhellond near where Dol Amroth will eventually be. The rest of the Havens' inhabitants are killed or captured.
It's still Y.T. 1497. Morgoth hasn't had centuries to innovate his siege technology, but Círdan's cities also haven't been rebuilt with Noldor walls.
The Grey Annals says Fëanáro's host arrives some seven solar years after Melian raises the Girdle.
(Yes if we go by the usual "1 tree year = 9.582 solar years" then it could've been upwards of 25 solar years since the Darkening in 1495 before the landing at Losgar.)
(I hate Tolkien's timelines sometimes.)
Círdan holds out for over a decade. The orcs can't completely starve them thanks to the ocean, but repeated assaults on the walls wear down the defenders, and there's only so much fish and seaweed.
Meanwhile, the Northern Sindar of Mithrim and Nevrast are constantly harassed by the rest of Morgoth's west-host. Círdan sends ships north to evacuate those he can, but he only has so many ships and men.
The orcs have them cut off from Doriath, but they're not living this far away from Menegroth because they like Thingol's rule. They theoretically acknowledge him as king but realistically mostly ignore him.
(Any claims that Thingol hates them due to closeness to Angband and rumors they sometimes serve as Morgoth's spies are unfounded exaggerations.)
And while normally he'd ignore them in turn, they're still his people in some form or another.
Thingol sends what sorties he can to harry the west-host, but Doriath's forces are still exhausted from the First Battle and much of the kingdom's resources are tied up in getting the many refugees settled.
It also doesn't help that Melian warns him that should he die, her grief will not allow her to stay on the continent and maintain the Girdle.
One of his chief vassals is dead, and the other is besieged. His lands are being ravaged. But he can't leave his borders, because he isn't willing to risk himself (and therefore the Girdle) falling and exposing the main part of his people to attack.
So he throws himself into making sure his people are as happy as can be and entrusts the war to his captains.
So that's the state of things for the next 15 solar years. Orcs gradually hunt down the remaining wandering Sindar who don't find shelter in Doriath or some hidden refuge. Mithrim and Nevrast slowly depopulate from the Falathrim's evacuation missions, orcs, and what few refugees can sneak by Morgoth's forces to Doriath. Thingol holds lavish banquets and listens to Beleg and Mablung's reports while everyone else sleeps off the wine. He doesn't permit himself time to cry.
Midway through Y.T. 1498, Brithombar falls.
(to be continued eventually)
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mandiemegatron · 1 year
𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕡 𝕞𝕖
Reader x Doflamingo [reader x Rosinante if u squint reeeeal hard]
Rated 18+ // mentions of sex, Doflamingo fantasizing about killing reader then decides 'nah'.
A/N: My first song fic in YEARS. This song has been on repeat for a few days and I've been itching to write something for daddy doffy 🥵 I hope you guys enjoy 💖💋
Please listen to the song Worship by Ari Abdul while reading this, it will make more sense lmao
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It isn't often that Doflamingo takes time out of his busy day to search for you around the manor. There was a prickling feeling over his skin as he thought about you, a deep frown etched into his face as the time ticks on. Door after door opens - eventually, the Heavenly Demon gives a low growl of displeasure, ripping open another door only for you to not be there either.
As he moves deeper into his home, he stalls for a moment as the sound of a piano meets his ears. 'Of course,' he thinks to himself, rolling his eyes at himself as he made his way towards the music room.
He peeks through the cracked door, his frown softening slightly as he takes in your shape at the piano, humming under your breath as your fingers dance over the keys. The frown returns in full force as he notes Rosinante sitting across from you, an almost dreamy look on his face as your kept your focus on the piano.
When you finally figure out the right notes, you give a triumphant "Ha!" as you play it out a few times, clearing your throat gently before singing out,
Worship me...
Ice runs through Doflamingos veins as his frown deepens once more, leaning against the outside of the doorframe as he stares down the hall.
Make you believe,
I'm what you need,
So beg, darlin', please...
The King felt like he'd been thrown into an ice bath set on fire. The burning started at the bottom of his feet, coursing through his skin until the tingles reached the top of his head, a soft huff brushing past his lips in irritation at the feeling. He crossed his arms, his fingers digging into his clothed flesh. He couldn't place it, the unknown feeling of either anger or hunger running through him as the words flooded from you.
Who were you to demand to be worshipped?! He was the King, the Heavenly Demon, the one who deserved and demanded praise. He brought entire villages and peoples to their knees and burned them alive - he was both saviour and destroyer.
Baby, don't lie,
It's okay that you crave me -
Your eyes on my body, you're shaking,
Get high on me for you're forsaken...
While you had strength that caught his attention, he found it nearly repulsive at the thought of you being worshipped. The more he thought about it, the more rage filled his stomach, hating more and more about the thought of some worthless whelp showering you with attention and praise, your name falling from their mouth as a prayer.
He swore it made him sick.
He peeked in again, and the rage grew tenfold, his teeth clenched tightly as fire bubbled up in his chest at the sight before him.
Pretty when you're looking up like that,
Pray, but Heaven won't let you back,
Good on your knees...
His brother leaned on the piano, a cigarette hanging from his lips as he stared you down, a dark blush on his painted face. While Doflamingo knew his brother had the world's largest crush on you, Rosinante knew better than to try and take something that belonged to him.
Though, at that moment, it was your expression that infuriated him the most.
Worship me...
Your cheeks were tinted pink, doe eyes wide and staring back up at Rosinante as the words tumbled out of you. Your fingers brushed over the keys almost mindlessly, the motion a second nature to you even as you kept your attention on the man in front of you. One of Rosinantes hands went under your chin, his fingers slightly curled under it as his thumb traced over your bottom lip for just a moment, retracting his hand with a cheeky grin as your cheeks darkened.
Neither of you were aware of the seething King outside the door.
Whisper, give me your life,
Yeah, we're both sinners;
Your body is close, your tongue lingers,
You feed me the taste of your fingers...
Something snapped in Doflamingos head at your words, the intelligent man finally coming to the conclusion that it wasn't the song, or the fact that you were singing it -
It was the fact you weren't singing to him.
If Doflamingos glare could crumble stone, the manor would have been a wreck by now. He loved his brother, but this felt like betrayal - his heart clutched in a vicegrip as he wondered lightly if you were worth keeping around anymore. While you were an asset to him, his family always came first.
Worship me-
Make you believe,
I'm what you need,
So beg, darlin', please;
The longer Doflamingo remained outside the door, the stronger the feeling of crushing your throat under his grip rose. His fingers twitched, itching to summon threads and simply remove your head right from where he stood. As your song came to a finish, you cleared your throat again before asking Rosinante timidly,
"S-so? What did you think? Do you think he'll think it's stupid?"
Doflamingos' mind came screeching to a halt. The only sound his brother gave in response to your question was clapping, causing you to laugh and retort,
"Wonderful! I thought it was kinda corny at first but, the more I kept writing, the more I just... I don't know. It just, came out of me."
There was a sound of scribbling, a flicker of paper being slid across the paino and you sighed. Doflamingo strained slightly, trying to listen as you murmured out what Rosinante had written down. Your response surprised the king somewhat, his frown washing away from his face as you spoke,
"Cora-san, I don't expect him to love me back. At the end of the day, I'm a goddamn nobody and I accept that; But I'm his goddamn nobody, and that's all I could ask for."
Doflamingo remained for only a moment longer before pushing off the wall, making his way towards your room. He began thinking of the ways to tease you about this, a wicked grin slowly coming over his features as he ripped your door open, nearly shaking as he thought about how your expression would look as he pushed you down onto your knees.
The feeling of your warm mouth around his cock, tears staining your cheeks as he fucks your face, demanding that you worship him for the rest of your life. A chill ran up his spine as a low chuckle left him, a dark look painting his face as he sat in a chair, facing the door and waiting for you to return.
He would never let you live this down.
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A/N: HEHEHEHEHEH a tasty lil snack for my fellow Doffy/Cora-san lovers 💖 I've been wanting to write something with both of them for a while so this is what my lil brain burped out. If you see any mistakes, no you fuckin' don't! 💖🥰 maybe I'll make a part two if it's something the people want 👀
I love u all my lil tangerines! Be good! 💖💖✨️✨️
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toh-holiday-kingo · 10 months
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Calling Owl House fan creators! Join us for TOH Holiday Bingo!
How to participate:
Make a fan creation based on one or more of the bingo prompts!
Use 4 prompts (in one or more pieces) for an extra challenge to make “King!” (Or bingo). They don’t have to be in a straight line for you to make King!
Post your creation(s) between December 1, 2023 and January 6, 2024 on Tumblr (with @toh-holiday-kingo) AND/OR post to AO3 and submit to the AO3 collection titled “TOH Holiday Kingo 23/24”.
Share which prompt(s) inspired your work.
Have fun! And be sure to check out the other amazing creations that are part of this event 😄. 
NOTE: To keep this event open to all ages, no explicit/18+ works will be reblogged or collected. Works with non-explicit triggering content must be tagged accordingly. (This includes topics like death, illness, or canon-typical violence/horror.)
The moderators of the event have the final say on which works get reblogged and/or added to the AO3 collection. Please allow time for works to be reblogged or added to the collection by the moderators. If a few days pass and you think something has wrongly not been reblogged or denied acceptance into the collection, please DM the blog and moderators will respond when they can.
Prompt inspiration:
Festive foods— cooking or baking! Enjoying special holiday treats! Kitchen disasters!
Human realm holidays— celebrating any human holidays- in the human realm or bringing them to the Boiling Isles!
Tales and stories— old holiday myths, backstories of legends, new and old stories of holiday events
Fun and shenanigans— Snow-ball fights! A Santa (or other holiday figure) trap! Sled race! New toys! Games! Pranks!
Snow and ice— Cold weather, storms, snow angels (snow demons?), icicles
Mistletoe— romance and platonic affection, setting people up, purposely standing under mistletoe
Gift giving— finding the perfect present, making and wrapping gifts, shopping for gifts, opening gifts, giving metaphorical gifts
Parties/festival— hosting a seasonal or holiday party, attending a festival, putting on a festival, festivals with special cultural (Human or Demon Realm) significance
Traditions— carrying on old traditions from generations past, creating new traditions, blending traditions, family traditions and town traditions
Festive music— listening, singing, and dancing to popular holiday songs, creating music at home, attending or performing in a concert
Quality time with family— reconnecting with family from far away, intentional time with close family members (found or otherwise), meeting family members for the first time
Boiling Isles holidays— celebrating unique Boiling Isles holidays- in the Boiling Isles or bringing them to the human realm!
Cozy and warm— bundling up in warm clothes or blankets, sitting by a fire, cuddling with loved ones, drinking hot beverages
Legendary figures— Teaching each other about legends who visit with gifts like the Three Kings or a Boiling Isles Santa-like figure (if one exists!), meeting legendary figures or sharing stories of how they came to be, is Jack Frost actually from the Demon Realm?
Lights and decorations— decorating houses, inside and out, lighting candles, bringing evergreens (or everpurples?) inside
Older generation memories— what memories do Eda, Camila or others in their generation have to share? Or Eda’s parents? Or Evelyn or her parents? 
Hosted by @larkfeather1153 (Lark) and @jamgrlsblog (Jamgrl) from the Raeda and Friends discord server! If you are interested in the server, join here!
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jaskefer · 1 year
Obsessed with the idea of Extraordinary Things being a back and forth between Jaskier and Radovid, with Jaskier trying to draw him out in the first verse, and Radovid finally answering him in the second.
Cause like, with Radovid, Jaskier meets someone who he can't fully read properly. He knows there's something under the front of a drunken, bumbling prince, but he doesn't know him well enough yet to be certain as to what.
So, he tests the waters a bit. throws out a line to see if Radovid will take it—and he does. A little bit. But it's so interesting to me, because it doesn't just feel like Jaskier is trying to nail down Radovid's truth in this verse; it feels like he's injecting elements of his own mask into it, as well.
"Keep your words on ice, your gaze lights the fire. They say 'keep on playing nice,' but I have no desire. Why waste our words when lips were made for extraordinary things? It's not a want, it's a need, it is paying no heed to what others say to sing."
This is Jaskier's read of Radovid as he knows him so far: a man hiding more complex wants beneath the veneer of a drunken party boy. But it's also Jaskier admitting that he knows this about Radovid because he wears the exact same mask himself.
Much like how Jaskier and Ciri speak through Geralt and Yennefer in order to process their own feelings about them later in the season, Jaskier sings through himself in order to comprehend who Radovid is. Jaskier is using the performative persona he's crafted for himself in an attempt to coax Radovid out of his.
All of it leads into the main intention of this song: "The greatest songs are made up of unspoken words of love. Of them, I've had enough. with you, I am enough." I am tired of having to put up a front. I want to be understood. I think you understand me. Prove me right.
And Radovid sees what Jaskier is doing. He comments on Jaskier's ability to see people for who they are and not who they pretend to be. But there's still more he wants to understand. This still feels like a game, in a way.
It's only after Radovid sees the brutality of Dijkstra and Philippa up close, watches them orchestrate the assassination of the queen and threaten to incriminate him if he doesn't fall in line, that he then grasps the vulnerability in Jaskier's lyrics. Jaskier is also caught between multiple conflicting desires, that of his loyalty to Geralt/Yen/Ciri, and that of his work as the Sandpiper & how said work is backed by his continued commitment to Redanian Intelligence. That internal conflict and the desire to escape it is also highlighted in the song's first verse ("they say keep on playing nice, but i have no desire"). Only after all of this, when true fear begins to take over and the game stops being fun, does Radovid truly begin to truly understand Jaskier.
And so, he seeks him out. And he responds.
“Drop the sweet disguise, your heart’s beating too loud. The fairytales and little lies can’t drown out all the sound.” You were right. I do understand you. I know what you really want, because we're the same. You can’t hide it behind a façade of a song and a story and a persona.
“Take this heart and break this heart for extraordinary things.” I don't know what will become of this, or us. I still don't fully know if we can trust each other. But no one has ever seen me in the way that you have.
It's not a want, it's a need. With you, I am enough.
#angel.txt#the witcher#jaskier#radovid#radskier#meta & theories#angel.doc#twn spoilers#i never wrote my wpb meta so have some extraordinary things meta instead shdfdfddfd#i truly think that first verse is so complex and multi-layered and can be read in multiple ways (both in-universe and externally)#like this is what i meant by 4d chess like how the FUCK can i explain what jaskier's doing in that first verse#its also little things. the background vocals that pick up in the second verse.#the way the second verse is omitted from the diegetic performance of the song which could imply jaskier hadn’t written it at the time#the way that we hear this song over the credits only after they get together in ep 4 and it's an extended version BUT#the extended version is entirely instrumental after the first half ends which also imply that the second half hasn't yet been written#as a whole i think that a lot of twn songs can be read through both internal and external lenses to enhance their existence in the narrativ#the fact that some of them have different names in-universe as opposed to on the ost. the choices they make in diegetic song placement.#im not very inclined in musical terminology but my brain is going insane over what this show does with its songs and how joey himself write#(and tbh i like to think of the sountrack/ost versions of songs as smth separate or alternate from the ones seen directly In the episodes)#idk. just very much intrigued with the idea of this song as a conversation#the entire song being an illustration of the masks they both wear#the truth that lies beneath them‚ and the way they both try to chip at each other until one of them drops it first.#obsessed with certain choices and going a little too insane about them <3
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Me, explaining Chanters of Tremaris to someone on Discord:
[Beware: spoilers ahead, if you intend to read the books]
Fictional planet, people can cause magic by singing, and the type of magic is generally a cultural/bloodline thing (much like AtLA)
Also a Prophesied One with All the Powers, except there's more than one person who can sing multiple magics, and the other guy is Evil
there's a fucked up city that's held up and kept beautiful and Not Falling Apart by enslaving children to sing it. Protagonists free the children and the city falls apart LITERALLY OMELAS I mean not really, because the Function of the enslaved and neglected children is obvious, and it's not everyone that knows But close enough
Haunting imagery of dead women sealed into a wall of ice out of fear of their illness reaching their sisters
Someone has a brother they didn't know about, and meets in the final book
The only girls allowed on boats are the ones that can sing the wind
(This is possibly just the one really misogynistic pirate ship, but still)
(A choice bit of worldbuilding. Girls are bad luck unless they can chant the wind)
Author did not seem to realize there was Lesbian Potential (boat girl and protagonist)
You get through the entire series and learn that the "lost magic" that nobody can rediscover is LITERACY nobody here can WRITE or READ there are no BOOKS
And you don't notice! As a reader! OUT OF SIGHT OUT OF MIND I GUESS
Also it turns out that this is. Not the original planet. They find The Oldest City and the city is actually a giant spaceship That was used to settle the planet centuries ago Possibly millennia, given that an entire portion of the population, geographically separated from the rest, does not have vocal cords
No we do not know how the fuck the entire human population managed to collectively forget how to write
The worldbuilding starts out very standard fantasy and then spirals wildly out of control
At this point, the person we were goading to read it (whose tumblr I am unsure of), asked "there's a merchant class with no writing?"
And. Yes. There is.
There is a college with no writing
There is aristocracy with no writing
It makes absolutely NO sense AND YET
ioudaleks: Compelling tho
Innocent bystander we are infodumping at: "ig the song magic makes it work somehow. sing your memory good"
Oh, not at all
Not everyone can magic
Fire magic has been almost completely forgotten because it was outlawed
And the country that now has zero magic is the one with a college
One of the college students invents a bicycle and then helps them become fugitives by blowing up his own workshop as a distraction
There's a really annoying romance, but it's Standard for the genre and year of writing (16-17yo girl and a guy in his late 20s/early 30s)
And the impossible city with the enslaved kids has some uh. Very Hapsburg-esque romances.
ANYWAY the people who don't have vocal cords DO have magic dancing
ioudaleks: One whole system is overtone singing and supposedly only men can do it because of something something vocal cords. Only women sing the ice magic.
The magic to charm "beasts" is said to be lost but it turns out that the ice priestesses have kept it up as an oral tradition The songs we sing for the bees aren't magic! They just Like It 😃
I would encourage most people to read it just for that absolute bonkers ramping up into insanity
There is a Magic Trumpet It is very small A clarion You can use it to make fire
The bicycle arsonist found it and gave it to the sailor girl
@ihaveatypeanditstrickstergods: Wait, was the last thing writing in general or just musical notation?
And I'm so sorry to confirm that uh
It was. All writing
You think it's just musical notation but then they Figure Out Syllables
(I reread them a few years ago and have a whole unhinged rant about the trilogy, in that same server, in February 2020)
The series has a very solid, long-term hold on my hindbrain.
Have I ever treated it as a fandom? No. Has it doubtlessly affected me as a person and a writer? Yes
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Radovid and Jaskier - "Extraordinary Things" scene analysis
I literally cannot stop thinking about all the Jaskier and Radovid's scene, but especially their second scene in 3x02 (so SPOILERS for everyone who hasn't seen it yet)
First of all the song... oh, THE SONG! I've seen many interpretations of the song, but I do think that it's not about Geralt and it is more directed to Radovid than what we might think at first.
Keep your words on ice Your gaze lights the fire
After the looks that they've exchanged so far, especially when it comes to Radovid, looking at Jaskier so intensely, I can't help but think Jask's at least a bit talking about him in that second verse.
The first verse on the other hand has an obvious connection to the following ones:
Why waste our words when lips were made for extraordinary things?
Once again, I do believe this is another verse directed to Radovid. Jaskier is very perceptive when it comes to people and I do believe he has noticed Radovid fascination with him, so I feel there's a small, small chance this was also a way to tease Radovid. Plus, when he sings this Jaskier looks directly at Radovid.
They say keep on playing nice But I have no desire [...] It's not a want, it's a need It is paying no heed To what others say to sing
These verses are, in my humble opinion, once again talking directly to Radovid, especially the first two, during which the camera focuses on the prince himself.
The following ones can also work for Radovid, if we consider the "singing" as a metaphor for what people tell him to do, but maybe I am reading too much into this... but media exists to be analyzed, right? So, moving on.
The greatest songs are made up Of unspoken words of love Of them, I’ve had enough
Obviously, this part does reference Geralt and the songs Jaskier wrote for him in the past, confirming that Jaskier has loved him, but that has now moved on.
Also, when he sings the first two verses, the camera actually focuses on Radovid’s reaction (who’s having either a gay panic attack or realizing that the bard was definitely in love with the witcher).
With you, I have enough
This verse is actually nothing special BUT when he says that, at the very end of the scene, you can barely see it but Jaskier, who was looking down while singing the previous verse, raises his gaze to meet (guess what?) Radovid’s eyes!
And I LOVE Radovid’s reaction to the following verse!
With you, I am enough
I feel like this could be either read as Jaskier saying that to Radovid but also as Radovid saying that to Jaskier, especially if you look closely at the prince’s reaction, who first looks away, then gulps down, and then meets again Jaskier’s gaze.
To conclude it all, we get that beautifully haunted and shaky I am enough, which I do think is entirely Jaskier just saying that to himself.
We all know he was treated like fucking shit in the past, especially last season, and it’s already a delight seeing the other characters treating him with the kindness he deserves; but I also think he’s still trying to come to terms to the fact that he’s just a human in the found family he’s found himself in. He has no magic, no super-abilities he could use to defend those he loves, and he wasn’t always treated nicely, as already mentioned. It’s obvious to think that deep down, he doesn’t feel enough. 
And by singing it in the way that he does, while looking at Radovid the way that he looks at him, Jaskier reveals a part of himself to him and him alone. And the small smile he has at the end seems like it’s almost saying: “Well, this is me” and I JUST LOVE IT ALL!
Plus, the way his bard facade immediately jumps back in when he ‘remembers’ about the other people in the room? Dammit, I adore Joey Batey’s acting choices!!!
(I won't talk about the rest of the song but that's also so heavily Radovid coded! Like: "Drop the sweet disguise"????)
Then he walks away (also, it’s pretty funny how the people in the room all try to touch him, as he’s some kind of Jesus) and, even though he glances at everyone in the room, you can tell that the way he looks at Radovid is different. He lingers on him as he walks by and even while the camera pans away from Jaskier to the prince.
We don’t see Radovid immediately after that, it takes a couple seconds before his face is revealed to us and OH BOI! That guy is SHOOK! He can’t even find the words to speak, even though I think part of it can be blamed on Jaskier, who (in the smuggest and sluttiest way possible) sits down and puts his shoes on the table. And I totally understand Radovid because yeah… Jaskier is HOT, no denying that.
But it’s also interesting to look at Jaskier because there isn’t just smugness in his eyes. There’s still attentiveness in them as he studies Radovid and I think that’s what I love most about the interactions of episode 1 and 2. They’re never just talking, they’re always dissecting everything the other does or says, especially Jaskier but this can also be seen in Radovid at times (like in the carriage at the end of episode 1).
Now we come to the scene that pushed me to do this long and useless analysis (and thanks to @i-seeaspaceshipinthe-sky for the gifs):
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So, just before this scene, Radovid has stood up with no problems and walked over to Jaskier without faltering. But suddenly, now that he’s speechless, his stance falters. And it’s obviously to confirm the fact that he is drunk. However, Jaskier sees right through it.
The look on Radovid’s face when Jaskier says: “I would, except you’re not drunk”? The way he meets Jaskier’s gaze, his complete attention on him, while also still keeping a stance that could still be considered a drunken one (not entirely upright and slightly slumped)? *chef’s kiss*
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Jaskier’s smile is not as smug as one would expect. It's almost soft while he's explaining to Radovid how he could tell he was not actually drunk. Jaskier is entertained; he's having fun revealing Radovid's lie. He's enjoying putting him on the spot because, even though he's the prince, Jaskier has the upper hand in their conversation right now (which he will also reveal to the other in a few moments).
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And Radovid's not pissed. He lowers his head, as if he had been caught red-handed, with a smile. He doesn’t think much of it because he thinks Jaskier’s playing the same game he is, he thinks Jaskier’s flirting, so what if he understood that Radovid fancies him?
However, as soon as Jaskier starts talking about ‘seedy taverns’ and ‘great lessons’, his smile disappears. At first he is obviously just confused as to what those things have to do with – what he still thinks is – their flirtation.
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That's also when Jaskier's smile disappears. His soft expression changes and becomes cold, in a way business-like. He was playing a moment before with a prince yet inexperienced (or that seems to be so) in the art of lying, but now he's actually showing the upper hand that experience gives him. He’s showing Radovid that he can actually read him and that he cannot lie to him. The happy facade is gone and now he's more determined than ever to have what he came for.
Again, Radovid’s reaction to that is perfect. When Jaskier stands up and walks towards him, talking about the ‘viper’s den’ he’s in, Radovid’s facade also changes pretty drastically. You can tell that’s not what he was thinking would happen. He now stands upright, raising his chin up, and he looks pretty pissed off (especially when he meets Jaskier’s gaze again).
Jaskier seems unfazed by this, keeping his head also high and asking for confirmation regarding the Rience’s ordeal he went there in the first place. And did his eyes fall to Radovid’s lips? Who knows!
Back to Radovid, the anger has left him. I mean, you can tell he’s still not entirely joyous but it’s not either about to kill the bard. He actually seems more fascinated than ever, especially when he speaks again (avoiding the Rience subject a second time).
After “Now I understand”, Jaskier smiles. It’s more a condescending smile than anything else though. He’s indulging Radovid, hoping to in the end get what he wants. However there’s still a glint of curiosity in his eyes.
And then Radovid answers (and again, love that before actually answering he hesitates), and as he does, as he says “[...] not who they pretend to be”, he looks Jaskier up and down, possibly subtly hinting at the fact that he sees who he pretends to be.
Following that, when his eyes go back to Jaskier’s, his expression is quite… sincere. Not weak but defenseless, as if he’s trying to show the bard that he means what he’s saying.
And Jaskier gets that, because you can see the little smile he tries to push down while lowering Radovid’s gaze since he stood up, which is just. so. ADORABLE!
When Jaskier asks: “And the rest?”, he’s not indulging Radovid anymore. He just wants to know, perhaps wanting to see what else this prince can actually see of him. And even though Radovid can’t tell yet what the rest actually is, the fact that he’s “determined to figure it out” means so much. It means he wants to stick around, something that it’s not a normal part of Jaskier’s life. He tends to be the one who sticks around, even when people don’t exactly want him around (ie. Geralt in S1), or the one people go to and only when they need help (ie. Geralt in S2). The other way around it’s new to him, but as we see, he can’t help but smile at the idea, a smile that once again tries to stop, because he still hasn’t entirely figured out who the prince is and wants.
Then Radovid finally gives him what he came for, bowing slightly his head as he assures him he will do what he can to find Rience, and the soft thank you that leaves Jaskier’s lips, followed by another one of those half-smiles. He really seems unable to stop smiling around Radovid, uh?
I love, love, love how this actually shows that Radovid was listening to the song (which was obviously talking about Geralt, as I said before) but not only that! He’s also saying that is not only enough, but he’s someone that a FUCKING witcher should be LUCKY to have around! And he means it, every word!
So anyway, that's pretty much it! Hope you enjoyed this unhinged analysis (which might have a second part? perhaps?)
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ranmaruswife · 1 year
Force Live & Pablo Picasso -
A Lyrical Analysis
In honor of Shining Live's 6th Anniversary, I thought I would post a write-up on one of the game's first theme songs, Force Live.
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You may not know this but the opening line to the song, “I do not seek. I find.” is a quote famously attributed to Pablo Picasso, one of the most influential artists in history. It can be found in a 1936 article titled ‘A Trend in English Draughtsmanship’ by Graham Sutherland, another famous abstract artist who took great inspiration from the works of Piccaso.
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Now this is particularly interesting because Picasso also often spoke on how an artist must “steal” from other artists, lest their work become stale. He was also famously quoted as saying “Success is dangerous. One begins to copy oneself, and to copy oneself is more dangerous than to copy others. It leads to sterility.” Which to me speaks volumes about Quartet Night’s rivalrous relationship with each other. They do not allow themselves to be satisfied as they are. They always seek to achieve greater heights. And to do that they find that which they lack in each other.
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Going back to Force Live, there is a phrase in the final chorus that ties into this idea - 一つに束ねよう(一つになろう) 足りないエレメント(重ね合って) translating to Let’s tie each other into one (Let’s become one) Our lacking elements (Overlapping)
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Speaking on the subject of elements, I actually find it very interesting the specific elements each of them were assigned in this song. Particularly Reiji. It is easy enough to see why Ranmaru would get lines about fire, while Camus gets lines about ice. And Ai even has the kanji for wind in his name. But Reiji was given light as his element. Whereas one would more typically assume earth. This can also lead us back to Picasso, though!
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Not only does Piccaso have another famous quote about how an artist can transform a simple yellow spot into the sun, but he also pioneered the concept of painting with light, where one takes a light source in a darkened space and moves it around to draw a picture while taking a long exposure photograph.
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Now there are more lines in Force Live that can bring us back to art and to this innovative artist. The most obvious being 歴史(ヒストリー)のキャンバスに描け or “paint on the canvas of history.” To quote Picasso once again, “I don't believe in accidents. There are only encounters in history. There are no accidents.” And Quartet Night often sing about their fated meeting and the importance of the bond they have built with one another. Despite the times they have fought and quarreled and nearly lost their way, they still always come back to each other. Rising from the ashes only stronger and hungrier for success.
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AND ON THAT NOTE- the main lyrical motif in Force Live is them speaking of all their elements as being destructive, but coming together to form something new and better than what they can achieve alone. And to finish out my rant, once again in the words of Picasso,
“Every act of creation is first an act of destruction.”
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And now my own little personal thing (yume warning)- As you can see I find Picasso to be very inspirational and as a yume I have always used another one of his quotes to explain my relationship to others.
Picasso said, "Everything you can imagine is real." Which is a statement I take to heart. Ranmaru might not exist in the way you or I do, but even as a fictional character, he is so influential and impactful. He is real in the sense that he has an image, a voice, music, story, and in my opinion, a soul. Many know him and love him. He has changed lives. Including mine. And in that sense, he is very, very real. No matter how much I may have to "imagine" him.
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And since I always used this quote to put things into perspective for other people before Force Live came out, it meant a lot to me to have him quote the same artist. To feel that Ranmaru was inspired by Picasso as I have been. It feels really nice to have yet another connection to the love of my life through song ♡
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k4zushi · 8 months
100 reasons to live.
to finish your goals
to conquer your fears
to see your family again
to see your Favorite artist live
to listen to music again
to experience a new culture
to make new friends
to inspire
to have your own children
to adopt your own pet
to make yourself proud
to meet your idols
to spend time with friends
to laugh until you cry
to feel tears of happiness
to eat your favorite food
to see your siblings grow
to pass school
to get tattoo
to smile until your cheeks hurt
to meet your internet friends
to find someone who loves you like you deserve
to eat ice cream on a hot day
to drink hot chocolate on a cold day
to see untouched snow in the morning
to see a sunset that sets the sky on fire
to see stars light up the sky
to read a book that changes your life
to see the flowers in the spring
to see the leaves change from green to brown
to travel abroad
to learn a new language
to learn to draw
to tell others your story in the hopes of helping them
Puppy kisses.
Baby kisses (the open mouthed kind when they smack their lips on your cheek).
Swear words and the release you feel when you say them.
Ice cream.
Cloud watching.
Taking a shower and then sleeping in clean sheets.
Receiving thoughtful gifts.
“I saw this and thought of you."
The feeling you get when someone you love says, “I love you."
The relief you feel after crying.
The feeling you get when someone is listening to you/giving you their full attention.
Your future wedding.
Your favorite candy bar.
New clothes.
Witty puns.
Really good bread.
Holding your child in your arms for the first time.
Completing a milestone (aka going to college, graduating college, getting married, getting your dream job.)
The kind of dreams where you wake up and can’t stop smiling.
The smell before and after it rains
The sound of rain against a rooftop.
The feeling you get when you’re dancing.
The person (or people) that mean the most to you. Stay alive for them.
Trying out new recipes.
The feeling you get when your favorite song comes on the radio.
The rush you get when you step onto a stage.
You have to share your voice and talents and knowledge with the world because they are so valuable. 64.Breakfast in bed.
Getting a middle seat in the movie theater.
Breakfast for dinner (because it’s so much better at night than in the morning).
Pray (if you are religious)
Water balloon fights.
New books by your favorite authors.
Realizing that someone loves you.
Spending the day with someone like you.
Opportunity to create meaningful and lasting relationships.
Potential to learn, grow, and evolve as a person.
Joy and happiness in the little things.
The power to inspire others.
The ability to create art, music, and other forms of self-expression.
To explore different cultures, traditions, and ways of life.
Help protect the planet.
Experience the joys of parenthood and raise a family.
Learn new things and develop new skills.
Create a legacy that will outlive you.
Being wrapped up in a warm bed.
Holding hands.
The kind of hugs when you can feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders.
Singing off key with your best friends.
Road trips.
Spontaneous adventures.
The feeling of sand beneath your toes.
The feeling when the first ocean wave rolls up and envelops your toes and ankles and knees.
Your first (or hundredth) trip to Disneyland.
The taste of your favorite food.
The child-like feeling you get on Christmas morning.
The day when everything finally goes your way.
Compliments and praise.
to look on this moment in 10 years time and realize you did it.
this was for everyone, i mean it, anyone who sees this, bc ily, i rlly do, and i hope you don’t even think about doing harsh things to yourself. take a break, drink some tea, have a hot bath, spend time with friends, just.. relax.
ilove this sm bc i just realized i haven’t been stargazing yet which rlly sucks bc it’s on my imaginary bucket list
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yangxteez · 8 months
᥆᥎ᥱr ᥲ ᥴᥙ⍴ ᥆𝖿 ᥴ᥆𝖿𝖿ᥱᥱ (𝚗𝚊𝚑𝚢𝚞𝚌𝚔)
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genre: tooth-rotting fluff, no warnings apply
inspiration: being bored in health class while scrolling thru youtube really does you wonders
Cross-posted on ao3, do not steal plz! <3
What most people believed to be a blessing; Park Jaemin considered a curse. He blinded him, and he could not think of anything else when he was in his presence. This 'he' was none other Lee Donghyuck himself, otherwise known as Haechan. He had met Haechan at a coffee shop down the street while ordering iced Americanos for him and his best friend Jeno. 
"Good morning! What would you like?" After that first smile, Jaemin knew it was too bright for him to handle. Jaemin couldn't say anything, he was too busy staring straight at the sun. "Hey Donghyuck," Jeno piped up, side-eying Jaemin. Said boy then turned his head and looked at Jeno. "You know him?"
"Yeah, we have a few classes at uni together, you too, but you've never really been one to notice others or talk to anyone outside of our friend group," Jeno replied. Jaemin rolled his eyes while Donghyuck snickered. "Yeah, actually, I've seen you around," the sun-kissed boy said, addressing Jaemin. "I just thought you didn't want to talk, you seemed intimidating." 
Jeno shrugged, shaking his head a little bit. "He's not intimidating at all; he just zones out a lot. No need to worry about him, he's a real sweetheart." Jaemin grimaced at the description of himself but warmed a little on the inside. Did Jeno really think of him like that?
Donghyuck smiled slyly at them and asked, "So Jeno, is there something you need to tell me?" Jeno turned bright red, and Jaemin just looked back and forth between the two boys, utterly confused. "Tell him what, Jeno? Is something wrong?" 
"No, nothing's wrong! And Hyuck, you know it's not like that. On the other hand-" Jeno straightened his composure, smirking viciously. "Is there something you wanna tell Jaemin?" Donghyuck glowered at Jeno, practically baring his teeth. "Lee Jeno if you don't shut your trap right now-"
"You both realize we're in a coffee shop, right?" The people behind them weren't complaining, they were watching an A-list k-drama for freaking free. They probably just wish they were drinking a cup of coffee while doing so. "Jeno, let's just order and get out the way, then you two can continue your little spat later," he said, focusing back on the menu. After they had placed their order, Haechan said, "Guys, wait for me until my shift is over, alright?" Jeno nodded, which meant that Jaemin was now stuck with two brats. 
"Fine," Jaemin sighed, crossing his arms. 
"Oh, and Jaemin?" 
"It was nice meeting you." He winked at him, then turned to continue his work as if nothing had happened. 
Jaemin felt a tingle all the way from his feet to his scalp. He was lightheaded and dizzy, blinded by staring at the sun for too long. He felt like he was on fire, but he couldn't move, as if he was frozen. "Um, hello? Earth to Jaemin?" Jeno said, waving his hand in front of the blond's face. "I-I'm fine," he said, snapping out of his trance. "Let's go sit." 
They sat down, being quiet for a while. Jaemin kept spacing out, too many thoughts running through his head. His eyes kept drifting to the head of honey-brown curls he wanted to touch so badly-- what? What was he even thinking? He couldn't be daydreaming about a guy he just met, with his heart-shaped lips, the sparkle in his deep, brown eyes, the-
"Looks like you have a little crush on someone," Jeno chirped gleefully. Jaemin almost spluttered his delicious drink he was sipping on when he heard that. "N-no, no way! How could you even say that?" he whispered, not wanting anyone to overhear.
"You've been staring at Hyuckie for a while now." 
"N-no, I haven't..."
"See, even you don't seem to be so sure about that."
"Okay, s-so what if he's a little bit attractive? It's not my fault!" 
"Awww, my Jaeminnie is finally growing up-" Jeno sing-songed in a playful voice.
"Sh-shut up! You're too loud, someone could overhear-"
"Hey guys! What are we talking about?" 
Both Jaemin and Jeno looked up to see none other than Donghyuck standing over them. Jaemin almost fainted from embarrassment. "How long have you been standing there?" Jeno asked cautiously. 
"Long enough to know that our Jaemin has a crush, and now I wanna know who," Haechan replied, sliding casually into the seat next to Jeno to face Jaemin. Our Jaemin? Since when? He would never admit how his heart fluttered when Haechan uttered those words. Jaemin sighed in relief when he realized that Donghyuck had no idea that the crush was him. "N-no one," Jaemin mumbled, putting the straw in his mouth and slurping noisily. 
"What's wrong? I won't tell anyone, promiseeee~" Haechan whined. Jeno smirked around his straw, waiting to see what Jaemin would do next. Jaemin blushed, covering his face with his hands. "I'd rather not-"
"You're so cute when you're nervous, you know that?" Haechan crooned, propping his chin on his hand, staring right at Jaemin with a sweet smile. Jaemin almost melted on the spot. This is too much, he thought. He looked to Jeno for help, but the meanie just shook his head and looked at his phone. "Look at the time, I have a lecture in 30 minutes! Gotta run," Jeno grinned and leaped out of his seat. He shot Jaemin a thumbs up mouthing, You got this!, and ran out of the coffeeshop. 
"Does he know it's a Saturday...?" Haechan asked, watching as Jeno tore down the street. Jaemin said nothing, he was just trying to focus to make his hands stop shaking. "Hey, what's wrong?" Haechan asked, looking at Jaemin worriedly. "Are you sick? I hope it wasn't the coffee I made you-"
"It's nothing," Jaemin whispered, hugging himself lightly. What the heck was he supposed to do? He was alone with Haechan, he was alone with Haechan- 
"So, about the guy you like- is it, is it Jeno?" Haechan rubbed a hand against the back of his neck, looking dejected. Was he jealous? No way- "No, it's not him, unfortunately." Hyuck lit up and tried to cover it up, which did not go unoticed by Jaemin. "But what do you mean, unfortunately?"
Jaemin sighed, unwrapping his arms from around his torso and placing his hands on the table. "You see, Jeno is my best friend. We've known each other for years, since childhood. He's so good to me and knows me so well, I hope to find someone who is willing to get to know me like he does. Honestly, it would be easier to date Jeno, he would take really good care of me, and he already does-"
"No!" Haechan banged his fists on the table as he said this, causing others to stare at them. Jaemin slunk lower in his seat, startled. "Dude, what's your problem? I just said-"
"I like you, Na Jaemin." Jaemin's eyes widened in shock, convinced he was hallucinating. "W-what? Did you hit your head or something?"
"No, I like you, and I have for a while," Donghyuck said, reaching over and tucking a strand of Jaemin's hair behind his ear, letting his fingers linger on his face. "I thought you were cute the first time I saw you in class. You never talked to me though, and you were always with Jeno, so I thought I'd never stood a chance." He looked at Jaemin, meeting his ever-shocked gaze, his eyes conveying his vulnerability and confessing things that human words weren't enough for. 
Jaemin took a breath and averted his gaze. He was silent for a moment, gathering his courage. "Listen, if you don't like me back, just say so," Donghyuck sighed, starting to get up. "No, wait-" Jaemin grabbed his wrist, then let go ashamedly. "It was you," he whispered. 
"What was me?" Donghyuck asked, sitting back down. "It was you; we were talking about you." Jaemin turned beet red, hiding his face with his sweater paws. "I have a crush on you too." 
Haechan beamed. "Could you say that again, I couldn't really hear you-"
"Way to kill the mood!" Jaemin screeched, burying his face in his arms. Haechan laughed, a sound that Jaemin hoped to hear for a long time. "So," Haechan started, "is this our first date?" Jaemin couldn't believe the nerve of this man, but he also admired his confidence, something he would fall in love with in the near future. "Yeah, our first date was a bunch of cringey exchanges and watery iced-Americanos. Perfect." 
Haechan giggled again and reached over the table to place his hand over Jaemin's. "Yeah, perfect."
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆. ࿐࿔    .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ੈ✧̣̇˳·˖✶ ✦  
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Random Glitch Trio Headcanons
(aka i'm in my idw sonic brainrot era and remembered i have a tumblr to dump stuff in)
• Really into long baths (the type with candles and rose petals everywhere)
• Would be obsessed with Lush bath bombs if they existed in Sonic's world
• Acts really pretentious about music, books, films, etc., only claiming to like highly obscure and experimental stuff (bonus points if it's technically complex). While he does genuinely like this stuff, he's also a fan of more 'popular' music like disney songs (or would be if they existed in Sonic's world), musicals and 80s synth.
• I could weirdly see him being into old detective novels/movies, e.g.- Poirot
• He doesn't like science fiction because it tends to be wildly inaccurate
• Spends hours daily doing his hair and makeup even if he knows he's about to get into a fight which will inevitably mess it up again (if he's going to get his hands dirty he might as well look good doing it)
• Had an emo phase in his undergrad years, refuses to talk about it
• Claims to strongly dislike cursing (it's vulgar and juvenile) but swears like a sailor when he's angry or drunk (I stole this one off the Bumblekast but come on)
• Occasionally gets drunk (he normally drinks wine because it's classy but switches to whiskey when he's in a bad mood) and makes extremely unhinged vlogs ranting about stuff, mainly Eggman (e.g.- why doesn't he notice me after everything I've done for him, why does he love his robots more than me, what does Metal Sonic have that I don't, etc...) This happened a lot during their divorce arc
• His ideal date would be a classic romantic candlelit dinner, bonus points if there is singing involved. However there is absolutely no one who could meet his impossible standards for a romantic partner except maybe Eggman and even then he's on thin ice
• Probably a good dancer
• Feels a sense of superiority over extremely 'chaotic' individuals (e.g.- Eggman, Orbot and Cubot, Rough and Tumble, his adopted children), hence why he tends to gravitate towards them. He has a habit of trying to correct and fix other people to show off how put together he is (spoiler alert: he is not put together whatsoever)
• Hopelessly addicted to caffeine
• Into shounen manga
• Has tried vaping before for the sole purpose of pissing off Starline
• Likes J-rock, metalcore and punk music
• Not really into movies or books because they're long and boring. Her attention span is like 5 minutes max, hence why she prefers comics and manga
• If she was forced to watch a movie, she'd go for a really over the top silly horror movie. she's easily scared by psychological horror/anything with a lot of jumpscares though (not that she would admit it in a million years)
• Likes spicy food and sushi
• Has shoplifted before and will do it again
• Commits arson on a regular basis, Kit frequently depletes his water reservoir trying to put out the fires before Starline finds out
• Would shop at Hot Topic
• Her ideal date would be something super energetic like paintball or laser tag. She would then proceed to get excessively competitive (read: violent) and scare off any potential suitors.
• Starline once took her and Kit to a Disneyland equivalent for 'family bonding'. She used her super speed to cut the lines, made a rollercoaster go faster with her electric powers (because it was too slow- boring!) causing it to derail and almost murder the several children unfortunate enough to be on the ride with her, and set fire to at least one food stand. All three of them are now banned for life.
• She would probably hang out with the Babylon Rogues from time to time
• Unlike Starline and Kit she is a morning person, and is extra loud and obnoxious around them at this time of day just to be an asshole (Kit doesn't mind though)
• Likes reading technical manuals/long academic texts (aka Surge's worst nightmare)
• Really into horror, especially psychological and body horror (he would really like Junji Ito manga), but doesn't get to watch horror movies much because Surge doesn't like them
• He doesn't like music that much, if he had to listen to something he would prefer white noise because he finds the repetitive sound comforting
• Doesn't really have any food preferences but he likes coffee
• Secretly returns the stuff Surge shoplifts because he feels guilty
• Likes tinkering with bits of tech in his free time
• On the aforementioned 'family bonding' trip, Kit almost murdered the employees of a haunted house because they startled Surge (not that she would ever admit it), contributing to the lifelong ban
• Sometimes stays up all night reading or working on a project, he always looks tired during the day because he doesn't get much sleep
• His ideal date would be a non-existent one because he can't be away from Surge for more than 5 minutes without feeling anxious (also he's like 8). However he would probably stalk Surge on her date and try to sabotage it because he doesn't trust the other person to treat her right
• Is going to have an emo phase in a few years' time, following in the footsteps of his father (ik he's already emo but I mean like he'll start getting more into the music and fashion)
• Is actually capable of being pretty snarky but is too shy to say most of it out loud (he mocks Starline relentlessly in his head though)
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caffeineyum · 2 months
Muffins shitpost
@biomecharnotaurus it has been made reality. Gaze up my bullshit. In case I need to say it, this DOES NOT happen in the actual story, this is just bullshit for fun
Jane sat in the bar while someone sang karaoke on stage. She was looking for a song on her datapad. The poor woman couldn’t sing and when she did it sounded like she smoked 3 packs a day. So naturally when she got frustrated and she searched “songs for people with a smoker’s voice.” A song called paralyzer popped up. She quietly played it and nodded along to it. She liked it, it would work, especially because this was a contest. Which ever team had the best performance won. Jane was on a team with Alba and her trainees. Alba had told her that normally this wasn’t something she did but Johnson and Senchina had convinced her. Plus when Jane had said she was going, Alba’s face lit up. Jane would practically do anything to make the Spartan happy. 
Jane had a plan for the song to get Alba involved with it but she knew she’s need to be a little drunk to execute it. She got up and went to get a Long Island iced tea. 
Alba arrived to the bar and took a seat with her trainees and Johnson. On stage was Petersen’s team singing tequila. They had margaritas and instead of just singing the word tequila, they were all crowded around the mic singing how the song sounded. Alba was embarrassed for them and Johnson handed her a beer. 
“It’s just getting good,” Johnson said kicking his feet up and taking a swig of whisky. “Jane’s got something planned,” He informed her. Alba popped off the top for the beer with her finger and took a drink. This would be interesting, she normally didn’t attend the monthly karaoke competition but her trainees had convinced her. 
Kurt stepped aboard the ship and then asked the ships AI “Location of Alba B221 please,”
“Deck 4, at the bar,” Artemis answered.
“Thank you,” Kurt spoke making his way to deck 4. He had been here before occasionally visiting Alba. She was one of his last surviving “children” and Kurt liked to surprise visit her when he could. Alba had told him about her girlfriend named Jane and Kurt was excited and little nervous to meet her. He hoped Alba had chosen a good partner.
Jane finished her second Long Island ice tea and took Alba’s hand. “Ready?” She asked Alba. The Spartan nodded understanding the plan Jane had drunkenly explained to her. Jane wondered if Alba was drunk too, she had witnessed the woman drink five beers but Alba seemed fine. Spartan alcohol tolerance? Jane guessed. The two made their way to the stage and Jane shook off her nerves before stepping on stage and taking the mic. 
The song started and she nodded her head to the beat. Then the singing started. 
“I hold on so nervously to me and drink,” she began, this song was perfect for her trash voice. 
“So far has not been good, it’s been shitty and I feel awkward as I should,” Jane began to get into it. The song was on its way to firing up.
“Well I am imaging, a dark lit place,” Jane started and walked up the edge of the stage where Alba was standing and reached her hand out to her. “Well I’m not paralyzed but I seem to be struck by you!” Jane kept singing and ran her hands down her body and Alba stepped onto stage. “I wanna make you move because you're standin' still,” Jane ran her hands down Alba’s shoulders until she reached her waist. Alba took her hand and spun her. 
“If your body matches what your eyes can do” Jane sang looking into Alba’s eyes as she sang it before turning around and grinding on her. Of course none of her motions were fluid and the whole thing looked awkward. The crowd let a roar of laughter. “You'll probably move right through me on my way to you!” Jane practically shouted and Alba dipped her. Alba smiled down at her, trying not to laugh. 
Kurt walked into the bar hearing something sing rather terribly “If your body matches what your eyes can do,” 
He looked up to the stage and saw a woman with blonde hair and…. ALBA?! Kurt felt his jaw nearly hit the floor. The other woman had her hands all over Alba and then turned around and… twerked on her, rather poorly. So this was Jane….
The room erupted in howling and laughter. If it had been anyone else Kurt might have thought it was funny. But he did not like that it was Alba on stage. 
He clenched his jaw and walked over to the bar, ordered a double whisky and watched the rest of it. The whole act was poorly done and the woman singing practically tripped over her feet a couple times. But Alba caught her and made it look like part of the song. During the more racer parts of the song, this woman had her hands all over Alba. Kurt downed the drink.
Then when he thought it couldn’t get any worse, the woman singing threw her leg onto Alba’s shoulder and made a hip thrusting motion. The crowd roared even louder as Kurt spit out his liquor. “Fuck me,” he thought.
Jane and Alba got down from the stage as the room applauded them. Alba took Jane’s hand and they walked back to their table. She wasn’t entirely sure she understood all of what the sign was about, but it was fun! And it had been excuse to be close to Jane so Alba didn’t care. Jane had told her it was about picking someone up from a bar and sex.
Waiting at their table was a Kurt. Alba froze, his face was red and his jaw was clenched. Jane stopped and turned around noticing Alba had stopped. Alba had already made eye contact with Kurt so she didn’t have a choice but to go see him. 
“What’s wrong?” Jane asked taking Alba’s arm and looking up at her. 
“Uh….” She began not sure what to say. “My dad is here,” Alba finally finished. “Dad” was the closest thing she could think of to call Kurt. She didn’t think there was another way to explain her relationship with the man to Jane. After all of was still highly classified. 
“Oh fuck,” Jane muttered. “Did he-“ 
“Yep,” Alba cut her off knowing exactly what she was going to ask. Alba took a deep breath before walking toward the table again. Jane followed trying to straighten herself up. 
Kurt waited for the two of them to wander back with his arms crossed. 
“I take it you didn’t enjoy the show, sir?” Johnson asked Kurt, rocking back in his chair. 
“It was something else,” Kurt admitted as Alba and who he presumed was Jane came up to him. 
“Hi Kurt,” Alba said intone, barely making eye contact. 
“Who’s your friend?” Kurt asked, trying to force himself to smile. 
“This is Jane, my girlfriend,” Alba introduced Jane who was still holding onto her arm. 
“Hello sir,” Jane said stiffly offering her hand to shake with a smile. Kurt took her hand gently and shook it. He was impressed that after all that, she wasn’t intimidated by him. 
“Hi Jane,” Kurt said, letting go of her hand. Kurt then turned his attention to Alba. 
“I need to talk to you alone,” he told Alba. Kurt saw Alba visibly tense before she nodded and let go of Jane’s hand. The two Spartans walked outside of the bar and stood next to one of the walls. 
“Dump her,” Kurt sighed.
“But Dad I love her,” Alba blurted out and she felt tears welling in eyes. She had no idea where that had come from, but it was true. And she had never called Kurt “Dad” before. Kurt simply stared at her and shook his head.
“Damn you’re drunk,” He chuckled the clamped a hand on Alba’s shoulder. “Let’s start over in the morning.” Kurt smiled. “Go have fun, daughter,” he added, before turning on his heels and leaving. 
Kurt chuckled to himself as he walked off. Maybe his initial reaction had been a bit harsh. Besides as stupid has the whole thing had been, Alba had seemed happy.
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enbeemagical · 8 months
I need need need to know about Destiny please 🥹🥹
AIIII OKIE buckle in it's a bit of a ride
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(the second one of those is them as a little kid, the other two they're more grown up)
They're human, fully an ordinary human up until they're not. Ordinary, I mean
They realized at about 13 that they were queer, and absolutely did not tell anyone and also tried to repress it bc they were raised to believe queer was Bad and Evil and blah blah blah (this is the emperor's fault and one of many reasons to hate him. he likes conformity and everyone doing what he says). That secrecy led to them also keeping their magic very very secret when it came in at 14.
Four years later they met a pretty faerie and kissed her. She was the first queer person they'd met, and they promptly ran away with her (this is when they choose the name Destiny) and got adopted into the same werewolf pack that'd taken her in. They are still keeping their magic secret, but now that they're dating a girl they start slipping more into their true self-- first a haircut, then 'pretending' to be a boy, to actually being a boy for a bit...
...to meeting a crow with no concept of human gender and figuring out they like 'they' best
Also by then they've half-accidentally revealed their magic. which is like. really fuckin powerful and also super rare bc everyone else with it gets taken away by the Emperor of the world and no one ever hears from them again
also the werewolves who adopted Destiny? are working with a network of rebels who are trying to take down the emperor. and they want Destiny's help. Des agrees, mainly bc they don't want to live in a world where they can't be true to themself, and they can help make things better
Annyyyways there is now a song about them (which I had to write, help (and then my friend is writing music for bc aaaaaa)) (in-story Vida wrote it)
their powers include: teleportation, elemental control (mainly fire bc they have a fire demon teacher, but they've also done earth and ice), transformation (another of their teachers is a werewolf), illusion, communication with their familiar, Nayan (the aforementioned crow- whose concept of gender is 'some of us lay eggs idk'), healing people, magically cleaning things (they used to always do the dishes this way), and yelling at people in power (Nayan calls this a threat display. Destiny calls it stop screwing with me Nox).
Other fun little things!
-given the language that we use, Des would probably id as nonbinary and bi/pansexual (partly depends on When storywise bc rn they're the only enby they know). as is they id as "I'm not a boy or a girl I'm a they" and "idk there are pretty people but the prettiest is Vida"
-their newest nickname for their girlfriend, Vida, is "meri jaan", or "my life". the first time they call her that is after Vida gets arrested for singing about Destiny. bc singing about how the king of the world is "a coward and a fucking fraud" and is going to get beaten by a young upstart mage is treason, who knew
-(they're so absolutely furious about this btw. it's very sweet)
-Destiny keeps being impulsive but it keeps working out so
-I've said this before and I'll say it again: I love how Destiny was raised being told "don't give your name to strangers bc faeries can use it to steal you away" and then the first faerie they meet they try TWICE to give her their name and she says no (it's their deadname but it wasn't at that point)
-in a modern AU Des would be Indian or Indian-American and an activist, but I haven't figured out for exactly what. probably for queer rights, at least at first
-Destiny is 19 at the point I am in writing
-Nayan likes to call them "my Destiny" and when they speak out loud (as crows can do) they always choose Destiny's voice to speak with
-they like having long hair, but they do NOT like getting mistaken for a girl. After The Haircut that helps them realize some gendery stuff, they grow their hair out again even longer than before
-@plumblueflower had a part in making Des the way they are. specifically the Indian-coding bit <3
1: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/69653
2: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/186583
3: https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/1944831
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thenasoneshots · 6 months
Sam Oneshot - How Far I'll Go
Requested?: No
Prompt: None
Type of oneshot: Fluff/Gen/Songfic
Song Used: How Far I’ll Go - Moana/More than Anything - Hazbin Hotel (I changed the lyrics a bit tho)
Reader's Relations: Sam’s daughter (Cause for oneshot purposes, this is purely PLATONIC THOUGH)
Reader’s Occupation: None
Warnings: None? Mentions of death (specifically the reader’s mother)
Other notes: In this oneshot, you have ice powers (Basically like Elsa), it’s for plot reasons, also you’re about 17. This is also written as if The Great Fire of Pontypandy happened when Ellie and Arnold were there.
“So, remind me again why I have to sit around with Uncle Charlie when James and Sarah become Junior Cadets? They’re literally half my age!” I grumbled to my father as we walked down to the Whole Fish Café, “It’s not like the cadets do anything dangerous at any point, so why won’t you let me be one?!”
“I’ve explained this to you before, (Y/n). I don’t want you getting hurt.”
I sighed heavily and rolled my eyes, giving up trying to get a decent response out of him as we arrived. I said hello to my aunt and uncle before sitting down at the table, a false smile on my face.
“Thanks for looking after (Y/n), today Charlie. I should get back to the Fire Station now, the cadets will be waiting.”
“Not a problem, Sam.”
I sighed, putting some finishing touches to my drawing, as I still sat in the Whole Fish Café.
“You alright there, (Y/n)?”
I nodded begrudgingly, “Totally fine…”
“Are you sure?” Aunt Bronwyn asked, putting the tray she’d just taken out of the oven on the bench.
“It’s not fair…” I muttered, putting my head down on the table, “How is it fair that James and Sarah get to be cadets, and yet, here’s me, who is DOUBLE their age, sitting here, drawing, while the cadets are having fun.”
“I understand what you mean, (Y/n),” my aunt responded, coming to sit opposite me, “Sam’s just worried about you though. You know what happened to your mother, right?”
“I know; she died in a fire after a burning log fell on her, but it’s not like the cadets are putting out fires or saving people, it’s literally nothing dangerous!” I responded, lifting my head and fiddling with the gloves that I wore to cover my hands to stop any unwanted ice from coming out. I let out another sigh, “I’ve been staring at the edge of the water for as long as I can remember, never really knowing why. I wish I could be the perfect daughter, but I come back to the water, no matter how hard I try,” I muttered, turning to look out of the door at the sea. Due to my ice powers getting out of control when I was near large bodies of water, I wasn’t allowed to go near the sea, something I was annoyed about with how much I loved water.
At this moment I stood up and walked out of the café, surprised I wasn’t stopped, and I continued talking to myself, “Every turn I take, every trail I track, every path I make, every road leads back to the place I know, where I cannot go. Where I long to be!” I grabbed a hold of the railings, singing out to the ocean, “See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me and no one knows how far it goes. If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me, one day I'll know if I go there's just no telling how far I'll go. I know everybody in this town seems so happy in this town, everything is by design. I know everybody in this town has a role in this town, so maybe I can roll with mine.”
I then just took the plunge, realising that I wasn’t being watched anymore, and removed my gloves, jumping off and using my ice powers to create a bridge in front of me, “See the light as it shines on the sea? It's blinding! But no one knows, how deep it goes and it seems like it's calling out to me, so come find me and let me know what's beyond that line, will I cross that line? See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me and no one knows, how far it goes. If the wind in my sail on the sea stays behind me, one day I'll know, how far I'll go-Oof,” I squeaked, as I fell off the large ‘cliff’ of ice I’d created, falling onto the small beach on Pontypandy Island below, screaming as I felt my arm crack, realising I’d probably broken it. I groaned to myself, knowing what I was going to have to do, but not wanting to have to do it.
Calling the Fire and Rescue Team
I then realised I didn’t have my phone and groaned again before spotting the package that I knew had flares. I crawled over to it, trying not to put pressure on my sore arm, and managed to set one off.
-------------------------SAM’S POV
“Well done, cadets. Now who can tell me-” I was cut off by my walkie-talkie going off, “Sam? Can you read me?”
“Ben? I can read you, what happened?”
“A flare has been spotted from Pontypandy Island, and Charlie’s spotted a rather large amount of ice.”
“Get over there as soon as you can, we’ll be there with backup.”
“Roger that, Sam.”
I then turned back to the cadets, “Cadets, stay with Ellie, Tom, we’ll need Wallaby 2.”
------------------YOUR POV
“(Y/n)! What did I tell you?”
“You can’t keep me cooped up forever, Dad. I know what happened with Mum, and I know you blame yourself for it, but I need to have a bit of independence. Even if I have just broken my arm,” I replied, refusing to make eye contact with him, my arm was now in a cast and sling so I wasn't able to move it much.
“(Y/n)! You're alright!” That was all I heard before nearly being knocked off my feet by Sarah and James.
“Apart from a broken arm, I'm alright,” I responded to them before bending down and showing them the cast. The twins looked at me, then at each other, both smiling, as if they were having a mental conversation before Sarah turned back to me, “Can we write something on your cast?”
I giggled, “Of course, I appreciate you asking me first,” I answered, pulling out the pen I always had stashed in my pocket and handing it to Sarah, “Here.”
She smiled in response and I bent back down to their level allowing her to write something on the cast that was on my arm, before she handed the pen to her brother who also wrote something before handing me the pen back. I stood up as they ran off back to their parents and I placed the pen back in my pocket, smiling.
“Sweet mother of Neptune…” I muttered to myself after seeing James and Sarah stuck on a ledge. I glanced down at my still cast-ridden arm, which was now covered in signatures from everyone before turning back to my cousins, “Stand back as far as you can. I’ve got an idea to get you down!”
The two of them looked down at me confused but, using my good arm, I created a slide out of ice from the ledge down to the beach, after noticing that the ledge wasn’t going to stay put for much longer, and definitely wouldn’t be there by the time the Rescue Team had arrived, “One at a time, slide down. I’ll catch you at the bottom, I promise.”
Eventually, the two of them were safely on the ground and I smiled, after realising that no one knew what had happened. That was until the two of them ran up to me and hugged me, knocking me onto the ground, “Thank you, (Y/n)!”
“No problem. Anything for you two. Can you get off of me though? You’re crushing my arm…”
Both their eyes widened and they shot off me, running back towards where I knew my aunt and uncle were waiting for them. It wasn’t until I’d stood up that I realised why they’d given that reaction to me asking them to get off me.
I immediately turned around and saw my father. Realising he’d probably realised what had happened, I started to rant, “Listen, I know I shouldn’t have done that. I know I should have waited for the rescue team, especially with my arm still not fully healed, but the ledge wasn’t going to hold for much longer, I had to do something. I-” I stopped talking when he brought me into a hug, “I’m proud of you, (Y/n).”
“Wait, what?!” I asked, breaking off, “I was sure I was going to get a lecture about being safe…”
“You acted out of selflessness. I saw you glance at your arm before saving them, you hesitated, not wanting to cause more damage to yourself, yet you went ahead and saved Sarah and James. I was going to save this for your birthday, but you’ve earned it. Here,” my dad spoke, pulling a piece of paper from his pocket and handing it to me. I raised an eyebrow before looking down, and realising it was a letter addressed to me. I started reading through it and once I had, I squealed, hugging my father, “R-really?! You’re actually going to let me become a firefighter?!”
“I know it’s your dream, (Y/n). It would be unfair of me to stop you.”
-----------------------18 MONTHS LATER
“Right team, I’m sure you’re all curious about why you’re all here. I’d like to introduce you to the newest member of the Fire Service.”
That was my cue. I took a deep breath before walking out from behind the wall I was standing behind, coming face to face with the team, most notably my father, “I-I’m back.”
Within a minute, I was wrapped in a hug, “(Y/n), I-you’re back. Are you alright? You look great. I’m so proud of you.”
“Alright, Dad. Please can I have my personal space?” I was soon released from the hug and I smiled, “There’s something I want to show you. If it’s alright.”
“You don’t need to ask, (Y/n).”
I smiled, “Please don’t freak out, Dad, but I have a way of controlling my ice now. While I was away, I met a friend, who, along with the help of one of our professors, made a few adjustments to my gloves,” I replied, taking said gloves out of my pocket and putting them on, hearing a couple of beeps and an automated voice, “Powers activated.” I turned my hands so my palms were facing up, “So, you see the little pads on my fingertips? The pads on my palms are touch activated, so if I do this, “I paused and double-tapped my palms with my fingers, the automated voice saying, “Powers deactivated”, “Then it activates and deactivates my ice powers. I’m not entirely sure how it works, that part was mainly Olivia, but when deactivated, no ice will leave my gloves,” I paused again and pointed my hand towards the ground, “See? It’s also equipped so when I put them on, they’ll tell me the last status of them. Like it did so when I put them on, in case I forget whether I left them activated or deactivated. They’re also made so if I triple tap on this hand, it sends a signal to the small lights on my skates, as well as my helmet, and this hand does the same but for a siren. I won’t subject you to either as they are rather loud.”
It was a few weeks later that a massive forest fire started, requiring the whole team. Including needing to use Wallaby 2, even then, the helicopter couldn’t be used until the pioneers were out of the woods. Immediately, I was told to stay, my dad saying it was too dangerous, but I knew I had to do something, “Dad, please. I have to do something! I thought with the fact that you let me train to be a firefighter, that you’d actually let me help fight some fires! I can help with my ice, please! It’s colder than water, I’ll be able to push it back!”
“(Y/n)! You don't understand, It’s a massive fire, it's not going to listen to you!”
“You don't know that, dad. Please?”
“I do!” My father replied, “Your mother died trying to stop a fire, (Y/n)! You didn’t know that when this all happened before, it was all to had to defend and in the end, I won’t lose you all again. Now you're the only thing worth fighting for more than anything, more than anything. I'll shelter and adore you more than anything.”
“Dad, I don't need you to protect me from this. I have to do something!”
“I just don't want you to be crushed by anything like… like your mother…” my dad replied, and I could see the tears forming in the corners of his eyes. I knew he blamed himself for my mother’s death in a fire, and I knew he didn’t want to lose me the same way, “Dad… When I was young, I didn't really know you at all. I always felt so small but I heard your stories and I was enthralled. The tales about your lofty dreams, I listened breathlessly, imagining it could be me. So in the end, it's the view I had of you that showed me dreams can be worth fighting for More than anything, more than anything. I need to save my home town more than anything,” I replied back, placing a hand on his arm, “Please?”
“I've been dyin' to find out who you are.”
“I've been waiting, wanting the same thing.”
“Looks like the apple doesn't fall far,” My dad spoke, placing a hand on my head. I knew he meant my resemblance to my mother, I was practically a miniature version of her, “Took you a while,” I muttered, a smile on my face.
“I've missed that smile.”
“All that I'm hopin', now that my eyes are open is that we can start again, not be pulled apart again 'cause in the end, you are part of who I am. 
“I'll support your dream, whatever lies in store,” Dad spoke, giving me a hug.
“And who could ask for more? More than anything, more than anything, more than anything, more than anything. I'm grateful you're my daughter/father more than anything, more than anything…”
“Please can I come and help?” I asked, a final time.
“(Y/n)! We need to go, this fire is too out of control!”
“I’m not giving up. I’ve lived here my whole life, I’m not giving up on this town!” I shouted back, still using my ice powers to push the fire back.
“(Y/n). Get over here now. I am your father!”
“And I’m an independent person! I’m not going to get any closer. Please, let me keep going!”
I could see him taking a deep breath before the next few words came from his mouth, “Okay. I trust you, (Y/n), but please, if you need to retreat, do so.”
I nodded in response, going back to the fire. Eventually, the storm clouds came and put out the fire, but before I could get out of the way, I felt a heavy, what I guessed was a, tree branch, hit me and I collapsed under the pressure.
“Tom to Sam, Tom to Sam. The fire’s going out! The rain’s done it, Mate!”
“Fantastic news, Tom.”
“But, you might want to get back up here…I think it’s (Y/n), she looks like she’s been squashed with a tree branch!”
“Thanks for letting me know, Tom. Can you stay with her until I get there? I’ll bring Nurse Flood too, in case she’s hurt.”
“Roger that, Sam!”
------------------------YOUR POV
When I woke up, I was lying in what I knew as a hospital bed, a familiar cast on my arm, and my whole midsection itching. Using the arm that wasn’t covered in a cast, I gently pulled up my top to see I was covered in bandages, prompting the question, What in the world happened to me? That’s when I noticed the familiar figure sitting in a nearby chair.
His head shot up at my voice, “(Y/n), you’re awake. I thought you were dead. I’m so glad to see that you’re not though.”
“Me too, Dad. Me too.”
—-----------------------END OF ONESHOT
Gonna leave this here…..
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bexreadstoomuch · 2 years
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Magic Man - Chapter 7
After Winning your local Battle of The Bands competition, you don’t realise it’s your old school crush’s band that’ll you’ll be supporting for the next 4 months!
Can you put the past behind you and forgive?
NSFW — slow burn, fluff, flirting, reader has weight/image issues light angst, 18+ overall for eventual smut, drug/alcohol mention/use/language, angst
Masterlist Part 7/? [wc 1.4k] a/n - this one was hard for me to write, I adore this song but it also makes me cry as I feel a lot of myself in this. please comment, like and share <3
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7 - Fat Funny Friend
3 weeks had passed since Halloween, Thanksgiving fast approaching.
The days had started to roll into one for you. Play the show, drive to the next venue, play the show. Day after day.
You had started to change how you dressed on stage, opting for larger shirts that came down to near your knees, thicker tights so no one could see your legs and your Dr Martens boots.
After most shows everyone tries to get together for food at a local diner, but you would try and excuse yourself so no one could watch you eat, feeling it would add more fuel to the fire you had raging in your head after what you heard people say about you.
It would take you straight back to those feelings you get back in High School, when the jocks would make mooing sounds when you walked past them in the halls.
Lula would always try and make you stay but you assured her you were fine and you'd see her later. You had noticed she was getting closer to Gareth and it was so nice to see her happy. You didn't want to ruin that for her.
The past 3 weeks you had travelled through Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and now setting up base in Iowa before the christmas break. You had gained new fans along the way having sell out shows every single night, which you knew was only because of who you were supporting.
Everywhere you went there was a large crowd of girls that would follow Eddie and the rest of Corroded Coffin around like little lost puppies. Their eyes go wide when they see him, wishing that he would just look at them. He would always play to the crowd, always ending most shows in nothing but his tight jeans, sweat glistening down his tattooed chest.
These girls didn't help the thought you had about yourself but you tried to focus your thoughts on your writing.
After another sold out show, the same routine played out. The guys would go outside to meet some fans, then everyone would get together to go head over to a local diner. As usual you stayed behind, knowing they wouldn't be far as the diner was located only next door.
Sitting down at a piano that was located at the back of the stage, you placed your notebook on top. It had been moved as far back as it could as it wouldn't be needed for either of your or Corroded Coffins sets.
Thinking you were alone, you start to play the melody, take a deep breath and start to sing.
“I break the ice, 
so they don't see my size, 
And i have to be nice, 
Or I'll be the next punchline…
I'm just the friend in Hollywood Movies, 
Who only exists to continue the story, 
The girl gets the guy while i'm standing off-screen, 
So I'll wait for my cue to be comedic relief”
You continue playing, closing your eyes tight trying to not let the tears you can feel fall.
Abruptly you stop, trying to compose yourself to carry on. You know you needed to do this, you thought it would make you feel somewhat better. 
“Can't be too loud 
Can't be too busy 
If I don't answer now, are they still gonna need me? 
Can't be too proud Can't think I'm pretty 
Do they keep me around, so their flaws just seem silly?”
You don't hear the footsteps approaching behind you quietly. Eddie had come to try and find where you had gone as he had noticed you didn't hang around everyone so much since halloween. He knew it was no doubt partly his fault, and felt guilty that he hadn't tried to talk to you sooner but he didn't know what to say.
He leaned against the side of the wings of the stage quietly watching you play. 
“Drawn out in Sharpie where I take the scissors 
If that's what it took for me to look in the mirror
I've done every diet to make me look thinner
So why do I still feel so goddamn inferior?
Life of the fat, funny friend
Life of the fat, funny friend
It's funny when I think a guy likes me
And it's funny when I'm the one who says, "Let's go to eat"
It's funny when I'm asked to go out on Halloween
Dresses and thigh highs, while I hide my body”
His face suddenly dropped when he heard those lyrics and heard the crack in your voice. 
“Y/N?” he called out to you from the dark of the wings.
You shot up out of the seat so fast the stool you were sitting on fell behind you. You were grapperling to get your notebook and hide it behind your back.
“Eddie, what the hell? Why are you here?” you ask him questionably, wiping away the tears now hitting your cheeks, trying to hide any evidence of them.
“I was worried about you and wondered where you had gone to and..”  you cut him off quickly before he could finish his sentence
“NO! You don't get to do that” you were shaking now.
“You honestly don't believe any of this do you?” he motions to the piano, obviously meaning the song
“How much did you hear?” you ask looking down at your feet sheepishly
“Enough to know that none of that is true” he starts walking towards you but you take a step back. “Please sweetheart, talk to me” he pleads at you
“Why?” was all you could say back to him, still looking at your feet
“Because I….I” Eddie stuttered trying to find the right words “I wanted to tell you back in high school that..”
Before he could finish what he was saying your head snapped up looking at him dead in the eye, striding towards him eyes wide.
“You what? Wanted to tell me what you were laughing about with your friends? I heard you Eddie!” you shouted pushing him back with both hands on his chest, having now dropped your notebook to the floor.
“I heard you laughing with them about me that night I came to pick up Dustin! I'm just Dustin's BIG sister, his FAT sister, you wouldn't dare, what was it you said? Oh yeah! 'Not HER, NEVER Y/N HAVE YOU SEEN HER?'” You were now shouting at him, all the rage and upset over the year built up spilling out of you. Your wrists were suddenly grabbed by Eddie as he pulled you into him, encasing you in a tight hug.
“Y/N that's not what I said that night, I would never say that about you” Eddie's use of your name pulled your attention to his face which was etched with something more than concern.
Before you could figure it out, he quickly moved one of his hands to your cheek, wiping away a stray tear. Looking deep into your eyes for a split second he crashed his lips to yours with such ferocity you felt like your lips would bruise.
For a second you melted into his arms, but quickly snapped out of it.
Pushing him back off you with as much force as you could muster, you shout at him through tears “NO EDDIE! NO! You don't just get to do that to me! Pretend that you like me, No! Please leave me alone”
You quickly turn to grab your notebook off the floor and run off the stage making your way back to your bus.
“Y/N PLEASE WAIT!!” Eddie shouts after you but you do not turn leaving him standing alone on the stage cursing to himself, your head spinning from what just happened.
Eddie had kissed you. But it wasn't just any kiss. Yes you had been waiting for him to kiss you since high school, always imagining what he would taste like. You imagined he would be sweet with a hint of smoke. And you weren't far off. The only difference was the hint of Jack Daniels that he had drank that night.
That familiar knot had sprung back into your stomach at the thought of him. You traced your hands over your lips, trying to remember the feeling of his on yours.  Stuffing your notebook back into your bag you strip down out of your clothes into your pjs, crawling into the bottom bunk, hoping to have a dreamless sleep. But your dreams that night were clouded by the memory of a certain long haired metal head.
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Taglist: @corrodedcoffincumslut @themrsmunson @emmalee-01 
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snixx-sapphic · 2 years
One shots
One shots:
Ain't it shocking what love can do - "You're cute when you're angry"
Rumour has it! - Looks from the song
I need you - Hurt comfort (Brittany)
New York Lights - Song for nationals
You're the one I'd be thinking of - Santana in the hospital
Needing you - When something terrible happens and Brittany needs Santana, will she forget about the break-up
Into paradise - Lesbos island
Gun Shot - School shooting (Not canon)
You are worth it - After Santana says she's not worth it
So close that your eyes close as I fall asleep - Santana can't sleep after 6x06
Stuck on you - soulmates, before the proposal
A drop in the ocean - Brittany sings for Santana to get her back (2x15)
Partners- they take the day of Mr Schues wedding
Secret Language - secret hidden language
Heart to Heart - Glee reunion in the locker room, haven't talked in years
Stuck with you - Santana's thought process during the bedroom scene with Brittany
With Pride - NYC pride parade, Lebanese t shirt
Racer - Santana is a street racer, Brittany is the girlfriend of her biggest rival
Failed Breakfasts & ER Visits - Mother's Day
Let's go check out that dumpster- People you'd go anywhere with unconditionally
Kiss me - Camera and an Innocent kiss (Heya)
I believe we'll be okay - after the churros kiss
Naive - Once you have reached your breaking point. What else could you possibly want to live for
Secret Santa - Mini!Brittana, Santana takes gift giving very seriously
This Hit (Ice cold) Too Hot (Hot damn) - Brittany and Santana meet at a NHL playoff game but they're fans of rival teams 
Amigas y Rivales - Brittany has a secret
Someone like her - Santana sees Brittany for the first time after the hurt locker scene
Mounds of Infinity - Engagement gift
Fathers Day - they talk about Father's Day
Your beautiful life - Santana's life as she is blind
I choose you - Santana thinks Brittany is cheating (Abandoned)
Nights without you - Brittany gets back from tour
From Rivalry to Revelry - Editors on the muckraker and the thunderclap
After the yes - Break-up with Dani
To the moon and back - Space AU
Home is wherever I'm with you - Santana Lopez has been called many things in her life, but never among them a fool. So it's only natural that her first reaction upon spotting a telltale cloud of dust marking the fast approach of a horse is to reach down beside her chair to where her rifle is and bring it to her lap. Rated T for mild depictions of violence.
A date with the pierces - a date with Brittany and her siblings
Pound for pound - Brittany eating disorder
Maid for you - Santana is Sam and Brittany's maid
Ring the alarm - College!Brittana, Santana always sees Brittany during the fire drill
Inked - Brittany is a tattoo artist
Conference - Teacher!Brittany, Parent!Santana
The real 100th - glee cast on 100th episode (Heya)
If you want me, I'm here - After lesbian lilies scene (Heya)
Staring up at worlds beyond our own - They meet three times, all in the hospital
Still only halfway there - falling down a stairwell (Heya)
Changing a tire - Santana's car breaks down
Mother's Day - sequel to Father's Day
Never too late - The Quarterback (Heya)
Chasing pieces - Soulmates name appears on your wrist
What would you have done? - Loss of a child
Warmth against the cold - emergency foster parents
Dr Lopez, I presume - And, okay, so maybe inviting Brittany Pierce-the blonde, spunky, perfect host of Animal Planet's most popular wildlife conservation show-to Africa to film an animal which may or may not even exist is the new stupidest thing that Santana Lopez has ever done, but, really, can you blame her? 
By the light of the moon - Doctor friends but nobody can know
Escaped from the Zoo - Finding missing animals
Life after glee - 5 years after the show (Heya)
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Last Line Tag!
The dearest @blossom-adventures (thank you so much, friend! 💖) tagged me to share the last line of my WIP in TPATD.
(and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence, which I'm afraid I won't do, but for everyone who sees this and wants to do it, feel free, and don't forget to tag me back!)
In his song, this expectant father sings about his unborn daughter, a girl as sweet as spring, as warm as summer. She is kissed by fire: her hair is sunset reflected, her cheeks wine-burned, her eyes amber-sunk; a fair and strong-willed maiden she will be, destined to fall for a knight as melancholic as autumn, harsh as winter, but still gentle and captivating as dawn's snow. Unlike her, he is kissed by ice: moonglow and frost fangs tangled in his hair, storm sparks haloed in his eyes. Despite being exact opposites, once they meet, they will never be apart again, and their union will be equal to an everlasting solar eclipse or a crescent moon, written in the skies like a constellation.
It's a symphony, this tune—a symphony engraved upon the walls of his heart from his very birth. And this most stoic heart of all, haunted by the despair and hatred of a prior nightmare, now fills to the brim with something he cannot yet define—only that it is so overwhelming it gets too much to bear; until Miraak feels like his chest is about to explode, and meanwhile, all he does is smile.
I admit I cheated since these aren't my last lines (they aren't even lines, these are whole paragraphs, let me live), but my true last lines are kind of a spoiler, so I'd like to refrain from further spoiling my upcoming chapter... 😅
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